#Rebirth: An Alternate Universe
setoangel01 · 5 months
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A Zack Lives AU at the end of Crisis Core when he runs into Aerith selling flowers at Loveless Avenue. For Day 1 of Zerith Week 2024 - "New Beginnings" for @zerithweek
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demialwrites · 2 months
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I overheard my partner talking to friends about men who would look strange if they suddenly had facial hair. My phone doesn't have a brown coloured pen but I still think this is halfway decent. Am I biased?
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bethanyannfanart · 5 months
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As promised. Because shipping is a hobby not a bloodsport.
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aelkurai-art · 2 days
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Cid Injured
This illustration will be available in a few days in HD format, with the wallpaper versions, on my Patreon
I hope you still like it :)
(The song that followed me throughout the creation of this illustration)
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Homecoming - Chapter 4 (Previous Chapters)
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: During a late night dinner, Zack reveals more of what him and Cloud have been through these past five years, Aerith mediates on how to help Zack heal and Elmyra begins to understand.
Aerith tried to be a mediator as best she could.
These were the two people she loved most in this entire world and while she understood her mother's worries about Zack and his ex-Shrinra status and the fact they were now on the run from the most powerful company in the world and staying at their house - Zack was back.
Nothing else mattered to her than that…
Not able to take her eyes away from him for long, Aerith gazed over at the dark haired ex-SOLDIER, who had barely touched the food he'd been given even if she could tell he hadn't eaten a decent meal in a very long time. And recalling the voracious appetite he had during the two years they dated, it was strange seeing him not eating all of it immediately and asking for seconds. The man in question was too preoccupied by gently coercing his blonde friend (who was actually sitting up quite well by himself) in the chair next to him to eat instead.
Heart pattering happily, Aerith listened to Zack's gentle voice as he encouraged Cloud to take another bite and she swore if she could only listen to Zack speaking for the rest of eternity, she would be happy. His voice was like a soothing balm on her weary soul…one of the many things she missed so desperately about him these past five years.
The flower girl spared a glance to her mother and the obvious sympathy on her face surprised her; she knew her mother's walls were cracking fast. Zack just had that charm and energy about him making it nearly impossible not to like him and the fact he was taking such good care of his sick friend only made it more apparent.
"C'mon, Cloud! Alright you leave me no choice than to do the thing you hate the most… " Zack's face grew uncharacteristically serious before he continued in a higher-pitched voice, "Open up the tunnel, here comes the train! Choo-choo!" Zack sing-songed, gently pressing the blob of creamy mashed potatoes against Cloud's lips but the blonde refused to open. His vacant eyes were staring at Zack and for some reason, it looked as if they were communicating in a way Aerith couldn't even begin to understand.
She desperately ignored the sudden pang of jealousy that invaded her heart at their obvious bond.
"Buddy, I promise I will eat too, I just want you to eat first so I can lay you down to sleep right after so you have time to digest and don't get a tummy ache from having actual food in your stomach for once - is that okay?" Zack waved the spoon and Aerith couldn't help but bite her lip to hold back the huge smile when she swore the blonde outright pouted at Zack before obediently (albeit it reluctantly) opening his mouth.
"Yes! Thanks, Cloudy Skies! You're the best!" Zack exclaimed, gently pressing the smooth potatoes into his mouth before brushing a quick hand through blonde chocobo-like spikes. Cloud let out of an unintelligable soft mutter of protest as Zack gathered another spoonful to continue feeding his friend.
"...You've been doing that for awhile, haven't you?" Elmyra asked suddenly and Aerith's shoulders tensed.
Zack didn't seem effected at all by the sudden questioning.
The SOLDIER merely glanced at her and gave a quick seldom nod and sad smile, "I have… lemme see, uh, the last, I dunno, 10 months to a year since we've escaped Nibelheim, he's been like this. He's actually a hel-h-heckuva lot better than he was before. He wasn't much more than a limp doll for a long time…" Zack bit his lip while spooning some more potatoes with tiny bits of chopped up meatloaf to his friend's mouth before continuing to feed him.
