#oliver queen/barry allen
shrew1989 · 3 months
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
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I never really wanted the heroes to be in this but I thought this time it would be funny. You may or may not see them again idk yet
Part 6 master-post
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confused-wanderer · 7 months
The justice league goes for training without powers just to see how they’d cope in that situation.
Bruce and Oliver are so ready for this moment, and no one likes the way the two are teaming up.
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two-sibyls-tall · 11 months
Consider: Batman’s identity gets leaked to the press, enough that it’s a popular rumor but not enough for it to be confirmed, and the JL all pitch in to just. Gaslight the shit out of the media.
Superman: Uh, Bruce Wayne? Hasn’t Batman saved that guy a couple of times?
Wonder Woman: I’m unsure if we’re speaking of the same Bruce Wayne. The one who invited me to a gala three weeks ago and got so drunk he tripped into a chocolate fountain? This is the Bruce Wayne you believe to be the Bat?
Green Lantern: Doesn’t Bruce Wayne have like a million kids? And run a business? I don’t know about the rest of the League, but superhero-ing’s a full-time job for me.
Flash: (play dumb) Who’s Batman? (not that dumb-!)
Green Arrow: Why would I want to be on a team with a billionaire?
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 2 months
Random things I like to hc :
(here's : part 2)
- Constantine calling Batman "love" anytime.
"Good plan, love. Now, if I may add..."
- Diana constantly fighting the urge to add multiple times in the footnotes of her research papers : "*I know that because I was there."
- Clark feeling some type of way whenever anyone from the Batfam calls him Uncle Clark (he does tear up a little the first few times).
- Anytime, Booster would get cancelled for a tweet, he'd go back in time just far enough to prevent from tweeting it. He did that way too many times.
- Barry and Hal being that one best friend duo that are big on PDA. Most of the time during JL meetings, Hal's leg would be intertwined with Barry's.
- Given that the way they usually interact correlates with what he learned about married couples, J'onn assumed for the longest time that Bruce and Clark were spouses.
- Much like how Clark switches off his kansan accent when he's being Superman, Bruce switches off his "posh" accent when he's being Batman.
- On the contrary, Oliver always sounds filthy rich.
- Everytime someone mentions (any) Robin, Hal's mind still can't fathom that Batman's sidekick is a literal child.
- Dick is a bisexual flirt in and out of costume.
- Regular occurence : Batman enters the meeting room, sees Booster's stupid expression that's a clear sign he's going to share very stupid ideas, and Batman exits the room without a word. He doesn't come back for the rest of the meeting. After it happened more than once, some of the members get the clue and walk out as well.
- Superman can recite entire movies by heart. Not surprising in and of itself, but surprising that Bruce silently lets him do it over his shoulder when he's working in the batcave. Lets Clark unwind and gives Bruce background noise.
- After multiple complaints, Batman had to soundproof Dinah and Oliver's room in the watchtower.
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dailydccomics · 1 month
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artist spotlight variant covers by José Luis García-López
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oifaaa · 4 months
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Every time I read something that's like Justice League appalled to find out about Robin I do have to laugh bc you know I don't think they would care either that or they're all fucking hypocrites
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timbit-robin-art · 23 days
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Pets you (JL edition).
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blue-sadie · 1 month
Movie Marathon
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Them getting distracted from the movie
Your rigid breathes and soft moans were almost drowning out the sound of the boring rom com you guys decided on, your eyes were closed tightly as he worked his fingers inside you.
He found the movie boring half way through and decided that he should annoy you instead, he started with throwing little bits of popcorn at you to get your attention on him but when that didn't work he started to tease you.
His hand slowly found its way onto your inner thigh, his finger tips running from your knee to the end of your pj shorts each time getting slightly higher into them, he then attached his lips to your neck making sure to leave a few love bites and hickies.
One finger slowly became two then to three, his slowly but eager thrusting fingers were driving you crazy, the movie was long forgotten as you squirmed beside him, him whispering his dirty desires only making it worse.
His fingers slowly fastened their pace and started curling inside you while his thumb rubbed your clit, your moans and whines only fueling his desire to make you cum but he won't just make you cum once no no no he's only stopping when your shaking and begging him to stop.
Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes
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The Justice League!
By Jonas Pina
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risingqueen2 · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Fic Rec Day 15 -Role Play
Night Lessons
Fandom: Arrow, The Flash
Pairing: Oliver Queen/Barry Allen
If there's one thing Oliver hates about his job, it's the marking. He'd much rather be at home with his family. Still, Barry has an idea to make things a little more exciting, and Oliver finds it pretty damn hard to resist.
List used from @kinktober2022
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soranatus · 2 months
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DC has revealed a new series of variant covers coming July 2024 by José Luis García-López based on the famous 1982 DC Comics Style Guide
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Bruce, walking into the manor: Hello people who do not live here.
Clark: Hi :D
Diana: Hey!
Oliver: 'sup man
Dinah: yo
Hal: Hiii
Barry: Heyo
Arthur: wassup
Billy: Hey
Bruce: Why are you here??
Barry, mouth full of doritos: We ran out of doritos
Bruce: Alfred, why the hell did you let them in??
Alfred, casually having tea w J'onn, whose just happy his son has friends: They ran out of doritos master Bruce, what was I to do? Let them starve??
