wowcandygirl · 2 months
The mortal kombat 1 fanbase in a nutshell
The incels complaining how the game is “bad” (they have the worst reasons why the game is bad)
Everyone agreeing johnshi is canon
How liu kang made everyone hot in mk1
People talking about how relief it feels that some of the bad guys are now good guys
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moonlitcomet · 3 months
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A redesign of one of my old species, the Radien. I turned them from weird humanoid grayliens with feathers into actual Bird Aliens. Much happier with this new design for them.
You get a veteran's pass if you remember these guys, because they're about 7 years old now as of this redesign.
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Since it has musical numbers that swell and echo the emotional beats and action moments on the screen, Metal Gear  Rising: Revengeance is technically a musical and therefore is eligible to be produced on Broadway. In this essay I will-
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uumoshi · 23 days
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lil doodle
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chipaleepa · 8 months
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buncha fantrolls ive designed for a fansession w my friend : ] thought its about time i dumped em here
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redpool · 9 months
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ghostlynighty · 9 months
Pairings : Raiden Shogun/Raiden Ei x Female Reader
Warning(s) : inazuma archon quest spoilers, treating a god as a friend
A/N : I hope this is okay huhu
When the shogun abolished both of the decrees, the people of Inazuma saw a change not only in the nation, but also with the shogun herself. She started to appear in public, started to talk to the common folks and she seems to finally have emotions? Though, it is random. Sometimes she would be full of emotions, even when just walking and sometimes she would be still as a rock.
All of Teyvat, specially Inazuma, knows how intimidating the shogun is, specially when the decrees were still in place. At that time, people saw how ruthless the shogun was, she didn't even have any emotions and don't usually show herself to the public.
Even with all these sudden changes to the shogun's emotions, she is still the same intimidating and powerful archon. People still don't dare to disrespect her, even with what she had done to the nation before.
But...there is this one individual, a women, a mortal who somehow forgets that the shogun is an archon, a god.
Even before, this mortal seems to always forget that the shogun can kill her with literally one slash.
People were really curious and concern about you, they still are. How can you be so careless and treat the shogun like she was just a friends of yours, a mortal being? Do you not value your life that much? Did you want the shogun to end you? Those are just some of the questions they asked and you just smile and shrug your shoulders in return.
When you first met the shogun, it was during a festival. She made a public appearance for a short while. At that time, you didn't know that the archon who was present isn't really the true archon, it was the vessel she created to rule over Inazuma. You were intimidated by her at first and you respect her fully, yes but unlike others, you have a different way of showing it.
You were helping your family manage the food stall they set up during that festival, when the shogun past through your stall, you did something that not all merchants can do. Sell your products to the shogun herself, you're parents and the people around you were understandably shocked. The shogun herself too, but she indulged you.
You told her everything your family's stall had to offer. The shogun just stared at you, listening while her guards were glaring at you, their hand wrapped tightly around their polearms.
The shogun just nodded at you, told her guards to buy some from your stall then walked away.
You've learned so many things about the shogun- or for you, Ei and what really happened after the decrees were abolished. You first got closer with the puppet, not really minding her way with words back then like some other people and now that you've found out the truth, it made sense to you. Meeting Ei for the first time after the puppet told you things about her was really nerve wracking and it was awkward at first. Since she looked liked the shogun that you know, but is actually a completely different person.
You and her got closer after that.
When Ei found out about the puppet hanging out with a mortal, she got annoyed at the puppet and herself, thinking that she may have missed some mistakes with the puppet. She programed the puppet to only interact with mortals when it was needed, not befriend them. That all change when she met you though, she understands now why the puppet hangs out with you.
The Shogun was okay with you, she does find you annoying at times but she cares about you. Ei however, was more than okay with you. With you, Ei doesn't feel like an archon, she feels like she's just Ei. You respect her, you still respect her as your archon but at the same time, she feels like the two of you are equal with the way you're treating her. She only gets that with Miko and even though you can't treat her the same as Miko does, she appreciates it. Ei hopes that your relationship with each other would help the way the people of Inazuma treats her. She feels upset that her people are very scared and intimidated when she's around, she understands why, but she hopes to atleast talk to them without their body trembling in fear.
