enbycrip · 1 year
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ID: A drawing of a white boy with short blond hair in a pink shirt and blue trousers says “My school has a playground, a soccer field and a baseball field!”
An indigenous Canadian child wearing a white shirt with drab grey dungarees, with short black hair, sadly replies “Mine has a graveyard”.
It is signed R. Cate, “Without Reservations”: 6/1/21.
Neither the Canadian government nor the Roman Catholic Church can escape responsibility for the act of genocide that was these “schools” where so many indigenous children died and so many more were left with lifelong trauma and health problems.
They both owe indigenous communities huge monetary and territorial reparations, as does the British state as plenty of these atrocities took place on our watch too. The ongoing genocidal actions still being inflicted on indigenous people by Canada and Trudeau’s government, in violating and destroying the environment of sovereign nations for corporate oil profits, is an utter disgrace all of us must continue to call them out on.
Canada and Trudeau benefit by the highly publicised awfulness of the US and British governments. We *cannot* allow their genocidal and eugenicist actions, in this and the ongoing murder of disabled people via MAiD, to go under the radar.
White people, settlers and abled people have a particular responsibility to speak up about these things, because part of the reason Trudeau is able to keep this shiny reputation is because things happening to indigenous and/or disabled people matter to fewer people even in “progressive” communities. A *lot* of abled white trans folk praised him for tweeting “trans women are women”. If you did that without knowing these facts, this is your notification to *hold him to account*.
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prismravine · 3 months
Holiday selfie?
my least favorite holiday
be safe / drive safe
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Atlanta is hosting a two day reparations event. if you are interested in FBA/Reparations you might want to check this out Sat Oct 7th and Sun Oct 8th. National Reparations depends on EVERYONE getting into the fight and making it happen for All Freedmen
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teababe27 · 2 years
Black Family In Need of Rent Help in Louisville
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A Black family in Louisville, Kentucky, is in need of emergency housing for a month. Reparations Roundtable, a group affiliated with BLM Louisville, is covering this need, but we need community help to get it done. This is an opportunity for mutual aid and reparations!
We white people at Reparations Roundtable have had another emergency Airbnb need come to us, so we are now aiming to meet that goal of $2,000. A family of 3 in Louisville, KY needs our help, the head of the household is a Black woman who works in the school system. We can’t forget how we called those people heroes and then left them in the dust.
I get that this is not a low goal, but it’s also very doable when we all pitch in! Many hands make light work!!
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Link: https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8OFa1f8EGk
I can also take funds at:
Venmo: @amanda-darer
Cashapp: $teababe27
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Reparations
“We’re coming to get our check.”
Talk that talk, King. The debt been owed to the descendants of Black Americans for American chattel slavery, Jim Crow, domestic bombings, and all of its present genocidal remnants. We’ve been used as a launchpad for immigrants & their descendants to come here with governmental programs, safety, and bootstrap set asides ready while we’re pushed down further at the bottom in our own home. Countless foreign aid for everybody else’s house like it’s the world’s government while we’re told to wait or given the lip in our homeland from people who willingly moved here. Just like them “old stock” and their descendants who were exclusively rolled out the Homestead Act, New Deal, GI (WWII) Bill, tax breaks, and other thieving discriminatory programs/laws.
Real talk. We were supposed to be dead and extinct a long time ago. They bombed us, but we’re still here. Torched/flooded/eminent domained our properties, and turned our communities into lakes, parks, pathways for bridges and gentrification hubs. Still here. Stole our wealth. Still here. Medically experimented on us. Still here. Pushed heroin & crack into our neighborhoods as confessed by then-presidents. Still here. They subject us to an ongoing slow genocide. Bitch, we still here.
The only reason why this land hasn’t imploded with all the trauma, barbarism and evil it’s witnessed is because it knows its children are still here. Our feet still kisses the ground.
This is a new generation. The centuries-deep interest is up and counting. They gon cut these lineage-based federal and state checks with protective policies and our stolen land to boot...soon. Our grandparents and great-grandparents, first, will be seeing pure, non-loopholed, legit reparations paid to them in their lifetime. Bootstraps, my ass. They gon give us back our multiple boots. Gimme all my straps.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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I can't wait til Black people band together and get the kind of support globally that we deserve. I hope it happens in my lifetime. Would love to see it
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almostmyfest · 9 months
500+ years of continuing European/U.S. exploitation of the African continent and its peoples and resources needs to be addressed and rectified.
