#Rising New York Road Runners
blowflyfag · 21 days
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By Steve Mueller
It seemed that when Sting lost his WCW world title to Big Van Vader, he lost more than just a championship belt. He lost his reputation and his status. In that match’s conclusion, the Stinger was literally destroyed by Van Vader’s power bomb. The face painted gladiator was so completely beaten by Vader that it seemed his run as a major star in American wrestling rings was definitely finished. It was the kind of loss that forces wrestlers to leave a promotion.
And then when Ron Simmons defeated Vader for the gold, convincingly, it seemed that there was no question. Even among his most devoted fans, that Sting’s time in the spotlight had definitely passed. Wrestling journalists wrote stories about Sting’s coming fade into oblivion. His almost story book career was discussed and then written off as just another example of a guy who electrifies the wrestling world for a time, and then passes, sometimes for inexplicable reasons, into obscurity.
Then the situation worsened. Sting’s lackluster performance against Jake Roberts at Halloween Havoc in a match that has come to be universally labeled as a travesty only seemed to cement the speculation that Sting’s star had crashed. After all, the face painted gladiator had had two runs as world champion and neither had been successful draws at the gate. And drawing fans into an arena is the only true measure of success in the modern wrestling world. 
Rumors began to circulate that Sting was headed to the World Wrestling Federation. In the “Pro Wrestling Today” television talk show in New York, it seemed every other question asked by a fan was “When is Sting going to the WWF?” Insiders, however, knew there was no chance that Sting would suddenly appear on “Superstars”, brandishing a tube of makeup, and proclaiming himself to be “Real Grease-painted Hero.” Sting’s contract with WCW is both ironiclad and Watts-proof, and, with Hulk Hogan on the sidelines, it is the richest in the mat sport. 
Then other rumors began to circulate that Sting would become the highest paid tag team wrestler in the history of the sport. When the Ultimate Warrior quit/was fired from the WWF in November, respected experts such as Professor Victor Chirel, noted academician and wrestling historian, predicted that the Warrior would eventually sign a contract with WCW and reform the Blade Runners tag team with his one-time partner Sting. 
“The Ultimate Warrior was never that successful as a singles draw,” said Professor Chirel. “Even when he was WWF world champ, he had very little drawing power. And now that any potential Sting had to become a major draw is definitely finished, I predict Sting and the Warrior will become a team again in the hope of salvaging their careers. Together, Sting and the Ultimate Warrior have the chance to become the Road Warriors of the nineties. Individually, at least in the majors, their careers are over.”
[Sting battles Rick Rude in a classic confrontation.]
For a time, most insiders and experts agreed with Professor Chirel. Rumors surfaced weekly that, after he appeared on a few independent shows as “the Man Who Used to be Called the Ultimate Warrior” because of WWF contractual restrictions, the Warrior was about to join WCW. Like Professor Chirel, longtime fans remembered the Blade Runners, the vehicle through which Sting and the Warrior first came if not to national prominence, then at least to national attention. 
In the mid-eighties, Cowboy Bill Watts brought the face- painted duo to his legendary Mid-South promotion and the rest is history. Since Watts is now head honcho at WCW, it is easy to see how speculation arose that the Blade Runners team would be reformed, perhaps under another name. 
And many experts thought the reformation of the Blade Runners was a good idea. “Frankly, I’m tired of Sting,” said veteran ringside physician Dr. Gary Dunn. “As far as I’m concerned, and I’ve been studying the mat sport for over thirty years, Sting no longer has a future as a singles star. As for the Ultimate Warrior, I’m not sure he ever had a future as a real star in singles competition. However, put Sting and the Warrior together and you have some real possibilities. The whole, in this case, would surely be greater than the sum of its parts.”
[Sting is always a crowd pleaser.]
“I agree with Doctor Dunn,” says Kim Hostetler, screen actress and wrestling fan. “I always thought Sting’s talents were more suited to tag team competition. When you think about it, Sting and that Ultimate Fellow have basically the same blend of as the legendary Road Warriors. Sting has the high flying aerial skills like Hawk. The Warrior would be the power guy on the team just like Animal. Hey, Cowboy Bill Watts should get this going right away.”
But as Christmas 1992 came and went, and speculation began to grow that Bill Watts might not be around WCW much longer because the promotion was sinking deeper and deeper into red ink. It became obvious that the Warrior was not going to join WCW. The inside story was that WCW could not give the Warrior the kind of contract he demanded–one that paid big bucks. Billy Watts’ austerity program had eliminated large guaranteed contracts. The Warrior just laughed at WCW’s offers. 
[Sting is used to doing battle outside the ring.]
It seemed that a reunion with the Warrior was not going to save Sting’s career. The second most famous wrestler from Venice Beach seemed doomed to fade into the shadowy world of oblivion. Then a strange thing began to happen. 
Sting, though it happened very slowly at first, began to recapture some of the magic that had electrified fans earlier in his career. His matches became more focused and he began using more of the aerial style that had been his trademark before a serious knee injury had almost ended his career. 
Amazingly, suddenly it wasn’t just kids and young women who were chanting Sting’s name at ringside. Hardcores joined the chorus. Somehow, being cast in the role of the underdog had done wonders for Sting’s charisma. Facing adversity and not giving up had made him kind of a “People’s Champion.”
[The Stinger knows how to hurt his opponents.]
A series of glitzy wins, and like unexpected lightning, Sting was back near the top of his profession. 
In December and January, TV ratings of WCW programs began a return to respectability. Silent hope is growing in the executive offices of Turner Broadcasting that WCW may indeed still have a future on TBS. And it is no accident that this rise in the ratings coincides with Sting’s own return to prominence. The coming months will tell the story not only of Sting’s future, but of the future of WCW itself. Stay tuned, this one is going to get interesting. 
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mostlyinthemorning · 1 year
fic rec friday
Original rules: Share your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words
Thanks for the tag, @stereopticons!
Most hits: Sometimes, Home is A Person (M, 144k words) Five years after David and Patrick’s wedding, Clint and Marcy decide to move to Schitt’s Creek. This time, David's not the only one who has to come to terms with his family.
Fewest hits: Like So Many Stars (M, 3114 words) At the far end of the galaxy, the drinks are blue and taste like watermelon, and Patrick has a job to do. But all of his plans go out the space hatch when a dark-eyed stranger buys him a drink.
Most kudos: Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (E, 29k words) All David wants is to order some flowers. What he gets is a very cute, very snippy shopkeeper who he can't stop thinking about. After taking over his parents' shop, Patrick feels like he's being crushed by the weight of expectations. Until he meets someone who turns everything upside down.
Fewest kudos: Found and Lost and Found Again (T, 11.9k words) When Patrick is kidnapped by a mysterious agency, David will do anything to get him back, but rescuing Patrick won’t be easy. Still, David is determined to find his husband, even if it means pushing out of his comfort zone and revealing Patrick’s secrets. Nothing will stop David from bringing Patrick home—just as soon as he finishes at least four steps in his nine-step skin care regimen.
Most comments: This is also Sometimes, Home is a Person, so going with the runner-up, which is Strangers, Friends, Husbands, Lovers (E, 45.5k words) Patrick is going to marry Rachel. Everyone says so. But no one expects it when Patrick blows up his life and catches the first flight to San Francisco. What happens next, and who he meets, is even more unexpected.
Fewest comments: More Than Enough (G, 1084 words) The morning after the housewarming party (S5E05) Patrick, David and Ted have a very awkward conversation.
Most bookmarks: This is also Sometimes, Home is a Person, so going with the runner-up, which is Stick Handling (E, 31.7k words) David Rose is perfectly happy working as a fashion reporter, covering the latest designers, surrounding himself with beautiful clothes. That is, until he's reassigned to the sports beat. His first assignment? To interview presumed hockey barbarian, Patrick Brewer. He'll need to get good wood on his stick to avoid the back door play.
Fewest bookmarks: Temperature Rising (G, 385 words) "Patrick stares across the store at his fiance. David’s eyes meet his and Patrick feels the temperature in the room inch even higher."
Most words: This is also Sometimes, Home is a Person, so going with the runner-up, which is A Test of Time (E, 44.2k words). David is a contractor who goes back in time to collect souvenirs and videos to sell to wealthy collectors. On a trip to 1988 he meets Patrick in a bar in New York. He thinks nothing of the chance encounter until one day he goes to Ray’s to get a permit...
Fewest words: #honeymoonlife (T, 2 words) David and Patrick take a honeymoon road trip to Niagara Falls. As seen through their Instagram posts.
Tagging: @weathereyehorizon @missgeevious @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 @chelle-68 @noahreids
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xolta · 1 year
Scifi recommendations
Xolta's Scifi movie recommendation list.
Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) The Astronomer's Dream Tetsuo: The Iron Man Under the Seas Zeiram Aelita Termiantor Terminator 2 The First Men in the Moon(1918 version) L'Inhumaine The Mysterious Island(1929) A Boy and His Dog Total recall(original) Dune(1980s, I know its bad but i like it okay) Dune part 1 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind(idk if it counts) Flash Gordon(1980s movie) The H-Man The Angry Red Planet The Stepford Wives(original) First Men in the Moon(1964 version) Barbarella They Live Demon Seed Altered States Dark city The 13th floor Virus(1980s Japaneses movie) Virus(1990s American movie) Starship Troopers Alien Aliens Robocop Robocop 2 Titan A.E. Ghost in the shell(original anime version) Howard the duck(its not bad fight me!) Escape from New York Blade runner E.t. Space balls Jurassic park The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension Gandahar Star trek: Generations Star trek: First Contact Heavy metal(mainly for its soundtrack) The Super Inframan Planet of the apes(original) Galaxy quest Rise of the planet of the apes Dawn of the planet of the apes Star wars Big man japan return of the jedi the empire strikes back Star trek 2: Wrath of khan Mad max District 9 Road warrior Mad max beyond thunder dome The Secret of NIMH(it counts right?) Videodrome Paprika Krull(dose it count idk) M.D. Geist Star Trek 4: The voyage home Naked lunch Star trek the undiscovered country The City of Lost Children The Island of Dr. Moreau(the 90s supreme trash fire version) Event Horizon eXistenZ Children of men
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newstfionline · 8 months
Monday, January 22, 2024
Brutally cold weather reaching deep into lower United States (AP) Arctic weather brought more misery to much of the U.S., especially for people unaccustomed to such bitter cold in places like Memphis, Tennessee, where residents were urged to boil water and some had no water at all after freezing temperatures broke water mains across the city. Temperatures weren’t expected to rise until after the weekend. The bracing cold followed a week of storms blamed for at least 67 deaths around the U.S., many involving hypothermia or road accidents. A huge swath of the U.S. was under wind chill advisories, from Montana into central Florida. It was particularly harsh in the Midwest. The wind made it feel like minus 16 degrees (minus 26 Celsius) in Iowa City on Saturday. Snow tapered in the Northeast after blanketing a large area including Washington and New York City. In New York, aid groups distributed food and clothes near an elementary school to migrants who bundled up in thick coats and knit caps to ward off the freezing temperatures.
DeSantis Drops Out of Presidential Race and Endorses Trump (NYT) Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida suspended his campaign for president on Sunday and endorsed the front-runner, former President Donald J. Trump, with the primary race in New Hampshire in its final 48 hours. The move cements the Republican contest as a two-person race between Mr. Trump and former Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, a little less than a week after Mr. DeSantis’s devastating 30-percentage-point loss to Mr. Trump in Iowa. The Trump campaign, which has made bashing DeSantis a blood sport for much of the last year, said in a statement that it was “honored” by his endorsement and once again criticized Haley as being too liberal to win the Republican nomination. Though Ms. Haley now has the two-person race she sought, it remains to be seen whether Mr. DeSantis’s departure will help her, or whether more of his supporters will migrate to Mr. Trump.
A Belgian port seized tons of cocaine. Criminals tried to take it back. (Washington Post) On a dark Friday evening in November, three people scaled a fence in the sprawling North Sea port of Antwerp, pulled knives on customs workers and forced them to open a confiscated container. Security officials say the assailants knew exactly what they’d find. Inside, tucked among animal skins, were bricks of cocaine. Antwerp, known historically as a hub for diamond trading, has developed a reputation as Europe’s cocaine-import capital. Last year, Belgian customs officers intercepted a record 256,000 pounds of cocaine there, according to figures shared this week by the Belgian Finance Ministry. That’s more than three times the amount U.S. customs and border officials seized in all of the United States. But officials estimate it’s only a fraction of the drugs being smuggled among the 12 million containers that pass through Antwerp each year. The head of Belgium’s customs service said in an interview that especially big seizures in the fall appeared to have prompted a violent backlash, along with a new issue: Authorities haven’t always been able to destroy what they’ve confiscated before drug gangs try to steal it back.
