#Randy tries to be a teacher
Hey, I realize you do like maths. As someone who didnt go through highschool but got a highschool degree with only REALLY BASIC maths knowledge, I wanna ask: - Any advice or recommendations for someone who wants/needs to catch up/go from elementary to highschool maths ASAP many years after dropping the subject?
It seems to be an interesting subject but I had teachers that were so bad at teaching and so good at shaming and traumatizing that it blocked me and made me avoid maths like the plague, I do want to start over with maths and try again while making it a good experience this time, I need advice. Pls help. (anonymous cause embarrassed to admit I can barely get around with the basic 4 operations and begin getting lost when it goes into fractions, decimals, porcentages etc, and as a college student I should know advanced stuff like factoration and complex expressions by now)
I am incredibly blessed with the fact that I love maths, and had great teachers. I don’t really know how to get good at maths because by the time I was actually conscious about liking maths, I was already pretty good at it. I never had that thing of having to be better, because I’ve always just been good at it, and the things that I didn’t know I enjoyed learning so I just learnt them.
The problem with having to relearn something is that you FEEL like you’re better than you are. I stopped learning Japanese for a few months, and when I come back to it, I’ll have to go over basic kanji again, my brain tells me that I know it, but I don’t. I need to go over the basics, but before I learnt the basics with the spark of learning pushing me through. Now I’ve got to essentially revise something I forgot. It sucks.
What I’d recommend, is by jumping into the deep end. There are lots of maths videos on YouTube, and they’re really interesting, but you won’t understand anything. But that’s fine, because the things you don’t understand, you can watch videos about those. And the parts of those you don’t understand you can research into that. It may not be the most efficient way to learn, but eventually you will. Trial by fire and all that, and it might be more fun because you’re looking at stuff that interests you! You’ll find that the simple stuff actually has rather complex and interesting explanations, which I find really cool.
If you want to relearn quickly, then you just have to study. It sucks, but that’s just how it is. I don’t know what elementary school is, I assume it’s 11-14, and high school probably means gcse, which is 15-16.
Some basic tips:
Think of the operators as logically as possible. When you see 5x15, literally think of 15 added together 5 times. Think of 6/20 as 6 lots of 1/20 (which itself is 0.05. Maybe even think of it as 1/2 times 1/10.) basically just think of the operators as simply as possible until you’re able to think of them as their own thing. Then you can start introducing indices, square roots, etc.
Don’t be afraid of using a calculator (learning how to use a calculator effectively will massively boost your mathematical literacy).
write everything down (don’t rely on your mental maths. If you literally have to do every single equation on a piece of paper (assuming calculators aren’t allowed), do it. Never trust your mental maths until you’re certain that you’ve got good mental maths. Seriously, 90% of mistakes come from trying to make a shortcut in your head and messing up. Many people, my self included in the past, see writing down your working out as a sign of weakness, it isn’t.
Try to avoid the divisor symbol as much as possible, it isn’t actually an operator, it’s shorthand for fractions (the dots are placeholders for the things in front and behind). Honestly, you should prioritise getting comfortable with fractions. They’re really useful, especially in algebra.
If you get good at algebra, you’ll be good at almost everything maths can throw at you. Being able to rearrange equations is a skill that you will literally never not use. It also helps you with regular number equations because you can think of the numbers as variables. It sounds weird or as if you’re complicating it, but it can help.
(A/B)*C=(A*C)/B. It’s surprising how useful it is, and how often I’ll forget about it lmao
Look into geometry! Everything you do in maths can and has been described with shapes. And for some people that can help them visualise it! If shapes help you with maths, look into shapes! Geometry!
Factorisation is essentially just the reverse of multiplication. (2*5*7)=70, therefore the prime factors of 70 are 2,5, and 7. The same applies to algebra. Just think of what could be multiplied together to make x^2+3x+2. And hey, there’s a really handy formula for finding out the factors of quadratics that I highly recommend memorising if you think you’ll need it!
And most of all: try and have fun! Basic maths can be very tedious, but think of it like learning a language. Once you get the alphabet (numbers) and grammar (operators) out of the way, you’ll start to see all of the complex words and phrases you can create, and understand. And, best of all, you will NEVER stop learning, so you may as well start now!
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marksbear · 1 year
Could write some Stu macher xreader smut? Please he's everything to me
Yes! I would love to write this out and make you happy! Plus he’s everything to me as well!
warnings! Headcanons smut!, phone sex, quickies, marking kink, public kink, getting caught kink, bragging, recording and taking pictures, Switch Stu!
Afab and Amab reader! Safe for trans readers as well! And you trans peopl have a few headcanons to yourselves!
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-He’s a slut.
-He’s a huge switch that leans more into sub. He doesn’t know what to pick. He loves making you feel good, but in the same time he likes to feel good.
-Kinky af. He likes it really rough and dirty. Has a knife and mask kink. There’s something about you holding a knife to his neck or him doing it to you really keeps him going.
-Really into phone sex. He will call your house phone at the dead of night and once you pick up he’ll tell you everything dirty thought of you and him that’s keeping him up.
-Prefers to give oral. Him eating out your pussy or him sucking your cock. It doesn’t matter.
-Quickes in the school bathrooms.
-Having cuddle sex while watching horror movies together.
-His secret kink is that he wants to roleplay either him or you being a serial killer and one of you being the victim.
-Likes to brag about your guys wild sex lives to Billy since him and Sidney haven’t done it yet.
-Very loud. So anytime y’all are having sex when’s y’all parents or siblings are in the house you’ll have to cover his mouth to keep you tired.
- Hates to admit that one time when you guys were fucking you saw his ghostface mask on the side of the bed you picked it up and wore it he came shockingly fast and he was tad bit embarrassed.
-You cockwarming him during a horror movie marathon in Randy’s house. The blankets covered you both so no one suspected a thing.
-The thought of being caught or watched during sex turns him on.
-A new kink he has is when you two fuck in his newest victims bed. Right after you both clean any evidence.
-Doesn’t mind if anything loves it when you use him as if he was your personal dildo or fleshlight.
-Whispers the most filthiest and dirtiest things in your ear in public.
-Y’all done it in after school detention before.
-You two always getting in trouble with the teachers for PDA and such.
-He has this really cheap camera and he likes to record y’all fucking any chance he gets.
-He even made a hour long movie type disc of your guys sex video.
-Had a lot of Polaroid pictures of you covered in his cum or you touching yourself in front of the camera. Keeps the pictures scattered around his room some even hanged on the wall. Some in his wallet to.
-Really into foreplay. Likes it when you take your time teasing him.
-Height kink. Gets off if your taller him and if your smaller he has a ego boost.
-Wouldn’t do anything that you don’t like!
-Fucking him until he’s a dumb and useless.
-Really into marking you. Like leaving hickeys on you, scratching your back and neck. So as far carving his initials into you.
-He’s a very jealous and possive man even though he tries to act nonchalant. So that leads to a lot of jealous sex.
-And god help you if your a virgin.
-He likes to teach you like how to suck his cock or how to ride him.
-He loves to just ruin your innocence and slowly turn you into a whore/slut just like him.
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hellfirenacht · 7 months
Plus One Chapter 1
Summary: Once upon a time, you made a deal with the school freak that if he ever got famous then he'd invite you to be his plus one at a red carpet event. Now a decade later an invite shows up at your house asking you to be the +1 to Eddie Munson, front man of Corroded Coffin.
Tags: modern!au, Eddie and Reader are in their late 20's/early 30's after the deal is made. Rockstar!Eddie. Friends to strangers to friends to lovers, references to Flight of Icarus characters eventually
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The squeak of desks being pushed across linoleum flooring made you wince as everyone adjusted the classroom for partner work. It was too early for this, you hadn’t slept the night before and had almost been late to this class, taking your seat at the last second just as the bell rang. 
First period science wasn’t your hardest class, but it wasn’t exactly your best subject either. You’d been floating along with a solid C and that was as good as you were hoping to get. As long as you graduated by this point, you’d be happy. It was near the end of your senior year, and senioritis was hitting you hard. It was your hope that you could just coast these last few weeks, pass your finals and get the hell out of the public school system. 
There would be no coasting this morning though as you were all assigned partners. No one was thrilled about this development aside from a few peers who had been partnered with their friends. You weren’t exactly unpopular but you didn’t have anyone in this class that you would consider a friend or even an acquaintance. You’d borrowed a pencil once from Randy who sat in front of you, but other than that you kept to yourself first thing in the morning. 
Which is why when the name ‘Munson’ was called out along with your own surname you’d barely registered who that was. A few people snickered and you caught one girl giving you a pitying look as you tried to connect the name to a face. It took your partner sitting down across from you for you to realize who you’d been paired with. 
Munson. Eddie Munson. Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson. 
Ah. That Munson. 
“Uh, hi.” he said, with a wave and you desperately tried to reconnect the tired wires in your brain to say hi back. 
“Mornin’” you managed to spit out. He sat in the back of the class on the opposite side of the room. You rarely even saw him in class because you were usually here before him, and he was the first to get out the door when class ended. You never said a word to him the whole semester, but again, you didn’t talk to anyone in this class. 
Worksheets were passed around and you stared at the different questions and equations. You might as well be sitting in Latin class with as much as this made sense to you. 
“I know this is a higher level than what you all are used to, but this is what is going to be expected of you in college next year.” Your teacher explained, followed by a chorus of groans which included yours as well as Eddie’s. 
The two of you stared at the worksheet for a moment before making eye contact. You felt a little nervous under his gaze; you’d seen him around school and had heard the rumors about the leader of the Dungeons and Dragons club. He’d been seen pushing around freshmen wearing the same shirt as him, and was often regarded as a loudmouth and a danger to everyone in school. 
It didn’t help his case that he looked older than you. His broad shoulders were only accentuated by the heavy leather jacket and denim vest giving him the appearance of someone who absolutely should not be in high school. How old was he anyway? 
You blinked, surprised he was the first to speak. You offered your name as well with a nod, neither of you going for the handshake. 
“So... does any of this make sense to you?” he asked, looking back down at the worksheet. 
You glanced down with a small laugh. “Not even a little.” 
He looked up at you with a sheepish grin, and you swear it took at least five years off his appearance. You found yourself relaxing just a bit, if he was as dangerous as everyone made him out to be, at least he wouldn’t do something stupid in the middle of class. Hopefully. 
You grabbed your textbook and opened it up and Eddie leaned over the desk to read with you. 
“Sorry, forgot mine.” He said and you adjusted the book so it sat between the two of you. 
The next half hour was a testament of will as the two of you tried your best to work out the formulas put in front of you. The ancient calculators that the teacher had provided only caused more confusion between the two of you and you tried to figure out buttons that you had never had to press before. 
“I’m sure someone, somewhere is using this on a daily basis.” you said as you jotted down a string of numbers that you were positive were wildly incorrect. “I understand that this is important to someone, but outside of a trivia game there’s no way I’m ever going to even think about this ever again.” 
You were mostly talking to yourself, not expecting a response from your partner. He was looking at the calculator, and your string of numbers with equal confusion. 
“Music is as advanced as my math skills go.” Eddie said. He’d removed his jacket at some point where you were staring at your textbook with a blank expression trying to understand how to apply the formulas. You couldn’t stop your eyes from occasionally flicking towards the tattoos that covered his right arm. So he was at least old enough to get tattoos... or to have a parent or guardian agree to let him get tattoos. 
You weren’t sure why you were so hung up on his age. Maybe it was easier to focus on that mystery than the jumble of letters and numbers that was making your brain more numb than it already felt. 
“What kind of music?” The question was out of your mouth without thinking. You didn’t think you’d seen him hang out with the band or orchestra kids before. 
“Metal and rock music mostly.” Eddie said, erasing one of the numbers. His pencil was a cheap one, and only managed to make a huge smudge on his paper rather than clear his answer. You handed over your own pencil on instinct and he took it with a thanks. 
“Do you play an instrument or something?” you asked, already checked out of the worksheet. Fuck it. It’s not like it was going to count for much anyway. 
“Yeah I, uh, I’ve been playing guitar since I was a kid.” There was a light in his eyes that made you wonder why anyone would ever think he was dangerous or scary. In the half hour that the two of you had been struggling with this busy work the two of you had been making small talk that you’d found way more engaging. 
“Electric or guitar?” you asked, and it was when Eddie let out a laugh that you realized what you had asked. You pressed your hands to your face with an embarrassed chuckle. “I didn’t sleep last night.” 
“I play electric and guitar.” came the teasing response. “But I lean more towards electric unless my uncle is home or I need to keep it down.”
“Are you any good?” 
“Good enough to have a steady gig at the Hideout.” he shrugged. “It’s not much, but it’s a stage. Sort of.” 
Eddie had also given up on the worksheet and was using your pencil to absently doodle in the margins of the paper. 
“I have no idea where that is.” 
“Shady dive bar in the warehouse district. My band and I play on Tuesdays, you should come see us sometime. It’s a shithole, but it’s safe.” The last part was added hastily as he saw your weary expression. 
A shady dive bar on a school night? Not a great chance of that. 
“What’s your band called?” 
“Corroded Coffin.” he dug around his pockets in his jeans and jacket before he pulled out a bent cut out piece of flashcard and handed it to you. It had the band’s name scribbled on it in sharpie and a list of socials on the back. It screamed home made and there was a charm to it that made you smile. 
“I’ll check you out.” you said, tucking it into the book you had been reading for the past week knowing damn well that you were probably going to forget about it the second it was out of sight. 
“Don’t worry about the worksheet being perfect.” the teacher piped up from their desk. “Just do your best, and it’s only being counted as pass/fail. I’m just trying to see that you’re all able to use your critical thinking skills to look up information.”
“I’m about to use my critical thinking skills to bullshit the rest of the worksheet.” Eddie muttered and you laughed. 
You grabbed his worksheet and scribbled down a formula and some numbers and handed it back. “Long as there’s something written down she doesn’t care.” 
That was good enough for the both of you as you set the papers aside. There was still a good fifteen minutes left in class, and you expected that the two of you would just sit awkwardly in your grouped desk facing each other until the bell rang. You almost laid your head down on the desk and try and get a power nap in, but curiosity was getting the better of you. 
“So, you wanna do music for a living?” you asked, looking at him again. 
“Ideally.” Eddie said, fidgeting with your pencil still. You decided that it was his pencil now, you had others in your bag. “I know it’s a long shot and most of my band is still gonna be in school when I graduate this year but we’ve got a few songs that we’ve been working on.”
“So you’re gonna be famous one day?” It wasn’t a sarcastic question, but a genuine one. Maybe this guy could be famous one day, you didn’t know. Maybe he didn’t even want to be famous. 
Eddie shook his head and laughed. “I’ll be lucky to keep the lights on with my music, but I’m gonna try.”
“You’re going to be famous.” you told him with a firm nod. The lack of sleep was catching up to you. It’s not like anything in this class was going to matter in the future anyway. “I’ve decided it.”
“You decided that I’m going to be famous?” he asked slowly, as if trying to decide if you were fucking with him or not. 
“Yeah, why not?” You replied. 
He stared at you and his gaze turned intense as he sat up straighter. Eddie’s gaze swept over your face, looking for any sign that you were speaking with ill intent, when he found none, he gave you a smile. 
“I’ll hold you to it then.” he said. “If I don’t get famous I’m holding you personally responsible.” 
“Alright, but there’s a catch.” your smile widened. 
“A catch? You won’t let me get famous on my charm and talent alone?” He tilted his head with a grin. 
“Nope. I need payment. Deciding things isn’t cheap, you know.” you were delusional from lack of sleep, and you probably sounded crazy to him.
“Alright, what’s your fee?” Eddie leaned back in his chair, looking as if he were trying to start a business deal. His demeanor change starkly contrasted the long dark hair, band t shirt, and heavy metal rings he wore and you had to stop yourself from laughing. 
You thought about it for a moment. “I want to be your plus one to at least one of your red carpet events.” you said. “I think that’s payment enough.”
He rubbed his chin in thought, as if carefully considering your offer. “And if I don’t.”
“If you forget to come back for Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.” you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing now at how ridiculous you sounded. 
“Holes? Really?” Eddie snorted. “Alright, I know how that story ends. You have a deal.” 
He offered you his hand and you two shook on it. 
And because you two had at least ten minutes to kill, Eddie took out a beat up notebook and started drawing up a contract to make it official. The two of you debated on the wording, and how it should be drawn out. In the end, it was decided that Eddie would have at least five years after his first red carpet to invite you to an event (your idea) or else he’d be cursed and he’d end up on TMZ in a scandal involving a goat and a runaway parade float (his idea).
You each signed the fake contract, dated it, and had the teacher notarize it. 
