#Rain world oc ask
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They find themselves lost. It's your responsibility to help them.
A little adventure, where decisions matters, but the path is sealed.
They have very poor eyesight, and their body is light and weak. They cannot throw spears, but they can hold items in their tail, climb and glide. Just a little bit.
You are an overseer. You are their overseer. And you need to help them reach their goal.
Will you help them? Or will they get lost in the endless cycles?
1. Mechanics or the "rules".
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ask-the-pioneer · 3 months
guesss what
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"NUH UH, no more chicken butts"
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flickering-nightfall · 6 months
could you tell us more about the gift? :D
Oh, sure! I can stick some of my Gift drawing backlog in here while I'm at it~
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The Gift is an unruly creature whose presence begets chewed wires and headaches wherever it goes. It's spunky and mischievous with a penchant for violence, and it revels in its job: to kill as much rot as it can without getting eaten by it first.
It exists only in an alternate universe where Pebbles is stopped before Moon collapses. Moon is damaged but alive - and after many long talks, Pebbles begrudgingly allows the other iterators to assist him with his rot.
The Gift's campaign uses the points system with an emphasis on rot kills. The gross cyan mixture on its spears is - via interacting with their stomach, in true slugcat fashion - weird altered barf. On contact with targets, "immunospears" explode like a spore puff and damage everything Five Pebbles related within their radius. This means you can kill even Mother Long Legs with good aim and enough food pips. Unfortunately, this does also kill neurons and inspectors, so the Gift has to be a little bit careful on its path of carnage.
Notably, Gift's goal isn't to eradicate the rot, just to help control it. If there's a way to cure the rot, this one silly creature can't do it for a whole superstructure.
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It's been specially made (with love and care) by the other iterators so that Pebbles' inspectors don't target it. This is also why Pebbles won't murder it unless it shows direct violence towards him. His local group worked hard on this wretched being and they'll be very upset with him if he kills it. Plus it is actually good at its intended purpose. He just has to count the days until it keels over on its own.
Gift probably has some scavenger in there somewhere too, and maybe a bit of lizard. They're strong, but outside of fighting, I wouldn't say they're the smartest slugcat...
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I've also played with the possibility of Arti and Spearmaster existing in this timeline. It ends as well as you'd expect. (I thought it would be funny if you could team up with Spearmaster and piggyback them around as your living spear generator though.)
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There's some other stuff to the idea, such as a repeatable campaign where your strength and food requirement goes up every time you replay it, and a random pool of pearls you spawn with addressed to either Moon or Pebbles. I might go ahead and post that old campaign writeup still, so there'll be more in that!
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0hmanit · 7 months
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Not quite out of the cycle - Sorry for oc posting, I'll banish myself to the fanart-drawing dungeon as a punishment (still, hope you'll like this short thing I wrote for this comic!).
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anemonet · 9 days
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[Outtake from iterator Prosperity of Populace final speach to her citizen before its disassembly.]
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foreverephemeral-art · 3 months
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you brought this upon yourself
rb > likes
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druidshollow · 4 months
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While waiting for Rivers to wake up after his surgery, Fleck spots a familiar face in his facility grounds. (p. 1/2)
part 2 (not out yet, soon hopefully) ive moved some events around as you can see, it makes more sense if silly squad reaches fleck before space does so it happens this way instead!! space always gets the short end of the stick in these comics man. things are about to get better for them there's gonna be some happy spaces in the second part i prommy wommy
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originalwinnerfanfish · 2 months
Being reasonable vs Give child grenade
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thunder-wolf64 · 1 month
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When Sizzle eats karma flowers, he has dreams, or more often, nightmares. These nightmares consist of the death of whatever creature left the karma flower.
This is how he gets the first indication of where his mother is. Though he doesn't know it's her due to the nightmare being hazy.
At this point in the story, he has separated from the scav tribe that raised him. Sizzle travels to Industrial Complex where he tames his lizard friend, Tangled Kelp.
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lyss-butterscotch · 9 months
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"Hello. Who are you looking for?"
Huzzah i made a new blorbo! Her name is Dawn of Partial Life or DoPL/Dawn for short. She's part of Omni's local group. Shes made to replicate the minds of significant figures for people to seek knowledge to incase said figure is 1) too far to travel to, 2) unavailable, or 3) ascended.
