#Romantic intrulogical
logan-the-artist · 2 months
i immediately thought of them when i saw this format
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commission me!
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intrulogicalweek · 6 days
We have Intrulogical Week prompts!
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Sunday 11/3: Books
Monday 11/4: Unhinged
Tuesday 11/5: Coffee
Wednesday 11/6: Experimenting
Thursday 11/7: Teacher
Friday 11/8: Inventors/Inventions
Saturday 11/9: QPR
Alternates: Stars, Lesbians, Discovery, Swap Roles, Bonding, High School, Chaos, Angst
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My Muse's Mirror (Pt.1)
“Virgil it's been three hours- are you coming to bed or not?” Virgil looked up from the couch, legs hanging lazily over the top as he leaned against the center coffee table.
“In a minute! I'm finishing up a commission!” he said, turning his attention back to the. . . Interestingly dressed mishmash of fur and colors that was his latest art request.
“You said ‘in a minute’ 3 hours ago, that commission isn't due until next week- I'm sure you can pick it back up in the morning,” Roman said, Virgil listened as his husband shuffled off of the bed, feeling making a slight pattern patter sound as he approached.
“Trust me when I say this, Ro, you don't want to look at anything on screen right now,” Virgil chuckled at the already dawning horror on Roman's face as his bright green eyes traced over to the drawing tablet.
“It's good money- pretty sure the guy's got a science job or something,” Virgil said nonchalantly, saving the drawing and plugging the tablet in on a side table.
“Alright- fine- bedtime for me I guess,” Virgil stretched his arms out before getting up from his precarious couch position.
“That's what I thought,” Roman stepped behind him, evidently in a vague attempt to block him from running back to the tablet to do some ‘last minute detailing’. Virgil glanced at the smartwatch on his wrist, which read 3:47am. Geez, he really had been up for a while.
“Don't forget your teeth tall dark and sleep deprived,” Roman said before climbing back into bed.
Virgil made his way into the bathroom, taking his phone out of his sweatpants and pulling up YouTube to find a decent 3-minute song.
With the insides of his mouth now thoroughly engulfed with the overwhelming taste of mint Virgil climbed into bed, wriggling his way into Roman's arms.
His peaceful sleep was interrupted by the God forsaken sound of Roman's alarm clock. Virgil let out a small whine of protest as he felt the warmth of Roman's body slip away to leave him in the cold dark abyss of an empty bed.
“Aaaww, don't worry my chemically imbalanced romance, I will return shortly from my quest with chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese for dinner,” Roman said with a laugh, ruffling Virgil's hair.
“It's not a quest it's a 9 to 5 where you get paid to sing at people while they try to order food,” Virgil said with a laugh.
“Well- if you're so incensed shout it then maybe I won't take you out to the carnival after my shift,” Roman taunted.
“Wait- carnival?”
“They just opened for the winter, seems like a pretty spooky theme, I thought you might like to go, but if you're just sooooooo upset about my job. . .”
“Nononono forget I said anything! I want to go pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!-” Virgil, in a surprising turn of usual events, had gotten out of bed before 12pm at the news.
“Fiiiinnneee- I suppose I'll take you after work,” Roman said, smiling.
Virgil, deciding that since he was already up, he might as well get a few things done, decided to get himself some coffee and breakfast with his cousin Janus, and his new boyfriend.
“So Virgil, what'd you do for a living?” Patton was a very- Spunky- Person, not the kind of guy Virgil would've pegged for Janus, then again, he doubted Roman would've been the expected choice for himself.
“Oh uh- I'm an online artist,” Virgil responded, face flushing slightly pink.
“Oh wow! You must be very talented,” Patton said, all smiles and encouragement. Virgil was having a very difficult time figuring out if he was ever serious about anything he was saying, or if the sweetness was some kind of weird power trip.
“Uh- thanks- I guess-”
“Don't mind him dear, he hasn't quite figured out the concept of self confidence yet,” Janus said, chuckling.
