#Resin ring yellow
resinwisk · 1 year
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heartnosekid · 1 month
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leftover stims!
(as always inspired by helium-stims!)
🌈-🌈-🌈 / 🌈-🌈-🌈 / 🌈-🌈-🌈
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build-a-stim · 4 months
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red and gold dragon (2024) for anon!
X | X | X || X | X | X || X | X | X
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gemville · 7 months
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Ring In 14k Yellow Gold, Bio-Resin and Showcasing A 3.51 Carat Fancy Dark Blue Lab-Grown Diamond by Solo For Diamonds
Photo Courtesy: Solo For Diamonds
Source: jckonline.com
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ancientannoyance · 1 year
there’s a post floating around with the girl from the ring next to margo robbie from barbie that says ‘the alecto we thought we were getting vs the alecto we got’. when i sent it to my best friend (i infected her with the tlt brain rot a while ago) she had an epiphany that i haven’t seen any one else talking about yet.
In Harrow, we get multiple descriptions of who Harrow calls The Body, and they sound like the girl from the ring. What if when Harrow went into the tomb, Anastasia, who we now know was also locked inside, was the one who bound herself to Harrow all revenant like and haunted her for all that time?
haven’t done a reread since this started percolating in my brain so it’s more than possible there’s something in the books somewhere that unequivocally disproves this theory, but what do you think? Is Harrows haunting actually Anastasia?
Firstly, the below answer contains spoilers for Nona the Ninth, so please don't read on if you haven't read that yet!
Before I answer this, I should point out that, at a certain point in the fandom (circa early 2021, iirc) this theory by tumblr user ac-ld - which postulates that John switched the bodies of Alecto and Anastasia in the ninth tomb, and that The Body that Harrow sees is actually Anastasia and that Alecto is actually buried in the First House - was the most popular theory in the TLT fandom hands down. I think it still probably holds the crown of most popular TLT theory, despite being disproved as of Nona the Ninth's publication.
If you read the above theory I linked, I think that your friend is thinking along similar, but not exactly the same, lines? Sorry if I'm wrong and misunderstood!
Full disclosure, before Nona the Ninth came out, I really thought this theory - that The Body is actually Anastasia- had a high chance of being correct, but (in my personal opinion!) I think Nona the Ninth has pretty much cemented in my head that the Body was Alecto. My reasons are:
If we look at the descriptions of The Body, Harrow - and Gideon when she sees the Body too - literally describes The Body as perfect ("Each limb was a carved representation of a perfect limb, each bloodless foot the lifeless and high-arched simulacrum of the perfect foot", etc). It thematically makes sense for this to describe Alecto, an unreal being who was literally created to resemble a Barbie doll by John, than for it to describe Anastasia, who was a real human and therefore inherently flawed. Plus, Gideon's description of The Body ("with a face so beautiful it almost went out the other side and became repellent") specifically jives with how Augustine described Alecto looking inhuman, whereas if Anastasia was so unnaturally beautifully as to be repellent, I think Augustine would have mentioned it, since he specifically mentions at one point that Harrow is "Anastasia come again."
Gideon describes The Body as "a woman with my eyes, dimmed dark yellow in death", while Harrow's POV mentions of her hair that "that long hair hanging wetly over her shoulders, that resinous colour that in death might have been brown or might have been gold or might have been anything" and of her eyes "in your youth her eyes had often been black, like yours were, but that ever since you had writhed in Lyctoral agony her eyes had turned a yellow that made you dizzy to behold" and of her voice "the voice—low, husky, musical—or its dry and uncanny echo of other voices you had known: your mother’s, Crux’s". So The Body had a certain unnaturally beautiful look but it's hair colour was not pinned down, and when it came to eye colour and voice it seemed to take on characteristics of other humans whom... Harrow had known? Who had died for Harrow? Thematically, it just makes sense to me that Alecto - the soul of Earth, the font of all the humans that were later reborn in the Ninth House and other houses - would be able to embody all the souls that Harrow ... loved? mourned? Instinctively, it makes sense to me why Alecto can embody all these souls that ultimately once came from her, while Anastasia - who was ultimately just a human - can't. While I'm here, Anastasia was most likely black-eyed and black-haired, as that is described by Harrow to be the overwhelming Ninth House look.
