#RE vill
theabstruseone · 2 years
Still reminded of the time, when Resident Evil VIIIage was still doing its early promotion and everyone was drooling after Step-On-Me-Mommy Lady Dimitrescu from the teaser trailer, some guy comes along to say:
"You know in the game she's just going to turn into some grotesque monster!"
Which shows both a profound understanding of the Resident Evil franchise lore and a complete ignorance of Resident Evil fandom if he thought that would stop the thirst.
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see-arcane · 1 year
I read a theory that it wasn't actually Dracula who killed off the Demeter's crew but actually one of the members. The person suggested it was the second-in-command or the captain himself, who wrote the log to portray himself sympathetically. What do you think about that?
I think Dracula is writing theories on the internet.
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hillerskaroyals · 2 years
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villianous-agere · 4 days
((Please Read))
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Name: Villianous ((or Lane))
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Grey-Ace ((Demiromantic)) Polyamorous
Pronouns: He/They/It ((+ Neopronouns))
Memorizing 90% of pokémon info
Reading silly battle cats novels
Important to know:
I am autistic + ADHD
I am physically disabled due to my leg joints, and use mobility aids
I suffer from depression, anxiety, and PTSD
I age regress + pet regress as a coping mechanism
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I have a collection of dividers, blinkies, and userboxes that I collected some time ago.
I do not remember the original blogs these came from, so if you see them, and you mention that credit is required to use them, I will be happy to add that! Just let me know what blog they are from please!!
I am very forgetful, and often forget about things I have previously posted, please be patient with me.
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MAPS / Pedos
ZOOS/ Beasties
Radqueer in general
Endo systems / supporters
Tulpa systems / supporters
Demo systems / supporters
Xenogender anti's
Neopronoun anti's
Pro-ED / Pro-Ana
Pro-SH (self harm)
Autism Speaks supporters
NSFW blogs
Anyone who thinks agere/petre is kink
Can be updated as neccessary.
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your superhero AU has broken my heart 💔💔💔 protective Ted is so important to me
thank you!! ive been enjoying playing with it. and yeah!! like. i just. protective, pining ted and trent's like i am NOT a damsel!! (<- in this instance, is, in fact, a damsel. he will make an exception for one (1) person)
and like more seriously just. the trust it's about the trust!!! trent doesn't rely on anyone and he gets himself out of bad situations and he's lowkey terrified of this hero who's got him cornered and he's been in this horrible situation for so long but then it's ted and he immediately relaxes. and ted--you know ted realized they had trent and immediately panicked and was ready to just bust in there and it was only beard holding him back and making him be practical about it that didnt have him just bursting through the walls ten minutes after realizing. and him realizing trent trusts him.... holding him and being like oh. i can protect him this way and i can comfort him this way and it's working... augh
anyway im glad you like it 😩
#listen. im a simple man. sometimes i want to write my blorbo being battered and scared getting rescued#but it doesnt always make sense for whatever fandom it is so. hence. elaborate au#admittedly that wasn't my sole motivation for writing it or anything but it was up there.#ANYWAY can you blame him?#trents like im a reporter and a damn good one villains literally hate kidnapping me because im the worst hostage and heroes hate rescuing m#bc i am no fucking damsel.#and then ted 'tenderly holds him as he rescues him and asks him so so softly if hes okay with big warm brown eyes' lasso comes along#and its like. okay so i can get out on my own or i can let my crush simply cradle me in his beefy arms and carry me home. hmm#(im being silly ofc but it also has a lot more to do with like. the actual circumstances. but i think that if trent got kidnapped in the re#regular way where hes just rolling his eyes bc this is How The Game Goes ted would show up and he'd be like#oh nooooo look ive been tied up.... (glances down then sticks hands back in ropes) oh nooooo#and the villains like what the h--#please actually now a crack version of this au where trent just lets himself get kidnapped so ted can rescue him and they're the world's mo#most obnoxious couple. villains stop kidnapping him entirely bc then that one hero just shows up and they banter--totally ignoring the vill#villain--for like ten whole minutes while beard quietly dismantles the villain's shit behind them#ANYWAY IM SORRY IVE GOTTEN OFF TRACK#askbox#anonymous#superhero au
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thefoooconspiration · 2 years
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du är där när jag vaknar
baby, allt som jag önskat få
vet jag har inga svar
för du är allt jag vill ha ;
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Villa With Pool For Rent Fully furnished
Villa Standalone for rent in Alma Compound fully furnished with swimming pool
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Les marins Twynham et McGurk sont acquittés par les jurés," Le Soleil. May 8, 1943. Page 3 & 5. --- Accusés du meurtre d'un nommé Hector Tremblay, de Matane, les deux prévenus qui subissaient un deuxième procès se voient libérés par le verdict du jury. --- Maurice Twynham et Douglas-Robert MeGurk, les deux marins qut étaient accuses du meurtre d'Hector Tremblay, de Matane, ont été acquittés, hier soir, en Cour d'Assise à l'issue de leur deuxième procès. Des applaudissement soulignèrent les paroles du porte-parole du jury, George Brown, lorsqu'il proclama l'innocence de Twynham et de McClurk.
