#Raw Meat Order Online
companhiaminuano · 10 months
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texas-gothic · 5 months
Dracula Daily Prep: Gather Your Paprikash!
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It's that time of year again. Even as we speak, Jonathan Harker has departed for Transylvania, and the unhallowed halls of Castle Dracula. And as he makes his way towards that foreboding country, he will encounter a singular, most enticing of dishes: Paprika Hendl, or as we might know it better, Chicken Paprikash!
This traditional Central European dish explodes in popularity each May as we all gather around our virtual mess hall to enjoy the spirit of this most influential of gothic novels. Perhaps you yourself are considering throwing together a pot this year? Well, if you are, let this be your guide.
So, first, let's discuss the most important of the ingredients here: authentic hungarian paprika. Now, the recipe I first used last year called only for Sweet Paprika, but I personally found that version to be a little bland. I'm remedying this by adding some Hot Paprika as well. However, this is just my personal experimentation. Hungarian Hot Paprika can in fact be very hot, so if you're not comfortable with anything too spicy, feel free to opt only for the Sweet Paprika.
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(Both of these I had to order online.)
Next, is another very important addition. As youre gathering your basic cornerstones of cooking (namely yellow onion, roma tomato, and garlic for this recipe) you may find yourself passing up on something that could vastly improve your dish. I'm talking, of course, about Hungarian Wax Peppers. These peppers range in heat, from meak and mild to slightly hotter than you'd average jalapeño. As per instruction, you should only use one. But on my end, I found the single pepper to be a little underwhelming, and I had trouble picking out it's flavor. So, this year, I'll be using two of them.
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I got these from Central Market, an upmarket gorcer on Westheimer. They're a cousin of HEB, and you can find one or two in every major city in Texas. If you're elsewhere, try an alternative like Whole Foods, or try to find a European or International food market in your area.
Next, let's talk chicken. You can't have Chicken Paprkiash without the chicken, after all.
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You're going to want to go with dark meat cuts for this. Traditionally the dish would use a mix of legs and thighs. Personally, I suggest using only the thighs, which you'll want to get bone-in and skin-on. The thigh provides a flater surface for browning than the leg, as well as more meat.
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(A note on food safety, raw chicken will usually only last 2-3 days in the fridge. So you'll want to grab that fairly close to the day you're actually cooking this. If not, you can do what I'll be doing, and sticking it in the freezer until about 24 hours before I start cooking.)
So, as you gather your meat, produce, and spice you're probably asking yourself, "what on Earth am I going to be eating this with?" And the answer to that is spaetzle! A popular dumpling present in lots of Central European cooking, this is exactly what you need to tie this all together.
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Now, while you should be able to find some in the international isle of most major grocers, you might also have to visit an international food store, or perhaps something more upmarket. If none of these options work, then there are a variety of other side dishes that work just as well. Egg noodles are a very popular choice, and in my very American attempt last year, I found that mashed potatoes work especially well.
Now that you've got all these things together, you're very nearly done. All that's left is the thickener. Paprikash is thickened using a blend of flour, heavy whipping cream, and sour cream. We'll get onto preparing this mixture in my post on actually cooking the paprikash, but until then, acquiring them should be a cake walk at any place food items are sold.
Now that will conclude the actual grocery list for just the Paprikash itself, but I do have one more pointer on how to really liven up this meal. Now, if you're under 21 or if perhaps you take after our dear, depraved, beloathed Count
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Then you can skip this next bit. As a wine professional myself, I find that a well paired glass can add a tremendous flare to nearly any already great dinner. In the case of something like Chicken Paprkiash, and keeping with the Central European theme, I could hardly think of a better match than a good German Pinot Noir, also known as a Spatburgunder. Pinot from Germany typically has a very light body and a refreshing acidity that plays very well with the rich and creamy sauce of Chicken Paprikash. The palate of earth and red fruit should always pair nicely with the smoke of the paprika, as well as being a general good partner for any chicken. I myself am going with this 2020 Rheingau from August Kesseler.
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And with that, we are done! Hit those checkout isles and make sure to get home before dark. Terrible things have sway over the world once the sun has gone down. So if the crowd does keep you locked up until nightfall, make sure to graciously accept any crucifixes given to you by kindly, elderly grandmothers and inn keepers. But whatever you do, make sure to pop in on Friday, when I'll be sharing a step by step guide on taking these ingredients and turning them into a dinner that will make our good friend Jonathan go red as a fire truck!
Happy Dracula Week everybody!
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bushkit · 1 month
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(Featured character in doodle: Taiga) (Drawn by me)
Hello guys, its time for me to spit out some MiD worldbuilding!! *rubs hands together maliciously*
I legit have so so much worldbuilding and lore planned for this goofy ahh rewrite, it was difficult choosing just one topic to start off on, but I narrowed it down to either the Daemos or the Dragons. Because I couldn't choose, I decided to put the options on an online wheel. Dragons won. So….
BushKit: The Yappening (General Dragon Edition)
Dragons or Draconi, are large six to eight-limbed reptilian-like creatures that are found all over the continent of Tramea. They are famous for flight, being incredible and efficient hunters, and for unique abilities that vary between blood. Dragons are not reptiles nor mammals, despite having characteristics similar to both, this gives them their own classification.
