#instense heat
ink-mind · 1 year
i rlly rlly wanna fight my constant fatigue so i walked 6~ miles today and had a little adventure!! very fun
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
Thinking about the period stuff now and just thinking that the boys who would be total champs should Reader/Yuu be on would be;
Jamil - He's not only seen it all with his own sister, but has probably had to help Kalim's sisters at some point or another too. He's dealt with the worst cramps and flows to the "I didn't even notice I was on" girlies.
Ortho - Baby boys a walking Medwiki, has probably known your cycle before your first conversation with him. Would be more fascinated than grossed out by period stuff than most boys in the school.
Rook - Like Ortho, probably knows when you're on before you even realised you were and has a box of your preferred method of dealing with it in hand by the bathroom stall at the ready. Don't ask why he's in the toilet with you or how he knew what size pussy you wear, just be glad that in an all boys school, you have at least one (1!) friend willing to carry spare tampons/towls/mooncups/whatever for you.
Cater - Poor guys got 4 sisters and has been an unwilling student in all the "joys" of menstration. He'll look out for his favourite underclassman and bask in the praise of being such a reliable senpai/big brother type. But if his sisters are nuts normally, he's gonna have to work through some instense war flashbacks before he's any good to you.
Kalim - Most likely has a lot of sisters who are at the age where their dealing with this stuff, does his best bless him to take care of them but c'mon, it's Kalim. As soon as he tries people are calling for Jamil instead. That plus the sheer mythic level of cat fighting should any of his 30+ siblings syncronize means that like Cater, might be too scared to approach you at first but he makes it on this list for sheer effort and desire to help.
Of the human students, these all make a lot of sense! I def think the idea that Ortho already knew about your cycle before even knowing your name is super funny.
Little man's got a storage unit in him that has those stickable heating pads, pads/tampons, and pain medicine. One day, at a time that you know of Ortho, but never really spoken to him, he floats up to you. You're looking at him all confused before he opens up a compartment, takes out the above-mentioned supplies, and just hands them to you. He chirps about you needing them and lets you know that he's always well-equipped if you need anything else!
You're standing there with Ace and Deuce, confused. Your period doesn't start for another week, why did he—how does he even know your cycle? (That night, you notice that you started early).
And Rook? Fucking freak of nature he is. Why does he know your exact brand and period product preferences? Cause the man, similar to Ortho, is walking up to you one day, prattling on in poetic fashion about the beauties of human biology and reproduction (fucking weirdass). He hands you a small bag with your items, all the exact ones you get from Sam, down to the exact flow size. He tells you that you should consider heading to the bathroom now. Walking off, you freeze as you feel yourself get wet. You rush to the bathroom, finding that you started your period right at that moment.
Ortho is excusable, he's a robot. Rook's on thin fucking ice and is now required to stay 6 feet away from you at all times. If he wants to give you something, he can have Epel deliver it. He wins your favor back by buying you snacks, and you let him near you again. Just stop reciting poetry about the menstrual cycle, Rook I beg—
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romcomxb · 3 months
Nicks family, and how he got his callsign (kinda)
To say that the Bradshaw family home was chaos would be an understatement. Goose is the eldest of four. He’s got two sisters and a baby brother, who he loves equally but fuck they could be annoying.
The youngest, Billy, was turning four the year Goose died, and he is an absolute devil. Don’t get me wrong, he’s adorable, but fuck does he know it. If anything doesn’t go his way, that kid is not afraid to burst out screaming, crying, throwing a tanty on the floor, but the second he gets what he wants, it’s back up dancing around, giggling, flashing those doe eyes whenever he had the opportunity.
Alice is the second eldest. She’s just turned seventeen, and Nick and her get along fantastically. She’s quite mature for her age, more mature than Nick at some points, and is real soft spoken. She can’t cook to save her life, but she tries. Ever the romantic, she’s the kinda girl you’d expect to see in little women. However she’s extremely strong, and ain’t easy to push over. (mentally, not so much physically)
Nina’s eleven, and is absolutely mental. in an endearing way, but she’s still mental. Nick used to joke that his parents needed one of those backpacks with a lead on it for whenever they left the house. Within seconds she could be up a tree, swinging from a doorframe, petting a stray cat, or unsuccessfully trying to pickpocket a stranger. The best way Nick could describe her was ‘firecracker’, and there was no doubt in his mind that if she were to become a pilot, that would be her call sign.
The four kids had intensely different personalities, all seemed to mesh together when they really tried too. But most of the time they never stopped arguing.
The siblings were part of the reason Goose got called Goose. Maverick was invited over one day early on in their careers, and he’d never really seen a close knit family, let alone experienced one. Growing up an orphan and an only child can have that effect.
Walking into the Bradshaw family home could be quite the experience. When Mav arrived it was particularly instense. Billy was running round with his pants around his ankles, giggling and screaming with laughter as his mother Ruth chased him round the house, attempting to get his diaper on him.
Nina was sniffling at the kitchen bench, having just scraped her knee on the pavement outside, after attempting to race one of the neighbours boys down the street. She had proclaimed that one of the boys had tripped her cuz she was gonna win.
And Alice was standing at the stove, attempting to keep the soup from boiling over. It wasn’t going so well, but mum was busy, so she was struggling in silence.
The house was so loud, no one really noticed that the two aviators had arrived. Goose lit up at seeing his family, and immediately went to turn the heat off on the stove, giving Nina a quick peck on the cheek.
He then grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink, its spot from which it hadn’t moved in over ten years. It was the easiest spot to grab whenever someone (Nina) hurt themselves.
Nick quickly slathered some antiseptic on her wound and fixed it up, and have her a tight hug. As he turned around, he was nearly bowled over by Billy jumping into his arms, still pants less.
Maverick laughed as he watched the scene unfold, the grins on the whole family’s faces were infectious.
Ruth swears Goose is like a second mother, when he was home all the time, it was chaos but it was more enjoyable for sure.
Mav quickly became at home with the family, and they all lived happily ever after (until they didn’t)
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malestransforming · 2 years
I’m hoping you can work your magic on me a bit. Any chance you could turn me into a massive muscle-bound Himbo? I’ve always wanted to push the limits of how muscular the human body can get, but have been struggling to get big enough myself to test those limits.
So I hear you want to be a muscle himbo. I really want this for you. You deserve it. I’ve got to make you bigger. You’re going to be huge. Get ready! Yes, take off your clothes - I’m going to make a new you so it’s better if we can see all of it.
Remember, bigger is better. So that’s why I’m going to shrink you down to about 5 foot 10. I know, I know - I did say bigger … Trust me on this. You’re a shorter guy now! Please don’t be sad, I’m gonna bulk you up hard - you’ll see. It all starts with your chest… a slight prickling under the skin. Like your muscle is pulsating. The it spreads down your arms, to your back and stomach. The pulsing is growing in intensity now. Your insides are heating up and your muscles and skin a beginning to stretch and expand. That feeling is wrapping around your thighs and quads, heading down to your legs and feet. It’s getting stronger. It feel like your skin is burning - waves of warmth and intense muscle pain are going through your whole body, faster and faster and faster.
Open your eyes! Look down! You’re getting bigger! Every muscle is stretching and growing. You’re feeling a burn on every part of your body. Watch your pecs push out to two gigantic globes. Feel the instense strain on your oblique muscles near your perfectly chiselled abs. They’re stretching out! You may be shorter, but you’re getting wider too. Try and put your arms down by your sides… You can’t do it bro, you’re too fucking big!!
Feel the last little bit of you grow now. You’ll have a cute face. Smaller nose. Shaggy, brown hair. Thick lips. And himbo energy! You’re all about yourself and the gym. You fuck anything that moves, but you’re an idiot. Try to think of a word with 3 syllables - you can’t do it. You don’t even know what a syllable is.
