texasaggie-seaknight · 2 months
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Good with his hands…
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leisplayhouse · 2 months
broadway likes beheading characters
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fallenight · 1 year
idk how samantha expected me to feel normal about dumai and nikeya when she wrote lines like "She drowned in the ruthless sea of Nikeya, and she longed for the whole burning world to drown with her" and "I had a dream that you were still a godsinger, and I was your shrine" and "Some women left her with the thought that everything was new and bright. Kuposa pa Nikeya had made her world so bright it hurt" like??? they make me so insane
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princetonarchives · 10 months
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Princeton University alum Lisa Bryant '93, 21, had just graduated when she headed off for an Army training program. Having completed the Army's R.O.T.C. program at Princeton, Bryant was a lieutenant. She was only intending to spend the summer there before a more permanent assignment, but she never got to leave Fort Bragg.
On July 10, 1993, Sergeant 1st Class Ervin Graves, 33, asked Bryant to dance multiple times, and each time, she turned him down. In response, he followed her and attacked her. The events ultimately resulted in Graves's conviction for murder and attempted rape in a court martial trial. Graves had reportedly shot Bryant because she resisted him.
At Princeton, Bryant was captain of the cheerleading squad (shown here in her cheerleading uniform). She wrote a senior thesis on Army families.
Undergraduate Alumni Records (AC199)
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manwalksintobar · 2 months
ROTC  // Bob Hicok
A bugle wakes the sky as boys hold hands over their hearts and aim their eyes at a flag giving wind the only stars it will ever touch.
When they twirl their wooden rifles, I see twelve planes trying to take off made of human flesh and crewcuts.
My new envelopes taste of peppermint. I will write and ask their mothers to send the blankeys their sons went to bed with and held soft to their faces. They will find in their attics the photo albums and baby shoes which are the beginning of pacifism.
On weekends, the cadets wear clothes like the rest of us wear and drink too much with the rest of us and scream from the back of moving cars like everyone I know is screaming and the Museum of Fire is burning down and when they march on Monday, I think we’re being attacked by leather shoes and hangovers.
The Museum of Ashes opens next week.
In their fatigues, the practice generals look like shrubbery moving around campus and I’ve painted my face over my face so hiding is what I do naturally.
When one of the cadets turns out not to be alive anymore in Iraq because of how rude bullets are, they lower the flag half way and speak of avenging blood, a name is chiseled into stone, which is how the stone is moving to the other side of town, piece by piece by name.
Little shadows live inside the names. I’ve been trying to think of something more intimate than the grave, possibly getting in there with the body or carrying it around on my shoulders and stinking of a perfume I like to call “What’s Our Hurry?”
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mr-mansnoozie · 2 months
hello! I just came across your blog and I really love your work! 💛✨
I was wondering - since Sandy sends dreamsand to basically everyone on the planet, how would he deal with lucid dreamers? Especially ones that sometimes have nightmares?
Would it literally be a battle where Sandy and Pitch are in the same bedroom, both of them fighting to make the dream good or bad? How would the sleeper react - would they twitch a little, or toss and turn? Going off of another headcanon here: can Pitch see the nightmare the same way Sandy can see the dream?
That could also beg the question: who is really in control - Sandy, Pitch, or the sleeper themselves?
I’d really appreciate it if you did something on this! Thanks so much 💛
Hello friend!
I can only imagine you sent this in an age ago and I am so sorry for making you wait so long for a response, hopefully this comes as a welcome answer to you, out of the abyss of time that are my hiatuses. I am glad you enjoy my head canons, I can only apologise for them haha. I hope this one lives up to any expectations you had.
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I think lucid dreamers are a whole other kettle of fish for Sandy. While I do believe that the realm of dreams is something Sandy can enter at will and just as easily as stepping through a door since he can fall asleep on cue. Maybe he spots lucid dreamers roaming around places they shouldn't be or doing things that he has not weaved into his dreams.
He does not take any offense to these people though, if anything he is more likely to admire their work and what they're doing. He never ceases to be amazed at humans and their creativity so while he was definitely surprised when he encountered the first lucid dreamer just wandering around he only turned all the more fascinated and amazed at the dreamers of Earth and that they too could walk freely in dreams as he could. He takes of note of who the lucid dreamers are though and makes a special effort to ensure that despite their lucidity, they are still getting proper rest.
