#Reclaim snippet
worldofthraeia · 8 months
Find the Word Tag
Tagged by @vollzz thank you very much! :3
My words: glisten, linger, hope, and stare.
I'll be using Reclaim for this!
None found.
Quin lingered in front of Ms. Fallow’s door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked. “Come in!” Ms. Fallow’s cheery voice rang from inside the room. She stepped inside and blinked at the state of disarray. Clothes were strewn across every available surface in an array of different colors, some much more vibrant than others. Ms. Fallow looked up from attempting to straighten a pile. “Quirina!” She came over to stand beside her, surveying the mess with a hand on her hip. “It was much more organized earlier this afternoon.” She said sheepishly and Quin chuckled. 
"Xiren won't let us go easily." He turned, eyes moving upward. Tainu was perched on the edge of the balcony overlooking the stairs, legs dangling over the drop. Hands gripping the banister on either side of him he gazed down at Auden. Looking absolutely at ease despite the height. "I hope you know that." Tainu continued, voice flat. Auden grinned. "Sweet Reema, you really inspire confidence, don’t you?" Auden teased as he continued up the stairs. Tainu's expression didn't change.
Reed was grabbing the arm of a hooded individual, someone she didn’t recognize. Their head turned to look at her as they were pulled down the hallway.  Black lines ran from his eyes and down his face. Spots littered his head. Quin stared into the face of a Cita, one of her kind. He was expressionless as he glared back at her. Then he was pulled away down the hall.
Tagging (No pressure!): @lorenfinch, @daughter-of-inklings, and anyone else who'd like to try! :3
Your words: soft, knock, promise, and gold.
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nerdie-faerie · 2 months
I'm once again thinking about the missed opportunities to have Klaus and Kol bond more. Part of Klaus' whole motivation as a vampire is to get his werewolf part back and to finally be stronger than Mikael (sort of, I'm simplifying) both of which can be obtained by breaking his curse. But Kol? Kol is the only other original that can relate to having a fundamental part of themself ripped away from them. Klaus might not have known he was a werewolf until he killed, but he likely still had a connection he couldn't explain, as evident by him going to watch the wolves transform. And something he'd never been able to explain was now gone. He might only be able to realise the connection afterwards through its absence.
Kol though. Kol had grown up with magic, a connection to nature and the world around him in a way the rest of his siblings supposedly didn't have. And then he gets turned. And not only has his baby brother died, his father has just murdered him and the rest of his siblings after forcing them to drink human blood, which he'll later learn. Now, not only does he have to deal with the grief of Henrik's death and also his own but also the loss of his magic. A loss that's likely only worsened by Kol being a self-proclaimed child prodigy.
Kol is pretty much the only one who could understand what Klaus is going through with the binding of his wolf. We know Kol searched for ways to get his magic back/carry on practicing magic in the same way that Klaus was looking for ways to break his curse. While Klaus likely could still feel his wolf there despite being bound, Kol has no access to his magic anymore. I just think they should've been able to bond or connect over their shared loss of an intrinsic aspect of their selves at the hands of their parents
#TVD#The Mikaelsons#Kol Mikaelson#Klaus Mikaelson#briefly back on my the originals shouldve gotten to be a family goddammit and as someone from a big family im personally offended bs#i did right a lil snippet about them bonding over this that i havent posted yet for the joml verse but still think its an unexplored concep#need more witch!kol acknowledgement honestly. just need more content of my boy#anyway. klaus having a fascination with the moon and kol telling him about celestial events and how it affects his magic when theyre boys#klaus losing that connection to the moon feeling lost & extra tempermental feeling his wolf claw at its binds and vowing to break his curse#kol determined to get his magic back at any cost relating to that devasting loss and promising to help him find a loophole for his curse#kol who becomes extra reckless and determined when he learns that theres a way to break klaus' curse so maybe he can get his magic back too#that knowledge and recklessness combined with his loss of magic driving him to become the volatile vampire that we see#that leads to him being daggered repeatedly but that first time breaks something in that bond between him & klaus that never fully recovers#it makes him bitter and resentful only fueling his reckless behaviour particularly when there seems to be no leads on reclaiming his magic#that he becomes distant from his siblings in the process especially with finn still daggered but that distance only cements the idea#to his siblings that hes a danger and cant be trusted that he needs to be daggered if theyre to stay safe from mikael#the loss of his magic leading to his spiral as a vampire and him being ostracised by his family > actual tvdu kol canon#klaus being trapped in a room staring at the corpse of his little brother knowing he never repaired that relationship with him#and now he never can so he refuses to look away as penance and a reminder of his failings to his little brother#*edit: one of the reblogs on this post is the author of big bad wolf and honestly she does an amazing job at portraying the mikaelsons#as actual siblings if you havent read it its one of my favourites for characterisations but we need more 😭 i want it to be the norm
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atonalginger · 3 months
Snippet Sunday
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I got a lot going on, it's been a week, and I haven't been written anything since Tuesday. BUT I did a lot of writing the week before and have lots to sample from. Mostly from Reclaiming Home. Thanks for the tag and reminder @therealgchu!
This is a small snippet from a later chapter of Reclaiming with Sam and Cora talking.
He held his little girl while she read her book, sipping his juice pouch, wondering if the universe was going to take anymore swings at him this week. He wondered what kind of shit show the Lodge might be when they walked in, whenever they made their way over. Last time they were there it was a fight, Sarah flinging insults at Jamie and then the verbal sparring match between everyone after that. It’d be nice if everything slowed down for a bit.
“Hey dad?” Cora asked, closing her book again.
“Hey kiddo?” he replied.
“Are you and Doc going to get married?”
