#Reminded me that you used to get free earphones with your phone
oifaaa · 2 years
I think Huawei and Xiaomi also unfortunately stopped providing plugs with their phones too. It's the fact that all of the charging wires you get with phones now have a c-type connection instead of usb-a so you HAVE to buy a new plug just to use the provided wire that gets me! Phone companies really are getting too greedy now :c
I even like that all the charging ports have changed to USB-c but phone companies 100% knew what they were doing when they knew a lot of people didn't have one of those chargers yet and still tried to pull the whole "well everyone has a charging plug so you don't need a new one" the vindictive pricks
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ajortga · 8 months
always for you
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
thank you for your support! honestly i'm so so grateful you guys like my writing<3 this was from a request that i loved making, (especially the texting part.) requests are packed! theres so many more so i won't be checking inboxes till i'm finished with the majority of them! to whomever requested, i hope you like this!
can I request another soft!jenna x r?? I know your requests are closed, and you can do this anytime if your free. I can wait.
Where r's phone is acting up but doesn't want to buy a new phone cause r is broke, jenna sees r struggle with the lag and buys r a new phone
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(shes so cute)
Jenna always thought you were too thoughtful and selfless, you always thought of others before yourself, you gave love to every person you possibly could before you could even love yourself.
You gifted Jenna the new black noise canceling headphones for Christmas, you loved music as much as she did. But even with your immense love, you still managed to have wired earphones, though they were tangled almost everyday. 
There was a day the brunette noticed the way your phone had been acting up. She won’t mention how you dropped it in the bathtub while trying to give your cat a bath, and she’ll leave out how it somehow didn’t crack the numerous times you dropped it on the table or carpet. But whenever she texted you, you’d take longer to respond, apologizing endlessly.
“goodmorning my love! my phone was glitching again, it keeps bringing me back to this stupid dancing vegetable i put on for nephew cash last week. It took me a while to finally get back to messages! i'm sorry:((.”
“oh my god it did it again, now it’s a piece of radish dancing”
Sometimes you’d respond halfway and then stop there too cause your phone would crash
"y/nnnn, baby, i used the damn salt for our cookies instead of sugar and i put so much and i wanted to make a pickup line for you. i was literally pretending you were there and said "you're as sweet as a cookie" and i bit into it and it tasted so salty and i coughed so much"
“HAHA oh my gosh your like the silliest person i know, you literally remind me of-”"
10 minutes later
“it did it again, it kept bringing me to different tabs so i had to get back in here. baby i can’t even talk to you properly anymore, i think we should-”
25 minutes later
"jenna? are you there?"
"i amm here"
"baby 😭"
She did talk to you about getting a phone, she knew that you wanted to spend your money on others until yourself. You saved a little portion for yourself, so your portion made you a little broke. But you insisted that if it still worked and was helping the way it was supposed to, it would be okay.
It was funny to her, she would try charging both your phones before you snuggled to sleep together, but she always struggled on charging your phone because it wouldn’t charge.
You could hear her grunting as she cursed under her breath, “You have to use the first charging port and twist it at an 80 degree angle to the right, the phone has to be facing up.”
As it finally charged, she made a small sigh and smiled as she looked at you, softly saying, “You’re always too thoughtful Y/N, there’ll be one day where life will give it all back to you.”
You nuzzled into her chest, “As long as I can make others happy, that’s all I need to make myself happy,” you said drowsily as you rested on her chest. She kissed your forehead as you dozed off, cradling you to sleep.
The next day, Jenna got up so early and unattached herself from your grasp, making you make a small noise as you subconsciously looked for her embrace.
The bed creaked as you made a small murmur, looking up at Jenna barely awake.
You yawned, really sleepy, “Where are you going??” You said sadly, a little tired pout forming.
You sounded so drowsy as Jenna giggled, kissing your temple, “I need to pick up some strawberries, we need some pancakes for our breakfast and some other goodies sunshine. It’ll be packed in the afternoon, it’ll be quick, I promise.”
You made a sad noise, your hands reaching up for her and scrunching her arms as she hugged you, taking her giant stuffed animal and letting you hold it.
Soon enough from her scent on the stuffy, you were asleep, snuggling it.
Jenna changed into a sweater, jeans, and wore her headphones you gave her as she was off.
She was going to buy you that phone, no matter what you said.
Her footsteps crunched against the leaves as she listened to her music, getting a new idea as a proud smile sneaked on her lips.
She entered the electronic store, buying you the latest white phone that she had as well. She also went to the head gear section and bought you Sony headphones, a white one that would look so pretty on you. Her fingers signed the signature as she payed with her card, buying you guys two matching phone cases with two black cats on them.
Two hours later she came home, opening your bedroom door as she walked in.
“Y/N, sunshine, I’m here,” she whispered as you made a small murmur again, opening your eyes.
A small grin appears on her face as she shows you the new phone and headphones as you stare.
You were so tired you stared at it in disbelief and confusion.
Then you looked at her, your eyes teary as you pouted, “Baby.. Why? You didn’t have to-”
“You deserve it, you always think about me and all your friends hardly before yourself. And you deserve the world. I want you to be able to use your phone and those headphones. I like seeing you happy.”
Your pout turned into a wide smile as you pulled her collar to your level and hugged her tightly.
“Thank you. You really didn’t have to do that for me," you said, your voice happy as you nuzzle into her, not wanting to let go.
“I love you.”
Jenna smiles, her soft lips pressing to your temple, "I love you too."
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rninies · 4 months
a song for you ⟡ veritas ratio
synopsis veritas creating a playlist for you to show his love :3
warnings fluff, gn!reader, modern!au
NOTES back with another veritas fic teehee
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veritas ratio is not a big talker.
he prefers to stay quiet while you do the talking for him. there are times when he does say things out loud to give you his opinions on things, but other than that, he will mostly stay quiet.
you were used to it, and in a good way. you like having someone listen to you rather than having them talk back to you because it just feels... awkward when you don't have anything else to say to them.
veritas was an excellent listener, always nodding to you whenever you speak and his eyes are always trained on you so you know that he's genuinely listening to whatever you're saying.
today was no different. you told veritas about how your day went, and he will occasionally hum or reply a short answer when you asked him a question.
you eventually got busy with playing games on your phone, getting a bit too immersed into the game to not see veritas walking towards you.
"love, i made a playlist for you, come sit and listen." veritas says, and motions you to come follow him.
"wait, what?" you almost dropped your phone on the couch when he said that. a playlist? just for you? when did he make it?
loads of questions started to rise in your head, but you didn't ask and he didn't seem like he wanted to answer any of your questions, so you followed him to the bedroom, where he hands you one piece of the earphone he had just connected to his phone.
he opened the playlist and you caught a glimpse of the title, which was "to my beloved" and honestly? it made you blush a little.
the first song starts to play and you almost laughed out loud. it was the very first song you guys started to like in one of your car rides. it was a pretty old song, but it holds a special place in your heart, as it carries the memories of that fun car ride with veritas.
"you remembered this song?" you asked, giving him a soft smile.
"mm, yeah," veritas replies quietly. "how could i forget it?"
the next few songs that played were mostly songs that reminded him of you, and they hold really cute meanings too behind the songs that it almost made you start crying.
because when has anyone ever made a playlist about you and dedicated to you? when has anyone ever used their free time to create something like this for you?
"when... when did you make this?" you asked, taking the earbud off as you faced him with teary eyes. "you're really busy with practice, no? when did you take the time to make this whole thing?"
"at night, when you're asleep," veritas replies. "you know i have trouble sleeping sometimes, right? i... used that time before sleeping to make this. it took me a few days to find out if these songs were-" you hugged him, immediately stopping him from saying anything else.
"thank you for making this, veritas!" you mumbled, face hiding into the crook of veritas's neck. he sighs happily and wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"mhm, you're welcome," he replies. "i love you, you know that, right?"
"yeah, i do. i love you more, veritas." you replied, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, to which his face turns a light shade of red.
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These calls accompany Victor’s High School SSR “Carefree Years,” but don’t contain any spoilers from the story itself~ ❤️
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
Victor: The playlist a certain someone just shared with me seems to be a bit different from her usual taste. 
Victor: “Melodies that accompanied us through those years of youth” ... 
Victor: What’s gotten you so nostalgic suddenly? 
MC: Haha, I stumbled upon this through random notifications and found it quite fascinating~ 
MC: So, speaking of which, what kind of stuff would you usually have playing on your earphones back when you were at school? It wouldn’t be all English listening exercises, right? 
Victor: Set your wild thoughts aside, and yes, of course, I would also listen to music sometimes. 
Victor: But there were also times when I would have nothing playing at all. 
MC: You mean like simply leaving them in your ears? 
Victor: Yeah. Seeing you with your earphones on, some of the individuals who are tactful enough won’t come forward to initiate a conversation again. 
Victor: Doing this is convenient to save yourself from a lot of unnecessary hassles. 
MC: Turns out, it can also be used as a shielding device! What a cool way to pull a “switcheroo”! Speaking of which, I’ve had similar experiences too. 
MC: Victor, do you know what other things an electronic dictionary can be handy for besides looking up words? 
Victor: Importing e-books in .txt format. 
MC: Ah, so, you did this too! 
Victor: Nope. I caught people in the act. 
MC: You wouldn’t be... 
Victor: Mm-hmm. I was in charge of inspecting such rule-breaching activities back then. 
MC: ...humph, I have nothing more to discuss with someone who used to be an inspector. 
MC: But out of curiosity, what would happen if I were to be caught red-handed by you? 
Victor: I would most likely rap on your desk, signaling for you to step outside with me. 
Victor: And then, I would confiscate the electronic dictionary and hand you a registration form. 
Victor: [putting on a voice but doesn’t sound strict at all, subconsciously reminding himself she is my girlfriend and I’d get hell later LMAO] “Classmate, write your name here, and remember not to get caught by me again.” 
MC: That strict? What if I plead with the Discipline Inspector for leniency~ 
MC: [you’re supposed to put on a cute voice here haha] “I bought this with the pocket money I saved for a long time! Please, inspector classmate, let me off the hook, pretty please, sob sob sob~” 
Victor: Based solely on your tone over the phone call, I can’t feel much sincerity or remorse. 
Victor: I’ll be home shortly, and I’m looking forward to your in-person demonstration. 
Victor: Then, I’ll carefully mull it over whether to let you off the hook, or not. 
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Victor: MC, your package just arrived, and it had some damage to the box when it was delivered. So, I went ahead and unpacked it for you. 
Victor: But why did you buy a whole box of steam eye masks and eye patches? 
MC: Well, the seller happened to be running a promotion, and I couldn’t resist the temptation... 
Victor: Mm-hmm, you do get tempted very easily. 
Victor: If not for that, we wouldn’t have a stockpile of “buy three, get one free” laundry detergent at home, nor would we have those Hawaiian-themed bath towels as “freebies for signing up.” 
Victor: Let’s make it clear beforehand, don’t pull me into “using them up” together when the time comes. 
MC: Victor, don’t be so heartless. I’ve put a lot of thought into selecting these items this time. 
MC: You may not be aware, but steam eye masks come in many different scents nowadays. 
Victor: Chamomile, rose, eucalyptus... I can understand how these floral scents might work, but coffee aroma? Are you sure it can help with sleep? 
MC: Oh no, that one’s for keeping you energized! I hadn’t heard of this one before, so I decided to purchase it and give it a try~ 
MC: They claim its effectiveness is on par with the eye exercises we used to do in our student days; it not only provides eye protection but also refreshes and sharpens the mind. 
Victor: In that case, why don’t you consider resuming the eye exercises twice a day from now on? Who knows, it might yield even better results. 
MC: In the world of adults, it’s very challenging to squeeze out time for exercise. 
Victor: I’m not entirely convinced of that. 
Victor: If you utilize all this time you spend shopping impulsively on online sites, it will be sufficient. 
MC: Humph, when I get home tonight, I’m gonna make you join me for an eye mask evaluating session! 
Victor: I’m afraid my eyes won’t be able to handle such a heavy responsibility. 
