#Quest for fulfillment
omegaphilosophia · 1 year
Exploring the Paradox: The Convergence of Heaven and Nihilism
In a seemingly paradoxical twist, the concepts of heaven and nihilism intersect at the edges of human understanding, offering contrasting perspectives on the nature of meaning and perfection. While heaven is often associated with ultimate fulfillment and perfection, nihilism challenges the inherent meaning of existence. In this thought-provoking blog post, we will delve into the intriguing convergence of heaven and nihilism, exploring how these seemingly opposing viewpoints shed light on our quest for meaning.
Heaven as the Culmination of Meaning: Heaven, often portrayed as a realm of perfection and ultimate fulfillment, represents the pinnacle of human aspirations for a meaningful existence. It embodies the ideal state of being, where all desires are met, and harmony prevails. From this perspective, heaven is viewed as the endpoint of the search for meaning, encompassing abundance and fulfillment in every aspect of existence.
Nihilism: The Perfection of Nothingness: In contrast, nihilism challenges the very notion of inherent meaning and purpose. It posits that life is devoid of objective significance, highlighting the absence of inherent value and purpose in the universe. From a nihilistic perspective, perfection lies not in abundance, but rather in the recognition of nothingness as the ultimate truth. Nihilism embraces the idea that in the absence of imposed meaning, one is free to define their own sense of perfection.
The Paradox of Perfect Nothingness: The convergence of heaven and nihilism reveals a paradoxical perspective on the nature of perfection. While heaven embodies perfection through abundance and fulfillment, nihilism perceives perfection as the acceptance and embrace of nothingness. This paradox challenges our conventional understanding of perfection, inviting us to contemplate alternative interpretations of meaning and fulfillment.
Meaning in Imperfection: A deeper exploration of the convergence of heaven and nihilism prompts us to question whether perfection is inherently tied to meaning. Nihilism invites us to find beauty and significance even within the imperfections and limitations of existence. It challenges us to seek meaning not in an idealized state of perfection but in the acceptance and embrace of our flawed and finite nature.
Embracing the Journey: Rather than perceiving heaven and nihilism as irreconcilable opposites, we can view them as complementary aspects of the human experience. Heaven represents the longing for transcendence and the pursuit of ultimate meaning, while nihilism reminds us of the importance of questioning and critically examining established meanings. Both perspectives contribute to our ongoing journey of personal and collective discovery.
The convergence of heaven and nihilism challenges our preconceived notions of meaning and perfection. While heaven embodies the quest for abundance and fulfillment, nihilism questions the inherent meaning in existence. By exploring their convergence, we open ourselves to a richer understanding of the complexities of the human experience and the diverse interpretations of meaning. In this exploration, we find room to contemplate the significance of imperfection, the power of individual interpretation, and the ongoing search for personal fulfillment in the face of existential uncertainty.
In embracing the paradoxical nature of heaven and nihilism, we embark on a profound philosophical journey, questioning traditional assumptions and exploring the intricacies of human existence. As we navigate this intellectual exploration, we gain insights into the diverse perspectives on meaning, purpose, and perfection, ultimately enhancing our understanding of the intricate tapestry of the human experience.
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spooky-activity · 1 year
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thatbirdrestaurant · 3 months
I feel like a lot of people forget that the reason Juvia loves Gray so much is because she literally never saw the sun before they met. Imagine going your entire life, being bullied and hated for covering up something you have never seen before in your entire life. The pain of being so hated is already unbearable, but you can't even understand what makes sunlight so beautiful in the first place, then some person you've never met before shows you the first shred of care you've ever gotten, and for the first time, you see it: the sun. You finally understand, and you finally get to see how beautiful it is. The thing you were deprived of for your entire life, the thing people have shunned you for covering up, is right in front of you, and it's all because of this one person.
I think what makes me the most sad about it is that Gray will never really know. Yes, Juvia told him she's never seen the sun before, and he's surprised by this, but it's never mentioned to him again. I just think it would've been so important for him to know - to understand the full extent of - to wrap his head around why Juvia loves him so much.
