#Red Sting
donein30minutes · 10 months
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Bugust Challenge Day 18 [Fan Character Friday]: Bubble POP! 8.18.23
Done in 32 minutes
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laneylove147 · 2 years
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Fate ?
I took the moments to looks and understand the meaning of fate and the red string of fate meaning just love in general I am so high on fate knowing that everything has meaning everything has purpose I know love isn’t about gifts or about just saying a few cheesy words and done
Love is about spending time with each other getting to know each other trying your best to make them apart of your life talking and growing with each other
I used and messes with people and there emotion just to feel something to get attention I learn that love wasn’t easy
Love takes time I changed myself for people to like and accept me especially with my toxic relationship I changed myself DRASTICALLY and it was insane even learning form some toxic friend I grew walls and decided never to let myself grow or be myself I ended up growing I ended up taking care of myself and letting myself be me and ended up finding people that’s like who I am and be who I am and finding my fate hope you enjoyed this random rant and ye
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jaded-jezz · 1 year
Don’t Trip
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Another Jack one-shot obvs
Please do not repost, reblogs are appreciated.
Jack Champion x F!Reader
summary: Just Jack being a gentleman without realising.
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I’ve been super excited to go to Jack’s movie premier ever since he auditioned. It wouldn’t be our first event as a couple but this time it seems as if the entire world knows about it as it’s no longer our secret.
When we posted our anniversary photo dump on Instagram and some sickeningly cute TikToks, our followers have risen dramatically and the response has luckily been way more positive than we expected. We didn’t realise that our fan base overlapped so of course they were all ecstatic when finding out their suspicions were correct.
Jack and I were in our taxi queueing for our joint entrance onto the carpet. Both our palms were sweating yet Jack gripped mine tighter when I tried to move to wipe it.
“Are you nervous Champion?” I jest
“Me? Pfff no way” he replied before widening his eyes to show he was lying, “I’m petrified”
We look into each others eyes and before we know it we are being told to leave and expose our long kept secret and safe privacy to the flashes of cameras.
He doesn’t let go of my hand once, in fear that he may lose me to the crowds of interviews trying to get the first interview of the new hot couple. It makes me smile to myself as although I’ve done many premiers before, he still keeps an eye on me.
We move to the line of photographers and I check for the marks on the floor directing each celebrity to the correct angle and lighting for their photos. Jack goes in first and I follow once he moves up the marks.
I have to pick up my dress due to the weight of the detailed beading, lace and tulle as I walk confidently to the first space. The awkwardness hits me as I try to kick around my dress to stop the train from bunching up so much as I want the cameras to pick up on my teams hard work.
Suddenly an angel from heaven, my knight in shining armour comes to the rescue.
I barely hear Jack’s voice over the shouts, flashes and the swelling of stress in my ears but it’s loud enough to start to bring me back to earth and to a calmer state.
I look down to see he has crouched to start to straighten out the long floral train. He glances up at me and gives me a wink as he feels me look over my shoulder at him.
“Don’t worry, I got you!” He laughs as he try’s to check my face for any signs of continuing worry.
I offer my hand and pull him round next to me so that we can have photos together. The paparazzi go even crazier, as if Jack’s previous action didn’t have a loud enough reaction.
We laugh at the eruption and a strong wave of serenity washes over me as I lean in closer to my boyfriend.
“You look so stunning that I had to help you, I hope you don’t mind,” Jack leant into the side of my head. “You are a saving grace Jack, and thank you” I whisper back.
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I want to thank everyone who like/reblogged my first post, it means a lot. I did not expect any interaction at all so thank you!
My best friend helped me to check over this so if its bad, blame it on her plz and thx!
Requests are open, so send them no matter how big or small you idea is.
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
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bitegore · 2 months
"make good art" "make bad art" tired. lets talk about executing our vision or falling short instead
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
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Epilogue 2 - John Marston
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maegalkarven · 7 months
Again back with the point what Gortash enforces his narrative while Ketheric and Orin are the captives of it.