Dragons are almost completely carnivorous, as meat is the best resource to give them the energy they need to survive. While dragons, especially those who live in populated areas may have and breed livestock, most prefer to hunt. Hunting is a natural instinct, and many dragons are professionals at it, often very successful, with a success rate of around eighty percent. Dragons are perfectly able to eat raw meat, however dragons from the south edge of Tramea prefer cooked meat. Dragons have strong sharp teeth, allowing them to tear their prey limb from limb and swallow them whole.
Despite being seemingly devoid of magic, dragons manage to be one of if not the most powerful creatures on Tramea. They are the apex predators of the sky and land, never having challengers outside of other dragons and smaller predatory creatures that may seek out hatchlings and small dragonets. All dragons have great strength and immensely powerful bites that could snap a daemos clean in half. As mentioned before, dragons also have abilities that are unique to their bloods/breeds, ranging from fire breath to literal future sight.
Dragons make a wide variety of sounds thanks to their unique larynx, enabling them to make noises ranging from quiet squeaks to ear-piercing roars. Being sentient creatures mush like daemos and humans, this also makes dragons able to speak. The most common language spoken by virtually all dragons is Drake, a series of words and vowels mixed with growls and hisses. Certain bloods such as Rimebloods mainly use drake, but they also use animalistic noises, changing tone to communicate basically. This communication is generally quiet, as it is commonly used for hunting and stealth. Besides drake, dragons are also able to speak the daemos and human languages (usually english). Most dragons in the daemos kingdoms are fluent in both languages and find use being translators, and using drake to keep classified information from daemos. (daemos and humans cannot properly speak drake, as their larynx lack the correct shape and flexibility.)
Dragon courtship rituals vary by blood, but it’s generally similar to human and daemos courtship. Female dragons (or dragonesses) lay 1-3 eggs at a time, and are extremely protective of their offspring. Dragon names differ by blood, but commonly are named after features in the world that resonate with their blood (ex. Wildfire [fire dragon], Tempest [storm/weather dragon]). (Author’s note: this naming system makes it easier for me too, Daemos names are difficult enough. I will also post a dragon age chart at some point, as I feel it’s better understood visually than through reading.)
Dragons technically live in empires, as they all live under one ruler, yet they still use the terms king/queen instead of emporer/empress. These queens are descendants of the very first dragon rulers who marked the end of Ancient Tramea and gave order and peace to the bloods. Each empire is different, with different rules and decrees ordered by each queen. Similar to the daemos kingdoms, the queen/king has the most power, but they often have high councils used to discuss and make decisions. When a queen dies naturally or is killed by an outside force, the eldest princess (or son if no daughters or close female relatives are applicable) will usurp rulership. However with enough support, a princess/prince or close relative to the queen can challenge her for the throne, commonly resulting in a fierce battle to the death. A queen can yield to the princess/prince if she chooses to give up her throne to them.
Dragons come in four (once five) known breeds, more commonly known as Bloods. While rare, interbreeding can occur between bloods, resulting in hybrid offspring. I am currently drawing sheets with the designs and info tidbits of each dragon blood, I'm almost done with one of them and I should be posting it sometime in the next week.
So that's the first Yappening! Dragons are one of my favorite things ever and I just could not resist adding them to MiD.
Fun fact: I used to be a huge Wings of Fire fan back when MiD was coming out, so the dragons are absolutely inspired from that series. They have gone though a lot of changes in the past four years, and i’m finally incredibly happy with them now. You will be seeing more Wings of Fire inspired features.
Next time on Yappening: Daemos Information!!
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gotta-pet-em-all · 2 months
Okay, so it seems like rotomblr broke… again? And I can’t see any of the past posts, so I guess I’m redoing our intro.
Hi, we’re the Fluffstep system! Collectively, all of us respond to Fluff online. If you don’t know who’s talking, chances are we don’t either. Dissociation is a bitch and we tend to be blurry anyways, we’re still figuring it out..
In rough order of appearance, here’s who we have!
Elle + Bryelle: Both of them have the body age and appearance, although Bryelle has longer hair and Elle likes the current length better. They share memories better than anyone in the system, so if you’ve talked to one, the other will remember what happened. We think they split initially from trauma, although we’re a mixed origin system. Bryelle helps us with organization and talking to people, and Elle is good at taking care of our pokemon and talking to the therapist. Bryelle is somewhat high strung, while Elle has defeatist tendencies. 
Firestar: Fictive from Warrior Skitty; he doesn’t front a whole lot but he’s great at emotional support and hyping us up. Also, he had a thing with Graystripe back home. Please do not approach us with Firestar ship discourse, this is what happened to him and he doesn’t want to engage in that. He’s post-canon, but with some divergences.
Linnea: We think she’s about eight or so; we’re not sure when she split but we were pretty young. She’s not great at emotional regulation, so please be extra kind when she’s in front. Linnea’s job is to monitor our body and make sure everything’s running smoothly. She’s a bit of a crybaby and has been trying to get us to buy her more plushies. Linnea, we love you but the bed isn’t big enough.
Max: She’s a walk-in, not positive when she showed up but she’s been blurry and has the worst dissociation. We’re trying to get her to front more, and she’s coming out more now that we’re out of Plasma. Cool lesbian who’s in her mid twenties, by our best guess. She’s the best at cooking and taking phone calls, but sucks at sending emails.
Dragonite: She showed up around puberty, and holds most of the deviance. We try to keep the blog safe for work, but Dragonite… if you are a minor, please block the tag #Dragonite speaks. We appreciate her doing the exploration for us, and breaking down some of the sexual shame we have! But she lacks restraint in many ways.
