#Religious Manifestations
stuckinapril · 8 months
don't stress about that opportunity that fell through or that friend you lost or that thing you really want to happen but isn't. as long as you keep your chin up and try try try again, better things will replace your losses. i'm looking at my life rn and actually marveling at how every single thing i stressed about, whether it be an opportunity or a person, got supplanted w another thing that is so much better. it really is true that loss makes space for better things. these days i don't get sad when something doesn't work out. i get excited that i'm now open to so many other possibilities out there, so long as i actively seek them. you never lack. you just transition.
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hey. hey. you there. religious jew who wants to do so well because you truly do love g-d and you see His presence everywhere and you have faith in Him and He gives you everything. yes, you. if you're not a religious jew you can read this too this just isn't geared towards you.
ok now that i have your attention read this: g-d knows you. He made your body and your soul and He understands it fully. there's gonna be some times where you can't commit to something, where you can't fulfill that mitzvah. maybe you've got an amazing new job that will pay the rent and the bills youve been struggling with for months but you need to work shabbat. maybe you cant say prayers or blessings in public bc you dont feel safe to speak hebrew outside of your own home. maybe you struggle to keep up a routine and have a hard time with daily mitzvot. whatever it is i promise Hashem does not hate you and does not see you as a failure.
i definitely understand being a perfectionist and wanting to go all out. to show that you are fully devoted and that you appreciate Him at every point in your life. also lets be real sometimes you just wanna prove to yourself that you can do all these little things and that you have the discipline to do it. or you wanna impress someone else you admire. that's completely normal and those emotions are part of what makes us human (however those can be signs of underlying mental health issues so pls talk to someone if you need!). anyway, Hashem doesnt mind that we can't do it all all the time. sometimes we can't do it all ever. He knows that something is always better than nothing. we were given the gift of life, of food, of being jewish, of the torah, of everything else by g-d and we can express our gratefulness for that in so many ways and they are all important.
g-d is not that shitty teacher you had in middle school who judged you in front of the class every time your essay wasnt an A+. He created everything and gave us the joy of life and is here to guide us through us. He made us human with all of our possible emotions because that is what we are meant to be. we are meant to be flawed and without that we wouldnt even be people anymore. you're gonna have shitty days, weeks, months, even years and He understands that and even if you can only do tiny things it still matters.
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fawnshrine · 2 months
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angel / devil
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
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Luke via Shan Rizwan on IG
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kingzombear · 2 months
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My ocs have some interesting yuri goin' on
(bonus doodle of them before the Lupacabra Incident lmao)
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Jojo 🐐 (she/they)
Lup 🐺 (she/they)
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meduseld · 1 year
But also something so ! about how John Irving, the character with most faith thus most faith to be tested, is the one to find the salvation, the divine providence, the literal manna in the desert, of Koveyook and his party, taking it in with humility and gratitude is just. Irving really did get to see a form of God in the way William Blake wrote it:
“I sought my God and my God I couldn't find; I sought my soul and my soul eluded me; I sought to serve my brother in his need, and I found all three; My God, my soul, and thee.”
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lavendermemoriess · 11 days
🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯
Lando Norris
🕯 win in 🕯
baku 2024
🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯
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there’s no such thing as “light” or “dark” sides of the force, there never was. its all just different expressions & experiences of the same energy field. “falling to the dark side” is but a religious scare tactic akin to “you’re good and are going to heaven if you believe what we believe but if you don’t you’re gonna burn in hell for all eternity”, no amount of palpatine’s generation of fuckery, the psychos within the sith that could also be found within any group of ppl, or jedi worship will ever convince me otherwise.
suck it bitches
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rattkachuk · 3 months
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lil homage to alberta flora and fauna and drai, who also wholeheartedly belongs in this province 🫶
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brattyvice · 18 days
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A lot of you girls have “demons” attached to you and that’s why you can’t smoke weed.
“Getting high opens you up and makes you”… Duh, heaux. Do you think we’re joking when we say stay protected(prayed up, cleansed, repent, etc)? Because let this be your reminder that we’re not. —————————————- Listen, some of this stuff is for fun and pure entertainment but I will never play with my spirit like that.
If you smoke weed and start seeing dark entities, if you start feeling like things are attaching themselves to you — 9/10 you know why and that’s why you’re smoking to escape in the first place, there is no judgment but babe be so fking serious and stop acting as if weed ruined your life.
It was already shit. —————————————- And when I say ‘you’ don’t be dense, we know what crowds I’m referring to. And if you don’t, it’s the generation of uppity BW Christians/religious girls. —————————————- I’m going to always remind you that this page (although not sexually explicit) is strictly for grown women and young ladies who are entering adulthood. — But, I will always slip in a good note for the youngins here and there because I love the kids. —————————————- Literally, if you’re under 21(I want to say 25 so bad but I know how that’s going to go) DONT SMOKE OR DO ANY DRUGS.
However, for us grown ups that know wtf we’re doing with this: Stop letting the algorithm psych you into thinking this is becoming some reformed gateway drug to hell, slot of these bitches are just crackheads and running away from spirits they’re too lazy to confront their shadow selves about. —————————————- That being said, here’s how the bougiie bratts maintain a healthy relationship with God’s lettuce. 💕 —————————————-
🚭 Never go more than two months consuming it daily! Listen, as a creative that’s had a head injury or two I get it. But girl, don’t become dependent on it. If there’s every a time you need to put this down for health reasons or because of a career opportunity, then you need to be disciplined enough to put it down immediately. Build a rapport with yourself and even if you have slipped into a bit of a habit, start small but not smoking during the day for a week straight. Anything to keep your relationship with it healthy and not addictive.
