tatiswrld · 11 months
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sivatherium · 2 years
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year
opposite universe where bo fu is obsessed with bananas /j
He just loves yellow stuff :D!!
But in that universe he lives out his day as a normal monkey demon :>
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rat-rambles · 28 days
God I want a cannon design for Bill's place in the nightmare relem like it must have been the fuck house look at all the freaks he had liveing there.
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OM! Brothers reactions to mc who they dont know them too well and they sleep in longer than Belphie tehehe (then it turns out the slept that long because of jet lag? Jet lag? Relem hopping lag? Tehehe)
Sorry for so many requests ;^;
- 🍓
Oh noooo😭😭😭
I feel sorry for all the people who have that, I hope you guys are alright and that your sleeping rythm is alright...
MC who sleeps in longer than Belphie?
Lucifer was a little puzzled when he found you in your room. You were sleeping soundly, with a cozy blanked over and around you, and hugging one of your stuffed toys.
Your face however, showed some dark circles under your eyes, your brows furrowed, and your skin was rather pale. You looked very tired, even though you've been sleeping for more than ten hours.
He had to believe Mammon more now. It was the avatar of greed, after all, who said: "If ya don't believe me, then look for yourself! That human sleeps just as much as Belphie!"
It also didn't really help that you were not really a talkactive person as you rather kept to yourself, and the brothers didn't know you that good because of that.
Now, he sighed as he thought of a plausible reason as to why a human like you could even sleep that long without having to use the restroom or eat something.
Asmodeus stepped in because he needed some money from his sugar daddy oldest brother, and stumbled upon him examining you. The avatar of lust chuckled. "Oooohhh, does our little Lucifer have a feti- Ouch!", he yelped when Lucifer hit him with a rather hard pillow.
"Silent. I am thinking of a reason as to why MC is not awake yet. I mean, we don't know them very well, but still. I'm sure the normal human body can act just perfectly with just 8 hours of sleep."
Asmodeus rubbed his temple in pain as he thought as well. "Maybe they are doing some beauty sleep?"
Lucifer sighed. "I don't know...maybe? But let's have them sleep for a little longer before we wake them up."
Mammon grinned internally when Lucifer subtly apologized. Satan stepped into the kitchen where Mammon and Lucifer conversed. "Shouldn't MC be awake by now?", the blonde muttered, and Mammon looked at Lucifer.
"Yes, they should, but they are still asleep. I don't know why though."
Satan looked at the book he brought with him. "I don't know if this could be of use...but the book I'm currently reading tells something about some people who sleep in because of jet lag. It is when the sleep-rythm gets bothered when a person is in a jet, flying between continents and thus different time-zones, which messes up the rythm.", he explained and Lucifer made an "ah" sound in understanding.
Then he stepped into your room.
"...h-huh?", you grumbled as you stretched yourself. Lucifer stood before you, and he looked at you as you raised your arms. He had a concerned expression.
"Are you alright, MC?", he asked in a gentle tone, and you felt weird for some reason.
Lucifer was actually still a complete stranger, and it just...well, it made you feel weird, but you liked the feeling.
"Yes, I guess I just dozed off from swapping from the humanworld to Devildom.", you said softly, still a bit drunk from sleep, and the eldest brother nodded in understanding.
Just then, Leviathan stepped in with an excited grin as he pointed towards you. "I knew it! You're living the life of (insert a very long manga name which describes protag with jet lag)! ...I-I hope that you're okay though...", Levi muttered shyly when he felt Lucifer's stern glare on him.
It felt nice having people worry about you. You wish you could say the same to the people from your home...
"Thank you. I feel a lot better after my nap. I hope I didn't sleep too much?", you asked, as you yawned.
Lucifer looked at the watch on his hand. "You slept for nearly fourteen hours.", he stated, and your eyes widened.
"Whoah...", you chuckled with a concerned face, and Beel stepped in with some food. "I brought some snacks. I thought you might need it after nearly sleeping for more than half a day.", he murmured, and you thanked him with an excited grin.
"Really?! That's so nice of you! Thank you, Beel!", you exclaimed happily, and grinned even wider.
