#i use he/him for ashe in this but just know i hc ashe as genderfluid
mafufuu · 7 months
i compare childrens literature to pd pcs
!! spoiler for like, so many episodes of prime defenders god knows how many, but def s2 finale, if youre not done scroll away at rapid speeds !!
    Peter Pan is a tale of growing up. Dakota Cole is someone who might have done that too fast. The story follows the Darling children, primarily Wendy and their adventures into Neverland. Wendy seemingly wants to stay a child forever, though when faced with Peter Pan, the embodiment of childishness, her mind is changed. Dakota can be considered childish, with his intellect, black and white sense of good and evil, and extremely kind heart. Yet, it might be that, as opposed to Wendy, he is clinging to whatever remains of his childhood.
     As a kid, Dakota was quite reckless, skipping school, climbing roofs, and whatnot. He’s like Peter Pan, filled with childish whimsy and a lack of care. He befriends a girl, who joins him in the shenanigans. It’s like the early bond of Wendy and Peter. But soon, the consequences of this immaturity become evident. Like how Wendy comes to see Neverland’s flaws. One day, when climbing a roof, the girl falls. Dakota tries to pull her back up, but soon his grip gives out and he goes down too. 
    Couple this with the death of his parents, and likely other factors, Dakota has gone through the kind of stuff that would kill off a childhood. But this is “his” fault, he wasn’t able to save her. Dakota wakes up after the fall, and he runs from wherever he was. He holds this notion that a hero, like the ones he sees in the media, saves everyone. A lofty childish ideal, but one worth admiring. Dakota has grown from where he started, he no longer sees good and evil as two separate entities, holding the idea that the ‘villains’ deserve to be saved too, and that they can be met with forgiveness as opposed to punishment. 
    Peter & Wendy says in the end childishness must be let go of. I reckon that it’s okay to have maturity, yet still hold the whimsy and joy of a child.
     Pinocchio is a story that has been warped over time. In this case, I will base this off of the basic sanitized version most people know. It focuses on a wooden boy, the titular Pinocchio, who desires to become a boy of flesh and bone. Vyncent is someone who (as of the beginning) felt a lack of belonging in the world of Prime, and wanted to be accepted. What lies in both is a desire to change.
    Pinocchio starts out as a wooden boy crafted in a woodcarver’s shop, a fit for what he is made of, surrounded by similar things. Vyncent starts out in the world of Fauna, where magic is something everyone has, where people can just have pointy ears and no one questions it, where adventuring parties slaying dragons are usual, where he is normal. Where they belong and are accepted.
     Though, they both leave those places of comfort, intentionally or not. Pinocchio ventures out to become a ‘real’ boy, and Vyncent falls through a portal. Soon after, he somehow ends up in jail, then gets recruited to join the Prime Defenders. He does not know the customs of Prime, but he goes with how things are, while using some of his knowledge from Fauna, to attempt to fit in. The heroes are beloved by many, they belong.
     Vyncent embarks on his journey with William and Dakota, forging friends and foes, and maybe, a home, along the way. He finds a place where he can belong. Vyncent goes to visit Fauna, and he is beckoned to stay, in the place where he is from. Yet, with how he would be separated from the Prime Defenders, and how The Greats’ power remains in his sword, he chooses to leave. The Blue Fairy fulfills her promise of acceptance to Pinocchio.
    Interpretations say Pinocchio holds the message of ‘disobedience is bad and being good will be rewarded’ which in some scenarios isn’t untrue. But, to me (and Guillermo Del Toro), it is an anecdote saying if you stay true to yourself, you can be loved, you were always what you wanted to be, realizing it or not.
    Alice in Wonderland is about a girl falling into a strange and foreign world. William Wisp is a boy that got thrown into a hectic journey nonconsensually. For Alice, it is Wonderland she journeys into, for William it is the side effects of dying and getting revived.
     It begins with being out in nature, seeing something strange, and deciding to follow it, then falling, be it being out on the river bank, seeing a white rabbit running late diving into its rabbit hole, or going on a late night hike in the woods, and spotting a will-o-wisp, and chasing it off a cliff. Then, Alice is in Wonderland, and William is falling with strange sights surrounding him. He looks around, seeing bright colorful lights, floating islands, be they holding fountains, a field of greenery with a mother and child walking together, a man on a throne of paperwork, you name it, all things to write home about.
   Both William and Alice leave their places of wonder, though they do return. (Admittedly I’m not sure how well the events of the sequel lines up with William’s character development.) William’s adventures outside of the spirit world do not halt, however I am not focusing on those. When the base burns down, Mallard Conway whisks William away to show him his domain, being an endless graveyard housing everyone he cares for, and himself. Wonderland is certainly described to be a weird place, meaning it is also likely not devoid of horrors.