Romance in Fairy Tail always drives me absolutely insane because I just love how two people can heal and make someone else so much happier than they ever thought possible, but Gruvia's origin will always be at the top for me.
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citrenecult · 2 years
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Like dude chill I ain’t even trying to kill you yet 😭
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dkettchen · 2 years
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I have elected to live in the best timeline instead of watching the like 30+ new eps I should probably catch up on so uhhh--- 
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greenhorn-art · 2 months
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Quest Fulfilled by Invidia_Envy @alsheon
Fandom: 全职高手 | The King's Avatar
Rating: Not Rated
Category: Other
Words: 10,370
In a meet and greet event, Ye Xiu is forced to hang around despite not joining the event at all. Whilst loitering around, Ye Xiu met a fanboy and made an unlikely friendship with the kid. Accident happened and the boy can't join the meet and greet, Ye Xiu decided to take his place. The pros are all speechless, why is Ye Qiu lining up in Tyranny's booth?
FORMAT: Letter quarto (trimmed), flatback casebinding, french link stitch, no tapes
FONTS: Times New Roman, Permanent Marker [via Google Fonts], KaiTi, Roboto [via Google Fonts], Arty Signature [via Font Space]
MATERIALS: 24lb Xerox Bold Digital paper (8.5"x11"), 80pt binder's board (~2mm), 30/3 size waxed linen thread, 1.9mm cording, yellow cardstock, Verona bookcloth: Hot Toffee, DecoArt Crafter's Acrylic Yellow Gold, 20lb printer paper, paste wax
PROGRAMS USED: Affinity Publisher, Bookbinder-JS
Quest Fulfilled! This was a sweet little fic, and it's been on the list in the back of my mind for a while. Now it's book 3 of 3 of my mini 'they didn't know he was Ye Qiu' collection.
[First, Second, Third]
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Set in Times New Roman, with Permanent Marker on the AO3 info page, and with Chinese characters in KaiTi, to match with the other two books.
Because the main story is about Ye Xiu getting the pros' autographs for a sickly boy, I styled the author's name like a signature. Arty Signature is nice and messy, while still legible.
I chose a golden yellow bookcloth because yellow is a happy, optimistic colour, and gold is precious — Little Yan brings home stories and a trove of signed merch for his sick brothers, including exclusive autographs from the elusive God Ye Qiu! I was also thinking of autographs being done with a gold marker.
The endpapers are yellow cardstock, continuing with the bookcloth-endpaper colour coordination of the set.
I used my book plough to trim the textblock, then painted the edges with gold acrylic paint. The gold felt especially fitting for this book.
For all that I curse while doing it, sewing the endbands is actually one of my favourite parts of the book making process, so this collection was my first time making faux endbands. The books are so thin that sewing would be a pain.
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The same paste wax applied to the paper label is the same that I used on my bind of Prince of Shadows, Lord of Thieves. Made from wax and turpentine and/or mineral spirits, but ratio and specifics unknown.
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aurosoulart · 2 years
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stuff from the pre-show of my first ever art gallery exhibit!! I've got a holographic flower and virtual paintings you can walk through on display ✨
this gallery is being organized by AR House in partnership with the Disney Family, and opening night is THIS SATURDAY!! I'll be sharing the exact time and address soon 👀
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when i was created the universe did not give me the patience necessary to become an artist simply because it knew that the world wasn't ready for my magnificent ideas. such as "tma except it's ultrakill" or "tmagp except it's cruelty squad"
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supertyphoon-kai · 9 months
My favorite flavor of romantic NeuviFuri is always Neuvillette being soft and reverent towards Furina. But I like adding some Top Furina/Bottom Neuvillette to the mix and making Furina just as smitten to Neuvillette as he is for her.
I imagine once she gains more confidence, Furina starts to take the lead in their intimate moments. Her dearest Iudex is beautiful, afterall. She loves admiring Neuvillette's body, kissing and touching every part of him, leaving marks across his body. Neuvillette is left breathless and completely pliant under her. He's not used to all the praise and attention Furina is giving him.