On a meta level, if you read Tamsyn Muir's other works such as the Deepwater Bride and Floralinda, you'll see that there are certain narrative themes she visits over and over again, but also certain aesthetic things, and one of the aesthetic things she visits again and again is of a very unnaturally beautiful golden-haired girl who turns out to actually be a "monster" (neutral). So, after reading her other works, I'm convinced on a meta as well as a narrative/thematic level that The Body and Alecto are the same.
Even if all the above weren't true, I think Nona the Ninth pretty much confirmed beyond doubt that The Body is Alecto. In NTN, Harrow looks upon Alecto and calls her "corse of the Locked Tomb" (corse being an archaic word for corpse). We know that The Body is the same as the corpse in the tomb because that is confirmed in Harrow the Ninth (HTN Act One Ch. 3), so if we put that together with the above quote, then there is no doubt that "the corse of the Locked Tomb" = "The Body" = "Alecto". Harrow also says in Nona the Ninth, looking upon Alecto's face "I have loved thee all my life, with mine whole soul, and with mine whole strength." To me, it wouldn't make sense for Harrow to say this looking upon Alecto's face, if Anastasia was The Body?
Therefore, given all the reasons above, I think Nona the Ninth has pretty much proven that The Body that Harrow is haunted by is Alecto, who somehow takes on the characteristics of other people that Harrow loves/mourns.
That being said, all of the above is just my personal opinion and observation! I'm not saying I'm right, and I fully welcome everything I said above being proved wrong in Alecto the Ninth!
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ntls-24722 · 5 months
Artastic's reblog with the pierced neck sails was truly inspirational because I've just decided to focus on body mods for Debu regions and their neck-sail piercing specialties. I'm realizing a lot of things that I've kept from Debu for their percieved (by me) tediousness and material cost are not half tedious or expensive as I thought, so... also expect Debu clothes soon (though, clothes are purely decorative and aren't around for actual cover)
Going off of the groups I named in this general makeup chart;
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Coastal Debu have the benefit of being in reach of all sorts of shiny, pretty "bug" parts from their beach living. Shells, paddles, decorative mouthparts, along with dried fish parts and bones, it's all in their reach and by god do the coastal Debu use em, slapping those things right onto studs made of bone with the decorative side pointing outwards. Coastal Debu are not known for one specific reoccurring feature in their piercings, but the beach theme is very specific to them.
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Valley Debu are mostly known for beads. Clay, bone, stone, "wood", glass (glass in particular, since they invented it!), into cubes, ovals, little squares, stars even - they love the damn things and they will put it anywhere and everywhere. In this case, the most popular style for piercings is on the string that hangs interwoven between their gauge. There's also little flags of cloth they hang on the string to denote families or in-groups within tribes.
Other than that, they hang pycnofibers and lines of scales from these strings as well.
Also, it was at this point where I finally changed how the sails are.
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There's now 2 of them! They start way higher up on the neck (yellow area is base) so there's more surface area and they're better at their thermoregulative job
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Badlands Debu are known for their art using a specific type of plant sap that they dry out in the sun to create a hard, amber-like resins. There's a lot of art they have where they pour it into casts or over certain things, and the most popular thing they like dipping in the resin for their neck piercings are the fluffy seedpods of a flower most similar to Earth's dandelions.
Badlands Debu also have a focus on body modifications making one look powerful, so there's scarification and mouth cutouts, which are painful but make the Debu be seen as hardcore or look very menacing. Or both! There actually is a specific mouth cutout that are reserved only for leaders where the entire cheek is cut for a wider gape of the mouth. Other Debu are required to have a little strip of skin connecting the top and bottom jaw.
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Serendipolis! I used to think the debu from this society would be the only ones able to get piercings, and yet I stalled like crazy trying to think up body mods for them. HMM
Anyways. They're obviously known for metal, and along with rings, Debu are also known to have these tusk caps (think a horseshoe but for your teeth). But a special accessory of theirs is a stream of cloth on a string that connects to the lips to the back gauge on the sail. That damn thing gets caught on everything but I'll be damned if it doesn't look cool. They also use diver Cloe jawbones (now that they're in access to zebraelves) and bug heads/eyes (now that they're in access to the other bugs that Zebrapeople have domesticated.) There's also colorful shells they have from trading with coastal Debu.