She doesn't become the person but she understands how they think and act enough so people seeking knowledge can feel like they're talking to the real deal.
With the ancients gone now she and her peers use this ability to predict how their fellow iterators will act.
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saintwyrm · 2 months
if requests are still open...handing over my saintcat :] hes a reincarnated ancient!
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i love this character!! hope you like it, i had a lot of fun drawing him (this drawing is on artfight too)
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kociamieta · 6 months
It is quite funny imagining how BRoS would react if a slug cat did actually manage to file all the reqired paperwork weather it would be an extremely smart and dedicated one or a freak case of a monkey with a typewrighter wrighting Shakespeare.
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The Scholar appears and they want to : become the ultimate slug to ever cat
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ask-the-pioneer · 2 months
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you're a good kiddo
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sevenrs · 10 months
Rain World Iterator OC Ask Game/Questionnaire
want people to ask you questions about your iterator ocs? want to talk about your ocs and don't know where to start? this is the ask game for you! slugcat oc ask game
Does your iterator's name mean anything? In their lore or symbolically? If so, what?
Is your iterator in a local group? Who else is in it?
If your iterator is in a local group, what do they think of their group members? If they are not, do they wish they were in a local group?
When iterators were more connected, did your iterator like to socialize on public broadcasts? Or did they tend to keep to their own group?
Does your iterator have friends outside of their local group? Do they still keep in touch? Do they want to still keep in touch?
What does your iterator like to talk about?
Does your iterator have any specific quirks or niches unlike "typical" iterators? Special jobs, equipment, etc.? If so, what?
What is your iterator's opinion on bioengineering? Natural ability of iterators? A cruel push of artificial will? Something to be moderated? etc.
What does your iterator think of their body? One organism with many moving parts? A giant computer? A small creature stuck in a box? etc.
If your iterator could be anything else other than an iterator, what would they be and why?
Does your iterator have any non-iterator friends/companions? Such as an animal, an ancient, etc.?
How tall is your iterator? Is this an average height for a standard iterator?
How old is your iterator? Compared to their group? Compared to iterator-kind as a whole?
Has your iterator ever modified any part of their body (puppet, city, structure components, things that make up the structure like neurons, inspectors, etc.)?
What did/does your iterator think of their citizens? Their creators? Ancients as a whole?
Does your iterator have an underlying condition (rot, damage, illness, etc.)? How do they feel about it?
How does your iterator feel about ascension? Is it something they want to strive for? Help others achieve? Something to avoid? etc.
Does your iterator have opinions about karma/karmic urges? If so, what are they?
Does your iterator know who Sliver of Straw is? If so, what do they think of her?
Does your iterator know any of the canon iterators? If so, describe their relationship!
Does your iterator have any major regrets?
Where does your iterator live? Describe the region.
When using overseers, what is your iterator's favorite thing to watch/look at?
What do your iterators overseers look like?
When their city was populated, what was it like?
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ideavian · 5 months
What do the scavs around enigma look like? Are there differences in their culture due to the calcification of ee's surrounding area? I imagine that living things would be highly valued and pearls would either be highly valued as they'd be dangerous to get or heavily scorned because they look similar to what's destroying their home and slowly killing their civilization. If they've ever seen Rarity, in this context, what do they think of them?
What are enigma's thoughts on the scavs?
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Not looking too good! Unfortunately there are no living scavs left😔they would have been some of the first animals to get infected due to their interest in pearls, and would be instrumental in spreading the plague to different parts of the island. I imagine the process would have been too quick for any significant changes in culture to take place in most groups. Groups living further from the superstructure would have had some time to prepare though, and Rarity would have met with some of them before they got infected. They would be curious and even friendly towards it at first but grow more hostile as the infection spread. Later on, Rarity would be sent to collect the pearls they left behind.
Rarity feels bad for them. EE thinks they’re an unfortunate but necessary sacrifice, that’s all.
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softcryz · 4 months
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ONE MORE TIME fire emoji
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Yeah okay. Ye.ah. Thirteen Flowers Bloom and Times Lost in Bliss save me. You guys understand how cruel this is right. I'm okay
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