En apprenant le verdict, les deux accusés se sont donné la main et, les procédés d'usage accomplis, ils sont sortis de la boite des accusés pour reconquérir et leur liberté.
Il était environ 8 heures et 30, lorsque M. Brown a fait connaitre le verdict du jury. Le procès avait duré exactement une semaine, au cours de laquelle au delà de vingt-cinq témoins furent entendus. On sait qu'au premier procès le Jury ne put en venir à l'unanimité, huit des jurés optant pour l'acquittement des accusés et les quatre autres pour leur condamnation sous une accusation de manslaughter.
Twynham était défendu par Me Antoine Rivard C.R, et McGurk par Me Ross Drouin. Me Eugéne Marquis, C.R., substitut du procureur général et Me Paul Roy, représentaient in Couronne.
Comme nous l'avons rappelé à plusieurs reprises, c'est l'hon, juge Roméo Langlais, de la Cour Superieure, qui a présidé le procès. Disons passant qu'il limita charge aux recommandations légales ordinaires, ajoutant cependant qu'il n'y avait pas lieu dans cette cause de rendre un verdict de manslaughter. Les jurés étaient MM. Georges Brown. A-R. Murray, George Murray, Collin McCartney, Charles Doddridge, Fred Blackadder, Charles Kitening, W.-A. Johnstone, G.-G.-H. Lawson, C.-B. Bignell, John Laroche et Hamilton Laroche, tous de Quebec.
Me EUGENE MARQUIS Dans la première partie de son plaidoyer, hier après-midi, Me Marquis qui parla durant plus de trois heures, énuméré Ies faits admis et non contredits. Tremblay avait été payé le 20 juin. Il est allé au restaurant de Pelletier ou on l'a vu causer avec un marin, où on la sortir une liasse de billets de banques et d'où il est sorti en compagnie du même marin, immédiatement survis tous deux par trois autres marins qui se trouvaient à la porte du restaurant. Il est encore prouve que Tremblay a été assommé par des marins qui n'avaient pas de casquette et que ceux-ci l'ont volé. Ces deux marins ont ensuite file à la course, précédés par deux autres marins, et qu'ensemble ils sont passés devant les gardiens a l’entrée du port. De plus, les deux marins qui marchaient à l'arrière n'étaient pas de même grandeur.
Maintenant, continua Me Marquis, deux temoins, Yvon Pelletier et Rose Tanguay, ont juré que Twynham etait le marin qui etait entré au restaurant avec Hector Tremblay. Si on admet que Twynham était au restaurent on doit aussi admettre que MeCurk y était, dit-il, parce que les deux accuses ont admis être retournés au navire ensemble.
On a parlé de l'intérêt de Pelletler dans cette cause, dit Me Marquis. "S'il était intéressé, pourquoi n'a-t-il pas dit qu'il avait également vu McGurk: personne ne l'aurait contredit. "
Il rappelle ensuite que Brochu identifiée les deuxs accusés que Fitzback a identifié McGurk. "Ca prouve que ces témoins ont répondu honnêtement," dit-il. Il a termine en insistant sur les témoignages de la contre-preuve relatifs et l'identification alors que les témoins de la Couronne ont nie que Brochu ait identifié le marin Brodie.
Mes Rivard et Drouin avaient présente leurs arguments au jury au cours de l'avant-midi. Photo caption:
Twynham et McGurk sont acquittés MAURICE TWYNHAM et DOUGLAS-ROBERT McGURK, les deux marins qui étaient accusés du meurtre d'Hector Tremblay, bücheron de Matane, ont été acquittés hier soir à l'issue de leur second procès en Cour d'Assises. C'est au milieu des applaudissements d'une foule nombreuse que M. George Brown, le porte-parole du jury a proclamé l'innocence des deux accusés. On voit sur la photo (de gauche à droite): le lieutenant Cork, de la marine canadienne, Maurice Twynham et son procureur, Me Antoine Rivard, C.R.,: Douglas-Robert McGurk et son procureur, Me Ross Drouin, et Me Eugène Marquis, C.R., substitut senior du procureur général dans le district de Québec, qui a conduit la cause pour la Couronne. (Photo du "Soleil")
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milf-harrington · 11 months
i read a fic yesterday (return of the king) where Steve swapped with Eddie at the last second at the end of s4 and ended up being the one who died and had to be left behind and then he came back as a vampire and it just got my brain TICKING.