A century after Lenin’s death, the USSR’s founder seems to be an afterthought in modern Russia (AP) Not long after the 1924 death of the founder of the Soviet Union, a popular poet soothed and thrilled the grieving country with these words: “Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live.” A century later, the once-omnipresent image of Vladimir Lenin is largely an afterthought in modern Russia. The Red Square mausoleum where his embalmed corpse lies in an open sarcophagus is no longer a near-mandatory pilgrimage but a site of macabre kitsch, open only 15 hours a week. It draws far fewer visitors than the Moscow Zoo. The goateed face with its intense glare that once seemed unavoidable still stares out from statues, but many of those have been the targets of pranksters and vandals. The one at St. Petersburg’s Finland Station commemorating his return from exile was hit by a bomb that left a huge hole in his posterior. Many streets and localities that bore his name have been rechristened. The ideology that Lenin championed and spread over a vast territory is something of a sideshow in modern Russia. The Communist Party, although the largest opposition grouping in parliament, holds only 16% of the seats, overwhelmed by President Vladimir Putin’s political power-base, United Russia.
A Hindu temple built atop a razed mosque in India is helping Modi boost his political standing (AP) Three decades after Hindu mobs tore down a historical mosque, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the consecration of a grand Hindu temple at the same site on Monday in a political move to boost his party ahead of a crucial national vote. Experts say the temple, dedicated to Hinduism’s most revered deity Lord Ram, will cement Modi’s legacy—enduring but also contentious—as one of India’s most consequential leaders, who has sought to transform the country from a secular democracy into an avowedly Hindu nation. Many see the temple’s opening as the beginning of the election campaign for Modi, an avowed nationalist who has been widely accused of espousing Hindu supremacy in an officially secular India. Modi’s Hindu nationalist party is expected to once again exploit religion for political gain in the upcoming national elections in April or May and secure power for a third consecutive term.
Taiwan’s Doubts About America Are Growing (NYT) Taiwan is a democratic not-quite nation of 23 million, threatened by a covetous China, with a future dependent on how the United States responds to the ultimate request: to fight the world’s other superpower if it attacks and endangers the island’s self-rule. Now more than ever, the fraught psychology of that predicament is showing signs of wear. With China asserting its claim to the island with greater force, and the United States increasingly divided over how active it should be in global affairs, Taiwan is a bundle of contradictions and doubts, less about its own government’s plans or even Beijing’s than the intentions of Washington. Polls show growing distrust of the United States in Taiwan. As they watch Washington deadlock on military aid for Ukraine and Israel, and try to imagine what the United States would actually do for Taiwan in a crisis, faith in America is plummeting. A Taiwanese poll showing support for the U.S. approach found that only 34 percent of respondents saw the United States as a trustworthy country, down from 45 percent in 2021.
In Strategic Bind, Israel Weighs Freeing Hostages Against Destroying Hamas (NYT) After more than 100 days of war, Israel’s limited progress in dismantling Hamas has raised doubts within the military’s high command about the near-term feasibility of achieving the country’s principal wartime objectives: eradicating Hamas and also liberating the Israeli hostages still in Gaza. Israel has established control over a smaller part of Gaza at this point in the war than it originally envisaged in battle plans from the start of the invasion, which were reviewed by The New York Times. That slower than expected pace has led some commanders to privately express their frustrations over the civilian government’s strategy for Gaza, and led them to conclude that the freedom of more than 100 Israeli hostages still in Gaza can be secured only through diplomatic rather than military means. The dual objectives of freeing the hostages and destroying Hamas are now mutually incompatible, according to interviews with four senior military leaders. There is also a clash between how long Israel would need to fully eradicate Hamas—a time-consuming slog fought in the group’s warren of underground tunnels—and the pressure, applied by Israel’s allies, to wrap up the war quickly amid a spiraling civilian death toll.
Amid shortages in medicine, Gazans endure amputations, surgeries without anesthesia (Washington Post) Despite his experience as an orthopedic surgeon, Hany Bsaiso froze when he saw his teenage niece’s injuries. Her right leg, he said, had been blown off below the knee by an Israeli tank shell. The other was severely injured. “Where do I start?” he recalls thinking to himself. “I had no anesthesia. I had nothing.” The area of the family home—just a five-minute drive from Gaza City’s main al-Shifa hospital—was thick with Israeli forces. It was not safe to move. Another family member pulled out a phone to film as Bsaiso set about doing what he could. “Can you imagine I’m amputating her leg at home?” he told the camera last month in a now widely shared video, his voice cracking from emotion. Machine gunfire rings out in the background. “Where is the mercy? Where is the humanity?” The gruesome scene of the kitchen amputation without anesthetic—which Bsaiso told The Washington Post he carried out with a normal cooking knife, scissors and a needle and sewing thread—highlights the daily horrors facing Gazans amid the collapse in the health care system in the enclave. Doctors say they have been forced to carry out amputations and small surgeries without anesthesia or pain relief even for those who can reach a hospital because of the shortages of essential drugs. The screams of patients fill the hallways as dressings are changed and shrapnel removed.
Palestinian death toll soars past 25,000 in Gaza with no end in sight (AP) The Palestinian death toll in Gaza from over three months of war between Israel and the territory’s Hamas rulers has soared past 25,000, the Gaza Health Ministry said Sunday. At least 178 bodies were brought to Gaza’s hospitals in 24 hours along with nearly 300 wounded people, according to Health Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qidra. Women and children are the main victims in the Israel-Hamas war, according to the United Nations.
Houthi Attacks Have Upended Global Shipping (NYT) It is an extraordinary detour: Hundreds of ships are avoiding the Suez Canal and sailing an extra 4,000 miles around Africa, burning fuel, inflating costs and adding 10 days of travel or more in each direction. They are avoiding one of the world’s most important shipping routes, the Red Sea, where for months the Iranian-backed Houthi militia has attacked ships with drones and missiles from positions in Yemen. The turmoil has been sweeping. About 150 ships passed through the Suez Canal, which lies at the northwest end of the Red Sea, during the first two weeks of this January. That was down from over 400 at the same time last year. Shipping companies have tripled the prices they charge to take a container from Asia to Europe. Shipowners that still use the Red Sea, mainly tanker owners, face rising insurance premiums. JPMorgan Chase estimated on Thursday that worldwide consumer prices for goods would climb an extra 0.7 percent in the first half of this year if shipping disruptions continue.
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lifblogs · 2 years
To the King
@chaos-company's Angstpril 2022: Day 18 - Alt. Prompt 1 - Roughed Up
Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Pairing: N/A Word Count: 1440 Summary: Dean is captured by demons and is taken to face his brother for the first time since he became the King of Hell. WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence READ ON AO3
Dean saw the blow coming before it landed, and he prepared himself. Prepared himself for the numbing pressure, which would then be followed with throbbing pain. The demon’s fist his his face, knuckles smacking right against his lip, lip catching teeth. Bleeding. Blood welled into his mouth, and he grunted. He struggled, wanting to fight back, but he was already down. Two demons held him.
Another punch, this one to his head. It left him dazed, and then he was getting searched. A bit too roughly, with probably too much enthusiasm. But there was nothing he could do as the demons divested him of his weapons. Of his gun, and cuffs, and demon-killing knife.
God, it would’ve been a really good time to have Cas with him.
Too bad I told him to fuck off.
No, can’t think about that now.
The demons tied his wrists and ankles, and dragged him to the trunk of a car. They threw him in, Dean landing badly on his shoulder and against his face, the stained gray carpet layering the back scraping his ear raw.
The trunk was closed, and Dean was all alone. He felt the engine start, and a lurch as the car pulled out onto the road. It was so dark and cramped that he could only think of a coffin.
Maybe I am headed to my death.
Then he reasoned, If Sammy wanted you dead he would’ve killed you by now.
Dean was being taken to his brother for something else, and he didn’t want to find out what. He had once thought he’d known him so well, but whatever was in his head now was as mysterious as God’s will. Ha, if that even existed.
The ride was long, and he wondered which way they were heading. There were signs that Sam was set up someone in New York, so maybe there.
His shoulders were probably close to being out of place by now with the way his hands were tied behind his back, and how he was getting bumped around. He’d tried getting out of his bindings, but he couldn’t reach the knot. His wrists were rubbed raw, bleeding, burning.
What was worse was his bladder was getting a bit too full, and being jostled about didn’t help. Hopefully the demons would have the decency to let him relieve himself before he saw Sam. They’d better untie his hands because he sure as hell didn’t want anyone else handling his dick.
Finally, the car stopped, and Dean wished he could breathe a sigh of relief. But he knew this was the easy part.
It was night time when the demons opened the trunk and let him out. They did let him relieve himself, and then they were walking him to a large building snug against the foothills of a rising mountain. Dean could slightly make out its shape thanks to light coming from some of its windows. It was angular, all rectangles. And he thought maybe he saw the shine of metal.
Dean was shoved along over a corrugated steel bridge with an ominous, dark drop into a ravine beneath it, and into the building. He was in a dark hallway, concrete floor covered with a red runner. It made him think a little too much of blood at the moment.
“So, where’s Sammy?” Dean asked, trying to be his usual self.
Instead, the demons were ignoring him, but he was definitely the topic of conversation.
“Why didn’t you bring him in the front?” a tall demon with dark hair and dark eyes asked one of the demon-possessed-ex-soldiers holding him.
“I thought he’d get ripped apart. It’s Dean Winchester. Just let the king know we have him.”
“Right away.”
Dean was made to wait as the other demon went to announce him to Sam. God, this was all too fancy for him. Sam had really let his love of fantasy get to him.
At least he was being made to wait in the dark hall and not being shoved in a cell somewhere. He was sure this place had them.
“Does Sammy have a crown too?” Dean asked. “You know, like the real deal?”
That earned him a punch in the face, and then a piece of his shirt was being ripped off. His head was held, Dean grunting and snarling, as they used that piece of his shirt as a gag. They got in another punch for good measure.
Okay, so don’t ask questions.
The other demon came back, and Dean, fresh blood running from cuts on his face, was led down the hall, and through an office. Then more halls, and he was before a metal door, windows set in the wall high above it. Based on the guards outside Dean figured he knew where he was about to be led.
The throne room.
Dean didn’t want to look at Sam when he was brought in, but his eyes were drawn to him instantly, ignoring the gold floor, the red tapestries, the still-cold demeanor of the whole place.
There was Sam, in his throne, dressed all in black leather, a dark metal crown inlaid with jewels set on his fine head of hair. His eyes were their regular hazel, but there was nothing of his brother in them. And there, against his chest, glowing faintly, was the amulet of the Deathless One. Sam’s amulet.
The Deathless One’s power, demon blood. He really was the King of Hell.
Dean was shoved to his knees before the dais, and Sam was smiling. It met those cold eyes, and Dean had never felt so lost before. A chill ran down his spine, and stayed, seeped into his bones. Cold claws gripped him, and curled around his stomach.
“Dean,” Sam said, getting to his feet. “So good to finally see you again.”
There was something wrong with his voice. It was as cold as the room, and Dean didn’t want to hear it anymore.
He motioned the guards back, and they released Dean. Sam went to take the gag out of his mouth. Dean couldn’t look up, or even say anything, once his mouth was finally free.
“I hope you didn’t get roughed up too badly.”
“Yeah, like you care,” Dean spat.
Dean’s gaze went as high as the amulet at Sam’s chest, and, slowly, he got to his feet. He remembered the powers Sam held. The ice, the stone, the blood. This was it. His life was going to end here, or he was for some reason going to face unimaginable torture.
To Dean’s surprise, Sam hugged him, his right arm a little awkward with it as if it was stiff and painful.
Had the demon blood not fixed the stone in his arm?
Dean filed the weakness away.
His brother felt like his brother. He remembered holding him through nightmares, after a rough hunt, feeling for a pulse just to make sure he was alive. Now his pulse was fed with demon blood, his heart pumping that poison all throughout his body.
Dean would not forget those black eyes that had stared at him at Kenesaw.
Before he could do anything, Sam pulled back, and Dean was punched full in the face. The blow sent him flying backwards, landing on his hands and wrists that were still tied behind his back. Something popped, and pain shot up his arms. The air was knocked out of him, and he was gasping breathlessly, trying to roll onto his side.
Sam stalked over to him, Dean trying to scrabble backwards. But it was no use. His brother held up his hand, and soon Dean was floating in the air before him. Sam curled his fingers and there was a crushing grip around his neck. Breathing was like suddenly trying to sip air through a straw.
Sam tilted his head as he observed him.
“So,” he asked, voice low, “where’s Castiel?”
Dean set his jaw, and glared at his former brother.
With a dark want in his tone, the King of Hell promised, “Don’t worry. We’ll make you talk.”
Dean was dropped, and Sam ordered, “Take him to the cages.”
