#Rape Gangs
armouredgoblin · 5 months
Once again with more Tea and Scones.
Why is a place that is in the middle of the English lands having a bi election and their main issue is a foreign war thousands of miles away? In addition they are speaking a foreign to their potential voters which speaks wonders about integration of some of the "local" people. Just as a point. This place is Rochdale. Where none of the Rape gangs actually got busted for many many years, and no one really got the punishment they rightfully deserve for their vile actions.
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The Police there should have their jobs taken from them. They ignored it only because it might be "racist" to call the community in question out on it.
Replace them with people who have a backbone and the willingness to uphold the law equally no matter who is committing the crime.
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alaynestone · 2 months
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daenerys-targaryen · 10 months
thinking about how dany had less rights than her husband's horse yet some ppl still act like she had any sort of agency in the relationship
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laesas · 5 months
I don't know how much more explicit the message of "THIS IS GROOMING" could have been without Be On Cloud superimposing it in all-caps text over every one of Non and his teacher's scenes. People interpreting that as "cheating" are cracked in the fucking head.
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ephemerasnape · 6 months
At the Mercy of Macnair (Audio) ☠️🕊 🔞
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💀Poacher Stalker x You (F!Listener)
You've been caught in a bandit camp and Macnair (Poacher Stalker) has been assigned to stand watch over you.
You're bound, gagged, and helpless, but where's the fun in just leaving you be? Rape - DARK & DISTURBING THEMES!
"I'll have you squealin' like a little pig in no time."
Rape / Noncon / Smut / Nonconsensual Bondage / Mild Violence / Cruelty / First Time / Loss of Virginity / Age Difference / Breeding (sort of) / No use of Y/N / No use of MC (but you are MC) / Excessive Talking During Sex 🍇 / Dirty Talk / Can you identify which lines are from the game? / Yes, I headcanon him as an ancestor of Walden Macnair / Now I want to go back and put breathing in all my audios 🙄 / Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Many thanks to @rookwoodswife for her amazing vocal contributions as usual! 🎩💜
Inspired by a fan of my work! I take your suggestions seriously. 😜
Macnair also makes an appearance in Comeuppance and Rookwood's Revenge 2, as well as Battle Royal at Horntail Hall.
More where that came from!
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corneliushickey · 1 year
every now and again i come across a gifset and i am hit with the full force realization of exactly the kind of psychosexual.... well it was certainly a psychosexual something or other! between hickey and crozier. like. christ alive. there is something fucking wrong with you two.
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dennisboobs · 10 months
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charlie bringing up a traumatic event involving older women only for dennis to brush it off as something milder than it was
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autismserenity · 4 months
Just a reminder: calling Jews "pigs" is "an allusion to the fundamentalist antisemitic slur that Jews are descendants of apes or pigs."
Prefacing it with "zionist," as in, "Fuck you, zionist pig," does not give you plausible deniability.
Real-life examples of its usage, from the Telegram account for Hamas & its associated groups:
October 6, 2023, 1¼ hours before Hamas officially began its Al-Aqsa Flood massacre: (warning, that link shares extremely graphic details)
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October 28, 2023:
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February 4, 2024:
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January 9, 2024:
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slasherscream · 2 years
Crazy Ass Boys Gang ft. killing the reader’s rapist
warnings: yandere behavior, mentions of rape/sexual assault - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
You tell him quietly in the moments after you pushed him away when you felt the heat of a make out session becoming too much for you.
He played it cool, but you could tell it was starting to get to him, the constant rejection the minute the two of you would inch your way towards sexual intimacy.
You don’t owe him an explanation. “No” is a full sentence, and he listens to you when you tell him to stop. That can be the end all be all of the interaction. But you want to tell him. You’ve been dating for months now and it’s weighing on you. The secret burns like acid in your throat.
It sits between the two of you in the most benign and tender of moments. It’s a bridge you want to cross over. You want to share the pain with him, with anyone.
So you tell him.
You watch him closely as the words fall from your lips. Every awful bit of what happened. Every grim detail. Once you start you can’t stop. You leave no room for questions or judgement. You want to tell it all, you want the truth to cleanse you.
At some point it doesn’t even feel like you’re talking to him. Or talking at all. You feel like you’re in a trance.
By the end of it you’re out of breath, chest tight and wound up.