“My confidence has nothing to do with my hesitancy to talk about my career and you know it,” Virgil said, eliciting a small snrk sound from Janus, who was very clearly trying to avoid breaching the topic of what kind of commissions Virgil usually earned the biggest salary from.
“So- this carnival Roman's taking you to later tonight- is it far?” Janus asked.
“Not by much, only like an hour or two,” Virgil responded, finishing off the last of his croissant.
“Oh, then I'm sure you'll have plenty of animation ideas by the time you get there,” Janus said with a laugh.
“What can I say? There's nothing like a good long dissociative spell to get rid of a little art block,” Patton looked vaguely alarmed, but held back whatever he might have wanted to say about that particular statement.
“Well I'd love to stay and chat about your unhealthy coping mechanisms, but I'm afraid Patton and I have a train to catch- big business party tonight,” Janus said as he stood up from the table.
“Don't get too drunk, don't want your new boyfriend seeing you cry about snakes again do you?” Virgil said, snickering as Janus moved to pull his hat over his rapidly darkening face.
Virgil watched the two of them leave, then hopped into his own car for a quick drive to his brother-in-law Remus’ house.
“We finished up the paperwork yesterday, so now we're just waiting to hear back from the adoption agency! I don't think Logan's ever been so excited in his life- well- other than getting Valedictorian in high school- or after that trip to Spain we took to visit Ro and I's grandparents- or-” 
“I think Logan might just be very excited about new things, Remus,” Virgil said, admiring Remus’ newest addition to his pottery shelf.
“Is this one a commission? Or are you keeping it?” Virgil asked, tilting his head at a particularly horrific looking sculpture.
“Oh yeah- that one's for me, one of my ‘therapy pieces’,” Remus replied.
“Ah- that explains it,” Virgil said, taking a seat on the nearby couch and giving a resolute scratch behind the ears to Remus and Logan's dog, Rosalie.
They sat and talked for a while, about Logan's new job at the local daycare, about emotional expression through art, about some of Roman's newest embarrassing stories that he didn't need to know they were talking about.
“Well- I should get going- Roman'll be heading home any moment now and I want to make sure I'm ready to head to the carnival when he's off,” Virgil said, standing up from the dining room table.
“Have fun- take pictures- and if you find any fun souvenirs I'd love to see them,” Logan, who'd just gotten home from his own shift, said as Virgil left through the door with a small wave.
“See anything interesting?” Roman asked, watching Virgil eye some of the carnival shop stands curiously.
“What about. . . This? I think it would look good on you,” Virgil said, holding up a silver dragon necklace with red gems where the eyes would be.
“Oh you'll want to be careful with that one my dear. . . Legend says that the soul of a selfish and arrogant prince is trapped inside. . .” The woman manning the counter spoke in a low raspy tone, her black hair covering her face under the raggedy cloak she wore.
Virgil laughed it off, handing her a few bucks and clasping the necklace around Roman's neck.
They spent the rest of the day riding around on the carnival rides until the amount of snack food they'd been eating felt like it might catch up with them, before heading home for the night.
“Don't go to bed too late my dear, I'll be waiting,” Roman said as he headed off to bed, the silver chain of his new necklace peeking out from his pajama shirt.
“I'll go to bed before 3am, promise-” Virgil responded, setting up his work station, maybe he could finish up that commission tonight so he and Roman would have the whole day to themselves tomorrow, to see if maybe there was a matching necklace or something at that carnival.
Virgil could've sworn he saw a spider, somewhere. . .
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Logan- *to Remus* It must be hard being stuck in here all the time.
Remus- I do not mind. Not when you come to visit me.
