#Really got hit by the oliver/diggle feelings today
cogentranting · 3 years
Arrow 1x04 Rewatch
“You really did lose your mind on that Island”  “Found a couple things too”  “Like what archery classes?” “No. well. Yes. Technically. But that’s not what I’m talking about.” 
Two things:  1. Laurel said she heard about the shooting and came to check on Oliver. But she was with Tommy. Did Tommy not come check in to see if his best friend got shot?  2. She accuses him of being so self centered that he doesn’t think people will care if he’s okay or not and be worried about him. But that just.. doesn’t make sense as a line of reasoning. I feel like the more logical conclusion relates to the 5 years that she believes he spent in total isolation and often in life threatening danger. You know. Where he wouldn’t have had anyone worrying about him that he needed to check in with. 
Ok. So I know why Oliver isn’t thrown by the shooting. By why isn’t Thea more upset by it? 
Oliver’s voice changer this early is different than the voice he uses later and I can’t decide if that’s good because it sounds more like a regular voice so it’s less obvious that he’s disguising it or if it’s too close to his regular voice
“You were born with a platinum spoon in your mouth. What you spend five years on an island with no room service and suddenly you find religion?” I mean... yes? That’s a reasonable explanation even if the public story of just being marooned and isolated was true. A near death experience, watching your father and childhood friend/girlfriend/mistress (whatever you want to call Sara) and multiple other people die, then struggling to survive for 5 years in total isolation is enough to make most people reevaluate their life. 
“I thought you said your father died when the boat went down.”  “We both made it to a life raft but there wasn’t enough food and water for both of us, so he shot himself in the head.”  So the acting on these lines is really interesting. Oliver for most of his statement is very obviously not making eye contact; he’s turned sideways looking away, staring at the table, anywhere but at Diggle. Until he gets to final clause-- on “he shot himself” his eyes go up and meet Diggle’s and he just stares at him for the rest of what he says about his father shooting himself, and atoning for his sins, and his own mission. I think, if I’m remembering right, that this is the first time that Oliver has told someone about what really happened to his father (it’s possible that he told Sara or someone else in the flashbacks that I’m just not remembering but I don’t think he did). And I think more than anything else on the whole course of the show, with the possible exception of the time Chase spent torturing him, that memory is hard for Oliver to talk about. He does later get to where he can talk about it a little easier (because he tells the story somewhere between 3-5 different times after this point) but I think at this point he’s really struggling to force those words out. But. It’s also very calculated. So when he does it he forces himself to stare Diggle down. He wants Diggle to feel the impact of those words. Diggle at this point has some idea of how much Oliver was affected by the Island-- in episode 2 he spots the PTSD signs. But that comment I quoted before in the last section shows that he’s still not quite getting it. And Oliver wants him get the full force of ‘this changed me’. And Diggle does. You can see the shock on his face as he processes what Oliver’s saying. What that means. What that would be like to watch something like that. But as Oliver continues through the rest of his Crusade Sales Pitch, you can tell that he’s not really sure what to think still. He sees Oliver’s intensity, and hears what he’s saying about corruption and believes that, and knows that Oliver’s changed, but he’s not sure into what. And honestly, in that moment Oliver’s frightening. His assessment of the problem in the city is fair, and Diggle sees that. But Oliver’s solution is a lot of violence. In a way this episode is sort of Diggle deciding to make a deal with the devil. He believes in what Oliver’s accomplishing so he decides to go along with this dark violent man to hopefully rein him in a little bit.  It’s only later that Diggle will start to truly like and trust Oliver, when he starts to see more of who he really is (something I think he has some sense of at the moment but only vaguely). For now working with him is a sort of compromise. 
“I mean I’m not your girl. I wasn’t making a pass at you.... but I am the future wife of your stepson.” 
I’ve probably said it a dozen times but it is so funny for me that the first stretch of flashbacks keeps Oliver in long sleeves and a shirt buttoned all the way up to the collar to hide the fact that Stephen is ripped at a time when Oliver shouldn’t be. 
“I took your advice with Laurel to be myself. I chained a man to some train tracks for her. It’s going great.” 
Quentin to Laurel: “You lied to me, straight to my face. I thought you and I didn’t do that.” Ohhhh just wait, Quentin. Just wait. 
Remember Andy Jr? Diggle’s nephew who is seen once in season 1 and then never again? And is never even mentioned in the second half of the show. 
“You remember the friend that I mentioned? the one that believes in you? Well he said he’s going to violently coerce a confession!” 
Somehow I think Oliver is more recognizable in this balaclava than in the hood. Like to the point that I think Laurel should have recognized him. Especially after she pulls him off the guy and is looking right at him. 
I really do love that moment when Oliver hears Laurel talking to Quentin about the Hood and says “he’s a killer”. Especially in light of the Russia flashbacks and knowing what Oliver is trying to get away from in himself.
“Just to be clear, I’m not signing on to be a sidekick.” No dude. You’re taking the first step toward being the Green Lantern. Congrats. 
“But maybe this way, there will be fewer casualties. Including you.” Even now, Diggle knows enough about who Oliver is that he wants to protect him and to make sure that he doesn’t die. Or completely lose himself. 
“‘except you have no idea what war does to you. How it scrapes off little pieces of your soul.” This line kills me every time because Oliver knows SO well how it does that. “And you need someone to remind you of who you are, and not this thing you’re becoming.”  I take back what I said in my long bit earlier (or at least some of it) about Diggle not really seeing yet the good in Oliver, because he shows here that he does. He sees both the monster and the man in Oliver right now. (And remember, it’s only been a few months at MOST since Oliver was killing people in Russia). And Diggle knows already that there’s someone worth saving in Oliver. And Oliver actually looks really affected by what Diggle has to say. Maybe because it sounds really similar to the warning that Anatoly gave him not long ago. Maybe because it echoes his own fears about himself. He knows what he’s capable of, what he’s done, better than Diggle does. And he’s trying to convince himself that he’s atoning for his father, not himself, that he is a man who can be here and have relationships. And in a way Diggle is offering him exactly what he desperately wants. Someone to believe in his humanity and be an anchor for him. Someone to trust. 
I love the audacity of the shocked and angry response Oliver has to being arrested for the things that he very much did do. 
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smkkbert · 5 years
We ended as Lovers (9/12)
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Summary: Three years ago, Felicity’s life was perfect. She was offered a job at two great companies. Her boyfriend just started his own fashion label, and they picked a perfect apartment to live in together. The more heartbroken she was when Oliver got cold feet and it all ended. Now, Felicity is coming back to Starling City, well aware that she is destined to run into her ex-boyfriend there. While old feelings revive quickly, the pain still goes deep. Besides, for some reason Oliver seems to be angry with her. 
Previous Chapters: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 or read on Ao3
* * *
Chapter 9: The old-fashioned way
Closing her eyes, Felicity took some deep breaths. She still felt like she was on the edge of breaking down or flipping out or some other hysterical reaction to everything that had happened yesterday. She just knew that she couldn’t let that happen today.
This wasn’t her day and, as the good friend that she wanted to be, she didn’t want to make it about her. All she had to do was make sure that Sara spend a comfortable and enjoyable morning before they would head to the mansion to get dressed and ready for the wedding. After she hadn’t had it in her to stay at Sara’s side and help her through the first evening with her mother and her sister in years, the least she could do was make it up by being the perfect maid-of-honor today.
Felicity shook her head when she thought back to how she had come to Starling, telling herself that she would focus on Sara and Nyssa’s wedding as well as her deal with Queen Consolidated. In hindsight, she had done a lot, but that. She had closed the deal with Robert, but she had done way too little for her friends.
Taking in another deep breath, Felicity eventually found the courage to knock at Sara’s doors. She had already lifted her hand, but the buzzing of her phone distracted her before the knuckles of her hand met the door.
While Felicity was pulling her phone from the back pocket of her jeans, it buzzed yet again.
TQ: I wanted to wake Nyssa with breakfast in bed, but she was out for a run. Girl doesn’t know what it means to be a bride on her wedding day.
TQ: How are working things out for you and Sara?
Felicity smiled, shaking her head at the thought of how disappointed Thea must have been when she hadn’t found Nyssa sleeping in her bed. Thea was certainly not a traditional kind of person, but she did love wedding traditions. She had been the one to suggest that Sara and Nyssa spent the last night before their wedding apart. When Sara and Nyssa had agreed, Felicity and Thea had decided that they should make sure the brides were spending a good morning that allowed them to get in the right mood for the wedding already.
FS: Just arrived, so we’ll see. I’m sure Sara isn’t out for a run though.
Sara loved sports. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have the muscular body that she had. Unlike Nyssa, she wasn’t that kind of person that jumped out of bed before eight to run a dozen miles before breakfast. Felicity had lived with her long enough to know that.
With that thought in mind, Felicity nodded at the door. It was opened immediately, and Sara stood at the other side, a bright smile taking over her entire face.
“I almost thought you would never knock.”
Chuckling, Felicity lifted her phone and waggled it in front of Sara’s face.
“I was about to do so when Thea distracted me.”
“How is my wife-to-be?” Sara asked. “Does she get cold feet because I could swear that, if anyone gets cold feet, it’s going to be her and-“
“Nyssa is fine enough to anger Thea by escaping the mansion for a run.”
“So, she’s perfect.”
Sara beamed with happiness at the news, knowing that Nyssa being her usual self was a good sign on a crazy day like this. She’d only be worried if her wife-to-be gave up what she loved to give into Thea’s ideas for the wedding day. Until that happened, it was safe to say that Nyssa was feeling great, which meant that she would probably show up at the altar.
Felicity couldn’t see her skip her wedding either way. Firstly, Nyssa loved Sara so much that she certainly wouldn’t miss the wedding. Secondly, Nyssa might be bolt, but she knew that Thea would chase her to the end of the world if she did anything to ruin this day.
At least in some ways, this was Thea’s big day after all. She had put so much time and energy into organizing all of this that she certainly didn’t want anything or anyone to ruin it for her or the brides.
“You look perfect too,” Felicity said eventually, looking Sara up and down, “not at all like a nervous bride.”
“My heart does feel like it wants to jump out of my chest.” Sara took in a deep breath, still beaming with happiness. “I do feel very well-rested though.”
At least one of them, Felicity thought, but she didn’t let that show. She just continued smiling back at her friend.
“I guess Thea made sure of that?”
“Is there anything she didn’t make sure of?” Sara chuckled. “I didn’t drink much last night and then Thea made sure that I didn’t get home late. That way, I had a good couple of hours of sleep.”
“I guess the wedding can come then?”
“The sooner, the better.”
Beyond happy for Sara, Felicity pulled her friend into her arms and hugged her tightly. She couldn’t possibly be happier for Sara and Nyssa. They hadn’t always had it easy, so it meant all the more that they finally got their happy ending.
Eventually, the two friends released the other from the hug. Sara laced her fingers through Felicity’s and pulled her with her into the spacious living area. She had already set the table, so they could just sit down and start having breakfast.
Pouring both of them a mug of coffee, Felicity bit down on her tongue. After what had happened last night, she wanted and needed to know if Sara and Nyssa had had at least a little fun. Felicity just didn’t want that question to turn into a conversation about what had happened between her, Oliver and Adrian. Today was just not the day for it.
“It sucks that you missed the rehearsal dinner.”
Surprised by Sara’s words, Felicity lifted her gaze to find Sara’s eyes already on her. She took her in intensely, her eyes just slightly narrowed. It was like she had seen in Felicity’s face that she had wanted to know about this, but that she just hadn’t known how to address.
“Was it good?”
“Great even.” Sara nodded her head and bit into her croissant. “The food was delicious. The atmosphere was good. I didn’t kill my mother or Laurel which I am very proud of. It was the best way I could have spent the evening before my wedding.”
“Sounds great.”
Felicity wished that she could have been with Sara during that evening. These last three years, they didn’t have many chances to spend time together and a wedding was such an important part of a person’s life. Felicity should have been there with her. Well, Felicity guessed she could add that to the long list of things her father and Adrian had ruined for her.
Although she could taste those words on the tip of her tongue, she didn’t say them. She knew that Sara would feel sorry for her, and that was the last thing she wanted. If someone should feel sorry, it was Felicity.
“I am sorry, Sara,” she whispered without thinking about it twice, “for that scene yesterday. That was supposed to be your and Nyssa’s day, and I ruined it for you with that scene. There is nothing I can say to excuse it. I am just really sorry.”
Sara frowned slightly, shaking her head. She dropped her croissant to her plate and reached out her hand. She grabbed Felicity’s hand and squeezed it.
“You didn’t ruin anything for us,” she said honestly, “because the evening wasn’t ruined. Even if it had been ruined, it wouldn’t have been your fault. Adrian was the one who caused all of that mess.”
Rationally, Felicity knew that Sara was right. Oliver had confronted Adrian, and he had attacked him, so it would have been his fault rather than hers. Not even Oliver could be blamed for his actions though, not with everything Adrian had done to them the last few years.
Felicity still felt her stomach tighten when she thought about how she had spent the last three years, thinking that Adrian was one of the best friends that she had ever had. She had texted him about a lot of things that had happened to her in Gotham and in Hub City, making sure he was updated, so they would keep in touch with each other. And all the time, he had just wanted to increase Oliver’s miserableness.
“So, what happened after you left?” Sara asked eventually, cocking her head. “John Diggle mentioned that you were looking for Oliver, and he sat you into a limousine to take you home.”
Taking in a deep breath as her memory still made her stomach clench, Felicity nodded her head. She wished she could buy time before she really told Sara what had happened, but maybe it was better to just tell her now. After that, they could change the subject and just go on. The longer she’d wait, the more the subject would hover over them like a dark cloud.
“I went to OJQ. He was there and-,“ Felicity tried to find the right words for the destruction he had caused, “took everything apart. Papers, designs, furniture.”
“Sounds a lot like Ollie.” Sara nodded her head. “Let’s just hope that he didn’t destroy the designs for the collection he is supposed to present in a couple of days because there have been months of work in that, and Moira is going to kill him.”
Felicity managed a weak smile, but she doubted that it reached her eyes. From the way she had seen Oliver, Felicity thought that it wasn’t impossible that he had destroyed the designs for his newest collection. He had been blind from rage.
“I guess Adrian’s words really hit him.”
Felicity nodded her head, feeling her throat growing shut. A thick lump was building there, almost making it hard to breathe.
“Did you two talk about what you want to do with that news now?” Sara asked and took another bite from her croissant. “I mean I get why you have been so angry with each other for the past three years now, but that anger was based on false information and Adrian’s intrigue. Maybe there is a way for you to-“
“We didn’t talk,” Felicity interrupted Sara, shaking her head, “because neither of us was feeling like it yesterday. Besides, I am not really sure that there is a lot to talk about either.”
Sara perked up an eyebrow doubtingly, and Felicity got it. Although Felicity hadn’t told her that she had had sex with Oliver twice since she had come back to Starling City, Sara had certainly caught up on the attraction that was still there between them. As many angry feelings as there had been between them, it must have been impossible to miss.
Attraction wasn’t enough to fix the break that had gone through the relationship they had had. Three years of bottling up angry feelings for each other was a lot to overcome. Even with all motives bursting like a bubble, it didn’t change that they had had those feelings inside of them for years. Felicity wasn’t sure that there was an easy way back from that.
Three years. It was just so incredibly long.
“I think you two have a lot to talk about,” Sara said quietly, “even if it’s just for the sake of getting a clean cut.”
A clean cut was the only thing she had hoped to get from her stay in Starling City when it came to Oliver and her. She had given up on getting this clean cut days ago already. Maybe this was her second chance at getting this clean cut after all.
Sara shook her head. “If I just think about how you could have still been together now if it wasn’t for Adrian and his lies, I could just-“
“We shouldn’t talk about this,” Felicity interrupted Sara and shook her head firmly, “because today is just not about that or about me. Today is all about you and Nyssa.”
Sara rolled her eyes. “Just because it’s my wedding day, I won’t just forget the basic rules of friendship. If one friend suffers, the other is morally obligated to have an open ear to listen.”
“Not on her wedding day,” Felicity insisted with another shake of her head, “but after today we can gladly meet again and catch up.”
“Nyssa and I are leaving for Thailand tomorrow morning.” Sara smiled. “We try to escape the trouble before Nyssa has to be on the runway for OJQ’s next fashion show.”
“So we meet and catch up after that.” Felicity shrugged her shoulders. “We will make it work.”
“Hopefully, because we haven’t spent enough time together since you moved to Gotham.”
“True.” Felicity nodded her head. “We will change that though. I promise.”
Sara smiled with satisfaction, and Felicity smiled back at her. She knew that she hadn’t invested enough time or courage into making sure she was seeing her friend regularly. She would change that now.
 * * *
 “Wow.” Felicity looked herself up and down in the mirror thoroughly. “You really worked miracles on me.”
Given how crappy she had looked about an hour ago, Felicity felt like that really wasn’t exaggerated. After the sleepless night that she had had, she really looked terrible. Her skin had been pale. Dark shadows had shown under her eyes. Everything about her had looked shiftless and exhausted.
After the one-hour-procedure she had been put through by the two hair and make-up stylists, she barely recognized herself in the mirror. She looked like she was a natural beauty despite all the layers of make-up on her face. With Oliver’s dress, the light updo of her hair and make-up that consisted of several layers and still looked so very natural, she really looked stunning.
“I really think that’s an underestimation,” the stylist said and shot Felicity a look back over her shoulder, “because we work magic on a daily basis. This was so much more than that.”
Felicity knew that she should probably be offended about this commentary, but she couldn’t help herself. She didn’t mind. The stylist was saying the truth anyway.
Turning away from the mirror, Felicity looked at Sara. She was still in the comfortable leather chair while two people were working on her hair and two others were making sure that her make-up was perfect. The same situation with half the people had stressed Felicity out minutes ago, but Sara was just leaning back with her eyes closed. She looked like she enjoyed it, but she was probably used to this and worse from the photoshoots she had done for OJQ.
“So, lovely bride,” Felicity said with a smile and stepped as close to Sara as the stylists allowed her to, “is there anything your maid of honor can do to fulfill her duty?”
“Actually, there is.”
Sara made a movement with her hand, and all stylists let go of her immediately. They distanced themselves, giving Sara and Felicity some room. When Sara turned her chair around, so she was facing her, Felicity took two steps closer to her, doing her best to ignore the pain in her ankle.
She would have to spend most of the evening on her chair, resting her foot after wearing high heels during the ceremony. Since the dress had been fit with high heels on, she didn’t have much a choice but wearing the planned pair of high heels. It made her foot hurt like hell, but it was better than risking stumbling over her feet and breaking her ankle once and for all.
“Could you please check on Nyssa for me?” Sara pushed her bottom lip forward and looked at Felicity pleadingly. “I am not worried that she has run off. I know she will be there, but I just need to hear from someone I trust that she is really doing fine.”
Felicity smiled and winked at Sara. “I will make sure she gets everything she needs to be all relaxed when she’s supposed to say yes.”
“Thank you, Felicity.”
Felicity only winked once more before she turned towards the door. By the time she had reached it, the stylists were back to turning Sara into the elegant bride she wanted to be. She looked utterly relaxed being made up like that.
Closing the door behind her, Felicity turned to the northern wing of the mansion which was where Nyssa was being styled for the wedding. Thea had organized everything to the second, making sure that both brides had the space they needed to get ready for the ceremony and they wouldn’t run into each other before they were supposed to.
When Felicity crossed the gallery upstairs, she saw all the hustle and bustle that was going on downstairs. People were hurrying around, putting the last pieces into place. The first guests had probably arrived already too. There were always some early birds who thought that it was best to come quite some time before the wedding. With the expansive champagne the Queens certainly offered, Felicity got it.
Felicity stepped into the hallway of the northern wing. She was focusing on walking evenly the way she should during the ceremony later. With her injured ankle, it wasn’t easy, but she was doing the best she could. The more she practiced now, the more hopeful she was that she would get this right later.
Turning into the hallway to her right, Felicity stopped as she saw Oliver tugging Thea into one of the rooms. She sucked her bottom lip between her front teeth and looked back over her shoulder. From her time with Oliver, she knew that there was another way to the guest room where Nyssa was being prepared for the wedding. She wasn’t sure if she would still find it though, and, even if she did, her foot would protest at it.
For a split second, Felicity considered going back and telling Sara that Nyssa was fine. After all the times that she had screwed up being the friend for Sara that she wanted to be, she felt that it would be utterly wrong to do so.
Straightening her shoulders, Felicity did her best to pass through the hallway as quickly as possible without listening to what was happening behind the door where Thea and Oliver had disappeared.
She had already walked past it when she heard her name being said. She faltered, wondering if she shouldn’t just continue her way to Nyssa’s room nonetheless. Her nosiness won at the end. As quietly as possible, she took some steps back. Since the door had been left ajar, she could push it a little more open without anyone noticing.
Oliver and Thea were standing in the middle of what looked like another living room, somewhere to read a good book or draw a new painting. While Thea was all dressed up and prepared for the wedding, Oliver had the bowtie wrapped around the collar of his shirt loosely. He wasn’t wearing the jacket of his smoking yet, and the shirt wasn’t stuffed under the waistband of his pants.
“What good is that going to do, Ollie?” Thea asked her brother in response to whatever he had said before. “Felicity and I are friends, and I told her that I didn’t want to be torn into any of this. I am not the one who had anything to make up to her either. It would just mean so much more if it’s coming for you. Besides, Felicity is the head of her own company. She can’t just stay here because a friend asks her to without any real reason. If someone she loves-“
“I have to earn back her love,” Oliver interrupted his sister, shaking his head, “but that just takes time. I can’t just do it in the next couple of hours that we have before she goes back to Hub City.”
Felicity felt her heart skip a beat or even two. There was a softness and a passion in Oliver’s voice that she hadn’t heard in a long time. That he wanted to earn back her love the right way, taking his time to do so, meant a lot to her. She might not know yet exactly how she felt about the fact that Oliver wanted to earn back her love in the first place, but she couldn’t deny that it meant something to her.
“I need more time.” Oliver put his hands to Thea’s shoulders and looked at her urgently. “The fashion show is coming up in two weeks. If you just ask Felicity to stay here for that show, maybe I will have a chance at making her fall back in love with me. But I really need your help.”
Thea grumbled, obviously not too pleased with the idea. Since Thea hadn’t wanted to be pulled into their fight a couple of days ago, Felicity was sure that she didn’t want to be part of any possible reunion now either. She was probably the happiest if everything turned out right without any kind of involvement.
As Oliver’s sister and her friend, she was caught between two stools. That was anything but easy, so Felicity got why she wanted to be kept out of it.
“Make her fall back in love with you?” Thea asked. “I am sure there isn’t much needed for that and-“
“There is a lot needed for that,” Oliver interrupted her yet again, shaking his head firmly, “because I want to do it the right way and that includes making good for all the things I have said and done these last couple of days. A cheap apology is not going to be enough.”
Although Oliver did his best to make Thea understand how much he really needed her help, she still hesitated. Even his puppy-like eyes that were looking at her pleadingly didn’t help. Thea was still uncertain.
“Felicity is one of the three leading ladies of her own company. I doubt that she can just stay away that long easily.”
“Maybe there is a way to make it work. With Lena Luthor and Lily Stein, she has the back-up to make take off a little longer. It’s at least worth a try, and it would be my best chance at trying to win her back before another couple of years have passed.”
“Why can’t you just ask her yourself?” Thea asked her. “It would be so much more honest than sending me to ask her.”
“Because she won’t stay if I ask her too,” Oliver said in a low voice, pain and quite some guilt sounding through every syllable, “she might stay if you asked her though. I am not too proud to ask you to do it.”
Felicity lowered her eyes to her feet, wondering if what Oliver had said was true. Was she really going to turn him down more easily than she would turn Thea down? Felicity wasn’t sure of that.
It didn’t really matter who would ask her though because a longer stay in Starling City wasn’t a possibility. Just like Thea had put it, she was one of three leading ladies of a company. Taking those few days off for the wedding had already been troublesome because the wedding had come at a really bad time. There were a thousand things for her to do in Hub City.
“I didn’t treat Felicity the way she would have deserved to be treated.”
“Because you thought she had sex with Adrian,” Thea reminded him, “I am sure that she understands. Besides, with the bombs Adrian dropped at the two of you, there are a lot of unanswered questions for the both of you. I’d say she wants to know the answers to them as much as you do. You should ask her.”
Oliver seemed to realize that maybe there was some truth in what Thea had said. He turned away with a frustrated grumble falling from his lips. He tore his hair, shaking his head again and again.
“I was terrible to her, Thea,” he said, his voice not lacking frustration either, “like really, really terrible. I don’t know why she would forgive me. I don’t know why she would even listen to me. What am I supposed to say? Just tell her I am sorry for not trusting her or her love for me enough to not think that she would screw Adrian the second she thought we were broken up? And then ask her in the same sentence if she could give me another chance?”
“Well, that would be a start.”
Only when both Oliver and Thea turned their heads towards her, Felicity realized that she had actually said those words out loud. Heat rose to her cheeks, and she was sure that a deep blush spread there too. Since hiding was no longer an option, she opened the door and stepped in.
Oliver’s gaze caught hers immediately, and she could see the deep desire in his eyes. He looked her up and down, taking in the way his dress looked on her body. The expression in his eyes was so intense that it made Felicity’s skin crawl and goosebumps spread all over her back.
Felicity wanted to look away, trying to escape the intensity of Oliver’s gaze. As much as she tried to, she just couldn’t do it. His gaze was captivating her.
“I guess I will just-“
Thea pointed her thumb towards the door. Felicity flashed her a quick smile, grateful that she understood that she and Oliver just needed a moment of their own. Now that the shock wasn’t as raw as it had been last night, maybe they finally got their chance of talking things out.
Once the door was closed behind Thea, Oliver approached Felicity. She couldn’t stop herself from tensing slightly, unsure what he was about to do. Oliver caught up on it immediately and stopped. He lifted his hands slightly, almost like he was trying to prove to her that he didn’t mean any harm to her.
“I am sorry for yesterday.” Oliver cleared his throat and pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants. “To begin with.”
