#Rebecca Carlisle
sweet-vanilla-sims · 2 years
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Year 1552 Part 5:
The house was a lot calmer while the kids and Ambrose took their lessons. The family had lived in peace for quite sometime, and yet whether it would remain so in the future was unclear.
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Mayhem just dusts Avandalia and then peace's out on her only friend... we really doing a number on making all these characters super unlikeable...
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irrevocableloves · 1 year
violent delights
twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
chapter two: golden topaz
previous chapter ౨ৎ masterlist ౨ৎ chapter three
summary: why, even in his absence, did edward cullen have an effect on her?
warnings: swearing, lil bit of fluff & angst
words: 2.9k
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Days went by since I last saw Edward Cullen.
I shouldn't be thinking about him or let alone think about what he thought of me. I wanted to confront him, but every time I waited to see his grey Volvo or him striding to his cafeteria seat or perhaps a late arrival to biology class, it was nothing. It was like he never existed. It drove me insane.
Since then, he's invaded not just my mind, but my dreams. But they felt different. As if I could feel him, like he was really there with me.
"Hey, I invited Billy and Jacob tonight, you still up for making dinner?" My dad asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah! Definitely."
"You sure? I could always pick up something from the diner or uh–I could always try cooking?"
"No, please," I chucked, "It's okay, dad, I got it."
"Hey, dad, I was wondering..." I trailed off, wondering if it would be strange to ask about the Cullens, but my dad seemed to know just about anything going on around town. "Do you know the Cullens?"
"Sure do! Came just around the time you left to your mom's. Why?"
"Um, I dunno. I just–"
"Listen, all the talk about them being strange. They're a good family. Carlisle has done a whole lot for Forks as a doctor than I've seen in years. He keeps his kids in line, they do good in school from what I've heard, haven't had a single speck of trouble from any of those kids. Can't say the same from those who've lived here their entire 17 or so years."
I was surprised by his response, deciding I shouldn't ask anymore about them, especially Edward...
Soon after the conversation ended, I drove your car to the nearby grocery mart to grab ingredients for the dinner I was making for the Black's.
Billy and Jacob, I've known them for as long as you could remember, they were practically like family to me and my dad. As a kid, I remember all the times playing with Jake, Rachel, Rebecca, Leah, and Seth on the reservation. Mostly, Leah and I would be excluded from the boys and we would be left to babysit Seth because he was too small to be rough-housed. But, Jacob always had a soft spot for me and begged the boys to include us most of the time.
I wasn't stupid, I knew Jacob liked me, but I never had the heart to reject him.
Once I was done gathering the ingredients to make a simple pasta recipe, I headed out.
Back at the house, I had my dad doing the simplest of tasks as possible, like boiling the water, pulling the seasonings out of the cabinets, etc. He wasn't the best cook and I knew that when I was away for the summer he either went to the diner everyday or ate Harry Clearwater's fish fry.
For me, cooking was something that I enjoyed, so you didn't mind catering for my dad every once in a while, in fact, I felt at peace knowing you could do at least one thing for my dad that he could appreciate. Cooking for me was quite peaceful. I wasn't a complete expert at it, but I was good at following recipes, making things from complete scratch, and I knew for sure that I had an excellent taste palette.
While I cooked, I had my dad take out the nice plates that I begged my mom to keep here and pull out the dinner table to face the television so he and the boys could enjoy a nice game of 'whatever sport was on' by the time dinner was ready.
My dad and I sat in comfortable silence before the Black's arrived. Me setting the plates and my dad setting out the nice placemats and silverware that I had thrifted some time ago. This is what I liked about my dad. The silence. It was never uncomfortable or awkward, but he was less of a hover than my mother, who was just a constant ringing in your head. I loved your mom of course, but it didn't hurt to admit that I favored my father just a little bit more.
"So, how was your first week? None of the teachers give ya a hard time?" He broke the silence, I didn't mind his small talk either.
"Nah, they're pretty lenient since I've got all my work done. It's just the PE teacher who's had me running extra laps to make up for the 'lost time'..." I rolled my eyes at the memory of Coach Clapp even assigning me exercises to 'keep yourself busy at home'.
Dinner went by smoothly. Billy and Jacob didn't arrive empty handed as Jacob came in with a hefty looking pie in his right hand, helping my dad with his left to haul Billy's wheelchair up the porch stairs.
At the end of dinner, I'd said my goodbyes to Billy and Jacob, thanking them again for my car. Like always, my dad promised to do all dishes because of our rule, 'whoever cooks doesn't wash the dishes', which means he's the one cleaning them practically every single day.
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I found myself in the forest. With the trees surrounding, the area was left dim, with the sunlight hardly peeking through. I felt my feet guiding me up a hill, closer and closer to the sun rays, the breeze of the dark forest slipping away as I climbed even farther up towards the sunlight. Deeper up the hill, the trees began to fade away and at the end of the hill, an almost blinding light was up ahead. I kept at it, becoming more intrigued with the warmth that I was being guided to. I squinted as I reached the end, the light fading, but I was no longer on your feet. I felt the grass on my face and between my fingertips, the sun rays coating my skin, and a cold hand stroking my hair.
I opened my eyes. Edward was facing me. His hand gently stroking my hair, carefully moving to my cheek. I place mine atop of his, his icy touch melting into my own. It felt warm, his touch. I closed my eyes once again, only to open them to face my bedroom ceiling.
Sighing, I got out of bed, grabbing my journal on your bedside table and jotting down my dream. Ever since I met Edward, I've been in the same meadow. A valley of green with purple flowers scattered around the grass. But never have I been this close to him, never could I feel his touch or the temperature of his skin.
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I woke up to snow.
I smiled, taking in the view from my window of the defrosted frost from the heating unit, looking outside to the perfectly pillowed grounds of my front yard, seeing my dad finishing up the snow chains on my tires.
Surprisingly, not very many people in Forks enjoyed the snow, but I did. I loved being able to bundle myself in layers of clothing and seeing everyone with a red flush on their face from the cold as they engaged in snow fights as if they were reliving their early childhood.
Sure, it was a pain in the ass to walk in or more so drive in, but it sure as hell made the ordinary town of Forks look as if it was the most adored place in the world. Plus, I appreciated the canceled school days on snow days, but unfortunately, school was to remain in session for the time-being.
