Hi there! My name is Sky (she/they) and here’s a quick but important note:
Literally all of my fic prompts and incorrect quotes are free for anyone to use and make stuff off of. The only caveat is that you MUST tag me in the stuff you make so I can see it too! For AO3 you can just tag me as SkyKiller, for Instagram tag me as SkyKrasher, and for Tumblr this blog is fine.
Edit: If you are going to submit quotes to my blog, please do so via the submit button and not the ask button
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aristaeuss · 10 months
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Tori Spring: Geyser
“Though I'm a geyser feel it bubbling from below // Hear it call, hear it call, hear it call to me, constantly // And hear the harmony only when it's harming me // It's not real, it's not real, it's not real enough // But I will be the one you need the way I can't be without you // I will be the one you need I just can't be without you”
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Micheal Holden: I Will
“And all the quiet nights you bear, seal them up with care // No one needs to know they're there, for I will hold them for you // Cause' all I ever wanted is here, all I ever wanted, all I want is always you, it's always you // And we're not out of the tunnel, I bet you thought there's an end // Stay with me, hold my hand”
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Charlie Spring: Love me More
“I wish that this would go away, but when I'm done singing this song I will have to find something else to do to keep me here // Something else to keep me // Here's my hand, there's the itch, but I'm not supposed to scratch // I need you to love me more, love me more, love me more // Love enough to drown it out, drown it out, drown me out"
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Nick Nelson: I Bet on Losing Dogs
“My baby, my baby, you're my baby, say it to me // Baby, my baby, tell your baby that I'm your baby // I bet on losing dogs, I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place by the ring where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down // I'll be there on their side, I'm losing by their side”
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Becky Allen: Townie
“And I want a love that falls as fast  // As a body from the balcony, and  // I want a kiss like my heart is hitting the ground // I'm holding my breath with a baseball bat // Though I don't know what I'm waiting for // I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be”
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steadypet101 · 14 days
If Igor were to have a singing voice, it has to be someone who has the perfect vocal range, either Tom Hulce, Jeremy Jordan, Bryce Pinkham, or (my personal opinion) Hugh Jackman.
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Sol and Lune got a shiny new reference sheet- all updated (view pinned)
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sunrise-imagines · 6 months
Hey, how are you doing? Is everything okay?
I don’t Wanna seem rude or anything, but as a Tumblr Lurker I’ve noticed you haven’t posted in a bit. Are you trying to work through a request load, or waiting for one?
Aw thanks for the concern, I’m good! I’ve just been caught up with college, but now that the semester is over I’ll be back to doing some writing!
I certainly have no shortage of requests, I appreciate how many people like my work but with my sporadic writing style I don’t know if I’ll ever get be able to through them all 😅. I’ll still try my best!
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~Celeste ✨
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scribblesscratch · 2 months
Holy shit, thanks for all the requests and support! I'll be trying to do the requests as much as possible and as quick as possible!
Thanks for reading this quick note!
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
I wanna write some HOTD headcanons!
Send me requests for the following motherfuckers, became I ain't watched the show yet, but I've read a lot of fanfics with these idiots!
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Other fandom's I wanna write headcanons for. (one's I've actually watched and am actually familiar with!)
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✨Game of Thrones✨
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(and yes that includes Joffrey lmao)
✨Harry Potter✨
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(but I haven't watched the newest movies involving the series, I've only ever seen the original films actually with Harry. I can't think of what those movies are called!)
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✨The Hobbit✨
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(I've seen all including the new show, so please be specific with your request on which era you want.)
And of course I wanna continue the God of War headcanons. And I write them in the order that I received them, and as of right now I still have a few GOW headcanons queued up, so it'll be a minute until the other fandom headcanons are posted. But please send in dem requests my lovelies, I'm really enjoying grinding out these headcanons. 💚
You can of course still request other fandom's, those are just the ones I really wanna write for right now.
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elizart5 · 4 months
Ok guys, I'm sorry I haven't made a post in a while. I would like to let you all know that I am not ignoring the account, I just got a bit busy (I got a lead role in a play!!!!) so I have been posting less often. Sorry to everyone, my next post is going to be pt. 1 of the redemption rehab comic, however I am not sure how long that will take... Thank you for the patience and I hope to be back within the month, sorry for showing up and disappearing so quick...
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pixelplayground · 2 years
Quick Note - EA Policy Change
Since all perma-paywall CC will now be made free and it won’t cost someone $300+ to pledge and download the ungodly amount I’ve amassed over the years to load my builds, I’m going to release the popular ones once I’ve finished running batch fixes, updated certain rooms, etc.  I’ve never created early access or exclusive CC and only take donations via Patreon, or the odd private commission, therefore none of EA’s TOU changes will change how I’ve chosen to release content over the years, apart from making fully furnished builds more accessible for those of you who are interested in them. 
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cosmic--abyss · 1 year
Toshio Shibata
I really like this guys photography, it has a really unique feeling. Sort of liminal in the way that you can’t really say what the size or context of the landscape or subject is it just sort of is there. Definitely makes me want to try taking more photos like him, because landscapes with the sky are just not that interesting to me, so much empty space. The only time I think it’s cool is if it’s got lots and lots of clouds and colours or is matching an equally empty scene. Kinda cool though, thanks YouTube algorithm I guess?
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stayteezdreams · 7 months
Sorry I didn't post anything this week, I had some writers block.
I am hoping to have two things out next week. A jealous!mingi fic, and the second part to And His Name Was Death! 🤞🤞
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steadypet101 · 2 months
So, I just finished watching the first three episodes of Knuckles yesterday, and let me tell you, it has been a blast. I absolutely loved it so far, but I need to finish the other three. I just love a good buddy moment.
Again, no spoilers will be posted or rebloged here until either tonight or tomorrow.
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happylilsheep · 8 months
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new dating idea: submit your last 4 quick-notes
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looneywanderers · 2 years
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Hey all, I know I haven't posted in quite a while, but I promise this blog is not dead :)).
For I am taking a break and might not post as consitently as I have been, I was on a break. Now that school has started, it will be harder. I will try to answer asks and post regularly, but as I've said it will be difficult. I do plan to post more lore, but I'm also distracted by other things as well.
However, I am way more active on Instagram (my username is ghostieteef if you aren't already aware). I might post a bit of lore there either on my story or as a post.
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escapismsworld · 1 year
Quick note people....
You do not need to send me a message saying sorry for the spam reblogging or liking. I don't consider it spam. You can reblog and like as many post as you want. It brings me great joy to know that you enjoy and find joy in the things I post.
So run through this forrest and be wild and free. Pick as many flowers and herbs as you want. It's your forrest just as much as it is mine.
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sunrise-imagines · 9 months
Hi everyone! A couple quick things, I took a small break from writing while I did my midterm exams but I’m back now! Also, this happened:
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Thank you all so much for 600+ followers! I appreciate each and every one of you who enjoy my work, and everyone who submitted requests for fueling my creative process with great ideas!
In order to get more of my requests done, I might need to close them sometime in the near future but for now they will remain open. I will also be working on creating a Masterlist so my blog is a bit easier to navigate lmao. Thank you all again and see you soon!
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