thors-soft-cheeks · 1 year
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Nedyrr (OC) reference sheet.
The outfit may change some through time which is fitting for his personality. But there’s usually a themeTM going on.
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timbit-robin-art · 4 months
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Sorry for goober-posting.
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shardanic · 5 days
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VIP Commish:
Jacq the master lockpick for @willsmoodart !
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kermit-coded · 2 months
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i'm going to kill kevin feige what is this shit.
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wearemercs · 2 months
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by rupid79 (1, 2, 3)
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nictanova · 2 months
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Lavinia the thief from Waterdeep
Portrait of a party member character in DND
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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A thief nimbly steps past drunken man-orc guards after prying a giant ruby from the eye of a statue with his dagger (Don Greer, Down in the Dungeon, Squadron/Signal Publications, 1981). This looks like a nod to Trampier's iconic AD&D Players Handbook cover, also referenced by Holloway in I3: Pharaoh.
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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Campaign Starter: Tales from the Bonecart
Whether it's due to superstition or a distaste for a toilsome and muddy trade, folk tend to pay little attention to gravediggers. This makes for an awfully convenient cover for your travelling troupe of tombrobbers as they tour around the realm's backroads filling their pockets with mementos purloined from the dead.
Planning adventures for "evil" campaigns can be tough, but sometimes you and your players just want an excuse to get your hands dirty. What better opportunity to get DEEP down in the dirt than to hand out shovels and have them start out as a group of travelling undertakers/thieves?
Setup: A handful of crews have run the bonecart scam over the past several generations, tempering their skullduggerous actions with a bit of honest gravemaking. This dichotomy is no better represented in the current heads of the operation: Dour and hardworking Heliana, who minds the cart's reigns and keeps the crew on track, and the knavish academic Benjamin Eelpot who loves delving into things that should best stay buried. These two have taken the party on for a series of jobs that will likely require a cold heart and a strong stomach, stealing from both the living and the dead and hoping not to get caught in the meantime.
Adventure Hooks:
The party's first outing on the bonecart should be a meat-and-potatoes sort of job, used to set the tone of the campaign, which happens to sound like "Someone old and rich and lonely has died, leaving their house haunted and their valuables unguarded".
While being stewards of the dead is a great cover, it sometimes attracts the wrong sort of attention, such as when a nobleman offers the party a great reward to investigate an abandoned necropolis and the source of the terrifying dreams that haunt him. Gold is gold though, and surely this couldn't have too many long reaching complications for them.
Irony of ironies, Shortly after one of their scores the party is setupon by a group of bandits disguised as dead men, who manage to make off with a good portion of their illgotten gain. There's no way to recover their goods through official channels, so they'll have to do it themselves.
Throughout their early adventures the party will need to avoid the attention of the heavy handed sheriff hired by the local nobility to quietly and brutally dispose of criminals like themselves.
You get a lot of weird jobs being a gravedigger, but "limo service" is not usually one of them. Still, money is money, and when a bloodsoaked countess offers to pay the bonecart well to defend and transport her coffin across the lands so she can attend a gathering of the great and the ghoulish who are they to say no?
Heliana will eventually approach the party once they've gotten enough shared time , experience, and nightmarish close calls under their belts. She's got some personal matters to attend to, which involve a list of names belonging to an old secret society and a series of graves across the countryside that may contain clues to the locations of some great treasure. Its a bolder job then the crew usually pulls, and will draw unwanted attention, but they can rely on eachother to pull through, right?
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
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arachnidsgrippysocks · 3 months
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i have a pl8 with at least seventy three t8or tots on it right now
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croxot · 5 months
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A messy Krix sketch
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dailyjadenep · 16 days
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thors-soft-cheeks · 1 year
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Full body portrait (with Details) of Nedyrr.
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rangarlamamicado · 6 months
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My take on an older, girlfail Pepper SLARPG!
For a story i'm doing of a SLARPG 25-years-later sequel fic, she will be my protag, struggling with growing up and accepting she has squandered her potential. Ultimately she grows by learning that loving and taking care of yourself and others doesn't mean you can't be 'evil,' and that being 'evil' isn't always what's right for you if it's what you're used to.
Needless to say, I love this design to bits. Lots of visual storytelling methinks!!! I will answer any questions about her
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ydteus · 1 year
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Summet, Captain of the Private Guard
Ughhdhfhfhfhf art block
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clockworkbanana · 4 months
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(2023) My friend is starting a new game and the only character I want to reintroduce to any world setting is my beloved Pathfinder Kitsune, Wasabi. Though she'll be less of a 'I'll steal whatever is in your pocket and eat it' fox and more of a 'I'll make you see untold horrors until you tell me what I want to know' fox.
I'll draw more of her soon!
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wearemercs · 3 months
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Cleric and Rogue by Frederick Francis (FF69)
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