#Real Black magic to separate couples
the-trinket-witch · 11 months
PlayfulLand Theories before the event starts!
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Everybody's excited for the New Twst Halloween Event coming to the JP servers, right? I am too. These bones been rattlin' since I found out. And my brain has been rotting with theories and predictions. Are they baseless? Likely. I would like to say I've seen enough of a pattern in this game to see a familiar plot coming down the pipe. Call it grasping at straws or pareidolia, but I'm having fun turning this all in my brain. Everybody in the Brainrot Buggie, we're making wild guesses and throwing shit at the wall to see what is right. 
(SPOILERS FOR TWST PLAYFULLAND EVENT, TWST CH. 6, BLACK BUTLER: BOOK OF CIRCUS. CW for Child Abuse, manipulation/loss of physical faculties, and general body horror)
Biggest takeaway from this theory dump: Fellow and Gidel aren't the main antagonists of this event. 
"But Trinket, they're the face of the event! How are they not the Big Bads?" I hear you wonder. It's because they weren't the Main Antagonists in their own source material. These two were:
Stromboli and The Coachman.
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Assuming anyone reading has already watched the 1940 film, will note these two are connected to Honest John and Gideon/The Fox and Cat by their financial dealings. The Coachman in specific pays the Two for them to round up boys to bring to Pleasure Island to meet their fates. In most iterations of Pinnochio, Mangiafuoco/Stromboli and The Coachman are two separate entities. One adaptation, though, combines them. And while I will not delude myself to think it was an inspiration for the potential 'Actual Big Bad', an idea came to mind when thinking of the character from the 1996 The Adventures of Pinnochio, Lorenzini. A couple ideas, actually…
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But before I get to that, where else in Toboso-sensei's work have we seen Charismatic Gingers in Circus Settings who are the bait-and-switch 'face' of a story arc?
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That's right:
I guess not really 'bait and switch', but a lot of emphasis was put on him as a character when Book of Circus first came out. But then he and the rest of the Circus troupe began mentioning a man they called Father. Baron Kelvin. 
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Before his obsession sparked for Ciel, he was a philanthropist who could have been considered a good man. But in the state we meet him in for the first time in BoC, he's a completely changed man obsessed with becoming physically appealing to Phantomhive, to the detriment of the children who had and would come under his 'care'. Their bones became the ceramic used to give prostheses to the rest of the circus. 
What if we're gearing up to have a similar figure 'pulling the strings' in this coming event? An amalgamation of Stromboli/The Coachman/Baron Kelvin…and Monstro the Whale? 
"Why Monstro? We already have a reference with Azul's cafe!"
Remember Lorenzini that I mentioned earlier?
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He's also a combination of The Puppetmaster, Coachman, and Whale.  What if this Combination character… was a Whale merman? A merman looking for a different way to stay human, in a sense 'Become a Real Boy'? What if his transition to humanity has him stuck in one location out of the way? What if this is all a trap to sap the life/magic out of these boys so he can shirk his mer form for permanent legs? While it could be a stretch to say this is the case, lemme see if I can coherently explain…
@thecosmicjackalope posed the notion that the extraneous went characters might in some way be foils/parallels to the Overblot Gang. So far we have Idia getting a parallel with Rollo (two siblings dealing with the grief over the death of their brother), what if this is an event paralleling Azul and his dynamic with The Tweels? 
Shady fish men with (possible) varying degrees of disgust with their mer forms
Equally fishy business practices
Employ more physically capable individuals to do his 'legwork'
Plan(ned) on having the student body of NRC under their thumb of servitude
Employ magical tactics to entice and bind those they want into their grasp.
On top of all of this, what if his magic extends to both Fellow and Gidel? What if those two are just a regular fox and cat given sentience to do a whale's dirty work? Would they turn back after being defeated? That would explain the motivation, outside of just 'I'm getting paid handsomely to bring these boys in and not ask questions'. Even if this part is all thrown out the window, the idea that a shady Ringmaster lording over Playfulland just won't leave me. So then, what else can I guess about this event? (NOTE: THESE ARE ALL QUESTIONS AND THEORIES, not posed by much/any evidence)
The costumes/masks might specifically be used to control the boys. In a way similar to The Beast and the trees of Over the Garden Wall, thanks to @squidwen for the notion, maybe the masks progressively creep up on the NRC boys both subduing them, and eventually sapping them of life/magic? What if the incentive for the boys to act 'like jackasses' is how the mask takes root/grows? What if the end result (the host losing their life/stores of magic) their bones turn to wood?  What if the park is literally built of the Bones of Fairgoers Past?
Something I already began to theorize about when the announced SSRs came out was: why those three were picked.
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Ortho we know shares A LOT of parallels/references to Pinocchio already. It's basically a given that he'd be a part of this. He is naive and fresh, so he could very well follow wanderlust wherever (by whoever) inspires it.  But why Kalim and Ace? Ideas for each:
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He's a trusting person (played as 'To his own detriment')
A bit of a party animal
One to go with the flow, isn't quick to realize he's in deep shit til it's too late
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Brutally honest
Brother worked at a theme park. (Possible enticement to bring him in, on the promise of finding him somehow?)
One of the biggest liars of the cast-couple that with his immaturity and quick willingness to shirk responsibility, he's a prime candidate to pick off to someplace that promises leisure and fun away from school.
All three of the SSR boys are technically prime folk to lure off to the equivalent of Pleasure Island. Kalim with his weak will and shortsightedness, Ortho with his lack of experience both as a bot and now as a legit person, and Ace again because he has the most maturing to make for this arc. If anybody becomes a literal donkey in all of this: I can see it most likely being Ace. 
Assuming the rest of the Event Cast are only there on the premise of having drawn the short straw and not able to go to the Glorious Masquerade, I don't have any other theories for them. (Though I gotta say I'm digging the much more blatant Mad Hatter Ref in Trey's design.) A gameplay theory I had is that maybe we have to fight them to 'cut them loose', with eventually Ortho, Kalim and Ace being the 'final' bosses of the event, who defend the Puppetmaster in one final stand. 
For a TL:DR:
It's Book of Circus 2: Electric Boogaloo if it was written by Neal Shusterman (of Full Tilt fame). A Fishman wants to be a Real Boy, masks are terrifying, and Ace is an immature clown who's gonna get a lotta folks put in danger.
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cantsayidont · 9 months
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For a long time, the main impetus for DC reprinting any of its voluminous back catalog was some promotional or licensing tie-in: a movie, a TV show, some merchandise they were trying to push, or just a popular ongoing book. Given how prominently Dr. Fate was featured in the recent BLACK ADAM movie, therefore, it's surprising and somewhat disheartening that DC didn't take the opportunity to do some kind of greatest hits compilation for the character, who was certainly the best thing about that mostly terrible film.
This is especially unfortunate because you could fit quite a bit of Dr. Fate's Silver Age and Bronze Age non-JSA appearances in a single volume, starting with the two 1965 SHOWCASE team-ups with Hourman shown above, by Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson. There are also a number of later team-ups with Superman and Batman:
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Fate then got a couple of solo features in the '70s:
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Kubert cover notwithstanding, the 1ST ISSUE SPECIAL story, which is written by Marty Pasko, has some really outstanding early Walt Simonson art, while the SECRET ORIGINS OF SUPER-HEROES story has an eight-page retelling of Fate's origin, narrated by Kent Nelson's wife Inza, by the ALL-STAR COMICS team of Paul Levitz and Joe Staton.
In 1982, Doctor Fate got his own eight-page backup feature in, weirdly enough, THE FLASH #306–313. Despite what a couple of the covers imply, there wasn't a team-up between the Flash and Fate (who in those days still existed on separate parallel Earths); the Fate strip was just an unrelated second feature.
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This strip, written by Marty Pasko and Steve Gerber with spectacular art by Keith Giffen and Larry Mahlstedt, presents an array of interesting ideas (some of which obviously paved the way for Giffen's 1987 revamp). Pasko had already established (in the 1975 1ST ISSUE SPECIAL story) that Doctor Fate wasn't exactly Kent Nelson: He was really the ancient Lord of Order Nabu, the entity who trained Nelson in the magical arts, who possessed Nelson's body whenever he put on the Helm of Fate. In other words, the Dr. Fate of these stories isn't so much a man wearing a magical helmet as a magical helmet wearing a man. Nabu has made both Kent and Inza ageless — they both appear about 25, but by this time, they're really in their 60s — but allows them little real control of their lives. Kent has more or less resigned himself to it, but Inza is feeling the strain of being trapped in a magical menage à trois with her husband and an inhuman entity that has little regard for Kent's welfare and even less for hers. Nabu, for his part, seems to exist in a state of constant mystical urgency in which human frailties are an unaffordable distraction.
This could have been really compelling, and it's both graphically interesting and quite strange, but all that is a lot to squeeze into eight-page installments, and having them crammed in the back of one of DC's most conventional superhero books was obviously not optimal. It was also having to compete for Giffen and Mahlstedt's attention with LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, which I assume was why the Fate strip was dropped after only eight installments.
To everyone's surprise, there was even a Doctor Fate action figure in 1984 as part of the Kenner Super Powers line. This came with a little minicomic, which to my knowledge has never been reprinted:
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All of this stuff would add up to something in the realm of 230 pages, which would easily fit into a single trade paperback collection with a digestible price point. Maddeningly, DC has already done the color remastering for roughly three-fifths of this material, so even that probably wouldn't be a huge chore (although the Giffen/Mahlstedt stuff, which has a lot of color holds and graphic effects, really calls for more care in remastering than DC has tended to give its older material of late.)
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telomeke · 3 months
I was tagged by @lurkingshan (at this post linked here) and @pickletrip (at this post linked here). Thanks dearies! 🥰
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I'm sticking to BLs as well, because the field would be far too wide otherwise (can you imagine a poll with Dolly Levi, Buffy Summers, Joe Rossi from Lou Grant, Lady Deathstrike from X-Men 2, any one of the Golden Girls, Erik Killmonger from Black Panther the movie, the Beastmaster and cartoon Aladdin? 🤣).
Anyway, I don't watch all that much BL (not compared to the majority of people here on BL Tumblr, who have watchlists longer than Babe's wig when he was Wansarat in The Sign). So that narrows the field considerably for me – and my list has some likely suspects, including an unbreakable pairing, and also one highly unusual choice. But I'll explain my choices after the poll itself:
Why these characters? Here's my spiel:
PatPran (Bad Buddy)  I've combined these two as a single choice, because obviously they go together (and so well too). But really, I would have loved to have listed them separately, because I have different reasons for loving them. Pat is just an all-round good guy, hopelessly optimistic, generous and so giving; he thinks of others before himself (and if both partners in a couple do that, well, you then have a mutually-reinforcing relationship). Pran I love because I can see so much of myself in him, from his tics and foibles, his interests, to his struggles finding his courage and growing into his own identity.
Li Ming (Moonlight Chicken)  In a lot of ways, what Li Ming was going through in MLC paralleled some of my own experiences when I was a teen his age. If only they'd had MLC or something similar for teenage me to have watched growing up! Li Ming was somehow able to navigate the pressures of becoming someone true to himself (something that Pran, and I too in my teens, struggled with) while dealing with real world issues at the same time (economic hardship in Li Ming's case, while in mine it was general teen angst and family stress). He didn't let life get to him, and he stayed the course, knowing his own self-worth even when others were telling him to scale back his expectations (Uncle Jim and Heart's parents). Lessons in there for all LGBTQ+ teens, and Khun Noppharnach's socially-conscious BLs should be given more credit for the positive role models they portray and how they help the younger set. Plus Fourth did an excellent job bringing Li Ming to life (thanks in part I think to Director Aof's guidance; Fourth's Atom in My Love Mix-Up Thailand is a lot less grounded and authentic, at least from what I've seen in the first couple of episodes).