He blew out his cheeks, Really, universe? “We haven’t talked about it.”
“Do you want to?” Cora asked
“Fox’s note had said the photo album he made was supposed to be an engagement gift,” Cora explained, “I don’t think he meant to tell me that, just wrote it in autopilot sort of thing, which implies he knew you were considering it before. Or maybe assumed?”
“He knew I’d gone ring shopping,” Sam admitted without thinking and then winced. Sleep deprivation was a better truth serum than anything a lab could produce, “but like I said, we haven’t talked about it.”
“You aren’t going to drag it all out are you?” Cora asked.
“Cora, it’s been seventeen years,” Sam said slowly, “don’t you think we should take more than two weeks before-“
“No,” Cora said simply, “I think you both work well together, I think you make each other happy, I think you know each other well enough, and I think it’d be silly to go through the motions of starting over when there isn’t a need.”
“That so?”
“Yes,” Cora nodded and went to get up, “I’m going to go lay down. You should too. In the bed.”
“But I was getting used to the idea of being Emperor of the couch,” Sam joked.
“Go to bed, Dad,” Cora said as she scuffed down the hall, “and try not to break any toes on the way.”
“Love you too, gumdrop,” he laughed.
He sat there, grappling with what she said. Part of him wanted to say she was wrong. Oversimplifying a situation she was too young to understand. There was so much to deal with before they could even consider it. And the other part that thought she was absolutely right and she should say it. Cora was always a smart one and she had a good read of people. She wasn’t too young to understand, she was simply cutting all the bullshit away and getting to the heart of the matter. Why waste time when they were happy?
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cankersaurus · 6 months
Little nitpick on the dream nd Nicholas cantu video
When nick said "im like this cuz i got autism, adhd yknow nuerodivergent" nd then dream said "i have adhd too" BRO
Having adhd nd having adhd AND autism r too wildly different experiences
Nd the fucking tone he had like "i have adhd nd i dont act like you so you have no right to say wut ur saying" GRRRRR
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alittlelessalone · 11 months
Last night I wrote some soft qijiu for my really long fanfic (progress is happening. I’ll get enough written to start posting eventually!). Because this scene isn’t until part 5, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share it now.
Giving full context is way too long and complex, but here’s the basic gist. While he was still a disciple, Shang Qinghua ended up saving Shen Jiu from the Qui’s and caused a lot of ripple effects. Now years later, Shen Yuan has just arrived (in his own body) and expects the world to still be like in PIDW. He and Binghe recently went on a mission that didn’t go super well (think the skinner demon beginner mission) and Shen Qingqui had to come and bail them out. This takes place later that evening.
Anyway, here it is! A warning for some light references to past child abuse (Shen Jiu’s) and scars.
Shen Qingqui sank into the mass of soft pillows and blankets. He let out a moan as his tired muscles all but melted into his mattress. To his side, a warm lump shifted slightly to better accommodate his sprawl.
“Who said you could move? Get back over here.” Shen Qingqui rolled over to face his husband and gave him a pointed scowl.
Qi-ge only laughed and obeyed, rolling back in closer so Shen Qingqui could nuzzle up against him. Qi-ge draped a gentle arm across his shoulder, pulling him even closer and rubbing circles against his back.
“Long day?” His fingers pressed into a tight spot between Shen Qingqui’s shoulder blades and Shen Qingqui let out a deep moan. Qi-ge sighed contently at the sound and pecked a chaste kiss on the top of his head.
Shen Qingqui pressed his face against Qi-ge’s chest and breathed in his comforting warmth. “That child is going to be the death of me. How can he be so talented and smart, but also so absurdly stupid?” 
Qi-ge chuckled softly. “Ah yes. I heard Binghe and Shen Yuan ran into a little trouble today and that Ming Fan and Ning Yingying served as accomplices. There were apparently four rather contrite looking disciples kneeling in reflection in one of the meditation pavilions.”
Shen Qingqui sighed. “It’s always good seeing my disciples make new friends and Binghe seems particularly taken with young A-Yuan, but there’s a difference between showing off a little and being just plain dumb. Honestly, what was that child thinking today?”
Qi-ge let out another chuckle. “It sounds to me as though he simply wasn’t. But sometimes that’s just how children are. Not me of course, I was always a model of foresight and patience, but other, less rational and level headed children might behave that way from time to time.”
Shen Jiu pulled one of his arms from his comfortable embrace to reach around and smack Qi-ge none too lightly in the back of his head. It was probably a good thing for his husband that his fan was tucked safely away out of reach, but Qi-ge only laughed at the blow. He pressed another kiss to the top of Shen Qingqui’s head.
“Hopefully Binghe will reign himself in long before he reaches the levels of impetuous stupidity I did, but either way, I know you’ll be there to help steer him in the right path.”
“So long as he doesn’t send me to an early grave first,” Shen Qingqui groused. Qi-ge only kissed him again. “Naturally. But you know perfectly well that I’d never allow that.”
The pair lapsed back into a comfortable silence, filled only with the sounds of their slow and steady breaths. Beneath his head, Qi-ge’s chest rose and fell in a soothing rhythm. It was almost enough to lull Shen Qingqui to sleep, but his mind wasn’t ready to rest quite yet.
“Did you hear that Shen Yuan jumped between me and Binghe today?” 
Qi-ge stiffened slightly. “I didn’t. What brought that on?”
Shen Qingqui closed his eyes and recalled Shen Yuan’s terrified face. He had tried so hard to mask it under a veil of bravado and defiance, but Shen Qingqui had lived too much of his life surrounded by frightened eyes to recognize them as anything less. The Qui manor in all its opulent glory had no shortage of mirrors and he was intimately familiar with his own.