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apneicodette · 1 year
Corvus corax I
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A scaramouche x reader [gender netural] story
♫ When you want to escape, say the word. Well, I know that getting you alone isn't easy to do. With the exception of you, I dislike everyone in the room. ♫
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You were desperate,
you were dying.
The weather did not care for your restless mind that kept you from succumbing to death. The cold air breezing through your wings. Your eyes were slowly giving up on you. It was too much for you, yet you still treaded on.
You were lost for the first time of your life, separated from your family and friends. You had no idea if we're alive or not.
You were selfish. You didn't even turn back to see or even help. You just fled the scene.
Your wings gave up on you as you crashed through trees of an unknown forest. No leaves to help break your fall. You tumbled out of your bird form and into your human one.
Groaning in pain, you clenched your shirt that hid your wound. You were still bleeding. It was but a small wound.
However, you were poisoned, and it was rapidly reaching your heart.
You surveyed the area in which you had landed in, snow covering your lashes. You searched and searched till your eyes landed on a man from a distance.
He had violet hair and a dark colored kimono with a kasa on top of his head. He was staring down on a gravestone. The name was not visible.
You hadn't realized you crawled your way to him, till you heard your own raspy voice call out to him.
"Please" you begged.
The man turned around to look down at you.
"Help me. I'll do anything," your voice now barely audible.
"Anything?" The man jested. He kneeled down to get a better look at you.
He touched your arm, feeling the black feathers that were there. Because of your injury, you weren't able to properly transform into your human body.
"A raven, hm?"
You felt pathetic. You did not know if this man was a potential enemy or if you should even put your trust in him. Usually, you'd never let anyone even get this close to you, let alone touch you.
However, weren't you dying? You'd take your chances.
"I'll save you, but you must swear your life to me," the man offered.
The snow storm was picking up.
"I want your utmost loyalty, I want you to kill for me. Swear it, and I will save you"
The man lifts your face up to meet with his cold eyes that matched the hue of his hair. You managed to open your mouth. It was a whisper, but he still heard you loud and clear.
"I swear"
The crunch of snow alerted the guards of the entrance to Tenshukaku.
They immediately kneeled.
"Lord Scaramouche, we haven't realized you left." One of the guards had said.
Their purple haired Lord that was in front of them hummed.
"You look a little bit ill, my Lord. Are you alright? -"
"Silence, I did not permit you to ask any questions." Scaramouche spat at the other.
"Y-yes, my Lord"
Scaramouche groaned in annoyance, "Pathetic, how long are you going to kneel on the floor?"
The two soldiers immediately got up, fixing their attire out of embarrassment and fear. Scaramouche sighed as he gazed down on the raven, cradled in his arms sound asleep.
The two soldiers looked at one another in confusion but didn't dare to question their Lord.
"Alert the Divine Priestess in Watsumi Island that her presence is needed now. She has work to do here"
"Yes, my Lord, we will send a message -"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you miss when I said her presence is needed now?" The impatience in Scaramouche started to rise every passing second.
"N-no my Lord"
"So then why are you still here?"
"But with this weather, its-"
Scaramouche waved his hand up in a circled motion. Silence. One of the soldiers felt for his mouth only to find he had none. He turned to the untouched soldier with a grim look,
"Should I do the same to you?"
The other soldier shook their head no, as he hurried the other to take their leave and follow their Lord's order.
After the soldiers left the area, Scaramouche opened the doors to his palace. It was quiet, just how he wanted it, how he needed it.
He was feared, even his comrades [the few] that formed an alliance with him coward in his wrath.
He was told he takes this part of himself from his recently deceased mother, The Raiden Shogun, who, too, was once a formidable sorceress.
His pacing to his quarters was slow, fuck, he cursed underneath his breath. His mind wondered about the raven he held in his arms. The main thought came in a form of question, though deep down he already knew the answer.
Will I regret saving this damn raven?
