#Redacted Donner
r0sebutch · 12 days
donnermari are so fascinating to me forever. what do you mean she had a one sided crush on him and he was her dear friend and he was perpetually worried over her. what do you mean that crush developed into love and she distanced herself from him because of it. what do you mean the weight of the world is on her shoulders and he wants her to let him carry some of it and she refuses because she loves him more than she trusts him and she can’t let anyone else carry it. what do you mean he’s keeping secrets from her because he wants her to trust him and she knows about the secrets and isn’t confronting him because she wants to find the whole truth before she asks him for even a piece of it. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE’S SO IN LOVE WITH HIM THAT SHE OVERCORRECTS WHEN PRIORITIZING AND LETS HIM GET HURT. I’M LOSING MY MARBLES!!!!!!!
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hinaypod · 2 months
[Redacted] Donner
🎉🎉🎉 Someone guessed [Redacted] Donner's full name on the Hi Nay discord!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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Congrats to [name also redacted] for guessing the very silly and only slightly consequential name for our favourite grumpy Detective!
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motziedapul · 2 months
Btw [Redacted] Donner name reveal is happening in the upcoming Hi Nay Christmas episode because someone successfully guessed his name in the Discord and it'll be REALLY REALLY STUPID and I hope you all like it
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kd-heart · 9 months
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This is incredibly silly and cute and I haven't been able to get it out of my head since yesterday
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dddragoni-drabbles · 3 months
Displaying search history for user: [REDACTED]
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hella1975 · 1 year
hey hella here's my ethel cain commentary, songs in no particular order it's just my faves I had thoughts on. also my favorite song is strangers and my favorite album was preacher's daughter
a house in nebraska: love this one, the yearning is insane, don't know why bbgirl picked nebraska though. you could pick a state anywhere in the midwest and you pick nebraska? like I get it's for the Vibes but was there no other state that properly captured the Vibes? also it could just be the brainrot talking but this song is sooo [REDACTED] (the "house in nebraska" being the [REDACTED] ofc)
sun bleached flies: "god loves you, but not enough to save you." god loves you, but not enough to save you. god loves you, but not enough to save you. god loves you, but NOT ENOUGH TO SAVE YOU. GOD LOVES YOU, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO- anyway. ethel cain unrelease this. ethel cain put this thing back where it came from or so help me
western nights: I just really like this one. it's a really pretty song. until you look up the lyrics. naturally.
american teenager: "I don't need anything from anyone, It's just NOT MY YEAR, BUT I'M ALL GOOD OUT HERE! SAY WHAT YOU WANT, BUT SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT WITH YOUR FISTS FOR ONCE!!!" love this song love this song love this song
hard times: this one is so heartbreaking, I hear this and my mood takes an instant cliff dive. it's almost as bad for my mental state as your saddest great achievement by lucy eaton. I don't even have daddy issues. also the thing you said about this apparently being about sa makes this so much worse when I listen to it and instinctively go "oh this is so [blorbo with daddy issues]" and then I remember it's about sa and I feel uncomfortable and I'm like "oh it's not THAT serious for the blorbo though ://" it sounds very general though so it'll probably still make it onto blorbo playlists
inbred: you were so right about this song using lyricism most artists would shy away from, "pissing on the stove to put it out" "sucking on the back of his leg to stay warm" "touch me till i vomit" this is such a Gross song (affectionate) I love this one so much
head in a wall: something about the guitar chords in this one appeals to me so much. it feels familiar? classic? idk but I like it
golden age: all I have to say is miss cain maybe should take this one back too methinks
crush: "LOW SLUNG BAD BITCH BABY COME AND GET YOU SOME" this slaps. no notes.