    Both of the two are out of knowledge, attempting to solve the mysteries of these strange places they wound up in. They both can be mean at times, though are generally decent people, and they want a way out.
    William’s journey through the spirit world and as the Wisperer continues. Ranging from forcing Dakota to fight a smoke samurai, then being forced to eat the soul of aforementioned samurai, to dying again, to learning he is decaying and bloodless after punching a wall and seeing strange imagery, a lot of things, and not necessarily good ones. Like how Alice continues traversing Wonderland.
    Eventually, he dies a third time. He is faced with his final challenge, his trial. He stays with his old ways and runs, and runs, though eventually faces the fight head on, with all the growth he's gone through. The battle is simply happening when Clarence retrieves William to give the latter a second chance at being alive, though more in between alive and dead, as would Alice’s sister wake her up from the dream, and she leaves Wonderland.
    There isn’t really a clear moral to this one, though it may have various themes and interpretations. This is but a tale made up to amuse youth. Though Wonderland may be fun, it has its downsides and things can go south, but the only constant is change, so things will be okay.
    The Wizard of Oz explores the narrative of Dorothy, a girl who lives in Kansas who’s life is turned upside down in a cyclone, Ashe Winters is someone who was just living in suburban New Haven, who’s life was turned upside down by the metaphorical cyclone that is the Prime Defenders (and eventually becomes one himself). 
   Dorothy soon becomes part of  a group, making a quartet, one with three others who doubt their possession of  certain characteristics.  A tinman who treats all life with the greatest of care. A scarecrow who doubts his wit and overanalyzes. A lion, one who houses bravery but chooses to run, until told otherwise. Though Dakota, Vyncent, and William might not be the best embodiment of their trait I assigned among the group, they all have it for certain. Then there’s Ashe, who desires the comfort of family, in these scenarios, not necessarily blood relation, more companionship, familiarity, and support.
    After many trials and tribulations, the Prime Defenders make it where they need to be, fighting Overlord. They won, however their victory came with a sacrifice, Ashe gave himself up to the Trickster so they’d win. Despite how little time they spent together, Vycnent, Dakota, and William are determined to get their friend back. They fight, and they fight, and they fight, until they’ve won.
    All Dorothy desired was to go home, and Ashe wanted connection. These two things are quite similar, Dorothy was not seeking a building, but her aunt and uncle, and home is people, the kind you can connect with. That is what the Prime Defenders are to Ashe. He is one of them. Dorothy and Ashe return to their places of comfort, Kansas, and the Prime Defenders. After all, at the end of the day, there’s no place like home.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Lgbtqia+ hcs because I don't know if I'm gonna make it till June lmao (or, if I'm gonna live after it since I'm planning on wearing my flags In public 🤡)
Tw for csa mentions (because why don't I keep projecting huh)
Ashlyn Banner
-She/Her but in a "never thought about pronouns her entire life" kinda way. Doesn't mind they/them. She likes dressing masc/feeling masc, but doesn't really like being "perceived" as masc. Like...masc on her own time lmao. (I'm projecting so hard rn). "Gender neutral" kinda- like agender- but like in a "I don't care about my gender at all I just am more used to the gender they assigned me at birth"
-Demi rose 🌹 I'm also projecting here. Takes her a while to come into her feelings, but maybe that's the "never had friends ever" coming through.
Aiden Clark
-he/him but like he won't care if you use smth else for him lol. Cis gnc kinda guy eyyyyy (better in heels than ashlyn)
-unlabeled and that's how he likes it, nobody's business who he likes kissing lol. I feel like he's kissed a guy before just to try it. On the aro-allo spectrum ngl.
Ben Clark
-He/Him, is fine with They/Them. Honestly likes getting called She/Her too but she's been pretty shy about mentioning it :") Taylor likes doing her makeup if they're having a "femme-day". Settled on genderfluid/genderflux after a while.
-Greyromantic Caedsexual (Ace). Shane was part of a group of slightly older kids, and when he was getting bullied Shane and some other kids sexually assaulted him multiple times...technically was a queer assault since Ben was seen as a sissy because his personality and hobbies were "feminine", and this was to goad him into having a physical reaction :/
Taylor Hernández
(Ngl I'm so annoyed there's not more colors but whatever)
-She/Her and They/Them, identified as cis for a long time since it was what they knew, but once she learned more about it she experimented with her gender a lot more, they identified as non-binary for a while before moving to paragirl.
-Pan to aro/ace pipeline because I'm projecting :) she didn't really handle it well at the beginning, but Ben, Ash and Aiden are all also a-spec so she had a lot of support ^_^ They felt "invalid" because of the csa they went through when they were younger and they thought it was more like a trauma response than their actual sexuality. After talking with Ben about it tho she understood that even if they were related that didn't make her any less valid.
