#without reservations
aceofwhump · 1 year
I started making gifsets for my favorite episode of the A-Team just because (it's 5x13 when Face is shot while held hostage with Murdock) and it's quickly gotten out of hand 🤣 How have I ended up with almost 50 individual gifs!? You guys are gonna get multiple gifsets of things that I'm pretty sure only I care about but I can't bring myself to eliminate anything 😂 It's all so good. So any great small whumpy moments. Dirk Benedict did such a good job. The hand moments, the groaning and heavy breathing, how he cries out when they move him or press down on the wound, the tiny moment when he reaches out for Murdock when he has to leave his side, the weaker he gets, the way he shivers as shock sets in and then he lays on the ground weak and sweaty. And Dwight Schultz is amazing too! Both of them make this episode amazing.
I mean look at this:
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The look of pain on Face's face (heh that's fun to say) and the soft way Frankie lays his hand on his face? Beautiful
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This? ☝️ Beautiful. You should hear the sounds he makes right here. It's lovely.
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I love it. Sweaty, in shock from blood loss. Perfection.
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Look at how he reaches out for Murdock. I'm dying.
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The shivering!! 😍😍😍
God I fucking love this episode.
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enbycrip · 1 year
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ID: A drawing of a white boy with short blond hair in a pink shirt and blue trousers says “My school has a playground, a soccer field and a baseball field!”
An indigenous Canadian child wearing a white shirt with drab grey dungarees, with short black hair, sadly replies “Mine has a graveyard”.
It is signed R. Cate, “Without Reservations”: 6/1/21.
Neither the Canadian government nor the Roman Catholic Church can escape responsibility for the act of genocide that was these “schools” where so many indigenous children died and so many more were left with lifelong trauma and health problems.
They both owe indigenous communities huge monetary and territorial reparations, as does the British state as plenty of these atrocities took place on our watch too. The ongoing genocidal actions still being inflicted on indigenous people by Canada and Trudeau’s government, in violating and destroying the environment of sovereign nations for corporate oil profits, is an utter disgrace all of us must continue to call them out on.
Canada and Trudeau benefit by the highly publicised awfulness of the US and British governments. We *cannot* allow their genocidal and eugenicist actions, in this and the ongoing murder of disabled people via MAiD, to go under the radar.
White people, settlers and abled people have a particular responsibility to speak up about these things, because part of the reason Trudeau is able to keep this shiny reputation is because things happening to indigenous and/or disabled people matter to fewer people even in “progressive” communities. A *lot* of abled white trans folk praised him for tweeting “trans women are women”. If you did that without knowing these facts, this is your notification to *hold him to account*.
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facedock · 1 year
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Face in The A-Team episode 5.13, Without Reservations
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dont have like,,, the thoughts thought out to make words from them but man this scene
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ancient-healer · 1 year
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The world is cruel to lesbians with titfucking fetishes, but thanks to the magic of tgirls nothing is impossible
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acknowledgetheabsurd · 2 months
Let's suffer, let's shout, let's wait, let's become dull, but be mine, let's love each other without respite, without reservations, with the whole soul until the moment when our bodies become entangled. My love, my dear, my hard love, my painful, my delicious love, I dream tirelessly of our meeting. What tenderness, what sweetness, what marvelous desires, what satisfactions especially. Ah! Everything we have not yet experienced...
Albert Camus to Maria Casarès, Correspondance, February 11, 1950 [#186]
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faeriekit · 1 year
The Firstborn Son
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dp x dc | Batman 👻 tw for: dead body, brief reference to human trafficking
(Part II available now!)
Once upon a time, there is a boy who dies forever...mostly.
Once upon a time, there is a man who wants to live forever.
He does.
Once upon a time, there is a daughter born to an immortal man.
"I need an heir," her father commands.
She gives him one.
Once upon a time, there is a King.
(He is a dead boy.)
(Most do not know that.)
"My heir, for a hundred years of your power," the immortal offers; the King accepts.
Once upon a time, there was a family of acrobats.
There isn't, not anymore, but the son still loves his mother and father, and gravity cannot steal his wings forever.
He sleeps restlessly, and rarely in his own bed. The allure of flying is too much to resist. At night, when the world is quiet, the acrobat joins the black darkness of an endless sky, and claims it as his own.
His guardian is one with the night.
The petit Robin is bright light and spectacle, no matter how well he hides his colors. He is spotted first.
Dick didn't really remember waking up from his nap. Alfred had put him down for a cold; his head hurt, and he was sleepy all the time, so B was out without him and Dick was stuck in a too-big bed in a giant, dark mansion, all alone.
Except. At some point, Dick must have gotten out of bed. Because now he's in the chandelier.