Felicity shrugged her shoulders. She wished she could push her hands into the pockets of her dress too. She was sure there weren’t any though, so she just moved her hands over the fabric of the skirt nervously. To her surprise, she found that she was wrong though, and she dug her hands deep into the pockets of her dress.
Oliver really knew her, Felicity thought to herself. After all these years, he knew that she would feel better with some pockets. She liked to keep her phone, a tissue and maybe some other stuff close.
“I needed some time too,” Felicity replied, shrugging her shoulders, “I just didn’t know at that time I showed up at OJQ.”
Arriving at her hotel, she had felt terrible. She had stripped herself off he clothes and crawled into bed. With the blanket pulled over her head, she had tried to find some sleep, but of course it hadn’t been that easy. She doubted that she had even just dozed off for a single second.
“Yesterday was quite heavy.”
“Underestimation of the year.”
Felicity mumbled the words in a singsong and rolled her eyes slightly. It made the smallest of a smile spread on Oliver’s lips. As soon as it had spread, as quickly is faded from his face again.
“I have been pretty out of myself which made me blind for the way you were feeling, so I have to ask now,” Oliver said, “how are you doing with all of this?”
Sucking in a deep breath, Felicity felt tears welling in her eyes. Those were tears of sadness and anger at the same time. Just thinking about everything Adrian had done to her by trying to hurt Oliver angered her, and it hurt so damn much. She didn’t even want to consider what it would be like once she really let in the thought that she had trusted Adrian all these years. It would make her feel stupid and naïve which wasn’t attributes that she would usually use to describe herself.
“Not good,” she admitted, shrugging her shoulders in a gesture of helplessness, “I mean Adrian and I have been friends for the last few years. At least I thought that we have been friends. Obviously, he had something else in mind, but I really trusted him. I liked him.”
Oliver nodded his head. Putting his hands to his hips, he lowered his eyes. He almost looked like he was feeling guilty.
“This is my fault.” He really was feeling guilty. “And I am very sorry, Felicity. If it hadn’t been for me and my actions, Adrian would have never tried faking to be your friend. I was careless before I have gotten together with you and knew that you were everything I wanted. If it hadn’t been for me, Adrian wouldn’t have pretended to be your friend when he was really the one who chased you away from Staling three years ago. He also wouldn’t have gotten in our way if it hadn’t been for what I did. I mean-“
Felicity shook her head, and it was enough to interrupt Oliver. He fell silent instantly, looking at her with so much urgency like her words were the only ones that could possibly take away the guilt he was feeling.
“What happened wasn’t your fault. It was neither not my fault.” Felicity shook her head lightly. “It was all Adrian.”
Maybe they could have prevented the measures all of this had taken if they had reacted differently to what Adrian had done. That didn’t make any of this their fault though. At the end, Adrian’s actions might have driven them apart the way they had done one way or the other.
Oliver was still looking at her intensely. He looked like he was trying to figure out if she was serious or just saying this to comfort him. As hard as it was to keep her eyes on him, Felicity forced herself to keep looking at him. She wanted him to know that she was honestly thinking that it wasn’t either of their fault.
“Felicity, I-“
Before Oliver could say whatever he wanted to say, the door opened. They both turned around, seeing Moira entering the room in a beautiful rosé-gold dress.
“Here you are,” she said with a smile despite the strict expression in her eyes, “you gotta hurry. The first guests already arrived and both brides were just put into their wedding dresses.”
Felicity shot Oliver a brief glance. She could see that he wasn’t happy about the interruption. His thumb was moving against his other fingertips nervously.
Biting down on her bottom lip, Felicity turned her head away. She would have liked to hear what Oliver wanted to say too, but she was actually kind of relieved that she didn’t hear it yet. If it was anything close to what he had asked Thea to ask her, she wouldn’t have known what to answer to it.
“I will go check on Nyssa,” she said eventually, clearing her throat, “I promise Sara I would do so.”
Moira nodded her head with a smile. “I will send someone to tell you when it’s safe to leave the room, so Nyssa and Sara won’t meet each other before they are supposed to.”
Felicity shot another brief look back over her shoulder to find Oliver’s eyes still on her. She flashed him a half-hearted smile and headed towards the door. Her heart felt heavy and her head was spinning.
Everything about this situation just continued to suck.
 * * *
 With a low sigh, Felicity put her glass of champagne and sank down on her chair. She felt like she had been standing or rushing around forever. She doubted that she had sat down since she had gotten up after dinner. Even the ankle she hadn’t sprained seemed to hurt now.
Felicity took a quick look around to make sure nobody was watching her. She hurried to slip out of her shoe and elevated her injured foot to the empty chair next to her. With another sigh of exhaustion, she leaned back in the chair and allowed herself to relax for a moment.
Her gaze fell onto the newly-weds. Sara and Nyssa were the only couple dancing on the dance floor. They had their arms wrapped around each other tightly. Their foreheads were resting together. Their eyes were closed. They both looked utterly content and happy, like they were exactly where they were supposed to be and where they wanted to be.
Their content easily infected Felicity. She felt it spread inside of her chest like a wave of warmth. It made her feel all fuzzy and good.
This day had certainly been everything Sara and Nyssa had hoped for, probably even more. After all these years, they were finally wife and wife. The joy of being married suited them both. It made them look so incredibly happy, and with the way their wedding bands sparkled in the light of the canopy, they would surely get some perfectly romantic photos of this moment too.
Looking at Sara and Nyssa, Felicity realized how far, far away something like this was for herself. There had been a time that she had really wanted all those gestures of romance and love, too. She had thought that they had been quite in reach for her, just there to grab and never let go. Through the last few years, she had completely lost sight of it though, and she wasn’t sure if she was even remotely the same kind of girl that had wished for something like that for herself.
With Helix Dynamics, Felicity was very busy. There wasn’t much time for a relationship which had been one of the many reasons why she and Ray had decided to break up. They had both been so very busy with their jobs that there hadn’t been enough time to be a couple. It wouldn’t have worked, and Felicity didn’t see it working with anyone else currently either.
She had no idea how Lily did it and how she would continue to do it with a baby. Since it was Lily, Felicity was sure that she would make it work though.
Flinching slightly at how close the voice was, Felicity turned her head quickly. She had been so deep in thought that she hadn’t noticed that Oliver had approached her. He was standing right next to her, his hands pushed into the pockets of his pants and his shoulders hunched. Although she couldn’t see it, she was sure that his thumb and fingertips were rubbing together.
Felicity’s voice was quiet, and she did her best to hide her insecurity behind a smile. She had known that Oliver would approach her to restart the conversation they had needed to interrupt for the wedding earlier today. She had feared and simmered for this moment with same measures.
From everything Felicity had heard of the conversation between Oliver and Thea, she knew that Oliver wanted to ask her to stay. She still didn’t know how to react to that though. She knew that she couldn’t stay, even if she wanted to. She just didn’t know if she wanted to, which meant that she didn’t know what exactly to tell Oliver if he asked her to stay.
Clearing his throat, Oliver pulled his hand from the pocket of his pants and held it out for her. Felicity looked at it like she had never seen a hand before, staring at it for a long moment, before she lifted her gaze to Oliver’s face.
“Would you like to dance?”
Felicity perked up an eyebrow, causing Oliver to press his lips together. As much as she tried to hide it, she knew that she failed to not let him see the amused grin that she was doing her best to bite back.
“Really?” she asked him, cocking her head. “You don’t dance, and you can’t dance.”
“I can dance,” Oliver insisted, “as long as dancing means swaying from side to side a little while music is playing. I am just doing it rarely because… well… women insist that I step on their feet all the time.”
“Oh, they insist, yes?”
“Yeah, I have no idea why.”
Oliver chuckled nervously. Since she didn’t take his hand, he moved it through his short hair and stuffed it back into the pocket of his pants.
“Please,” he asked, “just one dance?”
Back when they had been together, Felicity had needed to plead with Oliver for him to agree to one single dance. If possible, he had tried to get his way out of it. He really hadn’t wanted to dance with her, no matter how much she would have liked it.
Since Felicity still hesitated, Oliver whispered, “Sometimes, we all have to bite the bullet.”
Felicity wasn’t sure if he was talking about her or about himself. It didn’t really matter though as Felicity realized that he was right. They had all to bite the bullet sometimes. Oliver did so by asking her to dance, and she would do so by agreeing to it.
“Okay,” she whispered, nodding her head, “one dance.”
Oliver beamed with happiness, holding his hand out for her once more. Felicity rested her much smaller hand in his and let him help her up. Hand in hand, they walked towards the dancefloor where some other couples had joined Sara and Nyssa by now too.
“How is your foot?” Oliver asked when he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tightly against him. “Any better?”
Felicity shrugged her shoulders. “Not really, but it is how it is.”
“Maybe you should go and see a doctor.”
Again, Felicity shrugged her shoulders. She wouldn’t be able to say anything even if she wanted to. A thick lump had formed in her throat when Oliver hand rested their linked fingers on top of his heart. She could feel his heartbeat beneath the palm of her hand, and it made her own heartbeat quickens.
“I don’t think a doctor can do more than telling me to elevate my foot and cool my ankle.” Felicity shrugged her shoulders as they started swaying more or less in time with the music. “If it won’t be better in a couple of days, I will go and see a doctor.”
“Dr. Schwartz here in Starling General is really good,” Oliver said lightly. “A few years ago, I had trouble with my knee again, and she took care of it.”
Felicity nodded her head slowly. She knew that Oliver had had trouble with his knee a couple of years ago when they had still been together. He had seen almost half a dozen doctors, but nobody had been able to tell him where the pain had come from.
Now, Oliver’s suggestion was a lot more than a medical suggestion. he hadn’t asked her directly, but his suggestion did sound a lot like he wanted her to stay in Starling for longer.
Oliver seemed to catch up on her insecurity. His arm tightened around her like he was scared she would leave already. His hand pressed her even closer to his chest, so she could feel his heartbeat even more. It had quickened with her hesitation to respond since Oliver had probably realized that it wouldn’t be as easy as he had thought or hoped it would be.
“I am sorry for the way I treated you lately.”
Felicity nodded her head, but it soon turned into a shake of her head. She frowned slightly and dug her fingers into his shoulder.
“You thought I cheated on you.”
“Well, it wouldn’t have been cheating.” Oliver looked at her intensely. “After the way I left you that day, I figured that it might have looked to you like I was breaking up with you. I wasn’t which I would like to point out for the record, but I understand why it might have looked that way to you. That way, it wouldn’t have been cheating, but-“
Oliver squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. The entire situation was way too confusing to talk about it easily even now. The different point of views they had on this were making it hard to talk it out. Maybe they should, but the wedding reception really wasn’t the right place to do so.
“I wasn’t exactly nice to you either.”
“I was worse.”
Felicity bit down on her tongue. She wouldn’t fight him on that. She tried to pull herself together. She wanted to believe that he had tried to do the same. Obviously, his level of patience had always been quite beneath hers.
“I was wondering,” Oliver said slowly and took in a deep breath, “if you might want to stay here in Starling for a little longer, so we could talk it all out. We didn’t really have a chance to do so since Adrian dropped this bomb on us last night. Maybe we could sit down and, I don’t know, talk about what happened back then and what happened since you returned to Starling and what might or could happen in the future.”
Oliver’s voice had grown more and more quiet as he continued to speak. That and the way his heart stumbled in his chest, beating incredibly irregularly, told Felicity how nervous this made him. Oliver barely ever let anyone see how he was feeling, especially when he thought that his feelings were making him weak. That he let her see and feel how he was truly feeling right now was a big step for him.
He was still looking at her intensely. His gaze seemed to crawl under her skin and try to figure out what she was thinking and feeling at his question.
As much as Felicity tried to hold his gaze, she couldn’t do it. She lowered her head, looking at their bodies that were pressed together as they continued to sway in time with the music.
She had wondered if she would want to stay if Oliver asked her to. Now she knew that at least a part of her wanted to. As hesitant as she was about it because she wasn’t sure that it would lead them anywhere, she could feel that, deep inside of her, she wanted to stay and figure out what it meant for them.
Since she had come back to Starling, she had wondered if there was still something between her and Oliver. With what she had believed was their history, even the phenomenal sex hadn’t seemed to be enough to change that they were utterly done. Now that their history wasn’t what it had always seemed to be, maybe things had changed. Maybe they hadn’t though.
Fact was, Felicity just didn’t know.
“I can’t stay,” she whispered eventually, lifting her gaze to Oliver’s again, “I need to go back to Hub City. I am needed at Helix Dynamics.”
It didn’t matter if Felicity wanted to explore whatever opportunities there still were for her and Oliver. She knew that Helix Dynamics should be and had to be her priority. For the past years, it had been the one thing to offer stability to her. It had been everything she needed to recover from her broken heart. Now that the company needed her, she wouldn’t turn her back on it. She wouldn’t refuse to put it first.
“What good would it do for me to stay anyway?” Felicity added, her voice betraying her. It made obvious that she wasn’t sure about what she was saying. “So much time has passed since all of that happened. I don’t know about you, but I can certainly say that I have changed. I don’t know if I am anything like the woman I used to be before. I doubt it actually. You have probably changed too.”
If Felicity was asked about how she had changed in the past three years, maybe she wouldn’t be able to answer. She couldn’t describe all the ways she has changed since she had left Starling City, but she knew that she was very different from the woman who had left the city with a broken heart. It was feeling deep inside of her that told her that she had changed a lot through the years.
That she and Oliver had had sex twice since she has returned showed that they were still physically attracted to each other. It didn’t mean that the bond they had once had was revivable though. When people changed, maybe they were still physically attracted to each other, but that wasn’t nearly enough to fall in love again or to make a relationship work.
“Besides,” Felicity said, clearing her throat against the thick lump in her throat that made her sound so hoarse, “you are busy with your fashion show too and-“
“What if I visit you in Hub City?” Oliver interrupted her. “That way you wouldn’t stay away from Helix Dynamics for too long, and we could still see each other. We could see each other, maybe go out on a date, you know, like the old-fashioned dinner in a nice, Italian restaurant.”
Felicity frowned. She knew exactly what kind of stress there was going on before a fashion show. Presenting a new collection was always exciting for Oliver and there was a lot that depended on the success of the fashion show. It needed to create buzz in the media because that kind of promotion was exactly what was needed to keep a fashion label alive.
If Sara’s suspicion was true and Oliver had indeed torn apart some designs for his fashion show, he had a lot of work ahead of him. Even if the designs were still intact, he certainly had a lot to do. A designer's way from Oliver’s head to the catwalk was quite long and those were just a tiny part of what Oliver’s work consisted of.
“What about the fashion show?” Felicity asked, frowning. “You must have your hands full with work.”
“I do,” Oliver admitted, shrugging his shoulders, “but nothing is more important than this. Nothing's more important than you.”
The deep tone of his voice, saying these kinds of things every woman dreamed to hear at least once in her lifetime, made it even harder to breathe. Given how dedicated Oliver was to his word, Felicity knew that it meant even more. Oliver didn’t offer this lightly, and he certainly wouldn’t offer this to everybody.
Still, there was a little voice in Felicity’s head that warned her not to do it. These past days here in Starling had been like a rollercoaster and not even the good kind of roller coaster. She felt like she had been left with whiplash. If she continued, she might lose her head and her heart completely. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to do so.
“Oliver, I-“
Felicity felt the words getting stuck in her throat. She wanted to get them out, but something inside of her was fighting against it. Something inside of her didn’t want to tell him that she didn’t think this was a good idea. Something wanted him to come to Hub City, so they could talk it all out and figure out what was going on between them without the weight of their past pressuring them from all sides.
Holding her breath, Felicity looked right into Oliver’s eyes. The expression in his eyes was pleading. He would respect her if she turned him down now. He wouldn’t suddenly turn up at her doorstep and ambush her because he knew that she would make the kind of decision that was best for her.
“Okay, fine.”
Felicity was almost surprised that she actually agreed to it, but she felt the thick knot that had built in her stomach loosening. Maybe the decision hadn’t been all bad.
Oliver couldn’t hide his smile. He was more than relieved that she had agreed. She could see it in his face. He was beaming with joy, almost like he was concurring with Sara and Nyssa.
The thought touched and scared Felicity at the same time. She lowered her eyes for a moment and rested her head against Oliver’s shoulder then. His hand moved from the small of her back up to her neck and finally the back of her head. His warm palm cupped her head, his fingers brushing through her neatly done hair. Felicity didn’t mind. She felt somewhat safe and good there which was confusing once more.
With a sigh, Felicity closed her eyes. In a couple of hours, she was back home in Hub City. She would take a lot of impressions with her from Starling City, but she knew that her home, her company and her friends in Hub City would help her to get back a little bit of the stability she had missed here in Starling City.
No matter what had happened or would happen between her and Oliver, Hub City was her home, and she couldn’t wait to get back to it.
* * *
@fannaz @promiseyoullbepatientwithme @bytemegeekette @felicity-said-just-in-case @phanseptiic @orangeisorange @mspotatohead14 @whentheheavenfades @emmaamelia95 @smoakingskye @seaolicity @ourwritinginvein @1022bridgetp @felicityqueenforever @leagueofolicity17 @yryssss @myhauntedblacksoul @sherlock44 @sinceriouslybea @olivyflavescentdeer @olicitys-castle @ofnothingcharming @vaelisamaza @smoakedandcharmed @alexisa1206 @mysaudadespt2 @florence-bubbles @addictiontelly @queens-of-arrows @memcjo @hysterical-for-joshifer-blog @oswinelevenforever @olicitylovemaking @bandanab310 @mymusiclove101 @lynslogic @scarletqueen23 @olicityshipper19 @alex-wesley @arrows-4ever @unabashedlynerdypatrol @louehmysoul @ligiapimenta @chattyyana @charlie-leau @coal000 @samcrowleys @ishippolivia @julianegomesqueen @malafle @miriam1779 @charlinert @melaux @ontheolicityship @myshipperlife @wrightainsley @lexi9515 @ladygreenwood @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl @morinamel @mje-thomas @kebarry @canadianheartgirl @nannett2307 @almondblossomme @kathrynelizabeth89 @imdfabulous @mrt2501 @arsipaci14 @salasvia @brandis91 @cainc3 @morganmiguess @pr0fessi0nal-fangurl @iamisalima @nessafrancis-blog @jonhdiggle @niki-is-amazing @universed-posts @hopeful-warrior @senoritaswiftie @bellemmie @green-arrows-of-karamel @iheartarrow @olicityovereverything @oliverfel4 @olicity-in-the-heart @fullychippedcreation @geemarie @everything-but-normal-cat @myarroworld @tjmartinez @pleasantfanandstudent @j69confessional2 @scentedcolorpirate @icanica74 @tjmartinez98 @certainmentalityface @tatianadamaceno @ryelew @wildwillowzepplin @missafairy @letsplaymurde-r @lipizette @positivepiper @nuttymilkshakehologram @laksagirl @turnupthemusicandscream​ @pumpernickle93 @onceuponanolicity @1106angel​ @jaspertown​ @fadinglands @morganashimi83​ @mochababychristy​ @omglovechrissie​ @mariejr88-blog @thetaufactor​ @onceuponanolicity​ @speakandseethetruth​ @bri206 @aglasgo​ @geemarie​ @pineprincess​ @nerdgirljen​ @eternal-olicity14​ @allyouhadtodowas-stay-stay-stay @lovelycssefan​ @tsseract​ @flowerandsunshine @dcnmarvelgamergeek​ @blondeeoneexox​ @monetsmark​ @bb-olicity @mashamarty​ @rulerofsilence​ @erika-amber @nothingmorethanmyotps @kayleenyc​ @tonto16​ @olicityfluv​ @olicitea1990​ @haahaaa2408 @pattid1​ @faegal04​ @24karatgem​ @wrldtravler​ @readerkas​ @olicity-beliver @greencoffeecups @snorlaxishere
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raywritesthings · 4 years
Bird in a Storm 3/17
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn, Thea Queen, John Diggle Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen Summary: The confrontation between the Hood and SWAT on the roof of the Winick Building goes differently, altering the course of Laurel’s career, relationships and efforts to save her city forever, the shockwaves of such an altered path making themselves felt throughout her family and friends. *Can be read on my AO3, link is in bio*
The end of the next week started out as a normal day. More normal than the last couple weeks had been, anyway. She had gotten up early, moving about the apartment with care not to wake Tommy, and gotten dressed for work. This was helped by the fact that she finally had use of both arms again. Talk about taking small things for granted.
Since she could drive herself, she met Thea at CNRI instead of being picked up by her brother or his bodyguard. She hadn’t minded that routine, but she liked having the freedom of her own movement.
A few hours into filling out some of the preliminary paperwork for a deposition, she received an email on her computer. Their boss wanted to see her in her office.
“Thea, see if you can locate the Schmidt folder. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Laurel headed back into the office. “Hey, Eric. What’s up?”
He looked up, the slightest frown on his face. “Sit down, Laurel. And close the door.”
She did so. “Why do I feel like this isn’t a ‘just checking in’ meeting?”
Eric sighed. “Because it’s not. Look, Laurel, you’re one of our best here. You know that. And I don’t like having to do this.”
There was a but hanging so heavily there she didn’t even bother to voice it. Just kept staring her boss down.
“It’s our investors. The ones we have left, so you can imagine we need to do all we can to hang onto them.”
“Which is why I’m telling you they’re not exactly happy to have you on staff here.”
Eric held up his hands. “Look, everything with the Hood is kind of making them nervous. Makes me nervous a bit too, if I’m being honest. The guy’s unpredictable. And they don’t like his methods.”
“I’m guessing they like his choice of targets even less,” she said with narrowed eyes. It figured they were more willing to empathize with their guilty fellows than to care about the innocents the Hood had helped.
“The point is, they’re not comfortable continuing to support our organization while you have this- this connection to him. And Kate Spencer has had a few things to say about it as well.”
“Let me get this straight.” Laurel leaned forward in her chair. “They’re holding my job hostage?”
“They’re holding all of us hostage. If you aren’t gone, CNRI is. But, there’s one way they’re willing to reconsider.”
“And that would be?”
“If you were to make a public statement clarifying that you do not support the vigilante known as the Hood or his activities, they would be happy to see you remain on staff.”
“Happy to see me toeing the party line, you mean.”
“It’s out of my hands, Laurel,” Eric said. “You’re the only one who can help yourself here. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
“I’ll expect your decision tomorrow.”
Laurel was able to register the dismissal for what it was, even if she felt detached somehow from this moment. Like this was happening to someone else, and she was only a passive observer. She stood and left the room to return to her desk, but it didn’t even feel like she’d been the one to move. Her mind was too busy racing.
The philanthropists who thought they were God’s gift to man for keeping CNRI’s doors open were getting nervous about her connection to the Hood. To Oliver. If she wanted to stay, she had to delegitimize his whole mission to save the city. But she couldn’t, not when it was the one thing she really had left to believe in.
“So I got that file you were asking for—” Thea looked up as she approached and paused. “Hey, you okay?”
She was a beat too late in responding, and she was sure her smile looked forced. “Yeah. Just, uh, had to go over some things with my boss.”
“Okay.” Thea was watching her, so Laurel pushed everything else from her mind for the time being. She didn’t want her friend to worry.
Her boss was giving her the day to decide, but Laurel already knew what her decision had to be. Without Oliver, she would have never seen Adam Hunt’s victims get back the money they were owed thanks to the judge Hunt had bought who she’d been due to present the case in front of; she’d be dead in the ground thanks to Martin Sommers and the Triad; Peter Declan’s daughter would be an orphan. There was no decision to make. Even if it cost her her job.
Laurel stood. She couldn’t maintain her composure here, and she needed time to think about what her next move would truly have to be.
“Hey, Thea? I actually need to take a half day today. I’m really sorry.”
“Okay,” her friend agreed uncertainly. There was almost a scared look to her eyes.
“Just ask Anastasia for any additional tasks, and you can go home whenever you want.” She shrugged into her coat and rolled her left shoulder a couple of times to work some lingering stiffness out of it. She’d been out of the splint for only a couple of weeks now, and her mandatory physical therapy had just drawn to an end. That was lucky; no job would mean no health insurance. Yet again, it was probably on purpose. No one would know better how bad the optics would look on firing an injured nonprofit employee than a group of lawyers.
Laurel paused alone in the stairwell and pressed a hand to her forehead. No job… what was she going to do?
Tommy was just getting ready to head out to the Verdant when their front door opened and Laurel walked in.
“Oh. You’re still here.”
“Hey, you’re home early.” He leaned in for a brief kiss, but Laurel turned her face so that his lips landed on her cheek instead.
“Yeah, there’s a reason for that.” Her smile faltered and then fell as he stepped back to look at her. “I lost my job.”
He dropped his keys. “What?”
“Apparently it has been decided that CNRI and I should part ways because the investors are making noise upstairs. Not to mention the DA,” Laurel explained. She walked around him, setting her bag down and kicking her shoes off along the way.
“Noise about what?”
“The Hood,” she admitted as she found her spot on the couch.
Him again. He only barely held back a groan. “Well, what about it? You told the police you didn’t have any information to help their investigation.” He eyed her sitting there for a moment, wondering not for the first time if that was true.
“They think my association with him sends a message. And they probably don’t like that he’s gone after some of their friends.”
“But that’s what he’s doing. It doesn’t have anything to do with you.” He walked over towards the couch as well. “Just because the Hood’s got some creepy thing for you—”
“He does not have a thing for me,” Laurel said with a shake of her head.
Tommy felt that was very much in dispute, but he set it aside to focus on the main issue.
“There’s gotta be something we can do. They can’t just fire you like that, after all the cases you’ve won them.”
“Well, they said I could possibly stay on if I publicly denounced the Hood,” she told him.
Relief hit him like a wave. “Okay. Good. At least they’re not totally unreasonable.”
“I’m not going to do it, Tommy.” Her voice and gaze were completely steady even as she was turning the whole world upside down. “I can’t.”
He only barely kept his voice below shouting. “Laurel, come on. What’s the problem?”
“It’s intimidation, for one thing. They’re trying to delegitimize what he’s doing. Stop people from taking his message to heart to keep them from fighting against the powerful and the corrupt in Starling.” Laurel crossed her arms over her chest and continued, “And anyway, it’d be a lie. I still believe in what he’s doing, and I think it’s a good thing. I don’t want to be a part of what stops that.”