MC: Well, even though a certain someone says that, in the end, he will still cooperate with me~ 
MC: When the time comes, I will have the aromatherapy and candles prepared, and we’ll start with the eyepatches to kickstart the relaxation process. 
MC: After that, we’ll apply the eye masks for a complete relaxation session. 
Victor: ...couldn’t we perhaps spend this time better participating in some outdoor activities, something that genuinely focuses on eye health and relaxation? 
Victor: Instead of relying on flashy remedies, it’s more effective to go out and do some physical activities. 
MC: Hehe, have you realized that we have already mapped out a perfect weekend itinerary? 
MC: Why don’t we just go to that camping site we’ve been wanting to go fishing for a long time! Hold on, I’ll call to make a reservation shortly. 
Victor: It seems like a certain someone had this all planned out in advance, am I right? 
MC: It’s all thanks to CEO Victor’s guidance that this small idea was implemented in reality so efficiently~ 
Victor: I think I’d prefer to experience your “efficiency” in other aspects. 
Victor: Why don’t you start by making a checklist of the camping essentials we’ll need? 
Victor: And after you’re off work, try to get back home a bit earlier. I’ll have the aromatherapy and candles prepared in advance to create a cozy work-friendly atmosphere for a certain someone. 
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songbirdseung · 8 months
synopsis: the enhypen members making playlists for you.
Off My Face - Justin Bieber
Adore You - Harry Styles
Free Love - HONNE
Hold Me Tight - Loco, Crush
Die For You - The Weeknd
As Heeseung prepares for his upcoming tour, there's a mix of excitement and bittersweet anticipation in the air. Knowing that he'll be away for a while, he decides to leave you with something special – a playlist of songs he's curated just for you.
On a quiet evening, Heeseung invites you to sit with him, a warm smile on his face. The room is filled with the soft strumming of a guitar from one of his favorite tracks. "I made something for you, YN."
He hands you a beautifully decorated envelope. As you open it, a handwritten note greets you, expressing his feelings and the significance of each song on the playlist. "What's this?"
"A playlist. I thought it could be something for you to listen to while I'm on tour. Each song means something to me, to us."
He takes out his phone and hands it to you, the playlist ready to play. As the first song begins, you realize it's a mix of tracks that capture different moments of your relationship, from the lighthearted to the more intimate.
You share a smile, the memories flooding back as the playlist progresses. Heeseung's eyes never leave yours as the music becomes a soundtrack to your time together.
As the last song plays, Heeseung gently takes the phone from you and places it on the table. He then reaches for your hand, his gaze filled with sincerity.
"I'll miss you, YN. But no matter where I am, these songs will remind me of you, and I hope they do the same for you."
JAY 박종성 ~
About Us Part.1 - Jason Ray
Because Of You - Neyo
Heaven - Pink Sweats
Isn't She Lovely - Stevie Wonder
R U Mine? - Artic Monkeys
The soft glow from Jay's phone illuminates the otherwise dim room as he sits on the edge of the bed, earphones plugged in, immersed in his own world. Unbeknownst to him, you stir in your sleep, vaguely aware of the soft melodies playing in the background.
Curiosity gets the best of you, and you crack open an eye, catching Jay with his phone in hand and a determined look on his face. As you listen more closely, you realize he's creating a playlist, his fingers dancing across the screen with a practiced ease.
"Jay, what are you doing?" Jay startles, turning to you with wide eyes, guilty as charged.
"Oh, hey. Sorry, did I wake you?" You sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and look at him with a mix of amusement and confusion. "What's going on? It's 2 am."
Jay grins, his cheeks slightly flushed. "I couldn't sleep, and I was feeling a bit… lovesick, I guess. So, I thought I'd make a playlist for you." You can't help but smile at his honesty and the unexpected sweetness of the gesture.
"A playlist at 2 in the morning? Really?" "Well, you know, inspiration strikes at the oddest hours. And you were sleeping so peacefully; I didn't want to disturb you." As you listen to the playlist he's crafting, you realize it's a compilation of songs that hold special meaning for both of you. It's evident that Jay is pouring his heart into this late-night project, choosing each track with care.
"You're such a hopeless romantic, Jay." Jay chuckles, running a hand through his hair. "Guilty as charged. But hey, I wanted it to be a surprise."
JAKE 심재윤 ~
Intentions - Justin Bieber
Angel Baby - Troye SIvan
Love Me Like That - Sam Kim
Double Take - Dhruv
Sunflower - Post Malone
The air is filled with a mix of anticipation and nerves as Jake arrives at your house for what seems like a regular friend hangout. Unknown to you, he's been contemplating a confession, and today he's decided to take that leap.
You greet Jake at the door, oblivious to the internal turmoil he's experiencing. The atmosphere is casual as you settle in the living room, discussing movies, music, and the latest happenings in your lives.
As the conversation flows, Jake clears his throat, a subtle hint of nervousness betraying his usual composed demeanor. "Hey, there's something I wanted to show you."
He reaches into his bag and pulls out a small envelope. You raise an eyebrow, curious about the mysterious contents. "What's this?"
"Just something I put together. It's kind of like a playlist, but, well, different." Jake takes a deep breath, his gaze meeting yours with a newfound intensity. "I wanted to show you, not just tell you, how much you mean to me."
There's a pause, the weight of the confession hanging in the air. You look at Jake, the realization sinking in, and a warm smile spreads across your face. "Jake, I appreciate your honesty. I… feel the same way." Relief washes over Jake, and he can't help but return your smile. "Really?"
You nod, and the tension in the room lifts as a new understanding settles between you.
8 Letters - Why Don't We
Like I Need U - Keshi
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - Ella Fitzgerald
다시 사랑한다면 - Do Won Kyeong
Spring Day - BTS
He can't shake the unsettling feeling that the relationship between him and you have hit a rough patch. The thought of a potential breakup weighs heavy on his mind, prompting him to express his feelings through the medium of music.
Meanwhile, you find yourself cleaning the room, hoping to bring a sense of order to the emotional chaos that seems to have permeated the space. As you move around, you notice Sunghoon's laptop open on the desk, the playlist title catching your eye – "Unsaid Words."
Intrigued, you click on it and are greeted by a collection of songs that span a range of emotions. The lyrics seem to reflect the unspoken tensions that have been building between you and Sunghoon. Each song tells a story of love, loss, and the fear of things slipping away.
Sunghoon enters the room, a slightly startled expression crossing his face as he realizes you've found the playlist. "Oh, you weren't supposed to see that." You turn to him, the weight of the moment palpable in the air. "What's this, Sunghoon?"
Sunghoon takes a deep breath, his eyes searching yours. "It's just… I've been feeling like we're drifting apart, and I didn't know how to say it. So, I made this playlist to express what I've been feeling."
Your heart sinks as you listen to his words, the gravity of the situation becoming clearer. You sit down, and Sunghoon joins you, the playlist serving as an emotional backdrop to the difficult conversation ahead.
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kittykittyanon · 6 months
if i knew you irl (please just delete this if it makes you uncomfy 😣)
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We would go to cat cafes
I like cats, you like cats. It makes sense
But also the cat cafe is a bookstore bc I go to this bookstore cafe with this cute lil cat named Cedric but that's all the way in NC (not where I live)
So we would pick out a book to read together, something silly that would make us laugh
And we would have lots of sweet treats and hot chocolates while we read the book out loud in silly voices
We would also be snuggling with the cute cats, two teenage girls giggling in the corner if a cafe over a cheesy romance book
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imagining we both live in a city, we would go on walks all the time tbh
Holding hands/p (if ur cool with that) to make sure we don't get lost and giggling about stuff that's happened to us recently
also looking around at the pretty landscapes all the trees and buildings and just being in awe of the world around us
Bonus points if we are looking at christmas decorations
BONUS BONUS points if we play this game; we take turns spotting people and giving then life stories. Like we just come up with what they are doing, how they are feeling.
Also we have some sort if hot chocolate or lemonade or some sort of drink that matches rhe vibes of our walks
I imagine these walks are sort of weekly. We don't walk far just a little bit to catch up with each other
UAJAVSJAVKAVSBDJOSVSOSVSIOSVDODVIDBDODVDIDVEIE OMIGOSHHHH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!! (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) AMORIA AMI AMIMI!! HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU /P OMIGOSH AMORIA OMIGOSH. 💥💥💥💥💥💥 ((side note: i love it when you ambush me with silly asks like this,, i like the reminder you think of me :3 and i think of you too!!!))
more hcs under the cut!! <33
first of all, Yes. to everything on this list.
i walk like an absolute DRUNKARD,, and i mean when i get comfortable i never walk straight and i'm always walking in a sort of zigzag pattern,,, i feel like you'd laugh at how silly i walk and then i'd start laughing cause you're laughing and in the end we'd both be cackling and stumbling down the pavement together (≧▽≦)
OMIGOSH I LOVE HANDHOLDING!!! or just any sort of physical affection (as long as you're comfortable with it) !!! when i get comfy with someone,, it's very common for me to sort of. drape myself over them (*ノ∀`*)
if you're comfy with it and you want to,, i feel like we'd scoot our chairs as close as possible and be having our shoulders touching with a cat chilling across our laps,, us holding a book and trying to laugh as quietly as possible in the back of the cafe.
we'd share earphones/earbuds!! 100% we'd do the little thingy where i put one in my ear and you put one in yours and we'd have a mix of both our favorite playlists on low volume while we walk,, kinda like background music!! low enough for us to hear eachother but high enough to be audible.
i'm actually a rollerblader!! ...not a very good one, but a rollerblader nonetheless!! i'd definitely take you skating in our free time when we have energy for it, and i'd throw protective gear at you 'cause i'm scared of us falling LMAO
... yeah, no — we'd end up falling anyway LSNOABSOSVSISKECSHSJSHHSHSH
but we'd be laughing the whole time anyway so it's okay (*ノ∀`*)
during sleepovers, i'd bring a big stash of snacks and candy carefully picked out to your taste and mine, we'd watch coraline or any other movies!!
and then late at night, when it's time to sleep,, i'd give you my plushies so we could go to bed holding soft objects :3
if you stayed up i'd randomly wake up at like 3:45 am to spout the randomest shit only to fall right back asleep a few minutes later.
"did... *hiccup, giggle* did you know that whale sharks are filter feeders... an'... an' they eat plankton..." "... 😰"
i have curly hair so i sleep in bonnets and spend a lot of time in the mirror scrunching in gel and fixing my hair, i feel like you'd sit on the bed on your phone or something as i do it and we'd talk about whatever, breaking into snickers and giggles several times cause we're sprinkling in jokes to make eachother laugh.
assuming we don't go to the same school cause of the weekly walks to catch up with eachother,, i'd probably surprise you in the morning by knocking on your door with a big grin and your favorite snack, ready to walk you to school if i had a day off when you didn't. (if you're chill with it of course!!)
overall, you'd be a friend i cherish dearly. (and you are!!) (๑˘︶˘๑)
i'm a very big gift-giver but a very big broke dummy so you'd get attempted intricate paper flowers and handwritten letters, handfuls of stickers and little trinkets that made me think of you!!
i'd draw a chibi version of you and me doing silly activities together and put them with the rest of my gifts to you,, i'd also maybe draw a leo or two with a chad face and hide it somewhere in one of them HEHEHEE
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xoxorecherche · 20 days
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Pairing: ASMR BJ x female bodied!reader | Single mother Reader
Content warning: masturbation, swearing, graphic sexual description, a bit filthy (stuffing back the ¢um), fantasies about a stranger, the reader is a single mother but no mentions of it. (if anything more, let me know <3 )
Summary: Just some self time with the help of a BJ that you found recently. 
Note: the narrator’s line is given in bold and italics. Short af. Read slowly. Feel free to choose your outfit(comfy clothes tho, the one we wear at home). Evening. I lost my touch with writing the content warning, summary and note, so please bear with me guys. English is not my first language (feel free to correct). I'm new here (aka sorry if the story writing is sh!t.).
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Today was no different from my normal day. I thought I was not gonna get all hot and bothered like this at all. Going on with my day as usual when suddenly a smut I read a while back pops up in my mind. A pervy one indeed it was. Oh my. A blush crept onto my cheeks making me smile at the thought. Making me feel something. Reminds me of him. 