A few months later…
Sounds of horse trotting in the snow were the only thing Scaramouche could hear as he and 3 of his soldiers trailed behind him.
Tsk, where are they? He eyed the gray sky in annoyance.
"My Lord, it seems those traitors are nowhere to be found, I think it'd be best to alert everyone in the Palace of this -"
Scaramouche scoffed a laugh, "I'm not in the mood for such stupidity, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and continue searching, incompetent fool."
Scaramouche averted his eyes back to the sky, where he finally spotted who he was looking for, you, in your raven form. He had a satisfied sigh as he watched you fly down to the ground and into your human form already in a kneeling position.
"My Lord," your voice was very pleasant to his ears.
He got off from his horse to stand in front of your arms crossed. "You're late"
"Apologies, but I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear I found your traitors"
"I trust you've dealt with them?"
"Naturally -" You reached into a bag that was not yours. "-your crown my Lord," you presented to him.
He hummed, very pleased with your actions. "Carry it with you".
"Ofcourse," you picked yourself off from the ground, pocketing back the crown. But to your dismay, your job for today was not quite done.
Scaramouche leaned into your figure. "You don't want your Lord to be made a fool of, do you? There are some mouths you need to hush for me," you eyed your Lord's crazed smile as he twirled a strand of your hair.
"As you wish, my Lord. You don't mind if I get your sword a bit dirty, do you, it's for your sake after all," you gave Scaramouche dirty eyes, not waiting for a reply as you reached towards his hips unsheathing his sword. You sighed at what you needed to do.
"Raven?" One of the soldiers questioned your darken expression as you approached them, completely oblivious to you and Scaramouche's conversation.
You were often called Raven by the people in Inazuma per Scaramouche's order. "Only I can say your name," he claims.
The other soldier to your left was about to flee on his horse, he clearly had put two and two together.
Unfortunately for him, you were faster.
Common birds of the forest flew from their trees at the sound of your comrades, screams, and pleads for mercy, to which you did not heed. The horses of the once soldiers long runned away.
Now, all that was left was a bloody scene with you in the middle of it and your Lord simply watching it on his horse.
You held your face, trying not to show any emotions. Otherwise, you'd get a lecture from Scaramouche as to how your anger and guilt from these "insignificant beings" had it coming.
"Isn't this quite a disadvantage for you? Having me kill your top 3 soldiers, " you asked with your back facing him.
"The least you could do is look at me when asking a question. It's quite disrespectful." He brought his horse closer to you.
You turned to face him, and he eyed you as though you were a masterpiece, regardless of the blood that painted your body. You were visibly pissed and he enjoyed that fact.
"Oh, come on, my most devoted and precious Raven. People talk, and I can't have them tarnishing my name because of this incident. Besides, if they were truly my strongest soldiers, they would have least put up a fight now, wouldn't they?"
It was disgusting to you how he tried to put up a reason as though it was so justifiable.
Scaramouche rolled his eyes, "Let us return, so you can clean yourself. The snow will bury their bodies."
You sheathed his sword back onto his hip, transforming back to your raven form and resting yourself on his shoulder.
"What? Didn't want to hold onto me," Scaramouche laughed, to which you cawed at. "Oh yes, tell me how much you love me"
Oh, if you could just poke his eyes out, you would.
Once Tenshukaku came into view, you flew off of Scaramouche's shoulder to enter through one of the windows, but not before he called out to you. "I want you in my quarters after you get yourself cleaned."
You left out of his sight, flying into the window of your room. A bath. You needed a bath. You reverted back to your human form, heading straight to the bathroom.
You caught yourself in front of your mirror.
Did I always look like this?
So inhumane, you didn't even feel like a true Raven. Your life was almost the same as it was months ago before you met Scaramouche, but it felt more morbid.
You blamed it on being homesick.
You undressed yourself, entering the shower. You slowly scrub your arms, your legs, your face, everywhere you could. You let the water get hot just enough so the mirror would get foggy. Just enough so it could feel as though you were burning.
You watched the watered-down blood seep down into the drain. You hated him, you hated him so much you had to refrain yourself from screaming or even scratching your face off.
