#Ryan Reynolds is my spirit animal
saezurusteve · 2 years
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It’s time!!! Spoilers are imminent! Eminent? Eminem??? M&M’s!!! Don’t mind if I do!!
It’s Thanksgiving time in my part of the world, which means it’s time to be thankful for all the good things in our lives.
I am thankful for the tireless and sleepless Team Steve! You are my rays of sunshine, you are the shining good deeds in a weary world.
I am thankful for our new raw provider Lil’ Stevie Smols the Duke of Scannington! Please make them feel welcome, your official license to Steve will be arriving in the mail soon.
As always, thank you to the Saezuru fandom!!! Without you, it would just be me and Ryan Reynolds… alone… call me! 😚
The rest of you get to reading, get to dreaming, and most of all GET READY FOR THE FINAL CHAPTER OF VOLUME 8!!!! GIMME THAT SWEET, SWEET LOVIN’!!
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black-lake · 6 months
astro observations 10
Hey -- I miss doing these astro notes, it’s been- years? where have I been? forced into a rat race. I’ve lately been watching a lot of stand up comedies, timeless comedy movies, rush hour, the hangover, you name it, they don’t make shit like this anymore. I’ve also been dealing with saturn transit my 10th house and conjunct my sun fucking up my life. so I got stuff to share.
⛄︎ Happy capricorn season! I find it ironic that capricorns are hard workers but people don’t work hard in capricorn season, it’s when everybody slows down, enjoys the holidays, reflects and attempts to make new year’s plans. 
Aspects that indicate humor 
☃︎ I said it before and I will say it again, strong mercury-jupiter aspects are the most common in comedians charts, every existing comedian seems to have them conjunct, oppose or square. e.g. Jim Carrey, Kate McKinnon, Kevin Hart (mercury conj jupiter). Chris Tucker, Amy Schumer (mercury square jupiter). Rowan Atkinson, Steve Carell (mercury opp Jupiter).
☃︎ Moon in scorpio or capricorn, top notch dark humor. Chris Tucker, Pete Davidson, Louis C.K. (capricorn moon). Ricky Gervais, Ryan Reynolds, Matthew Perry (scorpio moon). 
☃︎ Moon in gemini or sagittarius, making you laugh at random things, making the small details in life events remarkable and ironic. Sag got that joyful light hearted spirit no matter how sarcastic they get. Bill Burr, John Mulaney (sag moon). Gemini got that chaotic animated twisted humor, can go on endless tangents but you’ll never get bored. Aubrey Plaza, Jim Carrey, and Rowan Atkinson (gemini moon).
☃︎ North node in gemini or sagittarius being a naturally funny storyteller their whole life. I also notice north node in virgo, leo and capricorn in those that pursue public speaking or stand up. 
☃︎ Many comedians or just straight up funny people got MC in gemini, virgo, sagittarius, or leo. 
☃︎ Mercury in aries, leo, gemini, sagittarius, scorpio, capricorn the type of people that tell a basic story but the tone of their voice, choice of words, and the underlying emotion mixed with their perspective and delivery makes it hilarious.
☃︎ Mercury in a fire sign, can be loud, the underlying anger and passion in their voice tone is what makes them funny. Chris Tucker, Kevin Hart and Dave Chappelle all got a leo mercury. Joe List got an aries mercury.
☃︎ Mercury in an air sign, they keep you engaged, animated expressions, great at impressions and mimicking when they tell stories. Trevor Noah is a good example and Jim Carrey (aquarius mercury).
☃︎ Mercury in earth and water, the way they so calmly tell an intense life event story with a straight face and calm demeanor, almost seeming high, a lot of irony and nonchalance. Pete Davidson (scorpio mercury), Ricky Gervais (cancer mercury) and Kate McKinnon (capricorn mercury). 
☃︎ I have mercury conj jupiter in aries and I’m ruled by mercury (gemini rising). I’m super sarcastic and cutthroat when angry, it makes people upset, shocked, amused, wanting to laugh but also butt heads with me. My mind can find irony in literally anything. I also can change my voice and facial expressions easily when I’m mimicking someone. 