It think it can be easily melted down to if they're satisfied, deep down, with how things are going for them (aside from the Dead Three plan falling. Imagine what it's not falling apart)
I don't think Orin actively thinks of her feelings and her intentions; she is in the never-ending chase for Father's love while knowing down well how much his disapproval and punishment hurts. And she is locked into that position without any way out, doesn't even consider a way out because it's all she has ever known and all she knows there to be and matter. But it's not happy or satisfying existence, Bhaal has no worshippers, only victims.
Ketheric got what he so desperately craved: Isobel is back.
And it's almost as if nothing else matters now. He is a lost man, someone who was good and kind and righteous once, and some part of him remembers this man, remembers the man his wife fell in love with, and hates who he has become. He would do anything Myrkul told him to for Isobel, because Myrkul brought Isobel back. But is he happy? Is he satisfied? Absolutely not. He is Tired. He is the man just waiting to die.
Gortash loves his evil plans and his machinations and he loves his genius and his Steel Watch and all the manipulations he pulls of. It makes him feel clever, better than everyone else, it makes him feel in control of everything, like he truly solved life and everyone else is just clueless a clueless senseless mass of bystanders.
He likes innovation and technology, power and control; and he likes combining these things together.
The only part what's missing is an equal to bask in his glory. The perfect equal candidate was Durge, but Durge is gone (if not played as origin), but some wandering adventurer who managed to defeat Ketheric will suffice, they show promise.
He isn't remorseful, isn't trapped, everything is going according to plan (imagine what it does and the Elder Brain doesn't beat him up to it). He doesn't even feel fear. (I believe he was controlled by that feeling for the majority of his young life, absolutely hated it and got himself a cloth of authority to Cancel This Damn Emotion Forever)
He might be lonely, deep down, he is clearly resentful towards Raphael, the warlock who bought him, and his parents, and everyone who has ever wronged him. But he'll get to them, or already got to them. He loves exactly three things: himself, his inventions and his empire.
Someone by his side is a nice bonus, but it's not the requirement.
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ohimtherebabey · 27 days
guy who has a "cursed" religious tattoo and is looking into starting a body piercing apprenticeship. sure. this might as well happen.
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simbelmyne20niniel · 11 months
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PART 17 is going to be about the second most voted category:
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stylesharrys · 3 months
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donein30minutes · 2 years
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Ice Bomb! 10.12.22
Done in 30 minutes
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slugterran-fanatic · 4 months
Mmmm red vs blue and slugterra
what if they...met
Thats a terrifying fic idea in my head
Kids Show meets Adult Web Series
I actually think Eli would implode if he heard any swear word
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Authentic Greek Hortopita / Wild Greens Pie (Vegan)
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How to Identify Red Deadnettle
Originally posted on my website at https://rebeccalexa.com/how-to-identify-red-deadnettle/
Name: Red Deadnettle (Lamium purpureum)
Range and typical habitat(s): Native to large areas of Europe and Asia. Introduced invasive in United States, New Zealand, and  scattered areas of South America
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Distinguishing physical characteristics (size, colors, overall shapes, detail shapes): Keep your eyes on lawns, gardens, roadsides, and other sunny areas this spring, and you may very well see the green and purple foliage of red deadnettle.
These heart-shaped leaves with softly serrated edges are covered in fine hairs. Leaves near the top of the slender, square-shaped stem are more of a reddish purple hue, while lower, larger leaves are a medium green. The leaves rarely exceed an inch and a half in length, and are attached to the stem with a slender stalk. Each leaf has palmate veins–several primary veins all starting near the stem–branching off multiple times into a reticulated network of smaller veins.
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At the top of the stem, which may be almost a foot long in extraordinary specimens, you may find tiny pinkish purple trumpet-shaped flowers. A close look reveals one large petal at the top, two smaller ones at the bottom, and sometimes a few tiny ones in the space in between. While flowers are easily in evidence this time of year, red deadnettle may flower in other seasons if conditions are favorable. As it is an annual, it will die back in fall, but new generations are quick to germinate before winter sets in. For those wishing to remove it from their gardens, the shallow root systems mean that it is easy to pull up, especially in wet soil.
