#Ratio Variant
alphacomicsvol2 · 5 months
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What If…? Venom #1 Cover Art (1:25 Ratio Variant by InHyuk Lee)
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onedesertrat · 2 years
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Predator #1 Marvel issue 1:25 Brown Variant
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unofskylanderspages · 9 months
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Did you know? Due to the existence of variant Skylanders, there are more Light then Dark Skylanders. By a factor of one (In terms of physical Skylanders, and even factoring in vehicles as both Sky Runner and Sea Shadow got one variant.).
Light Skylanders: Knight Light, Spotlight, Astroblast (+Legendary), Aurora (+Solar Flare), Blaster-Tron, and three Light Creation crystals (two normal, one legendary + one was never released) = 10
Dark Skylanders: Knight Mare, Blackout, Nightfall, Hood Sickle (+Steel Plated), Starcast, and Three Creation crystals (all released): 9
This makes the Dark element the element with the lowest count of Skylanders. (not counting the Kaos Element for somewhat obvious reasons).
Additionally: If the light element had all of its Creation Crystals released, the Light element would have two more Skylanders.
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MMPR/TMNT II #1 Cover Art (1:500 Variant by InHyuk Lee)
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televisionforwhales · 11 months
Relatedly, as fun as polls have been, Tumblr needs to institute an edit OP feature stat because ppl don't know how to behave when a poll breaches containment.
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stylishanachronism · 10 months
Making tahdig making tahdig ~!
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luthwhore · 10 months
superman: the last days of lex luthor isn’t up anywhere online yet and i won’t be able to pick up my physical comics for another couple of days so needless to say i am shaking and crying and chewing my own arm off waiting
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canadian-riddler · 2 years
That sounds way more impressive than it is because three of the variants are standard and you can pre order them right now
I am happy that I found the Janin variant for twenty dollars tho
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pearlywritings · 2 months
Argh, I hate when random ideas hit me while I am working on something already. But here it goes, since it won't leave my head until I get to it.
Quick question of your thoughts - either down below the post, or in my askbox - on the following list of characters. What animal do they have vibes of? Or would look cool, possessing some of their physical features (wings, ears, tails, scales, etc).
I am gonna write my thoughts for some of them, but you are welcome to offer your variant.
Diluc - owl
Neuvillette - dragon obviously
Wriothesley - wolf
Kaveh - some kind of an exotic bird
Pierro - snow leopard
Kaeya - peacock
Dr Ratio - owl
Jing Yuan - lion
Gepard - gepard
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alphacomicsvol2 · 8 months
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Batman: Off-World #2 Cover Art (1:25 Variant by Homare)
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hollowtones · 9 months
ALL UNITED STATES LOVERS OF MY HAMBURGER STORE POSTS will be happy to know I have tried "IN AND OUT HAMBURGERS" for the first time tonight. What follows is a detailing of my thoughts.
I got a two-by-two in animal mode. This sounds like a plank of wood, which I guess is how eating a large hamburger can make you feel on a bad day.
It was pretty good.
It was VERY salty.
I seen people talk about them cooking the patties on the flat-top with mustard smeared on 'em. I like the way it seasons the meat, but I wish they either used more mustard or put mustard on the sandwich.
The special secret animal sauce is just fry sauce. It's good.
The onions were really nice.
The bun was noticeably good. I feel like some greasy spoons and hamburger stores, the bun's completely unremarkable. This one I noticed the presence and taste of the bread and it was good. Good ratio of bread to everything else.
I think I've had better burgers before, but it was a damn fine hamburger all the same.
My fries were from the animal zone.
They just slapped a slice of American cheese on there!! I didn't realize it would have cheese. It was pretty good as far as American cheese goes.
The sauce is still just fry sauce. Still good. I suppose there's a reason why every hamburger shop's Special Sauce is just some variant of this same thing.
The onions went really good with the fries. I was surprised. I thought it'd be kind of "whatever" but I really liked the combo of everything together overall. Whole feels greater than the sum of its parts.