“Did you two even try to do the worksheet?” they asked, signing and stamping the notebook with a ‘GOOD JOB!’ stamp.
“We tried.” Eddie smiled at the teacher, taking the notebook back and trading it for the worksheets.
The bell rang and you two shook hands one last time. The last few weeks flew by in a whirlwind of spring break, prom season, and graduation. You barely talked to Eddie after that class, occasionally saying hi to him in the hallway, or the odd small chat during class. You’d managed to get him to sign your yearbook, but he hadn’t asked you to sign his. You felt a little sad about it, looking back. He’d been nice to talk to, and his reputation hadn’t lived up to that hour that you’d been forced to spend with him. 
Graduation was the last time you’d seen him, when he’d run across the stage, flipped off Principal Higgins and ran off like a bat out of hell. You had looked for him passively in the chaos and sea of graduates and their families taking photos and congratulating each other. Okay, maybe you’d looked for him a bit more deliberately than you’d let on. 
Maybe you had developed a small crush on Eddie in that hour that you’d spent working on that stupid worksheet. Maybe you had hoped that when you gave him your email in that contract he’d reach out to you to say hi. Maybe, yes, you did eventually remember the handmade business card for Corroded Coffin and had looked up their information a month into summer to find them as dead and dry as the Sahara desert, with only a muffled .mp3 of one of their songs to go off of. 
There were a lot of maybe’s that came with being in high school. 
But life moves on. You forget about the man with the long dark hair and boyish smile. Your yearbook gets tucked away in a box, out of site and out of mind. The homemade business card gets lost under the bed and eventually tossed in a deep clean as you get ready to move to college and move out. The muffled .mp3 sits in your computer for years until you get a smartphone and stuff a ton of your old music on it, shuffling it into your streaming playlists. 
The song gets skipped over more often than you’d ever admit. 
And now there you were in your new apartment a year after graduating college, living on your own for the first time. No dorm, no family, no roommates, no partner. 
It was the middle of your work week, and you were outside checking the mail. You flipped through the envelopes of junk and bills for anything that would have been worth the walk from your apartment to the community mailbox. 
A thick envelope with your name and address was in the middle of the pile. Your name was hand lettered in fancy script and you glanced at where the return address should be. 
You pulled the envelope out and glanced at the rest of the mail to make sure there was nothing important there before tossing it into your neighbors recycling bin. You ripped open the envelope. 
Inside was a thick black card, and your name was once again written in beautiful red ink that reflected off the dark card stock. 
WR Records would like to invite you to be the +1 to Mr. Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin to this year's annual Hellfire Awards.
And below that in chicken scratch handwriting that wildly contrasted the careful lettering of the rest of the card: 
A deal’s a deal.
You stared at the words and read them over and over and over again, trying to make sense of them and only one question passed your mind. 
“Who the fuck is Eddie Munson?” 
Please comment and reblog <3
Tag List: @hellfiredarling @crocwork-clockodile @hitoshislut @kurdtbean @kennedy-brooke @daisyridleyyyy
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Im in Control Part 11 ( Steddie X You)
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A/N: Do you remember the beginning of Lilo and Stitch where she gets into that fight with the little girl and the teacher tries to like reprimand her and she's like "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" That's how I feel posting this lol
Warnings: Feelings! All the feelings! With the smut of course. Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie. The boys get the reader a gift to have some fun with her. They do fuck up (I feel like) and there is some major angst with the boy going into more about their damage when it comes to their past. The reader mentions some trauma but it's not as in depth as theirs.
Rough sex (I mean...it could be rougher but still ) Its more the reader towards them. Slapping, hitting, etc. Um...am I forgetting something? Maybe.
Word Count: 5152 ( I let the angst flow through me *sinister laugh*)
“I hate weddings.”, TJ grimaces as he takes a drink from the flask in his pocket. 
“Oh, that’s nice. Give me my invitation back then.” As Randy reaches for the envelope, your boss pulls it back. 
“I said I hated weddings. I didn’t say I hated you. I will be there.”
You giggle from your place on your desk as Steve looks at the over stylized piece of paper in his hands. 
“TJ doesn’t hate weddings. He hates marriage. Thankfully, Randy, you aren’t looking into a mirror of the future.” You raise your hand to block the stress ball TJ throws in your direction and Eddie catches it from his place in front of you as it bounces off your palm. 
“And of course, you’re all welcome to bring a plus one.” Randy turns to look at you. “Except you.”
“What? Why?”
“Because you are kind, funny, beautiful, and more importantly not jaded and bitter like these assholes. I want you to meet my friend who’s actually my best man. I think you two will really hit it off.”
“Jesus H Christ, why is everyone so obsessed with my romantic life? Randy, I appreciate the offer but I’m okay.”
“Oh, so are you bringing anyone?”
“I was going to go with these two.”, you gesture towards Eddie and Steve.
“Okay, well there we go. I’ll tell him you’re just bringing friends. Talk to him, Y/N. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”
When you glanced at the boys, their eyes were still on the invitations but everything about their demeanor had totally changed. Steve’s chest rose and fell heavily while the hand that Eddie didn’t have holding the paper was balled into a fist on his knee.
“Hmm… I’m sure I will.”
“We have a present for you.” Steve grins as his hungry eyes scan your body. 
They had driven to your house to pick you up for the wedding but instead of meeting them outside like you normally do, he had come up to knock on your door. 
“What is it?”
“Hm, I can’t tell you. Here, go put it on before we’re late.” The man hands you the box before playfully slapping your ass, pushing you towards your room. 
After you open it, you stare at the contents completely confused. Inside was some admittedly cute lingerie but you didn’t understand why they would want you to wear it now and not later when the three of were playing. Nevertheless, you did as he asked, sliding the black lace panties under your green silk dress. 
“Yeah, baby?”
You smiled to yourself as he replied to you. You liked when pet names like that freely flowed from his lips without prompting or hesitation. 
“This bra is beautiful but it wouldn’t go with the dress. My straps are too thin and the cut is too low. Is it ok if I leave it here? I don’t want you guys to think I don’t like it.”
His tall frame suddenly appeared in your doorway. “Aw, look at you, being so sweet. Of course, that’s fine.”
You grin as you lean up on your toes to kiss his lips. “Thank you, Daddy.”
Steve extends his elbow to you which you take as he guides you towards the car. 
“Hey, sweetheart. You look breath taking.” Eddie flashes you a smile and you lean over the seat to kiss his cheek, 
“Thank you and thank you for my present.”
“Oh, yeah? You like it? We thought of you when we saw it.” The metalhead chuckled at Steve as he climbed in and started the car. “Harrington, as beautiful as you are, I don’t think that shade of lipstick suits you.”
He makes a face as he looks in the rearview and removes the imprint you left on his mouth. Steve leans over and lightheartedly punches his friend in the arm. “Don’t be jealous. Tell her more about the panties we bought.”
“Mr. Harrington, they are panties. There’s nothing intercut about them beside the very sexy lacey design along the side. Other than that, they cover all the naughty bits.”
“They better.”
You laugh at his stern tone as Eddie grins over at him before looking back at you. “Princess, these aren’t just any pair of panties. They… well, it’s probably easier if I just show you.”
You watch him as he reaches into his suit pocket, pulling out a tiny black remote. He wiggles it in your direction, showing it off before pressing a button at the top. 
A sudden jolt of vibration shoots through your body straight to your clit. 
“Fucking hell!”
“Oh hey, Steve. It works.” They smile at each other as the car stops at a stop light and Eddie climbs between the seats into the back with you. 
“What did you two do?”
“See, you can do little pushes…” His fingers pressed the button repeatedly and each little shockwave elicited a small moan. “Or you can push this button here…” His thumb pressed another section of the remote, allowing the vibration to be more constant as it messaged your nub. Your head fell against his shoulder as your hips began involuntarily moving, grinding against nothing.
“You can also change the intensity which is really cool.” As Eddie’s thumb slid along the side, the vibration between your legs gradually intensified causing your eyes to roll back. The man beside you licked his lips as he leaned them down to the shell of your ear. 
“Baby, you’re going to have to have a better poker face then that in front of these people.”
“I-I-I can’t…”
“Aw, Stevie. Little girl pretends she’s so tough but can’t hold it together for one night?”
Your face contorted in annoyance as you looked up to meet his gaze. “It…it’s not fair…when…”
While you were talking Eddie increased the intensity again making you reach out abruptly and cling to his shoulders. 
“Go on. What’s not fair?”
“No, no. Tell me what’s not fair. Then you can cum.”
You felt the car stop as Steve parked, turning around to watch the display behind him. 
“It’s not…fair…when you…have an advantage…fuck! Please, please, please.”
“Go ahead, Sweetheart. Cum for us but keep your eyes on me as you do. Do you understand?”
“Y-y-yes, Sir.”
“What you’re feeling right now. That intense overwhelming pleasure as your cunt tightens and your body trembles. We control that. We are in charge of making you feel as good as you do right now.”
You bite your lip, controlling to urge to scream as you cum. The vibration between your legs abruptly stops as Eddie passes the remote to Steve. His beautiful eyes lock on to yours as he gestures to his friend. 
“Remember what he said when you’re talking to Randy’s best man.”
“I hate you both.”, you spit through gritted teeth as you three take your seat at the reception table. 
“No, you don’t.”, Eddie cackles. 
“We haven’t even done anything yet since the car ride here. Calm down, little miss.”
“Yeah, but the fucking anticipation…I don’t when you guys are going to—”
“Hey Y/N! Hey, boys.” Randy grins as he leans down to hug you. 
“Hey, man. That was a beautiful ceremony.”, Steve returns his grin with his own. 
“Thank you. I’m glad it’s all finally over though. Planning this was a huge pain in the ass and then the whole thing with the engagement party… Anyway,” he looks down at you. “I see you didn’t bring anyone with you.”
“See but I did though. I brought two!” You gesture to the guys but as your hand extends the groom takes it and pulls you out of your chair. “Randy, I don’t—”
“Hi. You must be Y/N. I’m Jason.” The best man offers you a hand which you hesitantly shake. He blinds you with his smile as he chuckles. 
“Jas, these are her clients. This is Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington.”
“Oh yeah. I’ve heard a lot about you.”, he says emphatically as he greets them. 
“Oh yeah? Randy’s never mentioned you. The only Jason we know is from our hometown and he was kind of a dick.”
You narrow your eyes at Eddie as you pout your lips. “Really? I’m sorry for them. They are stubborn as all hell and complete assholes.”
“You’re right, Randy. She’s funny.” His eyes lock with yours. “I like that.”
The abrupt vibration between your legs startles a small yelp out of your lips as you turn to look at them. Both sets of eyes were glowing with amusement, completely ready to do this tango with you. It made your core throb with need as sat back down between them. 
“We have to go back to our table but we’ll talk later?”
Your lips quickly press together as the tremor between your legs escalates. 
“Sweetheart,” Eddie leans closer to you. “The man is asking you a question. It’s impolite to not answer.”
“Yes, I WOULD like that vERy mmmuch.”
Jason softly smiles at you before turning with Randy and heading back to their designated area. 
“Fucking prick.”, the metalhead rolls his eyes.
“You just don’t like him because he wants our girl. Even though, I’m not going to lie, the vibe I’m getting is one pump chump. Then he’s gone. What do you think, honey?”
You hadn’t heard a word they said as your hand gripped Eddie’s thigh. They watched as you swallowed down pants, trying to control any moans from escaping. You suddenly felt Steve’s hand in your hair and the tenderness of his touch was enough to push you over the edge as your head leaned back, squeezing your eyes shut as you came.
“There we go. Atta girl. Such a good girl for us.” His eyes quickly scanned the room before using his fingers to push your hair behind your ear so he could see your face better. “Color, baby?”
“I still hate you but green.”, you smile in his direction. 
Steve’s own grin grows as he passes the remote to Eddie. “You can say it correctly. No one’s looking.”
Your eyes shifted around the room just as his had before finally resting on his juicy lips in front of you. 
“I wish I could kiss you right now, Daddy.”
“Well shit!”, TJ’s voice startled you both. “That was actually a fucking nice little thing they pulled off here.” 
You cleared your throat as you turned to face your boss. “Nice little thing? I’m sure the bride and groom will love that you’re calling it that.”
“Look, angel. I’ve done three of these. I think I’m an expert by now.”
“No one is questioning that.”, you giggle. 
“I’m just saying it’s nice, okay? Leave me alone.” He smiles, chugging back the wine in his glass. 
The reception continued in typical fashion with the bridal party and parents each giving a little speech. There was the typical throwing of the bouquet which Eddie found totally amusing that you didn’t want to take part in.
“Why not? Isn’t it like a whole thing for girls to want to catch the flowers?”
“For some, yes, but not me. I think someone who actually wants to get married sometime soon should grab it.”
“You don’t want to get married?”
You reached under the table and placed your hand in Steves. “Not right now but one day. Do you want to get married? I mean at some point.”
“Eh, I don’t think I’m cut out for marriage.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Have you met me?”, he chuckles.
“Don’t get married, son. Trust me! It’s a trap.” TJ raises his glass towards him as you roll your eyes. 
You notice that Eddie had gone uncharacteristically silent, reaching for his hand with your free one. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen one happy marriage.” He softly smiles as your thumb caresses his skin. “And I think out of all my friends, Harrington’s parents are the only ones that are still together and they definitely aren’t happy.”
“My parents are still together and I’m your friend.”
“Are they happy?”
“Happily married, yes. Happy in general, no.”
The father and bride dance along the dance floor in front of you and after a while more people are to join. You glance at them both but neither man moves. 
“Excuse me.” You look up to see Jason smiling down at you. “Would you like to dance with me?”
“She very much would. Hi. I’m the boss. I’m TJ. This young lady deserves a dance. Hell, she deserves way more than a dance.”, he winks as you cringe. 
“I’m sorry. He’s wasted and an idiot.”
“No. Not a problem. So—”
“Go! Now! I’ll keep the boys company! They’ll survive a few minutes without you.” TJ shoves you into Jason’s chest and gestures you both way from the table. 
You place your hand on his shoulder taking the other to hold in the air as you sway to the music. You try to keep as much distance between you two as possible but it’s hard with his hand on the small of your back. 
“Randy tells me you’re an agent for some popular porn stars. That’s kind of neat. I don’t know a lot about the industry but…”
You couldn’t give a damn about what he is saying. You tuned him out as your eyes stayed on your table, watching as Eddie and Steve became increasingly more angry. They whispered heatedly to each other; well, Eddie did. Steve’s lips remained in firm line as he followed Jason’s movement with his eyes. 
Every time his hand drifted a little further down your waist, his chest would rise and fall as he told himself not to just get up and beat the shit out of this guy. Eddie pulled out the remote and you subtly shook your head. You knew if they teased you, you may grab onto Jason which would just make things worse.
Steve whispered in the metalheads ear making Eddie grin as he pushed one of the buttons forcing the panties to come to life between your legs. They weren’t going to make this easy, choosing to skip the little pushes and allow the vibration to turned on while you danced. 
“FUUUCK me…”, you mumbled.
“Are you ok?”, Jason asked as he looked you over.
“Yeah, yes, yeees. I’m fine.” A sudden increase in intensity pushed you forward into his chest. “Sorry. I, uh, trIIIpped.”
You turned glare at Eddie to find they were both already fuming. Steve reached over for the remote turning the vibration to its highest setting and you couldn’t help but cling to Jason’s shoulder for support as you felt your legs begin to shake. 
When his lips connected to yours, you immediately shoved him away from you. 
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
“You were grabbing on me. I thought you were trying to…I don’t know!”
“We just met!”
“I don’t fucking know how women in this industry behave.”
“Yeah well, obviously, you have no idea how a man behaves either. Fucking prick.”
Your shoes click against the floor as you run out of the reception hall and enter the bathroom. As soon as Jason kissed you the vibration had stopped but you still reached aggressively under your dress, pulling off the underwear and throwing them on the counter. 
A knock on the door made you jump and as soon as you opened it Steve’s hands gripped your face. Eddie followed behind him, locking the door so no one else could come in. 
The man holding you quickly scanned your face as his thumbs wiped the tears from under your eyes. “Are you ok? What happened? Did he hurt you? Why are you crying?”
“No! No. I just got overwhelmed with the underwear, seeing you guys look so hurt, and then him fucking kissing me. I… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Steve pulled you to his chest as you tried to calm down. “Hey. Breathe, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong, baby.”
“We took it too far. We just hated seeing his hands on you.”, Eddie sighed.
“I didn’t want to dance with him! I didn’t want anything to do with him but no one fucking listens to me! I just want to be with you! With both of you! I fucking love you!” 