Well sometimes things are best when it comes to us by surprise isn't it? It wasn't a bad day to watch him so I did. Browsing through his old videos I saw an exceptionally good title. Something about praise kink.
His voice was lewd. Wet. Soft. Oh God.  The way he walked me to the moment I've been waiting for. The way words left his lips. The way he purred out the praise as if I'm right in front of him. The way he makes me feel so so desperate for him. I'm always a good girl listening to him. So concentrated at his voice, his tone, his words. Wishing for him to just fuck me like he did with his voice every single time. 
Listening to him like this, I know I'm a bit perverted but it's not harming anyone is it? Then why stop?
Usually it's not this much intense but why does it feel like this is perfect?
I tried to keep my head from falling back even though all I did was just watch him. The sweet things he whispered. Oh as if he's just saying all those things only for my ears to hear. Usually the thought of him just doing it for himself stuck at the back of my head, I knew the things he says are all just scripts. But today, it was different. I was a bit selfish for myself. Even if it isn't actually that. That selfishness is growing into an ache. Nothing too different at first. I sat up straight, pulling off my panties, letting it pool on my ankles. A pillow supporting me as I sat my back against the wall. My phone in my hand. I didn't let my hand wander. Just wanted to get to the spot.  
His praise always gets me weak. Just enough for me to whine inside and let it out as a sigh. The moment I started, a kind of itch felt through my walls. Like it wanted to be gently used. The spot just ached for more when my fingers hit it ever so lightly. Oh fuck. It was as if, it was literally hungry and growling for a gentle fuck. I wanted it to hit deep deep inside. Even with my fingers I wanted to reach the spot I couldn't reach. And when I did so I felt my fist lightly stretching out the lips. Almost as if I wanted to swallow his dick. Taking it all in me.  Squeezing every inch of it. Fuck. 
Not a single moan left my lips. So concentrated that the moment felt so self pleasuring. As if the video I was watching didn't matter to me. The words still rang through the earphones. Oh those sweet words. Slowly it faded into the back of my head. Drowning in those sweet sweet words of his. Not even able to acknowledge the fact that it was indeed making me hold my breath. My head fell back, losing control over holding it up to watch him. Placing the phone down on my bed. All of my body, squirming as I became breathless. It's as if I'm restricting the moans and if I do moan the built-up will be for nothing. Just my whole body working on this one thing. I held my breath, a hard sigh left my lips. I felt the cum coat my fingers. Oozing out.
Why stop now? I shamelessly stuffed back the cum, fucking myself into obliviation. Why stop it there? Just so achingly slow about fucking myself. As if I'm relieving the ache in me ever so tenderly. And something about the way my fingers rub through those coated walls made me cum again in pure bliss. And even if I use words to exaggerate my feelings, this time pure bliss was all I could actually feel. It's like after each of those orgasms, I felt a push back, feeling all out of breath.
Looking down at my phone I realised the video has ended already. 
It's a bit funny, how we both are strangers. Depending on each other for such different reasons. Living in our own secrets. I don't know about him at all. What his name is. What he does. Where he's from. Same as him not knowing anything about this secret admirer.  Right? 
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Credits: Dividers by @saradika-graphics @saradika
Note: If I'm using any of your works, and if I have not credited you or if you want me to remove it, please DM me. Do not copy or distribute my work without consent and if you are doing so please check with me and give credit for the work. But you can reblog them.
xoxo, cherchére <3
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electricsun85 · 1 year
“Ichiro’s been unwell, that’s all they need to know” she grinned, her eyes flickered up at him, happy she’s the secret accomplice he hoped her to be.
“Then I’m not going tomorrow” he said jokingly and let out a sniffle just to see her reaction.
Amused, Stella wasn’t buying it, slowly she poked her finger into his left rib and teased: “Ha? A fever? A stuffy nose? Is it contagious? Then stay at home Lycheee stop spreading your germs all over the place.”
She proceeded to wipe her hands on his shoulder playfully in disgust.
“Then, why are you here?” he asked her without hesitation. Stella bent forward, hugging her schoolbag close to her chest and looked like she was about to tell him something important.
“Are you sure they won’t find us here?” she asked him unexpectedly which caught Ichiro off-guard.
“Why? Scared you’ll get in trouble?” teased Ichiro aware how it must be rather odd to others that a role model student like Stella is still hanging out with someone like him.
Looking slightly puzzled, Stella paused for thought before putting her earphones back on and sighed.
“You really think they’d come looking for me?” her voice trailed in the breeze as her expression grew more serious.
Before he could answer, she shook her head nonchalantly and clenched her teeth, “Not a chance.”
And he knows this was no longer about school.
“What do you mean?”  
Ignoring him, she took a glance at her phone before switching it off. “But you know what? Maybe it’s better this way…”
As much she tried to keep her feelings under wraps but the quiver in her voice gave it away.
“Do they even know where you are? Have they called?” asked Ichiro who saw right through her whole act of defiance. It made him wonder if she headed straight to their hideout without even going home first.
Her eyes dug deeply into Ichiro, hinting at him to take his best guess.
Ichiro felt he needed to say something but Stella abruptly cuts in, “But its no big deal now I’m in Ichiro’s world.”
She chuckled, fluttering her fingers like they’re in for some ‘magical adventure’ together. Real Magical.
But he was no fool. To his credit, Ichiro has always been very good at picking out the cues, that’s how well he knows her – like the back of his hand.
But Stella knows her way around. She feels she’s good at covering her tracks and nobody could tell how deep these waters run from the surface – not even Ichiro.
“This girl…” muttered Ichiro, wondering why was she being so evasive despite how long they knew each other. It didn’t make any sense.
From this viewpoint, they would spend their time after school together – a rare refuge from the mundane affairs adults kept themselves preoccupied with.
They were inseparable, their rapport rock-solid and it was too easy to think they were in some kind of special affair. But that’s ridiculous! They’d laugh it off at the slightest suggestion!
Their relationship was no secret, it flows mutually with no loose ends and runs free like a calm, lazy stream. It was expected – even ordinary.
Taking aim, Stella pointed her finger-gun at the sentry at sea, narrowed her eyes and lets one fly.
“Pew…pew…” she bared her teeth and ‘pulled the trigger’ at the target – like she looked real-cool.
Seeing her reminded Ichiro of something and he really needed to know. As soon she noticed him, Ichiro asked: “Have you seen anything on your way here? Like something weird?”
Stella gave him a focused stare and blinked hard but it seemed the question flew over her head.
“Hmm? Like what? You mean Jase? He’s probably on his way and…” was her reply much to Ichiro’s disappointment.
“That’s not what I…”
“Yeah. You mean the shooting star? Pretty rad huh?” sneered a male voice which caught Stella completely by surprise.
Appearing behind, a young man in his early twenties, piercing eyes, dark red wavy hair, emerged from the shadows with a wide grin on his face.
“Betcha enjoyed the view all the way up here. Must’ve been quite the show,” said Jase and Ichiro’s face brightened up.
“Very funny, Jase,” muttered Stella who didn’t appreciated being jumped on like that. She was reaching for the nearest anything she could find – twig or dirt to throw in his hair when Ichiro got in the way.
The sight of Ichiro walking towards Jase made her smolder in silent fury.
Down to his last stick of cigarette, Jase puffed away, enjoying the peace and quiet after another punishing day at work.
“You know? It’s not always in your head,” he chuckled at Ichiro before shoving a plastic bag at his face. 
“Thanks?” grumbled Ichiro after realizing it was filled with meal bags for two wrapped neatly in brown paper.
He didn’t feel hungry but Jase was always bringing them dinner from that deli where he worked, so it would be a bad idea to turn it down.  
“What are you looking at? Eat up. We don’t have all day,” replied Jase curtly, putting out his St Regis cigarette and flicked it into the wind.
“But WE have all night,” Ichiro beamed with sarcasm as Stella peeked curiously into the plastic bag he was holding.
Jase snorted in reply and pretended he didn’t hear that. It’s not to anyone’s surprise Ichiro prefers hanging out with the crew for jamming sessions until very late.
Anywhere was better than having to deal with annoying calls back home the very next morning, plus he could go straight to school.
“Look. I can get you home by tomorrow morning but I won’t make it out there in one piece,” complained Jase flatly with his arms folded across his chest.  
“Don’t tell me this is about Ichiro’s dad again,” groaned Stella but it was entertaining to see Jase become so unsettled.   
“Coward” muttered Ichiro under his breath as he sank his face in his hands when he realized everything was not going according to plan.
“Besides, I’ve got enough problems, Ichiro. And I’m not getting into another argument with that dirtbag,” he told Ichiro with a stern face.
“It’s Mr. Masato isn’t it?” asked Stella and Jase threw his arms in the air and started cussing almost instantly. 
Stella lets out a satisfied chuckle, unfazed by Jase’s angry glares.  
Almost breathless with anger, Jase stood up to protest and started wagging his finger at Ichiro and Stella, “You know? I didn’t start this...”
Jase can vent all he wants but he wasn’t entirely blameless for this protracted cold war with that old man.
Slowly rubbing his forehead, Jase took a step back to give himself some space to think but he wasn’t quite done yet, “Shiro. Is your dad still involved with BOA Institute?”
He went straight there, thought Ichiro. Even if these two are never on the same page but somehow Jase just wouldn’t shut-up about his father’s work.
Ichiro’s father, Masato Mizota had an interesting past career with BOA, the lead research agency behind the acclaimed ‘CORD fusion’ which can be simply referred to technology of unknown origin. He was the founder and Chief Executive in charge of secret projects, overseeing all underground ops, the works. 
All to which a bored Ichiro replied: “So what?”. It has been such a long time since his father was in the loop after the day the board decided his advice was no longer needed.
Jase was rooted on the spot in disbelief at how casual Ichiro sounded despite the decades of work was put into CORD.
It’s nothing special, insists Ichiro. While he may appear indifferent but he was adamant the whole fascination with fusion technology was a bad idea.
It was his father who raised such concerns until he got…
“Don’t be ridiculous,” began Jase, “I bet the place is crawling with insiders feeding him all the intel.”
“Yeah, what do you wanna know?” concedes Ichiro, knowing Jase only wanted answers so he can stay ahead of the debate. It’s as if Jase and Masato have their fates intertwined in this never-ending peeing contest on whether it was safe or not to meddle on such ‘breakthrough’ technology.      
“Just what kind of research are they running in there?” Jase asked with a hand on his hip as he gave Ichiro a more focused glare. 
Is this an interrogation? Ichiro looked at Jase silently as he pressed a twig on the ground until it snapped, “Well CORD microchips were supposed to be experimental but…”
“But what?” asked Jase, tapping his foot impatiently as if nothing else mattered.   
Lifting his head, Ichiro shrugged, his whole face and body devoid of any genuine concern. “What if I tell you UNV mechs are getting upgrades? with CORD.”
It was not until his father’s dismissal BOA’s Ochre Board greenlights the plan to have new variants of UNV mechs fitted with the novel microchips. And these ‘revolutionary’ microprocessors are written with decrypted codes from the Soluu artefacts, Masato’s life work.  
“You know what? They’ve already hit the assembly line,” said Ichiro much to Jase’s amazement, “They say it’s going to change the world.”
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shadowofahope · 2 years
How Far
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Warnings: mentions of a cheating spouse
Pairing: JHope!Idolxreader
Premise: No matter how far or how much time has past memories still follow you.
Word count: 975
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Maybe this may have been because of heartbreak, maybe it was about time you discovered yourself again. Whatever it was that lead you to using your couples package refund to book a round-trip flight to Korea, you should be thankful for. 
Should you be thankful for finding out your longterm boyfriend was cheating on you? That because of his sloppiness you found out before your planned trip to Mexico, one you had talked about getting engaged while there. You guess it was better knowing now then later. But it still stung nonetheless. 
The question really was: would you have said yes? Was he someone you’d want to spend the rest of your life with?
Probably not. That’s why it didn’t hurt as much as you knew it should have. 
Boarding the plane, you stow away your carry-on in its designated space, buckling your seat as you made yourself comfortable. Earphones in, music set to a special playlist you had made while sitting at your gate, trying to calm your thunderous heart.