The fries themselves were the weakest link. I'm told I can get them "well done", but I wanted to try them the "default" way. I think next time I will ask for them to be cooked more.
Thick as fuck!!!!
I want her to call me.
OVERALL: Was pretty good. If I was a person that was into cars and driving and American driving culture I probably would have liked it more as a wholesale experience. But the hamburgers they stock are pretty good.
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ponett · 27 days
What was the publishing process like for SLARPG? As an aspiring gamedev myself, I'm very curious about the process of actually getting the game out there once it's done-- I'd like to know what I'm in for down the line
Self-publishing is fairly straightforward on PC these days. itch is a breeze to get set up on, and Steam takes more steps but is ultimately still fairly simple
After you've paid the $100 Steam Direct fee they make you fill out some financial paperwork, and then it's mostly just a matter of filling out a bunch of store page info about your game and uploading like a dozen variants of your cover art in different aspect ratios. A little time consuming, but nothing too complex, and everything needs to be approved manually by someone at Valve anyway so they'll just tell you if you did something wrong. The most intimidating part is probably just the fact that you need to set a release date ahead of time, and once you're within two weeks of that date you can't change it without contacting support. (I did in fact have to change SLARPG's release date at the last minute like this lol.) I believe your store page also has to be publicly visible for some time before you're allowed to publish your game. So, basically, it's good to get all of this stuff out of the way sooner rather than later when you're planning on publishing a game on Steam
Also they'll tell you to do some command line shit to upload your builds once you're ready to do that, which I find kind of annoying, but if your game is under 2 gigs you can just upload a zip file directly to the Steamworks website
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genderkoolaid · 8 months
Yknow i almost at least partially agreed w this post for a second (mainly in the context of certain cultures having different views on gender/sexuality than we do now) but then you randomly insult trans men in the tags and the reblog is nowhere better- I’m sorry but we kinda HAVE to infer certain figures are transmasc because trans men are consistently erased from records, even ones that explicitly said they were men get rewritten as “women escaping patriarchy by disguising as a man”
[obligatory Don't Harass People notice]
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love how the post itself is so general and normal and then the tags just go full mask off "i'm mad that transmascs are talking about things >:(((" and then the rb tags which are just unchanged TERF rhetoric
the funny thing is if you actually acknowledge that modern labels and gender constructions can't be applied to historical figures then we have MORE potential figures in transmasc history. its when people cling to the idea of "they could be a lesbian OR a trans man, we can't say (so we'll assume she was cis)." for any kind of collective trans history to be narrated, we have to acknowledge that there are people who could not identify with our terms even if they wanted to, and that what makes them part of trans* history is not whether or not our labels can be applied to them, but the experiences shared between modern trans* people and people of queer/varied genders throughout history. Like when we talk about George Sand being part of transmasculine history, thats not because they were For Sure A Trans Guy, but because as cross-dressing woman they share trans*- (in the expansive "gender variant" sense) -masculine experiences.
L + ratio + "there's enough actual transmascs do that with" people hate us for calling them transmascs too + transmasculine history can also be feminist history if you understand transfeminism + why are you only complaining about transmascs here? do no transfems ever simplify historical figures and use modern terminology to describe their genders? + booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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cutestkilla · 10 months
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Tea for (more than) Two
So, in a delightful turn of events, I recently got together with some pals who are also TOTALLY NORMAL about Carry On. And we did our best to replicate afternoon tea at Lady Ruth’s house. And I thought it would be kinda fun to share the results (and some recipes, which are at the end under the cut). So, here they are, featuring:
Scones! (Sour cherry, ofc.)
Cake! (Chocolate with Chocolate-Orange Buttercream featuring a super respectful remembrance, Lemon Drizzle, and Classic Victoria Sandwich.)
Lavender Earl Grey shortbread cookies!