“He was afraid I was going to hurt Binghe. He saw me angry and approaching him and assumed the worst.”
Qi-ge let out a long sigh. “Unfortunately that’s not completely uncommon for children either. It’s always sad to see it manifest though.” His fingers continued to trace soft lines along Shen Qingqui’s back, running over the long-since scabbed over whip scars. “At least he’s now in one of the best places he could be to start healing now.”
Shen Qingqui smiled at the thought. “Cang Qiong Mountain really is very good for that. I never imagined I could even start the process, let alone end up where I am now.” He tilted his head up to press a kiss against Qi-ge’s jaw.
Qi-ge leaned down and gently caught his lips in his own. The kiss was soft and short, but Qi-ge waited for Shen Qingqui to pull him back in with more force. Their tongues brushed, sending shivers down Shen Qingqui’s spine. No matter how many years passed, the taste of his husband still left him feeling tingly and warm.
Eventually they pulled apart once more, although Qi-ge kept their foreheads pressed together. “I’m so proud and happy for you, Xiao Jui. There’s nothing more beautiful in the world than seeing you filled with joy. But I wasn’t actually talking about our sect when I said he was in a good place. Our sect as a whole is wonderful, but it has nothing on him finding you.”
Shen Qingqui’s cheeks grew warm and he buried his face against Qi-ge’s chest once more. “Moron.” He smacked Qi-ge again. “When did you become so disgustingly sentimental?”
Qi-ge gently stroked one of his burning cheeks. “Probably the moment I realized I had someone precious to me whose side I never wanted to leave.”
“Moron.” With his face still pressed against Qi-ge’s chest, he didn’t bother rolling his eyes. Besides, Qi-ge would never buy the annoyance anyway.
“I hope you’re right though. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by wonderful, kind-hearted morons who were willing to stand by me even at my worst. I just want them to have at least that.”
Qi-ge chuckled once more. “Well, as long as our friends and I are around, you should have no shortage of morons. But I’m sure your disciples can all feel your love. And I know they’re all safe now.”
Shen Qingqui closed his eyes once more and let the weight of the world drift away against his husband’s chest. “I really do have the best morons anyone could possibly hope for. Now what are you still doing up at this hour? Honestly. Go to sleep already.”
Qi-ge wrapped his arms a little tighter around Shen Qingqui and rested his head against his. “Of course, my love. Silly me.”
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peanutbutterl0ver · 1 year
The Reclaimer
Tom peered out over the edge of the ring of melody. The people of Ceol looked like little ants, scurrying around, trying their best not to get caught in his militia's cross-hairs. He chuckled to himself. He had never felt this level of power, of control. The city was his to mould however he saw fit. But was this what he really wanted? The end goal was to retake Gildenpyre so that his people may be free, not to control the people themselves.
"Your thoughts betray you," said a disembodied voice. "This is the way, the only way, to true salvation." This voice wasn't anything new. It had haunted him- no, haunt wasn't the right word. It had guided him since that day his own father had cast him out of the city for treason. If only he could see me now, he thought.
He turned around to the sea of corpses, leftovers from his conquering. He recognized many of them. They were old family friends, mentors... and loved ones. He made eye contact with the corpse of a young tiefling girl. Annabelle, what am I doing? He felt tears beginning to well up in his eyes.
"NO!" the voice screamed out "Do not focus on your past, you are mine now. Do what must be done." Instinctively, Tom raised his hand and a crackling ball of purple energy shot out, obliterating the tiefling's corpse. "Good. Now... GO!"
Tom looked away, he couldn't bare to look at what he had done. He walked over to an elderly half-ling, trying not to make contact with his lifeless eyes, he began to focus. His body started morphing, he could hear his bones cracking as his point of view shrank. It was a horrible process to watch, and Tom was ashamed of what he had become. It's for the greater good He told himself. At last he was a carbon copy of the dead half-ling. He sauntered back to the ledge, where he again looked over his newly conquered people.
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scattered-winter · 1 year
days like today when i actually get writing done are a double edged sword because on the one hand i got writing done!!!!! and i'm genuinely proud of it!!! but on the other. i used to be able to write for hours at a time. for multiple days in a row. and now i can only write once a week on a really good week, and even then, the motivation lasts for approximately an hour before i've lost it again. and it's really frustrating even while i'm celebrating getting something written because i used to be able to do it so much more
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
Oooooooh Style giiiiiiiiirl I dig you
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Like Betta Fish Do Snippetity
No real betta fish this week, so have this little from a few chapters off because I enjoy the chaotic entity that is Dick. Again, not tagging since I'm 110% exhausted.
“Hey little fish!” Whoever had just taken over the call was much more chipper sounding than Jason. “Hello,” Danny replied, bemused.
Whoever it was let out a sudden meep as obvious sounds of shuffling filled the background of the call. “So, I'm Jason's brother, Dick.” “Give me back my phone you fucker!” Jason shouted, his words slightly muffled. “Hello, Dick.” An exhaled oof of air was followed by a loud crash and what Danny was pretty sure was one of them kicking the other. “You can't keep him from me forever!” Dick cried. “Anyways, I'm at Jason's.” Danny could help but grin at the antics. “I gathered.” “Right— back off Jaybird— want to come over for lunch? Since I’m, oh shi—” Danny winced at the sound of the phone hitting the floor. They were really going at it now. He’d give them props for creative cussing. As he listened to the sounds of the fight, he made his way to the subway stop. Finally, a slightly breathless Jason reclaimed the phone. “Sorry about him.” “It's fine. Want to put in an order at the Malaysian place for us and I'll pick it up? I'm already on my way over.” “No,” Jason said (whined, really, though Danny knew he’d deny it). “Don't give into his demands.” “Victory!” came a strangled cry. From the winded sound, Danny would bet Jason had his brother pinned, maybe even in a choke hold. “I don't think he's really going to give up,” Danny pointed out. Jason was quiet. Quiet enough that Danny started to backtrack. “Hey, if you don't want me to meet your family—” “No! It's not… I'll put in an order. It will be under your name. I'm making Dick pay though.” “Still won!“ Came the shout from Dick before Jason hung up.