The old crumpled photo your parents took over a decade ago lingering in your sweater pocket. It being one of the reasons you chose your new destination. One summer family trip that never really left you. Someone who never left you.
Remembering the boy who’s smile caught your eye. One you never forgot. Wondering now what he was doing, what he was up to in his life. Was he happily married with kids? Did his dreams to dance come true? The language barrier making it harder to really get to know him, but still that summer you had spent every free moment with each other; whether it be you reading and him play games. You keeping him company as he studied. Watching him dance at a youth centre. Playing games at the local arcade. Only using nicknames with each other as a fun little inside summer joke between you. Life felt so easy with the cute boy leading you around on fun day trips. You had promised to write to each other but life has a way of getting away from you. 
The memories now shrouded in a haze, along with his face now a blur. His smile still as radiant as ever, but his features began to slowly fade over time. The question always remained; why in times like these did his memory always resurface. Was a first love failing by impossibility call for a constant reminder when each relationship crumbled? When each one broken worse by the last, yet not hurting as much as it should. You guessed never getting over your first made it really hard to fully accept the others. No matter how you tried to convince yourself you had forgotten, you never really had. 
The presence of a figure sits beside you. You don’t bother removing your gaze from a cloudy spec on the window. Allowing yourself to be absorbed into a silent calm in your mind as they also got comfortable for the flight. 
Your music is cut by the vibrations of your phone, glancing down to it sitting in your lap. The number memorized even if the contact itself was erased. 
You let yourself answer, hopefully for the last time. Allowing your airpods to connect.
“Hello.” You sigh, chin resting on your hand as you leant towards the window. 
“Y/N! Thank god you answered. Please just hear me out, I’m begging you. I’m sor-.” Your ex boyfriends voice rings in your ears.
“Stop.” You cut him off, hand fumbling to your pocket to pull out the photo. “I’ve heard all the voicemails you left me, I’ve read every text. I know.” 
Your gaze shifts to the boy in the vanishing moment of time. Your fingers run over his figure, giving you a sense of reassurance. 
“I know.” You breathe deeply. 
“It’s not ok what you did, but I’m ok with us ending. I’m ok with you wanting to be with her, I’m ok with walking away from you. I just-” What exactly did you want….you weren’t even sure. “I just wish you had told me before I found out like that.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you…”
“You didn’t mean a lot of things. I was shocked yes, but more hurt you wouldn’t communicate that something was wrong with us. Regardless, I’m ok now.” A soft smile plays on your lips as you study each crease of the photo, the outline of the boy next to you, the ice creams in hand and the smile on your face. “We can say goodbye and we’ll both be alright. Just be happy, ok?” 
A long pause before you hear a light sniffle on the other end. He may cry, but you won’t. Not now, not later. 
“You too, Y/N.” His voice breaks.
“Goodbye.” You hang up the call. 
“This is your fault you know.” You roll your eyes at the boy, giving a chuckle. “If only you hadn’t made me fall in love with you all those years ago, maybe I’d find a decent guy. No one wants to be second in someones heart.” 
The pilots announcements cut through the rest of the passengers, settling everyone down before the plane heads to the runway. 
“As long as I’m still first, Sunshine. Because you’ll always be first for me, no matter how far apart we are.” A voice comes from the person next to you. Stunned you turn to look them for the first time. A radiant smile beams at you, the same smile that lives in your memories. 
“Jay” A gasp escapes you.
“Hoseok.” He corrects, his smile almost becoming too bright to look at. You scan over his face, recognition fully hits you as an older version of the boy in the photo. 
Not only that, but a new wave of recognition hits you causing a joyful laugh to escape you. 
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shingia · 3 years
i’m not sure if you’ve gotten this request before (feel free to ignore if u have loll) but could i request how hq boys would help u when ur hungover.... cause i am big time rn LMAO please and thanks <33
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the way i ran to my drafts to start writing this omg 🏃🏻‍♀️ ngl it almost made me miss being hungover <\33 anyways- hope you’ll feel better v soon and are taking care of your poor hungover self 😽
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-> timeskip! kita, kuroo, tsukishima, suna, oikawa
-> warnings : mentions of alcohol (for obvious reasons), mentions of throwing up and mentions of food
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• this man knows how to handle a hangover better than anyone
• he’s a moderate drinker, but his grandmother’s books contain the cure to everything and he’s more than willing to make you benefit from his knowledge
• he will make you drink these three bottles of water, that bowl of tomato soup and that banana milkshake with a tablespoon of honey. dehydration ? he doesn’t know her
• but kita also knows how important it is to not stay in bed all day, so he’ll insist on having you spend at least thirty minutes outside in the fresh air, most probably in your backyard
• you can refuse, of course. but he’ll take away your cuddle privilege immediately, so~ your choice
• also expect a lot a few disapproving looks,,, because as much as he loves to pamper you, he can’t help but remember the dozens of times he told you you’d had enough to drink last night. obviously you didn’t listen
• i think would disapprovingly care : like- lecturing you under his breath as he sprays essential oils on your bedsheets or tests the temperature of the bath water before letting you in
• remember the cuddle privilege i talked about? yeah, that’s going to be your reward at the end of the day for not being stubborn and docilely following his instructions
• with freshly perfumed bedsheets and his natural body warmth, you’re likely to fall asleep in five second tops. but that doesn’t mean he’s going to leave you, quite the contrary. no, this man will continue to take care of you in your sleep
• and by that i mean belly rubs to make sure your nausea is gone when you wake up, or gentle head massages to make your migraine go away. he might even brush your hair so that you won’t wake up with knots
• he doesn’t even expect you to thank him, because « isn’t that what all husbands are supposed to do ? »
• he’s probably hungover too because he had to finish half of your drinks,,, yet it still wasn’t enough to prevent you from waking up with the biggest headache
• in other words : dimmed lights all day. he might not even open the blinds. and to be honest he likes these kind of vibes
• sure, it feels like your brains are about to explode, and every single part of your body is aching (eyelashes included), but it’s cozy and your minds are too fogged to worry about anything other than getting better- so it’s self care and self care only today
• it’s likely that none of you will feel like eating something, but kuroo’s an athlete : he knows better than to skip a meal, especially when you both feel so weak
• so he’ll sacrifice himself and make the grueling effort of leaving the bed to cook you a little something, nothing extravagant but still enough to reinvigorate the two of you
• and since you don’t have anything better to do, you guys decide to watch the videos you took during the party,,, and slowly come to the realization that you have very few memories of what happened
• « is that you dancing on that table ? » you ask him, pointing at the man who is just a second away from tripping on a napkin
• lifting his shorts, kuroo glances at the bruise on the upper part of his thigh : « ohh- well that explains a lot »
• chances are that, because of his built, kuroo will feel better before you. so the true pampering will come later in the evening
• he’s got vitamins, ibuprofens, blankets, and his arms ready for you. you’re in for the deepest sleep of your life
• « i told you so »™️
• you would wake up feeling like absolute crap and he would be eyeing you, standing next to the bed with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised : « how are we feeling ? », even though the answer is pretty obvious
• but he knows that sarcasm won’t get him anywhere so he tries to tone it down (try to)
• you might think he’s not going to do much, but as soon as you step out of the shower he forced you to take (even though you were exhausted), you realize that he did do much
• the clothes you wore last night are already in the washing machine, your new ones (most probably his) are neatly folded on your bed, waiting for you, and he’s cooking an anti-hungover meal that he looked up on the internet
• if he has to study while you’re getting some rest in the bedroom he will put reminders on his phone every 15mn to come and check on you
• and he never leaves the room without lifting the covers up to your shoulders to make sure you won’t get cold
• he also wets a towel and gives it to you to place over your eyes if they’re sore
• but as soon as he’s done studying, he joins you in bed with greatest pleasure. and it’s a good thing that tsukki loves comfortable silences, because neither of you feel like saying anything
• you’re just laying there, letting him keep track of time since you’re too busy enjoying being pampered that much
• blackmail material for YEARS (in addition to the videos and pictures he took of you during the party)
• he turns this into a vlog, you could be half-asleep on the couch and hear him talk to the camera from the kitchen like « so here i am making pasta for this lightweight who threw up all night... i’m still waiting for my boyfriend of the year’s award... »
• but really, he’s just being dramatic. deep down he loves to take care of you when you’re hungover because you get much clingier,,, so he allows himself to be clingier too
• as much as he loves to lay down on top of you, the roles are reversed this time. because being crushed by a 6’3 tall man while you’re hungover is probably not a very good idea
• but before these lazy cuddles, he wants to make sure you’re comfortable : so he’ll remove your makeup (if you wore any) and give you his clothes because he knows you like how oversize they are
• so yes, naps and water are definitely the keywords of the day, but tell him once that you crave one specific food and he’ll immediately go get it for you
• he’s also surprisingly careful with any possible headache, so he’ll keep his earphones on while scrolling on his phone to make sure you can rest in complete silence
• however, at some point he will hand you his phone and have you record a video for your future self. something along the lines of : « hi y/n, this is you from the past. i feel like absolute shit right now so please be more reasonable next time... and don’t let rin get more embarrassing pictures of us »
• and you can be sure that he’ll use this video as a threat next time you’re partying. he would just have to point at his phone from the other side of the room and you would understand what he means
• he’s not the person to call if you want to be talked out of partying ever again
• because not only does he spend the entire day praising you highly for the way you looked yesterday, but you also realize that he loves your drunk self (as long as he’s here to watch over you)
• he doesn’t mind you complaining because he’s had a few hangovers of his own,, so feel free to whine about your stomachache/headache all you want
• and if you throw up ? it’s ok, he’s got you. and he’s not leaving your side unless you ask him to
• literally, he spends the entire day babying you. you’re feeling too tired to brush your teeth ? no problem, he’ll have you sit on the edge of the bathtub and do it for you
• same goes for washing your hair or getting dressed : there’s nothing he’ll refuse
• if your head doesn’t hurt too much, he’ll offer to watch a stupid tv show in front of which you can fall asleep without missing anything important
• and he’ll make sure to get the right cuddle position right away because he knows you’ll probably fall asleep very quickly and he doesn’t want to wake you up by fidgeting under you
• also: expect many many scalp massages. and his hands are the softest so they feel absolutely divine
• i think oikawa knows a lot about hydration so he’ll probably make you drink something like sugary water to give you a little boost. and if you don’t trust this drink, he’ll try again with another one until you’re completely hydrated
• and as i said, he’s very supportive,, almost too much : « you finished your glass ! i’m proud of you baby! »
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taglist : @toworuu @catwithangerissues @miyumiya @livy384 @k0u-minamo2 @fullsundear @hsjvwq @kelsuuki @hiraeth-z @velvetvirgos @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner @47meow @japanesevenom @geektastic84 @noir-blanches-blog @idontlikeyourjob @seiri-ami @atiny-grl-with-luv @admiringlove @nachotrash @kellesvt @aintyourholy @Moonlaeli @catchmewiddershins @duhsies @devilgirlcrybabiey @crystal-lilac @ijustwantfreenetflix @mimaki @maitenight
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taechaos · 3 years
A Parting Gift
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Continuation of Blackmail from Textbook Love
pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: "He told me he would leak your video if you don’t give him a handjob."
warnings: deception/manipulation, dubcon, handjob, spit, slight angst
word count: 2.4k
tag: @mwitsmejk
a/n: jungkook is a bit cruel in this 😖 a flop.
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Every time you think about Jimin seeing you in your most vulnerable state, you want to cry, gag, vomit, but all you can do is look down and walk away from his direction in a hurry. Jungkook told you to avoid him, and it’s the easiest option for you right now, but you wish you could tell him it was an accident. If he doesn’t see you, he’ll forget it quicker and save you the embarrassment.
It’s been three days since the incident, and it’s Monday as you clutch your binder to your chest while walking to your afternoon lecture. The coast is clear when you scurry down the halls, the lightning dim due to the gloomy weather outside. It’s going to rain soon, but you got off easy by arriving early. The campus is not crowded yet, just as you expected before coming. Chances of seeing Jimin are supposed to be lowered in this instance, but the boy really can’t take a hint.