Zack continued, "...it was… hard to say the least. I - I had to do everything for him and I was so certain it was a losing battle those first few months with the Mako withdrawal being so bad. I really thought he wouldn't make it -" Zack's eyes suddenly teared up and Aerith wanted nothing more than to reach over and touch him but he was sitting too far away.
Zack swallowed thickly, "…but he's better now. We survived and we're gonna continue to do so. After what we've already lived though, feeding him is no problem at all! At least he can somewhat chew and swallow on his own now." Zack laughed softly trying to lighten the bleak situation like always. Casually wiping his face free of a few tears that slipped down his face before feeding Cloud his next spoonful with nothing but a sweet smile gracing his lips.
Elmyra looked chastised even if Zack did nothing to condemn her questioning.
"Zack?" Aerith asked and her heart skipped a beat when he glanced from Cloud's face and those incredible eyes locked onto hers.
He flashed her a soft shy smile, "Yeah?"
"Will he let me feed him? Your food is going to get cold."
"I-It's okay, Aerith. He's almost done, I got it. And heck, what I wouldn't have given for cold meatloaf and mashed potatoes when we were on the run - it's gonna be incredible regardless. Thanks for offering though." he added with a blinding white smile and wow, if her heart wasn't already lost to him before…
Ten minutes later, Cloud was finished eating and staring blankly at the single yellow lily Aerith gave him that she'd placed into a small vase on the table.
Even obviously starving, Zack ate slowly. Chewing his food thoroughly before swallowing as if savoring the sensation of having actual food in his mouth. He even was making small talk and making sure Cloud felt included in any discussion that came up. After only a single (heaping) plate full, Zack gently pushed the plate away when it was cleaned of the rest of the gravy with a roll of bread.
"Oh! There's more food in the kitchen! You want another serving? There's plenty…" Aerith halfway stood to her feet but Zack just shook his head and smiled.
"Nah. I'm full. It's probably best I take it easy for now. Don't wanna overdue it and make myself sick," Zack chuckled softly before turning to address her mother, "Ms. Gainsborough, it was absolutely delicious. Thank you…" Zack bit his lip, his eyes tracing the surface of the table for a moment before meeting her eyes and then her mother's with the most heart-wrenching look clouding them, "I - I really can't thank you enough - for everything. I - I promise I'll pay you back for all of this once Cloud recovers enough so I can get a job. Just make a list, I'll be sure to pay you back for all the food, lodging, clothes - "
"Nonsense!" to Aerith's shock, it was her mother who interrupted, "You don't owe us anything, Zackary. While I'm still concerned over what Shinra is going to do as well as you are, but you have my word that you and your friend are welcome here as long as you need to stay." Elmyra flashed the SOLDIER a coy smirk and continued, "And I think Aerith would have a few words to say if you even think of leaving anytime soon."
Aerith felt her own eyes welling when she watched Zack's lower lip tremble before his face fell, a tear slipped down his cheek as he uttered a heartfelt, "Thank you so much…"
"You're welcome, young man. Now, go get you and your friend situated upstairs and get some sleep. No offense, but you look dead on your feet."
Aerith shuddered at the phrasing but said nothing and bit her lip when she noticed Cloud suddenly flinch at that statement.
Zack merely chuckled, "I pretty much am; it's been a really long time since I slept through the night."
While that was alarming and Aerith wanted to say something, she remained silent as Zack rose to his feet. His eyes locked on her mother, Zack bowed to her slightly when he stood before gently pulling the barely lucid Cloud to his feet.
"I-I could go put Cloud to bed and come back and help with dishes? Please? I'd love to help any way I can," he offered.
Elmyra was already shaking her head before he finished speaking, "Don't be silly, Zackary. Go get some sleep."
