#RWBY grandparents
roninreverie · 7 months
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Tiny break from my regularly scheduled fanfic art to draw up some STRQ parents, featuring the Ooblecks.
Strangely enough, it was this post about snail color dyes that made me be like... I need a blue, snail-man named Tek in this story right now... but where?! I never named Bartholomew's dad, and they've got slime-based Semblances, so BOOM! It was all downhill from there!
Spoiler-free versions of my character notes for these guys under the cut:
Phyllis “Merryweather” Xiao Long:
Tai’s mother.
Is kind of the unofficial community leader of Patch's social circles.
Her maiden name is in reference to the fairy from Sleeping Beauty.
Her first name is a RvB reference that started as a joke placeholder and accidentally became permanent. 🤣
Yichen Xiao Long:
Tai’s father.
Ran a dojo on Patch.
His name is based off of Chinese characters “Yi” 奕 , meaning “great: and “Chen” 辰 meaning “early morning/ sun/ dragon of the Chinese zodiac… which is in reference to Taiyang’s own name meaning “great or little sun dragon” (—buuut IDK Chinese so all this is speculative Google searching on my part).
Sheila Oobleck:
Bartholomew’s mother and Phyllis’ best gal pal.
She loves gossip and wears yellow. She crashes any car she gets behind the wheel of.
Her name is PURELY and INTENTIONALLY a RvB reference! Semblance is strictly cosmetic, like Bakugo's mom.
Tekhelet “Tek” Oobleck:
Bartholomew’s father.
Archaeologist, studies ruins. Wears Blue.
Semblance would probably be related to the slime from snail trails. His name is a color Blue, based on a stray tumblr post (see above) I saw about blue dyes, Tyrian purples, snails, and Jewish historical fun facts.
Zariyah “Gale” Rose:
Summer’s mother.
She was kind and gentle, had an angelic singing voice, and baked a mean batch of cookies.
Her Semblance was akin to a “gentle breeze”.
Both her names are a reference to “wind”.
Ryley Rose:
Summer's father.
His Semblance allowed him to grow seeds into flowers just in the palm of his hand (though they died shortly after). If used on seeds in the ground, his Semblance instead helped the vegetation grow stronger and healthier than it ever would have on its own.
His name means “rye clearing” in homage to his Semblance and “growing crops” as a farmer. 
Heron Branwen:
The twins' father.
He is the leader of the Branwen bandit tribe.
His Semblance is "Positive Outlook" - a precognitive ability to alter probability and bring about the most beneficial outcome through visions of differing scenarios.
The twins' mother.
She was said to like tea and birdwatching; had red eyes, an explosive temper, and was good with a sword.
I always thought her Semblance might have something to do with shadow-based teleportation.
Her name is one I use in fics sometimes because it's unique-sounding. It means "burning; enthusiastic, passionate" and I believe is also a shade of Red.
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Baby and the Bees: Attack
Team RWBY are out on patrol when a horde of Grimm attack the bungalow. Ghira and Winter are trying to stave off most of the horde, but a couple manage to break through their defenses.
Grimm: (inside the house and about to attack the baby in the bassinet)
Fireball slams into the Grimm's side.
Raven: Try it. (holds up Omen with eyes glowing) Your master has taken everything away from me in one way or another, but I am not going to let you take away my daughter's child. So, Fucking try it... I dare you, motherfucker. I double dog dare you to fucking try it!
Grimm: (crouches low and pounces only to be intercepted by a whirling serving tray. It slams into glyphs and gets pinballed through the air)
Raven: (turns to see Kali and Willow standing in the hallway smugly) What?
Kali: What do you mean "what"? Go pick up your granddaughter, Granny.
Willow: We can't kill the Grimm when it's so close to the baby after all.
Raven: (blushing profusely) G-GRANNY?!?!? Who do you- UGH!!! (picks up baby and moves to the side) There! Have fun! (Glances at the baby out of the corner of her eye)
Baby: (smiles up at Raven and starts playing with her necklace)
Raven: 💓💘❤️‍🔥 .......fuck.
(feels Kindred Link activate and connect) Fuck....
Willow & Kali: (murderous staring at Grimm as it falls to the floor)
Grimm: (whimpers pitifully)
Raven: (covers baby's eyes at the sheer carnage) Ooooooh fuck.....
Baby: (blows raspberry) ppppptfuck!
Raven: Fuck!
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craziechwiv · 3 months
RWBY Monster girls Vs ...Jaune.
Jaune Arc.