Before the first bell rang, I stood with Jessica and Angela outdoors while Eric, Mike, Tyler, Ben, and other boys I didn't bother to remember the names of as they carelessly played in the snow with a mix of snowball fights and snow angels. That's when I saw the Cullens arrive, looking to have just as much fun as everyone else – only they looked more like a scene from a painting or a Hollywood film rather than a bunch of children roaring with laughter and glee.
I made eye contact with him for a split second. After a full week of missing school, avoiding my presence, he was with his family, skidding around in the snow with his brother Emmett.
With the weather most likely being in its negatives, he somehow looked more alive than ever. His skin was less pale, his eyes a lot more radiant.
I didn't realize I was staring as long as I was until his eyes met back with my own, causing me to flinch away from his eyesight.
Jessica followed where my eyes were once at, "Y/N, what are you staring at?" Her eyebrows furrowed, then finally realizing my eyes' view, "Edward Cullen is staring at you..." she giggled into my ear.
"Yeah... I don't think he likes me very much."
"The Cullens don't like anyone. Well actually, they never seem to notice anyone, really. But he's like staring staring. What did you do?"
"Jess, stop looking!"
"What's she looking at?" Angela squealed. "Oh."
They both giggled immensely, pulling me in between them and forcing us all to walk towards the school building. Angela giggles, "Looks to me like Edward Cullen's got a crush."
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I expected to see Edward at the left of our shared table, but he was a no-show once again.
I sighed with relief, heading over to my seat, as Mike spoke, "Hey, if Cullen doesn't show up, um I can ask Banner if you can join–"
The chair to the left of me screeched and I looked over.
Edward. There he was. Now sitting there with an awkward smile as if he wasn't absolutely repulsed by my presence, as if my presence didn't prevent him from attending school for a week straight.
"Hello," he said quietly.
I froze. Hello? Was he serious?
"I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. My name is Edward Cullen." I didn't respond, I physically and mentally couldn't form an answer to give him. "You must be Y/N."
"I'm... uh... yes." I breathed out.
Did I make this up? The entirety of our previous reaction? He was perfectly polite. It was as if we were meeting for the very first time, as if his first reaction of my presence didn't leave him sickly and running off.
As soon as I sat, I caught him moving towards the edge of his seat. So he's still repulsed.
This was the type of awkward conversations that I despised, which was part of the reasons I was glad my mother had kept me from them, but here I was, having to experience them as if I was doing ice breakers at the beginning of the semester.
Thankfully, before anymore conversation had begun, the bell rang and Mr. Banner began class.
"Onion root tip cells! That's what's on your slides. Separate and label them into the phases of mitosis. The first partners to get it right, win... the golden onion!" The class remained silent as he enthusiastically brought out the golden onion from the inside of his desk. He sighed, telling everyone to get started on their partner work.
Maybe this time the partner work wouldn't be rash and I would actually get a chance to do the work together rather than checking Edward's quick, but correct responses.
"Ladies first?" Edward asked, giving me a crooked smile.
I pushed the microscope towards myself before he could, snapping the first slide and adjusting the lens.
"Prophase." I said confidently.
"Do you mind if I look?" he asked, reaching for the microscope as I was pushing it towards him.
His hand was caught into mine and I flinched. His hands were ice-cold. The familiar coldness that I had felt just the night before in my dream. It felt electric.
"I'm sorry," he muttered, pulling his hand back as well, embarrassed. "Prophase," he agreed, writing it down on our worksheet. His handwriting was surprisingly neat for a boy. Most of the ones I've tended to work with had left illegible scribbles which always prompted me to snatch the sheet away from them and write it myself. But his, it was quite beautiful.
He switched out the slides, quickly identifying Anaphase, to which I mimicked his response with, "May I?"
Throughout the rest of the slides, the two of us continued on with the routine, taking turns with the rest of the slides, checking the answers each of us give to one another until the very last slide. We were finished before anyone else, leaving us with plenty of time to spare.
"I knew it was a good idea to make the two of you lab partners!"  Mr. Banner said excitedly, looking over our completed lab and checking the answers.
Silence met the two of us as Mr. Banner left to check the rest of the class' progress, until I broke the silence.
"You've been gone..."
"Yeah uh," he stuttered. "Got sick. It's why I left class so suddenly." So it wasn't because of me?
"Oh. I'm sorry. Well, I'm glad you're uh– feeling better." He only nodded in response.
Edward broke the silence once again, "So... where were you this month? I take it that you're not new. With your dad being the sheriff and everything."
I was taken aback by his question. Normally when I partnered with other boys (besides Eric and Mike of course), there was a string of awkward silence when the assignment was completed and the boys would ditch me for their friends or whisper quite loudly across the classroom to their friends until they were caught.
"Uh–with my mom. She lives in California, I was visiting for the summer. She doesn't really have anyone else, so I promised her I'd stay for another month."
"California is a lot different from Forks," he chuckled. "Do you like it there? The sun and the heat?"
"Not really, if I'm being honest," it sounded like a lame response, but it was true, "The sun is nice until it's beating on you in 102 degree weather. It's pretty nauseating."
Edward let out a genuine laugh to my response, catching me off guard. Even his laugh was gorgeous.
"So what about you? Why Forks?" I questioned.
"Change of scenery, mostly. My mother, she's always wanted to live in a small town. My sister Rosalie isn't too fond of the town herself, she's a lot more uh... flashy than the rest of us," he chuckled. I listened to him intently while also mapping out the features of his perfectly chiseled face. His cheekbones, his lips. So perfect, like a sculpture..
"Yeah, I can definitely see that," I giggled, remembering Rosalie's modelesque entrance into the cafeteria, it was almost as if she was glowing. "And you? How're you liking Forks?"
"I like it. It's quiet. I'm not such a fan of the flare of bustling cities like Rosalie, I'm a lot more... simplistic."
Before I could speak, Mr. Banner comes rushing over to us. "So, seeing the two of you were the first ones to finish... I present the two of you... the golden onion," he says quite dramatically, revealing the onion from the back of him as if he were some cheap magician. We stared at the man, then at each other, fighting a fit of laughter. "Don't fight all at once! C'mon take it!" Banner said sarcastically.