☃︎ Those with strong mercury-pluto aspects, the type that could actually give you contractions from laughter. They think intensely, experience life intensely, are cutthroat and skeptical, are super intellectual and deep which is enough to make them ironic in the way they communicate. Their communication style comes across as bold, raw and shocking, saying it how it is, not afraid of joking about taboo or embarrassing stuff. It feels like my life is fucked up my mind is fucked up and I don't give a fuck typa attitude. Matthew Perry, Pete Davidson, Louis C.K, Adam Sandler, Ryan Reynolds, Steve Carell (mercury conj pluto).
☃︎ Heavy pluto and saturn placements can make someone insanely funny especially if they’ve got aspects indicating public speaking. The absolute best at self deprecating humor. They aren’t afraid to share their traumatic experiences, because not only they make people laugh but they give hope to those who can relate. They got where they are by accumulating that much knowledge and wisdom and it came through many wounds usually relating to rejection, abandonment and feeling inadequate. They use humor to heal themselves and others. 
☃︎ Pete Davidson, Ryan Reynolds and Ricky Gervais got heavy scorpio and pluto conjunctions, examples of plutonian humor. Dave Chappelle and Chris Tucker got heavy saturn aspects, examples of saturnian humor.
☃︎ Now Chris Tucker got all the basic comedian placements. He’s easily one of the best and most successful comedians to ever exist. The type to open his mouth and everyone starts laughing. It’s the attitude not even the context. He was the popular kid too, friends with Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Chan, Prince and literally every iconic celebrity in the US. 
☃︎ Chris has a mercury square Jupiter at 0°, leo mercury 28°, capricorn moon, scorpio jupiter, saturn in gemini, jupiter conj neptune (can expand the imagination in storytelling), north node in aquarius (he was a trailblazer in rush hour and many comedians mimic him).
☃︎ I noticed so many times that people with saturn in gemini can be socially responsible, meaning that they refuse to cuss in some occasions and refuse to talk shit or go against their morals. Partially due to the lessons they learned on gossip and the consequences of misinformation or twisted narratives. Chris Tucker rejected an offer because he refused to cuss and smoke weed on camera, he also avoids vulgarity and profanity in his stand ups. 
☃︎ Those with gemini north node are either so good at communicating clearly, storytelling and entertaining or will learn that in this lifetime. Same goes for gemini risings. One of their missions is to accumulate knowledge from everywhere they go without the need for distant travel and sharing it with others rather than keeping it confined for abstract contemplations (sag south node). They develop a communication style that is so personal to them that allows them to be a messenger, a bridge between people and a powerful speaker. 
☃︎ I have a leo north node and the more I grow older the more I realize I'm never meant to act so old. This inner child in me screams to come out after every tough cycle esp when I'm mentally trapped in societal conformity. Those with a leo nn exude childlike innocence and purity, at their best spreading love and joy wherever they go. Though to get there they go through challenging experiences alone to build so much strength and confidence so they can pursue what they love and share love so freely since they are so used to being cold and detached (aqua south node). 
☃︎ Those with a cancer north node are naturally so good at business matters like building a company or climbing the success ladder (capricorn south node). They learn quickly that material success alone does not bring them fulfillment. Every time they reach somewhere that feeling of achievement is fleeting and they just want to share those moments with others. They have this urge to connect emotionally to their loved ones and create memories. They might desire having a family of their own, a secure home, and a sense of safety and stability.
I somehow always unintentionally post in december and my posts be considered old next month, so I quit my toxic draining job last week, kinda feels like a life crisis, but I’m feeling so safe and cozy in my bed having my hot mocha eating all the christmas sweets and watching funny shit. so share your fav stand ups, funny movies or documentaries, anything you watch during the holidays. stay warm and cozy 🧣🎅🏼
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metalandmagi · 6 months
A list of underrated Christmas movies for everyone who is getting tired of watching the same things every year:
This year, I wanted to make a list of a few Christmas movies that I feel are a bit underrated and under-appreciated, because I’m tired of seeing the same things all the time. If anyone has any suggestions for their own lesser known holiday movies, please feel free to include them!