Demons came and grabbed Dean, and Dean managed to look up at Sam, hoping to see who he once was. There was nothing of that there.
Sam stared, as if he was trying to find someone he knew inside of Dean. Eventually, he turned away, neither of them finding what they were hoping for.
Roughed up, helpless, Dean was dragged away. The last detail he really noted of the throne room was that he’d gotten blood on the floor.
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casxmorgan · 4 years
Books Books Books
100 Years of Solitude
120 Days of Sodom
A Brief History of Time
A Canticle for Leibowitz
A Child Called It
A Clockwork Orange
A Confederacy of Dunces
A History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters
A Land Fit for Heroes Trilogy
A Little Life
A Naked Singularity
A People's History of the United States
A Scanner Darkly
A Series of Unfortunate Events
A Short History of Nearly Everything
A Song of Ice and Fire
A Storm of Swords
A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments
A Thousand Splendid Suns
A Walk in the Woods
A World Lit Only by Fire
Accursed Kings
Alice in Wonderland
All Quiet on the Western Front
All the Light We Cannot See
All the Pretty Horses
America, the Book
American Gods
American Psycho
And then There Were None
Angela’s Ashes
Animal Farm
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
Anna Karenina
Anything Terry Pratchett, But, Mort is My Favorite
Anything Written by Robin Hobb
Apt Pupil
Artemis Fowl
Asimov's Guide to the Bible
Atlas Shrugged
Batman: the Long Halloween
Battle Royale
Beat the Turtle Drum
Behind the Beautiful Forevers
Belgariad Series
Black Company
Blind Faith
Blood Meridian
Blood and Guts: a History of Surgery
Bluest Eye
Brandon Sanderson
Brave New World
Breakfast of Champions
Bridge to Terabithia
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: an Indian History of the American West
Calvin and Hobbs
Cat's Cradle
Catch 22
Cats Cradle
Child of God
Chuck Palahniuk
City of Ember
City of Thieves
Come Closer
Confessions of a Mask
Conversation in the Cathedral
Crime and Punishment
Dan Brown
Dead Birds Singing
Dead Mountain: the Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
Delta Venus
Die Räuber (the Robbers)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Don Quixote
Dying of the Light
East of Eden
Empire of Sin: a Story of Sex, Jazz, Murder, and the Battle for Modern New Orleans
Enders Game
Enders Shadow
Escape from Camp 14
Ever Since Darwin
Every Man Dies Alone
Everybody Poops
Everything is Illuminated
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Fahrenheit 451
Far from the Madding Crowd
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson
Feet of Clay
Fight Club
First Law
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers in the Attic
Foundation Series
Foundation Trilogy
Fun Home
Geek Love
Gerald’s Game
Ghost Story
Go Ask Alice
Go Dog Go
Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
Gone Girl
Gone with the Wind
Good Omens
Grapes of Wrath
Great Expectations
Greg Egan
Guards! Guards!
Guns Germs and Steel
Guts (short Story)
Half a World
Ham on Rye
Hannibal Rising
Hard Boiled Wonderland
Heart Shaped Box
Heart of Darkness
Hellbound Heart
Hell’s Angels
Helter Skelter
His Dark Materials
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Holocaust by Bullets
House of Leaves
How to Cook for Fourty Humans
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Huckleberry Finn
I Am America, and So Can You
I Am the Messenger
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
I Was Dr. Mengele’s Assistant
In Cold Blood
In Search of Our Mother's Gardens
Independent People
Infinite Jest
Into Thin Air
Into the Wild
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Invisible Monsters
Jacques Le Fataliste
Jane Eyre
Job: a Comedy of Justice
John Dies at the End
John Grisham
Johnathan Livingston Seagull
Johnny Got His Gun
Jon Ronson
Journal of a Novel
Jurassic Park
L'histoire D'o
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Les Miserables
Lies My Teacher Told Me
Life of Pi
Limits and Renewals
Little House in the Big Woods
Lockwood & Co.
Looking for Trouble
Lord Foul’s Bane
Lord of the Flies
Malazan Book of the Fallen
Manufacturing Consent: the Political Economy of the Mass Media
Man’s Search for Meaning
Mark Twain’s Autobiography
Megamorphs (series)
Mein Kampf
Memnooch the Devil
Metro 2033
Michael Crichton
Moby Dick
Mrs. Dalloway
My Side of the Mountain
My Sweet Audrina
Nacht über Der Prärie (night over the Prairie)
Naked Lunch
Name of the Wind
Never Let Me Go
New York
Night Shift
Norwegian Wood
Notes from Underground
Nothing to Envy: Real Lives in North Korea
Of Mice and Men
Of Nightingales That Weep
Old Mans War
Old Mother West Wind
On Heroes and Tombs
On Laughter and Forgetting
On the Road
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
One Hundred Years of Solitude
One of Us
Painted Bird
Patrick Rothfuss
Perfume: the Story of a Murderer
Pet Sematary
Peter Pan
Pillars of the Earth
Poisonwood Bible
Pride and Predjudice
Ready Player One
Red Mars
Red Night (series)
Red Shirts
Red Storm Rising
Requiem for a Dream
Riftwar Saga
Roald Dahl
Rolls of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Round Ireland with a Fridge
Running with Scissors
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Sapiens, a Brief History of Humankind
Scary Stories to Read in the Dark
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Schindler’s List
Sein Und Zeit
Shades of Grey
Sharp Objects
Shattered Dreams
Sherlock Holmes
Skin and Other Stories
Slaughterhouse Five
Smoke & Mirrors
Snow Crash
Soldier Son
Sometimes a Great Notion
Starship Troopers
Stiff, the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Storied Life of A.j. Fikry
Stormlight Archives
Story of the Eye
Stranger in a Strange Land
Surely, You're Joking
Survivor Type (short Story)
Swan Song
Tale of Two Cities
Tales of the South Pacific
The Alchemist
The Altered Carbon Trilogy
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
The Art of Deception
The Art of Fielding
The Art of War
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation
The Autobiography of Henry Viii
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Beach
The Bell Jar
The Bible
The Bloody Chamber
The Book Thief
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
The Brothers Karamazov
The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories
The Cask of Amontillado (short Story)
The Catcher in the Rye
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Clown
The Color out of Space
The Communist Manifesto
The Complete Fiction of H.p. Lovecraft
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night Time
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
The Dagger and the Coin
The Damage Done
The Dark Tower
The Declaration of Independence, the Us Constitution, and the Bill of Rights
The Devil in the White City
The Dharma Bums
The Diamond Age
The Dice Man
The Discworld Series
The Dresden Files
The Elegant Universe
The First Law Trilogy
The Forever War
The Foundation Trilogy
The Gentleman Bastard Sequence
The Geography of Nowhere
The Girl Next Door
The Girl on the Milk Carton
The Giver
The Giving Tree
The God of Small Things
The Grapes of Wrath
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gilly Hopkins
The Hagakure
The Half a World Trilogy
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
The Hiding Place
The History of Love
The Hobbit
The Hot Zone
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Hyperion Cantos
The Jaunt
The Jungle
The Key to Midnight
The Killing Star
The Kingkiller Chronicles
The Kite Runner
The Last Question (short Story)
The Lies of Lock Lamora
The Little Prince
The Long Walk
The Lord of the Rings
The Lottery (short Story)
The Lovely Bones
The Magicians
The Magus
The Martian
The Master and Margarita
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
The Monster at the End of This Book
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Music of Eric Zahn (short Story)
The Name of the Wind & the Wise Man's Fear
The Necronomicon
The New Age of Adventure: Ten Years of Great Writing
The Night Circus
The Nightmare Box
The Odyssey
The Omnivore's Dilemma
The Orphan Master’s Son
The Outsiders
The Painted Bird
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Phantom Tollbooth
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Plague
The Prince
The Prince of Tides
The Princess Bride
The Prophet
The Queen’s Gambit
The Rape of Nanking
The Red Dwarf
The Republic
The Rifter Saga
The Road
The Satanic Verses
The Screwtape Letters
The Secret History
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
The Selfish Gene
The Shining
The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer
The Silmarillion
The Sirens of Titan
The Six Wives of Henry the 8th
The Solitude of Prime Numbers
The Speaker of the Dead
The Stars My Destination
The Stormlight Archive
The Story of My Tits
The Stranger
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
The Suspicions of Mr. Witcher
The Tao of Pooh
The Things They Carried
The Time Machine
The Time Traveller’s Wife
The Tin Drum
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green
The Wasp Factory
The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
The World According to Garp
The Yellow Wallpaper
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Things Fall Apart
This Blinding Absence of Light
Time Enough for Love
To Kill a Mockingbird
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Toni Morrison
Too Many Magicians
Tuesdays with Morrie
Tuf Voyaging
Under Plum Lake
Universe in a Nutshell
Village Life in Late Tsarist Russia
War & Peace
War and Peace
Warriors: Bluestar’s Prophecy
Water for Elephants
Watership Down
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Wheel of Time
When Rabbit Howls
Where the Red Fern Grows
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Why I Am Not a Christian
Why People Believe Weird Things
Wizards First Rule
World War Z
Wuthering Heights
You Can Choose to Be Happy
Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
157 notes · View notes
barnesandco · 4 years
Icy Haloes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: brief mention of pneumonia and death in the first paragraph, excessive use of commas.
A/N: I’ve been suffering the worst writer’s block, but I think I’m starting to shake it off with this work, so finger’s crossed we get an update on one of my WIPs soon! Big thanks to @nacho-bucky and @captain-kelli for the extremely helpful advice that allowed me to produce a half-decent piece of writing after who-knows-how-long. It’s also hotter than Hell right now, and it was soothing to escape into a NYC winter while writing this, if you’re wondering where the inspiration came from.
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Bucky hates the cold. He detests the way it bites into his bones, abhors the reminders of the graves he used to help dig every time another person in the neighborhood died of pneumonia, loathes remembering how the rattle in Steve’s lungs made him worry that his would be the next. But you, unlike Steve and possibly Sam and Nat, don’t know that. The new cook hired when a spike in missions made it increasingly more difficult for the Avengers to prepare their own meals, you have been here for all of three weeks when you appear in the living room requesting assistance with grocery shopping. 
Sam and Nat got back from a mission just yesterday and are still nursing their wounds splayed across multiple bean bags, Tony has Steve tied to the sofa by the latter’s promise to watch Star Wars, and while Wanda and Vision are available, Bucky stands at attention when you enter before you have even completed your sentence. Steve snickers, and Bucky would cuff him if he wasn’t two couches over and preoccupied with stifling a rising blush. As it is, he sends a discreet glare his best friend’s way, and volunteers to brave New York’s snow-clad streets with you instead, only because he’s a gentleman and definitely not to see the resounding smile in thanks that sends his heart racing.
“Let me go grab a jacket first,” he says, passing by you where you stand wearing a hand-knitted scarf under your jacket and a worn hat on your head, none of it able to suppress the scent of gingerbread on your person. 
“I’ll wait by the car,” you call from behind him, and he grins to himself when he hears Tony say not the Audi! as the elevator doors close. 
Five minutes later, you’re both in the garage, trying to determine which car to take if Tony’s precious Audi is unavailable, and since you’re going to be driving, he sees no reason to suggest otherwise when you head for the Tesla. Although Bucky is slowly catching up with the times, between frequent trips to the local library, the ever-so-helpful internet under F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s guidance, and the miracle of history documentaries, driving a car is one thing he still has not learnt. 
However, you were born and raised in Arlington, Texas, a city with a negligible public transport system, and therefore know how to drive. How you’ll fare on frosty streets remains to be seen. Now, he realizes neither of you really thought this trip through much beyond the date and time of the event, but you’re an experienced driver, and he has faith that you’ll adapt just fine. Besides, it’s not like it’s your first time out. 
The silence in the car is calm, warm, the gentle hum of the radiator only audible to Bucky beneath the still quieter murmur of the electric engine, and you nod your head to an invisible tune as the car speeds down country roads, towards the cluster of skyscrapers in the distance, made cloudy by winter haze. 
He’s so focused on the city ahead that he nearly jumps out of his skin when you speak for the first time since you got in the car. “Is there anywhere you’d like to go besides the supermarket?” You ask, and he sees that you think you’ve bothered him, that you’ve dragged him out against his will, and he doesn’t want to let you believe that.
“I’m happy to go wherever you like,” is his answer, with a smile that he hopes is more placating than nervous, because who knows what it’s like to be the newest part of a well-oiled machine that you think doesn’t need you. While you aren’t with them in the field, you live with them and have, in this short time, endeared yourself to each Avenger in a unique way. Recalling watching Peter do his homework a couple of months back, he thinks of nuclei and electrons, and how you seem to be an example of the first particle. Not only because he is attracted to you, but also because of how you pull people into your circle. Bucky hopes he can be granted the same joy.