Mr. Banner rolled his eyes, placing the golden onion on our lab table in front of us.
"I think you should have the honors," I giggled, moving the onion towards Edward.
"Nope, it's only fair you have it, you did most of the slides anyways," he smiled, trying to contain his laughter. My god, he was fucking gorgeous.
"Consider it as a gift, a warm welcome gift to Forks," I joked back.
"No, I insist," he chuckled. "See it as an apology gift. For how I acted when we first met." So I didn't imagine it.
That's when I had relinquished, placing the onion in my bag with possibly the biggest smile on my face.
After class, I expected Edward and I to part ways as I told him goodbye. But he stayed by my side, which resulted in awfully embarrassed, reddened-face Mike when he tried to rush to my side after the bell rang.
Walking out of class with him, for the first time I'd felt the comfortable silence as I strode beside one another through the halls.
"Did you get contacts?" I blurted out, stopping in my tracks. I didn't know exactly why I asked, I didn't really think much about it until now. I could've sworn from the first glance that his eyes were a flat black color or maybe my mind had altered it to match his dark attitude at the time. But now, as I studied his features, they were much brighter, a completely different shade from before. It was almost as if they were golden.
He offered me a puzzled look on his face before responding with a blank, "No."
I continued on, "Your eyes were like this dark dark brown before, but now they're this golden topaz color, I don't think I've ever seen eyes that color before."
He shrugged off my response, shifting to a similar demeanor from the time that I had first met him. He muttered, "I'll see you tomorrow." Then he was off, hands clenched into fists, clearly frustrated about something.
next chapter
a/n: this is going super slow rn but i'm trying to add a mixture of both the book and the movie that r my fav and also some of my own stuff of course! i'm trying to refrain from copying and pasting straight from the script and book, but some of lines are a MUSTTT. i always thought it was super lame that bella hated the cold so much. i'm from california and i absolutely hate the heat 3 this is also unedited again i apologize, so if the pov's are messed up that's why... hehe the next chapter is one of my fav scenes WHEN HE SAVESSS HERRRR !!
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kassies-take · 1 year
“If You Are Jacob Black’s Sister” Series Rules of the World
You’re the middle child Black sibling
You’re Leah Clearwater’s her best friend
You’re 2 years younger than Leah and 2years older than Jacob. You’re the same age as Paul and Jared
You’re 18 when you first shift
When the series starts you just finished a 3 month internship study in New York
You and Jacob care for one another but the relationship is strained since Sarah Black died and Rachel and Rebecca left
You’re queer and out to the Pack and the Clearwaters, you’re not really sure how Billy would take it
The Quileute Shifters shift if they have the gene
Quileute Shifters don’t imprint to “better the gene pool” but to keep the peace within the pack. (MORE ON THIS LATER)
For every 1.66 Vampires there’s one wolf (Cullen’s 5, Ephraim’s Pack 3)
FUCK THE NUMBERS DON’T MAKE SENSE , whatever it’ll be an estimate/average… I guess that ratio can change based on the level of the threat
The Cullen’s have 8 coven member at the start of Twilight (Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Quinn, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper)
Vampires can eat but it does not give them nutritional value and it’s a overwhelming. Seeing that all their senses get heightened why not their taste?
Vampires can cry! Being unable to cry for decades and centuries is stupid! It does take the vampire to be in EXTREME emotions though.
The sunlight sparkle can stay
Alice can’t particularly see the wolves cause they tend to act on instinct than planning decisions. Not some bullshit about because she wasn’t a shifter CAUSE AT THE END OF BREAKING DAWN SHE SEES RENESMEE AND JACOB?!
Quinn is Rosalie’s older sister and Emmett’s mate. Quinn is 4 years older than Rosalie. Quinn was turned in 1928, permanently 18, by Carlisle from severe injuries during the Times Square derailment and overhearing Rosalie’s grief stricken begging to a higher power
If a vampire bites a shifter it doesn’t kill them. If the Shifter had other injuries it would kill them but they can never turn into a vampire because their 108° body temperature would the venom before the transition. It’s still painful though
That’s all bye! Thank you!
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maleficmuse · 3 years
Stranded Deep
Henry Cavill x Reader/OFC
Story Summary: Rebecca Carlisle had dreams of traveling the world since she was a little girl. She imagined herself strolling the streets of Paris while she gazed up at the beaming lights of the Eiffel Tower from below or waking up to a view of the Statue of Liberty in New York City. With no money, nothing more than a high school diploma, and a deep yearning to get out the small town she grew up in, she became a flight attendant. After nearly 5 years of constant sight seeing and travel, she finds herself on her first private flight with her only passenger being the one and only Henry Cavill. She'd dealt with many disgruntled passengers and gripped her seat through countless rounds of violent turbulence, but no amount of experience in her field could've prepared her for a crash landing. With rescue uncertain, she finds herself stranded in the middle of the Atlantic with one of the world's biggest celebrities. As tensions run high, and their future dangles in limbo, Bec and Henry fight against the circumstances for both their survival and their sanity.
Story Warnings: Anxiety, Death (Mentioned/Depicted), Death Acceptance, Drowning, Panic Attacks, Plane Crash
18+ ONLY
AO3 Link
Last Updated: 03/27/2023
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• Prologue
• Day 01
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jessicawhitlys · 2 months
i thought i'd make a little updated ships list when it comes to writing/prompts since my otp + tags pages are in desperate need of a revamp. i'm willing to write any of these ships, which i've separated into a couple of categories (and have included their corresponding otp/ship tag if you want to search my blog for inspo!). i'll try to go through and regularly update/add/shuffle around the ships as time passes/inspo strikes. thanks to @electricbluebutterflies for the inspiration!!
ships i am actively down to write whenever:
- kate/tyler | twisters [otp: chase it]
- tess/joel | the last of us [otp: mine]
- jessica/gil | prodigal son [otp: you have always been good enough]
- joyce/hopper | stranger things [otp: brings me back to old times]
- emma/ray | san andreas [otp: now we rebuild]
- athena/bobby | 9-1-1 [otp: i'm mrs bobby nash]
- dean/castiel | supernatural [otp: deancas]
- lucy/the ghoul | fallout [otp: you comin'?]