"...You sure?"
"Positive," Elmyra smiled gently at him.
"Okay…Um, thanks again. You both have a good night," Zack said over his shoulder as he gently guided Cloud up the stairs and all remained quiet until the door to the guest room closed with a soft click.
Elmyra's shoulder's dropped and she opened her mouth as if to speak but closed it a second later. Instead, her stepmom let out a soft sigh before standing to gather the empty plates on the table and heading to the kitchen to clean up.
Aerith followed to help even as her eyes strayed to the staircase where she watched Zack disappear.
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jan-holdres · 1 year
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 4 months
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Death & Rebirth - Chapter 1
Summary: Written for the Fandom-Free Maritime May Bingo.
Toothless felt Hiccup leave, but he felt his return as well. And all he wants now is to reunite with his human.
Warnings: Major Character Death Mention
Rating: Mature
Words: 463
Prompt: Soulmate AU
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless
Pairing: /
Author's Notes: Eyyyy, what's this? My 400th work on Ao3!!!
I thought it fitting to return to this AU that was my 100th work back in 2020. :)
Even before he knew what a soulmate truly was, Toothless knew he had found his. He knew it was Hiccup. He could never pinpoint the exact reason why, he felt like he made several realizations throughout their life together.
One day, he felt him leave.
Humans with their short lifespans, they were never meant to stick around for as long as dragons can, who can all live thousands of years. That is, if disease, starvation or a battle doesn’t take them out. Toothless had always known. And yet, when he stayed relatively the same and Hiccup aged- albeit a little slower than most- he was still caught off guard when his human got sick and didn’t get better again.
He was surrounded by his loved ones. His wife, Astrid, their children, Zephyr and Nuffink, their grandchildren, their friends and Toothless and his offspring. He was the first of the Dragon Riders to go. Astrid would follow soon after.
Toothless didn’t have that kind of luck, his draconic lifespan forced him to keep going. Even though, what the others saw as Hiccup taking his final breath, felt to him like half of him was being violently ripped away.
For a long time, he was inconsollable. He couldn’t even stay on the island anymore, given the sturdiest prosthesis Hiccup’s grandson managed to conjure up and leaving for the Hidden World with the promise that he would return for routine maintenance.
He didn’t.
It broke.
His last physical connection to his soulmate was severed and Toothless forgot entirely who he was and what he left behind.
After all, at least a thousand years must’ve passed since he last saw the Earth’s surface. The one thing that stayed with him throughout time was Hiccup. His name, his face, his voice, his mannerisms, his personality, his everything. It remained as clear to him as the day they first met lifetimes ago.
And then, just like he felt him leave…
He felt him return.
The Night Fury couldn’t explain exactly how he knew. It was as if there’d been a shift. Unseen, but clearly felt. His heart felt as though it could beat again, it pounded within his ribcage and called for the one whose death felt like his own.
Since his prosthetic tailfin broke, his physique had changed. His wings withered, despite his best efforts to keep using them. And he became broader, his muscles growing for a more terrestrial existence. Despite his age, he became even more of a threat, lest he be seen as weak and easy pickings.
He traveled towards one of the entrances of the Hidden World that didn’t require a swim through the ocean and climbed his way back up to the surface.
And found a desert world.
That was 17 years ago.
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My post game AU
!Warning spoilers for Rebirth ahead!
