#Redwood Saint
A Global Saint of Trees: Richard St. Barbe Baker, Celebrated on All Saints' Day
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chronomally · 20 days
In the expensive and insanely over-the-top version of The Oresteia that torments me in all my waking hours, I imagine Clytemnesta played by someone with Gwendoline Christie's height/build
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sixtoesaint · 11 months
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Song of the Day
5 Aug., ‘23
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catherine-bisset · 3 months
Starter for @orioncarnell
Location: Scouting out the Daybreakers base
Reavers and Daybreakers always circled one another, never really engaging. You'd hear them shouting sometimes, but mostly it was the night screaming that echoed furthest. Catherine tried not to hew loyalty to Reavers; they'd been a means to an end, but compared to Daybreakers? The mad pack had been saints.
So, when she'd heard about the Redwood community setup at the ranch and what had happened after, Catherine approved. You couldn't hope for the best with a group like Daybreakers. Being unpredictable and proactive had kept the Reavers safe, and it worked for Redwood, too.
For now.
But the Daybreakers could still be at their base. Regrouping, planning. Someone had to take initiative and investigate.
Catherine and Orion - having been the two Raiders chosen - left the ranch behind two miles back. Cat was impressed by Orion so far; Isaac had chosen well.
Presently they'd come across what looked like a Daybreaker who'd died post-Ranch, lying face-up and half covered in snow. The freshest fall was sticking to unblinking eyes and the remains of a jaw that worked the air slowly in a familiar holding pattern. Cat's attention, however, was more on Orion and his reaction. His choice. Approach or avoid? Mercy or necessity?
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ermanodelgcdo · 3 months
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where isaac vouches for cat and suggests zack for council; it is agreed upon. they then speak on mike and his joining redwood @reneebrxndxn @isaacapatow @zackastor
ike apatow
-everyone's itchy under their skin with the Ranch people back in town, and on top of that there's Cat's return, so Ike decides to start there- I want to let Cat back in. I know she was one of the Reavers with me, I know she was part of the attack on Redwood, I know she disappeared with the Reavers who hightailed it, but ... she wasn't like them. She isn't like them.
Ermano Delgado
And you can say that with one hundred percent certainty?
ike apatow
I'd be willing to stake my Council position on it. I know this girl.
Ermano Delgado
-ermano looked to renee with a snort- You heard that? He's willing to stake his position on it.
After everything they did.
Renee Brandon
-Renee looks at Ermano warily before back at Ike- What makes you think that letting her in is a good idea?
ike apatow
Isn't that the whole point? Letting people in because this is a safe community? -his teeth are skating against each other in the back of his mouth, forehead gathered into a frown especially at Ermano's comment-
Ermano Delgado
Right. Safe. If we let her in, how do we know - knowing where she's been this whole time - that Redwood would continue to be safe? And don't give me that 'I trusted you enough to be Council' speech. This is different.
Renee Brandon
Ermano's right. -she heaves a sigh- It's safe because of the people. I understand you know her but we don't and most everyone who was here will only know her from the time the Reavers attacked. No one will feel safe and it won't be safe for her either. We need actual, valid points, Ike. Not grandiose statements.
ike apatow
All I have is my statements. -he leans his chair back, teetering on its back legs, before thumping back down and rubbing a hand over his face- There's no evidence I can give you except that I know her. I knew her my whole time in the Reavers. I know the kind of person she is. We all did terrible things to survive! And don't give me that thing about how we're safe because of the people here. Because everyone's capable of doing dumb shit that puts others in danger. -he points, moving his finger rapidly between Ermano and Renee- The two of you should fuckin know that. Of all people.
Ermano Delgado
-ermano sent ike a sarcastic glare, actively feeling the slight throb of pain in his leg- When you knew her back then, what was her position? And what was it recently?
Renee Brandon
-Renee shifts a bit in her seat but she avoids looking away- You're right, we do. It's why we're making sure we're not making a mistake now by saying yes.
ike apatow
Yeah, and I think Cat deserves a chance instead of being barred entry because we know that people fuck up. Even Saint Renee of Redwood. -Ike jerks his chin in Ermano's direction- Even the big war hero. -he shifts, restlessly, putting his forearm on the table and tapping his fingertips along it- Look, she was a Reaver. She was a valuable Reaver because she could kill fast and ruthless and she didn't give a fuck about who told her what, except for me. That was her position. I haven't had a chance to get into all the sticky details about what happened to her while she was gone, but she wasn't gone by choice and that's the important thing.
Ermano Delgado
-he stayed silent for a beat, mulling over the information. there'd been many allotted entry into redwood for the sole purpose of keeping an eye on them - cole for example. and even that situation was sticky. looking up to renee, ermano gave a shrug- We did let Cole in. And you hated him.
ike apatow
And you wouldn't even be here otherwise.
