#Quote from Casey McQuiston’s novel
dr-lemurr · 9 months
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“Seria una mentira, porque no seria él”
(It would be a lie, because it wouldn’t be him) I hope you enjoy your new year’s gift for the @rwrbnygiftexchange, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf!
Calligraphy is something I create along with art, so your prompt with the quote from the Red, White, and Royal Blue novel was a delight.
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
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Hello, welcome to RWRB Movie, a blog dedicated to the film adaptation of Casey McQuiston's best-selling novel, 'Red, White & Royal Blue'. I made this blog to organise all the content being released for the movie as there's so much to keep up with and I prefer a tagging system rather than endless scrolling when looking for something.
With the blog's tagging system, you can search for content by cast member, character, scene and more. Blog theme still under construction though!
I'll also be reblogging your edits & gifs, and I'm currently working on roundups of quotes from interviews (more on that real soon!)
Awards Schedule
Enjoy! ❤️💙
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Here With You
Pairing: Alex Claremont-Diaz x Henry Fox
Summary: Henry will never leave him...
A/N: You already know I had to do my favorite trope for my babies 😂
Dialogue in bold is quoted from the novel by Casey McQuiston, I take no credit for those lines
It’s dark, it’s pouring, Alex is soaked and freezing, but he doesn’t care.  All he cares about Henry, seeing Henry, talking to Henry, maybe yelling at Henry for fucking ghosting him.  Shaan’s in front of him, blocking the door.  “Move.”  “You’re aware it’s quite late, and it’s well within my power to have security remove you.  No member of the royal family has invited you into the Palace.”  “Bullshit, I need to see Henry.”  Irritation was bubbling in him, and Shaan was only making it worse.
“Goddammit, Henry!  Henry, you motherfucker!”  Shaan was trying to shut him up, but Alex didn’t care.  “For Christ’s sake, Alex, what are you doing?”  There he was, the newfound love of his life, in all his sleep-mussed, stupidly handsome glory.  “It’s fine, he can come in.”  Shaan stepped aside, and Alex followed Henry inside, his heart in his throat.  Once they were inside Henry’s bedroom, Alex was ready to pour his heart out, to finally tell Henry he loved him, to–
“What the bloody hell are you doing here?”  Henry was looking at Alex with something that bordered on hatred, anger in his eyes.  “W-what?  What am I doing here?  Henry, you ghosted me, you ran out on me!  I…”  “Maybe I did that for a reason,” Henry whispered, and Alex wanted to be sick.  “Henry, I…I love you!  There, I said it.  I love you, I stupidly, completely love you!  And I don’t care if it’s hard, I want you!  I want you, Henry, and I’m willing to fight for you.”
“Maybe I don’t want you.”  Alex blinked.  He had to have misheard him, He had to.  “What?”  Henry turned to face him, and Alex saw tears in his eyes.  “Maybe I don’t want you!  Do you have any idea how hard it’s been for me?  To pretend to be something I’m not?  The amount of damage control my grandmother is already running?  I can’t do this, not to my family…”  Alex took a step forward, and to his horror, Henry took a step back.  “I have a duty,” he said.  “To my family and to my nation.  And I cannot carry out that duty if you’re here.”
“Hen, please,” Alex said, feeling tears pricking at his eyes.  “Please, don’t do this!”  Henry sighed, his hands trembling.  “Get out.”  “H, pl–”  “Get out!  Go home!  I don’t want you here!  Go home, Alex!”  After a moment’s hesitation, Alex turned and ran, his vision blurred by tears.  Zahra watched as Alex practically dove into the car, worriedly climbing in after him.  “Alex…?”  “Just drive.”
Alex opened his eyes, his cheeks wet with tears.  He took a shaking breath, extending his hand towards the left side of the bed.  His heart cracked when he found the bed empty, the sheets cool.  Alex curled in on himself and cried, wanting Henry, needing Henry.  But Henry didn’t want him, Henry had sent him away.  His already fractured heart could hardly bear the thought.
Downstairs, unheard by Alex over his cries, the front door opened and shut.  David barked, his tags jingling together as he jumped and pawed at Henry.  “Yes, you menace, I’ll get you a treat.  Just be quiet, you’ll wake Alex.”  Henry hated to leave the warmth of his bed and the comfort of his boyfriend’s arms, but David had woken him with a paw to the face and his incessant whimpering, so he’d been all but forced to take him outside.  After the beagle had been placated with a treat, Henry sleepily climbed the stairs and returned to the bedroom, eager to slip back into Alex’s arms and fall back asleep.
What he didn’t expect was to find his boyfriend curled in on himself, soft sobs wracking his body.  “Alex?”  He didn’t seem to hear him, and Henry rushed to his side, kneeling on the mattress.  “Alex, love, can you hear me?”  Alex’s breath hitched, and he slowly uncurled, lifting his head to look at Henry.  “H-Henry?”  “Yes, love, it’s me.  What’s the matter, my darling, what’s got you so upset?”
Alex didn’t speak, rather, he reached desperately for Henry, who was absolutely powerless to resist him.  Henry gathered him into his arms, leaning against the headboard, his arms tight around Alex; head buried in Henry’s chest, hands clutching his borrowed (stolen) Claremont-Holleran 2020 hoodie.  “Alex, my love, my heart,” Henry whispered, smoothing his hair back, pressing his lips to his forehead.  “I’m here, my darling.  Can you breathe with me, love?”
Alex tried, he really tried, to match his breaths to Henry’s, but sobs overtook him.  The dream–he knew now it had been a dream–had rattled him, digging up old fears that he thought he’d put to rest.  “Tell me you love me,” Alex gasped.  “Tell me you’re not leaving.  Tell me you’re staying.  Please, Hen.”  Henry furrowed a brow, but nodded, kissing his boyfriend’s forehead again.
