#Roman Reigns WWE
romanreignsbae · 2 months
Forbidden Desires - Chapter 1
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Y/n was always what everyone considered blessed. Now, being the assistant for the tribal chief had it’s perks. For starters, you rode around in his luxurious bus, that only few people were allowed on.
You also, were granted with being able to fly on private jets to get from place to place, as well as exquisite hotel rooms booked and paid for.
Especially your schedule. Roman Reigns wasn't showing up to every pay per view. Not even every Friday night SmackDown. He made appearances when he felt like it. So you were usually home, that didn't mean you were off work, you had other things to handle.
Many people wanted to be you, or at least wanted your job. While these people we’re wanting your job and status, you were wanting the man you worked for, your boss, none other then Roman Reigns.
You’d been working for him for almost 4 years now. Ever since he pursued his heel character, you’d been hired as his assistant. Being his assistant wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought. You thought he’d order you around to do his dirty work, but working for him was nicer then excepted.
All you really did was keep track of his hectic schedule, pack his luggage for him, and follow him around during meetings and travels...even taking care of something he claimed to be more important then work. And not to mention the money was a plus. He paid you better then you deserved, you swore it was favouritism, for obvious reasons.
Over the years you worked for him, you two created a special bond. Yes, he was your boss. But, he was also your friend. You two would often spend time together even during non work related times. You could find the both of you at a bar together. Or having movie nights in each other’s hotel rooms. You loved it. And maybe loved him..
The only problem in your way was the age gap you two shared. You were in your early twenties whereas Roman was on the verge of 40. The age gap wasn’t even a big deal to you. But, if others found out you’d grown feelings for your boss. All hell would break loose. See, Roman, is extraordinarily popular with females.
Like seriously, he has some die hard female fans. Most around your age. If anyone found out about this little crush you’d developed..well..you’d for starters be fired, and your reputation would be completely destroyed.
So here you are, sitting in the tribal chief’s private jet, waiting to land in Las Vegas. “Alright, only about a hour to go” a familiar deep voice spoke. You looked up to see Roman sitting comfortably in his seat, staring intently at you. “Yeah..” you mumbled.
“Whats up with you? You been like this all flight, completely out of it. What’s wrong are you sick? Do you have a fever? The flu? Is- nevermind..” Roman spoke worried. “No no, im good” you spoke as reassuringly as you could. He looked at you skeptically before closing his Macbook and making his way to sit beside you.
He sat beside you and looked at you for a few seconds before speaking up. “What’s planned for today?” he asked you. You quickly opened your Ipad before checking his schedule. “Well..today your free, tomorrow you have a meeting in the afternoon, its a long one” you told him.
“Damn, I hate the long meetings” he spoke with a smile. “They are the worst” you agreed grinning. “Anyways, since i’m free today, why don’t you and I head out, go do something fun together, away from work..you know after we get settled in..” he spoke almost nervously.
You were surprised to say the least. You didn’t think he would wanna spend his free day with you. “Yeah sure. What do you wanna do?” you asked him while trying to hide your growing smile. “Anything you want. Actually you know what? Lemme take you shopping, Las Vegas is known for their malls” he requested with a wink. Your cheeks started heating up.
“Sure” you spoke softly. He smiled at you before striking up new conversation about some investors looking to partner with WWE. It kept yourself distracted from the mess in your mind. Before you knew it, you landed in Las Vegas, and your uber was here to take you and Roman to the hotel.
Once you arrived to your hotel, you and Roman headed to the front desk to get the keys to your rooms.
“I’m sorry sir but, only one room has been booked-” the hotel worker spoke.
“That cant be! You don’t understand, I called yesterday booking two rooms!” Roman spoke roughly at the worker. Your feelings were hurt to say the least. You didn’t think he’d be this avoidant at sharing a room with you, especially after the favor you did him. You instantly felt your heart swelling and tears coming to your eyes.
You refused to cry over this so you grabbed Roman’s arm. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom, i’ll be right back” you spoke softly. Roman slightly nodded his head before going back to barking at the hotel employee.
