ignorethisrandom · 2 years
Ideas for Season 2
What if next season the writers kept up the unreliable narrator device? 
There could be an episode next season centering on the Massacre at Vassy - the start of the many wars of religion - where Louis de Bourbon (Prince of Conde) tells Ramira HIS side of the story. In his version he is the only one fighting for Protestants to have the same freedoms and rights as everyone else. This would make for a more rounded character and an interesting look at how Louis sees himself. With his narration he becomes a freedom fighter for the oppressed. Protestants can’t teach/study at Universities, hold certain jobs, worship in public in many cities/provinces. He sees himself as the Huguenots’ savior in many ways--their version of Martin Luther King Jr. He can even physically look thinner and more dignified instead of fulfilling the short/fat one dynamic he has with Antoine when Catherine is narrating. 
Since other shows set in this time period do not have the unreliable narrator device, this show should use it to their advantage. This story is filled with people manipulating each other--why not manipulate the audience while you’re at it? 
Plus it gives Ramira some internal conflict: who does she believe? Maybe Catherine could try to make her into one of her Flying Squadron (spy/seductresses) but Ramira doesn’t like this, so hearing Louis’s side of the story could help bring tension between her and Catherine, giving Ramira something to do next season since historically she never existed and could easily be overshadowed by the show’s historical figures and events. 
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mediumsizetex · 2 years
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Celestia XVII by Ramiras
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the-prettiest-ice-cube · 10 months
I couldn't put Kenric :(
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ponku-po · 2 years
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goddesstrolls · 2 months
Hi Ramira! I'm curious what your deal is :0
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"If you figure it out, let me know, yeah?"
"I thought my magic was scary, but have you seen the trolls I'm related to?"
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"Seriously, the better question is what the deal is with my lineage."
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confessionsofkotlc · 3 months
councillor ramira hates children.
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sambuchito · 3 months
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mediumsizetex · 2 years
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Celestia by Ramiras
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ongreenergrasses · 7 months
Ramira for 1-7 please :)
hello!! thank you for the ask! i was so hoping someone would bite lol
1. How did you choose their name?
it honestly just popped into my head, i don’t know if i heard it somewhere or not
2. Were they created for the story, or was the story created for them?
created for the story - she’s a side character
3. Do they have a love interest, and was that their choice or yours?
no love interest, she’s very focused on school and trying to also survive things
4. Do they have a best friend? If so, how did they meet?
she does! they met at dance class, and then both quit dance at the same time
5. Did they have a pet as a child?
yes, three cats
6. What catalyzed their introduction to the plot?
the most recent time, it was because my main character went to stay with Ramira and her family for a few days and Ramira had some answers
7. What attribute of them would you find most important to preserve if they were transplanted to an AU fanfic?
her focus and determination. the way she’s coped is keeping her head down and working hard, sometimes to her detriment, but that’s one of her defining characteristics
oc askbox game
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ponku-po · 2 years
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Luna - Ramiras
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heeeellllllllo folks!
it's time for the finals!
call your friends, family, and the weird neighbor to participate
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I was thinking about the last prompt of keeptober Halloween and I was curious what you think each of the councilors would dress up as if team valient got to pick their costumes?
I'm so sorry the first thing that came to mind was the whole underground catboy society thing from a while ago and all I could think was catboy Bronte.
That being said, this ended up more me assigning them costumes based on the most minor details we have about them because so many of them are like never mentioned except for their name so. There's that (several of them also stumped me for a while, so they're not excellent answers, but oh well)
Alina: The fairy godmother from Shrek. They convince her she's glamorous while all the time knowing about her evil side.
Bronte: Oscar the grouch from sesame street. Grumpy and a great excuse to put him (lovingly) in a trash can
Clarette: Doesn't care about Halloween so only agreed to wear an animal-themed costumed. She is now an arthropleura (the thing that stabbed Fitz) because comedy
Darek: Would a ghost be too cliche? Because he's a phaser, so I can see that connection. But also Darek isn't too nice so he can be one of the despicable, unliked ghosts. that or a north pole elf
Emery: Scene kid. I don't. I don't know why. but he's got the thickest eyeliner you've ever seen and keeps saying no one understands him as he blasts his music to tune out the voices in his head
Liora: Listen she's got a whole ocean-theme thing going on I keep seeing her and thinking Moana.
