eldragon-x · 2 months
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isafrin kid doodles for funsies
also loop related angst under the cut because I could not help myself
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merwynsartblog · 3 months
Cannibal marco au!! Basically Marco was a very good customer of bobs and he decided to mess with him by feeding him human meat and now hes sorta addicted to human meat. He works in boys and grills with bob and very easy to mess with his head. He is always drooling and sorta smiling. the human meat is fucking up marcos head smh he sorta is like bob vesleb by going out to kill people to sastify his needs but he only does it when hes really craving human meat. He is also a self cannibal and very much fucked up his whole body.
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He has no joy killing others and is SOMEWHAT STILL SANE. He always apologizes to his victims and when hes done hunting and goes home he just...collaspses and prays for forgiveness every single time. He tries his best to control himself since he knows better he knows its wrong but bob, and his urges are getting into his head lol
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hes not ok at all poor guy
taglist: @totally-not-a-tickle-blog @clownazon @jonesy-squish
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ryanclaremont · 9 months
new york, new york
It feels like it’s been a whole year since they were back in their city and they’ve made it. Cross country tour, a festival, meet and greete, turmoil and happiness. Ryan wasn’t sure if they were going to make it out the other side but they did it. Coming home is refreshing and Ryan collaspses onto her couch leaving all her bags by the door until the next day where she slowly begins to pick herself up and get things sorted out.
One more big show, hometown show. It’s sold out too.
Not only is that on her mind but… August. Everything from beginning to right now and where they stand. They’re not awkward or on any bad terms at all, just… some kind of content limbo. But she invites him over for breakfast, kind of feels nice to really cook again in her own space too.
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
Lucy : Hey Y'all it's my day!
Juvia : Our day! And I love to celebrate! My day!
Lucy : ...Ahem! It's my day! And I wanted all of you to celebrate with us!
Juvia : What's going on? Why is nobody celebrating day?
(wind gusting)
Lucy : Nobody's here.
Juvia : That's because they all had their fun on our holidays and this is what we get for celebrating it? What a waste of efffort.
Lucy : I better go tell Natsu about this.
(scene flips)
*Natsu and the guys playing video games*
Lucy : Come on, guys. Please, just let us celebrate our day. You know it's like this is the 412th time we ever had to celebrate our day or our birthdays.
Juvia : Please, guys? Can we please just let us celebrate our days?
Natsu : What are you ladies talking about? Lucy and Juvia day was overrated. We're chilling out with some snacks and playing some video games. You'll get your chance to celebrate your days, next time.
Lucy : Oh brother, THIS DAY SUCKS!
Juvia : What a rip.
Natsu : Oh score, dawg! In yo face! King Natsu the Gaming champ! Hater gonna hate!
Gray : (Sighs) Beaten like several times a day. Never gets old.
*alternate scene*
Lucy : So, guys. Now that you will celebrate our days.
Juvia : We baked you all a delicious cake.
Natsu : [To Lucy] You expect us to believe this and we survived the fight just for some cake!?
Grey : [To Juvia] We all just died in horrendous battle, you piece of--
Erza : (behind Natsu and Grey) Enjoy the cake now, or I'll make you enjoy it by myself.
Natsu : Fine, fine! We'll enjoy this cake.
Gray : We'll try.
(both of them taste of the cake)
Natsu : Well, this cake is really delicious.
Grey : This is a good piece of cake.
Juvia : Do you love it?
Lucy : We made it our selves.
Natsu : Wow! This cake is delicious.
Grey : This taste good. Not bad, you know this reminds me of--
Grey : Uhh, girls? Where did you put in this stuff in the cake?
Lucy : I reminded something real good, It's my special ingredient. I made it just for you.
Juvia : And don't forget that I added secret recipe to our cake.
Grey : Then what was something cracked in my mouth?
Juvia : I made you a cake with something that is filled with an extra ingredient. (a bag of peanuts)
Natsu : Did you fed us cake filled with...NUTS!?!
(the both starts gagging)
Lucy : I forgot...They're allergic to peanuts.
Juvia : Classic allergy reaction.
Juvia : Oops, I guess you don't see that on our day.
Lucy : Me too.
Happy : Aw man, who's idea was it to bring the peanuts?
(camera pans to the Peanuts gang)
Snoopy : Bah.