You took as long as you could trying to get yourself together in the bathroom. You had just arrived is Les Vegas and he was already making you feel like shit. You didn’t even understand what the problem was. Well, deep down you did...you knew he didn't wanna make the same mistake.
You made your way back to the lobby to see a more calm and quiet Roman standing by the elevators.
“So Y/n..they are all booked and it looks like me and you are roommates for the next few nights” he told me. “I’m really sorry..” he added ashamed.
Your eyes widened. Why was he sorry? He didn’t even do anything. Well apart side from almost making you cry, but thats besides the point.
“Roman..why are you sorry? It’s just a room..no biggie” you spoke, plus it's not like you haven't shared one before.
“Because well, I don’t want you to feel like i’m taking advantage of you..and I don’t wanna make things awkward and weird between us..” he went on nervously.
You both knew he was lying straight through his teeth. That wasn't the real reason.
You took his words in before responding. You reached out and touched his arm reassuringly. “Ro, that’s okay, seriously I don’t mind.” you let him know. You'd be careful this time. He smiled at you almost gratefully knowing you understood.
The hotel room the two of you would be sharing was nothing less then absolutely luxurious. But you weren't surprised, the tribal chief always needed the best.
After the two of you settled into your hotel room, Roman called for an Uber to take you two to the mall. Inside the uber Roman and you made small talk back and forth but no one could deny the elephant in the room.
A little secret the two of you shared was up in the air. Something no one could know about...otherwise everything would be ruined. He warned you, if anyone found out what the two of you shared, it was over.
Everything was.
That was the first chapter of forbidden desires that I've been putting off. I have a lot more sitting in my drafts for you guys that'll be out soon. Also what do you think the little secret is? Let me know what you think of this chapter.
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sillyteecup · 2 months
The Wrong Way
Roman Reigns x black!o.c,
Jey Uso x black!o.c
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Chapter 1
Taglist: @nbanenefrmdao @wrestlingprincess80 @lensilver
A.N: This is more of a Roman fic but because Lori has a number of interactions with Jey as a "couple" it felt right to add them as a pairing. Anyway, this is the first chapter of The Wrong Way, and I hope you like it. Please let me know if you wanna be a part of the taglist. Enjoy❤️
Power. One of the most sought after things in history. Countless of wars have been fought to obtain and maintain it, leaving pools of blood in their wake. Those on the outside have dreams of claiming it as their own, while those born into it cling to it for dear life.
Most of those born into it anyway. Loreal on the other hand loathed it. Loathed what it had done to her family and the hand it had in her upbringing. Her father's obsession with growing their family's power and influence had resulted in their household being a cold one, devoid of love and compassion, yet never teetering into hateful and abusive territory. Her family spoke to each other only out of necessity, and Lori preferred it that way.
Until of course, it was her that they needed to speak to.
That morning she had woken up to Minerva and Claudia standing at her bedside holding an extravagant looking black and silver silk gown, and a diamond headpiece, while Willow and Indiana waited by the windows, ready to open the curtains. Another marriage arrangement to likely, yet another deviant from across the seas was afoot. Unfortunately at the ripe age of 27, this was an expected and recurring event.
Maybe if I just died-
Usually before the meetings, Lori bathed and dressed in silence despite the ever looming company of her maidens. The chatter usually began after the other family had left, but this morning the young ladies assisting her were feeling particularly jovial much earlier than usual. Almost as if they were the ones being auctioned off to yet another power mongering clan. Another change was that they were actually putting more effort into her look than usual. A strange occurrence since they knew how much she hated these meetings and preferred the silence when they came around.
"I'm inclined to assume that this one is attractive or particularly wealthy," Lori said, piercing through the particularly light silence. Willow's grin spread even wider as she decorated her madam's hair with pearls.
"One hell of a looker, that's for sure," commented Claudia with a sly smirk while she applied Lori's makeup.
A curious frown painted Lori's face. A handsome suitor was nothing new in the last 3 years. In fact they were the more common breed, and yet her maidens had never expressed even the slightest positive reaction at them. Something must be different. This one must be famous.
