#Roggi Knot-Beard
Some of my favourite characters in skyrim, and why 👹
Balgruuf The Greater: i think this speaks for itself tbh, my favourite Jarl
Balimund: I don't actually know, kinda just looked at him and said "yes, he's the one." Or at least one of them anyway lmfao
Brynjolf: cocky thief with a *small amount* of issues, need i say more?
Captain Aldis: Self Explanatory. he's pretty, good personality, wants books, and lots of muscle? Yes please
Captain Gjalund Salt-Sage: idk he just smiled at my character once and it did things LMFAOOO
Captain Lonely-Gale: Father? Sorry, Father? Sorry-
Falk Firebeard: Steward whos probably a borderline alcoholic? Possibly involved in scandals? Pretty? Yes please
Glover Mallory: no.1 Smith, thief gone good, first I've found to sell Daedric stuff, what more can you want?
Halbarn Iron-Fur: personality is on point, easily lovable, one of my favourite smiths along side Glover
Idolaf Battle-Born: Dilf with an attitude, fuck yeah
Igmund: As with Balimund, I'm not even sure
Korir: if Siddgeir and Balgruuf had a child, he's them. Personality wise anyway, bit of a wanker tho
Kraldar: idk he's just there and he's sweet
Roggi Knot-Beard: Our favourite alcoholic, lovable character, ray of sunshine.
Rune: He's baby. Todd let me help him find out who his parents are i beg
Torbjorn Shatter-Shield: Dilf, I feel so bad tho oh my god, I killed Nilsine in Muiri's quest... never again. I don't need the bonus.
Ulfric Stormcloak: I can fix him
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sasquach-scratches · 7 months
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Roggi Knot-Beard pinup that started out as a warmup, then became an experiment in coloring which I then disliked so here it is with lines
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sylvienerevarine · 1 year
The Girl Squad (and some of their guy pals) + Barbie selfie generator
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thequeenofthewinter · 7 months
Dahlia and Sophrine's Excellent Kitchen Adventure
A pleasant afternoon/evening to all. I was deeply inspired by @sylvienerevarine's lovely OC Soph. By the way you should check out her work. It's absolutely fantastic and an assured good time. (You can find it here.) ...so, have a little one shot I have written where Dahlia and Soph's worlds meet.
Link to AO3
“…and can you believe that they thought they were going to use kwarma eggs in a traditional Summerset soufflé? Pah,” Sophrine scoffs as she stirs the custard in her pot. “Of course, something like that would never work. The proteins are too dense to inflate anything other than the Gourmet’s misplaced ego.”
Dahlia leans against a wall as she listens attentively to the pretty Breton woman talk about the tales of her most recent cooking adventures—even if she has no idea what she is talking about. 
Over the last few months, a rumor has been spreading of a new chef in Kynesgrove with skills which could rival even those of the Gourmet himself. Naturally, the High Queen was curious, and thus, extended an invitation for her to come and cook in the kitchen at the Palace of the King’s. 
Luckily for her, Sophrine and her husband Roggi had nothing else better to do on a Sunday afternoon other than to accept her invitation, and so here they are: Dahlia with Sophrine helping—or at least trying to provide what limited help she can to the great chef as they mix together a trifle for their dessert, and Ulfric with Roggi sitting out in the Great Hall doing—well, whatever it is that men do when their spouses have left them to their own devices.
“Is it terribly hard to bake?” Dahlia asks as she moves forward to pick up one of the chef’s knives to chop some of the fruit on the counter.
Sophrine turns her head towards her, all the while stirring vigorously at the thickening vanilla concoction in the steel pot before her. “Oh no, I mean—well, it does take some practice, and you can’t say have a parade of mammoths stomping by as you make it; but, other than that, it’s easy. I could even show you before I leave.”
“I’d love that. That’s very kind of you. I’ll have to make sure to send down for some of Ilse’s danishes before you go, and—”
“Everything okay in here?” Ulfric’s voice sounds from the doorway, and when Dahlia turns, she can see that once again, he has poked his head around the corner to see what they are doing.
She bites her lip as she tosses a knowing glance over to Sophrine. He has been doing this all afternoon. Who knew her husband could be so nosy?
“We’re just the same as we were 10 minutes ago when you came to check on us, my heart.” She sighs. While she knows that he means well, he is starting to grate on her nerves. “Why don’t you go back out to Roggi? It’s like you’re afraid of socializing and making friends which I know you are not.”
“Yes, well—”
Dahlia stops chopping more ingredients, and turns around completely to face her husband, hands on her hips. “If you tell me that you’re afraid of someone with a knot in his beard, I am going to tell Galmar, and he’ll hit you with the broadside of his battle axe until he knocks some sense back into you.”
“You wouldn’t.” He challenges as he raises a brow.