You also hated the fact that though you could very well at least attempt to kill him or, at most, run away, you did not.
You hated him, but he saved you.
You hated him, but he gave you a home.
Where else would you go?
A knock came from your bathroom door. "It's me, Sara"
Kujou Sara was once a loyal right hand under The Radien Shogun's reign, but now under Scaramouche rule, she has been demoted to a mere servant, at times she would be called onto the field.
"Come in," you hear the door open, seeing Sara's figure pass by behind the shower curtains.
"Your specialized dedicated designed uniform that matches perfectly with that of our Lord's is right here for you to wear. Perfabally today before you meet with him, in his quarters, alone, just the two of you," you can practically feel the sarcasticness and spitefulness that comes out of her mouth.
"Is there something you want to say to me, Sara?" You ask as you start to wash your hair.
"Yeah, why are you still here doing his bidding?"
You groaned, "You know exactly why, and watch what you say. You seem to forget that I can easily get you killed."
"Wow, you say that as though we're aren't friends"
"We aren't. Just one word I can say to him about you talking shit and your life is over. Matter, in fact, just your name alone is enough"
"I'm so terrified!! If you wanted to, you would've done it ages ago."
"True. Ugh, can you just get out? Before you get me killed for talking shit with you."
"Raven, we both know that would never happen."
You stayed silent as you turned off the water. Sara pushed her hand through to hand you your towel.
"Thanks" you started to dry off your body.
"How are you feeling?"
"Same as usual, fine." Here we go again, you thought. As much as you appreciated Sara checking up on you, it feels as though you're going insane. A repeated cycle, and the only thing that you can physically see a change in is that you're only getting worse and worse.
Sara sighed at your empty response. "I won't pry, but you are clearly not fine. I'll let you do your thing. But whenever you have the chance to talk, let me know. There's something I need to talk to you about."
And with that, Kujou Sara left your space. You opened the curtains and stepped out the tub. The attire did, in fact, match Scaramouche. Dark colors of purple, red, and black. The measurements of course were perfected, as this isn't the first time he has gotten something tailored just for you.
He confused you so much when he did things like this. You remembered Kujou Sara saying it's because he likes you.... romantically. You immediately denied that idea.
"What does he know about love?"
"And what do you know about it?" Kujou Sara had countered.
The thought of it even being anything remotely close to love sickened you. You didn't even know how to describe your relationship with Scaramouche.
You were obviously his right-hand man, though he calls you "his raven." But there were times where-
You sighed. You didn't have time for this. You buttoned up your clothing and headed out of your room into the dim halls. You didn't want to keep him waiting, did you?
You always noticed how quiet it was in the Palace. Not that nobody worked here, but because they made sure to keep themselves hidden unless Scaramouche asked for their presence.
You made it to his doors, wasting no time to knock. "It's me," you announced.
You opened the doors to his quarters closing it behind you, he was staring outside his window, well was, now his eyes were glued to you. "Do you like your clothes?" He smirked.
Oh, so that's how it was. He knew you would stain your clothes, so he already had something prepared in advance. Your fist tightened for a second before you let them lose.
"They fit, my Lord."
"Such a boring response as expected. I, for one, think it compliments your complexion quite well. You should thank me." It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order.
"Thank you for the gift, my Lord."
"Now stop being so awkward standing there and sit down."
And so you sat down on one of the two chairs near the bookshelves adjacent to the window. You eyed the sweets he left on the coffee table as well the two cups filled with tea.
Scaramouche took a seat on the vacant chair on the opposite side of the table. He smiled at your not so hidden expression. "You can take one, they are your favorite aren't they?" He gloated as he grabbed one of the cups of tea and took a sip.
You suppose this time you can stop playing your game of bitterness. However, taking a bite of one of the sweets did not help the swellness in your heart for even indulging in it.
"As much as I love seeing your face. I did call you for business matters, " Scaramouche said seriously. You are giving him eye contact showing you were giving him your utmost attention.
"As you know I'm quite loved by many-"
"-My Lord."