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Red deadnettle is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae). While it resembles a very tiny stinging nettle (Urtica spp.), its tiny hairs do not cause irritation, hence being described as “dead”. Other common names for this plant include purple deadnettle and purple archangel.
Other organisms it could be confused with and how to tell the difference: Purple henbit (Lamium amplexicale) is the most common lookalike for red deadnettle. They inhabit the same habitat types and are of similar size and colors. Upon closer inspection, the leaves are a good way to tell the difference. Henbit leaves are more rounded in shape with a scalloped, rather than serrated, edge. In fact, they almost give the impression of one large round leaf surrounding the square stem, especially near the top. The upper leaves have no stalks, while lower leaves have short stalks. While henbit has similar flowers, they are longer than those of deadnettle.
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Note how henbit’s leaves and flowers are shaped and arranged differently than deadnettle’s.
Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) is similar to purple henbit, but the rounded, scalloped leaves are often a darker green on a green to dark red stem. Also, all the leaves have a small stem. It is easily differentiated from deadnettle by its flowers, which although being of a similar shaped are blue to purple in color. Ground ivy is also more shade-tolerant than deadnettle. As with the others, it is a European plant that has become invasive in North America.
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Yellow archangel (Lamium galeobdolon) is yet another European wildflower that has taken root in North America and New Zealand, and to a lesser degree in South America. Its size is the most obvious way to differentiate it from red deadnettle and the rest; it grows on a single stalk that may be over thirty inches tall. The serrated, oval leaves and the yellow flowers are also larger than those of deadnettle, and there is no reddish tint to the foliage.
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The stinging nettles (Urtica spp.) can similarly be differentiated from red dead nettle by size. Particularly tall specimens may reach seven feet high, and the green, heart-shaped leaves can be up to six inches long. The leave margins are more sharply serrated and the end is pointier. And, as the name suggests, the leaves and stems have hairs that inject irritating chemicals into the skin.
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Anything else worth mentioning? Red deadnettle is a beginner-friendly edible plant for foraging. Henbit is the plant it’s most likely to be confused with, and it is also edible. People most commonly eat the young leaves and flowers at the top of the plant; they may be eaten raw or cooked. Because it is an invasive species, you are encouraged to pick the whole plant before it goes to seed, eat what you want of it, and compost the rest.
Further Reading:
Red Dead-Nettle
Lawn and Turfgrass Weeds: Dead Nettle
Dead Nettle, Henbit, and Ground Ivy – Three Look-Alike Weeds
Dead Nettle, an Overlooked yet Valuable Wild Edible
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes or hiring me for a guided nature tour, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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gomagopowerrangers · 2 months
Zone art thingieees
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he is simply a guy.
the last one (bright ass red) is Insurrection!Zone he fights Tex w his cut off arm hes such a rat
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splitcd · 12 days
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Split CD (2000) - The Red Light Sting / Hot Hot Heat
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bumblebeeappletree · 10 months
If you work with felt or wool or any other natural fibres, you may be wondering how you can dye them without introducing chemicals and difficult processes. Well, look no further than SOLAR DYEING!
- Pretreat fibre (aka mordant) with alum to make the color stick
- Put wet fibres in a sealable glass jar with fresh or dried plant material
- Leave in the sun for 2-3 weeks (depending on how much sun your jars get you can go shorter or longer!)
- Rinse out your fibres
Check out the video to see these plants in action:
- Marigold
- Red Clover
- Golden Rod
- Hibiscus
- Purple Loosestrife
- Curly Dock
- Red Hopi Amaranth
- Stinging Nettle
The results may just surprise you...!
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Welcome to Dano Does Things! A place to learn, have fun, and do something creative every week.
My name is Danielle or Dano for short. I am a thirty-one-year-old lady living in Canada who has a passion for creation. Every Wednesday, I tackle new arts and crafts projects, trying to learn and get better every time, while celebrating my mistakes and tackling challenges head-on.
Have an idea for something I should try next? Leave a comment or send me an e-mail! I'd be happy to hear from you.
► E-mail: [email protected]
All music is from Epidemic Sound.
► So Dull - Smartface
► Bojack (Instrumental) - Pandaraps
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