So role-reversal AU where steve is the one who comes back basically kas-ified as is the common trope with eddie, but where eddie goes to steve, steve goes to robin.
lets say, for funsies, that they managed to kill vecna and max only ended up hospitalised for a broken elbow and a twisted ankle (from falling on it), so everyone has the time and space to grieve.
Steve’s death hits Robin the hardest because he was her person. He was her i-wish-we-could-just-merge-into-one-being. Her ride or die. Her soulmate. And he’d been taken from her, torn apart and left to rot in the very world he’d tried so hard to protect her from. 
The others give her space to let her mourn quietly in her bedroom, dressed in steve’s clothes and listening to his music like if she just tried hard enough she could still merge them together and let him use her lungs to breathe, her heart to pump his blood, her head to share his thoughts. that she could single handedly go from a me to a we.
And then, one day, Robin starts acting weird. She doesn’t know the Wheeler’s phone number and on her way to find it in the phone book, she found the Munson’s first, and when Eddie picks up it’s too a very chipper Robin asking for a lift to the shops where she proceeds to buy an alarming amount of red meat and refuses to answer any questions.
And she’s just- happy. She’s weird and happy and keeps calling Eddie to ask him about Dungeons and Dragons lore and if he can take her to the library or to the butcher and if he can let her borrow his jumper please? I get cold easily. And then she just keeps stealing clothes, from everyone. Sometimes she asks, sometimes she’ll just take a jacket off of the back of a chair and act like nothing happened, sometimes she just sneaks off to go rooting through washing baskets.
Then comes the day she invites Eddie over, probably a week or so after her initial journey into Weird-Ville, nervously rambling about nothing right up until she closes the front door behind them and runs into Eddie’s back because Eddie’s just spotted Steve-fucking-Harrington peering at him from around the corner. 
Apparently, a not-exactly-dead-anymore Steve crawled through Robin’s window one night and has since taken up residence underneath her bed. 
“He was kinda- not all there, at first.” She tells him, chopping a steak into cubes and dropping them into a blender. Steve, winged and fanged and tailed, leans against the counter and watches her with sleepy eyes. “But we’ve been working on it.”
After the initial pants-shitting shock of having her dead best friend re-appear as a creature of the upside down, Robin had simply accepted it and moved on. Happy to have Steve back no matter what it looked like. 
And what it looked like was blending raw meat, and reading together in the bathroom to bring back his ability to talk, and stealing clothes for the veritable nest Steve was building in her closet. The next step in her plan to re-domesticate her best friend, had been to introduce him to another person: Eddie, evidently. 
Steve promptly spends 5 minutes being a feral little creature, scenting Eddie within an inch of his life like he’d done to Robin, and then attempting to plant him in his nest like a little ornament. 
Just. idk. feral kas!steve seeking out robin for safety, who slowly re-introduces him to his humanity and then his future boyfriend.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Salut madame hedgehog moss!
Maintenant je me prépare à déménager à une toute petite ville au nord-est des États Unis près de la frontière avec Nouveau Brunswick (donc une ville peu peuplée et très rurale). Maintenant j'habite dans une grande ville alors je suis certaine qu'il y aura un peu de décalage au début. Je sais que t'as déménager de Paris vers une très petite village donc peut être tu as des conseils pour comment je peux m'intégrer dans une telle communauté?
Désolé pour des fautes de grammaire. Le français n'est pas ma langue maternelle.
Hi! Your French is really good! :)
I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask for advice on how to fit in with a small rural community, as I chose to live in the woods a few km away from the nearest village because I moved to the countryside in search of solitude. I only leave my lair for groceries once every ten days or so—I'm on a solid "easy friendly small talk" basis with most locals, but I'm only better acquainted with a handful of them, the ones I interact with regularly by force of circumstance (the librarian because I'm a devoted library-goer, the postwoman, the farmer who owns the pasture next to mine...) and that's a level of integration in the community I'm happy with.