"It was a joke."
You crossed your arms, and he cleared his thoart before continuing. "I have many targets on my back, as you know. And it seems as though someone in our nation, specifically, a part of this Palace, is trying to dethrone me."
You took a sip out of your cup tea. "Who?"
"For once I do not know, I do have a list of suspects." He looked at you, and you raised an eyebrow at his strong stare.
"I must apologize. A tiny bit apart of me wants to say it's you. But I strongly believe you wouldn't cross me."
"Of course I wouldn't, I owe you my life," you said wholeheartedly. Even though you'd cursed his name at times, you meant every word.
You missed how his eyes went soft for a second.
"Yes, you owe me your life. And don't you ever forget that," he sighed. "Anyways, I need you to look over the list of people. It goes from most to least likely based on my judgment." He handed you a folded sheet of paper which you took.
"Should I kill any one of them if caught?" You said way too quickly for your taste. You cursed yourself for even saying that. Why did you even suggest that?
Scaramouche eyed you closely, letting out a light laugh. "No, my dear Raven. I would rather have them alive. I will deal with them personally. I just want your own judgment on the matter."
You nodded in understanding.
"I've told no one else, so it's just between me and you as always. You should feel honored that I place all of my trust in you. Don't betray it. " Though it's seemed like a threat to your ears, you almost had mistaken it as a plead.
You grabbed the door about to take your leave till Scaramouche lightly shut it behind you, whispering. "Also, from now on, do not let yourself be seen changing in or out of your raven form."
You wanted to question the last part, but you closed your mouth out of hesitantance. Scaramouche opened the door for you, "Its getting late, yeah? You had a long day, so get some rest, we have work to do later in the afternoon. "
"Yes, my Lord, have a goodnight."
You walked back to your room and sat yourself on your bed, looking over the list Scaramouche gave you before you left:
Kujou Sara
Yae Miko
Shikanoin Heizou
Kamisato Clan
Sangonomiya Kokomi
Kaedehara Kazhua
To be honest, you thought it'd be much longer. Though you suppose it had to be someone with some sort of close connection to Scaramouche to want to go against him.
Then again, it's not a surprise that someone even wants to go against him. Scaramouche is a powerful king and sorcerer who is hated by all, even his people. Yet, seeing Kujou Sara's name at the top sends some worry in you because if you need to,
You would have to kill her, even if she is your friend.
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strawberyhoney5 · 2 years
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just-mebs · 1 year
Raiden kills the president day 🫱 nero loses an arm day
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itsshirosan · 11 months
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Raiden Shogun
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moonlitcomet · 3 months
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"First" contact
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shineshua · 2 years
scara come home pls
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multi-fandom-imagine · 9 months
« Euphoric || Raiden ||
A/n: Mortal Kombat 1 brain rot, and this is just a small little blurb.
Prompt used:
[ euphoric ] for a celebratory kiss
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You hadn’t meant to kiss the man, honestly that thought never crossed your mind.
It’s not like you developed a crush on the man you spent the last few months with and it’s not like Kung Lao’s teasing helped in the matter.
But you swore you never planned on giving him a kiss, you were just excited. His smile was too contagious and he was right in front of you, and god did his lips look good.
You weren’t thinking, that’s what you told yourself when he turned to face you with that bright smile on his face. His lips were so soft, why did his lips have to feel so soft. Kissing him get euphoric, it felt like a high you didn’t want to get rid of.
But that is when reality hit you, you were kissing Raiden.
And once your brain fully processed what you did you could feel all the color drain from your face as you made some excuse quickly rushing off.
“Ha! I knew it!” A loud snort escaped Johnny’s lips though he couldn’t help but give Raiden a large smirk as he clasped the Champion’s shoulder.
Though it took Raiden a moment to finally process what just happened, his heart still pounding from winning the tournament. “Did…they just kiss me?”
Kung Lao tipped his head to his head, he was happy for his friend. He had a inkling that you both liked each other, he just wasn’t so sure who would make the first move. “They did.”