Porsche (KinnPorsche)  This entry is just for fun. KinnPorsche was a wild ride, whacking us with whiplash at every turn, and Porsche was emblematic of that experience. Cool, sexy martial arts fighter in one episode, total buffoon at the mercy of sprinklers, piss-allergic carp and mermaid costumes in others. Apo gamely played along, and he can do both slick action and slapstick comedy well, so watching Porsche always brought a smile to my face. Whether it was seducing Kinn with pappy supermarket bread, or warding off ghosts with a penis amulet, you never knew what craziness was in store next with this character. Pure entertainment.
Adachi (Cherry Magic)  Adachi charmed the briefs off me the moment the lift doors went CLANG!!! on him while he was distracted with whatever it was that was speedrunning through his head again. Such a lovable doofus, always surprised by whatever situation he managed to stumble into. Eiji Akaso is really good-looking, but he didn't care about image and happily took all the pratfalls in his stride. He somehow managed to imbue Adachi's clumsy clownery with a strange sense of dignity (helped along, I suppose, by the fact that we could also hear Adachi's inner monologue, allowing us to see the innocent good-heartedness within).
Dissaya (Bad Buddy)  This is the odd one out. Pran's mom was hated by so many fans during Bad Buddy's run, who blamed her for ruining Pran's life in many ways. And it's true her own hang-ups wrought havoc on Pran's relationship with the world outside. But for someone with so few scenes, I think she's actually one of the more complex characters in Bad Buddy, with a turbulent backstory that explains how her own relationship with the world got so warped. My read is that everything she did, including sending Pran away in high school, was done out of love for her beloved only son and motivated by a desire to protect him at all costs. She was a smothering, over-protective mother to be sure, but I think the lady just didn't know any better, and the last two episodes of Bad Buddy really do invite us to rethink our earlier appraisals of her. It wasn't easy doing Dissaya's character study based on the fairly scant details we got (write-ups linked here and here), but they were enough for me to glean an understanding of who I think she is. And I think in the end she is someone worthy of respect, so I do tip my hat out of respect for her. It's also obvious Pran loves her dearly, as much as she loves him back. And I think I trust Pran's judgement of character on this one. 😍
Onward tagging:
@neuroticbookworm, @colourme-feral, @airenyah, @wen-kexing-apologist, @solitaryandwandering
I really want to tag more, but this game limits us to five so these are just five people tagged at random. If I haven't tagged you but you'd like to play, please do so (knowing that I want to tag everyone and then some)! And please tag me if you play, so that I can read and vote on your poll too. 😍
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mafufuu · 8 months
i compare childrens literature to pd pcs
!! spoiler for like, so many episodes of prime defenders god knows how many, but def s2 finale, if youre not done scroll away at rapid speeds !!
    Peter Pan is a tale of growing up. Dakota Cole is someone who might have done that too fast. The story follows the Darling children, primarily Wendy and their adventures into Neverland. Wendy seemingly wants to stay a child forever, though when faced with Peter Pan, the embodiment of childishness, her mind is changed. Dakota can be considered childish, with his intellect, black and white sense of good and evil, and extremely kind heart. Yet, it might be that, as opposed to Wendy, he is clinging to whatever remains of his childhood.
     As a kid, Dakota was quite reckless, skipping school, climbing roofs, and whatnot. He’s like Peter Pan, filled with childish whimsy and a lack of care. He befriends a girl, who joins him in the shenanigans. It’s like the early bond of Wendy and Peter. But soon, the consequences of this immaturity become evident. Like how Wendy comes to see Neverland’s flaws. One day, when climbing a roof, the girl falls. Dakota tries to pull her back up, but soon his grip gives out and he goes down too. 
    Couple this with the death of his parents, and likely other factors, Dakota has gone through the kind of stuff that would kill off a childhood. But this is “his” fault, he wasn’t able to save her. Dakota wakes up after the fall, and he runs from wherever he was. He holds this notion that a hero, like the ones he sees in the media, saves everyone. A lofty childish ideal, but one worth admiring. Dakota has grown from where he started, he no longer sees good and evil as two separate entities, holding the idea that the ‘villains’ deserve to be saved too, and that they can be met with forgiveness as opposed to punishment. 
    Peter & Wendy says in the end childishness must be let go of. I reckon that it’s okay to have maturity, yet still hold the whimsy and joy of a child.
     Pinocchio is a story that has been warped over time. In this case, I will base this off of the basic sanitized version most people know. It focuses on a wooden boy, the titular Pinocchio, who desires to become a boy of flesh and bone. Vyncent is someone who (as of the beginning) felt a lack of belonging in the world of Prime, and wanted to be accepted. What lies in both is a desire to change.
    Pinocchio starts out as a wooden boy crafted in a woodcarver’s shop, a fit for what he is made of, surrounded by similar things. Vyncent starts out in the world of Fauna, where magic is something everyone has, where people can just have pointy ears and no one questions it, where adventuring parties slaying dragons are usual, where he is normal. Where they belong and are accepted.
     Though, they both leave those places of comfort, intentionally or not. Pinocchio ventures out to become a ‘real’ boy, and Vyncent falls through a portal. Soon after, he somehow ends up in jail, then gets recruited to join the Prime Defenders. He does not know the customs of Prime, but he goes with how things are, while using some of his knowledge from Fauna, to attempt to fit in. The heroes are beloved by many, they belong.
     Vyncent embarks on his journey with William and Dakota, forging friends and foes, and maybe, a home, along the way. He finds a place where he can belong. Vyncent goes to visit Fauna, and he is beckoned to stay, in the place where he is from. Yet, with how he would be separated from the Prime Defenders, and how The Greats’ power remains in his sword, he chooses to leave. The Blue Fairy fulfills her promise of acceptance to Pinocchio.
    Interpretations say Pinocchio holds the message of ‘disobedience is bad and being good will be rewarded’ which in some scenarios isn’t untrue. But, to me (and Guillermo Del Toro), it is an anecdote saying if you stay true to yourself, you can be loved, you were always what you wanted to be, realizing it or not.
    Alice in Wonderland is about a girl falling into a strange and foreign world. William Wisp is a boy that got thrown into a hectic journey nonconsensually. For Alice, it is Wonderland she journeys into, for William it is the side effects of dying and getting revived.
     It begins with being out in nature, seeing something strange, and deciding to follow it, then falling, be it being out on the river bank, seeing a white rabbit running late diving into its rabbit hole, or going on a late night hike in the woods, and spotting a will-o-wisp, and chasing it off a cliff. Then, Alice is in Wonderland, and William is falling with strange sights surrounding him. He looks around, seeing bright colorful lights, floating islands, be they holding fountains, a field of greenery with a mother and child walking together, a man on a throne of paperwork, you name it, all things to write home about.
   Both William and Alice leave their places of wonder, though they do return. (Admittedly I’m not sure how well the events of the sequel lines up with William’s character development.) William’s adventures outside of the spirit world do not halt, however I am not focusing on those. When the base burns down, Mallard Conway whisks William away to show him his domain, being an endless graveyard housing everyone he cares for, and himself. Wonderland is certainly described to be a weird place, meaning it is also likely not devoid of horrors.
    Both of the two are out of knowledge, attempting to solve the mysteries of these strange places they wound up in. They both can be mean at times, though are generally decent people, and they want a way out.
    William’s journey through the spirit world and as the Wisperer continues. Ranging from forcing Dakota to fight a smoke samurai, then being forced to eat the soul of aforementioned samurai, to dying again, to learning he is decaying and bloodless after punching a wall and seeing strange imagery, a lot of things, and not necessarily good ones. Like how Alice continues traversing Wonderland.
    Eventually, he dies a third time. He is faced with his final challenge, his trial. He stays with his old ways and runs, and runs, though eventually faces the fight head on, with all the growth he's gone through. The battle is simply happening when Clarence retrieves William to give the latter a second chance at being alive, though more in between alive and dead, as would Alice’s sister wake her up from the dream, and she leaves Wonderland.
    There isn’t really a clear moral to this one, though it may have various themes and interpretations. This is but a tale made up to amuse youth. Though Wonderland may be fun, it has its downsides and things can go south, but the only constant is change, so things will be okay.
    The Wizard of Oz explores the narrative of Dorothy, a girl who lives in Kansas who’s life is turned upside down in a cyclone, Ashe Winters is someone who was just living in suburban New Haven, who’s life was turned upside down by the metaphorical cyclone that is the Prime Defenders (and eventually becomes one himself). 
   Dorothy soon becomes part of  a group, making a quartet, one with three others who doubt their possession of  certain characteristics.  A tinman who treats all life with the greatest of care. A scarecrow who doubts his wit and overanalyzes. A lion, one who houses bravery but chooses to run, until told otherwise. Though Dakota, Vyncent, and William might not be the best embodiment of their trait I assigned among the group, they all have it for certain. Then there’s Ashe, who desires the comfort of family, in these scenarios, not necessarily blood relation, more companionship, familiarity, and support.
    After many trials and tribulations, the Prime Defenders make it where they need to be, fighting Overlord. They won, however their victory came with a sacrifice, Ashe gave himself up to the Trickster so they’d win. Despite how little time they spent together, Vycnent, Dakota, and William are determined to get their friend back. They fight, and they fight, and they fight, until they’ve won.
    All Dorothy desired was to go home, and Ashe wanted connection. These two things are quite similar, Dorothy was not seeking a building, but her aunt and uncle, and home is people, the kind you can connect with. That is what the Prime Defenders are to Ashe. He is one of them. Dorothy and Ashe return to their places of comfort, Kansas, and the Prime Defenders. After all, at the end of the day, there’s no place like home.
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friendly-books · 19 days
Rivers of London read and write up
Thanks for the recommendation @temporaryyuri. I’ve been told it's about a magic london cop. I won’t hold him being an Englishman against him that’s not his fault but I will hold him being a cop against him. But I’ve been told he’s cool. 
“when he noticed that it was in fact missing a head.” pg. 1 Well looks like there’s been a murder. Now let’s see if it’s mundane or supernatural.
“Martin Turner dialed 999 and asked for the police.” pg. 2 What your supposed to do if you’re in Great Britain and deal with a crime call the emergency line 999
“everything else being equal, it probably wasn’t a case of accidental death.” pg. 2 Ha and yes having your head removed definitely isn’t accidental
This book is so British. I might need to go eat a burger and apple pie to compensate
“why it was me that met the ghost” pg. 3 Metaphorical or “physical” ghost?
“We maintained a strictly professional relationship despite my deep-seated yearning to climb into her uniform trousers.” pg. 5 Well then good to know.
“My name’s Nicholas Wallpenny” pg. 7 Such a British name
“Seeing as I’m dead.” pg. 8 Well at least he knows he’s dead
“The killing gentlemen did t just change his hat and coat, he changed his face” pg. 10 Spooky
“Separate beds, unfortunately” pg. 11 Just ask her out
“Trident was always on the lookout for black officers to do hideously dangerous undercover work and being mixed race meant I qualified.” pg. 15 POC protagonist! Not a fan of Trident or that police force
“Too easily distracted”
“You were checking what was written on the lions bum”
“I like you, I think you’re a good man, but it’s like you don’t see the world the way a copper needs to see the world-it’s like you’re seeing stuff that isn’t there.” pg. 21 Does Peter have ADD or ADHD?