Canon differences:
Aerith asked Tifa out on the Shinra 8 and their first date was in Costa
Cloud went on his "date" with Red while the girls had their own date
Tifa helped save Aerith by leveraging Cloud's sword to deflect Sephiroth's blade
Aerith was saved but has a scar on her back from where masamune grazed her
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^approximate scar locations for the girls
Post game:
As a reward the Planet revives/heals several loved ones for the gang; Ifalna, Myrna, Seto, Brian Lockhart, the Avalanche trio, Zack, Sonon, & Claudia Strife
Aerith and Tifa live in the plains outside of Kalm where Aerith grows a variety of flowers and vegetables
Tifa works in Kalm as a bartender and eventually comes to own the bar
Cloud and Jessie reunited and finally have their date
They never truly settle, but Jessie picks up acting gigs at the Saucer while Zack and Cloud are traveling mercenaries (though Cloud tends to stay near Corel)
Barret and Myrna pick up where they left off and she helps him reintegrate into Corel's society where they both work to improve the town
Marlene is skeptical of Mryna at first but warms to her quickly, she has a brief depressive period when they have a son but Barret reassures her that she isn't a lesser member of the family
With Seto returned to flesh, he takes time to connect with his son and really teach him about their history and how proud he is.
They work together to find a cure for the Gi
Claudia settles down in Corel wanting to remain close to Cloud and also not wanting to return to Nibelheim
Brian and Ifalna settle near Kalm as well (separately they just live near each other)
Ifalna helps Aerith learn about her culture and helps out with the plant business
Brian works as a farm hand at Bill's
Tifa and Jessie were the ones to propose, Aerith said yes before Tifa finished and Cloud thought Jessie was joking (but said yes once it was cleared up)
The kids:
Rosalind Ifalna Gainsborough-Lockhart: goes by Rosie, the older of the twins, black hair and green eyes, she takes more after Aerith physically and in personality but has very little connection to the Planet and magic so she learned Zangan martial arts and the Bo staff, she was a very sick child her parents thought she wouldn't make it into adulthood, while very outgoing she suffers from self-confidence issues and often puts herself down, she is shorter than Lily and hates it (~5'4" while Lily is ~5'8") the twins have middle names because their moms couldn't decide what names they wanted so they gave them names to honor their mothers and flower like names at Aerith's request
Lillian Thea Gainsborough-Lockhart: goes by Lily to her friends and Lillian to everyone else, the younger twin, brown hair and red-brown eyes she takes more after Tifa, she is nearsighted and wears glasses, not as physical as her sister she gained a higher affinity with magic and their Cetra bloodline, she uses bracelets and finger claws just incase an enemy gets too close, she prefers tai chi since it is not combat focused but can perform some basic strikes, seeing the suffering her sister went through caused her to mature faster than her parents wanted from her but she never regrets helping take care of her sister, serious and quiet she often comes off as cold and emotionless but truly cares about all life and has a dry sense of humor, she is very sure of herself and her abilities so she tries her best to raise up her sister whenever possible, they developed a fighting style to synergize her magic with Rosie's physical abilities
Dyne Wallace: Born shortly after the events of the game making him the oldest of the kids, very much takes after his father in personality and physicality but decided to have long hair that his mother loves to style, around 6'4", he is more humble than his dad but still over the top and goofy, not a fighter at all he wants to become an ecological preservationist, becomes an older brother figure for the twins and Cloud's daughter, though he is easily convinced to make mischief
Claire Strife: Born the same year as the twins coincidentally, soft blond hair and brown eyes she looks like her dad but has her mother's personality, about 5'6", to Cloud's excitement she shows no interest in fighting and wants to become a performer like her mom though she is very skilled with the buster sword, she develops a crush on Lily (which is reciprocated) but neither of them are convinced the other likes them, she has a very close relationship with both of her grandmothers and loves to cook with them
Might add more later but add your own thoughts if you'd like!
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softmothprince · 7 months
Zack hums and dives back into the shoe box. Something metal clicks together and his fingers tangle with a chain, rattling as he pulls it up. An old set of dog tags dangle in front of his face and he rests them in his palm, looking at them closer. He pauses when instead of seeing Cloud’s name, he finds his own.
Fair Zackary 1985.09.19 SOLDIER 1st Class AB NEG
"Why do you have these?” Zack asks softly, rubbing his thumb over the engraved letters.
this is a fic i started based off something a friend said on twitter last year in may and i finally updated it after a year.