“Okay,” you say softly, as if only to yourself, but he catches it and nods reassuringly. “You know, when Sam came with me last week, he actually said that you’re a lot more fun while grocery shopping.”
Bucky’s eyes widen. “I’m more fun to be with while shopping than at home, or I’m more fun to go shopping with than Sam?” He asks, turning in his seat.
“The second one.”
“Did he say why?”
A thoughtful hum, and you bite the inside of your cheek while formulating an appropriate answer. “Something about your old-fashioned sensibilities being offended by the prices nowadays--”
“I am not old-fashioned--”
“-- and he warned me to keep you away from the snack aisle because you, and I quote, lose it at the sight of all those Doritos flavors,” you finish with a teasing smile, directed at the road. With no response to that, he resigns himself to sink back into his seat while crossing his arms and grumbling his displeasure, only to perk up with the sound of your laugh, just as you swing into the parking lot of Trader Joe’s.
One successful grocery round later, and Bucky’s closing the lid on a trunk full of grocery bags, one of which consists only of Doritos. He’s going to open the door for you when you stop him and gesture to the cafe across the street with a sheepish look on your face.
“Hot chocolate?” ¨
“Sure,” he answers, and you lock the door. The place is almost empty, what with it being a couple of hours before lunch on a workday, and you order to hot chocolates to go, explaining that you’re just a few minutes away from Central Park and you wanted to go for a brief walk, if that was okay with him, of course.
The hot chocolates arrive, both with every imaginable topping on them, and Bucky hurries to pull out his wallet despite your protests. “Let’s go,” he says, handing you your cup and praying that he can balance his without spilling over, and holding the door for you as you exit. 
New York’s boisterous bustle is dulled by the quiet of winter, the pulsing life of the city hushed as snow starts falling, this November precipitation hopefully a good omen for a white Christmas. This part of town seems to fall silent, and he relishes the peace, the rustle of your jackets as shoulders brush when a rare stranger passes by. 
Soon, the city falls away to the expanse of what used to be green but is now just a domesticated snowy tundra -- Central Park. A lone runner sprints across a pathway a hundred yards away, and you sit down on a bench.
“I love New York,” you say with a smile, and Bucky can see the enchantment of this city falling over you as you close your eyes. Less than a month, most of it spent outside the city lines, and you’re falling for the place he knows as home, and it makes him fall in love with it all over again. To see a familiar place through fresh and wondrous eyes is like getting to read a favorite book for the first time -- a privelege few are afforded, but he is fortunate to be amongst them. The way your eyes flit across the sky following a flock of pigeons, the way you inhale the scent of hot chocolate like no place else in the world can produce, and then how your gaze falls to the untouched, sacred blanket of snow in front of you. The ensuing gasp is one he cannot decipher, and so he asks.
“What is it?”
“I just realized I’ve never made snow angels,” you answer, trembling with childish epiphany, and he looks at you like you’ve grown another head. It’s been almost a century since he made his last one, too, at the age of 12, before he had to resist in order to avoid bringing Steve down with him lest the skinny rascal die from the cold.
“Do you,” he begins hesitantly, “do you want to, right now?” The expression on your face is one of barely controlled want and bashfulness at the desire. 
“Yeah,” you say after a full minute’s consideration. That’s how Bucky finds himself, despite his issues with the cold, on the ground in a field of snow like a starfish against the ground and waving his arms and legs wildly. Your giggles float to him on a cloud of air, breathless, shaking, and he stops after a while to lay there next to you, the silver bond of a new friendship glowing in the gray daylight. 
He’s the first to rise, carefully so as to not disturb the pattern, and he pulls you up after, watches the smile split your face into the fullest crescent moon, warming his insides more than the hot chocolate did. The cold is starting to soak through his clothes, but the pins and needles prickling at his skin soon start to sear with that white heat that comes after touching snow, and he’s warm all over. When you turn to look at him with a thank you on the tip of your tongue, his cheeks pink and eyes icy blue, he smiles back. Thinks he could learn to love the cold, if it comes with companionship like this.
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domidextrus · 4 years
Okay, so considering Strong Bad’s about to Let’s Play the games that were name-dropped on the floppy disks in his SBEmails, these games will be next (not necessarily in that order) on Disk 4 of 12. (Game titles with a strikethrough have already been covered.)
FriendlyWare PC Introductory Set
World Games
Vampire's Castle Adventure (Technically not a game that was referenced on the desk's floppy box. Strong Bad picked it because it was the main inspiration for Thy Dungeonman.)
Tongue of the Fatman (aka Mondu’s Fight Palace, aka Slaughter Sport)
Lode Runner
Rise of the Dragon
Manhunter: New York
Odell Lake
The 7th Guest
Tass Times in Tonetown
One on One
Out of this World (aka Another World)
Nitemare 3D
Nobunaga’s Ambition
Bio Menace
Maniac Mansion
Caveman Ugh-lympics
Some classic Tengen games
Alone in the Dark
Lunar Lander
Spy VS Spy
Future Wars
Miner 2049er
Battle Chess
Fiendish Freddy’s Big Top o’ Fun
Marble Craze
The Newsroom
Crush, Crumble & Chomp
Dunjonquest: Curse of Ra
Genghis Khan
Low G Man
Axe of Rage (aka Barbarian II: Dungeons of Drax)
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Gold Rush
Codename: ICEMAN
Below the Root
Weird Dreams
Some classic Brøderbund games
California Games
The Legend of Kyrandia games
Low Blow
Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty
LHX: Attack Chopper
Dark Seed
Rise of the Triad
The Colonel's Bequest
The Ancient Art of War
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
Heart of China
Gamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams
4-D Boxing (aka 4D Sports Boxing)
The Secret of Monkey Island
Return to Zork
Relentless (aka Little Big Adventure)
Mutant League Football
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Icon: Quest for the Ring
Some other games/software that had also been referenced but remains to be seen whether they’ll also be showcased:
King’s Quest II & Police Quest II (were on barely-legible floppies in Puppet Time, Brothers Chaps confirmed the names on the floppies in DVD commentary, unsure of whether that counts)
Shogun (appeared in Strong Bad Is In Jail Cartoon, unsure of whether that counts)
War of the Ring (appeared in the DVD menu of strongbad_email.exe Disc Two, unsure of whether that counts)
The Oregon Trail 1 & 2 (appeared in Main Page 22, unsure of whether that counts)
Hunt the Wumpus (appeared in the 2005 April Fools toon, unsure of whether that counts)
Cakewalk (not a game, but a MIDI sequencer)
Logo (not a game, but a programming language)
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birdlord · 4 years
Everything I Watched in 2020
We’ll start with movies. The number in parentheses is the year of release, asterisks denote a re-watch, and titles in bold are my favourite watches of the year. Here’s 2019’s list. 
01 Little Women (19)
02 The Post (17) 
03 Molly’s Game (17)
04 * Doctor No (62)
05 Groundhog Day (93)
06 *Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home (86)
07 Knives Out (19) My last theatre experience (sob)
08 Professor Marston and his Wonder Women (17)
09 Les Miserables (98)
10 Midsommar (19) I’m not sure how *good* it is, but it does stick in the ol’ brain
11 *Manhattan Murder Mystery (93)
12 Marriage Story (19)
13 Kramer vs Kramer (79)
14 Jojo Rabbit (19)
15 J’ai perdu mon corps (19) a cute animated film about a hand detached from its body!
16 1917 (19)
17 Married to the Mob (88)
18 Klaus (19)
19 Portrait of a Lady on Fire (19) If Little Women made me want to wear a scarf criss-crossed around my torso, this one made me want to wear a cloak
20 The Last Black Man in San Francisco (19)
21 *Lawrence of Arabia (62)
22 Gone With the Wind (39)
23 Kiss Me Deadly (55)
24 Dredd (12)
25 Heartburn (86) heard a bunch about this one in the Blank Check series on Nora Ephron, sadly after I’d watched it
26 The Long Shot (19)
27 Out of Africa (85)
28 King Kong (46)
29 *Johnny Mnemonic (95)
30 Knocked Up (07)
31 Collateral (04)
32 Bird on a Wire (90)
33 The Black Dahlia (05)
34 Long Time Running (17)
35 *Magic Mike (12)
36 Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (07)
37 Cold War (18)
38 *Kramer Vs Kramer (79) yes I watched this a few months before! This was a pandemic friend group co-watch.
39 *Burn After Reading (08)
40 Last Holiday (50)
41 Fly Away Home (96)
42 *Moneyball (11) I’m sure I watch this every two years, at most??
43 Last Holiday (06) the Queen Latifah version of the 1950 movie above, lacking, of course, the brutal “poor people don’t deserve anything good” ending
44 *Safe (95)
45 Gimme Shelter (70)
46 The Daytrippers (96)
47 Experiment in Terror (62)
48 Tucker: The Man and His Dream (88)
49 My Brilliant Career (79) one of the salvations of 2020 was watching movies “with” friends. Our usual method was to video chat before the movie, sync our streaming services, and text-chat while the movie was on. 
50 Divorce Italian Style (61)
51 *Gosford Park (01) another classic comfort watch, fuck I love a G. Park
52 Hopscotch (80)
53 Brief Encounter (45)
54 Hud (63)
55 Ocean’s 8 (18)
56 *Beverly Hills Cop (84)
57 Blow the Man Down (19)
58 Constantine (05)
59 The Report (19) maddening!! How are people so consistently terrible to one another!
60 Everyday People (04)
61 Anatomy of a Murder (58)
62 Spiderman: Homecoming (17)
63 *To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (95) Of the 90s drag road movies, Priscilla is more visually striking, but this has its moments.
64 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (92)
65 *The Truman Show (98)
66 Mona Lisa (86)
67 The Blob (58)
68 The Guard (11)
69 *Waiting for Guffman (96) RIP Fred Willard
70 Rocketman (19)
71 Outside In (18)
72 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (08) how strange to see a movie that you have known the premise for, but no details of, for over a decade
73 *Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country (91)
74 The Reader (08)
75 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (19) This was fine until it VERY MUCH WAS NOT FINE
76 The End of the Affair (99) you try to watch a fun little romp about infidelity during the Blitz, and Graham Greene can’t help but shoehorn in a friggin crisis of religious faith
77 Must Love Dogs (05) barely any dog content, where are the dogs at
78 The Rainmaker (97)
79 *Batman & Robin (97)
80 National Lampoon’s Vacation (83) Never seen any of the non-xmas Vacations, didn’t realize the children are totally different, not just actors but ages! Also, this one is blatantly racist!
81 *Mystic Pizza (88)
82 Funny Girl (68)
83 The Sons of Katie Elder (65)
84 *Knives Out (19) another re-watch within the same year!! How does this keep happening??
85 *Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (10) a real I-just-moved-away-from-Toronto nostalgia watch
86 Canadian Bacon (92) vividly recall this VHS at the video store, but I never saw it til 2020
87 *Blood Simple (85)
88 Brittany Runs a Marathon (19)
89 The Accidental Tourist (88)
90 August Osage County (13) MELO-DRAMA!!
91 Appaloosa (08)
92 The Firm (93) Feeling good about how many iconic 80s/90s video store stalwarts I watched in 2020
93 *Almost Famous (00)
94 Whisper of the Heart (95)
95 Da 5 Bloods (20)
96 Rain Man (88)
97 True Stories (86)
98 *Risky Business (83) It’s not about what you think it’s about! It never was!
99 *The Big Chill (83)
100 The Way We Were (73)
101 Safety Last (23) It’s getting so that I might have to add the first two digits to my dates...not that I watch THAT many movies from the 1920s...
102 Phantasm (79)
103 The Burrowers (08)
104 New Jack City (91)
105 The Vanishing (88)
106 Sisters (72)
107 Puberty Blues (81) Little Aussie cinema theme, here
108 Elevator to the Gallows (58)
109 Les Diaboliques (55)
110 House (77) haha WHAT no really W H A T
111 Death Line (72)
112 Cranes are Flying (57)
113 Holes (03)
114 *Lady Vengeance (05)
115 Long Weekend (78)
116 Body Double (84)
117 The Crazies (73) I love that Romero shows the utter confusion that would no doubt reign in the case of any kind of disaster. Things fall apart.
118 Waterlilies (07)
119 *You’re Next (11)
120 Event Horizon (97)
121 Venom (18) I liked it, guys, way more than most superhero fare. Has a real sense of place and the place ISN’T New York!