Arthur Christmas: An animated movie that should be a classic, but it was unfortunately lost to time because it had a horrible marketing campaign that made it look like complete shit. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not complete shit. It’s actually fucking amazing.
Arthur, the clumsy son of the current Santa Claus is known for being a lovable idiot who tends to ruin everything he touches, but when a little girl’s present is accidentally left behind one Christmas, Arthur, an elf named Bryony, and his grandfather (a previous Santa…so grandsanta) embark on a chaotic mission around the world to deliver the missing present. Every character in this movie is so fucking funny and empathetic at the same time. Arthur embodies the true meaning of Christmas in everything he does. Bryony is just…on another level entirely. Arthur’s brother Steve (a strategic genius who wants to use his new technology to ensure his place as the next Santa) is a perfect antagonist that the audience still feels sympathy for. They all just have such a fun dynamic, and it’s a crime that more people haven’t seen this.
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Spirited: A fairly new addition to the Christmas movie ranks, since it came out in 2022 (but it was on AppleTV+ so no one watched it). Spirited is a modern, musical version of A Christmas Carol like you’ve never seen before (starring Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds, who are an amazing combination in anything). If you’re tired of seeing endless retellings of Dickens' story, just watch this. It’s hilarious, heartfelt, and it brings a whole new perspective to the story in a way that I’m not going to spoil. And the songs go so hard it’s insane.
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Happiest Season: A rom-com in which a woman named Abby desperately wants to propose to her girlfriend Harper over the holidays during Harper’s family Christmas party…only to realize that Harper’s extremely rich and conservative family doesn’t know she’s gay. Fun rom-com shenanigans ensue. Did I mention Abby is played by Kristen Stewart, and Harper is played by Mackenzie Davis? Also Aubrey Plaza, Alison Brie, and that guy from Schitt’s Creek everyone loves are in it.
This could easily have been a completely different movie if the cast wasn't so funny and didn’t have such good chemistry. It starts out as a standard holiday rom-com, but I was tearing up by the end of this the first time I watched it. If you’ve ever felt like you’ve been hiding your true self from your family or if you’ve felt like you’ve never been good enough for them, I think you’ll see a lot to relate to in this. 
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Violent Night: Another new addition to the ever-expanding list of Christmas movies, this aptly named action thriller also came out in 2022, and I feel like no one has spoken about it since, which is a crime because IT WAS SO MUCH FUCKING FUN!
When a grizzled, down on the world Santa (played by David Harbour) gets stuck in a rich family’s house while it’s being overrun by mercenaries, he has to Die Hard his way out and save the hostages (or at least the ones who are worth saving) before it’s too late. This was such a fun surprise, because violent action thrillers are so hit and miss for me personally. David Harbour is great. It’s just under 2 hours of watching shitty people get their comeuppance in unique ways. I’m so offended that it only has a 6.7/10 on IMDB, because this is a great movie to watch with a group of friends and some age appropriate beverages. Yeah, it’s not a masterpiece, and maybe my standards are low, but I had a great time with this.
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Tokyo Godfathers: An anime Christmas classic directed by Satoshi Kon in which 3 homeless people (a former drag queen, a runaway teen, and a grumpy alcoholic) find a baby in a dumpster and try to reunite it with its family. This was the movie that tricked me into thinking Satoshi Kon’s other works would be just as comedic and wholesome as this one. It’s got humor. It’s got heart. It’s got twists and turns that will keep you guessing in the classic Satoshi Kon fashion. And the English dub is just as good as the sub, so you can’t go wrong either way.
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Neo Yokio- Pink Christmas: Speaking of anime…I’ve talked about this one before, but I have to mention it again because it’s a staple for me every year. Pink Christmas is the Christmas special for the…anime (and I use that word in the loosest way possible) Neo Yokio…aka the one starring (and possibly made by?) Jaden Smith.