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"Shhhh, sweet boy"
Toji x bottom male reader, size kink it think thats all but ye its short n sweet :)
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"M-mhmmm" you whined sinfully as you collaspsed on to the larger males chest. You were both covered in a thin sheath of sweat as Toji lifted you up putting your chin on his neck and lifting up his hips, your mouth went agape but nothing came out, "f-fuckk~ baby" he chuckled slightly as you gripped onto his shoulders.
"M-more!... p-please" you whispered the last words of the sentence and Toji giggled as he saw you fucked-dumb face. “Would you look at that” he had a grip on your chin as he smiled seeing your teary eyes and puffy red face, “open wide.” He demanded, you obliged and opened your mouth, Toji spat into your mouth and smiled as you let out a satisfied whine. “Good *grunt* fucking boy” Toji slammed into you as you clenched your teeth and your eyes rolled back into your head.
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akirameta84 · 1 year
Do you think there's any Rot between the Rivulet and Saint campaigns when Scug Saiki happens?
Like, maybe the Rot is slowly dying out due to the cold starting to set in.
Rain World Spoilers for the Saint and Rivulet campaigns below
there definitely would be some rot, especially since i just had a really good idea: during scug saikis time, Five Pebbles' superstructure is actively collapsing
during Saints campaign, the only rot left is a few mobile Brother Long Legs in the collapsed ruins. the rest (all the proto rot too) is all dead and withered.
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during Riv's campaign is when the rot in 5P is bad enough that the region is entirely named The Rot.
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so, since the cold hasn't fully set in and the collaspse of Five Pebbles is actively occuring, while the rot outside of his structure has been dying due to the lowering temperatures, everything inside of his structure is still active, because it hasn't quite collasped
when it does, there's definitely a good chance that the rot makes itself a nuisance on the whole area and surrounding regions for awhile before the blizzards really start...hopefully saiki and co were not in the area, because not only is the collasping iterator super dangerous, theres lots of rot escaping
but of course they were. it adds perfect drama ;]
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whataphantasia · 7 months
cook those burgers turn the patty over
cut the [oops!] don't [oops!] the [oops!] i have collaspsed in the back of the beard burgers
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sampigehoovu · 1 year
I have traced south indian history so well in my head till the deccan sultanates, but once they fall its all chaos cause its like general war zone where even the british and french are fighting each other until it all collaspses and becomes Madras Presidency. Its a whole chunk of confusion for 200ish years and my brain is fried.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
So, tell me ur thoughts for Su-Jin and Václav.
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honestly, whenever i think of them, i think of like václav coming across su-jin after a good fight, and he just looks at him sees someone who needs a friend, some guidance. totally someone who exasperates him but he has plenty of patience and because he knows su-jin likes his company, he always invites him over, and they talk a bunch about family, about their day and hes not above bribing su-jin with food because the guy doesn't eat enough.
su-jin also thrives off the energy that václav, because it's so soothing and he truly hadn't meant to slam the guy into the mud, or to trespass for that matter, but his curiosity got the better of him. some part of me is just feeling like they'll become such good friends because su-jin gets easily attached to people, but especially to václav.
i can see it becoming something of a friends to lovers type thing and su-jin just going from the stubborn, playful, fight-happy friend to sometimes just breaking in because he was in the area and now he's not leaving because he's become overprotective of václav. like just catch him lurking sometimes, the second he smells food, he's there, pestering václav, but also curious enough about the man that he's asking a billion and one questions.
but then i also think about the fact that he'd step infront of václav the second someone tries to get in his space, or has a terrible word. and also just sitting with him and leaning against him in silence and telling him how much he misses family dynamics or that he's really happy that they were friends. not even hesitating to drop everything for václav.
okay but i also think about su-jin being bloodied and hurt and vulnerable and his only thought is getting to václav because that's who was the first and last on his mind ? also 10/10 su-jin would take care of václav's family, they would be like his own.
honestly, i think they would have a great dynamic because it's like they have a nice dichotomy where václav is the calmer, more responsible one whereas su-jin is just a ball of restless energy who sometimes needs to be looked after lmfao. but also those angsty moments where su-jin fights and doesn't really stop until he's outright collaspsing and being scolded. but he's still all smiles because hey, i'm still here aren't i ? but also su-jin having someone who doesn't mind his silly quirks and such is nice.