You stare at one another. The truth sitting between you. Then you start to cry. The reality of your tears breaks Billy from the spell of immobility your words had on him.
He holds you for the rest of the night. Promises that nothing like this will ever happen to you again. Not as long as he’s breathing.
You fall asleep feeling safer than you did since the night it happened to you. You cling to him like a child clings to their safety blanket. As if the warmth of it will block out all the big bad things that go bump in the night.
Billy sneaks out while you’re sleeping. You told him everything. He knows exactly who hurt you and he knows exactly how to hurt them back.
The sound of the shower running is what wakes you up. You roll over to check your phone and see that’s it four in the morning. You walk numbly to the bathroom wondering why the hell Billy is even awake at this hour.
He’s peeling off a costume you’ve seen on the news. The Ghostface mask lays on the bathroom counter, it’s screaming white face smeared with blood.
“What the hell is going on, Billy?”
He crowds you against the door. Your heart is racing but you’re not scared. Even though he’s covered in blood and there’s only one explanation for it, you’re not scared. There’s a look on his face that’s so tender. Without a word you know where he’s been tonight and you know what he’s done.
He kisses you so gently it makes you start to cry.
“You told me a secret. It’s time I tell you mine.”
Believe it or not Josh isn’t a violent person. What he is, is a protective one. He’s driven by love. Not by hate. Everything he’s ever done, no matter how wrong or misguided, or angry. It’s all been love.
Nothing can drive you to the edge faster.
When you call him sobbing in the middle of the night it makes his world go still. He’s back on the mountain, waiting for his sisters to walk out of the woods and laugh at him for being so worried. He’s at their funeral, staring at their “friends” who had the audacity to show their faces.
He’s stuck in the mountains, claws where his fingernails used to be and teeth cutting an inhuman, permanent grin into his face. He’s eating the rotting, cold meat of his own friends brought to him by his sister turned monster.
He wonders what else life could take from him. From you. 
He runs all the way to your apartment.
You’re bruised and bloody when you come to the door. Voice high and keening. Sobbing from so many different types of pain he doesn’t know how you’re still conscious. He holds you through it all.
He cries with you. He sings to you, the way he used to sing Hannah back to sleep after nightmares. Nothing helps. You fall asleep body still shaking and jerking from the force of your helpless sobbing.
Josh isn’t a monster.
But that night he hunts like one. He uses his claws like one. His teeth like one. He doesn’t swallow any of their disgusting, putrid flesh. Even the taste of their blood on his tongue makes him feel unclean. But the pain he’s inflicting is worth it all.
He would make himself into a monster a hundred times over if it would make you safe. If it would keep you happy.
It’s all over campus by the time you can bring yourself to pretend to be human instead of a walking, grieving wound. The only thing anyone can talk about. The murder of your rapist. Mauled beyond recognition, the killing seems more like the work of an animal than a person.
You and Josh don’t talk about it. You don’t need to.
All you know is that you’re safe, and as long as Josh is around, you always will be.
He feels sick to his stomach. He actually asks if you’re fucking with him, it makes him so sick. But of course you’re not joking, you’re crying your eyes out. Holding yourself like if you just squeeze tight enough it might make the pain go away.
Stu wraps you in his arms so tight you can’t breathe.
He’s so overcome with anger he’s shaking. He can’t imagine how anyone could think they could hurt you and get away with it. Harm you and live.  He wishes he’d written it on your skin. That there’d be hell to pay if anyone put so much as a finger on you.
Now he’s stuck with the aftermath of not being there for you. Of not protecting you the moment you needed him most.
And he’s sorry. Sorrier then he’s ever been for anything. And he wonders if he’s being punished through you. Because what can hurt him, truly, except hurting you? 
When he kills them he’s not sure if it’s for you or him. It doesn’t bring him any pleasure. No matter how many hours he drags it out. No matter how much he makes them scream. No matter how many times he makes them say they’re sorry.
There’s still a sickness under his skin. Maybe there always will be now. He crawls into bed with you and forces himself not to cry as you sob against his chest.
From the moment he met you he knew that something awful had happened to you. Some people live with their pain written across their face. Their whole life story, plastered there for anyone to see.
You hide it well enough. You smile and you laugh. You have friends. You have hobbies. You have it all together.
But JD can see what everyone else can’t. What everyone else doesn’t want to see, maybe. You’re the pillar in so many people’s lives. People depend on you. Who do you depend on?