💨 Don’t smoke what you didn’t buy from the feds (or an extremely trusted “source”). Before you say something, at least if the GOV has something in it I have a receipt for what I invested and a source for where it came from. Too many celebrities have lost their lost from bad drugs, don’t ever think you’re exempt from being DMX’ed. Always know what you’re smoking and who you’re smoking with, that part the crazed girls said about this “opening” you up spiritually wasn’t a lie.
🚨🚫Never tell yourself it makes you better at something or that you “need” it to do anything, IDC if it’s just cleaning. Stop playing with the power of your tongue then being dumbfounded when the energies move around to make your words a reality. Enjoy the high while you do whatever you’re doing when you smoke, but I can’t stress enough how important it is to NOT treat this like a bandaid. —————————————- Weed is meant to be a fun party drug meant for the good people in life who just want peace and to protect the kids and elderly, please stop tainting the reputation of one of earths most precious gifts to us because you lack self control and have an addictive personality type.
It’s annoying.
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urloveangel · 8 months
the prayer for 2024: dear God, please show me and guide me towards my highest timeline 🫶🏼
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suitmana · 6 months
father hans you are the best worst old man to me (yes more than old jochen). i love how the game tries to give him some depth without shying away from his actions
heavy discussion of the apostasy route ahead
so, yeah, he's very zealous in his religious beliefs.
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but despite (or maybe because of) his strong convictions, he cares a lot for kieferberg, even if only out of moral obligation:
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i mean, he has the decency to feel a little guilty about the supernatural terrors he puts the town through:
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that very religious zeal, unfortunately, also makes him willing to have any of kieferberg's residents burnt at the stake for the sake of the town's "salvation". ironic, then, that in the same letter that he condemns walpurga's followers he starts with this:
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his well-meaning, yet extremist religiosity is also apparent in his relationship with elise. even with the clear animosity on both sides, he was genuinely concerned for elise's soul after learning about how holle had her in the first place:
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...as that concern later turns into condemnation:
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yet he doesn't even word it as something he looks forward to either. just something unfortunate that needs to be done.
the way he tries to keep the peace throughout the game and is actually one of the more vocally skeptical among the townsfolk (even if part of that is to diffuse suspicion towards his own experiments) is also interesting considering how his religious beliefs enable him to do genuinely terrible things. like he believes that his god has no problems with him burning people alive but also he wants to be absolutely sure that there's an actual witch to burn in the first place. he is simultaneously the personification of everything wrong with kieferberg and one of the few (aside from gustav, leb, and freya) who are barely keeping the village together
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gxlden-angels · 7 months
Holy shit I'm being forced to listen to this sermon and bro flat out said "Don't read your bible yourself because you need to hear it. The bible says faith comes by hearing, not reading. Studying and reading yourself won't lead to faith. You need to listen to me instead" like damn really just saying the quiet part out loud, eh?
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morgenlich · 3 months
the main thing that does keep me hesitant about whether or not i have ocd is that, while i absolutely have obsessions, and they are frequent and distressing enough they significantly impact my qol and make me genuinely suicidal, i have never really had compulsions. i know there’s like a thing where you can be diagnosed w ocd when you only have the obsessions, but ehhh it at least makes me wonder how likely i am to find a therapist who will take me seriously about it
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m0e-ru · 11 months
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間宮祥太朗 Shotaro Mamiya’s comment regarding his role as “Izanami” in the 2012 P4 Official Magazine #ONE MORE, Visualive the Evolution Information “Making of Visualive” segment
[image ID: A scanned magazine page. To the left of the frame is Mamiya, dressed in Izanami’s robes for the bromide shoot. To the right of the frame is text that reads, “Izanami,” the character I play this time, is an elusive being. If you try and ask anyone about this character, they would all say, “You can’t explain it in one word.” When it comes to playing Izanami, one should think to be “a being who does not project anyone’s image, but one who can reflect anyone’s image,” you see. For example, if the Izanami that A-kun imagines and the Izanami that B-kun thinks of are completely different, I think the question that would normally arise is, “Which one is correct?” But as far as Izanami is concerned, I don't think there is an answer. Of course I'm studying about this character’s position and role in the work, but I myself, who plays the role, wonder, “In the end, what is Izanami?” “What kind of person is Izanami?” and it’s with this mysterious aspect, I believe, is what makes Izanami unique. On stage, this exact feeling is what I want everyone to see and what I want to convey.
IZANAMI By Shotaro Mamiya
Profile Born 6/11, Kanagawa Prefecture. Stageplay “Roshutsukyou (Exhibitionist)” TV drama “Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (For You in Full Blossom) Ikemen☆Paradise 2011” and others.
※ Behind the scenes photographs were taken before character makeup was completed. End ID]
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rhaenyradelights · 4 months
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this is so compelling and interesting to me which is nice bc i’ve never in my life spared a thought for criston cole…. also just on a base level i’m glad alicent is taking physical pleasure for herself after a lifetime of forced marriage and marital rape… like yeah she deserves that, even if it’s Fraught like all things are when you’re trying to live within westerosi power structures
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