The next heir to a blood line full of successful monster hunters. He has heard tales of how his grandparents went toe to toe with rabid beast of all sorts, cryptids sought out to be just mere legends, and what terrors truly go bump in the night.
Whenever he heard one of these stories, he'd always play it as if he himself was hunting down the ferocious monster he'd wish he could vanquish. But he wasn't a kid anymore, but now a (semi) trained hunter. He left his home, leaving only a mere note behind for his family on his track to lead on their legacy.
A sword and shield on his person, and a bunny sweater from his grandma underneath his armor, he was ready to become the next legendary Arc in history! And nothing, and he means NOTHING, will stop him from doing so!
Jaune: ...what?
Wraith!Ruby: *somehow got captured by Jaune's most basic pit trap* ...
Jaune: Wow...uhm.
Wraith!Ruby: What?! Didn't think I'd go down just like that?! Cuz this is all part of my plan to end you, just you wait till I-
Jaune: N-No. Not that. Just didn't think I would be face to face with such a...beautiful sight? M-My name's Jaune by the way...
What is even going on...
Wraith!Ruby: Uh, Ruby? Wait...You think I'm beautiful?
~ Wraith was added to the hunting party! ~
Okay so maybe this was a blunder, but at least he's the first of his lineage to actual befriend a monster! That's something, right? Totally not making him a disgrace to his family.
Hopefully this is the only time though! As he must vanquish a monster far more dangerous now that he has the help of a supernatural being such as Ruby!
???: HOOOWL~!
Jaune: Oh, I guess we're tracking down a were wolf now.
Wraith!Ruby: Oh! Maybe we're gonna meet my sister too!
Jaune: I'm sorry, you're who?
Werewolf!Yang: *snuggling up to Jaune's arm while her tail wags*
Wraith!Ruby: How-
Jaune: In my defense! She had me pinned down!
Wraith!Ruby: That still doesn't explain what happened between that altercation when I was trying to find you!
Jaune: I may have...made a slight joke on seeing two full moons...
Wraith!Ruby: Oh...oh god no.
Jaune: How was I suppose to know that was all it took for her to fall for me?!
Wraith!Ruby: FALL FOR YOU?!
Werewolf!Yang: Soo, wanna share him Rubes?
Wraith!Ruby: >:O *How holding onto Jaune's other arm* LIKE HELL I WILL!
Jaune: I think I'm already in hell...
~To be continued...possibly later today lol~
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citadelofmythoughts · 1 month
Watching the V8 finale again made me wonder.
How do you think RWB would’ve coped in Vacuo if none of them had fallen after Yang?
Add-on: How do you think a married Blake or Yang would deal if their partner passed prematurely? Would they live the rest of their lives fulfilled with the happy memories or Try to move on after a period of time (date, re-marry, etc)?
Biggest add-on: How would your SREN family deal with losing Blake or Yang?
(I think this might be the most EVIL RWBY ask I've ever gotten)
Not well. I know I've said it before but Yang is the heart of Team RWBY. She's Ruby's big sister/surrogate mother figure, Weiss' best friend and Blake's true love.
Losing her would be devastating. I mean, RWB being who they are, they would rally and do what they need to do to protect Remnant and fight Salem but the light would be gone, the joy.
Blake of course, would likely never recover, not fully and if Neo dared show her face, it'd be over for her.
For the second part: I am convinced that Blake and Yang are each other's "the one" - after everything they went through, finding each other, losing each other, multiple times. I can't see anyone else filling that void.
And for the third:
Sandy and Rose would not take losing either of their parents well. Unlike many characters in RWBY, they've had a happy and secure home life with their mothers. It's been a home full of love, laughter and happiness. So to lose that would wreck the girls. They've got so many friends and family, their aunts (Ruby, Laffy, Weiss, Penny) would do their best to help and so would their grandparents (Ghira, Kali, Raven and even Tai) and their girlfriends would help too but it would hurt for a long time.
Sandy in particular doesn't deal with grief well. The rest of Team SREN would have a big job ahead of them trying to support their leader.
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strqyr · 5 months
and thinking abt Tai not having support... what do we think abt his parents?? I know grandparents dont pop up much in RWBY but either he had lost them as well, which, ouch, or they did not have much of a relationship which would also hurt... same for Summer' parents tbh I feel like we can assume she had a silver eyed parent killed by Salem but the other... and lets not even get started on the Branwens... i have so many questions abt this team man
for real like. yeah summer's parents / family being all dead is pretty safe assumption to make, and it doesn't sound like the branwens' parents were part of the tribe, so either they're dead too or they did the mistral special of ditching your kids.
with tai, there's not much to go off of, at least in the main show. in chibi—which i know isn't canon but for the sake of this i must—he at least mentions his mother like. once? so there's that, i guess? he had to come from somewhere he didn't just randomly drop in remnant from another dimension lmao
we truly need more strq lore, the crumbs can only satisfy us for so long 😂
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kitkatopinions · 10 months
Nitpick for Day #25
The fact that Jaune's sisters aren't Hunters is a big loss for the writers and it makes some of the early dialogue in RWBY feel weird.