Zor: a zorua/zoroark shifter. We really don’t know where it came from or what it wants, and we’re still working on communication. Far as we can tell, they like raw meat and having messy hair. They probably won’t type anything. 
Snowkit: he’s still miffed that he never earned his warrior name; we suspect he might be a little younger than the body age. He escaped his narrative to haunt us specifically, and is the disability advocate for the body. He doesn’t front a lot due to sensory issues with sound, since he’s Deaf and the body being Hearing is weird. 
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halfetirosie · 6 months
Do you cook and if you do what is your favourite thing to cook and can i have the recipe 🙈
😅 Oh no, I feel called out!!!
So, yours truly is currently living in the same house as her parents, for financial/health reasons. Most of the time I'm not in charge of the cooking.
When I am cooking for just myself, I either make something criminally simple (because it's less-likely for me to fuck up), or I find a recipe online to try, which I usually forget to write down. I don't know nearly as much about cooking as I probably should...
HOWEVER! I do sorta have one "recipe" that I used recently that I liked and remembered to write down! I may have done some stuff incorrect, but the results tasted fine to me, so here it is:
(to add to a chicken-wrap, but you could add them to pasta or something else if you want)
MAKES: Enough chicken to add to 4-6 chicken wraps, depending on how meat-heavy you want the wrap to be; don't let me tell you how to live your life
2.5 lbs of raw boneless chicken (usually approx. 4 chicken breasts)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
3 Tbsp Canola oil
Cut up the chicken into small, bite-sized pieces.
Add the oil into a large bowl. Then add the dry ingredients; mix it all together.
Add the chicken bits to the bowl. Using your hands, mix them so that the oil/herb mixture gets over all of the chicken bits. (Yes, it will feel gross. Your hands will get gooey. Just wash your hands again afterwards.)
Cook in a large pan on the stovetop (or on a griddle) until the chicken is golden-brown. (When you're done, to get rid of the excess-oil in the pan, you can do that thing where you put the lid on the pan, slide the lid to the side just a tiny bit so there's a crack, and tightly hold it there as you tilt the pan sideways so the excess oil can pour out through that crack.)
I use LARGE, soft, flour tortillas when I make my chicken wraps
The MOST BASIC order in which I add my toppings: light layer of shredded cheese (usually Sharp cheddar); light layer of Iceberg Lettuce; chicken; light layer of cheese again; light layer of lettuce again
If there's other stuff in the fridge that I like, I'll add those too; shredded carrot, green pepper, etc.
Obviously, if you want to make a chicken wrap yourself, you can add whatever-the-hell toppings you want. You can change up the spices on the chicken if you want. You can change the proportions of anything. Who's gonna stop you?? Not me.
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ringlorn · 2 months
"Hey, I'm back with the stuff!"
Nezha all but glides in through the back door, arms laden with grocery bags while his Wheels do the work of leading him into the kitchen. Why his roommate wanted so much soymilk he'll never know, but he trusts Macaque's cooking skills.
Even if he makes lotus root dishes far too often.
There was a sale on kale this week—Nezha doesn't know whether Macaque would use that, but he buys one bunch anyways, figuring the macaque can always whip up extra snacks to take to his boyfriend, or Liu'er, or whoever he runs into around the city. Most of the time he doesn't know what the guy gets up to at all since his shadows make him virtually invisible—but that's on him for not really caring. The rest of the time they spend passing each other in the halls, through the windows, or actually sharing sauce over the meal table (and isn't that weird enough, him eating with a monkey that isn't Sun), living more or less...like roommates do, he guesses.
He's not sure why Macaque doesn't just move in with Monkey King at this point—they obviously like each other and even the third guy's been accepted by both—but it's the same question he could ask himself: why not move in with Sun? Too many monkeys, is his first reaction, but honestly the threat of Zhang San coming back someday and seeing the two of them in one house is what really keeps him in check.
(If he wanted to win over Sun, he would've done it first and a thousand years earlier rather than settle for second place now.)
Once in front of the fridge, Nezha opens it up and starts to put stuff around what's already inside, finally used to the proper placement of things. (Honestly, the looks he'd gotten from putting vegetables next to raw meat once upon a time?)
"Do you want me to take out any of this stuff?" he keeps talking as he works. ostensibly to no one. But having a roommate with six ears means you can whisper and he'll hear you just fine, so he might as well been shouting right now.
It's Nezha himself who needs to strain his ears for a response, only to hear nothing. He checks the clock on the wall—it's getting on evening, so the guy should be home to cook? Unless he ran off to hang with Monkey King again and pranked Nezha into coming back to an empty house or something.
Pah, joke's on him. He's rich enough to order takeout for the rest of his life.
Closing the fridge, the lotus prince saunters to the family room, still talking to empty air. "Also, do you know any good cooks? I mean, guys who do it for a living. A friend of mine's thinking to hire...I don't know where to get that kind of chef, snipe 'em from a restaurant or something?"
That's probably the easiest way to do it, but otherwise he was looking at online research instead. Magnolia could do that herself. It was also a pretty stupid question so he's expecting a snarky comeback, but the fact that no one replies is pretty telling.
Macaque's not home.
Just in case, Nezha decides to float upstairs, planning to listen in on the guy from outside his room. If the monkey's not sleeping, sick, or well, dealing with stuff like last time, he's likely MIA.