Bruce: >:(
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rad-batson · 9 months
Batlantern Headcanons Because I Found My New Brainrot and I Cannot Contain Myself (Platonic or Romantic, You Decide <3)
Hal is the only one who gets away with calling Bruce nicknames. Oliver tried calling Bruce “Spooky” once. He still has nightmares.
Several long-winded missions combined with Hal’s couch-surfing escapades have resulted in Hal having his own official Wayne guest room.
Alfred has smacked Hal with a dish towel several times. Reasons include: trying to wash the dishes, using a mini vac that he brought from home, and spitting gum into the garbage without wrapping it in a tissue first.
Tim gave Hal all of their streaming passwords to piss Bruce off. Hal proceeded to make his own profiles because he fears nothing, so Bruce changed all of his profile names to “Parasite.” Since then, it’s turned into an all-out war of renaming Hal’s profile every time they’re using it.
Highlights so far have included Sugar Baby, Freeloader, Ring Pop, Green Abomination, Magical Girl, Noisemaker, The Better Side Piece, and This is Your Official Eviction Notice Hal. (Bruce still hasn’t changed the passwords.)
Hal: You need to let go of your fear, Bats. Let’s do a simple breathing exercise. Bruce: I am breathing. Hal: No, like calming breaths. Follow my lead, okay? In- no, not that fast. Maybe close your eyes first. In…and out-No. No. Are you having a panic attack? Do I need to call someone?
For one mission, a few other JL members had to go undercover as couples. Bruce and Hal were the spares and paired up out of necessity. To everyone’s surprise, however, they were the most convincing duo because they “bickered like an old married couple.”
Bruce: I’m growing soft, Clark. I’m weak now. Clark: You told Hal ‘Good job.’ What’s wrong with that? Bruce: It’s unprofessional! *in the other room* Hal: I think Batman just confessed his undying love to me.
They have each other’s coffee orders memorized and regularly prepare the other’s coffee for them out of habit when they’re together.
After a while, Hal stops playfully flirting with everyone and reserves it only for Bruce because he gives the best reactions.
At a ‘Thank You, Justice League’ party hosted by Bruce Wayne, Hal slips up and flirts with Bruce in his civvies, only for Brucie Wayne to flirt back without missing a beat.
Hal had to go cool down in the bathroom for a few minutes. He was not ready for that. (Bruce is so fucking smug too. He’s been waiting FOREVER to give Hal a taste of his own medicine.)
Hal, introducing Bruce to the Lantern Corp: This is my pet bat. Careful, he bites.
Bruce, introducing Hal to new JL members: This is my partner. He’s been in training for ten years.
During an important strategy meeting, Hal waves his hand around, and Bruce just sighs. “What now, Lantern?” “Your plan of attack has like four holes in it.” “Where?” Hal gestures to the areas and suggests different strategies, and suddenly Bruce is like Does anyone else think it’s hot in here?
He lies in bed that night contemplating every single life event that’s lead up to Hal Fucking Jordan turning him on with his impeccable battle strategy.
Barry: I think Batman’s mad at me. He didn’t even react when I told him about the great rescue mission from last week. Hal: What do you mean? He was smiling the whole time. Barry: His face didn’t move an inch. Hal: You didn’t notice the lip twitch?
Batman has blackmail material on every single Justice League member, but only Hal has blackmail material on Bruce and the guts to use it. (Hal knows Bruce gets pedicures for fun. And he gets little designs on his toes too.)
Arthur: So when did you and Green Lantern start….you know. Bruce: No, I do not. What did we start? Arthur: You know what?! I think I forgot to walk my fish. Bye!
*Barry sees Hal with a hickey while they’re drinking coffee* Barry, jokingly: Did Bruce give you that? Hal: Yes, actually. How’d you know? Barry, backing away frantically: Oh okay, cool! Okay okay. Cool. Cool cool cool. Okay. Bruce, entering: What’s with him? Hal: I don’t know. He doesn’t seem to like the mug you bought me, though.
The JL has a betting pool called “BatLantern FMK” where they bet on which will happen first: will they fuck, marry, or kill each other?
Only Clark, Diana, and J’onn know that one of them happened already
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violent138 · 1 month
The League's Property damage video nights are an insane ritual on the Watchtower, where their largest screen is hijacked so that dragged footage from CCTV cameras, government databases, and social media of the most hilarious, costly disasters can be played.
Some notable mentions:
Superman got confused/distracted trying to save a building cut in half during a fight and accidentally permanently fused it onto a totally different building (they decided to merge companies)
Aquaman flooding a small space to fight someone and the resulting wave lifts all the cars on the street and sends them sailing
One of Oliver's explosive arrows blows up fireworks in warehouse district (leading to several flights getting grounded or rerouted)
Diana lassoed something flying and it yanked her so hard that she took out a traffic light and dragged it fifteen blocks with her
Barry tripped over something while running and was too shocked to phase through anything, going crashing (and bouncing) off multiple cars, a fire hydrant, taking out a post box before finally faceplanting to a halt
Hal used the classified schematics from a next-gen fighter jet to make his own construct, causing the Pentagon to lose all the money they'd invested in it
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jhonnyhotbody · 11 months
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Goodnight to my favorite Canon couples ❤️🌹™️🦍
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