You hear him holler your name from a distance in the corridor, and you quicken your steps anxiously. You’re internally begging for him to leave you alone, to forget you exist, just to not approach you. The chants don’t matter when he gently holds your shoulder a few seconds later. You screw your eyes shut the moment you’re turned around, hoping he would just go away and spare the shame.
“Hey,” he exhales, out of breath from his short sprint to you. “Why were you ignoring me just now?”
“I didn’t hear you,” you lie and open your eyes. Jimin frowns.
“That’s not true,” he mumbles, “I was pretty loud and you don’t even have earphones in.”
You don’t say anything and grimace at the floor instead, avoiding his gaze for as long as you can. You’re not a good liar, and Jimin realizes that all too quickly. He continues quietly, “Is this about the… video?”
“It was an accident!” you blurt out with flushed cheeks, “J-Jungkook was going to send it to himself, but…”
She’s so dense, Jimin thinks in astonishment. “He told you that?” He knows it was on purpose; Jungkook was sending him a message beyond the media: that he stands no chance; that you belong to him. He was telling him to back off, but Jimin is more strong-willed than that.
“Yes… please forget about that video.” You avert your gaze to him pleadingly.
“I’m not judging you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he tries to comfort, “but are you sure it wasn’t intentional?”
Both of you miss Jungkook exiting the lecture hall when you respond. His brows furrow the moment he notices the interaction, but his vision is blocked by other students leaving. He shoves a few as he watches you from afar, your back facing him and Jimin’s expression angering him with its doubtful look. Why the fuck is he still talking to her? He fumes in his spot until you turn back on your path to attend your lecture. You glance at him mid-way and all of your worries vanish the moment you lock eyes. You are taken aback by his glare as he waves you off and stalks up to Jimin who is just idly standing by without moving.
He only breaks out of his trance when Jungkook grabs him by his collar. “I’m guessing you didn’t hear what she said,” he refers to the video with a subtle snarl.
“Heard it loud and clear,” Jimin retaliates obnoxiously. The halls are emptying itself out, and he grows a bit more nervous when he realizes that he’s alone.
“Are you fucking dense? Why are you still following her around like a fucking creep?” He’s greeted with silence, and another possibility dawns on him. A cheshire grin crosses his features as he scoffs, “Oh, you liked it, didn’t you?”
Jimin blinks, dumbfounded, but doesn’t respond. He’s harshly shoved and the back of his head bangs against the wall, echoing in the otherwise silent area. An oomf escapes his mouth at the force, but Jungkook isn’t apologetic.
“You jacked off to it, Jimin?” he closes in on the suffering man who only stares at him. “Answer me.”
“N-No, I wouldn’t-” He’s cut off by the stinging pain on his scalp. 
Jungkook yanks his hair back without mercy, and sings, “Stuttering, avoiding eye contact, taking too long to respond… all signs of lying, no?”
“You’re hurting me,” Jimin holds onto his wrist with both hands as he groans. Jungkook only tugs on it harder.
“I’ll let go if you answer me honestly.” 
Jimin knows that Jungkook is waiting for one specific answer; it is obvious by the sick glint in his eyes. Alas, he tries again, “I-I didn’t do that!”
A deep sigh leaves his mouth with an eye roll, and he brings his free hand to wrap his fingers around Jimin’s neck. He doesn’t put any pressure on him yet, and Jimin is helpless because of the weight pressing against his legs to prevent him from kicking. “Pity,” he mutters, “I never took you for a pervert and a liar.”
The air leaves Jimin’s lungs all too soon when Jungkook tightens his grip on his throat, crushing his windpipes without so much as an expression on his face. Jimin claws at his arm as he wheezes, and Jungkook doesn’t react in the slightest; he looks psychopathic. “Yes,” he finally croaks, “I did.”
He coughs the moment Jungkook removes his hands from him. He bends on his knees as he catches his breath, and the deadly man waits patiently. “You did what?”
“I-I… I jacked off to it,” he swallows audibly.
“Jacked off to what? Your sex life doesn’t interest me.”
“I jacked off to the video of you fingering… her.” Jimin is once again reminded of how cruel Jungkook is, and all he wants is for you to realize that before it’s too late. But he isn’t any better when he is admitting the truth of his wrongful actions.
“Christ…” he trails and shakes his head. He’s feigning disgust, but it works in making Jimin feel worse. “I bet you’d pay to watch it live.”
“Jungkook, please,” he begs hoarsely, his throat dry and scratchy from the suffocation, “stop this. You don’t even love her.”
“Jimin,” he says monotonously, “count yourself lucky that I don’t have any scissors on me, because I’d cut your tongue off right about now. Your voice gives me a headache,” he sighs, “meet me in the lounge at 4.”
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You’re worried and twitching on the edge of your seat during your lecture. Conversing with Jimin was awkward, and him telling you Jungkook had lied to you was infuriating, but it shifted to anxiety when Jungkook appeared upset with you. Why do you always do things wrong?
Dwelling on your feelings is not an option when you have to focus on your professor, and you’re overwhelmed with so many things at once. Your exams; Jungkook’s assignments; Jimin’s persistence are all taking a toll on you. You don’t hesitate to escape reality when your phone vibrates in your pocket. It’s a message from Jungkook and your heart fills with relief as you open it under the desk. It reads:
come straight to the lounge after your lecture.
He’s been interacting with you outside of academical topics, and it feels like you’ve hit a milestone. It’s progress at its finest! He’s waiting for you. Time passes too slow for you, and you eagerly take notes to distract yourself; it works, and you’re out of the hall in a rush.
Students are packing up their belongings just as you stride into the lounge. Jungkook is sitting at the far back, and you almost miss his figure. He’s scrolling through his phone when you reach him and your shallow breaths make him look up. 
“Hi,” you breathe and place your sling bag on the coffee table. The room is spacious and the couches are wide and comfortable. You sit down next to him, your leg touching his spread one.
“Hey baby,” he greets with a smile. You internally scream at the rare pet name, unaware that he’s intentionally riling you up. “How was your lecture?”
“It was good! I missed you so much,” you lean into him, “I didn’t upset you earlier, did I?”
“Of course not, princess. I missed you too,” he palms your cheek before pecking the tip of your nose. “Oh, and Jimin will be joining us today.”
You don’t get to relish in Jungkook’s affection long before your eyes widen. “What? Why?”
“I spoke to him earlier today, and well…” he sighs guiltily, “He told me he would leak your video if you don’t give him a handjob. And I agreed on my terms.”
Your lips part as hatred consumes you. Jungkook knows you would do it, and he knows you’ll hold a grudge. And Jimin… well, he’ll definitely have this experience to keep him satisfied for a while.
Said man stands before the both of you timidly. You’re still in shock when you avert your gaze to him. Jungkook is unexpectedly friendly as he stands up and says, “Jimin! Take a seat.” Jimin sits in his former seat wordlessly as Jungkook plops on the loveseat across. “I don’t think we should drag this out longer than it needs to be.” He juts his chin at you, “Start.”
Jimin is perplexed when you hide your face from him as you unbuckle his belt. “Wh-What are you doing?” he asks, but doesn’t stop you.
Before you can respond, Jungkook says, “She knows.” You and Jimin have two different interpretations of his words, and he is baffled by your reaction to it. You’re going to pleasure him because of what he did? Or is this all an attempt at cutting his dick off?
Your upper body covers your actions from any outsiders, but Jimin is worried he won’t be able to stay quiet when your hand massages his crotch over his briefs. It’s a wet dream come true, really, as he involuntarily inches closer to you. Jungkook leans his cheek on his palm as he watches you in boredom. “Take it out,” he instructs you. You don’t glance at Jimin as you push down his underwear and wrap your hand around his erection. He’s not fully erect because he’s still confused, but the more you stroke him, the harder it grows. “You like it?”
Jimin is conflicted between responding and ignoring, but his noises are the only answer Jungkook needs. He is suppressing moans with gasps, shuddering in his seat because your hand feels so soft and you look so pretty and shy. When you pick up your head to gaze at him questioningly, he replies, “Y-Yes.” 
He is entranced by your doe eyes but Jungkook breaks the building tension by mocking, “You look like you want to kiss her. Calm yourself.”
There’s a brief pause before you ask, “Would it make you… cum faster?”
Jungkook leans his elbows on his knees in interest, a smirk plastered on his face at the power dynamic: both of you are playing along to his strings, two puppets under his control. It makes him curious to see how far you’re willing to go before he’s completely rid of Jimin. The only reason he’s allowing this to happen is because of how pathetic Jimin looks now, and how he’ll be utterly crushed when you never speak to him again. It’s a bittersweet parting memory.
“Um…” he hesitates, but thinks if you decided to give him a handjob, a kiss wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. “Yes?”
You inch your face closer to his, and the both of you look like middle schoolers with how slow your lips eventually meet. It’s a sloppy and amateur kiss with Jimin whining into your mouth, his tongue swiping across your lips recklessly. He’s lost in the pleasure, and it’s clear to you that he’s never done anything like this before. Your thumb grazes the tip of his stiff length, and he begins to twitch under you. You use your other hand to pump his girth, your lips awkwardly pressing against his plump ones.
“Spit in his mouth.”
You abruptly pull away to gawk at Jungkook, but he only raises a brow intimidatingly, as if daring you to defy him. “Open,” you demand Jimin. His eyes are hazy, and he has no idea what he’s doing. He’s drunk on your touch as he parts his glistening lips and slightly sticks out his tongue. You spit on it and he flicks his tongue out to collect all of it, swallowing with a deep rumble resounding from his chest. He’s enjoying this far too much.
You don’t notice him cum with a thrust in the air when you kiss him, but as it begins to coat your fingers, you look down to see his oozing leak. It’s not spurting, and you’re grateful for it when you scoot away from him. He’s panting with his head thrown back on the couch headrest. 
Jungkook breaks his silence by cooing to you, “Are you okay, baby?” You nod with a pout, head turned away from Jimin. You’re waiting for Jungkook’s cue to leave so you can speak your mind. “You can go now.”
Without skipping a beat, you seethe, “Fuck you, Jimin. Don’t talk to me ever again or else I will report you to the dean. I hate you, and I hope to never see you again.” You make your grand departure right after, and the man sputters incoherently in confusion.
“What did I do…?”
“Now, Jimin, you heard the girl,” he grins and clasps his hands, “she may take pity on you, but I won’t. One word from you to her, and you’re fucked.”
“If you’re so jealous, why would you let her do that to me?”
He merely shrugs. “Who is she waiting for after giving you a handjob?” he stands up and towers over the seated man who is fumbling with his belt. “I was being nice to you before she completely cut contact with you. You’re welcome by the way.”
As he exits the lounge, he scoffs to himself, “Jealous. What a joke.”
He has no reason to be jealous, because when he's outside, you're shuffling on your feet with your hands held behind your back with a bright smile as you turn to look at him.
"There's my girl," he affirms with a lopsided grin.
It shouldn't feel so reassuring when you reply, "Always yours." And as long as you are, you should be content with only having him in your life.
Because he's never going to catch you talking to another boy again, even if it's his former best friend.
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hereisleo · 3 years
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Surface Tension
w/ c.s x reader (ft. p.sh)
g/ romance (rated mature), friends with benefits
w.c/ 1000
a.n/ happy birthday to our strong mountain, sannie! a long over due piece that was collecting dust since last summer. if you see any mistakes, you didn't.
playlist/ ‘nightly attractions’
t.w/ profanities, sexual themes (no smutty actions), one night stand
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Delayed. Delayed. Delayed. The announcement said it was railway signals trouble. It was alright. You didn’t mind the extra time given to you unexpectedly. The summer storm didn’t let up and you were far too comfortable tucked into your seat by the open door, letting bits of raindrops showered you when strong gusts of wind blew past. Way into the late night, the train was sparsely filled, the passengers made themselves comfortable, each taking a corner of the cushioned benches. It would be a while until the signals were fixed.
The earphones clinging in your ears played the local night radio. You caught something along the lines of Playlist Saturday, ‘Nightly Attractions’. Maybe it was fate toying with you because the moment the first song played, a stranger stepped onto the train and sat across from you.