Source: She-ra
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
As was clear from the voting and from the little word cloud (out of five choices, 'Stimming' won over 55% of the vote), our first prompt has already been decided!
stimming stimming stimming
stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming
stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming
stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming stimming
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b3nnyrabb1t · 1 year
Imagining a universe where Remus and Logan conspired to put the Logan Frankenstein Monster Head in Remus' Monster Smash look to see if any fans would take the opportunity to Intrulogical That Shit (you cannot convince me that Remus doesn't read Sanders Sides porn fics) and then it somehow spiraled into trying to convince the others that they are, in fact, together, and that was why they used the LFMH in Remus' Halloween look (this happens because Virgil, at Remus' demand, checked the Intrulogical Tumblr tag, and they saw The Post from March 28th and Virgil was like, Yeah, Right, and Remus automatically was like "What? What's so unbelievable about Logan and me?" and VIrgil is just like. Everything).
So, now they're stuck pretending to be in love with each other to convince Virgil that @infectedyl4n was right, and it hasn't been too long, but Logan and Remus are BOTH fanfic readers and they know where this can lead, and NEITHER are happy about that possibility.
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st7arlight · 5 months
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loganslowdown4 · 4 days
Remus: What if when you cracked your knuckles and your fingers started glowing like glowsticks?!
Logan: Just go to sleep Remus!
Logan: Oh holy shit, I could read in the dark!
Remus: RIGHT??!?
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rauberrauber · 1 year
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various ship requestssss
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thegoldenduckie · 1 year
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Nerd and Duke
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logan-the-artist · 6 months
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commission me!
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intrulogicalweek · 2 months
13 12 Weeks ‘til Intrulogical Week!
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Intrulogical Week 2024 starts November 3rd.
Remus: Send nu—
Janus: ...
Logan: Thank you, Jan. What Remus was going to say was we are now accepting prompts!
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Any two (or more) Sides making up after a fight
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Logan- *flicking through a book* There is an answer in here somewhere.
Remus- It's just a book of rules, babe!
Source: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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I know I got no choice, got no choice, but to love myself
Please let me know if you want to be added on or taken off the taglist!
Pairing: Intrulogical
Warnings: violent thoughts, violent imagery, intrusive thoughts, insecurity
Description: Logan admires Remus’ consistent love for himself. Remus doesn’t think it matters. It’s not like he had a choice.
Extra: the title is from the song Reaper Man by Mother Mother. It's a Remus song and I will die on that hill.
[Masterlist] | ao3 link
[fic under the cut]
In the late hours of the night, Logan and Remus lay together on the edges of falling asleep. Both dressed in cozy pajamas, under warm blankets and covers. They drift into a calm atmosphere with each other. It’s been a long day for the both of them, and resting with one another is just the thing they need. Curtains are drawn to let in soft moonlight from windows that peek into a nightscape in the Imagination. An idea Roman had, and one Remus helped install into every bedroom in the Mindscape. It’s peaceful and quiet, though both of them remain somewhat awake in each other’s arms. 
“Cephy,” a quiet, sleepy voice calls. 
Remus’ own sleepy voice hums in response, content as the first runs a hand through his hair. 
“I’m not one to be sentimental,” a sleepy Logan starts, only for Remus to snort at him. “But, I do admire your consistent strive to love yourself. It’s wonderful to witness.” 
At that, Remus turns his head to Logan, eyebrows furrowed. Logan moves his hand with him, keeping up the gentle and calm gesturing of running it through his partner’s hair. The small bits of confusion across his face confuse Logan. 
“You...you what?” Remus mutters. 
Logan gives a soft smile, “I admire your sense of self-love. You have this strength to just love all these parts of yourself, even if certain others don’t. I admire it.” 
Remus can only scoff. Logan’s face shifts from soft fondness to worry, and his hand in Remus’ hair stills. Remus noticeably tenses, eyes darting away from his companion. 
“Cephy,” Logan calls again, his hand moving to cup Remus’ cheek. “What’s wrong?”
Remus doesn’t look at him.
“Nothin’, nerd,” he answers quietly. 
“Hey, if there’s something bothering you, you can talk to me. I will listen,” Logan thumbs Remus’ cheek soothingly, and Remus has to close his eyes before he dares to melt from a simple gesture. 
“I know. You’d—you listen, I know.”
“Then what’s the matter, dear?”
“There ain’t anythin’. That’s the thing, it don’t matter. It’s just somethin’ I have to do.”