“I love you, my Alex,” he said, now trailing a hand up and down his spine.  “I am not leaving you, my heart, and I am staying right here.  Right here with you, my love.”  His words seemed to release something in Alex, who shuddered and burrowed his face deeper into Henry’s chest.  “Can you tell me what has you so upset, my love?”  Alex nodded, taking a moment to attempt to compose himself before speaking.
“It was the night I came to you at Kensington,” he began.  “After you ghosted me.”  Henry smiled softly, squeezing Alex’s shoulder.  “Something I deeply regret, my love.”  Alex continued: “But instead of what happened…you told me to get out.  That…that you had a duty, and you couldn’t carry out your duty if I was around.  You kicked me out, H, and when I woke up, you weren’t here.”  Recounting his nightmare had brought on a fresh wave of tears, which Henry wiped away after coaxing Alex’s head out of his chest to look at him.
“I’m so sorry, Alex,” he said, and Alex’s heart almost cracked again with how damn gentle Henry was, how sweet, how considerate, how…perfect.  Fuck, he was so in love.  “But it was just a dream.  A horrible, awful dream, but a dream nonetheless.  And I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up.  David needed to go out, and he couldn’t find a spot to do his business.”
Alex laughed, and Henry smiled, pressing his lips to his, one hand cupping Alex’s cheek, the other staying on his back.  “I love you, Alexander, and I will always love you.  Duties be damned, you are the most important thing.”  He kissed him again, and Alex nearly sobbed again.  “H, you’re gonna make me cry again.”  “Well, we can’t have that, now can we?”  Henry then pressed a kiss to Alex’s forehead, then his nose, then each cheek, then finally, his lips.
“Fuck, I love you, Henry,” Alex said, and Henry smiled, kissing him yet again.  “Not nearly as much as I love you.”  “Oh yeah?  Wanna bet on that, Your Majesty?”  “It’s Your Royal Highness, you menace.  Now, let’s say we get some more sleep.  God knows David will be whining to go out again in a few hours, and it’s your turn this time.”  Henry laid down, keeping Alex in his lap, pulling the covers over the two of them.  With Henry’s arms around him, Alex nodded off quickly, and when he woke next, it was indeed to David whimpering at the side of the bed.
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skibasyndrome · 10 months
Hey hey 💜,
2, 3, 4 and 17 for the book ask :)
Thank you so much for sending this ask, Sophia 💜💜💜
2. Did you reread anything? What?
It's somewhat of a re-read, somewhat of a now-finally-read-the whole thing, but I read Huis Clos by Jean-Paul Sartre after having read extracts from it in courses a few semesters back :) And I thoroughly enjoyed it as I'm sure some of y'all were able to tell with my stupid Sartre quotes in the tags lol
3. What were your top five books of the year?
ohhh so difficult 1. Gabriel - George Sand (it's INSANELY Gender (TM) for a book written in the 1830s. I mean, I think realistically it was originally intended to be more of a feminist work, but boy is it trans... Highly recommend) 2. Das Spinnennetz - Joseph Roth (very, very clever observation of the rising antisemitic tensions in the Weimar Republic and a deliciously biting satire) 3. Cosmétique de l'ennemi - Amélie Nothomb (quite intriguing and I just love Nothomb's style, it's... kinda eccentric. And her books are always a quick read, which is very much appreciated lol) 4. Das Schwalbenbuch - Ernst Toller (very underrated work by Ernst Toller who is my sweet, sweet anarchist engaged-author-avant-la-lettre bae ANYWAYS. Ernst Toller is great is what I'm saying, and the Schwalbenbuch is his best lyrical work imo) 5. Meister Timpe - Max Kretzer (very entertaining and kind of heart-wrenching naturalist novel with anti-capitalist more-than-undertones and tragic family drama. What's not to love)
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
Always a difficult question since I mostly read classics, buuuut, and I'm a bit torn on that one, I discovered that Peter Handke actually has a writing style I very much enjoy! But like... Not ready to like vocally advocate for his works until he's actually dead because uh. Yikes. If anyone feels inclined to check out his works, please try pirating or your local library <3
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
One thing that surprised me was Peter Handke (Wunschloses Unglück specifically, it was very depressing and I love a depressing book) Aaaand another thing that surprised me was that I actually did enjoy Red White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston because that's not usually a genre I read a lot of :) Aaaaaaaaand that's a whole different post waiting to happen, but I was absolutely not ready to be swept off my feet constantly and continuously by the amazing stories of the YR fic writers!!!
So sorry that I completely started rambling lol, it's the literature geek in me that seized his opportunity to be loud an obnoxious. Thanks again for the question! 🥰
Send me an end-of-year-book-ask
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perexcri · 1 year
44, 50, 71, 77, if you're still doing the book asks from a few days ago!!!
hello lovely it is never too late to get me to talk about books ever✨
(though only two of these have pics unlike my last asks, mostly because i borrowed the third one from a friend and the fourth one is not worthy of a picture <3)
44. your favourite fantasy novel
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The Poppy War trilogy by R. F. Kuang!!
R. F. Kuang is one of my favorite writers of all time, and she absolutely won me over last year when i read this trilogy. i already went on and on about it in another ask, but basically, imagine 20th century Chinese history in a fantasy setting heavily influenced by folk religions told through the eyes of Mao Zedong if he was a girl. it's sooooooo so good, has one of the best and most flawed and nuanced female protagonists i've ever read, plus it's just interesting to learn from! Kuang is getting her PhD in Chinese lit right now and she has a Master's in Chinese Studies, on top of being the child of immigrants from China, so she's well-versed in the history and weaves a lot of depth into the story with relation to topics like colonialism, genocide, classism and sexism, and religion
50. a book that made you cry a LOT
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Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak!!
ok i'm actually lying because i don't remember actually crying about this book - in fact, i vividly remember being 13 and crying much more violently upon my first read of The Book Thief. here's the thing, though: there's a deep and personal sadness to this book that hit close enough to some of my own experiences that i haven't been able to read it since. i love Zusak's writing so much and this book was beautiful and heartbreaking and wonderful - and i will probably never read it again! i've reread books that made me cry before, but when one makes me feel this deep of an ache, i tend to avoid it, and this book hit just the right spot
71. your favourite LGBTQ+ fiction
I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston!!