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5ueckers · 3 months
you belong with me — teaser
a/n : i wanted to have this finished by today but 😢 here's a lil snippet instead! for context, this specific part takes place in july of 2019, before the start of p's senior year of high school, and reader is her best friend and teammate. happy valentine's! 💕
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paige doesn’t get what you see in him.
for one, he’s really not that cute, contrary to what all your other friends believe— there are a million five–foot–ten boys with curly blond hair and green eyes in the world, and you’re pretty enough to have any one of them that you want. for two, he’s so boring. he’s always got you holed up at his ridiculously large house doing something lame, when you could be with her, actually having fun. and lastly, he’s not even that good of a boyfriend. sure, he takes you out on dates and drives you around in his stupid car and surprises you with flowers and gifts, but those are all things she’s done for you and she’s only your friend. it’s the bare minimum, and you deserve a lot better than that; you deserve the world.
she thinks she might actually be sick, watching him tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear and smile at you, leaning in for a kiss. his face is actually so gross, she gags.
“stop, leave her be,” azzi’s voice comes with a little laugh as her hand closes around paige’s forearm, tugging playfully, but the blonde still struggles to tear her eyes away. “paige.”
“they’re disgusting,” paige gripes as she finally looks away, taking a sip of her dr. pepper, not even bothering with her burger and fries anymore. witnessing that interaction ruined her appetite.
“they’re in love,” azzi teases, dragging out the ‘o’, and paige grumbles around her straw, eyes rolling dismissively.
you aren’t in love with him. yeah, it’s been three months since you officially started dating, but paige actually knows you; you’ve liked plenty of guys since she met you in seventh grade, and none of them have ever really meant anything. soon enough, you’ll get bored of him, just like all the others, and it’ll go back to just being you and her again, like it should be.
hopefully, that’s before the season starts in november. she doesn’t want to have to see you with him at homecoming, or even worse, at one of your games— she’d really be revolted, then.
“no, i agree with p,” kayhla chimes in on the conversation. “get a room!” she shouts, hands cupped around her mouth to accentuate the sound, earning the attention of you, him, and everyone else in the wendy’s.
your eyes get all wide and your cheeks tinge red, and the table erupts into giggles at your embarrassed reaction. you step away from him, finally, and turn back to the counter, smiling politely at the cashier as she slides a tray of chocolate and vanilla frosties toward you, and another toward him. paige can’t help but feel a bit smug when you return to the table and reclaim your seat next to her— it’s an end–seat, so he has to sit across from you both. she casually stretches her arm out over your shoulders, and shoves a spoonful of chocolate frosty into her mouth with her free hand.
“you guys are mean,” you say, reaching out for one of her abandoned fries. you don’t do anything about her arm.
“don’t be a freak, then,” paige replies, and you jab her in the side with your elbow, which only makes her laugh harder.
“oh, you have no right to be calling anyone a freak,” you retort playfully. “don’t make me bring up last summer—”
“woah, nah, okay! okay, you win!”
paige throws up her hands in surrender, and everyone at the table laughs again— everyone, except for him. you, on the other hand, laugh especially hard. she can’t lie, it’s vindicating knowing there are parts of you that he hasn’t yet breached, that she can make you laugh this hard and he has no clue why.
that she actually knows you. unlike him, paige isn’t temporary. you’ll get bored of him, and things will go back to being the way they’re supposed to be.
just you and her.
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giuliettagaltieri · 4 months
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 K. Bakugō • E. Jaeger • M. O’Hara • S. Gojō • N. Zen’in • C. Snow
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Coriolanus Snow
♡ Hunt for Glory
Synopsis: After living under the shadow of legacy of your fathers, you and Coriolanus Snow decide it is time to climb to the top, to reclaim what was yours.  You are a convenient ally, a dangerous and sly woman, and to his luck, it seems your heart was tender for him, until it no longer was
Chapter Count: 6
♡ Quest for Happiness
Synopsis: You got what you wanted. Power over Panem is on your hands. But after fighting in a battle of schemes and ruse, Coriolanus and you face a much more complex adversity. Together, you are a force to reckon with but when the odds seem to not be so much in your favor, will you manage to remain together?
Chapter Count: 7
Gojō Satoru
♡ A River of Honey
Synopsis: Navigating through life with your husband and son who both seemed to have developed an appetite for something only you can provide.
Word Count: 1142
♡ Where the Blue Roses Grow
Series Synopsis: Snippets from the life of Gojō Satoru and yours.  Where the two of you journey on a path that was predetermined for you, with hearts bruised and unforeseen emotions blossoming.
Chapter Count: 9
Miguel O’Hara
♡ Project: Galatea
Synopsis: Allowing you sentience made things more complicated between you and Miguel.  But Peter Parker from Earth-199999 decides to take on an unfinished impossible project of his late mentor, and possibly bring you and Miguel back together.
Word Count: 6218 
♡ Project: Pandora
Synopsis: You are experiencing things for the first time and you can’t wait to explore what the multiverse has to offer, but for now, you’ll start with a messy college dorm room.
Word Count: 2174 
♡ Project: Eros
Synopsis: It does not feel the same without your wings and halo and you turn to science to help you gain them back.  But despite your angelic appearance, you find yourself allured by the weakness and carnality of the flesh.