Beel gave you a close-eyed smile as he began eating a hamburger while you bit into a healthy salad. Leviathan ate some sushi while Lucifer dismissed you guys to attend to his duties.
'Living with you might be a little worrying, but at least you weren't loud...', Lucifer mused to himself as he thought about your behavior and lunged into his paperwork with a small smile.
Heyyy I hope this was okay! I didn't put in Belphie because as I said in my last Obey me! post, he's a lil shit and I don't like him.
so please don't reuqest stuff where he's involved, or I'll intentionally ignore it. <3
Read you guys in the next post!
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keanoble · 11 months
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she thinks shes got the human relem all sussed
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ryebread-x · 1 month
More Myth Retelling!Sigyn headcanons I have
This is mainly about my myth retelling! Sigyn and some Logyn headcanons, too.
- Like I said in my last post, Sigyn doesn't get along with most of the other gods. But she is semi friendly to a few, including Loki, Freya, Freyr, Gerd, Idunn, Snotra ,and somewhat Bragi
- Sigyn has had previous romantic relationships before Loki. Her only other serious relationship was with Snotra. She had kinda off and on flings with both Freyja and Sif (Both her and Loki like to joke about the fact they both had hooked up with Sif in the past)
- Sigyn wasn't raised in luxury or royalty she was raised in Svartalheim/Nidavellir the relem of the dwarves, which was underground and mostly factory like. She holds no regal status but is half vanir(her mom being an unknown vanir sea/water related goddess)
-Growing up Svartalheim, she learned smithing and craftsmanship. Which made her get competitive with her brothers over who could craft the best things. Though later, Sigyn found her calling was more in battle and war than craftsmanship.
-That being said, she did make two golden necklaces for Loki. Not because she thought she could outdo Brisingamen. But because she could brag to her brothers that unlike them with Freyja , Sigyn got Loki's hand in marriage with what she made for him.
-Sigyn is a show-off and has a big ego. Her ego is what gets her in trouble and often badly hurt to where Loki is the one who has to stitch her up at the end of the day.
-Being the goddess of Victory and Loyalty, she's far from gentle. Sigyn is ruthless and has killed. Both in battle and by her own accord . When she does kill on her own, it is usually to take revenge out on those who harmed her loved ones.
- A bit of a funny one, but Sigyn can't bake for shit. She's tried, and she has failed miserably. So whenever she wants to bake something for Loki, she asks Idunn for help.
-Warobe wise Sigyn only wears really two outfits, her coat , a slightly torn shirt, and pants with boots or her battle armor. Loki is the one in the couple with more fancier outfits and has a bigger warobe(no matter what gender they are presenting as)
-When it comes to the cave, Sigyn stayed. However, what she really wanted to do was march into Asgard and kill everyone. Loki advised her not to(because she'd be killed), so she did the next best thing and protected Loki from the snake venom.
-Loki and Sigyn aren't perfect as individuals, and to eachother, they know this. But they do enjoy eachothers pettiness and mischief as company.
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hamiltonforpowerpoint · 7 months
I just finished ACOFAF believe y’all think RueHob is toxic? Is it perfect? No but y’all placing all the blame on RUE. Saying that they only love this idea of Hob is crazy
Some things I want to touch (To my understanding this is what I perceived)
Rue didn’t choose to serve the court of wonder like it was some planned decision. Rue was an orphan who was kidnapped and forced to stay in the fae relem no? I think it makes sense for Rue to take the place next of the ppl who raised them.
So Oscar/Rue took the love at first sight route. Doesn’t inherently make it selfish, unreasonable, or shallow. I’ve heard plenty of stories of ppl getting together within days/weeks/months of meeting each other. Some people feel differently
Just because Rue lived in a place of lavish doesn’t mean they can’t be sad. Idk maybe it hit me more personally bc I saw it as yk yt parents non-black kid adoption. Rue being an OwlBear just trying to fit in in the society around them. We always say money doesn’t buy happiness why can’t this apply to Rue?