But also thinking of Václav wanting and needing protection and Su-jin willing to do it for free so his hands don't get dirty. But also hey buddy, I smelled food a mile away, I took out the trash that was lurking around. No, no need to worry about it. They were a good snack. Pssh,Of course I didn't eat them, just took a small bite as a warning.
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intcritus · 3 months
❛ why is it whenever we see each other, you’re covered in blood? ❜ childe to lumine ...
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sometimes, it's not her own, most of the time, it's someone elses. which, in retrospect doesn't make it any better, she knows. lumine had many a battle, in this world especially. it was like this world alone was a battlefield that was continuous enough that she felt that free moments were far and few in between. whether it be in fontaine, sumeru or even her upcoming journey to natlan. part of her wants to simply rest. would that be too much to ask ?
yes, she's an honorary knight, a commander, she's teyvat's golden hero. but really, she's just lumine, the golden traveler who misses her brother, whose stuck in this world on a loop and right now, she's someone whose bleeding, a sluggish pulse that leaks through her fingers as she tightens her hold against the wound at her hip. it burns, like any open wound, like many of the cuts and scrapes she gets on occasion. but like always, she grits her teeth through the pain, blinking blearily at childe. idly amused as her vision swims and he blurs before her, becoming two. oh, that isn't good.
he calls her reckless. he worries and childe has a right too. she takes on too much where she shouldn't. and maybe this time, sleep deprived, a major headache that she can't get rid of. and suddenly she's making stupid mistakes. she sways on her feet, tongue peaking out to wet her lips, ❝ ━ what can i say ? i really enjoy...❞ words trail off, and she swallows, brows furrow and darkness edging at the edges of her vision. damn archons and their issues.
there's a hand reaching for her, and lumine aches to reach back but adrenaline wears off, swaying once more, she grins lopsidedly, ❝ ━ ... sorry, guess i'm beginning to make bad habits, huh ? ❞ the words trail off. a hiccup of a laugh. some would say she's a fool, collaspsing like a puppet with it's strings cut, but even teyvat's hero isn't immune to pain. but she's more sorry for doing so when childe so obviously didn't come around for this. pfft, later, she'll apologize later, and maybe he'll scold her.
in which, she's an idiot. / @avaere
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kiwibirb1 · 4 months
Hggggg I ate to much goodbye world *collaspses into a food coma*
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apersons-stuff · 1 year
I feel your hand on me, and I wonder how one could miss a person's touch so much.
Your mouth finds mine, and your arms pull me in, and I am nothing but need and heat. Desperate with desire.
My hands fumble to find your bare skin, tearing at buttons and fabric to get to you, to feel you again, even for a moment, for an hour, for however fleetingly long I can have you.
Craving to taste you again, I sink to my knees to feel your heat on my tongue. and your pleasure in my mouth and hear your cries as I bring you again to that place, a place of safety and vulnerability all at the same time. A place we can call ours.
A place where we crumple the sheets and scatter the blankets, rolling and tumbling, thrusting and taking, panting as we fuck with our eyes as surely as with our bodies.
Our skin slick with sweat, our limbs entwined, our mouths meeting again and again until we collaspse into that cool, dark place where our memories have lived.
And through panted breaths and slow smiles our eyes tell each other in ways no words ever could. That we will always find ourselves back here. Again.
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sinclair is at home with demian. they're staring at their broken tv. sinclair suddenly detects two (2) milfs within a two mile radius. he runs outside and invite them both into his shared 1-bedroom home. demian is trying to fix the broken tv. sinclair flirts with one of the milfs, faust. she tells him she isn't into men. he tries to flirt with another milf, angelica. she tells him to kill himself. demian gets bored with watching sinclair fail to talk to women and goes to jerk off on sinclair's bed. sinclair tries so hard to hold a normal conversation with the two women. "so you're like uh. you have...boobs?" he asks to angelica, who is considering calling her brother argalia to come and kick sinclair in the balls because that's argalia's only talent. cock and ball torture. faust gets bored and angelica stares at the broken tv wondering why she even bothered to go to the house of sinclair, who is now crying on the floor about how much women hate him. demian gets done masturbating and tells both of the women to leave. sinclair is applying clown makeup similar to the joker's. demian offers to have sex with sinclair, given that he'll likely never be able to have sex with anyone else. sinclair accepts. sinclair's penis is two inches long. he cums in two secnds and collaspses on the bed. demian gets up and goes to eat the leftover eggs and toast that sinclair made and didn't finish. it tastes like shit. not only is sinclair bad with women, he's also bad at cooking and bad at sex. demian understands now.