strangers: "I tried to be good, am I no good? am I no good? am I no good? with my memory restricted to a polaroid in evidence, I just wanted to be yours, can I be yours? can I be yours? just tell me I'm yours, if I'm turning in your stomach and I'm making you feel sick" :(((( I am obsessed with this one it's so everything to me, it makes me insane. especially the cannibalism part bc I love weird shit in songs (also I think I have a slight fascination with cannibalism and I think it's bc I read a book about the donner party at 12) also there's something about how the lyrics at the end are listed as "mama just know that I love you (I do)" but no matter what I try to hear it sounds like she's saying "mama just know that I love you (and I lied to you)" but anyway the way she's being devoured by her lover? the mommy issues? the winn dixie name drop? she went off with this one
ptolmaea: I love this song it's so distressing. I need more Evil Music that is an Actively Harmful Listening Experience. very cathartic. however, I listen to music when just like. doing dishes and shit. I can't have my hands in dirty dishwater and be hearing "make it stop make it stop make it stop stop stop stop stop stop STOP AAAAAAHHHHH" however, it probably would be good to listen to when I'm sitting in my hammock in the woods, if I wanted to feel like I was in a found footage horror movie
family tree (intro): "jesus can always reject his father, but he can not escape his mother's blood" "swinging by my neck from the family tree" I'm so. I'm sooo. I'm eating drywall. I'm gonna stick my hand in a wood chipper. I'm gonna shove my head in the dirt. what the fuck. I love when people interpret jesus as a complicated figure. I don't fuck with christianity but from a narrative and artistic standpoint there is. so much. also you bringing [REDACTED] into this makes me feel so mentally ill
also I wrote all of this before looking up the lyrics on genius and shit got twice as interesting for the preacher's daughter album when I looked it up. what the fuck. I love narratives
real ones know that this ask and the journey it went on entitles rori to every horrible mean thing she says to me. i deserve it
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rnanqo · 5 months
3, 12, 17 of the ao3 wrapped?
3. What work are you most proud of?
lethonomia (Mercy/Harrow, 4.1k, explicit) because i remember doing this almost entirely on set on my phone? terrible conditions to write smut in and i pulled it off beautifully
12. How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year?
jesus. uhhh in rough order of how soon i want to finish them, i've got: [redacted] au, the ritual is intricate, [redacted but different] au, donner party au, necro gospels, and frat house au. so....6? that's as far as i'm willing to scroll back in my gdocs. it will be a landmark year if i finish them all i tell you hwhat
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
kenric heir apparent, with catboy palamedes sextus in close second
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toffyrats · 8 months
i think i just fell in love guys /lh
so basically the other day i read a whole bunch of articles abt the donner party for no specific reason, and this morning i was infodumping to my friends abt it and they were all “redacted. please, shut up. we do not care, this is all so boring” then my fwb (??) walks up and is like “what’s boring” and i explain it, and this miracle of a man tells me it sounds interesting and i could talk to him abt it instead. so i was able to pour a huge bucket of starvation, cannibalism and covered wagons onto this boy without him even objecting
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toriebinx · 6 months
Nétiquette dans les réseaux sociaux : pourquoi?
Bien que les réseaux sociaux fassent partie de notre vie depuis plusieurs années, il est toujours bon de se rappeler l’importance du savoir-être dans l’univers du Web. La Banque de dépannage linguistique décrit la nétiquette comme « l’ensemble des conventions de bienséance régissant le comportement des internautes, notamment dans les échanges par courrier électronique, et dans les publications et les commentaires sur les réseaux sociaux. » Une fois que c’est dit, ça ne s’arrête pas là. Il est maintenant temps de l’appliquer! Je vous assure : il n’en ressortira que du positif!
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Photo de John Schnobrich sur Unsplash
Assumer son identité en ligne comme dans la vraie vie!
Tout d’abord, le premier conseil est de toujours rester soi-même et d’assumer son identité. Publier en son nom implique un engagement et une volonté de s’exprimer tout en acceptant qu’il puisse y avoir des répercussions, qu’elles soient positives ou non. Il est pourtant beaucoup plus facile de se cacher derrière un pseudo ou un faux profil pour donner une opinion. Anonyme, l’auteur peut en venir à dépasser les limites en lançant des propos blessants, haineux ou diffamatoires. Les conséquences peuvent toutefois être désastreuses pour ceux ou celles qui les reçoivent. Pour éviter toutes ces situations délicates, la solution la plus simple demeure de publier avec son identité sur des sujets qui lui tiennent à cœur.