Finger sandwiches! (Egg & cress, Lemon and prawn, Caprese on focaccia, and Coronation chicken - all on freshly baked bread.)
A selection of teas! (Including Simon's Sour Cherry looseleaf blend, Simon Snow Tea, some proper English Breakfast, and of course Earl Grey.)
A giant slab of butter! (Fancy butter.)
A basil plant!
A crucible!
A sword through the table!
Special cameos by a Watford goat (wings hidden) and Prof. Minos (tiny fluffy edition)!
Sadly, no tea trolley, but we did our best to provide glamorous staging anyway.
It was pretty much the best, guys! Highly recommend. Recipes (including dairy-free versions for many treats) below the cut.
Chocolate cake with chocolate-orange buttercream (dairy-free)
Using this recipe for the cake, and this one for the frosting (instructions at the end for a chocolate variant). A hot tip is to use egg whites instead of aquafaba (they whip up much faster) and of course to add orange zest, per AWTWB ch 89.
Lemon Drizzle Cake (dairy-free)
Using this recipe, using vegan butter and replacing the self-raising flour with some flour/baking powder/salt ratio from the internet. Garnish with Kellogg's ICEE Cereal or any other weird cereal you saw at the store and couldn't resist trying, for a little visual flair.
Classic Victoria Sandwich (dairy-free)
Using this recipe, substituting butter with vegan butter, milk with a non-dairy milk alternative (ideally soy but in this case oat milk was used), and replacing the self-raising flour with the same flour/baking powder/salt ratio from the internet as above. Regular old granulated sugar can be used in place of caster sugar. Garnished this with some black raspberries, but any attractive fruit (or weird cereal) could be used.
Sour Cherry Scones
This recipe from the Joy of Cooking does the trick! Use the GOOD butter.
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Lavender Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies
You can find the recipe here
Overnight Focaccia Bread
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Lemon and Prawn Sandwiches
This recipe came from @cookingmywaythroughcarryon and there are tons more there for tea party inspiration, including alternate versions of some of the above, so definitely check it out!
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leonaquitaine · 1 year
Tips: Player Portraits
A limited number of backgrounds and emotes. Only two lighting controls - and only one is positional. Itsy bitsy viewport space.
It's time for /gpose(Extreme), AKA Player Portraits!
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(This is a small collection of things that I learned while playing around with Portraits and Adventurer Plates, so please don't expect a full-fledged guide!) Ready? So let's do this!
1 - Expressions and Static poses
I often start a portrait with some adjustments from the default, lifeless pose. Static poses are great for this because you have precise control over positions and angles, and can get you going with minimal effort.
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(Some) unlocked expressions and poses can be selected through the Pose and Expression dropdowns in the Character interface:
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2 - Lighting
Things start to get tricky now. There are only two sets of light controls: Ambient, and Directional. Both allow for tone and intensity control, but they kind of interact in a funky way.
For example, if the Ambient light is set to minimum intensity, it affects the Directional source in a way that mutes its intensity, resulting in a cell shade-like pattern; so balancing both seems to yield better results.
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The second-to-last slider on the Directional lighting controls the elevation of the source (the vertical axis), while the last controls the horizontal rotation around the character.
At zero, the vertical slider places the light on the horizon; top at 90, and bottom at -90.
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3 - Camera
The controls for the camera are pretty straightforward, if a bit limited: you can zoom in and out with the mouse scroll, move the camera by dragging the character, and use the sliders to control camera distance and inclination.
I often use variants of the three types described below. At Max zoom and distance, the character elements are presented in a pretty good ratio. At Min, you get some forced perspective effect, where objects closer to the camera are considerably larger. Max distance and medium zoom result in a nice frame filling.
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Forced perspective can also give you some neat poses if you play around with angles:
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4 - Animated Emotes and Glowy Weapons
Animated emotes can be a treat since they hide some really nice keyframes. With a bit of luck, patience, and composition you can land really nice results:
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And yes, glowy weapons do preserve their animations! That gives off a nice shiny collectible card effect. Keep that in mind when positioning your character!