Ermano Delgado
-ermano pointed at ike, a silent way to say 'he's right', as his attention still pulled to renee-
Renee Brandon
-the nickname makes her roll her eyes but she doesn't say anything outside of it. She just listens and leans forward on her forearms as they rest on the table- Yes, I'm very well aware of that fact. -that's a guilt that she was still dealing with- If she's really here to get away and start over, I'm willing to let her get a second chance.
ike apatow
Are you aware of that fact? Seems like you were happy to get up on your high horse before we reminded you. -Ike looks between them both, then puts his attention on Ermano- How bout you, cliff-jumper?
Renee Brandon
-Renee looks pointedly at him- I am, actually. I don't need a reminder.
Ike apatow
We disagree. But what else is new.
Renee Brandon
Not much, it seems. You can remind me again tomorrow to get your rock's off, how's that?
ike apatow
-he gives her a faintly amused look- Do I make any effort to interact with you if I don't have to, Renee? No, I fucking don't. So take your implication that I'm dying to bully you and shove it up your rich girl ass.
Renee Brandon
No, but when we do you don't waste any opportunity to throw everything back in my face.
ike apatow
Well, you just go on ahead and keep playing the victim since you enjoy it so much, that's fine with me. 
Zack Astor
-he makes his way into the meeting room, scowling as usual as he looks around- Am I interrupting something?
ike apatow
-Ike perks up when Zack gets in, gesturing at the empty chairs- Sit. You're not interrupting. You're here for a reason.
Renee Brandon
-Renee is honestly glad for the interruption and leans back- Thanks for coming, Zack.
Zack Astor
Alright. -he casts a look around the room, slightly weary, before he takes one of the chairs and sits down-  Care to let me in on it?
ike apatow
Given your leadership on the Ranch, I'm proposing you be appointed to the Council. Anybody got objections?
Ermano Delgado
-if he was drinking water, ermano would've spit it out- Wouldn't that have been a conversation to be had beforehand?
ike apatow
Why bother? I wanted to do it now and we might as well do it with him here. Zack doesn't have any tender feelings we need to step around.
Ermano Delgado
Is this something you want? -he asks, moving to look at zack-
Zack Astor
-if Zack is surprised he doesn't show it as he leans back on the chair, staring at Ike for a moment before his gaze trails to Ermano- Ain't gonna say no.
Renee Brandon
Ike's got a point. He did run the Ranch thing pretty well. I'm okay with it.
Ermano Delgado
As long as it's something you want and Ike isn't forcing on you.
ike apatow
-Ike gives a long, juicy snort at that-
Renee Brandon
-Renee covers her amused smirk with her hand at the comment-
Zack Astor
-he raises his eyebrows at Ermano, before he continues, addressing the entire council- I'm taking the position. -there isn't any doubt in his voice- Ain't like the town got enough work to do, right now.
ike apatow
Good. So now that we got a full Council to discuss it ... we better talk about Clint's brother.
Renee Brandon
-Renee casts a disbelieving glance at Ike- Please don't tell me yu're actually considering letting him stay.
ike apatow
-he starts rocking back in his chair again, fingers steepled- Everyone gets another chance to make good. And I mean everyone.
Renee Brandon
And have you spoken to Clint about this?
Zack Astor
Is that some rule the council voted on that I don't know about? -Zack stares at Ike with narrowed eyes- Shouldn't matter what Clint thinks right now. He shouldn't get another chance.
ike apatow
I haven't talked to Clint. I wasn't gonna talk to him and hear how he wants his brother to stay and then have the Council say no. I figured the other way around would be better.  -he looks over at Zack for a moment before saying- Yeah, that's how the Council's been doing it since day one, fyi.
Zack Astor
So you take in every stray that makes sad eyes at you and says they're sorry? -he meets Ike's short glance without looking away- Maybe it's time for a rule change.
Ermano Delgado
-he sat back, listening to the others- Not exactly. Some we keep to keep an eye on them and make sure they don't go running to another group should there be a possibility they'd want revenge. Hence Cole's stay.
ike apatow
I never thought that was a legit reason, just so we're clear. I didn't think Cole was such hot shit we had to tolerate him because he was any danger to us. -he rolls out his shoulders- I think people should get to start over. That's my take on it.
Zack Astor
That's pretty damn convenient for you. -Zack's gaze flicks between Ermano and Ike for a moment,as if assessing them both- Mike was one of the people closest to the General. That ain't something you become because it's necessary. He enjoyed it.. -his gaze fixes back on Ike- You know what the Daybreakers did to your raiders.
ike apatow
-he meets Zack's gaze, not confrontationally, but in acknowledgement- I know. And I know what I did to people when I was a Reaver. 
Zack Astor
So you think you can save and help him because he's just like you? -Zack's gaze is cold, though there is anger burning in it, icy and piercing- You don't know the Daybreakers. I do.