Word Count: 5435
Eren Jaeger
♡ Sparkly Pink Skirt
Synopsis: When you are head over heels for Eren since high school, he finds it difficult to take in when you start to avoid him.
Word Count: 2586 
♡ Be Careful Not to Spill
Synopsis: Eren does not agree with the euthanasia plan and he will show them, with a little help from you.
Word Count: 2149
♡ Home is Where You Are
Synopsis: As Eren’s past comes to pay him a visit, you come to realize that love can come in all shapes.
Word Count: 1526
♡ Just Kiss Her Already
Synopsis: Craving for academic validation, you find an unexpected challenger who might have hurt your feelings, just a bit.
Word Count: 1724
♡ Kruger and Vixen
Synopsis: Having a love-hate relationship is fun until Eren messes it up, driving you away.
Word Count: 7077
♡ Number One Fan 
Synopsis: You have always been there to cheer him on, if only he would look at you the same way you look at him.  But whho are you compared to the all too perfect Mikasa?
Word Count: 5496
♡ Cherry Flavored Kisses
Synopsis: The life as Eren Jaeger’s girl fascinated you, but it was nothing compared to the fascination you feel for the man, himself.  He could be nice if he wanted.  But nothing is as bittersweet as a love unrequited.
Word Count: 5862
♡ Doctor’s Order
Synopsis: You could not make your crush on Dr. Eren Jaeger any more obvious.  And even though you can tolerate his usual cold demeanor, you also know when to draw the line.  1 of 3.
Word Count: 1792
♡ Progress Notes
Synopsis: You are having fun, trying new things and meeting other people while Eren disproves the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.”  2 of 3.
Word Count: 1370
♡ Care Plan
Synopsis: You’re back from your trip and a certain surgeon finds it difficult to not be in the receiving end of your undivided attention.  3 of 3.
Word Count: 1269
♡ Road Rage & Malibu Barbie
Synopsis: You may look like a barbie doll who got lost on her way back to her dreamhouse but Eren never fails to break your front quite often than you like
Word Count: 2292
Bakugou Katsuki
♡ At Daybreak
Synopsis: Yesterday's rejection made an awkward morning more awkward.  Mix in a ghost and a cookie jar, this morning is bound to be interesting.  Who knew that the Bakugou Katsuki knows how to tease girls?
Word count: 1401
♡ Hero Too
Synopsis: Being a hero means so much more than just the career that Bakugou chose and you wanted to prove that to him and a series of unfortunate events might just let that happen, because dammit! You’re a hero too!
Word Count: 3,553
♡ Still Jealous
Synopsis: Bakugou tries his best to be a good boyfriend when you get hit with a jealousy quirk.  And when cuddles don't work, leave it to Bakugou to come up with other ways to help.
Words: 712
♡ You call Bakugou “pretty”
♡ Manga omake
Naoya Zen’in
Coming This Summer
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worldofthraeia · 7 months
Random Writing Update
I just wanted to share a few recent lines from each of my WIPs. :3
Lady of Birchgrove:
Chapter 4: Is This House a Home? Silvia looked up at the building in front of them as the gate closed behind. A ruddy brick building trimmed with dark wood stood silent against the dark blue sky. She slowly meandered up the narrow path made of the same red bricks. Nyx drifted ahead of her as she inspected the slightly untended garden of yellow rose bushes framing the front porch.
Chapter 20: Start of Something As Quin buttoned the cuff of the billowy white shirt she had chosen, she studied her reflection in the mirror. The black pants she had tucked the shirt into sat a little loose around her waist. To give her room when she got to a better weight Ms. Fallow had said. 
Cramming for Magic Class:
Episode #?? [Lilium Classroom] [Back shot of Tiffany with Soul over her shoulder, a small angry mark on her head.] Tiffany: "Soulaetia Dives! What a pleasant surprise!" Soul: "Tiffany.." [Pollux in a small bubble *No. No, why is she here?*] "A surprise indeed."
Thank you that is all. <3
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enbypotat53 · 25 days
So art block reclaimed me for another few months BUT knock on wood I think it's subsiding. I started a new brainrot page too :)
Hopefully I can get around to doing some of the drawings I said I was gonna do (pokemon teams, fanart, etc) IF GCSEs don't get in the way or if art block doesn't decide to fuck me over again. For now, have a snippet of the freshly started brainrot page :D (feels refreshing to draw in my sketchbook again, last time I added any art to it was January 18th..)
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atonalginger · 2 months
Snippet Sunday
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thanks for the tag and reminder @therealgchu! It's been quite the week as I recover from last week and....just everything...but I did get some writing done on Reclaiming Home and so I have a snippet to share. I'm in the home stretch with this fic, and then it's off to...whichever fic I have juice for...probably back to RatD but who knows? Only time will tell...
Anyway this is a chunk from the next chapter in RH
Sam’s comms buzzed in his pocket and his posture deflated like a disappointed balloon. He dragged it out and stared at the cover display, a sour expression on his face.
“It’s Gramps, isn’t it?” Cora asked, “Don’t deny it, I know that look.”
His expression softened slightly, “can’t get anything by you.” Sam flipped open the comms and answered the call, laying down the device on the table so everyone could hear, “I had heard you were in town.”
“Yes, it wasn’t a secret,” Jacob said. The sounds of songbirds and moving water indicated he was outside, likely near the lakeside in the Embassy district, “I was asked to help with some negotiations, nothing special.”
“Here I thought you were retired,” Sam glanced across the table at Jamie.