He doesn't expect to see Macaque's bedroom door standing ajar by the time he reaches the landing though. Exasperated, Nezha dismisses his Wheels and stalks over noisily on foot. "C'mon, you've never been this obvious with bait—"
The door creaks open. The inside is bare.
This...what, did he actually move out?
Looking around the empty space makes the ends of Nezha's hairs stand on end. It takes a moment before he unfreezes enough to scramble through his pockets for his phone. Fingers scrolls through his contacts—nothing, no name—then social media, where people are posting about the eclipse that dropped by while he was obliviously browsing the aisles of the supermarket.
Gone, just like that.
He's not sure what he feels at the moment. Honestly, the ones who should be missing him are—again, more scrolling back and forth—still here, so that's gotta suck. The other guy's gone too, though Nezha doesn't recall him as much as he does Monkey King with him, and—his brows wrinkle, thinking back to the fridge.
It's full of food, and right now he's the only one living in this house.
...tomorrow. He'd deal with it tomorrow. Keep what he could eat, donate the rest or something—it'd be a joke if he tried to cook like Macaque, but wasting his ingredients is even worse.
Do I tell someone? No, they'd probably find out for themselves—and maybe even sooner than he did, since they were actually close. He and Macaque were—well, they couldn't be friends as far as Heaven was concerned, but they weren't enemies.
They were comfortable, Nezha decides, in their special brand of impersonalized co-living that had the guy bossing him around with a spatula in one hand and a pan full of spicy sizzling vegetables in the other to scrub the toilets already, it's only fair, Nezha, before setting a full bowl of food in front of him for lunch half an hour later.
Wordlessly, Nezha walks to the bedroom windows and throws one open. A late summer breeze trickles through the opening, hot and heavy, making it hard to breathe. He inhales it anyways—and then climbs onto the windowsill before stepping out entirely. Of course his Wheels catch him before he falls, and Nezha turns mid-air to hover outside his building, staring at the windows darkening with the onset of incoming rain clouds.
The houses here are never left empty for long—the Stars always fill them with new, confused faces every few days. He'll probably get a new roommate next time, but he'd have to figure out the groceries before that, and there's no telling how the other monkeys are going to cope with this all, or if they'll even drop by to check.
He frowns at that thought. Would it be better or worse for him to be there when they do?
If he keeps the window open, they can let themselves in—or just use the balcony, another favorite. There's been no issue of thieves in this area of city so he can keep things unlocked—the locals know better to try against all the superpowered weirdos they get every month moving in. And even if nobody comes—
Well, maybe he's the one who needs time to readjust to living by himself again.
Nezha looks at his phone and decides to book a hotel for the night.
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avintagepumpkin · 11 months
Stu Macher-HC
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Trigger Warnings: Stu being manipulative and also pretending to be a young girl
Not proofread
*He's genuinely sweet and kind, and he's constantly making friends.
*Bullying is off limits for him. You know if he picks on you, he thinks of you as a close friend, and it's out of love. Poor Randy is usually on the receiving end.
*He has no filter, that or his brain just doesn't register, so small arguments happen due to misunderstandings.
*Since he has a long tongue like his dog Percy, he will lick up your cheek, and he calls them Percy kisses. Billy really hates this Stu trait
*He laughs at EVERYTHING.. especially fart jokes, boy loves them. He swore he heard Tatum fart once, so every time he tries to retell the story, he can barely talk and breathe from laughing too much.
*Movie nights are basically you watching some movie he put on and listening to his loud snoring. If you wake him, he pretends he was watching.
*He chews loudly, Billy swears it's only to get on his nerves, but you believe he's just a loud chewer.
*He has a crush on everyone. You smile at him... Crush, you actually know his name... major crush
*He doesn't drink a lot. He will drink a beer or two, but alcohol doesn't really have an effect on him, so he just does it socially. He often just pretends to have a buzz to get attention
*He loves all sports. He wears his favorite team jerseys on game day. If his team is losing, he's yelling obscenities at the TV. If his team is winning, he's yelling obscenities at Billy and Randy.
*He doesn't spend much money on himself, but is always buying things for friends. He once bought you a $1000 necklace because it had your name on it, and paid for all of you guys to go to Disneyland, paid for tickets, food and souvenirs, his parents cut his card off for a while.
*Has a corvette that he drives at obscene speeds. Once, he tried to show Dewey his boobs to try and get out of a ticket.
*His parents are often gone, so one of his friends is usually staying the night.
*Loves his parents more than anything, and it kills him that they're gone a lot
*He enjoys being the only child because when his parents are home, he gets loads of attention, and let's face it, this boy loves attention
*He plays video games and is very competitive. He hates to lose, so he practices when no one is around so he can learn all the tricks. Will complain if he thinks you might have cheated, even though most of his game play involves cheating
*He loves to pretend like he speaks different languages, convinced the principle that he knew Portuguese so he could show the new hot foreign exchange student around. He was suspended for 3 days
*Isn't allowed to order the pizza anymore after the big Anchovies fiasco, he knew the guy who ran their favorite pizza joint, so he paid him to load the pizzas up with 3 times the amount of Anchovies. The smell made Tatum sick, and she ended up vomiting when he licked a slice.
*He's no longer able to babysit his niece and nephew after he told them the story about Victor the Snallygaster, who eats children from their feet up, leaving just their teeth so their parents can still collect the money from the tooth fairy. When they went to bed that night, it turns out Victor was under their bed. Their parents couldn't get them to sleep on their own for 2 weeks.