Here are some gym shorts and a baseball cap. Throw them on! No, no, no — put the cap on backwards. That's the kind of guy you are now! Do a pose for me. Perfect. It’s time to hit the gym! I love the new you.
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angelxcainn · 2 years
~Lord headcanons~
(Keep in mind these are my personal takes on the lords.)
Red Lord (Mirth)
-A “twin” to the black lord.
-Reality distortion ability,Tends to make things seem a lot different then what they truly are. Chaotic in his own selfish ways. Will not use these powers for good.
-Red wine is their favorite drink but I have a feeling he secretly enjoys white wine a lot. Don’t let white know or else red will never live it down
-Had reading glasses, does he need them? Probably not! He thinks he looks sexy with them though
-Has a lovely singing voice, though I have a feeling he doesn’t sing often due to the fact he doesn’t care for it
-If worn: Leaks a red substance. Consistency of that of wine. Causes the victims body to heat. Melting away body parts slowly
Yellow lord(Odious)
-“Second Oldest”(created)
-Old man lmao
-His voice is gruff, but sounds excellent when singing. I like to imagine it tends to soften when singing giving it a sweet tone
-SUCKER FOR LOVE SONGS. THIS MAN ADORES LOVE SONGS. He would never tell anyone though. That goes to his metaphorical grave.
-An asshole but I like to think if you impress him with art or music and get on his good-side he softens a bit
-Has spider limbs.
-Is a fantastic dancer
-If worn: Leaves a thick yellow substance. Cause the wearers body to dry out. Turing skin and bones to dust.
White lord (I can’t think of their name rn)
-Tall. I MEAN TALL. Could give slenderman a run for his money.
-“The oldest”
-The favorite lord, people of alagadda seem to enjoy the calming presence of the beautiful lord
-A huge book nerd. Reads,writes, etc. you can find them in their library most of the time when they have downtime
-can play the harp. Idk it seems something cute she would do
-Wishes for more downtime to relax,stressed bby
-If worn: Leaks a white substance, it’s very cold. Leaves the wearer of the mask with horrible frostbite. Causing loss of limbs etc etc
-Black lord-(Dyo)
-An asshole
-“twin” of red lord
-Is known around alagadda for his Instense “pranks.”
-Incredibly interested in the medical field. Was always curious of such things, 049 sort of helped grow that curiosity
-Doesn’t drink. I don’t see him being the type
-dislikes the constant parades of alagadda envy’s the quietness of whites room.
-if worn(you already know)
-The “youngest.”
-Keeps watch on the citizens of alagadda.
-Has intense social anxiety. Is not able to attend partys anymore. (And cause ambassador won’t let him.)
-Can travel by liquid.
-Has a decent singing voice. Sings along to yellows music quietly if he ever gets a chance too
-writes love poetry. Like a lot. Hes a hopeless romantic. Someone kiss him
-His powers allow him to alter peoples emotions to his advantage. Though most the time he just bums people out.
-If worn: Leaks a glowing blue liquid. Causes intense water damage to the body.
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i realize somthing i so commonly love in film is when there is no direct explanation for charecters emotions or mental star and you have to look at the space to understand. is there fire is there water is there earth? is the screen trapped and over filled with space or empty or roomy or lonley of free? look at the colors and the lighting. and then when there is like no interprets emotion is it’s completely instense and strong. of this character is upset depressed angry heartbroken elated.
and i feel it directly reflects who i am as a person i’m not someone who shows everyone my emotions all the time. like sometimes idgaf or i’m receiving something completely different than everyone in the room. and it changes the way i see the world. is the sun shining a burning heat that is gonna push me off the edge or is it a warm crisp that makes me feel alive?
so i don’t have to wish for another taste in cinema or feel like i have to ‘expand’ or be like another. bc my love of cinema is a direct connection to how u love myself and how i receive the world
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theimaginativesoul · 11 months
Steamy Scene #1
" What are you doing here"
"I am taking you home, the wedding is not off"
"It definitely is, why can't tell your dad that you lose your ticket to stepping to high society? and Im not going anywhere with you, you digust me, I'm glad that Im not so blind of love anymore to fall for your tricks again, so leave"
She was about to leave when she felt a rough hand, capture her wrist, and it was not a simple hold, it was full of force and anger.
"Why? you already found someone, and by the looks of it, he's definitely richer, how did you do it? charm and seduce him with that body of yours? I will never forget how good it is the first time you gave in"
She was about to slap him on the face but instead a fist landed on his face. When she look who it is, it's (ML name), and he is furious. The (Ex-Guy) falls to the ground because of the instensity of the punch and (ML) was not over yet, he get on top of him and beat him more.
Everything is getting out of hand, (FL) called the guards to restrain their boss from killing (Ex-guy)
"Take this guy to the police station, and call (lawyer name) and file trespassing and a restraining order for (FL), GO!"
The guards follows his order fast and take the guy away. (FL) heart was still beating so fast, she looks at (ML) hands and see that its bleeding, and its not from punching (Ex Guy), its like his palm is bleeding. She saw ceramics on the floor and she immediately knows why he was bleeding.
She takes his hand and take him to his craft shed because she knows he has first aid kit there.
"Why did you punch him, I can handle him" She said angrily while treating his hand.
"Just because" he didn't bother to continue what he was about to say, he just looks at her.
"Why did you go that far and beat him so much" she asked again angrily.
"Are you concern about that guy now? After what he did" he said angrily too.
"Im not, its you who I am concern about"
She shouted at him. Their eyes are now lock at each other. Their heart both beating up so fast, because of the heat of the moment.
He cups her face with both of his hand and crashes his lips to hers. He stand up from the table he was seating, narrowing the spaces between them. At first she doesnt know how or what to react but in the end she just gave in and let the moment take them.
He switch their places, now her on the table side, pushing her to the edge of it. They let go of each others lips and wipe off all the obstruction on the table. When all is gone, they crashes their lips once again. (ML) lifted her to the table and lower down his lips to his neck.
Removing her top, he was surprised she was not wearing anything underneath. Removing his top was not a problem, because he is already not wearing one. He cups her left breast while he takes the other to his mouth. She can't help herself but to moan the pleasure she was feeling right now. He let go of her breast and crashes his lips to hers once again.
He started lifting her skirts and lowering her panties, throwing it on the ground. He started rubbing her entrance and that makes her hornier and hotter.
"Fuck, (ML), thats good"
He flash a crooked grin on his face upon hearing what she just said.
He starts kneeling infront of her, still teasing her.
"You know that Im still angry at you, that I still hate you right?" he said.
"I know, and the feeling is mutual" answers with a cheeky smile mixed with a longing look. He smiled back, lifting her skirt up and started licking down there.
The room filled with her moan and its like music to his ears. She came fast because of how good he is and he lick it all up.
He stand up, lowering his pants on the ground, exposing his throbbing manhood.
"Wet it for me" he said and she gladly oblige.
She stand up from the table she was laying and kneeled in front of him, taking his manhood on her mouth, licking every length of it.
"Fuck, thats good, hmm" he growl.
She continue blowing him until he stopped her.
"You are going to make me come, but I want to do it inside you, fill you up until youre dripping" He said brushing his tumb to her lower lip
He help her stand up, carrying and laying her once again to the table.He licks her once again until she's wet enough and then position himself.
As he enters her, she cant help but to moan because of how big he is. She always fantasize him penetrating her the first time she accidentally saw him naked and now it's happening. When he was half way through he stop. She lifted her head and gave him the look, asking why he stop. He looks at her with a devilish smile before thrusting her full so suddenly, surprising her, and all she can do is to moan at the top of her lungs.
He hug her tightly while pounding her fast and hard. She hug him with both her legs and arms burying her fingers to his back. Both moaning in between the kisses they share.
He let go of hugging her and brush his hair back. He hold her on the hips with one hand on the left side while using his other hand to press her lower abdomen. Her legs still hugging him tightens when he started thrusting again. The whole room were filled with both of their moans, and it's getting louder and louder.