Before JD you didn’t think there was anyone strong enough to take all the weight of your suffering, and misery, and hate.
Every day you wake up so angry you don’t know how to breathe. But life goes on and no one has time for you to break down. You don’t have time for it. You’re so afraid of your life always centering around that one awful thing that you’d decided to ignore it the moment it happened to you.
You didn’t want anything to change. So nothing has. But there’s a hole in you that grows every day and it’s eating you alive.
When you tell JD you try and admit to it casually. But JD is like a black hole. There can be no insincerity in his presence. No pretense or acting. He demands honesty just by the way he looks at you. It makes you snap, and you cry for yourself for the first time in a long time.
The whole time you feel weak. You feel like nothing.
“Would you like to make them feel as small as you do?”
You don’t know what you’re agreeing to until you’re standing over them. They’re tied up, beaten within an inch of their life. They’re gagged, but you can hear their muffled begging. They want forgiveness. They have the nerve to ask for it.
JD puts a gun into your hands and lovingly helps you pull the trigger.
He stares at you for a long moment. His expression as blank as it always is when it’s just the two of you. It makes you squirm. You don’t know what you wanted from Kevin, of all people.
Now you just want him to say something.
“Kevin? Did you-”
“I heard you.”
He keeps watching you. There’s something about the look in his eyes that can’t be placed. You can never read him unless he allows you to, but there’s something about his expression that’s raw. Despite the apathy forever painted there. Something trying to break through that’s being ruthlessly crushed.
“What do you want me to do about it?”
“I don’t want you to do anything.” You’re at a loss.
“Are you sure about that?” He moves, slow and elegant as always. Until he’s kneeling before you. Peering up at you, eyes sharp as ever. He’s searching your face for something and you don’t know what.
You’ve never seen him from this angle before. Beneath you. You don’t think you ever will again. You drink him in, the sight of him on his knees for you.
“I just wanted to tell you. I think I just wanted you to know.” Kevin stares up at you before he stands, never breaking eye contact.
When he presses a kiss to your forehead, soft, nearly loving, you think you’ve gone crazy and imagined the entire conversation.
You turn on the news a week later and see your rapist’s face plastered across the screen. Murdered, apparently.
You search the internet for more details and they’re brutal. Eyes gouged out. Hands cut off. Tongue ripped from their mouth. Ears sliced open.
It’s horrible. And you know who did it.
When you knock on Kevin’s door you’re unsure of yourself. From the look on your face alone Kevin knows what you’ve guessed.
“Why?” You ask.
He kisses you instead of answering and you’re not arrogant enough to assume you know why Kevin does anything. But when he silently wipes away your tears you allow yourself to pretend for just a moment that you know exactly why.
Nathan just knows this is his punishment. For every girl he’d ever hand delivered to Jefferson. For every drink he’s spiked. For every body he’s dragged. For every girl who’s cried themselves to sleep afterwards. If they’d been lucky enough to survive.
Nathan fell for you and allowed himself to think that the worst was over. That even people who don’t deserve a happily ever after can get it. Even him.
He’d stayed home from one party and that was all it took.
You barely go to class. Your apartment is a mess. You don’t eat. You don’t sleep. You walk around like a walking corpse that isn’t rotting yet.
You won’t tell him who did it, at first. He begs for months. He’ll do anything. He’ll hold your hands at the hospital. He’ll sue. He’ll go to the police. He’ll be with you through every questioning. He’ll sit with you in every courtroom.
You tell him you just want to forget.
But he knows that forgetting isn’t easy. Maybe even impossible. So he begs you just to let him help.
Eventually you can’t take it anymore and you tell him everything you can remember. You don’t even cry when you tell him. You haven’t cried since that very first night you stumbled home. Drugged, and bruised, and delirious.
You tell him there’s no point. That no one will believe you. That no one will care. And you’re right, if anyone knows what type of horrible things you can get away with it’s Nathan.
So he’ll take matters into his own hands. He buys a cheap gun a few towns away from some low life criminal. He comes back into town and throws a party. An absolute rager.
He gets your rapists so drunk and high he’s sure they barely feel the beating he gives them. When he shoots them he makes sure to at least stumble away from the scene of the crime before he throws up.
It’s all over campus the next day but somehow he’s never questioned even though he’s the one who threw the party.
It’s just one more thing that Nathan will have to live with.
