#Rwby positivity
asm5129 · 3 months
I know this is NOT a popular take in the RWBY FNDM but y’all…I love Jaune Arc. He’s such a refreshing, interesting male character.
He’s Ruby’s best friend, and the two of them parallel each other in such FASCINATING ways. I’m planning a full video essay on this but as some examples:
1) They both have hero complexes, obviously.
2) Ruby is a prodigy who earns her place at beacon two years early, while Jaune cheated his way in and needs to work constantly outside of his school training to be anywhere near capable of huntsmen level combat
3) Jaune’s pain is loud and disruptive, Ruby’s pain is quiet and suppressed (examining their respective expressions of pain through the lens of gender expectations is REALLY interesting)
4) Ruby inherits silver eyes, an invaluable tool in fighting Grimm. Jaune inherited a regular sword, heavily outclassed by most of his peers.
5) Ruby made her weapon but modeled it after her mentor, Jaune had a hand-me-down
6) Ruby leads by developing plans and taking action, Jaune leads by supporting his team and bolstering their strengths with his own.
I’m sure there’s more too but those parallels are why their conflicts in vol 9 work so well for me, they are partners in narrative from literally the second episode.
I also just adore the commentary on masculinity with Jaune. From day one he was deconstructing traditional ideas of masculinity and patriarchal concepts of heroism.
The way he has to learn to reject so many of the things that blockbusters with men at the center have been pushing for decades is fantastic. He tried to pursue revenge like John Wick or Iron Man and it went HORRIBLY.
He can fight when necessary but it’s not where his true strength lies and that’s SO COOL for a male character.
I dunno y’all I just think he doesn’t deserve the hate. He doesn’t butt in on other stories nearly as much as people claim—in terms of Ruby, he actually serves her story quite a bit—and he is a character worth following in and of himself.
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set-wingedwarrior · 6 months
Anyway, rwby is great and people should just give it a chance.
Maybe they'll like it, maybe they won't, that's fine, but it still deserves a fair chance
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iamafanofcartoons · 5 months
I would like to promote @marylizabetha and @marylizabetha-reblogs-stuff-here TikTok account @marylizabetharwby
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I know a lot of us have gotten into the habit of equivocating about our love of RWBY, like “It’s not perfect” or “RT sucks but the show is good.”
And that’s fair.
But I love RWBY. It’s been my favorite show for years and I think it’s only increased in quality.
It’s my comfort show (last chapter notwithstanding) my home, the way I’ve met many friends and the source of many, many happy memories.
I love those four brave, kind, amazing girls with all my heart.
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chocolatechibi · 7 months
I watched the Bumbleby kiss scene again today (in Japanese tehe). God, my heart is still pounding. And really… I don’t understand how anyone could think this ship isn’t the one. It’s best laid plans, it’s beautiful, it’s ten years of growth and change and stories. That scene is romantic and passionate and heartfelt, and so warm. It was the exact scene our girls deserved.
No Bumbleby is not rushed, forced, or queerbait. This was a vision that took years to unfold. It was always meant to be.
That one scene was everything we needed and more.
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sketch-shepherd · 3 months
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Kerry save us
Save us Kerry
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papihomo · 1 year
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Let's all do our part and hope volume 10 gets greenlit
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markzschiegnerii · 1 year
I remastered my Why I like RWBY video #rwby #rwbypositivity #keepmovingforward #thankyou
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marylizabetha · 1 month
I’m participating in @smmrofrwby and I hope you join us for all the fun!
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foulfirerebel · 10 months
I agree team RWBY haven’t made remnant worse but I question what they’ve done to make it better? There is ruby’s message which does “unite” them in a vague sense. But as far as actual institutional change they haven’t done much, the white fang has ghira in charge again so they’re more or less the same as before sienna, stopping Adam was the right thing to do but it doesn’t make life better for the Faunus, it just stops it from getting worse.
The status quo hasn’t really been changed except as a result of Salem’s actions.
This isn’t to say team RWBY aren’t still hero’s and deserve praise for what they’ve accomplished tho. They’re doing their absolute best to keep the world from burning lol.
First of all, I should note that our heroes had barely been given their licenses during the Atlas arc. This grants them at least some measure of legit authority to actually do anything about the status quo from a grander perspective. They are not politicians, they are not leaders, they are barely children as far as the rest of the world is concerned. The idea that it's all on them is a little ridiculous to me.
Secondly, I'd say the "status quo" has been shifting constantly since the days of Oz and Salem. Humanity 1.0 had magic, a full moon, and gods to hear their prayers. The gods then killed humanity, left the moon shattered, and a bitter and broken Salem behind.