"You know this room was not sound proofed right?" he said
"I know, and I dont care, let them hear how good you are" She answers.
He can't help himself but to laugh to what he just heard, he's glad that his kids where at school now and will not see them. They switch up their position from her lying now she facing back. He holds her by the hair while he pound her. He places kisses on her back.
One of the guards and the maids were looking for them and both blushed when they see (FL) and (ML) savoring each other, moaning.
"Looks like they make up" the maid said.
"Yeah, lets return later and leave, its getting a little hot in here" the guard said.
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shelli-jay-says · 2 years
Some craziness is happening... Do you know the signs?
Have you seen LEFT BEHIND series... do you know what to expect next? Maybe you should read Revelations. But LEFT BEHIND says it so plainly.. What are your thoughts??
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ssweetleaf · 3 years
she — g.w
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pairing — ginny weasley x fem!reader
includes — sexual content, dom/sub dynamics, brat tamer ginny, thigh riding, degradation
a/n: this was a little rushed, i’m sure you can tell, but i hope you enjoy. :)
It was a heavenly sight — with y/n’s heat pressed firmly against the taut thigh underneath her, rocking her hips back and forth, trying so desperately to keep her rhythm steady.
Ginny was coaxing y/n’s movements with little pushes of her palms, every once in a while circling her puffy clit with a calloused thumb — lips quirking to a smirk whenever the poor girl would buck and falter.
“Such a desperate little bunny, aren’t you, poppet?” Ginny cooed, tapping the pad of her finger mockingly against the girl’s chin. “Humping my thigh like that- not a thought in that little head of yours, hm?”
Y/n was clawing at the hands that held her, fingers wrapping tightly around Ginny’s wrists, whining so pathetically when the fabric of those jeans dragged against her puffy folds — the washed denim soon adorning a darkened patch of arousal.
“Touch me.”
Y/n’s speech was slurred, drawn out by a long whine and her lips turned down into a pout — trying so hard to sway her dominant.
Ginny smiled, one that was so assertive and sinister.
“With an attitude like that? I don’t fucking think so, little girl.”
She was quick to snap, eyes swarming with instensity, hooded and glimmering with superiority. Y/n was completely and utterly under her control. So, Ginny squeezed her throat, fingers and a single thumb pressing so delectably against her neck and y/n squirmed from under the pressure. Their lips were inches apart, smoking eachother’s breaths and the submissive’s inhale faltered and hitched inside her throat.
“Brats like you have to earn their right to cum by doing the work themselves.” she breathed, sponging a kiss to the side of her mouth - still smirking.
“It must be hard for you, right, baby? Doing so much work?” Ginny continued her mockery. “My little pillow princess always gets what she wants, hm? It’d do you good to learn some manners and realise I spoil you rotten.”
Soon, they were kissing — mouths open and connected by strings of spit, so intoxicating and it had y/n’s eyes rolling to the back of her skull.
Y/n was sobbing once she pulled away, her eyes glimmering with tears and her pussy glistened with each push of her hips. Her folds were sliding crudely, the image so obscene and she wondered how Ginny could get her so wet.
“But it hurts.”
She was already on thin ice, though her ungrateful demeanour continued and she whined at the burning of her thighs — all from the constant humping against that damn thigh.
“Another peep from you and I’ll have you over my lap— then I’ll show you what really hurts, fuckin’ whore.”
Ginny smirked once again in the triumph of getting y/n to shut her mouth, and all that was heard was her laboured breaths and the scratchy fabric between her thighs.
Though, the quiet didn’t last long.
“I’d like to see you try.”
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annabethy · 4 years
Percy Jackson Characters as Band Kids 2.0
based on experiences i WISH i didn’t have. i’ve been proposed to at a game by the opposing piccolo. in honor of my 20k word marching band au being posted tomorrow!
• looks unfairly hot in the marching uniform.
• would definitely be drum major and have all of the band falling in love over him.
• he would also be in the auditorium before a concert and jump off of a 10 foot ledge in the pit because he simply cannot take being in band anymore™️.
• would get up on the drum major podium and start dancing to stand tunes from the other band.
• gives high fives to all of the band right before the half-time show
• carries annabeth like a backpack during third quarter break
• him and annabeth go to meet the other drum majors in the band and are that fierce couple that every band is afraid of
• slut for big ballin
• is nearly murdered when a cheerleader does a backflip into his podium
• before halftime, “What time is it?” “HALFTIME” “What time is it?” “GAME TIME” “half time is game time Half Time Is Game Time HALF TIME IS GAME TIME”
• is the kid that is deadly good at their instrument and will murder you with a single look.
• you do not want to audition for the state band after her because she will tear you to shreds.
• she also happens to be dating the drum major, of course, and has the drum major wrapped around her finger.
• she is terrifying, and also happens to be the other drum major so the little kids have to ask her for help but are scared because she is very scary.
• plays piccolo and goes around telling people to “suck my picc”
• will yell at colorguard when they put a rifle on the wrong yard line during a show while every single woodwind is marching in a backwards curve.
• hates seven nation army with a passion
• flute chant. “flutes and piccs are h-o-t hot, we got something you ain’t got, we’re bad, we know it, we’re here to show it” cue screaming
• is that kid the hot bi. crushing on Annabeth and blatantly tries to steal her from Percy. but she’s just kidding (not really).
• she is the person that proposes to a kid that plays the same instrument from the other band.
• probably plays piccolo because Annabeth does.
• when it’s marching season, she will watch a woodwind step out of line and take down an entire row of clarinets and not move a single muscle. they all learn somehow.
• screams the words to sweet Caroline instead of playing
• “my name is piper. i play the picc. it’s really tiny. just like your di—
• is the band kid who thinks they are the best at their instrument
• they are actually the worst at their instrument
• probably a trumpet
• doesn’t get into all county and is like “but I’m so good it’s rigged” but he actually couldn’t even play his scales double octave oop couldn’t be me
• gets hit by the guard flags during a show and gets a concussion
• crushes on piper who tells him “i only date people good at their instruments.” he goes home and cries before reporting her to the band director for harassment
• fucks up solo at mpa. idk who gave him a solo to begin with
• first and foremost, he is percussion. during concert season, he tries to muffle the gong so he uses his whole body to do so. he succeeds in humping the gong.
• cadences over and over. and over.
• throws a drum stick at annabeth and bonks her on the head
• percy does not like that and takes the drum stick and hurls it at leo. hits him in the eye
• elf hats during the christmas parade
• empties a water bottle at a game by crushing the plastic. chokes as he deepthroats the water
• “Annabeth you are so out of tune you’re making me want to stab my eardrums,” and in response, she says, “I’m going to play a high c right in your ear and teach you what decent fucking music sounds like”
• the one decent kid who apologizes when they run into someone
• helps the freshmen because no one else will
• refuses to participate in senior pranks
• once tries to help a brass player take a valve out but drops the instrument and dents it and starts crying
• brass captain
• he actually tries to save the line of woodwinds when colorguard misplaces a rifle during that backwards curve
• steps in the pile of fire ants. chaos ensues
• sweetheart but lost.
• struggles with marching on beat but once she gets the hang of it, she has so much patience for helping others
• something tame, like the clarinet.
• never squeaks because she is an ICON
• people think she is nice and will sometimes tease her and she’s too nice to do anything but then when someone decides to take her reeds, she full on throws a stand at them.
• speaking of stands, she gets abnormally frustrated when they start to fall in front of her face. slowly slipping. creak. creak. creak.
• always very helpful at the football games. cares for people that pass out of heat stroke. always has a cooling towel just in case
• makes snide remarks to the cheerleaders when they can’t dance in time to crazy train (“it’s not that hard it’s literally 4/4”)(“I thought cheerleaders could at least count to 4?”)