Rinkalla used to have a nose ring but when she moved out of Serendipolis, she didn't want to stand out (since that was the point of her moving), so she took it out and now she has the valley beads as well.
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stevethefishdotnet · 2 months
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Argo Nauts 1:72 Y-Wing sofubi build update August 7th, 2024
I had posted a scan of this kit's box a few months ago. This is a sofubi (soft vinyl) kit with some brass, pewter, and resin pieces. The main body is vinyl, the disk ventrals at the tail ends of the nacelles are resin, the nacelle beams are brass, and the guns and landing gears are pewter (I think).
This picture above is a quick dry fit of what it looks like so far. I didn't tape the pieces together or anything, but just quickly assembled it for this picture. I later realized that I had hastily attached the nacelles upside-down. I just threw this quickly together to take a photo.
The kit does not come with any decals, so I gave it my own, unique paint scheme. This is a Blue Squadron Y-Wing and I am happy with the stripes I fashioned on my own with masking tape. I painted the vinyl parts with V-Color paints, which are made specifically for painting sofubi kits and toys. This paint is great because when applied properly to vinyl, you cannot scratch it off. It's extremely durable and flexible paint.
I first mixed Light Gray in with Black to make my own German Gray color which I used as an undercoat. I splotched Mr. Masking Neo in areas with a sponge for paint chipping, then went over it with Light Gray. I used Blue and Pastel Blue for the trim, and Orange Yellow to have one panel be a replacement. For the non-sofubi parts, I used Mr. Color 325 (JASDF Gray, IIRC) which is a good match for the V-Color Light Gray. The engine cans were painted a mixture of V-Color Gloss Black and Silver, resulting in a nice gunmetal color.
I later decided to not go with the pastel blue trim for the nacelle tips and re-masked and re-painted them with the matching medium blue I'd used on the cockpit fuselage, which you can see in the photo below. It was a bit tricky, but I also added a small ring of Flesh 1 color on the sensor domes. V-Color has its own clear Smoke color. I made sure to use the Smoke to stain the area around the proton torpedo launchers on the underside. After applying that and a clear gloss top coat, I applied a wash. You cannot use enamel paints on vinyl since they do not react well to each other. Instead I used some Turner Acryl Goache paints, some black with a bit of gray mixed in. Turner paints can be found at any stationery store here in Japan and elementary students use these paints for their classroom art projects. (The jibungous Tsutaya mega bookstore in Maebashi has a great hobby section that has a wide selection of these paints as well as artist oils, pastel chalks, and plenty of other hobby supplies.) I thinned it with Mr. Hobby's Weathering Paint Goache Solvent. (I don't know what "goache" means because I forget... Go look it up if you care.) This is made for making a wash out of acrylic paints. Simple water or acrylic thinner can cause the paint to dry in splotches, but this solvent is made to help the paint run into contours and stay still instead of spreading into splotches.
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There is no flat clear V-Color paint, so I had to create my own with Clear and Flat Base and tested it out on some spare vinyl until it looked right. I think maybe it might be a bit too flat, but I'm alright. After this flat coat, the blue looks considerably subdued and blends in better with the light gray.
The photo above is just another sloppy dry fit. Thus, it doesn't look straight. So far I have only glued the nose cannons to the cockpit pod, the sensor array domes to the nacelle tips, the engine cans and the exhaust shrouds that cover them to the engine pods, and I have glued the disk vectrals to the support pylons at the ends of the nacelles. I have yet to secure these beams to the engine pods, which are also not glued to the engine pylons. Nor have I glued the fuselage, cockpit, canopy, and such.
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To quote Han Solo, "Here's where the fun begins." While this kit provides brass rods for the support pylons, you have to provide your own wires for the piping and bend them all into shape. If I don't get this part right, the model won't look good. So, I am a bit nervous. I am using Wave's C-Line brass rods. Since I have seen some Y-Wing builds in which the pipes were painted a metallic color, I think I might just leave mine unpainted. A viewer on YouTube suggested to me to paint the wires a metallic color for scale, but I think it looks fine as it is. What do you think? They look a bit too shiny since the fluorescent light is shining directly onto them in this picture. I will apply a wash on the brass rods and I was thinking that I will hand-brush Mr. Metal Primer since it is clear and the enamel or whatever should stick to it better after that. Maybe I'll use that Games Workshop Nuln Oil as a wash over the pipes. The pipes should add the bonus value of acting like pins to keep the pieces together. 