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nerdyfan1 · 8 months
So um might as well put this here too.
This is my Angel Dust Heawenly Rebirth AU design. He’s a cupid now. Charlie’s original plan to get Angel to heaven works in this au. He’s not happy there due to many reasons (including having to change his name to enter through heaven’s pearly gates) but, Devil is determined to make it work to help his friend Charlie. Since if he’s ever thrown out of heaven he just knows it’ll affect her and the hotel’s business. Lonely lil dude heh.
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setoangel01 · 1 year
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"So, any chance I'm gonna get my hoodie back?" "Nope. It's mine now." Modern Zerith AU because it's the cutest damn thing ever to picture them in college. Aerith studying botany and Zack a sports star naturally. Aerith would always be stealing his clothes and of course Zack would chose his team number "23" for those 23 tiny wishes. 🥹
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roll-rolly-knux · 11 months
Fallen Ninja....
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evenfallwriter · 11 months
A list of all the moodboards that I've made till now.
dazai osamu moodboard (old template) nakahara chuuya moodboard (old template) akutagawa gin moodboard (old template) akutagawa siblings picrew
all my agony fades away - chapter one moodboard all my agony fades away - chapter two moodboard Fem SKK moodboard
prologue moodboard
to burn for your love - chapter one moodboard to burn for your love - chapter two moodboard to burn for your love - chapter three moodboard
dazai osamu moodboard (old template) sawako ariyoshi moodboard (old template) natsume souseki moodboard (old template)
part one - footprints on blood stained snow part two - painting white roses red
at least the war is over - chapter one moodboard at least the war is over - chapter two moodboard at least the war is over - chapter three moodboard at least the war is over - chapter four moodboard
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batbitesthebat · 2 years
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(Infodump warning)))
Kwazii and Shellington are a happy couple. then BAM Kwazii crashes the gup B and brutally dies!! The Octonauts are all in grief. They keep his severed body in Shellingtons lab while trying to find a morgue.. and Shellington is forced to stay with Kwaziis corpse for a while. As he is grieving, staring at the body in horror, he comes up with an idea. And hes so desperate to see Kwazii again that he just might try it.
The idea is to bring Kwazii back to life, and after a couple months of locking himself in the lab he actually succeeds, reanimating Kwazii through the power of electricity. And at first the crew is amazed, excited, astonished at this miracle. But it doesn't take them that long to realize this is not exactly Kwazii. He feeds through a tube, sleeps for half the day, he can't go on missions since his body is so fragile, his limbs are falling apart, he can't communicate properly and he reeks of an awful stench of raw meat. But Shellington is in denial. He is so preoccupied with taking care of Kwazii that he doesn't spend much time doing much else. He makes sure Kwaziis just at the right temperature, that he's never hungry, that his limbs are on tight and that he doesn't go anywhere near water. He's very clingy to Kwazii and doesn't let him out of his sight, refusing to go on long missions as he doesn't trust anyone else with Kwazii. His crew is sick of Kwazii, sure hes a miracle but he's making the whole crew fall apart. They suggest maybe taking Kwazii somewhere else like a research facility but Shellington doesn't want to hear it. They see he is obviously delusional. So obsessed with taking care of Kwazii that he's not taking care of himself. They try to talk some sense into him but it just ends into an argument. Kwazii sees that Shellington is in distress and tries to cheer him up... in all the wrong ways.
Okay thats all im gonna say im already infodumping so like yEAH sorry that my description of the au is bad but i love it way too much
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Fatefully Intertwined
Chapter 1 - Devastating Visions
Rated: T
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 Remake FF7R
Pairing: Zack x Aerith
Story Summary: It’s been two months since the sky took Zack away from her and now Aerith is leaving Midgar for the first time. Along with her newfound friends, the last Cetra is determined to follow along the path of destiny Gaia has in store for her. Little does she know that the true gravity of the final battle with the Whispers of Fate changed something she’d never expect…
Chapter 1 Summary: On the road to Kalm, Aerith ponders over the vision Sephiroth showed only to her before their final battle in Midgar…
Aerith Gainsborough, the last living Cetra, was…content.