“I’m going to hack HOMES and see if my ghost was right,” pg. 25 Homes like Sherlock Homes? And what do you mean hack? Hacking takes exploiting security vulnerabilities or a phishing con? This is going to take so long
Whats the main character’s name? I don’t think anyone’s said it yet.
“I wondered if we could enhance the faces” pg. 29 I don’t think that’s a thing
“Nicholas the corporally challenged,” pg. 31 Ha
“Peter” pg. 32 Protagonist name finally
“emphasized the width of his shoulders and a trim waist.”
“When he strolled over to talk to me, I thought  he might be looking for that slightly ethnic boyfriend after all.” pg. 34 Ha Is Peter bi? Time for a counter. Bi Peter 1
“Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Nightingale,” pg. 35 I was told I would like this character and that I would ship him with Peter so let it begin
“Ghost are real.” pg. 49 Fun
“You took sciences at A-level,” said Nightingale as we pulled out. “Why didn’t you take a science degree?”
“I got distracted, sir.” pg. 51 Time to look up what A-level means
“We call it vestigium” pg. 54 Cool
“He was from Yorkshire or somewhere like that and, like many Northerners with issues, he’d moved to London as a cheap alternative to psychotherapy.” pg. 55 What’s wrong with people in Yorkshire?
“He bore down the corridor toward us like a bull on steroids and as he did I had to fight the urge to hide behind Nightingale.” pg. 56 I’m sure Nightingale will protect you
“I’m late for my colonic irrigation.” pg. 57 Is he talking about a colonoscopy?
“What’s the agreement?” I asked?
“It’s not important,” said Nightingale” pg. 57 That’s going to come up again
“A life of quiet desperation,” said Nightingale. I knew it was a quote but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of asking who’d said it.” pg. 58 Well I’m going to look it up. It looks like it’s from Henry David Thoreau book called Civil Disobedience and Other Essays
“but the Murder Team didn’t know about know about my psyche powers and the vestigium of the barking dog.” pg. 59 Peter you didn’t know about your psyche powers up until a couple of hours ago
“I looked at Nightingale, but he just raised an eyebrow.” pg. 61 Nightingale what did you do to the dog?
“A wizard.”
“Like Harry Potter?”
Nightingale sighed. “No,” he said “Not like Harry Potter.”
“In what way?”
“I’m not a fictional character,” pg. 63 Ha
“Brandon Coopertown was a good-looking older man in his mid forties  with black hair and narrow features.” pg. 65 Bi Peter 2
“Stone retains vestigia very well. That’s why old buildings have such character.” pg. 69 Interesting
“Just ask him about the year of his birth.” pg. 75 Interesting how old are you Nightingale
“thrown a baby from a second story window.” pg. 80 Oh no
“Salaam” I said
“Assalaamu alaykum” pg. 91
“dissimuo was a magic spell that could change your appearance.” pg. 92 Interesting
“It’s almost impossible to steal another man’s magic.” pg. 94 Almost that’s the key word here
“It’s theoretically possible, but, morality aside, I couldn’t do it.” said Nightingale. “I don’t think any human wizard could.” pg. 95 But a non human wizard could
“Do I have to call Sifu?” pg. 97 Ha
“You have to call me Master.”
“That’s the tradition” said Nightingale.
I said the word in my head and it kept on coming out massa.” pg. 97 Glad I’m not the only one who got a bad taste in my mouth when Nightingale a white man says that Peter a bi racial man should call him ‘master’ Massa is a offensive and outdated term used in writing to represent spoken altercations of the  word master.
“And your patron Sir Issac Newton?” I asked
Nightingale grinned. “He was our founder and the first man to systematize the practice of magic.
“I was taught that he invented modern science,” I said.
“He said both,” Nightingale. “That’s the nature  of genius.” pg. 106 Interesting
“And she is…”
“Indispensable,” said Nightingale” pg. 108 Glad that Nightingale is nice to the “help” but what is Molly?
“while I, easily distracted remember, had been  wondering whether I could sneak Leslie back to my room in Folly.” pg. 114 Peter focus please
“Middle aged women suddenly goes bonkers and attacks someone in the cinema, in front of her children.” pg. 118 Suspicious maybe magic?
“What’s she going to do with it all the leftover.”
“I’ve learned to not ask these questions,” said Nightingale
“Why’s that?”
“Because I’m not sure I want to know the answers.” pg. 120 Ha
“So it’s not a process of oxidation, is it?” I asked
“Focus,” said Nightingale “Magic first science later.” pg. 123 Peter can multi task
“Good,” I said. “Now I’m incentivized.”
Nightingale laughed and let me to it.” pg. 124 Ha and I take it Nightingale hasn’t laughed in awhile
“I’d managed to get it turn it on but got distracted when Nightingale put us around the Hogarth roundabout fast enough to smack my head against the side window.” pg. 125 Ouch slow down Nightingale who taught you how to drive? How do you have your drivers license?
“Eel Pie Island I knew, as a collection of boatyards and houses on a river islet barely five hundred meters long.” pg. 126 Interesting
“Better than watchdogs,” said Nightingale “ask the Romans” pg. 126 Why did you know any Romans? How old are you? And yes geese are terrifying
Glad the books explaining London police talk
“River spirits” pg. 131 Cool
“He’s a troll.” pg. 135 Trolls are real in this world
“That the boys in the boat had been followers of Father Thomas, and had come downstream  to raid the shrine at Eel Pie Island and been caught by followers of Mother Thames.” pg. 137 Why does this give me slit verse vibes?
Does Peter have daddy issues? That’s what I’m picking up
“I tried to keep my eyes off the long legs emerged slender and brown below the helm of the tshirt.” pg. 141 Focus Peter
“I was fighting the urge to fling myself to my knees before her and put my face between her breasts and go blubby, blubby, blubby.” pg. 144 So definitely some sort of supernatural thing right? Charm person?
“Are you on speaking terms with the Mississippi, then?” pg. 145 Ha
“My father always swore that jazz, like the blues, was born in the muddy water of the Mississippi.” pg. 145 Yep and resisting the urge to talk about music history
“there were too many Igbo in my class.
‘I can no longer wait for you to make up your mind and I am going to marry a white bitch Irish woman.” pg. 147 Someone’s bitter. Igbo refers to a member of the largest ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria. And there’s no need to bring the girl’s ethnicity in this :|
“This is the cleanest industrial river in Europe.” pg. 150 That’s concerning. How dirty are the other rivers?
“I dreamed that I was sharing a bed with Leslie May and Beverly Brook both lithe and naked on either side.” pg. 153 Peter don’t make this into a love triangle
“Tactus disvitae,” he said “The smell of afterlife-they must be down here.” pg. 169 Good to know
“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we deal with vampires in Old London Times.” pg. 173 With grenades and white phosphorus
“Fuck me, I thought. I can do magic.” pg. 178 Yep Peter can do magic!
“I said she could come in, but she looked shifty and said she couldn’t.” pg. 179 Oh threshold magic
“Surprisingly, Molly was standing beside her, their heads close together as if exchanging confessions.” pg. 180 Ohh interesting
“I noticed Toby was my dog now.” pg. 185 Yes!
“I hung up as Beverly Brook sauntered over from the hospital, the swing of her hips dragging my eyes.” pg. 186 Peter I feel like I need a spray bottle for every time you get like this
“one of her breasts pushed against my shoulder and I resisted the urge to put my arm around her waist.” pg. 192 Come on Peter focus on the plot and the magic. I’m choosing to believe  there’s some magic involved when it comes to Beverly
“She was spontaneously created by the midcholorians.” pg. 194 Ha nice Star Wars reference
“Detective Sergeant Miriam Stephanopoulos, Seawoll’s right-hand woman and terrifying lesbian.” pg. 205 I love her already even though she’s a cop
“You’re not the first apprentice with an inquisitive mind.” pg. 210 Were you one Nightingale?
“The man was holding silver topped cane and for a moment I thought he might be Nightingale, but the man was older and his eyes were an intense blue. Nightingale senior perhaps?” pg. 212 That’s Nightingale isn’t it.
Good for Molly with the painting
“It was Inspected Nightingale, dressed in the blue polo shirt and blazer that I recognized as being the closest thing he ever got to casual dress. I stared at him stupidly for a moment.” pg. 217 Oh I’m choosing to believe this is a Bi Peter 3
“Thank you,” he said. “Call me Thomas, please.”
Which was just not going to happen.” pg. 218 Come on Peter call him Thomas :)
“You don’t think she and Nightingale…?” asked Leslie
“Ew,” said Beverly. “That’s just wrong.” pg. 219 I agree they can just be friends
“Young men are always tempted to use brute force,” Nightingale had said. “It’s like learning to shoot a riffle; because it’s inherently dangerous, you teach safety, accuracy, and speed-in that order.” pg. 222 Oh were you tempted to use brute strength Nightingale? And he’s definitely old who uses a rifle anymore?
“Officially she was there to liaise with me on the case but really she was mainly there for the wide-screen tv, takeout, and the unresolved sexual tension.” pg. 223 No Peter stop :(
“It’s the change in the clocks,” he said. “Twice a year she takes the day off.” pg. 224 Good for her
“of the horseshoe roof of a wooden gypsy caravan” pg. 227 I believe the term is Romani
“I nearly said that not all fathers were worthy of respect, but I managed to keep my gob shut and anyway not everyone had a dad like mine.” pg. 238 Daddy issues
“We both laughed out loud at that and bypassed Swindo.” pg. 242 Aw they’re laughing with each other
“It was the same Old Man in 1914, I can tell you that for certain.”
“How do you know that?”
Nightingale hesitated, then he said, “I’m not quite as young as I look” pg. 242 I knew it
“It’s escalating,” pg. 245 Yep
“All to no avail, except pissing off Nightingale” pg. 251 Hold on Nightingale Peter’s experiments could be useful
I like that Peter experiment with magic
“Nightingale laughed. I caught a flicker of movement in my peripheral vision and I turned to find Molly standing in the doorway, eyes shining with reflected fire and fixed on Nightingale.” pg. 255 Aw :)
“The Folly has three libraries;” pg. 261 Can I live there?
“Vincit qui se vincit August 1821. I wondered what it meant.” pg. 262 According to google translate it means “he conquers who conquers himself”
“Nightingale smiled
“What is it?” I asked
“You remind me of a wizard I used to know called David Mellenby,” said Nightingale. “He had the same obsession.”
“What happened to him?” I asked. “And did he leave any notes?”
“I’m afraid he died in the war,” pg. 263 So many thoughts. I love that Peter makes Nightingale smile and laugh I take it this hasn’t happened in a long time. I want to learn more about David. I don’t know if David actually died maybe he’s behind the murders?  Tinfoil hat theory. And what war Nightingale? World War One or two? How old are you?
“Help me,” he said
“What’s wrong?” I asked
“He’s eating me,” pg. 269 Oh no
“There was a poster, white lettering on a blood red background, keep calm and carry on, which I thought was good advice.” pg. 270 Peter please tell me you know England history. And interesting that Nightingale has the original poster. Peter doesn’t mention whether the poster has a crown on it
“We broke off for morning tea” pg. 272 Morning tea? Really? So British
“You keep asking the kind of question,” said Nightingale, “that really shouldn’t be coming up for another year or so.” pg. 273 Come on Nightingale tell Peter. So what if he’s asking questions that “shouldn’t be coming”? why does there need to be a time table when Peter “should” learn things?