A little bit older, a black leather jacket. A bad reputation, insatiable habits. He was onto me, one look and I couldn't breathe.
You bit the inside of your cheeks, profanities halted behind your teeth. Camila Cabello shouldn’t be this on point.
Sharp fox-like eyes bore into yours, twinkling with dark mischief. The air was knocked out of your lungs. Rosy bitten lips quirked into an insolent smirk and you wanted to smack it off his face. The slightly oversized leather jacket framed his physique like it was only made for him. Everyone had a leather jacket, his shouldn’t be this supple and perfect. It bothered you. How could a person be so fatally charming? Fuck this physical attraction.
It reminded you way too much of your ex. Because there was a slight familiarity in his appearance. Strangers at arms. You had seen him around before but always in the company of your ex’s friends circle. Ex. He wasn’t even your boyfriend, friends with benefits at best. Park Seonghwa wasn’t your boyfriend and never did he ever introduce you to his friends. He could fuck anyone he wanted and so could you, neither of you was exclusive. It shouldn’t be a crime for you to check out his friend but it left you with a tinge of guilt. You didn’t even know his name. The stranger across from you shouldn’t be your rebound for a heartbreak of unrequited feelings.
You wanted to move to a different carriage yet here you were glued to your seat. Hopefully, you have ironed your face to stoicism. You were not sure how you were going to keep your composure if the train didn’t move soon. All you needed was to transfer to Line 3 and hoped the familiar stranger didn’t have the same stop as you.
I don't give a damn about your bad reputation. Baby, I don't play with that pretty ting.
He raised his hand in greeting. You felt your heart sink slightly. You didn’t know he recognised you. So much for a peaceful stormy night, you pulled out one side of the earpiece, letting the other stay lodged to provide you some distraction.
“A bit late for you isn’t it? Had fun with Seonghwa?”
You scoffed at his question, what a menace. You didn’t work the night shift to be associated with that bastard. His smirk widened at your reaction.
“Why? Wish it was you, pretty boy?”
His eyes turned into little crescent moons as he laughed, dimples showing on his cheeks.
“I wouldn’t mind really. But would you tumble to bed with someone so close to your… hmm, not boyfriend… Ah! fuck buddy!”
There was a guitar riff playing in your ears, tantalisingly sexy, you could move to this song slowly if you were at the bar or club somewhere. You stared at the man in front of you, you were not angry, just mildly pissed. He got under your skin so fast. Never judge a book by its cover indeed. So sweet. So sharp. Your words unintentionally matched the song.
“Go fuck yourself.”
The announcement crackled through the train. ‘We are sorry for the inconvenience-‘ You didn’t bother to hear the rest. The doors closed and the train lurched, rocking you and the leather clad menace in front of you. He didn’t say a word but merely gazed at you with a neutral expression, observing, being in tune with your mood. Your phone buzzed and you rolled your eyes at the notification, head thrown back, smacking against the train wall with a thud.
[do not reply]
you free tonight?
wanna fuck?
After being ghosted for two weeks and feelings toyed for months? Yea, no. You were not free. The quirk of his sharp eyebrow tempted you. He was just convenient, you told yourself. No strings attached.
“Hey, pretty boy. What’s your name?”
His eyes narrowed, piercing you to your seat. He was smart. You gave him that much. Much sharper than he let on, “Don’t you think it’s rude to use someone? You would know best.” He nodded to your phone, “Against my own friend nonetheless.”
You shrugged. “He’s neither my boyfriend nor friend. Like you said, we were fuck buddies at best. Didn’t you say you wouldn’t mind?”
“True but didn’t you also said and I quote ‘go fuck yourself’?”
You scowled at him before shrugging, whatever it wasn’t a big deal anyway. You were only wanting to get back at Seonghwa. His loss for letting go of a one-night stand offer.
‘For Line 3 please change here.’ You stood up and went to the door, it happened to have to open on his side of the carriage at your stop. He stood up too, he had the same stop as you unfortunately, the almost predatory presence made your skin tingle. His eyes were dark and mischievous, the shit-eating grin was back on his face, more playful than his ‘if looks could kill’ gaze. His finger laced with yours, pulling you along to the empty platform.
“It’s Choi San by the way. So you know whose name to scream.”
But you know that it ain't real, know that it ain't real.
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kasdeyalilith · 3 years
*this is my first time writing a fanfic I hope you lot will like it and English is not my first language but I worked hard for it to be readable enough. I made this fic cause Scaramouche is living in my head rent-free and I crave for any Scaramouche oneshots or fics so I made one. Hope you enjoy.*
I woke up thinking it'll be just a regular day of school. The day started like how it started for days before, I go to school then go to my work after. The walk from my school to the restaurant I work at is a silent one, if only I glanced at my right I'll see the news on the tv showcased at one of the windows of the store. I had my earphones on blasting a somber music as I walk and count all the assignments I'll do later when someone bumped into me harshly, I looked up instinctively but he ran away before I can utter something. It's like something snapped and pulled me into one big mess cause after that everything was a blur of running and screaming.
Zombies.Effing zombies are real and they're gonna have me as their food. I closed my eyes thinking that all my life have led to this point, where I'll be eaten by zombies and turn into one but seconds passed and I haven't felt any single bite so I slowly opened my eyes and saw a boy around my age with indigo hair and blue eyes. I scolded myself because it's not the good time to appreciate someone's eyes or looks right now while the whole city is being infested with zombies.
"Oi fucker what you looking at? Stand your ass up and stop staring like a stupid shit. Seriously if I didn't save you you'll be a fucking zombie. Now move we don't have all day"
I responded with a small yes but I think it went off as a pathetic grunt. The boy tsked and ran off while I followed suit since I didn't know what to do with all the chaos happening. We arrived at a small building, it looks like a store for school supplies or something. The space held a few group of people, some I recognize from school while others are strange faces to me. Right, I have to contact my friends to see if they're alright and my aunt! She lives in a different country, what if they're also infected? She must be so scared right now. (I followed the cliche of y/n not having parents or siblings cause ehe).
I took my phone out quickly and dialed her number, I didn't notice that I'm shaking until I saw how my phone shakes while I wait for her to answer. After a few minutes of dialing her for the 5th time my phone went dead. I cursed inside for being stupid and not charging it earlier. How can I contact her now? I looked around hoping to borrow someone's phone but I saw them already on the act of barricading every exit and entrance of the store. I jumped up and volunteered to do the same as to not be a burden, I'll call my aunt later maybe she's safe and didn't have her phone. Yeah that must be it.
"Good thing your dumb ass decided to help"
"I'm sorry?" I looked at the same boy earlier, if only he didn't save me I would've bonked his head hard. "Oh it's you, I didn't get the chance to thank you for helping me"
"Yeah remind me to not waste my energy on stupid beings like you. Who's dumb enough to let a zombie bite them?"
"It's called being human and getting scared" I glared at him
"Sure, whatever you say. I'm regretting saving you, seems like you'll be a burden to us"
"Then you should've just let me be bitten"
He just glared at me and walked away towards a ginger haired guy and..Prof. Zhongli?? He's one of the nicest professor at the university so I'm happy he's safe. I just hope that my friends have the same fate. That leads me back to that grumpy gremlin, sure he saved me and all but he's rude beyond words. I admit, I'm the one at wrong here but still can't he filter his words? If only we're in a different situation I'm gonna give that shortie a good shouting but for now I focused all my anger on making sure none of the zombies can get through and to scout for any device that can help protect me. I went and talk to the other people inside, I immediately befriended Venti, Sucrose, Albedo, Jean, Barbara, Lisa, and Xiao. The latter just nodded at my way but I consider that as a friendly greeting since he's always silent and glaring, in a kind way unlike that short stack over there who still glares at my back without me knowing.
"I don't know why you're being rude to her. You went back and saved her after all. Who knew the great Scaramouche will abandon a safe place just to save someone?"
"Shut it Tartaglia, you know no shit. She just looks stupid in the street that's why I saved her and it's the worst decision I've ever done"
"Sure and she's not the girlie you've liked since highschool. Don't deny all the glances I saw back then. We all know you're not gonna save someone unless..."
Childe wiggles his eyebrows to support his accusations but all he gets is a harsh glare and a promise to feed him to the zombies later.
"Ah you wound me balladeer, good thing I'm with Zhongli" Childe linked his arms with the said gentleman
"That's enough teasing love, we should gather everyone and talk about what we'll do from here on. It'll be more dangerous for us if we stick in the city any longer"
"Ah always the mature one, you make me love you more"
"Fucking shit, go do that love shit away from me and for the record you're the immature one in the relationship your name clearly says so"
"Hmph you're just one bitter hat loving shortie"
"What did you say you shit? I'll really fucking push you over those shitards out there"
"That's quite enough from the both of you. You'll gather the attention of those zombies and endanger our place. Now let's go and formulate a plan with the others"
Scaramouche stayed behind, plotting the demise of the ginger head boy. He looked at you for the first time after your last exchange of words with him. He cringed at how it turned out, he only wanted to ask if you're ok since he saw you shaking while clutching your phone but he worded his concerns poorly and now you're angry at him. The fuck he cares about your feelings, yeah that's right he should be only focusing on his safety and on how to get out of this mess. If he should follow this shit group just to survive he will. That's all that matters to him, use anyone or anything to survive this hellhole. Then why does his eyes stares back at your form hunched over making a makeshift weapon and all his blood rushes to his face. He must be having a fever. That's it. That must be the only reason.
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b-lessings · 3 years
Hope you’re doing great Insha’Allah tala!
I’m struggling w/ something since long. I got into university in February. I take hijab as well as niqab alhamdulillah. But ever since my university started, I’m facing issues in making friends. Every other girls group has guys in them and it’s very hard for me to hang out w/ guys in the group (which isn’t even permissible). My friends from high school who are in university with me now have changed so much. Their thoughts and opinions have changed. I literally have no sincere friend ever since the university started and it’s actually getting hard for me now cuz I can’t even discuss things related to studies.
I get upset, anxious, stressed out. My heart feels so heavy. I just don’t know why. At times, I think of sitting with the girls in a group despite of the guys being there. But I just don’t know I just can’t do that. I’d want you to please remember me in your khaas dua’as and any advice you’d want give me.
Honestly, this dunya is such a jail for momin. It’s becoming so hard to live with all the fitnas around. My heart cries everytime and I just don’t know I feel like my will to live is ending.
Jazaakillah khair♥️
Wa Alaikum assalamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu sister,
First of all, I just want to say congratulations on getting into university, that's a great accomplishment. And also, congratulations on wearing Hijab and Niqab Ma Sha Allah, Allahuma barik laki 🤍🤍 May Allah swt ease your path and keep you steadfast on his straight path, ameen.
Reading your ask, I remembered a post I saw recently that basically says that it is not easy to choose the path of Allah swt in our modern day world which is full of fitnah and sins tbh. So your feelings are very valid, the situation you are living is really difficult and you have all the right to feel saddened, upset and confused. And especially if you live in an environment where Muslims are not the majority, it gets even harder. (but even if you live in a Muslim majority country, it is still challenging, sübhanallah). I know and understand your need especially at this stage of your life and this age to belong, to relate to someone or a group of people, to be socially active, to be accepted and not marginalized, to enjoy yourself and your youth, to have a 'community' and it is incredibly hard when you don't find people with common principles and shared beliefs. But you CHOSE the path of Allah swt. In the eyes of Allah swt you are in a much higher ranking. And this could be your test. Allah swt could be testing your sincerity and your honesty in the lifestyle you have chosen, He could be testing how much you love Him and want to obey Him. So He is putting these temptations at your display to see which way you will go, are you still going to hold on to Allah's rope or give in to the worldly temptations. And it is well known that Allah swt saves his hardest tests to the best of his people. When you look at these friends of yours hanging out with guys and leading a fun life so simply with no complications, I want you to remind yourself that this life and that pleasure is only temporary, and that at the end of the day, when we stand before Allah swt on judgment day, what YOU ARE DOING right now by staying away from free mixing and respecting your islamic dress code and your faith, that's what matters, that's what is going to save you in shaa Allah. I promise you, these worldly pleasures have shaytan's scam drawn all over them. May Allah swt keep you steadfast on the straight path and protect you from Shaytan. Ameen. And I know free-mixing is one the biggest fitnahs but worst case scenario, if you really had to interact with them, you should still remain respectful and within the limits that Allah swt allows. Kheir in shaa Allah sister.