“I...I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
Remus sighs, “‘Course, ya don’t.”
He winces. It wasn’t meant to be that sharp. He doesn’t mean it like that. He didn’t mean it. 
He’s trying to be there for you, and all you can do is fuck it up! Rude, rude child. Fuck-up. Stupid little rat man. 
Logan is patient. A hand still thumbing his cheek, still keeping him steady and here, still warm against his face. Logan’s listening. He always listens, and, yeah, it’s a whole lot fucking better than not being listened to. God, why must he be so fucking observant? Why can’t Thomathy have a stupider Logic that doesn’t care about shit? Fuck you, Thommy Salami. Fuck you and your stupidly sweet Logic who cares and worries. 
“You said you like how I love myself,” Remus continues, rubbing his cheek against Logan’s palm apologetically as he opens his eyes. “It ain’t somethin’ that matters. I kinda have to do it.”
Logan sits up a little, bringing Remus with him. He cups his face with both hands now, a sadly withdrawn expression in his cephalopod's stark red eyes. Remus looks at him, shrugging, as they sit there. He nearly closes his eyes again as Logan thumbs both cheeks now, soft and warm and grounding. 
“What do you mean by ‘you have to do it’, Cephy?”
Remus furrows his brows, giving him an of course, I do look. 
“What do you mean when you say ‘it doesn’t matter’?” Logan tries. 
“‘Cause it don’t? What else would I mean, Professor Dork?” Remus says nonchalantly. 
“How could loving yourself not matter? It’s important.”
Remus makes a noncommittal noise, shrugging again. 
“It matters, my dear. Of course, it matters. You’re important, and you loving yourself always matters,” Logan insists. 
Remus searches for the lie, his eyes gazing intensely into Logan’s beautiful grey and indigo. C’mon, he lives with Jannie of all Sides, he’s learned not to take anything at face value. Sure, yeah, JanJan doesn’t always speak in deception and threads of yellow, but living with that guy teaches you how to twist through what’s said and what’s meant. 
After not finding anything for a good few minutes, Remus slumps. There’s an odd silence that makes him itch to scream, so the silence can’t cut his throat out. He doesn’t like the silence. 
I wonder how silence could cut your throat. With a dagger? Like wind so sharp it cuts through wood? Would it sting? Would it bleed like a waterfall and stain Logan’s carpet? Blood’s hard to get out. You shouldn’t make such a mess, you stupid fucking bastard. Bad, bad, bad. 
Logan plants a gentle kiss to Remus’ nose that pushes out a soft whine from the Duke, his eyes closing again as his skin tries to savor the affection. It sends delightful tingles that his mind doesn’t comment on. 
“Why do you think you have to love yourself, Cephy?” Logan asks, a serious tone bleeding through his tongue. 
“I, um…” Remus doesn’t want to open his eyes, but he forces them open to focus and shifts them away from Logan. “Who else would fuckin’ love me?”
Logan’s breath hitches, heart clenching uncomfortably in his chest. 
“What?” is all he can utter. 
“I’ve gotta do it ‘cause no one else will. ‘S not like ‘m wanted much by everyone, anyway,” Remus continues, unaware of the horribly bare concern that washes over his nerd’s face. “I ain’t got a choice, Lolo.” 
He looks back at Logan, and a worried noise slips from his lips. Logan’s mouth is slightly agape, eyebrows furrowed, and looks every bit ready to cry. 
“You, you’re...Remus,” Logan will cry any second now, and it’s Remus’ fault. 
Remus squirms under the whimper of his own name, a small flinch shuddering his body. Logan doesn’t call him by name anymore. He calls him ‘dear’ or ‘Cephy or sweet little nicknames that he’d never admit were sentimental. He doesn’t—he doesn’t call him ‘Remus’ unless someone fucked up or it’s really serious. Did he fuck up? Oh, he fucked up, didn’t he? He fucks up a lot of things, but Logan is the one thing, the someone, he doesn’t wanna fuck up. He’s sorry, he didn’t mean to fuck up. 