I suppose the main thing is to show curiosity and appreciation for the local way of life, rather than expect to live exactly the way you did in the city, but the specifics of what this entails vary a lot depending on locality. Participating in the local small economy, if there is one, is good—I try to attend the yearly events and fairs at the village, like the potter's market; I bought a jumper from the wool shop in town rather than ordering something online, and I buy fruit at the summer market and seedlings for my garden, and some cheeses, from the local farms that sell them, rather than getting stuff from the supermarket even though it would often be more convenient. But I'm glad there are still family farms and local artisans so it's important to support them. There's also a thriving informal gift economy in my village, I offer eggs from my chickens and homemade jams or syrups and later down the line neighbours reciprocate with seedlings or firewood, etc, the more you'll participate in this sort of thing (if it exists) the more connections you'll make.
Another thing re: being appreciative of the local way of life—I know the city people who are disliked around here are the ones who buy land and use it like they would a suburban plot, e.g. build a swimming-pool, mow the grass, remove all 'weeds' indiscriminately (I know brambles are annoying but birds nest in there and eat the berries, you've got to leave some...), or cover their dirt road with asphalt instead of just shovelling some gravel when it gets muddy, etc. Again the specifics vary depending on locality, but people are attached to their local landscapes and way of doing things and as someone who owns some land and has seen the way locals reacted to other people who bought land around here, you're clearly perceived differently if you have a spirit of maintaining and repairing and appreciating the place for what it is, rather than remodelling and innovating and adapting it to what you want it to be.
Also you've got to accept that it can take a very long time to become part of a close-knit community, and try not to take things personally—I remember someone commenting on one of my posts a few years ago that she felt rejected by the people in her village because she was still seen as an outsider, and not allowed to take part in the organisation of some local events, several years after moving there. I wouldn't see not getting to help organise an event as a hostile behaviour towards me, I don't really expect to be included on every level, if locals feel like some things are for people who've lived here their whole lives, okay. I know rural communities are not the most diverse places and I'm not saying to accept discrimination due to bigotry of any kind, but in terms of "being kept out of some things or treated differently because you're not from this specific place", I do see it as something to be accepted. If I'm still seen as a city person and an outsider twenty years from now, so be it, as long as people aren't outright rude about it. I don't think of not being welcome to everything as rude, there are just boundaries that exist and so be it. I'm not saying someone would be wrong for being hurt by this type of exclusion, just that it helps to have this "don't take it personally" attitude when moving to a rural village.
Having a llama also really helps! The only reason I got acquainted with lots of local people in my first year here was because Pampe kept running away and I kept having to knock on people's doors with like a photo of her and go hi, have you seen this criminal. And then people would stop me at the grocery shop or something two weeks later like, did you end up finding your criminal? And I'd complain about her and they'd sympathise and tell me about their own annoying animals. I can't recommend animal misdemeanours enough as a source of friendly mutual understanding with rural neighbours.
Oh and speaking of complaining—another obvious way to integrate in a small community is to fight together against a common enemy. This is anecdotal but last year a state-owned company started to build a metallic structure (I'm trying not to be too specific) outside the village and it spoilt the landscape a bit, and I hesitated to grumble about it when making small talk because I was half-expecting to come across as an annoying city person, complaining about aesthetics while local people's livelihoods would be improved by this thing—but not at all, people also hated the look of it and were like "they hardly even consulted local authorities on this, they think we don't get to have an opinion on what our land looks like" and we went to the town hall to complain and the mayor agreed with us and eventually we complained enough that the company replaced the metal parts with wooden ones, so it at least looks more natural and more discreet in the landscape. It was very satisfying to come together and have this happen, and I never felt more integrated in the local community than when I was in the town hall complaining with everybody else.
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hulhudhonado · 1 year
The Moment They Fell For You (3)
Synopsis: Short stories about the moment in time that the character fell in love with reader. Continuation of Sumeru characters.
CW: Mentions of being hurt
HC: Reader is gender neutral and does not have a vision. Reader is a doctor (Tighnari) and a Trader/Merchant (Candace)
Characters: Tighnari, Candace
Note: I already started with Sumeru characters, I might as well finish them all before I go to the next region. After this there will only be two more post for the Sumeru characters which will hopefully have Wanderer, Layla, Kaveh and Faruzan. Also this one was not my proudest work. Hopefully I will either re-write this or make better stories for these two, they deserve the world. Spoilers for the story in Tighnari's section. Anyway, enjoy.
Tighnari was known for being self-sufficient. He made his elixirs and medicine for not only others but for himself as well. At this point everyone was certain that he could have easily got the title of a doctor if he pursued it, however, as humble of a person he was, he refused to be a forest ranger stationed at Gandharva Ville. Which leads to you now, feeling useless.