Tyler Hernández
-He/Him cis guy I'm sorry/lh
-was kinda annoying about queer people because actually being raised as a Catholic Mexican boy makes you kinda weird (IM SORRY THIS IS JUST FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) BUT he gets better I promise
-Bisexual boyfailure and took him crushing on Logan to accept it 🤡
Logan Fields
-He/Him and a bit of a stickler about it because he gets misgendered rather frequently (less as he got older but still), doesn't mind getting called gendered terms tho (Taylor calls him "sis", and he calls himself an "Astrology girl")
-intersex, found out when he was 15ish since his puberty had been delayed, and he's really insecure about it...🙃 he was assigned male at birth so he wouldn't say he's trans, but his experiences overlap a fair bit. Takes testorone and medication because he has low electrolytes. I could write a whole essay here but I have to go soon 😭
-Gay :> He realized pretty quickly but he's intensely scared of people finding out, has only told his grandparents. They took it very well ^_^ His grandpa has some gay friends so sometimes Logan goes to the senior center to talk with them about stuff :)
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lifesteal-headcanons · 3 months
Some gender/pronouns hc bc insomnia does not let me sleep >:(
(Btw I'm using they/them to refer to all of them :/)
Ash- they/them and no one tells me otherwise. Also I hc him as non-binary or agender (im so sorry idk the difference)
Zam- theyre masc but goes for all pronouns (I may hc genderfluid zam)
Squiddo- ermmm squiddo is just squiddo. Soo squiddo (theyre non-binary or agender to me. Again, idk the difference, sorry)
Red- for some reason I can see them as a trans masc. He/him or they/them, just anything but she/her
Parrot- I rlly think they're a he/him or they/them person, but they'd be morr comfortable with they/them
Pangi- they do not care abt pronouns, call them whatever
4c- no pronouns (???) but not like squiddo. Squiddo is just squiddo, but 4c just has no pronouns
Spoke- all pronouns. I repeat, all pronouns. They don't know their gender but they go for all pronouns
Rek- they give me they/them vibes for some reason, idk why. Sometimes he/him, but mostly they/then (idk if there's a gender option for like non-binary/agender but also masc (also idk if this looks rude, it's just that it's 3am, I'm tired as fuck and can't sleep. Sorry if this seems rude or anything, I'm just too tired to look it up :<))
Branzy- same as rek, but the opposite. He/him but sometimes they/them
- 💍amon
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Pride Hcs Masterpost Thingy IDK
Kai is a trans man, panromantic, and demisexual! He'll flirt with just about anybody that catches his eye (and some that don't) but the thought of a serious committed relationship scares him to no end. He/it, along with fire themed neopronouns (flame/flames/flamself, flare/flares/flareself, and ash/ashes/ashself)
Cole is not one for labels, he feels that they're constricting and put expectations on him. He's a sorta-guy who likes other guys and sorta-guys, and that doesnt matter! He/they/it!
Nya is genderfluid and queer! No it's not because of her element, it's because her struggles with being perceived as a woman resonated with my poor little genderfluid heart. She also IDs as queer because it is a LOT easier than trying to explain her sexuality and preferences- she likes masculine women and feminine men and it's complicated damnit. Usually uses she/her or he/him but sometimes combines them!
Lloyd is 100% transmasc you can pry that from my cold dead HANDS. Also, he hasn't really had the time to properly explore himself and his sexuality, but he about figures he's demisexual and probablyyyy gay? He/him, but openly experimenting with neos!!
Zane is sorta complicated because I headcanon that Julien didn't build or program him with any specific sex, much less gender, in mind- Zane knows he is male, but he doesn't have an AGAB so he just says he's cis for simplicity. As for sexuality... He IDs as Aroace! He doesn't put a label to his relationship with Pixal, but she calls them queer platonic partners!! He/them!!
Jay is. Listen I dunno what this guy has going on xe is NOT cishetallo though. Light is AFAB and identifies trans masculine but not entirely as a man and. Yeah just don't question xem. Will use he/they, along with any neos (but they've coined light/lightning/lightnings/lightself, xe/xem/xeir/xemself, and spark/sparky/sparks/sparkself!!)
Wu is another who doesn't use labels- partially because he doesn't feel like it's knowledge anyone needs, and partially because he isn't confident enough in his identity to choose- guy's pretty much spent his entire life on other people, after all. Will use any pronouns! People assume and she lets them!
Garmadon is fairly similar to Cole- he feels that labels are constricting. Their gender and preferences in partners are no one's business, in their mind, from as far back as their childhood to as recent as their time in the Departed Realm. He/they/it user!
Morro is... This kid doesn't know what gender is and Wu had to teach him pronouns. Zeph doesn't give a fuck. He/they along with Zeph/Zephyr/Zephyrs/Zephyr's/Zephyrself.