For anyone who’s never heard of it, Neo Yokio is a series on Netflix that is the closest thing to a professionally made Abridged Series we’ll ever have. The “plot” of the series revolves around Kaz, a pink haired guy who fights demons and does increasingly absurd rich people things with his robot mecha butler named Charles. The Christmas special involves Charles telling Kaz a Christmas story about the city’s Secret Santa competition for all the ultra rich people.
Look, there’s no good way to describe this one, but trust me when I say you don’t have to watch Neo Yokio to understand it, since even people who do watch Neo Yokio don’t understand it. In fact, I think it will be even funnier if you don’t watch Neo Yokio at all before watching Pink Christmas (but I encourage everyone to watch the series too, just because it’s more of the same insanity.)
Every line in it is pure comedic gold, not because it’s truly funny, but because it’s absurd and ridiculous in a way only Jaden Smith can be. I quote it incessantly while eating a Toblerone every year. 
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Cabin Pressure at Christmas: Molokai: Okay, it’s not a movie or even a TV special, but I love Cabin Pressure so much that I had to include this too. Cabin Pressure is a comedy radio show (not a podcast, an actual radio show) that aired on BBC Radio 4 in the early 2000s about an airline crew for the world’s shittiest airplane. 
For anyone who watched season 2 of Good Omens, you might recognize the name John Finnemore as one of the writers. Well, Cabin Pressure is made by (and stars) the same person. The Christmas episode is one of my favorites of the series, and you 100% don’t need to listen to the entire series to enjoy it. It captures the humor and despair of being stuck with your co-workers on Christmas eve, but it keeps up the spirit regardless. This is another one I quote incessantly, and the whole show has become hardwired into my personality. PLEASE FIND A WAY TO LISTEN TO CABIN PRESSURE! I’m pretty sure the whole series is available on iTunes as an audiobook.
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As honorable mentions, I want to include Rise of the Guardians and Klaus, because even though they have a fair amount of popularity, I still feel like people could appreciate them more. And sure, Rise of the Guardians might be more of an Easter movie, but it still includes Santa as a character, and he’s amazing. 
That's all for now. Sorry these are all specifically Christmas themed, but if anyone has movie suggestions for other winter holidays, please throw them in!
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Keeping @badfriendsworsecompany post going by listing my 10 favorite movies. Enjoy!
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Love the cinematic style of going from live action to comic booky styles. I notice something new every time I watch it!
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This will always be me and my brothers favorite movie to quote just out of nowhere! It makes me laugh everytime!
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This movie freaked me out as a kid but the older I got the more I enjoyed it! And not gonna lie Salma Hayek in this movie is total confidence goals!
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I was never big on superhero movies but this one changed my mind completely! The different animation styles brought back my love for comics/ mangas.
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This whole series of movies is such guilty pleasure of mine! Combines my love for scary movies and comedies (even if this movie is kinda corny)
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This movie! I cry EVERY. TIME. I think this was one of my first Tom Hanks movie and holds a special place in my heart!
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Another guilty pleasure movie of mine! I love Ryan Reynolds comedy style and I see this more as a comedy than a superhero movie.
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This was one of my first scary movies I remember watching at the ripe old age of 4 thanks to my older brothers! Once I got past the initial fear of dolls I grew to love this movie series!
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The start to my love for anime and Studio Ghibli! Still to this day I love the animation and the message of this movie! And of course I love the little forest spirits even with the creepy head shaking and noises they make!
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Another guilty pleasure of mine are cheerleading/dance movies! It's all thanks to this movie! My little sister and I still quote lines in this movie!
I know these are a weird array of movies but I still love them and many many more. What do yall think?
Ok I was asked to tag 10 more people to keep this going so I'll tag(sorry if tagged you and we don't talk on here just picked random mutuals who I see post a lot on here) @bakedbeanscorner @iluminatevents @kuli6789 @so-krunk @mwiknn @lifecanbeweird @weintraubb @vingthorsson @agentlesoulsblog @saschaminimaldesign
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errantindy · 1 year
Tag 9 People You Want to Know Better
Thanks for the tag @girlrandomstuff
Three ships:
Wedge/Luke (Gotta be since I'm writing a whole slowburn fic leading there)
Mon Mothma/Gial Ackbar (Rebellion Mom and Rebellion Dad need to get together. They already spend like ALL of their time together. And Ackbar would never treat Mon like Perrin)
Wenclair (Not SW, I know, but I've fallen hard for it since a friend wrote a shipping fic and I 'forced myself' to binge Wednesday to support a friend...and now, I'm stuck with'em.)