• director thinks she is an angel but actually has no idea she’s constantly on her phone during rehearsal.
• “im using it as a tuner”
• HEY BABY. will point to Annabeth for “I wanna knowwwww if you’ll be my girl” to spite Percy
• laughs bc Percy is conducting and there is simply nothing he can do about it
• “what you gonna do Percy? Cut the band off because you’re jealous? do it I dare you”
• crazy trumpet that runs through the stands and promptly trips and tumbles down the bleachers until he hits the bottom. may kill one or two flutes in the process
• speaking of flutes, he enjoys sacrificing them. particularly annabeth. picks her up over his shoulder and dumps her in a trashcan
• gets on the metal podium during band camp and passes out off of it. a quick and painful journey the 6 feet to the ground.
• to Piper: “One time at band camp, I stuck a flute up my—”
• evil laughter when Annabeth narrowly dodges a guard saber
• he’s the leader of the senior pranks, offering those poor freshman cupcakes with ketchup and mustard frosting
• he also sets up the pentagram with the band directors family photos, and ties percy and annabeth dolls to drum major podiums. don’t ask.
• he definitely spills coffee on the band room carpet at least once,
• likes to surprise percy and annabeth when they sneak off during sectionals to “practice conducting” (he quickly proves they were, in fact, not practicing conducting)
• trips in the whole and screams about “WHY ARE THERE HOLES IN OUR MARCHING FIELD SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE”
• chews on a metal can at a game and cuts his mouth open but is too scared to say anything as he bleeds from the mouth because he wasn’t supposed to have a soda can to begin with so he just plays with blood!
• hangs with percy and annabeth, arms around each of them during the football games. loves them dearly.
• has a knack for interrupting percy and annabeth at the worst possible times. they’re in the uniform room? SURPRISE SHAWTY he’s there too “what are you doing? why is annabeth’s hair a mess? didn’t you just do those braids?”
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sloppykyuu · 4 years
A part of Isseis birthday gift for his gf is to let her do to him whatever she wants and she goes all out on it and ties his hand to the bed and sits between his legs and puts a few vibrating elastic rings around his dick and turns them all one at once and watches him fall apart while she sits there and watches him cum over and over till he begs her to stop but its Issei so he never begs (he isnt ashamed or anything he just wants to prove he can handle this longer than her) and he is already on the verge of passing out and then starts to beg and she starts to smile like he usually does and says "u better take everything I give u like a good boy or u will get punished" and it turns him on so much cos he forgot how dominant she can get when she wants and it just keeps going while she marks up his body like a canvas and then she starts to take cute pictures of Issei when he cums and everything (with his consent ofc consent is important) and he is totally spend at the end and she starts her aftercare and at the end of the night he is still wobbly on his legs but still has the energy to eat her out like a monster till she squirts and then they go to bed and sleep (◍•ᴗ•)
😳 u-uh yeah fasho 😳
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The bedroom filled with Issei’s loud groans and whimpers along with the low whirr of the vibrating ring wrapped around his hard dick.
He tugged at the restraints that held his arms above his head, wrists bound together and the rough material of the ropes rubbing at his wrists.
“You’re so cute, Issei.” The giddy squeal usually filled his heart with warmth but all he could focus on was the overwhelming pleasure that forced orgasm after orgasm out of him.
He had already been through 2, each one more raw and sensitive then the last. His legs were shaking slightly and covered in his own sticky liquids.
“Baby, ahh, ah fuck.” He threw his head back onto the pillows, his mouth falling open as he rolled into his 3rd orgasm. Cum squirting up in thick white ropes, falling on his chest and dripping down the base of his cock.
Your pressed your lips to his in a quick peck before trailing down to his jaw, leaving dark marks as you moved down his body. You stopped at his nipple tugging it with your teeth gently before going to sucking on it, a whimper fell from his lips at the feeling.
He didn’t understand how you could last so long with him. He did this every night with you and you only begged for him to stop after at least the 5th orgasm. He wanted to prove he good do that even though his cock was overstimulated and his brain was beginning to go foggy. He wanted to pin your hands about you head and push your face into the sheets and fuck this little attitude out of you.
But when he began to beg for you let up and you responded with, “you know better than that, baby. Don’t you want to be a good boy for me, and take everything I give you? Don’t want to get punished do you?” He felt his throb at your condescendingly dominate voice and just shook his head.
Of course he wanted to be your good boy.
It’s what you deserved after the nights he spent doing the same thing to you, pressing a vibrator to pretty clit and stuffing a dildo into you making you cum again and again and again. You’d been a good girl for him all those nights, so he’d do the same for you.
He could feel his fourth orgasm building up at the base of his cock, his balls filled with his seed, ready to be released. The coil grew tighter and tighter. You knew it with the way his cock twitched and eyes squeezed shut.
“You’re so cute, baby. Can I take a picture of you?” He nodded his head eagerly. He was personally a fan of having a collection of your naked body (some nudes, some coated in his cum) so of course he wouldn’t mind you adding to your personal collection of his big cock.
He didn’t see any camera flashing as his vision went white and he practically screamed out your name. His fourth and final orgasm came in the most instense. His body whole body shaking, hips lifting off the bed as he pumped his loads of cum onto the bed sheets.
When his vision came back you were setting your phone back on the nightstand a happy grin on your face.
You granted him mercy for the night turning the off the rings and removing them from his softening dick and untied his hands, before placing a kiss on his temple and running off.
A few moments later you came back with a bag of chips, damp rag, ointment for his wrists, and glass of water. You placed the water and chips on the table next to the bed and the ointment right next to his thigh. He reached out to grab the rag from you before you pushed his hand away, muttering how you wanted to take care of him. You cleaned the cum off his stomach and thighs, placed the ointment on his wrists, and got him a fresh pair of comfy clothes.
“Baby you didn’t get to cum.” He grabbed your waist.
“That’s okay, ‘sei.” He just shook his head at you and pushed you back onto the bed.
“Nah, it’s not okay. It’s your birthday, baby.” He says before licking at your hole.
You moaned out his name and brought a hand to his head, tangling your fingers in his hair. He sucks at your clit as a finger prods at your entrance before pushing in. Your pussy clamps around the finger that massages as your g-spot.
You were so worked up watching Issei, you could feel your orgasm already building up. You push his face deeper into your cunt and he sucks harder, pushing another finger in thrusting them.
“Gonna cum already?” You nod at him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the coil winds tighter and tighter.
Before you know it, with the assault on your clit and sweet spot, you snap. You gush all over his face and he continues the pace of his fingers helping you ride out your orgasm.
“Squirted after one orgasm? I must be getting better.” He teases once he pulls away from your heat. You shake your head him, giggling quietly.
He plops himself on top of you before rolling over so you rested on his chest.
“Tonight was amazing baby. Happy birthday.”
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A/n: I didn’t proof read sorry for any mistakes
I actually liked this idea better than I originally thought.
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Requests open!
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septiceyeliner · 4 years
What was your process for the Heat Waves edit and why those quotes??
Usually my process is: have both dialogue & lines I want to use -> or sketch something out if I already have a vague idea then find stuff to match -> or look through pictures to see if I can spark something -> then thumbnail some ideas for layouts.
After an hour of searching, sketching, reading the stuff I had highlighted, and looking through way too many photos. I remembered @heytherestilinski answered an ask about what colors they associated with hw!Dream & George and inspiration struck me quite quickly after reading their answer!
I had the pictures of the hands saved already. I thought they would fit quite nicely and they already had the intense lighting I could play around with. I did some color grading, really bringing out the cooler blue/green’s for George and the warmer reddish orange for Dream. Slapped some instense grain and called it a day! Then came the typography. And I don’t hate typography, but it’s my least favorite thing to do >:(
Though this time things were really simple because I wanted to go with something that screamed “this is a book font” & “this is a ya literature edit”. Then after everything is put together and I’m satisfied with everything, I go back and edit colors a bit more so everything looks as cohesive as possible! I do this all on my iPad with procreate and lightroom if you were wondering! 
