#Rakuyo one piece
quinloki · 6 months
I love Marco+Ace+Thatch+Izou with the reader but my ideal poly dream ship also includes Vista, Haruta, Namur, and Rakuyo, even though we have like zero information about them. I love the minor characters so much it hurts. Japanese artists on Twitter that draw dream art with them are everything to me
I'mma admit I'm a little sleepy right now.
So I don't know if you're saying you'd *rather* Vista, Haruta, Namur, and Rakuyo.
Or if you mean you want all eight.
I mean, sleepy or not, I say Go Big or Go Home, so by all means gotta catch 'em all \o/ 🥰❤️😍
But I think I would die if eight people were giving me snuggles and attention. Like the attention alone would just end me.
My ideal cut off would be Marco and Thatch. I do love Ace and Izou, but I don't know that I could legitimately field all four of them. Maybe like being on the crew for long enough that I started with Marco, add Izou, add Thatch, add Ace.
over the years XD
(I feel like young Marco would be IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with in the first place. The whole Phoenix stamina thing alone would have me considering my life choices XD )
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rotkinshock · 1 year
New work of mine!
"Home Crash"
Genuine Family fluff, comedy and a bit of angst
Another wave hit the beach, pulling her mind back to thinking and acting as she grumbled.
"Vista, why must it always be you? For fucks sake…"
Or Rakuyo and Vista have a chance to meet their nephew faster than they thought.
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Imagine the Whitebeard pirates having to use Ace and Marco to keep warm
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On a Winter Island
Ace: Pops, how much further!
Whitebeard: I swear to god, boy, if you don't stop asking that I will leave you here. I'll fucking do it.
You: Pops! Can you carry me?
Whitebeard: No, I will not carry you, you have legs.
You: Legs don't work when you're hip deep in snow.
Whitebeard: *sighs and pulls your tired form from the snow and lets you sit on his shoulder*
Marco: Uh, Pops.
Whitebeard: for the love of, What what!
Marco: *points at the large clouds rolling* A blizzard is barreling towards them, we need to get to shelter.
Thatch: There is a cave over there!
Whitebeard: Everyone, get to the caves!
The crew: *makes a mad dash for the cave, as the strong winds blast past them, and pelts them with debris*
Ace: *narrowly dodges being impaled by a very long and sharp branch*
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After the crew piles into the caves
Rakuyo: *shivering* this place is freezing.
Vista: oi, Marco, Ace can we get a fire going in here
Thatch: Yeah, I'm freezing my balls off.
Marco: *chuckles and turns into his phoenix form*
Ace: *staring wide-eyed at the wall*
Izou: *nudges him* light it up.
Ace: I nearly died
Izou: but you didn't, so be a dear and give us some fire.
Ace: *tries and fails to use his powers*
Marco: You're really shaken up.
Ace: I'm sorry, but I don't think I can use my fire for a while.
You: *slides off of Whitebeard's shoulder and toddles over to him* Can I try something?
Ace: I don't think it'll help but sure.
You: *climbs into his lap and kisses him on the lips*
Ace: *His head immediately combusts in his embarrassment*
The crew: *laughs at how cute he is*
Ace: *looks down at you in surprise* what?
You: *plants more kisses on him*
Ace: *very quickly consumed by fire*
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Three hours later
Ace: *his fire is going out*
Thatch: oi, it's still cold, we're not done with you
Ace: give me a break will ya?
Izou: do we need to get the newbie back over here?
Ace: no
Izou: *stares at him for a second before shaking you awake* oi, he needs some motivation*
You: *blinks up at him blearily, before crawling into Ace's lap and going back to sleep*
Ace: *erupts into flames again*
Izou: that's what I thought
Thatch: careful not to burn them.
Ace: Yeah yeah I know *shifts your weight making your face presses against his throat.*
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pancakey-haley · 5 months
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To balance out my other post...
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snowywolf1005 · 4 months
Dude,, I have the best idea that just popped in my head last week 🤭🤭🤭
Can you make a scenario or HC of Rakuyo (the 7th commander) from one piece…. 
(if you know, Friday night, Funkin, you probably know this character if not, just Google it)
Her name is Taki!!!! (Yes that is her name💋)
And don’t forget to take a break dude💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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Well, I'll give it a go...
He is in love with you, and he is too shy to show you his feelings. He first met at Battle Roger vs. whitebeard, 30 years ago.
You pretty good at guns. You are in Roger's crew, and he is in whitebeard Crew. After the battle was over, he just gave you some flowers.
Um... you join the whitebeard crew after Roger death. Uh... um... you fell in love with him.
Oh, god, I don't know what to write...
Then you two married. And that it.
Please, forgive me!! I don't know what else to write!!!!
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mastomysowner · 2 years
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Whitebeard pirate by DemonG3
DemonG3 @G3Demon
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onepiecebdays · 15 days
september 8th - rakuyo
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debut chapter: 553
recent chapter: 966
current age: unknown
affiliation: whitebeard pirates
bounty: unknown
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ninel251 · 1 year
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optreasurecruise · 1 year
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Hi franky can you please do Rakuyo for the mini event he needs more love thanks I always enjoy your fics
Awww thank you ;-; I hope you enjoy <3
Rakuyo x GN Reader
Rakuyo surprises you with a last-minute trip, a long weekend away from the others. He knows you are more than likely sick of the sea and sand so he swaps sand for grass and salt water with fresh.