Pixal is pretty similar to Zane, except that she was built and programmed more feminine leaning. She'd likely say demigirl and aroace if asked! Her and Zane have talked extensively about their relationship, and agreed that she is free to call them QPP! She/it!
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cameatslemons · 2 years
for the ask game: lie? or like. isabel if u don't wanna talk ab ur lie hc's for spoiler reasons
LIE TIME bc i think abt him sooo much im so normal abt him (<-lying) and you know this
favorite thing about them: pretty much everything hooohg. so sillay. if i had to choose it's probably how his character concept is carried out- hes made to cover tracks and also big fan of lying itself. its also just fun to decipher what he says
least favorite thing about them: doesn't get used enough in tales or much of any story except as a plot-wagon or way to learn about something else. like cmon authors hes too silly for just that
favorite line: But did I actually tell you anything, or simply ask you a question? You're still able to question this conversation [Speech to text program was unable to give punctuation to this dialogue.]
brOTP: i think listing stripes is cheating here so: honestly most of the other misters hate him but the Business Squad (Hot, Shapey, n Forgetful) tolerate him to a degree
OTP: none. but he could if he wanted. whos stopping him
nOTP: if you romantically ship Lie with Stripes, His Actual Fucking Twin Brother, i will reduce you to ash
random headcanon: genderfluid but doesn't fully realize it yet bc he's so caught up in trying to be other people that he's forgotten who he is unpopular opinion:
song i associate with them: (checks playlist) The Song With Five Names and Villainous Thing
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clownfire · 2 years
Hi! Since it’s alphabet mafia month and I am someone who listens to narrative podcasts, I thought I might drop my personal headcannons.
- ace aro Velrissa. I know a lot of people hc her as sapphic, and I do see a lot of myself in her, but just not that. If you do, all the more power to ya!
- it’s kinda cannon?? but since it wasn’t brought up in the series itself: trans Br’aad 
- Ugarth had the biggest crush on Sylnan. in a ‘i’ll keep all of my emotions right here, and then one day i’ll DIE.’ kind of way
- bi trans Chip. sorry truthers, I can’t in good faith say that man is cis/het
- gender roles in the undersea are pretty different to those on land, and more fluid (heh). Gillion doesn’t put too much thought into labels and is totally chill with people using he/him for him, however demiboy would be the most precise equivalent label in a modern / our world setting.
- Ollie is also trans! Sadly he was kinda forced to come out after the aging-up with the compass and had to awkwardly ask Chip if he could borrow his binder. Obviously everyone was really supportive and Jay made a much better fitting one for him out of the bedsheets Gillion doesn’t use (because barrel)
- transfem nb Ashe ( idk man they give me the vibes )
- on a similar note: transmasc William Wisp ( I have literally nothing to back either of these two up, my brain just registers them as trans. in the way that sometimes I forget that they just,, aren’t? in cannon?? )  - William is also bi
- Vyncent’s pan. He knows this. But people’s gender and sexuality aren’t really seen as notable things in his dimension, so he doesn’t register that it’d be something important to bring up. He ‘came out’ one day when he off-handedly said that the romantic leads in a movie they were watching were really hot. 
- pansexual genderfluid polyamorous Rumi. that’s it, I don’t think I need to explain.
- Peter doesn’t really have a label. He’s never really though about it because he just kinda assumed no-one would ever love him. But now he has Rumi (i hope). 
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emp-blast · 2 years
headcannons on the legends' sexuality and gender:
bloodhound: well canonly they r non biney sooo yeah very cool. uhmm they also were in a relationship with this "boone" guy so they obviously like men. imma also say that they like women as well but have a preference for guys
gibraltar: canonly gay,,, very epic and cool. uhmm i don't have headcannons 2 add for him so movin on
lifeline: hmmmmm kinda headcanon her 2 be pan and maybe even trans,,, she's licherally in a punk band so the likelyhood of her being trans doubles
pathfinder: robot guy,,, he uhm SO it's canon that he well- you KNOW- has had some "experience". imma say he's omnisexual and maybe even bigender.
wraith: hmmmm i get bisexual vibes from her,,, but with a preference for wattson women
bangalore: lesbian next question
caustic: not straight
mirage: ohhhhh boy okay uhmm so he’s definitely bisexual,,, he’s reeking of bi vibes if u dont see it idk what 2 tell u. maybe even genderfluid, something he learned while living with rampart
octane: 75% of the fandom hc him as trans. and all 75% of them r right. he’s a lil gay buuuut idk for sure
wattson: lesbian and trans. lesbians r cool and trans women r cool. she’s cool is what im saying + she has that autistic swag
crypto: oh. my. God. he is the MOST straight-passing bisexual ever.
