#Recovery Process
env0 · 5 months
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Reminding myself to be proud of this progress.
Torn hamstring, groin x2, high hamstring tendinopathy...
This is good. This is hard. This is doable.
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bisan-is-trying · 5 months
Jan 16th - Jan 23 updates
Looks like the car trouble is serious stuff, something something with the engine and other technical terms, had to take transportation to work and be anxious all over again about my uniform and people's reaction towards it. Ended up not wearing the uniform, idc, im not gonna put myself in uncomfortable situations for the entire day just because of work.
I no longer feel like an imposter for thinking in hebrew, it comes to me like second nature which is so !!!!
Had to reschedule the session and for a moment i felt like i will never get it over with but then it all worked out and i actually went through with it. Wow, i feel so much lighter now. Don’t have to worry about the next session for a while, thank god.
Revised words i have been struggling with lately in hebrew, still confused about some.
Relapsed after a month, feel like shit, especially considering how happy i was that i started the year clean and determined, i feel really stupid but that doesn’t mean im giving up, this is the year i heal whether i like it or not. Even if it kills me i will keep trying. This mistake is not repeatable and i now know better, yes im trying to convince myself but its going to be okay, this too shall pass.
Didn’t make any progress in Italian or anything else after point above. Maybe the next update will have a better ending note.
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selectivechaos · 12 days
you shouldn’t have to belittle your achievements just because some people don’t relate or don’t appreciate how huge it is for you, or take it for granted that ‘everyone can do x’.
im proud of you for when you manage to speak, and i’m proud of you for getting through situations where you can’t. 🌹🌹
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The journey to recovery for patients often hinges on the adequacy of skilled nursing care available. Understanding the intricate healthcare needs in Decatur, Georgia, is pivotal for enhancing patient outcomes and expediting recovery processes. Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) play a critical role by providing comprehensive medical, rehabilitation, and personal care services tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient.
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Work accidents leave a lasting mark, not just physically but also emotionally. Anxiety, depression, and PTSD are all potential consequences, significantly impacting your ability to cope and recover. But you don’t have to face these challenges alone. Workers’ compensation in New York recognizes this and extends benefits to cover mental health conditions caused by work accidents.
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advancedrecoveryrehab · 3 months
If you are seeking rehabilitation therapy in Miami, Florida, Advanced Recovery Rehab can help you. We understand the importance of tailored care to aid in your journey towards wellness. Exercise plays a pivotal role in rehabilitation, and we are here to guide you through every step of the process.
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ezcareclinicllc · 5 months
Dealing with diarrhea can be a discomforting experience, but at EZ CARE CLINIC LLC, your trusted walk in clinic in Frederick, Maryland, we’re here to guide you through dietary approaches that can help alleviate symptoms.
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purple-slimy · 8 months
D. Cates survived a major car accident? What? I'm glad he is recovering!
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mindful-chapters · 9 months
Gum Disease: 101 My Journey from Neglect to Recovery.
Table of ContentsIntroductionChoosing the Right TreatmentTraditional Oral Surgery vs. LANAPLANAP Surgery: A Less Painful AlternativePost-Surgery RecoveryPositive Post-Surgery ProgressThe Impact of Gum Disease on Quality of LifePhysical DiscomfortEmotional TollImpact on NutritionFinancial CostsLANAP Surgery: A Gentle Approach to Gum DiseaseA Less Painful ProcedureQuicker RecoveryMinimal BleedingMy…
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tx-hospitals · 9 months
Laminectomy Spinal Decompression: Relieving Pressure and Restoring Mobility
Laminectomy spinal decompression is a surgical procedure aimed at alleviating pain and neurological symptoms caused by spinal stenosis, herniated discs, or other spinal conditions. This article explores the procedure, its benefits, and what patients can expect during and after surgery.
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Understanding Laminectomy
Laminectomy, also known as decompressive laminectomy, is a surgical intervention that involves the removal of the lamina, a bony arch at the back of the vertebra, to create more space within the spinal canal.
Indications for Laminectomy
Laminectomy is typically recommended for patients with conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs, or degenerative disc disease when non-surgical treatments fail to provide relief.
