#RIP in pieces
headspace-hotel · 2 years
the TERF i saw last night that was posting in the "conservation" tag had this post on their blog
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the blog was a side-blog of a popular terf blog, it was called "eco feminism" something I forget but they were trying to...connect with other terfs in the biological sciences?
...except they're not in the biological sciences, they're trying to "how do you do fellow STEM" with elementary school biology concepts that have been outdated for 50 years.
"how and why biological classifications are formed" is one of the thorniest, most complicated and debated topics in biology with many open unsolved problems.
Nowadays, organisms are classified into groups almost exclusively according to the information their genetics provides about their most recent common ancestors. Phenotypic traits that can provide information about the evolutionary history of a group are called character states, and they can be considered to "diagnose" or define a clade, but character states are used to support the grouping of organisms into a single clade, NOT the other way around.
For example, lactation has been recognized as evidence that all living mammals share a common ancestor that is not the ancestor of any other living animal (that is, mammals are more closely related to each other than to anything else). However, the definition of "mammal" is not "animal that lactates." A non-mammal could convergently evolve lactation (arguably, several already have) and would still not belong to "mammals," and a mammal could evolve to not lactate anymore and would still belong to "mammals."
This is why a shared trait is not by itself considered diagnostic of a clade, and taxonomists have to use a great deal of caution because their interpretation of organisms as belonging to a group will affect how they interpret those organisms' traits.
Today's taxonomic system does not just group organisms by similar traits. Traits often are lost or evolve several times separately.
"Biological classification" does not actually mean anything except "organism #1 and organism #2 have a more recent common ancestor than #1 and #3 do." Two organisms being classified as more closely related than another doesn't mean they share more phenotypic characteristics. This has been the dominant approach for decades.
Now, for my favorite part of this post:
I struggled to grasp what was meant by "that ridiculous argument they have about fish not being real" for a a solid few seconds before I realized that "they" doesn't refer to scientists, it refers to trans people.
this person thinks "fish aren't real" was made up by trans activists
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sreegs · 11 months
tumblr will never be the new pdf now 😔
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killbilled · 1 year
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I wasn't about to get into a fucking big dick competition. I know that you've read a lot of books about business management and this and that, but you know what? Sometimes it is a big dick competition.
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hyperbali · 2 years
Can you fucking imagine being Hawke when they hear about this
"Yeah, turns out you didn't solve anybody's problems. In fact, you actively made pretty much every single one worse!"
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bonesbuckleup · 4 months
girl help I'm 70,000 words deep into writing this novel and think I have to reoutline and rework the whole thing
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morganali-art · 11 months
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Dragonsong Desire Ysayle Dangoulain x Heustienne de Vimaroix
I made a throwaway reference to this title as a bit on my Estimeric romance cover, and I simply had no choice but to make it real.
I wanted the tails of Ysayle's coat and the crystal structures behind her to evoke something of her Shiva form :3
(Textless version under the read more)
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Graph of You Fucked Up
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nartothelar · 1 year
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wip lmao
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simplepotatofarmer · 4 months
the unique mcytblr experience of making sure you don't reblog a post from someone that might get you killed dead.
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magmabloodrebuke · 4 months
fr tumblr ... i am growing mold spores. is there any chance anyone has one of these skins that they don't want anymore ..? i can pay 900g for each. i do not have nearly enough to buy blueprints for even one of them right now :')
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(divinity by alphruss & gooseberry chewsticks by batfossil)
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live-from-flaturn · 10 months
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sreegs · 11 months
in case you missed it, here's the news. I frankly do not see how cutting Tumblr's anemic staff in half will improve things. all the bullshit talk about "reorganizing" and "focusing" from the top is just that: bullshit. business speak. this site's burning too much money and they had to cut costs
i have little faith it will make it through next year. it's just too complex and too large of a scale to keep up with less than 70 people (and not all of those people are engineers)
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wheremermaidsdwell · 1 month
At the movies to see long legs and I managed to hit the snack line as popcorn is out and have to wait
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mooseyspooky · 7 months
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I promise I'm working on vampire!Johnny @lovely-lady-fox! I swear. It's just very, very slow ;-;
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crumb · 1 year
🪦 RIP to the prosciutto tumblr app icon 🪦
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elibean · 1 year
I have no idea what I’m doing, I downloaded video editing software with no knowledge of how anything works and spat this out in under an hour. Sorry the subtitles don’t look great, sorry it’s not 100% accurate to the Japanese, sorry for the stupid watermark that I only found out would be there AFTER I WENT THROUGH ALL THIS TROUBLE…but whatever, here, I don’t wanna look at this anymore, take it.
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