122 Under the Silver Lake (18) RIP Night Call
123 *Blade Runner (82)
124 *The Birds (62) interesting to see now that I’ve read the story it came from
125 *28 Days Later (02) hits REAL FUCKIN’ DIFFERENT in a pandemic
126 Life is Sweet (90)
127 *So I Married an Axe Murderer (93) find me a more 90s movie, I dare you (it’s not possible)
128 Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (67)
129 The Pelican Brief (93) 90s thrillers continue!
130 Dick Johnston is Dead (20)
131 The Bridges of Madison County (95)
132 Earth Girls are Easy (88) Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum are so hot in this movie, no wonder they got married 
133 Better Watch Out (16)
134 Drowning Mona (00) trying for something like the Coen bros and not getting there
135 Au Revoir Les Enfants (87)
136 *Chasing Amy (97) Affleck is the least alluring movie lead...ever? I also think I gave Joey Lauren Adams’ character short shrift in my memory of the movie. It’s not good, but she’s more complicated than I recalled. 
137 Blackkklansman (18)
138 Being Frank (19)
139 Kiki’s Delivery Service (89)
140 Uncle Frank (20) why so many FRANKS
141 *National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (89) watching with pals (virtually) made it so much more fun than the usual yearly watch!
142 Half Baked (98) another, more secret Toronto nostalgia pic - RC Harris water filtration plant as a prison!
143 We’re the Millers (13)
144 All is Bright (13)
145 Defending Your Life (91)
146 Christmas Chronicles (18) I maintain that most new xmas movies are terrible, particularly now that Netflix churns them out like eggnog every year. 
147 Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse (18)
148 Reindeer Games (00) what did I say about Affleck??!? WHAT DID I SAY
149 Palm Springs (20)
150 Happiest Season (20)
151 *Metropolitan (90) it’s definitely a Christmas movie
152 Black Christmas (74)
THEATRE:HOME - 2:150 (thanks pandemic)
I usually separate out docs and fiction, but I watched almost no documentaries this year (with the exception of Dick Johnston). Reality is real enough. 
TV Series
01 - BoJack Horseman (final season) - Pretty damned poignant finish to the show, replete with actual consequences for our reformed bad boy protagonist (which is more than you can say for most antiheroes of Peak TV).
02 - *Hello Ladies - I enjoy the pure awkwardness of seeing Stephen Merchant try to perform being a Regular Person, but ultimately this show tips him too far towards a nasty, Ricky Gervais-lite sort of persona. Perhaps he was always best as a cameo appearance, or lip synching with wild eyes while Chrissy Teigen giggles?
03 - Olive Kittredge - a rough watch by times. I read the book as well, later in the year. Frances Mcdormand was the best, possibly the only, casting option for the flinty lead. One episode tips into thriller territory, which is a shock. 
04 - *The Wire S3, S4, S5 - lockdown culture! It was interesting to rewatch this, then a few months later go through an enormous, culture-level reappraisal of cop-centred narratives. 
05 - Forever - a Maya Rudolph/Fred Armisen joint that coasts on the charm of its leads. The premise is OK, but I wasn’t left wanting any more at the end. 
06 - *Catastrophe - a rewatch when my partner decided he wanted to see it, too!
07 - Red Oak - resolutely “OK” steaming dramedy, relied heavily on some pretty obvious cues to get across its 1980s setting. 
08 - Little Fires Everywhere - gulped this one down while in 14-day isolation, delicious! Every 90s suburban mom had that SUV, but not all of them had the requisite **secrets**
09 - The Great - fun historical comedy/drama! Costumes: lush. Actors: amusing. Race-blind casting: refreshing!
10 - The Crown S4 - this is the season everyone lost their everloving shit for, since it’s finally recent enough history that a fair chunk of the viewing audience is liable to recall it happening. 
11 - Ted Lasso - we resisted this one for a while (thought I did enjoy the ad campaign for NBC sports (!!) that it was based on). My view is that its best point was the comfort that the men on the show have (or develop, throughout the season) with the acknowledgement and sharing of their own feelings. Masculinity redux. 
12 - Moonbase 8 - Goodnatured in a way that makes you certain they will be crushed. 
13 - The Good Lord Bird - Ethan Hawke is really aging into the character actor we always hoped he would be! 
14 - Hollywood - frothy wish-fulfillment alternate history. I think the show would have been improved immeasurably by skipping the final episode.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Django Unchained, Halloween III and Clerks II Are Streaming Free on Plex This Month
This story is presented by Plex
Streaming is getting expensive. What started as the cheap alternative to let you watch all of your favorite content and cut the cord on your cable subscription has ballooned into an arms race where one must shell out cash to several different providers just to watch their favorite movies or shows. Thankfully, Plex TV is here to entertain you and provide some relief to your wallet.
Plex is a globally available one-stop-shop streaming media service offering thousands of free movies and TV shows and hundreds of free-to-stream live TV channels, from the biggest names in entertainment, including Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Lionsgate, Legendary, AMC, A+E, Crackle, and Reuters. Plex is the only streaming service that lets users manage their personal media alongside a continuously growing library of free third-party entertainment spanning all genres, interests, and mediums including podcasts, music, and more. With a highly customizable interface and smart recommendations based on the media you enjoy, Plex brings its users the best media experience on the planet from any device, anywhere.
Plex releases brand new and beloved titles to its platform monthly and we’ll be here to help you identify the cream of the crop. View Plex TV now for the best free entertainment streaming and check back each month for Den of Geek Critics’ picks!
Django Unchained 
The second of Quentin Tarantino’s revisionist history lessons, Django Unchained is a provocative, post-modern Western film that mixes the widescreen sensibilities of Sergio Leone with Tarantino’s own gonzo impulses to create something hyper-violent, subversively funny, and more than a bit uncomfortable. Jamie Foxx stars as a slave freed by a German bounty hunter played by Christoph Waltz. Waltz won an Oscar for his performance as the kind German that takes in the stoic but savvy Django as his partner. Together, they travel the pre-Civil War South, killing slavers and savage men. Eventually, they embark on a more personal mission, as Django intends to free his beloved wife from a sadistic plantation owner played by a scenery-chewing Leonardo DiCaprio. With anachronistic needle-drops, hands-over-eyes horrors, and more blood than a donation bank, Django Unchained is an epic, entertaining revenge fantasy for the ages.
Silver Linings Playbook
From director David O. Russell, Silver Linings Playbook is a screwball romantic comedy for the modern age. Despite inviting, yet livewire lead performances from Jennifer Lawerence and Bradley Cooper, Silver Linings Playbook really shines as an ensemble: Robert DeNiro, Jackie Weaver, Chris Tucker and Anupam Kher bring fully-realized characters to life in just a handful of scenes. Based on Matthew Quick’s novel of the same name, Silver Linings Playbook finds Bradley Cooper as a man who has been released from a psychiatric hospital a bit too soon. He’s frantically trying to prove that he’s bettered himself in an effort to win back his wife, but when he meets the equally unstable and filterless character played by Jennifer Lawerence, unusual sparks fly. Combining the familiar tropes of a sports film with unorthodox romantic leads, Silver Linings Playbook is a crowd-pleasing watch that creates harmony out of dysfunction.
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
It never mattered where Anthony Bourdain was going, we just wanted to be along for the ride. We lost the soulful, iconoclastic bad-boy of the culinary world far too soon, but he left behind a treasure trove of rewarding travelogues that tackled culture, social dynamics, and most importantly, food. Whether he was weighing in on a world-famous culinary hotspot or peeling back the curtain on a hole-in-wall gem, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations was always thoughtful, fearless, and never less than authentic. It’s the rare show that is as educational as it is entertaining, hosted by a candid host who knew how to travel, knew where to eat, but most crucially, knew how to connect with people. Reality TV doesn’t get realer than this.
Halloween III: Season of the Witch
Following the mind-boggling success of the original Halloween, director John Carpenter had a clever idea. Instead of churning out sequels starring Michael Meyers, Halloween would become an anthology series, with each new film telling a spooky tale centered on the October holiday. The concept was inevitably scrapped, but Halloween III: Season of the Witch suggests that maybe Carpenter and co. should have stuck to their guns. Taking inspiration from Invasion of the Body Snatchers and working off a concept that Carpenter described as  “witchcraft meets the computer age,” Halloween III: Season of the Witch finds a doctor and the daughter of a toy maker trying to uncover the horrifying truth behind the town of Santa Mara, home to Silver Shamrock, the world’s largest manufacturer of Halloween masks. Intelligent, surprising, and disturbing, Halloween III: Season of the Witch is due for a critical reevaluation that heralds it as one of the most ambitious horror movies of the ‘80s 
Clerks II
With the recent announcement that Clerks III has started production, it’s the perfect time to revisit Kevin Smith’s first-sequel to his independent film phenomenon, Clerks. Clerks II picks up with our titular clerks Dante and Randall 10 years after the events of the first film. The Quick Stop has gone up in flames and been replaced with a Mooby’s fast food restaurant. Dante and Randall toil the day away with their sheltered co-worker Elias and too-cool for minimum wage manager Becky. While the film tackles adult male friendships and middle age complacency, it’s main appeal is still sitting around, shooting the shit with your pals and listening to their expletive-filled rants about Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or whatever pop culture fascination that they’re hung up on. Come for the surprisingly poignant story about Dante deciding to leave his friend behind, stay for Jay, Silent Bob, and a donkey. 
New on Plex in August – Full List of Titles 
Army of One  
Dark Tide  
Django Unchained  
Escape from Alcatraz  
Ismael’s Ghost  
Lucky Number Sleven  
The Naked Gun 2-1/2: The Smell of Fear 
The Naked Gun 33-1/3: The Final Insult 
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!  
Silver Linings Playbook 
Wind River  
Still streaming on Plex:  
The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared  
22 Bullets  
24 Hours to Live  
3rd Rock from the Sun 
6 Bullets  
99 Homes  
A Little Bit of Heaven  
A Walk in the Woods  
Aeon Flux  
Afternoon Delight  
The Air I Breathe 
Alan Partridge 
Alone in the Dark 
Answer Man  
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 
Arthur and the Invisibles  
Battle Royale  
Bel Canto  
Better Watch Out 
Black Books  
Black Christmas  
Black Death  
Black Sheep (2006) 
Blood and Bone  
The Brothers Bloom 
The Burning Plain 
Catch .44 
Chain of Command 
Child 44 
The Choice 
Clerks II  
The Collector  
Cops and Robbers  
The Core 
The Cotton Club 
Critical Condition  
Crossing Lines  
Cube 2 
Cube Zero  
The Death and Life of Bobby Z 
Death and the Maiden 
Death Proof 
The Deep Blue Sea 
Deep Red  
The Descent Part 2 
The Devils’ Rejects  
Diary of the Dead  
District B13 
DOA: Dead or Alive  
Dragged Across Concrete 
Eden Lake 
Europa Resort 
Falcon Rising  
The Fall  
The Fighting Temptations  
Find Me Guilty  
Fire in the Sky 
Fire with Fire  
Flirting with Disaster  
Flowers of War 
Force Majeure 
Formula 51  
Four Lions  
The Frozen Ground 
Getting to Know You 
Ghost in the Shell 
The Ghost Writer  
Ginger Snaps  
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest  
The Girl Who Played with Fire  
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo  
God Bless America 
Goya’s Ghosts  
Grand Isle 
Grave Encounters  
A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints  
Halloween II  
Halloween III: Season of the Witch  
Hannibal Rising  
Hard Candy  
Hell’s Kitchen 
High Rise 
Hobo with a Shotgun 
The Homesman 
The Horseman  
The Host  
House of 1000 Corpses  
House of the Rising Sun  
How I Live Now  
The Humanity Bureau  
The Hunter  
I Give it a Year  
I Saw the Devil 
I See You  
I Spit on Your Grave  
If Only 
The Illusionist  
In Hell  
In the Blood 
In Too Deep  
The Infiltrator  
Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road  
Invasion of the Body Snatchers  
It’s a Boy Girl Thing 
Jeff, Who Lives at Home  
Jo Nesbo’s Headhunters  
John Dies at the End  
The Joneses  
Juliet, Naked 
Just Getting Started 
Kevin Hart: Cold as Balls 
King of New York 
Kinky Boots  
The Kite Runner  
Knight of Cups  
The Last Days on Mars  
The Lazarus Project  
Leaves of Grass 
The Legend of Hercules  
Lethal Eviction  
The Limey  
A Little Bit of Heaven 
A Long Way Down  
Love Story 
The Maiden Heist  
A Man Called Ove 
The Man from Earth 
The Man from Nowhere  
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote  
The Matador  
Mesrine Killer: Instinct  
The Messenger  
Middle Men 
Midsomer Murders  
Miss Potter 
Mr. Church  
Murdoch Mysteries  
National Lampoon’s Van Wilder 
Never Back Down: No Surrender 
The Oxford Murders  
The Paperboy 
Personal Effects 
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asiaberkeley · 3 years
Afghan is beautiful
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I am a half Afghan woman. An Afghan-European American. An Afghan American.
Admittedly, it took me awhile to offer up this information in the aftermath of 9/11 when Afghanistan became synonymous with terrorism in the eyes of many Americans. Taking pride in my heritage suddenly and painfully became controversial.