Prendre le temps de réfléchir
Les réseaux sociaux sont pratiquement toujours alimentés par les sentiments. Un sujet peut susciter la passion, la colère, la joie ou la tristesse. Ces émotions fortes peuvent donner envie à l’auteur de répondre ou de publier à propos de celui-ci. Cependant, il s’agit rarement d’une bonne idée, car les mots partagés pourraient rapidement dépasser la pensée de ce dernier et provoquer des réactions non désirées. Prendre un moment de recul pour réfléchir permettra de déterminer s’il est toujours pertinent de publier ce commentaire lorsque la poussière sera retombée. Dans tous les cas, l’état d’esprit plus serein aidera à prendre la meilleure décision.
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Photo de Jared Rice sur Unsplash
Politesse, respect et écoute
La politesse, le respect et l’écoute sont des qualités essentielles pour assurer un échange constructif sur les réseaux sociaux. En effet, lire les commentaires des autres avant de répondre, essayer de comprendre les opinions exprimées et respecter les avis différents permettra sans aucun doute de contribuer à établir une communication positive. Sans ces éléments, un dialogue de sourds risque de se mettre en place et de détourner le sujet principal de la conversation. Il sera alors beaucoup moins intéressant de retenter l’expérience à l'avenir.
Office québécois de la langue française. (2023, 3 décembre). Nétiquette dans les réseaux sociaux. https://vitrinelinguistique.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/25376/la-redaction-et-la-communication/redaction-dans-les-reseaux-sociaux/netiquette-dans-les-reseaux-sociaux
Sullivan, Brian. (2002, 4 mars). Netiquette. Computerworld. https://www.computerworld.com/article/2588085/netiquette.html
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christophe76460 · 2 years
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Partager ce qu’on possède est une action puissante. Elle ouvre une porte vers plusieurs horizons. Cette action revisite nos certitudes et nous enseigne la dichotomie de la vie.
En partageant, on donne et on reçoit toujours. Un enseignant partage son savoir, mais sa rétribution est relative au niveau de ses élèves.
Donner librement, c’est ne rien attendre en retour. Si nous n'attendons rien, tout ce qui découle de notre action est un bonus. On ne peut pas tous être riche financièrement. Certains sont riches de cœur. Lorsqu’ils sont présents, la joie et la bonne humeur sont au rendez-vous. Ils sont riches d’humanité.
Celui qui épargne à l’excès vit dans la crainte de perdre cette épargne. Il résume sa vie, ses relations et son humanité au profit. Gardez à l’esprit qu’il faut une entrée et une sortie pour faciliter la circulation de la connaissance ou de la richesse.
Quelle que soit la nature de votre richesse, elle sera meilleure dans le partage.
#Monday #Motivation #Redaction #Work #CBN
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tea-and-fanfics · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hi Nay (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Redacted Donner & Richard Murphy Characters: Redacted Donner, Richard Murphy, Laura Nichols, Mari Datuin Additional Tags: Donner doesn't have a first name yet so I'm naming him Redacted until further notice, Workplace Relationship, platonic, Friendship, mentions of gore, the intricate rituals of buying your coworker coffee, Detectives, detectives doing detective things, I litterally have no idea what detectives do except detect stuff, vague mentions of supernatural events and creatures Summary:
Donner likes his job.
No really!
or how Donner and Murphy came to be partner detectives up until Mari tells them the truth.
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divinity-infinity · 3 years
Hey so i know we're all sad over the ending of tma tomorrow but may i recommend a horror podcast I've been listening to lately to yall? It's called Hi Nay by Motzie Dapul and Reg Geli, it's about a Filipino named Mari along with detectives Donner and Murphy and her friend Laura, set in Toronto where they encounter Creatures and Objects and contains Filipino folklore as well, told in the style of phone calls from Mari to her mother.
@hinaypod is the official blog for the podcast, you can listen to it on basically everywhere but i mainly use spotify so here's the link to it
Also i would like to say that the latest ep is *chefs kiss* i love the style hdnddndmsh
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hinaypod · 1 year
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Hi Nay February Valentine's Themed livestream!
Come hang out with us in the chat as we play a fun dating sim with our certified dad friend Donner as the protagonist.
It'll be happening on February 19, 8-10PM EST (Sunday) in Toronto time, February 20 9-11AM (Monday) in Philippine time on our Youtube and Twitch channels!