As for the loneliness, I feel for you, but do not despair my dear. Allah swt says in surat Ta Ha (20:46) Do not fear, indeed, I am with you, all hearing and all seeing. As a matter of fact, you have Allah swt by your side, you CHOSE Allah swt as your companion. Allah's words (the Quran) could be your best friend. Here's a tip, I don't know if you can carry a small book of the Quran in your purse or bag wherever you go but you can download your favorite recitations on your phone, and whenever you are community, going in or back from uni, you can just put your earphones on and listen to them, for it will bring your heart peace and contentment in shaa Allah. And I know as humans we always feel the need for socializing and exchanging stories, you can use Tumblr for that, you can post alllllll the stories you need/ want, talk about your day, interact with sisters who not only will in shaa Allah understand you but also might be going thru the same thing and struggles as you, and thus, could help out bi ithnLlah. You can also read books, listen to podcasts etc. It is definitely beneficial for your knowledge and personel development but also, it will distract you from all the fitnah going on around you, my dear sister.
Finally, I don't want to make this too long for you, but I have one quick tip, when it gets too hard, remind yourself that you are doing this for the sake of Allah swt, the almighty, the wadud (ever loving), the gracious, the most kind, the most gentle, the one who is waiting for us to run to Him,talk to Him, confine in Him, so that He will in shaa Allah please us and comfort us. Please think of this my dear sister. I pray that Allah swt fill your heart with strength and sabr, I pray He enable you to see the truth and the fakeness of the worldly pleasures, and keep you steadfast on his straight path. You are living your own Jihad journey my dear, and you will be in shaa Allah rewarded with the biggest blessings. Ameen 🤍.
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Stark’s Girl
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part 013/015 “i’m not going anywhere”
previous part // next part
word count 3.1k
The Avengers Compound has not changed one bit, albeit the lack of people roaming the halls was hard to ignore. Your first couple months with Nat had gone relatively smoothly and you didn’t have a single blackout episode yet, but you had been taking precautions. You didn’t tune into the news, opting instead for streamed episodes of that Office show tony demanded you finish. Natasha had introduced you to podcasts, but you were careful to avoid any of the ones about “Moving on After the Blip,” or “Remembering before the Blip,” because you were sure you’d lose it. Sometimes you chose to just listen to soft classical music, which was your choice for today. It was the weekend, things had been quiet on the communication end for Natasha, so she dismissed you for a couple days (not that she wouldn’t be able to call for you if she needed, but the idea of having free time was nice.)
Every week you set aside some time to come to the deserted half of the Residence hall.. The rooms that once were lived in by other Avengers were abandoned, and this was one of the most glaring reminders of what was lost four years ago. You had a pattern that you always stuck to, and you always started with Sam’s room, clearing off any dust that may have accumulated and repositioned the knick knacks that adorned the shelves that lined the walls. There were pictures of him with his flight partner wearing the wings that Sam had made his own. 
Vision’s room was a little more bare. And by a little more you mean it was basically two chairs and a painting. Nonetheless you made sure the painting always hung straight and no dust dared to stay on the famous Mulberry Tree. Sometimes you’d stop and wonder why Vision had chosen this painting out of everything, and almost always you opted for the answer that Vision admired Van Gogh’s acknowledgement of no matter his place in the world, all he could do was carry on and paint. Maybe that resonated with Vision, especially given his connection with Wanda.
Wanda’s room was more homey, you had always admired what she had done with the place. There had been a number of times she’d let you come in with a bowl of popcorn and you both would watch old timey sitcoms together. You took great care in making sure her room was exactly how she left it, and made sure to replace the vanilla sage wall scent just in case.
The last room that you often avoided was Steve’s. Nat said that he stopped by often for laundry purposes and to check in, but you had yet to see him since you moved back in. Was it an invasion of privacy or was it a nice gesture since you’d done everyone else’s? With a deep breath and steady hand, you pushed open Steve’s door and turned the light on and took in the sight.
It was almost exactly how you remembered it. The bed remained untouched all this time, still made perfectly just how Steve had done every morning. No one must’ve come in here in awhile, or maybe Steve did the last time he had come to see Nat, because there was a faint hint of his cologne in the air. You did notice that the small touches Steve did have in here were long gone, the only hint that anything had adorned the shelving in the room was the faint outlines that were slowly but surely being covered by dust. You hesitantly ran a dust rag over the shelving, going row by row before beeping interrupted your cleaning regime.
“Stupid earphones,” you grumbled and took them out your ear and shoved them into your pockets. You made a note to self to charge them when you went back to your room (and not run them through the washer like you did with tony’s pair that one time). You reached down for the windex to spray the mirror that hung on the wall when you gasped at the sight of someone standing behind you.
“What the hell, Steve,” you exclaimed. 
Steve stood in the doorway holding a basket with what looked like a heap of clothing in it. The small smile that graced his face let you know that he was amused, and not afraid to show it. “So we’re breaking and entering now?”
The callback to your first meeting post-Siberia fallout didn’t fall flat. You stood a little straighter and motioned towards the door. “I um.. I did the other’s and thought I should do yours too.”
“That’s a nice gesture,” Steve confirmed. He took small strides into the room, never giving off more than a casual vibe, and set his basket down on the bed. Steve proceeded to start folding the clothes he pulled out and you weren’t sure if you should leave or not, but the feeling was quickly squashed. “Don’t let me stop you from your routine.”
The term he used made you raise a brow, but you also didn’t question him on how he knew of your routine. Instead, you turned back to the mirror and sprayed it down, and wiped away the liquid with paper towels. The only sound in the room was the light squeaks made from your wipes, and the soft sound of his clothes falling into folded piles. When you finished you turned around and set the windex in the carrier you had with more cleaning supplies which caused him to look up from what he was doing. “Right I should.. Get out your way.”
You grabbed the carrier with no objection from Steve and made your way to the door. As much as it pained you to admit it, sometimes you missed his company. Steve had always been the one person you felt at home with, besides Tony and his family of course. But with Steve it was like.. Like how Pepper and Morgan were to Tony.. His family. Steve had begun to feel like yours, and maybe that’s why it was hard to not have that anymore. But his voice tore you from your thoughts, and froze you in your tracks. “Have you had dinner yet?”
“What?” You asked, unsure if he was even speaking to you. You turned around to him and he indeed was looking your way, folding a shirt in the process.
“Have you had dinner?” He asked again.
“Uh,” you checked your wrist and the watch you were wearing blinked back up at you that it was 6:45. “Actually no I haven’t.”
“Nat was planning on a late night to catch Rhodey on an update on a mission,” Steve started, placing the shirt he was folding down behind him and meeting your gaze again. “I was thinking Thai?”
You didn’t answer right away, averting your gaze to the floor in thought, which made Steve smile. “Oh come on.. I know it’s your favorite.”
You couldn’t help but laugh and raise a brow at him. “We’ve resorted to bribery?”
“If that’s what it takes,” Steve admitted. You found yourself biting your lip and finally gave him a nod.
“Alright, I’m game, but only if I get some of those little cheese rolls,” you countered. Steve nodded with a grin on his face.
“Deal. I have another load finishing but let’s meet in the kitchen in.. Thirty?” He asked.
You nodded in agreement and took a step back out the room, “Thiry.”
It was a nerve wrecking thirty minutes. Did you dress up? Why would you even dress up? Steve was just being.. Nice. That was all! And you weren’t so easily swayed with the offer of food, though the grumbling in your stomach said otherwise. When you had caught a glimpse of yourself you hurriedly changed out of the disheveled shirt you had been wearing and threw on some sweater you had found in your closet. It was warm and cozy, but also more put together. Did you want to look put together? God, why were you even stressing out like this? Steve and you were done, finished, over.. But you couldn’t help but think back to his smile. The damn smile was enough to make your head feel light. You tapped your phone against your thigh when a message came thru from Nat, and you scoffed at it.
Nat: Give me a heads up if things get steamy, I don’t want to hear make up sex tonight.
You weren’t going to reply, even when she double texted using that winky face emoji with its tongue out. You opened your bedside drawer and tossed your phone in there and decided you weren't going to stress about this anymore. You were going to go down to the kitchen and enjoy your favorite food from your favorite place (did Steve remember that too?) and.. See what happens. Go with the flow is what Tony always told you right? You didn’t want to stop and think if that applied to dealing with Steve again, and instead threw open your door and made your way to the kitchen.
The sweet and savory aroma that filled your nose as you came into sight was welcomed, and the sight of the familiar logo of the restaurant made you even more giddy. Steve did remember. He was pulling out take out boxes and the given chopsticks and dressings when he glanced up to see you approaching, and cracked a smile while he continued to lay everything out. “I think I remembered everything.. Shrimp pad thai, level three spice.. Let’s see..”
He drifted off as you watched him pull out another smaller box and give a little nod to himself. “Soft spring rolls with the peanut sauce,” he paused and pulled the small container of liquid out of the bag. “And as promised, an order of cheese rolls.”
He set everything aside and you chuckled, “Wow you really remembered everything down to the sauce.”
“What can I say, I’m a man of my word,” he motioned to the rest of the common space. “Maybe we can watch something while we eat?”
“Sounds good to me,” you agreed, and carefully with stacked takeout boxes, Steve and you made your way over to the common area, sitting on the same couch but with a comfortable space between you two. The night divulged into the two of you eating dinner, and Steve had picked one of the shows Wanda had introduced him to, called I Love Lucy. You weren't sure how long you both had stayed in the same spots, but the food was long gone, and it was pitch black outside. But you were.. Comfortable. You were enjoying his presence, though you both did still keep your distance. It was significantly colder now since there wasn’t much movement in the room, and you sat back with your legs under you and arms crossed over your body, your sweater no longer much help.
Steve took notice a while ago and had periodically checked his watch. The time neared closer to 11, and knowing you sooner or later you would fall out. The lights may have been dimmed but he could see the way your hands pulled your sweater cuffs to cover your fingers. But you didn’t make a move, which he didn’t know why. Well.. He kind of knew why because he had felt the same way. He was just as nervous as you were, but he didn’t want to see you suffer in silence. “It’s gotten a bit chilly, I’m gonna grab a blanket real quick.”
You had let out a small mhm, and Steve stood and walked over to the cabinets that surrounded the tv you both were watching, and grabbed one to use. He proceeded to sit back where he had been all night, and spread the blanket over his lap. As he fiddled with the fabric he glanced your way and saw you eyeing the soft cover, and he lifted the part closest to you. “There’s plenty to share if you want?”
You weren’t so hesitant this time. Steve only held the blanket open for you for a few seconds before you grabbed a hold of it and slid yourself closer to him so the blanket covered you fully. You glanced his way as you made yourself comfortable right by his side, and cleared your throat. “Thank you.”
You knew what he was doing, you weren’t completely blind to it, but you also were grateful that he wasn’t making it a big deal. Because it wasn’t right? It was just two adults watching tv, who had dinner together, and sharing a blanket. Totally, completely innocent. You were forced to refocus on the screen when Steve shifted next to you, and his arm draped on the couch behind you.
Innocent enough.. Right?
Steve was relaxing, he was getting comfortable. A few minutes passed before you decided to unwind a bit too. You relaxed deeper into the couch and pulled the blanket up a little higher, and let out a content sigh. In all honesty you couldn’t remember the last time you felt at peace like this. And it was thanks to Steve, which was a little infuriating to admit (because he knew what he was doing, you were sure of that). 
Steve was unsure what was running through your mind, but he knew it must’ve been working a hundred miles a minute. He tried his best to focus on the episodes that passed by, not even aware of how much time had passed when he felt you fall into his side. He glanced down and there you were, laying into his side with closed eyes, and it made him check his watch. Sure enough it was past midnight, which was right on time for you. He could hear the heavy exhales, and he moved very carefully.