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So far, my only complaint is the cockpit canopy. It was difficult to cut out the windows and I think it really should have been molded in resin. The Astromech was painted V-Color Gloss Black and masked off. I will paint its trim with Mr. Hobby Aqueous Gloss White. I also need to paint the cockpit instrumentation with various colors too.
I'm really enjoying this build and as a result I'm getting back into the three Nadia sofubi kits by Tsukuda that have been languishing for years as shelf queens. I've made good progress with those and I will post an update on those soon. I've also begun working on a Deedlit sofubi kit by Kaiyodo.
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phae-undergrove · 2 years
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change, death and regeneration, end of old projects, knowledge, new beginnings, return, transformation,
acorns, bats, bones, besom or broom, cats, cauldron, crows/ravens, Death, gourds, Jack-o-Lantern, leaves, pumpkins, pentacle, skulls
red, orange, yellow, green, purple, silver, gold, brown, black
Food and Drink:
apples, ale, beets, cider, cranberries, hazelnuts, mugwort tea, mulled wine, pork, pomegranates, pumpkins, potatoes, pies/cakes for the dead, squash, turnips
Alter decor:
Acorns,Apples, Black Candles, Brooms, Carved Pumpkins, Cauldron, Fall flowers & leaves, Nuts & Berries, Photographs of deceased loved ones, Pomegranates, bones
apple leaf, almonds, bay leaf, nettle, hemlock, cloves, cinnamon, mandrake, marigold, mums, mugwort, pine, rosemary, sage, wormwood, tarragon, rue, garlic, ginger, hazelnut, allspice, broom Allspice, Broom, Calendula, Comos, Chrysanthemum, Deadly Nightshade, Mint, Nutmeg, Thistle,
Incense & Oils:
Benzoin, Copal, Heliotrope, Mastic Resin, Sage, Sandalwood, Sweetgrass. Wormwood
Apple. Hazel, Oak, Pomegranate
Hekate, The Crone, Cerridwen, Bast, Persephone, Horned Hunter, Cernunnos, Osiris, Hades, Anubis, Loki, Arawn, Dis, and any other death/underworld god or goddess
Crystals and Gemstones:
black obsidian, jasper, onyx, bloodstone, smoky quartz, carnelian, Aquamarine,
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cats, especially black cats, bats, spiders, rats, wolves, snakes, ravens and crows, owls, stags, jackals, scorpions
Do NOT, entice spirits, disrespect them, or perform any other magic that is anything less than respectful.
This is the time to honor the dead.
Set up an altar,
serve them cakes,
and let them know they are not forgotten.
If you wish to communicate with deceased friends and family, this is definitely the best time of year. making communication easy.
in the form of runes,
tea readings,
Reflect over the previous year
perform blessing spells to ring in the new year.
Banishing magic( especially those for bad habits)
Astral projection,
lucid dreaming,
hedge riding are also seen to much easier to perform on this night but remember to be safe 🤍
Please keep in mind this is by no means a complete list but an overview of some symbols, colors, herbs, deities, etc. If I have missed something that you feel should make the list, please feel free to reblog and add to the lists! I try to stay on top of edits like that🥰
If you liked this check out my breakdown of samahin post!
Merry meet! Phae (b)
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sodaresinart · 3 months
Here's some red/yellow/blue resin creations! I made a turtle dish that look at least a week to make because each layer took a day to fully set. I also made another octopus tentacle ring holder and spider web coaster. I made a little koi fish as well.
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aureus-ignis · 1 year
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Some of the props I made for my Tutu many many years ago!
Top left: The wings. Made from steel gauge wire and organza (for that nice glittery finish). I sewed the edges over the wire, then added a small white felt piece with feathers (not pictured here) to go over the adjoining wire loop between the wings. The whole thing is light enough to be safety pinned onto the tutu.
Bottom left: I took a little artistic liberty to add some detailing to the crown. It's made from craft foam, hot glue, and pearls, and I added a little comb to attach it to her wig.
Right: Tutu's very specifically shaped fan. It was impossible to modify a regular folding fan, and the ones that do work like that don't come in such a design, so I ended up making it from scratch by cutting holes out of really, really thick cardboard. To create the illusion of 'spokes', I painted cast shadow lines along them.