“And I’m just standing here.” Raiden brushed his fingers against his lips, he could still feel the longer touch.
Kenshi cleared out his throat straighten his back eyeing the man, it was hard not to miss the happy yet dazed look in his eyes. “You are.”
“Huh…maybe you should go and I don’t know man, chase after em.” Johnny pipped back in giving him a shove.
“Right.” Shaking his head he tipped his head to the group. “I’ll see you all later.” Calling out your name, Radien quickly rushed off to where he last saw you.
“Y/n! That’s not fair! You gotta give me another kiss. I wasn’t paying attention.”
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wowcandygirl · 1 month
Johnshi intro (except it’s people talking with kenshi about his relationship with Johnny)
Sindel: you and Johnny’s relationship reminds me of me and Jarrod when we were young
Kenshi: expect our love is stronger
Kitana: ugh seriously kenshi what do you see in him?
Kenshi: he makes me laugh
Mileena: to be honest I never saw you two coming
Kenshi: nobody did expect kung Lao mileena
Kenshi: you knew Johnny had feelings for me?
Smoke: being his wingman, I had to help him with a lot
Sub-zero: your love for Johnny is what makes you weak
Kenshi: you won’t be saying that anymore once I defeat you
Kenshi: bi-Han knew Johnny had feelings for me before he confessed?
Scorpion: he only found out because he got tried overhearing Johnny talking about his feelings for you with smoke
Kenshi: how did you know me and Johnny end up being a couple?
Kung Lao: you’re joking right?
Radien: how goes it with you and Johnny?
Kenshi: he keeps bragging about our relationship to everyone in outworld
Kenshi: you won’t win this fight
Shao khan: Ha! This coming from the man who’s dating earthrealms biggest idiot?
Reiko: how many times am I going to have to hear Johnny brag about his relationship with you????
Kenshi: don’t worry I’ll put you out of your misery in this fight
Shang Tsung: *imitating Johnny*plz kenshi save me-
Kenshi: it was a one time thing Shang Tsung!
Geras: even liu kang is surprised that you two ended up together
Kenshi: not even our creator saw it coming??
Kenshi: only kung Lao predicted me and Johnny would be together!
Liu kang: well what did you expect? He’s always been the third wheel 
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roses-r-rosie3 · 6 months
Hiiiiii!!!! :)
Can I request Tomas Vrbada x male reader? They meet at madame bo's, the reader is helping at the restaurant, like cleaning and serving customers in exchange for food. Reader is kinda natural at talking to customers and everyone likes him. Tomas is absolutely smitten, but thinks that since the reader is acting the same with other customers it means nothing, his friends (Johnny) tease him. So his friends and madame bo hatch a plan for the two idiots in love to finally confess
Glue Song
Tomas Vrbada x M!Reader
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Warnings: Fluff, slight mentions of nsfw, Romance, Crack-ish
Quote: “Okay so, what if, we bring in some ninja’s and they attack the place and Tomas saves y/n! Like a knight in shining armor!”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You haven’t seen Radien and Kung Lao in months. You never got to say bye to them because you called out sick the day that they were tested, not knowing that it would be the last time you would have seen them until a while. So when you heard from Madame Bo that Kung Lao and Radien were coming by for dinner you were ecstatic.
What you didn’t expect was that they brought new people with them, a guy with a blindfold on and a movie star that you recognized. But one of those new people stood out to you, a guy with grey hair. He looked so cute, but you had to keep yourself professional because you were at work.
“Hey Raiden! Hey Kung Lao! It’s been so long since I’ve last saw you guys! And I see that you guys brought some guests!” You smiled.
Tomas was lovestruck. Your smile made him feel warm inside. He could stare at into your eyes for hours. He was mesmerized by your looks. He loved everything about you, your face, your glistening eyes, your hair, your hands, god he could just imagine your hands choking him while you-
“What drink can I get for you sir?” You asked.
“Oh- uh- s-sorry can I just get a water” Tomas stuttered.
“Of course” you smiled before leaving.
“Someone has a crush~” Johnny smirked.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about” Tomas blushed.