“You do good things for the city. Think of your clients, all those people you’ve helped.”
“A lot of those people this year only got help because the Hood intervened. Hunt, Sommers, Brodeur, all of those guys would have walked away from a regular court case. The justice system in this city is broken, no matter how much I wanted to believe otherwise.”
“So you’re fine with him just breaking it more?”
“If that’s what it takes to keep innocent people from suffering.”
She was determined to be stubborn. There was no getting through to her, at least for the moment. Tommy threw his hands up and went to grab his jacket.
“How long did they give you to decide?”
“Tomorrow. I have to go in and clean out my desk.”
“Or to make your statement. I have to go to the club, but we’re not done talking about this.”
“I’ve made up my mind, Tommy,” Laurel said.
He paused at the door and shook his head. “Just let the idea of unemployment and no money sink in for a few hours, okay? It did wonders for me.”
He headed down to his parked car in a much sourer mood than he’d wanted to be in to start back at work. Laurel was determined and not listening to him. But if she wouldn’t listen to him, maybe…
He was going to have to swallow his pride on this one. At least for the moment.
Tommy was running late. Oliver didn’t mind that so much; it put off his plans for tonight. The longer he could avoid heading to Queen Consolidated to confront his own mother, the better.
And he soon received additional distraction in the form of his sister, who hurried up to the bar with a nervous sort of energy.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
“Ollie, I think Laurel was fired.”
“What?” He couldn’t have heard that right. “What for?”
“I don’t know. She went in to talk to her boss, and then she told me she was taking a half day, but Anastasia and some of the others started talking after she left,” his sister said all in a rush.
Some people talking was just gossip, but why would they assume Laurel had been fired? What was going on?
He spotted Tommy at last, and his best friend looked in about as bad a mood as he’d ever seen him.
“Ollie, you gotta help me out.”
“Laurel was fired.”
“Yeah, how’d you — oh, Speedy, hey.”
“Hey,” said Thea. “It’s true?”
“Not quite.” Tommy looked at him. “She says they’re willing to let her stay if she just makes a statement about how crazy and wrong the Hood is.”
Oliver didn’t have to feign his shock. “They’re firing her because of the Hood?”
“Yeah, well their investors are kind of his target profile, aren’t they? And he is crazy, I agree with them on that.” Tommy scowled. “But Laurel doesn’t.”
His eyes squeezed shut. “She’s refusing to make the statement.”
“She’s refusing to make the statement,” Tommy echoed in confirmation.
“Well, isn’t it enough that this guy got her shot?” Thea asked. “I mean, they have to know she’s not in league with him if he was willing to use her as a human shield.”
Oliver tried not to wince at the words or the disgust with which Thea spoke them. His sister wasn’t wrong to feel that way; it was one of his lowest moments, and he was still paying for the repercussions of it now.
And Laurel was paying for them perhaps even more.
Tommy’s anger had faded. He turned to him with pleading in his eyes. “I can’t watch her throw her life away on this guy, Ollie.”
“You won’t have to,” he promised. Oliver walked away from the bar and out to the back, swinging onto his motorcycle. As he drove, the comm hooked into his helmet activated.
“Oliver, we really need to get a move on.”
“Not right now, Digg.”
“Why not?”
“Laurel’s been fired because of her connection to the Hood.”
There was a pause on the other end. “Damn.”
“I have to talk to her. My mother can wait another night.” He knew he couldn’t put it off forever, but Laurel’s problem was far more time sensitive.
He went up to her apartment and knocked, and Laurel didn’t look at all surprised to see him when she opened the door.
“So, I take it you heard the news?”
“From Tommy.” He stepped through the doorway as she moved back, and he stood by the couch rather than sit down. Laurel shut the door and walked over.
“I’m going to make sure Thea is given another sponsor there to finish out her community service,” she told him, which caught him off guard for a moment.
“Well, thank you. But that’s not my main concern.” He looked her in the eye. “Tommy said there’s a way for you to keep your job.”
“I’m guessing he also told you I’m not interested in that way.”
His brow furrowed. “Laurel, this is an easy fix.”
She scoffed. “What about any of this is easy?”
“No one’s asking you for my identity. They’re just asking you to say what I’m doing is wrong.”
“How can I do that?”
“You just—” he struggled for the right word for a few moments. “—do.”
“But you aren’t — what you’re doing is complicated,” Laurel settled on. “And your methods sometimes have concerned me. I don’t know that I agree with everything. But it’s necessary work. For the state that this city is in, it’s needed.”
He tried changing tactics. “My father asked me to right his wrongs, to bring justice to the people who are poisoning the city. Letting those same people force you out of your job is directly counter to that mission. I can’t let that happen.”
Laurel only frowned. “Maybe it’s all about the mission to you, Oliver, but the people in the Glades don’t know that. What they know is that for the first time in years they have hope. They feel like someone has seen their struggle and decided to do something about it. How can I tell them that they are wrong to believe in that and then turn around and expect them to trust me to fight for them?”
He didn’t have an answer for that. They both knew it. Where he relied on secrecy and lies, Laurel had always kept her integrity when dealing with her clients. Letting her in on his identity had complicated that.
“How can I let you do this, Laurel? It’s your career, your life.”
“And it’s my decision to make. I would’ve made it knowing your identity or not, but at least knowing it gives me more than just a blind faith.”
Oliver didn’t know how Laurel or people in the Glades could have faith in him. He was a killer going after other killers. That was all. He wasn’t some hero.
“What will you do?” It was the only appeal he had.
“I haven’t figured that out yet. But I’m going to. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“It’s not that simple, Laurel.” He shook his head. “I’m always going to worry about you.”
She sighed. “Then I guess we have to settle for that.” She walked over to and sat on one of her chairs. “Look, I’m not happy to be losing my job, but I’d be even less happy if I compromised myself to keep it.”
“Nothing’s totally free from compromise. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to to keep going,” he said.
“But I haven’t been going anywhere at CNRI,” she replied. “All of my big cases this year have been won or settled because of the things you were doing as the vigilante. The law on its own has stopped being able to fix things in this city. Isn’t that why you’re out there?”
The problem was she was right. The problem, too, was that being right didn’t get her job back. He sat on the arm of the couch.
“What can I do? Do they need money? Different backers? I could—”
“You need that money to disguise purchasing your arrows,” Laurel cut him off. “And it would be your mother’s call as to whether Queen Consolidated became a full-time backer.”
Considering the little John had picked up from spying on his mother, Oliver doubted she would make the time or expense at the moment.
“Oliver, you set out to save this city, not my job.”
“Well, it’s part of saving the city. You help save it,” he insisted.
Her lips twitched into a smile despite herself.
“You’re really going to tell them no?”
She nodded.
Oliver sighed. That was the thing about Laurel; when her mind was made up, that was it. And unfortunately, he hadn’t made a single argument for why she should denounce the Hood that didn’t ultimately come back to keeping her comfortable. Laurel never cared about that.
“I’m sorry,” he told her. Ultimately this was his fault. He’d gotten too close, forgotten that while he’d protected his own identity with a hood that Laurel hadn’t had that same protection.
“It’s going to be fine, Ollie. I’ve already started a job search,” she stated.
He gave a small grin. “Of course you have.”
“So, you can tell Tommy that things will be okay,” she continued. “I know he’s upset.”
“He’s just worried about you.”
“Well, he seemed more angry at the Hood than anything,” she replied. “Do you think��?”
Oliver shook his head. “The less people that know, the better. And like you said, he isn’t exactly a fan.”
Laurel’s shoulders slumped. “Yeah.”
His phone buzzed, and Oliver checked it to find a message from Digg: Your mom’s gone home
“Something wrong?”
“No. No, I just missed something tonight.”
“You mean the vigilante did?” She stood and moved to the door. “Really, Oliver, I don’t want to be in the way of anything.”
“It’s fine. It wasn’t urgent.” Digg would probably say otherwise, but that didn’t matter right now. “You’re more important.”
“Well, now that you’ve seen I’m perfectly fine, I shouldn’t keep you any longer.”
He got up, meeting her at the door. “If you need anything,” he began.
“I know where to find you,” she finished for him. “Goodnight, Ollie.”
As he left, Oliver did decide to take an early night. He wasn’t sure he wanted to go back to the club and Tommy empty-handed.
Laurel leaving CNRI because of the Hood. What had he done?
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talatomaz · 5 years
legends of today | team flash x fem!reader | part vii
a/n: this takes place around season 2 episode 8 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed
warnings: mentions of torture, blood
word count: 2.5k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii | pt.iii | pt.iv | pt.v | pt.vi | pt.vii | pt.viii | pt.ix
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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After the whole fiasco with The Flash and Zoom which left the former paralysed, you were the one who had to look after the citizens of Central City. And that also meant protecting them from Gorilla Grodd whom you’d found out was created by Thawne. But you and the rest of Team Flash had managed to send him to a safe place on Earth-2. And now you were dealing with a supposed meta who could control knives.
Just another day in Central City.
After sending the DNA off for testing and following a few leads, you clocked out and went to S.T.A.R Labs where you were eating Chinese with a quiet Caitlin.
“Cait, would you stop playing with your food and just tell me what’s up?” You said, putting your plate on your desk.
“I just feel really bad about Grodd. I feel like I betrayed him.”
“Hun, you’re a good person. And I believe, deep down, Grodd is good too but he was hurting people.”
“I know but I still-”
You placed your hand on top of Caitlin’s,
“You did the right thing, Cait. Besides, from what Harry said, Grodd’s practically living on Planet of the Apes.”
“Guys!” Cisco came running into the cortex.
“Do you just have a signal that goes off whenever I make a cultural reference or something?” You said, rolling your eyes.
“Ooo, what reference? No, not what I came here for.”
“Why are you here, Cisco? Aren’t you supposed to be on a date?” Caitlin asked.
“About that…”
The Flash ran into the cortex, holding Kendra, as Iris, Joe and Harry walked in after them.
“Flash!” You and Caitlin jumped out of your seats.
“It’s okay, guys.” Barry changed out of his suit. “She knows who I am. No thanks to Cisco.”
“It was an accident.” Cisco said, defending himself.
“I can’t believe that you’re the Flash. And that you work with the Flash.” Kendra said to Barry and Cisco.
You and Caitlin looked at each other in confusion.
“Uh, someone wanna explain what‘s going on?”
Cisco gave you the run down of what happened at Jitters and Barry showed you a knife the guy had had.
“Wait, I’ve seen this before.”
You put the knife under a microscope and inspected it.
“This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks.” You typed on your computer and pulled up the weapon analysis, “Residue is a perfect match.”
“So it is the same guy?” Joe asked.
“Definitely. But there’s something odd about this particular weapon.” You said and Barry interrupted.
“You’re right. These blades are old, centuries old.”
“Do you have any idea why this guy would be after you?” Iris asked from beside you.
“No, I’ve never seen him before in my life.” Kendra said, confused.
“Well, he was certainly acting like he knew you. He kept calling her Priestess Chay-Ara.” Cisco explained.
“That’s Coptic.” Harry stated, his arms folded.
“You mean Egyptian?” Caitlin asked and Harry nodded in response.
Joe then suggested putting a detail on Kendra but Cisco disagreed and Barry decided that you should all go to Star City instead to get help from Team Arrow.
Whilst Barry ran off to go and get Team Arrow, you, Cisco and Kendra were at the Arrow cave where you were catching up with Felicity.
“I still can’t believe that you’re the meta who saved all those people on that runaway train.”
Kendra had now realised your alter ego and she was somehow more shocked at your revelation than at Barry’s.
“Oh, y/n’s incredible. She saved my life too. Death by 40 knives would not have been a good epitaph. Oh, sorry.” Felicity winced at her words and then the lift dinged.
“Saved by the bell, Smoak.” You joked.
The lift doors opened and Flash, Green Arrow, Speedy and Diggle walked out and into the lair.
“Hey, y/n.” Thea and Diggle greeted you.
You had met them when you visited a couple of weeks ago and you were becoming good friends with Thea.
“Barry, it’s so good to see you.”
“Good to see you, Felicity.”
Felicity and Barry hugged, then almost immediately, Felicity changed demeanour and hit Barry.
“How come I had to find out from y/n that Zoom broke your back?” Then she hugged him again, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“So this is what it’s like dating her?” Barry asked Oliver.
“More bruises from her than from Deathstroke.” Oliver quipped as he greeted you.
As you pulled away from the hug, you all turned to face Cisco and Kendra who were inspecting the Arrow cave and after Cisco criticised it, Team Arrow introduced themselves.
“Barry said that you need our help. Somebody very dangerous is after you.” Oliver said.
“Yeah, and I have no idea why.”
Kendra replied and when they asked what the guy looked like, Barry speedily sketched the stowaway’s face, which Felicity then ran through facial recognition.
Surprisingly, she found a photo of him from 1975, looking just as young as he does now. Then Oliver began to question Kendra and you, Cisco and Barry all called him out on his harshness but it was Felicity who got him to stop.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. We’re all friends here, right? So, why don’t we go back to our place and have some drinks, and we can talk?”
Felicity proposed so you all made your way to their apartment.
“I’m not changing my nickname. I like Speedy.” Thea refused.
“Are you familiar with my body of work? If you are, then you know I can come up with something so much better than Speedy.” Cisco persisted making you shake your head in humour.
“Why don’t you get a haircut? And then maybe we can talk about it.” Thea retorted, making you all burst out laughing.
“I think you’re just mad because my conditioner game is on point.” He responded.
“Oof, weak response, Ramon.”
“You’re meant to be on my side, y/n!” He said, outraged.
“Sorry, I know when to jump ship.” You shrugged as you took a sip from your whisky.
“I would like to propose a toast. I wish it wasn’t just the dark times bringing us together.” Oliver began before Barry interrupted and took over the speech, making you all laugh.
“What a guy. Steals my drinks, steals my words. As I was saying, it’s good to see everyone.”
Then you all jumped back when the mysterious man crashed through the window and into the apartment.
“I will always find you, Chay-Ara.”
Barry ran and gave Oliver his quiver which he loaded and aimed right at the intruder.
“Don’t move!” Oliver ordered.
“Then how will I kill you all?”
The man replied, throwing knives at you all which Barry was able to stop with his speed, but not before getting injured by a stray one.
Then a fight ensued between Oliver and the intruder as you helped Barry hide beside the couch. Oliver and Thea were each able to hit the stowaway before Thea shot him for a third time, causing the latter to fall off the balcony and somehow disappear from sight.
After the break-in, you all decided to go back to the Arrow cave, believing it to be safer but ironically, a man, whom you learned to be Malcolm Merlyn, broke in along with a group familiarly entitled ‘The League of Assassins.’
The former informed you that the stowaway was called Vandal Savage and that hardly anything was known about him causing an overwhelmed Kendra to walk off as Cisco ran after her.
As you all spoke for another few minutes, you were interrupted when Cisco frantically ran back into the cave saying that some bird-like man had kidnapped Kendra. Flash and Green Arrow went out in search of her and eventually found her, along with the winged-man, whom you had now got chained up in the lair where he was being questioned by you all.
He explained that he and Kendra were reincarnated 4000 year old lovers and that every time they lived, they were killed by Vandal Savage as their three life forces are tethered.
You all scoffed at his explanation, believing it to be false before Malcolm walked back in, corroborating his story with tales of a weapon known as the ’Staff of Horus’.
As Cisco tried to help Kendra figure out her powers, you, Barry and Oliver went back to Central City in search of the staff. But when you reached the St. Mark’s church, you found Vandal Savage was already there and was now in possession of the weapon.
You used your telekinesis to try and throw him back but he used the staff to make the church’s pews explode and Flash was just able to get you and Green Arrow to safety.
“We really need to stop that guy.”
“No shit, Barry.”
You breathed out as you hunched over, placing your hands on your knees.
After catching your breath, you straightened and looked at the wreck of the church, “Now what?”
“We bring everyone here. Us working together is our best shot.” Oliver stated before walking off to call Diggle.
Everyone was now in Central City at S.T.A.R Labs and you, Laurel, Barry and Oliver had decided to go to Big Belly Burger to get food for everyone. As you were about to distribute the food bags between the four of you, you all turned at the sound of broken glass.
You saw Vandal Savage and a few of his henchmen enter the fast-food chain. As Barry and Oliver kept them busy, you and Laurel quickly ushered everyone out of the back entrance and once they were safe, you both ran back to help the duo.
Barry was fighting Vandal Savage, dodging his knives as Oliver fought the armed gunmen. Then you and Laurel joined in; you helped Barry fight Savage by blocking the latter’s knives but after a few minutes of fighting, you turned and saw Oliver and Laurel surrounded.
You quickly disarmed the men by using your powers to grab the guns and throw them far on the other side of the room.
Savage then threw 3 knives, each one individually aimed at you, Laurel and Oliver. You were able to deflect all three before being caught off guard with another knife which you were just able to dodge, only being left with a small cut across your arm.
Then, a gunman grabbed a hidden sidearm, aiming it at Laurel, and pulled the trigger.
You pushed Laurel out of the way, and to the floor, causing you to get shot. Barry was about to run and knock the guy out before he and Oliver were thrown back by the staff and when they got up, Savage and his men had already disappeared.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
Laurel asked frantically and you groaned in response.
“Shit, that hurt.”
You moved to sit up before being held down by Oliver.
“Luckily, the bullet went straight through you but you need to stay down.”
“Oliver, I mean this with all due respect, but if you don’t stop holding me down, I will use my powers to make you.”
You lightly threatened so Oliver removed his hands and Laurel helped you up and then you all grabbed the food and went back to S.T.A.R Labs.
“Oh my god, what happened?”
Felicity asked as the four of you walked into the cortex and you went straight to the med bay as Barry explained the situation.
Caitlin carefully removed the shirt you had used to stop the blood of the gunshot wound and helped you take off your thin jumper so she could stitch the wound.
When you were left in just your sports bra, everyone turned around to give you all some privacy.
“Guys, I really don’t care if you see me or not.” You joked, as you began to stitch your arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. It’s a through and through.”
“That may be so, but you need to stop moving so I can stitch this properly, y/n.” Caitlin reprimanded.
“Cait, my arm’s also bleeding, and since Cisco is practically useless in the medical sense and you’re sorting out my shoulder, what other choice do I have?” You responded.
“Fine but it’s gonna leave a scar.”
“Just another one to add to the collection.”
After stitching both wounds, you stood up, turning your back to everyone else as Caitlin handed you a jacket to wear as your clothes were covered in blood.
Whilst you did that, the rest of Team Flash and Team Arrow were stood in the cortex, watching you and Caitlin, and then Thea began talking.
“She has a lot of scars on her back.”
“I know, I thought the same.” Felicity said. “I haven’t seen someone with that many scars since-”
“Sara.” Laurel finished.
“Where did she get them?” Oliver asked.
“It’s y/n’s business, Oliver.” Barry said, defending you.
They were interrupted when you walked out of the mini med bay and into the cortex.
“Call me if you need me.” You stated before walking off to your training room.
“Where’s she going?” Thea asked Caitlin.
She sighed, “She needs to blow off some steam. She’s beating herself up for letting Savage get one up on her. The last time someone attacked her like that, it was…”
Caitlin trailed off, not wanting to reveal your past to everyone else.
“It was what? What’s the story with y/n?” Oliver persisted.
Team Flash all looked at one another and nodded in reluctant agreement.
“You all know that y/n comes from the future but what you don’t know is that the future’s a horrible place where metas are illegal.”
“How’s that different from now?” Oliver asked Barry insensitively.
“Oliver, you don’t get it. Y/n’s been through a lot. Including the fact that when she was a teenager, she was kidnapped-”
“Kidnapped by who?” Felicity interjected.
“ARGUS.” Cisco answered, shocking all of Team Arrow.
“ARGUS? But Lyla’s-”
Diggle started before being interrupted.
“Yes, John, but the ARGUS from y/n’s time aren’t good. They experiment and torture metas…and sometimes humans too.” Caitlin interrupted.
“That’s how y/n got her powers.”
Laurel more-so stated than asked and Team Flash nodded in solemn agreement.
“I’m going to go talk to her.”
Laurel left abruptly before she could be stopped by anyone.
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
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Post 7x13 story dealing with Felicity’s thoughts about the unplanned pregnancy. Also available on AO3.
“Felicity, you are pregnant. Did you hear me?” Dr Schwartz voice rang hollow in her eye.
“Ahem, I heard you. Thanks for letting me know. I need to go now.” Felicity hung up without saying goodbye. Pregnant. She’s pregnant, Felicity looked down noticing already that her hand covered her stomach protectively.
Felicity quickly removed her hand, walked back over to finish saying goodbye to William. The child she couldn’t protect who was now leaving. As she and Oliver waved goodbye, she felt the tears streaming down her cheeks. Her son was going. Another person choosing to leave her. Of course, she wanted what was best for him, that didn’t make it hurt any less.
As the door closed on William and his grandparents, Felicity turned to Oliver knowing he would need her support as his son had just left them. As had become the norm, Oliver did not look at her. She had no idea what to do, how to help him. He kept her at bay lately and she was afraid to ask why. She had just gotten him home, she did not want to push him away. “Oliver,” she said tentatively as she reached out to him, maybe they could grieve together.
“I’m going to go out. Sorry, Felicity I just need to clear my mind. I’ll be back for dinner.” Oliver grabbed his coat headed out leaving her alone. Alone to grieve, alone with her thoughts.
Felicity’s first thought was I’ll get a glass of wine that will help. Then she remembered, nope that was an option anymore. She poured herself a glass of water. She put the glass on the kitchen counter without taking a sip. The tears were streaming down her face. His son is gone. Her husband is here but not here and she’s pregnant.
Felicity touched her stomach. If she was honest, this was not something she had ever seen for herself. Some girls dreamed of growing up getting married and having a family.  There is nothing wrong with that dream but Felicity never dreamt it for herself. She never in a million years thought she’d meet a man as wonderful as Oliver Queen. He changed her entire world. She loved him more than life itself. So it made perfect sense to marry him. As for children, she knew Oliver might want them. She said how he was with JJ, how he treated his sister, he was a natural nurturer. He was so good with William. Felicity, on the other hand, was never good with babies, she always thought she would break them and they didn’t like her, tended to cry when she held them. So if she ever thought of children with Oliver it was in the future, far distant future. After they retired from fighting crime.
Clearly, that’s not how it was going to be. She was pregnant now. She had never felt more alone. Diggle and she never talked, Curtis is moving away and she was never that close with Rene. She wished she had someone to talk to. Felicity had no idea how Oliver was going to react. She knew how Oliver before prison would react, now, she was a little nervous.
When Oliver came home from prison, he couldn’t get enough of her, nor she of him. Which must have been when this baby was conceived but in recent weeks it was like she barely existed. Would he be excited about the baby? Truthfully, she needed him to be excited. This baby deserved to have someone excited. Felicity feared this would just be another child she could not protect.
Felicity just felt tired. She lay down on the couch pulling the throw over herself, maybe she’d feel better when she woke.
Felicity woke hours later, the condo dark. Her first thought was no Oliver. She looked around for her phone saw it on the table in front of her. She picked up, squinting as the bright light hit her eyes. No text either.
Felicity: Hey, Oliver, are you heading home soon?
Felicity: I’m starting to get worried
Oliver: Sorry, got caught up with something at the precinct
Oliver: Not sure, when I’ll be back
So like Oliver to throw himself into work when he is upset. Felicity wished he’d come home but she couldn’t make it so.
She decided to order pizza for dinner. Pizza had cheese which is dairy, which is good for the baby, right?
Felicity waited until one in the morning until she finally gave up and went to bed alone. She cried herself to sleep, not even sure what she was crying about.
She woke a couple of hours later when she felt the bed dip and Oliver get in. “Hey, I missed you. Are you okay?”
“I will be. I have to be, right? Sorry, I’m tired. We’ll talk in the morning.” Oliver rolled on his side away from her.
“Okay, goodnight,” Felicity said softly holding back her tears.
Felicity awoke first the next morning. She’d slept in one of Oliver’s old t-shirts, she hauled on a pair of yoga pants as she made her way to the kitchen. Without thinking, she threw a k-cup in the Keurig, watched as her coffee brewed. She had just savoured her first sip when she remembered. She ran to the sink, spitting the coffee out. What was it about pregnant ladies and caffeine? She couldn’t remember, was it none or a little? She picked up her tablet to Google the answer. She was relieved she could probably have this one cup and be okay. She needed to book a follow-up appointment with Dr. Schwartz. She knew nothing about babies and pregnancies and she didn’t want to endanger the baby when it was in her body.
She looked at the time on her tablet almost eight-thirty, probably not to early to call Dr. Schwartz. Due to the multiple injuries her husband and team endured over the years, she had Dr. Schwartz’s direct number. She picked up on the first ring.
“Hi, it’s Felicity Smoak, sorry about yesterday, I was in shock. Would you have time to squeeze me in today? I have a few questions.” Felicity looked around the room for some reason worried Oliver would overhear the phone call. “You can fit me in an hour? I’ll be there. Thanks so much.”
Felicity dumped the rest of her coffee down the sink. Better to be safe than sorry, then quietly went into their bedroom. Trying to not to disturb her sleeping husband. She had just finished dressing when Oliver rolled over, looking at her. She sensed he’d been awake the moment she entered the room. “Going out?” He said groggily.
“Yes, I have a few errands. I’ll be back for lunch. Will you be here? If you want we can talk about William. Plan a trip to visit him?” Felicity tried so hard to keep the hope out of her voice. She loved Oliver so much and she knew he loved her despite his current actions. She knew she had to tell him and the longer she waited the more hurt he would be. And there had already been too much hurt.
“I should be here. I’ll make us lunch.” Oliver began to get out of bed.
“Alright, I’ll be back soon. She kissed his cheek, rushing out of the bedroom.” Truthfully, she missed him asking where she was going, what errands? But he had a lot on his mind these days.
Dr. Schwartz opened her office door. “Felicity, come on in.”
Felicity followed Dr. Schwartz inside shutting the door behind her.
“Have a seat,” the doctor gestured to the seat across from her desk.