You immediately closed your mouth trying to stop your words but they had already flowed from your lips. Steve’s hands dropped from you as both men leaned back against the wall. Your breath shook as you exhaled, eyes shifting between them. 
“I love you.”, you repeated with a bit more confidence. 
“This was a mistake. We pushed her too hard.” Steve’s voice was low as he spoke to Eddie. 
“You think? She thinks she’s in love with us.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t talk to each other like I’m not here.”, you scowl.
“Maybe we should give her space.”, Eddie continued as he folded his arms across his chest. 
You march up to the boy and grip his cheeks in your hand like they do with you when you won’t answer a question. “STOP! Talk to me, Eddie.”
Roughly, he pulls face from your hands and pushes you backwards away from them. “You can’t love us.”
“Why? Was that some fucking rule I missed?”
“Munson, it’s ok. Little girl thinks she’s in love. It’s kind of cute.” Steve’s tone is dripping with condescension.
“I…I don’t think. I-I-I…”
“I-I-I… yeah, you sound real sure of yourself.”
“That’s because you’re intimidating me a bit! I just…don’t understand. Why can’t I love you? Why would that be such a bad thing?”
“We aren’t people you fall in love in love with, honey.”
“Oh? So when you told me that you cared about me…where did you expect this to go?! At some point like turns to love, Steve. I’m sorry to disappoint you.”
Steve’s head hangs as he slightly turns to speak in Eddie’s direction. “I told you this was a mistake.”
“No! Don’t turn this around and make me into one of the people who left you guys. You’re the ones pushing me away right now and for a stupid reason!”
“It’s not stupid! We’re protecting you. Trust me. You don’t love us. You don’t WANT to love us.” Eddie glared at you trying to keep his strong composure intact. 
It suddenly all hit you at once. 
“I’ve never seen a happy marriage…Come on, honey. Have you met me?... My dad beat the shit out of me…A smart mouth just like your fucking mother…My dad was barely home. He never cared. Always made me feel like I wasn’t enough… I didn’t do enough to protect you…”
“Eddie. Steve. You… you guys aren’t your parents. You’re not your dads. This thing here that we do…it’s not the same.”
“We should get back out there before people start wondering where you are.” Steve started to move out of the way so he could open the door but you held him still with your palm against his chest. 
“Don’t do that. Don’t ignore me. Don’t ignore my feelings. When we started our relationship, you asked me if I had any boundaries you shouldn’t cross. This right here is a big one. My mom pushed aside my feelings all the time especially if they didn’t align with her beliefs. Please, don’t…don’t do this. Don’t be selfish. I’ve been through some shit to and being open with you guys like this is extremely hard. But I DO love you and if you don’t that’s fine. It is what it fucking is but don’t you DARE preach to me some bullshit about how I can’t because of who you are.”
Eddie looked at Steve as they had a silent conversation between them. The metalhead nodded before shoving his friend to the side and barreling out into the hallway. 
Steve grabbed the door handle, pausing to glance your way. “Our private arrangement is over. If you feel like you can’t be our agent anymore, we’ll understand. We’ll bring your stuff from our house to your office on Monday. You can let us know then.” With that he was gone.
Your entire body felt numb as you stood there staring at the spot they had just been standing. Your body glided out of the bathroom of its own free will as you passed through the reception hall like a ghost. 
“Y/N, have you heard of this—Y/N?”, TJ’s eyes followed you with genuine concern. You couldn’t bear to look towards the other two men at the table. “Y/N? Angel, where are you going?”
He got up to trail after you, gently reaching for your arm. As you looked up at him, it was like being shaken from a trance. “Are you ok? Did something happen?”
I’m not in control.
You suddenly fell into his arms and cried. He guided you to a nearby bench, holding you to him as he gently rocked you back and forth. “I told you weddings are the worst.” A heavy breath left your chest as you laughed and he smiled at the sound. “I’ve known you for 5 years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hurt like this. Now I know I’m your boss but I care about you so I just have one question. Whose ass am I kickin’?”
You didn’t see it but Steve was watching you two out of the corner of his eye. 
“Is she still crying?”, Eddie asked as he looked down into his glass. 
He shook his head. “TJ’s making her smile.”
“Good because we’re fucking assholes.”
“Yeah, well, that’s why we are letting her go.”
“Are we? Or are we throwing more salt in her wound by staying around as her clients?”
“Go ahead, Munson. Go tell her we’ll be leaving as her clients as well which could get her fired in the process.”, Steve chugged back the last of the wine in front of him. 
“She was fucking right you know. We never should have crossed that professional line. We should have just left her alone especially if it was going to end like this. She was right about everything. I mean, where did we think this relationship was going to go, Harrington? I feel like we’re worse than our dads for stringing her along and I hope you enjoyed watching that prick paw on her because we are going to be seeing a lot more of that now.”
“Excuse me.”  They jumped at the sound of your voice. “You two gave me a ride here and TJ is too drunk to take me home. Can you please—”
“Yeah. Not a problem.” Steve quickly fishes for his keys as both boys stand. 
“Thanks, guys. I’d drive her but I don’t have my car and I am way too wasted.” TJ grins as he gives you one final hug. “At least I know she’s safe with you guys.”
The entire car ride to your house is completely silent. As soon as they parked, Eddie began to move so he could get out and open your car door. 
“No. No, no. Mr. Munson. I got it. Thank you for the ride.” You reached for the door, stopping halfway as you addressed them. “I don’t need until Monday. I’ll still be your agent but I have rules of my own.”
You heard them shuffle in their seats to face you and for the first time since the bathroom, you met their eyes. 
I’m in control.
“We don’t talk about anything unless it’s business related. I think that’s best for everyone. You will stay out of my personal business and I will stay out of yours. That’s, um, that’s it actually. That’s all I had.”
They silently nodded and you did the same, reaching for the door again. 
“We’re sorry… for what it’s worth…”
You sarcastically laugh as you lean back in their back seat, casually gesturing towards Eddie. “Letting Daddy speak for you again, I see. You know what, Steve. Nothing. Your sorry is worth NOTHING. I trusted you two and what did that get me? This is the second time in our relationship you both have made me feel stupid. I put a lot on the line for this relationship. My career, my friendships, my personal life. I have told you two things and done things with you that I have never said or done with anyone else! I even left a good man because I put my faith in you. I’m an IDIOT but it’s fine.”
“It’s fine because it’s fucking over. No one, hear me, NO ONE has ever hurt me like you two just did. So, Steven, that sorry apology isn’t worth the pain I’m feeling right now.” You finally exit the car and slam the vehicle door. “Thank you for the ride.”
The tears started to flow as you made your way towards your front door. A strong hand gripped your shoulder, turning you around as Steve’s lips crashed to yours. Eddie promptly opened your front door as Steve guided you inside. You pushed him back against the wood, smacking his face with your palm. 
Glaring up at him, you did it again and he didn’t do anything to stop you. Shakily, you tore at his suit as he roughly pulled at your dress. Your back suddenly hit the wall outside of your bedroom as his lips heatedly kissed your own. As he started fumbling with his belt, you shoved at his chest, trying to push him back. Your hand collided with his cheek again and when his face turned back towards you, his brown eyes were overshadowed with lust. 
“Is that best you can do, little girl? Come on. I know you can do better.” You hit him again, feeling his bare chest heave at the feeling. “Oh, come on, baby! Really let go.” Your tiny hands pushed and punched at his chest as you felt the tears well up in your eyes again. 
“Fuck you, Steve!” Your fell back against the adjacent wall and his body came with you as his head leaned near your ear. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
He kicked his pants to the side, lifting your legs to wrap around his waist as you clung to his neck. “I don’t want to hurt you either, honey.” Your eyes rolled back as he sheathed himself inside of you, thrusting at a steady pace as he spoke.
“You’re not an idiot and you’re not fucking stupid. You are the best girl we have ever known. We have to do this, baby.”
“You don’t have to, Daddy.” He grunted as you pulled his hair, making him look at you. “You don’t have to. You—mmm—aren’t him. Fuck. Please, please. Harder, Daddy.” Without pulling out, he carries you into your bedroom and falls with you onto the bed, smacking his hips against yours as you moan. 
“You deserve better, Y/N.”
“Please, make me cum. Please, Daddy.”
Steve pushes up on to his arms, pumping into you as hard as he can, watching as your body bounces below him. Your nails scale down his chest as you cum, clenching around him making mewl as he moves faster against you. He falls onto you, his hips faltering as he cums inside of you.
As he rolls to the side, you sit up on your elbows to meet Eddie’s blown out eyes. He had already removed his suit and was slowly stroking his cock as he watched you both. 
You expected Eddie to immediately take what he wanted but when he placed himself in front of you, his arms abruptly pulled you into a hug. 
“He’s right, Princess. You deserve better.”
“Then why did you even bother, huh? You should have just kept fucking me the way you were or better yet…just left me alone.”
He leaned back to look at your face as ran his fingers through your hair. “I don’t know. You’re right. We should have kept things the way they were.”
You bottom lip trembled as you tried holding yourself together. Balling up your fist, you punched his chest, knocking him back slightly. 
“That…does NOTHING for me, Eddie! Just like his fucking apology. Or I’m sorry, both your apologies. Did Stevie tell you this was for the best and you just went along with it?”
He looked down, trying to control his temper. Eddie knew he deserved this after hurting you. 
You hit his chest again but this time he turns into it. “Just no…Sir? That’s all I fucking get? No!”
As your fist flies, he reaches out to grip your wrist and pulls you closer to his face.
“No because I don’t need him to remind me where I come from! I’m a Munson, sweetheart. We’re all destined to be fuck ups. I am meant to destroy you, Y/N. Is that what you want?! Because that’s what you claim to love.”
He pushes your chest, making you fall backwards as he quickly grabs your legs pulling you to the edge of the bed. Eddie runs the tip of his cock between your folds a few times before breaching your entrance. Hugging your legs against his chest, he thrusts into you with purpose.
The sound of your strained voice draws his attention as he looks down at your sweaty face. “I…I don’t—mmm—I don’t understand why—FUCK!”
“Why what, baby. Tell him.” Your eyes meet Steves as he gently pets your head, caressing your forehead with his thumb. Eddie slows his pace allowing you gather your thoughts.
“I don’t understand why you…see yourselves so…negatively.” A tear escapes your eye and Steve tenderly wipes it away. “I trusted you.”
Eddie opens your legs, wrapping them around him as he leans down to capture your lips. He holds you to his mouth, feeling your pussy tighten around him as you cum again. Leaning up on his knees, he chases his own high, furrowing his eyebrows together as he cums a few moments after you.
Steve wasted no time getting a wash rag from your bathroom and taking care of you. You sat on the edge of the bed allowing them to do their thing, staring off into the void as they did. Eddie threw a shirt over your head and for the first time since you had started your relationship, he put one of your own on you. 
The dam broke as you cried again. Steve wrapped his arms around you, shifting your body so your head was on your pillows. When he moved to leave, you didn’t let him go. Not until you felt him crawl under the covers with you as Eddie did the same. His arm encircled around your waist behind you as Steve watched your face till your eyes slowly began to close. 
“Steve? Eddie?”
“Yeah, honey?”
“Please, don’t be here when I wake up.”
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@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @big-ope-vibes
@eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719 @hugdealer
@mynameismothra @local-stoner-bitch @miarosso
@imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @arianafreckles
@sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream @sugar-haus
@manda-panda-monium @justsheerfilth1
@wroteclassicaly @micheledawn1975 @gracieluvthemoon
@erinsingalong @ imogen-m-h @playfuloutcast
@spookedbydawn @cinnamapup @bimbobaggins69
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @skyesthebomb
@sherrylyn628 @eli-flower @aejae-ssi @atomiclilac
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roadkillremi · 11 months
Randy Meeks X Sleepy Reader HCs
Inspired off of >> this <<
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Warnings : Not sleeping, Small Jealous moment description, Mentions a joke about reader being "drugged", mentions insomnia
Randy knew from the beginning you were a sleepy person. You'd mentioned you didn't sleep well at night due to nightmares, fighting, etc.
He found it calming when you drifted off to sleep well you hung out with him. He saw it as a sign of trust and comfort. (Because no one would fall asleep around a slasher 👀 )
In class when you fall asleep the teacher would obviously get upset. You'd expressed to Randy before how you try and try to stay awake but can't.
So if he was close enough to you he'd nudge you awake. He'd give you a little smile before making a silly face at you.
He'd try to help keep you awake if you started drifting. He'd say a small joke or slide you a note.
At Lunch he'd make sure you had a snack before you fell asleep. It's like an untold rule, to eat before you sleep.
He'd give you his jacket as a blanket and gently mess with your hair as you fall asleep. He's a bit worried you'll get pain from the concrete.
Tatum and Sidney think it's the sweetest thing ever! They gush at the two of you together. Randy rolls his eyes and blushes.
Billy and Stu are shocked that he somehow got a partner. Billy doesn't feel a certain way towards you. Since you're asleep or super tired when he sees you. Stu cracks jokes every now and then. The one that pisses Randy off is the one that Randy drugged you and you have no clue he's dating you.
The bell rings and Randy gently shakes you awake. You groan and refuse to wake up. Randy pulls you up and talks you through waking up. ; "Hey, class starts soon... I know I know. Take your time and you have five minutes before class starts. I'll carry your bag if that's okay."
At Hangouts you're more awake since it's not school.
At Stus you guys would snack and then watch a movie. About half way through you start drifting off.
If you're sitting on the floor and Randy notices he'd give up his spot on the couch for you. Then he'd playfully sit on your lap before sitting on the ground by your spot on the couch. He'd hold your hand and rub circles on the back of it until you were fully asleep.
He'd ask Stu for a blanket for you. If Stu says no he gets kinda pissed. But he doesn't want to wake you up so Randy just threatens to spoil the movie to get Stu to listen.
If you guys are playing a game of some sort. You're usually awake for that too. Unless you get bored then you openly say you're going to sleep. Stu laughs and says, "Yeah this is boring as shit, dude.".
He stops Stu from pranking you in your sleep. It's his mission to make sure no one wakes you up.
At one hangout that Randy showed up later, he was scared Stu pranked you. But he found you and Stu asleep on the couch. (Since Stu is a touchy friend). Randy got a bit jealous and you woke up confused. When he drove you home you were in complete bliss. When you ask why he's upset he gets flustered. ; "It's kinda stupid... I got jealous seeing you and Stu like that. I know you don't like him like that and I trust you. But I don't trust him.".
Car rides were pretty calming for you and Randy.
He enjoyed your company awake or not. He was also happy you didn't complain about the music.
On school mornings it was normal for you to pass out in the passenger seat. Randy tried to drive as smoothly as possible. Sometimes he'd get you cheap coffee.
When he accidentally drives into a pothole and wakes you up, he apologizes a lot. ; "I'm so sorry! I didn't see it! Sorry, baby!".
At school field trips (on the bus) he makes sure you're comfortable. He usually brings headphones and a two headphone jack adapter for his walkman for music. You always got the window seat too.
He has a travel pillow in his backseat for you.
He got one of those stupid kid seat belt covers for you. You were super confused when he got it. But he explained he didn't want your neck to get hurt from the seat belt.
On Dates you definitely try not to fall asleep.
If it's a stay at home movie date you sometimes drift off. Especially if it's a movie you've seen before. Randy doesn't mind, he just talks about the movie and all his film theories. He enjoys being able to tell them to someone.
He would definitely take you to the arcade and Carnival. He'd make sure you're well rested before hand though.
If you are somewhere with him and just physically exhausted and tell him. He'd stop everything for you. He'd ask if you wanna leave or sit down somewhere. He'd even offer to carry you.
When you have little movie nights Randy sets up the couch/bed all comfy. A bunch of blankets, pillows, (if you like stuffed animals he put them there too!)
He'd ask his mom if you could stay over for the night because you fell asleep and refused to get up. She said yes eventually. When you woke up he was just cuddling you.
If the reader has insomnia...
He would try to figure out how to help you. He'd get you some sleepy tea to make before bed.
He tells you if you need to call you can. You admit you're a bit nervous too but once you do he tries his best. ; "What's up?... Do you want to try a breathing exercise to help? I know music can help too....you just want me to talk about my film theories? Sure!"
He reads through his mom's magazines to see if there are any natural remedies to help.
He'd offer to buy sleeping aid medicine for you.
On weekends he'd come over to take naps with you.