So there you have it. Portraits can be tricky to set up, but the results can be very rewarding!
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narcoticwriter · 10 months
Primogems & How They Predicted the Most Devastating Plot Twist of the Game
This item may be the bane of every F2P player's existence and the whale's minor inconvenience to acquire, but I believe that in terms of lore and what the future of the story holds, it can possibly be one of the most blatant warning flags in the game.
Before I go into this specifically, I would like to show you where this post is coming from in earnest.
The one on the left was the beta version of the primogem icon and I have the current one adjacent to it as a comparison.
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This? This right here? This is just a slap to the face, a true insult, dare I say a gauntlet thrown on the ground in front of me.
You don't know me if you think I'm going to take that shit, so of course, I'm picking it up and I'll have my pistols. Tell me where and when because I'll be there with receipts.
Not only will I argue that the beta design was quite pointed and intentional with how often this specific shape shows up with characters, lore, and the game at large, I will blatantly declare that it is the key to figuring out where this story is going to end.
If you've been here before, you know what to expect from this, and if you're new? Strap in with some snacks and a healthy appetite for questioning the lore because on this blog, we go ham or we go home.
What is a Primogem Anyway?
According to the wiki, the description of a primogem is as such:
"A primordial crystalline gem that's beyond the mundane world. Shines with the condensed hopes and dreams of universes that once were."
The information here is already intriguing in the sense that the words 'hopes' and 'dreams' are used in relation to their appearance as well as the word 'primordial', which roughly means 'from the beginning of time'.
So with that, we have to ask ourselves one question: how do you even get something like that in the first place?
How Do You Acquire Primogems?
Before I go into this, the ways that I am providing are (in my opinion) the only canonical ways that make sense to acquire primogems at all as they have lore, in-game quotes, and things that point to what I believe will tie into primogems either through other topics or their uses.
Genesis Crystals
To start off, the description of a Genesis Crystal is as follows:
"An energy crystal from the very origin of the universe. Formed from within nothingness out of pure potential and hope, it contains enough energy to create a newborn star."
If one looks at the definition of a primogem, one can see that this Genesis Crystal is used to make primogems. This is evident by the in-game application of the '1:1 Ratio' conversion of Genesis Crystals to Primogems.
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It should also be of note that the distinct shape of the crystal is defined as the 'triquetra'. This symbol has a relation to infinity and interconnectedness, which is interesting as the crystal is used as a source to create a condensed byproduct in primogems, something decidedly 'star shaped'. So with that, you also have to ask how one could acquire such a thing in the first place.
The Blessing of the Welkin Moon - New Moon
Please note that this is not in reference to the product that you can buy in the game, but instead, the new moon variant that one can get in web events. This, however, doesn't mean that the lore is not inclusive of the said products either.
I have an ask that went into some more detail about this in a more speculative nature, but for the sake of this, I will put the description of this object below:
"A ritual prayer, recited on the rising of the first new moon, to ask for the moon's blessing in the form of wealth and good fortune. For your purposes, the new moon you shall pray to is the first-ever new moon in Teyvat, since it's the first one you've seen here."
So, with this, we can assume that:
There is a 'prayer' one must make to acquire both primogems and Genesis Crystals
The moon plays a significant role in this process as the said object only last 30 days (roughly the same length as the moon cycle)
Something else of note that I would like to point out is that the new moon is when the cycle starts specifically. Over these 30 days, one can acquire a total of 2,700 primogems and 300 Genesis Crystals, the same as the standard Blessing of the Welkin Moon you can buy.
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This image of The Welkin Moon shows a few symbols that we've already seen, such as the primogems themselves as well as the triquetra, so we can firmly establish that this is indeed a valid way of getting these things. But in relation to the moon cycles and lore that incorporates that as well, one must stumble into places you wouldn't typically expect to find those or primogems at all.
