#Robert Hines
may8chan · 1 year
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On the Set of Hellraiser
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80smovies · 2 years
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duranduratulsa · 3 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Hellraiser (1987) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #hellraiser #clivebarker #pinhead #cenobites #dougbradley #ClareHiggins #AshleyLaurence #SeanChapman #andrewrobinson #RobertHines #SimonBamford #nicholasvince #gracekirby #vintage #vhs #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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thisdayreservedfor · 6 months
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Robert Hines. x
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Hellraiser (1987)
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Summary: When Kirsty Cotton (Ashley Laurence) solves a mysterious puzzle box, she inadvertently summons the Cenobites, a group of sadomasochistic beings.
Dated (not in good way) with uneven performances, but has decent gore effects and imposing Doug Bradley.
Rating: 2.25/5
Photo credit: Eventive
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carolinehelenc · 2 years
Le Starliner de Boeing a atterri, mais des questions subsistent après une mission imparfaite
Le Starliner de Boeing a atterri, mais des questions subsistent après une mission imparfaite
Le vaisseau spatial Starliner de Boeing a atterri en toute sécurité au Space Harbor de White Sands Missile Range.Photo: NASA/Bill Ingalls Le Starliner de Boeing a atterri avec succès hier sur la surface sablonneuse du désert du Nouveau-Mexique, marquant l’achèvement du premier test de bout en bout sans équipage du vaisseau spatial. C’était un atterrissage parfait, mais la mission de six jours…
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nileqt87 · 6 months
Jamie McCrimmon in Tales of the TARDIS
The most special thing that's come out of Doctor Who in years. But the most important return for me will always be Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon. I want him back in a full episode. His story is so rich for a return that could only involve the Doctor (and/or the TARDIS), as well as not only having clear parallels to Donna Noble's mind wipe, but also being the Classic companion who most meant it that he'd never have left the Doctor willingly and would've followed him until the end.
For the record, this Jamie was the inspiration for Jamie Fraser (note the actor's first name being Frazer) in Outlander, as The War Games (my favorite Classic serial) was what Diana Gabaldon was watching when she came up with her idea, which is arguably Doctor Who fanfiction that 'ships time-traveling highlander Jamie McCrimmon with that serial's WWI nurse, Lady Jennifer. Frazer Hines is well aware of being the inspiration and even cameo'd.
Jamie was not only the longest-serving companion in Doctor Who history (yes, even more episodes than the Brigadier, though Sarah Jane beats him with her spinoff) with his 116 episodes (1966-1969, 1983 and 1985) and this short (2023), but he's also one of the greatest examples of the Doctor's closest and most-beloved companions not necessarily being chosen for being the most "equal" (the idea that companions from humble or easily-belittled beginnings like Jamie, Jo, Leela, Rose, Donna, etc…, who all struggled with insecurity over their worth due to their backgrounds, are his intellectual inferiors and thus not as worthy or appropriate as non-human companions like Romana or River, or even human genius Zoe here, for the Doctor to love--which is an insult to the Doctor and what he fell in love with humanity for), but for being the most human, genuine, loyal and loving as well as brave. This is one thing that Russell T Davies understood so well and Steven Moffat didn't quite get.
Jamie was hardly afraid to call the Doctor out when he disagreed or thought the Doctor had callously gone too far, by the way. Just watch/listen to The Evil of the Daleks for that, which is where the Doctor manipulates Jamie's very humanity to get him to rescue Victoria from the Daleks along with him being the source of the "human factor" used to create human-Dalek hybrids. Jamie's desperate, heartbroken, unrequited reaction (sadly, reduced to just audio, which captures the sound of a kiss) to Victoria's departure likewise puts to bed the idea that sentimental emotionalism and the Doctor dealing with companion reactions at their most human began in the Russell T Davies era.
Jamie certainly was more of a skirt chaser, albeit quite innocent, than you'd assume would be depicted in Classic Who! As much as Ian and Barbara, and then Ben and Polly, were depicted as couples in the TARDIS, they never got such an explicit declaration of feelings as Jamie's in Fury from the Deep.
Jo is the Classic companion who arguably admitted to having feelings for the Doctor himself, describing Cliff Jones as a younger version of the Doctor for why she's choosing him. These shorts allude to this moment as well, though frame it in retrospect as Jo having chosen Cliff over the Doctor, despite her arguably having more of a basis for feelings towards the Doctor than Sarah Jane in School Reunion and her inability to move on (highlighted beautifully when she walked down the aisle alone after her wedding day betrayal, only to be comforted by the Doctor, not to mention her adopting all the children she never had), which made her a mirror to Rose's future. Jo is thus a mirror to Sarah Jane as the companion arguably in love with the Doctor in a not-so-platonic way who moved on and found real love vs. one who didn't move on until it was too late, and who was likewise a mirror to Rose, who is famous for being the companion most explicitly in love with the Doctor to the extent that her moving on involved ending up with the Doctor's Metacrisis (but ultimately choosing him, their daughter Mia and a human life over the Eighth and Eleventh Doctors in Empire of the Wolf).