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crushedsweets · 7 months
Any Jeff hcs?? (Your art is absolutely amazing)
i make him evil. ok jk but also im serious. im mostly just gonna cover his backstory in my au, rather than his current part in it.
cw for brief mentions of animal abuse, bullying, the usual. AGAIN THIS IS FOR MY AU !! also tysm :3..
liu is about 4-6 years older than jeff. they lived somewhere in the midwest until jeff was about 10.
they were both raised by incredibly good parents and had a very strong support system, always visiting their grandparents, big christmas every year, parents always go to open house/parent-teacher conferences, etc. tried getting their kids into sports, would go to every game, literally just the stereotypical great parent. not even a secret "ooo behind closed doors they r actually abusive...!" thing theyre literally just good.
jeff was always a bit more on the aggressive side, something they especially noticed when he was 5 and could not be left alone with a single fucking pet. he'd yank at and shake anything small enough to pick up, and punch and kick anything too big to pick up. every family pet was scared of him.
even at school, he was a bully - it started as typical grade school shit, putting gum in girls hairs, stealing peoples belongings, pushing kids off the play structures. he targeted girls especially. he's been warned, suspended, expelled - but his dad got a job offer in the east coast that they couldnt really ignore
he was 12 when he started harassing a girl, following her around the playground, calling her a slut, yanking her hair, spitting on her, etc - and eventually, her brother and his friends stepped in.
thiiis is where i wanted to put randy and his friends in. theyre older kids, around 14 and still more on the mean side, but they didn't just randomly target jeff for fun bc he's "the new kid". just like jeff harassed that girl, they began harassing him - but of course with the strength of 3 teenage boys, rather than an 12 yr old. liu would interfere when he could, but he was still a student and began working his first job by this point.
jeff got into physical fights with them for weeks, but he was quick to turn it into something bloody and brought a pocket knife. this time the fight occurred in front of jeffs house, when his parents were at work, and liu ended up running out to make them cut it out. he tried to grab the knife out of jeffs hands, he tried to stop his brother, but jeff was serious about what he wanted - and he wanted to fucking stab randy
so he did, right in the stomach. it was nothing fatal.
liu took the fall, being 16 and terrified of what could happen to jeff if he landed himself in juvenile hall - the other 3 boys were content with this, knowing it meant jeff really didn't have anyone to defend him by this point. thinking it would fuck with jeff even more . . BUT JEFFS A LITTLE SHIT he doesnt fucking careee . something about "i never asked him to take the blame that shits on him" or whatnot.
but obv once randy recovered fully it got worse. it went from schoolyard level harassment to borderline stalking, robbing him, holding him down so randy could fucking stomp on him, so on and so forth.
and eventually the bleach happened, and the fire happened, and it didn't really have anything special or involve a birthday party or whatever . it was just another insane fucking attack on jeff, although randy and them didn't exactly expect the fire to spread so fucking quickly - they just splashed some gas at his feet, threw a match, though it would scare him and maybe fuck up his pants. really did NOT think that shit through
jeff recovered in the hospital, and the trio decided to leave him alone. they were little shits who took it too far, but they werent trying to do all that. jeff didnt snitch, he didnt want them to get put away . he wanted to keep going, obviously
things settled down for a while. jeff was waiting and waiting and waiting. his parents were mortified, they rarely spoke to him now. required family dinners at the dining table turned to just his parents eating together, liu in juvie and jeff in his room. jeff began getting violent towards his parents as well, especially his mom - he started spiraling after the fire, especially since the trio weren't bothering him anymore and it was driving him nuts. he would do freaky shit, showing up at their houses now, shattering their windows, killing their pets. they'd come and beat his ass, and he'd do it again. nobody wanted to get their parents involved by this point, they all did too much shit - but jeff was getting UNBEARABLE
jeff eventually was around 15 or so, liu was out of juvie and 19 and in community college bc he couldnt get into any of the universities he was dreaming about.
liu wasnt nice to jeff anymore. he wasn't "hardened" by his experience in juvie or anything, but whatever he saw in jeff was NOT his little brother anymore - if jeff spoke to him, he'd ignore him. if jeff got too close, he'd shove him off. if jeff slapped their mother, liu would punch him.
liu thinks it was bound to happen. he misses his little brother, even when he was a mean little kid - but he always knew there was something realy, really fucking wrong with jeff, and when he woke up to jeff on top of him, stabbing into him , he knew it was inevitable.
liu survived, the only one in his family to do so. he wondered what he could've done to stop it, especially as other kids began showing up in the news. he wonders if he shouldve just let jeff go to juvie. he's kinda shocked at the fucked up ass police sketches that pop up, he didn't really remember seeing that damn smile when jeff was on him
jeff continues fucking shit up and is a piece of shit all around
this is already pretty long so if anyone wants a less "backstory" version of headcanons and more current stuff just lmk ;3
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sugar-omi · 10 months
(And to clarify just in case not like with Jeremy during step 2 where the mc can push him or hit him once or smth I mean like full on fight fight)
I just like to imagine everyone’s in the principals office and MC mom’s are all concerned and angry with MC cause they just beat up their classmate but then they’re like “Well they hit Cove first I was just returning the favour” and moms immediately FLIP cause why is the other kid just getting away with bullying why is their kid the only one getting punished?????
and when they finally get home n your parents stop fretting over you, cove is all fidgety and when it's time to change any bandage, no matter how small, or add ointment to a bruise, he's all "wait! let.. let me help you" when you go to ask your mom's for help w it
and he's all gentle, but he looks sad so you ask what's wrong
"I just hate seeing you hurt"
taking coves face into your hands, squishing his cheeks, "I'd do it all over again. and I'd beat them up even more for even looking at you, I'd jump em even before they hit you if I could've."
cove is teary eyed n crying a bit prbly
"don't ever feel bad if I get into a fight. if it's for you, I'd get into 10 fights! no, a thousand!" you throw your arms wide in the air at that. "no one can touch you like that without getting fucked up twice as bad. so stop fretting okay" you smile and cove cries a fucking river bc you have a bandaid on your cheek, and your knuckles are still flushed/inflamed and have a scrape from missing one of your punches
"you're an idiot.." cove laughs, still crying
"ya know you love me, holden." you smile, wiping his tears.
he nods, "yeah, I do"
and you're stunned bc he just confessed???? omg???
and cove kisses your shocked face, you slap a hand on your cheek bc "KISS?"
n cove just laughs at your expression bc you're so surprised n it's so fuckin cute
so after that sometimes, during your suspension cove will give you a kiss on the cheek for defending his honor if you ask<333 (or don't, he'll do it one more time or so unless you ask him to stop ofc)
if anyone tries to fuck w him after, they're fucked once again
cove does try to keep you outta fights but I mean... if you do turn around n jump em, he won't stop you
giving very much Heather's "fight for me" but you're not deranged like JD
also Liz teases yall bc cove does admit that he loved watching you jump em LMAO
your friends would also be concerned, randy n Terri especially bc they saw it but they'd be like "FUCK YEAH!!!"
no one fucks w cove either while you're gone, OMG GOING TO PICK COVE UP EVERY DAY
the teachers are like "You're suspended you can't be here!!"
like I'm not here for you I'm here for HIM, n you ride off together laughing bc everyone is whispering but fuck em 👐👐👐👐
pls this is making me wanna zoom n like go crazy omg my head is spinning I love this sm
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headless609 · 7 months
SP-High School Head Canons
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In high school, Stan got worse with Randy and Shelley. Due to that, he has gone through a deeper depression. What’s stopping him from spiraling down  are his mom and his frequent occurrences with a busy Kyle. He is really greasy and has painful acne  however is still quite popular, even joining football. Although his popularity he still dosent achieve Wendy’s heart (RIP :,( ) He has average grades and will often gets C and B. He is still a whale lover and wants to peruse in ocean biology and go to Seattle too. He dosent study much though and believes that a force will guide him too it if that’s what he’s meant to do. Even with his free time though his relationships are strained. Kyle is always busy. Cartman is not funnest to hang around if you have sanity left. Kenny is often working at jobs or with Cartman and Butters. And Butters… is Butters.  Stan tried to stay away from alcohol… but who knows how long that will last. 
Kyle is still a nerd kid. He is also a try hard. He has practically given up on personal hygiene and has let his acne and hair run wild. He still has anger issues and now that he is striving for a perfect record for colleges, he can’t go and “save South Park from Cartman’s evil schemes” because that meant some blood on Kyle’s knuckles. So he lets his anger out in basketball where his height is an advantage. With all his work, basketball matches, studying, tutoring, and very little sleep. Kyle rarely ever gets to see his friend. Luckily for him, he has a very obsessed friend who is willing to sneak through is window and drag is ass outside. (Also Kyle still gets no bitches lol)
Him and Butters are the only ones who don’t have acne stricken faces. Not only that but Cartman’s hair is not greasy or filled with sticks and dead rats( cough Kenny cough). He is still a dramatic crybaby and still manipulative (AND FAT, OMG I FIND IT SO WEIRD WHEN THEY SLIM HIM DOWN OR SAY HE GREW INTO HIS FAT, HE DIDN’T) He gossips with Butters and Shelley and does skin care masks with them. He also has glasses because of his one brown eye that has gotten worse in sight( he couldn’t get Kenny to give him another eye) He dosent do any sports although has joked about joint the cheer leading team. For education, the teachers have given up on trying to fail Cartman so every year they let him cause they don’t want another year with his fat ass. Speaking of fat ass he is still super insecure and his mental gymnastics are slowing fading. What will happen when Cartman finally faces his demons?
Although being older and high school, Kenny hasn’t changed much. While yea he uses drugs to ease his pain from all his gruesome deaths he makes sure Karen dosent see any of it. He also still deeply cares for Karen. He tries to get Karen to go to her friends sleepovers as much as possible. He does the same, often crashing Cartman’s house due to his absent dad and neglectful mom doing the deeds. He works hard too, although unlike Kyle, who just helps in a public library, Kenny works for multiple jobs including waiter, janitor, cashier, etc. He hopes to move out with his friends and Karen, out of town. 
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evilspiritweek · 8 months
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Okay actually forgot about this lmao
BUT I actually was making a whole animatic for this n I wanted to share the progress I made (and hopefully hold myself accountable to finish it?? idk)
TL;DR - it was scene between Randy and my mom oc I had for him (more info here) and it would basically lead into parent-teacher conferences. Prior to this scene, Anne had found her son schloomped on the floor lol
I do have rough doodles of the dialogue, so I'll put that under the cut so this post doesn't get super long lmao (w/ text at the bottom explaining what's being said bc my hand writing sucks here)
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Randy: uh, yeah, what's up?
Anne: Well, you see- I was wondering (uh) Parent-Teacher's Conferences is coming up and I just want to know before I go in-
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Anne: Is school going okay?
Randy: Ha ha, yep! It's all bruce!
Anne: Your report card says your failing, sweetie.
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Anne: Now, I know grades aren't everything- but you need to try a bit more.
Randy: I am trying!
Anne: Falling asleep in class isn't trying
Randy: I am trying. REALLY. It's just- I have this thing- I don't know how to explain it-
Anne: Is it because of that book?
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Anne: Is it for school? I tried finding it online, but nothing came up.
Randy: That's because it's my journal?
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Anne: Listen- high school's hard, especially here, so if you need help- just talk to me or mom, okay?
Randy: Well it's kind of hard to explain...
Anne: I mean it Randy! I can tal- *cut off by her phone*
Anne: Yes, hello?
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Randy: Work again?
Anne: Yeah.
Randy: That's okay, I get it.
Anne: We can talk later. I promise we can talk later.
Anne: You can show me Gravy Puncher, too.
Randy: That's Grave Puncher.
Anne: Dinner's in the fridge.
Randy: K.
Anne: Love you!
[Was debating if Randy would say love you, too here or not]
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More slower/somber vibes than the show (actually, feels more like scene for DP imo), but it was fun to write. I think this lil' project also made me realize that a lot of the humor/light hearted feeling the show has comes from the pacing and the voice delivery
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samueldays · 11 months
in the spirit of xkcd's "did you know you can just buy labcoats?" , did you know you can just buy newspapers? some days it feels like any old shitposter can get a journalism job and spew high-velocity misinformation, like Aziah Siid at the Seattle Medium.
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You're the ones doing the starving here, fuckwits.
Thanks to food deserts — or as some folks call it, “food apartheid”
Thanks to bad reporting - or as some folks call it, "Nazi-style propaganda"
that's halfway through the first sentence and Siid has very effectively set the tone for an article of race-baiting, blame-shifting, inflammatory, connotation-smuggling, condescendingly ignorant, hyperbolic, partisan hackery.
there are cities across the United States where Black families have to drive several miles to access fresh food at a supermarket.
link does not support claim, link is just tangentially related article using the word "food desert". link says this:
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This gives me the impression that someone yelled "CITE SOURCES" at the journalist until the journalist did the malicious minimum of work to give the superficial appearance of a citation. The source "more than a quarter of a mile" does not support the article "drive several miles", and other problems.
Journalism delenda est.
That isn't even the topic yet, just a shitty lead-in. The topic:
But the lack of resources that disproportionately impacts Black communities isn’t limited to food or health care. Access to literature is also often limited in Black neighborhoods.
Interest in literature is also often limited in black neighborhoods. They have less desire for and less interest in books relative to whites.
Nearly half of American children live in a book desert — places that American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten defines as “neighborhoods that lack public libraries and stores that sell books, or in homes where books are an unaffordable or unfamiliar luxury.”
The linked article is by Randi Weingarten, but does not define "book desert" that way, as it does not use the word "desert" anywhere at all. Superficial appearance of citation again, journalism delenda est.
I'd call for Aziah Siid to be "fired" but there is nothing to fire her from. You can just buy newspapers. You can just write shitposts and have them published with fancy headings.
So I'm left reiterating: journalists lie, journalists spread disinformation, newspapers are full of shit, the profession attracts liars and incentivizes lying partly because it's loudly claimed to be fact-checkers, journalists can get away with contradicting someone and calling it a "fact check". It happens up and down the scale across the industry, from relative rando Aziah Siid, to upscale Keith Olbermann who has multiple awards for excellent journalism and he won't stop lying after repeated corrections.
If students don’t have books at home or in their neighborhood, they rely on what’s available in schools — in the classroom and campus library. But good luck finding banned and challenged books like “The Gift of Ramadan” by Rabiah York Lumbard and Laura K. Horton and “Sulwe” by Lupita Nyong’o and Vashti Harrison if students live in a place impacted by censorship.
"impacted" is such a wonderful weasel word that encourages the reader to imagine something maximally inflammatory with minimal commitment on the part of the journalist. There is no rebuttal that can be made here without Siid dodging that that's not what she meant by "impacted" - so I retort instead that it's content-free incitement and demagoguery. Journalism delenda est.
Similarly with "banned and challenged", where all the weighty connotation is being carried by the "banned" part, but all the truth of the sentence resides in the "challenged" part. I tried to find the specifics of the matter and as best I can tell, in one of the three thousand counties in the United States, The Gift of Ramadan was challenged for school review by partisan hacks and then got stuck in bureaucratic limbo in a poorly designed review process to determine whether it should be in schools in that county. Somewhere has to be the most fuckup county of 3000, and Duval County was it that year.
From the viewpoint of people who thought their book should be read by every student as a default, this cherry-picked one-county school-holdup felt like a "ban" despite the fact that the book remained available in bookstores.
What extraordinary entitlement.
The epicenter of these efforts? Florida and the attempts led by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis to eliminate the teaching of accurate U.S. history and kill off access to diverse books.
Stripped of the bombast: Florida rejected one specific Advanced Placement course on African American Studies. DeSantis claimed this was because the course was a bunch of thrown-together left-wing talking points including queer theory and climate action along with the black blackety blackness.
The College Board released an edited version of the course, and claimed this was nothing to do with Florida because they get feedback from lots of people.
That’s why as part of a larger effort to make books more accessible, and directly combat these anti-history book bans, the national nonprofit Little Free Library and creative marketing agency Venables Bell + Partners have teamed up on the Unbanned Book Club.
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Again with the use of "ban" for not using government resources to promote. Journalism delenda est, wordcels delenda est. The books are not banned, as shown by the fact that this project is legal. The vast majority of books in the world are not in any school, let alone every school; curricula change regularly; to call it "banned" that a book was removed from a school is a sort of linguistic robbery that steals the substance of word and leaves us with a confusion of tongues as of Babel.
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chimchiri · 5 months
Build A Lesbian (poll 21)
ALRIGHT! You guys always surprise me with what wins. This time, Imani works/stays at the royal palace (which btw means we get to design the royal family at some point - hell yeah)
Anyway. I've tried thinking of works where I actually have a few ideas for scenes and cute settings. After all, I'd like to 1) have her and Randy interact but also 2) I need to have enough ideas with it and be comfy enough with.
That said...
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While Randy is captain of the royal guard, what exactly does Imani do at the palace?
