imperfectmind · 4 months
sorry if this makes me an evil bigot but people arent entitled to mindlessly follow your beliefs or tolerate bad behaviour/attitudes just because you have more oppressed lables than them.
People should be able to lable idiocy and cruelty when they they see it and being a minority doesnt make it so you cant use your hardships to be manipulative, spout vile horrible things or say things that are simply not true
Its honestly why sj tumblr is such a toxic mess. Its ran by crybullies who despise honest communication and constructive community building. Its just 'im automatically right when i tell someone ~less oppressed~ than me anything and they cant question me. If they do theyre speaking over me and oppressing me by disagreeing"
'Listen to x voices' should mean not automatically disregarding a female, gay, black, asian etc persons views, and not that people should grovel and defer to others because they said so.
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curiositysavesthecat · 4 months
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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grassam · 30 days
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So, we do we go from here?
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Some people are left-handed;
some people are right-handed.
I happen to be ambidextrous,
but what sets me apart
is that I will not use either hand
to force yours.
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Your friend group and fanbase made up of left/right-wing extremists will eat you alive once you say something they don't like btw.
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iisthepopeoffools · 1 month
Communists who clearly have liberatory desires but support Marxist-Leninist regimes are like the left-wing version of libertarians who support absolute monarchy.
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furryrash · 2 months
The story of the art that was stolen by Christy Kitsune
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An artist friend of mine (his account has now been deleted) wrote several years ago (this picture now become CC-00):
"I want to talk about an unpleasant situation related to my work. I recently created an image for Christy Kitsune (Christykitsune) and shared it in our community. Soon after, she decided to use the image as her profile picture, but refused to credit me when I asked. At first I thought it was a simple misunderstanding and asked her again. However, instead of correcting the situation, she openly stated that she would not credit me as the author because of my left-wing political views. I was shocked by this answer. The situation worsened when Christy began to actively discredit me in the community. She encouraged other members to not only ignore my requests, but also to openly attack me. As a result, I became the target of harassment and criticism from her supporters. For me, it was a bitter lesson about how some people can use their popularity and influence to manipulate and bully."
I think he would like his picture to be used by someone with socialist views. But not right-wing radicals like Christy.
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sofiaflorina2021 · 4 months
We Could Be A Leftist and A Rightist at The Same Time
What a strange time when what we called the left was not on the left, the right was not on the right, and the centre was not on the centre. However, this is how politics should be understood and work. Politics must be all encompassing, for everyone, for the common good.
The political spectrum is important, it is useful for classifying and determining our political positions. However, it cannot be rigid. Each corner of the political spectrum is not rigid and completely separate from the others. Hence why there are many models of this.
People can be on the 'left' or on the 'right' in looking at certain things. Too many variables are needed to truly determine an individual's political position. Most people see other people's political positions only superficially, they only see what they see, just on the surface.
So, it shouldn't matter if people accuse you of being leftist or rightist. Even so, it is still potentially dangerous. I personally avoid any political labeling of myself. It is easier for me to refute accusations than to defend my political position. People change, so do I.
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jameslmartello · 6 months
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hewsos-from-lesbos · 1 year
The right project so much if you got enough of them in a room you could invent the holodeck.
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antique-ro-man · 2 years
I want to read more political theory. Does anyone have suggestions for good books? Note that I’m not looking for any particular view point, I want to get an understanding of various perspectives.
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lesbianchemicalplant · 8 months
I could be wrong about this, but. is it a bit off-puting to anyone else seeing (particularly white) people meme on nicki minaj persistently enabling a sexual predator, helping intimidate and browbeat victims, and now viciously smearing another black woman so obsessively that she's even cozying up to (or at least demurring about) a white supremacist
it reminds me of a few years ago when irony-poisoned protofascist twitter gays latched on to azealia banks as their patron saint while banks was going on increasingly horrific transmisogynist rants and posting antisemitic conspiracy theories
is it actually funny to see someone go down a deranged right-wing rabbit hole? is it maybe just campy entertainment to you rather than dismaying because she's a black woman and you don't take black women seriously (least of all the other black woman she's viciously attacking)
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marietheran · 5 months
Oh, for goodness sake, I thought you were going to talk about Christianity not politics
me @ a certain substack
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alicearmageddon · 2 months
Post-deng china is the least worst imperialist country on earth by a pretty significant margin but it is still an imperialist country. The CCP have no intentions of ever moving past market economics or private property and definitely no intentions of trying to build socialism ever again
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iisthepopeoffools · 1 year
Are tankies the monarchists of the left or are monarchists the tankies of the right?
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