#Python Crash course
courseswebs · 10 months
Crash Course on Python
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python-foundation · 11 months
Python is a popular high-level, open source programming language with a wide range of applications in automation, big data, Data Science, Data Analytics development of games and web applications
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deepak-garhwal · 1 year
It is crucial to learn Python from the best resources available. books are one of the best resources to learn anything so we are going to check out the 5 best Python books for beginners. the episode of this podcast is dedicated to the top 5 Python books to build a strong foundation for beginners.
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anbuselvi1 · 1 year
Top best platforms hosting python codes
Python is a versatile programming language that is popularly used for web development, data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. If you are a Python developer, you need a reliable platform to host your codes, collaborate with others, and manage your projects. In this blog post, we will discuss the top best platforms hosting Python codes. GitHub GitHub is one of the most…
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codeinhindi · 1 year
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johnspythonnotes · 8 months
Crash course in Python
The environment we use for running Python scripts is Jupyter a web based application that comes packaged with Anaconda.
To run Jupyter, open terminal and enter: jupyter notebook
Jupyter will open in a browser showing the file directory. Open a folder and in there click New> Python 3 [notebook]. Rename the notebook.
The notebook opens with a cell that effectively has a command line where we can enter Python code. Once the code is entered you run it by either clicking Run or pressing Shift+Enter.
Test example: (1+1) Run Out: 2
Arithmetic Operators
As in the test example other arithmetic operators can be used; +, -, *, /. Modulus operator, %. Outputs the remainder of a division. E.g.: (6%2), Output: 0 (7%2), Output: 1
Exponents, **. Raises to the power. E.g.: 6**2, Output: 36
Intiger division, //. Divides but rounds down to the nearest integer. E.g.: 13//6, Output: 2
Variables are declared using the = symbol. E.g. age = 56, declares age as a variable and gives it the initial value of 56.
Unlike other languages such as BASIC, Python allows multiple variables of different types to be declared in a single statement. E.g.:
age, name, gender = 25, "Jane", "female" age, gender, name Output: (25, 'female', 'Jane')
Print command
Running the above operations shows the output in an Output cell. However these are internal to Python. To display the results of an operation a print operation is required. E.g. print (name, age) Jane 30
Calculations with Variables
age = age + 5 using above declared variable. Output: 25 Can be simplified to: age += 5 or for subtraction, age -= 5
Numeric Data Types
Int = Integers, whole numbers e.g. 1, 4, 10. float = floating point decimals e.g. 2.33333333333 To determine which type a variable is use type e.g.: print (type (z)) <class 'float'> To convert a floating point variable to an integer use: int(7/3) Out: 2 A division operation always returns a float but you can also force a variable to be a float using, float() e.g. float(2) Out: 2.0
String Data Types
Strings are series of characters and are defined using either single or double quotes. E.g. name = '"John"' print (name) print (type (name)) "John" <class 'str'>
Use singles quotes if you need to use double quotes inside the string. dialogue = 'John said, "Hello Dave", and Dave replied "Hi John, you\'re amazing"' print (dialogue) John said, "Hello Dave", and Dave replied "Hi John, you're amazing"
Adding Strings
segment_one = 'I\'m 25' segment_two = 'years old' full_sentence = segment_one + " " +segment_two long_sentence = ((full_sentence + ', ')*10) print (long_sentence) print (len (long_sentence)) Output: I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, I'm 25 years old, 180
comparison_operator = not 1 < 2 and 2 < 3 print (comparison_operator) Output: False
movie_title = 'Withnail and I' print (movie_title.count("i")) Output: 2
Data Types
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p2ii · 1 year
Everyday I am forced to do schoolwork
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Good news tho!!! I finished 1/2 of my portfolios for art!!! All I got left is my expressive final (which is half done and due tommorow (😬)) and that's all my practical work for this year ever finished!!! I can just breath and study for finals.
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yourperrysmithblr · 2 years
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Complete CSS, Python and MySQL crash course from scratch https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-css-python-and-mysql-crash-course-from-scratch/?couponCode=JUL-DEAL #FEATURED #COURSES #Marketplaces #Coding #Webdevelopment #Programming #Harisystems
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fortutorial4 · 2 years
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Complete CSS, Python and MySQL crash course from scratch https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-css-python-and-mysql-crash-course-from-scratch/?couponCode=JUL-DEAL #FEATURED #COURSES #Marketplaces #Coding #Webdevelopment #Programming #Harisystems
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melanirana · 4 months
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@naffeclipse Nagas you say . . . have them three boys all made up of tropical species(or semi tropical) of snakes
Sun is a mix of Eyelash Viper and Black Racer. Sun is diurnal.