(1) While I didn't have the time yet to look up if this is the proper label, I'm thinking of the head mistress/employee in charge, just generally speaking. She assures whatever the royal family (or a designated royal figure?) asks is executed as expected. Bonus: I'd like her to have a good relationship with the main royal figure(s) because I don't like the 'slave' connotation I've seen for looking up 'handmaid'.
(2) Could potentially include some magic though IF magic is included, I'd like it to be rare and special and not omnipresent (so maybe a wizard rather than a sorcerer). I feel some sort of healer/doctor/potion maker could work both for the royal family as well army-specific. Either with or without magic, it could work nicely.
(3) To be honest I'm already imagining the royal kids as younger so this could work with her looking specifically after them and their education (compared to (1) where she doesn't specifically spend that much time with the royal kids).
(4) Self-explanatory, though I think she'd probably do some other tasks involved in decoration, maybe other textiles. (I admit I don't have that many ideas with this one but if it wins I'll figure something out)
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downtilts · 22 days
benson’s hatred of ms beard has so many layers to it: at the most shallow level, she’s a teacher, an authority figure benson will never be able to trust again, and so immediately he dislikes her.
second, randy looks up to her and respects her; particularly after they discuss their shared trauma and she explains how she was able to rise above it and learn from it. she presents an alternative to benson’s style of coping that appeals to randy and benson resents her for that. he wasn’t there for their conversation but i think he can pick up on how randy sees her, and it upsets him; randy should be looking to him for guidance, not her. once he kidnaps her, benson is the one with the gun, but she retains control by staying composed; she and benson sit together in the front of the car, randy in the back, looking between them. benson can sense that any influence he had on randy is waning now that this new mentor has appeared.
third, she represents what benson could never achieve, which is recovery from his own trauma. there is a reason randy prefers her guidance to benson’s: it’s clear she is healed and he is not. what’s interesting is how ms beard speaks to benson. she tries to engage with him emotionally by asking questions about his motivations. you can almost imagine a scenario where benson answers her questions (why are you doing this? why did you kill elliott?) and i have no doubt that despite what he’s done, she would respond to him with compassion. but his pride won’t allow him to learn from her. he won’t engage. there is no way recovery from his trauma is or ever was possible. there is no way the potential for recovery was there just as early as this morning, and he is learning about it now, as soon as (or even because) it is too late.
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missadmyre · 3 months
Orange-Tinted Dawn (of Realization)
With the events of the red light district, nightmares began to swarm Randy's mind as he tries to question the past between First Ninja and Chase Young.
First Ninja hides a lot more than he wants to admit, a past event makes him question his feelings towards something he had carefully hidden so deep within his heart.
What would be the answer these two would achieve?
The moonlight roared dimly as it shined on a figure. A loud creaking sound was heard over and over again, sounds of breathing playing along with it. The actions being done by the figure was unclear, looking as if it was hunched back and hiding something.
The cabin he finds himself in is very old, cobwebs and dusts littered throughout the place. The windy weather had made itself present in the room, thanks to the open window. As he tries to find out who the figure is, it glanced back at him, it's sharp eyes telling him to leave them alone.
Randy woke up in cold sweat, gasping as his eyes laid wide open. It had been the same dream... again. As his breath began to even out, he sat up as he tried to recollect what he had witnessed. He looked over to the Nomicon, which had been sitting on his desk.
He was about to get himself schloomped into the book when his phone beeped, checking his phone, it was just an alarm he set to get himself to wake up early. "Oh I woke up early, alright..." He rubbed his eyes, getting drowsiness off of his system.
The sun shined brightly as the summer heat began to take toll, the city of Norrisville being hotter. Students chatted among themselves in the hallways, a pair of friends standing beside a locker as they settled their bags in them.
"So let me get this straight, you got yourself into some red district, and met some yokai as old as the First Ninja?" Howard asked, his eyebrows perked up as he grabbed some textbooks.
"Not just that, but somehow I managed to also find some creepy guy that probably had some history with him, can you believe that?" Randy shoved his bag in his locker, a bunch of papers scattering due to force as he groaned, picking them up and putting them back in.
"The guy's 800 years old, he must have met a bunch of wackos throughout history." As the plump ginger slammed his locker door, they proceeded to walk together, "I tried to talk of First Ninja about it but the Nomicon keeps being a shoob about it, not letting me see him and all that."
Howard started talking about other topics, trying to get his ninja biffer off of the topic unless he wants a call from Randy at midnight dishing out some disturbing thoughts about it. While the topic had gotten his curiosity, he just wants his beauty sleep.
Entering their classroom, they sat beside each other as the others began to take seats. While talking, Randy overheard a conversation from other people.
"Have you heard?"
"There's a new teacher in our history class, the other girls said he was hot and sexy."
"Ah shit? You sure? You know your taste in men is wonk, right?"
"Oh fuck you, like you're any better. Anyways, gotta check him out, won't mind getting into a relationship with him if he really is the cheese."
"Pssh, whatever."
Randy looked at the board intently, lost in his thoughts, "A new teacher, huh." He muttered. How are they getting a new teacher when it's already nearing quarterly exams? The bell rang, the door opened as the new teacher entered their classroom. He had his dark green hair tied into a ponytail, his sharp jaw and eyes with an unnoticeable slitted pupil had every girl mesmerized.
His outfit consists of a beautifully designed buttoned up shirt, layered with a suit that purposed as a jacket. His pants clung a bit on his skin, showing his physique, his shoes made of leather. Very elegant yet formal and simplistic enough.
To most of them, what they were seeing was a very beautiful man gracing them with his looks, his smirk had them thinking of wonk scenarios. To Randy, it was like having been punched in the gut, dread crawling in him with sweat rolling down on his face. He recognized him.
"Hello everyone, I'm Chase Young but as your teacher, please refer to me as Mr. Young. Please introduce yourself and let us get to know each other." The figure announced, performing a wink which had some of the students blush.
As they introduced themselves, Randy founds himself getting nervous at the sight of the man before him, Chase Young. It was the same guy that he met back at the red light district, that one creepy guy that somehow knew his mentor. What did they have? Are they fond of each other? Do they hate each other? Does First Ninja even know him?
Many questions swirled around the teen's mind that he didn't notice the fact that he was next to be introduced, "Thank you Steve, now, boy with colored  hair, who are you?". He was snapped back into reality, moving to stand up quickly than it should've been and introduced himself as Randy Cunningham.
He sat back on his seat, Chase hummed softly as he let the others continue their introduction. The discussion between him and his students went well, most had attentively listened to him. Most. He noticed the boy, Randy, had been staring at him with a glint of murderous intent. His interest picqued, "What is it that elicit this kind of reaction?".
Chase followed the Ninja onto this quaint town known as Norrisville. Perhaps he's here He sensed lingering magic when he entered the school, following it as it picqued his interests.
When he stepped into the school last night, he saw speckles of magic that seemed to float around the school. Most of it gathering on that one glittering ball on the floor somewhere in the building. He inspected it and tried to remove it, only to be surprised when it didn't budge under his strength.
He left it alone, he would research it when afterschool hits. Then, the presence of old magic had burst somewhere, it reminded him of that man. He tried to find the source but didn't feel any of that magic anywhere when he ventured out of the building.
That Ninja... "Did he have succesors?" Chase thought, holding his chin as he tried to think of any plausible theories. "Can't be, would've known about it since..." His memory jogs back to that scene.
The sight of a naked man struggled beneath him, his breaths emitting clouds of white air as the cold had permitted itself in the dark room had him filled with joy. A candle sat beside them as it lit up to show the man's face, he shivered at the touch of my hands, his face showing a bit of lust.
"Just do it already, dammit..."
He felt a smirk creeping up on his, a wave of heat pooling in his nether regions as he blushed at the thought. "Oh, how I would like to go back and see it again." He said, the hand on his chin had covered his mouth, wanting to hide the lustful smirk he is wearing.
He came back to his senses when the bell rang, his students leaving the classroom as they gave a couple of lovely remarks. Randy glared at him, his fierce look judging his every move. A plump teen, Howard, followed him as he left along with the strange boy, perhaps his best friend.
Somehow, he felt a strange old magic embedded within the plump teen, a deep unidentified aura surrounded him along with Randy. "Strange, but welcomed." The warlock chuckled, maybe they would be useful for his search.
Randy slammed his locker door hard, feeling furious at sight of the green haired man, "Did you see that, Howard?! He followed me here!". Howard was confused at his best friend's outburst, "Why'd you say that? You know the guy?".
"Of course I do, he's that creep in the district that knows First Ninja." The teen ninja's face seethed with anger, how could he let this happen? Letting a dangerous foe like him in Norrisville? What kind of shoob is he?!. He smacked himself in the cheeks, trying to discipline himself.
"Hey! Cunningham! Cut that shit out and listen to me—" Howard grabbed Randy by the wrists, stopping him from hurting himself. He then continued, trying to calm his friend, "—You let the guy follow you here in Norrisville, okay, pretty wonk, but he hasn't done anything yet. You sure that he's after you?".
"No Howard." He removed the worried teen's hands, calming himself before answering "If he isn't interested in me then he wouldn't have followed me here in Norrisville. And have you seen him in class? He keeps observing me! He's hiding something, I'm sure of it."
The bell rings again, Randy and Howard went to their own classes as they had been separated, unaware of the figure that had been listening in their conversation. "How interesting."
The day went on normal, no robots or evil yokais attacking Norrisville. Randy had been able to recollect his thoughts as he tried to figure out Chase's intentions. Lunch happened and both friends sat together at that one table near the corner, "Oh come on Cunningham! You're making us look like one of those unpopular kids!" Howard complained.
"Don't worry, it's only for this day. I'm just worried..." Randy spoke, reassuring Howard while also going back into his deep thoughts. The plump teen disturbed him once more, "Cunningham, if this is about that Chase guy again I swear—" "Of course it's about Chase! I still haven't figured out what he wants."
The Nomicon glowed brightly from his jacket, finally getting a response, he excused himself to the bathroom as he got schloomped into the book. He landed on an unfamiliar place, it was a dark and foggy place, as he ventured deep into the area, he finds an antique Japanese house, smoke coming out from a window.
He carefully snuck to the side, peeking through the window. When he saw what was inside the house, all he found was a shadowy darkness. He was about to leave with disappointment when suddenly, a dragon showed itself and bit off his head, engulfing him as his consciousness landed on to the darkness.
It showed a familiar silhouette, a light flashing behind them. "The First Ninja..." Randy muttered, watching as the silhouette of the First Ninja trudged through a forest with his katana in hand. The silhouette then met up with another familiar silhouette, he recognized it, "Chase..."
The lights go out as it turned itself on, both First and Chase were fighting on top of a roof, a cinematic scene to behold. The teen was at awe, the silhouettes showing off their magical prowess as they attack each other with magic that he has yet to learn.
The lights flicker as he was shown with another scene, both First and Chase were sharing a drink together, Chase's silhouette was laughing as First just chuckled, enjoying each other's presence. "They were close." Randy thought, frowning as he feels as though something is about to happen.
The lights flicker as the silhouette of Chase began to turn into a gigantic monster lizard. First confronted the giant creature, fighting each other as it always ends in a stalemate, both getting injured during the fight.
The lights went off as it turned on, this time, there were no silhouettes but instead he was placed within a realistic bedroom, the vibes were very antique, evident by the old pots and herbs that are scattered throughout the room along with its wooden structure. It's the same room that he always sees in his dream.
The window was opened, letting the wind in as the only source of light seen in the room was the moon casting it's light over the windowsill. Randy looked at the bed, approaching it as he observed it. It had creases, meaning that someone must've been laid there, yet with the use of his accented smell, he realized that there were two scents that was present in the bed.
"Who did it belong to?"
He asked out in the open, suddenly words began to form on the walls, written out of charcoal dust.
  To be at *PEACE* is to >Trust< But with <Trust> is to be ?¿WARY¿?
Trying to understand the meaning behind Nomicon's lesson, Randy squinted to try and figure out what it was trying to convey. "Okay, Peace equals Trust but Trust equals Wary? What the juice Nomicon? I'm just asking what their story together is!".
Having decided to have enough of the teen's complaining, the wick from the candle had been snuffed out, leaving behind a confused Randy sitting on the bathroom stall with drool flowing down his chin.
Wiping it off his face, he put the book in his inner jacket pockets as he went out of the bathroom, sitting next to Howard who was also eating his lunch. "So, what'd they say?" He asked, mouth full of food as he munched on them.
"To be at Peace is to Trust but to Trust is to be Wary. What the juice was that supposed to mean?" Randy groaned, his eyes showing a gloomy expression. He grabbed some chips that are still present in his tray and ate it.
Lunch had ended and they went off to their separate classes, Randy finds himself sitting in English class, waiting the boring lecture that is ahead of him. The teacher came in as he started his discussion, the teen dozing off one too many times due to his uninterested behavior in it.
A loud crash was heard from outside, the ground rumbled as the sound of a potential monster shrieked, getting everyone to cover their ears. Randy looked outside the window and saw a freaky fox-like yokai taking an attacking stance near the entrance of Norrisville High.
Taking it as the chance to escape class, he went outside the classroom and transformed while everyone was distracted. Randy went to the entrance and took out his smokebomb, throwing it out, exploding as smoke comes out, serving as a distraction and a signal for his entrance.
Chase watched the spectacle happening from the faculty window, the other teachers were minding their own business like such occurrences were normal at all.
He observed the Ninja that was attacking the fox monster. In his deduction of their performance, he assumed they were the type to show off, to take every single flashy move out there to prove a point. Yet, as he tried to understand more closely, tactics were actually being done instead of just mindless swinging.
"Taught from the best, I suppose." He muttered from under his breath. The Ninja was flexible, docile but experienced, ready to fight back when timed right. Although they sometimes say their attack out loud and spew out cocky remarks, it didn't devalue the intensity of the fight, seeing as he does occasionally announce his moves when he does showdowns with Omi.
The energy the monster seems to be emitting is similar to an aura of a yokai, something that he felt from someone just an hour ago. Yet, with Chase's sharpened senses, he faintly saw strings attached to the monster, like someone or something had been controlling it. The strings had him take a hike through memory lane.
The groans from the fox monster had been a sign of the fight ending, the creature is panting as they gained massive strikes from the Ninja, bleeding as it fell to the ground. He saw the creature say something to the Ninja before it vanished, red smoke coming out as they were swept away by the winds.
The Ninja remains victorious, dropping a smokebomb as they left the scene. Leaving the students with nothing gawk on, going back to their normal schoolwork as teachers began to sigh a relief. No school property damage to pay for.
Some teachers who had watched the fight went on to their normal work, Chase looked at the piled papers on his desk, not intending to do paperwork. "Perhaps I'll assign someone in the army to do this." He thought, already thinking of candidates from his army that will handle such menial tasks.
From what he saw from the fight, the aura that is present in that event is the same as the aura he felt when he was up to Howard and Randy. He started forming theories inside his mind, one of which had been more plausible than the others.
"Could it be that... one of them is a yokai?" The sight of one of them feeling betrayed as their friend turns out to be one the monsters that terrorizes this town sends joy. He may not be sadistic, but he surely enjoys a good show of betrayal.
Randy sat beside Howard on a bench afterschool. The teen ninja recounted his fight earlier, "And then it said, 'Don't trust the lizard.', like what the juice?". Howard took another sip as he listened to his biffer, also being confused at his statement, don't trust the lizard? It didn't make sense, "What lizard?" Howard asked.
"That's what I have been thinking." Randy sighed as they left the bench, walking down the paved concrete sidelines, heading towards Greg's GameHole and possibly distract themselves. After their little session, they went to their homes, tired from what happened throughout the day.
Randy took a shower, as sprinkles of water began hitting his skin, his mind drifted to forget Chase, insisting to deal with it tomorrow. Yet, as thought of Chase, he felt as though the man looks somewhat familiar, like he had seen someone that looks like him before. He processed the theory.
Green spiky hair...
Sharp jawline...
Pure black eyes with slits...
Yellowish skin color...
Somewhat Chinese origin...
Randy shook his head hard, Jake being Chase? Doesn't sound right to him, but he can't help but wonder if the both of them have any connections to each other. He can't just base on outside appearance, that'll be wonk as hell.
"Is Chase part of Jake's family?". While it doesn't strike him much, it is a greater improvement than he had thought of earlier. He hasn't asked of Jake's lineage, not that planned to for the sake of respecting the guy's privacy.
He then recalled what the fox yokai said to him, "Lizards look like dragons, right?". Far-fetched, but it could work. He isn't sure if the 'lizard' is actually Chase, but a possibility should be considered, no matter how weird it is.