Iirc, in like V1, Jaune says that his whole family have been Hunters. It's already weird enough that he supposedly comes from a long line of Hunters but he doesn't know what aura is and he has no real ability to fight and nobody acts like they've heard his family name 'Arc' before in their lives. That's already weird and badly done, because if Jaune's family is populated by Hunters, then the teachers (Oz implied to have been a teacher during STRQ era and Port having been a TA during STRQ era especially) should have probably known his parents? Oz should've known several generations of his family actually? Ruby who idolizes the Hunters should have some knowledge of them? Jaune should know more about Hunters and the Grimm and fighting himself just even by pure happenstance!
But also when I say "my whole family" I usually mean my sisters???? If I say "my family is full of media critics lol" I'm very much so including my sisters within that summary. If I say "my family were all raised in church" I don't just mean my parents and grandparents, I mean my sisters too. If it doesn't apply to my sisters, I'm not gonna say "my family" I'm just gonna say "my parents and grandparents and great grandparents." There was at least an implication that Jaune's whole family including any siblings were Hunters. And yet it doesn't seem like his sisters were Hunters at all. Why? Not one of them went into the family business? Not one of them went to Haven or Beacon? And before anyone says "well some of them probably did off screen" please do not, off screen means nothing, and there's zero indication that I remember that any of Jaune's sisters were hunters. But it's so easy to slip into the show in a way that makes sense!
"Your name is Arc?" Weiss asks when she and Jaune are first introduced. "As in Topaz Arc, who just dispatched the Goliath Grimm rampaging near Argus?" Jaune, with a sigh "Uh, yeah, good ol' big sis... Anyway-"
"Didn't your sister win the Vytal Tournament?" Ruby asks Jaune. "Don't remind me," Jaune says back. "I have a lot to live up to."
"Where are your sisters in all this?" Ren asks as they're on the road in V4. "Oh well, most of them are in Vale," Jaune would respond. "They're still helping with the repairs and protecting citizens, you know, like the heroes they are." "And they just let you leave?" Nora asks. "No way. Let me tell you, running away from five overprotective big sisters who are trained to hunt is no small feat!"
Qrow, when they're in Argus with Safron and Terra: "Hey, aren't you the one that took down that underground crime ring in (city name) a few years back?" Safron: "Well, that was a long time ago. I did the whole Huntress thing for a bit, but it wasn't for me. I met Terra and we wanted to settle down. And lucky we did, since it means I could be there to help this little guy." *Ruffles Jaune's hair.* Jaune: "Saff! This is a pit stop, I'm on the field too, you know." Safron: "Fine, fine. I worry about you out there with none of us to protect you." Jaune: "I have Nora for that."
It feels like it should be easy!
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sokumotanaka · 2 months
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Nah realistically this is how it'd go.
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I got alot to say about this so let's go down the line.
First and foremost;
The specific lyrics don't correlate on a comparison front. RWBY never showed Adam the light of day, they killed him, could of easily jailed him, fixed the racism in the world no need for it to be like our own. But the white writers were lazy and then tried to blame it on them being white! When they hired expensive voice actors and yes men all the time!
Second; My hero failed really hard in terms of addressing the prejudice they set at the start of the series. Apparently this was better adressed in the manga but I looked at it and it seems exactly the same there. It's very late that they talk about mutant prejudice and it's in the lense of a back flash where all the characters say it sucks but then never talk about it again. I don't know about you but when me and my friends talk about prejudice and anti POC racism, it's never just one time, we discuss it often.
It was weird to think that certain stores wouldn't let Froppy and Ojiro in cause they're mutated. (Despite a quirk being a mutation for everyone but SURE) You'd think the heroes would have opinions on this. And Izuku has the worst opinion on prejudice. In the later arcs people start not letting mutants into places, not even shelters while villains are roaming around! Deku comes across this giant fox girl that's being attacked by random dudes who claim that because she's walking around looking like that it scared them...scared them into attacking with lethal weapons on an unarmed woman.