“You’re blushing! You totally like him!” Kung Lao laughed.
“Would you stop talking so loud! He could hear you!” Tomas blurted out.
“So you do like him!” Johnny teased.
“Fine! I think he’s cute okay?! Now would you guys please keep it down!” Tomas scolded.
“Ouuuuu Tomas is in loooooooooove~” Johnny smiled.
“What are we? In middle school?” Kenshi scoffed.
“Yeah, let Tomas be, it’s not his fault that he liked y/n” Raiden said.
“Who likes y/n?” Madame Bo said.
“Madame Bo! What are you doing here! We didn’t say anyone liked y/n!” Raiden nervously laughed.
“Don’t play dumb with me. I might be an old lady but I’m not deaf. So it’s either you tell me who likes y/n or else I’m telling him that one of you like him” Madame Bo threatened.
“Fine! Tomas likes him but you can’t say a word to y/n!” Kung Lao confessed.
“He’s just y/n’s type” Madame Bo laughed before leaving.
“Wait Madame Bo! What does that mean!” Tomas called out.
Almost on queue, you showed up at the table with their drinks.
“I’m so sorry for being so late, here’s your drinks” you said as you handed out the drinks.
But as you were handing Tomas his drink, your hands accidentally touched, which caused Tomas started to blush really hard.
“Are you guys ready for me to take your orders?” You asked.
After you got their orders, you walked to the back to give their orders to the chefs before helping other customers.
“Tomas are you okay? You’re really red” Raiden asked.
“What did Madame Bo mean when she said that I was his type?” Tomas asked.
“She means that you’re the type of person that he finds attractive” Kenshi explained.
“I-is it true? Am I really his type?” Smoke blushed.
“Oh sure you are buddy! I’ve known y/n for years!” Kung Lao exclaimed.
Tomas watched as you were handing out all the customer’s plates. You were so kind to all of them, giving them polite smiles, making small talk with them, etc. Maybe Madame Bo and Kung Lao were just teasing him to get his hopes up. You were nice to everyone, what difference did he make?
“Are you sure?” Tomas questioned.
“One hundred percent, even Raiden can back me up” Kung Lao laughed.
“What if we make a plan to get them together!” Johnny exclaimed.
“Okay so, what if, we bring in some ninja’s and they attack the place and Tomas saves y/n! Like a knight in shining armor!” Johnny said.
“That’s a stupid idea” Madame Bo scoffed.
“Madame Bo! You’ve gotta stop doing that!” Raiden said.
“I have a better idea for you kids” Madame Bo smirked.
“And you guys said my ninja idea was stupid” Johnny said as he rolled his eyes.
“Are you sure about this Madame Bo?” Tomas asked.
“Yes, now I have to go, he’s coming” Madame Bo said before leaving.
“Sorry for your wait, it’s pretty busy today” you chuckled as you handed out everyone’s food.
When you were done handing out everyone’s food and making sure that everyone got the right food, you immediately started to serve other customers. Your smile, your voice, your eyes, your skin, your hair, everything about was so perfect, so sweet, sweet like honey.
As the night went on, Tomas started to doubt himself more and more. He noticed that you were nice to everyone you served. What if you were just doing your job and he got his hopes too high for nothing? What if-
“Dude, Are you okay? You haven’t even touched your food. You’ve just been staring at y/n the entire time” Raiden said.
“He’s lovestruck! Duh!” Johnny laughed.
“I’m fine” Tomas replied as he started to eat his food.
After everyone was done eating, that’s when the plan was going to be put into action. You walked up to the table to collect their empty plates.
“Can we get a check please?” Tomas asked.
“Oh don’t worry about it, it’s usually on the house when Raiden and Kung Lao are here” you smiled.
“Oh I’m afraid we can’t do that y/n, Kung Lao and Raiden brought 3 extra guests” Madame Bo said as she walked up to the table.
“Oh, okay then, I will bring the check, do you guys wanna pay separately or together?” You asked.
“Oh man! I don’t think any of us brought money” Kenshi said.