Ermano Delgado
And from the small bits of what we’ve been told about the General, Mike being so close tells me he’s not one we want here. Even if he is someone’s family
ike apatow
Okay, let's look at it another way. Zack, how much do you think we took the Daybreakers down? You guys on the Ranch pretty much decimated their fighters, right?
Zack Astor
-there is a pause before he answers, as if he's gauging where Ike is going with this- We did.
Renee Brandon
I think we're forgetting that Clint is the way he is because of Mike. Or are we just going to breeze past that part?
ike apatow
Nobody's breezing past anything, Renee. Do you have something to say about it, or are you just trying to make everyone else look like assholes?
Ermano Delgado
She’s bringing up points for us to take in consideration. Lay off of her.
Renee Brandon
I'm saying that we need to think about Clint in all of this. How do you think he's going to handle seeing the face of the guy who tore his fingernails off every day?
ike apatow
I think we need to figure that Clint's a fucking grown man and can tell us how he feels when we ask him.
Renee Brandon
Then we should ask him instead of deciding for ourselves and telling him after the fact. Hence why I asked if you had asked him about this first.
ike apatow
I explained why I wanted to discuss it first. Or did you just dismiss that as me trying to bully you?
Renee Brandon
Oh, for fuck's sake, Ike - no. I'm pointing out why I think it's better that we talk to him about it first. Because out of everyone currently sitting at this table, he has the voice that matters.
ike apatow
And I'm saying -- only up to a point.
Renee Brandon
But still something we should consider before we make a decision.
Ermano Delgado
Ok now we’re going in circles
ike apatow
Renee, we don't have time for a survey, okay? If you want, go talk to Clint right now while the rest of us discuss business. Bleeding hearts slow everything the fuck down and Clint isn't even in the right headspace for this.
Zack Astor
What Clint thinks doesn't matter right now. We're the council and this town ain't a damn social club. -Zack regards every member for a moment- We sure as hell shouldn't throw people out  just cause someone might get their feelings hurt. It's our damn job to decide if Mike is a threat or not. And he is. -his eyes narrow- Pretty damn sure I got more expertise than Clint to make a choice about that.
ike apatow
Right. Back on track, thank you. -Ike thumps his chair back down, leaning against the table- What I was saying is -- the Daybreakers are gonna have to go somewhere and lick their wounds. And Mike turned traitor, from what we know; this isn't some double agent shit. So while he's here and he's decided he wants to be on our side, I say we take that. Redwood can't be the worse choice between this town and the Factory. We can't let it be.
Ermano Delgado
With both his and Zack’s expertise on the Daybreakers, that could be beneficial to us. Especially with what he knows about the General.
ike apatow
-Ike raps his knuckles against the table to emphasize that-
Zack Astor
You trust him to give you reliable info? -Zack's gaze fixed on Ermano as if he wanted to pierce him. He can sense the mood in the room shifting, and he doesn't like it- The moment he can, he's gonna turn heel and run back to the General, or whatever else comes knocking at the door. He'd burn this entire town down and everyone in it. And you ain't all that great at understanding what people want or need, Ike.
ike apatow
-he doesn't contradict Zack on that last comment; they've gone around that point with each other's blood on their knuckles enough- That's ... -Ike pulls it out, his voice slow and cautious now; treading uneven ground- That's where Clint comes in. That's what he can do for us all, is make sure his brother feels connected enough to him to stay. To be loyal.
Renee Brandon
-Renee heaves a sigh and looks down at her hands. Her fingers are clutched together and tapping her knuckles but eventually she sits back. Except when Ike brings up Clint and she shakes her head- Are you kidding? After everything he just went through? He's not a little puppet for you to use, Ike!
Zack Astor
-Zack turns his sharp focus on Renee- The way you talk sounds like you're more worried about hurting Clint's damn feelings than the town. -Zack keeps his eyes on her for a moment before moving on- I wouldn't trust Clint of all people with keeping one of the General's closest in line.
ike apatow
And I think neither of you is giving him enough credit for how much he wants to help keep Redwood safe, and how much he wants to be part of contributing to what we've built here. Clint isn't a baby and he isn't a little puppet, no, and if he doesn't wanna do this, then, fuck -- we're gonna have to either toss Mike out on his ear or keep him in town under lock and key. But I think he can do it. I think he's gonna want to. I think this is his family and he's gonna see it as his responsibility and we owe it to him to let him try.
Zack Astor
I think you're giving him too much and Mike not enough. I'm pretty damn sure that he wants to help this town, but I ain't gonna hinge the future of this place on him and good intentions.