*Once, he met a man from online after he had pretended to be a 15 year old girl. The dude took off the minute he saw Stu. Sydney asked why he would do such a thing. He said he was just bored
*When he was 5, he caught the rug on fire. He put it out by peeing on it
*When he was 6, he stuck a penny in the wall socket, spent 3 days in the hospital
*When he was 9, he ate a 5lb tube of raw hamburger meat to see if he could get a tape worm
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a-silent-symphony · 2 years
“Life is short”: Nightwish singer Floor Jansen opens up – only in the new issue of Metal Hammer
Following her successful cancer surgery, Nightwish’s Floor takes us inside her brand new chapter in the latest issue of Metal Hammer
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The new issue of Metal Hammer(opens in new tab) features Nightwish on the cover – and a brand new exclusive interview with their unstoppable singer Floor Jansen.
Inside, Floor opens up about the difficulties of the last few years, including her breast cancer diagnosis. Following successful surgery, she tells us why she’s determined to make the most of 2023, by releasing debut solo album Paragon and recording a new Nightwish record. “It’s not like I think ‘I’m gonna die’ all the time,” she explains, “but I realise how life is short. Time is not endless. We have it now.”
In the same issue, we ask Nightwish founder Tuomas Holopainen to rank the band’s albums from worst to best. But which will come out on top?
Elsewhere in the issue, we revisit the gigs that changed metal forever. From Black Sabbath birthing a genre, to Slipknot huffing dead crows and Mayhem throwing raw meat, it’s all here.
We also celebrate metal’s love affair with Dungeons & Dragons, chat to legendary composer Danny Elfman, save cats with Obituary, put your questions to Ville Valo, and meet rising symphonic stars Beyond The Black. Oh, and there are some Iron Maiden puzzles to solve, too!
Plus: Bad Omens, Napalm Death, Cassyette, Pupil Slicer, Dream Evil, Holy Fawn, In Flames, Volbeat and much, much more.
Only in the new issue of Metal Hammer, on sale now. Order it online(opens in new tab) and have it delivered straight to your door.
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dollsonmain · 8 months
Washing my new pants and I've run into the same problem with EVERY pair of pants.
Too big in the waist, too tight in the hip.
I discovered that Walgreen's is currently mired in an anti-discrimination lawsuit (specifically in California) and I do tick a bunch of the "equal-opportunity" boxes.
over 40
It's possible corporate's application algo flagged me as a diversity hire.
I've also learned that many, many stores are being closed. There are two Walgreen's, here, and two CVS. There used to be a Rite Aid but it was replaced by the second Walgreen's. Apparently CVS and Rite Aid are closing a lot of locations, too.
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a list online that I can look at to see if this store is being closed. That would be alright, really. I would have a few months of work and income, insurance for a little while, and then a totally neutral reason for no longer working there.
That's kind of weird to me that stores are closing because stocks went down after being high during the height of the pandemic. They're probably still making more money than they did pre-pandemic but it's less than they were making during, so the stores are less valuable and closing, taking all those jobs with them.
Stocks are fucking weird, man.
Looking at the job description and it's basically Do Everything.
Models and delivers a distinctive and delightful customer experience.
Registers sales on assigned cash register, provides customers with courteous, fair, friendly, and efficient checkout service.
Customer Experience
Engages customers and patients by greeting them and offering assistance with products and services. Resolves customer issues and answers questions to ensure a positive customer experience.
Models and shares customer service best practices with all team members to deliver a distinctive and delightful customer experience, including interpersonal habits (e.g., greeting, eye contact, courtesy, etc.) and Walgreens service traits (e.g., offering help proactively, identifying needs, servicing until satisfied, etc.).
Provides customers with courteous, friendly, fast, and efficient service.
Recommends items for sale to customer and recommends trade-up and/or companion items.
Registers customer purchases on assigned cash register, collects cash and distributes change as requested; processes voids, returns, rain checks, refunds, and exchanges as needed.
Keeps counters and shelves clean and well merchandised, takes inventory, and maintains records. Checks in and prices merchandise as required or as directed by store manager or communicated by the shift leader.
Implements Company asset protection procedures to identify and minimize profit loss.
Ensures compliance with state and local laws regarding regulated products (e.g., alcoholic beverages and tobacco products).
Constructs and maintains displays, including promotional, seasonal, super structures, and sale merchandise. Completes resets and revisions as directed.
Assists with separation of food items (e.g., raw foods from pre-cooked) and product placement as specified by policies/procedures (e.g., raw and frozen meats on bottom shelves). For consumable items, assists in stock rotation, using the first in, first out method and restock outs.
Has working knowledge of store systems and store equipment.
Provides customer service in the photo area, including digital passport photo service, poster print and creative machine, suggestive sell of promotional photo products.
Assumes web pick-up responsibilities (monitors orders in Picture Care Plus, fills orders (pick items), delivers orders to customers as they arrive at store).
Assists with exterior and interior maintenance by ensuring clean, neat, orderly store condition and appearance.
Complies with all company policies and procedures; maintains respectful relationships with coworkers.
Completes special assignments and other tasks as assigned.
Training & Personal Development
Attends training and completes PPLs requested by Manager or assigned by corporate.
Basic Qualifications
Must be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English. (Except in Puerto Rico)
Requires willingness to work flexible schedule, including evenings and weekend hours
Preferred Qualifications
Prefer six months of experience in a retail environment.