She could see him yearning for her to be closer. She reached her right leg out under the table and rubbed his leg with her foot. He smiled and reached down, touching her calf and rubbing up her leg before letting it drop.
“I am, but that doesn’t mean I can’t consult.” Jacob paused and the sounds of nature got quieter, “Look I know you’re wondering why I’m calling so I’ll cut to the chase: I heard about what happened out in Alpha Andraste with Lillian. Everything. Daniel is understandably trying to keep it under wraps but he looped me in because this will likely get uglier.”
Jamie saw Cora’s expression shift, a fire burning in those soft brown eyes. She was keeping quiet, clearly not wanting to cause more drama with the call, but the wheels were turning. She reached out to the young teen and offered her a hand to hold.
“Uglier how?” Sam asked.
“Lillian mentioned parental alienation to Daniel. Claims she’s at wits end because you won’t let her see Cora. I told him that was bullshit, I know about the past few missed meetings and let him in on them. But that’s the story she’s going with right now. She swore to him that she wasn’t going to plant the contraband, despite how Diego found her, and her digging through the cargo manifest was her searching for anything to pin on you two. And she seems to think she has something too: she says she found a concerning amount of hallucinogens onboard in cargo. Daniel thinks she’s going to try and take you to family court, Sam.”
Sam was quiet, just staring at the empty tray of cinnamon rolls. He rubbed his face with both hands and mumbled, “great.”
“Don’t stress too much, I have people preparing for it as we speak,” Jacob said calmly, “and I requested a copy of Jamie’s cargo manifest from the spaceport. The concerning amounts line up with standards set by MAST for survey collections, which makes sense considering my understanding is you three were doing a planetary survey?”
“Where did you hear that?” Sam asked.
“I spoke with Julien this morning,” Jacob replied, “I asked him to meet with Daniel, give him his account of what happened. So it’s in records if she actually follows through. He was receptive to the idea.”
“Thanks for the heads up,” Sam said quietly.
“That woman picked the wrong family to fuck with,” Jacob said. “I will not sit idly by while her tantrums put you three at risk.”
“Us three?” Sam raised an eyebrow, “Cora told us about your message to her this morning and it only included her and Jamie.”
“I planned on calling you so I didn’t see the need to include you there,” Jacob explained. Everyone at the table could hear a touch of embarrassment in his tone as he spoke, “and maybe I didn’t want to worry her. I know you try to wear a brave face for her, I didn’t need her questioning whether you could handle it.”
Jamie and Cora shared a look as Jacob spoke, both surprised by his admission.
Jacob continued, “But since we’re talking about it, how are you holding up? And don’t feed me a ‘I’m managing’ or ‘I’m fine’, be honest with me, Sam.”
Cora started to scoot from her chair, trying not to disturb anything as she picked up the empty tray and plates, and moved for the door. Jamie tried not to laugh at the teen’s awkward retreat because the action was thoughtful and selfless. She knew Cora would love to know the answer but her dad would never open up with her sitting right there. So she gave him space to speak freely.
Once she was gone Sam sighed and replied, “I’ve had better days. I’ve had worse days too but…it’s been better. It wasn’t just the message she sent to the ship or the fact that she appeared to be trying to set us up, it was the petty jabs she tossed at Jamie, the way she made Cora fume and wail during the encounter. If she felt she was being alienated she could have just gone to the courts, she didn’t need to do all that.”
“You and I both know that’s a lie she’s selling to cover her absence, Sam.” Jacob said with a gentleness that further surprised Jamie. She’d never heard him speak so kindly toward his son.
“I know,” Sam sighed again, “Cora told me last night she thinks Lillian just wanted to disrupt us because if the three of us are seen happy and doing well it’ll make her look bad.”
“That’s our Cora, smart as a whip,” Jacob chuckled, “Do you need anything, Sam? Any of you? I’m done with business so I’m available to help in any way I can.”
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writing-on-the-wahl · 5 months
Partner in Crime
For @thepenultimateword's Song-Story Writing Challenge Extravaganza
Song prompt submitted by @starry-night-author - I hope this does what you'd imagined justice!
(song info at the end, read the snippet first :)
Empty shadows and dim streetlights. 
A locked door and a pair of headlights. 
Henchman slid down further in the passenger seat of the dark sedan parked strategically across the street from her quarry as the pale lights pulled around the corner and the silence of the empty street was shattered. 
--already late, got to hurry. He might have already left and if I blow this job--
Crooked tires and a slamming door. 
--do I have all the supplies? Yes, you checked twice you numskull, the code, the code, don’t drop anything--
The figure fumbled over their bags until a single finger snaked out towards the shining metal buttons that stood out against the weathered side of the of the old brick mansion that took up half the block. 
--there we go, 64729, yes now the handle, no!--
A thick folder smacked against the ground, and the  crouched awkwardly with their laden arms to reclaim it, turning enough that the streetlight gleamed off the smooth cheeks of the fresh-faced hero. 
When the door finally slammed shut behind them, Henchman dropped her focus, and the chaotic thoughts faded into the quiet buzzing of a trapped fly. 
Four weeks of nightly surveillance, and she finally had the last code they needed. 
Her pen scratched across the inside of her wrist. 64729. 
As the minutes turned to hours, she let her eyes close and her mind wander. He wouldn’t want to wait, not with the XX approaching, Everything else was already in place. Tomorrow, the wait would be over. 
The sky was two shades lighter when the door finally opened again. 
The figure reimerged, hands empty, and darted to their car, head ducked and eyes scanning the shadows. 
The red tail lights were still visible when Henchman blinked, and he was beside her, the driver's door already clicking shut. 
