#So suck it samsung
oifaaa · 2 years
I think Huawei and Xiaomi also unfortunately stopped providing plugs with their phones too. It's the fact that all of the charging wires you get with phones now have a c-type connection instead of usb-a so you HAVE to buy a new plug just to use the provided wire that gets me! Phone companies really are getting too greedy now :c
I even like that all the charging ports have changed to USB-c but phone companies 100% knew what they were doing when they knew a lot of people didn't have one of those chargers yet and still tried to pull the whole "well everyone has a charging plug so you don't need a new one" the vindictive pricks
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malleleothreesome · 9 months
i wish i could have a silly little day on tumblr but I have to read my 80 page HOA document to see if the boomer condominium overlords will ALLOW me to get my new dishwasher (that i bought on black friday like a true, miserable adult marching towards death) DELIVERED AND INSTALLED on the 23rd as expected or if I have to cancel the delivery because there are too many rules for me to abide by and my soul is simply too tired to jump through the necessary hoops to comply.
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arcadequeerz · 11 days
Little camera update: Got it fully charged and Turned on. Took a couple of random photos and it keeps freezing on menus and looking through photos. Only way to unfreeze it is pulling the battery out enough that'll shut down. Is fixed on restart.
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
Getting my playlists sorted for the big Move to....... my iphone......
#For context:#I have multiple old phones that I've basically held onto over the years#and I try to repurpose them to give them new life and all that#One of them was a Samsung phone with a stylus that I called my Venti Phone#It was#as you might have guessed#a phone I used to play music on#like an overglorified Mp3 Player#it was great until the files on my phone started to get corrupted#So I switched to making yt playlists for a while because I just could not figure out the corruption glitch#and finally I was like “Nah I miss offline music” and was looking into getting an actual Mp3 player#turns out mp3 players suck now a days though#so Celest told me to just buy a dongle for my iphone (no headphone jack because Apple sucks) from the official Apple store.#So I did that.#And now I'm fussing about with a program that can download entire playlists off of YT#and itunes#I don't like this btw#I like having more than one “point of failure” AKA like#if my phone dies then I'll have a backup of my music and stuff for example#so I compromised and decided to buy a wallet for my ID and cards#I know this sounds like a weird compromise but I wanted to remove a point of failure from my phone#which is in a wallet case because I'm a disaster about dropping my phones and breaking screens so this plus a screen protector helps#and I usually keep my cards and stuff in the phone wallet card slots#but since I'm going to be using my iphone as a music playing device now as well....#I decided that I would buy a wallet to remove that point of failure#So that way if one gets stolen I still have the other#again I really don't like having everything on one device. And maybe one of my older phones could be a better Mp3 player.#But... bah!!#I'm mad about no headphone jack mostly tbh#Still!!!
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fuckkbrunch · 9 months
Started off with a new years day brunch, partly so I could knock out three recipes in one shot...
...and partly so I could get it done and move on with my life.
Fuck brunch.
Never been a fan. Of eating it or cooking it. I go out for breakfast a handful of times per year. BREAKFAST. Not brunch. Don't be that person. That "bottomless mimosa" person who hangs around for 2 hours getting hammered and then doesn't tip.
I had one very short stint working as a cook in a breakfast place, and I would never do it again.
That said, I do love me an eggs benny now and then.
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I don't think I've ever made this at home before this morning, and boy is it not worth the effort. Doesn't help that I added a breakfast potato recipe to the roster, even though it's not part of The Book. So that added an extra component to my wonderful time management fuckery.
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The English muffins were a little dry, but my sauce didn't split and my bacon was spot on. In the future, I would lessen my load by prepping the potatoes the day before.
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I fucking hate clarifying butter. So I would also do that in advance. Or buy it clarified, but I wanted to stay authentic to the recipe method.
Meaning I also beat this sauce by hand. If I ever redo this recipe in the future, my immersion blender will be my best friend. I find it wholly unnecessary to seive hollandaise, but I'm not the boss here.
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Easy peasy. Not even a real recipe as much as just a paragraph on how to do it right. Not my first time baking bacon, and it won't be my last.
| Eggs Benedict |
Taste is a 4 out of 5. If the English muffins were better, it could be a 5.
Difficulty was a 4 out of 5. Too many moving parts to be dealing with in the morning.
Total time with prep was about an hour and a half
Here's a bonus pic right before I finished plating. Purely to show off my beautifully shiny poached eggs.
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chiffonfluff · 10 months
New samsung updated emojis are so cringe like look at how they massacred my boy crying emoji 😭
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orcelito · 1 year
I'm gonna show up to work with nearly the exact same phone case and no one's gonna be able to tell the difference hfkshfkdb
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mcbitchtits · 2 years
phone shopping is bleak. my 5 (?) year old phone still works, but hasn’t been supported in three or so years, and of course there’s a shitload of bloatware on there you just can’t get rid of, so now it’s slowly consuming itself. not great.
new phones? well, they don’t have audio jacks, and they don’t have memory expansion slots, and they don’t have any exciting hardware features unless you want to pay twice as much for something that will break; and also none of the accessories work with the base model.
super. fucking. duper.