My explanation of why I chose these quotes is under the read more (because it’s a lot oops)
Dakota’s writing is amazing and chapter ten really blew me away. I started highlighting & annotating the whole chapter and it ended up looking like a high school English assignment. I had so many ideas by then end that it took me about a week to start on anything!
Sometimes I have the lines and dialogue I want to use, sometimes I don’t. Usually I try to make connections between every single item I’m using so everything has meaning! From the images, to the font, even placement and layouts! Not everything has to, but I like to make sure that the smallest detail has meaning even if it only makes sense to me /hj
I (vaguely) knew from everything I had chosen I wanted to use:
“The small wobble in George’s voice grows, “and you looked right through me.” & “Whatever chance I had, he thinks. “Did I miss you?”
together and as the central lines of the edit because I thought they paralleled each other well! 
then I scrounged around for a paragraph of lines (internal dialogue?) that matched the quotes. I chose,
 “Everything you said,” George continues, “everything you did, every time you so much as talked to me or said my name. I wanted to make you laugh. I wanted to be with you, every second, of every day.”
for George because it comes right before George says, “and you looked right through me”. With the way I ended up laying things out, your eyes are drawn to the center, which means you read those words first, and then you read the paragraph. In my head it would be a bittersweet reminder that George really did want Dream.
Which ties in to Dream’s part next!
I struggled to find one for Dream. I couldn’t pick between two lines of internal dialogue. The other one I had chosen fit very well, but I wanted to use it for a potential stand alone edit! So I ended up going with the second option,
“Dream’s chest yearns. He wants to take the opportunity and run with it—drag them off of this path and hide in the tranquil underbrush of sly jokes and light normalcy.”
I thought it went well with the imagery of the edit! Hands can be very expressive! Dream’s hand looks like he’s reaching out, while George is hesitant. I hope it conveyed how Dream wanted to pull them out of the current situation they were in!
The quotes in the background are a complete happy accident that happened while editing!
So I wanted them to be recognizable, but didn’t want them to completely steal the attention away from the foreground. Your eyes were probably drawn to it last because I made them very transparent and hard to see. I did decide that I wanted to use lines from Dream on George’s edit & vice versa! (also if you noticed you can see their names on each other’s edits which sorta helps you identify who’s saying what)
The one on George says, “Chilling warmth blooms from Dream’s cheeks down his neck, and collects in his chest with vivid sensation. His lips part helplessly.”
I broke away from ch10 for Dream because I couldn’t help but try and match the imagery of, “After a moment, he quietly adds, your voice sounds like fire. It burns. His head spins. I burn you? You melt me, George murmurs.” for Dream’s since orange is most commonly associated with fire and Dream’s hand is basked in an orange glow! (I wanted to use those iconic lines at least once)
That’s about it! Thank you so much for asking!! I’m either a genius or reaching really hard with my edits :D I hope it makes sense!!!
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(part four)
Part one. Part two. Part three. Part five. Masterlist
Summary:After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Your POV*
Your eyes scanned through the fully stocked room that came to be yours a couple of days ago. Fairly large and a great window where the sun came to welcome you each morning. Not even the blinds could stop it. Now it was fairly dark inside since the sun was about to go down. You reached for the light switch and scanned through all your products and belongings for things that you could possibly move somewhere else.
The grunt of the Russian skater behind you caused you to turn around. As you did, he stopped and returned your stare, as if waiting for you to announce something. There was a lot that you needed to clean up. If you had known that you'd be expecting a roommate, you'd already have done so. Guess Victor forgot to mention that too, eh?
The visible twitch in the corner of your left eye was impossible to force back. Just at the mere thought of unintentional (?) screwups of the one and only Victor Nikiforov. Now, just because he was your childhood friend, it didn't mean that he wouldn't receive a massive ass-whooping if he as much as repeated the same mistake three times the same day now the few remaining hours of the day. If only you could get that message through.
And, you kind of did. Just not to the man you intended. Yuri at the receiving end of your stare was just about to open his mouth to say something, what you assume, sour when he noticed the twitching of your eye. Surprisingly, it shut him up before he started. He kind of shielded himself behind one of his bags and eyed you carefully.
Shit, wrong Russian dude.
"Sorry, that was meant for Victor." You let out a sigh and helped him with one of his bags out in the hall. You got a simple nod from the boy just before you passed him in the doorway.
He's been acting all quiet and confused ever since you tended to his wounds. Was something you said unclear? Maybe you should make sure the two of you were on the same page. 'Later...' you thought.
Yuuri and Victor hurried to the entrance of your room with a couple of more bags.
"So what do you think about it, Yuri? Pretty special eh?" It was Yuuri who spoke up, probably just as an act of friendliness. Though, you could understand how a punk like Yuri might take it as teasing.
"I'm not staying here. There's- there is no way I'm sharing a room with another person. I should have my own room. Why can't Victor and (Y/n) share a room and I get my own?!"
Ah, there he is. You were starting to get worried that he might actually turn nice. Then you'd have to call an ambulance just to ease Yakov's mind if he ever found out.
"With that thief? Nuh-uh. He already owes me an entire bottle of lotion, a mascara and a lipgloss. And for some reason, my throwaway razors are gone too. I'm not endangering any more of my stuff to him!" You shot a glare at Victor but he intentionally pretended not to hear nor see you. Seriously?
"Just lock them up or something, I don't care. Maybe I should just sleep on the couch. Give me one reason why it's worth sharing this room with you."
You didn't really know why you felt so opposed to the thought of him sleeping on the couch. You should be relived that you wouldn't have to share room with The Russian punk. But you still mumbled the one sentence after taking a brief moment to carefully word out your reason.
"What did you say?"
"... I have a cat."
The silence following almost made you feel like the scene of these weird soap operas that streamed on tv once in a while. But you did have a cat. A beautiful sacred Birman with the eyes of an ocean. And you knew about Yuri's fascination with them. Victor mentioned it somewhere along the lines when discussing his arrival days ago. And if you had to give him one reason, then that would be the one. It's probably the only reason too.
"Where." It wasn't a question. It almost made you giggle but you kept a straight face. Victor who knew the reason behind your words, almost cracked under the pressure.
"He's probable sleeping under the blanket on my bed, as always-"
Yuri pushed Victor aside with a stern 'move' and headed for your bed. A little anxious, you followed him through the entrance, afraid that he would be like one of those crazy catpeople who never stopped bothering their cat. You worried because you were one of those people. But because your cat was rather clingy too and you always had a bunch of stuff to do daytime, it kind of evened out the contrast. Two crazy people were too much, you figured.
"Well, we'll go off now and let you two bond now. Don't forget that we're having afternoon tea in an hour!" And with that, Victor and Yuuri was out of the picture. For awhile.
A round uneven pile under you blanket made Yuri stop at the end of the bed. You stood beside him as he lifted the blanket, revealing the fuzzy ball that was your cat. Round eyes stared up at the both at you and the cat stretched it's back, making a 'u' position.
"His name is Magnolia. You'll have to apologize to him for interrupting his sleepy time though." You half expected Yuri to scoff at your statement, thinking you were taking the animal too seriously. But the baby voice he used to communicate with Magnolia next almost had you taking a step back.
"Hi, Magnolia... 'm sorry, pretty boy. You'll have to forgive me, I'm afraid." He kept on talking to the sleepy cat as he extended a hand for him to smell. Magnolia yawned and gave the hand a sniff before sitting up, eyes intensely staring into the boy's soul. You could tell by the hesitation of Yuri's petting hand that he really wanted the cat's approval. He cat kept staring him straight in the eyes which usually means bad. Though, the purring heard from his belly said the opposite. You finally relaxed a little. Magnolia is very picky with who gets to touch him and you were expecting a bite, honestly.