  You, unlike him, actually had the title of a doctor. You were also stationed at Gandharva Ville alongside the team. However, at this point, almost everyone tended to go to him for help rather than you. You still got your pay but was it worth it if it meant you would have to always be second to him? It was humiliating, to say the least.
  You tried to not let it get to you. You were a doctor, it was your job to attend to those when they needed it and you knew even if they didn’t like you, you couldn’t refuse service unless deemed otherwise. So anytime someone had shown displeasure of having you treat them rather than the saint of the forest rangers, you just suck it up and try your best. You wouldn’t say your abilities were lacking either, especially since you were trained to do this for almost years. Tighnari praised your abilities constantly. However, Tighnari himself had such a great reputation, a couple of good words couldn’t replace the original.
  Even if the group never acknowledged you as the official doctor, in the written agreements you were considered to be one, therefore you always had to be near at least one active team at all times. This usually meant you were patrolling with Tighnari. He made sure you kept your distance, which meant it was usually you trailing behind him, watching him be cool and in action while you sat on a log counting how many boar shrooms go past you during that time.
  Tighnari also being so perfect at taking care of himself, even if he was hurt he already had the tonics made to heal himself after battles, rendering you once again useless to the team. The last straw was when he decided that he wanted to try random mushrooms around the Sumeru forest, against your better judgment, and somehow managed to live through it without your assistance. At this point you decided that maybe you were not needed in this team, beginning to write your official request to change teams.
  Only mid-way through writing your letter, you were taken to Pardis Dhyai for another request. It seemed one of the scholars, Haypasia was infected with a maddening disease and now had to be taken care of specially. You sighed, shoving the half-written letter into your pocket to follow Tighnari to the location.
_ _ _
  When you met her you were certain she must have caught a horrible disease. She kept going on and on about contacting the divine being and you couldn’t wrap your head around the rest of the nonsense she kept spewing out. To keep both you and Tighnari’s minds at ease, you conjured a sleeping tonic to rest her mind.
  “Efficient as always. Hopefully, she will calm down after she wakes up.” Tighnari praised you. You let out a light laugh, a sudden guilt in your chest. He never said anything bad about your work, it felt wrong leaving just because others couldn’t see your effort. However, he was the source of why you were having such an issue so you weren’t sure what to do about it.
  Sudden noises began to be heard outside. You watch Tighnari, his ears up and alert, watching the door attentively. “Keep away from the main entrance, I need to get rid of some unwanted guests, “ He said on his way out. You nodded even though you knew he couldn’t see you.
  It was now just you and an unconscious Haypasia in the building. You sat at the edge of the bench she lay on, pulling out the letter once more. You began to finish off your letter.
  “Dear Grand Sage,
It has come to my attention that the forest patrol at Gandharva Ville is sufficient enough with staff that they do not need my services in the area. Therefore I would like to transfer to a patrol station in another area that may require my services.
If evaluation or proof is needed, I will be happily willing to provide a date and time for it.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards,-”
  Just as you were about to sign off your letter, you heard Haypasia stir in her sleep, mumbles of panic in her voice. You immediately stood up, dropping the letter in your hand. Either she was suffering ailments from the disease or the medicine, either way, you needed to get her a soothing medication as soon as possible.
  You looked around for your medical bags only to realize that Tighnari must have taken them with him to meet his “guests.” You bite your lip, hesitantly looking for anything you could do. 
“I’ll try to come back as soon as possible, stay strong.” You whisper to Haypasia, before running out of the room to find supplies. You hoped nothing wrong would happen during that time.
_ _ _
  You were only gone for a couple of minutes at most however the minute you returned the only view your eyes laid on was now a stable Haypasia and an injured Tighnari. He sat on a mechanical crab, wincing horribly. You decided now wasn’t the time to question the crab, and immediately rushed to him.
  “Are you alright?! What happened?!” You yell out. For once he wasn’t preparing something to cure his pain, which meant it must have been something severe or incurable. He let out a slight chuckle, trying not to cringe from the pain.
  “Our guests just gave me a present. Not a pleasant one but they insisted I have it.” He joked, trying to lighten the mood. Being rewarded with a harsh glare from you, he sighed. “I was struck by lightning.”
  Your jaw dropped, and so did the medical supplies in your hands. “WHAT?!” You yelled once more. You could feel tears form in your eyes. He looked at you worriedly, trying to extend an arm towards you, only to be stopped by the pain worsening. “Don’t you dare try to comfort me when you’re the one like this!” You reply with a sharp tone which made the ears on his head flick down, almost like a sad little cat who was being scolded.
You looked at the crab. “Put him down on the bench please.” You command. To both you and Tighnari’s surprise, it followed your orders, gently guiding him towards the nearest empty bench.