- alicent/rhaenyra | house of the dragon [otp: come with me]
ships i love and have written before/would love to again:
- effie/haymitch | hunger games [otp: loosen your corset and have a drink]
- melinda/phil | agents of shield [otp: so i lost my right hand too]
- olivia/peter | fringe [otp: you belong with me]
- rebecca/ted | ted lasso [otp: you liven up the place]
- ellie/alan | jurassic franchise [otp: alan x ellie]
- carol/daryl | the walking dead [otp: cherokee rose]
- kit/bell | the resident [otp: she's worth waiting up for]
- yelena/kate | marvel [ship: kate x yelena]
- olivia/hugh | thohh [otp: we were solid]
- elena/elijah | the vampire diaries/the originals [otp: a soul as compassionate as yours]
- river/doctor | doctor who [otp: i live for the days when i see him]
- donna/sam | mamma mia! [otp: the love you gave me]
- janet/hank | marvel [otp: do insects love?]
- sally/poseidon | pjo [otp: you will say it. and i will listen.]
- jessica/leto | dune [otp: i should have married you]
- catelyn/ned | asoiaf [otp: stone by stone]
- esme/carlisle | twilight [otp: it would always be that way with them]
- norma/alex | bates motel [otp: i always felt safe when you were here]
- darcy/loki | marvel [ship: darcy x loki]
ships i'd love to try my hand at/would love to take prompts for:
- dany/jorah | asoiaf [otp: my queen]
- lucy gray/snow | tbosas [ship: snow x lucy gray]
- hermione/harry | harry potter [otp: none of the others had noticed a thing]
- ellie/abby | the last of us [ship: ellie x abby]
- jean/logan | marvel/x-men [otp: not for them for you]
- lorraine/ed | the conjuring franchise [otp: can we do it again?]
- sharon/vince | fire country [otp: sharon x vince]
- wanda/vision | marvel [otp: i just feel you]
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farahtissaiamyloves · 2 years
Masterlist ❤︎
Farah Dowling
Fate: The Winx Saga
Leonora Lesso
School for good and evil
Larissa Weems
Lucifer Morningstar
The Sandman
Andromache the Scythian
Old guard
Tissaia De Vries
The Witcher
Baldur's Gate 3
Other characters that I take requests for :
Tulip Jones (Alex Rider)
Lin Beifong (Avatar)
Hecate Hardbroom (Worst Witch)
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Alex Levi (Morning Show)
Alma Peregrine (Peculiar)
Marisa Coulter (His Dark Materials)
Carlisle Cullen (Twilight)
Otto Hightower, Rhaenys Targaryen (HoD)
Brienne of Tarth, Littlefinger, Tywin Lannister (GoT)
Rebecca Welton (Ted Lasso)
Diana Taverner (Slow Horses)
Margo Madison (For all Mankind)
Jan Stevens (Flux Gourmet)
Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
Ikora Rey, Zavala and mostly everyone in Destiny
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gleeandshame · 5 months
Swifties desperate for queer rep can listen to Chappell Roan, Allison Ponthier, Katie Pruitt, Boygenius, Ethel Cain, Renee Rapp, Towa Bird, Muna, Rina Sawayama, Mitski, Lady Gaga, Kesha, Janelle Monae, Victoria Monét, Hayley Kiyoko, Rebecca Black, Joy Oladokun, Brandi Carlisle, Tegan and Sara, Fletcher, Kehlani. One of those has got to take… oh yeah forgot Billie Eilish has been out recently
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mikaharuka · 1 year
Flora Fati: Fragaria Vesca - Official Post
I'm here with the first of my two fics, written for the Unconventional Courtship event, where I wrote a fic based on an M&B or Harlequin Romance novel plot... all the way down to modifying the summary! I have to say... writing in that melodramatic romance way was fun XD
(Side note - the UC's M&B/Harlequin prompt generator is amazing!)
This fic was also written for the Seven Wildflowers challenge, where I was given wildflowers to write about, whether literally or in flower meaning or similar. I requested five flowers - the first of which is the wild strawberry (hence the scientific chapter name - Fragaria vesca). I also added a final perfectly themed flower to the end for 6 chapters!
Title: Flora Fati | Chapter 1: Fragaria Vesca [Wild Strawberry]
Author: Mizuka
Rating: Explicit [Teen for this chapter]
Category: M/M
Word Count: 1573 words
Notes: You can read this without having read canon or Apricity - it's a divergence + AU that can stand alone, though I did have the Winter Light Verse's characters in mind, while writing this fic.
Summary: (...part of this challenge was the summary - that is below) A Dream… For years, Beau Swan has had recurring dreams of Florentis - of a land of flowers, of ruins, of the night, and of a mysterious, handsome man. But when evidence of his dreams begin to manifest in the real world, Beau is caught up in feelings of love, desire, and circumstances that began many centuries before he was born.
A Journey… For years, Beau Swan has felt increasingly out of place in Florida - from his mother Renee, his stepfather Phil, his newborn twin brothers, and his mundane life. With the visit of a red-eyed raven and the wistful voice of that man, Carlisle, calling to him, Beau sets out for Florentis - even if it means leaving his life behind!
A Memory… For years, Beau and Carlisle met beneath the moonlight every night, fated to grow closer to each other, fall passionately in love, and eventually reunite someday, in that ethereal land of flowers. But as memories flash by and Beau solves the mystery, will they find their happily ever after - or will they be separated for good?
[Based on The Ninefold Key by Rebecca Brandewyne]
(fandom/Apricity-blind friendly by default)
Tagging because I think you might be interested? @mrsmungus, @udaberriwrites, @magma-saarebas19, @aislinnstanaka, @writingpotato07, @lena-hills, @hylianjo, @0nelittlebirdtoldme, @tsunderewatermelon, @bleepbloopbotz @axolotlsupremacyowo, @kayedium-writes, @sliebman10
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 2 years
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Year 1563 Part 4:
TW/CW: Death, Child Death
It wasn’t long before Thomas got word that Andrew and Dorothy had died from the Plague. The same day, word spread that Walter had also passed on. Three days later, Arthur died as well. 
News that Mary’s brother-in-law had also died spread along with the news of Mabel’s passing with Helen. 