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dragongodryss · 1 month
Diary of Fiore's youngest Guildmaster
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Sometimes I think about what it must've been like for Nie Huaisang after the events at the temple and it makes me so so sad.
This man has spent a decade (maybe more?) carefully ruining his reputation and constructing an elaborate plan and he did it! It worked!
But now it's done and there's nothing more to plan and his brother won't come back to life and his only true support was the guy he was actively planning to destroy. His best friends are respectively living his best married life in cloud recess and buried under 37layers of resentment and bitterness.
He can't really become actually smart all of a sudden because it would blow his cover and he never really wanted to be a sect leader, he doesn't even use the sabers his sect is known for.
Just the empty feeling of spending years towards a single goal, achieving it and realising that it brought you nothing.
Revenge might've tasted great for a second, but it didn't bring back the people he loved* and he's been so invested in his garbage image that it might've trampled his future as well.
*i know he brought back wwx but as previously mentioned wwx is busy in cloud recess
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insomnia-productions · 9 months
I don’t understand these people. She’s been extremely clear about her priorities — and, in Akemi and Taigen’s cases, neither of them have any ground for expecting her to lift a finger to help them, so why do they just assume she will?
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chiropteracupola · 11 months
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@dotsayers correctly guessed the source of my recent nonsense posting, so here is An Attempt At A Biggles as a reward.
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aria0fgold · 5 months
Thinking more about my isat au and I'm gonna need to change a LOT more than I thought. First things first, Siffrin's connection to the wish. Since in Of gems and pages, all the wishes stayed the same. So why is Odile the one looping and not Siff? So basically, what I think I'd do in my au is that the Universe decided to change things up a bit.
The first time the Universe granted Siffrin the means to fulfill their wish, things went horribly bad (just look at Loop). So this time, the Universe decided to give this new Siffrin, something a lil different. They still gave Siffrin the timeloop But made Odile his proxy. So that Siffrin may have helpers in this new timeline, with Loop as the guide and Odile helping as well, it Should go better, right??? And since the wish is connected with Siffrin's emotions, the Universe can't just completely make it Odile's problem now, sooo basically... Siffrin can still remember Parts of a previous loop PRIOR to their deaths.
That means during the beginning of canon when Siff was crushed by a boulder, he remembers that. And found Loop as well, but when he accidentally ended up touching a tear, he now Doesn't remember being crushed by a boulder but by being frozen in time. At the same time, he ALSO doesn't remember Anything else prior to it. So he doesn't remember that there's a boulder that can kill him by the entrance of the House, he doesn't remember Loop. All he remembers is that somehow, one way or another, he was frozen in time within the House and needs to be more careful with the tears. And because of the way that the loops affect Siffrin now is faaar too different than how it affected Loop, he can't go forwards or backwards in time. Siff will always awaken back in the meadow and Loop will always have to do their whole speech all over again (which would most likely annoy them immediately cuz why? Why is it so different now? Why can't this Siffrin REMEMBER?)
Odile on the other hand, remembers ALL the loops and finds a lot of discrepancies with Siffrin. It takes awhile for her to meet Loop and they get to talk to each other. Their meeting would be pretty... rocky at first. Loop still getting regarded as a stranger by Odile, Loop finding out that Odile is the one getting affected by the timeloop from their own selfish wish. Even if that Siffrin isn't them, it doesn't change the fact that they both made the same wish. Loop thinkin bout being such a favourite cosmic joke of the Universe that not only were they turned into This, one of their family members are suffering cuz of them. And she doesn't even recognize them. It'd be pretty hard at first too cuz Loop doesn't know that their appearance changed yet, there's no mirror. For Loop, they might still look like Siffrin, right? But Odile's reaction to seeing them says otherwise.