revenant: he licherally looks like a twink when he was a human idk what else 2 tell you. he has BIG gay vibes. just the way he walks,,, like he slinks around and he says ’girlies’ and he’s justtt hmmm gay,,, homosexual even.
loba: canonly bisexual. nothing else 2 add
rampart: hmmm probably asexual and heteroromantic... also uses she/they pronouns
horizon: straight. she's an extremely great ally tho (but maybe she's demisexual + heteroromantic)
fuse: it's canon he's pan,,, nothing else 2 add him being pan fits perfectly me thinks
valkyrie: lesbian lesbian lesbian,,, literally canon. she can and will steal ur girl so watch out
seer: he's canonly pan. end of note.
ash: she's straight. if not then she's a lesbian.
mad maggie: hhhhHHMMMM this is a tough one. i wanna say straight buuuut maybe she's aro-ace??? idk man
newcastle: hmmmmm he's straight but he's extremely comfortable with his masculinity,,, he probably goes 2 get manicures with his wife
happy pride everyone
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regressboobeloved · 3 years
Hey little ones! <3
I'm gonna be trying harder to be a lot more active here, but I figured if I'm gonna do that, I should probably tell you a lot more about me
(I'll be seperating each point I make with '[new]' in a different colour to make it easier for people with processing issues to read)
- anti-LGBTQAP+
- ace/aro/polyam exclusionists
- anti-neopronouns
- NSFW content
- transmeds
About Me <3
- [new] I'm genderfluid ftm trans masc! my pronouns and name fluctuates but I usually use he/him and go by Ash or Remus!
- [new] I'm a CG and a little and a pet regressor, but mostly post here when I'm small; hopefully I'm gonna be posting more when I'm big though!
- [new] this blog is 100% SFW!
- [new] I'm a minor, please keep that in mind, my big age is 15 but my little age is 0-11, usually around 3 or 4
Things I Like When I'm Smol <3
- [new] my little pony, especially the cutie mark crusaders
- [new] Ranboo/the Dream SMP sometimes
- [new] Sanders Sides
- [new] Dan and Phil
- [new] squishmallows and plushies
- [new] MHA and Denki Kaminari
- [new] pokemon
- [new] kittens, puppies and foxes
and probably a lot more that I've forgotten!
Nicknames to Call me When I'm Small <3
- [new] little one
- [new] pumpkin
- [new] hun
- [new] sweetie
most others are fine too just ask before doing so!
Other Things To Know <3
- [new] you can call me anything you'd like when I'm not small, you can call me bubba, papa, dada, daddy, anything except feminine names please little ones
- [new] please don't swear around me or be blunt around me when I'm small; talk to me like you'd talk to an actual upset child, I'm very fragile when I'm little
- [new] currently I don't TW anything, but if something I post triggers you, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll be sure to TW tag it- even if it's an uncommon trigger <3
- [new] calling me one of the nicknames listed in the previous section when talking to me small makes me feel much more comfortable and safe in a conversation
- [new] my PMs and asks are always open if you need anything at all! /g
- [new] please do not use any feminine terminology in reference to me unless I say I'm okay with it that day, I prefer masc over andro and feme
- [new] you can leavd any questions in my asks, I'm happy to answer!
- [new] spam liking, rbing, etc, is completely okay and it makes my day! /g
- [new] requests are completely free, I don't charge money to make things!
Requests <3
What I Won't Make ~
- [new] NSFW content
that's pretty much it, I'll tell you if any requests go out of my boundaries!
What I Will Make ~
- [new] pretty much anything else than what I stated there!
- [new] I'll make content about diapers and accidents, since I know some people are uncomfy with that
- [new] content about SH
- [new] unsympathetic characters
What I Make ~
- [new] moodboards
- [new] oneshots
- [new] hc lists (eg little or CG Denki hcs, you can be more specific than just the character and ask my hcs on certain things or anything you'd like!)
- [new] headers
- [new] playlists
- [new] icons
that's all for now little ones! <3
Tumblr media
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Weirdos (LoV x Reader)
Pairing: LoV x Reader, platonic relationship
Shigaraki, Twice, Dabi, toga, Kurogiri x Reader
I’m combining two anon requests I got for this one (they were kinda similar and I have a lot of requests to go through):  “LOV x young reader (fem or genderfluid). reader just wants to be loved. Toga's like a big sister, Dabi's a big brother, Shigaraki is that one gay cousin and Kurogiri is the father figure (hey no stOp that). Shenanigans ensue” and “Hello love! I just read sleepless with the LOV gang and I was wondering if you could do a platonic LOV x teenage reader where she gets hurt in an attack from the heroes and what their reaction would be. If you’d like to add her quirk maybe something about controlling plant life? Thanks love”
Tags: @wwwwyamd​  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ 
Genre: Crack I guess
Word Count: 1,260
a/n: Ugghhh this took me a long time and I’m still not that happy with it...  I’ve been slowly losing steam, it’s probably bc of finals coming up and my grades and yeah...  Still!  I hope this crackity type thing makes you guys smile.  This is kiiind of a sequel to Sleepless? It happens in the same continuity/universe/timeline, think of it that way.