Prefer to have prior work experience with Walgreens.
Prefer to be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English. (Except in Puerto Rico)
Requires willingness to work flexible schedule, including evenings and weekend hours.
The following information is applicable for San Francisco, CA applicants: Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
An Equal Opportunity Employer, including disability/veterans.
The actual compensation that you will be offered will depend on a variety of factors including geography, skills and abilities, education, experience and other relevant factors. This role will remain open until filled. To review benefits, please click here jobs.walgreens.com/benefits. If you are applying on a job board or unable to click on the link, please copy and paste this URL into your browser jobs.walgreens.com/benefits
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strawberry-graveyard · 10 months
How do I deal with this?
I wanna experience eating medium well, medium rare, medium meat and just meat that done only just enough to be brown on the outside? I don’t know, I wanna eat more salads, I once a blue moon can look at just about anything that’s flesh and bone and think about-… eating. Yeah, and I wanna eat a lotta nuts and fruits and some veggies and I wanna shapeshift and swim more, I wanna fly, I wanna try to play sports and sing and dance…
i’m not too well versed in meat cooking levels but please make sure all meat you’re consuming is safe for humans. if you want to try a meat that is too raw for humans to eat safely then i suggest looking into faux meat and similar substitutes, or pet food that is also safe humans to eat. when it comes to cooking your own food, it’s quite easy!! just make sure you find a detailed recipe and start with something with minimal steps. you can also usually trust steaks in restaurants and stuff to be quite yummy if you eat out. when it comes to nuts and fruits and veggies you can usually incorporate all those into a salad (important to note that salad is basically just a tossed bowl of lettuce with some seasoning so always good to add croutons and other veggies to it) but you can also just keep them to snack on. nuts last a very long time so you can keep those around the house basically whenever. for fruits and veggies i recommend storing them (and your lettuce) in the freezer if you don’t use them that often as that can keep them fresh longer. don’t be afraid to get pre chopped stuff as well, especially since they’ll be easier and more convenient to snack on. if you have the ability to you can also buy premade salads that have all of these things as well (and they’re quite yummy!!). also don’t be afraid to break ingredients down one at a time if you don’t have the energy to put them together. (so eating a handful of nuts and a handful of lettuce separately).
swimming can be hard if you don’t have a pool so look into community ones you can go to for cheap, some gyms will also have pools so look into that as well. dancing and singing you can always learn from youtube, sports too!! one a lot of nonhumans tend to be drawn to is quadrobics, which focuses on flexibility as well as core and upper body strength. make sure to look into beginners videos for all of these as well as warmups, both for your voice and body. start slow and you’ll feel yourself getting stronger and more energized day by day. you can also look into to pilates if you need to focus on loosening up your body, like your hip flexibility, or as a way to strengthen your core. you can also look into groups focused on specific sports like dance or basketball and see if you can join (if possible). while flying can be a bit harder, maybe look into gymanastics or parkour or really anything that involves a lot of jumping to keep yourself in the air. the more you train, the more vertical your jump, the longer you’re up in the air!!
for shapeshifting, or shifting in general (like phantom limbs and such) try to make your own!! it doesn’t have to be fancy, you can start making extra limbs out of spare cardboard or towels and blankets. if you have the money you can also order stuff online, but if not there should be some diy tutorials out there. don’t be afraid to break apart stuff you never use anymore for clips or structure :)
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atbussysparks · 2 years
About Me!
If you're a zionist block me. I don't run with that genocide shit. non-zionist jewish folk are 100% welcome.
What IS this guy? 🫵🏼
Transgender man, drag queen, specifically, I'm genderfluid. mainly masculine but sometimes im a chick. ALWAYS HE/IT/THEY. I'm Pansexual, but I'm not interested in any online relationship besides FRIENDSHIP!!
Rabies punk, cripple punk, Anarchist, name it, I'm that.
I have POTS and unidentified joint issues, and I use forearm crutches.
Half Mexican, 1/8th Korean. Although it is a significant amount and affects my life! I love being both these things
DNI: "proshippers" (pedos and incestuous freaks,) zoophiles, radfems, proana, people who don't like fishing, nsfw age-regressors, Nazis, "furry hunters," classists, racists, ableists, twitter users, cop lovers and bigots in general.
Free to interact:
Sfw age-regressors, "anti proshippers" (ppl with common sense,) furries, disabled fellers, LGBT fellers, fishing enthusiasts, POC, artists, and such people. Basically if you're punk hey 😻
Things I like:
Not in any order
Astro boy, Tf2, Star trek, King of the hill, MLPFIM, SpongeBob SquarePants, JJBA, Garfield, invader zim, Breaking bad, South park, Jerma985, Detroit become human, Dan vs, TMNT, Marine biology, Fraggle rock, Luigi, Bojack horseman, Castle crashers, Clowns, Beavis and Butt-Head, Marvin the martian, octonauts, horrid Henry, lupin III, medical science, sex history, unicorn wars, metalocalypse moral Orel,
I love horror movies! My favorites are The Thing (1982,) It (1990,) Emesis Blue, scream 1,2, and 3, tusk, Akira(Does that count?) the descent, terrifier 1&2, bucket of blood, American psycho, Carrie, basket case, killer klowns from outer space, all quiet on the western front (1930,) Society 1989
Notable tags
Thoughts (and prayers 💀)
Used to mark my trazodone induced ideas
Punk fuck
Punk shit obv
Sparking list
Very long posts, mainly lists bc I love making lists
Spark plug
Talking about my fascination and hyperfixation on... drugs. Not used very often.