“Thank you,” Felicity was nervous. She began to fidget. Which was crazy she’d known Dr. Schwartz for years. There was no need to be nervous. “Again, I’d like to apologize for hanging up on you yesterday. We were in the middle of a bit of a family crisis, William went to live with his grandparents and I was shocked.”
Dr. Schwartz looked at Felicity sympathetically, “Felicity, I accepted your apology this morning. I’m sorry to hear that William is gone. That must have been for upsetting for you and Oliver.”
“Yes, it’s best for him. He chose it. William deserves a normal life.” Felicity wiped a tear from her cheek. This was still a very raw topic for her.
Dr. Schwartz handed her a tissue. “I’m so sorry, again, Felicity. But I’m guessing you are here to talk about the pregnancy?”
Felicity nodded, pulling herself together.
“You are about a month along, which is why you may not have noticed, you may have just thought your period was late.”
Felicity nodded, “my periods have been irregular since Oliver went to prison. I thought it was stress.”
Dr. Schwartz nodded. “So, I take it this was unplanned? How do you feel about this pregnancy, Felicity?”
Felicity couldn’t help it, she burst into tears. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
Dr. Schwartz took her hand in comfort. “It’s okay, Felicity. You have been through a lot and this will be a big change. Have you told Oliver? Do you want to have the baby? You still have time to make decisions”
Felicity wiped her eyes, took a deep breath. “I haven’t told Oliver, I will today. I’m going to keep the baby. But I appreciate you telling me my options - I’m pro-choice.” Felicity gave the doctor a watery smile. “I guess, I really wanted to see you so I could find out how to keep our baby safe? Like can I drink coffee? Are there things I should avoid? I just want to protect our baby.”
Dr. Schwartz began typing on her laptop, Felicity heard the printer, printing behind her. The doctor handed Felicity the printed pages. “Here is a list of foods and drinks to eat and avoid. Also, a little information about the changes your body is going through at this time and some websites and books to check out. How are you feeling? Tired? Nauseous?”
Felicity took the pages from the doctor. “I am tired but there has been a lot going on. So, I don’t know if it’s related. Otherwise, I feel fine.”
“We should set up an appointment for your first ultrasound. I’ll write you a prescription for prenatal vitamins.” Dr. Schwartz printed off the prescription. “Here you go and Felicity if you have any questions. Please reach out to me.”
When Felicity got back to the condo, she was exhausted. Maybe this was a symptom. She touched her belly.
She opened the door, listened to her security system announce her arrival.
Oliver came rushing out of the bedroom. “I was just about to start lunch. Is there something you are craving?” Oliver walked past her into the kitchen, without looking at her. For some reason, it hurt more this time.
Felicity walked over to the kitchen, “Oliver, I need you to look at me.” She had been scared to say those words for a while but if they were going to have a baby, they were going to have to deal with what was going on with him.
Oliver turned to look at his wife. “What is wrong?”
Tagging some people who might be interested:
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onegayastronaut · 6 years
Telling the Truth (Dinah Drake x Reader)
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Requested by anon: Oh oh oh how about a Dinah drake saving reader and starting to fall in love with reader cause they continuously save them.
Words: 1641
Being on Team Arrow has always been fun, in a dangerous way. You would trust your team with your life, which is what made Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle's betrayal of trust that much harder on you. It made sense for you to leave the team with Curtis, Dinah, and Rene. The look of disappointment on Felicity and Diggle's face when you left hurt you, but you knew that you couldn't be on the field with people who were suspicious of you and didn't have your back. You knew that they had reasons for doing what they did, but effective teams just didn't work that way.
During your time working with your new team, you had grown really close to the other three members. Curtis always managed to make you laugh while working. Rene initially intimidated you but you came to realize that he had a heart of gold. And Dinah? Well, you had a crush on her. Her hair always looked so soft, and her smile always made your heart stop for a second before making it beat a mile a minute. Not to mention the fact that she was extremely beautiful and her voice did things to you. But the mission always came first, at least that was the excuse you gave yourself for not making a move on her.
Needless to say, you had a pretty good team dynamic. Fighting Diaz and other criminals pretty much ensured that you and the rest of the team always looked out for each other. You had saved everyone else more times than you could count, and they had done the same for you. Most recently, Dinah had saved you from getting shot by using her Canary Cry on two thugs who worked for Diaz.
"I could have gotten them."
"I'm sure you could have. But there's no harm in a little teamwork don't you think?" Dinah's wink made you weak-kneed so you pretended to bend down and tie your shoelace.
Things proceeded as normal for the next week, as you went to work with Dinah at the police station. You didn't know who to trust now that you were aware that Diaz has control over most of the police force, so you had to be extra careful of where you went and who you talked to. In order to see where Diaz might go next, you decide to go over the logbooks in order to check what might be missing. Just as you opened up the first file on the computer, you hear a shout from behind you.
"Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!"
Turning around, you see Jones and Burke. Needless to say, they were on Diaz's payroll. You never liked them anyway, seeing that they were sleazeballs ever since they were in the academy. "I was just looking over the inventory to see if there was anything missing."
"And why would anything be missing? Besides, that isn't your job." Burke pulls out his gun and aims it at you.
"Hey, how about we not do that here? If we kill her, it would trace right back to us." Jones looked like he was about to shit his pants.
"That's a smart move, boys." Dinah seemed to appear out of nowhere behind Jones and Burke.
Burke raises his gun, and just as he was about to squeeze the trigger, Dinah uses her powers to throw him against the wall, and within seconds, Jones was down too. But right as Burke hits the wall, the gun goes off. When Dinah turns around, she realizes that you're paler than usual.
"(Y/N), are you okay?"
Her eyes immediately go down to your hands, which are now bloody from you holding the wound in your stomach area. You couldn't say anything because your brain could not comprehend the fact that you were injured. So instead of talking, you sat back down on the chair.
"No, no no no. (Y/N) you have to stay with me. Everything's going to be okay, you're going to be okay." Dinah's hands go over yours as she tries to slow the bleeding. The last thing that you hear before you slip into unconsciousness was Dinah screaming for help.
Dinah paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room, not daring to look up to see if there was any news. This is all my fault, none of this would have happened if I was more careful.
As if reading her thoughts, Rene quietly said, "None of this is your fault, Dinah. (Y/N) wouldn't be in the hospital right now if it wasn't for Diaz and those crooked cops." Curtis nodded in agreement.
Dinah finally sat down as she nodded jerkily to what Rene said. She couldn't trust herself to speak, so instead, she just clenched her jaw as she looked at the ground. And just when Curtis put his arms around her, she finally broke down as one tear led to the next until she was crying.
"There's so much I want to say to (Y/N). There's so much I haven't said because it was never the right time and there's always a new person or organization we have to fight. What if I never get the chance? What if she doesn't -" Dinah stopped herself before she could finish that thought.
"You love her don't you?" Rene and Dinah both stared at Curtis. "What? It's obvious that they've both been wanting to, you know, each other for months."
"Not the time, man. Not the time." Rene looked like he would rather be anywhere but there in the waiting room at the moment.
"Do you really think that (Y/N) likes me?" Dinah looked hopeful despite the situation.
"Dinah...how do I put this? She has been looking at you with the heart-eyes emoji shooting out of her face for a few months now. Let's suffice to say anyone with a pair of eyes can see she loves you.”
The first thing that you felt while waking up was a warm hand on yours. It felt familiar, but you couldn't be sure until you managed to crack your eyes open. But the moment you opened them, the glare of fluorescent lights forced you to close them again. After a few seconds of preparing yourself, you opened your eyes a little bit and confirmed that Dinah was indeed sleeping on your lap. Despite your current conditions, you managed to smile.
It wasn't until a few hours later that Dinah also woke up. When she saw that you were awake, she nearly smothered you with a giant hug. "(Y/N)! You're awake!"
"Hey, Dinah. How long have I been out?"
"A few days. But the doctor says that you should be back on your feet in no time once the wound heals." "That's good to know."
"It is! Let's see if we can get you out of the hospital as soon as we can."
1 week later
Dinah had texted you earlier on in the day asking if she could come over. This was strange, seeing that the team usually would come over with little or no warning. Seeing that it was Dinah, she probably had something she wanted to discuss police matters.
When Dinah came into your living room, she seemed more nervous than usual. This was highly unusual since Dinah was one of the most confident people that you've ever met. She was wringing her hands and kept pacing back and forth in your living room.
"Dinah, what's wrong? You're pretty jumpy considering there's no present danger of death at the moment."
Dinah looked apologetic as she sat down across from you. "(Y/N), there's been something that I've been meaning to tell you that I have been putting off because there never seemed to be the right time to bring it up."
"Wait...are you going to tell me that you don't actually like sushi? Because if it's that, there's nothing to say."
"I have feelings for you." Dinah looked both relieved and scared the moment she said that like a big burden had been lifted off her chest.
"Wait, what?" You could not believe your ears. This was something that you've been wanting to hear since forever, and you can't believe that you are finally hearing Dinah say the words. It felt too good to be true until --
"I like you. I really, really like you."
You nearly passed out right then and there, until you realized that Dinah expected an answer from you. "I like you too. A lot. I've liked you since -- well I've liked you since the moment we met, pretty much. I just never had the nerve to tell you and we were always busy and --"
Dinah didn't let you finish your sentence before leaning over the table to kiss you. You were pretty sure she knocked over half of the things that were on there but you didn't care. The fact of the matter is that Dinah, of all people, liked you and was kissing you.
After both of you came up for air, you decided to ask the obvious question, "Would you like to go out on a date with me? Like a real date?"
"Yes, (Y/N). We can go on multiple dates if you want."
"Yes, I do want. Also because I'm injured I can't stand for long periods of time, and our first date might have to be a sitting down one. So does dinner sound good?"
Dinah laughed at your nervousness. "Yes, that sounds good."
"Although...I think I would heal faster if I got more kisses from a certain someone." It was your turn to wink at her.
"I believe that can be easily arranged, Ms. (Y/N)."
Today was turning out to be much better than you had anticipated.
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onceuponanolicity · 6 years
One on One - Chapter 12 - Getting In Your Head
Sorry for taking so long on this. Here is the next update. I would post the link to AO3 but it is acting up right now on my computer and I have not been able to get it posted. And I also misplaced who I was supposed to tag on this and the people for Never Far Away. So, I apologize. But, here is the chapter...
Getting In Your Head
              “You can stop looking at me like that,” Oliver told Diggle never once glancing over at his friend. That would mean distracting himself from his thoughts and the outside scenery that he barely noticed since he stepped inside the car.
            “I can’t believe you gave into him,” Diggle mumbled referring to Anatoly and his demand that Oliver turn over the laptop, or at least the list of operatives.
            “He has Felicity, Digg. I didn’t have much of a choice.” Oliver hated how defeated his voice sounded.
            “So, what is your plan?”
            Oliver finally did look up and stared at the back of his friend’s head from where he sat driving the car. “You’re not going to yell at me for putting your family in danger by agreeing to give Anatoly the list?”             Diggle chuffed. “My wife and I both work for A.R.G.U.S. If we can’t keep our kids safe, we are in the wrong business. The last thing I was worried about was my safety, or those of my kids. You wouldn’t do that, not if you didn’t have to.” Diggle met Oliver’s eyes through the rear view mirror. “You know Anatoly won’t just give Felicity over. Not without the information. And even then…”             The fact that Diggle let his sentence trail off brought goosebumps to Oliver’s arms. He had not felt scared in years. Right this moment? He was petrified. One wrong move and Felicity might never get back home.
            “I have a plan,” Oliver finally announced, glad at least something finally came to him. The silence that had fallen between him and Diggle had become disconcerting.
            “What do I need to do?” Diggle asked without pause.
            “We’re going to need to bring everyone in to make this work.”
            “Who’s everyone?” Diggle sounded skeptical. Not that Oliver blamed him. Once Diggle was completely informed, he was not going to like that he asked the question in the first place.
            Oliver let a smile spread across his lips. “I’m not sure you want to know.”
            Diggle’s groan was exactly what Oliver expected as it filled the car. “Damn it, Oliver. This could be worse than Felicity being held by Anatoly.”
            “But, the people most invested in Felicity’s safety and security are her friends and family.”
            Shaking his head, Diggle slammed the breaks as they reached the club. “Shit!”
            “Maybe. But we have to.” Oliver wasn’t really sure if that was the case, but it was the only chance he had to get Felicity out.
            “The whole reason the two of you fought was because of her father and now you are going to bring him back in on this? I think you are treading in more turbulent waters than the ones we are already in.”
            Oliver could not agree more. But if anyone could clone a laptop to make it look like the real thing, it was Noah Kuttler.
                        Oliver was damn sick of waiting. He had wanted to actually go into the college today and teach just to distract himself, but Thea talked him out of it. Instead, she had called and told them that they had a family emergency that Oliver had to attend and would be out for the next week. Oliver knew he should be grateful considering Felicity was his number one priority, but he hated waiting.
            Right now, he was waiting for Noah Kuttler to configure a new laptop, similar to the one that Rochev had, to download the new list of names that they came up with. Oliver had already done the Salmon Ladder, fought a skirmish with Diggle, and Roy, and now he was pacing through his living room, with no end in sight. He needed something to do. Someone to hit. Anything, to take his mind off what could be happening to Felicity while he waited.
            “Here.” A glass was shoved under his nose by Lyla. “You look like you could use it.”             Oliver accepted the drink with a slight nod. He didn’t even sniff it to discover what it was before he threw it back. The whiskey burned his throat and it still wasn’t enough to distract him. Shoving the glass down on his coffee table, Oliver continued his endless pursuit of nothing as he passed the couch for what had to be the hundredth time. Turning back toward where Lyla stood, Oliver nodded in the direction of his office where Kuttler was working. “Shouldn’t you be in there telling him the names he needs?”
            Lyla only shrugged, and for a moment, it really bugged Oliver how nonchalant she was about what was going on. A life was on the line. Felicity’s life. Lyla lifted her own glass to her lips taking a small sip of her own drink before she answered. “He has the list I gave him. There’s not much more for me to do.”
            “Is he almost done?” Frustration laced Oliver’s question. He felt like a child on a long journey constantly repeating, “Are we there yet?”
            Lyla shot him a serious look that made her whole face go downwards into a frown. It had to be her mother’s face. The one that she would use when scolding her own children. “He’s not much further than he was a few minutes ago when you popped your head in to ask.”             Was it only a few minutes ago? It felt like so long ago. Kicking out at his couch, Oliver didn’t even feel the pain as it skittered away from him. He wanted to smash something. Too bad he still wasn’t holding his glass.
            “Hey.” Lyla set her glass down and approached him, laying her hand on his arm in a strong grip. “We’ll get her back.”
            “Will we?” Oliver hated to ask because he was afraid of the answer he would get in response. If he had not brought Felicity into his life… If he had just done what Anatoly asked of him regarding Kuttler instead of thinking of how it would affect Felicity… If he had not come back to Starling City at all… If he never took the job at the college to come back in and pretend that he was some normal person instead of the monster that he was… All those scenarios and more pounded through his head.
            “You’re blaming yourself again.”
            Oliver blinked rapidly coming back into his body. How long had he been in his own thoughts? He was standing in front of the training dummy pounding away until Diggle’s words infiltrated his head. Lyla was gone. Oliver stood there shirtless, never even knowing when it happened, banging on the dummy that was half broken at his efforts.
            Swinging around, Oliver grabbed the towel that Diggle extended out to him and wiped his face before wrapping it around his shoulders and crossing his arms. “So what if I am?”
            “Not everything is your fault,” Diggle continued. “Anatoly made the ultimate decision to bring Felicity into this situation. At the cost of your friendship.”
            “And if he didn’t, it may be Waller that we are planning to take her from.”
            Diggle gave a small chuckle. “That sounds easier, but damn, it sure as hell would be a nightmare of a situation.”
            Oliver frowned and Diggle let his humor fade. “Look. Whatever Waller has planned, we will figure it out before it happens. But whatever does, it still won’t be your fault. Waller has had her own plans for that girl long before you came into the picture. The fact that you decided to pursue something with her only allowed Waller to think that she would have that much more access to her.”             “Great.” Oliver swung the towel in the direction of the nearby table and grabbed a hold of his sweatshirt to pull on over his now chilled body.
            Diggle walked over and placed his hands on Oliver’s shoulder and leveled a look at him. “Don’t let them get in your head.”
            “Too late.”
              “You. Out.”
            Felicity glanced over at the door where a bald angry man stood cradling a semi-automatic weapon. At least that was what she thought it was after her long perusal of weapons that presented themselves to her during her short stay in captivity. In the end, it didn’t really matter. It only matter that it could kill her.
            A young woman that Felicity recognized came inside the room after the guy. She was the same woman who had given Felicity the clothes that she was currently wearing. It was nice to see a familiar face that was not Anatoly’s or one of his goons. “Hi.”
            The guard glared. “You. Out.”
            Felicity tried to ignore him as much as possible in a small bit of defiance. Sure, eventually, she’d listen to him. It wasn’t like she would have much of a choice. Instead she watched the woman as she scurried around cleaning up the small mess Felicity left behind from her breakfast. Felicity nodded at her in greeting when the woman looked up for a second, but the timid woman let her eyes fall back to what she was doing too quickly for any other exchange.
            Glancing over at the guard, she dared ask, “Can I at least get my shoes and dress?”
            The man seemed disgruntled by her question, maybe he didn’t understand it, but then he gave her a small nod. Pleased at the small concession, even if that did worry her, because that meant that she was leaving this room for a lot longer than a quick walk around that she deservingly needed.
 Cursing softly, Felicity made her way to the bathroom where her clothes lay, dry now from their quick wash the night before. The woman accidently got in her way, or maybe not so accidently, by the fact that she gestured at Felicity. It didn’t make any sense.
“Help,” Felicity said to her. “Can you help me?”
“Da.” Yes. She held up two fingers again, this time a little more decipherable.
Two? Felicity had no idea what that meant? Two minutes? Two hours? Was it some sort of Russian thumbs up? Felicity had no idea. Frankly, she wasn’t in the caring mood. The woman at least agreed to help. And Felicity was sure as hell ready to get the hell out of here.
By the time Felicity returned with her things though, the woman was gone. So much for helping then. Maybe she just didn’t understand what Felicity had been asking her. Unless, the woman was thinking that somehow Felicity would help her instead of the other way around. Well, that wouldn’t be happening since Felicity had not seen the outside of this room in days, let alone knew where she was.
“Go,” the man at the door demanded in his harsh voice that was a little higher than a man of his stature should have. He gestured at the door where he stood indicating that she needed to leave the room.
“Go,” he said again, this time more growly since she had not moved a muscle from her spot. He pointed the gun toward her and his finger was much too jumpy for her liking as it lay near the trigger.
Taking a deep breath, Felicity complied with his demand and began to more toward the door. The first time that she would be able to do so since being brought in there unconscious days ago. The gun was jammed in her back and she quickly exited the room, clenching her dress and shoes tightly to her chest. “Where am I going?”
“Go.” His gun pointed her to the right over her shoulder.
Right it was then.
“Oookay.” Felicity couldn’t help the snarky comment. She tried to take notice of the hallway as she walked forward but it was all white with nothing decorating the walls at all. Completely whitewashed. Just like the room she just left. Well, not counting the small holes that she went to examine in her time there, that she discovered were actually bullet holes.
Felicity shuddered at the memory of discovering the blood in one of the holes that had not been covered by the white paint and cleaned by the bleach that resonated from the crevice. She made a mental note, that no matter how bored she was she would never go to investigate any other holes in the mobsters’ walls. Her stomach could not handle it.
The few doors they passed were simple dark wooden panels, not that there were many. Just three. Two on the right and one on the left. Right. Right. Left. Sure it might not make a difference to remember that, but she was so bored that any sort of mental stimulation was a relief.
Coming to the end of the corridor, they made another right. Felicity blinked at the large amount of sunlight that poured down at them from the high windows. Ones that only afforded her a look at the blue sky that she was not sure she would see again. The door at the end of the hallway also offered up sunlight. However, it was muted with the glazed windows that it possessed. No way to see what was through it. At least not from where she was. And not like she expected to get close enough to see if proximity would help.
She was wrong though. The guy gestured her forward again with his gun. “Go.”
Felicity glanced back over her shoulder, surprised to find that the man really wasn’t much taller than she was. Funny because in the room with the gun he seemed so much bigger. Maybe because she had been that much more intimidated. She wasn’t quite sure why she wasn’t now. “You know, you’re a wonderful conversationalist. We should definitely try to visit again.”
Her sarcasm was lost on him. Well, maybe not considering how his eyes shadowed as his thick eyebrows lowered and his face became even more surely. With a gulp, Felicity reminded herself the man had a weapon and she probably should not be trying to piss him off. Not that she really was trying to, but her mouth sometimes got away from her when she was scared or nervous. Right now, she’d own up to both.
Not that it stopped her words from coming out. “Your wife, or girlfriend, must be the talkative one. Well, unless you talk a lot more in your native language. Russian, right? For all I know you could be a big chatter when you sit down with your buddies and a bottle of vodka.”
Shut up, Felicity, she scolded herself. Not that it helped. “You know, you can. Speak Russian with me. I would just love to talk to someone even if it is at cross purposes since you might have no idea what I’m even saying. And I definitely wouldn’t understand what you were saying in return.”
“Go!” The gun dug deeper into her backbone and Felicity took a deep breath. Maybe if she kept doing so, the words would stop coming out.
“Do I need to open the door?” she asked him as they reached the end of the hall and the door that let in the light.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Felicity reached out and turned the knob surprised that it was actually unlocked. Maybe all the doors were unlocked, but she doubted it. Hers, for example, had been locked. She was pretty sure there were a lot of skeletons behind the other doors. Not skeletons exactly, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t. Her body shuddered at all the possibilities.
Exiting the door, Felicity paused and soaked in the warmth of the sun. It felt so good on her skin. She would never hide away in her room on her computers again, taking the sun for granted. Not after this. This was why prisoners had mandatory time outside. The sudden vitamin D from the sun made her head feel a little dizzy.
“Spoilsport,” Felicity mumbled and winced when her bare feet hit a small rock on the stairs that lead down from the door. It was nothing compared to heated pavement that met her at the bottom. Her feet burned and the rocks bit into her feet that had never been so tortured in all her years of living. “You could have at least let me put on my shoes if you knew we were coming outside.”
“Go.” Guess, he didn’t care if she wouldn’t be able to walk soon. Already she was limping at the pain that impaled her feet at all the small stones that bit into her.
Felicity rolled her eyes, but kept going. It wasn’t like she had much choice with the constant presence of the gun in her lower back. “A coat would have also been a sweet gesture. The wind is a little cold.”
The man only snorted. What the hell did he care? He was dressed appropriately for the weather with his long sleeved shirt and vest. His jeans probably not letting the changing of the weather bother him as much.
The reached another building and Felicity hoped they were soon to reach their destination seeing as she wasn’t sure how much longer she would be able to walk. The man who had come with Anatoly a few times stood by one doorway and Felicity just knew that that was where they were heading. It was with dread that she closed her eyes momentarily and proceeded forward.
They slowly came to where he waited and when they got there, the man reached out and grasped Felicity roughly by the jaw with only one large palm. The pain was almost worse than the ones that she was experiencing with her feet. She expected that she would have bruises on her chin in an hour. Felicity could only hope that was the worst of her problems.
“I hope he doesn’t follow through,” the man growled down at her from where he towered over her. “I would have broken you already if Anatoly would have let me.”
That did not sound pleasing in the slightest. Felicity shored up all her strength and pulled out of his grip. It hurt so bad that she wondered if she lost some skin in the effort. That didn’t stop her from glaring up at him. Felicity wondered where her sudden bravado came from.
The guy only let out a chuckle as if it meant nothing to him. Instead he grasped her arm, twisting the skin slightly. “I think it won’t be much time before Anatoly let’s me.”
He jerked her inside the new building and over to a room that was close by. It had a much heavier, more cell-like door than the one previously. The man with the gun ran over to open it. Once it was opened, the guy who held her practically threw her inside. She skittered across the floor in a heap. So, more bruises then.
“Soon, cyka.”
Felicity had no idea what the translation for that last word was, but she knew it could not be good by the way he spit it at her. Looking around the room, she discovered it to be smaller and sparser than the last one she stayed in. Not that it mattered much. She suspected that this was very temporary.
The door clanged shut. The sound reverberated throughout the room. Yep, much more cell-like.
Pushing herself up off the floor, Felicity searched around for a light switch and found one by the door. The light flickered on and then continued to flicker as if trying to determine whether it wanted to work or not. But it held persistent and finally shone brightly above her.
On the off chance that the men had forgotten to lock the door Felicity made her way to it. Only there was no knob to turn. Nothing to try. If she pried her very short fingernails into the sides, she might find some purchase, but she truly doubted it.
“Frack,” Felicity screamed at the door pounding her flat hand against it.
              “Oliver. Mr. Queen.”
            Noah’s voice penetrated through Oliver’s dark thoughts. That’s what happened whenever anyone left him alone long enough for his mind to wander. A prisoner of the Bratva was not the best place to be and for a woman that was even worse. A gorgeous young woman like Felicity had even less chance of survival. It was enough to make a man who had long forgotten about God to start praying. But, now… Maybe Felicity stood a chance. Her father was calling him and maybe that meant that Oliver could now get to her. Maybe that meant that the God that had turned his back on him so long ago was finally willing to give him some peace.
            Oliver just short of ran over to his office to find out what the summons was for. “What is it? Is it finished?”
            Their deadline was fast approaching and Oliver was beyond worried that he would not be able to make it. Noah had started on this project around four am and here it was almost three in the afternoon. No one had even bothered to break for breakfast or lunch. The only respite for any of them had come when the call to the facilities had become too strong.
            “I’m almost finished. I just have a few more names.” Noah glanced over at Lyla who nodded before raising his eyes past Oliver to where Diggle stood behind him. “Are you positive you want your family on here?”
            “Yes,” Diggle and Lyla replied firmly at practically the same time.
            “You already have mine on there, correct?” Oliver asked. That had been the agreement from the beginning since it was obvious that Anatoly knew that he also operated with the other organization.