 Pensive, perhaps scared and a bit unsure yet determined to hide it underneath the intense light of the actual sun illuminating her pale skin. The happiness she seemed to encapsulate was a bit of a facade but she’d been damn good at putting up a front these past five years so why should all these newly established people in her life notice the mask she’d worn since the day he disappeared?
 …How could they have ever seen it slip or notice the cracks in its surface that formed only two months ago when the planet informed her that he died on his way to see her…
 The flower girl stalled only a second on the road to their next destination at the sudden deep ache that reawakened once again in her chest. The pain that was so debilitating a mere eight weeks ago (it felt like a lifetime) was now a duller hurt, faded yet intense enough at times that it almost had her knees giving out beneath her.
 Not again.
 Push forward -- just keep pushing forward…
 Look ahead, not behind.
 To the future, not the past…
 If she continued with her fake smiles and bubbly cheery personality (the one she borrowed and kept from him), if she simply ignored the pain of her past just enough, perhaps she could get through this journey in one piece. Yet another excuse, denial of the desperate grief that trailed behind her like a foreboding shadow that refused to leave her alone. As long as she continued to ignore it, she could continue to proceed on this new frightening adventure, to find the end of the long road. All she needed to do was follow the breadcrumbs the Planet left behind and finally fulfill whatever grand destiny the planet swore it had in store for her as the last of the Cetra.
 Doing what she did best, Aerith plastered on another fake smile and kept walking.
 Valiantly ignoring the profound ache the mere thought of him brought up, the flower girl peered ahead along the dusty road toward her newfound friends.
 The varying voices of her traveling companions carrying on a rather heated conversation/debate she didn’t bother listening in on but made good background noise regardless. Keeping her mind occupied, Aerith stared at her surroundings as ever so slowly, the bleak desert of the Midgar wastes gave way to small patches of dry yellow grass and the barest hints of life. It was nothing like the lush plant-life and array of colorful flowers she’d left behind at her cozy home in Sector 5 or the church, but her meadow green eyes soaked it all in regardless.
 Attention remaining steadfast ahead, on the backs of her friends, or on the ground. Determined to stay below the horizon line and away from the expansive, deepest blue sky the exact shade of his eyes…
 “Color of the sky, right?”
 “Yeah! But not scary at all!”
 Aerith’s forced smile crumbled.
 Traveling companions none the wiser as she steadily kept a scant few paces behind the group.
 It was hard enough to keep pushing forward with a lopsided mask, one that slipped when she mentioned his name to Cloud atop the Playground of Sector 6. Yet she kept smiling and pushing forward amidst the bubbling of this strange sensation echoing in her chest, her mask falling completely when presented with that vision Sephiroth showed her before that final battle…
 The one of him.
 A clear vision of a cliff with the city of Midgar looming straight ahead…
 …He had been so close…
 The only barrier was a battalion of soldiers. The echoing sounds of all those hundreds of guns cocking, the dazzling gleam of materia of all types ready to be used against him, swords scraping against the sand in preparation for a battle and the deafening thrum from the blades of helicopters churning menacingly as they circled overhead like ravenous vultures…
 What seemed to be the entire Shinra army preparing to take down a single man -- one who used to be welcomed amongst them -- one of their own.
 This was how he died…
 Yet through it all, his illuminating smile remained etched on his handsome face much like the cross-shaped scar on his jaw. Pretty eyes so vibrant and blue that they put the sky to shame. Spiky raven hair with tints of sapphire showcased in the illuminating glare of the sun. It was longer than she recalled, yet just as unruly as ever, soft black spikes blowing in the slight breeze of that acrid cliff-side. Warm voice strong, steady and firm without a hint of fear as he faced down those who would murder him. Hearing his voice again nearly took her breath away…it had been so long since she heard it…
 “Come and get it!” The voice she hadn’t heard for five years (and now never would again) faded with the vision of him attacking the only obstacle that stood in his way in order to come home to her…
 …But he never did.