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notebeans-galaxy · 5 days
ugh i dont like safari but it's the only browser option you get on ipad if you want extensions
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iexistfor1post · 4 months
I would like my brain to stop waking me up with anxious thoughts
It is always something I think is slightly stupid too
Like my phone.
I hate flicking through it because as this is a new phone (Well I have had it for a couple months now) there are apps that weren't there before
I am too nervous to try and get rid of them and I just need to get use to them and chill
Anyways besides that
We waking up with anxious thoughts mostly on days I have to work is annoying
The thoughts are almost never about work
So like wtf brain
Typing this down has let me replace the thoughts with annoyance (or something similar)
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raspberrylix · 8 months
taking a break from watching cherry magic to go on tiktok to watch videos of pretty woman do the don't get insane belt dance is probably a good excuse for the break, huh?
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cy-cyborg · 2 months
So, there's a lot I want to say about the paralypics, but every time I try I just... can't articulate what I want to say without it turning into a monster of a post that puts my writing advice posts to shame lol. This includes in response to the anonymous asks I got on the topic btw. So I'm going to try and summarise my thoughts here.
As someone who was working towards the Rio paralympics - who was basically one of the people they were actively training to be the next paralympians and who got to go if their choice first athletes had to drop out, the Olympics and paralympics are a... touchy subject for me. I loved playing. I loved my sport. I loved the people I played with. I loved the people I played against. But the way the public and people in power treats disabled athletes sucks. It Really really sucks. and it hurts to talk about.
The vast, vast majority of us aren't paid. We are expected to train at the same intensity as the Olympians with none of the breaks and none of the support to do so, resulting in injuries that are disabling in and of themselves, while juggling normal jobs. many of the paralympians are also in school or at university as well. both schools and jobs see these elite athletes as dedicated hobbiests at best.
I had a friend who were fired from their job because they were denied time off to compete at the paralypics and well, if i had to choose between the paralympics or stay at a shit job paying minimum wage, I know which one I'd pick, and so she didnt have a job when she came back. I have friends who are still in the closet because their sponsors would drop them if they came out as gay, who ended years-long relationships to keep the funding that allowed them and their teams to compete - funding that just covered the costs of travel by the way. They never saw a cent of it themselves, but it was the difference between us having to pay $50 each for our plane tickets and accommodation and having to pay $2,000Aud + for every away game. I have friends who were supposed to go to Tokeyo but were kicked off the teams weeks before the games because of a rule change that decided they weren't disabled enough anymore, wasting years of work with absolutely no warning. They weren't even given the decency of an appology from the people who made the call. Several went through terrifying mental health spirals over it. It was their life's work, gone. I saw so many friends just give up because their disabilities were "too hard to classify" into the International Paralympic Commity's boxes and who were made to feel they weren't welcome by the system spouting off about its diversity and inclusion and empowerment of disabled people.
And then with all that, the best we can hope for is for the social media teams to turn us into a joke for ableds to laugh at or into inspiration porn to make them feel good about themselves - because at least theyre not us. Because obviously, there are no other options in how to show us/sarcasm.
My phone doesn't even have "paralympics" as a recognised word. I have a Samsung. The company that is currently at the paralympics using them as a marketing opertunity. We aren't even recognised as a word in the phones made by the company that is currently using the paralympics as a marketing opportunity. The phones they're giving the athletes won't even recognise the name of the event that they got it at. If I've spelt it wrong, it's because it autocorrects it every time I try to spell it right, and im dyslexic and can't see the difference until I stare at it for a minute or so.
I just... this isn't even scratching the surface of my thoughts. But I wanted to say at least some of it. It will be the last I'm going to talk about it, at least until the event is over.
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
This is ultra specific but: I feel salty now bcs I just read a bunch of phone reviews and they're like "thank god Samsung is moving away from curved screens" NO! CURVED SCREENS ARE BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY 😭😭😭😭
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fakeosirian · 1 year
nooooooooooooo my second monitor (a really old/small hdtv that's on a swing arm diy-bolted to my desk) might be kaput T_T it's stuck in such a bad bootloop that it doesn't even stay on long enough for a factory reset... i have a suspicion it's bc of that thunderstorm the other day :( our power flickered and even tho it's plugged into a surge protector, it uses an ungrounded 2 prong cable 😬 i'm gonna try and mess with it a bit longer but i think i'm already SOL lol
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nyannibalism · 1 year
jealous of the apple pinyin keyboard for being so good
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
oh god i found what model my very first mp3 player from back when i was like 8 was and i'm looking at pictures of this thing and just. fuuuuck i wish i could buy one again just for old times' sake
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