Getting out of the bathroom clothed, he threw himself onto his bed and grabbed his phone, opening up his contacts. He saw Jake's number, should he? He contemplates, "I...".
His thumb is shaking, confused on whether to tap or not, he can't just call his friend and somehow pull out a question regarding his family tree, yet he also can't let go of his lead on Chase. Breathing a heavy sigh... he pressed it.
Jake was sweeping up the floors of his gramp's shop, the dust settling outside as he closed the door. Fu Dog had retired to the storage room to nap, his Gramps had gone to a meeting with the Dragon Council about some matters with the magical community.
"What a boring night." He sighed, he was about to go home when his phone rang. Checking it, he was ecstatic to see Randy calling him, finally, something interesting.
He pressed to call, the teen ninja's voice echoing throughout the shop. "Hey Jake!" He heard from the other side, "Hi Randy, why'd you call all of a sudden?". He heard shuffling from Randy's side as he explained.
"So you know the guy I was partially allies for during my time at the red light district?"
Jake felt his blood boil, "Red light district? You?! Randy—"
"Ah shoob, I didn't tell you about it?" The teen recounted his adventure at the district, how he met Chase during the fight against a jorogumo.
"For a second, I actually thought YOU were doing sex work. Dammit Randy, don't scare me like that, man..." The teen protector let's out a frustrated groan.
Randy snickered, "Nah, I would've killed all my clients if that were to happen. Anyways... the guy I told you, Chase... do you know your family tree?"
"Why're you askin' me that? You think me and him are related?"
"No it's just... nevermind. It's a stupid theory, god why did I think of such thing..."
"No, I... how'd you think we were related to each other?" Jake tried to get a better hold of the situation.
Randy told him all the painfully similar characteristics they both share, the lizard and dragon connection seemingly solidifying the theory. "I'll try to ask Gramps about it when he comes back, though I ain't too sure he'll say anythin' to me if somehow my family is connected with that man."
With a hum from the other side, they proceeded to move on to other topics to lighten the mood up, telling each other what had been happening to them the past week. After an hour of conversation, they hung up, the night sky still clear as ever, trying to lull the teen ninja to sleep. His consciousness faded as he fell asleep, expecting the same dream again.
He finds himself spectating a nightmare, the dark gloomy space had him feel eerie at the place. Then, with a loud crash of thunder, he saw Howard kneeling on the ground, hands clutching his stomach. The teen tried to move to help his best friend yet he feels as though his stuck in one place.
He tried to shout to get the plump teen's attention but no voice seems to come out of his mouth. He watched in horror as his friend painfully transformed into a grotesque form of a bird. Feathers sprout from his body as his face is riddled with suffering, red veins glow brightly from his skin to further prove his pain.
Howard screams in sheer agony, black wings stretching out of his back as it bled, pools of blood staining the ground. His former human appearance did not even remain the slightest bit, his face twisted unnaturally to contort the most hideous and uncomfortable smile in existence.
His friend—No, this monster looked at his way slowly, eyeing him like a predator. He then approached Randy, their feet now resembling a bird's feet. He desperately tried to get away, but the creature had managed to latch onto him, their claws tearing his face apart.
Randy woke up screaming, sitting up quickly as he clutched his face, Howard. He panted, trying to even his breath. He looked around his room, it was normal just like before he went to sleep. "I can't keep having nightmares like these." He bounced his bed back to his bed, covering his eyes with his hands.
The Nomicon glowed, getting him to open it. He got schloomped inside and found First Ninja sitting on a table, drinking from his tea mug, expecting him. Randy sat across him, he watched as his mentor set down his mug and began to conversation.
"It looks like you've experienced the nightmare, didn't you?"
He was aghast at his mentor's question, how did he know?
"From the looks on your face, it seems you did. Let me explain, what you saw is a vision of what would happen if your friend gets possessed by the Tengu for the third time."
The teen looked at the table separating him and the man before him, Howard had been possessed two times. First continued.
"Your friend has great compatibility with the Tengu, seeing as he hadn't died when he got possessed the first time."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
First stood up from his seat, walking away as Randy followed him. He was led to a pool full of sad and suffering faces, trying to get out of the pool but feels as though an unseeable force is stopping them to. The teen was intimidated by the sight.
"This, is the Pool of the Sacrifices. It serves as a grave for those who died after becoming possessed by the Tengu. Almost all of the bearers of the Tengu would've shriveled to death after they would get possessed.
The past ninjas before you had already shattered the Tengu Stone, releasing that bird out of its cage and making it possess their close ones. Yet, none, even you, knew that the Tengu's possessions reaps a hefty sacrifice. The life of the possessed."
With a hush-toned voice, First told the experiences of the past ninjas, how they broke down crying when they realized their actions costed them the lives of their allies. Siblings, friends, lovers, one instance had been that the Tengu possessed the body of a frail child, the son of the 97th Ninja who died after the fight.
"... If you knew they were going to die after becoming possessed, why... why didn't you advise us? Them?! You could've avoided their deaths! You knew after the first one died, so why?!"
Randy was distraught by his mentor's inaction to tell them that information. The First Ninja closed his eyes, "The Tengu's power is becoming more uncontrollable than ever, someone has to contain it.".
"Someone? Why? Isn't the Tengu Stone enough?"
"As I've said before, it had been shattered by the past generations for how many times, it's barrier is withering down bit by bit. A mortal's life is more than enough to satiate the unrest of the Tengu, becoming a vessel in exchange for the soul of the mortal."
Bewildered by the fact, the teen kneeled to the ground, holding his head as he tried to process the situation before him. He almost costed Howard's life because of his recklessness. Tears swelled up in his eyes as First patted his back, trying to comfort the teen.
Randy placed his head over the man's shoulder, tears freely flowing down his cheeks as horrific scenarios in his mind started to play. "Why tell me now?" He asked.
"You are the only one that had received a foreboding of the Tengu's true form. It looks as if it had grew fonder of your friend. If your friend had managed to survive this long after his possession, then he may have the willpower to resist the Tengu's control over him if somehow he gets possessed again."
"... But if he didn't?"
"... Sacrifices shall be made for the greater good, his efforts shall not be in vain."
Silence ensued after that, Randy's eyes had stopped crying, his mind now trying to think of what to do about the new information he was given. Suddenly, a question pops into his mind, something to distract him from the disturbing thoughts.
"Hey First Ninja, what's up with you and Chase Young? You seemed pretty close, the two of you."
Randy swore he saw a vein bulged on First's forehead, looking quite annoyed by the question, "And where did you learn that?". The teen shuffled as he removed his head out of his mentor's shoulder.
"Eheh, well..." Randy told him about his encounter with the man during the mission in the Ishigano Red Light District. About how he wanted greet First and how he followed the teen into Norrisville, serving as a teacher in his school. First clicked his tongue, "We were enemies back in the day, though we still respect each other."
"And your relationship right now with him is?"
"Rivals. That's all there is to it. Don't mind him, don't give in to his presence, I assure you—" First placed his hand on Randy's shoulder, "I will grant you protection from him if he ever dares to harm you." The teen felt the sense of great honor from the man before him. Then, his body began to fade away, a smile on his face as he was sent back to the real world, leaving First Ninja alone.
"Chase huh, he's still pursuing you?" Plopplop asked from behind, making First turn around to see him. "That warlock can't seem to leave me alone even after I left the mortal world." First pinched the bridge of his nose, struggling not to create a wrinkle caused by the mention of him.
"He's marked you—" First stared at him with daggers in his eyes, "Plopplop, my dear friend, I want no mentions of the warlock. Please." Plopplop shut his mouth, not wanting to agitate his friend even more.
First sighed, a hand massaging his temples, "He's already caught on the fact that I exist somewhere in Norrisville, not having ascended to above. If he messes up with Randy, I won't hesitate to skin him alive, even if...". He felt a tingling sensation on his neck and lower regions, a blush forming on his face as he tried to shoo the thought away.
"Tch, to entertain such mem— thoughts."
Plopplop left him alone in his thoughts, as his friend wanted. First walked towards the waterfall he frequents to, sitting on a rock as he fixed his meditating position. Trying to forget the events he had tried so hard to bury, he meditated in hopes of trying to get his mind off of the memory.
He was shoved to the wall with brute force, without his suit he felt the pain that would usually dissipate in a second but then, he felt something that wedged itself between his neck. A warm something touched his skin, an arousing feeling rising inside him.
First opened his eyes, not wanting it to continue. Resetting his progress as he closed his eyes once more.
He screamed, the pounding force making him let out embarrassing sounds that he would rather not reveal in the public. A hand touched his hips and squeezed it tightly, he looked at his face. Cold, sharp, yellow eyes stared at him.
He opened his eyes again, his eyes wide as the memory gave him chills along his entire body. He can't focus because of it. Seeing as he can't escape it, he stopped his meditation, he just sits on the rock and massaged his forehead, "Why can't I just forget about you?".
It all started when rumors about a mysterious beast lurking in the northern side of the woods began to take toll on the people of the Village of Norisu. Many warned that whoever steps beyond the marked trees will die being torn to shreds, evident by the corpse of a resident woodcutter they found earlier that morning.
Due to autumn nearing it's end and the winter season coming ahead of them, the people are starting to worry about their supply of kindling, seeing that the northern part of the woods have the most abundant source than any other parts of the woods.
First, wanting his people safe from the unforgivable winter, opted to go investigate the woods to calm the panic. Many disagreed to his actions, he was the only living heir to the Norisu Clan, loved and respected by the people. If something were to happen to him, the whole village will be plunged to deep sorrow.
But, they knew he was strong, stronger than any men in the village, and in the end, they let him go. As he trudged through the forest, he noticed that Chase had also disappeared the same time the rumors started. Not wanting to jump to conclusions unprepared, he only theorized that Chase and the mysterious monster are one in the same. Perhaps it may not be Chase who is the monster but someone or something else.
He saw the rumored marked trees, stepping beyond it, he walked into the dangerous area, his moves careful so as to not alert the monster. With his heightened hearing, he heard fast moving footsteps, eyes stalking him as he tread through the woods. Finally, he saw an old cabin built in the middle of nowhere, the wooden structure weathered down but stable enough for it to still be standing.
Checking for any possible way to look inside the cabin, he tried to look into the windows, he then found one that was clear enough to see the inside. Thanking the moonlight, he peered into the cabin and saw Chase except...
Chase had been trying his hardest to control himself and his animalistic urges. When the full moon struck last week, he had forgotten to get out of the moonlight's way, to shelter himself out of its gaze. With the light of the moon hitting him, he felt his beastial urges surge, his lizard form trying to control his conscience as he fled the forest of where the First Ninja resides, not wanting him in on this mess.
From an old cabin he found during his explorations in the forest, he housed himself in there as he couldn't go back to his lair at this rate. Before long, he removed all of his clothes, finding them constricting and uncomfortable especially in the situation he's into. Sometimes his consciousness would fade in and out, sensing and attacking anything that moves, when he wakes up, he sees the bloodshed he had done.
He wanted to isolate himself. This damn cursed cycle. It turns him into a mindless monster that he so hates. The rut had been eating him from the inside out. Breed. Breed. Breed. That's all he could think about. Since when did he last feel this remarkable powerlessness over himself.
Growling from the arousing pain, locked himself inside the old cabin, not wanting anyone disturbing him from patiently waiting to pass the yearly rut... Yet, a scent hits his nostrils, a far sweeter scent and by far the only good thing he ever gets to experience in this nightmare.
He followed the scent, his mind fixated on finding out what it was. Opening his eyes was... the First Ninja. What was he doing here?
A part of his mind wanted to ravage the man, yet his self-control insisted to not give in to the urges, to warn the man to leave him alone lest he wants more than getting tainted by his own seed. "G-go... away..." He could only muster that much to warn him. Curse him for being this damn vulnerable.
The First Ninja saw Chase, transformed into a hybrid of both his human form and lizard form, larger than he was supposed to be and lying on the floor, being more vulnerable than interaction he had within the past. This Chase... warned him for his own safety. He left the cabin not wanting to induce Chase's wrath to his people.
But, when the next morning arrived, they had found yet another causualty, the death of a huntsman in the northern part of the woods. Torn to shreds. Wanting to stop this madness, he went straight to the library to try and find any records that can identify the warlock's condition.
Plopplop helped him identify books and records about dragons, yet to not avail. He was about to find another more gruesome way to deal with Chase when Plopplop found a hidden scroll from some part of the library. In it described the same conditions the warlock had been experiencing, he read the source of it.
"Dragon Rut..." he muttered from under his breath. Plopplop tried to understand what the Norisu heir said but was pushed out of the fight, his friend determined to finish it himself, dignity be damned if it was for the safety of his people.
As the sun began to go down, he went back to the cabin, he sees the cabin door smashed to pieces, a growling creature crashing itself from walls to walls, trying to gain control of itself. Removing his mask, the suit began to disintegrate, it's fabrics slithering out of his body and into the void. "Hey!" he called out to the creature before him.
The creature, Chase, spun around to find the sweet scent present in the room. "Why did he come here?" Chase asked himself, confused as to why the ninja came to him after telling him to go away. Maybe it's because—
"Chase, you can't be suffering alone in this."
Chase was confused, what would he do in this situation?
"Dragon's Rut. A yearly cycle that stimulates a dragon's hormones to help them find a mate. Occurs during the full moon before winter, before the lands become barren. You're hurting under that, aren't you?"
First began to move towards him, inching closer and closer as the sweet scent is becoming harder and harder to resist.
"My people cannot survive through the winter if you keep terrorizing the woods. This rut of yours lasts for a month, but nature doesn't wait. The winter will dwindle the numbers of my people if they can't find enough kindling and food to store. So please..."
He kneeled down on the wooden floor, the warlock wanting to know if his guess about his intent were right. 
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"Let me help you get through this, for the benefit of the both of us. My people will survive getting wiped out due to nature, and you will never experience this again. Dragon Rut only happens when a dragon hasn't found a mate yet, right? It'll stop when a dragon has one. So make me."
Chase was flabbergasted by the First Ninja's offer. To sacrifice your body for the sake of everyone... How long has he been waiting for this?
When they first met, Chase would often poke and annoy the First Ninja, simply to test the will of the man. One of his jungle cats had warned him of the ninja, how he singlehandedly beat up the Sorcerer that had been wreaking havoc throughout Japan.
Chase had heard of the Sorcerer before, though he never fought the guy, simply a waste of time in his opinion. But when the news spread that the Sorcerer fled the country and went to this new world, he wanted to see if this 'Sorcerer' has any value in them.
When the news of the Sorcerer being defeated by the Ninja had reached to him, he tried to find this 'Ninja', to see how powerful they were if they were able to defeat the feared Sorcerer. At last, he found the Ninja, he witnessed the strength and cunning the man has, outwitting his enemies and is a swift fighter.
He tried to get the man on his side, he offered anything a normal person would greed for; money, women, strength, chaos. Anything. Yet the Ninja wouldn't budge. He resorted to underhanded tactics, seduction and all that. It was when he messed with the village people, which the Ninja ruled over, had the man snapped and fought against him, challenging him for him to leave the village people alone if the man wins.
It was a tough fight, both Chase and the First Ninja were severely injured. Chase couldn't believe it, since when had been a time when he was this severely beat, wounds and stabs puncturing so deep it takes more than a day to heal? Magic so powerful that the both of them were on equal standing? That he lost to the man before him? How could someone so powerful use it on the side of silly righteousness. Like Monk Guan.
Chase fulfilled his promise, yet he still bothered the Ninja, after all the promise was to leave the village people, not the Ninja. It was an on and off banter, they would bicker the next, then they would have tea together, sitting alongside each other and just enjoying each other's company. Eventually, unecessary feelings grew, though none of them suspected it. Shooing away or scoffing at the mushy feeling, avoiding it like the plague.
Until this night...
"Make me your mate."
How could he say no?
Letting go of the remaining restraint he has, he lunged at the man, his teeth bearing fangs as he ravaged his neck, biting every spot available. He ripped First's kimono and undershirts out of the way, leaving the ninja shirtless with only his pants on.
First was shoved against the wall, the comforter cushioning his fall as he sat on the floor. He looked up and saw the lizard hybrid glooming above him, he checked to see the hybrid's dick, "Fuck..." He cussed in a whispered tone. It's larger than what an ordinary man would have, probably because of the transformation that it had grown to be bigger, but still...
His train of thoughts were crashed back to reality when a hand ran over through the scalp of his hair, grabbing it tightly as it pulled him towards the lizard hybrid's dick. First held his breath before putting the length into his mouth, tasting it as he only managed to get it halfway in.