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crochetedmonstera · 2 years
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Study published in JAMA Network Open presents research linking African Americans' poor health outcomes and shorter life expectancy to substantially lower wealth.
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donmegabc · 2 months
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Please help my friend
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
California Reparations
The conversation on the centuries overdue debt of US lineage-based reparations owed to Black Americans is still going strong from state bills and conferences to articles and panels. Federal reparations is the top goal, but the state ones are being sought as well. The unfinished business of Special Field Order No. 15 plus interest. “Wouldn’t that cause the US to go bankrupt?” Nope. 
I was gonna wait until the final Cali report is released on July 1, 2023. (If you haven’t read the full 400+ page interim report, it’s here. I’ll plug the audio version when it’s finished.) But since there’s a definite number for one aspect, here ya go:
The California Reparations Task Force for AB 3121 — who are leading in the first, pure reparative bill to redress the state-sanctioned terror, genocide, discriminatory laws (Black Codes/Code Noir, Jim Crow), stolen wealth and land theft — are recommending each person to receive $223,200 for housing discrimination ($559 billion - the nation's biggest restitution effort ever…so far). This is only for Cali. 
Shit like this is just...
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Reaping the benefits in your house and the bricks your ancestors laid... 
When you get into the liquid assets...  
There’ll be protective policies in place and more because after all... 
There’s 5 steps to reparations under international law: 
Cessation/Assurance of Non-Repetition - like structural and institutional policies
Restitution - like the account for stolen land, property and labor (real or intellectual)
Compensation - like cash
Satisfaction - like a formal apology
Rehabilitation - like free medical care, free education, free legal and trauma services 
Kamailah Moore, Esq., who is the Chairwoman of the AB 3121 California Task Force, breaks it down in this 1 minute 37 second clip from a Revolt Summit panel on held Sept 2022.
Whether you live in Cali or not, if you’re the descendant of free people or enslaved people who were subjected to US chattel enslavement of building this country from scratch and (re)classified under the US caste system as Black or Mulatto, later reclassified as Negro to Colored to Black again to Afro American to African American to Black/African American to “Black or African American” currently, do your genealogy. Prepare. This is not that damn spit test. Get your documents together. 
There are a lot genealogical websites. I use Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org. The latter is thorough than a mf and great for cross verifying what pops up or you trace on Ancestry.com. Also, the Card Catalog option on Ancestry is key. Both headquarters are in Utah. You can physically go to the FamilySearch Center, if you choose. 
Many of us have family members who don’t fuck with the US census or haven’t done it in decades, so the birth certificate and death certificate paper trail will be the route to go leading back to the census record docs. Dig into the National Archive Catalog. Touch those microfilms if you can. We are well documented. The United States governmental corporation is obsessed with us. They keep them receipts like a serial killer keeps mementos. It’s there. The farther back you go, be patient and take breaks. Also, check that old bible. Make note of everyone from safe kept obituaries. Talk to your fam, especially the elders.
SN: I have more research to do, but one day I’m want to break down the Negro and Mulatto part of caste system because that shit is nothing but a bag of trickery and confusion the farther you go back in records. The complexity of paper genocide in classification that you wouldn’t be privy to unless you crack that 1870 wall and keep going back. (I haven’t just traced mine; I’ve been assisting others.) 
Certain words don’t have the same meaning as what we would consider them today. Mulatto, for one, meant more than someone who was half and half. The answers sit in plain sight within centuries back state laws. When I get around to writing it, I’m starting from the most recent one with ol’ Jesse “Cherokee Indian card” Jackson head ass loudly calling for a reclassified people to be yet again reclassified by a misnomer — African American — that we didn’t ask for and looks like an immigrant status. The problem is more than obvious today. Everyone who has differing homelands being classified under the same label as if we’re a monolith...one big nigga 🙃. This is being straightened out.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Reparations Are Due -
We descendants of American Slavery are demanding the enforcement Special Field Order 15 and the money stolen from the Freedmen bank with 19% interest.
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nommoz · 8 months
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