Dick doesn't remember jumping to the chandelier. And jumping to the chandelier is hard work; it's not something he could have done in his sleep. It requires weight, heft; the shirking of gravity. The night is dark around him; there are no street lights outside of their windows to light up the hallway. The darkness makes the grand persian carpet so much farther away than it is in the daytime-- entirely, unfathomably far below him. Pale moonlight flickers across cut shards of crystal. It's Dick's own little bird's nest.
Dick and the chandelier gently sway. He doesn't notice the-- the ghost, the illusion-- for a whole minute. It just looks like moonlight, until it doesn't.
It's a body. A boy's body-- not much older than Dick. Suspended, midair.
His heart drops. But Dick doesn't scream.
For a second, there are two boys midair, silent and still in the morning moonlight.
The body raises its head. Hello, Richard.
Dick doesn't move.
I have a question for you. The body blinks sightless eyes. Does your guardian treat you well?
Dick...doesn't know what that means. He rolls his weight forward, careful, so careful not to tip himself over the edge and send him plummeting.
"...Why are you asking?"
I need something looked after, the body says. Its limbs sway in wind that isn't here. It is very precious to me.
"Oh." Well, B is Batman, sometimes. And when he's not Batman, he's Bruce Wayne, and he is in charge of a lot of people. "Yeah, he's respons- reponsbile- he does a good job. Can I see it?" Dick's interest is piqued.
The body stills. And then-- like a zombie clawing its way out of its grave, it reaches through the rotting skin of its own stomach and removes. Something.
It's a baby.
Dick leans so far forward that he almost does go toppling but he's gripping the silver of the chandelier so that he doesn't, and, look! It's a baby! It's so small and tiny and it's still purple!
"He's so new!" Dick gasps, and releases one arm from its death grip to make a grabby hand. The body only floats close enough that Dick can pet the baby's cheek with a careful finger, can feel the softness of the baby's hair.
He is my charge, the body explains. As such, he is precious to me.
The baby is so small. Dick wants to bounce him, like he's seen mamas and papas do with their little ones. "Can I hold him?"
The baby disappears back into the body. It looks like a maggot burrowing back into the corpse it's eating, and Dick is heartbroken and sick about it. No. Not until I know it's safe.
Dick pouts. Also, he needs to know how to get the baby away from the...body. Babies need a lot of light and warmth. A dead body monster can't give him that.
Your guardian played his part in making the little heir, the body says. This baby was given to me by his grandfather. His mother passed him onto her own father, and her father sold him to me.
"Oh no!" Dick gasps. That is one of the things B has had to explain to Dick, one of hundreds of terrible things that happens to people in Gotham. And it happened to B's baby?
Yes. The body floats sightlessly, thin skin sliding over too-pale eyes. I must know if he is safe before I leave the baby in his care. Will you help me?
Dick...doesn't know what that means. He bites down on the soft presence of his lip. (He tastes blood.) "How?"
The body and the baby inside it are still. Quiet. Dick is two stories off the ground, midair, and any wrong motion could be his-- his-- Dick can't even see the ground. It would hurt so much. He's so high up from the distant hardwood floor and with only ghosts to keep him company.
...It would be very scary.
Dick swallows.
Do you trust that he would come get you, if you were in danger?
Dick knows so. He nods.
Do you trust he would be smart enough to find you? Mean enough to defend you? Care enough to comfort you? the body asks.
Dick nods.
The body floats closer. Closer. Until they are almost touching-- limp limbs entangling on the crystalline arms of the chandelier. It would be very scary, if you said yes, the body admits, as heavily weighted as any corpse that cannot help you hold it. But you would be in no danger. Should your guardian succeed, I will entrust him with this precious thing.
One circus boy's fears for the safety of B's baby. It's an easy choice. Dick is Robin. He is always going to pick helping people over maybe getting hurt.
His pinky touches the cold, dead flesh of the body's.
And then Dick wakes up sweating and heaving in bed.
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myimaginationplain · 7 months
I've come to the conclusion that being assigned the fandom-mandated "sunshine character" is the worst possible fate a character could face
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monkiinart · 9 months
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onewing nation rise up
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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The A-Team - 5x13 "Without Reservations
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fyi, asks on this blog have indeed been closed for a minute—i'm working on a pinned faq post that i want to get up before they reopen, and also real life demanded a little free headspace that fills up as quickly as the inbox
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mikimeiko · 9 months
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Reservation Dogs | Season 3 (2023), Sterlin Harjo and Taika Waititi
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schmweed · 5 months
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throwaway-yandere · 7 months
Dingleaf my beloved
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"We need more messy/awful/cringefail female characters!"
You guys couldn't even handle Wanda Whipple...
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