Chase, not satisfied with what the man is doing, shoved the entire length into his mouth, effectively activating First's gag reflex as he tries to breath. Using the hand that holds First's hair, he began thrusting into the man's throat in and out, First being only able to hold onto Chase's hips to help be stable while sucking him.
Somewhere along the line, the tie that holds First's hair up had been torn, leaving his hair trickling down on his flushed face as Chase released inside him, the man almost choking over the sheer amount of it. "Is this it—" the First Ninja was laid down on the futon, he looked down to see the hybrid putting his claws on the fabric of his pants, threatening to tear them out.
"Damn— Chase don't you dare rip my pants, I'll freeze to death when I get back to my house." He threatened, stomping Chase's head out of the way and quickly removing his pants and undergarments. Due to his aggression with the hybrid, when he finished his action, Chase shoved him down the dirty futon again, this time with more force.
Dust clouded the air as Chase lifted one of First's legs, putting it on his shoulder and admiring his thigh. He sunk his teeth in the plush flesh, the ninja's head arched back, hissing at the pain. Chase continued this action for a few more times before placing his hand on the ninja's hips.
He lined his tongue on First's hole, pushing in as soft wetness enveloped when he entered in it. The man let out a gasp, his eyes rolled back as he shut his eyes. He cupped his hands to his mouth as he tried desperately to cover out any sound that comes out of him as the lizard hybrid' tongue pushed through the man's insides.
After letting the tongue get out of his slick covered hole, Chase lined up his dick towards First's entrance. He looked at the shivering man before him, engraving the face deep into memory as he caressed his cheeks. "Just do it already, dammit."
Impatient. Eager. I can't control myself...
He thrusted inside First hard, leaving First knocked out of his breath as Chase wasted no time pounding harshly inside him, leaving him no room to breathe through as air keeps getting knocked out of him. His insides clenched hard as the hybrid finds himself enjoying the tight fitted hole he had been thrusting in and out to.
First, not being able to control his emotions anymore, letting lust cloud his eyes and letting out a string of moans, tearing up at the break-neck pace Chase has settled in doing. His hair was sprawled on the futon as his dick had been hard the whole time, not having the time to touch it.
Suddenly, Chase positioned First as his back was now faced to the wall, the lizard hybrid continuing to fuck him until he managed to find the man's g-spot. Moans and heavy breathing were to be heard as it echoed throughout the old cabin.
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Finally, he felt Chase stopping his movements, thrusting deep into him as he filled First with his seed.  Immediately sinking his teeth on the ninja's neck, the venom emitted from his teeth had blended itself with First's blood, earning the man a permanent bite mark, effectively marking him as per Dragon culture.
The hybrid pumped out the ninja's dick, letting him get his release as they slumped over to the futon. Chase hugged the man tightly on his waist, not letting the ninja get away from him that night. When morning came, Chase noticed the ninja gone from his side, First had been dressing himself up, his pants and undergarments the only remaining clothes he wore because he tore the other clothings to shreds.
He hugged the ninja from behind, "What are we now, Ninja?"  He asked. The First Ninja turned his head around to face the Heylin prince, a faint smirk on his face if one looked closely into it, "Still rivals.".
Back at present time, the First Ninja reminisced about the event, still feeling the sensations Chase had given him that time. "What are we, really?" He sighed, not wanting to admit that he missed him.
"Gramps, do you know anything about a man named Chase Young?" Jake asked, shocking his Gramps as he spits out his tea. A cough fit ensued as he cleared his throat, "What did you say?". ------------------------------------------------------
These two have too much pride stuck up their arse and are so emotionally constipated my god—
Think of the children y'all😭
Think about Randy, First! He's the lovechild of this fuckfest of a marriage.
Shut your yapping mouth and kiss already!
(they didn't even kiss ugh!)
On a side note, please do comment if there's anything to improve in my fics, maybe point out if they're ooc or some shit. Thank y'all for reading this.
18 notes · View notes
skytroops · 1 year
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And here we are 24 moons into Strike Clowder! A lot of cats ended up in the medicine den by the end of this year, so hoping they survive into Year 3 and onwards. I am hoping that someone has kits in the next year, cuz we've not had any newborns and I wanna see those potatoe sprites!
Fumblefreckle | male | 147 moons old | shameless / excellent mediator
Fumblefreckle has been doing better. He has finally gotten himself out of his grief-induced fog for Coatidance and Kestrelwhisper, and even named a new co-leader; Gravelspeck. He is also aware of Randy’s growing affection for him, which doesn’t upset him as much as he thought it should.
Gravelspeck / female | 95 moons old | strange / good speaker
Gravelspeck was shocked when Fumblefreckle decided to name her his co-leader. She is trying her best to keep the clowder in order, but she can’t say the same for her personal life. Almost all of her kits have suffered some pain, with the worst being Deltapaw dying much too young and. . .she has noticed that Brownstripe doesn’t seem to care as much as he should as their adoptive father.
Bluesplash | female | 86 moons old | ambitious / great speaker
Bluesplash ended up having a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting, which resulted in her being unable to perform her tasks during a rough time for the clowder. While she is thankful for Habanerofreeze, he is both older and less experienced than her, so she is even more desperate for an apprentice.
Habanerofreeze | male | 94 moons old | faithful / very smart
Habanero had spent most of his life wandering the countryside, learning to use all sorts of herbs for healing. He had been approached in his dreams by a spirit, who asked him to seek out and assist their clowder. After travelling for some time, he found Fumblefreckle. Despite not sharing the clowder’s beliefs, he prays for Bluesplash’s future apprentice.
Randy | male | 121 moons old | bloodthirsty / good speaker
Randy has spent a lot of time with Fumblefreckle and has fallen hard for the old tom. He doesn’t want to pressure his leader into anything, so he hasn’t entertained them becoming mates. He is proud of his apprentice becoming a warrior, but they don’t have much of a relationship.
Starling | male | 98 moons old | childish / great fighter
Starling was travelling with a group of loners when he got into an argument with one of them that turned violent. They fought until Starling thought better and ran. Injured, he was chased by the loner onto a busy dragonpath. Before he knew it, as a dragon rushed towards him, a cat tackled him. Sadly both of them were run over, resulting in Starling’s broken back and Snipleap’s death.
Currently, Starling’s survival is still uncertain. Starling isn’t bothered much by this news, as he feels like he’s lived a long life but his heart goes out to Snipleap’s friends.
Halfsprout | male | 78 moons old | careful / good teacher
Halfsprout hasn’t done much of importance this year, but he has become friends with Suncrawl and he is very concerned for her, and the rest of the cats under the herbalists’ care.
Shadowspots | male | 76 moons old | strange / great speaker
A somewhat mysterious tom who walked into Strike’s camp one morning, demanding to become a part of the clowder. Gravelspeck was rather unsettled by his sudden appearance, but Fumblefreckle admired his tenacity and allowed him to stay. He spends his free time telling bizarre stories about the animals he has met in his life.
Brownstripe | male | 67 moons old | calm / fantastic hunter
Brownstripe has stuck close to Gravelspeck, but the distance between himself and his adopted kits has only gotten wider. He still adores his mate, but Gravelspeck isn’t too keen about him at the moment.
After mentoring Lightspots, he has figured that he just isn't interested in being a mentor.
Brushlion | male | 55 moons old | bold / fantastic teacher
Having run away from a neglectful owner, Brushlion wasn’t sure where to go. He tried living on his own but had a rather bad time defending himself from bigger animals, so he sought out a group to live with. He was found by a patrol while trying to hunt on Strike territory. He feels more confident than he’s ever felt, and he is excited to prove himself worthy of his position as a warrior.
Suncrawl | female | 32 moons old | loving / good hunter
Suncrawl got humbled rather hard this year when she tried stealing food from a Man-trap and badly hurt herself when escaping it. She is still in the medicine den, dealing with an infection. Her heart goes out to her brother, as she knew he and Snipleap were very close.
Cloudlight | male | 32 moons old | vengeful / good speaker & Tawnyripple | male | 25 moons old | fierce / great teacher
These two couldn’t have had a worse year. Cloudlight has been destroyed by Snipleap’s death. He blames himself, as he was the one to come up with the idea of keeping surveillance of the dragonpath after finding a dead kittypet there early into the year. He, Snipleap, Tawnyripple and Deltapaw collectively helped bring Brushlion, Savvyshadow, and Starling into the clowder. He. . .also didn’t get the chance to say how much he loved Snipleap.
Early into Deltapaw’s apprenticeship, Tawnyripple got help from Cloudlight and Snipleap in training the younger tom. Together, the group had become closer but Tawnyripple eventually wished to train Deltapaw by himself like any other mentor should. Tragically, when he was taking Deltapaw out for hunting, they had been surprised by a flash flood and Deltapaw was swept away. Tawnyripple, Cloudlight, and Snipleap spent an entire night searching for their joint apprentice, but Deltapaw was nowhere to be found. They had hoped that he had survived, but Bluesplash confirmed to see Deltapaw within the Fallen One’s ranks.
Now Tawnyripple feels like Suncrawl and her mother were correct in their objections, and wishes that Deltapaw was given to somecat else.
Scorchsmoke | female | 18 moons old | strict / great hunter
The only one of the loner litter to not have something bad happen to them. With her brother’s passing, Scorchsmoke has thrown herself into keeping the clan fed and protected. She openly dislikes Brownstripe for seemingly being unaffected by Deltapaw’s death and isn’t too friendly towards her adoptive mother for not calling him out. She has promised to herself that she’ll be a much better parent to her future kits.
When Lightspots became confined to the medicine den for treatment for a bad infection, Scorchsmoke busied herself so she wouldn’t think about her sister’s deteriorating condition. According to Savvyshadow’s spirit, she has a secret.
Shrubpurr | female | 18 moons old | fierce / good fighter
Shrubpurr was so badly hurt by a rogue, she had to spend green-leaf recovering and could not be named a warrior alongside her sisters. Fumblefreckle gave her more than enough time to train as the only apprentice, then was named for her fierce love for her sisters.
She visits Lightspots several times a day to make sure that she is feeling comfortable despite how things are going for her.
Lightspots | female | 18 moons old | sneaky / great speaker
Lightspots’ apprenticeship under Brownstripe was a tense affair, which made her jealous of her siblings’ relationships with their own mentors–especially Deltapaw. She saw the trio of toms treating her brother almost like a younger sibling, all while she barely could emotionally connect with her adoptive father. One thing that intrigued her about Brownstripe was his encounters with Man, so when she became a warrior alongside her sister, she decided to venture into the Man village to explore.
While there, she had gotten mistaken for someone’s kittypet and ended up trapped within a Man nest for several days. She managed to escape, but only after a collar had been put around her neck. Lightspots felt like she needed to prove herself to the older cats to make up for her mistake, but she only ended up having a bad encounter with a fox–which mangled her tail.
She is currently in recovery, but infection has set in and Bluesplash is not sure if she will pull through.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
SEQUEL to - Please, Don't kill me, Mr.Ghostface
Randy Meeks x Fem!Reader
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Masterlist Part 2 on Masterlist
Warnings : mentions Sex, language, mentions dying, mentions Killing, Reader has hallucinations (If I miss anything let me know)
I do NOT support killing
Summary : After the 1996 Woods borrow murders, will you move on? Attending college with some old friends and making new ones. Your past stalking you at times making everything difficult.
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"Can you tell me what you were thinking when he was going to kill your friends?"
The clocked ticked loudly on the wall, you fidgeted picking your nails.
"Disgusted, trapped, with myself to be exact. If I didn't say anything I'd get hurt. If I did if get hurt. There's nothing I could do about it."
She nodded scrabbling on the notebook paper.
"And it's said you stabbed Billy Loomis 17 times. Is that correct?"
"I didn't count. I just... Did it. It was either that or die."
"I know."
"I don't wanna talk about Billy." You looked out the window not being able to face her.
"Let's talk about your visions then.".
You nodded still looking out the window with a soft gaze.
"I got a call from your Aunt. She said according to the teacher you started yelling in class. Cause you saw... Them.".
You nodded, "Yes."
"They're dead they can't hurt you."
"I know. But nightmares can't die."
She sighed, "You're suffering from PTSD, it's not strange to suffer after a traumatic event. Sydney, Randy, and Gale are doing fine. Sydneys getting through it maybe you can talk to her-"
"Sydney's rich and popular. She has the ability... To be loved easily."
"You don't know Sydney's life-"
"But I know mine!" You turned to her.
"Tell me about school."
"People look at me like I'm a zombie or something. I mean since someone died the exams aren't a big deal... People think I'm a killer... Ever since Gale... Did a short read of her upcoming book..."
"Self defense is not murder."
"Yes, I know! Still hurts. The only reason I got into college is because of being a victim. I don't even know what to major in."
"Don't you like movies? Major in directing."
"that's Randy's thing. I love movies, but I don't wanna make them."
"just come up with a list and think it through. How's your sleeping been?"
You looked down at your lap, "It's hard to sleep. I have bad dreams and wake up.".
"have you tried a-"
"Routine. Yes. Sometimes Randy spends the night."
She raised her eyebrow, "Not like that!".
"Mhm." She wrote something down.
"Do you think im a killer?" You looked at her deeply. She looked up at you and didn't speak for a moment.
"I think you're an angry child with a rough past seeking the love you didn't have."
"That wasn't my question."
"No, you're not a killer."
"You hesitated."
"This isn't about me. Its about you."
Silence filled the room back up again.
"I'm scared I'll kill again."
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You folded your graphic tees into a box. Music played in the background as you packed up. The last week you've been packing for college. Surprisingly Sydney asked to be roommates, you said yes.
Your room was almost empty now, you sat on your bed.
"Finally running away from here?"
Billy appeared next to you, he leaned down to see your face.
"You're not real."
"I'm real to you."
You didn't look towards him, you closed your eyes trying to focus on breathing.
"You can't shut me out!" He yelled.
"Go away, Billy!" You yelled back. Your Aunt rushed in at the sound of you yelling.
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah, just a nightmare." You stood up.
"Okay. Well Randy called, he's on his way. So get ready to pack up his car." She gave a pathetic smile and walked away. You sighed putting shoes on before taking boxes near the front door. Randy pulled up walking in the house, ever since the killing he seemed to peak. He had more muscle and wore shirts that showed it, he even grew out a small beard. He wasn't the only thing that change in the summer though.
People around you took note about how you seemed more free than usual. You got to dress in clothes without Billy saying you looked whorish. Not only that but you randy had sex, a lot. In his car, in your room, even at his work. There was of course close calls but nothing to serious. He got better at sex the more you two did it. Sometimes it was passionate and loving, others were more rough and animalistic.
"God, I'm not gonna have room for all this!" Randy exclaimed mentioning the boxes. You rolled your eyes, "It's everything, clothes, bedding, school supplies, all of it.".
Randy grabbed a box letting out a small huff. You patted his back, "you got this.".
"You better help that boy!" Your Aunt yelled out.
"Yeah!" Randy mocked smiling. You grabbed a box following him to the car. The trunk had all of Randy's bags stuffed into there. He placed the boxes in the back seat. You huffed back and forth between the car and the house.
"That's all of them!" You yelled out to Randy. He slammed the car door shut, "Thank God!" He cried over dramatically.
Your Aunt hugged you tightly sniffling, "Call when you can. Stay safe.".
"I will, I love you." You hugged her back tightly.
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Months later
You banged on Randy's door, "Randy Meeks! Get your ass up!". He got drunk with his roommate, Paul last night. He called you slurring his words telling you how much he loves you. He opened the door, "Sorry, I was getting dress!".
"You look like shit." You laughed. His hair a bit messy and bags under his eyes.
"You look amazing too, darling" he said in a British accent.
You walked to class with him holding his hand. Some girls snickered at you as you passed them. Randy glanced at them, "What's their problem?".
"Don't worry about it. You know how some women are, don't grow out of the popularity in high school." You sighed.
"Pfft, yeah tell me about it." He said leaning close to your ear. His hot breath tickling the side of your face.
A frisbee passed by in front of you two, "Couldn't have caught it?! Dick.." some guy said running after it.
"See?" Randy gestured. You rolled your eyes, "Come on Mr.Meeks we have a film class to get to!".
"You know how I get when you call me that." He joked. You jokingly gave him a look, "You'll just have to rub it out in the bathroom.". He smiled hugging you from behind picking you up a bit.
"Or I could fuck you when Paul's gone"
You laughed tapping his arm to let you go. "Poor Paul needs a break from us pounding like dogs in there." You said walking into the building. Randy caught up with you, "Well this dogs ready to pounce.". He sprayed mouth spray in his mouth winking at you.