In Windenburg, Millicent had her birthday but that was overshadowed by the news of Mathias’s death reaching the Mayne household from Sulani. Worse yet, was that Francis and both of his stepsons had died from the plague leaving behind his widow and teenage daughter. 
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Well jesus christ... this is fucking terrifying...
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bbygirlky18 · 8 months
Ships Updated!!!!
Here are the ships for my fanfic Mami's Breakthrough. You'll meet the main character in the ship list so be prepared. I'll use the wrestler's real name. You'll see repeated names so don't get spooked. Let's get into it.
Demi (Rhea) & Gretchen (Eliora)
Stephanie (Stephanie) & Paul (Hunter)
Jonathan (Jimmy) & Trinity ( Naomi)
Fergal (Finn) & Masami (Iyo)
Dominik (Dominik) & Gionna (Liv)
Luis (Damian) & Elizabeth (Beth)
Bianca (Bianca) & Carlisle (Luigi)
Joseph (Erick) & Victoria (Lilou)
Rebecca (Becky) & Ulysses (Ron)
Natalya (Natalya) & Jeremy (Elijah)
Maryse (Maryse) & Richard (Jules/m)
Cheree (Dakota) & James (Jackson)
Theresa (Zoey) & Leon (Brett)
Brianna (Cora) & Dexter (Mustafa)
Logan (Logan) & Donna (Stephanie)
Randall (Randy) & Conner (Brian)
Keith (Keith) & Lucas “Luke” (Mick)
Sydney (Maxxine) & Jessica (Gilda)
Brittany (Britt) & Carmen (Lola)
Milena (Rosa) & Taylor (Lilou)
Ashley (Shotzi) & Gisele (Rhonda)
Allyssa (Kayden) & Spencer (Gabriel)
Aoife (Lyra) & Dominic “Dom” (Roddy)
William (Christian) & Emilio (Kevin)
Trevor (Ricochet) & Rosalie (Anastasia)
Macey (Lacey) & Sebastian (Grayson)
Sarah (Valhalla) & Jasper (Riley/ m)
Elizabeth (Scarlett) & Luke (Vince)
Stephanie (Mia) & Enrique (Dash)
Ron (R-Truth) & Angela (Asahi)
Shayna (Shayna) & Kate (Mia)
Simone (Ava/Ava Raine) & Sammy (Itsuki)
Layla (Layla) & Dion (Gabriel)
Catherine (Cathy) & Titus (Aiden)
Michael (Shawn) & Mick (Nathan)
Kira (Taya) & Suki (Hawk)
Victoria (Raquel) & Velvet (Asahi)
Mark (The Undertaker) & Clarissa (Paige)
Taylor (Jacy) & Theodora (Lilou) 
Windham (Bray) & Austin (Tyler)
Priscilla (Gigi) & Elizabeth (Kanna)
Patricia (Trish) & Eric (Terry)
Eduardo (Eddie) & Renesmée (Riley/ f)
Jeffrey (Jeff) & Edward (Ted)
Kiera (Kiera) & D.J. (Mustafa)
Mercedes (Sasha) & Quil (Jackson)
Steffanie (Tegan) & June (Gayle)
Serena (Serena) & Embry (Luigi)
Ettore (Big E) & Ashley (Emma)
Adam (Edge) & Royal (Roddy)
Amy (Lita) & Charles (Lucas)
Samantha (Samantha) & Becca (Nastya)
Živilė (Aksana) & Jonathan (Logan)
Kristen (Kris) & Gisell (Becky)
Dwayne (The Rock) & Jasmyne (Olivia)
Daria (Sonya) & Lauren (Olga)
Brodie (Luke) & Rob (Rio)
Kevin (Kevin Nash) & Samuel (Wally)
Bryan (Daniel) & Flynn (Mickie)
Catherine (Lana) & Tara (Gilda)
Jake (Jake) & Vixen (Mario)
Amanda (Mandy) & Beth (Christy)
Joseph (Solo) & Eleazar (Chris)
Kenneth (Montez) & Sam (Mantaro)
Celeste (Kaitlyn) & Matthew “Matt) (Jimbo)
Sarona (Tamina) & Luna (Kanna)
JoJo (JoJo) & Arianne (Falcon)
Kacy (Katana) & Paul (Brett)
Nicola (Nikki Cross) & Bronson (Kaito)
Adam (Braun) & Garrett (Gabriel)
Phillip (CM) & Sean (Mickie)
Rena (Sable) & Roman (Grayson)
Anriel (Lash) & Colleen (Dahlia)
Allen (AJ Styles) & Leah (Lilou)
Renee (Renee) & Jason (Ron)
Angela (Zayda) & Tanya (Olivia)
Kia (Kharma) & Lee (Mick)
Kaori (Kairi) & Theo (Brett)
Todd (Ivar) & Riley (Jules/ m)
Danielle (Willow) & Jane (Riley/ f)
Stephen (Sheamus) & Tara (Ember)
Ashley (Dana) & Sue (Emma)
Jazmin (Mercedes) & Bridget (Alexa)
Melina (Melina) & Han (Mustafa)
Franklin (Bobby) & Bree (Lola)
Faith (Nikkita) & Archie (Haruto)
Ronda (Ronda) & Makenna (Kanna)
Pamela (Bayley) & Samantha (Emma)
Gail (Gail) & Vyolette (Kanna)
Colby (Seth) & Leann (Donna)
Skye (Skye) & Alice (Katya)
Karen (Wendy) & Mariana (Nastya) 
Steve (‘Stone Cold’ Steve) & David (Alexander)
KiLynn (KiLynn) & Kirk (Logan)
Austin (Xavier) & Elle (Gilda)
Alexis (Alexa) & Jakob (Lucas)
Adrienne (Athena/Ember) & Esme (Riley/ f)
Matthew (Matt Hardy) & Earnest (Mario)
Stephanie (Nikki Bella) & Bella (Anastasia)
Thea (Zelina Vega) & Deckard “Deck” (Terry)
Glenn (Kane) & Priya (Olga)
Mary (Maria) & Mae (Anastasia)
Jillian (Jillian) & Aro (Shane)
Michelle (Michelle) & Nicole (Katya)
Lisa (Victoria) & McKayla (Nia) 
Mickie (Mickie) & Kate (Stephanie)
Lilián (Lilian) & Esmeralda (Candice)
Leva (Leva) & Clara (Itsuki)
Toni (Toni) & Nicholas (Jimbo)
Gary (Angelo) & Murray (Mario)
Shinsuke (Shinsuke) & Jennifer (Olivia)
Saraya (Paige) & Lauren (Ember)
Karlee (Maxine) & Ashely (Jules/ f)
Cody (Cody) & Jacob (Jack)
Shelly (Ariel) & Aaron “Hotch” (Louis)
Tom (Aleister) & Emily (Sasha)
Carla (Roxanne) & Alec (Ron)
April (AJ Lee) & Sam (Roddy)
Victoria (Alicia) & Marissa (Chyna)
Danielle (Summer) & Kendall (Jack)
Matthew (Matt Riddle) & Tarrence (Nathan)
Jessica (Billie) & Whitney (Beth)
Stacy (Stacy) & Allen (Alexander)
Joan (Chyna) & Sasha (Hawk)
Jonathan (Dean) & Ophelia (Amelia)
Natalie (Eva) & Tatum (Reo)
Jade (Jade) & Jennifer “JJ” (Riley/ f)
Joe (Roman) & Marcel (Roddy)
Oscar (Rey) & Xavier (Shane)
Kimberly (Piper) & Annelise (Mia)
Leah (Carmella) & Rebecca (Gilda)
Torrie (Torrie) & Irina (Emma) 
Tenille (Emma) & Noel (Nathan)
Dori (Ruby) & Rachel (Gayle)