“You get hunted down even unto the ends of the Earth and summarily executed,” pg. 274 I’d hope so as murder and human sacrifice are illegal and unethical
“safety within screaming-for-help range” pg. 276 Ha
“Chemical glow sticks from the local camping shop and these I cracked and placed where the crib sheet called for candles.” pg. 277 If they work then that’s cool
“I heard Nightingale yelling and looked over to see him running flat out towards me.” pg. 280 Go Nightingale save Peter
“Nightingale grabbed my collar and pulled me away as cherry blossoms and clods of dirt rained down around us.” pg. 281 Oh how romantic with the cherry blossoms falling around them :)
“You’ve got a devious mind, Peter,”
“Thank you, sir.” I said “I do my best.” pg. 283 Ha
“I wanted to watch her tuck her long legs under the dash.” pg. 285 Stop
“She stretched and arched her back, making her breasts strain alarmingly against her sweater.” pg. 288 I will get a spray bottle
“You really are the most extraordinary gullible young man,” she said. “What on earth are we going to do with you?” pg. 292 My thoughts exactly
“A most terrible Irishman”
“Had that Irish temper” pg. 293 Stop being prejudice about the Irish
“before I could stop her she kissed me.”
“What the fuck was that about?” pg. 296 Again my thoughts exactly
“She pulled my head down and kissed me on the cheek.” pg. 301 What is happening?
“I’d like to know what your intentions are with my sister.” pg. 301 Is Peter getting the shovel talk?
“Pikey is a word for Gypsies that a well brought up young policeman is not supposed to use.” pg. 302 I don’t think you’re supposed to use gypsy either and can the rivers stop being racist
“I’ve got nothing against the Old Man or his people but this is the twenty first century and this is my town I haven’t busted a gut for thirty years so some ‘gentleman of the road’ can move back and take what’s mine.” pg. 302 His people that’s a bit racist
“Technically he’s my master” I said “I swore a guild oath as his apprentice.” My tongue felt thick and dry as if I’d spent the night sleeping with my mouth open.” pg. 303 The wince I made when Peter said ‘master’
“A Ministry of Magic” pg. 303 Ha
“Why don’t you have a nice drink?” pg. 305 Don’t drink it
Tyburn is the worst :(
“People are conditioned by the media to think that black women are all shouting, and head shaking and girlfriending and “oh no you didn’t” and if they’re not sassy, then they’re adignified and downtrodden and soldering on and “I don’t understand why folks just can’t get along.” But if you see a black women go quiet the way Tyburn did, the bright eyes, the lips straight and the face still as a death mask, you have made an enemy for life, do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred.” pg. 308 Run Peter run
“We were going to use vampires during the war?” I’d asked, and been surprised by the look of genuine hurt and anger on Nightingale’s face. “No,” he’d said sharply and then with more moderation, “Not us-the Germans.” pg. 311 So Nightingale definitely fought in WW2 and has seen some stuff
“It was his guide dog” pg. 313 Good dog
“In her words, ‘Why does this shit always fucking happened to me’ pg. 314 Ha and I can’t see Nightingale saying that even quoting someone else
“You’re volunteering to have your head beaten in?” pg. 316 It sounds like he’s volunteering himself for possession with the ‘sequestration’
“Like the manifestation of the social trend, crime and disorder, a sort of superyob. The spirit of riot and rebellion in the London mob.”
We all looked at her in amazement.” pg. 317 That is a good theory but I doubt it
“I might have even written an essay, but I’m damned if I remember any of the why.” pg. 326 Ha and I still can’t believe that Nightingale swears
“Nightingale smiled” pg. 327 Aw I just love that Nightingale smiles
“No man strikes his wife without provocation-was she a shrew?”
“A man can be driven to terrible acts by the tongue of a woman.” pg. 329 De Veil is the worst
“Seawoll’s people would provide containment in case things went pear shaped” pg. 331 Things are going to definitely go pear shaped I’m only 60% done
“shot Nightingale in the back.” pg. 332 Ahhh! :0
“Inspector Nightingale was alive” pg. 336 Good
“It’s beautiful” pg. 343 Aw :)
What’s Tyburn doing here?
“Your father’s a junkie, has been for thirty years.” pg. 351 Ouch rude Tyburn
“his heroin” pg. 352 Heroin?!
“So you understand why I don’t find Nightingale’s shabby gentility impressive in any way.” pg. 353 There’s no need to be so rude Tyburn
“Why aren’t you inside right now?” pg. 354 She probably can’t get in the the whole threshold magic
“What did he see in you?” pg. 354 Someone’s jealous
“Checking first to make sure that no one was likely to see me, I reached out and squeezed his hand.” pg. 356 Come on Peter just hold Nightingales hand
“you can’t just walk into a random pub and buy a handgun.” pg. 359 Good point this isn’t the U.S.
“Which meant that somebody had told Henry Pyke” pg. 360 We have a rat dun dun dun
“Leslie May was my suspect.” pg. 365 Oh no Leslie
How am I only 70% of the way though there’s still so much left
Who let Beverly drive?
“but it came out muffled on account of the fact that my jaw felt like it was dislocated.” pg. 378 Is Peter the possessed?
“the bastard had stolen Nightingale’s cane” pg. 382 No
“exaggerated poop deck” pg. 382 PETER THAT’S NOT WHAT IT’S CALLED (sorry the theater kid came out of me) It’s either center stage, right or left stage, downstage or upstage. Trying not to unleash my theater history onto everyone
“I know you’re out there, you black Irish dog.” pg. 383 Stop being racist
“But he has the luck of the Irish and the gift of gab.” pg. 387 So racist
“God spare me from fools and amateurs,” pg. 388 Ha
“Seawoll must have walked up behind me while I was feeding clever.” pg. 393 Oh no, are they all possessed?
“safety harness to be worn by the handsome baritone” pg. 394 Bi Peter 4
“Why is it that good quality pay their taxes while foreigners pay naught and yet expect the liberties that are an Englishman’s hard-won prerogative.” pg. 395 Is this the play being racist or Henry being racist
“Nobody likes a riot except looters and journalists.” pg. 403 Oh no a riot
“but I was distracted by the sight of the helicopter hovering directly overhead.” pg. 404 Peter you’re always distracted
“He wouldn’t have been able to spell racial discrimination on his report, if there had been a report.” pg. 406 I really hope that’s just the magic talking and not the guys actual thoughts
Inspector Neblett to the rescue
“I was wrong about you Grant,” he said. “You do have the makings of a proper copper.”
“Thank you sir” pg. 408 Aw that’s nice
“A Molotov cocktail makes a very distinctive sound.” pg. 409 Oh no
“We kissed.” pg. 422 Ahhh :) Beverly and Peter kissed
“I saw my ranting drunk-he had the face of Mr. Punch.” pg. 429 Oh no
“Mr. Punch-the spirit of riot and rebellion” pg. 430 I can’t believe Leslie was right
“From September 1944 to March 1945, that lovable Nazi scamp Wernher Von Braun” pg. 431 What did I just read.
“Just to let you know that Thomas is conscious and asking for you.” pg. 440 He’s awake :)
“How old are you?”
“Old,” he whispered “Turn century” pg. 442 I knew it!
“Nightingale made a wheezing sound that alarmed me for a moment until I realized that it was laughter.” pg. 442 Glad that Nightingale can laugh in this situation
“Is it natural?”
He shook his head” pg. 442 Oh interesting so it’s not normal.   
“He was a heavyset white man with a skinned head and a faded tattoo of SS lighting bolts on his neck.” pg. 448 He’s a skin head?! Get away from Peter
“Someone sniggered-probably Beverly” pg. 449 Ha
“My duty, my obligation-my decision.” pg. 449 Yes go Peter
“You want to fuck with me, Tyburn, you had better know who you’re messing with.” pg. 449 Ohhh
“Your father is a failed musician and your mother cleans offices for a living. You grew up in a council flat and you went to your local comprehensive and you failed your A-levels.” pg. 450 She didn’t go there >:( Someone shouldn’t throw stones at glass houses. The only reason your immigrant mother from Nigeria is a goddess is because she chose to commit suicide from failing her medical exam and her fiancé leaving her and by some struck of luck became a goddess instead of dying. Tyburn won’t have the opportunities and the power she has if not for her mother being an actual goddess.
“Toby slammed into my ankles as soon as I was across the threshold.” pg. 452 Aw :)
“Which meant-nothing” pg. 453 I’m sure it means something
“as she bit me hard.” pg. 455 Ahh
“After knocking my forehead a couple of times, I just opened the side door like a normal person.” pg. 457 Ha
“But no, not Nickolas Wallpenny, it was Henry Pyke. It was always Henry Pyke, right from the start.” pg. 460 It was him from the start!? :0
“You know;” he squeaked, “you’re not nearly as stupid as you look.” pg. 460 Rude
“Where’s Henry now?”
“He’s in your girlfriend’s head, having carnal knowledge of her brain.” pg. 461 Beverly?! No wait he’s talking about Leslie. Come on Mr. Punch keep up this the new relationship details you’re so far behind on the gossip
“I could no more have not chased him than I could have stopped breathing.” pg. 461 Cool
“I closed the last couple of meters on Mr. Punch and rugby-tackled the dead fucker to the ground.” pg. 463 Yes go Peter!
“Bastard,” he said. “Black Irish bastard dog.” pg. 463 So rude and racist >:( it’s not even that creative come up with better honestly
“Was there a god of Justice? And where would I find him-or maybe her.” pg. 464 Way to be inclusive Peter :)
“And suddenly I understood what Mama Thames had been trying to tell me.” pg. 465 See I knew it would come in handy
“It was the spirt of Old Man of the River as a young man.” pg. 466 So cool and he’s so old
“Molly was hunched over, her face turned away and hidden by her hair, vomiting blood onto her nice clean tiles.” pg. 467 Oh dear
“I looked into her eyes and saw that they were all back, no trace of white at all, and filled with  hunger and despair.” pg. 468 Oh no
“Nightingale’s name made her pause, but only for a moment.” pg. 469 She still paused that’s something
“It was Toby” pg. 470 Go Toby!
“It was Leslie, waiting for me on the chaise lounge, holding Nightingale’s cane across her knees and staring into space.” pg. 471 Oh come on
“I blame it on the Italian, Piccini, a passionate race-they have to incorporate lust into all their endeavors, even their religious works.” pg. 473 Well that’s racist
“And then the mouthy git was gone, right on cue.” pg. 477 Good
“whom he piled with alcohol”
“he might have pressed his case a little too fervently”
“she was a willing partner, or at least not objecting too strenuously”
“At least right up to the point where she bit his dick off.” pg. 480 Good for her
“Beautiful, but she didn’t have slanty eyes.” pg. 481 More racism I’m so glad you got your dick bitten off
“I couldn’t help thinking that hanging out with me had almost killed her.” pg. 482 Poor Peter
“It had been less than six months” pg. 482 It hasn’t even been six months?!
“Nightingale was in the adjacent room, was awake and sitting up and doing the Telegraph crossword.” pg. 483 Yay Nightingale and he’s doing ok
“two people who definitely still believed in divine rights.” pg. 486 Ew divine rights
“It can’t be Tyburn.” I’d said. You don’t inflict Tyburn on anyone as a gesture of peace or goodwill.” pg. 487 Yep
“old-fashioned rectangular hay bays, of the type I happen to know are no longer common in British farming practices.” pg. 488 It’s not common? Over here it is at least where I live
“Don’t worry, it’s basically just like the country,” I said. “Only with more people.” pg. 491 Ha
Final thoughts
I enjoyed this book. I adore the characters, especially Peter, Nightingale, and Molly. I liked the Rivers. The book was very British. I enjoyed the magic and the mystery. I’m glad this book didn’t go into a love triangle with Peter, Leslie, and Beverly. Bi Peter is up to 4 (yes I’m turning this into a counter) I wasn’t a fan of how horny Peter. I wasn’t expecting all the racism.