Procedure Details
Preoperative Preparation Before the surgery, patients undergo thorough medical evaluations, imaging studies, and discussions with their surgeon to ensure they are good candidates for laminectomy.
Anesthesia During the procedure, patients are placed under general anesthesia to ensure they remain unconscious and pain-free.
Surgical Steps The surgeon makes an incision over the affected area of the spine, removes the lamina, and may also address any other spinal issues, such as removing herniated discs or bone spurs. This decompresses the spinal cord and nerves.
Benefits and Risks
Benefits of Laminectomy Laminectomy can provide significant relief from pain, numbness, and weakness in the legs, improving the patient's overall quality of life. It can also prevent further nerve damage.
Potential Risks and Complications While laminectomy is generally safe, it carries risks like infection, bleeding, nerve damage, or spinal fluid leaks. These risks are typically low but should be discussed with the surgeon beforehand.
Recovery and Rehabilitation
Postoperative Care After surgery, patients may stay in the hospital for a short period. They will be encouraged to walk and gradually resume normal activities under the guidance of physical therapists.
Pain Management Pain management strategies, such as medications or physical therapy, are vital during the recovery phase.
Long-Term Outlook Most patients experience significant improvement in their symptoms over time, but the pace of recovery varies. Full recovery may take several months.
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fifisworld212 · 10 months
Do what’s right!!
I have not had the best of weeks and I can tell you the little things matter, when you suffer with mental health issues and some people make it worse on you do the right thing to make things right with your struggles.
My story isn’t any different from others who suffer with it but I took appropriate action to get the thing that was holding me back but now it is time to start the recovery process again to make me feel better for myself before thinking about other.
We , as sufferers, come first before we can see other people later when we as people feel better
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wellhealthhub · 10 months
Lipo on Chin: Sculpting Your Jawline with Confidence
Are you yearning for a jawline that exudes confidence and charisma? The allure of a well-defined jawline is undeniable, and the answer to achieving it might lie in the transformative world of chin liposuction. In this all-encompassing guide, we will embark on a journey into the realm of chin liposuction, unveiling its myriad benefits, delving into the intricate procedure details, and seeking…
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bluegiragi · 1 month
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mutt. (small explanation under the cut)
early access + nsfw on patreon
so. a couple of lore things here.
Roba only took one of the blood vials before he went out to fight Price. But during Ghost's final interaction with Vernon, he smashes all of the remaining ones over the floor. When he finally killed Vernon, the impact of the blow splashed blood onto his hands, which he then used to a) slash Roba across the face and b) literally grab his tongue. So you can kind of assume that Roba's gotten a much much higher dose than he's supposed to safely take.
Also, his symptoms look pretty similar to the transformed state of Konig, no? Rabid, mindless, inability to talk, and most importantly, he's huge. I think my thought behind this is that the way the world used to be, monsters were way WAY larger than they are now. Roba was underselling it when he said that the vial "unlocks what is dormant" - probably a better description is that it strips away any hybrid's evolutionary 'safety cap' so to speak, in exchange for the original being's mind.
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indopelita · 1 year
An In-Depth Guide to Assisting and Nurturing Your Family Members During Their Recovery
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When a relative becomes ill, it's only natural to want to give them the best possible care and support. Although hospitals and healthcare centers provide professional care, many people choose to recuperate in the familiar environment of their homes. In this in-depth guide, we'll discuss how to offer care and comfort for unwell relatives at home, addressing various aspects of home care, from establishing a comfortable setting to guaranteeing proper nutrition and cleanliness.
Evaluating the Circumstances
Before delving into home care specifics, it's crucial to evaluate the circumstances and determine the necessary care level. Take into account factors such as the illness's severity, the patient's age, and any pre-existing medical issues. Seek advice from a healthcare professional on whether home care is suitable and to create an appropriate care strategy.
Establishing a Cozy Environment
The first step in offering care and comfort for unwell relatives at home is to establish a cozy environment. Designate a specific area or room in the house for the patient to rest and recover. This space should be well-ventilated, clean, and free of distractions. Make sure the room is equipped with essential supplies like tissues, hand sanitizer, and a thermometer.