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insideusnet · 2 years
Evansville Warehouse Fire Spreads Several Blocks : Inside US
Evansville Warehouse Fire Spreads Several Blocks : Inside US
EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) — A warehouse fire spread to several blocks Saturday in Evansville. The fire was reported just after 10 a.m. and officials estimated it had spread at least two blocks by mid-afternoon, WFIE-TV reported. Off-duty firefighters and crews from other counties were being called in to battle the blaze, WEHT-TV reported. Several walls in the warehouse collaspsed, WEHT…
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akirameta84 · 11 months
Nendou having inert leftover Rot Cysts on him acting as his chin definitely makes sense. ...that and it being so close to his face also works with this one idea I have. Aka, Toritsuka intentionally dampened his pain receptors (so Nendou would know something is attacking him, but won't waste precious seconds cringing in pain but instead being able to do something about it), and through use of anesthesia to get rid of any pain completely, after he noticed some Rot Cysts on his back, unlike the ones on Nendou's face which can potentially damage his jaw if taken off, Toritsuka was able to RIP THE ONES ON HIS BACK OFF WITH HIS BARE HANDS. Sure he could've been more careful at the moment in time, but it gave room to graft on some back plates of armor that can also carry more weapons if Nendou angles them correctly.
And, well, he was just so angry in the moment that after ensuring Nendou couldn't feel any pain or discomfort, he needed to do SOMETHING. And it even gives him easier access to Nendou's genome to rework it! So really, who can blame him for his, violent, methods of getting rid of those Rot Cysts? The Ancients? They LEFT THEM. So really, why should he care about what they think?
...also on a less angsty note Saiki, despite his limited memory, managed to remember Aren, because he's Saiki's creation, when he woke up. Which Aren greatly appreciates because EMOTIONS.
And on a different note, the reason Aren even has a name is two reasons. The logical one (an ID number wouldn't work if he can glitch out whilst saying it, confusing his creation, so a name will lead to less confusion in the long run), and the emotional one (hard not to get attached to the being your creating to act as your savior, and harder still to not grow to care for them when through his Overseers he saw how hard Aren worked to complete the tasks given to him).
aren was at the main communications array at the sky islands when kusuo collasped. he was heading back to the superstructure through the Precipice bridge between kusuo and kuusukes structure...but when he reached the end of kuusukes side, it just ended. it dropped into nothing but collasped ruins. that was a horrifying moment. aren had noticed that his creators overseers weren't following him anymore, and he heard the earth shattering sounds of the superstructures collapse...but seeing it in front of his face hit the hardest
just like SRS and Spearmaster, kusuo never gave his creation the mark of communication, as they used sign language so that their conversations could be two way instead of one way
aren wasn't supposed to be mouthless, unlike SM who was. kusuo just messed up and he regrets it. he wanted aren to be capable of eating through the tethers from his spears so that he could ALWAYS find food, as there would always be at least some creature to feed on, and he didn't even have to stop to eat. but he was also supposed to have a mouth like a normal slugcat. kusuo was badly damaged from lack of water already and hadn't realized the changes to his organisms digestive system to allow for the new way of gaining nutrients had completely deleted the normal one until he was finished, and there was absolutely no way or time to make a new messenger.
post revival and pre rarefaction cell...kusuo probably can't remember much of it. the common spoken language is hard enough to grasp, let alone a secondary one. its a miracle he remembers aren at all, but thankfully he does, and he remembers a decent amount of the local group too. at least kuusuke got fed up with kusuos messenger ignoring him after kusuos collaspse and forced a mark of communication on him, so at least he can understand kusuo again
iterators are partially robotic so i imagine theyre very physically strong tbh, so that makes sense. mily angst and comedy bundled into one there huh
tyty for the ask anon <3 i can never have too many aus haha. this has been a lovely one to add to my collection
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shelli-jay-says · 2 years
Some craziness is happening... Do you know the signs?
Have you seen LEFT BEHIND series... do you know what to expect next? Maybe you should read Revelations. But LEFT BEHIND says it so plainly.. What are your thoughts??
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