ok this is kinda sad but i actually haven't read a lot of books that are specifically focused on LGBTQ+ issues, identity, etc. i've read more books where background characters are incidentally queer ofc because when i was the prime ya target audience that was where things were at the time, but thankfully the times have changed!! now if only my tbr list would catch up to match them lol
i really enjoyed this book though specifically because of its setting: a tiny private Christian school in the Bible Belt. that's literally the kind of school i attended for almost my entire life, so it was so fun to get to see that setting transferred into fiction, especially from an author who also attended a tiny private Christian school in the Bible Belt. and because of the author's familiarity with the subject, they did a great job of showing the kind of layers that environment has, and that queer kids do grow up in those environments and how that effects them.
plus, this one was a fun read because it's just this fun mystery, and the opening quote is from Mr. Brightside. that alone is enough of a reason to read something tbh
77. a book so useless that you could use it as a coaster
i would argue literally any required reading i had to do in high school, but it's absolutely tied between Silas Marner by George Eliot and Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. i hate both of these books just as much as i did in high school because they are boring as hell, beat you over the head with their moralizing, and have the subtlety of a punch to the face with brass knuckles. hell, they aren't even worth being used as coasters. i think they'd ruin my mugs if i set them on them
and on that note, thank you so much for the ask!! i'm not scuttling over to your inbox to send some questions of my own heheheh 💜💜💜
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ofdemonsandangels · 1 year
Rules: in a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
I was tagged by @philosophicalparadox! 
1. Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief- It’s the book that started it all for me. I wouldn’t be the reader that I am today if I didn’t pick up the Lightning Thief during my third grade class’ monthly trip to the school library. I love Percy and the world the Rick Riordan created and I’ll continue to love it.
2. The Poppy War- I was in a serious reading slump prior to reading The Poppy War, so devouring it all up in nearly one day and ordering the next book in the trilogy right after was a welcome surprise for me. This book reignited my love for reading and the historical fantasy genre. 
3. The Name of the Wind- If there’s one thing I love, it’s a hard and heavy fantasy book. Reading The Name of the Wind for the first time inspired me to finally open up a Google doc and write my first ever fic. I love its prose and how we’re in and out of Kvothe’s head throughout the book. Whenever I agonize over the fact that the Doors of Stone hasn’t been released, I reread The Name of the Wind to remind me that the wait will be worth it.
4. Mo Dao Zu Shi- You could say that I’m cheating with this choice but it is technically a singular novel broken up into smaller volumes. Where do I even begin with MDZS? I have yet to really fully read the official translation as I’ve already read the “official” fan translation, but I will say, reading that Exiled Rebels translation over the span of three hot and sticky summer night, completely in the darkness of my room, was one of the best reading experiences ever. I adore the rich world that MXTX built, from the sect politics to the admittedly loose laws of demonic cultivation. Wangxian is a couple that I love very dearly and I have yet to read a danmei novel that just grips me by the soul like they do. I was introduced to the danmei genre through this novel as well, and I couldn’t be happier that it was my first.
5. One Last Stop- This is my favorite of Casey McQuiston’s books. It’s a super cute and emotional sapphic book that fell into my lap at the exact same time that I was beginning to explore my sexuality and for that, it holds a very special place in my heart. 
6. Fool’s Fate- This quote and this quote alone is enough reasoning as to why I love this book so much: “I pushed his golden hair back from his tawny forehead. ‘Oh, Beloved’ I said. I bent and kissed his brow in farewell. And then, grasping the rightness of that foreign tradition, I named him as myself. For when I burned him, I knew that I would be ending myself as well.  The man I had been would not survive this loss.”
7. The Silmarillion- Unironically my favorite of Tolkien’s works, partly because the maiar and elves are hella gay and partly because I really like reading a fun history book from The Professor himself. 
8. The Hunger Games- It still stands as the best YA book I’ve ever read and I’ll happily reread it every year
9. The Tombs of Atuan- My favorite book of the Earthsea Cycle and arguably my favorite book from Ursula Le Guin. Tenar is just such a touching protagonist and her relationship with Ged is seriously sweet. I also really liked how Le Guin further built upon the world of Earthsea in this book.
10. The Way of Kings- Everyone has that one book that they wish they could forget about just to reread it again and The Way of Kings is that book for me
Tagging: @abyssalpeach @seaofolives, @beansterpie, and @marley-manson
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lastdaysofus · 4 years
You engross my thoughts too intirely to allow me to think of any thing else—you not only employ my mind all day; but you intrude upon my sleep. I meet you in every dream—and when I wake I cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness.
Hamilton to Eliza (in letters of Alex and Henry)
Red White and Royal Blue
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hawkinsp0st · 2 years
🎥 📖 📝
the breakfast club :’)
red, white and royal blue by casey mcquiston changed my life and made me realize/accept the mlm side of my sexuality. it’s so wholesome and beautiful! in case ur wondering i’m very alex claremont-diaz coded who is very mike wheeler coded <3 i recommend this read to Everyone Ever In Existence. literally go read it rn.
so this is a quote within a quote, from the above novel. a boy sends this in an email to his boyfriend—
“Allen Ginsberg to Peter Orlovsky—1958:
‘Tho I long for the actual sunlight contact between us I miss you like a home. Shine back honey & think of me.’”