Sophrine tries—and fails—to hold back a chuckle at the two of them as she begins to pour her custard into its glass presenting dish. “She would.” She shrugs as she begins to layer the fruit Dahlia had cut on top. “Perhaps I have not known her for more than a few hours, but she seems the type not to be,“ she nods down at the dessert in front of her, “trifled with.”
“I just thought that I could help you or maybe start taking the dishes out to the—”
Dahlia abruptly snatches one of the many wooden spoons hanging on the wall beside her and throws it towards Ulfric, nearly missing his head. Intentionally, of course. “If you do not leave here this instant, the next one will not miss.”
While the High King may be a formidable and rather stubborn man, he knows better than to try his wife again. He quickly turns tail, walking back to the Great Hall to see Roggi sitting politely on the bench just where he had left him.
Ulfric sighs as he sits back down across from the man. “I tried to go in there again, and my wife threw a spoon at me. Clearly, I should be looking for threats closer to home rather than—”
“I can still hear you, you know.” Dahlia’s voice carries from the kitchen, echoing through the hall. “And I did not even throw it at you just in your general direction. If I had wanted to hit you, I would have.”
Ulfric turns, shouting back to her, “In High Rock that would be considered an assassination attempt.”
He receives no further reply. Apparently his wife thinks she has tortured him enough in front of their company, and he turns back to Roggi who is still patiently sitting in front of him. “I need a glass of mead.”
At that, Roggi perks up, a true smile on his face for the first time in this entire encounter. “You like mead? Sometimes Soph and I brew our own from the honey in our apiary.”
“You know, I have always wanted to try that myself, but I never have the damn time.” 
“I can imagine that you don’t. Not with how much of a spitfire your wife seems to be. Is she always that? My wife can be—”
Before he can finish his sentence, Sophrine’s voice can be heard from the kitchen. “Remember I can hear you too, and I am the one who makes your dinners.”
At that Ulfric begins to get up from his seat, gesturing for Roggi to do the same “Actually, I have quite the collection of mead in the cellars if you’d like to see it? …and I am certain our wives will not be able to hear us there.”
“That sounds absolutely delightful, and I would love to take you up on that offer immediately.”
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uesp · 2 years
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Did You Know: Sven and Roggi Knot-Beard are tied for the lowest level cap among all permanent, non-creature followers? They are both capped to just level 20.
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dez78 · 6 months
Multi-Fanfiction Blog
My name is Dez, I write in a lot of fandoms. Including video games, movies, and tv shows. Healthily into vampires and elves. (Not really though, I'm obsessed.)
This blog is poly safe and LGBTQ safe.
I usually write for female characters, unless you guys want to request otherwise, I don't want to exclude anyone. See down below at the lists of dos and don’ts for me and my writing! 
Requests are open and welcome, ask away.
What I will write: 
Hurt to comfort
Light Bondage
I'm also open to writing for your ocs if you wish.
I will write about my ocs as well.
Dom and Sub
Character Redemption or Character Condemnation
Tame Kinks
What I won’t write: 
I won’t write about hard core slapping during intimate scenes (Only booty taps)
Being called slut or whore, or partners being disrespectful to each other (unless it’s during an argument and they don’t mean it later) 
Nothing with an excessive amount of spit, and hard-core bdsm. 
Won’t write about incest, unless it’s for the Game of Thrones franchise.
Nothing derogatory or abusive (Unless it's for a specific setting)
RULES FOR MY PAGE: No destructive criticism, no negative comments, if you don’t like my writing then don’t read it, please (Constructive Criticism is welcomed)
Fandoms and Characters I will write for: 
Baldur’s Gate 3: 
Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Plo Koon 
Jango Fett
Boba Fett
Fallout 4: 
Nick Valentine
Mara (R4)
Yekvad Company (My OCs)
Roggi Knot-Beard
True Blood: 
Eric Northman 
Sookie Stackhouse 
Jason Stackhouse 
Jessica Hamby
Witcher (Netflix and Witcher 3): 
The Hound (Sandor Clegane)
Jon Snow 
Jaime Lannister
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thordagdason · 8 months
A couple facts about yours truly ("Nine Mutuals I'd Like To Know Better")
I was recently tagged by @stormbeyondreality to fill out one of those neat little question sheets that float around the internet once in a while. So, here it goes!
3 Ships (in no particular order)
Brutus x Astrid, consisting of my good friend @kitsuneflare's character Brutus and Astrid, my own character. They are an item in each setting both of them appear!
Shina x Dabi. They're an OC x canon ship belonging to my other good friend @xxroseeclipsexx for their MHA setting.
Sophrine x Roggi Knot-beard, a TES ship by my other other good friend @sylvienerevarine.
(If I didn't mention your ship, it's purely because I ran out of spots lol.)
First Ship
Probably Jordis x Fabian. They're both my own characters and are Astrid's parents!