“I have an idea! Why don’t one of us help y/n clean and close up the store!” Kung Lao exclaimed.
All Tomas could focus on was your eyes. He could stare at them for hours. But all of a sudden he was snapped back to reality when he felt someone kick his legs.
“I said, why don’t one of us help y/n clean and close up the store” Kung Lao scolded.
“W-what? I mean- yeah! I mean- I will do it” Tomas stuttered.
“Then it’s settled, I can show you where the supplies are right now” you smiled before you started walking.
Tomas was quick to follow you, looking back to see all of his friend’s and Madame Bo cheering him on. Luckily, after you were done showing Tomas the basics of how to clean the place, it was already past closing time. But unluckily for Tomas, he didn’t hear a thing that you were saying just responding with ‘yeah’ and ‘mhm’ while he stared at your eyes.
So when it got to finally cleaning the place, Tomas didn’t know what to do at all. While you were cleaning, you chuckled as you saw Tomas struggling to broom the dust into the dustpan.
“Here let me help you with that” you chuckled as you held him from behind, guiding the broom to the dustpan.
Tomas could feel his face burning up. All of a sudden a romantic song started playing in the speakers of the restaurant. When you finally realized what you were doing and what was playing, you quickly let go.
“I-I um- I’m gonna go turn that off, I don’t even know how it turned on” you stuttered.
When you left to go to the back, Madame Bo, Johnny, and Kung Lao popped out of nowhere.
“What are you guys doing here?! And where is Madame Bo?” Tomas asked
“She had to go home, but don’t worry! We are here to help you!” Raiden exclaimed.
“I don’t need your help! Just go!” Tomas shooed.
“Really? It looks like you do” Kung Lao scoffed
Before everyone knew it, you were walking back, and they all got into their hiding spots, leaving Tomas alone once again.
“You know Tomas, when I was showing you how to clean the place, were you even listening?” You chuckled.
His first instinct was to get on his knees and start crying for forgiveness. No, that would make him look even more guilty. So he decided to play dumb.
“What do you mean? I was totally listening” Tomas replied.
“Oh really?” You laughed.
You decided to skip that topic, for now. You and Tomas had a blast talking to each other while the two of you cleaned (more like you cleaning and him just looking into your eyes BUT STILL). You two got to know each other, knowing the others favorite hobbies, songs, food, etc.
When the two of you got done cleaning, you put all the things back into the cleaning closet before walking out of the locking up restaurant. Tomas offered to walk you home, and how could you not say yes! The walk to your house was usually boring, but with Tomas there with you, he made you feel like wanting to walk with him forever.
“Thanks for walking me home Tomas, maybe we can do it again sometime” you smiled.
You were about to unlock the door to your house until you felt someone grab your arm.
“Wait y/n, I have something to tell you” Tomas blushed.
“What is it?” You asked.
“I-I like you” Tomas confessed.
You looked at the ground, looking disappointed at first. Did Tomas really just screw up? But suddenly you started laughing. Oh great! Now you’re gonna make fun of him!
“It took you long enough” you laughed before pulling him in for a kiss.
You could tell that Tomas was shocked at first, feeling his jolt of surprise. It didn’t take long before he started kissing you back though. You puts put your hand on the back of his head, and stroked his hair in a reassuring way, calming him down a bit.
When the two of you pulled away from each other, you stared into each other’s eyes. Tomas took his time to think about what just happened, while also trying to savor the taste of your lips. But that’s when something hit Tomas, what did you mean when you said it took him long enough?
“Wait y/n, what do you mean?” Tomas asked.
“What do you mean, what do I mean?” You chuckled.
“When you said it took me long enough” Tomas said.
“Oh, when I was in the back turning off the music, Madame Bo came out of nowhere and told me how you liked me and I just connected the dots from there” you replied.
“FINALLY THEY ARE TOGETHER” Madame Bo, Johnny, Kenshi, Kung Lao, and Raiden celebrated as they popped out of one of the nearby bushes.
“OH MY GOD! YOU GUYS WERE HERE THE WHOLE TIME?!” You and Tomas both said in synch.
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