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firefly-sky · 1 year
south park high school headcanons
TW for drinking and smoking (i have t watched the post pandemic special, so i don’t quite consider if canon..? I dunno though please don’t come for me-)
Eric Cartman:
Doesn’t give a shit about school tbh
I mean he’s probably a solid C/D student
Probably sits next to the teacher, lmao
He’s a pretentious little bitch, we know this, and he probably just harasses kids all the time
Like if there’s a presentation or something he’s probably pretending to be asleep or something
(especially if it’s Kyle)
Probably makes fun of everyone for their class choices
”Oh of course Kahl is taking economics. Those damn Jews” or “Kenny, why are you taking home economics if we all know you’re poor as hell and don’t have any food in your trailer to make this shit anyway?”
Was probably that one annoying kid who laughed during sex ed
Flips the teachers off when they aren’t looking
Is probably an angel to all the teachers but to the students, he’s a massive dick
Probably tried making Kyle fail his classes by hacking into the website
They only knew it was him because for comments/observations tab he put some ���stupid Jew’ spiel
He’s dumb as shit sometimes
Bullies freshmen
Probably started Freshie Friday
Hes the kind of person to spray Axe Body Speay everywhere and has probably made multiple people sick because of it
Failing Gym
Mainly because he never makes up classes and refused to swim in ‘contaminated water’ (probably aimed at the girls or Kenny)
Doesnt date through high school
because nobody wanted to date a neonazi manipulative asshole
Probably didn’t do any clubs
He probably joined the Gay Straight Alliance (run probably by Big Gay Al) and ripped on everyone there
Got bored and never went back after he ran out of jokes
Honestly he’s probably to lazy to do any clubs after school
He doesn’t like staying in school after he’s already
Probably has gotten suspended a few times
(likely for putting a cherry bomb in Kyle’s locker)
Im kinda lost on Cartman lmao
Stan Marsh
Honestly? He probably drank a lot in high school
Kyle often had to take care of him and scold him for drinking
Stan’s probably a B/C student
Probably studies better in a group than alone
Thanks the stars that Shelley is a senior and will leave him alone
(though I do think she somewhat mellowed down, though she still threatens to beat the fuck out of him sometimes)
And Sharon probably helps him when she isn’t busy
But he feels awkward going to her for help
Randy is awful to study with
”So if I have x amounts of condoms and y amounts of-“ “Fuck this Im calling Kyle”
Kyle is his study buddy when he can’t turn to anyone else
which is pretty often
He pays pretty good attention in class
Probably still dating Wendy tbh
Stan definitely wears like zip up hoodies and ripped jeans and such
Probably bleached the lower half of his hair
it didn’t look good
His hair’s greasy af i’m calling it
Its fluffy when he washes it but that’s a rarity
Uses 3 in 1
wears gloves everywhere
lowkey germaphobe
Probably joined some sort of after school activity
Probably some sort of helping the community club
Tbh he failed chemistry multiple times
Hes trying though
Graduates with probably a solid 3.2 GPA
(idk how colorado does it i’m just going based off of where i live)
Probably goes to college and then drops out after two years
Works a few jobs because he wants to get out of the house
Overall good student, 7/10
Kyle Broflovski
That rare breed between nerd and jock
Hes probably one of those athletic kids getting awards and stuff all the time
Def on the swim team during the fall/spring and the basketball team during the winter
Also does a bunch of those community clubs (things that you would join to get into NHS)
His parents are probably super strict about grades
Theyre all about ‘keeping a good example for Ike’
So he usually beats himself up if he gets a grade below a 95
Speaking of, he’s probably top of his class ngl
Very smart
Studies better alone and probably isn’t the greatest at helping others study, but he’s trying
Honestly probably gets a little less insecure(?) about his hair and doesn’t wear his hat as much
Still barely takes it off but he’ll leave it off during sporting events
I know that thing smells like ass/hj
Probably wears a lot of flannels and t-shirts
Has reading glasses (they’re thick rimmed and brown)
Either that or he wears contact lenses but glasses are more convenient for him
Doesnt like wearing them because they remind him of his cousin Kyle Schwartz
Probably in all honors/AP/college courses
Gets academic awards a lot
He probably did band for one year to fulfill one of his miscellaneous credits (he played clarinet)
He’s probably one of the sweeter kids though, sports help him work through his anger issues
Still snaps at Cartman a lot though
Sometimes doesn’t take good care of himself between sports and studying
So Stan whips him into line
Probably had one partner through high school, doesn’t really play around much
Either that or he doesn’t date at all, he’s just too busy
If he were to date it’s be in junior/senior year, maybe sophomore year if it was the right person and they weren’t needy or too demanding of his time
Probably graduated with an advanced diploma
Goes to some ivy league school
Solid 4.0/4.1 GPA
Majors in math and minors in science
Kenny McCormick
Ngl he doesn’t give a shit
Probably failing some of his classes, has a few B’s, some D’s, he’s really scattered when it comes to grades
Probably skips class sometimes when he doesn’t feel like going
Still wears that same parka
He’s still taking home economics/hj
Probably sneaks into the girls changing room as Princess Kenny 🤭
That one kid who has a crush on all his female teachers
”Guys my average is a 69”
Hes the glue to keep all the boys together but tbh I feel like they drift apart and go their own directions during high school
They probably have like-game days on Saturdays though
He wants to keep the group together though because they’re probably more family than his own family (minus Karen)
Still dies a lot
Probably tries to die so he can get out of doing tests and such
Is the reason they don’t allow costumes at Halloween (he was def a playboy bunny)
Probably takes a lot of non honors/no college courses
The latter even less so because his family can’t afford it
Graduates with a barely passing GPA and goes to community college
Probably ended up dropping out tho
But he still makes sure to keep in touch with all the boys (minus cartman but he keeps in touch with Butters)
Butters Stotch
(speaking of-)
Honestly? Solid B student
Is probably still the most naive of the group, though he does stick up for himself now
Doesn’t like being called Butters much but Leopald is worse
So he either goes by Butters or Leo
Probably has a knack for history??
Honestly doesn’t do all honors courses, proabbly does honors history and maybeeee honors English
Sucks at math
His parents ground him a lot because of this
So he ends up with a tutor
He goes to the girls’ sleepovers as Margerine sometimes
Grew out of his Hello Kitty obsession :(
(…tbh he was probably into Pusheen at some point-)
Probably has a solid 3.5 GPA or something
Doesn’t graduate at the top of his class but he isn’t the dumbest person in the room
Probably is involved in the theater department
Honestly very artsy??
Probably takes a lot of art classes because he loves it so much
Majors in it!!
Probably minors in history too :)
Hes pretty nice to everyone in his classes and maybe even dates in high school..?
His parents don’t like it though
And he can’t go out much because he gets grounded a lot still
Overall pretty good!!
Tolkien Black
Probably still dating Nicole
Probably competes with Kyle a lot because of academics
Hes in the band
Plays trumpet
Of course Cartman says shit about this all the time, I’m calling it
Him and Kyle do butt heads a lot but honestly I feel like they’d end up being pretty good friends
Still cringed at his old TikToks
Hes probably in most AP/honors classes
Probably majors in music in college?
Or maybe he minors in it
Most likely the latter
He’a your go to study person
He’s pretty nice about it too, he doesn’t shame you for getting the answers wrong
He’s that one kid who has house parties a lot when his parents aren’t home
Mainly because Cartman kept calling him a pussy and saying he had no balls
Doesn’t have alcohol though
Him and Nicole were probably voted cutest couple
Them or Tweek and Craig
He hangs out with Clyde a lot and helps him with his courses
Hes probably class president tbh
Or maybe vice president
His parents donate tons of money to the school
Hes pretty level headed and calm during tests and quizzes
He’s really focused and motivated in school
Overall solid 3.9 GPA
Probably only behind Kyle by very little
And he’s okay with it
He probably goes to some hardcore Ivy League school like Harvard or Yale or some shit
Probably uses music as a side hustle in college to help pay for his classes
He was hellbent on paying for colllege alone, or mostly alone. He didn’t want people thinking he was only at said college because he was rich.
Pretty good overall, 10/10
Clyde Donovan
Clyde…is Clyde
Hes a dumbass
A lovable dumbass big a dumbass nonetheless
Scored so low on his SAT the first time he took it
Cries to Tolkien all the time because of his grades but when Tolkien tries to help him he gets distracted and leaves
He’s that one hella sporty kid though
Definitely captain of the soccer team
Probably in the Gay Straight Alliance for ‘shits and giggles’ but then finds out he’s pan, lmao
I feel like him and Bebe are really tight
They go shoe shopping together
Cries when he loses Kahoot
Uses Chat GDP to talk to girls 🫢
Honestly is probably like-weirdly good at math but nothing else
Calls Kyle and Tolkien his algebros whenever they’re grouped together
(i kinda hdc that he’s in honors math too with kyle and tolkien)
That honors math course saved his GPA
honestly it’s probably a 3.0 or a 3.1
Hes not completely dumb though
He gets a lot of sports awards and stuff
Kinda headcanon Clyde to have dyslexia?
So maybe that makes things a little more difficult for him
Studies better in groups
Gets easily distracted tho
He’s a horrible test taker
Cries whenever he can’t figure out the answer
Overall, he’s kinda mid
He probably goes to college tho
He stays in college for two years before he graduates
He was probably their star football player, so they were probably sad to see him go
But academically, he’s not great
Craig Tucker
Science geek
Mainly Earth Science but any science is basically a second language to him
He’s honestly probably good at English too?? like he’s a really good writer
Hes probably in honors English and Science
He combusts when it comes to geometry and map work
He’s bad with dates
Like he can hardly remember his anniversary with Tweek or his own birthday half the time
He’s pretty good at helping people study if it’s one on one
He’ll bully some people harder than others when it comes to helping them though
Goes after Clyde a lot of the time whenever he comes over for extra help
”Of you would leave I would be sooooo happy.”
He’s nice with Tweek though
Helps him not to panic during tests and such, probably gives him a lot of fidget toys too
(most of which are space themed)
Speaking of, I do kinda headcanon Craig with some kind of neurodivergent condition like autism or something
I kinda feel like space would be his special interest
He mellowed out a lot after middle school, but he still flips everyone off
Thats usually the extent though
His locker is an absolute mess, I already know it
The teachers for the most part like him
He pays attention and such
Probably wears reading glasses, they’re thin though and he doesn’t wear them a lot
Eric third wheels him and Tweek’s study dates a lot too
He studies online using things like Quizlet and stuff
Loves reading
He’s probably snuck out of class a few times, but doesn’t do it often
Solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Probably in the top 20% in his class
Goes to a pretty good college, probably on the west coast like in California or something
He’s pretty good in school
Tweek Tweak
Horrible test taker
Probably has to go to a different room, which just stresses him out more
Tbh Eric probably got him to get high once or twice
It did calm him down but it also freaked Craig the fuck out
Especially because this was during lunch
Tweek was fine, he was just extraordinarily sick and Craig was not happy
The teachers don’t really like Tweek
They think he’s a distraction and a ‘bad influence’ for other kids because of his freak outs
He hogs the coffee machine at school istg
I kinda headcanon Tweek to have acid reflux too?? So his stomach ends up gurgling in class and making weird sounds and the teachers get mad-
And this freaks him out even more because he thinks he’s dying
”Why is it doing that?! Why?! Did someone poison the coffee?! Did the underpants gnomes come back?! GAH!”
He’s hella good in gym class
Tweek on the track team??? anyone???
It helps him burn through some of his anxiety
He probably has a 504 too after his parents kept getting calls about his anxiety
Goes to the school counselor a lot
He probably brings fidget toys to class a lot and often has to give Craig his phone so he doesn’t end up getting hooked in on something some celebrity said and then start freaking out
He’s probably really good at English
Reading helps him forget about his anxiety for a bit
He always has to double/triple check to make sure he hasn’t missed anything
He uses his agenda religiously
Its probably stained with coffee and smells like a mixture of coffee and honey and sweat
His hands sweat and shake a lot during tests
He’s probably barely passing math, Craig helps him through science
He’s alright in social studies
His lowest grade is probably a 75
Craig and Tolkien help him out a lot too
I feel like he studies better one on one though
Too many people in one group makes him feel easily overwhelmed
He probably graduates with a 3.4 GPA or so
Goes to college in New England, he thinks city life will calm him down
Spoiler, it doesn’t
He probably drops out after a year or two before applying somewhere on the West coast to be closer to Craig and some of his other friends
English major and art minor??
I feel like he’s really good at art too
Art helps him vent in a healthy manner
Good student, not great, but good
Wendy Testaburger
Honestly? She’s actually low key smart
She was probably third in her class
She’s very good in math and english
She probably takes all the super hard classes too to ‘challenge herself’
She probably invites all the girls (maybe Princess Kenny and Margerine/hj) over for study date sleepovers
They never end up studying
But it does make for a pretty good time
Shes a really good test taker, but she probably ends up being too hard on herself too
Stan probably (reluctantly) asks her for help a lot of the time too
Social studies is the thing she excels in the most
Especially women’s history
She’s probably in a lot of clubs too, like the community service clubs
Shes secretary of her class, methinks
(I think Tolkien would be president, Kyle would be VP, she would be secretary and Bebe would be treasurer)
Cartman ran but they found out he rigged the votes
She’s all for being just and fair, so this pissed her off to no end
She needs glasses, her eyesight worsened after middle school
So freshman year she got glasses
I can see her doing girls wrestling
Shes probably a somewhat sporty kid, not like Kyle sporty but sporty nonetheless
She’s kind of a geek too lol
I feel like her and Kyle and Bebe are actually pretty good friends
They play chess together lol
Shes actually really sweet to like, new kids and such-probably shows them around
She gets some muscle after wrestling for so long
She also probably does track and field
I can see her being really good in long jumping
She kinda sucks at science though
She takes French
She graduates with a 3.85/3.95 GPA
Probably leaning towards the latter number
She probably goes to the west coast as well, probably somewhere in Nevada or California as well
She does pretty well, she goes to a really good school and probably majors in History and minors in English
I can see her being an English:History teacher
Probably for younger kids though
She stays on Twitch with Bebe and Heidi for hours istg
Shes so sweet, i love wendy tbh
Bebe Stevens
I know her mom is like the dumb blonde stereotype, but I feel like Bebe would be somewhat smart
She’s probably not top of her class but that’s not to say she’s not smart
She honestly is probably in the top 10% of her class
Her and Wendy and Kyle probably do study sessions together
She’s really competitive, so she kinda gets mad if Wendy gets a better score than her lol
Shes really artsy
Took AP art
Shes probably in AP Social Studies and honors English as well
Shes fine with reading, she doesn’t like it, but she’ll do it
Shes really good at math tho
Shes not so good at science, similarly to Wendy
So usually Kyle takes the lead on science during study sessions
She’s that one kid to be like ‘tall the substitute teacher is so hot!’ unironically
Shes hella hood at sewing
She’s probably gonna end up going into fashion tbh
She’s oddly good with money
Treasurer of her class
She probably helps organize prom and homecoming and stuff
Doesn’t date, she crushes around though, but she never actually asked anyone out
She’s really intense ngl, she probably taught Wendy how to fight
She’s on the cheer team
She isn’t a prick though, she’s probably one of the most bubbly cheerleaders out there tbh
Shes also in art club
Maybe does theater too?
She’s in band and choir, she actually has a really lovely voice
She can play flute really well too
Shes pretty smart, solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Graduates and goes to a New England school, like in New York or Connecticut
She majors in Fashion Design and minors in Art
Heidi Turner
She’s not the brightest
Not to say she isn’t smart, she just isn’t very academically inclined
She probably takes a lot of the mythology classes and such
Shes really into star signs and crystals
Her and Craig started a ‘Space Club’ and actually got a few members to join
She kicked Eric out tho
She’s hella hood at Math and English
The rest is history
Sges probably grown a lot since the whole ‘Cartwoman’ incident
And she’s a lot kinder to people now
She’s weird, but a good kind of weird
She gives away crystals as a gift a lot to new freshman
Shes in the choir!!
She actually has a really amazing voice, she’s been doing choir for years
Shes that one senior that all the freshman flock to because she’s the kindest
She stands up for them where they’re being bullied too, tells them to be wary of Cartman
Shes hella short (4’11’’)
So she often gets picked on like ‘aw, someone went into the wrong building!’ or something stupid like that
She’s so sweet though, she’s that one friend who offers to help you with your homework and then just gives you all the answers
She graduates with maybe a 3.6 GPA or so
She probably stays local tbh, for college
Either that or she would go down to New York or smth
Probably gets into a decent school and majors in music
Wait no, she majors in psychology and minors in music
She becomes an art and music therapist, she loves helping people out
i love heidi 🤭
reblog >>>>> liking
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