"He's always been so stare-y... I've figured that he only stare at people he like or something he finds very interesting." You crouched down beside Yuri and rested with your arms at the bedside.
"Like owner, like cat, I guess then. I feel like he has the exact same piercing gaze you gave me earlier." Yuri grinned smugly at you and turned back his attention to the ball of fur who stood up, stroking its back to your chin. A little heat rose to your cheeks and you hoped Magnolia covered it up well enough with his body. It was kind of true. And you couldn't really deny it. You always did watch things a little to intense. But just because you found people very interesting, always seeking to improve your understanding and emotional range at any given time. So you shrugged your shoulders and coughed a little when the cat made sure to get his butt all up in your face too. This habit, you had noticed, was a trait almost every cat held within them.
"You're going to object or what?" Yuri caught your attention again and Magnolia moved away from your face just in time. So he was expecting some kind of denial.
"You're not wrong... You've just got the wrong idea of it."
"What do you mean?"
"You should probably start getting yourself settled here. We only have one hour."
"You didn't answer me." Yuri's remark left unanswered as well as you stood up and threw a bag at him. A light 'oof' slipped through him as the heavy thing hit him right in the stomach.
You grinned and opened another bag, pouring the internal onto the floor. Tons of clothes splattered on the floor. Everything in-between black training clothes to underwear and a pajamas with cat prints. A keychain with a chibi cat and a stuffed animal of a tiger fell out on the floor lastly on top of the pile. Yuri quickly made his way to the clothes and gathered them in his arms, trying to hide them away. It was worth taking an extra look at the blush staining his cheeks. You wondered if you'd just met a fellow catmerch fan as instense as you. No, this was far crazier than you! Especially as you recognized the keychain being a print of his own cat that you'd seen on a social media Yuri Plisetsky fanpage once.
"Y-you can't touch my stuff! Nor see it!" His voice was a good blend of anger and a thick stain of embarrassment.
Maybe it wasn't ideal poring someone else's belongings onto the floor. But you knew that look that Yuri bearded only moments ago. The cat had taken him as his loyal servant and Yuri wasn't intending to move until he had satisfied Magnolia's every need. If you let that happen, it would take the entire hour you had to clean up the room. And you clearly didn't have that time.
"Just hurry up and help me then if I'm not allowed to touch it!"
"Fine! And move your stupid clothes and stuff over to your half of the room!"
(A/N: Shoutout to my cat who gave me the entire butt-in-face idea through experience. I really owe you one, you little jerk<3 Also, what have you thought of the story so far? I bet you Victor has planned a familiar exercise for tomorrow's day of training. Just a little helping hand to get Yuri back into shape, y'know;))
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
Hi honey! Would you do something when reader, Jake and Seb are co-stars in a movie and they have a 3some? Please
I CAN’T EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVED THIS REQUEST! Now get ready for mean daddy Jake and soft daddy Seb... Dirty as requested by literally everyone who replied to my question lol... hope you enjoy it!
I could swear it was a joke when it all started. But it got out of hand too quickly. Jake, Seb and I were like best friends, since we worked together all the time. And the fans had a little war because of which ship was real: Jake and I or Seb and I. Well, none of them is. But try to tell that to them... So I started to flirt with both of them as a joke. The problem was that we were now all in the same movie and I had to deal with both of them at the same time. Suddently, the joke started to get a little serious... some dirty jokes here, some kisses there... the problem was when the sexting started. Some nights it was Jake who started to send me those texts. Some nights it was Seb. Some nights it was both. And they were fully aware that they were sharing me. That's why Jake came up with this idea... We were having lunch in the studio when I knew things were getting out of control. Jake and Sebastian were arguing (as a joke, of course). "Let's see who gets to fuck her first." Sebastian smirked, making my face heat up. "She's right here." Jake agreed. "Tell us, who do you prefer, love?" "Don't make me choose..." I rolled my eyes, still thinking it was all a joke. "Can't choose?" Jake thought for a moment. "Why don't you take both of us at the same time, then?" Sebastian left out a loud laugh. I wish I could laugh as well, maybe he would forget that idea. But I didn't. Jake and I just looked at each other and anyone could feel the tension. Sebastian stopped laughing. It all got serious. No escape now. I either had to choose one, or... choose both. I didn't want to choose one, since I was extremely attracted to both of them. But a threesome? I had never done that before... --- The boys decided to give me some time to think about it. A week passed and no one brought the subject up again. But the more I thought about it, the less crazy the idea sounded... or maybe I was getting crazier. All I knew was that it got to a point that I started to think about it at random times, and my body started to crave it. I tried to make that go away, I touched myself, but nothing was enough. Nothing compared to it. --- All it took was one phone call. And now both of them were on their way to my house. Jake was the first one to get there. "Hey, baby." He said, and as I was greeting him with a hug, he enjoyed to get his lips on my neck. "Hey... calm down." I took a step back, even though my body wanted the opposite. "We have to wait for Seb. I said both at the same time, that wouldn't be fair." "Okay." He shrugged and took a sit on the couch. "Just trying to get you warmed up. But I know I don't need to do that, right? Cause you wouldn't have called us in the middle of the night if you weren't absolutely desperate." "And you wouldn't have come so quickly if you weren't too." I smirked. "True." He admitted. "But I never hid from anyone how bad I want you. All this time..." I heard someone knock on the door and felt butterflies in my stomach. Finally. Jake stopped talking and looked at the door, then back at me with a smirk. I took a deep breath and walked towards the door, fully aware that Jake's eyes were all over my body. When I opened it, I saw Seb a little less confident than Jake, but he surely was more excited. "We were waiting for you." I said, gesturing for him to come inside. "Sorry, doll." He walked in and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Jake." "Oh?" Jake pretended to be offended. "So he gets kisses?" "You didn't get one?" Sebastian teased. I could feel a heat between my legs as I watched them fighting for me. Well, not actually fighting, cause we all knew that this wouldn't be so fun without a little competition. Deep down, one wanted the other to be there as much as I did. "Don't be greedy, boys." I said. "Everyone here is gonna get whatever we want tonight." "Why don't you tell us what you want, princess?" Jake stood up and walked to where Seb and I were. Now, being here between both of them, it started to look real. "Well... I..." I was too nervous to describe everything that was going on in my head. "She looks shy now." Jake mocked. "Isn't she adorable, Sebastian?" "It's okay, baby." Seb stood behind me and started to run his hands up and down my arms, making me relax. "We won't do anything you don't want us to. You just have to tell us." Seb seemed to be a more romantic lover. He was surely more worried about me than about himself. Jake seemed more impatient. He acted like the kind of guy who would fuck your brains out in five minutes and pretend nothing happened on the next day. That's why I couldn't choose... "Let's go to my bedroom." I suggested. "And you two can do anything you want. But whatever happens there, stays there." --- Seb and Jake were sitting in my bed and I stood in front of them. I removed my clothes, revealing a cute set of lace lingerie. They licked their lips almost simultaneously. Then I sat on Jake's lap, kissing him like this was a movie scene, but only Sebastian was watching. I helped Jake take his shirt off, and suddently I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist. Next thing I knew was that Sebastian had pulled me to his lap. We both giggled and I repeated the kiss, now with him. As I gave him a break to take his shirt off, I watched Jake pulling his pants down. I leaned forward to grab his cock over his underwear and started to stroke it. Seb grabbed my waist and forced me to lift my hips so he could pull his pants down as well. As soon as he did, I sat on his lap again and felt his hard cock with only our underwears separating us. So I continued to stroke Jake, and started to move my hips, rubbing my clothed pussy against Seb's cock. They both moaned at the same time and I smiled. "Daddy?" I