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People didn’t know about my Afghan-ness though because I had my mother’s surname and not my Pashtun father’s: Hotaki. Also, I didn’t wear any kind of head covering because I was raised Catholic. It was easy to hide and pass for completely White.
My late father, an aspiring doctor and med school student who spoke six languages, left Kabul with his family before the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan as a child. They were the lucky ones. He spent most of his life in Germany where many Afghans have sought refuge. One of my fondest memories is flying kites with him and my Irish-Swedish-French American mother in the Munich Public Gardens as a child. There was no wind that day and we dragged the kites in dizzy circles…laughing together...just as I imagine him now when he was a boy: kite flying in the streets of Kabul.
Since my father died when I was six, I returned to my mother’s hometown of Boston with her in 1996. I was later left to contemplate what it meant to be Afghan in a place with very few Afghans compared to Virginia, California, and New York. In college, as an Asian Studies major at Wellesley College and later at the University of California, Berkeley, I often corrected people who said that Afghanistan is in the Middle East and not in South-Central Asia. I wondered why it seemed that no one had received much education on this country’s history or people outside of reading the popular Khaled Hosseini novel, The Kite Runner, especially since we have been at war—fighting together with the Afghan forces against the Taliban in the longest war in American history.
Many Americans don’t realize that the attackers on 9/11 were not Afghan. The attackers did seek a hiding and meeting place in Afghanistan, however. But those facts shouldn’t matter. Because it doesn’t matter what ethnicity, race, or nationality someone is if they commit a crime and it doesn’t matter where they were hiding. The guilty party does not represent all people of their background or country just like Hitler does not represent all Germans or all of Germany and El Chapo does not represent Mexico or all Mexicans. Similarly, the latest mass shooter in El Paso doesn’t represent all white American men.
After former President Trump pondered out loud the mere possibility of a concocted plan to kill 10 million Afghans and wipe the country off the face of the earth – presumably through the use of nuclear weapons – I have thought more about what it means to be Afghan American today. And it’s not because of those unimaginably cruel musings which add insult to injury in the homes of all Afghans traumatized by decades of war. Indeed, nearly every person who is not a white man has been made to feel worthless, subhuman and criminal under the rhetoric of the former Trump administration...so Afghans are not alone.
But Afghans were alone in the discussion of their genocide in 2019. I have contemplated my identity even more because not one leader or politician in America of any background spoke out formally against those disturbing statements. (And it doesn’t matter if this was an actual plan of his or just an imaginary scenario dangling in the recesses of his mind.) What does the national silence mean?
After 9/11, Afghan American author of West of Kabul, East of New York and Destiny Disrupted, Tamim Ansary, went viral with an email he sent.  In it, he wrote:
“The Taliban and Bin Laden are not Afghanistan. They’re not even the government of Afghanistan. The Taliban are a cult of ignorant psychotics who captured Afghanistan in 1997 and have been holding the country in bondage ever since. Bin Laden is a political criminal with a master plan. When you think Taliban, think Nazis. When you think Bin Laden, think Hitler. And when you think “the people of Afghanistan” think “the Jews in the concentration camps.” It’s not only that the Afghan people had nothing to do with this atrocity, they were the first victims of the perpetrators. They would love for someone to eliminate the Taliban and clear out the rats nest of international thugs holed up in their country. I guarantee it…Some say, if that’s the case, why don’t the Afghans rise up and overthrow the Taliban themselves? The answer is, they’re starved, exhausted, damaged, and incapacitated.”
After 2001, my family warned me that just telling people I was Afghan may offend or anger them because they may have lost a loved one on 9/11 or they may have had a son or daughter deployed to Afghanistan. In middle school, a classmate told me I was from the land of the terrorists after I proudly showed her an autographed book I received from an Afghan British writer, Saira Shah, called "The Storyteller's Daughter." My American cousin, a veteran, was later deployed to Afghanistan and brought back a burqa which I showed to my classmates in high school to teach them about the Taliban’s oppression. Contrary to what they may have assumed, what they saw was not traditional Afghan clothing. Traditional Afghan clothing, banned under the Taliban, is colorful, intricate, deeply hued, bright and beautiful. Google it.
A year has passed since Trump discussed wiping Afghanistan off the face of the earth. After it happened, I regularly checked Twitter and the news to see if any of our nation’s leaders denounced those remarks. I called my Governor, Congresspeople, and many others asking if just one would put out a statement to support Afghans and Afghan Americans against talk of our annihilation. The Governor’s office simply said that he did not put out a statement. I still haven’t found any. However, some Americans did speak out on social media. Thank you.
We have studied the long-lasting horrors of the U.S. nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in our classrooms. I thought we concluded as a nation that something like that could never happen again. That not a single person in power thought it worth it to speak out against the possibility of the U.S. committing another nuclear genocide bewilders and frightens me. Is it controversial to say out loud that Afghans civilians do not deserve to die en masse? Are Afghans so vilified in our society that it’s a public risk to defend us?
If you still blame the Afghan people for 9/11 even if only on an subconscious level, think again. Many of the Afghan people are suffering in ways you can only imagine in your worst nightmares. They are not responsible and took no part in this. Like the poor souls who were killed in the Twin Towers, Afghans are survivors and casualties of terrorism as well. Afghan women have lost their entire families. They have been abused and pillaged. Men, women, and children have been bombed and maimed. Their history, including the rich Buddhist Silk Road history of Afghanistan, has been destroyed by the Taliban and others.
Discussing our nation's capability to conduct nuclear genocide of an entire people and country is an affront to all humans.
So I suggest to all of our nation’s leaders who have remained tight-lipped in the face of the unspeakable: Take time to learn something you don’t know about Afghanistan. Perhaps that could start with the story of progressive Afghan Queen and feminist Soraya Tarzi who asked, "Do you think, however, that our nation from the outset only needs men to serve it? Women should also take their part as women did in the early years of our nation..." Or it could be about the life and death of iconic Afghan singer Ahmad Zahir. You could learn about the courageous resistance of Afghan women and girls throughout history or visit that Afghan restaurant you were too timid to enter and try a sweet pumpkin kadoo dish.
As the war in Afghanistan, a war based on lies and deceit, may be coming to another tragic end with even graver implications for the women left behind who have fought so hard for equality,  maybe it’s finally time to read another book that is not the Kite Runner... and most importantly, time to look deep inside of ourselves and question the possible anger, hate and bias that has developed towards the Afghan people after the catastrophic and traumatizing events of September 11, 2001.
*See the Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers which deemed that the American military did not know what it was doing there and that the war was based on lies and deceit. Government officials misled the American public about the war. The war has cost the lives of thousands of American soldiers with many more wounded as well as 100,000+ Afghan civilians killed or hurt. Many of the American troops have returned with PTSD. 30% of the Afghan casualties were children.
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titusmoody · 4 years
A list of movies and shows I’ve watched, arranged by enjoyment from least to most
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
The Prestige
Don’t Think Twice
Bohemian Rhapsody
Snow White with the Red Hair
A Wrinkle in Time
The Golden Compass
To Catch a Thief
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Inglorious Basterds
Angel Beats
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Isle of Dogs
An American Tail
Dante’s Peak
I Don’t Feel at Home in this World Anymore
John Carter
Watchmen (2009)
Gangs of New York
Kingsmen: The Golden Circle
Scrapped Princess
Death Note
The Mummy (1999)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Outlaw Star
Martian Successor Nadesico
The Road to El Dorado
Ghost Hound
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumia
Rogue One
Black Panther
Space Dandy
Full Metal Panic
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans
Beyond the Boundary
Tenchi Muyo
Men in Black
Grace and Frankie
The Incredibles 2
The Third Man
O Brother Where Art Thou
Apocalypse Now
Log Horizon
The Cat Returns
Julie & Julia
Independence Day
Gurren Lagann
Baby Driver
Kill Bill (1&2)
Finding Dory
Deep Impact
The Laundromat
Made in Abyss
My Life as a Zucchini
The Royal Tenenbaums
Fyre Fraud
Patlabor (OVA)
The Matrix
The African Queen
Elfen Lied
Once Upon a Time in America
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
The Breakfast Club
Golden Boy
Hunter X Hunter
Only Yesterday
The Big Sick
Hidden Figures
Raging Bull
A Place Further than the Universe
East of Eden
Ping Pong the animation
Bonnie & Clyde
L.A. Confidential
Betting on Zero
The Hurt Locker
La La Land
I, Tonya
The Last Jedi
As Good as it Gets
Lost in Translation
The Eichmann Show
Punch Drunk Love
Blade Runner
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Gundam 0080
Sunset Boulevard
Your Name
Saving Mr. Banks
Inside Llewyn Daniels
The Jungle Book
The Shape of Water
One Punch Man
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Mr. Nobody
The Dark Knight
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Crazy Rich Asians
Alice in Wonderland
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Cool Hand Luke
The Tiger King
Synecdoche, New York
Hibike Euphonium
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Flip Flappers
Yuri on Ice!!!
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Blair Witch Project
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
American Gangster
Porco Rosso
Annie Hall
Good Night, and Good Luck
Keep Your Hands off Eizouken
Won’t You Be My Neighbor
The Social Network
End of the Tour
The Searchers
Azumanga Daioh
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Marriage Story
Tatami Galaxy
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Mobile Suit Gundam (Movie Trilogy)
The Lobster
Doctor Strangelove
Mulholland Drive
Going Clear
Boogie Nights
Behind the Curve
A Lull in the Sea
Mystic River
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
What We Do in the Shadows
Ex Machina
Knives Out
Hanasaku Iroha
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Tokyo Godfathers
The Farewell
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Rick and Morty
The Eccentric Family
The “Before” Trilogy
Glengarry Glen Ross
The Little Mermaid
Dallas Buyer’s Club
The Master
Moulin Rouge
Ghost in the Shell
The Graduate
Shaun of the Dead
Mean Streets
Das Boot
Berserk (1997)
Better Call Saul
The Irishman
Mob Psycho 100
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
On the Waterfront
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Florida Project
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Six Feet Under
Eyes Wide Shut
Schindler’s List
Barton Fink
Burn After Reading
Avatar: The Last Airbender
All the President’s Men
A Serious Man
Triplettes of Belleville
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
Perfect Blue
The Wind Rises
Bojack Horseman
Neon Genesis Evangelion
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mcapiraso: Everyone who finished the #TCSNYCMarathon achieved a great triumph and I’m grateful to have experienced it alongside all of you! The TCS New York City Marathon is so amazing because no matter who you are or what you do, we all go through the 26.2-mile journey together. Great to share the road with some of these runners ➡️ . 1 – Broadway star, @christyaltomare, who sang the national anthem AND ran the 26.2 miles from Staten Island to @centralparknyc on Sunday! 2 – NYC Parks Commissioner, @mitchell_silver, who ran his second consecutive TCS New York City Marathon this year 👏 . 3 – The Izzo brothers @izzoultrarunning, who each ran 153 miles starting at the expo on Thursday and ending in Central Park on Sunday to raise money for @TeamForKids 🙏 . 4 – Bachelorette and best-selling author, @andi_dorfam, who crushed her first marathon! 5 – @tylerjcameron3 from Bachelorette, who completed his second marathon less than a month after his first! 6 – Niccole, our 53,000th finisher! Helping us @NYRR set the record for the largest marathon ever! 7 – Ginette, one of the oldest finishers of the TCS New York City Marathon, who finished 26.2 without the blink of an eye at age 86 🙌 . 8 – Natalia and Ben – long time Team For Kids runners – and a Youth Invitational Rising New York Road Runner, who all ran on Sunday! Each so well deserving of their medals🏅🏅🏅! . 9 — Thank you for running with us Joanne Tucker, Paul Sparks, @jasonsehorn, Andrew Shue, @ajrobach, @taritzel, @dan_churchill, @ryan_briscoe, @richardblais, @nevschulman, and @kikkanimal! #InspiredByYou #MovedMe #RunForLife #BornToRun #28YearsAndRunning #I❤️Running #BelieveInRunninng🏃‍♂️
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medialists · 5 years
Mamma Mia
Atomic Blonde 
El círculo 
Beauty and the Beast 
Victor Frankenstein 
Starter for 10 
Becoming Jane 
The Conspirator
The Last King of Scotland 
The Last Station 
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 
Big Fish 
La desaparición de Eleanor Rigby 
The Avengers 
Las ventajas de ser invisible 
Harry Potter.
At eternity's gate 
Catch me if you can 
Pulp Fiction 
Xavier Dolan 
Memorias de una Geisha 
Ready player one 
Battle angel 
Taxi Driver 
El doble 
Shutter island 
My week with Marilyn 
Ballet shoes 
El diablo viste a la moda 
Les miserables 
Lady Bird 
The Truman Show 
Irene, yo y mi otro yo 
Call me by your name 
The Favorite 
La la land 
La chica del tren 
Winter's war 
Tomb Raider 
Ex machina 
El código Da Vinci 
Ángeles y demonios 
Mean Girls 
Mujer Bonita 
Crimson Peak. 