Moon is White Lipped Python and a Cape Cobar. He is also the longest out of the boys and Nocturnal.
And Eclipse is a Red African Bush Viper mixed with a Blood Python. He is active during the morning and the evening.
Dont get me started on snake biologie, I will ramble for hours and give you a crash course worth 3 years of biologie class.
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
Hey! I saw an earlier post you had about the boys in the grocery store and it got me wondering about how they would react to hunting. I’m a hunter, have been all my life. I hunt deer, boars, ducks, coyotes, turkeys, quails, pheasants, wild Burmese pythons, and I fish locally too (strictly a vermin exterminator and food hunter, I find sports hunting to be distasteful and I strictly use a bow and arrow, no traps or guns as I take issues with those too). I can picture the absolute horror of the TFP or Lost Light bots seeing their/a human skinning and processing an animal that they just hunted for food, they see the modern convinces that are grocery stores so it’s easy to forget where human food actually comes from 😂
Weirdly enough, IDW/MTMTE does have Cybertronian edibles like cesium salami and rust sticks.
But then again, there's a big percentage of the crew members who were produced by the war, so there's a great chance that they didn't get a crash course on things that were deemed "unnecessary," like Cybertronian cuisine and fauna to forage and hunt.
TFP Cybertronians, on the other hand, have Questions.
Get ready to pull up diagrams, manuals, videos, and live demonstrations via YouTube or your own hands because they got the curiosity of two-year-old with the capacity to keep you in their palm for no escape.
Ratchet absolutely hates it. It's too messy and squishy and completely unalike the organized and relatively clean method of converting crystals to fuel. Horrified over the mysteries of hotdogs and how everything can and will kill humans without specific preparations to negate the toxins. Ratchet is boggled over spice challenges and how the hell humanity hadn't died in its infancy over culinary explorations. Someone told him to look up Hákarl.
He takes great displeasure when the kids sass him over Cybertronians eating their own blood. Different. Absolutely different. He clucks over the base kitchen and is not above making things disappear. He argues with June and Agent Fowler over the groceries and fast food bags. Ratchet's crunchy.
Bulkhead actually enjoys fishing. He's more catch and release rather than for keeping and gutting. He likes soaking up the heat of the sun, the sound of running water, birdsong, and insects buzzing, the gear setup and picking out the right lure and bait. It's a different kind of downtime, but it's nice. All he's missing is engex, but he's able to throw a line farther out than anyone else and has the capability to detect motion far greater than an average human. He still wants an engex cube.
Arcee has mixed feelings. She enjoys hunting. Patience, tracking, stealth, and the sense of accomplishment with a clean catch. She likes less the process of handling carcasses, but really hates waste anything that could have been useful. Meat, leather, tools, jewelry, and raw ingredients that could be sold or traded. Arcee just doesn't like sharing something with Airachnid's methods.
Bumblebee's a scout. People expected him to like foraging or the wilds. He prefers domesticated stock. In particular, beekeeping. To him, it represents a more equivalent partnership: he provides accessible resources and safe quarters and the bees yield honey, comb, and wax in return. If the hive don't like him or the area, then they can leave elsewhere.
Optimus is deeply fascinated by how Earth's biodiversity is so immense and how ecosystems are so diverse and complex, yet so fragile. He quietly wishes for Alpha Trion's presence because Optimus is seeing familiar similarities of Cybertronian long gone biomes: wetlands, woodlands, and reefs. The Sea of Rust once was a massive ocean of mineral-laden Energon. It has long since disappeared by the consensus of heavy, unregulated industrialization, but if Earth has the water cycle, ocean currents and belts, and complex system of thermoregulation that replenishes itself, then Cybertron had to have something similar at one point, no?
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courseswebs · 2 years
Python Basics
This course introduces the basics of Python 3, including conditional execution and iteration as control structures, and strings and lists as data structures. You'll program an on-screen Turtle to draw pretty pictures. You'll also learn to draw reference diagrams as a way to reason about program executions, which will help to build up your debugging skills. The course has no prerequisites. It will cover Chapters 1-9 of the textbook "Fundamentals of Python Programming," which is the accompanying text (optional and free) for this course. The course is for you if you're a newcomer to Python programming, if you need a refresher on Python basics, or if you may have had some exposure to Python programming but want a more in-depth exposition and vocabulary for describing and reasoning about programs. This is the first of five courses in the Python 3 Programming Specialization.