(yes. We are a certified scary horror podcast)
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motziedapul · 4 days
Just had an image in my head of the darker skinned Hi Nay characters comparing their skin tones between summer and winter because as is the case for me and most of my darker skinned friends our skintones change pretty drastically between those seasons (mainly when we go on vacation and actually spend time outside)
But I like the idea that while Mari and Donner are here 1-2 shades darker, Ashvin remains exactly the same because he REFUSES to be in the sun for more than 5 minutes
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kd-heart · 7 months
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All I have with me is a multicolored pencil and a liner, so this sketch turned out wey cooler than i expected.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 years
I think you mentioned listening to podcasts? Do you have any favorites to reccommend? I've run out of content :(
that i do !
im not entirely sure what kind of podcast you'd be interested in but i'll throw out a few of the goodies in my huge library of stuff , i'll miss out a few of the HUGE podcasts that have been all over tumblr though
a LOT of it is true crime or human interest stuff , or history because im nerd ,, and a few of these dont have nearly enough attention so [shrug] i'll try to keep this short i guess lol this isnt EVERYTHING ive got in my library or listened series' by any measure
i AM gonna pop a shout to both Stuff You Missed in History Class and Stuff You Should Know from iHeartRadio because their HUGE archives have kept me from losing my mind many times over , and they cover a wide range of both important and wacky topics
BomBARDed (ongoing) this is the only fiction podcast i have happening right now really but its DAMN GOOD ONE .... it's an actual-play D&D 5E podcast in the DMs own musically-inspired world, focussed on a group of multiclass bards going to music school !! and all players (+DM) are members of the Texas band Lindby !! and they actually use and play music in the show with one original song an episode !! Kyle's worldbuilding and storycraft are truly incredible, and (Nick) Goodrich, (also Nick) Spurrier, and Ali's characters are in depth and interesting as well as an absolute powerhouse :') i actually made a piece for its first fanzine, Bardic Dreaming, which published earlier this year and is free to view now, all the players and the community are super wholesome its just very good overall 💙
History & Humans;
Fall of Civilisations (ongoing) legit one of my favourite podcast finds, im so glad my youtube autoplayed one of these ... it took me like 2 hours to realise it was 1) not the same as what was playing before and 2) had been on for 2 hours and wasnt near finished lmao. anyway, this is a series by historical fiction writer Paul Cooper, and is honest to all thats good one of the best documentary series ive encountered in years - and ive consumed a LOT of documentaries. it covered the downfall of various civilisations through history, and the episodes run from an hour to FOUR hours depending on the topic. its so chill to listen to and just get done, but over the pandemic all of the episodes have been given full movie-quality video versions too on youtube if youre more of a visual person.
Casting Lots: A Survival Cannibalism Podcast (on series break) yeah that says that lol ... its a SUPER niche topic but its very interesting and treated very well despite being kind of comical at times, the hosts are just naturally funny lol ... it delves around from the history of cannibalism in whole regions to specific incidents as recently as the 1970s, and of course the first episode is about the Donner Party, and it covers things ive never heard of despite being kind of important ?? anyway Alix and Carmella are good eggs
Sawbones (ongoing) i probably dont need to mention much here other than say that Justin and Sydnee saved me from being SO BORED sooo often, the history of medicine is wacky as hell and its what most of my history GCSE was on so [shrugs]
Cautionary Tales (on series break) this was a wild-card find lol ... it's by Tim Harford "the undercover economist" who writes for the Financial Times, and its topics kind of weave modern topics and science with how to learn from historical errors ... its a bit weird but well worth a go, also each series has a few celebrity guest voice actors which is pretty awesome
Ephemeral (ongoing) this is a very strange but thought provoking series about sounds and other things just barely saved. topics include the last castrato, the hello girls, hand-stamped records, the spread of kīkā kila music, and acoustic fossils of wild places.
Neat! The Boozecast (ongoing) history and bartending whats not to like lol ... hosted by Teylor Smirl and now their dad Tommy, they're just digging around in how important booze is to human culture
True Crime (white collar and weirdness);
Swindled (ongoing) this is an amazing show full stop. A Concerned Citizen details some of the most impactful and unruly things to happen in white collar and corporate crime. very factually accurate but given the sheer bullshit of the topics the deadpan snarking is [chefs kiss] absolutely warranted ..