Eve (Eve) & Ettore (Logan)
John (John Morrison) & Brian (Riley/ m)
Andrew (Drew) & Mary (Candice)
Rami (Sami) & Edythe (Chyna)
Katarina (Katie) & Lance (Luigi)
Cassie (Peyton) & Vera (Lilou)
Kofi (Kofi) & Vallie (Becky)
Laura (Allie) & Annissa (Sasha)
Chelsea (Chelsea) & Jess (Zoe)
Joshua (Jey) & Elyssa (Ruby)
Raymond (Erik) & Russ (Kid)
Ashley (Charlotte) & Leticia “Letty” (Lilou)
Deonna (Deonna) & Logan (Wally)
Kanako (Asuka) & Vince (Mario)
Barbara (Kelly Kelly) & Julyanna (Rhonda)
Lina (Nia) & Eleanor (Stephanie)
Brianna (Brie) & Jared (Ted)
John (John Cena) & Jack (Haruto)
Mike (The Miz) & Henry (Jackson)
Debrah (Alundra/Madusa) & Douglas (Ron)
Claudio (Cesaro) & Laurent (Vince)
Ariane (Cameron) & Stephen (Tyler)
Brandi (Eden) & Erica (Stacie)
Kevin (Kevin Owens/KO) & Derek (Luigi)
Jessika (Jessika) & Jesse (Logan)
Candice (Candice) & Anne (Olga)
John (Johnny Gargano) & Ben (Jimmy)
Debra (Debra) & Jessamine (Jules/ f)
Seth (Riley/ m) & Tyler (Aiden)
Rowena (Donna) & Victor (Kid)
Tej (Elijah) & Sullivan (Mustafa)
Penelope (Becky) & Emily (Stacie)
Evangeline (Olga) & Beth (Stephanie) 
Carine (Layla) & Emmett (Wayne)
Alex (Emma) & Jedidiah (Shane)
Gina (Anastasia) & Mia (Nastya) 
Presley (Louis) & Edward (Kaito)
Gabriel (Brett) & Cain (Alexa)
Ramsey (Katya) & Katie (Nia)
Rubie (Emma) & Eloise (Katya)
Mike (Louis) & Cherylyn (Becky)
That's the full ship list. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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2000sfm · 8 months
hypothetically… do you have a most wanted existing reboot and/or character to be taken up 👀
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oh  i  actually  love  this  question  !!!  some  roles  we  would  love  to  be  taken  up  in  each  reboot  are  under  the  cut  as  the  list  is  so  long.  
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the  vampire  diaries  :  jenna  sommers,  jeremy  gilbert,  all  of  the  mikaelsons,  vicki  donovan,  tyler  lockwood,  lexi  branson
the  oc  :  marissa  cooper,  seth  cohen,  sandy  cohen,  kirsten  cohen,  anna  stern,  julie  cooper,  taylor  townsend,  kaitlin  cooper.
one  tree  hill  :  lucas  scott,  brooke  davis,  keith  scott,  deb  scott,  dan  scott,  peyton  sawyer,  jake  jagielski,  mouth  mcfadden,  rachel  gatina,  karen  roe,  chris  keller,  skills  taylor
gossip  girl  :  jenny  humphrey,  lily  van  der  woodsen,  rufus  humphrey,  eric  van  der  woodsen,  vanessa  abrams,  ivy  dickens,  carter  baizen
sons  of  anarchy  :  opie  winston,  donna  winston,  tara  knowles,  juice  ortiz,  chibs  telford,  trig  trager,  happy,  half-sack  epps,  wendy  case,  bobby  munson
gilmore  girls  :  rory  gilmore,  jess  mariano,  luke  danes,  tristan  dugray,  logan  huntzberger,  sookie  st.  james,  lane  kim,  paris  geller,  dean  forester
true  blood  :  lafayette  reynolds,  eric  northman,  jessica  hamby,  bill  compton,  tara  thorton,  jason  stackhouse,  alcide  herveaux,  sam  merlotte
the  office  :  dwight  schrute,  michael  scott,  jim  halpert,  erin  hannon,  andy  bernard,  oscar  martinez,  karen  filippelli
buffy  the  vampire  slayer  :  angel,  spike,  willow  rosenberg,  faith,  xander  harris,  drusilla,  dawn  summers,  cordelia  chase,  riley  flynn,  tara  maclay
pretty  little  liars  :  emily  fields,  maya  st.  germain,  spencer  hastings,  hanna  marin,  kate  randall,  alison  dilaurentis,  jason  dilaurentis,  mike  montgomery
high  school  musical  :  ryan  evans,  kelsi  nielson,  gabriella  montez,  coach  bolton,  ms.  darbus,  martha  cox
freaky  friday  :  stacey  hinkhouse,  peg,  ryan,  maddie
jennifers  body  :  chip  dove,  colin  gray,  nikolai  wolf,  toni  lesnicky
twilight  :  rosalie  hale,  jessica  stanley,  edward  cullen,  bella  swan,  esme  cullen,  carlisle  cullen,  jacob  black,  jane,  aro,  caius,  angela  webber,  mike  newton,  eric  yorkie,  leah  clearwater,  emily  young,  sam  uley,  james,  laurent,  victoria,  bree  tanner
resident  evil  :  albert  wesker,  jill  valentine,  leon  s.  kennedy,  chris  redfield,  barry  burton,  ada  wong,  billy  coen,  rebecca  chambers,  ashley  graham,  carlos  oliveira
the  devil  wears  prada  :  andrea  sachs,  nigel,  emily  charlton,  christian  thompson,  james  holt,  nate
almost  famous  :  russell  hammond,  william  miller,  dennis  hope,  polexia  aphrodisia,  anita  miller
scream  :  gale  weathers,  dewey  riley,  tatum  riley,  billy  loomis,  stu  macher,  randy  meeks,  casey  becker,  cotton  weary
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wasntfaira · 9 months
so i wanted to do this personality test thing &* list characters i got that the test says i match up with % wise, but from fandoms i actually know / write from , especially since i don't know a lot of fandoms. they give you 2000 characters , but i went with people i matched up to 50% with &* pulled 85 of them. now i'm gonna go through &* mark em. bold means i write them already , italics mean i'd consider it , bold & italic together mean i used to write them , underline means it shocked me.