Hypergore sparks
Pertaining to gore, body horror, and violence. Heavy warning for suicide, overstimulation, revenge, murder, and healing. I don't like real gore very much unless it's like, raw meat. I do like prop gore, art, poetry... needlessly violent sensual shit.
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eyebeastposts · 2 years
Halloween Prompt 89
Prompt: A male werewolf in the modern world figures out how to order large quantities of meat online, and the inevitable results of overconsumption ensue.
           When Lewis’s family first told him about his lycanthropy curse, he had joined in with them in dreading the night that he would undergo his first transformation. With the next full moon weeks away, he began to plan out a way to sate his upcoming bout of uncontrollable hunger. His intense brainstorming led to a plan none of the rest of his family had thought of, mostly because it revolved around making good use of modern technology. All that was left was to wait until the fateful night when Lewis locked himself in his room and mentally prepared for what was to come.
           Under the light of the full moon, the young man shuddered as his body became covered in a thick pelt of gray fur. Gaining sharp claws on his hands and feet, he waved about his tail as he staggered about on his digitigrade legs. Snarling to shape his jagged fangs into a fearsome expression, his pointed ears flickered from the sound of his ravenous stomach. Thankfully for him, what his yellow eyes were directed to wasn’t a human being, but the large collection of recently ordered meat piled up in the corner of the room.
           Putting his new form to good use, Lewis leapt towards the hoard of meat with vicious intent. The fact that his meal was raw didn’t matter much to his animalistic instincts. All that his wolf-like mind cared about was how good it felt with each chunk of flesh he sunk his teeth into. His unhinged feasting gradually slowed down as lethargy began to take over his body. By the time he had finished with his meal, he was more than content with the results.
           The formerly fearsome werewolf had been changed into a blubbery ball of fur-riddled flesh. Pinned to the ground by his own weight, Lewis put his claws to use lazily scratching the hair surrounding his bloated belly in an attempt to soothe it. Gently pressing into his sagging man tits and wobbling against his wide rear, he was more than satisfied that his plan had worked in both keeping him from hurting anyone else and providing him with a delicious meal.
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concubuck · 2 years
What to Expect When You're Expecting a Cambion
... This is another symptom that will disappear after pregnancy—although you're probably getting tired of hearing that!
Alastor is getting very tired of hearing it.
His back aches. His abdomen aches. His legs ache. His neck aches. His head aches.
He's always hungry; the only thing he craves is raw meat but raw meat alone doesn't satiate him anymore. 
He has to keep complaining about his food orders because none of Pride's sinner-run restaurants take his "no salt" instruction seriously.
He can smell every fart and boner in the neighboring apartment floors.
He can't breathe in bed unless he's lying on his side clinging to a pillow.
He's lost his ability to remember what he's doing for more than thirty seconds and his bag of stolen ADHD meds only counters this in irregular bursts. 
His grace has vanished. He shudders at the thought of trying to dance. The next time he slips on a public restroom tile floor he's gonna have to start duct taping rubber-soled slippers to his hooves.
His libido has doubled; but his ability to get laid has tanked, outside of his online profiles where he hides his identity and pregnancy. When he fucks, either he's draining his energy by maintaining an ever-more-magically-costly shapeshift or he's trying to get comfortable in an increasingly limited number of positions.
Yes, he is tired of getting told what ailments disappear after pregnancy. He's tired of the ailments. He's tired of being tired.
As terrified as he is of the thought of being partially responsible for a baby, he's yearning to no longer have a second person inside of his body, draining his life and disrupting all his bodily functions. How long until he feels like a bony ghost made of music and knives again?
... What symptom was he reading about just now? He got so annoyed he doesn't even remember.
To reduce how often you're running to the bathroom at night, try avoiding diuretics like caffeine and don't drink a big glass of water right before going to bed—
Oh, right. The pee.
He's sick of the pee, too.
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sdsmasala · 2 months
Roasted Jeera Seeds Cumin Powder: A Culinary and Health Marvel
Roasted Jeera Seeds Cumin Powder, a cornerstone of countless cuisines, is more than just a flavor enhancer. It’s a culinary and health marvel, boasting a rich, warm aroma and a treasure trove of potential benefits. Derived from the Cuminum cyminum plant, these tiny roasted seeds, transformed into a potent powder, elevate dishes with their earthy, nutty essence.
A Symphony of Flavor:
Roasted Jeera Seeds Cumin Powder is a flavor chameleon. When raw, it possesses a slightly bitter note. However, roasting unlocks its full potential, transforming it into a flavor powerhouse. Here’s what it brings to your culinary creations:
Earthy Warmth: The primary aroma of roasted cumin powder is earthy and warm, adding depth and complexity to dishes.
Nutty Delights: Subtle nutty undertones peek through, creating a well-rounded flavor profile.
A Touch of Citrus: A hint of citrus provides a refreshing touch, preventing the spice from becoming overpowering.
Beyond Flavor: A Boon for Your Wellbeing:
The magic of roasted cumin powder extends beyond the realm of taste. It boasts a wealth of potential health benefits:
Digestive Aid: Cumin is known to stimulate digestive enzymes, aiding in the breakdown of food and promoting overall gut health.
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Roasted cumin powder is packed with antioxidants that help combat free radicals and may offer protection against chronic diseases.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Cumin may possess anti-inflammatory properties that could be helpful in managing inflammation-related conditions.