Spiral Abyss - Moment of Syzygy
Primogems? In my Sprial Abyss? It's more likely than you think.
The Spiral Abyss is split into two distinct sections, the Abyss Corridor (Floors 1-8) and the Abyss Spire (Floors 9-12) and as such, I'm only going to go over The Abyss Spire in-depth as they replenish their primogems every cycle (15 days).
A physical description of the Spiral Abyss states plainly:
"A grand underground corridor which leads to an unknown spiral constructed by a great empire that has long gone. What treasures await deep in the palace, and what monsters lurk in the shadow..."
"Surrounded by mysteries, the inverse tower is now known as- Spiral Abyss."
With this description, I believe that this 'great empire' is not Khaenri'ah, but something affiliated with the 'Lunar Palace', something that existed and fell into ruination long before the game is set.
With this context in mind, one can see why the snippet called 'Moment of Syzygy' would say:
"The cycles of the moon elucidate the turning points of fate, and as the gears turn at the beginning and middle of the month, the treasures hidden at the end of the spire shows itself."
From Moment of Syzygy, one acquires 600 primogems per cycle of the Abyss, so given the presence of 'treasure' and the heavy emphasis on the moon, one can assume that you would absolutely find primogems even in such a place and if you don't think so, there is proof.
For example, the word 'syzygy' is defined as 'a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun'. This is another term for an eclipse, a phenomenon that also includes three celestial bodies (the moon, the sun, and the earth).
Another example of this is something called 'Blessing of the Abyssal Moon'. These come in distinct phases (every 15 days) and are labeled as the 'Waxing Phase' and 'Waning Phase' respectively, granting boons to any characters fighting in the Spiral Abyss, this imagery is further emphasized by the accompanying images of the Corridor and the Spire respectively:
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Further on, this Abyssal Moon seems to be a variant of the 'Blessing of the Welkin Moon' as the word 'welkin' means 'the sky or heaven'. So now we have the Heavenly Moon and the Abyssal Moon, two direct opposites in terms of definition and distinct as to what is granted as a blessing.
So yes, you could acquire primogems here with some difficulty. There is, however, another way to do so, though this one might be the most interesting one of all.
Batte Pass - Gnostic Chorus
Please note that I am only referencing the 'Gnostic Chorus' in the teaser trailer and not the purchasable one in the game, although like I've said before, the content in each can be inclusive to each other.
I had some back and forth in my mind concerning the addition of the Gnostic Chorus in this classification, but after looking at the provided dialogue from Venti, I believe it has its place as where one could acquire primogems. The said dialogue is as such below:
"Once, there was a glorious kingdom established among the heavens. From that kingdom came a crowned heir, tasked with seeking out the Genesis Pearl from the Kingdom of Darkness."
"The first crowned heir began her journey of seeking the pearl. But she was deceived, and the memory of her noble origins faded. She now believed that she was the queen of the Kingdom of Darkness." 
"But take heart, a second crowned heir had already taken up the path where the first had stumbled. This is the story of your journey, of your tale to be told."
Immediately, one can clock the term 'Genesis Pearl' and can relate that to 'Genesis Crystal', which we have already defined as something essential to how one can acquire primogems as well as going into what it is in its core.
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There is also the imagery of the star-like things on top of the city in the heavens and this mountain specifically, which also lends credence to the presence of stars.
This 'Kingdom of Darkness', however, is up for some debate, as it could be Khaneri'ah, the Spiral Abyss, the Abyss itself, Teyvat itself, or something that we haven't come across yet, so I don't have anything conclusive to say about this particular matter.
From the Gnostic Chorus, you can get 680 primogems per pass acquired. As to why I chose to include this boils down to the fact that the story being told in the dialogue is the Traveler's. The story at large can easily be applied to the Traveler as the way the canonical story goes is that Aether is the one to pick up the task. While there are many theorists that think this isn't the case, for the purposes of this and how this will relate later, I will stick with this view.
Why Does All of This Matter?