Also!  I have a few more requests and more originals from myself, but I have exams this week, so I possibly won’t be posting until after Wednesday, unless I decide to write that Bakugou hc request I just got to tide you guys over.
I didn’t use it very much, but gender neutral they/them pronouns here!
As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, all their eyes were on me.  Their silence is exactly what I expected, and I wanted nothing more than to disappear.  I try tilting my hat down so they can't see my face as I place the plastic bag on the table.  "Sorry I'm late, here's food. I'm gonna wash up-"
A hand comes down on my head and I gulp.
"What happened to your face?"
Dabi's voice lowering a whole octave and a half is the scariest thing in the world, change my mind.  "N-Nothing..."
"That's also not the jacket you left with earlier," Twice adds across from me.
Damnit, when did they get so perceptive?  I haven't been staying here for too long, I didn't think they would care about me other than when I go get their food and run other errands for them.
"(Y/n)," Kurogiri crosses his arms over his chest.  "Take the jacket and the hat off.  Now."
I can't refuse them when they're all piercing me with their murderous gazes like that.  They've been nice enough to keep me here, but they're still villains, I can't say they don't scare me in the slightest.  I'm deathly afraid of what might happen if they see what happened to me.  I slowly remove my jacket first, revealing a few scrapes and bruises on my arms.  When I'm met with silence, I remove my hat too, scrunching my eyes closed and preparing for the worst.
"What. Happened?"
I flinch at Dabi's harsh question, not having the courage to look up and look him in the eyes.
"Answer me, kid."
I pick at a scratch on my palms.  "I-I got caught up in an attack w-with the heroes.  I got a little-"
"A little what?!" Twice slams a hand down on the table and I jolt.  "Your face has a giant sore!  What hit you?!"
"Or who?" Dabi asks, hands clenched as his arms cross over his chest.
I back away, defensive about the whole situation.  "It wasn't on purpose.  They hit the ground and something went flying at my face-"
"You could've gotten hurt worse than that!" Dabi booms at me, stepping forward.  "Why didn't you block it in time?"
I feel myself getting smaller and smaller.  "I was running, and I heard someone screaming behind me, and I wasn't paying attention, that's all."
"Aw Dabi, you don't have to be so harsh," Toga wraps an arm around my quivering shoulders.  "You're being scary again, tone it down a notch."
"Yeah, stupid, you're going too OP on the yelling, no one wants to hear your mouth," Shigaraki pipes up, seemingly unbothered by the whole thing ad choosing to focus all his attention on his handheld console.
Dabi whirls onto him.  "What'd you say, Crusty?  How about you say it with your chest?"
Shigaraki stands up and gets in his face.  "I wonder what burnt chicken ashes tastes like-"
"Enough, you two!" Kurogiri booms out.  "There are more pressing matters than your pointless bickering."
"Yeah, our poor birdie (Y/n) got hurt," Toga rubs my face.  I wince when her finger brushes over the sore spot, but I don't want to push her away for fear she might do something to me.  "That's gonna leave a huge bruise for a few weeks."
"I'm gonna destroy whichever hero it was who caused it," Dabi returns back to me.  "Who was it?  Endeavor?  Best Jeanist?  One of those UA kids?"
"I don't know.  I didn't see them clearly," I squeak.  He's really gonna kill me now.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T SEE IT?"  Blue flames emerge from his palms.
"Hey, hey, take it down a few notches."  Twice wraps an arm around Dabi's shoulder and pats his arm.  "No need to act all tough."
"I'm sorry I got hurt, I'll be more careful next time."  The tears build up behind my eyes, but I try to hold them back.  I don't want to see what happens if I cry in front of them.
"Aw, look what you did," Twice exasperatedly motions to my bowed head.  "This is what happens when you're a tsundere hiding your feelings all the time."
"Come here, (Y/n)."  Kurogiri motions to the seat next to Shigaraki.  "Let me take care of your wounds."
"But," I blink back to clear my vision, "I deserved it, didn't I?"  Shouldn't I be in trouble now?
"Oh, shut up, stop being an emo," Toga pushes me toward the chair.
I end up seated at the bar, still constricting myself inward.  I'm not comfortable with anything going on, not to mention how perplexed I am.
Shigaraki spares a sideways glance at me before mashing at his buttons nonchalantly.  "That's one hell of a bruise, you're gonna look worse than me for a while."