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burningdarkfire · 2 years
2022 mid year reading wrap up
hello i invented this for myself by throwing together the things i want to talk about the most 😎
general progress:
i have read 105 books out of my goal of 120. this is a lot! most of the “extra” count comes from graphic novels, novellas, manga, etc. which i have read a lot more of this year
included in the above are 50 novels, which is exactly on pace
i had the goal in 2022 to read one book per month randomly picked from my tbr, which has been going great,
and the goal to read one book per month from the physical books that i own but haven’t read yet, and that has been going uhhh not as great. i’m only one book behind but reading books physically is hard since i do a lot of reading either at work or commuting to and from the office
list of new 5*s so far in 2022 that i would highly recommend:
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske - a historical fantasy romance which reads like a fanfiction in all the best ways possible
Jade War by Fonda Lee - a sorta historical urban fantasy that has some of the best world-building i’ve ever read
Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee - ditto, solid finish to the above series
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan - a historical fantasy retelling that has some of my absolute favourite characters and relationships of this year. the gender is off the charts. i am obsessed with the deuteragonist and the toxic trio of men in this book that no one ever talks about when pitching it but who are very spectacular
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke - a fantasy where the first few chapters absolutely blew my mind with how beautifully it was written
Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore - a VERY fun genre-bendy YA book that i don’t want to say much about because i think it’s better blind
At Night All Blood is Black by David Diop - a historical war fiction, which is a genre i honestly usually hate so it says a lot about how absolutely fascinating this was. great poc perspective
[honorary mention] The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson - a fantasy that i only gave 4* but i would always recommend to people who have similar SFF tastes to me
list of other 5*s that are rereads or just severe blorbo syndrome:
Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast by Jody Houser
The Wicked + The Divine by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie
Heartstopper: Volume One by Alice Oseman
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Jujutsu Kaisen: Volume 9 by Gege Akutami
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
most disappointing reads of the year so far:
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston - months later and i’m literally still so annoyed at the ending of this book lol don’t get me started i will rant for 20 minutes
How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu - this was foolish “bought into the marketing” hype on my end. don’t let anyone tell you that this is like cloud atlas because it is not like cloud atlas. also personally i feel like this was a weird book to publish quote unquote after covid
Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li - i truly think some writers just need to be told no. because grace d. li’s writing is good (especially for a debut) but the heist frame of this story is the most incomprehensible thing ever and i can’t believe anyone thought this was a good idea
most unique reads of the year so far:
Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore - deserves another shout out here though i mentioned it already above!
Death in Her Hands by Ottessa Moshfegh - literary fiction that’s kind of horror-y, kind of mystery-y. a book that really doesn’t hand you any answers
The Seventh Perfection by Daniel Polansky - fantasy novella with a neat structure. highly recommend taking notes while reading this one, i did and it was a great way of being engaged
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott - satire but make it math but make it eldritch horror. the entire thing is narrated by a square, just to give you an idea
anticipated reads for the end of the year:
Babel, or The Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution by R.F. Kuang - dropping the full title out of respect 😤 standalone historical fantasy from the author of the poppy war trilogy .. yes please!!
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir - third book in the locked tomb series. i am rereading in preparation and i eagerly await the insanity
Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennett - third and final book in the founders trilogy. there have truly never been books that are more written for me and i’m fascinated to see how this will end
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tenderloincherub · 3 years
Red, White and Royal Blue (Casey McQuiston)
My thoughts on rwrb, a thread (I do know this doesn’t work by threads but it’s such an opening quote)
It’s been a bit more than a week since I finished this book, and it gave me * feelings * but if I let more time pass I’ll forget what I want to say about it. So this is a sort of review/opinion/basically-my-thoughts-on-it
I love how dreamy it can be. I know it may not be realistic but that’s somehow the point of it -to picture a world where Alex and Henry us queer people could be together and accepted and happy and carry on with our lives. I read it along with a friend, and she told me she disliked the ending because things solved too easily -I disagree, we have the right to see such world. I mean, from the beginning it was obvious it wouldn’t be a tragedy, you know?, like it’s that dreamy-happy from the beginning. We human beings have the right to read to daydream and feel hope, just as much as we read to learn and reflect upon the world and upon ourselves. It’s valid, and it’s always bee: that’s why we have Shakespeare’s both tragedies AND comedies, that’s why we have The Count of Monte Cristo (sorry, that one’s not happy for me) AND Jane Austen’s novels too. Literature’s point is also to give hope, to turn on lights. Like Dickinson said: “ The Poets light but Lamps — [...]”
The beginning didn’t really get me, that part did feel like a Wattpad-enemies-to-lovers-trope. I am sorry. I mean the part of the Cake-Gate and how they’re suddenly forced to fake to be friends. BUT I read Casey’s annotations and she wrote: 
“One thing I loved doing with this book is taking tried & true romcom tropes – like forcing two people who “hate” each other and trapping them in a small enclosed space – and making it gay.” (So she convinced me.)
Alex’s sexual orientation crisis just hit me when I was having a crisis on my own. I loved his growth (as a person, in his relation with his bisexuality, his feelings, his relationship with Henry, as a to-be-politican), and it was quite honestly portrayed.
Ok, but Henry. Henry, oh, my. Oh, sweet, poetic, tender, beautiful, strong, brave-hearted, (hot), breathtaking Henry. He’s the one who made me wish to be a gay poet prince. His character is the most beautiful one that could have been written. I’m sorry, I just love him so much. He was so soft all the way in his love for Alex, he was so self-less but had also his growth to take the reins of his life and the way he wrote. Sorry, I sort of fell in love with him but also projected myself in his interests and some stuff. This friend with whom I read the book actually told me: if you were a character form the book, you’d be Henry. And that was * flattering *.
Well, all the characters. There was such diversity but all (most) of them lovable. And the dynamics between them. *chef’s kiss*
Rafael Luna was the portion of reality this book needed. His story was unfair, but his character was so strong, I could picture him in real life, actually. I loved his character as well, all the way long, I hurt for him but I admired him more.
There is this one thing that I didn’t like. Before saying it, I’ll make clear that I’m not into politics, not in the way that they don’t interest me or anything, but that I don’t know about the topic. Now, I feel the way it portrays American and English government is a complete polarization. Okay, I get monarchy is outdated and that democracy is actualized, but you can’t tell me one is black and the other white. I feel Casey portrayed American government flaws being on the people that run it, and English government flaws being on the system (so that, no matter the people, everything is wrong with the crown). *I’m not deffending England, just feeling it gives a sesgated idea.