called. "Yes?" They both replied at the same time, making me laugh. "What's so funny, sweetheart?" Jake grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at his face. God, he had fire in his eyes... "Having fun, aren't you? You have two daddies to care care of you. Isn't that great?" "Yes..." I was getting more turned on by his words, so I started to rub myself faster agaisnt Seb, making him grab my waist, to slow down a bit. "Jesus... Turn her around, Sebastian." Jake sighed. For a moment, I didn't know what was wrong. But Seb did as Jake said, handling my body like I was nothing. He forced me to get down on all fours, ass turned to Jake. He knew what was going to happen, but I didn't. When I felt a loud spank on my ass, I left out a surprised, but delighted, moan. "Do you think it only has a bright side?" Jake mocked, hitting me again. "Having two daddies means you have to respect two men. Do you think this is all about you, honey?" "No..." I replied, earning a new slap. Seb grabbed my face and I could see in his eyes that he enjoyed watching me being treated like a slut. "No, what?" He said rasply. And if I wasn't already down on all fours, after hearing that tone escape his lips, I would be. "No, sir." I answered, getting a little kiss from Jake, where he was slapping before. "Good girl." Seb complimented, and I absolutely melted. "I knew you could be a good girl to us." Jake said, playing with my soaked underwear, using his fingers to tease me. "In return, we're gonna play with your little holes, would you like that?" I nodded eagerly, letting out something that sounded like a "yes daddy", but my head was too fucked up to speak properly. "Ask, then." He pulled my panties down and squeezed my ass with both hands, spreading it open and I never felt that empty before. "Jakey... please, sir... will you fuck my ass while my other daddy fucks my pussy?" I asked as nicely as I could. I watched Sebastian and Jake exchange glances and prepared myself to get hit again, because it looked like I had said something wrong. "You weren't joking when you said you wanted us at the same time, right, baby?" Sebastian smirked. "The plan was to get you so horny, you would have to pick one of us to fuck you first, but this..." Jake explained. "This sounds even better." "I need both."  I replied, trying to process that they had some kind of plan... "Fuck." Sebastian said under his breath, bringing me to his lap again. He kissed me hungrily, running his hands through my body, until his fingers met my pussy. He pushed two fingers in and pumped a few times, then he removed them and I felt them spreading my wetness on my asshole, like some kind of lube, before pushing one finger inside of it. Jake approached us, sitting behind me, facing Seb. While Seb was preparing me, Jake had removed his underwear. I couldn't see much, because I was busy kissing Seb, and that mystery only made everything more instense. Soon, I felt Jake's finger repeat Seb's gesture and enter me as well. The feeling of having both of their fingers inside me at the same time, was driving me crazy. They used their fingers to spread me open, then Jake slid his cock inside me slowly and the pain was only a detail, cause having those two men taking care of me like that, made me want more and more. As soon as Jake was all in, I relaxed with my back against his chest and spread my legs for Seb to join. "Are you okay?" He asked as he removed his underwear. "No..." I complained. "Need you." They both laughed. But Seb didn't waste time, quickly aligning his cock and entering me slowly. I felt SO FULL, I had to hold myself to not come right there. Jake grabbed both my breats and played with them as he started to move his hips. Seb didn't take any longer to start moving as well, using his thumb to rub small circles on my clit. I was absolutely overwhelmed... a moaning mess. I closed my eyes and I could swear there wasn't a single cell on my body that wasn't feeling them. And, God, they felt so good. At first, they started at the same pace. But as they got closer to their orgasms, their rhythm became a mess. I felt like a fuck toy, who just sat there as two men took what they needed from me. Jake was the first to come. When I felt him filling my ass like that, I begged Sebastian to rub my clit harder, cause I had never been that turned on before. Seconds later, I came too, and I could swear that this time I went to heaven and came back shaking so much, that Jake had to hold my hips for Seb to continue. "Shhh baby..." Jake said against my neck as he spread kisses there. "We're almost done, you've been so good to us..." Jake was still buried deep inside my ass, holding my hips still, cause I couldn't stop shaking and crying because of my orgasm, and Seb was being so fucking loud as he pounded me. When Seb filled me up, I came a second time. And that made it absolutely impossible for me to move after it. Seb picked me up and laid me down in bed. I felt both my holes dripping their cum and smiled, completely satisfied. Jake helped Seb clean me up, but Seb was definitely more careful, helping me get dressed, adjusting my pillows and giving my face little kisses. "Daddy's very proud of you, baby." He said, making me giggle like a fool. "You make such a cute couple." Jake mocked us, before leaning to kiss my lips, wrapping his hand around my throat. "You know what, honey? It's okay if you choose him, as long as I get to fuck you like this sometimes." "Why do you keep insisting on that?" I rolled my eyes and snuggled closer to Sebastian. "I'm too tired to make a choice now." "We can repeat that as many times as you need, so you can decide." Seb added. "No pressure." "What if I enjoy having two daddies?" I shrugged.
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redhawtriot · 5 years
Shinsou Shits (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
Well, I fucking watched the Heroes Rising Movie today and just when I thought that I couldn’t love the feral ass Bakugou more than I already do—
Straight in the feels.
Also, Thank you so much anon for requesting this and appreciating my writing! PS I totally outed myself as a person with random ass ships in this peice LOL
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Hey I’m big fan of ur writing and I have request for Baku x f!reader prompts : 4 and 5 pls: “I really don’t think children are in my future.” “Well… that was almost cute.”
Bakugou and you were on what you liked to call the “Shinsou Shits” duty—the painstaking chore that you and your friends often drew lots, or played “rock, paper, scissors”, or “nose goes”, or performed some other desperate measure to get out of doing.
You loved Mina and Shinsou to death—and would happily take a bullet for either one of them; however, this type of cruel and usual punishment could have even the strongest of wills wishing to bite the bullet.
“Why are ya’ talkin’ to the air, weirdo? There is nothing there, you know,” little Kanjo Shinsou sneered at the scared boy from atop the playground slide. His wild, purple mane crowded to one side as he tilted his head into a questioning glance.
The terrified boy under fire clenched his shaky fists, “Y-yes there is… you’re there!” he threw a quivering finger toward the other side of the playset where another Shinsou was approaching the group. A devilish flare emitted from his golden irises as he neared with a smirk.
Kanjo didn’t even bother throwing a glance toward his twin brother as he chastised the little boy, “How am I there, if I am here, stupid?”
“T-there must be two of you!” the little boy squeaked as his eyes flew back and forth from the brothers.
“Two of me?! Ha!” The younger twin, Kaijou Shinsou threw his little body upon the slide to sit next to his brother on the tube, “Did ya’ hit your head this morning, or somethin’?”
The two boys gave eerily synchronized giggles as they both looked down upon the frightened boy.
“HEY!” you frantically called out from across the park, “Kaijo! Kanjo! Get down off of there right now!! You’re gonna fall!” you desperately pleaded.
Kaijo’s voice was the first to squeak up “We won’t fall, Auntie!” his face fell into an annoyed expression as he turned away from you. His aunt, Y/N just had to ruin all the fun and call them both out by their names.
“You could always come make us get down!” Kanjo teased before sticking his tongue out at you. Your eyes instantly narrowed into sharp slits. Never have you wanted to violently snatch somebody by the tongue so badly.
Kaijo seemed to be rallied up by his bother’s bravado, “Yeah, come and get us!” he sang, his black encrusted eyes darting to his older twin for approval.
All of a sudden you heard a series of explosions go off, before the flash image of your husband flew past you— rocketing toward the top of the playset, “LISTEN TO YOUR ELDERS, YOU DAMN BRATS!”
The children hardly had anytime to react at all—let alone scream— as Bakugou grabbed the both of them by the backs of their shirts and yanked them from the top of the slide. The man plopped the two kids onto the sand at the foot of the playset on their bottoms, “Now, don’t get up there again, or else,” he glowered over them.
The two children looked absolutely terrified, “Y-Yes, sir.” “Yes, Uncle Bakugou!”