The Second Doctor's favoritism of Jamie extended so far as to go back for him (quite rare for the Doctor) when he was forced to work for the Time Lord Celestial Intervention Agency (season 6b, which isn't so much a theory anymore) and the reaction towards Jamie was probably the most cuddly and warm the Sixth Doctor (to the extent that the turbulent relationship with Peri got a little better for that one serial because of Jamie's presence) sadly ever got on screen before Big Finish salvaged the era. Jamie always brings out of the best in the Doctor and what the Doctor loves humanity the most for.
That Frazer Hines was so genuinely close to Patrick Troughton in real life (they were quite the mischievous pair, often sneaking gags in past the censors in addition to their pranks!) comes across so beautifully in every voice impression of his old friend and through his portrayal of Jamie whose love for and wish to have never left the Doctor is unquestionable.
Obviously, there was that fear of what he had left to return to, but also his belief that he needed to be there to protect the Doctor, which he always took it upon himself to do. Jamie would no doubt get along very well with the Brigadier (whose first story was with Jamie), Leela and Ace in their willingness towards protective violence, not to mention Ian and Rory often facing having to fill that role a little more reluctantly. And most of all, one of the deepest, most-loving friendships among Doctor and companion. Yes, there is exactly one iteration of the Doctor whose closest, most-favorite companion (that tendency towards favoritism was already there) was unambiguously not any of the female ones and was an even firmer break from the Doctor's old model of replacing his granddaughter with a relationship that felt far more like friends/partners in crime with a hint of fatherliness or mad uncle. And of course, this twin mop-topped Odd Couple fit in nowhere. Jamie was as out-of-place and "alien" as the Doctor wherever the TARDIS landed.
And given where he was sent back to by the Time Lords, his future without his memories looked pretty dire. His immediate return involved being being shot at, hanged, put on a slave ship by the Redcoats or fleeing to France--which was the context of his situation when the Doctor saved his life and he walked into the TARDIS when he was a piper from the Battle of Culloden in 1746 who could neither swim or read, and who was as likely to call an airplane a "flying beastie" as calling a Cyberman "the Phantom Piper", and then was returned to that sans all memories but for his first adventure before entering the TARDIS.
Obviously, Russell T Davies has given Jamie quite a happier ending than his tragic comic fate in The World Shapers in which old Jamie has finally gotten his memories back, but his family (he married Kirsty McLaren, daughter of the laird whom he was a humble, orphaned piper for, from The Highlanders) has abandoned him over it and he rapidly ages to death in sacrifice. The Tenth Doctor also had a comic companion named Heather McCrimmon (descended from those five daughters, but still retains the surname!) who still carried her ancestor's Artron radiation energy from the TARDIS. I would love to see Jamie meet Heather, who would be awesome to see realized on screen.
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yesjamieitisabigone · 20 days
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Another practice using Jamie
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Last of the Wild: Vanished and Vanishing Giants of the Animal World. Written by Robert McClung. Illustrated by the author and Bob Hines. 1997.
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joeinct · 2 years
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Gregory Hines, Photo by Robert Maplethorpe, 1985
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kellymagovern · 1 year
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Locke & Key Season 2
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dreamofstarlight · 10 months
Do RFK Jr's kids support him? I can't imagine what it's like to have a parent that embarrassing
Considering they were all present (except for Kick) at his campaign announcement speech, I’d say yes. I’m not sure if they actually agree with him on issues or if it’s just doing it because he’s their dad. I think it’s kind of telling none of them have acknowledged it on social media so they might have an idea that this is not going to last long and they aren’t going to be doing this for the better part of the next year.
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This is totally off topic but Bobby III fix your tie please 🙄
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grande-caps · 2 years
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Locke and Key - Season 3
Quality : HD screencaptures Amount : 8.440 files Resolution : 1.920 x 1.080 px
-Please like/reblog if taking!
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The Kennedy Family College
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thejaymo · 3 days
What About This Excites You? | Weeknotes
When you are reading a tweet, watching youtube video, or looking at an Instagram post, ask yourself: "What About This Excites Me?"
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britishchick09 · 7 months
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a senpai court pic in higher quality! ;)
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