Pendant: Crafted entirely by me from a whole lot of materials such as craft foam, ribbon, wire, resin, nail polish, rings. I wanted it to look as authentic and as pretty as possible, so I decided to forgo using clay (a material I'm far more familiar with), and instead what looked more like jewellery. I made all the gems out of resin, because shop bought gems were likely to be oddly faceted, and because I wanted them all to be size proportionate. The clear blue wings were also made from resin; I'm so glad it worked and is now blue and transparent and pretty ;w;
The gold wire was originally very yellow and gaudy (as seen in the first pic), so I sprayed it over with a warmer gold and then painstakingly began to cut and bend them into shape, sanding the edges so they wouldn't cut my poor Tutu's skin when she wore it. I've never done such tiny jewellery work before, so it was difficult and fairly painful to get some of the smaller pieces to do exactly what I wanted (gem hanging at the bottom, I'm looking at you). But I succeeded in the end! o/
The base and others are made from layers of craft foam, with nail polish over to make it glittery and shiny (although it doesn't really show up well in photos), because a flat colour would look too plain next to all the shiny gems. Ribbon is just ribbon. I stared at so many reference pictures and COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT ON EARTH THAT THING WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. It looked like strips of hard metal fastened about her neck at first, but when she took it off at the dramatic-wails-no-Ahiru-WHY episode it fell like soft ribbons. Argh.
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rubygalaxy7 · 3 months
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kari-go · 1 year
Discarded concept
Deed, the stick bug of Realization
Existence box
Miraculous: ear cuff
Weapon: water searching stick
Reality check!
Lose touch.
Favorite food: salt
Deed is a level-headed kwami and thinks a lot about what happened, is happening, and will happen. It tries to be neutral about these thoughts but can’t help itself and be pessimistic. Sometimes they get overwhelmed, but Imaa is always there to pull them back into reality.
True Colors- Ability to see through illusions and magical objects. Its usage is shown by a yellow glowing ring around the holder's eyes.
Debug- Reverts a person to their original form and rids the effects of subjection-based magic.
Resin- Covers an area in a dome where magic cannot be cast.
Hark Bark- The Cure
He calls his holders twigs.
It is visible without a miraculous.
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Thanks @hades-999 for the idea!
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Warrior Cats Prefixes- R
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Rabbit-: "[noun] a burrowing, gregarious, plant-eating mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail"
Raccoon-: "[noun] a grayish-brown American mammal that has a foxlike face with a black mask and a ringed tail"
Ragged-: "[adj] torn; [adj] having an irregular or uneven surface, edge, or outline"
Rain-: "[noun] moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops"
Rainbow-: "[noun] an arch of colors formed in the sky in certain circumstances, caused by the refraction and dispersion of the sun's light by rain or other water droplets in the atmosphere"
Raindrop-: "[noun] a single drop of rain"
Ram-: "[noun] a male sheep"
Rampion-: "[noun] a Eurasian plant of the bellflower family"
Rapid-: "[adj] happening in a short time or at a fast pace; [noun] a fast-flowing and turbulent part of the course of a river"
Raspberry-: "[noun] an edible soft fruit related to the blackberry, consisting of a cluster of reddish-pink drupelets; [noun] the plant that yields the raspberry, forming tall, stiff, prickly stems (canes)"
Rat-: "[noun] a rodent that resembles a large mouse, typically having a pointed snout and a long, sparsely haired tail"
Rattlesnake-: "[noun] a heavy-bodied American pit viper with a series of horny rings on the tail that, when vibrated, produce a characteristic rattling sound as a warning"
Raven-: "[noun] a large heavily built crow with mainly black plumage, feeding chiefly on carrion; [adj] of a glossy black color"
Red-: "[adj] of a color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies; [noun] red color or pigment"
Redwood-: "[noun] either of two giant conifers with thick fibrous bark"
Reed-: "[noun] a tall, slender-leaved plant of the grass family, which grows in water or on marshy ground"
Resin-: "[noun] a sticky flammable organic substance, insoluble in water, exuded by some trees and other plants (notably fir and pine)"
Ridge-: "[noun] a long narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed"
Rime-: "[noun] frost formed on cold objects by the rapid freezing of water vapor in cloud or fog"