His thoughts hummed, flying by like a bullet train, smooth and blurred like they always were. “You got it?” It was more a statement than a question, and Henchman pressed her lips together to keep from beaming at the unspoken praise. 
“I got it,” she confirmed, twisting her arm to show him the numbers on her wrist. 
This thoughts zoomed, as fast as he was, until the train slowed into a single track of a toy train running circles under a tree as he caught her hand and slowly kissed the inside of her wrist. 
Genius, brilliant talent, indispensable. 
Henchman was glad for the shadows that kept the heat in her cheeks hidden. 
When his mind raced, it was like a override channel, white noise she could focus on to tune out the chaos of the crowds around her. 
But she loved even more the rich texture of his mind when he slowed down and his thoughts turned to appreciation. His praises never failed to make her melt. 
“You’re incredible, H.” 
She barely stopped herself from responding with “No you are.” It would have been too corny, and unnecessary. Villain was a genius, and he knew it. 
His thoughts picked up again, flying by but at a pace she could follow. A silver keypad, a brick hallway, a gleaming brass safe. His forehead brushed her as his thoughts slowed to a stop as the safe swung open and revealed their treasure. 
She looked into his dark scheming eyes, so close to hers. 
Villain smiled the wicked smile she loved so much, and, in her mind, he leaned forward an inch until their lips finally met. 
He sat back into his seat, already running through the plan again. 
Hurry, hurry we’re going to be late!
Two cappuccinos, one americano, one diet americano, three blacks, two chai-- no three? Was it two? Mia, Thomas, Mindy? Did she have one?? Who am I missing-- 
Four blocks down and take a left--
I should have picked the black shoes, I can already feel the blisters forming. 
Can I just quit and sell books online? I don’t want to people today… 
Get out of the way you moron it looks like rain twelve dozen is not enough cute dog there she is I want oh sorry they’re calling again now please sweaters work open mine stopmyturnclosebootslatepeopleparkwalkinggo--
Large hands dropped on her shoulders, and the flood of voices disappeared as the purring hum of thoughts wrapped around her. 
Villain slid one hand down her shaking arms to grasp her hand. 
At the second time, she looked up at him. 
“You can do this. Twenty minutes and we will be back at base.” 
Base. Headquarters. Safety. Home. 
The sanctuary Villain had made for her where no other minds could drown out her own. 
Henchman turned back to the street crowded with light and people. So different from its quiet shadows of the night. 
She pulled her eyes back to Villain. “Six minutes of focus, and then it will be over.” His hand on her shoulder tightened. “Six minutes, just like we practiced.” 
She forced a swallow and a nod. 
His mind ran through the plan once more, and she did her best to follow as the voices pressed against her. 
When Villain was satisfied she wasn’t going to fall apart, he released her and stepped back. 
“We’ll just walk down the street like a happy couple and slip inside.” 
The nod came easier this time. It was an image she often pictured. 
The hand that was still wrapped around hers shifted until their fingers were intertwined, and her heart stuttered as he pulled her out of the alley and into the stream of pedestrians. 
The warmth of it occupied her mind until Villain pulled her to an abrupt halt and before she’d registered they’d stopped, the door was open and they were slipping into the narrow brick hallway. 
Henchman lost track of the turns as Villain pulled her through the labyrinth of hallways. 
Using the humming of his thoughts as a buffer as she used her powers to avoid guards and patrons as he dragged her through the repurposed mansion. 
Three minutes and fourth two seconds since they left the safety of the alley, they came to a stop in front of a wide mahogany door. 
Villain picked the lock in the blink of an eye. His hand on the handle, he turned back to her. 
Henchman shook her head. 
No minds were present behind that door. 
The safe was covered by the painting behind the desk. A cheap imitation of a Monet that was worth less than the gaudy frame that held it. 
Henchman dropped into the leather desk chair with a sigh of relief as Villain went to work at the safe.
The whirring of the safe handle was the only sound as Henchman shuffled through the desk drawers, pocketing a golden hilted letter opener and a ruby crusted pennant ring. 
Leaning back in the chair, she enjoyed the pillowing cushion of silence that eased the pounding headache that was building behind her eyes. 
Through the window she heard a dog barking and the distant echo of a siren. 
Henchman sat up with a jolt as the final tumbler dropped into place and the door to the safe creaked open. 
A cloud of mist exploded from the safe; her warning too little, too late. 
Henchman doubled over as the tear gas burned her eyes. The door they’d closed behind them slammed open, and the flood of mind-voices returned like a tidal wave. 
A room that blocked out the thoughts of others. Oh how foolish she’d been. Villain had created for her just such a space. 
The voices crested with the throbbing in her head that had returned tenfold.  
The loudest of the voices was filled with derision. 
“Did you really think we were such fools?” 
A hand on her shoulder. 
She ignored the judgment in the hero’s question and looked up at her partner in crime. His eyes were creased with regret. 
It was as if he was the one reading her mind this time. 
His thoughts were a jumbled mess. A ten lane freeway rather than a bullet train. 
Analyzing all the possibilities. 
But Henchman already knew the answer. 
He’d come back for her. 
She lifted her hand to his on her shoulder. 