  “Hey, you're supposed to follow my commands,” Tighnari mumbled. You rolled your eyes before sitting down next to him, motioning to your lap. “Put your head down, you need rest. The bench is rough so you can lay your head on my lap instead.” Tighnari looked at your lap and back to you. 
  “Now.” He slowly laid down on your lap, trying not to cause more damage to his wounds.
“There is no treatment for being struck by lightning from what I learned, however, if you rest enough you can use your vision to counter any elemental energy inside you.” You wipe any tears from your eyes before they got worse. “I’m sorry I can’t help you, like always.” You mumble, gently pushing his hair out of his face, petting his head.
  Tighnari on the other hand couldn’t rest, he wasn’t even sure the words you spoke were registering in his mind. Your hand felt like heaven especially when his body was in such pain. All he could was stare at you as you tried your best not to cry. He didn’t expect you to react this badly when he got hurt. Especially since you had seen him get hurt before.
  You glared at him once more, placing your hand over his eyes to cover it up. “Go to sleep, you idiot.” No matter how hard his heart was beating, he still somehow managed to slowly go to sleep. The feeling of your hands stroking his head was still faintly in his mind.
_ _ _
  It was no surprise Tighnari recovered perfectly fine. Vision users had a special talent to heal at a faster rate than normal individuals. However, one aspect of Tighnari had changed and that was the fact whenever he got injured or hurt he asked for your help. This included minor injuries.
  You weren’t sure what triggered this change but it made things a lot easier for you knowing that you were still needed by the camp. His sudden change also meant the team was also opening up to be treated by you. You almost forgot that you had even tried to write a letter to switch patrol areas.
  Tighnari didn’t forget though. The day he was injured he caught a glimpse of the letter peaking through the bushes from where you had dropped it. He saw you carry it around multiple times so he had assumed it was important, keeping it with him until he got better. He didn’t mean to peak, you just had not closed it up at the time.
  He disapproved of the contents of the letter and definitely didn't want you to follow through with what was written, especially since something clicked in his subconscious mind that day he got hurt. So he had been holding on to it without even thinking of handing it back.
  He liked being efficient and getting things done on his own accord, but if being treated by you meant you would stay longer by his side, he was willing to play sick all day. He just hoped you wouldn’t catch on until he could confess.
Candace rarely stepped foot outside of her village. It was the world she only knew to say the least. Looking after the village as a guardian since the mere age of 8 meant she wasn’t one to travel outside often. She was almost certain she had not stepped out of Sumeru at any point in her life.
  Yet you were quite the opposite. The minute you were old enough to travel you already headed your way to Liyue, far from her reach. How was she going to protect you if you left? She wasn’t sure and it made her nervous. Every day you were gone she wondered whether you would ever come back. She had no way of knowing.
You always did come back. A bag full of various items from all over the world. You started to make a living from it, trading items from region to region. It suited your free-spirited nature. You didn’t only bring items for trading of course. You brought gifts for the village, this of course included Candace.
_ _ _ 
Candace made her rounds around the village It was a typical work day for her. Then she heard the jingle of bells and the footsteps of sumpter beasts coming nearby. Immediately she headed towards the entrance. Of course, it was you, with your bag full of trinkets and your body covered in bandages.
  Candace stopped in her tracks. Bandages. You didn’t dress up like that. She watched as you limped towards her, a grimace on your face that only made her eyes grow wide. She ran up to you, holding you up for support while you tried to catch your breath. “Ha, tough trip this time.” You try to joke. Candace was having none of that.
  She immediately picked you up bridal style, to which you could only respond with a yelp. Leaving your supplies and sumpter beasts in the sand, she ran to her house. She should have convinced you to never leave the village. Look at the state you ended up in. This could have all been prevented if you stayed by her side in the village where she could take care of you.
  She ignored you as you kept telling her you were fine. All she could think was how stupid she was to agree to let you go over and over again. She dropped you on the bed, rushing towards her dresser to get more bandages and medicine. 
  “You don’t need to bandage me again, I did an ok job!” You whine, showing off your bandages to her. Candace sighed, returning with the medical equipment. “Oh please, when was the last time you replaced them? I bet you wore the same wraps the entire trip.” You pouted, flopping onto the bed in defeat.
  “Sit up, I need to change them.” You face away from her, arms crossed. “You think of me as a baby. I’m a grown-ass adult!” You mumble, refusing to look her way. Candace was certain she was going to sigh away all the life in her body having to deal with you. “Well someone needs to protect you. Look at you. Every time you come back you’re worse than before, covered head to toe in scars and blood! It’s almost like you have a death wish.”