Renee Brandon
-she first points to Zack- Maybe I am, but considering what Ike is proposing, somebody should be concerned about him in all of this. -she then points back to Ike- You just said he's not in the right headspace but now we've got a decision to make depending on his answer to this. So which is it, Ike? Are we going to table this until we talk to Clint or are we making a decision and forcing him to do something he may or may not want to do?
ike apatow
-he lets everyone's words settle for a few moments, then says- I wanted to talk about all of the options we have, first. It would be unfair to go to Clint without any sort of actual plan. And while I'm not proposing we force Clint to do anything ... well, some of us make sacrifices for this place. I think he might be one of them. Whether that's hinging it on good intentions or not, we've gotta stand for something that's not the Daybreakers. Or the Reavers or the Sunfacers, for that matter. I don't think any of us are naive, not at this point, but look at what we did at the Ranch because people were willing to go that distance. Are we gonna turf one of the major unexpected advantages that came out of that?
Renee Brandon
-Renee waits for an answer. The way Ike speaks is methodical and logical. At least Ike acknowledged that this was something that would need to be discussed with Clint first. Her fingers tap against her knuckles again as she hangs her head for a moment- Do you think the risk is worth the reward out of this? -she was asking genuinely-
ike apatow
I do. But I was a Reaver. So it's not the same perspective as the three of you would have.
Zack Astor
The ranch was a last resort, because the other option was getting overrun. -there was more meaning to Zack's words, a call to what they'd shared on their recon mission. Ike's last words made his eyes narrow- Maybe the Reaver perspective ain't the best one.
ike apatow
The other option ... was the end of the line. I'm glad we didn't have to take it. Aren't you?
Renee Brandon
Was, being the key word. His perspective is maybe the best one we have right now. -she takes a breath- So, Ike, with your background, do you really think Mike could turn to our side?
ike apatow
I don't know if my background, uh, translates to his. I was a Reaver but before that I believed in all this, building community. Those Daybreakers are a whole 'nother ball of ultra-flammable wax. Which is why I think Clint is the make or break element.
Zack Astor
I'm glad we didn't. But now, we got better choices. Hinging things on Clint managing Mike ain't one of them. -Renee's comment makes Zack look at her less than friendly- Did I miss something? Is Ike the damn Daybreaker expert here? -his fingers tap against the meeting table, a steady rhythm- This entire damn plan is gonna go up in flames the moment it's convenient for Mike.
ike apatow
Ohhhhh-kay. Well, I made my pitch and it went over like a lead balloon, so. What do the two of you wanna do.
Renee Brandon
-Renee isn't bothered by Zack's glares. She was sure with him on the Council they were all going to get dirty looks like that anyway- I think.....maybe we should hear him out. Do what we did with Cole - bring him in front of the four of us and if anyone wants to sit on, like Clint or anyone else who may have interacted with him at the Ranch, we hear them out. A tribunal of sorts. If he really is wanting a second chance, he should convince us first.
ike apatow
I'm fine with that.
Ermano Delgado
Zack Astor
-he doesn't look happy with that plan, though the consensus seems to already have been formed.- Fine.
ike apatow
So if we decide he stays ... what then?
Zack Astor
-he casts a look around the room- Shouldn't we ask him what he wants to do? Since that seems to matter now. -he knows the dry sarcasm isn't gonna lead to much, so he takes a measured breath- Keep him where somebody can keep an eye on him.
ike apatow
Good idea. Zack. That can be your job
Ermano Delgado
Took the words right outta my mouth
Renee Brandon
I mean, you did say that you don't trust Clint to win over a Daybreaker and you are the Daybreaker expert.
Zack Astor
-his eyes narrow- I'm not in town half the time.
Ermano Delgado
Well, that can change.
ike apatow
I didn't mean it to be a punishment, jesus christ.
Renee Brandon
Okay, Zack, who would you trust to be put in charge of keeping an eye on him?
Zack Astor
Oh really? -Zack regards Ermano again, his gaze sharp and cutting- We got a grand total of two hunters for the entire town, winter is around the corner and we need supplies, and you want to ground one of them to babysit a daybreaker? -Zack only casts a fleeting gaze of acknowledgement of Renee's question, though he disregards it for now-
ike apatow
-he raises his hands, getting up from the table- You know what? I'm gonna bow out of this now. Whatever you guys decide on, just let me know when the tribunal is and I'll be here for that.
Ermano Delgado
There are people who can and will step up. As of right now, your job is to monitor Mike - keep an eye on him. And report.
Zack Astor
-Zack stares at Ermano quietly, his eyes narrowing, the obvious anger and fire gone, replaced with something else. He rises from his chair- There aren't people to step up. You should know that as well as I do. And as far as I'm concerned Ermano- -his voice lowers- -I don't take orders from you. I'm not David. I'm not one of your soldiers. I don't report to you. And right now, my job is keeping this town safe and getting us through the winter. And that's what I'm gonna do, because that's what I did back on the ranch, and I sure as hell ain't gonna stop because you got some bullshit reason to punish me, or because you hit your head too hard. -he moves towards the door- Call me for the meeting.