I can't judge from his tone if he's insulting me, or trying to make a joke, or failing miserably at comforting me.
Kurogiri places a first aid kit on the counter.  "I'll do your face first."  He pulls out a few cotton swabs and a bottle solution.
Twice leans his arm on the counter on my other side.  "What's with that face, (Y/n)?  You look worried."
I pause for a moment before I look down at my feet.  "I'm waiting for you guys to do something to me."
The entire room freezes again and goes silent, sending me into another heart-racing mini panic.
Twice is the first to break the silence.  Even the soft hand he places on my shoulder makes me jumpy.  "I don't know how things were before you met us, or if that's the kind of impression we give," he shoots a look at Dabi, who just crosses his arms and looks away, "But that's not how we do things.  It was an honest mistake, how could you have known that would happen?  We're just concerned about if something bad happened to you."
I perk up at his words.  "You mean, I'm not just your lackey running your errands?  I'm not just an annoying kid you found on the street?"
"You make it sound like you're a stray cat or something," Shigaraki comments.  "Though, you are quiet and require a moderate amount of attention..."
"Of course you're not just a lackey, silly!  You're one of us!"  Toga's sweater pawed hands envelop my torso in a hug.  "Dabi's just being a meanie because he doesn't know how to show affection.  He should still apologize though."
"Yes, Dabi!" Twice adds with a flourish, "Apologize to my poor child!"  He grabs my head and forcefully pushes it into his hard chest.
Dabi sighs heavily, rubbing the back of his neck as the two stare at him expectantly.  "I shouldn't've yelled at you, kid.  I didn't know you'd be scared like that."
"It's fine."  It's weird being smothered by a group of housemates who might as well be strangers, but it blooms warmth into me somehow.
"Alright, you get first bite of the grub."  Twice eagerly opens up the bags of food and rips open one of the containers and disposable chopsticks to feed me.
Kurogiri gently blots at my face with his first aid supplies.  "Toga, stop wiggling, you're moving (Y/n)!"
Her grip around my waist doesn't loosen at all, her face snuggling into my back.  "Ey, Twice, it's no fair you get to feed (Y/n) first, I wanna do it!"
It's at this moment when I feel like Dabi and Shigaraki are the most normal ones out of all of them, until they start bickering over a container of noodles and start destroying things so Kurogiri needs to reprimand them again.  Even so, among all the prodding, squeezing, pulling, bickering, and smothering, I wonder if this is what family is supposed to feel like.
A secret smile only I can see quirks at my lips.  Nah, they're just weirdos.
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eijispumpkin · 4 years
sing and yut lung for the character thingy???
Sexuality Headcanon: disaster bisexual. he has a crush on everyone at all times and he’s dying. ash gives an inspiring Leader Speech and sing hears wedding bells. eiji smiles at him and he pines for weeks. cain has Buff Arms and sing has to actively try not to stare. he sees a cute girl on the street and wonders if she’d play pokemon with him. he plays it as cool as he can but on the inside he is dying. please send help
Gender Headcanon: this is one (1) trans boy. i hc sing has Strong dysphoria that is a Bitch so he gets on puberty blockers and eventually t pretty young, comparatively. 
A ship I have with said character: nnnnahokooooo... i just think they are cute... ;w;
A BROTP I have with said character: yut-lung! shorter! ash! eiji! nadia! NADIA! NA D I A A A A  A 
A NOTP I have with said character: shorter. theyre fambly (like... ik theyre not related but theyre fambly ok.) dont do that.
A random headcanon: he gets really into acnh postcanon. he doesnt tell his gang at first bc he thinks its embarrassing but then they all want houses on his island.
General Opinion over said character: SUNSHINE BABY BOY I LOVE HIM SO DEARLY. he’s like. one of two characters with brain cells. (the other is cain, for the record.)
Sexuality Headcanon: this bitch? gay. but also? aromantic.
Gender Headcanon: what the fuck is a gender. how dare you ask him this. (agender/genderfluid and gives literally 0 fucks about pronouns. uses he/him bc he’s used to it, but anyone could call him they/them or she/her and he’s like yup thats me!)
A ship I have with said character: none!! i hc him as romance-repulsed. he just has no idea that he is romance-repulsed for a hot fucking minute. 
A BROTP I have with said character: sing!!! i think theyre Important to each other and god knows yue needs someone like sing in his life.
A NOTP I have with said character: blanca. dude is like 40+ and projects his dead wife onto kids around him. he has no business here go away big stinky
A random headcanon: after a year or two of therapy, he genuinely apologizes to nadia for his role in shorter’s death. it is quite possibly the hardest thing he’s ever done in his life. somehow, it leaves him feeling better.
