clubcabana-posts · 6 months
Pixels popping, hearts racing, reality cracking. 💥 Is this a dream or Club Cabana? 😉 You decide.
For more information, visit👉🏻 www.clubcabana.net.in
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shelli-jay-says · 2 years
Some craziness is happening... Do you know the signs?
Have you seen LEFT BEHIND series... do you know what to expect next? Maybe you should read Revelations. But LEFT BEHIND says it so plainly.. What are your thoughts??
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whateverwhimsy · 1 year
I’m still this crumbling mess
trying to give good reasons for
this personal reticence -
so odd to be caught between
the ebullience of a youthful boy
and the unsubtle decoys of
a frightened grown-up,
-- so aloof in my screwed-up-ness --
but you can wade with me in corruption,
this lowly world so imbued
with the love we’ll keep making, we
keep staking a claim to
what seemed lost.
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morganpdf · 5 months
me getting gas at 11 this morning: well 0°F is practically a positive number! it can't be that bad
the wind: hey would you like it to hurt when you breathe
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thistransient · 1 year
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I have finally turned on the aircon for the first time this year.
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aeide-thea · 1 year
usually when nef gets anxious abt weather noises i'm like 'aw bud it's okay!' but actually this time i'm like 'no i'm with you this wind is kinda scary :('
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La habitación de las dunas y la intención en mis dunas.
Todos tenemos una flor que nunca pudimos ofrecer, puede que nadie más las guarde, incluso puede que las olviden, entonces, así la intención más pura se va, la ilusión se va con ella y desvanecen.
Todos dejaron flores en los parajes más importantes de sus vidas, todos los que ofrecieron comprenden al amor como una caricia que pasa de mano a mano, como una brisa que va y viene en los árboles, de las copas a las bocas. Aún permanezco guardando las mías, no he desechado ni una ilusión, aún no ha muerto mi intención, las guardo junto a mi, a mi cama, en mi habitación, apenas se distinguen de entre el polvo, aún quedan los tallos que por pajas son barridas al cuidado de alguna esquina, permanezco, contemplando sus últimos sentidos mientras palidecen, despidiéndose del sol, esperando al color de la eterna sobra volver a él, despidiendo perfumes para desprenderse de aquel diario amanecer, hay tantas, tantas personas, tantos niños esperando entregar una flor con el cuidadoso puñito que en sus manos enseñó mamá a hacer, niños que algún día crecerán, y mi habitación tendrá arena en lugar de pétalos, algún día, cuando alguna flor se me ofrezca, las flores que vengan aquí serán... porque jamás sabré si fueron para mí.
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Nací el primero de noviembre del dos mil dos, duermo en una cama de paja, con dunas a mis pies, con perfumes que desvanecen y una intención que siempre crece para florecer.
Gonzalo Ricardo Bendezú Quispe. 20 años.
Viernes 27 de Enero del 2023. 03:33pm
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All I ask is that anyone seeing the first two eps in theaters tags their spoilers, pretty please. Am trying to convince my husband but he says its "too cold".
I'm not sure he truly sees the irony here since I'm usually the one saying that and he's the one still trying to convince me, lol
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toytulini · 1 year
when its -13°F w a windchill realfeel of like-36°F
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jazzyssexyvibes · 1 year
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YES PLEASE 🔥😈⛓️💋 #shithappens💩 #lifesuckssometimes #singlesucks #relationshipmemes❤️ #realfeelings #berealwithme #sexisfunny #soulmatelove #trueloveneverends #twinflamerelationship #followme❤ #funnysexmemes #menandwomen #husbandandwife💑 #partnersincrime😈 #grownasswoman #grownassman #trueloveneverdies #missyoulove #realtalkquotes #nofakelove #nofakelife #truthhurtssometimes #berealbeyou #knowyourworth💎 #honestyiskey #sexualmemes #adultpost #reallifeshit #trueemotions (at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYrnKGBW1u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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his-princessbaby · 2 years
Today was hard. Everything hit me like a wave crashing onto shore. I miss you, I miss your touch and the sound of your voice, I keep watching videos and looking at pictures. I know it’s just me being selfish but I crave you. Leaving you, to be able to actually and truly love you is the most gut wrenching feeling. I care about you so much that I literally can’t be with you as who I am right now because I can’t cause you any pain. You’re such a beautiful soul that’s been through so much and I can’t stand to put you through more. So I am fighting, more than I ever have to find the person that you see in me. She’ll be back soon, i promise.