Now if this were well written you'd have some form of social commentary, but Horikoshi sucks as a writer and Deku tells the woman who was attacked "I'm sure those guys were scared too." Which is horrible to tell a person attacked based on her appearance but SUUURE! That's def what I want to hear from the HERO PROTAGONIST! Then during the great ninja war they have a bunch of mutants turn towards the only black character in MHA and repeat things like "Don't shoot, we aren't looters, you'll never understand!" like black people don't face racism and prejudices....ever!
Quirks are still relatively new to the world, they didn't exist forever, it's not uncommon for your grandparents to be quirkless so it's not like mutants have faced decades of racial segregation (And that's not me brushing aside their suffering but having them turn to a black person and say 'you won't understand' is ...tone deaf.) And not to mention the only villain Spinner fighting for mutant equality by trying to take down the system, gets stopped by Shoji, a character who didn't get to BE one until he had to step in to fight another mutant- then him telling spinner "You're gonna set us back 40 years!" Is so silly and funny coming from a character the narrative didn't want to give and growth to till he had to fight his own people so they can stay marginalized I guess.
MHA has the same issue as RWBY where the narrative and writers think that second class citizens should sit on their hands and just *Wait* till racist and republicans want to give us equality, then, we'll earn in.
Series like these embarrass me, especially when people compare them too X-men cause neither of these shows have a dark skinned poc even in the main roster- Ororo, STOMPS on your all pale skinned cast of fictional races and people with tails who don't get to do crap. That series at least addresses the sigma, the prejudice, the unfairness and people get to be angry and tell off racist.
MHA and RWBY? They'd so much as FAINT if they had to talk about racial and societal issues.
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hawkytawky · 1 year
An Arc's Chance - Summary
Sixteen year old Jaune had given up all hope to be a hero like his parents, grandparents, and great grandparents before him.
That was until the day his mother came into his room and told him he would be going to Signal three years later than he should have. Signal was a combat school on the small island of Patch and on the other side of Vale.
There he would be staying with an old friend of his mother, Taiyang Xiao Long. Who would hopefully teach him everything he needed to know before he went off to one of the Academies in a year.
And with Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose to help him along the way, maybe he could become a great hero like many Arc before him.
Jaune's mother trusting him to carry on not only the family legacy, but the weapon that had carried his great grandfather through the war, Crocea Mors.
Louisa Arc watching her son go off on a journey she had spent so long forbidding him from. Before leaving for her own journey, looking to find answers for a question that had plagued her for years.
Hello everyone.
For the last little bit I've been kicking around an idea, tons of ideas really, for an AU. What if Jaune went to Signal for a year before going off to Beacon?
Crazy things. Lots of crazy things.
But I have come across a little bit of a problem in planning this AU out. I have too many ideas, and a lot of them are kind of mutually exclusive. And a few of the ones I really like would probably kind of bog down the story.
I can't just throw a bunch of ideas at the wall and not spend much time developing them, can I?
So I'm going to turn this AU into a series here on Tumblr to help me kind of figure out which ideas I want to go with, and them I'll post the actual fic on FF.Net and AO3.
So, as I mentioned above, the premise for this AU is that Jaune goes to Signal a year before he would have gone to Beacon. But everything before that is pretty much the same. Jaune is still completely untrained and knows basically nothing about being a huntsman.
Which I'd like to make one thing very clear, this is not an OP harem protagonist Jaune AU. A year of training at Signal isn't going to make Jaune crazy powerful. If anything, you'll just have something in between Volume 3 and 4 Jaune at the start of Beacon.
So instead of being at the bottom of the class, he'll be closer to the lower end of the average. From a F to a D+. And he'll still be way behind anyone in RWBY or the rest of JNPR, who are all in the S, A, and B tiers.
I'm keeping Jaune still a few steps behind everyone else, because I actually like that aspect of his character. You know, he has to rely more of good planning, and his aura I guess, for combat than anyone else because he's at a disadvantage. And I love crafty fighters.
And I do think it adds an interesting element to his character out of combat. That he's always going to have to work hard to "Not be a burden" and he's always going to blame himself the most when something goes wrong. Because it might not of if he was stronger.
So yeah, that's everything I want to say for this post. Though I'm sure I'll be back testing out another idea soon enough.
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rachelsshowerthoughts · 5 months
I know you don't go here, but this little fan comic for RWBY kind of gave me "Aware AU" vibes: https://www.tumblr.com/lovingdabeessss/733162782812405760?source=share The situations are distinct enough but also broadly similar/vague enough that one could slot any of the trio or even quartet into the roles of dialogue and it make sense. Though I definitely think Nino or Marinette fit the lake role, IE the one who has good parents (If loads of other stuff going on) who is in the background just like "No that is not normal!"