Noland: Lin Manuel Miranda's Alexander Hamilton...listen okay this is entirely because of the ponytail I'm sorry.
Oralie: Sophie once described her as a fairy princess or something similar, so I can 100% see fairy.
Ramira: There is so little info about her but her aesthetic reminds me of those sun elves from tdp? looked it up they're called sunfire elves and the outfits are matching in color so! also both elves, might be fun to dress her up as an elf because she's also an elf :)
Terik: Wizard! Completely inspired by his cane, which made me think of a staff. And with being the only descryer, the rarity of his ability and of wizards could match!
Velia: Because she likes maps I keep thinking of Milo from Atlantis, but I don't know if she'd ever agree to something like that. But my mind is stuck on it so I can't think of anything else
Zarina: Pikachu. She's a charger okay I'm trying to make these make sense and pikachu is like. lightning! and she's wearing yellow in the councillor photo so! that or legolas. because elf and matching hair
Kenric: ...fire fighter
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axels-corner · 2 years
Keeptober favorite characters day 22! I found the council really interesting and I also love it when Sophie just sasses them because I find it funny so for today I drew that scene from Flashback after the baby alicorns where put into the hive and the council wanted to check it out.
It said that they showed up in all their finery so I drew them in the outfits of their official portraits
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Art tag list (if you want to be added or removed just let me know):
@loverofallthingssmart @impostertamsong @make-kotlc-gayer @my-swan-song @dragonwinnie-kotlc @an-absolute-travesty @a-lonely-tatertot @bronte-deserves-better @crazedfangirl14 @almostfullnerd @ladybloomofkotlc @katniss-elizabeth-chase @lola-legendary
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goddesstrolls · 1 year
Kairos stalked through the hall of the castle towards the door, wearing a backpack laden with gold on their shoulder. They entirely ignored their ancestor, who had appeared from deeper inside the building.
The double doors of the hall slammed shut as Kairos approached. “Kairos,” Nirael called, and Kairos heard him following them across the hall.
Kairos stared at the doors for a long moment and then attempted to open them, to no avail. This just seemed to aggravate Nirael.
“Just fucking talk to me, will you?” Snapped Nirael, and Kairos whirled about.
“About what? You’re completely out of touch-”
“-About that, for starters.” Nirael growled, pointing at the backpack on Kairos’ shoulder. “You haven’t done shit here to earn that, at least Mira is stud--”
“Since when did I have to earn it?” Kairos interrupted Nirael in turn, baring their teeth. “You left this castle to rot, I lived here for twenty sweeps using the money in the treasury as my own. And suddenly you have qualms with it?”
“You were a child. And yes, I wasn’t here to place any hive rules. But I’m here now, and you need to be taught a fucking lesson about entitlement.”
“Entitlement!” Spat Kairos, nigh shaking with rage. “Fine. If you want me to earn my keep, then I shall in the only way I know how.” They slung the bag off their shoulder and drew their sword, and Nirael merely raised his hand.
Their arguing had brought Mira and Tosiol in from whatever parts of the castle they had been, and both stood aside, watching the situation escalate.
Nirael waved his hand, and Kairos’ weapon was wrenched from their hands, flying into his. He hefted the two-handed sword easily, looking it over. “Using my own sword against me? I was going to let you keep this, but I think I’ll be taking it back.”
Kairos glowered for a long moment, and then pulled a handgun from their belt and aimed it at Nirael. They fired, once, but a wall of tile and earth was already rising up to block the bullet.
“Really, did you think that would work? Come on now, use your magic.” Nirael called from behind the wall, and Kairos whirled back around to kick at the door. Nirael laughed, as soon as he realized what Kairos was doing.
“All that big talk about earning your keep and you’re trying to run away? Seriously, what did you expect, Kairos? This is a mage’s battle.”
“I cannot use my magic! You know that!” Snarled Kairos, hand on the door which refused to budge.
“You can. You did before--”
“Nirael. That’s enough.” Tosiol stormed forward, arms crossed, and Nirael threw an innocent look at her.