Las de Marvel que faltan 
The Room 
A quiet place 
Blade Runner 
Animales Nocturnos 
Animales Fantásticos  
La Propuesta 
A star is born 
Begin again 
From Russia with Love
You Only Live Twice
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Diamonds Are Forever
The Man with the Golden Gun
For Your Eyes Only
Never Say Never Again
A View to a Kill
The Living Daylights
Tomorrow Never Dies
The World is not Enough
Die Other Day
Casino Royale
Quantum of Solace
Dawn of the Dead
Blade II
The Dark Knight Rises
Kick-Ass 2
Die Hard
From Dusk till Dawn
No Escape
Death Race 2
Les Quatre Cents Coups
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Murder of Princess Diana
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Fight Club
My Sister's Keeper
Gran Torino
All About Eve
The Nun's Story
The Sunset Limited
A Clockwork Orange
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Lords of Dogtown
Ip Man
Million Dollar Baby
The Great Gatsby
The Theory of Everything
War and Peace
Collateral Beauty
The Children's Hours
Moulin Rouge!
The Bridges of Madison County
As Good as It Gets
Me Before You
Before Sunrise
Before Midnight
The Reader
Like Crazy
New York, I Love You
Anna Karenina
Pride & Prejudice
Bridget Jones's Diary
How to Marry a Millionaire
Bus Stop
The Prince and the Showgirl
Ladies of the Chorus
Roman Holiday
Prendimi l'Anima
The Young Victoria
Ed Wood
My Life Without Me
A Woman of Paris
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Fantasia 2000
Punisher: War Zone
Robin and Marian
The Unforgiven
Green Mansions
Live and Let Die
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
To the Bone
T2 Trainspotting
La Grande Bellezza
Men, Women & Children
Lost in Translation
Ghost World
Before Sunset
Evil Dead
Army of Darkness
After Earth
Get Smart
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Dark Crystal
Mononoke Hime
Edge of Tomorrow
Death Race 2050
L'Écume des Jours
Paris When It Sizzles
The Seven Year Itch
Down with Love
Monkey Business
Dead Alive
Monty Python's Life of Brian
They All Laughed
Love Among Thieves
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Let's Make Love
Funny Face
On the Town
The Sky's the Limit
A Damsel in Distress
Shall We Dance
There's No Business Like Show Business
It's Always Fair Weather
My Fair Lady
Don't Bother to Knock
Monte Carlo Baby
Las Dos Caras de la Verdad
Ciudad en Tinieblas
El Bebé de Rose Mary
The Chuck Net Atrapado Sin Salida
El Experimento
Holy Motors
Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
Bottom of the Worlds
High Rise
Southland Tales
Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy
Inherent Vice
The Lobster
The Number 23
They Look Like People
Upstream Color
Twelve Monkeys
Minority Report
Los Cromocrímenes
About time
Blue Velvet
Pi: Faith in Chaos
The Box
The Life of David Gale
The Gift
Miss Sloane
The Meyerowitz Stories
The Big Sick
Efectos Secundarios
The Notebook
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
The Little Mermaid
Manchester By the Sea
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Star Trek Beyond
Moonrise Kingdom
No Country for Old Men
The Exorcist
The Darjeeling Limited
House of Sand and Fog
Napoleon Dynamite
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Armores Perros
La Dictadura Perfecta
El Crimen del Padre Amado
El Estudiante
Cilantro y Perejil
Perfume de Violetas
Arráncame la Vida
Como Agua para Chocolate
Solo Con tu Pareja
El Callejón de los Milagros
Rojo Amanecer
La Ley de Herodes
Un Monstruo de Mil Cabezas
Las Horas Contigo
Maquinaria Paramericana
Ella es Ramona
El Jeremias
Sopladora de Hojas
Los Insólitos Peces Gatos
Guten Tag, Ramon
El Infierno
Mientras el Lobo No Está
Sexo, Pudor y Lágrimas
Miss Bala
Después de Lucía
Qué Culpa Tiene el Niño
Nosotros los Nobles
La Jaula de Oro
Y tu Mamá También
Amar te Duele
Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo
Harry Potter
Old Yeller
Legally Blonde
Miller's Crossing
Faustrecht der Freiheit
It's Called Murder, Baby
The Love Witch
Southside With You
Pink Flamingos
Hr's Just Not That Into You
What's Your Number?
There's Something About Mary
When Harry Met Sally
Forgettin Sarah Marshall
Say Anything
Pretty Woman
Not Another Teen Movie
Kate & Leopold
Sleepless in Seattle
Pretty in Pink
Four Weddings And A Funeral
50 First Dates
Bridget Jones' Diary
Something's Gotta Give
Pánico Antes del Amanecer
Cumpleaños Mortal
Viernes 13
La Quema
The Slumber Party Massacre
Campamento Sangriento
Siete Mujeres Atrapadas
The House On Sorority Row
Detrás de la Máscara
April Fool's Day
Bubba Ho-Tep
Thor Ragnarok
Lo Que Hacemos en las Sombras
Zombies Party
La Noche de los Muertos Vivientes
El Regreso de los Muertos Vivientes
Army of Darkness
Pasion Infernal
Terroríficamente muertos
El Baile de los Vampiros
El Jovencito Frankeinstein
Un Hombre Lobo Americano en Londres
The Edge Of Seventeen
Murder of Cats
The Book of Love
Atomic Falafel
Tiempos felices
Nise: El Corazón de la Locura
Kill Command
The Blind Side
The Fundamentals of Caring
The Danish Girl
Miss You Already
Fantastic Beasts the Crimes of Grindelwald
Side Effects
Requiem for a Dream
The Island
The Box
The Tall Man
Gods of Egypt
Twilight Zone
Dusk Dawn
Jeepers Creepers
The Descent
30 Days of Night
The Midnight Meat Train
Minority Report
Midnight Sun
The Book of Henry
Lady Bird
Truth or Dare
Every Day
A Nightmire on Elm Street
American Mary
The Witches
Let Me In
Let the Right One In
Insidious 4: The Last Key
Night of the Living Dead
Life of Brian
Blade Runner
Lord of the Rings
Ben - Hur
Tin tan
Pedro Infante
Gone With the Wind
Indiana Jones
Salon Kitty
The Wild Bunch
Harold and Maude
The Warriors
The Long Goodbye
Deep End
The Bestia in Calore
La Cage aux Folles
The Brood
The Sound of Music
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Enemy Mine
Cannibal Holocaust
The Evil Dead
Lola Montes
King Kong
Rock and Roll High School
Blood In Blood Out
Easy Rider
Heavy Metal
Pink Floyd The Wall
Wicker Park
Lars and the Real Girl
The Cable Guy
Sophie's Choice
Brokeback Mountain
A Wrinkle in Time
Titanes del pacífico
Clint Eastwood
Dirty Harry
The Greatest Showman
Safe Heaven
Across the Universe
Perfect Sense
A Life Less Ordinary
Shallow Grave
No Reservations
The Holiday
Ali G in da House
The Reader
The Dressmaker
Brigsby Bear
Cast Away
Romeo + Juliet
What's Eating Gilberte Grape?
Body of Lies
Little Nemo Adventures in Slumberland
Apt Pupil
Stand by Me
Shawshank Redemption
Hearts Beat Loud
Velvet Buzzsaw
Chungking Express
Twin Peaks
Throne of Blood
Tokyo Story
F for Fake
Lost in Translation
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
Rear Window
West Side Story
David Lynch Cooking Quinoa
Midnight Cowboy
Bonnie and Clyde
The Straight Story
Annie Hall
The Great Dictator
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Y tu Mamá También
Paddington 2
Autumn Sonata
To Kill a Mockingbird
Barry Lyndon
It's a Wonderful Life
The Wrestler
The Florida Project
It's Such a Beautiful Day
Paths of Glory
Kung Fury
Boogie Nights
Gone with the Wind
The Prestige
Shaun of the Dead
The World's End
In the Mood for Love
El Bola
Celda 211
El Olivo
Las 13 Rosas
Blue Valentine
Like Crazy
(500) Days of Summer
Le Mépris
Match Point
Ruby Sparks
Revolutionary Road
Happy Together
Sleepy Hollow
Black Sunday
The Hunger
The Haunting
Crimson Peak
The Crow
Pan's Labyrinth
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
A Cure for Wellness
Horror of Dracula
The Bride
La Novia
Flavors of Youth
Dead Poet's Society
Mary and Max
Dear Zachary: a Letter to a Son about His Father
Big Fish & Begonia
20th Century Women
The Villainess
Touch of Evil
Zero Dark Thirty
The Stranger
El Autor
Short Term 12
Grave of the Fireflies
Cinema Paradiso
My Girl
A Ghost Story
Hasta el viento tiene miedo
El libro de piedra
Veneno para hadas
Pearl Harbor
Infierno azul
Guerra de Novias
El Bar Coyote
Needful Things
Sense & Sensibility
El Diario de Carlota
Batman vs Superman
Black Panther
Camino hacia el terror
Sé lo que hicieron el verano pasado
Joy Ride
Jeepers Creepers
La reunión del diablo
Viernes 13
Another Earth
A Quiet Place
Mississippi en llamas
The breakfast club
The revenant
sing street *
catch me if you can
dead poets society
the age of adaline
good will hunting
artificial intelligence
to the bone
the danish girl
90 minutes in heaven
while you were sleeping
james and the giant peach
Crimson peak
pretty woman
summer days with coo
the breadwinner
summer wars
the gift
julie & julia
8 mile
schindler's list
blue valentine
the hateful eight
the untouchables
old boy
ghost in the shell
sophie's choice
ip man 2
frances ha
the tree of life
amanda knox
hail, caesar!
Janis: little girl blue
my beautiful broken brain
the badadook
origin: spirits of the past
project almanac
the thing
bird box
death note
death note ii
death note: light up the new world
american gangster
the nightmare
pasión por las letras
le dîner de cons
la grande vadrouille
la traversée de paris
le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
El secreto de Adeline
La boda de mi mejor amigo
Loco por ella
Quédate a mi lado
The mexican
A él no le gustas tanto
El regalo
Lo imposible
Con derecho a roce
Mi segunda vez
El examen
El número 23
The game
Clown house
Once upon a time in Mexico
Wes Creaven's New Nightmare
Don't look now
Eyes without a face
Como si fuera la primera vez
El diario de Biridget Jones
500 días con ella
El descanso
Virgen a los 40
Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos
Realmente amor
Ligeramente embarazada
¿Cómo sobrevivir a un ex?
Mensajero del futuro
El imperio del fuego
El libro de Emo
Oblivion: el tiempo del olvido
La última esperanza
Escape de NY
El expresó del miedo
Soy leyenda
El último camino
Cuando el destino nos alcance
Sunset boulevard
North by northwest
The artist
The good the bad and the ugly
The Maltese falcon
The road
Independence day
28 dias después
Hijos de los hombres
La guerra de los mundos
Stake land
Take shelter
American Pie
Rumores y mentiras
Todo en un día
Chicas malas
El club de los cinco
El exorcista
El descenso
The babadook
La matanza de Texas
La cosa
Rec 2
El conjuro 2
Evil dead
Voice from the stone
Dig two graves
Black butterfly
Grey Lady
Dans la maison
Memories of a murder
The prestige
Gone baby gone
El secreto de sus ojos
Mystic River
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yellowdistress · 5 years
So, my cousin asked me to write this little piece. It’s short. It’s actually slightly based off of the Last of Us (which is what she wanted haha) and she’s one of my favorite people on the planet so I wrote it and sent it to her. She doesn’t have a tumblr, but she told me it was okay to post it. Hope you guys enjoy this irondad Last of Us thingy!
It came from a facility up north. That was what the government had told them.
The startling thing was that everyone ignored it at first. It wasn’t scary. Diseases happened, it was like all of the panic that had followed Ebola, and it had never really even touched the states. But people went on with their daily lives, stepped in and out of existence like none of it mattered, because it didn’t, they were just people, they were people living and getting through the day. 
But then it was Atlanta. The airport.
Los Angeles, New York, Dallas. 
Overseas...Hong Kong, London, Dubai. 
People were dropping like flies, and he supposed that was when things got serious. Doctors started looking for cures, and even The Tony Stark put an effort into curing something so vile. A virus that could  take hold of the most enhanced humans on the planet, turning them into something from old black and white films. Except these did not move at a pace ungodly slow, they sprinted, they held on, they dug their teeth in. But then there was the death that grew up the flesh, into the brain, right at the stem. Tony knew that much. It wasn’t long until the world was consumed by it, people were subject to the horrendous torture. People Tony Stark cared about. People he loved. People he wanted to save, and couldn’t, because he built things, not bodies. Not brains for the rotting ones. So they died. Tony died with them, somewhere along the way.