Adrien: "Wait, you ASK your dad for things?? Just . . . whenever? No appointment??"
Chloé: "I'm telling you, Adrikins, the dad is not ALWAYS the distant one. Gender has no bearing on which parent you have to schedule your time with."
Kagami: "This is true. Though I think the father being distant is more normal. Mine only calls once a year."
Adrien: "Really? That sucks, at least mine checks in once every two months."
Marinette: "What if you asked your parent?"
TraumaTrio: *hysterical laughter* "oh, wait, you were serious."
Marinette: "Yes??"
TraumaTrio: "Oh, you poor sweet summer child."
Chloé: "Yeah, so then she called me an ugly freeloader leeching off the dregs of society, Moms, am I right?"
Kagami & Adrien: *General Agreement*
Nino: "Uh….."
Kagami: "So, this is normal, for mothers?"
Chloé: "I mean, yours pays WAY more attention to you than I THINK is normal?? But like, yeah, the constant degrading of your abilities to push you higher is pretty standard."
Adrien: "Yeah, I think my mom was an outlier. But then, her childhood sounded kind of weird. Did you know she and Aunt Amelie used to go on YEARLY TRIPS with their WHOLE FAMILY?"
Kagami: "Ah, that isn’t so strange, my mother has a yearly business trip on which I am expected to accompany her-"
Adrien: "No, no, not a BUSINESS TRIP. Like. Her parents had a mountain villa they would take Mom and Aunt Amelie to, then invite all of the extended family - aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents - I mean EVERYONE. And get this - NO ONE WAS ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT BUSINESS OR DO WORK. They'd just. Hang out. For a MONTH."
Kagami: "…..Why?"
Adrien: "She said something about a 'holiday', and 'family time', and 'renewing connections', which didn’t make any sense, cause barely any of them were in the family business. If she hadn’t shown me pictures, I'd think she was messing with me."
Chloé: "Whack."
Marinette: "What the fuck. Nino, what the actual fuck?"
Nino: "Look, I get it, but we have to go at this slowly. Otherwise, they'll freak."
Marinette: "But-!"
Nino: "I brought Adrien home after school once, and he burst into tears because my mom ruffled his hair."
Marinette: "What if-"
Nino: "My mama hugged Kagami, and she went catatonic. I think she thought she was being attacked."
Marinette: "Well-"
Nino: "My little brother broke a lamp, and Chloé managed to track down the exact same one on the internet, buy it, and have it delivered in ten minutes. They aren’t even made anymore, and I'm not entirely sure it was even in the country."
Marinette: "……"
Nino: "Look, just do what I do. Join in on their 'jokes', and be prepared the day they realize you are ALSO not joking."
Marinette: "???"
Adrien: "Man, my dad's new designs are getting REALLY stale. I mean, I get it, the brand, but most of this stuff looks better on him than me."
Nino: "So he's making you wear an orange jumpsuit, with a ball and chain accessory?"
TraumaTrio: *laughs*
Marinette: *OH*
Adrien: "No, it’s a lot of suits and ties."
Marinette: "Ah, yes. The Candyland Funeral look."
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rincewindsapprentice · 2 months
Had a dream where I was watching RWBY with my grandparents and for some reason the show's soundtrack was exclusively Switchblade Symphony
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nijigay · 1 year
 drasfdgfnbmf ty for tagging me im too shy to really tag anyone but i love tag games sm
tagged by: @illypad​ thank uuuuu !
relationship status: my parasocial heart belongs to yoppi
Favourite colour: black but i like blue and red as accent colors
Stuck in my head: the friends opening because an omori parody of it showed up on my feed yesterday
Last song listened to: “when it falls” from rwby
3 favourite foods: baked eel, enchiladas, and macarons
Last thing I googled: google history but ig that doesnt count. fnaf 4 release date bc i was shocked to find that fnaf 4 came out within a year of the first fnaf like thats nuts
Dream trip: i want to visit my grandparents again in hachioji
Anything I want right now: a cure to adhd. and a black rock shooter cosplay
tagging: i get yelled at every time i tag people so im tagging like 2 people who hopefully wont yell at me @gravediggerclub​ @driscariot​
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shinobirain24 · 1 year
RWBY: Soldier of Ice
Plot: Winter Schnee, the first (later former) heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, is enrolled into Atlas Academy to not be defined by her family name and legacy. As her only desire to be remembered as a soldier for when she graduates. There, Winter is experiencing her life as a leader of Team WNND (pronounced: wind). And even making friends in the process. But also experiencing a rivalry with a student of Haven Academy, Jupiter Vasilias, rogue young man and a member of Team ZRVT (Pronounced: serpent), whom despises Winter because of who her father, Jacques Schnee was.