Of course as, soon as Bakugou turned his back to walk back toward the park bench where you were sitting, the twins’ respectful demeanors had already fully melted away, replaced by their usual plotting smirks, and soon enough they were already on their way to torturing another kid.
You stood in awe as you watched Bakugou proudly march back toward the park bench that the two of you had claimed for the evening, ��Wow. I wish they listened to me like that,” you breathed before plopping yourself back down onto the bench.
“You just have to show ‘em who’s in charge,” Bakugou replied with a small, pleased smirk, “Better yet, I should have just let the little shits fall down. Maybe then they’d learn their lesson,” he crossed his arms as he sat down next to you on the bench. You noticed that he scooted himself a bit closer to you after realizing that he was a little too far.
“Jesus, Katsuki. They are just four years old!” You argued with a laugh. The man only scoffed in return as his face hardened into a glare at the playground. Suddenly something caught his attention again at the top of the tall tube slide—two somethings to be exact.
“HEY!” He loudly barked, causing the twins to jump a little on top of the tall playset. Your heart fell down to your toes as you noticed little Kaijo loose his balance on top of the tube.
Kaijo’s small body suddenly fell down to the bottom of the playground wih a loud ‘thud’ as the sand aggressively displaced itself around him.
“KAIJO!!” both you and Bakugou were already on your feet; however, it was Kanjo, who reached his brother first as he desperately slid down the pole of the playset,
“Kaijo!” he quickly reached down and hugged his brother into up into a sitting position, “Are you okay, ‘bwuther’?”
Kaijo’s yellow irises, seemed to be a little dazed until he shook his head, sand flying out from his messy, purple mane as he refocused his mind, “Y-yeah, I’m okay!” he smiled brightly, leaving you to give a deep sigh of relief. Suddenly, your heart was filled with pride as the older twin helped his younger brother up and began dusting the sand off of him.
“Awh…” you leaned up against Bakugou to ingest the touching moment as a sweet smile graced your expression.
Suddenly an evil glare reappered within Kanjo’s eyes, “Let’s go put sand in that girl’s doll’s head!”
“Woah! You’re so smart Kanjo! You have the bestest ideas!” Kaijo gave a gleeful laugh, before the two ran off toward the swing set to meet their next pig-tailed victim.
“Well, That was almost cute…” you grimaced as Bakugou angrily marched to catch up with the two menaces. He swiftly redirected their schemes toward something less sadistic and returned to you back on the bench not too long afterward.
You gave a deep sigh, “You’re such a natural, babe. But me? They don’t even take me seriously at all. Even just watching you do all of the babysitting is tiring. Jeeze, I… I really don’t think children are in my future,” you frowned as Bakugou’s eyebrows fell even deeper together.
“Shuddup,” he exclaimed as he threw an arm behind your shoudlers to rest on the back of the bench, “You’re gonna be a great mother.”
As soon as the words left this mouth your heart squeezed into your throat, “W-what…?” the two of you had never even mentioned having kids… ever! What did he mean you were going to be a great mother? He wasn’t planning on leaving you or something was he??
“You got sand in your ears, too? I said you’ll be a great mom,” he repeated as his gaze stayed fixated on the Shinsou twins on the see-saw, “Our kids won’t be as terrible as these brats though.” He decided.
The two of you sat in a thick silence for a few beats before you found the courage to speak up, “I didn’t know you wanted kids, Katsuki,” you half-whispered as your throat was still constricted from the shock of his words.
Suddenly, your husband turned his head so that his gaze could meet yours. The setting, evening sun ignited even the slightest embers in his warm, crimson eyes. They seemed to be scanning you up and down as if he were searching for a hidden message in your expression. His eyebrows very seriously furrowed together as he regained heavy eye contact with you, “Of course I want to give you a Bakugou,” his low voice softly reverberated in your ears. His eyes never fell away from yours as he stared at you.
An instense chill fluttered from the base of your neck, down to your toes, back up to your heart  as if it were trying to defribillate your shocked being. C’mon, heart! Work again, dammit!
“OH my GOD!” you gasped as your face flushed into a deep heat, “D-d-don’t say it like that!!” You hid your overwhelmed, flame-filled face in your hands as Bakugou roughly stood up—startled by your suddenly stunned aura.
“WHAT?! Say it like what?! How the fuck else am I supposed to say it?!”
Kaijo and Kanjo Shinsou: the sons of Mina Ashido and Hitoshi Shinsou. Quirk: Acid Trip: they can use the vapors of the acid secreted from their palms to selectively alter the mind state of their opponents. Their vapors give off a severe, disorienting psychedelic propertythat leaves their opponents easy to influence. My OCs from a lil “next gen” project I’m workin on.
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foods-of-earth · 5 years
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Food: “Coffee”
Rating: 7/7
“Coffee” is a remarkrable and extremely flavorful food, and is actually the first food that I tasted after my arrival in this area! It has been some time since I have had the chance to taste it - I am pleased that I may finally include it in my rsearch. “Coffee” comes in many varieties, but is generally consumed as a dark liquid with a strong, appetizing scent and an instense flavor. The taste is bitter and sharp, vaguely reminiscent of the food called “chocolate,” which is similar in that both are derived from certain seeds that have been exposed to high temperatures. The resulting substance is then mixed with heated water to produce “coffee.” I am not certain how this ingenious method was discovered, but it is yet another sign of humanity’s remarkble skill in discovering new, delicious foods and amazing techniques for improving flavor. “Coffee” is produced in both heated and cooled forms, sometimes with the addition of ice, and several substances are often added to enhance the flavor or texture. These most often include sweet substances such as “sugar” and various animal-derived secretions, such as “cream” or “milk,” although “vanilla” and “chocolate” are also utilizaed fairly often to add flavor. The popularity of these flavors also appears to vary seasonally, as lately I have seen much enthuusiasm surrounding beverages flavored with “pumpkin spice,” which I believe is a flavoring obtained from an orange vegetable known as a “pumpkin,”/.
The various types of “coffee” may be procured from many different estbalishments, as it is a widely-consumed beverage. ; ,It is prepared in a container and covered with a lid, which contains a small hole through which the “coffee” may be ingested. I have also seen several beverages served with a long, thin tube known as a “straw” which allows one to move the liquid out of the cup by manipulating air pressures. These clever methods are both simple and reamarkably effective in prevetning spills! Many heated drinks are also provided with a small sleeve to prevent one from sustaining burns while holding their bevferage, a very thoughtful gesture, although it does not prevent one from injhuring their mouth if they attempt to consume the liquid immediately. .. One wonders why they do not simpl yserve it at a safe temperature to begin with? 
The consumption of “coffee” shortly after awakening is a commonly followed morning ritual in human society, particculalry among adults. One of my friends has even infforme d me that their parents are unable to function and shouldnot be a pproached before consuming this beverage, a fascinating and somewaht alarming aspect of the practice which requires further investigation. There is a complex terminology used to refer to the various varieties of coffee, which I have not yet been able to investigate and which requires ffuture research. Many of these terms make very pleasingg sounds when spoken aloud, such as “macchiato” or “cappuccino.” Mah-kee-ah-to. Kyah-to. The “kuh” sound is a strrange and amusing sound,. especially when combined with the “ee” and “ah” sounds. The terms used to describe “coffee”’ are often very entertainign to say!
One of the more interesting aspects of “coffee” the physiological effects that it elicits. I have consumed several of these bevvergaes in one of your hours and I am ebginning to notice seveeral effects.. Recording this research is somewaht difficult as I am exprienccing tremors in my hands. It aslo appears to have a stimulating effect on heartbeat.,, which has noticealby become fastrer and at times irregular, a fairly alarming effect considrign that the human body has the sever e design flaw of posssessing only one heart. Remaining still is somewhwat difficult.. I can detect a high -pitchhed rigning sound ,. I believe I would like to consume some more “coffee.”
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