  You finally peak over your shoulder. You looked at Candace, who continued to have a pained expression on her face. You could see her shake. Frustration? Sadness? It didn’t matter because she was not enjoying it.
  “Why do you have to leave me here and run away? Do you want to die? The minute I look away you’re always gone off to someplace else and I can’t go with you. How am I supposed to protect you when you keep leaving? One day you’re going to end up dead and I won’t even know what happened to you.”
  You sat up, hand digging into your pocket. “Candace.”
  “I’m so tired of this, you have always been so reckless. Did you forget this was your home? Did you find something so incredible out there that you forget? Why do I bother at this point, it’s not like you care.”
  Candace wasn’t sure what was coming out of her mouth at this moment. She was always so rational and careful with her words. She would never say things like this, always keep such thoughts to herself. You somehow managed to make it all spill out. “Candace..” You say once more, pulling out a box from your pocket. You stood up now, facing her.
  “What now? You’re going to leave again? Did you come here to stop by before going off on your next journey? Where to? Fontaine? Mondstadt? Hell, I heard Inazuma opened up recently, you can go there and leave me alone again.”
  You grabbed the supplies out of her hand, tossing them on the bed. You reached out and grabbed one of her hands. “I got you a gift.” You placed the box in her hand. She looked at you, unphased. You gave her the softest smile you could, helping her open the box to see the contents inside.
  “It’s earrings. It’s a pretty rare stone, it’s blue when you look at it, but when you put it up to the light it reflects a yellow tint. It reminded me of your eyes.” You say you enclose the box in her hand. You reached for her other hand and grasped them ever so.
  “Candace,” You smiled as she looked at you, almost dazed. “Even if I ever end up with all my bones broken, I am certain I will always end up finding my way towards you. I have seen almost every crevice of Teyvat, and I would still end up in Aaru Village by your side.”
  You grip her hands tighter, your eyes not leaving her even for a second. A small gentle smile on your face made her heat up. Had you always looked so mature? When did you become so different? You were pouting like a child a minute ago. She always thought you were careless, always lost in your world of adventures. But here you were, looking at her as if she was the world to you.
  You finally break the staring match, looking down at her hands. “Look at you, worried about my scars when you’re as bad.” You loosen your grip, now circling the scars and calluses on her hand. It felt electrifying.
  You let her hands go and she felt cold, your touch made her feel too complete and it confused her. You looked at her once more, she watched the way your eyes were shining. She could only feel how amazing it felt, how wonderful it was that you looked at her in such a light. “Don’t worry about me. You already have a village to take care of, that’s already a big responsibility. Let me help you instead.”
  Standing up, you began to make your way towards the door, only stopping near the entrance to turn back to her. “Now come outside, I got gifts for everyone and sumpter beasts to feed.” with that, you began to make your way out the door.
  But, Candace couldn’t stand up. Her usual strength drained. Her legs felt like jelly and she could feel her heartbeat still unsteady. She felt cold but when she raised a hand to her cheek she could still feel the heat. 
  She looked down at the earrings in her palms. All your gifts were usually kept in her cupboard. You always gifted her such precious items, too valuable considering how she works. However this time, she wore them, taking off her old ones and placing what you had given on. She stood up using the bed as support and hobbled towards the mirror on the dressing table. The earrings shined just as you had told her, blue with a tint of yellow.
  She hoped you kept your promise to protect Aaru village with her. She also planned on making sure you take responsibility for what you had done to her that day.