To summarize what we've gone over, you can get primogems from
Genesis Crystals
The Blessing of the Welkin Moon (New Moon)
Spiral Abyss (Moment of Syzygy)
Battle Pass (Gnostic Chorus)
And the reasons why you can get them from there specifically is because:
A tie to the essences present at the beginning of the universe and frequently emphasized to be from beyond Teyvat
The frequent allusions to the moon and its cycles
The presence of hopes and dreams as material as opposed to abstract ideas
Symbols and lore that coincide with the topics already established
So in this sense, Primogems are not to be understated in any way as they can all be canonically acquired from this.
However, one thing that I haven't gone over until now is what one can do with Primogems after they've got them.
What to do With Primogems?
A primogem's uses are described and laid as such:
Replenish Resin
Unlock levels of the Battle Pass
Acquire Fates (Wishes)
While at first, this may seem like a system in which the game itself operates, the lore that I've also provided points to more of what to expect in the future as well as how the main character (Traveler) interacts with Teyvat at large as there are certain objects only primogems can make:
Original Resin
Acquiant Fates
Intertwined Fates
All of these things have importance to the lore due to how they influence the world around them and how they are used, the original resin being one that brings many things into question.
Original Resin
The uses of original resin are for ley line outcrops, domains, normal bosses, and weekly bosses. However, I will only really be focusing on ley line outcroppings as they are related to the ley lines themselves.
The description provided for original resin is as stated:
"It is said that the roots of all the Irminsul trees and blossoms in the world are intertwined at the deepest, most hidden place in the earth, and that the pattern the root system makes defines the Ley Lines of the world."
It is also necessary to define Ley Lines and the respective outcroppings (also called Blossoms), which are:
"A mysterious network that links the whole world together, within which flow the elements..."
"A flower blossom known as "Revelation" which grows from the Ley Lines in response to someone's desire for battle. Perhaps the treasures within it can help one recall the perils that they have experienced once before..."
"A flower blossom known as "Wealth" which grows from the Ley Lines in response to someone's desires. Perhaps the treasures within it can satisfy a person's monetary desires, for now..."
So to clarify, the original resin would naturally be a part of these as well as the outcroppings and as such, I do find it quite interesting that a certain number of primogems can replenish the Traveler's supply of it at any time it's acquired. This is important because the implication suggests that in theory, the Traveler can do this whenever they'd like.
This original resin can also be used to make something called condensed resin, which is described as:
"Crystal filled with immense energy. The silver-white Irminsul trees and blossoms are connected to ley lines that have become blocked over time. The energy contained in tree resin can purify the obstructing substance."
This implies that with enough of this resin, one could purify (enhance the bounty from the ley line blossom) any unnatural thing that could be obstructing the ley lines, something that primogems could expedite quite speedily in decent amounts. This, however, is nothing compared to what comes next.
There are no words that can describe how absolutely broken this is in terms of lore and implication, but I can give it a shot.
In short, wishes are the gacha system in the game, but as I've broken down the lore for every item in the game that I have here, it's only natural that acquaint fates and intertwined fates will have some lore of their own as well.
So to start off, the acquaint fates are used on the permanent standard banner. There's a brief description provided here:
"A seed that lights up the night. No matter the distance apart, guided by the stone's glimmer, the fated will meet under the stars."
This likely indicates that this certain type of fate is meant for the standard characters on the banner which will come regardless of the time that passes.
However, one must also take into consideration that the design of the acquaint fate was different from the CBT yet again.
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As a result of this, I can no longer believe that the triquetra design is simply a coincidence. Primogems are naturally going to be used to make acquaint fates in this instance as the Genesis Crystals have this motif of infinite interconnectedness and primogems are a part of that cycle.
The intertwined fate lends credence to this statement as its description state:
"A fateful stone that connects dreams. Its glimmers can entwine fates and connect dreams, just as how its glimmer links stars into the shapes of a heart's desires."