"Tell me," she gently demanded. If there's one thing Lori knew, it's how her maidens loved a good gossip.
The young ladies began to giggle uncontrollably in excitement. Each of them sharing knowing looks before focusing back on Lori's expectant expression staring at them through the mirror of her vanity.
"Well ma'am, we aren't exactly sure who it is, but we are inclined to believe that he hails from the Bloodline," Minerva shared excitedly. At the revelation Lori flew into a state of contemplation.
A member of Bloodline? And they aren't sure which one?
Lori was pulled back from her thoughts by the speculative chatter happening around her. "My money is on Jimmy," Indiana guessed confidently. But Jimmy is already married...
"Wrong and loud is what you would be Indi because tribal prince Jimmy is already married to the lady-well, now princess Naomi," Minerva corrected, agreeing with Lori's silent reasoning.
Willow was next to bring forth her own guess. "Oh but what about tribal prince Solo? I believe him and ma'am would be perfect together, after all they are both quite standoffish," she said earning a playfully offended glare from Lori and boisterous laughs from the other ladies.
"I am not standoffish. I prefer strong and silent," said Lori, defending her character. Her maidens all chuckled at her reply, knowing all about her character.
"Okay, I know this might be far out but, what about The Tribal Chief himself?" Minerva guessed, earning weary looks from everyone in the room.
"Is he not married?" Willow asked. Not much was known about the Tribal Chief apart from whispers across the shores.
The only reason that Lori even shared the same curiosity as Willow is because her maidens were quite up to date with the latest gossip. As means of staying ahead of her father and his rather devious options for husbands, she encouraged the ladies to share the gossip with her. Something that had been working in her favour for 3 years now.
Minerva smirked mischievously before sharing what she had recenty heard. "Well, word across the shore is that The Tribal Chief and his wife are actually in the middle of a fallout of sorts. They're saying it might be a divorce," she said in a hushed tone, as somethings just couldn't be said out loud.
The rest of the maidens remained unconvinced however. Still keeping their speculations on the other members. Even Lori knew that her father's connections, although powerful, could never secure her a marriage with the Tribal Chief himself. And if she was being honest, she was grateful. The man had a reputation of ruling with an immovable iron fist, and dealing with insubordination in manners so ruthless that no one dared to speak of them in public.
He was also notoriously unapproachable and cold towards those outside of his family. Hell, no one even knew his real name. Perhaps that's why his marriage is falling apart...
"Perhaps it's-" Claudia's guess was interrupted by Lori's door opening abruptly. Lori turned to see who it was while her maidens bowed their heads in case it was a member of her family.
And they were right. Her mother stood in the doorway, wearing her own diamond headdress and dressed in a silk gown similar to Lori's, except hers was a deep violet. Her posture was straighter than a steel ruler as she waltzed into Lori's bedroom, likely to inspect her daughter's appearance and determine if she was presentable enough.
The maidens made way for Lady Azaelea to pass through while Lori stood up to face her mother. Her mother grinned, a sign that she was pleased at the work Lori's maidens had put in. "Magnificent indeed," was all Azalea said before holding her hand out for Lori to take.
The pair made their way out of Lori's bedroom, across the halls and downstairs to the foyer where 6 unfamiliar men stood with her father and some of the house staff. Lori observed the men discreetly, careful not to stare for too long.
The first to fall into her line of sight was an older and rather plump, tanned but white (likely Italian) man with a hairline that had receded far back to the nape of his neck. He wore a navy blue suit as opposed to the others who were adorned in black.
The second one was another white man, this one much paler. Are those girls sure that they heard right about this being the bloodline? The lower half his face was covered by a large, yet well groomed beard that matched the color of his slicked back red hair. He was taller than the first man and had a rather fearful yet excited gleam in his eye.
The next two were a set of twins. Both of their heads shaven on the sides to leave long curly hair out in the middle. One had half of silky curly hair dyed red, while the other one's hair was fully black. These men looked Samoan and confirmed the maiden's statement. They both stood tall with perfect posture, faces covered by salt and pepper beards. How old are they? Both of them with congruently shaped brown eyes, and identical facial structures. Literally the only difference she could spot at the time was their hair.