Back to stuff I love: I am mexican, and Alex’s mexican side was satisfying. I mean, I’ve seen tons of latin characters in books, movies, and tv shows, and they rarely step out of some stereotypes. Alex’s sudden bursts of Spanish, appearance and cultural traits were so natural and meaningful and real. I really loved it.
Besides that, the way Alex’s religion and bisexuality converged was also beautiful. The passages where he compares holding Henry’s face with holding the Bible, and the mail where he talks about sacred places, and the prayer he remembers... Just beautfiul and meaningful. 
“Henry lets Alex take him apart with painstaking patience and precision, moans the name of God so many times that the room feels consecrated.”
Alex’s narration is so deeply Catholic, which I think all Catholics can relate to. (Another annotation from Casey)
Their letter-like mails, the excerpts from historical characters letters were so romantic, poetic, heartachingly beautiful. This really was my favorite thing from the book. It’s a complete new way of communication, that goes so profound into their hearts and feelings, and gives a whole new perspective, exploring Henry and Alex’s relationship so deeply. [Also, I really hated when they were outed and their letters became public :( my babies deserved better). I’ve been searching for Michelangelo’s letters since and because of them. 
So, wow, this why I never write on goodreads, but I feel more liberty and just comfortable here on Tumblr. I won’t extend into my favorite quotes and my playlist and stuff that reminds me of this -there’ll be more entries for that.
Thanks for reading this, and feel free to share your thoughts on my thoughts.
Sending love.
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a-rivederlestelle · 4 years
my top ten books of 2020
so i read exactly 100 books in 2020 ~to cope~ and decided to share my top ten!!! (i'll add my descriptions/random thoughts under a readmore)
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon
gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir
this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone
giovanni's room by james baldwin
a wizard of earthsea by ursula k. le guin
on a sunbeam by tillie walden
the sound of waves by yukio mishima
the bridge of san luis rey by thorton wilder
red, white, and royal blue by casey mcquiston
code name verity by elizabeth wein
A beautifully written feminist fantasy retelling of St. George and the Dragon. A diverse cast of characters, gorgeous and engaging worldbuilding, so many dragons, and maybe one of the most carefully, beautifully developed f/f relationships between main characters that I’ve ever read. I’ve reread it multiple times, including listening to the audio book just to feel more immersed. This is exactly what I mean when I say I love fantasy and want to find more fantasy books.
A lesbian necromancers space opera filled with honest-to-god in-text meme references crossed with a whodunnit murder mystery. The most unique narrative voice I’ve ever read with the most distinct character personalities. Balances horror and humor on a needle point with ease. I literally created a playlist for this that I then wrote a song-by-song explanation for, if that explains anything.
A delicately interwoven love story in gorgeous epistolary prose. Alternating points of view, constantly shifting settings, breathtaking metaphors and imagery. “I’ll be all the poets, I’ll kill them all and take each one’s place in turn, and every time love’s written in all the strands it will be to you.” is an actual quote that makes me lose my fucking mind. I can and will judge a book by its cover when it’s as beautiful inside and out as this novella.
Reading this book will now always be waking up early on a summer morning and sitting outside in the slowly warming sun, surrounded by green and birdsong and patio stones chilly under my feet. Reading the sentence “And here my baby came indeed, through all that sunlight, his face flushed and his hair flying, his eyes, unbelievably, like morning stars.” and sitting with it in all that sunlight, in all that early morning silence. It’s hard to put anything else about this novel into words.
The main conflict revolves not around a war, but a path to self-discovery. As Le Guin described it, “The discovery brings him victory, the kind of victory that isn't the end of a battle but the beginning of a life.” This was an important distinction for me: these worlds, these characters are not singularly contained within their pages. At the end of every story can be, should be, at its core, the beginning of a life.
Found family on a spaceship. Beautifully diverse female and nonbinary characters. What else could you want from a graphic novel? A love story, a coming of age story, a story about community and healing and support all shown through distinctly designed and colored panels. Beautiful. Just so beautiful and hopeful and loving.
A classic Japanese coming of age novel with prose as rolling, swelling, and captivating as the sea itself. Full of resonating emotion, a genuine young protagonist, delicate young love, and human connection. There’s this emotion I felt while reading it that I still can’t adequately explain, something fulfilling and melancholic all at once.
Thornton Wilder has the most distinct power of any writer I’ve read to show significance in the insignificant. There’s a beautiful simplicity in the way this book lays bare the humanity in all people. He narratively grapples with the question of fate versus will with a slow-building and detailed description of the lives lost when the titular bridge breaks, and his ability to consider existential meaning through the mundanity makes this a novel that sticks with me.
The modern enemies to lovers fairytale we always deserved. Alex’s struggle with his sexuality is deeply relatable and his relationship with Henry is developed so carefully and lovingly. It’s just such a fun, accessible, and comforting read, especially for a young adult queer reader.
I’ll randomly think of the line “Kiss me, Hardy, kiss me quick!” and cry. Intricately written and so deceiving in the best, most intentional ways, that I was actually breathless when I began to figure things out. Once again: I love epistolary novels. Also, Julie apparently being confirmed bisexual in the prequel is something that can actually be so personal.
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
RE: adapting the book
Quotes from interviews on #RWRBMovie about adapting the book
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Last updated: August 9
From Glamour
Says Galitzine, “We were all aware that we wanted to make one a classic rom-com but with a sort of new spin. Matthew's a very sensitive, very feeling person, and we obviously wanted to inject our movie with that kind of emotionality. He had a great balance in being able to facilitate both lightness and emotion within his work.”