            “No.” Noah glanced up at Lyla again for confirmation. “Was I supposed to?”
            “It has to be,” Oliver told Noah before Lyla could even speak. “We all know this. It will be suspicious if it isn’t.”
            “Put mine on there too.”             Oliver swung around, along with everyone else, after he heard Sara’s voice from the doorway of the office. “No.”
            “Sara?” Thea jumped from her chair and ran to the other woman. She had been sitting in the corner of the room, as the assigned bodyguard to Noah most of the day, but now there was no stopping the whirlwind as she threw herself at her long lost friend. It was much the same with Thea when Oliver himself returned home from the supposed dead.
            As much as Thea was excited by the news, Lyla frowned. It made Oliver grit his teeth. Sara had chosen the exact wrong moment to make her appearance. There were going to be a lot of questions. Questions he did not have time to answer at the moment.
            Sara hugged Oliver’s sister tightly, as Thea sobbed into her chest. “Hey, Thea. Look at you. You’re so grown up.”
            “I can’t believe you’re alive,” Thea mumbled from Sara’s chest.
            “I can’t either,” Lyla said much more forcefully glaring at her husband and Oliver.
            “You’re not going on the list,” Oliver said to Sara ignoring all the drama around him and concentrating on the most important thing.
            “Yes, I am. It makes sense,” Sara told him from over Thea’s shoulder. Her stare brokered no argument. Well, if she thought he wasn’t going to fight her on this then she didn’t know him very well.
            Sniffling, Thea stepped back and glanced between the two of them. She wiped away her tears and stalked over to her brother slapping his face in an act that she had not dared to do since she was seven. “You knew she was alive and you didn’t tell anyone?”
            “I told him not to,” Sara responded, but Oliver was doubtful that it was necessarily for his defense. “And I’m asking the same favor of all of you.” Her eyes searched the room for confirmation from everyone. Only Lyla hesitated with her nod. “No one can know that I’m alive. Especially, Anatoly and A.R.G.U.S.”
            “A little late for that now,” Lyla grumbled.
            Lyla finally consented again, but it was one that Oliver could tell was hesitant. By agreeing Lyla was putting her job on the line. Maybe more than that.
            Sara nodded back at her in understanding before turning back to Oliver. “Can I talk to you for a second, Ollie?”
            Oliver felt a little self-conscious at his old nickname being spoken, but Sara was right. They needed to talk. “Let’s go.”
            The two of them walked from the room and neither spoke until the door to Oliver’s bedroom closed behind them. Oliver leaned into the wood with his forehead to try to contain his anger. He knew this fight was going to be mentally draining.
            “I need to be on that list, Ollie.”
            “You don’t even know what it is,” Oliver told her as he turned around to face her. He discovered her on his bed. She sat there on the edge looking worn as she twiddled with her hands, her head bowed down. Scrapping his hands down his face, he realized he no longer had the energy to argue. The very last of his strength had to be saved to get Felicity out of Anatoly’s clutches in a few hours.
            “It’s the list you plan on turning over to Anatoly in exchange for Felicity. The one with the list of Russian A.R.G.U.S. agents.” Sara raised her face so she could look up at him. “Diggle called me earlier. He filled me in because he was scared that you were down her about to combust with frustration.”
            “He didn’t have to call you at all. I would tear him a new one, but I’m pretty sure his wife is doing that as we speak.”
            Sara ignored him and swept a hand through her hair, pushing it from her face. “Listen, I need a reason as to why I died. This is the perfect opportunity to explain that. In fact, being an A.R.G.U.S. agent makes a lot more sense than many of the other explanations going around.” Sara’s eyes pleaded with him and her hand came to rest on the knees of her black jeans. She always did look ready to jump into battle at a moment’s hesitation. “Plus, it’s an extra smoke screen for you. Anatoly will be shocked by seeing my name there that it might give you that much more opportunity to get Felicity out of the compound. And that’s the objective of this whole thing, isn’t it?”
            “Of course it is.” Oliver could not keep the annoyance from his voice. Like he would be doing this for any other reason. Like he would put his family and friends in danger for something that wasn’t as important as… Felicity. It was in that moment that Oliver realized just how much Felicity had come to mean to him. Shit. He didn’t need this right now. Emotions muddled things. Emotions that he did not need to feel right now because it meant that he might screw up. Emotions that would give Anatoly more ammunition to use against him.
            “Good.” Sara pushed herself up from the bed. “Then let’s go put my name on that list.”
            “Sara.” Oliver grabbed her arm before she could circle around him and leave. “Are you sure you want to do this? Felicity is my problem.”
            Sara raised a hand to Oliver’s face and cupped his cheek. “She means a lot to you, Ollie. There aren’t many people that we can truly claim to have an attachment to. Don’t let that go. Not for me or anyone else.”
            Oliver felt tears prick his eyes but he refused to let them fall. He could feel the depth of conviction in which Sara said her words. It broke his heart a little. A heart that he had long thought lost. But recently, with Felicity’s guidance he began to realize that maybe it wasn’t as far gone as he thought.
            “I don’t know if you realize it, Ollie. But Felicity has brought this light out from inside of you.” Oliver humphed at Sara’s words since it almost matched his own thoughts. “Whatever disagreement you may have had with her, move past it. Because I would do anything for her. She brought back a guy that I never thought that I would see again. You see I lost him a long time and I missed him.”
            “He wasn’t exactly the best version of myself,” Oliver reminded her. His past, was not exactly littered with good intentions.
            “No, but he had a good heart.” Sara’s hand dropped from his face and landed over his heart and the Bratva tattoo that now sat there on top of it. “I think it began to come back.”
            “It did. I just didn’t realize it until now,” Oliver admitted to her.
            Sara nodded. Going on her toes, she pecked him on the cheek. “Great. Now let’s go get Felicity, lover boy.”
            “Shut up,” Oliver told her but began to laugh for the first time in days.
              Felicity had enough. Enough with being a victim. Enough of the promises of being released. Enough of the cat and mouse games. They needed to rape or kill her and just get it over with. She was just sick of it all.
            Eying the pot where she had just relieved herself, she grimaced. Seriously, she should have made sure to use the toilet in her last prison before coming here, but it hadn’t exactly been a pressing need at the time. It was the only thing in the room, other than the bed that was askew against the wall. Okay, so there were two other things in there too. A light switch and the camera that now watched her.
            That was why the bed was askew. She had used it to try to climb up to that camera to configure the wires to send out a signal to anyone that she was in trouble. Not that she could reach them. She was just too damn short. What she had accomplished though was to pull the cover off. It allowed her access to see where the camera faced and when it came on to view what she was doing.
            Which was exactly why she made sure after finding out she had no hope of sending out a signal, that she placed the chamber pot directly under it. The camera at least couldn’t see her pee. Thank God for small favors.
            She was pretty sure that the camera from her calculations could see majority of the extremely small room that she now resided in. However, Felicity was pretty sure that it would not be able to make out part of the far wall and just the edge of the doorway. It meant that she might have the opportunity to lay in wait against the wall and wait for someone to come in to clobber them with her heels.
            Her stomach grumbling from the lunch that she had missed and the breakfast she just barely picked over, Felicity began to pace. Just because the camera light was on, on her way back facing the camera she would express her frustration by shooting up her middle finger at the offending piece of tech.
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pinkletterday · 6 years
Dancing Queen
Pairing: Oliver Queen/ Barry Allen
Rating: Teen
Summary: Barry makes an awful pun and Oliver makes an impulsive proposal.
A/N: Arrow S5/ Flash S3 AU. Laurel's alive and Sam came back to Starling with William.
This is my Olivarry fic with the highest proportionate kudos rating. Idk why. It's a strange bit of fluff. :P
Read on AO3
When Mayor Queen's driver pulls up to his boss' apartment building, Oliver is still on his phone. He's been on his phone or in meetings all day, putting out fires, being sneered at by experienced Councilmen, harangued by the city treasury and being coached through dizzyingly complicated legalese by Laurel. He is trying not to drown in it all but can't ignore his night job either, especially considering a certain businessman who had turned up, thinking to offer the new and overwhelmed young mayor a tempting carrot and a large stick. Oliver has been urgently co-ordinating with Diggle and Felicity for the Green Arrow to divest the gentleman of both, post-haste.
His child's mother calling him to demand satisfaction is the icing on today's cake.
"Yes, Samantha, I understand this is the third time-," he absently waves the driver off, juggling his briefcase and files. "I know William was disappointed at missing his weekend with me - yes, I realize that - Sam, I just got sworn in as mayor! - well, yeah it was three months ago but - yeah, I'm still at my night job but I am being careful - yes, I am taking him to the Cardinals game this weekend - I'll make it up him, Samantha, I promise - I'm not lying to him!"
Samantha isn't done with him until he's at the doorstep of the apartment he now shares with Barry. Who had moved to Starling to be with him ("I can be in Central in 10 minutes, Oliver") but who, to Oliver's eternal guilt, has barely seen him this week, what with work and vigilante-ing ("That's still not a word, Barry.") and respective family commitments. He's two hours later than he said he would be today as well.
Oliver unlocks the door, weary apology on his lips, expecting to find takeout on the counter and a speedster flopped forlornly on the sofa, flipping through the cable channels.
What he finds is the delicious smell of baking pervading the apartment, along with the strains of Grease and Barry obliviously singing along into a broom. He's in his socks and Spiderman boxers, wearing one of Oliver's t-shirts that hangs so large off his slender frame that it makes him look like a misshapen manta ray. There's icing sugar on his nose and his hair is still fluffy from a shower.
"Better shape up, cause you need a man..." his boyfriend spins around á la John Travolta, does a double take when he sees Oliver and bursts into a smile like sunshine, continuing without missing a beat - "and my heart is set on you!" flinging his arm out dramatically to point at him. The complete dork.
"You're the one that I want, you are the one I want," Barry sings blithely into his makeshift mic, hustling up to him, "ooh ooh ooh," shimmying from side to side. Oliver grabs him by those enticing hips to pull him forward and kiss him as soundly as he can through both their grins. He tastes like icing sugar and almonds.
"What's all this?" asks Oliver when they break apart, gesturing to the kitchen island scattered with baking supplies and trays of fresh-baked doughnuts.
"Well," Barry leads Oliver by the hand to show him his handiwork, steps still bouncing, "I figured you'd be in hot water with Samantha because you had to cancel your last weekend with William 'cause of that thing with the vampire cult -"
They have vampires now, apparently. Because the world isn't already ridiculous enough. "Was that Star City weirdness or Central?"
"Neither, they turned out to be based out of Keystone. And you were the one who rolled out the magic stuff, not me. Anyway. Samantha doesn't understand about vampires so I figured she'd be on the war path -"
"She is."
"So your intrepid superhero boyfriend breezed by William's school and found out that his class is having a bake sale!" A grown man should not look that much like an adorable labrador that had brought back the frisbee, Oliver thinks. "And William says Samantha is pants at baking, so if you ride in on your white horse with two dozen homemade doughnuts -"
"I'd earn back some brownie points."
"Exactly. And it makes your interest look more proactive! Which it is!" Barry hurries to clarify as Oliver's face clouds, "You're just really swamped, Ollie. You'd bake all day for William if you had time. But you do have a speedster boyfriend to help out so...I'm just pinch hitting."
Oliver looks with tenderness and wonder at the younger man, bustling around full of effervescent energy.
"Thanks, Barr. You're amazing," he reels him in close by his waist and gently kisses the icing off his nose.
Barry looks pleased with himself. "I am."
"You look like you're almost done." Oliver looks around regretfully.
"Yes, but you can still help me put the icing and sprinkles on the last batch. I know you love them, you lying health food freak!" Barry smirks and pushes the bowl of icing and bag of sprinkles at Oliver, who gladly takes off his coat and rolls up his sleeves.
"Laurel called and told me you'd be held up at work, so I ate and put the leftovers in the fridge for you." Barry continues moving fluidly around him with dancing movements, opening cupboards and tossing cutlery in the sink.
"That's good. I was afraid you'd have waited for me."
"Babe, I'm a speedster," Barry snorts. "I'd die if I waited for you to eat. This stomach waits for no man, sorry. Not even the one I love."
"Stomach first, man second," Oliver agrees. "I have always suspected this about you."
"Yes. I only love you cause you feed me," Barry nods. He attempts to scoop up some more icing with his finger only to be swatted away by Oliver. "Hey! That was my icing first!"
"And now its my icing and my doughnut," says Oliver sternly. "Keep those thieving hands to yourself, greedy."
Barry pouts injuredly at him. "The love, it has been rescinded."
Oliver tugs him close, smears icing on his lips and kisses him in answer. "Has it really?"
"Mmmm," Barry noses his ear, "and how was your day?" he inquires, wrapping his long manta ray arms around him and trapping him in his own t-shirt.
Oliver buries his face in his lover's hair and huffs. "I don't even want to talk to about it."
He feels Barry's shoulders slump. "Same," he whispers. "I only got through today so I could come home to you."
They hold each other close for a long moment before Barry breaks away. "How about we just not talk about anything serious and concentrate on William's doughnuts?"
"I'll focus on his doughnuts," Oliver leers playfully, letting his hand slide below his boyfriend's waist. "You were in the middle of something when I interrupted. Please continue."
"What?" Barry looks at him befuddled. "You're serious?"
"I'm the mayor, Barry. I'm always serious."
"You want me to dance for you? While you decorate doughnuts?"
"Yup." Oliver smirks and gooses his partner, making him yelp and wiggle away. "Entertain me, serf. Go on!"
Barry gapes at him and then, when he continues to look deadly serious, starts scrolling through the song menu, pouting. An evil grin suddenly comes over his face and -
"Friday night and the lights are loooow..."
Oliver instantly regrets everything. "Okay no wait, I take it back - Barry, no! You know what, you're fired. We're breaking up. Give me the remote."
Barry gleefully spins out of the way and continues singing. "YOU ARE THE DANCING QUEEN!" he yells at Oliver, who cringes in his soul.
"This is the corniest you have ever been in your life." Oliver informs him. Barry does an unrepentant shimmy in reply.
"DANCING QUEEN FEEL THE BEAT FROM THE TAMBOURINE OOOH-" Barry is cut off as a cloud of icing sugar explodes in his face. He blinks and sputters in disbelief.
"Oh, hell no!" he growls when his vision clears, lightning sparking in his eyes. "You're not getting away with that, Queen!"
Oliver meets his boyfriend's glare with a smirk and spins the icing spatula in his hand like a nunchuck. "Bring it, Allen!"
Later, Abba is still playing in a low hum in the background, and the two of them are lying much dishevelled on the kitchen island floor which is covered in various cake ingredients. Barry's t-shirt (or rather Oliver's) is rucked around his armpits and both their pants are shucked around their thighs.
Oliver falls back onto the sugar-covered floor with a sigh. "I can't believe I had sex with you after that," he groans. "That was the unsexiest thing I've ever seen."
"And yet," Barry grins smugly at the ceiling. "It's not my fault you're easy."
Oliver props his head on his elbow and turns to look at Barry pulling up his Spiderman pants. There is flour in his hair, his cheek and chin are smeared with batter and he's lost a sock. He sees Oliver staring at him.
"What?" Barry asks warily.
Oliver continues gazing at him like he's seeing him for the first time. "I just realized how absolutely awful everything is."
Barry blinks and looks around. "Um. I can clean this up in a minute-"
"It's not that."
"I didn't think Abba was that bad?" he tries, bewildered.
Oliver stands, pulling his pants up and helps Barry to his feet. He pulls the other man onto the sofa and seats himself opposite him on the coffee table, knees brushing against each other.
"Barry...this week has been awful," Oliver begins, letting his forehead drop wearily onto their clasped hands. "I'm a college drop out, I ran my family's company to the ground and now I'm trying to run a city when everyone knows Im not qualified. I try to look as though I know what I'm doing but I'm in over my head every day. Thea and Laurel are like my life rafts and Im still just keeping my head above water. Not to mention my night job -
The fatigue of settles into his bones but he ploughs on. "It's been five years and sometimes I feel like I didnt make the slightest bit of difference - no, let me say this - I feel like I'm only damming the flood every night and I'll never be able to stop being the vigilante or live a normal life. I have nightmares that this city will drain me of everything I am until I'm nothing but a shrivelled, bitter old man alone in the shadows with his bow.
"My kid is the one thing that's pure and completely good in my life but I've missed so much of his. I am so mad at Samantha and my Mom for that. But I can barely be there for him, or make his Little League games or bake sales. My parents made a lot of mistakes but at least they were there for me. I cant give even that much to my son because the city is taking everything I have. I'm failing him, Barry."
He only realizes his eyes are wet when Barry brushes the tears away with his thumbs, framing Oliver's face in his hands with an expression of infinite tenderness.
"Oliver," he leans their foreheads together and breathes his name into the space between.
"But that's not it." Oliver draws back, capturing Barry's hands in his own to look up at him, willing him to understand. "I just realized...everything in my life is completely awful - and I am so goddamn happy." He takes a shuddering breath through the lump in his throat and looks his boyfriend the eyes. "Marry me."
Barry looks stunned. "What?"
"Marry me."
Barry stares at him. "I just sang "Dancing Queen" at you and destroyed our kitchen."
"I know. You're awful. And so corny. You look ridiculous in my shirts. You eat so much sugar that watching you gives me toothache. You keep watching the same three musicals over and over when you cant sleep. It's like living with a five year old. I love you. Marry me."
"This is officially the weirdest marriage proposal ever," marvels Barry, still bemused. "I still don't understand where this is coming from. Is it because you had a bad day?"
"It's because I had a bad day," Oliver agrees, "and then I came home to you being...well, you. And then nothing else mattered."
Tears are now shining in Barry's beautiful eyes as well, clinging to his long lashes. "I love you too."
They fall forward into each other as Oliver crushes Barry to him. "Never leave," he pleads into his lover's neck, where the scent of vanilla and batter is spiced with that of ozone and storms. "Stay."
"Yes," Barry clutches him back just as fervently. "I will."
"You will?" He stills, daring to hope.
"Well, no," his boyfriend amends, pulling back. Oliver's face falls. "You have to do it properly."
Barry gestures imperiously at the floor as he looks on in bemusement. "Properly, Oliver," he says sternly and the light of understanding dawns.
"Ahem. Of course." Oliver pulls a mask of solemnity over the exhilaration surging within him. "I don't have a ring though -," he casts around and spots - "Ah, well this'll do."
He takes the one rainbow sprinkle doughnut he had managed to ice which has been miraculously spared the destruction and ceremonially places it on a napkin on his palm. Then he sinks down on one knee in front of his giggling boyfriend.
"Barry Allen," his laughter fades as Oliver looks at him over the colourful confection, heart open in his eyes. "Will you marry me?"
"Yes," the tears that have been shining in Barry's eyes spill over and he wipes them away hazily. "Yes, I will."
He graciously holds out his pinkie for Oliver to slide the doughnut on and bursts out laughing when they kiss. Barry pulls away and starts eating the cake off his finger.
"What are you doing?" exclaims Oliver. "You can't eat your engagement ring!"
"It's my ring," Barry informs him through a sweet mouthful. "I can do what I want."
"What about me? Aren't you gonna share with your fiancé?"
"Remember what I said about the stomach coming first - Oliver, no!" Barry falls off the sofa with a shout of laughter as Oliver lunges at him.
Hours later, the kitchen speed-cleaned, remaining doughnuts salvaged and safely stored, the two of them lie in bed, fed, showered and sated. They are tucked comfortably and tightly in each other's arms, like two neatly fitted pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. There is no ring but their fingers are entwined with each other's in silent promise.
"Barry?" Oliver murmurs into his fiancé's neck.
"Yeah, babe?" Barry nestles further into his arms sleepily.
"You know I love everything about you."
"So you say."
"But can you do something for me?"
"Please never mention that song again. Ever."
There is a contemplative silence.
"That's probably for the best."
The End
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 7 years
Paladins Chapter 4
Author’s Note: Thank you for the follows and faves and reviews! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Please forgive any spelling or grammar errors. I’m not having it beta’d and sometimes I miss some. Also- obviously not following the show to the tee. This chapter I kind of rearranged events because well it worked better for me this way. Enjoy! I promise to try to not have such a long period between chapters. I had the flu and was sick for a while on top of life getting in the way.
Cami deadpanned when she opened her door the next morning and Oliver was standing there holding coffee and what appeared to be breakfast. She walked away from the door without saying anything and he followed her in and kicked the door shut behind him.
“Cami-“ he started to speak but she held her hand up to stop him.
“Ollie we don’t have to do this okay?”
“Do what?”
“The song and dance where you beg me for forgiveness? Where I’m mad until you wear me down. I get it okay? We aren’t what we used to be. As much as we want to pretend that nothing changed in the 5 years you were gone. You’re hiding something. And for some reason you don’t want to tell me. Or feel like you can’t tell me. You don’t trust me anymore and that’s fine. But I cant do this. It hurts to know that you have this life that you’re shutting me out of and I have so much I’m dealing with. You just left me there yesterday, alone. You actually left and this is the first I’ve heard from you since.”
“I have no excuse for yesterday. We had a moment and it freaked me out a little bit. It opened up something that I haven’t been willing to accept because I’m a coward. There is so much that I want to tell you...I just...I can’t. You will never look at me the same. I’ll lose you for good and I cannot have you walk away from me.” She hadn’t seen him so upset before. She placed her hand on the side of his face. He was being sincere. She couldn’t stop herself. She leaned in and their lips touched for the briefest of moments and a pounding knock on her door jolted them apart. She walked back over to the door and barely had it open before Tommy barged in.
“He cut me off.” Was all he said as he pushed into the apartment.
“Our father- he cut off my inheritance. No warning.” Cami’s eyes went wide. She threw her bead back and groaned.
“I’m gonna go” Oliver stood. “Cam- can we get dinner tomorrow? Continue our conversation.” She nodded her head. He kissed her on the cheek and quickly exited the apartment.
A little while later she made the decision to follow Moira’s advice. She couldn’t take it anymore. She pulled her phone out and texted her assistant Romano while Tommy ranted. She had spoken to him last night about her plan. The two of them were close. He was like her life assistant. She decided to have Oliver followed. She had an idea of where he was spending his time after looking through the Queen Consolidated properties but she needed to be sure. She couldn’t stress the importance of not getting caught. She was positive John Diggle would not be gentle. Romano knew he couldn’t tell them anything if caught. She promised an amazing bonus if he caught a beating. She was confident that he would go unnoticed.
She let Tommy vent for a while longer and when he seemingly got it out of his system she was ready to interject. “Listen, Dad cutting you off like that was a real dick move. No arguments there. But at the same time you have to see why he did it. Tee, you have so much potential and because you’re more focused on making him pay for being a crap Dad to you, you’re wasting it. He should have talked to you first or at the very least warned you, something. But we will figure this out. You can stay with me until you figure out your next move.”
“I’m going to stay with Laurel” he admitted. She nodded not even slightly surprised. “But thank you for listening and thank you for the offer. I will figure this out. I was just pissed.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. “No matter how pissed off I am at you I’m always here. No matter what. We stick together.”
He pulled back and gave her a skeptical look. “So uhh what’s going on with you and Oliver? There was some heavy sexual tension when I got her.” She gagged.
“Never say sexual tension to me again. Nothing is going on” Tommy gave her a pointed look. “Okay fine I have no idea what’s going on to be honest.”
“Well it’s about time something happened. I mean you’ve been in love with him since you were like 3 years old.”
“I take it back. You can’t stay here, ever. Get out” he laughed as she smacked him all the way out the door.
Oliver was working out in the bunker when John walked in. His mind was spinning about that morning.
“How’d it go?” He questioned. He was certain Cami chewed him up and spit him back out. John admired the fire that she had. He also loved that she had no issue with putting Oliver Queen in his place.
“Surprising actually.” Oliver walked towards John. “She didn’t yell. She was upset. Really upset and I feel like a fucking scum bag for making her feel that way. She thinks I don’t trust her or don’t care. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. I mean I wasn’t lying when I told her last night freaked me out a bit and that I’m a coward when it comes to her. I’ve always felt something for her. But she’s Tommy’s sister.”
“She’s also an adult Oliver. She’s a woman who is clearly torn up about you. She has feelings for you. I saw the look on her face when she ran out of that party. She was devastated. And not for nothing but isn’t Tommy dating Laurel now? I mean he really doesn’t have anything to say.”
“I can’t be with her and not be honest with her. She knows me too well. She knows I’m hiding something. I told her that I was afraid she’d walk away. That she wouldn’t be able to deal with it and that she’d never see me the same way again.”
“What was her response?”
“She kissed me. I mean it was the shortest kiss in the history of man. Tommy was banging on her door literally the second her lips touched mine.”
“But she kissed you.” John saw a genuine smile on Oliver’s face for the first time. “Look man- if you don’t tell her, if you don’t bring her into the fold in some capacity you will most definitely lose her. Friendship or otherwise. I’ve seen how she looks at you. The fact that she even let you in her house today. She’s not going to walk away.”
“That then leaves the issue of telling her puts her in danger. What if someone went after her? Do I have any business being with her?”
“Don’t you think that’s for her to decide? You need to let someone else besides me in. You need to have someone to confide in. I can’t begin to even pretend to know what happened in those 5 years. But you need someone you can be completely unfiltered with. She’s it. ”
“I’ll think about it. But for now we need to discuss this Paul guy.”
Cami was pacing in her apartment. Oliver had been with Frank Bertinelli and then left with his daughter Helena. She didn’t know if it was a date or what it was. She hated herself for being so put out by it. She had no right to be. They had barely kissed and he didn’t owe her anything. She wondered if that feeling would ever go away. But what superseded those feelings were ones of worry. She knew Bertinelli was a mobster bad had been trying to book Moira and Walter for as long as she remembered. She couldn’t begin to imagine what Oliver had gotten himself into. She had sent Romano home a few hours ago. She didn’t need to know the details of what was happening at that restaurant.