Onto Moon over SoHo
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annlillyjose · 1 year
Rock Salt – WIP Intro
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hello again! on today’s news, your girl has a new wip aka something to fixate on and mould her life around for the next couple of months (or years). and because i cannot keep any exciting news to myself, here’s a wip intro.
but before we head into that, here’s a little backstory to how it happened. i finished writing dairy whiskey, i worried about my brain being incapable of forming new book ideas, two to three days after i get this new book idea that i’m totally hooked on, struggles to find a name, names it, decides to go forward with it, so again, here it is – rock salt!
here are the specifics:
disclaimer: this is an original work of fiction. plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. don’t be a pathetic loser.
genre: literary fiction
pov: first person retrospective
structure: probably going to be just full-length chapters
projected word count: 50k
concept: identical twins rain and norah move out of their family home for college where they purse two different degrees, live with different people in separate homes, and fall in troubles of their own. these begin to affect each other and they grow apart, being forced to navigate the the most confusing part of their lives – their shared existence as twins.
aesthetics/vibes: indigo skies, the beach, moths, seawater, salty breeze, chopping off one’s hair because existential crisis and queerness, lesbian relationships, house parties, fire, gloomy days where you feel like it’s going to rain but it doesn’t, cheap housing, bad grades, rotten food in the fridge, the moon, hanging plants, weed and local flowers
if you’ve heard these names before, no you haven’t, but again, they’re from twinepathy – the short story i wrote nearly three years back and scrapped afterwards. i tried to create new characters for this book but they feel like the perfect fit, so here they are.
lesbian, she/they
her real name is eleanor
the protagonist and the narrator
studies political science
shoulder-length black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'3, skinny, wheat-coloured skin
always wears basic t-shirts or sweatshirts with a pair of mom jeans
distant, secretive, in constant disapproval of everything
strives on academic validation (and is being too hard on herself to bring in good grades)
also 18
aroace, she/her
her real name is lorraine
studies painting and the applied arts
long black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'3, skinny, wheat-coloured skin
is a goofball, sunshine and rainbows, has a lot of friends, is extremely talented in her art, golden retriever energy with some drama to be unleashed
cannot keep her mouth shut so ends up in trouble with norah
don’t want to introduce them officially, because they’re not key characters, but here’s a little info on their older sisters –
is called harp
is a high school geography teacher
engaged to her college boyfriend
oldest child in an asian household (i guess that’s saying enough)
is called viv
the neglected middle child
in her last year of a nursing degree
wanted to study music but was too scared to bring it up to her parents and ended up being stuck at a hospital
plans to go abroad and marry a rich guy
well, that’s all i’ve got for you today. i haven’t started writing this book yet and i think i won’t until i finish editing dairy whiskey in august. i think i’ll start in september and then hopefully do nanowrimo for it in november. i’m super excited to work on it because it’s so different from dairy whiskey in a lot of aspects. but i’m discovery writing (as always) and we’ll just have to see where it goes. but until i come back with an update for this book, you take care, stay hydrated, water your plants, and eat a second dessert tonight.
– ann
general taglist (ask to be added or removed)
@shaonsim @heartfullkings @vnsmiles @dallonwrites @wannabeauthorclive @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @silassghost @ambidextrousarcher @zoe-louvre @writing-with-l @magic-is-something-we-create @femmeniism @frozenstillicide @wizardfromthesea @rose-bookblood @coffeeandcalligraphy @rodentwrites @saltwaterbells @snehithiye @at-thezenith
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"Taika Waititi⁠ wears an Atelier Prabal Gurung gunmetal floor-length, structured wrap coat with black liquid silk satin lapel, white satin trousers, and hand-made silk flower and pearl chains to the 2023 Met Gala⁠.
Taika is a force of nature. An incredibly gifted creator/performer and an equally engaging person. A brilliant mind, one of the sharpest wits and insanely hilarious. I have been a great admirer of Taika's body of work from afar. I had never met him or seen him in real life. So when we got this opportunity for this year's Met Gala, I was very excited to meet this brilliant man.
He was all that I had hoped for and more. Intelligent, funny, witty, immensely thoughtful and kind, I was utterly obsessed. What I didn't realise till I met him was how sexy, sensual and confident human he happened to be. My entire team and I, we all were so in love with him. We couldn't stop gushing about him. His aura, his energy, his whole being, is intoxicating. I was completely smitten.
He was an incredible collaborator, along with his brilliant stylist (one of my favourite humans, @jeanneyangstyle). Needless to say, his look was one of the most fun ones to create. So to see him on almost all of the best-dressed lists is such a wonderful surprise but one that makes sense to me. You see, I believe that confidence, truly knowing yourself, not desperately needing validation and, most importantly, empathy, kindness, and grace make a person sexy and fully complete, and Taika is that person. No wonder @ritaora and he are a powerhouse couple where love is their guiding light. I feel so fortunate and grateful that I got to interact with them separately and witness their magic together.
Even cooler was that my niece @vaidehui, who is my entire world, my universe and the love of my life, as y'all know, gave me a big thumbs up for the night and especially regarding Taika. I just found out that she, too, has been an admirer of his work and him in general. I mean, what more do I want 😆
Dear Taika, Thank you so much for the love, trust and levity. I am so grateful for the memories we created at the Met Gala. Here’s to more on and off the carpet."
Source: Prabal Gurung on instagram
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abyssal-ali · 2 years
The Terrifying Trio (T3)
Alright y'all this is my DP x DC x MLB crossover!
Masterlist here
A/N: Rereading this it's more of an outline than a story, oops. I do like this idea and have vague plans to flesh it out & turn it into an actual story, but that will likely be wayyy in the future, so feel free to be inspired by this or flesh it out for me😜 (just please tag me!)
Rating: G (? Mentions of death and experimentation but nothing graphic. Let me know if I should change/add warnings!)
Everyone knew about the T3, as they called themselves. No one imagined they were real until they met them, and then they wished they hadn't; the trio were far more terrifying than their tales.
The T3 began with three completely normal teenagers forced to meet by their friends and family. Their origin was simply to make those who set up this meeting regret it and serve as a warning not to mess with scarily-well-trained teenagers. It worked better than they hoped and grew into a branch of the vigilante groups.
The group, as civilians, looked similar, with black hair and blue or green eyes, and appeared to be a normal teenage friend group.
Nothing about them was normal.
The oldest of the three, Damian Wayne, was the youngest son of multi-billionaire socialite Bruce Wayne, who happened to be a founding member of the Justice League and the original vigilante of Gotham, Batman. His mother was an assassin and the daughter of the League of Assassins' leader. Damian was the fifth user of the Robin mantle and now went by the moniker Phoenix.
Daniel Fenton was the second halfa and King of the Infinite Realms but preferred to be referred to by his hero persona, Phantom. He was Marinette's twin but had been separated at birth.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was the Grand Guardian of the Miraculous and the true holder of both the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculi, going by Blackjack as a hero. She was treated as a queen by the other members of the trio, as Danny was her brother and Damian her boyfriend.
Danny Fenton was 14 when he entered his parents' portal to the Ghost Zone and became half-human/half-ghost in a tragic accident. A couple years later he, as his hero alias Phantom, became the new Ghost King by defeating the old tyrant. He was discovered by Superman, who was flying home from Smallville one day and found a ghost boy fighting more ghosts. He became Danny's mentor and introduced him to the Justice League.
Damian was Robin when he was kidnapped by his mother to be part of an experiment, as Heir to the Demon. It didn't work immediately, and he was thrown into a Lazarus Pit to heal and revive him. The Pit bonded with the experimental serum and Damian awoke as a meta with regeneration/reanimation/healing powers similar to Deathstroke's. Damian also began learning basic magic from his brother Jason's girlfriend, Raven.
Marinette knew she was a true Ladybug, but once she took back the ring from her ex-partner she discovered that she was also a true black cat. Her arch-nemesis Hawkmoth and his allies were swiftly defeated with her combined abilities and the support of her team. A previous Ladybug's daughter, who was a museum curator in Paris, recognized her energy and offered to become her mentor, introducing Ladynoir to the Justice League.
Today was the day for the Leaguers to bring their mentees to the Watchtower to meet the other mentees/partners. Batman arrived first as always, accompanied by Robin. Superman arrived soon after with Superboy and Phantom, then Wonder Woman and Ladynoir.
Nightwing pushed Robin towards Phantom and Ladynoir, who were gazing out at the galaxy in awe.
“Go make some friends, Baby Bat!”
“Tt.” Robin stalked over to the other two, who barely acknowledged him. “If you do not want my company, do not hesitate to say so.” Please.
Ladynoir turned and scanned him critically. “Hm...were you forced to come and 'socialize' and 'make contacts, if not friends', too?”
“Unfortunately. I am perfectly happy with the small circle of friends I already have.”
Phantom turned from the stars to the conversation. “My sister keeps telling me I need more socializing for my mental health or whatever, but I'm perfectly fine with my girlfriend and guy in the chair.”
“Exactly!” exclaimed Ladynoir. “I have my team, why do I need civilians or more hero friends?”
“Why don't we show our mentors why they shouldn't encourage us to make friends, then,” suggested Robin.
Cheshire grins spread over the others' faces.
Across the room, deep in their own conversation, their mentors shivered.
After that, the trio really did become friends. One day, during a visit to the Batcave to see Robin, an incident happened that forced Robin to find out that Phantom and Ladynoir's DNA showed their genetic similarity; both siblings had been adopted and hadn't known it. That was an awkward conversation. Ladynoir was glad she had a crush on Robin, not Phantom, which would have made it even worse.
Ladynoir was introduced to her brother's clone, Dani (her sister? Cousin?) The trio told each other their civilian identities several months into their friendship collaboration and started their own hero group, Styx.
(Dani and Jason were honourary members.)
Damian shed Robin and became Phoenix instead, and Ladynoir became Blackjack, but Danny decided to keep Phantom as his alias.
Damian asked Marinette out while they were on a stakeout. When she happily responded, “It's a date!” he got a little flustered. Danny looked at him and grinned at his friend's awkwardness.
Having had years of practice as their alter egos, all three members of Styx were excellent fighters, but even as civilians, they were trained in martial arts, with their mothers being formidable women. Maddie Fenton was an eighth-degree black belt, Talia al Ghul was a leader of assassins, and Sabine Cheng was a former assassin/mercenary.
Damian discovered Sabine's old career on the stakeout and was struck by how similar he and Marinette were. Of course, Mari was usually a lot nicer (maybe softer was a better word?) than him, even after she toughened up, but they were similar in many other ways.
After the intel they needed was gathered they realized how close they were when they glanced up from reviewing the information. Damian froze and Marinette leaned in a tiny bit. “Is this an actual date?” she whispered.
He swallowed. “I hope so.”
Mari smiled softly. “Me too.”
He closed the distance tentatively and she inched closer.
Danny flew up just after his sister's and friend's lips met. “I called it! Jason owes me $20!”
They jerked apart, glaring daggers at him. “Danny!”
T3, the civilian Styx, finally agreed to let their friends/teams meet each other. Phantom and Blackjack had interacted with the Bats and Titans on missions and JL gatherings before, but the Miraculous Court and Team Phantom hadn't met yet.
Yet again, a glowing portal opened in Amity Park, but his time it was connected to Paris. Danny's support trio (not to be confused with his abetting trio) stepped into the Miraculous Corut's HQ. Luka and Juleka Couffaine-Stone, Kagami Tsurugi, Chloe Bourgeois, Max Kante, and Alix Kubdel met Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, and Jazz Fenton. Max and Tucker became instant frenemies, battling over tech, while Sam and Juleka bonded surprisingly quickly over all things goth.