Winter Schnee - An heiress of the SDC and the leader of Team WNND. Being made the leader of her team, she was shunned by her teammates due to her background as a Schnee. But remained patient with her teammates as it came to her understanding that they needed time to adjust to her as she has to do with them. Winter only enrolled into Atlas Academy to become a soldier and not be defined with her maternal grandfather, Nicholas's legacy. Though she takes her grandfather's advise to heart that she needs to bind her mind and soul to find herself a path.
Perseus Nire - an heir to Nire Industries. Like Winter, he was disgusted with how the rich disregard the lives of those unfortunate despite being born to a wealthy family that involves tinkering machines and weapons. He was disowned by his father after he forbade him from enrolling into Atlas Academy. He didn't trust Winter at first due to her father's shading dealings. But took his time to get to know her better and became her closest confidant. His weapon is a shield that also shifts into an arm blade, dubbed Arm-Protectus. His semblance is that his skin can transform into metal until his aura runs out to change back to normal. But it was weakened against heat. He is an allusion of the warrior, Perseus from Greek Mythology.
Natalie Andromeda - an heiress of Andromeda Cosmetics, and the love interest of Perseus Nire. Natalie was born a beautiful girl during her teen years. And her mother was jealous of her beauty that she once tried to sacrifice her to the oceans waves by chaining her to an iceberg. This unlocks her semblance of magnetic abilities that broke free from her captivity and saved herself from certain death. After this, her mother was arrested, and Natalie cuts ties from her father for failing to control her jealous behavior. Natalie enrolled Atlas Academy to not be defined by her beauty. There she met Perseus Nire, whom only interested in her for her for who she is. Her main weapons are the dual chains that her mother used for her sacrifice, and it was upgraded with spike gear attached on the ends. She is the allusion of Princess Andromeda from Greek Mythology.
Deshiro Kaze - am heir to the Kaze clan that served the Atlas Military for generations. And was next in line to lead his clan. His family was from a long line of samurais form his Mistralese ancestry. His grandmother was from Atlas descent, while his grandfather was born from Mistral. Making Deshiro's grandparents are the first interracial couple to reside in Atlas after marriage. His weapon was his katana. But for mysterious reasons, he wears a blindfold, even though he is not blind. His semblance creates waves of the wind every time he uses his sword. He is the allusion of the Japanese god of the wind, Fujin.
Zerena Slithers - The leader of Team ZRVT and the only female in the group from Haven Academy. Zerena was held captive as a slave to the aristocracies in Atlas as a young girl due to her being a snake-tailed faunus. Only for her to rally her fellow captives and fight back. Unlocking her semblance to turn people into stone. She wields a scythe/whip due to being taught by Qrow Branwen, making her one of Qrow's first student to have used a scythe besides before Ruby Rose. When it was turned into an electric whip, it was infused with electric dusts. Zerena is an allusion to Medusa from Greek Mythology.
Roth Mandle - A young man with a semblance to control the vegetation around the environment. He is a herbalist-in-training studying plants since his mother's flower shop came into a close. His main weapon is a battle axe that also serves as a minigun. Roth is silent, but he means well for his teammates. With his herbology skills, Roth can establish a remedy needed for healing, or a weapon for poison to use on his enemies. Though enemies with Team WNND, he respected them for their way of working together. He is an allusion to Jack and the Beanstalk.
Jupiter Vasilias - A blue-haired teenage boy who is rebellious and filled with anger issues. He is a student under Qrow Branwen (whom Jupiter idolized). He came from a rare bloodline of warriors that used aquatic-based semblances. Jupiter is well-known to be a heartbreaker and dating multiple girls, only to cheat the next. He has a grudge against the Schnee Family due to his mother's cases against CEO Jacques Schnee, and he retaliated with shutting the law firm down. And he hated his daughter, Winter for that, and would prefer to her as "Ice Demon." And hated the wealth and Atlas as a result. His main weapon is a spear that also serves as a saber naginata and a sniper gun. His semblance allows Jupiter to convert water into mist.
