#Rigid Box
creativeboxesblog · 1 month
Elevate Your Brand with Custom Printed Rigid Boxes in the UK
Custom Printed Rigid Boxes, also known as setup boxes, are constructed from sturdy cardboard cores, typically lined with paper or fabric. This robust build quality offers superior protection for your products during transit and storage. 
For more details regarding Custom Printed Rigid Boxes read our blog: https://community.wongcw.com/blogs/739197/Elevate-Your-Brand-with-Custom-Printed-Rigid-Boxes-in-the
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customboxguru · 4 months
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artagil-packaging · 10 months
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bongoguy69 · 1 year
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Explore the key factors to consider when selecting a rigid box manufacturer, including manufacturing capabilities, customization options, lead times, pricing, quality assurance, and communication and collaboration skills. This article also provide tips on how to evaluate potential manufacturers and questions to ask during the selection process. https://www.cdcprinters.com/ultimate-guide-to-choose-the-right-rigid-box-manufacturer/
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elysianmadness · 9 months
"Lesbian means exclusive attraction to women!"
"No, it means non-men exclusively attracted to non-men!"
"It actually means queer attraction to women!"
"Lesbian means women and nonbinary people being exclusively attracted to other women and nonbinary people!"
Lesbian is a multifaceted label that can describe many different experiences. There is no one perfect definition of lesbian that will encompass the entire diverse experiences that lesbians can have.
I'm personally a genderqueer woman who's exclusively attracted to other women, but the lesbian next to me might be a transmasc lesbian who loves all genders except for men. And the lesbian next to them might be a bigender lesbian who's both a girl and a boy, who's exclusively attracted to women. Our experiences can all be described by the term lesbian if that's how we wish to describe it, but we might define it differently based on our own experiences. And guess what?
None of our definitions are wrong, but none of our definitions will encompass every other lesbian's experiences. A word can have multiple definitions without any of the definitions being wrong. And those definitions can be very vague or very specific. Labels are made to fit us- we aren't made to fit labels.
People who may have a different experience with the lesbian label are not your enemies. People in lesbian spaces who aren't exactly like you are not your enemies. The problem comes when you try to force one singular definition on every single lesbian. THAT is harmful. Sending death threats to other lesbians because they don't have the same experience as you is harmful. Not another lesbian having a different experience from you.
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adminturtleboxes · 2 years
Custom perfect Rigid box Manufacturers online - Turtle boxes
Paper boxes come in several types, including mono cartons, corrugated cartons, rigid box, and Kappa boxes. Boxes are available from Turtle Boxes in a variety of sizes and styles.
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homewrecking-lore · 1 year
People will really talk about how Star Trek: Voyager isn't good and then list reasons that LITERALLY apply to all classic Star Trek. "Developments didn't carry over from episode to episode." "There's a lot of bad or boring episodes." "It missed a lot of opportunities." Have you ever seen Star Trek? Have you ever watched a Star Trek series? Are we really pretending these are just problems in Voyager?
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permian-tropos · 8 months
ok but why do so many pathologic fans think that “being a teenager” is a whole personality and that clara has that personality
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mag200 · 11 months
i think my issue with the whole “lesbians cannot ever as a rule EVER be attracted to men AT ALL” type discourse is 1) lesbians can do what they want actually, up to and including having a complicated and nuanced personal relationship with attraction, gender, expression, and sexuality, and they sure as shit dont have to explain that to you.
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psa: people are allowed to experiment with their gender expression without making definitive statements about their gender identity :)
let people tell you what/who they want to be perceived as rather than prescribing it for them. this includes if people want to identify as cishet despite not strictly adhering to conventions and norms.
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sophsicle · 1 year
Nah that James and Sirius kiss was 100% cheating 💀💀 even tho regulus said they’re not dating they are and you can’t just kiss someone else while dating someone even if you didn’t mean it romantically🤯 how is this any different then Remus and Sirius kissing while remus is dating Fabian? I think the only one here obsessed with cheating is you
it is sad to me
that this is how you think
but you are entitled to your opinion
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Some of the world's most exclusive packaging gets introduced to the world through the tireless packaging prowess of the cosmetics and perfume industry. When your customers demand only the very best, and are willing to pay for it, why settle for anything less? The most sensational unboxing experiences are those that include the heightened sense of smell… especially that of a rare scent, that is difficult to acquire. Luxury perfumes create an aura of excitement that cannot be expressed in worlds.
We regularly sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) with big brands & also start-up companies for our specialist skills in creating one-of-a-kind boxes that are always a class apart… and fully protected against duplication for our discerning customers. Also, if you are shopping for a cheap deal in packaging, Bell may not be the right option for your brand. Great packaging comes at a price. And we can guarantee that we will deliver world class boxes- At any cost, on the dates we agree.
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I love trannies 4ever n swagever
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strangesmallbard · 7 months
i think both shadowheart and lae’zel could be doll collectors in a modern au. ruthlessly competitive doll collectors of course. they’re sworn enemies on ebay. they dm threats indecipherable to anyone outside the doll community. they will Never admit to their hobby offline. they have the same mutual friends offline. do you understand what i’m saying
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kabbalicgay · 1 year
"Be the person your younger self wanted to be" I am very different to the person my younger self wanted to be & that's okay, actually.
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I'm not bitching about any specific manga/anime/mangaka, nor this is bother me that much and I totally understand that everyone have the right to draw what/how they want. It's a thought/thot. It's just me or mangakas (not hentai) have tendency draw/make plus size/chubby/fat people ugly, bloated or uncanny? Like there are normal drawed characters, such Major and other males, but chubby woman often get the short end of the stick.
There are always exceptions to the rule but your average mangaka rarely draws chubby women at all and when they do it's usually to make them the butt of a joke. I actually like Big Mom from One Piece since iirc she's never made fun of specifically for her weight lol
That said, a mangaka who draws chubby women/girls favorably isn't always good for it. Oshiete Galko-chan has Nikuko, who is a chubby athlete. Unfortunately the mangaka turned out to be a gigantic nonce with so much CSEM that the cops suspected he might be intending to distribute, which outweighs literally any positive things I could say about his work.
BNHA has Fatgum who's a man, but if he were a woman I guarantee she'd be oversexualized and fetishized the same way some freaks sexualize Miruko due to her dark skin. The double edged sword of women representation is there's always gonna be people who complain about it, people who jack off to it, and people who do both. And by people I 99.9% mean certain men
I like the Zero Squad lady in Bleach that is a chubby woman, but she's also able to use her powers to shape-shift into a sexy skinny lady with big tits like most of Bleach women. She also doesn't have much interesting about her besides her design, but Kubo's always been a man to love style over substance so i don't mind. Thankfully she's not the butt of many jokes and most male Bleach fans are too busy drooling over the already-established women in the cast lol.
Anyone else have examples of chubby girls and women in anime, whether they're joke characters or otherwise? There are already so few fat guys who aren't treated as jokes about their weight, but they're here and there with the Major, the model from Sakamoto desu ga, Fatgum...
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