Last Song
"Ethel" by Elvenking. This song literally released 5 minutes ago on Spotify as I type this. A great song by my favourite band!
Currently Reading
"Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy. Yes, I am a regular viewer of the Wendigoon Youtube channel.
Last Film
Godzilla: King of Monsters. It went incredibly hard and I enjoyed it very much.
Currently Craving
I could go for some pizza, come to think of it.
I'm not going to tag anyone in particular, but if you come across this post feel free to fill it out for yourself! No pressure, of course!
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mongoose-bite · 1 year
Title: Indebted
Fandom: Skyrim
Rating: G
Length: 1.9k
Relationships: Female Argonian Dragonborn and Roggi Knot-Beard - friendship
Summary: Roggi exchanges one debt for another, or so he thinks.
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oceanpiner · 2 years
Ultima 4 quest of the avatar flute
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#Ultima 4 quest of the avatar flute professional
The Blades killed them all centuries ago.
Sven was supposed to have another dialogue option, "Do you know any old ballads about Dragons?" The option never shows up, however, so Sven's response will never be heard in-game: "There's the one about Tiber Septim and the dragon Nafaalilargus.
While attacking Riverwood, he will help fight the town's residents, but will refuse to attack his mother Hilde. He will not object if he is currently a follower, but will refuse to re-join after he is dismissed.
Sven can no longer be recruited if the Dragonborn attacks Riverwood.
And I've got better things to do than listen to your fantasies." Hilde "You'll see! It was a dragon! It'll kill us all and then you'll believe me!" Trivia It flew right over the Barrow!" Sven "Dragons, now, is it? You keep on like this and everyone in town will think you're crazy. Hilde "A dragon! I saw a dragon!" Sven "What? What is it now, mother?" Hilde " It was as big as the mountain and as black as night. Low level characters or those that rely on their followers in combat may find it difficult to use Sven, as he won't be as efficient in battle as other followers would. As a result, his health is somewhat lower than that of other followers, and his primary skills are non-combat related ones.
#Ultima 4 quest of the avatar flute professional
Additionally, along with Roggi Knot-Beard and Adelaisa Vendicci, Sven is one of only three followers who has a civilian job class instead of a professional combat-oriented one. Sven's level cap is 20, tying him with Roggi Knot-Beard for the lowest follower level cap in the game. Likewise, his skill in one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, and archery are all roughly on par with each other, and all relatively low. He benefits from Light Armor slightly more than Heavy Armor, but the difference is not too significant as his skills with both are relatively low. His tertiary skills are Light Armor, Sneak, and Speechcraft. His secondary skills are Archery, One-Handed, and Two-Handed. Sven's primary skills are Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing. With the Hearthfire add-on installed, Sven can become a steward in one of the Dragonborn's homesteads. Tale of the Tongues (upon completion of the main questline).If Sven dies after siding with him during "A Lovely Letter," a Letter of Inheritance will be received.Īs a Bard, Sven will sing the following songs on request for no fee: He can also be recruited into the Blades when the Dragonborn needs to recruit followers for Delphine, provided the Dragonborn is already Sven's friend and if they have killed Paarthurnax during the quest " Paarthurnax." It is possible to recruit Sven as a follower if the quest "A Lovely Letter" is finished in his favor. Sven is competing with Faendal for the heart of Camilla Valerius and asks the Dragonborn to sway things in his favor. Sven can generally be found inside the Sleeping Giant Inn playing his lute, since he is a graduate from the Bards College.
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snowy-weather · 2 years
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I drew a bunch of Skyrim NPCs I like for one reason or another. Including some of my absolute favourite. First time drawing some of these, so I still need to get comfortable with drawing them. 
Please consider reblogging my art. It tells me you like it and helps me stay motivated and keep drawing so I can give you more art! ^^
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sasquach-scratches · 7 months
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Dumb thing I didn't include in the main post
Alois is the only one of my main characters that married so I gave it some serious consideration and decided that Some Guy who's main trait is loving mead and being kind and friendly was something that appealed to him more. It helps he's also stacked
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sylvienerevarine · 4 months
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Drew some wedding fits for three of my chaotic Sylvieverse girls and their husbands...
Sophrine and Roggi's outfits are inspired by Norwegian folk costume, Sylvie and Bathmar are in the sluttiest possible version of Telvanni formalwear, and Amaal and Farkas are going with some Moroccan vibes.
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cosmic-anchor · 2 years
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I have to reinstall Skyrim and all her mods again and I’m agonizing over it
So I made myself a little motivator.
The drawing of Roggi is done by the excellent @janearts and can be found here.
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thequeenofthieves · 3 years
Valrendil: Why are we lying on the ground?
Roggi: You were knocked unconscious when you tried to fight that giant so I lied down next to you so everyone would just think we were chillin
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valen-dreth · 4 years
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spare a thought tonight of him (roggi)
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