“They barely survived the last time they used their magic here, and you could barely keep them from ripping the castle apart.” Tosiol’s stern gaze flickered to Kairos. “Kairos, attack my matesprit again and I will rip you limb from limb, regardless of whether or not he is capable of defending himself, do you understand?”
Kairos only bared their teeth at her. Nirael pouted, letting the wall of earth sink back into the ground as though nothing had risen out of it to begin with.
“So, what, we just let them leave?”
“Without the gold, yes. If they will not listen.” Hissed Tosiol, gaze fixed on Kairos.
“Listen to what?” Growled Kairos. “Tirades about how I am squandering the talent that I cannot fucking use? Demands to earn my right to a few thousand caegars through that aforementioned impossible task?”
“We can help you, you foolish whelp!” Spat Tosiol. “You should, by rights, be fully capable of using your magic. We can help you understand why, and how to fix it!”
“Bold claims, and what right do you have to make them? You are neither a mage nor at all related to me-”
A blunt spear of earth shot out of the ground, striking Kairos in the gut and slamming them into the solid door. The spear receded just as quickly and Kairos sunk to their knees, gasping for breath.
“Do not fucking insult my matesprit!” Snarled Nirael, and somewhere behind him, Mira rubbed his face with one hand.
“If you refuse to accept our help and better yourself, Kairos, then you have no place here, and no right to Nirael’s treasure.” Tosiol continued. Kairos held their stomach, wheezing as they attempted to reply.
“There’s- Nothing that can be done-! I haven’t been able to control my magic in sweeps, I am physically incapable of doing as you ask! I cannot just fucking leave besides, the Fleet will hunt me, will hunt everyone I care about-”
“Uh, they have a point.” Mira called out, starting to step forward.
“Shut up, boy.” Barked Nirael, clearly now in a worse mood. Mira stopped where he stood, and tossed up his hand in exasperation.
“The Fleet is nothing compared to what it was in sweeps past- I can protect you from that, easily. And if you unlocked your magic, you could protect yourself and the people you care about. If you really want to continue siding with the Empire, then fine- But I must reiterate that in which case, you have no place here.” Nirael continued.
“C’mon, can you listen to both of us, for like, a second-” Mira attempted to speak up again, and Nirael shot him a glare.
“I told you to shut up, Mira.”
“Nirael.” Tosiol warned, and Nirael looked to her before tossing a hand up with a sigh.
“Fine. What do you have to say.”
“First of all. If you’re gonna ask us to listen to you, then you have to listen to us, too. Y’know, without telling us to shut up first or interrupting us.” Mira continued moving over to be at conversational distance. Kairos hauled themselves to their feet finally, and leaned against the door.
“Second, Kairos has a life outside of magic and studying, and so do the people they care about. They obviously can’t bundle all of that up nice and neat and bring it here to keep safe. There has to be a compromise, right?”
Nirael looked to Kairos, who breathlessly tossed up a hand. “I’m all fucking fins if you actually want to suggest something reasonable.”
Nirael thought for a moment. “So... We go to you, I guess?”
“You guess.” Kairos sighed. “I have a hivemate who is also Fleet, I have to practice in secret if at all. And besides, how exactly do you intend to help me? You cannot control my magic for me.”
“I can at least study your casting so I can try to figure out what’s wrong. Tosiol is right, again, of course, you should be able to use your magic. You’re perfectly suited to it.” Nirael said, tilting his head.
“I don’t see how I am, considering I cannot fucking use it. One of us has to be wrong.” Kairos said, exasperated.
“Hmmh.” Nirael folded his arms. “Well, we’re not going to get anywhere if you don’t talk to us about your casting, or let us study it. That’s all we’re trying to say.”
“Really, because it sounded like you were trying to threaten and disown me.” Kairos grumbled. Nirael opened his mouth to snap back but Tosiol put a hand on his arm to stop him with a sigh.
“That’s enough. Kairos, just leave. We’ll have this conversation another time. I do suggest you find it in you to have a modicum of decency when you speak with your elders.” Tosiol said. Kairos snatched up the backpack without another word, and Nirael looked at the sword in his hand before tossing it back in Kairos’ direction.
“Take this back, too. It likes you better.”
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The most accurate person to play Councilor Ramira in the kotlc movies would be that bitch from teen wolf
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