Ripple-: "[noun] a small wave or series of waves on the surface of water, especially as caused by an object dropping into it or a slight breeze"
River-: "[noun] a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream"
Roach-: "[noun] a scavenging insect that resembles a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body"
Roam-: "[verb] move about or travel aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area"
Robin-: "[noun] a small chiefly European thrush resembling a warbler and having a brownish-olive back and orangish face and breast"
Rock-: "[noun] the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or oceans; [noun] a large piece of rock which has become detached from a cliff or mountain, like a boulder"
Rocky-: "[adj] consisting or full of rock or rocks"
Roe-: "[noun] a small deer, reddish and grey-brown, and well-adapted to cold environments
Rook-: "[noun] a gregarious Eurasian crow with black plumage and a bare face, nesting in colonies in treetops"
Rooster-: "[noun] a male domestic chicken"
Root-: "[noun] the part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers"
Rose-: "[noun] a prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers, native to north temperate regions"
Rosehip-: "[noun] the ripened usually red or orange accessory fruit of a rose that consists of a fleshy receptacle enclosing numerous achenes"
Rosemary-: "[noun] an evergreen aromatic shrub of the mint family, native to southern Europe"
Rowan-: "[noun] a mountain ash tree; [noun] the scarlet berry of the rowan tree"
Rubble-: "[noun] waste or rough fragments of stone"
Ruby-: "[noun] a precious stone consisting of corundum in color varieties varying from deep crimson or purple to pale rose"
Rue-: "[noun] small perennial shrub in the family Rutaceae used as a culinary and medicinal herb"
Rumble-: "[verb] to make a continuous deep, resonant sound; [noun] a continuous deep, resonant sound like distant thunder"
Running-: "[verb] the action of running"
Rush-: "[verb] move with urgent haste; [verb] dash toward (someone or something) in an attempt to attack or capture; [noun] a sudden quick movement toward something"
Russet-: "[adj] reddish brown in color; [noun] a reddish-brown color"
Russula-: "[noun] a widespread woodland toadstool that typically has a brightly colored flattened cap and a white stem and gills"
Rust-: "[noun] a fungal disease of plants which results in reddish or brownish patches"
Rustgill-: "[noun] a small and widely distributed mushroom which grows in dense clusters on dead conifer wood"
Rustle-: "[verb] make a soft, muffled crackling sound like that caused by the movement of dry leaves; [noun] a soft, muffled crackling sound like that made by the movement of dry leaves"
Rusty-: "[adj] reddish brown in color, resembling rust"
Rye-: "[noun] a cereal plant that tolerates poor soils and low temperatures"
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gemville · 9 months
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Solo For Diamonds Ring In 14k Yellow Gold and Green Bio-Resin With A 1.59 Carat Fancy Yellow Lab-Grown Diamond
Photo Courtesy: Solo For Diamonds
Source: jckonline.com
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nihils-trolls · 9 months
In Darkness, Wailing
Catill Eidwyn | Wisp's Hollow | Present Night
Dancing lights flick across a pitch-black canvas. Red, yellow, green and white- they swirl in their flight, the light they shed traveling seemingly forever as nothing stands in its path. Suddenly, they separate and disperse into tiny, glittering pieces that scatter across the darkness.
The millions of twinkles hang in intricate patterns, the spaces between them seeming to hold them in their current place.
And yet, something shifts in that emptiness. It writhes in anticipation. In response.
Also sitting amongst the vast nothing, a pure white cat gazes upon the activity taking place just above it. Its four, wide and piercing yellow eyes take in every detail and attempt to process their meaning. It lets out a pained yowl, and begins to bend and contort. Another yowl from somewhere else joins in chorus, and another. And another. They crescendo, becoming discordant as a distinctly different set of screams joins in. Something not like any creature, nor speaking being.
The poor beast’s fur begins falling in clumps, its skin beginning to ripple underneath it all. A black tendril reaches out from nowhere to latch onto the feline-
Catill wakes suddenly, slowly dragging herself to sit up. A decorative, lacquered bowl sits shattered in front of her, and the tablecloth is absolutely soaked with some sort of black fluid. She feels a sharp pang in her stomach, and then in her head and chest as well. Her memory is foggy, and she doesn’t remember how she got here, or what she was doing. But falling asleep at the table doesn’t sound like something she’d do normally.