Tyler Shepard - A wolf-eared faunus and a thief. Tyler was raised by a tribe of bandits sometime after he somewhat ended up orphaned. Tyler has a skills for thievery and was long time friends with Jupiter, whom they formed a connection through business of revenge against the aristocracies. His friendship with Jupiter is similar to Sun's friendship with Neptune. Only he mostly followed for whatever Jupiter says and taught him how to steal. His main weapons are dual tomahawks that also shifts into pistols, dubbed Alpha and Beta. His semblance allows Tyler to steal other people's semblances by physical contact to use until their aura runs out.
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phantomkinoc13 · 2 years
RWBY: The Most Attractive Character bracket Masterpost!
Hello! Because I’m very normal about both RWBY and statistics, I’ve decided to make my own Bracket for the most attractive RWBY character, attempting to make the rounds as fair as possible. Here’s everything you should know:
Who is included?
Characters over the age of 18, who make more than one appearance, who we have seen animated, and who have at least minimal relevance to the main characters of the show.
Who is NOT included?
Characters who are under 18, characters who appear in 2 or less episodes, “grandparent” characters, gods, and relic characters. (An honorary shout out will be given for those who we love but are not included)
How is this seeded?
There are 22 male characters and 24 female characters included. They’ve been divided by gender and broken down into categories for the most logical matchups based on similar age, appearance, vibe, or role within the show. It was surprisingly difficult to put this together to be as fair as possible, because No polls are seeded to deliberately knock out a character.
How will this work?
One male character and One female character will be named the winners
Each round will last One week, the full duration of the poll.
All polls for each round will be queued to be posted at the same time, and will be all tagged as “rwby poll” “rwby bracket” “most attractive Rwby character” and “MARWBYCB”
All polls will be M/M and F/F until the very end, at which point the two winners will battle, simply for fun. However this will not effect results.
Round one consists of 23 polls, 11 m/m polls, and 12 f/f polls. There is a list below if you want to make sure you’ve participated in all of them.
Round one will start Saturday Feb 25th at 10:00 am (pst) and go until Saturday march 4th.
Full list of included characters
Male list Female list
Qrow Salem
Ironwood Cinder
Ozpin Winter
Ozma Raven
Watts Human Salem
Taiyang Willow
Ghira Kali
Ooblek Glynda
Jaqcues Robyn
Clover Elm
Hazel Harriet
Marrow Vernal
Vine May
Roman Joanna
Tyrian Fiona
Adam Neo
Mercury Yang
Jaune Blake
Sun Weiss
Ren Nora
Neptune Penny
Flynt Pyrrha
Round one polls: *edit: results added
Adam vs Tyrian 50%-50%
Ghia vs Hazel 79.7%-20.3%
Taiyang vs Clover 80.3%-19.7%
Mercury Vs Roman 42.9%-57.1%
Ironwood vs Watts 80.4%-19.6%
Qrow vs Ooblek 82.8%-17.2%
Ozpin vs Ozma 43.8%-56.2%
Jaqcues vs Vine 14.5%-85.5%
Marrow vs Flynt 64.5%-35.5%
Jaune vs Neptune 56.2%-43.8%
Ren vs Sun 63%-37%
Pyrrha vs Ilia 70.1%-29.9%
Salem vs Glynda 40%-60%
Cinder vs Human Salem 58.2%-41.8%
Winter vs Joanna 92.8%-7.2%
May vs Vernal 71.4%-28.6%
Willow vs Kali 25.7%-74.3%
Robyn vs Raven 54.9%-45.1%
Harriet vs Emerald 15.5%-84.5%
Weiss vs Fiona 69.2%-30.8%
Nora vs Penny 64.3%-35.7%
Neo vs Yang 32.2%-67.8%
Blake vs Elm 79.5%-20.5%
*this post will be updated for each round.
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lesbianneopolitan · 2 years
What does your family and friends think about your Neo looks? Also are some of them familiar with the RWBY? Just being curious, that is all.
When it comes to people that know me irl, everybody is cool with it (even my grandparents, surprisingly), my friends and my brother are the ones finding it 'cooler', though!
Only my brother is familiar with RWBY, but my friends learnt about Neo in the long run because they follow me on Twitter and I've done a lot of art of her and stuff, so YEAH
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anarchyinplasma · 8 months
Playlist Tags
Rules: Shuffle your repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people. Tagged by @defira85
I don't have ten people to tag but uh. Here's ten songs!
Guillotine Dreams - KiNG MALA It's a Durge song this one. It's very Val for how she's trapped inside her own head, that urge to slice up people constantly sitting on the back of her ruined/replaced eye. KiNG MALA is also a very special artist to me as her songs tend to deal with depression, imposter syndrome, insecurity and queer themes. Unsurprisingly I strongly relate to all of those.