The T3 waited in the shadows of the warehouse to apprehend the cultists intent on summoning a long-dead magician. When it was go time they transformed (Blackjack had figured out how to do it without a flash of light), becoming the cultists' nightmares, Styx.
Danny had glowing green eyes, weightless white hair, fangs, and Phantom's general ghostly presence for beginning intimidation.
Blackjack appeared as a white-haired, glowing green cat-eyed, fanged, clawed, and winged being: in short, terrifying.
Phoenix had glowing green eyes, white hair, sharper-than-should-be-normal teeth, a katana on his back and fireballs in his hand. (The Pit had whitened his hair completely, but he had a glamour spell on his civilian form to appear as before with black hair. The pyrokinesis was one of his favourite spells and one of the first Raven taught him, upon plenty of begging bribing.)
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
spare revenge romance recs?
A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart. Dark historical romance. The heroine literally tries to poison the hero to death within the first couple of chapters. They knew each other when she was a teenager and she had a crush on him and her dad wanted him to marry her and take her out of France before the Revolution began, but he was like "nah I hate myself too much" and as a result she had to stay and suffer GREATLY while her family was annihilated! The beef is REAL! Super intense, super dramatic, check your triggers because a lot happens here (SA, dubcon (with the hero), general Terror stuff). It's beautifully written and I loved it and I found the romance so moving in the end. But it's rough!
Mafia Madman by Mila Finelli. Obviously mafia romance. Obviously I adore it. Enzo kidnaps Gia and puts her in a cage on his yacht because her brother-in-law tortured him for a month four years ago (and that was kinda revenge too, Enzo and Fausto are mafioso real housewives) as REVENGE but he doesn't realize that Gia can give as good as she gets!!! Mind games, hot sex, ridic drama, SO GOOD.
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean. The heroine fakes her death before being forced to marry the hero's father; the hero is accidentally framed for her murder, avoids jail but has a ruined rep. Years later, he finds her alive and is like OH. FUCK. NO. A Rogue by Any Other Name is also a revenge book, but the hero is using the heroine as he tries to get revenge against someone who isn't related to her.
What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long. Alex tries to seduce and ruin Genevieve as revenge against her brother, who slept with Alex's fiancee. Genevieve figures this out pretty quickly, though, and begins using Alex to try to get the attention of the man she wants.
Beyond Scandal and Desire by Lorraine Heath. Mick Trewlove is a duke's illegitimate son and resents his legitimate brother, so he sets out for revenge, which includes seducing and ruining his brother's fiancee. Sadly, he does in fact.... like her a lot.
The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe. Florence is a rich man's daughter who wants to open a casino for women and asks Clay Madden, casino owner, to mentor her. He agrees, while plotting to use her for revenge against her father.
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson. The hero conquers the heroine's kingdom as revenge for her brother killing his family; as part of a truce, she's forced to marry him, but her father in turn wants counter-revenge, it's just a lot of revenge and it's great.
The Art of Scandal by Regina Black. The heroine is a politician's wife who agrees to stay with her husband for a limited amount of time after she finds out he was cheating. She does, however, get mad and fuck the hot young guy's been flirting with in revenge. Only to find out that the guy is her frenemy's son.
King's Captive by Amber Bardan. The hero kills the heroine's father on her birthday, and then keeps her as his captive on a private island for like... three years? Lol. Now she wants to escape/get revenge, but there is a looot happening.
The Ranger by Monica McCarty. The hero is a spy for Robert the Bruce on this lord's property, and I believe the lord guy struck out against the hero's family...? Or vice versa lol. But anyway, while secretly installed on this property, the hero falls for the lord guy's daughter without her knowing who he really is and it's very ILLICIT AFFAIRS.
The Madness of Viscount Atherbourne by Elisa Braden. The heroine's brother shot the hero's brother in a duel, and the hero tricks the heroine into getting caught in a vERY compromising position with him, basically forcing her into marriage.
Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas. CLASSIC. McKenna and Aline are separated by her upper class father, McKenna is led to believe it was her idea, and he returns years later for REVENGE!!!
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merlions · 13 days
The more I research things in relation to magnus protocol the more I'm just like utterly filled with that classic emotion known as "holy shit Jonny Sims did his motherfuckin RESEARCH for this bad baby *smacks side of podcast*"
I feel like in doing any research at all on any topic, I'm finding myself sucked with black hole force into a wikipedia hole and end up accidentally reverse engineering this like, massive writing research tree from the listening side. It's been so implausibly frequent and intricate to have one topic just happen to link to yet ANOTHER eerily related topic that I'm starting to second guess myself, like am I seeing connections where there are none???
But like idk I think there's just SO MUCH and every seemingly unrelated leaf actually does, in fact, end up connecting back to a branch that does seem intimitely related to the tree (...as it were.)(fuckin. Can't talk about trees no more. Fuck u Isaac Newton. Fuckin apple head. Dog apple head fuck. Calcinate ur god damn laboratory) but it's just like the largest kudzu on the fucking planet and there are so many god damn leafs and branches I can't even see a damn quarter of the whole picture, even just considering the historical and alchemical research, before even considering the fictional plot and worldbuilding and how that's tying the irl stuff and TMA stuff and its own stuff together and !! (Is Georgie...???)
And through all of that. I have learned much. And I can say I know for certain now two things.
One: I thought I knew what alchemy was and what its purpose was, and at least a couple of things about it. I did not!
Two: it is infinitely funny that literally right after the Hooke episode (#19) when I was doing research on just Hooke and Micrographia, I said, in total and utter ignorance of any importance this phrasing might have: "[this episode is] Sprinkling mint seeds of Spooky History Research on the fertile but barren golf course of my mind".
I hope Jonny and Alex saw that and got a little chuckle. "Wow this guy really is gonna flip his fuckin lid when he finds out about the steps of alchemy. Like, oh I dunno, Separation! For example" WELL I DID!!! I did flip my lid.
TMagP ep so potent in its in-world 17th century lore drop that it caused me to briefly see into the future. Supernatural cosmic horror writing so choice that it manifests real actual spooky happenings in the real world. wait isnt that a john carpenter film
anyways I'm mostly writing this just to get it out of my own head, bc I feel like I'm losing my mind like I've stepped into a twilight zone episode and I need to find a way back to my original dimension somehow. but also if u read this and are intrigued by what i mean by any of it. i strongly encourage starting some wikipedia holing of ur own. start with literally anything on any topic mentioned in protocol. but esp looking into Sam's comment to Celia in TMP 19, about "spiritual substitution of elements". and know that this will take u on a magical internet journey from which you may return, but not unchanged
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sunshinebingo · 1 year
The Princess and the Knight
Chapter 11
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A/N: This is the final chapter 🤭 Thank you so much for all the likes, reblogs and comments. Thank you for just reading this fic. I hope you enjoyed the journey and…yup…thank you (sorry I’m feeling a little shy rn) As always, a special mention to @headcanonheadcase and @shadowsxgwynriel. @trashforazriel this is for you too bb 😉❤���
Synopsis: The Princess and the Knight dance at the Autumn Equinox Ball before ending the night together.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning: NSFW!!
Read the previous chapter here
Read the bonus chapter here
Read on Ao3 here
The honour of your presence is requested at the AUTUMN EQUINOX BALL to celebrate the coming of the new season with Her Majesty THE QUEEN and the Royal Family. The festivities will take place at the ROYAL CASTLE in the Capital of Sangravah on the 20th of September and will begin at sunset.
Her Majesty, the Queen of Sangravah
Every new season brought with them new beginnings. Autumn, with its dying trees and cooling weather, was the time to let go of certain things in order to focus on what really matters. Autumn required one to trust the change. It promised that better days would eventually come. But the princess trusted her knight more than she trusted the season. That is why she devoted all her attention to him and only him, instead of everyone else in the ballroom.
They had both been nervous about making their first public appearance as a couple at such an event. Especially Azriel. But everything had gone better than both could have imagined. Perhaps the others had heard of the last one who had tested the princess and did not want to end up like him. Not that she would sentence anyone to the dungeons for not approving of her choice to be with a knight. Frankly she did not care at all. And neither did Azriel.
He had been awestruck when she had descended to stairs to meet him in the grand foyer earlier. Dressed in a big gown of deep emerald, Gwyneth looked every bit the queen that she was in line to be. Her dress was dusted in golden sparkles, with more gold embroidery along her cleavage that were a perfect match to those on Azriel’s black suit. The diamonds of her crown reflected every candle and fairy light in the room, making them shine even more than they already did on their own.
‘’You are a very good dancer,’’ Gwyn said in surprise as Azriel guided her through the dance on expert feet.
‘’Did you doubt that I was?’’ he asked with a teasing grin. They separated for a moment so he could twirl her around several times as they rounded the tree in the middle of the dance floor.
It had taken a while to put the giant tree there, but the efforts of the staff and decorators were worth it. It looked magical with its twisted branches that were close to touching the high ceiling. The fake leaves that it was filled with looked as real as the ones on the various trees outside the castle that were starting to change colour. Fairy lights were placed all around the trunk and branches to illuminate the dance floor and shine down on all those who had come to enjoy themselves tonight. Candles and chandeliers burned bright along the walls to further illuminate the rest of the room. More candles were placed on the elegantly decorated tables along with dried leaves and flowers in the colours of autumn.
The Queen herself had insisted that the whole castle must be turned into an autumn wonderland for the occasion. Knowing the Queen’s love for her balls, many of the guests had even come dressed in the new season’s colours.
‘’Is there any secret talent of yours that I should know of?’’ Gwyn asked her lover when they met again.
‘’There is,’’ he smiled down at her. ‘’But it’s best enjoyed in private,’’ he added. The blush that started to spread on her cheeks was brighter than the makeup she had there.
‘’That must be a bad talent if you don’t want anyone to see it,’’ she said in an attempt to subdue the heat rising inside her. To her delight, Azriel snorted which caused them both to start laughing. Even through their laughter, Gwyn noticed her mother and her aunt smiling at her as she and Azriel swirled past them. But she could not bring herself to look away from him.
‘’If I am not mistaken Gwyneth,’’ he brought his mouth close to her ear before he continued, ‘’You seem to enjoy my talents when we’re alone.’’ He pulled away just enough so that their noses were only inches apart.
‘’Maybe you could show me more so I can judge better.’’ Even through their clothes, she could feel his heart beat matching her own racing one where her breasts were pressed against his chest.
‘’I will,’’ he promised and sealed it with a kiss on the tip of her nose.
Gwyn rested her head on his heart. And when she moved her hands to place them around his neck, Azriel brought his own hands around her waist. The rest of the dance passed with them lost in each other. More people joined the dance, even her aunt had come to dance accompanied by the Count of Day. The music changed several times. But the princess and the knight danced mostly danced to the beatings of their own hearts.
‘’Azriel,’’ she looked up at him after a while. He looked down at her, matching her bright smile with one of his own. ‘’My Azriel.’’ She brought her lips close to his but did not move further. ‘’My knight in shining armour.’’
‘’Would you prefer if I was a prince instead?’’ he asked, brushing his nose with hers.
‘’I don’t want a prince,’’ Gwyn shook her head, the loose curls that framed her face swaying with the movement. ‘’I want a knight who will make my enemies bleed before carrying me into the sunset and fuck me until sunrise,’’ she added in a dramatic way yet low enough so that no one but him would hear her talk like this.