She attempts to rub the sleep from her eyes, smearing something wet across her face. In fact, her whole face feels weirdly sticky and it makes her want to crawl out of her skin. Catill pauses- resisting the urge- to bring her hand down and look at it. A dark, resinous substance streaks across the back of it. Looks almost black, but fades into murky yellow.
She brings herself to stand. She needs to look at her face, right now.
But standing too fast was a bad idea. Catill’s head starts to spin, and she nearly falls over. Her chest and head throb in pain once again, but she manages to stay upright long enough to get to a decorative mirror hanging in the hall.
Screaming. Gods, the fucking screaming. They ring in her ears again, reminding her of the horrible dream she just had. Catill leans against the wall in an attempt to support herself, panting. Upon gazing at the reflection, her expression twists into a pained grimace.
The same gross fluid stains her entire face. She looks like she hasn’t slept in several nights with the bags under her eyes and wrinkles lining her brow. Her hair is a mess and she’s paler than usual, even.
Something is horribly wrong. The wailing, the feeling horribly ill, the dream- she wasn’t one for divining in that fashion. Dreams were fleeting and there was little chance of remembering details. But clearly, this was a warning. For what, though?
… Her chest feels heavy again, getting another sharp, almost burning pang in the center. It hurts to breathe for a moment, and then it’s gone. It feels almost like-
Mana exhaustion. But that doesn’t make sense, she thinks. She’s barely done anything. The scene at the table suggests she was viewing the stars at some point, but that doesn’t wind her like this.
Catill shambles further down the hall, headed to her bedroom. There’s another familiar feeling to this affliction, one that she hasn’t felt since she was five or six sweeps old. It’s ancient. Musty. Rotting. A tug on her, and an uneasy feeling of being watched. It does nothing to make her feel any better, nor assuage any worries.
She slides open the door, making her way over to collapse into a pile of pillows on the floor. It’s too early in the night to properly sleep, but some rest is definitely in order.
There’s no solving whatever this is on empty energy reserves.
The goldblood barely managed to take care of herself. Her body felt heavy, and she just wanted to crawl back to sleep during the whole endeavor. Though, she managed to scrub the guck from her face and find something to eat.
Now all that needed to be cleaned up was the table. Catill finds her way to the kitchen, grabbing another tablecloth from a closet on the way. The bowl was unsalvageable, and the stains on the old cloth were a mix of ink and the same residue from before. Definitely not worth trying to wash out. She wraps everything together and tosses it in the trash.
… Was it always this dark in here? A somewhat unsettling feeling fills the air, and it's noticeably cooler in the room. Catill studies the changes, noticing a shadow swaying back and forth- then it stops. Something is definitely amiss. Catill squints to adjust her vision, focusing her other senses as well. It becomes abundantly clear to her that her hive is inundated with magic- of her own variety.
It's just… strange. Concerning, even. This, combined with the omen, and the reminder of that thing from sweeps past. It's almost as if it's coming to haunt her again.
Maybe she should call someone for help. There aren't many others she keeps close, but there are others more prepared to handle this than she is. Someone like…
Catill's face scrunches at her thought. Absolutely not. Not the fun police. They don't need to be bothering people in the village, and she doesn't want to deal with them.
No, she'll try to figure this out herself for now. If anything, there is one troll she doesn't mind reaching out to. But she hopes it doesn't come to that.
For now, the cat troll shuffles back to her room to try and sleep again. Before nodding off, she sends out a few messages to her quads to let them know she's not feeling well- passing back out shortly after.
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bjdinfo · 2 years
Can you please do a resin comparison of Myou white skin tone with Doll Family-h and other bjd companies that have jointed hands?
Companies that have yellow-toned white skins are good matches:
Angel of Dream, Chicabonita, Doll Leaves, Doll Love, Dollzone/Doll Chateau (sister companies), Mystic Kids, Souldoll, Sugarble, Xagadoll/Asleep Eidolon; Magic Time and Fairyland too, but their MSD dolls are smaller so parts may not be compatible.
Jointed hand candidates (handidates?):
Asleep Eidolon/Xaga Doll white 2021 looks fairly close to 2019 Myou white, and they offer 1/3-sized jointed hands.
Doll Leaves white is described as a good match in a comment from 2022, but the included photo link was broken unfortunately. I’ll see if I can ask the commenter to repost it!