Next to them stood another Samoan man also with bone straight posture. This one was slightly bigger than the other too, both in height and in muscle. While he looked relatively different from the twins, Lori could see the resemblance in his eyes. There wasn't much time to look for more. His hair was shorter than that of the twins and blonde. His beard was plain black, meaning he was younger than the twins. He looked like he could crush a man's head with his bare hands without breaking a single sweat. They all looked scary but this one? This must be Tribal Prince Solo.
And then finally her eyes landed on the 6th man, the one standing at the forefront of the group with an Ula Fala around his neck. The Tribal Chief.  Suddenly the air had become thicker, so much so that Lori almost choked. The Tribal Chief was tall, for starters, with a broad chest and shoulders that filled his black suit to perfection. His facial features were set in a neutral expression. Cold brown eyes digging into her her curious ones, almost as if daring her to challenge him or his authority. Must be an automatic thing. His long jet black hair was tied into a bun at the nape of his neck, sides shaved like the twins. His beard, also salt and pepper colored.
They were all handsome (apart from the man in navy), but the Tribal Chief? His appearance was godly. Beautiful but ever intimidating.
And Lori was hardly ever intimidated
"Loreal," her father, Byron's voice called, cutting into her thoughts. She turned towards the older man, head briefly bowing in respect. "This is the Tribal Chief. He has come here with the Tribal Princes and his Wiseman with an exciting proposition," Byron said, stating everything Lori already knew.
She fought the urge to roll her eyes and prayed that they, like the rest, would do or say something to displease her mother and just end this meeting already. She didn't think she could spend another hour in the same room as the Tribal Chief.
"My Tribal Chief, this is my wife, Lady Azalea and my daughter Loreal, the one that Tribal Prince Rikishi has requested for his son," Byron said, introducing Lori and her mother to the stone faced man before them.
Tribal Prince Rikishi? They never mentioned him or his son?
Lori and her mother bowed their heads, unsure what to expect of the leader. Lori had never been so nervous for a marital discussion.
"A pleasure," the Tribal Chief said curtly, before turning to the man Lori assumed was his Wiseman.
"Lord Byron, it is our utmost pleasure to introduce you to your daughter's fiancé-" Wait, what do they mean fiancé? Has this already been finalized? Without me getting to at least know the man's name? "The Tribal Prince, Jey," the Wiseman concluded.
As Lori wondered which one was Jey, one of the twins, the one with the fully black hair stepped forward with his hand held out for Lori to take it. He bowed gracefully before her, leaning in to kiss the back of her knuckles. As their eyes locked, Lori was met with a sight she knew all too well. Arrogance.
"It's an honor to meet you, Princess Loreal," he said huskily, sending a shiver down Lori's spine. Unlike The Tribal Chief, who made Lori nervous, Tribal Prince Jey elicited a feeling of uncertainty. She was unnerved and to her, that was far worse than being afraid.
Yet still, Lori's head floated in a space of disbelief. There was no way that her father had sealed the deal for them to marry. Surely they were speaking out of turn and there was still some deliberation to be-
"Loreal, this is your fiancé. You are to be married in a month," her father stated proudly. His words made her ears ring and her vision blur. She grew light headed as the reality set in.
Loreal was getting married.
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keekee-23 · 1 month
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Looking like a romance novel character 😍
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theogsamoanqueen · 1 year
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lostinludens · 2 years
Roman Reigns reaction images Part 2!
(I have so many can you tell who I'm in love with in WWE rn)
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anime-gamer-92 · 1 year
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Roman Reigns
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sportsarenanews · 16 days
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brucebocchi · 1 year
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this would destroy me
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sillyteecup · 1 month
Nothing is fair in love and war
Roman Reigns x black!o.c
Strong language
Mentioned violence
A.N: Soooo this based on a post I saw by @msbigredmachine talking about how no one came out to help our boy Roman because of how much of a menace he's been since 2020. I also happened to be listening to Careless by FKA twigs and Daniel Caesar while writing this. Anyway, thank you for reading. Enjoy❤️
Raised in a Christian Household, Leti and her family would always start the day with the Lord's prayer, and then again in the mornings at school with her classmates and teachers, and then again before the end of the day with the same classmates and teachers, and then again at the 7 pm Bible study she would go to to satisfy her mother. She knew "Our Father," word for word and bar for bar. It was etched into her brain, and had become a core memory she would never be rid of.