Azriel was unable to contain his laugh at her statement. Although he was used to it, her ability to say the most ridiculous things with so much seriousness always amused him.
‘’Well princess,’’ he said as he brought their bodies impossibly closer. ‘’I don’t believe there is anyone who deserves to bleed tonight.’’
‘’But?’’ she raised an eyebrow at him, knowing well that his thoughts were going exactly where hers already were.
‘’But I did promise to show you more of my hidden talents.’’
The grin that spread on Gwyneth’s face was positively devious. One second, they started swirling again among the dancers, and the next, as soon as they neared the closest exit to the dance floor, she was pulling on his arm to drag him away from the party. Azriel ignored all his fellow knights and guards that were on duty around the castle as he followed Gwyneth with a hand interlaced in hers. It did not take long before they reached her quarters and pushed the door to her bedroom open.
Unlike the rest of the castle which was bathed in autumn colours, this room still had an air of summer to it. The light blues and golden tones brought an additional warmth to her bedroom along with the lit fireplace.
As soon as the door was shut, Gwyn was in Azriel’s arms again, her hands tangled in his hair and her mouth exploring his. His own hands were already starting to undo the laces at the back of her dress. Her crown was quickly removed, more curls escaping from her updo in the process, and thrown on the small table next to the door. A few strong tugs and the laces were lose enough that the dress pooled at her feet. Gwyn stepped out of her dress and shoes and jumped in his arms, feeling his hardness already pressing against her centre.
Their lips remained locked as she removed his jacket and started to unbutton the black shirt underneath. He carried her until they reached the edge of the bed. When he was finally rid of the shirt, he lowered her on the mattress. Gwyn arched her back when he started trailing kisses down her neck. The stings from his small bites made her dig her nails into his back.
A loud moan escaped her when his lips closed around her peaked nipple. More whimpers and moans followed when he slightly bit her there too and continued playing with her breast with his mouth and teeth. He grabbed the other one in his hand and gave it just as much attention.
Meanwhile his other hand found it’s way lower until he reached her soaked underwear. He quickly pulled it off and threw it across the room. There was an urgency in his moves that made Gwyn almost tremble in anticipation. She lowered her hand and started to feel him through his pants.
She had had her hands on him countless time before. Yet it always felt as good as it did when she first did it. It was even better now that they both knew exactly what to do to send the other tumbling over the edge.
‘’Az,’’ she whined at the loss of contact when he started to pull away from her. He brought his mouth to her ear.
‘’Get on you knees for me Gwyneth,’’ he said and bit her earlobe. She did as he said, turning around to kneel before him on the bed. He smirked at the sight of the wet spot that had already appeared on the sheet where she was lying seconds before.
Gwyn turned her face around and looked at him with pleading eyes. She needed him to do something. Anything. Her breathing turned harder when he started to get rid of his pants. His eyes remained fixed on hers the whole time and she almost drooled when he finally stood fully naked behind her.
Azriel moved closer to her. He licked his lips and Gwyn felt herself getting even wetter when he started lowering his mouth right where she needed him. He winked at her before he parted her folds with his tongue. He inserted a finger inside her while his tongue kept swirling at her entrance.
Her moans turned so loud that the guards posted beneath her balcony were probably aware of what they were doing. Azriel put another finger inside, moving them in and out of her until her wetness was running down her leg. He would never get enough of this; seeing her like this, dripping for him and moaning his name like he was a god she was praying to. The heat inside her was enough to almost undo him.
Fortunately for his painfully hard cock, Gwyn was close. He curled his fingers inside her, hitting a spot he knew would make her forget everything but his name. His teeth sank into the soft skin of her backside. It did not take much longer before she shattered and came around his fingers. He removed his hand instead of waiting for her to come down as he usually did. And Gwyn understood why a second later when something much bigger pushed inside her.
The sudden feeling of his cock filling her and his mouth coming down to kiss her neck and shoulders was enough to immediately bring the heat inside her to new heights. She fisted the sheets while his hands held tightly onto her waist. The way his name sounded coming out of her lips urged him to go faster and harder. When he was moments away from spilling himself inside her, Azriel moved one hand down in front of her. He started to leave a trail of small love bites down her back while his hand circled her clit. He kept thrusting inside her, each push and pull bringing both of them closer to the edge.
Gwyn placed a hand over the one he had between her legs. She tried to speak, to beg him to make her come again yet nothing but whimpers came out. But he knew what she needed. He pressed his hand harder against her clit. A few more thrust was all it took before Gwyn was arching her back and coming hard. Azriel followed right after feeling her walls tightening around him. He bit his bottom lip so hard that he almost drew blood.
Soon, they both collapsed onto the bed. Azriel moved to the side and lied next to her. They both looked at the clouds painted on the ceiling while trying to regain control over their heavy breathing. But the room did not remain silent for long. The sound of their pants was soon replaced by Gwyn’s laugh. Azriel moved his head to the side and watched as she laughed with her eyes close. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was a little smudged. She was stunning.
‘’What is it?’’ he asked when she stopped.
She looked at him then and moved closer. She placed a kiss on his neck before nuzzling her face there. ‘’I love you,’’ she said barely above a whisper.
Azriel wrapped her tightly in his arms and rested his head on hers. ‘’I love you too.’’
She remained like this, wrapped in his warmth, while Azriel started to remove all the pins from her hair. Once it was loose, he ran his hands through the silky strands. He curled them around his fingers and watched how the light from the fireplace turned the copper even brighter.
“Az?’’ She lifted herself up to look at him. Gwyn traced the tattoos on his chest with a finger while he kept playing with her hair. He raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to keep talking. She replaced her hand with her lips by placing soft kisses across his chest as her hand swirled lower and lower. She hummed in approval at the way his body was reacting to her touch.
‘’You still want me to fuck you until sunrise?’’ he asked when she wrapped her hand around his already hard cock. Gwyn smiled. How could she not say yes to that.
And they lived happily ever after. The End!
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koffing-time · 1 year
[a picture of a small square flask. Inside are seemingly two liquids, one a deep purple, the other a light green. They are separated by a fine white line which also encompasses a singular dark black bead of something floating inside. It looks very much like a simplified version of the voidpunk pride flag]
Holy shit!!! I've made it, just in time! Do you know how difficult it is to get these liquids to stay separate even if you shake them? Took me some real trial and error. But hey, anyone here at the pride parade in nimbasa? Feel free to ask me about them, i have made a lot of them in all kinds of pride flags. (No progress pride though, that was sadly a step too far. But i do have a couple more voidpunks).
Also a big big thanks to Coffee, unexpectedly, because he actually brought me on the right track to find the right chemicals (and maybe a bit of Pokémon magic). He's a smort guy lmao.
(disclaimer: don't drink the stuff in there, it's not deadly toxic but it's also not really healthy. I'll also say this to anyone who gets one, but just so people here don't worry. The flasks are sealed anyways)
//ooc this was supposed to go up earlier but i forgor and it sat in my drafts
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
Thank you for such an in depth response, I feel honored by it and that I was able to inspire you about the concepts and I agree. I had similar thoughts about the theming of Sora’s name and him being the void of space. Even had musings of how in primordial myths the heavens (sky) and the earth are considered the couple that brings about the first forms existence. Gaia and Ouranos and on the Egyptian mythos there was a love story of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) although interesting enough geb and nut are kept separated by Ra (the sun).
But regardless, I’d say nomura is quite interesting and impressive to consistently yet subtly equate riku to that of deity so easily. Yes, I believe in riku being a dia in some sort. Probably kingdom hearts sending out an avatar to grow, or the king to kh reincarnated, or some other thing I can’t quite grasp right now but overall with the ending of the series hopefully not too much farther in our lifespan. This is why I enjoy reading and interacting with metas and theories especially about sora and riku and soriku because I said in a comment in a YouTube video that discussed the sleeping real theory and I said it feels like we have the right answers but just not forced into the right shape (a key perhaps 🫣) to unlock the final gate.
Riku has always had all those "subtle" visual shorthands used to denote super special celestia mystery powers (etc) but, like the Subtly OP antics of the Disneytowners (e.g. Donald casually casting the Boss-level spell 'Flare', Goofy tanking hits from Literal Deities with 1 shield & no apparent magic of his own), Riku looking "anime" gets brushed off as "standard JRPG aesthetic".
Naturally silver-haired youths in anime tend to be Plot-Relevant, typically having ☆Super Special Bloodlines☆, typically being Secret Royalty &/or related to Angels or Spirits.
(and it WAS suspiciously easy for Riku to just... BECOME Sora's Dream Eater, especially given what we know of the Chirithy spirits, their abilities to act as psychopomps, & whatever the Dream Eater crafting system in DDD may imply about Dream Eaters as a whole)
From what I can recall, the only naturally silver-haired characters original to KH are:
Xehanort (confirmed descendant of Ephemer)
Xemnas (Terranort)
Ienzo (taken in by the Always Sus Ansem the Wise, origins unknown)
From the Final Fantasy side of the crossovers, we have Setzer (who only appears in the DATA Daybreak Town, not the "real" one) and... Sephiroth.
For being such an "anime" JRPG, Kingdom Hearts is pretty sparing in its use of Anime Hair Colours. Aqua & Isa's blue hair aside, the colour palette is fairly "natural": pale blonds & yellows, oranges & pinks amongst the reds, browns & blacks. There aren't many characters old enough to have "grey" hair but the ones that do are ALSO fairly mysterious: Merlin, Fairy Godmother, Master Yen Sid, Zeus... Kairi's Mysteriously Knowledgable Grandmother (who i am, like, 75% convinced was a retired Princess of Heart). Even the "silver/white" House of Duck are all Very Suspicious: Donald is, canonically, the most powerful Black Mage of the FF franchise; Scrooge & Donald's Nephews casually worldhop for fun & profit as if they were Moogles or something.
So, yeah, even Riku's "anime boy" aesthetic is itself pretty Telling of Riku being Plot-Relevant. He's canonically part-spirit, after DDD, but his ability to do that at all IS unprecedented (just like his ability to Balance Light & Darkness within himself, like his Light being equated with the Sun, like his easy grasp on using Darkness...). Whatever the KH-universe equivalent of an "angel" may be, Ephemer & Riku seem closest to it. That Riku met JOSHUA (himself a kind of Gay Angel) in DDD does not seem at all a coincidence.
oh! there's also that whole [terra] sigil thing! Riku's costume/keyblade designs imcorporate it (i forget how) & THAT sigil is probably the in-universe namesake for Terra, the character. Rather than [earth] or [land], the [terra] sigil seems older & is likely referencing an "[original/first] earth" or mean "[land of origin]".
It makes me wonder whether Riku's parent/s were themselves Aware of Other Worlds? If he's a relative of Xehanort, it's plausible that Xehanort's Skuld-resembling mother learned about Xehanort's ending up at the Destiny Islands & their family possibly moving to the World in hopes of a reunion. Which... would mean they weren't just AWARE of Other Worlds but ALSO capable of traveling between them. This is probably going to Come Up in Missing Link.
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mythica0 · 1 month
(Probably) last post for today!
I did a doodle page of Ray and her Anti-fairy, Yar! (I also did a quick comic of Ray and Emma meeting.)
Pictures and also a Rant(tm) below the line
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I know I’m biased cause I made it, but I love the relationship between Ray and Yar, so here’s thoughts on it;
Ray is super friendly towards Yar, and constantly tries to spend time with her. She also often tries to cheer her up. She shoves all her love and friendship down Yar’s throat, much to her dismay.
Yar keeps pushing her away, telling her to go away and leave her alone, but it never works to make her give up.