Fans of McQuiston's novel will be pleased to know that, with a few exceptions, the movie largely follows the book's enemies-to-friends-to-lovers tale. And the tone and spirit that made everyone fall in love with the book are certainly still there. “Casey has been an incredible source of support for me throughout the making of this film,” López says. “I respect them for being appropriately protecting of the novel and am grateful to them for also giving me space to tell my own version of their story. Obviously when translating a nearly 500-page book to the screen, there are things you have to lose and things you will need to change. It is an adaptation, not a recitation. I like to think that, as a fan of the novel, I was able to find the balance of serving Casey’s story while also serving the needs of the movie.”
For López, the most important element to maintain from the book was Alex and Henry’s individual personalities as well as their shared story together. “If there was one lesson I kept learning over and over while making this film it’s that if it’s not about Alex or Henry, it doesn’t belong in the film.”
While the movie is, as López describes, “an adaptation, not a recitation,” McQuiston was available to the actors. “I remember Casey coming in on a really fun day,” says Galitzine. “It was a scene where Taylor and I were bickering in that sort of Alex/Henry banter way that we do, and it gave us time to talk to Casey and understand the influences that went into the book. We obviously have a lot of fan service, and I hope they love my interpretation of Henry.”
From Entertainment Weekly
But the thing that weighed most on all of them was not royal protocol, chemistry, or even comedic timing. It was honoring McQuiston's novel, which hit the New York Times bestseller list and even earned a release in a special collector's edition last year. "[The biggest challenge was] quite simply how to delivery Casey's story in a way that honored the novel but that didn't result in a three-hour film," says Lopez. "There are a lot of wonderful scenes and characters in the book that didn't make it into the film because they didn't fit. I don't regret any of those decisions but, as a fan of the book, they weren't easy to make."
From Vanity Fair
López turned to romantic comedies of the past as inspiration: screwball affairs from the ’30s and ’40s like Bringing Up Baby and Sullivan’s Travels, as well as more recent hits like When Harry Met Sally or Moonstruck. All of those films revolve around “very smart, very clever people who often find themselves in over their heads, and the only way to really get themselves out of trouble is to talk their way out,” he explains.
From the outset, there were two scenes considered make-or-break. One was the wedding cake food fight, a chaotic sequence that, ironically enough, had to be carefully choreographed. Those three days of filming contained “the least bit of goofing off on set,” López explains. “We really had no room for error. And so we all really approached that with a sense of seriousness, which I hope does not in any way translate onscreen.” Then there was Alex and Henry’s romantic stroll through London’s Victoria & Albert Museum. “It’s sort of a dream come true—your own personal night at the museum,” he says of the late-night shoot. “So that was less daunting than an endurance test, but it was just such a magical night for us. And I hope that did translate onto screen.” Both of those moments live vibrantly in the minds of those who love Red, White & Royal Blue—an impassioned group of people bringing all of their enthusiasm to the movie version when it premieres August 11 on Prime Video. But the film’s director isn’t nervous about answering to an opinionated, online fan base. “It’s absolutely undeniable that the fans love the book for the same reasons that I do, so I think of myself as one of them,” says López, who himself was excitedly making plans to see Barbie with his husband at the start of our conversation. “You could argue that I’m such a rabid, passionate fan that I made the most expensive bit of fan fiction ever. I hope the fans take solace from the fact that one of them has made this movie.”
From Out Smart Magazine
“The most important thing to me is the end result. You’d have to be a moron to make this movie without certain themes in it. I would be justifiably run out of this business if I didn’t include certain things in this book,” López says with a laugh. “Any act of adaptation is almost exclusively an act of exclusion. In any adaptation, there’s going to be more left out than there is included, because that’s just the nature of the beast. My main goal for myself was to make sure audiences feel the same way at the end of the movie as they felt when they finished reading the book.”
When news broke earlier this year about the film receiving an R rating for “language, some sexual content, and partial nudity,” fans rejoiced. The director explains that giving the film’s sex scenes the royal treatment was an important factor for him. “One of the things in the novel that I knew needed to be in the film was the fundamental truth that these two people have really good sex with each other, they are very attracted to each other, and they find ways of expressing it physically. I inherently knew that there were a multitude of ways that we were going to express intimacy in this movie and that we were tracking the progression of their closeness. They sort of meet-cute and not only go from being enemies to lovers, but one of them is not fully aware of the extent to which he’s into guys before they meet. I thought a lot about the intimacy themes in the movie as a way of bringing them incrementally closer and closer together.
From What to Watch
"I knew that there were a lot of expectations of this adaptation, I knew that people really feel very personally about the book. I think there’s something really wonderful that happens, this transference when you fall in love with a book and it’s yours, ignoring the fact that billions of other people also feel the same way about it, so I knew that it would be a bad idea to screw it up! [laughs] That was always at the forefront of my mind. The thing that is also true is that I am one of those crazy obsessive fans over the book, and for me it was like, the ultimate in fanfiction that I got to make. But I recognise that I was very fortunate and lucky to be the person to make this movie, because I think there are a lot of people who are counting on me not to screw up — and I took that very seriously!"
From RadioTimes
"I think there are certain things in that book that, as the director of the movie, if I hadn't put it in the film I would never be allowed to direct a movie again," he revealed. "There was no chance that I was going to cut the cake scene out of the film," Lopez said, while also revealing an amusing behind-the-scenes detail about filming that moment. "The thing about the cake scene is that that shot of the cake landing in their faces is actually me and my production designer throwing cake in Taylor and Nick's faces," he laughed. "After about three weeks of filming [that] was a really great way for me to burn off some steam!" And that scene was just one of many that Lopez was excited to bring to the screen after first reading and falling in love with McQuiston's book in early 2020. "While I was preparing the film, I was really... I put a lot of thought and a lot of care into the V&A scene," he explained. "We got to film overnight at the V&A one evening and it was very magical. "And so, as a filmmaker looking at the book, there were just a lot of things that I was excited to film."