The arm he had draped on the back of the couch (in all honesty, in preparation for this moment) he lowered down to hook around you, and used his hand to pull the blanket up higher. Steve kept his arm wrapped around you and relaxed back into the couch, then with his free hand he grabbed the remote and shut the tv off, the bright light fading from the room. The only cast of light came from further down the hall, and allowed him to fully gaze down at you.
Steve had forgotten how peaceful you looked while sleeping, even despite what he knew was running through your mind. So Steve did what he thought was best, he closed his eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep too.
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Nat was not prepared to walk into the kitchen early in the morning and catch Rogers and you cuddling on the common room couch. But boy was she living for it. During her morning routine she had a shit eating grin on her face, and prepared her coffee as silently as she could. The coffee pot warmed up with a soft hum, she had made sure to load it with coffee grounds quietly, and when it was ready to be poured she opened up the cabinet, grabbed a mug, and closed it as loud as she could.
The sudden noise was enough to startle you, causing your eyes to peel open and be met with the glaring sunlight that poured into..
Oh no. The common room. You were still in the common room.
Your eyes darted to where the sound had come from and there was Nat smiling into her coffee mug, and you slowly shifted your gaze up to Steve who was just waking up. You were now very aware that he was holding you which therefore meant you were cuddling with him. You had never gotten up so fast in your life, pulling the blanket up with you. Steve glanced Natasha’s way and then back at you, who was rolling the blanket up rapidly. “Oh-”
“I’m so sorry,” you offered, and even offered him the blanket back. Steve, with a raised brow, took the balled up blanket with one hand and you proceeded to shake his other. “Thank you for the dinner, Steve.”
And then you were gone in a flash. Steve sighed and set the balled up blanket down and rubbed his face with his hand when a chuckle from the kitchen. Natasha took a couple steps closer to him, and rested her shoulder against a wall. “You’re certainly playing with fire.”
“I wasn’t trying to,” Steve replied as he stood from the couch. Natasha shrugged and tapped her fingers against the mug in her hands. “We fell asleep.”
“All I’m saying is you told me you were going to just ask to have dinner and call it a night.. But here we are,” she couldn’t help but laugh at the end of that statement and Steve rolled his eyes. “Sorry, it’s just.. Well it’s kind of cute how much you’re trying to deny you didn’t plan this.”
Steve shook his head, and without another word to Natasha he headed to your room. It was a familiar route, right down the hall from his old room, and the door was closed when he finally got there. He lightly tapped his knuckles against the door and rested his shoulder against the frame. He could hear the creak from your bed and your feet hit the floor, and in a few seconds you pulled open the door and blinked up at him.
“Hi,” Steve offered.
“Hi,” you replied back. You didn’t move and neither did he and Steve sighed.
“I’m sorry if that was.. Too much. Just wanted some company last night and lost track of time-”
“I’m sorry for falling asleep on you,” you cut him off. Steve couldn’t help the lopsided smile that spread over his face.
“It’s not a problem at all,” he reassured you. For a second a smile formed over your lips, but then it faded, and your expression fell.
“Steve… What are we doing here?” You asked him point blank. Steve inhaled deeply before lightly shrugging his shoulders.
“I guess I’m just.. Trying to do the right thing,” Steve offered. You smiled sadly at him and he motioned his hand at you. “I missed you and just.. I wanted to do something nice.”
“It was nice, Steve,” you whispered to him before taking a deep breath. “But I’m.. Not ready-”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered to you. You met his gaze and he shook his head lightly at you, not breaking that eye contact. “As long as it takes.. I’ll wait.”
Steve meant what he said, and sure enough he started to come by more. He offered his companionship and in slow strides you accepted his invitations.. But one question looms.
Was Steve going to keep his word?
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dumblydork · 3 years
Dying Embers
Her hair swished wildly in the wind, as if it were leaves swaying from the onset of a cyclone- flowing down to her waist, head thrown back. Fiery red, just like the dying embers of what was formerly a warming furnace. He could hear her laughter, slow and melodic, almost as if it were empyrean. She was the love of Harry's entire being. The soul to his body, the mind to his brain. She turned around, and all Harry could glimpse was her mouth- full, and pulled into a large smile. Her eyes were a bright hazel, shining with happiness, as she ran towards Harry, fitting easily in his arms.
They had met at the ball thrown by his parents that summer, exactly so that their son could meet a suitable young woman to marry. Harry had been extremely bored with the festivities, instead wishing he were out practicing archery with his friend, Neville.
His eyes flew around the room, passing from and then returning to a young woman who had just entered the gala. She didn't seem familiar, and was chaperoned by who seemed to her brother, judging from their hair. Harry was mesmerised- her yellow dress floated around her as if it were made of the finest, lightest silk to exist, and her hair was pulled back elegantly, exposing the milky column of her neck. He walked towards the pair.
"Forgive my intrusion, but will the lovely lady here consider dancing the next waltz with me?" Harry bowed slightly, his hand pulled tightly at his back.
The girl eyed him shyly as his brother did a more open appraisal. "We would like to first make your acquaintance, sir." He finally spoke.
"Of course, forgive me. I am Lord Harry Potter, Viscount of Little Whinging." He said, an automatic confidence seeping into his voice, one which only came from being the son of a duke.
"Forgive me, my Lord, I did not know. I am Ronald Weasley, and this is my younger sister, Ginevra Weasley. Our father is the Baron Weasley of Burrows." The pair bowed deeply, something which made Harry slightly uncomfortable.
"Please, I take no offense. It is my pleasure to make an acquaintance of Lord Weasley's children. He is my father's close friend. My question, however, to Lady Ginevra here remains unanswered." Harry steered the topic back to more important things from mere formalities.
"Of course, my lord." Ginevra said softly, placing her hand in Harry's outstretched one. As they walked towards the center of the floor, Harry's eyes met the identical ones of his mother, who stood to the side, flashing her son a soft smile.
"I adore you. And so does every thread of my existence, until my breath ceases." Harry spoke, bringing himself back from the night at the ball.
"I simply reciprocate, my Lord. And shall do so until death pull us part." She spoke softly, meeting Harry's lips with her own.
At the brink of twilight, a day before their wedding, the two of them wove their lives together, sealed by golden vows.
"Harry? Get on up, it's time to go!" His mother, Lily's voice flitted through the room, and sunlight poured inside as well, casting a bright glow all over. Harry sat up in bed, stretching excessively, getting rid of the multitude of pulls and pains he seemed to acquire over the night.
His parents swore he did not sleepwalk and fall down the stairs.
"Harry, honey, come on. You'll be late for uni otherwise." His mother peeked inside, her reddish brown hair pulled into a knot at the top of her head, green eyes shining with motherly affection. Seeing his mother's hair, Harry was reminded of his dream- recurring dream, he should say. Even though it was simply a few minutes old, seeing the 'girl' in his dream, he felt as if it were quite some lifetimes ago.
He had been dreaming of a girl quite frequently lately, and not in the lewd way his best friend Ron seemed intent on. Harry would always simply spot her hair, the curve of her waist and as soon as she turned around, he would be jolted awake.
When he was a child, his mother used to tell him tales in which princesses would dream of faceless men, a golden bond tying the two people together. The faceless person you dreamt about was whom you shared your golden thread of life with. But those were just fantasy- woven to make a dull reality exciting. At least now, at the age of 19, was what Harry believed. He hopped out of bed, and walked off into the bathroom, getting started on his morning routine. It was half past eight when he went downstairs, his first class of the morning at 9:15. His father, James, was stood in front of the kettle, pouring himself a cup of his morning Earl Grey, and his mother was setting down the plate of pancakes on the table.
"Breakfast?" She asked, sitting down, his dad joining her to the left. "Morning Haz." His father grinned lopsidedly, a grin much like Harry's own, glasses steaming up from the hot mug. Harry recited a greeting in return and was about to refuse breakfast on the account of well, running late, when the smell of butter floated up to him and he found himself seated in front of his parents.
"Did you get sore again?" Lily asked, concern lacing her low voice.
"Yeah. I just don't seem to know how." Harry noted, voice muffled from a mouth full of pancakes.
"Slow down, you'll choke." She admonished lightly, shooting James an exasperated look when he snickered a low 'That's what she said' into his morning Daily Prophet.
"He probably needs a new mattress. Let's get one on the weekend." His mother said, earning an affirmative hum from James who was busy with his newspaper.
"I'll get going now. Bye mum, bye dad. See you in the evening." He spoke after having had his share of pancakes and a chat with his mum. He bent down for the customary top-of-the-head kiss from his mother, something she had been doing since Harry started school. And although he wouldn't admit it, he adored this little sentiment. His dad shot him another grin as he walked out of the door, putting in his earphones.
Fortunately for him, the university campus was quite a short bus ride away. However, he still found himself running across the campus from the bus stop to his lecture theatre- he forgot to factor in the fact that the hall today was all on the opposite end of campus.
"Shit," He glanced at his phone, currently glowing 9:21. It was Professor Binns' lecture, and he wasn't too fond of latecomers. Harry counted on his excellent grade in the module, hoping that would pull him through. As he ran across, his peripheral vision noted a mane of red momentarily, but before Harry could turn around and see, he was already in front of the class, digging through the bag for his ID card.
"How is it that Binns' lectures keep getting worse through the term?" Ron, the aforementioned best friend groaned.
"Because your attention dwindles further as term moves on." Hermione, the other best friend noted. Harry grinned between the two of them. They were so in love, those oblivious idiots.
Binns' was the only class the three of them took together, and Ron departed for his Victorian Literature module. Harry and Hermione walked to the open amphitheatre, choosing to spend their free half hour which coincided together.
"Oh right. My friend from school is joining today, I was supposed to go show her around. Fancy coming?" Hermione spoke, eyes focused on her text messages. "Sure, I have the rest of the morning free." Harry pursed his lips. Hermione simply nodded and they set off across the campus again after the brief interlude at the theatre.
"Your friend is from school?" Harry asked.
"Yeah- she's a year younger but we were quite close when I was in year 12." She replied, eyes scanning the crowd at in front of the Lifesciences Lab, which was one of the main buildings on campus. "Who are we looking for again?" He imitated the search.
"Redhead, shorter than you." Hermione did not look up from the hoard of people, before her mouth set into a wide grin.
"Ginny! Here!" Hermione waved her arms around, jumping up and down in tandem. Harry couldn't see who Hermione was waving to, but the crowd was being roughly pushed aside as someone made their way towards the pair.
"Hermione! So good to see you!" The woman said, grabbing the older girl into a tight hug and letting go, placing the three of them in a triangular formation.
"Oh my god, I almost forgot to come see you." Hermione said somewhat sheepishly, but Harry wasn't listening. He was staring- no, gaping at the newcomer. Her hair was the exact shade of red as the girl in Harry's dream, and it cascaded down her back in a half up half down style. Her waist was encased in a light yellow sundress, complimenting her red hair. All in all, she was beautiful. Not because of her hair or slender figure, but also because of how her eyes shone as she spoke to Hermione.
"Have I seen you before?" Tumbled out of Harry's mouth before he could stop (or reason), and a pair of bright hazel eyes bore into his own moss green, before glittering again. Ginny simply smiled.
And here it is, another AU! I definitely did not plan for this to be a multiple lifetime AU, but Regency!Hinny seemed too good to pass up on. I apologise for what is probably a very poorly written Regency era conversation, my knowledge of it is simply from Bridgerton and Google haha. I decided to keep the end open, just so that you guys can envision your own romance for them! Also, can I just say how I loved writing Lily and James?? It's their little debut in my one-shots yay!
Also, you can find my Ao3 here, where I post quite fluffy Wolfstar one-shots, if that's your thing!
I hope you enjoyed this as usual! Please interact with my pinned TAGLIST post on my account if you wish to be notified of whenever I post Hinny one-shots! Thank you for reading, and big hugs to everyone who loves what I write! Please keep going, it truly makes my day (or week??) xxxx
TAGLIST: @amy-herondale-chase // @purplepygmypuffskein // @ginnypxtter // @alwaysmagica1 // @norakelly // @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos //
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