Sometimes she’ll give up and just let Ray drag her out of the house to the coffee shop or something. Scenario;
“I’ll take a hot chocolate! Extra whipped cream!” *elbows* “what do you want?”
“Sigh. I’ll take a coffee. Black.” *mutter* “like my soul..”
“Alright! Will that be together or separate!”
“Together! I’m paying!” *looks over at Yar* “told ya you’d enjoy yourself! Your pout is smaller than normal! :D”
Other stuff!!
Ray is almost impossible to make sad. The only thing that makes her genuinely sad is not being able to make someone feel happy/better.
She also is incapable of hating anyone. She doesn’t even hate purely evil people, with no sympathetic backstory. She’s just like “oh, I feel bad for them! They never saw all the good in the world or accepted to power of friendship and kindness and love!” 💕
She believes that anything is possible with enough love and kindness. (Accurate)
Ray is also an absolute yapper. She also encourages everyone to find the good in the world, the joy in any situation, and the silver lining to any conflict.
She dislikes it when people fight and will try to break it up, make a compromise and make everyone happy. She’s a massive people pleaser, which makes her a great fairy godparent! But this also means that some anti fairies abuse her kindness, but she stays happy through it all.
Speaking of anti-fairies, because she likes to push her overwhelming kindness on Yar, she often visits Anti-fairy world. She’s infamous there, and most anti fairies will make her do favors for them any time they can.
Yar, despite all her grumbling, actually quite cares about Ray, and if she’s people doing that she gets mad at them. She’s very protective of her opposite. Yar and Ray have the best relationship between Fairy and Anti-fairy ever recorded. Ray hates no one, and Yar can’t bring herself to hate such a ball of sunshine.
Also: sometimes Yar will come to fairy world to visit Ray. Ray is Ecstatic whenever she does this. Jorgen allows it for two reasons, 1- The two have a close relationship, and 2- Yar doesn’t really have the motivation or energy to take over fairy world. Can’t be bothered.
Moving on, Ray has a sort of aura around her, that makes it so anyone near her immediately has more energy and happiness. It’s magical in nature. But even if it wasn’t there, most would find her joy infectious.
On the flip side, Yar has a magical aura of the same variety, but it heightens negative thoughts/ sad feelings and lowers energy levels. Their auras cancel eachother out aka don’t work on eachother.
Knowing all that, Scenario time! (Real writing this one tho):
Ray, Cosmo, Wanda, Peri and their respective godkids were hanging out at the married couple’s apartment. Hey we’re having fun and laughing, all infected by Ray’s Joyous aura. When suddenly it was interrupted by a wave of sadness. Everyone but Ray all felt.. tired. “Why do I feel so sad all of a sudden?” Hazel said, looking confused. Everyone else but Ray replied, “you too?” Hazel looked even more confused. “It’s all of us? What is-“
She was interrupted by a gasp from Ray. “YAY! my sister-not-sister bestie is here!” She shouts, running to open the door. Before Yar can even knock, she’s tackled into a tight hug by her counterpart. “YAR! I’m so glad you came!”
The anti-fairy sighed and rolled her eyes. “Hello to you, too, Ray.” The two fairies auras mixed, balancing out and making everyone in the room feel normal.
“Uh, who’s that?” Emma spoke, with everyone else seeming to agree on the question.
“Oh! You guys haven’t met Yar! Everyone, Yar, Yar, Everyone! Why don’t you introduce yourself!” She nodded towards the bat-winged woman, who seemed to agree but without any sort of enthusiasm.
“Hey. Name’s Yar, I’m Ray’s anti-fairy and,” she sighed heavily, “..friend. I guess.”
“Works for me!” Ray exclaimed, chipper as ever.
The night continued, and it was just as fun as before. Even with a Debbie downer at the table.
Another, shorter, scenario of the two on an adventure! (Incorrect quotes style but I made it so it’s a correct quote)
“This isn’t gonna work.”
“Come on, be positive!”
*sigh* “Fine. I’m positive this isn’t gonna work.”
Can you tell I love them.
I HC that bc most fairies are right handed like humans, most anti-fairies are left handed. But, Ray is Left handed, so Yar is Right handed.
Lastly, tword stuff!
Ray has a very happy, loud laugh. Her worst spot is her sides. She loves to use twords as a way to try and cheer people up, and is a very silly ler. She will often tell jokes (usually dad jokes/puns) while twording someone. And when not twording someone, actually. She loves puns. Not ashamed that she loves being tworded. Will straight up ask for them.
Yar has a quiet, almost whisper of a laugh. It never gets louder than that. Ever. They share a death spot. She is very shy about twords because she never smiles, often making a point of it, and it forces her to do so. This means that, although she doesn’t mind the feeling, she is often opposed to being tworded, and Ray respects that. She will tword people, but she’s very bad at it. Mostly because of her low energy.
That’s all I have for today! Hope you enjoyed my OC rants :3
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dreamsb0u · 1 year
For somewhere that advertised itself as 'the heart of the city', this town was pretty quiet- mostly just apartment blocks and the small store here and there. And yet, when Cross tried to detect demons, the scent of them dropped on him like a ton of bricks. Seems that there was a reason that he was called out here.
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Cross followed the closest source of a demonic presence until he found himself in front of an art store staring at a skeleton eating art supplies that most likely did not belong to him. If anything, that was all the confirmation Cross needed to deduct that this bag of bones was a demon. He wasn't all too familiar with monster biology as the sect didn't really educate them on that or let them educate themselves at all. He was pretty certain that the average monster could not digest crayons.
Yet when he tried to summon his cards, he found himself frozen in anxiety. He had trained for his entire life and afterlife for this moment out in the real world and yet he couldn't bring himself to make even the slightest movement of aggression towards this demon. What ifs and worst case scenarios rang in his head. He was sure that if XGaster saw him right now he would tear him a new one.
Apparently he was standing there for too long because the skeleton turned around, stolen art supplies in hand and crayon in mouth and asked him the one question he'd been dreading.
"Hey bud, what's up?"
The shapes in the skeleton's eye sockets changed rapidly before settling on a green triangle and pink question mark.
"Another one of XGaster's newbies?"
Somehow this was the most horrific moment of his life not counting a couple of separate incidents and he started to mentally scold himself. He was working himself up into a fit over this and he needed to get a hold of himself. Demons don't have feelings or empathy, if he didn't get rid of this one he'd just hurt more people.
He still couldn't convene his cards so he did the next best thing and looked into the fabric of the demon's existence. Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic. Even for him. He simply summoned enough magic from his reserves to see the potential demon's sins.
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Sure enough, when he blinked his eyes open again, sins hung over the demon's head and body like smog, dark and suffocating. It left a bad taste in the back of his throat and he couldn't be bothered to try and discern the meaning of the tar-like substance floating around the skeleton.
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Because when he gathered his bearings enough to shake away the sins that made his eyes water and gave him a pounding headache, the demon had already seemed to be bored of him as he had walked away as if the young exorcist was of no significant danger or importance to him.
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Another aura approached Cross, unlike the tar that he had smelled before with the skeleton- this one reeked of overripe fruit and energy drinks. An unpleasant combination that was unfamiliar to Cross. And that made him nervous.
Also fuck! He was not prepared to meet two demons with such sins today!
Cross wheeled around in a panic, summoning his exorcism card faster than he ever had in his life. He caught a glimpse of back tar and a strange wobbling target paired with black fur before he made the brief realisation he had not, in his panic, fully dismissed his sight.
And then the unused magic from his card promptly and metaphorically hit him in the face.
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...What the hell?
The demon hadn't even reacted to the card and even stranger, the demon's aura didn't hang as low as the others' did. It was like a film on top of something instead of all encompassin- Ah. Wait. That wasn't a demon. That was just a horrible person... or one that made questionable decisions. And Cross had made himself look like an idiot.
He quickly fully brang down his vision whether to spare himself or the other the embarrassment could be debatable.
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His unfortunate and unknowing victim looked at him, probably wondering what the hell he was doing holding up his hand with nothing in it and looking at him like he'd seen a ghost (technically that was true).
Maybe Cross should do something to amend his already rapidly decreasing reputation in the town, he would probably need help from the locals at some point after all.
He had to admit. It had been a while since Cross went out for coffee and even longer for one as an apology for pointing a card at someone. Yes, it had happened before.
He found himself jumping every time the man spoke in his loud voice, he was probably still rattled from his first actual demon encounter outside of training. He pretended the noise didn't remind him of the yelling.
Maybe Cross shouldn't have been surprised when the man he had met introduced himself as 'Killer'. He should have been even less surprised when he declared that he was weird and that he liked weird people.
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He honestly wasn't sure whether to be relieved or offended. After all, he wasn't that weird right? Well, he didn't wear the same type of clothes as the other citizens, and sure, he was wearing sunscreen on a moderately cloudy day a-
Okay he thinks he sees why other people see him as weird.
Cross decided to introduce himself, and yesk. Maybe his voice shook a little and he pulled his arms a bit too close to his chest but he managed to get his point across.
"I'm Cross."
Killer looked him up and down before grinning
"I probably coulda guessed that."
Okay, wow. Cross probably shouldn't have felt as self conscious as he did in that moment.
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
Hello! I have some questions about your cyberpunk au! I was wondering how the labyrinth arc is going to work for this au, is it going to be similar to the original? And with Black Hat, is he still running the casino? And will he and Bendy have that student/mentor thing? I also like the other aus you made! They're very creative :)
First quick TW for people who haven’t read or finished Nightmare Night or the Labyrinth and brainwashing/mind control.
So, the labyrinth arc is going to work pretty much the same as OG IM. Except we have a new character! I made a previous drawing back in May about nightmare night. At first it was a random idea that a couple friends of mine made for fun, but then i decided in order to add a little spice to the story line I made it cannon to the AU.
The idea would be that Holly May, who in my AU is like a magic and tech wiz, hacked Cuphead’s sleeper mode programming and used him against the questers during nightmare night. He’s released afterward don’t worry.
And THEN the labyrinth happens. We know that because Holly was controlled by the cog and when she went into the labyrinth the cog-fied version of herself was manifested there as a separate entity. Later turned into I think something akin to a celestial being. So! Because Cuphead was controlled by the cog through Holly, it would stand to reason that when he went into the labyrinth cog-ified Cuphead would would also have a physical manifestation in the labyrinth. Enter in the character my good friend, @richiedicky made (sorry for the @), Anarchy.
During the labyrinth he mostly went around causing confusion and messing with people. He at some point pulled real Cup aside and probably had some mini battle with him. I think we gave Anarchy the ability to jump between timelines or universes or something, so probably uses that to mess with him.
When the questers finally meet up to grab the instrument, instead of Cuphead it was Anarchy posing as Cuphead. While they were all running around the labyrinth Anarchy was secretly sabotaging them; guiding them to the wrong paths, sending monsters after them, that sort of thing. Eventually the questers realize that someone among their crew was throwing them all off and figured out it was Anarchy. At some point real Cuphead rejoins into them and then things continue on in the labyrinth as usual. Except now there’s a third celestial being causing chaos in the labyrinth.
The only other thing I can think of that made the labyrinth different is the setting. Because this AU is set in the future, the time period the buildings and memories were from would be different. More high tech stuff in there I guess.
Now, to answer your other questions. Black Hat still owns a ritzy casino/hotel in Toon City. But he also has a side gig of sorts that he was going on with Dr. Flug. The two of them specialize with cyberware tech and other tech advancements. He and Flug created Cuphead and Mugman’s cyberware and programming, as well as Bendy’s eye. And yes, he and Bendy still have that mentorship going on.
I’m so glad you like the other AUs! It means so much!
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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