Instead her SUV was parked within walking distance to the abandoned Queen Consolidated building in the glades. Oliver had spent a good portion of his day there and then John had joined him. She figured she had time to get in and get out with Oliver not here. She was ready to confirm her suspicions.She slowly made her way through the rundown building. It was a perfect cover. Why would anyone come here? She didn’t find anything incriminating. There had to be either and upper or lower level. She was glad in black leggings and black knee high boots, a fitted black vneck and a black baseball cap pulled down to cover her her hair and sheild her face. She was searching the building inch by inch when she spotted a door but stopped in her tracks. She felt goosebumps and the hair on her body standing on end. Someone else was there. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard the floor creek.
“Don’t take another step” a gruff voice came from whomever was behind her. She heard and arrow being pulled back. She rolled her eyes and raised her hands. “I’m not armed. You can put the bow and arrow down.”
“Don’t move” the command came again. She hadn’t expected to be caught. She let her intuition guide her next move like she had been taught by so many. Before the archer knew what hit him he was flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him after she had quickly dropped to a squat and spun her leg out. The heel of her boot was pressing into the hooded figures jugular.
“It’s not very nice to point a weapon at someone who tells you they’re not armed. Where are your manners?” She released her foot after making her point. As soon as he could breathe properly he stood up still shocked by what had happened but more shocked by who had done it.
“Cam.” Was all be said. She took the baseball cap off of her head. “Might as well drop your hood Oliver.”
“How did you know? How the hell did you figure out I was using the building.”
“You often forget who I am Oliver. One- I know you. I know when you’re lying. Two- we both know I’m way smater than you. No offense.” And three I’m a Merlyn. The resources I have are substantial and my name carries quite a bit of clout. You might be shocked to know I actually can be quite intimidating.” He sighed grabbed her by the arm and dragged her with him. He led her down to the bunker.
“Look what I found.” Cami wasn’t surprised to see John down in what seemed to be a bunker for Oliver’s extra curricular activities. “So who else did you tell?” He was angry. Cami scoffed.
“I told no one Oliver! And it’s really rich that YOU’RE mad right now! I should be furious with you!”
“I told you I needed time to open up.”
“About the Island Oliver. Not this. You never would have told me about this. Jesus. This is...I don’t know what this is. But this is what you thought would make me walk away from you? Because The Hood has killed people? Well those people were human garbage that the justice system couldn’t touch. Your methods may be extreme but you’ve made quite a difference.” Oliver was surprised.
“How did you know how to do that?” He finally spoke again. “What? Drop you on your ass? I told you my father had had me take all these fighting classes.”
“That was a little more than self-defense Cam.” She shrugged. “You know what my mother’s death did to him. You realize now I’m in right?”
“No. You’re not. I’m not letting you get hurt.” She rolled her eyes.
“I can take care of myself. And you don’t get to tell me what I can and cannot do. You need help.”
“I have John.” She rolled her eyes at him. “He’s not me. Again- I have resources that he doesn’t, that you don’t. Oliver- you need me.” She was pleasding. She couldn’t let him do this without her. He was going to get himself killed. “She’s right.” John finally spoke.
“NOT helping Diggle. I’m taking you home.” Cami snatched her arm away. “You’re a mysoginistic asshole. I can drive myself.” And with that she stormed out of the bunker. Oliver signed and sat down as he rubbed his forehead.
“Oliver” John made his way over to Oliver.
“Don’t Digg. It’s not up for discussion. I needdd you to have my back with her. Talk her out of this. I don’t need her getting killed in the crossfire.” John held his hands up and backed away leading Oliver to his thoughts.
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just-arrowolicity · 7 years
A Superhero Learns To Fly Chapter 11
A/N:  If it is someone still waiting for this update here it is!!! I really sorry for the delay but real life and I was struggling with all the ideas the came to my mind for this chapter. But don't worry I know where I am going with this.  Also thank you to my Beta!!!! Read on AO3
Summary: Felicity made her choice, now she need to be brave and become something else, so she can survive.
Felicity was tied to a chair blindfolded when she heard steps getting closer to her. Suddenly, someone took off the blindfold. She squinted as her eyes adjust to the bright light beaming from two monitors in front of her.  
Felicity stared at the monitors, they were showing an empty office until Amanda entered it. She kept her eyes on Amanda, but nothing happened until she saw a red light. She had seen this before that was the Flash. Barry was in an Argus facility with Diggle and Oliver.
Felicity couldn’t take her eyes off Oliver. He put his hood down. He wasn’t wearing his mask, he yelled at Amanda and Diggle put a hand on Oliver’s shoulder. Amanda said something. Oliver quickly took an arrow put it in his bow. Diggle and Barry said something to him, but he didn’t care what the two men told him. He shot the arrow. Felicity gasped the next moment she saw Barry with an arrow in his hand, the one Oliver shot at Amanda. Felicity let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding. Oliver got close to Amanda, he said something to her and after that Oliver, Diggle, and Barry were gone. Felicity realized that was the last time she will see Oliver.
A man entered and took off Felicity’s chains. He said to her, “Time to leave.”
Felicity got up and followed him. This didn't look like the facilities that she had been before, she was in a corridor with cells. The man stopped in front of one of the cells, opened it for her and said: “This is yours. Waller will come to see you soon.”
Felicity entered her cell, sat on the bed and started to replay in her head what she saw a few minutes ago. Oliver, her Oliver just tried to kill Amanda and he didn’t hesitate. What was Oliver thinking? Killing Amanda will only bring him problems. “Oliver please stop looking for me,” Felicity whispered to herself.
Amanda opened the door, and Felicity put on her best poker face because she was determined to be brave, she can’t be weak. Amanda gave her a sarcastic smile and said “Sorry I was delayed.”
“You knew he will come after you, that’s why you wanted me to watch it,” Felicity said.
“You are smart Miss Smoak,” Amanda smiled, “it’s time to come with me.” Felicity got up and followed Amanda to another room. The room had all the technology that someone like Felicity could ask for. Felicity should be amazed by the technology in front of her but she only saw an opportunity for her freedom.
“This will be your office. We will provide you with everything to catch the Calculator,” Amanda said, taking Felicity out of her thoughts. “Your abilities will be more useful here and you will become something else with us,” Amanda added.
Felicity did not respond and took a seat in front of the computers.
One week later
“Some Argus agents had been kidnapped,” Amanda explained to Felicity.
“Do you want me to track the person who’s doing this?” Felicity asked while she looked through the file that Amanda has just given her. Nothing seems to connect the agents together, besides the fact that they were retired Argus agents.
“I already know who is doing this,” Amanda told her.
“What do you want me to do then?” Felicity asked confused.
Amanda smiled at Felicity, “Miss Smoak, I need you to stop them.” Amanda pointed to one of her monitors showing the faces of Oliver, Diggle, and Lyla.
Before Felicity could say anything else, Amanda said, “You can go now.”
Felicity sat down on her workstation, and read each report. All of them showed the same information ‘two men; black mask; tortured; asking for a Felicity Smoak.’ Felicity saw the pictures, the only word to describe how this man had been tortured was a monstrosity. Oliver couldn’t have done this, Lyla and Diggle would not help with something like this.
Felicity decided to dig in more about this situation. She tracked Oliver’s movements in the news since she had been gone.
“Felicity Smoak, The New CEO Of Palmer Tech Allegedly Dead”
“Oliver Queen Took Back His Candidacy”
“Oliver Queen Certain That His Fiancé Felicity Smoak Is Still Alive.”
And that’s it, Oliver on the news talking about her. He hadn’t been to Palmer Tech and the Arrow had not been seen at once. Now she needs to dig a little deeper, Felicity hoped that Oliver used the driver that she had left him on the lair’s computer so she will have a back door to her own system. To her surprise, she didn’t find anything related to the Argus agents, not even a search that indicates the team was looking for her, just normal criminal cases that had been taken care by Roy and Thea.  
“Lyla show me something” Felicity whispered to herself while she was dig through Lyla’s past and her works with Argus until she left.
After a long night, Felicity finally found something, an old warehouse located in Coast City. It’s a warehouse that Lyla used once for an old mission.  Felicity puts together each kidnap’s location and compared with the warehouse, and she noticed the locations were closed, but far at the same time. She was very sure that she found the place where they had tortured the agents.
Now Felicity need to make them stop, but how can she do that. Felicity took a look at the files that Amanda had given her 6 days ago. Suddenly, she knew what to do. “Curtis my friend, you’ll be hacked. But believe me, this hurts me more than it hurts you” Felicity said to herself and started to work on her computers.
3 months later
One week ago Amanda gave Felicity her first mission that required her to be on the field. She went through some training that will guarantee her safety on this mission. She had also created two devices to help her on the field. She could run facial recognition, and x-ray an entire building. She thought that she could manage herself on the field.
She was wrong, the moment she and the others step foot into the building, they got caught. Guns were pointing at them, they couldn’t do anything. Then guns was shot and some Argus’ agents died.
One week of torture, is what Felicity had been through. Each day a man came to her cell, put her in a chair and gave her electric shocks, asking for what happened in Corto Maltese. He showed her photos of dead people, and she always said: “I don’t know”.
Today Felicity’s body was giving up, she couldn’t feel her legs and arms. She wanted all of this to be over. Felicity closed her eyes. She heard one of the men torturing her walk away. The other man got close to her and took off her chains. She looked up confused, and he told her “you know what to do.”
Felicity looked at him in shock, what was that supposed to mean? The man walked away leaving her alone and unchained. Felicity got up, she looked for something that could be used as a weapon. She took a little knife and got out of the room.
Felicity started to run. She didn’t know where to go but she was sure that she needed to find a computer or her equipment. She didn’t want to be in hand-to-hand combat with her captors.
Felicity closed her eyes, took a breath and heard Diggle’s voice in her head “You need to pay attention to your surroundings, look for something that can used as a weapon.” Felicity took another breath, and she noticed a door, she walked towards it. She got close to the door. She didn’t hear anything. She decided to open the door, she saw a gun on a desk.  “I’m going to regret this” Felicity muttered as she walked forward to get the gun. When she took it, the light turned on and two men were in front of her.
“GET UP” one man yelled at Felicity.
“No,” Felicity whispered. “Just finished this. Please,” she cried.
“That’s not our mission,” the man said.
Felicity looked at him confused. Suddenly, a man grabbed her from behind and put his hand around her neck. She closed her eyes, she was ready to die. That was when she heard Oliver’s voice in her head, “Fight to live”.
Felicity opened her eyes and hit the man behind her with her head. The man let go of her and she went straight towards the one with the gun. Felicity disarmed the guy with a swift kick. She hit the guy in the face, then the abdomen. The man fell on his knees. The other guy grabbed her by her hair and stabbed her before letting go.
Felicity put both of her hands on her abdomen and saw blood. “I won't die here,” Felicity said to herself.
When Felicity turned around, she saw both men were in fight position like she hasn’t done anything to them.
They attacked her first. However now it was more difficult for Felicity to protect herself because she was getting dizzy. One of them kicked her and she ended up on the floor. Then she saw it, Felicity saw the gun.
Felicity took the gun and point it to her opponents and she shot them. Felicity saw that her hands we shaking and covered with blood- her blood- but it felt like it was the blood of the man that she killed.
Someone opened the door, Amanda entered with a smile on her face and told Felicity “Good job Miss Smoak, now it’s time to get to work.”
“This was a test,” Felicity breathe heavily, she pointed the gun at Amanda.
“You can shoot if you want,” Amanda got close to Felicity. “Or I can give you medical attention.”
Felicity dropped to her knees and cry. Looking at the dead men next to her and she remembered Amanda’s words “You will become something else with us.”
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smkkbert · 6 years
Time for a story - Change of heart
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“Addie, if you don’t let me put on your jacket, we can’t go.”
Addie kicked her legs onto the floor and hit her little fists against the hardwood panels too. She released another loud whine that turned into a high-pitched scream. The sound left an unpleasant ringing in Oliver’s ears and made him sigh deeply.
“Addie, Sweetie, we won’t go without your jacket being put on.”
Addie seemed like she wanted to say something, but she had cried herself into a frenzy that she appeared to have troubles getting out now. She released some incoherent, incomprehensible syllables that were mostly drowned in new sobs. Oliver could hear that she had trouble breathing, but he knew that going over and rubbing her back or even just talking to her wouldn’t help her.
With a low sigh, Oliver sat down at the bottom of the stairs and shot a look outside. William, Emmy, Tommy and Millie were already sitting in the car, ready to go to Connor’s birthday party. Only Addie wasn’t ready.
Felicity closed the door to the backseats where she had just buckled Millie’s seatbelt and shot a look in his direction. Frowning, she shot a meaningful glance at her watch before she looked back at him once more. Oliver shrugged his shoulders as he had no idea what to do.
“Addie, everyone has gotten ready,” Oliver said. “It’s just you and me now.”
When Addie didn’t reply, Oliver looked back at Felicity once more to see her approaching him already. With a brief nod of her head, she wordlessly asked what was going on.
“Addie doesn’t want to get into her jacket,” Oliver said and added in a whisper, “probably tired.”
Pursing her lips, Felicity looked at their youngest daughter. Her sobs had gotten a lot quieter. All the crying and screaming had probably just made her so tired that she was about to fall asleep right there. She hadn’t napped for very long today, so Oliver guessed she was catching up on that now.
“Addie, what if mommy helps you to put on your jacket?”
Addie made an indistinct sound and turned her head, so her face was directed towards the floor. Her legs still kicked against the floor slightly, but most of the energy had drained.
“Okay, just take the kids and go ahead,” Felicity suggested, holding out the keys to Oliver. “I will put her to bed for another hour and I will follow later.”
Oliver shot another look at Addie. With the way she was behaving right now, there was no way they could take her to Connor’s birthday. He didn’t just want to leave their little girl to Felicity, but Oliver knew that Addie usually reacted a little bit better to Felicity if she was like this.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
Felicity nodded her head. “Of course. It’s fine. Just go before the rest of the kids starts throwing a temper tantrum too.”
Oliver chuckled and got up as he didn’t have to be told twice. Snatching the keys from her fingers, he bent down and brushed his lips against Felicity’s in a gentle kiss.
“Call me if something happens.”
Felicity rolled her eyes. “Nothing’s gonna happen.”
“Probably,” Oliver agreed, “but if it does, you will call me.”
Smiling, Oliver brushed his lips against Felicity’s in another kiss. When the humping of the car pulled them apart, Oliver squeezed Felicity’s fingers and hurried to where the others were waiting. William had already climbed forward onto the passenger seat, probably noticing that Felicity wouldn’t make it with the way Addie was acting.
“What about Felicity and Addie?” he asked the moment Oliver sat down in the driver’s seat and switched on the engine. “Aren’t they coming?”
“They are following. Addie needs a little more sleep.”
“Addie no sleep much nap.”
Oliver shot Millie a glance in the rearview mirror and smiled. “You are absolutely right, Millie. Addie didn’t sleep much during naptime. She is catching up on that now, so she can come to Connor’s birthday party and eat some cake.”
“I want cake too!” Tommy said immediately. “Lots of cake.”
“Oh, we are going to eat all the cake.”
“But one slice for mommy,” Tommy hurried to say. “And one for Addie.”
That’s really nice of you to remember to leave some of it to them,” Oliver replied, directing the car out of the driveway and towards the street. “Now, what music are we going to listen to during our drive to Uncle John and Aunt Lyla?”
“Disney!” Emmy and Millie called out in chorus.
“No!” William groaned. “Not the Disney playlist again.”
“Well, Emmy and Millie were first. They get to decide.”
Oliver switched on the music, letting all kind of Disney soundtrack echo through the car. It was the playlist they heard most often in this car as the kids, at least the ones under ten years, were addicted to the soundtracks recently. Emmy and Millie sang alone though Millie barely guessed a word right. Tommy nodded his head in time to the music, looking outside. William did his best to hide it, but Oliver was sure that he could see his oldest son mouthing some of the lyrics too.
When they arrived at the Diggles’, William took the hands of Emmy and Tommy. Oliver carried Millie upstairs to the apartment. As soon as the door was opened and the giant Minion-cake was visible, Emmy and Tommy ran into the apartment though and Millie struggled out of Oliver’s arms until she could follow her siblings.
“I am happy to see you too, Guys,” John called after them with a chuckle before he turned back to William and Oliver. “Glad to see you. Come in.”
“Hey,” William said. “Where’s the birthday boy?”
“He’s taking a nap.” John chuckled, shaking his head. “I guess his birthday was a little bit too exciting for him.”
“Sounds like Addie,” Oliver replied. “She needed another nap too. Felicity stayed home with her.”
“Oh, so she’s not coming?”
“Later. Once Addie has rested, they will follow.”
When Oliver and William stepped into the apartment, Donna immediately beckoned for William to come over to her and Quentin. William shot another brief look back at Oliver before he left to talk to his grandmother.
“I will make sure our kids get some cake,” John said, nodding over to where Sara was trying to cut the cake. “Beer’s in the fridge, or are you still abstinent?”
“I am.” Oliver sighed. “Though a beer sounds really good right now.”
He went over to the fridge, and his gaze fell onto the bottles of beer that were stored in the door. He missed beer if he was being honest, but he knew Dr. Rosario thought it was better for him to stay abstinent.
If it was up to her, he’d stay away from everything he could possibly be or get addicted too. Alcohol, adrenaline and sex were all things she thought he should stay away from for a while until his mental state was more stable than it was right now. Oliver was staying away from the first as the second was hard to stay away from without losing a part of himself and the last was impossible to stay away from as long as he was this happily married to Felicity.
With a sigh, Oliver grabbed a can of coke. He let the door of the fridge fall shut and stepped behind the kitchen island. From there, he had a good view over the living room and everyone who was here. Except from the team, Quentin and Donna as well as John’s and Lyla’s parents were here.
Those were all familiar faces, so Oliver couldn’t say that he was feeling unwell because there were too many strangers in the room. He guessed he was just feeling a little less well than he should because Felicity wasn’t here. Without her anywhere near, he was always feeling a little bit unwell.
Oliver sighed. It should be impossible to love someone as much as he loved Felicity, but he couldn’t help it. His wellbeing was mostly dependent on her. If she was close, he was always feeling better. If she wasn’t there, he was always feeling like a part of him was missing. It unsettled him, and it almost kind of annoyed him.
With another deep sigh, Oliver turned around and leaned back against the kitchen counter. He took a few sips of the coke and shook his head. He should probably think less about Felicity since it only reminded him more of how much he missed her.
“Everything alright?”
Surprised, Oliver perked up his eyebrows. Tommy chuckled at the expression on his friend’s face and leaned against the counter next to him. Oliver just shook his head about himself and sighed once more.
“I guess that means no,” Tommy replied with a smile, “and I guess it’s Felicity’s absence that makes you sigh like you are carrying the burden of the world on your shoulders.”
Oliver swallowed down another sigh that was about to fall from his lips. Grinning, he lowered his head and shuffled his feet. He was certain that it was written all over everything he did how much he loved Felicity. For someone as close to him as Tommy, there couldn’t be anything easier than detecting how much Oliver really loved Felicity. He doubted that anyone could see more than the surface of how much he really loved her though.
His love for Felicity was indescribable and unfathomable. From the moment he had fallen in love with her and had allowed himself to let that love into his heart, his entire world had changed. He had changed into a better and more content man. He had found his peace in being with her.
“If you ever love someone as much as I love Felicity,” Oliver said, “you will understand.”
Oliver smiled to himself. He doubted that many people were that lucky to find someone they loved as much as he loved Felicity. A love like that was extraordinary, a once-in-a-lifetime-love, that only few were lucky enough to experience. People who had never experienced a love like that would never understand.
Before Felicity, he had never been able to picture himself living with someone. When he had been with Laurel, the thought of honest, faithful commitment had scared him. The moment she had suggested moving in together, he had seen her vision of a life together in her eyes – moving in together, engagement, marriage, a mansion like his parents’ and kids – and he had run off.
Every woman that had followed after that had just been supposed to prove to himself that he could be better than that. He had fallen for Shado, thinking her balance and softness could heal him. He had started something with Helena because he had thought that, if he saved her, there was still hope for him. He had started a relationship with McKenna, hoping the normality of her world could help him balance the craziness of his. And with Isabel…
Okay, Oliver had to admit that Isabel had been the result of a lapse n his brain or whatever to call it. The moment she had urged him into his hotel room and taken off his clothes, he had known that it was wrong. Maybe he had just been horny. Maybe he had just wanted to screw up what he had started to feel for Felicity because he had thought that she was unreachable for him. God, those had been dark times.
Sometime he thought back to the conversation he had had with Sara in that hotel room. They had talked about finding a place and moving in together. Oliver knew now that he hadn’t really been ready back then. He had just thought that Sara had been his only chance at filling the aching loneliness he had filled his heart back then. She had gone through the same trauma he had. He hadn’t loved her. He had just seen himself mirrored in her.
Only with Felicity he had ever wanted to commit himself to a relationship. From the moment they had gotten together, he had wanted her near him 24/7. It had only taken a couple of weeks for him to finally see the temptation in moving in together, getting married and having babies. He had wanted it all, and he hadn’t wanted to wait.
That was how much Felicity had changed him and his values. His love for her had caused a change of heart. Nothing he had thought or felt before her had been relevant after she had gained a real spot in his life and his heart.
Maybe a deep experience with pain like the one he had gone through was making you appreciate love all the more. Oliver doubted that it was the only reason why his love for Felicity was as deep as it was. He couldn’t deny that it did play a part in that though.
“I think I already do.”
Oliver frowned, turning his head to look at his friend. Tommy had his had turned back over his shoulder. Oliver followed Tommy’s gaze to where Laurel was kneeling on the floor in front of Millie, listening to the story her goddaughter was telling her between bites of cake. She was laughing and putting a lot of effort into her facial expressions, they way everyone always did when they were talking to little kids.
It took Oliver a moment to remember what he had last thought. When he did, he frowned slightly before he looked back at Tommy.
“You are feeling that way for Laurel?”
Tommy chuckled. “Don’t sound so surprised.”
Oliver already took in a breath to reply, but after a moment of faltering he just chuckled and shook his head. He took some sips of his coke.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to sound so surprised,” he said eventually. “It’s just that, the way you just said it, it sounded very serious. I didn’t know it was so serious between you two.”
“I didn’t know it either.”
Tommy’s words sounded serious, and Oliver could almost see the surprise on his friend’s face. He frowned slightly, waiting for him to continue talking.
“I mean I knew that I loved Laurel,” Tommy said eventually. “I have known it for years. Even when you two were still together, I had a thing for her. Only after we thought you had died, I allowed myself to let it in though.”
Oliver nodded his head slightly. Tommy and Laurel had always been the better couple, and he wished that his experience on the island and his need to make things right hadn’t caused him to urge himself in between the both of them. Maybe if he had been honest with himself from the start and had admitted to himself that the only reason why he had been so attached to Laurel had been his guilt over taking Sara on that trip with him and his need to know that he could be better, everything would have been different. Maybe Tommy and Laurel would have been happy together, and Tommy had never had to go through what his father had put him through.
“After I got back from that terrible life my father forced me to live, I knew I still loved her. It took a while until I was able to give it another try. Once I did, I know there was no way back. I love Laurel more than I ever loved anyone or anything. She makes me happy. She makes me feel safe. She makes me feel at home. She makes me feel a thousand things I haven’t felt since my mother died. I want to make our relationship as real and as committed as possible. I just don’t know.”
“Sounds like the kind of love not too many of us experience,” Oliver said and followed Lyla’s movements to the door after the bell had just been rung. “You’re one of the lucky ones.”
The moment Lyla opened the door and Oliver could see Felicity in front of the door, he felt the little bit of tension that had gathered in his muscles fading. There was no restlessness left in him. Now that Felicity was here and now that his entire family was here, he was feeling whole again.
Felicity’s eyes found his soon. She smiled at him for a moment, but she was soon distracted as Addie was calling for her attention. She pointed at the cake with a finger. Oliver couldn’t hear what Felicity was saying, but he guessed she was making sure that Addie was getting some of it.
Oliver looked at Tommy. This time, he didn’t have to follow his gaze to know that he was watching Laurel once more. He knew the expression in Tommy’s eyes, the quiet longing for the person you loved the most.
“Word of advice?”
Tommy looked at him, shrugging his shoulders. “Okay.”
“When I realized that I found the person I loved more than I thought it was possible to love someone,” Oliver said and quickly drank the last of his Coke can, “I put a ring on it.”
He trashed it by throwing it into the garbage can at the other end of the kitchen unerringly and walked past Tommy, clapping his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
His eyes were focused on where Felicity was feeding Addie the slice of cake when he approached the two of them. As soon as they were in reach, he wrapped his arms around both of them. He kissed Addie’s cheek and Felicity’s lips, feeling her smile against his.
“You are a lot earlier than I thought you’d come.”
“Well, our little girl here didn’t want to lie down for another nap, did you?” Felicity asked Addie and bobbed her up and down on her hip a little.
Addie squealed and shook her head. “No sleep.”
“The moment I wanted to lay her down, she was suddenly wide awake and told me it was okay if she had to put on the jacket,” Felicity said, rolling her eyes slightly. She just needed the extra attention I guess.”
Oliver chuckled and brushed his fingers through Addie’s light blond hair. She had always had her own head, and Oliver couldn’t love her more for it.
“Where’s the birthday boy?” Felicity asked eventually, looking around. “I haven’t seen him yet.”
“Nobody has,” Oliver replied. He is taking another nap.”
Felicity chuckled. “Seems like an interesting start for this week.”
Oliver grinned. This one week in March was always called their special week. Today it started with Connor’s second birthday. Tomorrow was Addie’s second birthday. The day after that, he and Felicity celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary. At last, Millie was celebrating her third birthday. It was an eventful week.
Two years ago, he and Felicity had stood in the hospital room to visit Lyla and her newborn son. Only a couple of hours later, Felicity had woken him up to tell him that her waters had broken way too early. For days, they had spent every second in the hospital to be with their little fight of a newborn girl. They had even celebrated Millie’s first birthday in the hospital to make sure that Addie wouldn’t be alone for even an hour.
Oliver shook his head, moving his hand through his hair. It had been a crazy few days, and he would never forget the relief he had felt when Felicity and Addie had finally been able to come home. He had been scared because Addie had been so tiny, even tinier than her siblings, but he had also been very excited.