General Opinion over said character: stinky little snake boy. little bastard man. i have love for him in my heart but he is SUCH a stinky little bastard who needs so much help so he can understand that he needs to stop committing bastard crimes. very fun to write, though. i do love a salty bitch.
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tornsuits · 3 years
Big Ask Pt. 2: 1) Would CG!Heracles or Oedipus consider asking Ashes about rebodying their family/wife? 2) "all the suits are neurodivergent"--you're probably right, and also pls elaborate. 3) Do you have any UDAD ships for the characters other than Orpheus, Eurydice, Narcissus, and Echo? 4) screw it: each of the individual Suits (as in the pinstripe 4+Ulysses+Daedalus) for the "realistic headcanon/haha funny headcanon/sad headcanon/my canon now" thing?
1) i think heracles might ask for them to be rebodied, but probably keep his distance from them, bc he did like. kill them. & he wants them to have an opportunity to get away from that, if they want to.
oedipus does not revive his family, because he hates them <2
2) theyre all autistic. all of em. & at least orpheus and heracles have depression (w orpheus it's basically canon) & i mean. all of them have been through so much shit that even if they're not traumatized per se they're definitely fucked in the head
3) i wouldn't say that i actively ship it, but i do enjoy heracles/oedipus on occasion <3 i'm also a sucker for ariadne & arachne having ANY kind of relationship, so i guess i'd say i ship them? girlboss4girlboss yknow
there's also ulysses/galahad but we don't talk about that one
4) will be under the cut bc that's gonna get long!
realistic headcanon: gay for hylus lmao. i didn't include that as a ship bc i haven't pinned down any kind of solid hcs for hylus but heracles was 100% gay for him
haha funny headcanon: hes lived on this godforsaken city for 124 years and he still has to do the Ls to tell left from right
sad headcanon: hes kind of tied all of his self-worth 2 his physical strength & athletic abilities at this point, so he feels like if people don't need/appreciate his skills hes basically useless :( which is part of the reason he played along with zeus for so long, because it just made him feel wanted
my canon now: he never killed his wife n kids they're alive and well and were waiting for him when he got home from the ulysses job <3
realistic headcanon: shes aro!! doesnt use any other sexuality labels just aro <3 also demigirl ariadne supremacy bay bee
haha funny headcanon: in general she's not great in combat EXCEPT for with a garrote. people tend to underestimate her and then she pulls out this small piece of wire and they start REALLY underestimating her and then she cuts their head off
sad headcanon: i think she was actually really close with daedalus :( she stuck with him well after he started being Really Evil, just bc she refused to accept that the one good person she'd grown up with was Bad Actually
my canon now: beat the shit out of theseus and now she has actually good friends (even though she prefers working alone most of the time, which is okay bc they respect her boundaries <3)
realistic headcanon: hes a smart guy :] no caveats here i just think hes a very smart dude w a special interest in the sphinx virus
haha funny headcanon: he says "stand back, i'm a doctor" even in situations where it doesn't apply at all. trying to cut in line? "stand back, i'm a doctor." threatening someone trying to hurt him? "stand back, i'm a doctor." someone specifically told him not to say he was a doctor? "stand back, i'm a doctor (and also fuck you)"
sad headcanon: when he was a kid he really wanted to go to space... he genuinely thought there was something up there, something he could study, yknow? and he still wants to go to space, now he just knows there's nothing up there.
my canon now: he and brian are friends i think both of them deserve it
realistic headcanon: [points] emo phase. this "man" has emo phase written all over him. i don't know what else to say here he just 100% had an emo phase
haha funny headcanon: has a huge amount of useless trivia kicking around in his head. the suits go anywhere and orpheus can tell them the top ten facts they did not know about this place. number five will surprise you (he does not know anything practical about it)
sad headcanon: i mean canon does most of the heavy lifting for me there BUT i think he gets really horrible nightmares :( he's pretty much gotten used to waking up in the middle of the night crying and not being able 2 remember why :( i am not projecting be quiet
my canon now: he is living his best life with his husband eurydice and his boyfriend narcissus <333 they have a cat <333 also genderfluid orpheus so true
realistic headcanon: theyre a nonbinary lesbian im actually not accepting criticism at this time
haha funny headcanon: when they're not horribly depressed they have the disposition of like, your weird grandparent that's mostly settled down now but got up to SO much shit in their youth. ulysses vc come bake cookies with me and i'll tell you about the murder i committed in '89
sad headcanon: again canon just does all of the hard work for me here. i think they died right on top of their wife maybe <3
my canon now: honestly okay i WANT to say they got therapy and a nice pet dog after udad but honestly i think they'd just be happier dead LMAO
oh i could not give less of a shit about this man. i hate him. hes homophobic and gay and figured out how mechanization works and that's all i have on him. i despise him
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