The love Rue wanted was romantic love. They may have had the love of the people, court, Wuvy, etc but it wasn’t the love they WANTED. Is Rue not allowed to want love? Love that is of kissing and holding and not making face and contracts?
It’s almost like the Bloom is made to make connections of any kind 💀 Again I don’t understand why it’s wrong for Rue to want to love somebody/love them. Rue didn’t force Hob to fall in love. Rue didn’t feed him a love potion or pushed him till he breaks.
I feel like we are a being harsh on Rue for being more emotional/dramatic but at the end of the day this is a dnd game. These characters actions rely on the descriptions provided by the player. If they add in a sigh here or a tears in the eyes there I don’t think it’s fair to fully put that on the character without the context of performance.
Wuvy Wuvy Wuvy. I love Wuvy but it’s clear that their relationship was platonic .l. I think Rue has felt that everything Wuvy has done (sort of) was due to responsibility of position/duty. Ofc Wuvy denies that but we don’t know how long Rue felt this way. I don’t think we see any evidence that says Rue told Wuvy to To change herself and make herself smaller I think Wuvy did that out of the love of her heart. If I had to take a major guess I would assume Rue made these changes to themselves first and Wuvy followed so that they wouldn’t be alone. While Wuvy may follow Rue command her actions are of her own. Did Rue do Wuvy wrong from time to time. Yes!
To imply that Rue is selfishly satisfying this hunger through Hob is crazy to me. I feel like y’all are babying this man. Hob was major and was set to be married. At the end it was Hob who went after Rue not the other way around. If he wanted to he could’ve atleast cleared the air with Rue then continue his duties. No one told him to hold on to Rue token. No one told him to dance with Rue. No one made him give Rue his badge. No one forced him to quit. He decided those things bc of his own heart not Rues.
Ig my question is if Rue only loves Hob bc of what he “represents” (like this idolization I suppose) why does Hob love Rue. He had his court, his honor, his goblins. A big chunk was Hob being to loyal to his court.
P.S The thing with the goblin court was f’ed up. Just makes Rue flawed not horrible.
TLDR: I’m more trying to fight I’m just RueHob number one defender. I’m not digging on anyone or being like “I’m right you’re wrong”. I’m just expressing my feelings after being on an 8 episode rollercoaster
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"We have the Blessing of the... Magic Relem"
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scucharlie · 2 months
anybody know if we have the timeloop and being forced together by monsters out of your relem today
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 2 years
Ive been thinking about for way too long, so in OM the whole pact with the demons, how about humans trying to summon them in the human relem and just a fire appears around them and then either accept or decline.
and like Lucifer being the 'King' of hell will get summoned a lot but he wont come because he is a stress out single mother of 6, and MC just seeing the fire appear all the time.
That's the funniest mental image ever. Like, MC summons Luci and he appears wreathed in flames and demands to know why he was summoned, and MC just hugs him or something.
But yes, Luci just turning down the summons like spam calls he doesn't want to answer. Amazing, ten out of ten.
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bigsister-z · 2 years
Suchong: Everyone meet my co-workers from the mortal relem Gilbert Alexander.
Gil Alexaner, waving awkwardly: hi
Everyone else: Hi Gilbert Alexander
Gil Alexander: please call me Gil.
Bill: Hi Gil!
Sullivan: How did you die, gil?
Suchong: yeah how did you?
Gil Alexander: I.... loved someone and in the end they killed me...
Jasmine Jolene: Same!
Lady Comstock: Me too!
Jasmine Jolene: we should start a club.