When Oliver turned back to Felicity, about to say something about how they were already together for ten years now, he noticed the little crease between her eyebrows. It made him frown too immediately.
“What did you tell Tommy?” she asked without the need for him to ask. “He looks like he just had an epiphany.”
Oliver followed her gaze to Tommy. He was still watching Laurel. The expression on his face was different than it had been before though. It didn’t just show love anymore. It showed that he was thinking thoroughly about something, probably those last words Oliver had said to him.
The thought made him smile because he remembered how he had lain awake for two nights, wondering if he should really propose. He had known that he has wanted to propose. He just hadn’t been sure if he could expect Felicity to live with all the crap in his life. Once he had made his choice, nothing could have stopped him though.
“I think I just told him a way for his entire life to chance,” Oliver said. His eyes found Felicity’s, and he brushed his fingertips against her cheek. “Just like you changed mine.” 
@fannaz @promiseyoullbepatientwithme @bytemegeekette @felicity-said-just-in-case @phanseptiic @orangeisorange @mspotatohead14 @whentheheavenfades @emmaamelia95 @smoakingskye @seaolicity @ourwritinginvein @1022bridgetp @felicityqueenforever @leagueofolicity17 @yryssss @myhauntedblacksoul @muslimsmoak @sherlock44 @sinceriouslybea @arrowsalways @olivyflavescentdeer @olicitys-castle @ofnothingcharming @vaelisamaza @smoakedandcharmed @alexisa1206 @mysaudadespt2 @florence-bubbles @addictiontelly @queens-of-arrows @memcjo @hysterical-for-joshifer @oswinelevenforever @olicitylovemaking @bandanab310 @mymusiclove101 @lynslogic @scarletqueen23 @olicityshipper19 @alex-wesley @arrows-4ever @unabashedlynerdypatrol @louehmysoul @ligiapimenta @chattyyana @charlie-leau @coal000 @samcrowleys @ishippolivia @julianegomesqueen @malafle @miriam1779 @charlinert @melaux @ontheolicityship @myshipperlife @wrightainsley @lexi9515 @ladygreenwood @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl @morinamel @mje-thomas @kebarry @canadianheartgirl @nannett2307 @almondblossomme @paarti12 @kathrynelizabeth89 @imdfabulous @cutearrowgirl @mrt2501 @mecha1330 @arsipaci14 @mzminx @salasvia @brandis91 @cainc3 @morganmiguess @pr0fessi0nal-fangurl @iamisalima @nessafra @jonhdiggle @niki-is-amazing @universed-posts @hopeful-warrior @senoritaswiftie @bellemmie @green-arrows-of-karamel @iheartarrow @olicityovereverything @oliverfel4 @navyaarsha @fandoms-breathe-life @simone4mcswarek @olicity-in-the-heart @fullychippedcreation @geemarie @everything-but-normal-cat @myarroworld @tjmartinez @pleasantfanandstudent @itsmagnoliagirl @j69confessional2 @scentedcolorpirate @icanica74 @javinancupil @tjmartinez98 @certainmentalityface @tatianadamaceno @ryelew @wildwillowzepplin @missafairy @letsplaymurde-r @lipizette @positivepiper @nuttymilkshakehologram @laksagirl @turnupthemusicandscream @pumpernickle93 @onceuponanolicity @1106angel @jaspertown @fadinglands @morganashimi83 @mochababychristy @omglovechrissie @mariejr88-blog @thetaufactor @onceuponanolicity @speakandseethetruth @bri206 @aglasgo @thats0klaroline @geemarie @pineprincess @nerdgirljen @peterpanslostgirl666 @eternal-olicity14 @allyouhadtodowas-stay-stay-stay @lovelycssefan @tsseract @flowerandsunshine @dcnmarvelgamergeek @blondeeoneexox @monetsmark @soaring-cities @bb-olicity @mashamarty @rulerofsilence @erika-amber @felicity087 @i-claim-only-emily @pattid1 @westallenandolicityshipper @babyolicityandwestallen @nothingmorethanmyotps @kayleenyc @tonto16 @olicityfluv @olicitea1990 @olicity5ever @haahaaa2408 @pattid1 @faegal04 @24karatgem
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raywritesthings · 5 years
In the Dead of Night 2/9
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn, John Diggle, Quentin Lance, Lucas Hilton, Sara Lance, Dinah Lance, Thea Queen, Malcolm Merlyn Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen (Eventual) Summary: Oliver Queen returns to Starling City after five years away, three years after Sara Lance was found and rescued by her mother. More troubling to him is Laurel’s abrupt and unexplained absence from the city for the same length of time that her sister’s been home. Three years into the past, Dinah Lance makes a terrible choice. *Can be read on my AO3 or FFN (links to both accounts are in bio)*
Present day
John could admit that Oliver had some impressive skills when it came to strategy and planning. But sometimes he was just freaky.
“So you set Lance up to open an investigation into his daughter?”
Oliver looked away from the news report he was watching on mute. A picture of Laurel Lance was displayed along with a banner declaring, Police Open Investigation into Woman’s Three-Year Disappearance. “I knew I wouldn’t get very far asking questions myself and that he had the credibility as her father and the connections to do it. Lance may have been kicked off the force for his drinking, but he’s got a sharp mind when he uses it. Give him a case, and he’s a dog with a bone.”
“Yeah, guess you two have that in common.”
Oliver made a face but didn’t reply.
“He won’t be splitting his time between two missions, though. Speaking of, what’s next in your grand plan to save the city? You could put some pressure on Simon Stagg. Thanks to him there’s a legal aid office that’s closing in the Glades.”
“Stagg isn’t on the list, surprisingly,” Oliver said. “And the Hood can’t exactly attack him for deciding to cancel his donations.”
“So CNRI is just a casualty.” John shook his head. He should have figured. It had been hard enough to convince Oliver to take on the Royal Flush Gang the other night, and even that had ended up connecting back to Robert Queen.
And any other plans went out the window when a motorcyclist nearly shot Moira Queen the next afternoon. Oliver had intel that pointed to a connection with the Bertinelli mafia family, and he decided to investigate as himself. John didn’t see him until the next day.
“So what happened?”
“It’s the daughter, Helena. We were attacked and had to fight our way out. She knows my identity.”
“So what happens now?”
“I tried to reason with her. Her methods are too reckless, and if she’s not careful she could ignite a gang war. She’s coming to the base today.”
Oliver tried to train Helena and be a friend to her, but she was too consumed with the need for revenge against her father. When she went to kill Frank Bertinelli at his home, Oliver was forced to drive her off. She couldn’t stay in Starling City now that her identity had been exposed anyway.
With the holidays now approaching, John wasn’t sure where exactly his friend’s focus was. He still went out as the Hood, and he was still working on developing the club. But for once, John didn’t have to suggest to his friend to take some time off to be at home, as Oliver was also spending time pushing the idea of a holiday party.
“I don’t know, Ollie,” he overheard Tommy Merlyn saying as he drove the two to lunch. John was just glad they weren’t checking out another club, since the last time that had happened he had found them getting roughed up by the owner’s goons out back. “Christmas just hasn’t been the same the last five years without you. And now that the news is saying Laurel’s missing, it’s hard to find the spirit. What do you think happened?”
“I really don’t know, Tommy.”
“It’s scary how people you care about can just disappear like that. You remember when my dad ditched for two years after my mom died?”
“I remember,” Oliver replied.
“I heard nothing from him for two years, and then one day he was just back. No explanation, no reason. I guess I always hoped Laurel was gonna do the same at some point.” Tommy scoffed at himself. “Probably a dumb hope, right?”
“Hey, I’m hoping she comes back okay, too.”
Later on in the base, John had to ask, “So why the party?”
“Because Sara’s coming to Starling for the holidays this year,” Oliver answered. “There’s no chance I could talk to her in Lance’s home, but an invitation to a party is the perfect excuse to get her to the manor.”
“And you think she’ll have something to tell you about her sister.”
“The timing is just too close. I mean, Sara was brought back by her mother less than a week after Laurel supposedly left.” Oliver shook his head. “At the least, she might have a better understanding of what was going on at the time. I can’t imagine that she hasn’t wondered.”
“Or she could just be grateful her sister’s not here to let her have it.” He personally couldn’t imagine how someone could have done that to their own family, but youth and hormones were a trip. Hopefully, she’d learned her lesson. Oliver clearly had.
The party was given the okay by Moira Queen and Walter Steele, and Oliver himself handled the invitations. Thea sat on her phone as John helped him go through the RSVPs one afternoon.
“Sara Lance, no plus one,” he announced, holding one envelope out to Oliver.
Just as he took it, Thea sat up. “You really thought that was a good idea?”
“I’ve been meaning to talk to Sara,” Oliver said. “She’s only going to be in town for a little while, so this seemed the best opportunity.”
“Unbelievable.” Thea stood up and continued over her shoulder, “You know, not that I’m glad it turns out she’s missing, but it’s probably for the best Laurel isn’t here right now.”
Oliver winced, but let her go without replying. John returned his focus to sifting through invites.
In the lead up to the party, an unknown imposter started murdering the people on the list who Oliver had already targeted. He had to wonder if maybe they were trying to juggle too much. Without access to any of the copycat’s arrows, however, they just had to wait and hope to catch him in the act.
The night of the party arrived, and John made sure to keep near Oliver without crowding him while he greeted the guests. At one point the Queens and Walter all posed for a family picture. So far so good.
But he noticed a few whispers start up around the room at the approach of a woman John only knew from a few online articles.
John wasn’t sure what he’d expected the infamous Sara Lance to be like. Smiling and cheerful, more mature, flirtatious even?
The young woman that walked up to Oliver was none of those things. Without ever having known her before, John could say without doubt that she was a shadow of herself. Thin and with a drawn face, she looked out of place amongst all the Christmas cheer.
“Hey, Ollie,” she greeted him quietly, so quiet John had to strain to hear even from where he was standing a few feet away.
If Oliver was surprised by how she looked, he hid it well. “Sara. It’s good to see you.”
“You too. Um, thanks for inviting me.”
Oliver shrugged it off. “I heard you were gonna be in town, so I thought we should meet up.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry you were lost for longer. If I’d known you survived the Amazo—”
“Sara, that’s okay,” Oliver interrupted her, which was unfortunate since John was really curious as to why she had just mentioned a totally different boat. “Neither of us could’ve known. I’m just glad we both made it back.”
“And I’m sorry for everything it did to your family. It was stupid and selfish of me, and I never intended for any of that to happen.”
Sara’s gaze was on the floor as she answered, “Well, we’re getting by. Mom’s doing pretty good. Dad’s, you know.”
“Laurel’s missing,” said Oliver pointedly.
“Yeah, well, that was news to everybody,” said Sara, still not lifting her gaze. “She was gone when I got back, you know.”
“Yeah, right before you got back. I’ve been wondering about that.”
Sara froze and finally raised her head. “You think I know something. That’s why you really invited me here, isn’t it?” She huffed a short laugh, but there was a suspiciously wet sheen to her eyes. “I should have figured. You and her, always and forever.”
To his credit, Oliver didn’t try to make an excuse. “Do you know something?”
Her lip trembled, but she backed away. “I can’t do this here.”
“Sara,” said Oliver. He took a step after her but seemed to notice a few of the looks other guests were giving him. Oliver frowned and stalked off in the other direction, quicker than John could follow him.
He stepped into an unoccupied side room with a television and switched it on to check for any news about their imposter, which got him far more than he’d bargained for. A man in a black hood and mask was declaring himself the copycat on TV and challenging the Hood to a duel while he held nine people hostage. Oliver needed to get on this now.
John found him upstairs kicking a boy out of Thea’s room, which had her pretty livid.
“Seriously? You’re gonna invite Sara to this party and then lecture me about my life choices?” Thea shoved past her brother, stalked down the hall and out of sight.
Oliver turned, frustration evident, but froze at the look on John’s face.
“You gotta see this.”
He led him to the television, and Oliver watched with a grim expression. His friend left soon after, and John followed in a van.
By the time he worked his way past the police perimeter, the hostages had been rescued, but Oliver was lying in a heap on the floor of an alley. John loaded him into the van and got to work removing his suit and any other evidence of the true source of his injuries, then rushed to the hospital. This wasn’t something that could be cured with a night of rest at the base.
Later, when Oliver was awake and his family had all gone home, he confessed to John his feeling of failure. John didn’t know what he could say to comfort him. In both his efforts as the Hood and his investigation into the disappearance of Laurel Lance, Oliver had hit a wall.
Sara couldn’t sleep that night. Truthfully, she’d gotten very little sleep since she’d arrived in Starling. Maybe since the announcement.
Laurel was missing, and now it was public knowledge. In equal parts, she had been hoping and dreading this day might come.
“Don’t say anything to your father,” her mother had cautioned her as she packed. “If he ever knew the truth—”
“I know, mom.” She’d been hearing the same refrain for the last three years. But what if he did know? What if she could finally come clean to someone?
When she had gotten into Starling and seen him, she hadn’t had the heart. He’d been showing her all the files and bits of information he’d written down spread out all over the coffee table, energized in a way she hadn’t known him to be for five years.
“They haven’t found anything solid yet, but this is a three year-old trail we’re talking about. These things take time. But they’ll find something.” Her dad had sounded as though he was trying to convince himself as much as anything, and Sara’s insides had squirmed with guilt. He didn’t know it was hopeless. She couldn’t tell him that. So she’d picked at the food he’d made and kept quiet.
She turned over in the bed again. Chances were, he wouldn’t even believe what Sara told him. He’d want to see the proof with his own eyes, and he couldn’t. It was too dangerous.
But there was someone who could possibly brave that danger. Someone who was just as interested in knowing the truth.
Sara had accepted long ago that she and Oliver weren’t actually in love. They’d been a couple of dumb kids, high on the rush of sneaking around and not getting caught. When she’d confessed on the island, she’d been trying to make some sense out of the chaos of their lives. Maybe they had ended up on that island for a reason. Maybe it had been her who survived, and not Shado, for a reason. Maybe it had been her, and not Laurel—
Sara flopped onto her back. Then finally, with a groan, threw the covers off herself and slipped into her shoes and a coat as she left the apartment. She couldn’t live like this anymore.
It wasn’t too hard for her to sneak into the hospital. She waited until the hall was deserted before approaching Oliver’s room and slipping inside.
He was asleep, judging by the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. She approached slowly and tapped his shoulder. “Oliver?”
Sara backed off with a gasp as one of his arms reached out, grasping at air where her neck had been moments ago.
“Oliver, it’s me.”
“Sara?” He peered at her through the darkness, like he was trying to decide if she was real. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s you they’ve been talking about on the TV, right? You’ve been going out in Shado’s hood.”
He grimaced. “What about it?”
“You got beaten tonight by that man. The copycat archer everyone’s talking about.”
She’d nearly jumped out of her skin when she’d gotten back from the Queen’s party and seen that uniform on the news.
“What about it?” He repeated, more tersely this time.
“Could you beat him if you met him again? Because if you can’t beat someone of that caliber, Laurel’s gonna stay missing.”
He sat up sharply and let out a hiss of pain, one hand resting over his ribs. “Sara, what do you know?”
“It wasn’t my idea. You gotta believe me about that, Ollie. I didn’t want it to happen. I just wanted to go home. After Ivo, after Slade, I- I—” Her eyes were stinging and her voice was already wavering badly. She honestly didn’t know if she could make it through talking about this. She’d never tried before. It was a taboo subject even at home with her mother.
“Sara.” She could tell he was working to keep his voice calm and even. “Just tell me. What happened to your sister?”
“It was mom,” she blurted. “When she found me, there was a choice, and she made it. I tried to tell her it wasn’t right, but God, Ollie, I was just so tired and afraid. I didn’t want to stay with them, and I let her- I let her—”
Her throat was closing up, refusing to say the words. She kept having to take great gasps of air.
“Just calm down,” Oliver urged, his eyes flickering to the door. “Start from the beginning. How did your mom find you, and what happened when she did?”
“You’re gonna hate me for this,” she said in a low tone. “I’ve hated myself for three years.”
“Whatever’s happened, the first step to making it right is to tell the truth,” he said. “Please, Sara.”
She drew in a breath and began. “The first thing you gotta understand is that my mom knew I went on the boat. She caught me packing and let me go with you, even though you were seeing Laurel.” She didn’t miss his shocked expression at that admission. If he only knew just how bad it was going to get. “I think she blamed herself after the shipwreck, and that’s what drove her to looking for me. She didn’t want to believe she’d let me go off to drown with my sister’s boyfriend. So she started looking…”
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Complicated (Prt2) - Barry Allen x Reader
Complicated (Part 2) - Barry Allen x Reader
A/N: this part is longer cause I couldn’t make it any shorter and make it fit whoops 👀.
Summary: Reader, from Starling city, Oliver’s sister, goes back with Barry to Central City to see particle accelerator turn on & gets a lot more than what they bargained for.
Disclaimer: I’ve never actually watched Arrow, I apologize for that.
Warnings: suggestive themes ig ? swearing
Word count: ‘bout 2,000
I looked around again, hoping to see Barry somewhere in the crowd. No luck. I sighed and looked down at my phone. A call wouldn’t hurt much, maybe I could just check up on him.
     I dialed his number. It rang. Then went to voicemail. I internally groaned before patiently waiting for the tone to leave my message.
“Hey, Barry. It’s me, (Y/n). Just callin’ to see how things are going”
     I looked around, trying to distract myself, when my eyes found Barry standing with the woman from earlier today. Their arms were hooked and he was staring at her with goo-goo eyes. I raised an eyebrow at the sight.
“But from then looks of it, it seems like you’re doing just fine and made it to S.T.A.R. Labs”
     I hung up & put my phone away. I was debating going up to him and confronting him or to just continue hearing Harrison Wells speak. Or, I could just straight up leave.
     I decided to stay. I wasn’t going to let some guy ruin this night for me.
     At least, I wasn’t going to until I heard the woman Barry was with say something about a guy taking her laptop. I tried ignoring it, but decided I should be the bigger person & go after the guy. Unfortunately for me, so did Barry.
     I zoomed past him, slightly nudging past him & a bunch of other people. I quickly caught up with the guy who took the laptop and ran in front of him. He turned around to run back, but Barry was there. We had him cornered.
“Hey kid, you don’t have to do this, alright?” Barry put his hands up, “just give me back my friend’s bag & we’ll call it even, ‘kay?”
     The guy only hit Barry and ran past him. I went over to Barry and asked if he was alright. He just nodded before looking up at me, & realizing who I was. His eyes widened.
“Barry” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Barry!” Barry turned around and I saw the woman he was with run towards us.
“Iris, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t able to–”
“Don’t worry about it some guy managed to stop him” the woman, who I assumed was Iris, said.
     Barry turned to me and then back to Iris. He cleared his throat before introducing us to each other.
“(Y/n), this is Iris West, Joe’s daughter, good friend of mine” I raised an eyebrow at him as he spoke.
“Iris, this is (Y/n) Que–” I cut him off before he could say anymore.
“(Y/n), I’m from Starling City, new friend of Barry’s. Pleased to meet you” I stuck my hand out and tried to give her a polite smile.
     I failed miserably & shot Barry a glare. She shook my hand and raised her eyebrows at me, teasing smile on her face.
“So, Barry how come you never told me about (Y/n) here?” She bumps her hip with his.
     Barry just gets flustered and nervously rubs the back of his neck.
     “Um–hey, I think we should go check up on that guy who took your laptop, Iris!” He said turning to her, grabbing her arm and dragging her away from me.
“I’ll come with!” I loudly responded, quickly following.
“Who is that guy and what is he so proud of? So he caught a mugger” Iris scoffed at the detective.
“He’s a transfer from Keystone, started a few weeks ago, Eddie Thawne”
“Oh, that’s detective pretty boy”
     I leaned back against my chair, watching Eddie & listening to their conversation. I notice Barry give Iris a confused look.
     “That’s what my dad calls him. Says he actually keeps score when it comes to arrest.” I rolled my eyes at the thought of it, “he is pretty though”.
     I noticed the look on Barry’s face and scooted closer to him.
“Hey, can we talk?” I whispered in his ear.
“Uh, yeah, let me just–”
“In private?”
“Oh, sure”
     I stood up and he did the same. I grabbed his arm and dragged him away from everyone. I dropped my voice to a low hiss.
     “First of all, you will not let anyone know who I am. Come on, Barry, we talked about this! Once everyone knows I’m a Queen, they start asking questions. They start treating me differently & I really don’t like it.
     “I just want to be a normal person for once & not some ‘greedy millionaire’ with lots of spare time.” Barry gave me an apologetic look as I continued talking.
     “Second of all, why didn’t you tell me about Iris? Good friend, huh? You obviously like her & I can’t believe you’ve been flirting with me and leading me on this whole time & didn’t say anything. I flirted back, too! God, I’m so stupid.
     “I will not be some side chick for you. If you & Iris are together–” Barry cut me off.
     “We’re not! L-Look, (Y/n), I really like you. Iris and I are like b-brother and sister. Even if did like her she’d never like me back. I’m just me.
     "And when we met in Starling City, it was different. I felt a connection with you. I don’t know how to describe it but I really like you. You don’t have to worry about Iris, I promise.” He grabbed my hands and pleaded with me.
“Why didn’t you tell me you made it to star labs then?” I frowned at him.
“I was going to, but got caught up with Iris” he explained & I scoffed.
“I was actually alone for a really long time. A loner, forever alone, could’ve died” I sarcastically said, trying to lighten the mood.
     Barry softly laughed and looked back at the officers & detectives. He looked at me then started dragging me upstairs. I stopped him at the top of the stairs, though.
     “Wait, Barry. I really like you, too. It’s just that I really don’t want to get in the way of you and Iris.
     "You guys look like the best of friends. You two obviously have something together, whether that’s a platonic or non platonic relationship”. He turned to look at me.
“Hey, there is nothing going on with me and Iris.”
     One of his hands settled on my waist and the other on my chin. My heart raced. I slowly brought my hands up to his shoulders and wrapped my arms around his neck. I swallowed hard and looked at him.
“Promise?” his eyes dropped down to my lips.
“Promise” he started leaning in, I followed.
     I closed my eyes and our lips connected. The kiss was soft, and innocent at first. Though, that quickly changed when I swiped my tongue against Barry’s bottom lip. The kiss became heated and my hands went to Barry’s hair, slightly tugging at it.
     Barry’s hands roamed my hips & I dropped one hand to his chest. He started walking back, towards the wall, and pinned me up against it. I tugged at his hair again and he let out a muffled groan.
     I was going to go further when Barry pulled away. I frowned at him, and stuck my bottom lip out. He let out a small laugh & I pecked at his lips again.
“(Y/n)” he scolded me, his voice in a warning tone.
“What? You’re a really good kisser.” I pecked his lips again.
“As much as I’d love to keep going, I think maybe we should slow down a bit. Haven’t even gone on our first date yet.”
“Date, shm-ate. I just wanna kiss you more” I pecked his lips again.
“Stop being a tease and calm yourself” he laughed again. “Oliver wouldn’t–”
     My eyes widened at the thought of Oliver.
     “Oliver! Holy shit, he’s going to kill me” I looked up at Barry with worried eyes “if he’s not dead already, god. I need to get back soon. I’m going to check up on them”
     I pulled away from Barry and reached for my phone. It wasn’t there & I realized I left it downstairs. I was about to go when Barry pulled me back and got his own phone out. He dialed away and put the phone on speaker. He was calling Felicity.
“Hi” Felicity’s voice came from the phone and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.
“Hey,” Barry answered.
“Did you guys make it?”
     Barry grabbed my hand and led me towards his lab.
     “We made it back to Central City in time, but missed the cut off in line at Star Labs. I made us late, as I usually am,  but in spirit of not being late again, (Y/n) and I just wanted to check on on you guys” we walked into his lab & set down are jackets.
“How’s everything going?” I asked eagerly, taking the phone from Barry, starting to pace the lab.
     “Don’t worry, (Y/n). Everything is going just fine. We’re all doing fine” she laughed a nervous laugh. I stopped suddenly, I know that laugh.
“Felicity” my tone was warning “maybe I should go back–”
     I was too worried to realize Barry was coming up behind me. I realized he was there when his hands rested on my waist. I jumped slightly but didn’t move again when I realized it was Barry.
“No!” I heard Felicity’s voice through the phone.
     “Ok, now I definitely think I should go back. Besides, not doing anything is kind of stressful. I could be helping you guys right now and–”
     I yelped slightly when I felt Barry’s lips come down to my neck & start kissing it. I took a shaky breath and cleared my throat.
“(Y/n)? Are you ok, maybe we should be checking up on you guys” I bit my lip as Barry found my sweet spot.
“W-What? No, u-uh” I let out and accidental groan & slammed my hand on my mouth.
“Is everything alright?” I heard Oliver’s eager voice on the other line.
     “Y-yeah, don’t worry about it. I j-just kind of hit my leg, just now” I could feel Barry nip and suck at my neck. I let out a fake groan of pain, “o-ouch”
     I felt Barry smirk against my neck, so smacked him lightly.
“Maybe you should come back” I heard Diggle’s voice now, too.
“Actually–I think I might stay a couple more days than p-planned,” I felt Barry’s hands start roaming & my breath hitched, “I’m going to have to call you back later”
“What? (Y/n), don’t you dare hang up” I heard Ollie’s voice come through.
“Oh, Oliver, I left a little something for you, I think you’ll like it” Barry’s voice came from behind me.
“(Y/n)! I’m coming to ge–” Barry hung up before Oliver could protest again.
     Barry set down the phone on a table and turned me to face him. His lips slammed to mine & my heart raced again.
“So much for going slow” I yelped when his hands reached down to my butt.
     He laughed a short laugh before kissing me eagerly again. We were about to go further when the lights suddenly went out. We reluctantly pulled away and looked outside, at a growing light.
     We watched as the particle accelerator blew up with wide eyes. When all the other lights outside went out, we looked at each other. Barry quickly walked over to a chain connected to the ceiling. He started pulling at it and I followed.
     I stopped him and turned him to face the floating chemicals & liquids on his shelf. We looked at each other again before looking up at his sky light.
     The light grew stronger and I suddenly felt a course of energy go through me. I felt myself get hit by something and get thrown back. My vision got blurrier every second and I managed to get a good look at Barry.