When you hear the news you start to cry, then laugh. It’s the first time you’ve done either in months.
Some things are worth more than whatever soul he might have left.
He actually cries. He can count on one hand all the times he’s cried before. It’s a few tears of pure pain for you as you lay in his arms, limp and helpless.
It’s hours before you calm down. Before the grief falls away like the tide pulling back. His tears are long gone by then. He holds you to his chest like a baby, shushing you and cooing at you.
When he asks for a name the room stops spinning for a moment. His tone is unlike anything you’ve ever heard from him.
“Baby? What’s their name, huh?” He asks again. His voice is honey sweet but there’s something chilling about it. He’s not asking, he’s demanding.
You’ve seen glimpses of this dangerous side of David. He tries to hide it from you but you’re not stupid. There’s a part of him that is just anger, and it waits snarling beneath a very thin surface.
But he’d never hurt you. He’s told you that. While he holds you. While he’s kissed you. While he makes love to you. “I’ll always be here, alright? I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”
You wish you’d known him back then. Wish you’d had his devotion, his protection, his anger, when you needed it most. But you have him now, and you want him to take the pain away. To make everything feel safe and simple again, the way it was before anyone ever hurt you. You tell him all this and he pulls you tighter to him.
“Of course angel. I’ll make it go away. I promise.“
His knuckles are bruised and bloody the next day but there’s not another scratch on him.
“David? Are you okay?” You ask, unsure of what he’s done and unsure of asking the question at all. 
He stares at you for a long time before he kisses you. And it’s in that look that you know he means it when he tells you nothing will ever hurt you again. A wave of calm washes over you. He holds your hands and kisses the unbruised knuckles with a reverence that makes you cry.
“I’m perfect, angel.”
Has dealt with a lot of victims of violent crimes. Has even had to talk a few of them down from ledges and bridges. It’s all part of being a superhero.
It’s never been so personal before.
It was so easy to say the right things. Or snatch someone from the jaws of death mid jump. All of that was easy. He’d never been there for the after. He’d never been the family, or the friend, or the boyfriend.
Well, now he is.
He holds you because what else can he do? He’s never felt more helpless. More worthless.
You needed him and he wasn’t there for you. Some hero he is. Able to save everyone in the world but the person who matters most. The only person who matters, in fact. He realizes he’d trade everything to be able to go back in time and just protect you.
His team. His fame. His powers. He’d give it all.
But all he can do is hold you while you sob yourself into a shaking mess on his lap. He wraps his arms around you and hopes you don’t notice that he’s shaking too. 
He takes a few days of focusing just on you. He can’t do anything else. Whenever he’s out of sight you panic, scared and frantic.
He got up early one morning just to make you breakfast and when you woke up without him the way you called for him was bone chilling. He thought someone was hurting you, the way you screamed.
He brings you to the Academy and assures you that nothing can happen to you in a house full of the most dangerous people in the world. He orders his siblings to watch you and even Marcus doesn’t say anything at the look on his face.
He’s a hero but he’s a killer too.
The kill is a perfect mixture of brutality and efficiency. He uses everything he’s ever learned to make the last few moments of your rapist’s life hell on earth. He stretches it out for as long as their body can take the blood loss.
He finds you asleep in his room with Sloane watching over you. You nearly start crying at the sight of him when he wakes you up. You cry so easily lately.
 “It’s okay, I took care of everything, okay?” His heart aches as you stare up at him, helpless and needing him. “Y/N?”
“Okay, Ben.”
He holds you and pretends it makes up for not saving you in the first place.
“Sebastian? Sebastian say something.” He forces himself to blink away the flood of emotions he feels.
The only thing that matters is you. You, sitting in front of him. Needing him. Trusting him. You put up a brave front, blinking back tears, keeping your voice steady. You say something ridiculous, like you should be “over it” by now. Trying to get ahead of any judgement he might deliver on you.
He wonders who else you told and if they threw your vulnerability back in your face.
“I’m sorry.” Because what else can he say? He can’t change the past. He can’t fix you. He can’t make it go away.
“It’s okay.” You say, but it isn’t.
Days go by with it sitting on his mind. You both pretend everything is the same but it’s different. Not worse, just different. He tries not to tiptoe around you. He tries to just be the same, but he hates that there’s someone out there who changed you forever just going about their life unpunished.
Sebastian isn’t a fighter.