Always and forever.
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wellthatschaotic · 2 years
it Cold
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violentivy · 2 years
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Day 1: Photo 1.  REEL FEELS 1 of 365
A bitch needed a project.  It’s me, I’m a bitch! 
Stream of consciousness blog entry to follow!
As I sit here listening to the brilliant album my son released today, I am reminded of the fact that I have not, in quite some time, taken on an artistic project outside of video.  Think of this like a bereal, but I’m the only one doing it.
As far as I know.
But you get an additional journal entry.
Something broke in me a few days ago.  I haven’t been able to get a handle on my feelings of affection.  I just feel like I have to tell everyone how I feel about them.  Luckily for the most part I’ve chosen people who at least kind of sort of get that I’m an odd bird.
Sadly, I don’t have that many people in my life that I can trust to tell them how I actually feel about a thing.
and that’s a first.  Not a first I want to be a trend.  I have a lot of feelings and they are big.  People get sick of me talking.
I am too much for a lot of people.  I am always going to be, at my core, too much.
Some people are ok with my too muchness.  My friends from work, my two besties that I don’t talk to outside of work for the most part.
These are my people.  These are the people I would like to attract.  But, I’d like to be able to spend time with them outside of work.  That’s my only critique
My too muchness can be traced back to the first time my mother paid attention to me at the grocery store after summarily disregarding me when I would ask for things.
Then, I realized that if I tap danced in front of something in the goofiest and loudest way possible, Mom paid attention and LAUGHED.
My Mom didn’t laugh a lot in my memory.  She didn’t do a lot of things in my memory.
Which is part of why we are here now.
This REEL FEELS project to serve as an reminder to myself to check in and allow my big stupid feelings to come out of me before I end up professing my undying love to a toaster or some shit.
I feel deeply alone.  I feel like the whole world has told a joke and I am not in on the punchline.  I don’t know that I need to know what the joke is, nor the punch line so long as we aren’t all laughing at ME.  I mean, you can laugh at me but please don’t do so in a mean way...
Too much.
I know.  I’ve heard that before.  Tell me before I become a problem.
As yet another fucking tear falls out of my face over wasted interactions that I do not comprehend.  If only I were competent at reading emotions over text.
When in person and the energy is wrong, I run for the hills.  And his was WRONG for the interaction I expected but right for so many other reasons.
but I’ve given up, because I became too much.
At least I’m guided and protected.  At least nothing will harm me.  I didn’t cross any lines, YET.  But my energy and emotion is becoming too big and will swallow me whole by the time you read these lines.
And the beams come out through words from my fingers typed, and emotions felt.  But I don’t want to scare anyone.
Gods forbid.
I’m sick of it.  I’m sick of always being too much for everyone.  but really honestly and truly guys I am this excited about everything.  I am this hype about seeing my friends, and hearing songs I recognize on someone else’s radio, and the world when it’s green, and brown, and white...  and when I stood with him for a half an hour watching the snow...
and I have all of these feelings that I can’t express.  but how could you not feel the magic there.  The energy thick, expectant.  I thought at least 30 times he was going to turn and kiss me.
It’s been a year, and I still remember the way every goosebump stood taught in the tension of the moment.
I live for that tension.  I bask in the discomfort.  As long as I know I am safe, and my friends got me.  and they don’t mind my muchness in that moment.
Some days I get so excited I just want to throw my arms around myself, and my friends.  Especially my friends.
Not everyone is ok with that and I am ok that they aren’t.  Consent is important and no is a sentence.
Being asked is nice, and can be much nicer if it’s done correctly.  
I view my too muchness like a penis.  It’s fine to have one and wag it about if people want to see it, but good gods man, put that shit away, have some modesty.
and I believe I will not exceed that line above tonight no matter what I say so, let me just leave this here.  
And let me know if you’re gonna follow this.  Let’s use tag #Reel Feels
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extervus · 2 years
Sleeping from 5pm till 9:30pm and then staying up till 4:30am, and then waking up again at 11am, creates a fun little thing called "it's past 2pm now but for some reason it feels like it's 7pm" and I don't know what it means either
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junonreactor · 5 months
I've been working for 1.5 hours and already the overwhelming emotion of "holy fuck i gotta get out of here"
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realfeel1 · 8 months
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