Ermano Delgado
-he rolled his eyes, but only when zack turned to leave. otherwise he was calm, collected and unreadable. when zack did leave, ermano moved his attention to renee- I miss Jason.
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isaacapatow · 3 months
If you could kick anybody out of Redwood, who would you get rid of?
Going on personal feelings right at this moment Renee hah hah but no i'd never do that because jesus christ can you imagine?!? The hullaballoo about the perfect sainted mother of Redwood being booted by its chief assclown? BUT this question is all about giving vent to my annoyance because I wouldn't kick anybody out of Redwood for real, so yeah I'll commit thought crime and say Renee.
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elinilinxfoot · 4 months
Do you want to share with the crowd what your image of Messelina Gloriana is? UwU
Hee hee thank you my friend, I need an excuse to write these things down. Most of this is my own cannon with just a little inspo from what’s written about it in Darktide.
Messelina Gloriana is said to be a heavily-forested moon whos main significance is from its planetary Saint and strategic importance after the defeat of nearby Komaris. Given its low population, the moon only has one major hive city and even so it's small compared to most Hive cities. It is the seat of the Cult of Messelina, where age-old traditions are kept, where the faithful find refuge and where Messelina’s remains and descendants now live. Though its architecture is fairly similar to most cities found in the Mobian domain, there is a certain grace and elegance seen in many of the temples and shrines that departs from the Imperium’s typical gothic style. Given that one of Messelina’s strictures is to respect the nature of one's world, gardens and plant life weave throughout the Hive adding much greenery to its aged steel. 
Though the Hive may hold the majority of Messelina population the forest’s beyond hide scattered villages and monasteries all devoted to preserving Saint Messelina shrines and teachings. The use of modern technology that would otherwise harm the moon’s environment is mostly restricted to the hive city, (except in cases of emergency or higher authority) leaving most of the countryside in a state similar to most feudal worlds. Because of this Messelina’s forests are ancient and the great redwood trees cast most of the land below in shadows. In the deeper parts of the forest settlements will often be suspended near the canopy, the locals sometimes travelling on the backs of local tamed aquilan griffon’s rather then running into the great herds of bison that wander below.  
The various villages and monasteries in and outside the hive all uphold one of Messelina’s oldest traditions; honour the faithful, both living and dead. It was believed by Saint Messelina herself that those of faith who fell in battle and did not purge themselves of sin but were not consumed by corruption, would be reincarnated to serve the Emperor again so long as their spirit found a haven to rest in. As a result, shrines dedicated to the dead inhabit every great church and tree root across the moon, and are defended as fervently as ancient relics. Given that many imperial citizens make pilgrimages to Messelina Gloriana to find relief from such grief, the cult has always been accommodating to the Emperor’s faithful. The hospitality of native Messelinains is well known across the Mobian domain and the moon has a great number of hostels for those seeking refuge and peace.      
The visual references I have for Messelina’s wilderness are from Princess Mononoke, and the hive in my mind takes after east Asian cramped downtown's, mixed with environments portrayed in Darktide. I mostly pull from east Asian cultures for my vision of Messelina Gloriana but I can also see Celtic and native American cultures working as well to match the aesthetics of being in harmony with nature and humanity.  
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redwoodwv-hq · 3 months
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Name: Frank Austing-Thompson Age: 44 Town Occupation: Trauma Surgeon / Gardener Previous Occupation: Trauma Surgeon Redwood Resident Length: Newly Arrived Faceclaim: James McAvoy
Bullet Points:
2 years ago, as an anniversary gift, Frank found in a mall a box of Legos , and gave that to Harry
The first responder trauma is not only heavy, but also truly a beacon and attracted people even if they wanted to remain discreet. Thus, Harry has put some dark bed sheet over it they found so his husband was safer during their travels
While being snarky, Frank is never pushy with his patients and tries not to dismiss what they are saying because he knows that people know their bodies better than a doctor sometimes
Frank sticks to triage, he will not waste resources on a lost cause, even if it means breaking his vow
Frank likes to knit, according to him it’s a good gymnastic for his hands
Frank grew up in a Christian household and while he was not the most active in his faith, he carries a medallion of Saints Cosmas and Damien, the patron saints of doctors and surgeons. He also found himself talking to God more these past years.
Born and raised in Philadelphia, Frank is the oldest child of Angela and Jack Austing. They were a bit older when they got him, and cherished him to the point that his brat personality came out. The advantage of older parents however was that he got what he wanted, had a good education, did sports and extracurricular activities. His youth was quite uneventful and rhythmed by the usual up and downs of life. That was until his mom was killed in a hit and run. He was with her in the car and survived. They never really found the driver who had a stolen car. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nonetheless, it changed his optic on life. He was only 14 and now alone with his father. His mom left a hole in the house and their life. Grief had a weird effect on Frank who suffered from survivor guilt for years. He just did not understand how he could survive and his mom not. When he got the reports of her care, he read them for hours. He would have the answer to it much later when entering the field, yet it did not make him feel better. Slowly, life came back with its discoveries and experiments. All while not being a burden to his father. He graduated but instead of starting college right away, he decided to become a butcher. His father and friends questioned his sanity for months as he pursued that career, they thought Frank was joking. He wasn’t. He did that for 3 months without giving any explanation then applied for a college to start his medical studies.