From Pink News
While fans will be thrilled to see that heady physical attraction between the two play. out, they appear less impressed about some character choices in the adaptation. June, Alex's sister, is a favourite among the fandom, while senator Rafael Luna is – spoiler alert – pivotal to how Alex and Henry come out to the world. López has cut June out completely, and merged the character with Alex's pal Nora (played by Love, Victor star Rachel Hilson). Rafel has been replaced with a new character. After it became clear that June wasn't going to be in the adaptation, the film's social media pages were targeted with a "justice for June" hashtag. Fans were upset, but the reasoning behind the decisions, López says, is simple. When you're writing a book, you can do whatever you want with the characters, you have no actors to talk to, you have no mouths to feed in certain ways," he explains. "When it came to the character of June and the character of Nora, I knew implicitly that if I had both of them in the movie, I would have two young women with half a meal. I decided to give a full meal to one young woman." As for the book's several subplots, López believes they would have been too "unwieldy" for a two-hour film, and he needed to focus on "bringing danger in a very streamlined way." Could he have opted to make a TV series, instead? In short, his answer is no. “For whatever sacrifices you have to make in adapting it for a feature film, an extended eight-episode thing would stretch it out too much,” he says. “You’d lose a lot of the magic.”
From OutSFL
Ellen is a staunch Democrat. As a Florida native, and considering what has occurred here during the reign of the current governor, was that in any way what appealed to you about directing and co-adapting the screenplay for “Red, White & Royal Blue”? ML: No, I loved the story, and I didn't give a shit what the governor of Florida thinks about it. I couldn't care less what that man thinks, only as it relates to the health of the union. I didn't have this story growing up. I didn't have access to characters such as these when I was younger. It took until I was in my 40s to read it, to get a novel that had a character like Alex. That I knew implicitly was really special. To me, it was really powerful to read a novel that had a queer, Latine, young man at the center who was a very positive characterization of a queer Latine man. Someone who was filled with hope and possibility. I wanted to bring that into the world. The politics in the novel and in the movie are a hopeful one. It's not something that is, I hope, too much of a fairy tale.
From The Fresno Bee
Why a movie and not a play? “You can’t beat the locations! Buckingham Palace, the Oval Office, the White House, and all those great locations,” said López. “It really, really wanted to be a movie. “And I really wanted to shoot in all of those beautiful locations.” López doesn’t see much difference between directing a play and a movie. “I got to take a lot of the things I learned as a playwright about storytelling and apply it to this movie,” he said. “There’s a lot of overlap between the two disciplines.”
From Windy City Times
Were there parts from the book that were difficult to cut out? ML: It was a very simple and straightforward thing for me. This is a movie about Alex and Henry. I had two hours to tell the tale. The mandate was it needed to help me understand Alex's journey with Henry for it to go in the movie. If it doesn't, then it comes out of the movie. We shot a lot of scenes that were in the book, but once in the editing room, I realized what we didn't need. I looked at it from the perspective that it was two characters on a journey in two hours. That made it clear what belongs in the movie and what doesn't.
From MetroSource
At the end of the day in a story like this, you need to care. Sometimes in order to make an audience care, you need to put your heroes in danger, but you also want the audience to fall in love. And there is nothing more deliriously fun than falling in love. Just as Alex and Henry fall in love with each other, the audience has to fall in love with them. And that is such a fun thing to be able to create. That’s a fun story to tell. I never thought that we were making something completely lightweight and disposable. I definitely didn’t want the movie to feel disposable. I didn’t want people to see it and then forget about it the next day, because the characters stayed with me after I read the book. I wanted the movie to feel exactly the same way the book felt. I wanted those characters to linger in the audience’s mind once the movie was over in the days, in the weeks after they’d seen the film. And that was the most important thing to me.
From Billboard
“Casey was never insistent that I make Casey’s Book: The Film,” Matthew Lopez, the film’s director and co-writer, tells Billboard. “Casey always wanted me to make Matthew’s movie and trusted that someone who loved the book was in charge of the film.”
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nontoxic-writes · 2 years
20 & 32!
hi i love you 💖
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
ngl it’d absolutely be the second one. if its *exactly* the way ive always imagined it could be, i would be able to be a full-time author and then i could quit my day job and have the energy to write more, which is the dream.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
there are a few. first is “i love him on purpose” from red white and royal blue by casey mcquiston. i just feel like that line so perfectly encapsulates the choice that love is. i just love it so much.
then there’s a passage in scott westerfeld’s pretties that i always loved, where shay tells tally, “they make us pretties see the world so clearly that its beauty almost hurts.” i love it so much. i feel like it just so wonderfully explains a feeling i cannot articulate. i got a part of that quote tattooed on me a few years ago because i just always have remembered it, ever since i noted it down while reading the books in high school.
and i was a Sad Bitch™️ in middle school and was obsessed with emily dickinson, and “hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul” is such a gorgeous line, the visual is so stunning. (also why didn’t everyone watch dickinson!!! a perfect show!!!)
ask me some weird writing questions!
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dreamingoftinystars · 3 years
tag nine people to learn about their interests
thank you for the tag @sinterblackwell <3
1. Favorite genre? Indie pop/folk and musicals
2. Favorite artist? dodie
3. Favorite song? that’s too difficult a question sorry lmao
4. Most listened to song lately? Before the Line by dodie
5. Song currently stuck in your head? Cleopatra by the Lumineers
6. 5 Favorite lyrics?