But with money you don’t have to be.
He hires some run of the mill thug and gives them enough money to buy a mini mansion. “Make it painful,” the only instruction.
He gets pictures sent in the mail and studies each one closely. He doesn’t feel guilt. He doesn’t feel sick. He doesn’t feel anything he should. Just the satisfaction that a problem was dealt with.
It’s you who tells him the good news. He pretends to be shocked and asks how you feel about it. ‘Good riddance,’ you spit. He has to agree.
As time goes by it feels more and more like a dream, what he did for you. The only proof laying in a shoe-box at the top of a closet, collecting dust.
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gacha-incels · 19 days
content warning- this information will contain discussion of a gang rape case but no photos or detailed descriptions or anything. No one should feel ashamed for having to avoid reading things like this, a couple of years ago I would absolutely not have been in a place where I could read it. I try to tag everything accordingly so you can avoid it if necessary. I post news reports like this here to show the reality for Korean women juxtaposed with the news of the ridiculous ideological witch hunts from men that companies treat like gospel. You need to have an understanding of the full reality for women living there. this is why I would hesitate to refer to the situation as a “gender war” many of you may have seen youtube “video esssayists” call it, especially the ones that try to relate it to its affect on gacha games, the niche subject this blog was made to report on. when you start to learn information like this you may agree with my thoughts of calling it something more like misogynistic terrorism…
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English articles linked in the thread: 1, 2, 3
original thread-
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Yonhap News article link
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fromtheseventhhell · 9 months
Sometimes I see people misinterpreting Arya's character and honestly, all it does is make me appreciate her that much more. George could've easily written her into as a basic archetype and instead, he gave us one of the most complex and well-developed characters in the series and I'm forever grateful for that 🫶🏾
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ephemerasnape · 3 months
The Poacher's Prize 🔞☠️
My 400th follower celebration fic, as requested! 🥳🥳🥳 WARNING: CONSENT DIFFERENCE!
Poppy Sweeting x Poachers
Poppy pays the price for her betrayals! “Ye never did fit in wiv the rest of us, but we welcomed ye anyway. Took care of ye. Loved ye, even.”
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Rape / Violence / Voyeurism / Age Difference / Revenge / No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC
This one-shot has a similar premise to Battle Royal at Horntail Hall but with a lot more detail, and, obviously, it's much more explicit.
⇢ Read on ao3 (18+ only)
Check out the H Wm. Macnair tag for my other Macnair stuff!
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onismdaydream · 6 months
i just want to be passed around so badly while i just lay there taking it because im too weak to push anyone away
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coochiequeens · 7 months
While the media has been focusing on Palestine for the past month don't let stories about women elsewhere fall through the cracks.
Haitian women and girls bear the brunt of the escalating violence, warns IRC during 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign
Kim Winkler - International Rescue Committee [email protected]
Everardo Esquivel - International Rescue Committee [email protected]
IRC Global Communications +1 646 761 0307 [email protected]
Content warning: Discussion of rampant sexual violence
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, December 4, 2023 —  Gang violence continues to escalate in Haiti, with women and girls especially targeted with extreme acts of gender-based violence (GBV), including collective rape, in order to humiliate, terrorize, and consolidate control over local populations.  The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is calling on the international community for urgent funding needed to increase access to protection services and health care for women and girls, including to ease their recovery through psychosocial support.  
An alarming spike in kidnappings has been reported, with nearly 1,000 cases confirmed so far this year, almost matching the total number documented for the whole of 2022, and close to three times more than the entire previous year. Women continue to be highly exposed to rape and kidnappings while travelling along roads controlled by gangs. 
The IRC collaborates with four Haitian partners, mainly in the West department of Haiti, to provide vital services. One of the partners, women’s organization MARIJÀN, conducted a survey among 299 women and girls in marginalized neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince in May 2023, which showed that 63% of women had been forced to relocate because of the level of violence they experienced in their neighbourhoods, one in five said they had been victims of rape, and 17% had experienced physical violence.
Nathalie Eleonor Vilgrain, General Coordinator for MARIJÀN, IRC partner organization in Port-au-Prince, said:
“Women and girls are faced with an inhuman social reality. In marginalized neighborhoods, they are exposed to physical and psychological violence; beatings, intimidation, gang rape and murder are just some of the methods gangs use to establish their domination, and force women and girls into total submission. 