It became clear that he wanted to go into surgery yet gave himself the time to go through each service to see what was really interesting him. In the end it was between general and trauma. He decided by flipping a coin. Trauma it was. He finished his residency and went on a mission with Medecin sans Frontières. He realized just how spoiled they were in the US and learned to take care of people with nothing, not even lights. It humbled him. As he came back, fate would have him try a new place: a library-bar. That’s where he met Harry. They clicked and months later they would become a couple. After a third mission with MSF, when Frank almost did not make it because the notion of not attacking medical stations was a guideline not everyone was following, Harry proposed to Frank. That was 7 years ago. Their marriage was a Lego-themed. It wasn’t something big, but something that was worth it to be seen and witnessed. Frank promised to take a break from MSF missions, especially in the regions the next missions were heading, even if his heart wanted to go. He agreed to settle, not knowing what would be ahead.
He was on shift when the first injured came in. First, they thought it may be a terrorist attack, then they realized that people were panicking. It did not happen in a night; the world did catch fire over time. He knew something was wrong when he witnessed one of his nurses being bitten. Frank picked up a first response trauma bag and left the hospital straight for his husband. They’ve made a plan.
That plan lead them away from Philadelphia, they avoided big crowds, bunkered down in secure locations moved around. They met people, helped people, escaped from people, they survived, grieved people along the way. The bag was problematic and helpful. Eventually a year ago, they met a small mobile group. They were good people, and they also had some animals. Among them a donkey that would become the carrier of their belongings. The group explained that they were looking for a gated community rumored to be somewhere in West Virginia, but they did not know where. Timing would have it that they would first cross the Daybreakers path shortly after the Ranch attack. They were cut from that group, fled with the donkey, and randomly stumbled on Redwood. Was this the community their group was talking about? They did not know, but they seemed organized enough to join.
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dudeswings · 6 months
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I think telling someone redwood means insane/mad right?
Redwood . ? The deserter of god, his unforgivingness.
They watch with blind minds, I can only lock the front . While I clear their hands, I am the holy saint.
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jamaicansdotcom · 7 months
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10-Year-Old Mariann Morgan is the Face of Achievement at Redwood Primary School in Saint Catherine http://dlvr.it/SyfyX2
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Raw Business page
Raw Business page
Gazing In Motioning to my Rear the building I exited.
Gazing across the street South direction the Archdiocese Arch Dio Dios Pisces.. Nothing east March 11 Cathedral street the Tobee Bee to Bee to Bee or not to Bee , to become or not to become that is the question..
The many things one can become if one's will is strong and the future is there, only you choose who you choose to become . A humani factor of trait the potentiality of the human factor found in every Humanoidbiped person, outside of mechanics and natural ability.. honed ability that takes discipline and rewards with much discovery like Street Fighter Mortal Kombat Dragon Ball Fist of the North Star Naruto and others the philosophical theory of lesson and fact .
The Education Business perhaps!
Well yes sure the relayed message seems to be television is poisoning mind distracting one growth , especially in the world of martial science and arts .
I wouldn't waist A wish on it je wish be thy sword and or thy jewels that of the genetic heirlooms...
Back to topic!
The message relayed to all who received and perceived to respond intellectually Intelligent with that of television and film works CG works can provide in any category of sense non fiction fiction imaginiction the reality of Existence and philosophical questions..
Answer suitable for what exist and one has learned from questions of Existence and walking the dao of tao .
Better argue what exist and is clearly A B C or D containing all the above
Back in the moment, In decent stride Reaching liberty and Saratoga before motion left east to Saint Paul street.
Continuing south as it's pretty early approximately 6 pm Female sex and six letters F..
Foxtrot Security......
BCTDDG GOD OR DOG Golf Oscar Delta, Delta Oscar Golf Security levels ...
A beautiful south views walking south... A complete stop .
A Marriott Delta , D letter four very familiar with the place never enter secured though...!
FedEx office not even of interest... Federal Education Department.
Exfed secured just Raw Business... No right or wrong, just the wrong incorrect people for business..
Redwood such a small west and east meets..
The walk on redwood so short in distance I will be In little Italy in know time.
The Purple Heart shuttle is great public convenience to campus!!
Busaeuo Bombaeo but heyaeo.
Purple and People..
Making small noted stops like posted signature stops ..
Water street.
Pratt street
Stationary below Hooters inner harbor....