Her mother would be thrilled to learn that at least that part of her religious teachings survived.
The thing about Leti's relationship is with Our Father was that as she had grown older, life had pushed her into a direction where she found herself agreeing less and less with the prayer. Every proclamation slowly began to contradict her thoughts and opinions. Her character gradually morphed into one that opposed the prayer almost entirely. One line however, stood out the most to Leti.
"And forgive us for our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us," was a proclamation that never resonated with her. Her father knew that. Her mother knew that. Her old friends at school knew that. Sami Zayn knew that. And now Roman was about to find out that forgiveness was not in her lexicon.
The man in question had been pacing in frustration, chugging down a bottle of water to cool his high temperature. It was his third night back on Smackdown and he had already been jumped by Solo and his little merryband of evildoers, or the Bloodline as they refer themselves to. As much as Leti held no current respect for Roman, she still held the sentiment that Solo and Solettes were unworthy of the privilege of being a part of the Bloodline, let alone spear heading it. They didn't deserve the luxury of representing the family. Not after everything they had done to disregard everything Leti, Roman, and the twins had built while Solo mostly stood there like an overgrown cinderblock that got tossed around every now and again in every solo match. Still, with that very sentiment, Leti held not a single shred of sympathy for Roman. He got what he had deserved.
"You're just gonna sit there and say nothing?" he demanded gruffly, glaring at Leti who was sitting on the couch and scrolling through twitter. In a fashion true to her nature, she rolled her eyes and remained silent. She was no longer on his time and would speak when she felt like it.
"Leti, I'm talking to you," Roman said, irritation growing at the silence.
A silence that never wavered as Leti still refused to budge.
"Leleti Reigns-" Roman had begun to yell causing Leti to put her phone down.
"Norwood. Leleti Norwood," she corrected coldly, glaring daggers at him. The hurt in his eyes was gone as quickly as it had come, as it had been replaced with rage.
"So that's how you wanna act huh?" he asked, disbelief mixing into his low tone.
Leti clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. Roman never seemed to understand the concept of consequences. His brain always just zoomed into victim mode. It truly was a shame that she had even managed to be able to see past that flaw four whole years ago.
"You brought it onto yourself," she stated, hazel eyes narrowing to slits. It was about time someone finally humbled him from the little power trip he thought he was gonna be taking since he had been back.
Roman's jaw ticked at her words. The truth always dealt a brutal blow when you hated hearing it. "And I plan on fixing it," he told her as he began pacing again. This time he was likely plotting his game plan.
Leti's left eyebrow arched at the statement, "How? With a superman punch? Or will it be a spear?" she inquired. The venom in her tone did not go unnoticed by Roman.
"I don't know, but maybe if you made yourself useful instead of sitting over there and acting like a fucking child, I could come up with something feasible," Roman hissed as he stalked towards her.
Leti rolled her eyes at the man towering above her, not feeling intimidated in the slightest. She had become all too familiar with his little scare-tactics and had become impervious to them. "And why the hell would I want to do that?" she questioned evenly.
"Loyalty. Loyalty to the Bloodline; your loyalty to me-" he had begun to explain before being cut-off by a bitter chuckle from Leti.
"Surely it must be drugs or some shit because while my loyalties lie with the Bloodline, I have none left for you. Not after that cowardly shit you pulled at Mania," she said bitterly. Leti was observant. She knew Roman almost as well as she knew that prayer. The quick parting and closing of his lips and the flicker of his eyes from the ceiling to the ground as a means of hiding what could possibly be tears, meant that his facade was on the verge of shattering.