Anyway in this au, stage wise, Odile is the actor, Siffrin is the director, and the Universe is the audience. Book wise, Odile is the character, Siffrin is the writer, and the Universe is the reader. Why is Siffrin the director or the writer and not the Universe? That's because the timeloops are Still connected to his emotions, if something he didn't want to think about happens like, that argument with Bonbon (just as an example. I'm wondering if that'll still happen here considering that only happened because of Siff had memories of all the loops in canon. He doesn't have that in this au anymore), time would loop back still, so in a way, Siff Is writing how the timeloops go.
#aria rants#isat spoilers#isat au#of gems and pages au#ogap au#also why did the Universe choose odile? i like to think that the Universe finds her as being skilled enough to be able#to easily help fulfill that wish considering that she Was able to deduce the timeloop when given enough clues#at the same time. odile also seems to be both really close to siffrin (the fact that they go on secret quests before)#and far away from the party emotionally. odile doesnt regard anyone as ''friends'' and so convinces herself that theyre just colleagues#but deep down. she also knows how much she cares for everyone to the point of willing to do unspeakable things to anyone that#dares harm any of them. she cares so much but doesnt know the word to describe it. friends doesnt cut it. the idea of them#being like family to her hasnt crossed her mind yet when the only family she knows of and have is broken and incomplete (her mom left them)#so shes seems to be emotionally distant from them. she wanted to ask bout continuing traveling with the others but doesnt know How#the Universe sees that and thought that should there be anyone that can easily help siffrin then itd be odile. unfortunately#for the Universe. they didnt quite expect siff being too closed off and dodgy in regards to his own emotions#so it still end up being difficult. even more so now that odile doesnt have the Full picture at all. she has no idea why#this is happening to her in the first place. she only knows it has something to do with siff and during the sequence#before new loop+ happened. the Universe most likely gave odile that chance both out of pity and hope that everything#will finally turn out better This Time. but because of the fact that odile Was dying and she exhausted her craft powers#she cant be brought back to the previous loops easily anymore cuz even if its still connected siff. her ability to be#brought back to loops hinges on craft power as well. siff is just the switch to it. so in a way. shes Supposed to be dead now#but the Universe heard siff's wish and granted the means to save odile as well as grant the previous wish he made#its just that such a wish cant be without a penalty. and that penalty is the timer on odile's life. they have only 99 tries left
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sharky857 · 1 year
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I see Tau has quite a refined taste for a doggo.
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mossflower · 1 year
finished homestuck!! and adding it to my ever growing list of ‘media near-universally labelled as cringe that actually kinda slaps’
#like i won’t lie parts of it? terrible. i can’t even begin to piece together half of the lord english plot#but i think a lot more of it was actually really really good. especially act 4 and act 5 they were my favourite hands down#act 6 not so much. like separately? i loved the alpha kids and the dancestors and the concept of the cherubs was really interesting#but somewhere the execution fell short. it’s gonna annoy me cause i can’t figure out why#i think it might be the retcon. which i didn’t hate as an idea!! but it occurred closer to the end than i thought it would#i feel like if they’d explored the impact of the retcon more it might have flowed better?? idk#idk. act six as a whole i’m split on. i either loved what it did or was massively confused and exasperated by what it did#it’s like half of the comic and i got through it in about a week when it took me like a month to do acts 1-5#and it doesn’t feel like that much happened it’s weird#but yknow. it is the act that sold me on vriska!! like i liked her before but i really liked her ghosting it up in this act#the bit where ghost vriska and ghost terezi found each other nearly had me in tears#vrisrezi as a whole. what a concept. easily one of the best dynamics in the entire thing#i really hope terezi finds vriska post-canon. however i’m not sure if i want to read the epilogues and homestuck 2 or not yet#ooh ooh also!! john fulfilling his quest slapped!! that’s probably one of my favourite bits in homestuck ngl#and omg. did not see davekat coming i won’t lie but i was v happy about it#k ill stop now bc i will end up listing half the characters and my favourite bits about them. and as fun as that would be#i really need to sleep haha#homestuck
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