6:20 Purple Shuttle Royal Sonesta stop isn't too far away.
Awaiting the arrival of mass public transportation.. Just A color coded map like A bomb and with wire to cut ...
Thinking the Wire , you never knew what it meant...
Entering the Purple Shuttle two male sex on board I make Three, seating back row window seat ..
The Bus shortly pulls into motion on the incline like stocks and stops are North or up .. University of any P name one and G is as Good as God the Devil A dog everything that lived and 7up.
God Lived , God Livebladed !
The Devil King of Tasmania lived ? , A world effect by titles and Anagrams..
Like playing Chess with myself and i am both the God & the Devil .. God King of Greece and Greeks, sheeks I mean weeks .
Gardening & weeds finally got and Gott more interesting.
Just Grass is Green .
A Lovegrove night 33rd street planetary business Reports requested ..
Haneunimai Hills John's Hopkins Hawkins Hommeland Campus Residential Security... Might as well..
Aigrove Secured Welcome to Aigrove Corporation institution A Corporation founded upon love moral ethics..
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perphella · 1 year
I miss traveling sooooo fucking much. When I was a kid, my family would at least go further instate and we would camp.
I miss the Ozarks, I miss Saint Louis, I miss the Mississippi river valley, I miss Land Between the Lakes, I miss Mammoth Cave aughhh.
I want to be able to take a train and just GO, but that isn't an option for me and most people in the US.
I want to be able to take my car and not worry about it breaking down or be able to afford if it did break down. I want to see the ocean. I want to see the mountains. I want to see the redwoods. I envy people who can afford to travel.
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happiestplacehq · 2 years
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PATRICIA MARRIANE is fifty-two years old. She is the owner of A Simple Wash Laundromat. She is the humanized version of The Fairy Godmother from the Disney film, Cinderella.
+ Kind, Encouraging, Hopeful - Absent-Minded, Strong-Willed, Righteous
If there was one person in Redwood Hollow who the townsfolk might describe as their "fairy godmother" it would be Patty Marriane.
A saint amongst saints, Patty can't pass a person in need without offering them a helping-hand.
Patty has been running A Simple Wash (the local laundromat and dry-cleaners) for well over twenty-five years. While she gets paid to wash your clothes, the real gem of her job is being a listening ear to those who have to sit and wait for the washer-dryer cycle to finish.
Patty became a particular god-send to one Ella Fontaine, after she employed the young woman throughout college. She became a mentor, confidant and safe space for Ella when her home life became especially difficult.
She has no plans to retire any time soon, knowing that the Laundromat has become a known safe-space in town.
(Optional) *Up to player.
Ella Fontaine - Was a support for Ella when her home life was difficult, and is now the Godmother of her child, Dandelion. Celeste Fayre - A good friend. Patty and Celeste both have a knack for helping people in need, and Patty often sends people Celeste's way. Jaq Checkers and Gus Octavius - Friends of Ella's who frequent the laundromat as their favourite meeting place. They keep Patty company when the business gets quiet.
Patty is currently available. Her faceclaim is Octavia Spencer.
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longliverockback · 2 years
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Van Morrison Saint Dominic’s Preview 1972 Warner Brothers ————————————————— Tracks: 1. Jackie Wilson Said (I’m in Heaven When You Smile) 2. Gypsy 3. I Will Be There 4. Listen to the Lion 5. Saint Dominic’s Preview 6. Redwood Tree 7. Almost Independence Day —————————————————
Bill Church
Gary Mallaber
John McFee
Ronnie Montrose
Van Morrison
Jack Schorer
Rick Shlosser
Leroy Vinnegar 
* Long Live Rock Archive
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mollyringle · 20 days
Lava Red Feather Blue: the perfume list
(I mention in the afterword of Lava Red Feather Blue that I can recommend perfumes to go with those described in the book. For my fellow perfumistas out there, here is that list, which is also on my website and is subject to change as I think of more.) For all of the scents listed here, or for any perfume at all, I highly recommend starting with a sample and not springing for a blind buy of a full bottle. Scents vary a great deal on each person’s skin, and to each person’s nose, and should be test-driven before one commits to a larger purchase. Some reliable sites where I’ve bought perfume samples include Luckyscent, Surrender to Chance, Olfactif, and The Perfumed Court. For Solstice Scents fragrances, though, you’ll likely only find them at the Solstice Scents site itself.
If you know of a perfume you think would fit well into this list, let me know! We can keep adding to the list. True perfume fanatics always want to try more scents!
Sia Fia’s realm: for Silver and Lunacy, described as island-harvested rose, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, patchouli, incense, musk, and honey:
One of the top contenders that comes to mind for me is Absolue Pour le Soir by Maison Francis Kurkdjian…but it’s been discontinued! If you CAN find any to sample, I warn you that a fair number of people who smell it think it’s disgusting. The rest of us, however, find it highly sexy. This is often the case with the most carnal scents! MFK describes its notes as rose honey from Bulgaria, incense absolute, cumin, benzoin from Siam, and sandalwood.