American Scandal (on series break) this one is a series within a series type, and spends a few episodes at a time poking holes in some of America's biggest scandals, from a dramatised but fact-based point of view. such as what the hell was going on with Enron, how big tobacco was forced to own up to covering its own ass, how Iran-Contra happened, etc. it also now has a sister show called British Scandal, which does the same thing for British cases but with a slightly different format.
Missing in Alaska (finished) this was a fascinating series, a deep dive into what happened to two US government officials who disappeared on a small chartered flight in Alaska in 1972. it goes some really strange places, but it actually turned up a lot of previously unknown information through the audience. John Walczak's new series in a new feed is Missing on 9/11 which looks into what happened to Dr Sneha Philip.
Pretend (ongoing) Host Javier Leiva holds interviews with anyone living a lie, or who have been touched by them. con artists, snake oil salesmen, former cult members, catfishing victims, anyone and everyone.
Power: The Maxwells (finished) hosted by journalist Tara Palmeri, the story of media tycoon Robert Maxwell from nothing to empire to mysterious death and the scandals uncovered after he was gone.
Lets Talk About Sects (ongoing) Sarah Steele covering cults from around the world, in particular those in Australia - where she is from. She often has former members on the show to share their stories, and share knowledge of how they left. each story has the relevant content warnings at the start of each episode.
Brainwashed (finished) investigation of the CIA's covert mind control experiments, centred on the experiments performed at a hospital in Montreal, and its cultural impact.
Dr Death (2 series finished) two series investigating huge cases of fraud and medical malpractice, and how they were brought to a stop. series 1 covers Dr Duntsch and his horribly butchered neurosurgery, series 2 covers Dr Fata and his fraudulent cancer clinic
The Immaculate Deception (finished) untangling the weird and disturbing fertility fraud of Dr Jan Karbaat, who fathered children himself through his fertility clinic, and the impact of his deception. later episodes also touch on other similar cases.
True Crime (Violent/General);
The Casual Criminalist (ongoing) Simon Whistler of-the-many-youtube-channels cold reads a script about the case of the day, with some of his daft commentary thrown in.
Southern Fried True Crime (ongoing) Crimes from the American South hosted by Erica Kelley, she puts all the facts out there but refreshingly for true crime she doesnt hesitate to tell you if she thinks someone is human garbage lol
They Walk Among Us (ongoing) probably one of the most popular UK crime podcasts, very measured and well put together, not weird or annoying about it either.
All Crime No Cattle (ongoing, feed slowed down for now) specifically about crimes from Texas, hosted by Erin and Shay, they're very sensitive hosts and a lot of the cases they cover shed light on why the Texas criminal system is how it is or show an impact at a national level
Canadian True Crime (ongoing) Canadian crime from an Aussie who's lived there for a decade, Kristi is again a sensitive and measured host covering some important topics
True Crime (Violent/Deep Dive);
Hitman (finished) journalist Jasmyn Morris digs around in the sticky tangle around a book published by fringe publisher Paladin Press, and its apparent use as a blueprint in the killing of a mother, her friend and her 8 year old boy for financial gain.
Camp Hell: Anneewakee (ongoing) this series is exploring how a wilderness camp "correctional facility" was endorsed by the Georgia care and juvenile reform system, despite widespread abuses and shady practices the whole time. warning for csa and child cruelty throughout.
True Crime Bullshit (on series break) this one is a huge huge rabbithole but a very interesting one where the host Josh Hallmark has spent years digging into the life and potential crimes of Israel Keyes. Keyes is often mentioned as a serial killer with no pattern, but in picking it apart thats not quite true, and has sparked some re-evaluations of missing persons cases and stumbling upon information the FBI has redacted organically. there's also a series in the middle looking into the crimes of Kelly Cochran
Forgotten: Women of Juárez (finished) this series looks into the huge numbers of missing women of Ciudad Juárez, the strange circumstances surrounding them, and the potential cover-ups and corruptions on both sides of the border, trying to give a voice to all of the forgotten women and girls and their families without answers. the series itself is finished, but a spanish language edition is being released every week now.
aaaaaand i'll call it there before i list everything lol, i hope you find something to plug your boredom hole with !!
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