Sandy will probably happily watch a lucid dreamer as they go about their business in the dream world. Maybe even taking inspiration from a few of their ideas. He is not human, sometimes he misses things. Who knew that people apparently not dreaming about phones was a thing? Not Sandy! At least not until a lucid dreamer pulled one out.
However, as your question alludes to, it may not always be fun, smiles and mischief for lucid dreamers. While Sandy does try his best to protect them, the world of dreams is a dangerous place. I do think Pitch can see nightmares the same as Sandy can see dreams. I imagine it is easier for Pitch to change a lucid dream into a nightmare, he need only whisper enough fear worthy things into a lucid dreamer's ear and that blissful adventure can quickly turn into a horror.
In such cases and where Sandy is not already out distributing dreams, if he can see or sense a dream becoming corrupted he will rush to wherever it is the lucid dreamer is suffering and yes, attempt to battle Pitch in the bedroom of the sleeper to convert the nightmare back into a dream. Sandy will always try to soothe a sleeper back into a nicer dream, hoping that whatever horrors Pitch has unleashed will be easily forgotten by the lull of sleep, he will do his best not to wake a dreamer. Pitch on the other hand wants to scare someone awake, and try and have the final image of his horrors imprinted on their mind so they can't forget it. This creates quite the impasse.
Sandy and Pitch will fight it out in that bedroom, yes very likely causing the dreamer to twitch and toss and turn in their sleep as their dream switches between comfort and nightmare as one tries to keep them asleep and the other to scare them awake. Sometimes Pitch wins, sometimes Sandy wins. However the difference is that Sandy is a presence that attends every night. No matter how determined Pitch is, Sandy will always be there every night and every time that person falls asleep, ready to fight and chase away the Nightmare King and the little Starling is relentless and eventually always wins.
That could also beg the question: who is really in control - Sandy, Pitch, or the sleeper themselves?
An excellent point. I do believe for lucid dreamers, Sandy at least creates a safe almost 'base' dream for them to enjoy, like putting them in a park or a fancy castle, but leaving the rest of the creativity and actions up to the dreamer themselves as that seems to be what they relish, he's also probably learned that lucid dreamers do not follow his weaved stories and can often go very far off track where everyone involved is confused. So he simply tries to put them somewhere safe and let them loose. Sandy does not seek to control these dreams. When Pitch corrupts these dreams, he is trying to gain control of them by manipulating the dreamer. So Pitch himself is never actually in control of a lucid dream, he's more steering the sailboat without being able to predict the wind. His aim is to instil enough fear to wake them up- and no doubt cause more fear in the waking world.
The lucid dreamer has a lot more control over the events of their dream but they also cannot fully control it when Sandy and Pitch are battling in their bedroom and both entities are trying to steer them one way or the other. Sandy tries not to steer but to prevent a nightmare taking hold, he is for sure going to do his best to push a dreamer back into the sweeter side of dreams.
In the end for lucid dreamers, it may be whoever genuinely has the most power that night. Sandy will leave them be once the nightmare is chased off, Pitch will of course linger until Sandy turns up and the lucid dreamer may even get to decide either way themselves. Dream or Nightmare, maybe even in a dream it can come down to one seemingly insignificant action or another. Maybe the fate of these battles is determined by which the lucid dreamer inadvertently sides with, making the fight two against one.
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unimatrix-420 · 1 year
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markonpark · 8 months
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ROTC. Photo portrait of a handsome young man.
On Etsy: www.etsy.com/listing/1554550629/
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tjtevlin · 2 years
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My Nephew Quinn’s Commissioning Ceremony at Fordham University.
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republicanidiots · 2 years
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texasaggie-seaknight · 2 months
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Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets…
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lightspeedskipp · 2 years
y’all ever think about the actual extent of Anakin’s injuries on Mustafar?
like, the parts of him that weren’t cut off or physically on fire were still definitely on HOT rocks
pardon my language, but that bitch got his pp panini pressed
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fallenight · 1 year
i find it funny how all the problems in priory started with canthe's arrival and yet no one seems to put two and two together 😭 like are yall not supposed to be smart or something
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gingit-cake · 2 years
Baby Ian Gallagher says, “Sir, Yes Sir!”
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princetonarchives · 1 year
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Princeton University’s Field Artillery Reserve Officers Training Corps staff officers, ca. 1934.
Photo from 1935 Bric-a-Brac
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misforgotten2 · 1 year
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Life    June 30th 1941
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