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ninibeingdelulu · 4 months
masterlist headcanons
Quiet night ✧/ Cloud
Sweetest kiss ✧/ Cloud
Tenderness ✧/ Cloud
How he kiss you ✧/ Cloud
Cuddling ✧/ Cloud
Mimicking his mannerisms ✧/ Cloud
Mimicking his mannerisms ✧/ Zack
Beautiful, like the sky/ Cloud
Strange encounter ✧/ Leon
Sweetest kiss ✧/ Leon
Sweetest kiss✧/Leon (better version)
Old ghost ✧/ Leon
Powerless ✧/ Leon
Three types of kisses/Leon
Lazy kisses ✧/ Leon
Hidden ✧/Leon
I’m sorry/ Leon
His biggest fan ✧/ Bachira
His biggest fan ✧/ Rin
Anything…right ? ✧/Oliver
His empress ✧/Kaiser
A kid’s dream ✧/ Bachira
Is it love ? ✧/ Rin
His biggest fan ✧/ Kaiser
How he kiss you/ Kaiser
Morning run ✧/ Kaiser
Mimicking his mannerisms ✧/Kaiser
Lazy kisses ✧/ Nagi
“I love you” ✧/ Kaiser
I would choose you ✧/ Kaiser
Beach date ✧/ Sae
Beach date ✧ pt. 2 / Sae
Paris, la ville de l’amour ✧/ Sae
Movie night/ Kunigami
Hypnotized/ Rin
Welcome home ✧/ Nanami
Prisoner ✧/Geto
Deep bond ✧/ Gojo
Overworking ✧/ Nanami
Memories ✧/ Gojo
Lemon cake ✧/ Toji
Unwanted emotions ✧/ Sukuna
Midnight craving/ Nanami
So much jealousy/ Sukuna
You’re my home/ Geto
Crawling back to you/ Sukuna
Fireworks/ Megumi
Sickness/ Toji
A memory/ Sukuna
How he kiss you/ Levi
Rumors / Levi
Happiness ✧/ Eren
Mission failed ✧/ Levi
Mimicking his mannerisms ✧/Levi
Both of them ??✧/ Jean + Reiner
Father ✧/Levi
Tch, brat/ Levi
Silence ✧/ Ghost
It’s raining ✧/ Ghost
Cigarettes ✧/ Ghost
Forbidden love ✧/ Ghost
I’m scared/ Ghost
The only one who understand ✧/ Mello
Am I in love with just a theme ? ✧/ Light
Sleepover ✧/ Kuroo
other (random)
Calmness ✧/ kenji sato
Years later ✧/kenji sato
A sweet future ✧/ kenji sato
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chalamet-chalamet · 6 months
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4/4/2024-I hope this is legit! 💥💥💥
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ acheron. adelaide. adonis. adrian. adrienne. aero. alaric. alfonso. alistair. allure. alluria. altair. amber. ash. asher. ashlin. avenal. bara. batte. belladonna. bianca. bitelle. bitte. blade. blaine. blair. blaire. bloodette. bloodie. bloodier. carmilla. cathedral. cecilia. celeste. chatelaine. ciel. claude. claudia. coffina. corbin. count. countess. crimson. crowley. dali. damienne. dirge. dorian. drac. drusilla. eleleth. elisabeta. elizabeth. elspeth. eve. fangcheska. faustus. felix. feronia. gorey. gossamer. gothita. guinevere. hemlock. hesperia. ivy. james. jasper. jericho. juliet. karnage. kings. lenore. lilith. louis. luci. lucian. luciel. lucien. lucienne. lucious. lyn. magnus. marce. melancholy. mercer. miriam. morcant. mortem. mortis. muse. nikolas. nosferatu. onyx. orpheus. pandora. princely. raven. rhys. rosalie. salem. sangue. scarette. selene. shadow. silas. silhouette. silvias. stoker. suckite. talon. valeria. vamp. vampira. vampiress. vamplita. vampress. vampyr. vampyre. velvet. velvette. victor. victoria. viktor. viktoria. vile. ville. vincent. virtue. xander. zak.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ?/?. bat/bat. bi/bite. bit/bite. bit/bitten. bite/bite. bite/vamp. bleed/bleeding. blo/blood. blood/bled. blood/blood. blood/bloody. bloody/bloody. bur/bur. clo/clot. cof/coffin. coffin/coffin. cor/corrupt. corp/corpse. cro/cross. crypt/crypt. curse/curse. cy/cyr. dae/daemon. dark/dark. dea/dead. dea/death. drac/drac. dri/drink. en/tombed. evil/evil. fa/fang. fang/fang. grave/grave. gri/grim. grime/grimey. hau/haunt. hex/hex. horror/horror. it/it. ix/ix. kill/kill. mist/mist. mor/morbid. ne/nem. ni/nightlife. night/night. ny/nyx. pale/pale. phan/phantom. pyr/pyr. re/red. red/red. rot/rot. roy/royal. scare/scare. sharp/sharp. si/sire. spook/spooky. stake/stake. su/suck. syl/syl. teef/teeth. tomb/tomb. un/dead. un/un. undead/undead. upir/upir. va/vamp. vam/vamp. vamp/vamp. vamp/vampire. vampi/vampire. vampir/vampiric. vampire/vampire. vampy/vampyre. vampyre/vampyre. ve/vir. vex/vex. vile/vile. wi/wine. xi/xir.
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claude-vergoz · 7 months
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"La ville engloutie, vestiges..." (Isère river, Bourg-de-Péage, 26-FR)
© Claude Vergoz, 2024- Leave captions and credits, no re-blogs to NSFW/18+
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