Doll Legend jointed hands might have worked but the company seems to be defunct. ;-;
Doll Chateau’s 1/4 jointed hands fit nicely on Myou Doll’s 1/4 ver. 3 girl body. (A bit small on ver. 1 but still functional.)
Companies that have pink or peach toned whites that won't match so well are:
IOS, Luts, Angell Studio, Loong Soul, Doll Legend, Akagi Doll, Migidoll, Dikadoll, Angel Fantasy, Doll Family-H, Doll Family-A
*Doll Family-H white matched in 2016/2017 but is now lighter and has a pinker undertone.
and companies that have paper white skin:
Dikadoll pure white (not sure on regular white), Resinsoul, Dream Valley
Will update if I can find information on other possibilities for jointed hands. Thank you for your ask and please let me know if you have other questions.
White Resin Comparisons by epicari on Den of Angels
K is Myou Doll white from 2019
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1. Resin Soul- White 2019 (horn)
2. Magic Time- White 2018 (cat ear)
3. Pipos- White 2020 (ear)
4. Dika Doll- Pure White 2021 (paw)
5. Ringdoll- White (body sent to me by Ringdoll in 2021 but yellowed so older/ unknown age)
6. Aimerai- White 2021 (cat ear)
7. Doll Legend- White 2019 (small hands)
8. Doll Family H- White 2021
9. Doll Family A- White 2021 (changed from yellow tone to pink toned white mid 2021)
A. Luts- Zuzu Snow White 2019
B. Asleep Eidolon- Fairy Snow UV White 2021
C. Wthdoll- White 2017
D. DF-A- White 2019
E. 2D Doll- Pure White 2022
F. Ring Doll- White- 2022
G. Dream Valley- White 2021
H. Withdoll- Cream White 2020
I. Angel of Dream- White 2018
J. Doll Love- White 2017
K. Myou- White 2019
L. Dika Doll- Pure White 2017
M. Soul Doll- White 2016
N. Asleep Eidolon/ Xaga Doll- White 2021
O. Dollzone- White 2022
P. Loong Soul- White 2017
Q. Luts- Real Skin White 2021
R. Withdoll- Light Rose Pink 2020
S. Dreaming Doll- Rose White 2021
T. Little Monica- White 2021
U. Miao Xie Bao/ Kanioom- MMD Half White 2022
V. Angel Studio- Solid White 2018
W. Dolli-pop- Milk 2021
X. Pipos- Off White 2021 (changed from ivory to pink toned white somewhere between 2017-2022)
Y. I.O.S- White 2017 (changed from yellow tone to pink toned white mid 2017)
Z. Aileen Doll- White 2022
10. Dika Doll- White (pink white/off white) 2017
11. Migi Doll- White 2018
Myou White Resin Comparisons by epicari on Den of Angels [2017]
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1. Dikadoll white 2017 (not a match- is a little pinker)- Dika pure white is a pure white so also not a match when fresh, however both Dika's whites yellow so older pieces may match)
2. Mystic Kids white 2017 (very close match)
3. Myou white 2017
4. Doll Family H white 2016 (very close match, is a tiny bit lighter) *no longer a match as of 2021
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Top left: Resinsoul WS 2018- not at match as much whiter, but could be blushed to match.
Bottom left: Fairyland WS 2016- a passable match
Top right: Angel of Dream WS 2018- a good match
Bottom right: Souldoll WS possibly 2016?- a close match, the Souldoll looks a touch more yellow
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Above: Doll Legend 1/3 male hands in white resin are a good match and fit for 1/3 Myou male body in white resin [2017] (jointed hand on left, original Myou hand on right) /sadly I think Doll Legend company is defunct ;-;
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Above: 1/4 Doll Chateau hands on Myou ver. 3 body. They fit very well and the size looks natural on this body. The hands and V3 body are white and the colour is a good match.
2020 Comparison by balljointedheart
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Withdoll cream white is a potential match, may be slightly lighter.
Dollzone WS (left) and Myou WS (right) by cap’n on Den of Angels [2021]
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Myou WS matches (modern) Dollzone WS perfectly. The lighting isn't great (sorry) but here's Dollzone WS (left) and Myou WS (right). They're both a sort of creamy tone.
It is NOT a match to Dream Valley white. I still have Dream Valley white and it is very stark paper white.
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