As you transition to bedding and furniture, choose comfortable, supportive items such as a high-quality mattress, pillows, and blankets. The patient should be able to rest comfortably without experiencing any discomfort or pain due to their bedding.
Managing Medications and Monitoring
Indopelita,. - Appropriate medication management is vital for the patient's recovery. Maintain a detailed record of all prescribed medications, including dosage instructions and potential side effects. Administer the medications as recommended by the healthcare provider and monitor the patient's response.
Additionally, it's essential to keep track of the patient's symptoms and overall progress. Check their temperature, blood pressure, and other vital signs regularly, and maintain a record of these readings. This information can be invaluable when discussing the patient's condition with healthcare professionals.
Emotional Support and Communication
Offering emotional support is a crucial aspect of caring for unwell relatives at home. Foster open communication, allowing the patient to express their feelings and concerns. Provide reassurance and empathy, and engage in soothing activities like watching movies, reading books, or playing games.
Furthermore, exercise patience and understanding. The recovery process can be emotionally challenging for both the patient and their caregivers. By remaining supportive and positive, you can help create a nurturing environment conducive to healing.
Providing Proper Nutrition and Hydration
A balanced diet and sufficient hydration play a crucial role in the recovery process. Prepare nutritious meals, focusing on easily digestible foods rich in essential nutrients. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats in the patient's diet.
In addition to proper nutrition, make sure the patient stays hydrated. Encourage them to drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and other hydrating fluids. Adequate hydration can help prevent complications such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
Maintaining Good Hygiene
Preserving good hygiene is critical in preventing the spread of infections and promoting a healthy recovery. Frequently wash your hands, particularly before and after providing care for the patient. Wear gloves and a mask if necessary, and disinfect commonly touched surfaces in the patient's room regularly.
Additionally, encourage the patient to practice good personal hygiene. Assist them with activities such as bathing, brushing their teeth, and changing their clothes as needed. Keeping the patient clean and comfortable can significantly improve their overall well-being.
Encouraging Physical Activity and Mobility
Depending on the patient's condition, promoting light physical activity and mobility can contribute to their recovery process. Consult with the healthcare professional about the appropriate level of activity for the patient and develop a suitable plan. This may involve short walks, stretching exercises, or basic range-of-motion exercises.
Support the patient with their mobility needs, ensuring their safety and comfort. Use assistive equipment like canes, walkers, or wheelchairs if necessary. Regular, appropriate physical activity can help maintain muscle strength, enhance circulation, and elevate the patient's mood.
Addressing Symptoms and Discomfort
During the recovery process, the patient may experience various symptoms and discomforts, such as pain, nausea, or difficulty sleeping. Collaborate closely with the healthcare professional to devise strategies for managing these issues. This may include administering over-the-counter medications, using hot or cold packs, or implementing relaxation techniques.
Incorporate complementary therapies like massage, aromatherapy, or guided imagery if desired and approved by the healthcare provider. These approaches can help alleviate discomfort, promote relaxation, and improve the patient's overall well-being.
Seeking Assistance and Support
Caring for an unwell relative at home can be demanding and emotionally taxing. To prevent caregiver burnout, enlist the help of other family members, friends, or professional caregivers. Share responsibilities, such as preparing meals, administering medication, or providing emotional support. Having a support network can ease the burden on the primary caregiver and ensure that the patient receives the best possible care.
Identifying When to Seek Professional Help
It's crucial to recognize when the patient's condition necessitates professional medical attention. Closely monitor their symptoms and consult with the healthcare provider if their condition worsens or fails to improve. Be aware of warning signs that indicate the need for immediate medical intervention, such as difficulty breathing, severe pain, or significant changes in mental status.
In conclusion, offering care and comfort for unwell relatives at home involves a comprehensive approach, addressing various aspects of home care, from establishing a comfortable setting to ensuring proper nutrition and cleanliness. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can support your loved ones during their recovery process, creating a nurturing, compassionate atmosphere in which they can heal. Remember to communicate openly, maintain a positive attitude, and seek professional help when necessary. With dedication and patience, you can make a significant difference in your loved one's recovery journey. Comfort and Care at Home, Unwell Relatives, In-Depth Guide, Recovery Process, Cozy Environment, Medication Management, Emotional Support, Proper Nutrition, Hydration, Good Hygiene, Physical Activity, Mobility, Addressing Symptoms, Discomfort, Assistance, Support, Professional Help.