All the cracks from the twins betrayal, his loss at Mania, his cousins' betrayal of his legacy, Leti's change in demeanor since he had returned, his cousins using his own numbers game against him, and now this very moment, had finally caught up to him
"It hurts doesn't it?" Leti asked, features fixed in anger. "Being alone? That shit stings no?"
Roman's jaw ticked again as he licked his lips, eyes still everywhere but on hers.
Leti rose from her place on the couch and proceeded to glare right into Roman's skull. Despite the glaring height difference, her gaze still burned through his mind.
"You don't get to run away for four whole fucking months then come back and expect everybody to treat you like some martyr for cleaning up the mess that you fucking made. Just because the fans are buying into it, doesn't mean I or anybody in this damn locker room is, " Leti snarled as she poked him in the chest with the long nail on her index finger.
"This isn't some fucking fairytale or superhero movie where you're suddenly absolved from your bullshit because you're 'doing the work'! This is real life, and in real life, there are consequences. And you haven't even cracked the tip of the iceberg," she said, chuckling at the last statement.
With a quick exhale, she bent to grab her phone and quickly moved to leave the dressing room. Right as she turned though, she felt a calloused hand grab her bicep, stopping her from leaving. The familiar feel of his palm sent her into an emotional frenzy on it's own with all the memories it brought back. The pleasure they once held, was now replaced with pain.
"Don't turn your back on me. Please," she heard him plead softly. Her snapped to face him. His eyes held nothing but remorse for his actions, and fear that he was about to lose her on top of everything else he had lost. Unfortunately for him, he was four months too late.
"Or what? You'll leave again? Run away like a little bitch after a loss so you can sip margaritas and fuck all kinds of bitches on rotation at some private resort on a cute little island? Huh? Not call or text to let me know you're okay or at least fucking alive while everything goes to shit? Answer me Roman! Fucking answer me!" she had begun to yell, having yanked her arm from his grip. He remained quiet, lips pursuing into a thin line as he understood that anything he could say now would only add to her rightful anger.
"You gonna leave me here to watch Jimmy and Paul get decimated huh? You gonna leave me here to get powerbombed through a table by Solo and his fucking goons all because I stayed loyal to you, huh? Loyal even after you abandoned us! Abandoned me! The woman you claimed to love, the only fuckin person that stuck by you through everything Roman!" she cried, shoving him with every statement.
Roman however did not fight back. At least he knew he deserved it. He closed his eyes to try and fight back tears while he took deep breaths to stop himself from breaking down right there and then. The truth always dealt a brutal blow, but Leti knew how to make that shit cut into one's flesh.
"I'm sorry," he whispered in an attempt to control his voice.
Leti's features morphed into an expression of pure hatred. "That's too fucking bad, because you're four months late," she hissed. With one last glare, she turned to leave. This time Roman allowed her to storm out of his dressing room for what he knew would be the last time.
Out of the many things he had come to learn about Leleti, one of his favourite things was that forgiveness just wasn't a part of her lexicon.
If only he had known that there were no exceptions to the rule.
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sheslikealostflower · 6 months
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FINISH THE STORY 2014 → 2024
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metamorphiacreations · 2 months
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10/10 summerslam
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jasvvy · 6 months
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the story is finished
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lostinludens · 2 years
Last one (for now) of all the Roman Reigns reactions images I have collected~
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hunnidmilly · 2 months
that back. |R.R|
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heyyyyyyyy. this is dedicated to @harmshake for inspiring me. love ya twin. ty always <3 ty for getting me out my funk and inspiring me.
and @shes2real. loveeeeeee ur fics. gotta go check em out if you haven’t.
warnings: pure smut. no plot. nun. just freakayyyyy. no one under 18.
parings: roman reigns x black!reader
“ah!” your fresh manicured white toes popped as your leg laid over your man’s shoulder
“i know, babygirl, i know…” he sighed into your neck as his hips continued to snap towards your pussy, “been a good girl all day for me…gotta give my baby her reward.”
roman loved being vocal during sex. he loved making your head spin and your heart swell with his words making you speechless. well…you were already speechless but yk what i mean.