 Aerith’s fist clenched at her side, blunt nails digging half moons into her palms.
 That monster had shown her what happened.
 Sephiroth in all his astounding cruelty, the Silver General, Demon of Wutai, who was once proudly titled one of his closest friends at SOLDIER, had outright smirked after showing her what had lead to his ultimate demise…
 …The death of the only man she ever loved…
 To be so evil, to so eagerly have shown her a vision of what took place that day was beyond comprehension. Forced to witness for herself what happened a mere two months prior. Recalling that cold, dreary rainy afternoon while she was tending her flowers only to be bombarded by this sudden explosion of pure wretched agony that took complete hold of her entire body.
 Utterly paralyzed, her soul and very essence buried at the base of her ribs felt nearly ripped in two when she felt him slip through her grasp and leave her forever. The sky swallowing him whole and whisking him away to a place she couldn’t follow.
 This beautiful piece of pure sunlight that appeared the day he fell through the roof of her church and into her life. So easily securing her heart with nothing more than a gentle smile, kind words and those perfect blue eyes. This flickering light of pure joy and love that only continued to grow in those two years they were together, one that continued to burn even when he left like the ribbon he bought her that she continued to tie religiously in her hair. The absence didn’t matter so much for she knew he was alive so she she’d held onto this essence of him so dearly, snuggled so close in her pounding heart.
 Nestled alongside it lay this fragile hope that she would see him again even after five years of silence yet in the blink of an eye, it was completely snatched away and snuffed out like it never existed.
 How evil Sephiroth was, to show her such a vision.
 Taunting her in the knowledge that even with all her Cetran heritage and abilities, in this one instance, she was utterly powerless. Aerith couldn’t save him; couldn’t protect the only man she’d ever loved. She wasn’t there to rescue him when he was so close to reuniting with her - mere miles from the city gates. Mocking her with images of events that already occurred, ones she could no longer change…
 Because no matter what she did now, he was still gone…and he wasn’t coming back.
 But one thing Sephiroth didn’t account for was her righteous anger.
 An unquestionable hatred at all the wrongness this once proud General exuded from the black hole of his very being. As much as she desperately wanted to, Aerith could no longer change the past -- she couldn’t turn back the hands of time. She couldn’t bring him back, he would never come home. So she weaponized her grief, her anger at the injustice of it all and pushed it into action for all she had left now was to fight.
 To take revenge for the Planet as well as the man she loved…
 So she did.
 Along with her newfound friends, they defeated those ghosts - those whispers - harbingers of fate as they screeched and de-materialized with an explosion of light. Leaving Sephiroth alone and vulnerable, they continued the onslaught until he left with an explosion of feathers that fell to the ground in a somber realization that it wasn’t over yet…not by a long shot.
 Since then, the planet had been quiet, near mute even after Sephiroth disappeared with more parting taunts and the promise of his return.
 After the dust settled, Aerith knew things were different yet somehow still the same. Something changed when they defeated the Whispers, but regardless of that sudden warm glimpse of hope she felt for only a split second when it started to rain as soon as they left Midgar, it didn’t matter.
 In the end, nothing changed the past -- it was too late for that.
 No matter what happened now -- he was never coming home to her…
 Aerith bit her lip hard enough to draw blood.
 “Hmm?” Aerith perked up immediately at the voice, her misty green eyes meeting warm cherry-cola red.
 “Are you okay?” Her new friend, Tifa Lockhart, asked with a gentle yet concerned smile, “You’re really quiet back there.”
 The eyes of the others in the group were focused on her now.