The song for this prompt was Partner in Crime by Madilyn Mai
@im-a-wonderling @shieldmaiden-of-gondor @watercolorfreckles @distance-does-not-matter @onestopheroxvillain @lolafaiy @chaoticgoodandi @1becky1 @tobeornottobeateacher @himynameisorla @superherosweet @brekker-by-brekkerr @crazytwentythrees @great-day-today @sunflower1000@selectivegeekwithstandards @chibicelloking @trantolette @sapphiques @jinpanman @genesissane @wish1bone1 @amongtheonedaisy @distractedlydistracted @kitsunesakii @glitterythief @jinx1365 @cherrychewingbrat @in-patient-princess @thepenultimateword @sorrow-and-bliss @technikerin23 @deflated-bouncingball @talesofurbania1 @rivalriotrenegade @valiantlytransparentwhispers
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conkers-thecosy · 7 months
Bagginshield-tober / Day 2 / Garden
Hi guys! Here's my offering for day two of the lovely @smolestboop's "Bagginshield-tober" prompt list 💛
You can also find these little snippets compiled into one fic on AO3
Bilbo is very sneaky in this one, but in the most embarrassingly fluffy way imaginable! Hope you guys enjoy!
“Perhaps some time in the garden would be nice today?”
Summer in the Shire was much warmer than Thorin was used to. Geographically speaking, Ered Luin wasn’t that far away -around three weeks of travel on a good pony- but the mountains were always bound to be cooler. The seasonal difference even across such a short distance was notable, particularly at this time of year
It was the height of August now, and even Bilbo, who seemed to revel in the warmth and sunshine of his home, was starting to show signs of discomfort. They had started leaving many of the windows open at night, and their bedroom doors ajar to help circulate some air. It did help some, particularly in the wee hours of the morning, but it meant that Thorin could hear the Hobbit shifting restlessly in his bed through the night, and his little whimpers and cries as he dreamt and recollected terrible things were even more difficult to ignore.
The guilt gnawed at Thorin, knowing he had put those fears in Bilbo, haunted by his own actions and regrets like a spectre every night, and hating himself for the damage he had caused. It ate at him, and between that, the heat, and his own nightmares, sleep was nigh on impossible. He would sit awake with the heat, then when he became tired enough to sleep, he would become alert at the sounds of Bilbo’s distress from the room next door. When the Hobbit eventually managed to settle himself, Thorin’s own nightmares would keep him from rest. Eventually he would just pass out as dawn was peeking its head above the horizon, but could only gather a few hours before the heat woke him once more. 
This morning, feeling wearier than he had since leaving Erebor in disgrace for the second time in his life, he found an equally exhausted Hobbit waiting in the kitchen for him. They spoke very little, but regarded one another carefully when each thought the other was not, and both failing abysmally. 
Thorin wondered what Bilbo saw. He wondered about that often, truth be told, but tried not to indulge in it too often, for fear of making himself melancholy. Bilbo saw much. More than almost anyone Thorin had ever met, and there was a part of the exiled king that made him wish perhaps he wasn’t quite so good at noticing so much. He found there was much of himself he would prefer the Hobbit didn’t see.
“Perhaps some time in the garden would be nice today?” Bilbo smiled at him from over the rim of his teacup, green eyes bright and knowing and kind. Far too kind. “There’s a little breeze about today, and I’d like to cut back the lavender bushes so I can dry some of the flowers. What do you think? Care to supervise?”
“I would be happy to assist,” Thorin corrected, unsure if he was being asked to help, or being given permission to laze about, but determined not to allow the latter. “Though I do not know which of your many plants are lavender.”
Bilbo sipped the last of his tea and replaced it in the saucer with a wink at Thorin that made his heart speed up a little. “The lavender coloured ones, of course!”
They finished their breakfast, washed the dishes together in companionable, if tired, quietness, then headed out to the back garden. It was a beautiful place, one Thorin had admired greatly when he first saw it - even though Bilbo had brushed aside his praise and admitted to keeping his neighbour, Hamfast Gamgee, as a gardener to tend it. He had been pleased to find the garden in good repair after they had returned to Bag End together, for all the rest of his home had been an empty, dusty shell until they had put it to rights and reclaimed as many of his belongings as possible.
As it turned out, the lavender was actually lavender coloured, and it wasn’t just a joke after all. The flowers were very pretty, tiny, delicate little clusters at the end of long, thin stalks that grew up from leafy little bushels. There were a great many honeybees interested in the flowers, though much smaller than the ones they had seen at Beorn’s, and given the strong scent of the plant, Thorin wasn’t all that surprised. 
“Now, you make sure and tell me if you start to get a headache,” Bilbo wagged a finger at him, looking stern. “I’m personally very fond of the scent, but there are many who have an adverse reaction, so don’t try and be tough about it.”
Thorin promised, and they began to cut back the long row of plants, taking the flower stems right down to the leaves and laying them in bundles along the grass verge. Bilbo chatted while they worked, explaining how he liked to dry the flowers and use them for little scented pillows, as his mother had always been fond of them. He said he would make her a fresh one every year, and since she had passed, he made one for himself, and as gifts instead.
Thorin could understand the appeal of such a thing, they really did smell wonderful. He was pleased to find he had no headache at all, only a lazy sort of contentment as they worked side by side in the sunshine. 
“I think that’s all of them,” Bilbo smiled, wiping sweat from his brow. “Shall we sit in the shade for a little while and take a break?”
The pair of them found a shady spot under a tree, and Bilbo laid back on the cool grass almost immediately. Thorin hesitated for only a moment, before he joined him too, though careful to keep a respectful distance between them. Ordinarily he wouldn’t have laid down at all, but it was very hot, and he had grown very calm and sleepy. So much so that it was all he could do not to close his eyes, the sound of the soft breeze rustling through the trees, and Bilbo humming very gently from beside him…
When he awoke, it was well into the afternoon, and he might have felt guilty or worried for wasting the day, if not for finding Bilbo curled up beside him, sleeping soundly. Thorin watched him for a long moment, resting so peacefully, and close enough that, though they weren’t touching, it would take only the smallest of movements to make it so. 
He felt much better for the sleep, it was true, but there was no rush to wake just yet. Bilbo clearly needed the rest, after all.
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