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python-foundation · 1 year
Here is the chance to enhance your coding skill by Enrolling our Classes
It's a golden chance to make your dream comes true so visit our website https://www.python.org !!
And for any query related to our course you can simply visit our website http://www.python.org
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deepak-garhwal · 1 year
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guywrestlingaddiction · 4 months
That Wrestling Moment: Kasee owns you (undergroundwrestler.com)
One of the things I love about gay wrestling is that mixing two guys together always leads to an unpredictable combination.  A friendly match may begin in one direction but watch out, because you just might get owned.  
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Kasee POV (undergroundwrestler.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
We open on our very own professor Kasee teaching us the ropes.  Better still, we have Kasee all to ourselves - this must be our lucky day...
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First the rules... wait he deliberately didn't mention any rules, that's odd.
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You: I really want to be dominating guy.
Kasee: You want to be a dominate wrestler? You want to learn to be dominate? Then you have to take control.
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Stripping down you're already intimidated as it's clear Kasee is twice the man you are with those muscles.  But damn, you gotta get your head in the game cause you've wanted to be a wrestler all your life.
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Latching up, it's clear that Kasee can outmuscle you.
You: Aw shit man, you're strong!
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A simple lock up and suddenly you're violently pushed back.  That should've been your first clue that this wasn't what you signed up for...
The Action All that nervousness you put aside to come here today has reemerged.  Kasee is not the trainer you thought he'd be, in fact there really hasn't been anything instructive about any of this.
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This fight has taken you into so many directions.  He seemed friendly enough but your instincts are telling you something is off.  You could put up some challenge if he'd only let you up, show him you're not some simp.  
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Your head is telling you to stay back but your body is drawn to that powerful body.  This lesson is gonna hurt, but you need this...
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Suddenly a bearhug you didn't see coming.  It all happened so quick, you had no time to react and now the only thing in front of you is that powerful chest crushing you.  
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In fact, your only view is that epic chest squeezing the life out of you like python crushing its prey.  Wait were you setup to be Kasee's prey all along? 
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This is so humiliating but oh wait, he's planning something...
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Fuck - you figure it out too late and before you know it all those devastating muscles come crashing down on you.  All you're left with is a view of that body crushing you.  Was he always this heavy?  Did he somehow get bigger over the course of this match? 
The Moment  You suspect that Kasee is enjoying this a little too much.  You've seen his other matches where guys take him down and now he's grinning until his face hurts cause he gets to beat on you.  
And now you've met today's moment.  The point where Kasee owns you.  I'm sure you heard of his reputation as a jobber and figured you'd sail into victory but make no mistake; Kasee might lose to other wrestlers but you are going to be his bitch today.
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Talking trash and telling you how worthless you are.  To prove his point, the man makes you crawl up the very powerful body that dominated you. 
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Then a choke.  As if this guy needed to underline his point, he chokes you out and then things slow down and everything goes dim...
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You wake up covered in sweat and see that muscle stud is posing and distracted.  You use this chance to run like a coward out of here.  You make it to the door and smell the glorious air of freedom only to be carried back to the ring on his shoulders.
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Kasee: Worship that bicep ...
It wasn't smart to run away, but what choice did you have?  Kasee is pissed now and needs to show you exactly what little coward bitches deserve.  They deserve to be put down and humiliated.  Kasee declares you will be put out by worshiping him.  
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The next thing you know you have his pit shoved in your face and you fight not get too turned on.  The last thing you need is to let him know you secretly love this beat down.  
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You can't believe this is happening.  Kasee is going to force you to worship him while he suffocates you with that pit. 
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Kasee: That wasn't smart trying to get away and now you're going to be put out...
Laying on your back a few other wrestlers find you unconscious.  They ask what happened but you don't have the words to describe what you're feeling.  It's all a mixture of soreness, exhaustion, but above all humiliation - so why can't you stop grinning to yourself?  Oh maybe it's because you finally admitted to yourself that you never wanted to be a wrestler after all and that all you really wanted was to be owned by one.  
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codeinhindi · 1 year
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