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drmayurdalvi · 1 year
Laparoscopic Kidney Stone Removal Surgery By Dr. Mayur Dalvi
Kidney stones are a common urological problem affecting millions of people worldwide. While small stones can pass through the urinary tract without any intervention, larger stones may require surgical removal. One of the most effective and least invasive procedures for removing kidney stones is laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery. In this Blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery with inputs from Dr. Mayur Dalvi, a leading urologist with extensive experience in this field.
What is Laparoscopic Kidney Stone Removal Surgery ?
The procedure of laparoscopic pyelolithotomy, also known as laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery, is used to remove kidney stones that are too large to pass through the urinary tract. This procedure involves making small incisions in the abdomen and using a laparoscope to view and remove the stones from the kidney.
When is Laparoscopic Kidney Stone Removal Surgery Recommended ?
Laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery is recommended for patients with larger kidney stones (more than 2 cm) that cannot be removed through non-surgical means, such as shock wave lithotripsy or ureteroscopy. This procedure is also recommended for patients with anatomical abnormalities or other conditions that make other surgical options risky.
How is Laparoscopic Kidney Stone Removal Surgery Performed ?
Laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure involves the following steps:
Making small incisions: The surgeon makes several small incisions (usually 3-4) in the abdomen, each measuring less than 1 cm.
Inserting the laparoscope: A laparoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera, is inserted through one of the incisions. The camera transmits images to a monitor, allowing the surgeon to view the kidney.
Removing the stone: The surgeon uses specialized instruments, such as graspers and scissors, to locate and remove the stone from the kidney remove larger stones, the surgeon may need to make an additional incision in some cases. Closing the incisions: Once the stone is removed, the surgeon closes the incisions with sutures or surgical glue.
What are the Advantages of Laparoscopic Kidney Stone Removal Surgery ?
Laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery has several advantages over traditional open surgery, including:
Minimally invasive: This procedure involves making small incisions, which results in less pain, scarring, and a shorter recovery time.
Shorter hospital stays: Most patients are able to leave the hospital within 1-2 days after the procedure.
Reduced risk of complications: The risk of complications, such as bleeding, infection, and injury to surrounding organs, is lower with laparoscopic surgery compared to open surgery.
Higher success rates: Laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery has a higher success rate than non-surgical treatments for larger kidney stones.
What is the Recovery Process Like After Laparoscopic Kidney Stone Removal Surgery?
The recovery process after laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery varies depending on the patient's overall health and the size of the kidney stone removed. Most patients can expect to resume normal activities within 2-3 weeks after the procedure. However, strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least 2-3 weeks to allow the incisions to heal properly. Your surgeon may also prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to manage pain and prevent infection.
For patients with larger kidney stones that cannot be removed non-surgically, laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery is a safe and effective option. Dr. Mayur Dalvi, a renowned urologist with extensive experience in laparoscopic kidney stone removal surgery, is a recommended doctor for patients seeking this operation
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ok. now is a better time to poste this.
so since this started- i could really see the end. the completion. a new Iranian assembly, justice and wholeness restored.
but of course i knew it would never be easy.
and it is beyond understanding in difficulty.
i cannot at all even begin to comprehend it at this pointe. my heart and Soul are so broken.
but what i thought of early on- i think of now MORE THAN EVER.
and it is RESTORATION.
i am thinking about the healing necessary of all the people in Iran. my heart is just so completely full of deep, emotionel and Spirituel desire to come alongside our beautiful Brothers and Sistres there.
and i write this: because i want to know if anyone else feels this.
and yes, i know it's all crazy. too much cost, time, energie and logistical weight to be feasible. right?
but crazy is nothing to Love.
Love laughs at crazy.
so...if You have a Love for our Brothers and Sistres there in Iran; and want to play a parte in Their healing and restoration- please MESSAGE ME! :))))
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