Humanity 2.0 had aura, dust, semblances, Grimm everywhere until Oz and Salem came along as the "New Gods" as it were. Unfortunately, their period didn't last thanks to Oz and Salem's...disputes on what they wanted to do with the world.
So, you have a long period where Oz is stuck for what to do until The Great War. Following that, the monarchies are abandoned and the council systems with the Huntsmen Academies are born...as well as the Faunus War and Faunus Rights Revolution and Vytal Festival. None of THAT had Salem's hand in it.
Spoilers obviously for RWBY, and Naruto, under the cut.
As for what our heroes have accomplished, well, let's really look:
Stopping a master criminal that ran circles around other criminal organizations, the police, AND Ozpin and huntsmen he sent after them for years. Which then STOPPED crime, according to Qrow.
Safeguarding Vale, or at least aiding in its defense. They stopped the hack, Torchwick died (there goes any and all of Adam's new toys too thanks to them stopping the Breach), the Wyvern was frozen, and Neo turned on Cinder. Plus, Vale itself still stands thanks to them and isn't covered in Grimm (Beacon itself is, but last we saw? The teachers and others of Beacon were working to drive them out and keep them out of Vale).
The Nucklevee was storming up and down Mistral's countryside for DECADES before Team RNJR finally killed it in V4 (it's the same massive Grimm that attacked Ren's village and attacked other places in the modern day too).
Raven Branwen appears to have had a change of heart, if the V9 epilogue animatic is anything to go by. That's a HUGE change from Bandit Leader, Darwinist, "Survival of the fittest" Raven from V4 and V5.
Haven and Mistral as a whole were saved thanks to our heroes and attitudes toward Faunus IN MISTRAL have BEGUN to shift thanks to saving the ENTIRE KINGDOM from Adam. Because you can BET he wasn't ever going to stop with just blowing up the school. It's similar to Naruto and Sasuke saving the entire world at the end of Naruto. Sasuke still served a year's worth of jailtime that should've been a life sentence but was pardoned thanks to Naruto and Kakashi swaying the various Kages, considering his actions helped SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD and Naruto vouched for him. Change like that isn't going to happen overnight, but saving an entire kingdom from being either blown up or swallowed by literally negative emotion demons SHOULD count for something! If it doesn't, then what? Just leave them to die? Hardly a heroic thing or moral thing to do! Leverage it for change in the country, though, and then you've got something.
According to the novels, Vacuoans attitudes towards outsiders are shifting thanks to Team CVFY, SSSN, and others helping to get through to them and teaming up to save everyone from The Crown and the Grimm that followed. It's a SLOW process, but still.
When Qrow and Ozpin, the supposed leaders and most experienced people, gave up when things got tough? Team RWBY, with help from Maria, helped them back into fighting shape. It's here where Ruby herself takes command (thus breaking one BIG status quo element of Ozpin being the one in charge).
Caroline Cordovin being reminded that she serves the people was another, after a huge fight, otherwise the city of Argus would've been wiped out.
Getting very close to uniting Mantle and Atlas counts, because that broke the status quo of "Atlas above all else". Ironwood going full fascist doesn't negate that accomplishment or their efforts in pushing him mainly.
Investigating into and arresting Jacques. Pity they had no real time to celebrate it, but unseating the patriarch of the Schnee family and head of the SDC, getting him shoved in jail, and immediately thereafter trying to use their ships to evacuate people in Mantle? Those aren't nothing.
Trapping Watts and Tyrian. Those two seemed...untouchable until that point.
I'd say getting the message out there at all and shattering Salem's aura of secrecy is another good thing. If the massive crowd of ships and the memorial was anything to go by from V9's epilogue animatic, there are a lot of people that saw and followed Ruby's message to meet in Vacuo and unite to face their common threat. As I said earlier, it'll take a long time to truly address everything but getting people to see eye to eye AT ALL after DECADES of tension is sure to bear some fruit.
Upsetting the Red Prince and beating him? Helping Little become Somewhat and having them and Juniper as the Ever After's protectors? SAVING and helping Neo realize a few things that she needs to change about herself? Hell, even helping Jaune through his problems and the Paper Pleasers ascending into the Gems, the Cat being trounced, and helping people survive the ARMY of Neo Jaberwockers is a good thing.