he grabbed you other leg hiking it up further around his waist allowing you to feel him deeper, “why are y—you fucking me like this?” you strain latching your hand onto his back, digging ur nails into it attempting to relive the pressure in your center
“why not? tight ass pussy always ready for me. you hear her crying for me? let me show her daddy’s home.”
squelching noises echoed from around the room. you could feel yourself dripping down roman’s dick right onto the bed sheets creating a wet spot. your pussy swollen and worn out yet still squeezing down on him pulling him back inside for more. he loved you like this for him—a babbling, dizzy, dick drunk mess. you loved it even more.
he pampered you in and out of the bed room; this all starting from coming home to a hot bath waiting with candles and pink rose petals scattered around. you let him wash your body down, an intimate act all too familiar, before his washcloth covered hand got closer towards ur aching pussy—washing rubbing you there letting the heat from the cloth bring you towards your first orgasm of the night. you both quickly took it to somewhere it wouldn’t turn into a slip n’ slide…well?
that familiar feeling for the 4th time tonight pulsed inside your belly again ready to gush out onto your man’s dick.
“shit! You gotta stop scratchin’ me baby…” he hissed before throwing ur legs over his arms, pushing them towards either side of your head
his movements sped him, continuing to dig at your pussy making a mess in the middle of your thighs. bad choice.
you lived for your man’s back. the way his body loomed over yours like a shield felt nearly romantic. and it was beautiful to say the least. you knew if you kept leaving marks, he’d kill you for it in the morning. he’d have to cover up again, which would make him loose out on money. roman knew his fan base, the ladies wanted what they wanted. but fuck those hoes…you’d give them something to stare at for-sure now. you’d carve ur name with your nails if you could.
your nails caved inwards again in his skin dragging all around to relieve both the pain and pleasure your man was creating with the swivel of his hips. the vein in his dick pulsing against ur spot with the new stroke. your hips attempting to buck into the mattress to escape the new rhythm.
“you feel me baby? right in that pussy? right where i need to be, baby. you wetting it up so good baby. i’m not stopping till you cum on it.”
“f-fu-uckkk! i can’t roman, ah!” you sobbed out sinking ur teeth into his shoulder. your pussy clenching and unclenching, his dick desparate to find its hiding place in your pussy.
“why not baby? fuckin’ good ass pussy. gimme what i want, babygirl. get that nut.” he roared into your ear
not for the first time, you felt the white flash behind ur eyes as heat radiated from ur toes right towards your pussy. with a loud whine of incoherent words, your cum gushed out around roman’s still thrusting cock now with a new layer of your cum coating it, fucking your through it. you let out a mixture of screams and sobs as he chased his nut, fucking into you faster, the stimulation becoming too much to bare. your nails scratching roman anywhere it could, clawing at him.
“where can i cum baby? where you want it at?”
“in my pussy..” you whimper out hoarsely
“nah, speak up. Where you want it at, baby? i can come in this pussy? My pussy?”
“in my pussy! fuck! cum in meeee, roman. cum in me, pleaseeee.” you beg with a pout, he leaned down connecting your lips together. his strokes becoming erratic before you felt the long hot spurts of his cum spraying your walls.
“shit! fuck! i can’t stop, baby. ahh!” he moaned in your ear as his thrust slowed down. your breaths both racing to pull it back into your lungs
roman continued to feed you small soft thrust before pulling out. he eased your legs of your shoulders to watch the mixture of your cum oozing out of your pussy and dribble onto the bed sheets. he lowered a thumb to your clit to rub small circles, causing your pussy to convulse and push his cum out in bubbled pools. after, he used his thumb to finger fuck it back into you with a small whimper, he got up to grab a towel to clean you off.
“damn, baby!” you hear him call out from the dark bathroom
“what?” you strain out, still trying to catch your heart rate back to normal
“we gotta invest in some gloves or something for you, when we fuckin’ baby girl.” he reemerged from the bathroom with a towel in hand. you took the time to notice all the bright red scratches that coated his tanned arms, and the teeth marks in his neck. he did a small spin, to show you his back.
he damn near looked fresh out of a TLC match.
“shouldn’t have been fuckin’ me like that than.”
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romanreigns · 10 days
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