 Cloud unemotional and stoic as ever yet with eyebrows furrowed in question and his own form of worry over her well-being. Barrett was giving her a patient smile yet with all the overbearing fatherly concern towards the woman who saved his daughter’s life. Nanaki flashing her a wizened perceptive look that showcased the promise of questions Aerith would never be comfortable answering.
 So, before any of them could even open their mouths to speak, the flower girl put her mask back on.
 The freshly growing tears she wasn’t aware were lingering on her bottom lash line dissipated immediately with a beaming smile lighting up her entire countenance. A smile that actually felt genuine while basking in the concern of her newfound friends she was traveling with, especially the kind barmaid she felt an immediate kinship with since meeting in the bowels of Corneo’s hideout.
 “Yes, I’m perfectly fine! Just a bit tired and doing some thinking is all. It’s been a bit of a crazy day.” she replied with a nervous giggle at the audacity of that understatement. The others looked content enough with that answer and turned back to their own conversations while Tifa’s garnet eyes remained steadfast on her.
 A soft smile lit up the dark-haired brunette’s face even if her eyes were a bit haunted by the tragedy that had befallen the friends she’d lost in the Sector 7 plate fall. “Yeah, you could say that.” Tifa kindly replied regardless.
 Aerith absolutely hated herself for lying to someone so kind -- yet she was determined to carry this burden alone. She’d gotten used to its intense weight upon her back and her heart. Tifa was dealing with enough, she didn’t need any more weight on her shoulders. No, the pain he left behind when he walked out of the church five years ago only to die on his way back was hers and hers alone to bear. As much as she hid it beneath her smiles and cheery personality, she knew it would never fully go away…
 …Hell, even the thought of his name was too painful for her to think about anymore…so she didn’t.
 Tifa shot her another concerned glance.
 Making sure her mask was firmly in place this time, Aerith smiled sweetly at Tifa.
 The Flower Girl skipping ahead to close the distance between them. Once beside her, Aerith cheekily hooked her hand onto her friend’s arm. So used to acting as if her heart wasn’t torn in half and a piece of her soul was missing never to be replaced, the last of the Cetra began a bubbly conversation.
 Topics remaining fun, easy, and light as she strayed away from any subjects and thoughts that could hurt either of them. Matters such as another plan to go shopping in a fancy district or eating themselves stupid at a chocolate dessert buffet. Both giggling at the thought of making Cloud and Barrett their pack Chocobos, carrying all their shopping bags while Nanaki would be their ever-vigilant bodyguard. His important job would be making sure no one bothered them in the changing rooms trying on all sorts of outfits neither could afford.
 Tifa laughed and Aerith’s empty chest felt a bit lighter for it.
 Grasping and holding on to the temporary contented feeling, Aerith continued pushing forward with her new friends by her side.
 As the sun made its way across the sky overhead, the group slowly yet steadily making their way into the next city that awaited them. They continued moving forward, pushing onwards towards their next destination and stepping into an unknown (and unwritten) future.
 Chocobo Bill dropped them off close to their destination and while the others were continuing towards the city at the breakneck pace to get out of the sudden sprinkle of rain, Aerith fell a few steps behind the group. Her stomach still in knots for a reason she refused to ponder on more than a surface level. Perhaps Barrett was right and she was just hungry even if the thought of food made her stomach churn unhappily in discomfort.
 As the next town grew ever closer on the horizon, Aerith’s eyes somehow slipped up to the sky.
 The dark gray rain clouds from before faded into wisps with the gentle breeze revealing the bright sun overhead as well as the endless blue expanse that lay above.
 The sight of it had her jaw clenching.
 Heart in her throat, she whispered to no one in particular, “...I hate the sky…” The words were lost in the wind as she shifted her eyes back to the road ahead and forced herself to continue walking.
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rhythmicreverie · 4 months
In a world unseen, where realities collide, A hero stood tall, with a choice so severe. To save his own life or the universe he knew, He sacrificed all, forever to be anew.
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