“Hey, hey, shh. I’m not mad,” Logan’s voice cracks near the end as he tries to reassure his boyfriend. “It’s okay, Cephy.”
The return of an endearing nickname eases Remus, and he pushes his face out of Logan’s hands and into his chest. Logan moves to hold him properly, helping him to lay his head in the crook of his neck. Logan’s arms hold him tight, and he pulls Remus securely into his lap. Remus snuggles into his companion, chasing the nearly overwhelming warmth from being held. He shivers, and Logan wraps a blanket around them. 
“You’re loved, Remus. Of course, you’re loved. I care about you, and–and—” Logan mutters into Remus’ smelly hair, not giving a flying fuck. “Janus cares about you, too. He likes taking care of you. And Roman’s missed you.”
Remus separates his nose from the crook of Logan’s neck, head sharply turning up to look at him. He can’t stop the look of utter disbelief echoing in his eyes, nor can he stop himself from scoffing again. Roman’s not...why would he miss him? He said he didn’t like him! You’re not supposed to miss the people you don’t like, right? How’s that supposed to work? He said he didn’t like him, and it’s not like he’s tried spending time with him much. Of course, he doesn’t miss him. Remus misses him...but that’s him, and not Roman, because he isn’t Roman and Roman isn’t him and Roman doesn’t want to be anything like him. He doesn’t miss him! He doesn’t...he—he—
“He’s—Ro what?” Remus stammers. 
“Roman misses you. He told me himself that he misses you but doesn’t know how to connect with you because it’s been so long. He cares, Cephy,” Logan explains, uttering quietly as they’re both caught up in emotions. 
“No. No, he don’t. He said he don’t like me, how could he miss me? That’s not—no—”
“Cephy, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. ‘Cause if he misses me, then why won’t he try? He should know—he should...he’s not...I…”
Remus buries himself back into Logan, as if he were trying to burrow into his chest like a little mole. Logan holds him tighter, engulfing him, protecting him. 
“You’re loved, my dear. You’re loved, I promise, you are. You’ve got people who care about you. You don’t have to depend on only yourself to feel loved and wanted. It’s okay, Cephy, I’ve got you,” Logan mumbles into Remus' head of messy hair. 
“I don’t—I dunno if I can believe you, Lolo…”
“That’s okay, little fry. I’ll keep reminding you until you do.”
“Even if I do?” Remus’ voice is small. 
“Even then,” Logan’s voice is wet. 
A few, tiny tracks of tears flow down Logan’s face and hit Remus’ head. Remus glances up, wiping away his companion’s tears and not giving a shit about the grossness of crying. He wraps his own arms around Logan, clinging to him as his nerd does the same. They slowly lay each other down—the blanket coming with them, warm and soft—and Logan pulls the cover back over them. 
It’s late in the night as Logan and Remus lay together on the edges of tearful slumber and comforting embraces. Both remain dressed in cozy pajamas, under their warm blankets and covers. They drift deep into each other, burying their bodies together. It’s been a long day, and an emotional night for them both. Curtains are drawn to let in soft moonlight, the Imagination sending in calm breezes through the windows. It’s peaceful and quiet as they cuddle there, ready to sleep, ready to gentle each other’s worries away. It’s there Remus realizes he isn’t alone, he’s wanted and loved. It’s there Logan holds on tightly to his love, trying so desperately for his fondness and care for his companion to be felt through how he holds him. It’s there they let silent tears fall and quiet hearts heal. 
It’s there, in the middle of the night, that Remus starts to feel wanted by someone who isn’t him. 
Taglist: @lost-in-thought-20 @thegoldenduckie @not-sure-what-im-feeling
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canonically47 · 2 days
did YOU enjoy that one 2.9k words oneshot of logan spanking remus with the paddle? for. whatever reason??!!
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READ HERE !!!!!! :D
and stay tuned for when they fuck confess. who said fuck. who s- YOU. GET BACK HERE (chases after myself)
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