Heck, if you'd like me to get a little into Salem's status quo's that they've broken? They blew her up, turned at least three people that she had in her clutches against her, destroyed one of the largest Grimm she had in her possession, and have generally been a thorn in her side since the beginning. Salem's faction is down from an entire network of spies, turncoats, and villains...to just. four. people thanks to our heroes.
Basically, what I'm saying is this: The changes to the Status Quo in RWBY's entire story doesn't hinge on just Salem's actions by proxy. Everyone has a hand in changing the way things are going.
To truly expect everything to be on our heroes' shoulders is...well, to quote Chloe Bourgeois from Miraculous Ladybug? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.
Will they have a more active role to play in coming events? Absolutely. But it's worth pointing out their actions have had effects. From something as small as helping Penny have friends and getting Weiss and Blake to get along, to starting the uniting of the entire world, I truly believe our heroes have had major impacts.
It just requires a larger perspective.
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asm5129 · 6 months
Honestly folks
I’m not going to go down the RWBY is doomed rabbit hole
I absolutely refuse to and you should too
It’s not helpful in any way for anyone or anything
I understand it’s expensive. I understand that there’s a hurdle to making it sustainable.
But just because they haven’t cemented something yet doesn’t mean they won’t, and it doesn’t even mean there haven’t been any options on the table.
We’re working off bits and pieces of information, far too little to confidently state anything about RWBY’s future
If RWBY gets cancelled, I’ll be heartbroken. But that hasn’t happened yet and there’s no reason to go all doomer on it.
They were able to secure the crunchyroll deal for v9 and crunchyroll has shown no signs of wanting to distance themselves from RWBY, even making a collab between their vtuber and the Ruby vtuber. Yes RT is struggling financially that’s clear but there likely negotiations we are not privy to ongoing as well.
CRWBY is scrappy and resilient, they always have been.
Who are we to preemptively claim their luck has run out?
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
You know what? I'm gonna say it.
I'm tired of RWBY fans that act like they should be ashamed for it. The ones that are like "I like rwby, i know it's bad" or "yeah, i watch it, but you shouldn't", that act like it's a bad thing to enjoy it and everyone who loves it should feel ashamed.
My dudes, you are all internalizing the HTDM and what the "critics" say. Even if you don't see it, even if you're not out there to criticize everything, if you feel the need to justify yourself for watching it and don't feel like it's worth sharing at all, then there's something wrong.
That's not to say that it's perfect, nor that it's for everyone, but I'm growing real tired of seeing even the fans keep pointing out the flaws every single time they mention it, as if ashamed and trying to justify themselves, and implicitly shaming the others as well.
RWBY is a great show. Even with all of its imperfections and mistakes, it's still leagues better than the average and I will die on this hill. It's a show perfect to me, perfect in all of its imperfections because it has a heart.
The story, the themes and characters, the way it plays with expectations, and even the mistakes and the things that didn't work out perfectly, were made with heart and passion; and those shine through. I cal feel them.
Maybe it's not for everyone, but I will always argue that it's a good show, worth checking out, and worth loving.
It gets enough unfair treatment from the haters already, let's not add to it when it doesn't deserve it.
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iamafanofcartoons · 7 months
I wish that someone should make a video that debunks all the "criticisms" people have about RWBY and that it's actually a good show. It would repair RWBY's reputation and teach people that you shouldn't listen to lies said by toxic people on the internet.
"RWBY Positivity" right? There's FOUR of those people here on Tumblr. @tumblingxelian and their video
@markzschiegnerii and their video
and of course @marylizabetha and her video
Finally, there's also @hypeathon and their content
Hope that helps, anon! Have a great day!
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citadelofmythoughts · 9 months
I'm sick of this doom and gloom shit.
We will get Volume 10 and more. One way or another RWBY will continue. Too many people believe in it for it to happen any other way.
We're only a little over 2 weeks away from the release of JL+RWBY Pt. 2 which is going to be amazing and I'll be shocked if we don't hear something about V10 not long after the blu-ray release.
Screw the "critics" and the haters.
I believe in CRWBY and I believe in RWBY now and always. Who's with me?
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bmblboop · 3 months
Kerry made a twitter post 2 days ago from Japan
Awesome for him if it’s a vacation, but it would be super cool if it was RWBY related too 👀
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xbox-cwtie · 6 months
You’re allowed to love and enjoy RWBY. Don’t let negativity surrounding the show’s fandom discourage you from loving and appreciating it. There are others out there who love it as much as you do and are willing to share their enjoyment with you.
It’s not a perfect show, but if it still inspires you as a creative outlet or something to watch for fun, then that’s all that should matter.
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