     He was beside me. I saw a course of electricity go through his body, but dismissed it as my imagination. I looked back up at the ceiling and next thing I knew, I blacked out.
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Come & Talk To Me
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I wrote this story as a fix it for the things I felt the writers forgot or screwed up since Oliver got out of prison. It mainly focuses on Olicity but it also deals with their relationship with Diggle. As the show has decided to make Oliver and Felicity totally okay in the latest episode, I went with that too, why explain trauma if the show will make it disappear? So they don’t suffer any real trauma in this story. I even gave Oliver back his hair.  It may seem a little disjointed but each section focuses on an area of the storyline I felt needed to be fixed. 
Special thanks to @onceuponarrow @memcjo @msbeccieboo @stephswims @lucyyh and @wherethereissmoak for listening to me and making me feel less alone. Thanks so much to @wherethereissmoak for proofing - also available on AO3.
The night Oliver comes home from Slabside…
Felicity awoke in her husband’s arms, and even before she opens her eyes she is smiling. Oliver is here. Oliver is home. Her eyes begin to water again.
“Hey,” Oliver said softly, moving her hair away so he can see her face. “I can feel your tears, you know.” He smiled at her. He’s still in a state of wonder that she was in his arms again. He’d dreamt of this every night but never thought it would come true. “What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
“I’m just so happy.” Felicity began to sit up wiping the tears from her eyes. “You have no idea how much I missed you. I ached for you, Oliver. And now…” Felicity gestured toward Oliver laying in their bed. “You are here.”
“I ached too, Felicity,” now Oliver’s eyes began to water. “I never thought I’d be here again. I have no idea what I was thinking leaving you and William.”
“Hush,” Felicity put her finger to Oliver’s lips. “No heavy stuff tonight, remember. Tonight is just us being together.” She leaned over, placing a soft kiss on her husband’s cheek. “I love you.”
“And I love you. Why don’t I show you again, how much?” Oliver reached up, pulling Felicity on top of him. He loved feeling her entire body over his. He just couldn’t get close enough to her.
“OH MY GOD!” Felicity put her hand over her mouth as her eyes widened.
“I know, you think I’m amazing. You are too.” Oliver began to chuckle. Something he had not done in far too long.
“No, Oliver. I can’t believe. I can’t believe I forgot. I made Digg stop at the drugstore on the way to get you because I forgot and I just knew we would need them and then I forgot again. Grrr.” Felicity began to climb off Oliver in a state of panic. She needed both feet on the floor to think this through. She moved to sit on her side of the bed.r. Felicity was about to get up and pace when she felt Oliver wrap himself around her from behind.
“Hey, you gotta tell me what’s going on. You are freaking out. I ‘ve been gone so I don’t know what this could be about. Please Felicity,” Oliver kissed her shoulder. “Tell me what’s going on in that busy head of yours.”
“We, I mean I, forgot the condom.” Felicity turned to face a confused Oliver.
“What? Felicity, we haven’t used condoms in years. What is going on?” Oliver did not know why she was so worried. Did she think there was a reason they had to use them now?
“I’m not on the pill, Oliver. You went to prison for the rest of your life and I went into witness protect without my gynaecologist, so I stopped taking it. It’s not like I needed them.” She tried to defend herself.
Understanding dawned on Oliver’s face. “So you think you could have gotten pregnant?”
Felicity nodded. She really had no idea what to say. They both loved being parents to William but having more children is not something they have discussed.
“Felicity, just so you know. I would love for you to have my baby. There is nothing I would like more than that.” He could see the fear leaving Felicity’s face. “But what about you, do you want to have a baby? Remember, there is no wrong answer. I will love you always.”
“I would love to have your baby,” Felicity spoke softly.
“That’s great! Do you want to go back on the pill? We are pretty young, so there is no rush. And as it’s you who will have to do the heavy lifting for nine months….” Oliver’s voice trailed off.
“How about…” Felicity bit her lip. “We just see what happens. Throw caution to the wind, no pills, lots of sex and if we make a baby, we make a baby.”
“I love the way you think. Can we start this plan now, like right now?” Oliver couldn’t keep the eagerness out of his voice.
Back in Star City after the body swap madness….
“I asked John and he’s going to hook us up with that ARGUS satellite.” Oliver spoke over Felicity’s security system saying “Oliver Queen has entered the apartment.”
“Oh good.” Felicity rushed forward to give her husband a quick peck on the lips but he pulled her in for a more substantial kiss. When she pulled back she couldn’t help but mumble, “that was yummy.”
Oliver smiled. People really had no idea how adorable his wife was.
“So, how did things go with John? I know you wanted to talk to him about that fight you had last year…” Felicity scrunched up her nose. She knew she shouldn’t ask but she needed to know what happened.
“We are all good. Which is a relief. But to be honest, he was worried that I was coming there in your defence. Do you happen to know anything about that? John told me it wasn’t his story to tell.” Oliver walked over to Felicity who suddenly seemed very interested in her computer screen. “Hey,” Oliver squeezed her shoulder. “You know you can tell me anything. But if you aren’t ready, that’s okay too.” Oliver watched Felicity bring her knees up to her chest in her computer chair, almost turning herself into a ball. She put her head down on her knees. “Felicity, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Felicity knew she had to tell him. She just didn’t want to. Digg was Oliver’s brother and she did not want to come between that relationship. Oliver was not going to like what she told him but she knew if they were going to clear the air and move forward, he had to be told. Felicity began to uncurl herself, and she reached up to take Oliver's hand from her shoulder. “You did nothing wrong. Let’s go sit on the couch.” She got up, then changed her mind, heading for the kitchen to grab some wine and glasses. Oliver smiled as she returned to him. “Wine?”
“Not right now, Felicity, please tell me what happened.” Oliver took her hand.
“Okay,” Felicity took a breath. “From the moment, I returned to Star City I had one mission - to get Ricardo Diaz and get you out of prison. Uhm, I guess that’s two...I always thought of it as one.”
“Fel-ici-ty,” Oliver could see she was trying to drag this out.
“Okay, so I realized I couldn’t do it alone. I began working with ARGUS to capture Diaz. Only John let him go. We could have had him and he let him go. Diaz wasn’t the mission.” Felicity looked away, still feeling the anger she that day.
“I’m sorry, Felicity. That must have been unforgivable for you.” Oliver rubbed her hand.
“Oh, I was plenty mad about that, Diaz took everything from me.  But it was what came next that hurt and shocked me the most. John told me to let it go. That you would be in prison forever, that I should move on. MOVE ON, Oliver.” The tears streamed down her face.
“Oh, Felicity. I’m sure he meant well.” Oliver noticed Felicity’s eyes narrowing at him. “It was still the wrong thing to say. How could he have doubted that you of all people could do the impossible? I understand why you are so upset, Felicity. I’m not sure if this will help but the man I saw today was full of remorse.”
“Well, I’m not ready for his remorse. I needed him, Oliver, I really needed him and he turned me away. He chose ARGUS over me, over you, over his family!” Felicity began to cry in earnest, and Oliver pulled her into his arms.
Oliver rubbed Felicity’s back as she cried. It seemed he kept learning how awful things were for Felicity while he was in prison. He wished he could take the pain all away.
Felicity cried until she was dry. John hurt her in a way she never thought was possible. She was truly shocked when he wasn’t there for her. He was her brother too. She sniffed, bringing herself back to reality. She moved her hand through Oliver’s finally grown-back hair. “How are you? Did I ruin it? How do you feel about John?”
Oliver let go of Felicity’s hand, stood up, began to pace. “Felicity, I can’t lie - my first reaction is that I want to tear him apart limb from limb.  How dare he hurt YOU? How dare he not support MY WIFE? He promised me he would take care of you and William. Felicity, he failed. He chose to fail. I need to hear his side of this and I think you do too. If we are going to move forward as friends we both need to know what he was thinking - because honestly, Felicity, I have no idea how he could do that to you. The man you described is not the man I know. How could he?”
Felicity got up and stopped Oliver mid-pace. She pulled him in for a hug. “We will talk to him. We need to understand. As angry as I am, and I’m angry, he is our brother and we need to sort this out.”
“I’ll call him.” Oliver took his phone out of his pocket and hit John’s name. “Can you come over? We need to clear the air.”
Felicity nodded. She knew this was best for her family.
John arrived, hat in hand - if he had a hat.
“Thanks for coming,” Oliver said as he opened the door.
“Thanks for asking.” John nodded then turned to Felicity. “Thank you as well, I know seeing me isn’t easy.”
“That’s why we asked you here. I’m not going to lie, when Felicity told me what happened I was really upset, possibly more upset than her, but you are our brother. We need to know why you did it. So John, why did you let Diaz go, why did you tell my wife to move on?”
Felicity suddenly felt short of breath, she wasn’t sure she was ready to hear this.
Oliver noticed his wife struggling he pulled out a stool from the kitchen for Digg, “I think we should all sit down.”
Felicity gave them both a watery smile.
They sat quietly for a moment, only the sound of the air circulating and the fridge to break the silence.
Digg broke the tension. “I was very wrong. I can tell you what I was thinking at the time but that in no way excuses what I did. I owe you both a huge apology. I’m sorry. I want you to know that first and foremost.”
Felicity and Oliver nodded from the couch.
“When Oliver went to prison, I was spiralling. I don’t do well without a mission and things with our mission had become quite a mess. I was desperate for order. I couldn’t join the army again, Lyla would definitely leave me - so I joined ARGUS. ARGUS gave me comfort as the world I knew disappeared.”
“I didn’t need to think - like in the army I could follow orders. So following orders is what I did.  When I heard Felicity and William were attacked by Diaz at the ARGUS safehouse, I nearly lost my mind. This was supposed to work - they were supposed to be safe. It didn’t work and it caused a crack in my belief in ARGUS so I held on tighter. By the time Felicity tried to get me to choose Diaz over the mission, I just couldn’t and I told her to move on because I was trying so hard to move on.”
Diggle looked at them with regret in his eyes before continuing.
“I should have been fighting with you, Felicity, not against you. I told Oliver that I would protect you and I failed in every possible way. So I guess what it boils down to is that I chose my own self-protection and denial over helping my family. This won’t happen again. I’m sorry and I’d like to show you this by telling you something that you won’t like but need to know.”
“There’s more?” Oliver couldn’t keep the shock out of his voice.
“No, this is new. ARGUS is working with Diaz. We need his help to get an even bigger threat, a man known as Dante. Diaz is still in prison but I wanted you to know Lyla and I are meeting with him.” John looked down.
Oliver looked at Felicity and tried to guess what she was thinking. He already decided to take his lead from her. Felicity squeezed his hand before standing and walking toward John.
“John, you hurt me. You weren’t there when I needed you most. But I understand that you were going through your own pain. I was so consumed with my own pain that I never thought of what you lost. It will take time to trust again but I forgive you and would like to move forward as friends.” Felicity extended her hand.
Digg pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, so much for forgiving me. I promise I’ll earn your trust.”
Oliver caught Diggle’s eye as he hugged Felicity and gave him a nod letting him know that he also forgave him.
It felt good to have the team back together, he was happy to take whatever punishment Mayor Pollard doled out. She was not a fan of his….
So he was more than shocked when she announced she would deputize them to work alongside the SCPD. The Mayor was giving them the opportunity to help the city on the right side of the law.
“Thank you, Mayor Pollard. I promise we won’t let you down. Just to be clear, there is a member of our team that you did not see last night, the brains of the operation,” Oliver smiled as he thought of how Felicity would like that description, “my wife, Felicity Smoak.”
Mayor Pollard nodded. “I will add her name to the list.”
“Thank you. If you don’t mind, I have to head home. My son is visiting and I’ve barely seen him.”
Oliver arrived home with a grin on his face.
“That is not the face I expected,” his wife told him. “I was thinking more sad face, grumpy face, maybe even frustrated face. What happened? Is Pollard no longer Mayor?”
Oliver chuckled and took a seat on the couch next to Felicity. “No, she’s still the Mayor but she is seeing the light when it comes to vigilantes. She deputized us.”
Felicity’s eyes widened. “She made you a cop? What now?”
“No, she made US cops. Our whole team, including you.” Oliver took her hands in his.
“I’m a cop? Oliver, we were vigilantes. I’m confused. Why are you so happy?” Felicity scrunched up her nose.
“Because this is good. We can’t save the city and be on the right side of the law.” Oliver couldn’t stop smiling.
“How can I say no, when it makes you so happy.” Felicity smiled.
Oliver noticed his wife’s smile didn’t reach her eyes though. Something was up. “Felicity, what’s going on? Where’s William?”
Felicity quickly filled him on the expulsion. “ I’m sorry, you had to deal with this alone. I’m going to call him out here. It’s time for a family meeting. We need to deal with this together.”
Felicity looked up at her husband. Things hadn’t been perfect since he returned but Oliver had proven over the last few months that they were a team and she could count on him to be in her corner no matter what.
“You let Diaz out of prison!” Just when she was starting to trust John again, he released the biggest threat to her family.
“Felicity, we had no choice. It’s our only play to catch Dante. We haven’t let him out yet, we are about too. I’m giving you a heads up.”
Felicity's eyes narrowed.
“And no, it’s not so you can kill him. Although, I do understand that desire.” John gave Felicity a pleading look.
“Thanks for telling us, John, I know it was against protocol. For the record, I’m not any happier about this information then my wife is. But I respect that sometimes you have to make tough decisions.” Oliver nodded.
“I have to go. I will let you know the moment Diaz is back in prison where he should be.” Digg left closing the door behind him. Felicity security system announced his departure.
Felicity sat on the couch in a slump. She sighed loudly.
Oliver looked down at his beautiful wife. She’d been through too much lately, including being attacked in their own home and William leaving. He knew she was having a hard time with it all, and Diaz’s release was just the cherry on top. “I got your back, you know, if killing Diaz is what you need to do to feel safe. I will support you whatever you decide.”
Felicity reached up, took Oliver’s hands in hers, and pulled him into the seat next to her so she could cuddle. “Thank you. I really appreciate your support. I want to hack the bomb they are putting in Diaz’s head and make it go boom. But that just might be hormones talking…” Felicity realized she may have said too much. She was still trying to think of the perfect way to tell Oliver they were having a baby. She held her breath to see if he noticed.
Oliver knew something was going on with Felicity, he thought she might be pregnant and that hormone slip was another clue pointing in that direction. He didn’t want to push her though. She’d tell him what was going on when she was ready. For now, he was happy to sit and snuggle with his wife.
Thanks so much for reading. My theories on why Diggle did what he did came from reading other people theories and agreeing with them. Also, I do believe Oliver and Felicity suffered trauma due to Oliver's prison time, I explore this in other stories.
@mindramblingsfics @memcjo @mel-loves-all @wherethereissmoak @green-arrows-of-karamel @spaztronautwriter @wrldtravler @tdgal1 @vaelisamaza @oliverfel4 @lucyyh @swordandarrow @smoaking-greenarrow @it-was-a-red-heeler @miriam1779 @coal000 @blondeeoneexox @laurabelle2930 @allimariexf @onceuponarrow @swordandarrow @leuska @faegal04 @cruzrogue @msbeccieboo @tangled23works @icannotbelieveiamhere @stephswims
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bettername2come · 7 years
A Friend In Need
Four days after Barry walked into the Speed Force, things are just starting to hurt a little bit less for Cisco. He’s just starting to get used to the empty lab. To stop expecting that rush of wind tangling his hair when Barry sprints in. To stop grabbing food out of the fridge without expecting Caitlin to yell at him for taking her last pizza pocket. To stop imagining the sound of a drumbeat he’ll never hear again.
Cisco’s in STAR Labs, tinkering with an update to Wally’s suit when the phone rings. He sees Lyla’s name on the display and knows it’s nothing good. She never calls with good news.
“Johnny’s missing,” she says without preamble. “He and Felicity were taken while leaving Star City, and now Oliver’s not answering my calls.”
“What do you need me to do?” Cisco asked.
“Meet me at my apartment. Now,” Lyla commands. She rattles off the address and hangs up without another word.
Cisco teleports there, right into her living room and he’s barely gotten his feet on the ground when a confused, adorable two-and-half-year-old boy is placed in his arms.
“You need something John’s connected to, right?” Lyla nods at her son. “John Junior. It doesn’t get more connected than that.”
Cisco’s about to tell her that it doesn’t work like that, that that’s just going to get him JJ’s future instead, but he sees the look in Lyla’s eyes, worry and determination, and decides that maybe he shouldn’t argue with the head of ARGUS, at least not without trying her method first. He shifts the sleepy toddler in his arms and focuses on Diggle. It only takes a second for the blue tinted vision to shift into focus. Diggle and Felicity and a few assorted familiar and unfamiliar faces, running through the trees, water visible in the distance. Cisco only glimpses them for a moment before thick black smoke fills the vision along with the crackle of dozens if not hundreds of explosions.
“They’re on Lian Yu,” Cisco says. “At least I think it was Lian Yu. And it’s gonna explode.” He passes the child back to his mother.
“What’s gonna explode?”
“Lian Yu. The entire island went up in smoke. I have to go.”
“I’m coming with you.”
Cisco shakes his head. “No. There’s nothing you can do to help. I’ve got to get them out of there now, and if this goes south, Digg would want one of you to be with your son.”
Lyla takes a deep breath as she nods, clutching her son tighter.
“I’ll bring him home,” Cisco says. He throws open a breach and jumps through, straight into the path of the retreating heroes.
“Cisco?!” Felicity yells in shock as the crowd skids to a stop.
“You gotta get out of here!” Cisco yells back. “This place is about to blow.”
“We know,” Diggle said. “Why do you think we’re running?”
Cisco reopens a breach, connecting them to STAR Labs rather than Lyla’s living room since he’s not entirely sure who some of these people are and holy crap, is that friggin’ Deathstroke? Because Cisco really hadn’t been planning on saving someone who once threatened to kill him. He shakes off the thought, deciding he can always throw the swordsman into a cell at STAR Labs once they get back. He waves them through the breach and jumps in after them, hearing the first of the explosions just as the breach closes behind him and he arrives in the relative safety of STAR Labs. His feet have barely hit the floor when a brunette with wide, terrified eyes grips his jacket.
“William! My son, he’s still back there!” the hysterical woman yells.
Cisco’s hoping the glasses hide the unheroic terror in his eyes. “There’s a kid on that island death trap?! Where?”
“I don’t know,” she replies. “That man took him.”
“Chase disappeared. Oliver went looking for him and William,” Felicity says.
Cisco places his hands on the woman’s. The parent-child bond had been enough to find Diggle. He’s hoping it will work for this woman’s son. He’s relieved to get an image of the child on a boat, held tight in Oliver’s arms.
“He’s alive,” Cisco says. “I’ll get him.” He throws the breach back open and jumps through, landing on shaky legs as his sudden weight jostles the boat beneath him.
Oliver has his left arm wrapped around the boy and his right arm is over his shoulder, plucking an arrow from his quiver before he recognizes the person in front of him as friend not foe. “C-Vibe?” Oliver asks, and how he manages to remember to keep secret identities despite the intense situation, Cisco will never know. Cisco glances back over his shoulder to see the island covered in black smoke. When he turns back around and sees Oliver’s blue eyes shining with tears, he realizes that Oliver already thinks the worst, and given his life, who can really blame him?
“Lyla called me,” Cisco explains. “She said Diggle was missing.” And crap, he should probably be using codenames too, but William is clearly too terrified to pay attention to what Cisco’s saying. “They’re alive. I got them in time. They’re in Central City.”
Oliver gives a sigh of relief that’s almost a laugh and wraps his right arm around the boy, and suddenly his relationship to the kid becomes clear to Cisco.
“You work with The Flash,” the boy – William – whispers to Cisco.
Cisco smiles, putting on his best kid-friendly voice. “Yeah, I do. But today I’m working with the Green Arrow. And I just met your mom, and she is really worried about you. So let’s get you and your – let’s get you two back to her okay?”
William nods. “Okay,” he says, loosening his grip from Oliver a little but staying close to the man’s side.
Cisco throws open the breach. “We’ll go on three, okay? One, two, three.” They jumped through the breach, landing back in the Cortex of STAR Labs.
“Mom!” The boy untangles himself from Oliver and runs straight for his mother, while Team Arrow moves forward to greet Oliver.
“Am I glad I wasn’t able to kill you,” Slade says to Cisco with a clap on the shoulder.
“Aw, you do remember me. I’m touched,” Cisco replies. He turns to Oliver. “Can I lock him up now?”
“Sorry,” Oliver answers. “A deal’s a deal.” He reaches out to shake Slade’s hand and is met with a still strong, but no longer vicelike grip.
“See you around, kid,” he says and walks out the doors of STAR Labs.
Felicity drifts closer to Oliver, leaning into the comforting expanse of his chest and for a moment, lets the awkwardness slip away. “I’m all for redemption, but just letting Slade Wilson go seems wrong.”
“Pretty sure ARGUS is going to agree with that one too,” Diggle says.
“Speaking of, I need to get you home,” Cisco says. “I for one would like to stay on the good side of the leader of a shady government organization with meta-proof weaponry.” He teleports out with Digg and quickly comes back.
“Does The Flash work here too?” William asks, recovering enough to inquire about his second favorite hero.
Cisco forces a smile, but can’t hold it. “Yeah, he does. But he’s, um, he’s not here right now.”
Oliver gives him a quizzical look over the top of Felicity’s head, but Cisco just shakes his head. They’ll talk later. For now, for just one moment, he wants to focus on the good. Team Arrow lives to fight another day.
And yeah, it feels good to be the hero.
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onceuponanolicity · 7 years
Oliver thinks about a past Thanksgiving while enjoying the current one. If only there were not people missing. 
Sorry this is so late. I have been super busy of late. I hope all of you enjoy anyway. 
           Oliver looked around the table. It was hard to believe the people around it changed so much. The last Thanksgiving he celebrated was in the Queen Mansion a few months after returning from Lian Yu. Raisa had insisted, much as she had this year.
           Back then, there was an elaborate spread of food down the long twelve foot table. And while the food was spectacular, and the place dripping with the most expensive décor, the people within the confines of the walls were tense. Tommy had barely spoken to his father who had sat across from him. Moira and Walter seemed to be at sorts. Nothing made any of the occupants more than surface happy.
           Today was different. John, Lyla and JJ sat on one side to the table smiling and tickling each other. William sat to Oliver’s right on the much smaller table, actually happy and settled, more than Oliver had expected half a year ago when his son’s parenting was transferred to him. Most of it was due to the woman who sat across the table from him. The woman who had become so important to him and his son, infiltrating both of their lives and making it better. Felicity sat there smiling up at him and Oliver’s heart felt like it was about to explode from his chest. It felt so right for her to be there. To be across from him. To be his partner in all things. And he could not wait until he got up the nerve to finally ask her to marry him again.
           Raisa pulled him from his thoughts as she laid the turkey in front of him. She patted him on the arm before she took her own place at the table, exactly where she needed to be. She was a part of his family as anyone else who sat here.
           However, a ghost lay in the room. He had tried for so long to ignore the empty chair that sat between Raisa and Felicity, but it hung heavy now that everyone was seated. It lay there for the family members who could not be here.
           Thea, still in a coma. Oliver was ready for her to wake up. However, his wishes didn’t matter. He had learned that lesson long ago. Thea would wake up the second she could. He had to believe that.
           For William, the seat sat empty for his mother. The only person who he had celebrated Thanksgiving with for the past eleven years. The woman who meant more to him than even Oliver.
           For John and Lyla, the seat lay bare for the daughter they couldn’t remember. Or maybe, it was for a brother, whose duplicity, they wished to forget.
           Oliver was pretty sure that Felicity saw the empty chair as a spot for her mother. She had not had the opportunity to come due to some sort of previous commitment. Though, Donna had promised that she would visit soon.
           The rest of the team had been invited, but for different reasons they each had an excuse. Curtis, Dinah, Lance and Rene, with his daughter, had come up with their own ragtag Thanksgiving get together. It was more a support group than a family, but it worked for them and that’s what mattered the most.
           Grabbing his glass, Oliver held it aloft. “I just wanted to say thank you all for coming.” Oliver glanced around and slide into an easy smile, something he might not have been able to do even a year ago. “Family is what you make it and I’m just happy I found mine with all of you.”
           “Here. Here,” Diggle said saluting him, before rising himself. “I wanted to thank everyone for not only being family, but being there to support me when I needed all of you.” His face took on a faraway look and a frown touched his lips as his eyes skimmed over the empty chair. “I thought I already hit rock bottom, but when I actually did, I’m glad you were there to pull me back up. Even when I didn’t know that I needed it.”
           Oliver nodded. Anything he would have said would have only made Diggle feel worse. Oliver still could not believe his friend, and mentor for so long, had taken on the mantle of Green Arrow when he had been nowhere near prepared or ready. Unfortunately, that’s also why there were two separate Thanksgiving celebrations as well. The team, while saying that they understood Diggle’s situation, really didn’t. It caused a rift when Oliver was quick to stand by his friend’s side and lend his support, but not return to the helm of the team.
           Felicity also rose from her seat. She went over to wrap her arms around Diggle. She did not have to speak, which was saying a lot for a woman who spoke constantly. Every one of her feelings were conveyed in that one simple movement. It was that which made her even more perfect. Sometimes guys really did not want to talk about their feelings any more than they had to. This was exactly one such moment.
           Oliver saw Lyla squeeze Felicity’s hand to let her know how much it meant to both of them. And that was the definition of family. The ability to say nothing and everything at the same time. It was exactly what Oliver missed without realizing it until tonight.
           A gentle silence fell amongst the group while everyone took in what it all meant to each of them, at least until JJ jumped in his seat and smacked his fork against his plate. “I’m hungry. Are we ever going to eat?”
           Everyone laughed breaking the small amount of tension because no one knew exactly what to do next. Oliver smiled and leaned over to tousle JJ’s hair. “You bet.”
           William handed JJ the mashed potatoes. “You go first.”
           Oliver’s Thanksgiving was the best he could ever remember. He was surrounded by love. By family. The only way this night could have been any better was if that empty chair could have been filled by all the loved ones that they missed.
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