Blood Sugar Support: Studies suggest cumin may play a role in regulating blood sugar levels.
Unlocking the Culinary Magic:
Roasted Jeera Seeds Cumin Powder is a versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into a wide array of dishes:
Curries and Soups: A staple in Indian cuisine, cumin powder adds depth and warmth to curries, dals, and lentil soups.
Vegetable Dishes: Roasted vegetables take on a new dimension with a sprinkle of cumin powder.
Spice Rubs: Elevate meats and poultry by incorporating cumin powder into your spice rubs.
Rice and Grains: Add a touch of cumin to rice dishes for a flavor explosion.
Roasted Jeera Seeds Cumin Powder is a culinary and health marvel. Its warm, earthy flavor profile transforms countless dishes, while its potential health benefits are equally impressive. So, the next time you’re looking to add depth and complexity to your cooking or want to explore natural ways to support your wellbeing, reach for this versatile spice! Embrace the magic of roasted cumin powder.
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petinfocage · 4 months
10 Best American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods
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We have collected many reviews for what we think are the 5 best American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods we have described in complete detail and for any dog. It is very important to take care of his health. Having a good diet plays an important role in health if you use food that is rich in wilayat and does not affect health. The American Staffordshire Terrier is a dangerous dog and it is very important to take care of his health and train him because if he is not properly trained and his health is not taken care of, he can be dangerous to anyone. It can cause harm when you train it and choose a good diet for it, it follows your training but it is still very important to take care that it does not go out of the house alone. Here top diets for American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods
1. Ollie Baked Chicken Recipe
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The best food choice for American Staffordshire Bull Terriers is our Oily Baked Chicken and Carrots recipe because they are made by a small company and are oiled and mostly meat. And eggs are used because of chicken etc. It has a great effect on the health of the dog and it contains 3850 calories the fat content is 16 percent, the protein content is 26 percent, and the main ingredients used are chicken oats, whole dried eggs, and chicken liver. This is a very important food for this big dangerous dog if you feed it this recipe you will see great results. You can get this recipe from any pet shop if you want to order online then you can get it online this brand itself is selling online and various online companies are also selling it. Which will be delivered to your door.
2. Purina One Natural True Instinct Dry Dog Food
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The main ingredients used in Preena One Natural Trio Instinct Dry Foo Dog Food are Turkey Chicken Meal Sweep Flour Bat and it has a protein content of 30 percent, fat content of 17 percent, and calories of 365 kC. AL cups are used It uses mostly chicken which is very beneficial for its health and if we talk about its benefits, it is high in protein and contains next c dents and fatty acids. It is tested and there is not much harm in it if you want to get it you will get it from various pet shops. One will see a considerable increase in health. Pruna One has received very positive reviews from dog owners, which is why they write in the reviews that since we have used this food for our dog he is our dog. Loves the taste and texture of the food which is increasing the growth of our dog.
3. Orijen Original Grain-Free Dry Dog Food
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Another best American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods that we have shortlisted is Origin Original Grain Free Dried Fruit. Its main ingredients are chicken turkey and flounder and it has a protein content of 38 percent. The fat content is 18 percent. Calories are 734 per cup. That's because 35 percent comes from meat and fish, which has a profound effect on a dog's nutrition and health. The main advantage of this recipe is that it is rich in nutrients and it is coated in a slightly dry raw taste, which makes the dog love the taste and eat more when its food is mixed. It is maintained and gradually its health starts showing positive results, thus any dog ​​is always dependent on food, if its food is good then it can fight any kind of disease. And it is that he can get the best training.
4. Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin & Stomach
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The stomach is very important for any living being because if any dog's stomach is working properly then it can't get any disease if its stomach is not working properly. If you are doing it, any ailment can seem like a treat, so we have chosen the best food choice for American Stuff Fortshire Tears, which is made for Perina Pro Plan Sans Tip Skin and Stomach, which is the biggest benefit. The thing is that it keeps his stomach cool and doesn't have a profound effect on him because the main gradients he uses are cell main rise and barrel, and that's for any dog's stomach. It has a protein content of 28 percent, a fat content of 13 percent, and calories in 417 cups.
5. Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein Dry Food
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If you are concerned about your American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods allergy, you should replace him with a diet such as Canine Hydrolyzed Protein Dry Food, as this is because the protein in the food is protein. Broken down into pieces too small for the dog's immune system, this stops the allergic reaction from happening and allows your dog's stomach to begin to heal and get a good diet, which causes He does not get diseases. Gastrointestinal allergies are mostly caused by the fact that when a dog eats the wrong food, or something nasty, it starts to have a gastrointestinal allergy, which makes it sick because of this. It starts many diseases and the main ingredients are brewer rice head roll lysed soy protein chicken fat in it protein content found in it 19.5 percent and the fat content it 17 five percent is calories in 332 Cups are used.
Conclusion about American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods
In this article, I have discussed the 5 Best American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods and provided complete details about them one by one. I hope you have learned a lot from this article and It will be very easy for you to choose and decide which food and diet is best for your dog because it is a very good and very important process if you have any other questions about it. If you have a question, write it in the question section above and we will answer it for you. Read the full article
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chickpaa · 5 months
Order Food Online In Pathankot| Fresh Chicken Meat
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Order Food Online In Pathankot, Fresh Chicken Delivery Near Me, Chicken Home
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