Kurt Hummel ( glee ) / 83%
Agent Pleakley ( lilo & stitch ) / 78%
Effie Trinket ( the hunger games ) / 77%
Tina Cohen-Chang ( glee ) / 77%
Mia Dolan ( la la land ) / 77%
Ryan Evans ( high school musical ) / 76%
Violet Parr ( the incredibles ) / 76%
Padme Amidala ( star wars ) / 75%
Rosalind Walker ( sabrina ) / 74%
Astrid Leong-Teo ( crazy rich asians ) / 73%
Alice Cullen ( twilight ) / 73%
Blaine Anderson ( glee ) / 73%
Allison Hargreeves ( the umbrella academy ) / 73%
Belle French ( once upon a time ) / 73%
Hazel Grace-Lancaster ( the fault in our stars ) / 73%
Gabriella Montez ( high school musical ) / 73%
Monica Geller ( friends ) / 72%
Esme Cullen ( twilight ) / 72%
Rachel Berry ( glee ) / 72%
Mercedes Jones ( glee ) / 72%
Elsa ( frozen ) / 72%
Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White ( once upon a time ) / 72%
Jasmine ( aladdin ) / 72%
Katara ( avatar ) / 71%
Princess Leia ( star wars ) / 71%
Emma Pillsbury ( glee ) / 71%
Allison Hamilton ( the notebook ) / 71%
Hermione Granger ( harry potter ) / 70%
Tahani Al-Jamil ( the good place ) / 70%
Janet ( the good place ) / 70%
Paula Proctor ( crazy ex girlfriend ) / 70%
Princess Fiona ( shrek ) / 70%
Damian Leigh ( mean girls ) / 68%
Artie Abrams ( glee ) / 68%
Anna ( frozen ) / 68%
Claire ( fleabag ) / 68%
Peggy Carter ( marvel ) / 67%
Dr. Strange ( marvel ) / 67%
Rachel Chu ( crazy rich asians ) / 67%
Nani Pelekai ( lilo & stitch ) / 66%
Henry Mills ( once upon a time ) / 66%
Belle ( beauty & the beast ) / 66%
'Needy' Lesnicki ( jennifer's body ) / 66%
Vision ( marvel ) / 66%
Emily Fields ( pretty little liars ) / 66%
Carlisle Cullen ( twilight ) / 65%
Rosalie Hale ( twilight ) / 65%
Jasper Hale ( twilight ) / 65%
Mike Chang ( glee ) / 65%
Daryl Whitefeather ( crazy ex girlfriend ) / 65%
Spencer Hastings ( pretty little liars ) / 65%
Valencia Perez ( crazy ex girlfriend ) 64%
Rapunzel ( tangled ) / 64%
Captain Marvel ( marvel ) / 63%
Edward Cullen ( twilight ) / 63%
Eleanor Sung-Young ( crazy rich asians ) / 63%
Sabrina Spellman ( chilling adventures of sabrina ) / 63%
Ben Hargreeves ( the umbrella academy ) / 63%
Ross Geller ( friends ) / 62%
Hilda Spellman ( chilling adventures of sabrina ) / 62%
Charlie Kelmeckis ( perks of being a wallflower ) / 62%
Sharpay Evans ( high school musical ) / 61%
Ambrose Spellman ( chilling adventures of sabrina ) / 60%
Love Quinn ( you ) / 60%
Guinevere Beck ( you ) / 60%
Peeta Mellark ( the hunger games ) / 59%
Rebecca Bunch ( crazy ex girlfriend ) / 59%
Regina Mills ( once upon a time ) / 59%
Tony Stark ( marvel ) / 58%
Gretchen Weiners ( mean girls ) / 58%
Viktor Hargreeves ( the umbrella academy ) / 57%
Will Schuester ( glee ) / 56%
Emma Swan ( once upon a time ) / 56%
Maurice ( beauty & the beast ) / 56%
Steve Rogers / Captain America ( marvel ) / 55%
Brittany Pierce ( glee ) / 53%
Chip Dove ( jennifer's body ) / 52%
Regina George ( mean girls ) / 51%
Augustus ' Gus ' Waters ( the fault in our stars ) / 51%
Chandler Bing ( friends ) / 50%
Coriolanus Snow ( the hunger games ) / 50%
Janis Ian ( mean girls ) / 50%
Santana Lopez ( glee ) / 50%
Klaus Hargreeves ( the umbrella academy ) / 50%
Summer Finn ( 500 days of summer ) / 50%
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KAR Protégés 2024/25
Junior Elite:
London Thebeau (DK Dance Productions)
Addyson Paul (Evoke Dance Movement)
Dacey Goana (J-Dance Co)
Adiyah Ayres (K2 Studios)
Kynzli Reece (The Academy)
Caiden Matthias (The Paradigm Dance Complex)
Teen Elite:
William Colin (DanceWorks)
Rebecca Suh (DSAPA)
Ava Ortega (Inspire Dance Complex)
Elise Kim (N10 Dance Studios)
Brooklyn Schimmelpfenning (Newtown Dance Academy)
Nylah Walker (Studio Ray)
Bella Mosley (The Dance Spot Eastlake)
Dharma Brown (The Hype Dance Complex)
Bella Baldino (The Vision Dance Alliance)
Senior Elite:
Addison Carlisle (AV Dance Studio 81)
Chayse Stallworth (Cutting Edge Dance Center)
Danica Parra (Dance Force LLC)
Brooklyn Barrios (Michelle's Dance X-Plosion)
Lane Danhauer (Momentum Dance Company)
Tucker Riddler (North Alabama Dance Theatre)
Daniel Stankovich (OCPAA)
Lucas Vazquez (The Academy)
Skylee Varner (The Talent Planet)
Ethan Cook (AV Dance Studio 81)
Candice Peng (Dancers World Production)
Anny Juvera (Signature Dance Academy)
Ainsley Dobbs (The Academy)
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Also i’ve read like a lot of books this year , like ALOT
I have a list , and I want to share.