Survival was key. It gave him something to do, despite wanting to be dead for so long. It involved unsavory things, he supposed, smuggling. But he only shot the assholes along the way. Smuggling was based solely on something he didn’t see, getting food and weapons where it needed to be. Again, purpose. Surviving. Helping others do it, and reach that and get there up and up and up. Tony was dying everyday, but he needed that purpose.
The past few weeks had been spent with a different purpose.
The Immune Boy.
It had started out...weird. A favor, vague and secretive, Natasha had asked him to do it and he had. There was the scar, dug into the boy’s wrist. He needed to be brought to some medical team on the west coast, somewhere, he didn’t know. Tony hadn’t cared at first until he had realized the boy was something different. Something immune, something...otherworldly. It was simple: Get the kid there. To the facility. Keep him alive long enough to find a cure.
Tony hadn’t bothered to call him by his name, until the second week when the kid had been grabbed by some road runners. Not the kind that wanted to steal. Maybe he had known the name before that, but it was more important there, when Peter was covered in the blood of the guy whose head Tony had blown off. After Tony had helped him clean his face. When Peter had been shaking and asking “what happened? Why did they do that?” And Tony hadn’t the heart to tell him why. He already knew Peter had been raised in the safety of his aunt’s school. A place she ran for orphans, but she had died, Peter had been bitten, Nat had found him. It was simplistic and complicated, but Peter had grown up behind the shield of walls. The way not all children were lucky enough to be raised behind now.
Maybe Peter wasn’t lucky, his survival skills were lacking because of those walls.
That was a day ago. Peter hadn’t spoke much, not since Tony had gotten his face cleaned of the blood remnants and the particles of human. Peter hadn’t moved much either, from the little shed they were staying in. One with a barricade at the door, two cots, some canned goods and water. Peter was just sitting there, when Tony had pushed the canteen towards him and he had ordered almost harshly, “Drink.”
“I’m okay...”
“Drink it.”
So Peter did, because he usually listened. Tony watch him open the canteen with trembling hands, face long and sad because he didn’t understand what had happened yesterday, but Tony knew what human traffickers were and what they were capable of. How they were cruel to children like Peter. Of course the kid knew the world was no good, by any means, but his aunt had done a good job keeping him safe. Peter set the drink aside, and looked up at Tony silently through his eyelashes.
“Are we leaving soon?”
“When the rain lets up,” Tony replied bluntly, sitting on the cot opposite to Peter’s. He wrung his hands together, stir crazy. He wanted to move. It was all unsettling. His hands devised a plan to punch their way through walls, through the faces of those men yesterday. Peter pulled the blanket tighter around himself, rain patting the top of the tin roof.
Tony gestured to the water again, “You should keep drinking. You’re pale.”
“I’m okay,” Peter repeated the statement from earlier. Things were difficult. Ever since Peter had watched him shoot those men, he knew Peter didn’t understand. Behind the walls, things were different. Sometimes the military executed, but other times, things were fine. Almost like how it used to be. Behind the walls, that sort of violence the outside world offered didn’t exist the same way. 
Peter paused, then continued, “I didn’t sleep...well. I dreamt about - anyway...I still don’t understand - “
“That’s fine because you don’t need to understand,” Tony said, “Just know it happened. Those dickheads deserved it. End of story.”
“Why were they doing that?”
“Because it’s the real world, kid,” Tony snapped, he didn’t want to talk about it anymore, he wanted Peter to stop asking questions, “Alright? These aren’t the walls, where everything is great and happy, we’re on the open road. People die. A lot of them are murderers and sick assholes who deserve what they get.”
Peter silenced, his mouth snapping shut. He sometimes talked a lot but sometimes didn’t. This was one of the times where Peter looked afraid of him. They were going to have a long journey, many more weeks to come, and so he needed the kid to trust him, but Peter was scared of him. Tony didn’t blame him. Old-Tony would have been the same way with himself now. It wasn’t him...Not really.
“I just...” Peter breathed, “You know, the Corpses? Those are the enemies, and it feels wrong to kill people who are healthy.”
Tony replied, “They teach you that behind the walls so you don’t go rogue on each other. It’s not true out here. Two different things. These guys don’t have remorse, they don’t have rules, there’s no military in the wilderness. Just you and me, and them, and I’m trying to keep you alive.”
Peter pulled the blanket tighter, hunching forward, “I’m sorry...It’s...”
He paused, then finished, “They were humans, you know? Not Corpses.”
Tony breathed deeply, standing to his feet. He stared at Peter, and Peter looked up at him, concern in his eyes as if he thought something bad was about to happen, but Tony’s blood pressure was rising, so maybe it was. He stepped forward, bending into a crouch on his toes, elbows on his knees. Peter stared at him, his hair still wet from when Tony had to basically dunk his head in the creek behind the shed to get the blood off cause the kid could barley move from shock.
He poked Peter’s chest, “You’re human. They weren’t.”
Peter didn’t look like he believed Tony, but then again, he still didn’t really trust him. They had only known each other...not long. Under a month. He then flicked Peter under the chin and the kid looked away with a sort of nod, maybe just to get off the subject, because Tony wasn’t going to drop it. He couldn’t drop it.
“Take a nap. We’re leaving when the rain stops.”
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mz-elysium · 5 years
The Bay By Night
Last updated: August 1, 2019
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The Bay by Night follows five protagonists as they struggle to survive a night filled with vampires, hunters, werewolves, and worse in the San Francisco Bay Area. The freedom-loving Anarch vampires have found themselves betrayed by their Baron of the Bay and handed over to the feudalistic and lordly Camarilla. Ruthless elders and their minions flock in droves, while Anarchs either bow and scrape with the hopes of avoiding the wrath of their overlords or plot vengeance in the night.
One way or another, blood will run.
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Genre >> new adult urban fantasy, supernatural fantasy, gothic horror, romance
POV >> third person, multi-pov, interlocking with individual stories
Current status >> 88k words
Expected length >> 500k+ words
WiP tag >> #the bay by night, #tbbn
Also features:
Vampire Oscar Wilde with a pirate ship
Hunters in black trench coats with swords
Everyone is their own worst enemy
Shakespearean levels of tragedy
Eventual happy endings (promise)
Found family (brother/sister, father/daughter, mom friend)
Game of Thrones: Vampire Edition
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Edits and posts
Character Introduction: Matthew Monroe
Character Introduction: Annabelle Hawthorne
Character Introduction: Nathaniel Hawke
Primer: Ghouls
my oc: tony, my oc: monroe, my oc: annabelle, my oc: hawke, my oc: reed
The Bay By Night
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POV Characters
[Tony Ross] is a new Anarch and turned only last year during a Sabbat attack, which took the life of his older brother, a loss he’s still reeling from as he struggles to pull himself free from his brother’s shadow. Tony soon finds himself at the center of a dizzying web of politics as his gang’s leader (the idealistic orator, Everett Smith) sets himself against the new Camarilla overlords. Without a place to turn and trapped between the sly Valentine and rebellious Anarchs, he strives to protect his still-human sister from the vampires who surround her. (Black and gay protagonist, family devotion, living a life true to self)
[Matthew Monroe] is a charismatic and honourable Camarilla loyalist, eager to stake out territory and titles amidst the fresh land rush. His sire’s death fifty years ago set him free, but the wounds of his century of abuse are still fresh. Ever since, Monroe’s struggled for respect and honest friendship among the selfish vampires. He finds grudging acceptance among his clan and, for the first time in the last 174yrs, power begins to flow into his lap. Monroe longs to set things straight, but the elders’ game of shadows isn’t kind to those with things to lose -- like his dear ghoul and adopted childer. (abused protagonist, unequal love, good intentions and looking down the road to hell)
[Annabelle Hawthorne] is an heirloom ghoul with more than two centuries of service under her. The countless decades serving monsters has burned the appearance of humanity from her with a cold wind. Once, she served Monroe’s sire, and now him. Monroe’s a far kinder regent, but a master nonetheless. He allows her to attend university and associate regularly with mortals and his unwitting herd, who she fiercely defends from her regent who preys on them. While Monroe approaches her for an earnest friendship, Annabelle’s good friend (James Ritter, elder ghoul of the influential Jan Pieterzoon) searches for a way to escape the chains of blood that emotionally enslave and physically addict ghouls to their vampiric masters. (addiction, slavery, what it means to be human)
[Nathaniel Hawke] was once an infamous vampire hunter, feared from San Francisco to Miami. In New York, he pissed off one too many, who turned him as punishment. Animated by the quasi-sentient Beast of vampire blood, he’s unable to end his life and struggles to find his fellow hunter (Joan Schubert, a Catholic inquisitor).to help him. Along the way he discovers he can feed on vampire blood, but depends on the patronage of a powerful elder of the Bay to protect him. One of the elder’s brood (the eternally cheerful Kathy Weise) takes him under her bat wing and, much to his discomfort, he begins to learn about the monsters he’s spent fifteen years slaying. (found sister/brother, man vs self, the meaning of good and evil)
[Chelsea Reed] is the proud and cunning leader of a pack among the dread Sabbat, a blood cult who revels in their undead nature. With the recent loss of New York to the Camarilla, the Sabbat are compelled to turn their heads westward and the warlord (Polonia) takes her with him as a personal templar. Chelsea struggles as she comes into her own with powers of shadow, but the Abyss worms its way into her mind, even as the priest of her own pack deals with foul dreams and being tormented by a far greater force. (mentally ill protagonist, found family, urban fantasy guerrilla war)
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Background knowledge
Disclaimer: The Bay By Night is based on White Wolf’s Vampire the Masquerade RPG system and the world’s history. Some things have been retconned or streamlined to make more sense and all the characters and plot are original.
The Sects
There are three major factions of vampires (or kindred, as the civilized ones like to call themselves) that were formed during the Inquisition in response to humanity hunting them down.
Camarilla. Somewhere between Mafia and a royal court, they’re the Big Brother cabal who steeples long thin fingers together and says “Eggcellent” in an obscure European accent. Steeped in subterfuge, arrogance, scheming, backstabbing, favours, and with a glass ceiling about three feet high for the average fledgling. The dominant sect of vampires around the world and, by and large, lawful and peaceful if you don’t fuck with the elders who’ve ruled it like quasi-benevolent dictators since men wore tights.
Sabbat. They’re the inheritors of Caine’s legacy (of “Caine and Abel”, the First Murderer) and they weren’t going to start kowtowing it to any elder. After all, the end is neigh and when Caine rises again, he’s gonna want to start devouring those elders who pissed him off eight thousand years ago by siring the clans (those 13 elders are myths in modern times, told like stories from the Bible in culturally Christian America). In the modern nights, the Sabbat are a murderous blood cult steeped in mysticism and a deep worship for Caine and contempt for humanity.
Anarchs. The ones who thought the Sabbat were nuts. Anarchs just wanna be free, man. Don’t want no one telling them what to do or how to live or where to eat or when they gotta face sunrise. So long as they agreed to be peaceful and follow the Cam’s rules, they were allowed the protection of the Camarilla. From 1944 - 1966, they rebelled in California and established the Anarch Free States: hundreds of small baronies run by gangs where the only law was “every vampire for themselves”. With the Sabbat breathing down from Sacramento, the Baron by the Bay turned desperately to the Camarilla, who were only too happy to help repel an attack.
The Siege of New York (2008 - 2010)
Sabbat has claimed New York as a stronghold since before it was New Amsterdam, but during the Great Depression a brave Camarilla prince staked a claim in Manhattan. She struggled valiantly, fighting a war nightly, but it became too much.
Prince Michaela pled at a conclave for assistance. New York had been a lost cause for centuries and the cautious elders scoffed at the plea. Matthew Monroe, a born gambler and opportunist, pledged to uphold her claim to the ends of his life.
He called in a favour from another prince and tipped the first domino by taking the case of New York to the justicar of his clan, the Ventrue Justicar Lucinde. She deployed her agents and Monroe played runner between allies who loathed each other.
Jan Pieterzoon, a key strategist, was sent on behalf of his sire, the Camarilla Founder Hardestadt. Pieterzoon and Monroe worked close the next two years, as Pieterzoon humiliated the Sabbat leadership of New York and captured the city. The Sabbat power base and Polonia’s pride, stretching from Miami to Conneticut, now had a gaping hole where the crown jewel once sat.
The justicars swooped in and claimed credit, dividing the city among esteemed elders and their childer, giving their agents and strategists a pat on the head.
Pieterzoon accepted the plea from the Anarch Baron by the Bay and surreptitiously asked Monroe to come with him to San Francisco, personally offended but unsurprised at how Monroe had been treated.
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