You can swim in the lovely lake, and even fish with him during the day. You might not be very good at it, but that's okay because he’s not the greatest himself. You manage to catch something despite that and cook it on an open fire.
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The nice little wooden hut he’s booked is cozy and the campfire is warm. Everything seems nice, he even brought enough booze for the entire weekend, which doesn’t surprise you.
Stars reflect in the lake as you both sit on the grass and enjoy a drink, letting your food go down
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Round 4!
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September 08: Happy Birthday Rakuyo (One Piece)!!!!
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rotkinshock · 1 year
New Home Crash chapter!
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usopp-writes · 9 months
Ace's first Christmas as a Whitebeard Pirate
Playing Christmas games
December 14th
"This year's Christmas game is CHRISTMAS BINGO." Rakuyo announced at breakfast, standing on the table. "For those of you, who haven't played it with this family before, here's how it goes. Izo, Haruta and I have made bingo cards, all are the same. The theme is Spot the thing and with that we mean like, spot the blue elf. You have to find it and write down where it is. There are 75 prizes in total. It's free to join and I will announce over the intern den dens whenever there's bingo. The game officially starts at 10 am, so you have time to do some spotting. The 'O' in bingo is not filled out yet. I will provide the first item at 10 am, the next at 11 am, the third at 2 pm, the fourth at 3 pm and the fifth at 4 pm. That way, everyone has a fair chance to get bingo. I wish you all good luck." He proceeded to explain the rules in detail. 
"The kitchen staff and the medical staff get an extra gift for our services. We don't participate in the Christmas game for that reason either, even if it's our day off." Thatch explained to Ace and Deuce, as he noticed they were about to ask about it. 
"That sounds perfectly fair." Ace hummed and Deuce nodded, happy that he wasn't left out, because he had a shift that day. 
With a pen in his hand and a bingo card in the other, Ace strolled around the ship. He had a plan and seeing everyone else walking around with a pen and bingo card, he knew everyone was probably thinking the same. Spot as many of the items already listed, before the announcement of the other items. 
It kind of felt like a treasure hunt and Ace was enjoying himself. He was accompanied by Skull and Saber, which made it more fun and they helped Ace with the items he didn't know what was. In the end, Skull got a prize for two rows, Ace for three and Saber got a full bingo. However, the biggest prize for Ace was the fun and learning more about Christmas items.
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
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lumenflowered · 4 months
[Another video file is attached. It seems to pick up seconds at most after the previous one, with Mallory holding an entire bladed weapon (albeit sheathed) in her lap and Maria staring at said weapon with... some kind of emotion in her eyes. Which emotion? Good question. She's even less likely to know than us.
"Oh," Maria whispers, still staring. "When you said that... you were in possession of something of mine..."
"Yeah. I meant this." Mallory sets the sheathed twinblade on the table between them, within easy reach of herself or Maria, and picks up her coffee cup again. "Won't claim to know the full situation. It'd be funny to, but I wasn't there, I only got bits and pieces."
"What... do you know?"
"I know that you loved this weapon," Mallory says. "I know that you threw it away when you couldn't bear to use it—or look at it—any longer. Was that because of the hamlet?"
"...Yes," Maria says. She hasn't taken her eyes off the blade. There's something far away in her expression.
"Nice! Score one for wild speculation!" Mallory sets the (now empty) coffee cup back on the table. Maria's hasn't been touched in several minutes. "Anyway. This was yours. Found it roughly where you left it, I think, and it's a very nice weapon but it's really not my style, I'm more of a brute force and stubbornness person."
"I see."
"If you'd rather not have it back," she says evenly, "I get that. Won't ask again, I'll find someone else who will make sure it doesn't sit around in my inventory gathering dust for the rest of time. And I know you're pretty unlikely to actually need it in a world like this, so it'd be... mostly sentimental, more than anything else."
"This... is true," Maria allows. She doesn't sound like she's... all there, for lack of a better description. She's gripping the handle of her own coffee cup tightly enough that it's a small miracle that it hasn't broken under the strain.
"Do you want it back?" Mallory asks, very bluntly. "I don't want to know if you think you deserve to have it back. But do you, Maria, want your weapon back?"
Maria says nothing for a time. Her gaze flicks from her own blade, her own Rakuyo, the original Rakuyo, to the former Hunter who has brought it back to her. Very slowly, as if she doesn't trust herself to be delicate enough, she places the mug back on the table.
She looks at her weapon again. At Mallory again. She opens her mouth to speak, and her lips move, but nothing audible comes out. So she closes it again, returns her gaze to the first Rakuyo...
...And gives Mallory the very tiniest of nods.
"Oh, good! In that case, it's yours." Mallory, or her human-adjacent illusion, stands from her seat. "I likely shouldn't keep you too long anyway, since you're the Champion now and all, but... hey. You've come a long way, Maria. A really long way. It's nice to see."
She smiles as she walks off, leaving Maria sitting alone at a table with her sheathed weapon before her. Maria watches her go. Only several seconds after Mallory is out of sight does Maria mouth something else not quite audible and reach out to take her blade.
To hold it again, for the first time since before the Nightmare. Since before she died.
There are tears in her eyes as the video ends.]
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