Also , any suggestions? Prefer books where main character gets hurt and makes your stomach drop.
Makes you feel squishy inside type of shit
Anyways , here’s the list
My favourites were : AAGTM series , Cruel Prince series, Blue eyed devil ,Blood Oath (Morgan B Lee) and Shadow heart , Shifter series ( Jasmine Mas) , Blood of Hercules , Meet me halfway
Meet me Halfway and the shifter series were actually a re read from last year , I also really loved One percent of you
Id love book recommendations 💜
Books 2024
- Burned dreams By Neva Altaj
- Good Girl Bad blood By Holly Jackson
- Bariloche sector by Lexi C Fox
- The wicked king by Holly Black
- The queen of nothing by Holly Black
- Broken Whispers By Neva Altaj
- Hidden Truths By Neva Altaj
- Recipe for love By Anne Malcom
- One Moment Please By Amy Daws
- Knot a trace by Liliana Carlisle
- Black and White Ties by Kay Singleton
- Bride to the Fiend Prince By Rebecca F Kennedy
- Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif By Rick Riordan
Feb 2024
- A hunt so wild and cruel by Rebecca F Kennedy
- The maleficent faerie by Rebecca F Kennedy
- Baby Llama Drama by Kate Watson
- Healer to the Ash King by Rebecca F Kennedy
March 2024
- Jailer to the Death god by Rebecca F Kennedy
- Prize of the warlord By Rebecca F Kennedy
- The warlord’s treasure By Rebecca F Kennedy
- Captive of the pirate king by Rebecca F Kennedy
- Pawn of the cruel princess by Rebecca F Kennedy
- Silent Lies by Neva Altaj
- The Bounty By Lillian’s Carlisle
- His Darkest Desire by Tiffany Roberts
- Forbidden by Lilliana Carlisle
- Midnight fae book 1 by Lexi C Fox
- Midnight fae book 2 by Lexi C Fox
- Twisted Heart By Lora Reilly
- Defying the odds By Kele Moon
- Washed in Blood by Ashley Lane
- Craving constellations By Nicole Jacquelyn
April 2024
- Painted scars by Neva Altaj
- Blue eyed devil by Lisa Kleypas
- Angry god By L.J Shein
- Lie to Me by Molly McAdams
- When she loves by Gabrielle Sands
- Exile in the water kingdom By Cassandra Gannon
- White horse , Black Nights By Evie Marceau
- Shallow River By H.D Carlton
- Black Knight by Rina Kent
- Dead Devils Night by Maree Rose
- Darkest sins by Neva Altaj
- Wed to the wolf man Cara Wilde
May 2024
- Knot a trace : Part 2 By Lilliana Carlisle
- Make you wish i was dead by Macy T Rios’s
- The predator by RuNyx
- The experiment Lexi C Fox
- Ghost by A.Zaverelli
- Blood oath by Kelly St.Clare
- Still beating by Jeniffer Heartmann
- Shadow wings by Kelly St.Clare
- Heavy by Cate C Wells
- Black Crown by Kelly St.Clare - DNF
- The nameless trickster By Rebecca F Kennedy
- Viciously yours by Jamie Applegate Hunter
- Denied by Evelyn Flood
- Devoted by Evelyn Flood
- Brutalise me by Michelle Heard
- Blood oath by Morgan B Lee
- Wait for it by Mariana Zapata
- Omega found by Evelyn Flood
- Psycho shifter by Jasmine Mas
- Psycho fae by Jasmine Mas
- Psycho Beasts by Jasmine Mas
- Filthy Rich by Serena Akeroyd
- Glass by Evelyn Flood
- Psycho Academy By Jasmine Mas
- Psycho Devils By Jasmine Mas
- Canary by Tijan -DNF
- The mafia and his angel I by Lylah James
- The mafia and his angel II by Lylah James
- The mafia and his angel III by Lylah James
- Runaway Omega By Ember L Nicole
- Nero By S J Tilly
- Shadow Heart By Morgan B Lee
- King Of Wrath by Ana Huang
- Bitten by death by Holly Roberds
- Kissed by death by Holly Roberds
- Preferential treatment by Heather Guerre
- Hunted (Feral souls trilogy) By Erica Woods
- Assembly by Erica woods
- Tempted by the devil by Michelle Heard
- Unbreak me by Reese Rivers
- Race to me By H.L Swan
- Crash into me By H.L Swan
- Fall onto me By H.L Swan
- Jack frost By Rebecca F Kennedy - DNF
- I fucking dare you by Emm Darcy
- Lola and the Millionares by Kathryn Moon
- Lola and the Millionares 2 by Kathryn Moon
- Twisted Vows By Candice Wright
- Triple Threat By K Webster
- Death Wish By K Webster
- Rock Hard By Nalini Singh
- Beauty in the broken by Charmaine Pauls
- Blood of Hercules by Jasmine J Mas
- When Hero’s Fall by Giana Darling
- The Night Thief By Beena Khan
- Meet me halfway By Lillian T James
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