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This is painful to me. As if it could not be more obvious than this. We get it. Crystals = Primogems as Triquetra = Infinity. I suppose it had to be changed for that reason, then.
So this description is obviously calling people out every time they pull for the character they want, but a fateful stone that connects dreams? At this point, I'm being handed the motifs and themes within the story without even having to work that hard for them.
As I've stated before, dreams are described within the crystals and the primogems and as such, they are going to have to do with the intertwined fates. However, I will also make the point that this is the first time that it has blatantly said anything about the stars. As the primogem is meant to resemble that shape a bit, the connection is also there.
It is also interesting that the act of using these is typically described as wishes, so in the sense that primogems are described as condensed hopes and dreams, that isn't as far from the truth as one would think.
Speaking of stars, the byproducts of using these fates manifest in objects called masterless starglitter and masterless stardust. These are the remnants of fates and are described as such within the wiki except a point of note would be that they are referred to as a 'surplus of destiny'. This likely refers to the characters and objects acquired.
The descriptions are also more akin to off-hand comments such as 'perhaps it can create new destinies when in large enough quantities' or 'perhaps it can light up other corners of the universe.'
It should be noted that these objects can be used to buy more fates, but it takes a somewhat substantial amount to do so. Depending on which characters are acquired, you can get a decent amount of these, which can be used to buy things from 'Paimon's Bargains', which segues almost perfectly into this final section.
The Bottom Line (+ My Theory)
After taking into consideration everything I have gone over in the eight hours I have hyperfixated on this theory of mine, I have one conclusion and one conclusion only. This starts with a question. A small one, a seemingly innocent one. One that you wouldn't usually pay attention to but with all of this? You have to now.
Why is Paimon, of all people, able to convert starglitter and stardust into fates?
Well, I believe it is because of what has been established over and over again in the entirety of this post. Take a moment to look at her for a second or two.
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What do you see? Is it familiar? With all that you know now, does it strike a chord within you?
It should, as Paimon is the only character in the game to have both the four-pointed star and the triquetra on their person and character design, and if the 'genesis crystal=primogem' ratio is to be made manifest within the speculation, this means that this little person may be unaware that they are a segment of the universe itself.
People have been saying that Paimon is the Unknown God. People have been saying that Paimon is the final boss of the game. People have been saying that Paimon will betray the Traveler in the end.
Well, I believe that every single one of them is wrong.
Ladies and gentlemen of the viewing party, I submit to you that Paimon is none of those things at all. I submit to you that such petty labels and titles mean absolutely nothing to her in the grand scheme of things. I submit to you that she is simply above them all.
We can discuss Teyvat, Celestia, the Abyss all we want but if this information brought forward is right and primogems really are the established way in which it can manipulate the world for our dearest Traveler and his flying companion? Then who are we to stand against it?
I, Narky, submit to you, the reader, that Paimon is, without a shadow of a doubt, the First Descender.
Do I think that I'm reaching a little bit? Maybe. But does the evidence lie? No, I don't think it does.
To clarify further, no I do not think that the Unknown God and the First Descender are the same people nor do I think that they are on the best of terms. So with that in mind, the theory will make a bit more sense.
Final Notes + Commentary
I've been scouring the internet and the wiki for over eight hours now, so I think I'll end this here.
So . . . what do you think? Will this entire theory be retconned in a future update? Will people much more observant than I pick it to pieces? Am I simply off my rocker and not medicated enough? Pick your poison! As I've said before, we go ham or we go home and I'm sitting in my house.
I would like to thank the Genshin Impact Wiki for having all of this stuff available to scrutinize and read to enable me to do this. All images and quotes I use are from there. I would also like to thank @scalpel-mom-mori for sending me an ask about Khaenri'ahn lore, as this is what got me started on this.
Leave your thoughts, questions, and commentary if you'd like. I'll get to them when I get to them.
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this and maybehaps you took something from it that you can utilize somehow.
Until next time, I see you when I see you.
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