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djstarrburst · 10 months
Jessie Woo - Relem
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x215 · 1 month
Alright here's the info dump
Rwby spoliers ahead
okay so the two brother gods are both the God of light and dark these are gonna be Wu and Garmadon, we know that the tree aka the blacksmith created them so by default it'll be the first spinjitzu master, he created the ever after in this case the first relem to be a starting project for his sons and thus they began to create just like in cannon in this case the dragons would be the equivalent to the curios cat and the oni the jaberwalkers. Both of the sons/gods were made to be dragon and oni beings made to create and destroy. And so they created the door and were sent on a mission create the 16 relems with the last one being the home relem of ninjago/remnant and so everything plays out the same salem throws a tantrum at the gods and then she gets the people to try and kill the gods. And then they all die. After a few thousand years and salem being a bitch baby bro she tries to go into disctron goop and becomes a fake oni. So we get to the main time and ozma is still cannon, we have Wu creating the elemental masters by being able to grant him the element of creation, while Garmadon fed up turns evil and doesn't flaunt his God hood. Instead he mipulates and controls from the shadows, he eventually leaves that behind when he is found out by the last elemental master aka Koko is the current elemental master of creation. Creation is the only one that is random all the other elements work like the madainsthis is how all of the elemental btw, the last sentence preson who is able to handle the power of said element is the new elemental master. So yes lloyd is born and Garmadon is his father and we get sensai Garmadon so we get some fluff. Lloyd is like the first humans of rement able to use magic although it's not much and he doesn't know how to use it, he does have an aura and a semblance just like the rest of the world. The more Minor elemental masters only have a very small amount of magic and their transfers operate in the same way. The great war did happen and ozma is the same
Lloyd is from argus and he always thought he was a bull fanus but it was his dragon horns from his father. He is a dargononi and like his father he has a fully non human form wich is a dragon he still has oni form but can't unlock it as he doesn't actively seek to distory unlike his father along with that he only knows about his mother being a retired huntress
Kai and nya are from mistral and both become elemtal masters at 10 and 7 after their parents forfit their powers with nya being in the last thing in her mother's thoughts and kai being the last in father's thoughts their parents were taken by salem
Jay became an elemental master when he was born and is from vale still the elemental master of lightning
Zane is from altas and is similar to penny and is the elemental master of ice through an aura transfer
Morro is alive and is the elemental of wind and is planing on transferring his powers onwards
Sora is a mankune cat fanus and is from atlas she has a prostic arm and tail along with that she became an elemental master about volume 7 and is not aware about her powers
Wildfyre is one half of the elemental master of heat and is still salty about cinder being the other half of the elemental master of heat, she is a kimono dargon faunus and is from manjarie her trait is the vemon of a kimono dargon. She only knows about cinders whole thing in voulme 5 after trying to get to anima aka mistrial
Cinder is the other half of the elemental master of heat and stole it from the former master the other half of the power. She only finds out about Wildfyre in voulme 5
Arin is a human from vale whose parents went missing after volume 3 and his aurua is below average and he has a quick learing semblance
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keanoble · 1 year
Vee and gus>>
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While in the human relem Vee wouldn't often go outside and explore with the gang
(now that she couldn't hide as Luz anymore, and had to work on making a new convincing disguise)
so to help her feel included Gus would carry a bag around and show off all the stuff he found to Vee when they got back.
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privteblogtasks · 3 months
bunnies from lore "cat colored rabbits"
Rabbits that appears in the outer part of the many worlds that make up the lore. The simase bunny is elder bunny though she don't look it, and is very cute. The bunny was coned due to her nipping and being a rescued bunny, the black tuxedo bunny is the opposite a stubborn hard to groom or train rabbit. The pair was seen in the Flashback as baby bunnies, and they caused a stir along with another rabbit, nipping at other animals, and symbols. The male however hopped off when it sensed it was finally time for the owner to figure out the rabbit needed to be trained. The rabbit now is drying off in a chamber to the day, by one of the more skilled pets there. While the female is lonely stray, and when they found her, the owners had been the only thing this rabbit would go near, even so the old rabbit couldn't learn any new experiences at all. In contrast to the pets of a mountain dog mix and the pomeranian who were had more watches for their informational grooms, and hers was information about the less known topic of elder strays and their seemingly unable to be able to learn a different world veiw. The moutuin dog video gave the most concern in veiwrs, only because the video was long enough to fit in all the details of the rescued stray dog. But the bunny groom was 2 minutes, leaving no time for the topic to actually get deep enough for the veiwrs to learn. And the cute pair of rabbits through out this relem were known for mostly of nipping in the early years. Everyone forgets their cute at the thought they nipped those pets. The bunnies on the hand are confused as to why a little nipping is big deal to the pets and the watchers.
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