Another possibility I love, heavy on the honey, is Bee by Zoologist Perfumes. It starts out like a freshly opened jar of orange blossom honey, then deepens into facets of mimosa, benzoin, sandalwood, incense, ginger, heliotrope, labdanum, tonka, and musk.
Yet another, more floral and hay-like but still rich with honey and carnality, is Tabac Tabou by Parfum d’Empire, which is advertised as having notes of immortelle, tobacco, narcissus, honey, grass, and musk.
If you want to go old-school carnal, look on eBay for a vintage bottle of Bal a Versailles by Jean Desprez. It’s usually easy to find, and is a yummy, powdery concoction of civet, resins, balsam, amber, vanilla, musk, sandalwood, orris root, rose, orange blossom, jasmine, ylang-ylang, and more.
For old-school carnal on the macho side, I love Kouros by Yves Saint Laurent (white bottle, not Body Kouros in the black bottle). A small dab will do—it’s potent! On my skin it’s both shower-clean and sexy-dirty, a mix I love. It’s got civet, honey, patchouli, aldehydes, leather, carnation, coriander, musk, oakmoss, artemisia, and other spices and florals.
And one more beauty, which is less about the honey and more about the rose, but still has a very “sexy boudoir” feel, is Salome by Papillon, a huge fan favorite in the indie perfume fandom, featuring jasmine, musks, Turkish rose, carnation, cumin, mosses, and tobacco.
Arlanuk’s realm: for Hunter’s Night, described as earth, stone, oakmoss, island redwood, cedar, vetiver, and a hint of wood smoke:
I suggest Runestone by Solstice Scents, which, according to the fragrance creator, contains aged patchouli, dirt, oakmoss, cedar, muhuhu, violet leaf absolute, leaves, vetiver, sandalwood, cypress, spruce, pine and very faint hints of lavender absolute, rosewood, rosemary, hinoki, spikenard and more. It has that “potting soil” feel that comes with patchouli, but is nicely tempered by greenery and stone, and when I smelled it, I thought, “This is what the forest in the fae realm smells like.”
Another good one worth trying is Fille en Aiguilles by Serge Lutens, as a tribute to the pines that delineate Arlanuk’s territory. Its notes are pine needles, vetiver, sugary sap, laurel, fir balsam, frankincense, candied fruit, and spice.
Vowri’s realm: for Melancholia, notes of cold flowers in rain, iris, lilac, and the sadness of vintage perfume on old clothes:
Clearly the ideal choice here is a vintage perfume, especially the mega-classic L’Heure Bleue by Guerlain. Guerlain describes it as containing aniseed, bergamot, carnation, neroli, iris, violet, vanilla, benzoin, and tonka beans, but to the perfumistas of the world it is famous for its melancholy feel. Its name, after all, means “the blue hour.”
See also Après l'Ondée from the same house, which has similar notes to L’Heure Bleue but with more of a feel of rain on a garden—again, as its name suggests.
Another lovely vintage-based scent, which in my opinion would fit the bill for this section, is Pourpre d’Automne by Maison Violet. It has cool violet and iris at center stage, supported by rose, plum, peach, musk, benzoin, and oakmoss, all with an early-1900s powdery cosmetic atmosphere.
For the quest in general:
I’d feel remiss if I didn’t include Enchanted Forest by The Vagabond Prince. I mean, could its name get any more fitting? But its actual scent is ideal too, a chilly forest smell, mysterious and lovely and fairy-tale-ready, featuring blackcurrant, fir, red wine, wet green branches, pine needles, woods, and mosses.
Dryad by Papillon is another beautiful take on an enchanted forest, perhaps one in late summer, full of warm golden sunlight between the trees. It has notes of galbanum, bergamot, narcissus, clary sage, orris root, oakmoss, fruits, herbs, and vetiver.
Larkin remembers walking through the lemon orchard at the palace with his lover, back in the late 1700s. And citrus blossom scents were indeed popular in that century, in the perfumes of that time. (Perfume options were more limited then in general, as chemistry practices weren’t nearly as advanced as they are now—but on Eidolonia, who knows?) Therefore I think for nostalgia reasons he might like Fleurs de Citronnier by Serge Lutens, a lovely, gentle lemon blossom scent that also includes neroli, tuberose, and musk.
Larkin notices Merrick (and his car) smelling of leather and sweet spice early in their acquaintance. We can assume this is a Mirage Isle Perfumes scent he and Cassidy created. I haven’t given it a name, but I had in mind something like Cuir Ottoman by Parfum d’Empire. It’s a deliciously smooth, sweet leather scent, which also includes incense, jasmine, iris, benzoin, balsams, and resin.
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