“The few women who manage to escape from these neighborhoods, and who have taken refuge in camps for displaced persons in the Port-au-Prince area, are not exempt from situations of mistreatment and abuse, physical and verbal aggression, sexual exploitation, forced pregnancy.” 
With support from the IRC, MARIJÀN has assisted over 800 survivors of sexual violence between the months of May and September, providing psychological support for individuals and groups as well as providing other services to prevent and respond to GBV, including running legal workshops. Nearly 100 women have benefited from cash assistance and economic empowerment. 
Nora Love, IRC Emergency Director, said:
“Haiti has seen political instability and unprecedented levels of insecurity for more than a decade. The intensifying brutality that Haitians are facing is extremely worrisome, especially for women and girls whose vulnerability is further exploited by gangs with ever growing influence throughout the country.
“Accessing protection and health has already been difficult due to overwhelmed public systems. Extreme gang violence is endangering our partners’ ability to carry out their work, further exacerbating the vulnerability of our clients.”
Political instability, gang violence, rising food insecurity, disease outbreaks, and climate shocks have led to 5.2 million people being in need of humanitarian aid in Haiti, according to the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan. More than 5,400 victims of gang violence, including almost 3,000 murders and over 1,000 kidnappings, were reported byUNFPA between January and late September 2023. The consequences of the violence that is reaching new departments outside the metropolitan area of the capital Port-au-Prince as organized gangs attempt to extend their areas of influence, are evident in the number of internally displaced people in the West department,surpassing 146,000, of whom more than half are women.
The IRC’s response to the Haiti crisis
The IRC has a history of supporting Haiti throughout the worst impacts of crises since the earthquake that devastated the country in 2010. In December 2022, the IRC launched a response through emergency donations and longer-term support to Haitian partners working in Port-au-Prince, initially focusing on cholera prevention, running mobile health clinics for internally displaced people and support for survivors of gender-based violence. Additionally, the IRC serves Haitians on the move throughout the arc of the crisis in countries where the IRC has a programmatic response, including Mexico.
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
Preface: I’m a card carrying member of the Homelander Is So Cute UwU club, and a lot of the fic I consume is various ways to get a redemption wish fulfillment.
And even with this level of HL bs tolerance, I periodically come across a sentiment in this fandom that, frankly, gives me bad vibes: “HL is not written as a rapist in the TV show and Becca would have been the one outlier event, so it probably didn’t happen that way.”
Are we watching the same show? The creepy way he talks over Maeve at the race in S1E3, the way he strongarms his way into a fake relationship with Starlight in S3, the threat of harvesting Maeve’s eggs right after assuring he’d never do something as gross as force himself on her…. Are all pretty rapey.
It’s a particular flavor of rapey, and quite different from the one in the Garth Ennis comics, granted. At the risk of being reductive, I’ll reference the Groth rapist subtyping (proven problematic when used to categorize real people but good enough for this):
HL in the comics is presented a sadistic rapist: The type that gets off on their victim’s suffering, that likes to emphasize their victim’s helplessness, and the power differential between them. This goes for Starlight’s initiation, Becca’s rape, and even colors the Soldier Boy herogasm scene which is allegedly consensual but definitely not in the #metoo era.
HL in the show is presented as a power rapist: the type that actually plays down any power differential, and wants to delude themselves into thinking that the victim was willing all along or (perhaps even better!) came around because of the rapist’s sheer sexual prowess. The force used is often soft— words over physicality— and sometimes oblique (I.e. ‘the implication’ in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia). The usual MO of the daterapist.
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Homelander being nervous and subby with Madelyn doesn’t negate those scenes— she has a very particular role in his life to have that dynamic with him. The possibility of him being ‘groomed’ by her at an early age doesn’t negate that either. If anything, people who are sexually abused are more likely to become abusers themselves.
All that said, can you hc that he isn’t a rapist? Can you write fic set in a universe where these scenes didn’t happen? Of course.
Am I saying Kripke and team did an impeccable, nuanced job with this subject matter? No.
But I cringe every time I see the “HL could never rape anyone ever, he lasers people but he’s a sub and we all know subs can’t rape anyone, and that’s canon!” discourse on tumblr, and its close cousin on Reddit of “HL is so awesome, why would he need to rape anyone / who would ever refuse him.”
………… and now you can argue with me if you want lol, the floor is yours.
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