And I don't deserve you // You deserve the world // Though it feels like we were built // From the same dirt - Your Sister Was Right by Wilbur Soot
But I must admit it, that I would marry you in an instant // Damn your wife, I'd be your mistress just to have you around - Cleopatra by the Lumineers
I know I loved the world, but now it's flat to me // Oh, tell me, did someone snatch the light? // Why doesn't it look right? - Before the Line by dodie
My life has lost all porpoise // I lost my hare // I lost my hair // I lost my tortoise - Your Shell of Grief from Alice By Heart (mock turtles my beloved)
City life, apple pie baked just right // Home is wherever you are tonight - Apple Pie by Lizzy McAlpine
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume | slow or fast songs | music video or lyric video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
1. Favorite book genre? Classics or Contemporary
2. Favorite Writer? Virginia Woolf, Casey McQuiston, Gabriel García Márquez, Kurt Vonnegut
3. Favorite Book? There are many but Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
4. Favorite Book Series? I don’t really read that many series but I just finished PJO and liked it
5. Comfort Book? Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston and We Are Okay by Nina LaCour and Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
6. Perfect Book to Read on a Rainy Day? We Are Okay by Nina LaCour kind of fits the mood of a rainy day and also like is fairly easy to read structure wise. I also think rainy days are a good time for a good classic piece of literature (like Shakespeare, Virginia Woolf, etc) especially if you have a fire going during that time. A fairly easy classic book in my opinion is The Great Gatsby. If you want to be emotionally wrecked on a rainy day so that your face can match the outdoors, read They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera.
7. Favorite Characters? Everyone from Heartstopper, Nora from Red, White, and Royal Blue, (I don’t really focus on characters while reading lmao)
8. 5 Quotes from Your Favorite Book (these will all be from Red, White and Royal Blue)- also there are all from memory so they might be slightly incorrect:
But the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable
On purpose. I love him on purpose.
Exploring your sexuality: Healthy, but does it have to be with the Prince of England?
I loved you. And then, inexplicably, you had the absolute audacity to love me back
Two homes side by side
(the entirety of the turkey scene)
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | read at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVs | judging by the covers or by summaries | rereading or just once
1. Favorite tv/movie genre? Cartoons, Contemporary, RomComs, or Documentaries
2. Favorite Movie? Rocky Horror Picture Show, Nightmare Before Christmas, Dirty Dancing, The Princess Bride, Frozen, Beetlejuice (there are more but those are off of the top of my head)
3. Comfort Movie? Starstruck (and any of the ones above) and almost any animated Disney/Pixar movie
4. Movie You Watch Every Year? RHPS, Nightmare Before Christmas, Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
5. Favorite TV Show? I don’t really have favorite TV shows, I more so have tv shows that I obsessively rewatch which are: One Day at at Time, The Owl House, She-Ra and The Princesses of Power, Julie and The Phantoms, Young Royals, New Girl, Criminal Minds, Legends of Tomorrow, *insert more shows here*
6. Comfort TV Show? One Day at A Time (and any of the others above)
7. Most Rewatched TV Show? Probably JATP, Young Royals, or TOH also ODAAT
8. 5 Favorite Characters? I genuinely don’t really have any off of the top of my head but like Elena from ODAAT is one, Stargirl is one, Entrapta and Perfuma
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
No Pressure Tagging: @c-nan @spookiest-sapphic @midnight-stereo @fanofthepod @book-and-music-lover @sunsetmolinas and anyone else who would like to
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Tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
thanks for tagging me @whaleharry🤗
fav genre? my top genre on spotify is always "post-teen pop" which seems right
fav artist? taylor swift, 1d, bastille, of monsters and men, all time low
fav song? how do you choose just one favorite song? I'll say good as hell because that's my all-time most listened song on spotify and also what I always go to if I'm having a bad day
most listened song recently? I actually haven't had any songs on repeat lately? maybe our song (niall and anne-marie)
song currently stuck in your head? I'm listening to 1989 rn but nothing is stuck in my head
5 fav lyrics?
- "all my favorite conversations / always made in the AM" (AM, 1d)
- "the gods have forgotten the song of their love" (chant, hadestown)
- "if you had your gun / would you shoot it at the sky? / why - to see where your bullet would fall? / or will you come down at all?" (laura palmer, bastille)
- "don't say you're too tired to fight / it’s just a matter of time / up there's the finish line / so run and run and run" (only the young, taylor swift)
- "and as the world comes to an end / i'll be there to hold your hand" (king and lionheart, of monsters and men)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headphones | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? I'll read pretty much anything as long as it has good reviews. literary fiction, YA, magical realism/low fantasy, thriller, political nonfiction/current events, etc. the only thing I don't really read is science fiction
fav writer? riley sager, neil gaiman, leigh bardugo, libba bray
fav book? a tale of two cities (charles dickens)
fav book series? the raven cycle (maggie stiefvater)
comfort book? carry on (rainbow rowell), red white and royal blue (casey mcquiston), aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe (benjamin alire saenz)
perfect book to read on a rainy day? home before dark (riley sager) - a ghost story is perfect for a rainy day!
fav characters? adam parrish (the raven cycle), nina zenik (grishaverse), eugenides (the queen's thief)
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart?
- "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair"
- "I wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul"
- "it is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known"
- "a wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other"
- "then tell the wind and fire where to stop, but don't tell me"
fuck, now I want to reread atotc🙈
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? sitcoms
fav movie? heathers
comfort movie? tangled, the greatest showman, the old guard, eurotrip
movie you watch every year? the princess bride
fav tv show? the good place, parks and rec
comfort tv show? parks and rec, brooklyn 99
most rewatched tv show? parks and rec
ultimate otp? ALLYDIA
5 fav characters?
- allison argent (teen wolf)
- nicky (the old guard)
- steeb rogers (marvel)
- veronica sawyer (heathers)
- louis tomlinson (this is us)
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or bingeing | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
tagging: @thesunshookwithjoy @thekinkshamepolice @laughyoudrecognize @harrysuits @crackinthecloud @jenderstudies @frogsarebxtches @chinchillinator @clockwork-silence 🕺🏻
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mcquistonsource · 3 years
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thank you to everyone who participated in our May event! For the month of June, to celebrate the release of Casey McQuiston’s second novel One Last Stop, we’ve decided the theme will be favorite scene from One Last Stop. This event is open to everyone, not just members, and we look forward to seeing what you decide to create!
How this works:
reblog this post
create something that fits this theme by June 30th
you can caption your work with:
@mcquistonsource event 8: favorite one last stop scene
— [quote / description]
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