Praise You - Fatboy Slim It's a classic and while it's not really my normal kind of music, it's a good beat to pick myself up to. Used to be on my scrim playlist as a pre-game vibe for officials. It gets me in that headspace (true or not) of when I'm bad I'm good and when I'm good I'm untouchable. The downside is the emotional crash but shhh we don't have to deal with Jenny's Personal Total Perspective Vortex right now.
Rain - The Cult It's one of several DOZEN SoVenj songs. This is also my main kind of non-ship music. Overdriven guitars and solid rock & roll. For Mara and Petra, this is Petra in her lonely years. When even her up-vibe songs carry that essential core of her missing something. This is also an EiMIko song for opposite reasons. For Miko and Ei both it's a lot more literal. You're married to a storm goddess, rain is always a reason to celebrate. I'm not married to a storm goddess (alas) but rain and storms always make me feel good.
The Unseen Ones - Darren Korn, Masahiro Aoki, Daisuke Kirosawa (from Hades)
It's a killer track, it's exactly my style, it's useful for fight scenes, it's in a lot of playlists. Recently used for Val in the battle for Moonrise but works just as well for Ei at full power or anything from RWBY. Again this is one I just listen to even when I'm not writing. I have music (or Critical Role/a youtube video) on almost 24/7.
Big Metal Shoe - Jeff Williams, Casey Lee Williams, Lamar Hall (from RWBY) Jeff Williams is the guitarist with the single greatest influence over me as a musician. This man single-handedly shaped my soundstage as a player and a listener and his guitar tone sings to me like few others do (Slash, Brian May, John Norum, Bernie Marsden being my other greats). I just listen to this one on repeat a lot. The ending cadence layering vocals on that guitar just works for me like very very few other things go.
Pretty Mary Sunlight - Earl Cliffton I first heard this song at about 6 years old watching ancient Scooby Doo cartoons at my grandparents house and it's a very formative earworm. While nowadays my tastes in country trend a lot darker, (almost exclusively to the Dark Country subgenre) It's nice, bright, upbeat, and I always sing to it.
Ghost Myself - DIAMANTE It's a trans song that also works for Val! I love Diamante as a musician and as a style icon for me personally. The cover art for the single version of Bite Your Kiss is still my endgame transition look. For Val, this is again about fighting with the Urge. Lots of resigned self-loathing but laced with fire, this is Val on the cusp of accepting that she will almost always be a killer. She doesn't want to be herself anymore, but she's on a rapid journey and can't really afford to be catatonic while she processes her emotions, just ends up burying her blade in cultists and washing her sins away in the blood of a deathgod.
I'm Just Ken - Ryan Gosling (from the Barbie movie) I haven't actually SEEN the movie and there's not MUCH deeper meaning behind this one. It's just a really good song with plenty of the guitar tone that really speaks to me specifically. Those high strings sing. This was a song for writing Era and Aayren, as it SORT of works for Aayren, but mostly I just like it. It's good music.
Ava of Death - Eleine This list is UNFAIRLY influenced by the fact that the last fic I wrote was Dark Urge related, but aside from the fact that this OBVIOUSLY works for Val, it's also a song relating to my next novel. Shares a name with one of the main leads, and as a happy coincidence the full title also relates to part of her path throughout the book. The lyrics are definately more Val related. She's a Death Knight, of course they do. Aside from that, it's just music that I like. Almost all my ship songs are gleaned from genre playlists when I'm in a specific mood.
Going to War - Pagan Fury It's metal, it's norse themed, it's my Aasimar from my regular campaign. Tariya is from a frozen northern region and the progeny of a stormgod. She is all about war and battle and honour. It's all thunder and lightning so this song is just my vibe on every day even if we discount Tariya. It's also very Ei on an introspective battle day, she brings rain and lightning to a battlefield of mortals and strides in on a carpet of thunder like the melodramatic lesbian diety she is. It also has my favourite kind of guitar, which is just another reason to like it. It's PROBABLY in my Val playlist too, but there's no meaning there.
Ten songs is too little, I love talking about music too much. I'll do this for ten more songs if anyone wants.
The fact that Raphael's Final Act was song number twelve, right after a Carribean rap that I associate entirely with fighter pilots because of one VERY brief meme phase while I was writing a fic about lesbian Top Gun is pretty telling about my music taste. That was followed up by Sauvée as sung at the end of Faust too, which I adore as it is my favourite opera.
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strqyr · 3 years
did they ever confirm / hint at who these people in the painting are, or am i free to headcanon them as blake's grandparents?
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