Last Song:
"Running Up That Hill - a Dungeons and Dragons Inspired Cover" by Cami-Cat (Cami's got an incredible voice, and the song and animation sticks with me as inspiration for my writing.)
Last Movie:
Spirited (It was a lot better than I was expecting going in. Great musical number, Ryan Reynolds and Will Farel were absolutely great together. Good Afternoon to you, if ya don't give this one a chance.)
Currently reading:
Well Listening:
Leia: Princess of Alderaan (I really like Leia's rise to the Rebellion, but I absolutely HATE the boring hot boi she's set up with. And Holdo's a boring Luna Lovegood knock off in the book, in the manga version she's wildchild which is much better)
X-wing: Krytos Trap (SO GOOD, I had to get the new Marc Thompson audiobook for the series. Great production, Marc Thompson's vocal choices are amazing. Not gonna spoil somethin' but I'll say Old Jimmy Stewart is a pleasant, folksy choice)
Currently consuming:
Green tea and hot pockets from my new air fryer (this air fryer in my most favorite appliance)
Currently craving:
A Good Country fried steak...I am considering cooking one myself, but I got a history with oil, y'all. An embarrassing history with oil...I wrote my Pearl having the same scar I do and my cowriter was baffled how one does that to themselves. 😅
No pressure ☺️ tags:
@lorisky @actual-atlas-moth @the-magpieprince
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I posted 232 times in 2022
That's 231 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (9%)
211 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 96 of my posts in 2022
#twitter - 8 posts
#goncharov - 4 posts
#comic - 4 posts
#elon musk - 3 posts
#blue checkmark - 3 posts
#ryan reynolds - 3 posts
#skeleton war - 3 posts
#probably not - 2 posts
#just add it to that list of other terms - 2 posts
#where tumblr comes up with entirely incorrect origins - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i want to thank you all for allowing me to give every single one of you posters a funny voice whenever i read it out loud.
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just wanna see more examples of fathers having excellent relationships with their children.
0 notes - Posted December 13, 2022
Guys help I can't remember what I was gonna say
0 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
After my last post, it has come to my attention that I need to read Holes again. I remember enjoying it immensely, and it has such a fantastic (albeit strange) plot. I will definitely start after this weekend.
That's not me procrastinating by the way, I just literally have too much work to right now.
I'm also insanely exhausted. Halfway through that last line I thought it was actually me writing an email to someone to explain why I can't learn something new and complicated
1 note - Posted December 13, 2022
Y'all remember spirit animals? Whatever happened to those?
1 note - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This isn’t a mistake, right?
I may or may not have spent eight dollars on two blue tumblr check marks, and I hardly (if ever) post here. This wasn’t a mistake, right? right? I mean, it means I’m important, right?
2 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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screenandcinema · 2 years
Coming Attractions November 2022
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As usual, we present monthly previews of new movies being released. These are the movies that will be hitting your local cinemas (and streaming services) this month:
November 4th
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story - Daniel Radcliffe is Weird Al in this “true-ish” story about the acclaimed musician. The film hits The Roku Channel, good luck figuring that one out.
November 11th
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Ryan Coogler once again helms this Marvel Studios film about the warriors of Wakanda - sadly, this time without lead Chadwick Boseman.
Spirited - Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds star in this modern retelling of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol for AppleTV+.
November 18th
Disenchanted - After fifteen years away, Gisele and her friends from Andalasia are back in the sequel to 2007′s Enchanted coming to Disney+ this month.
The Menu - Ralph Fiennes, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Nicholas Hoult star in this black horror comedy that is made for foodies.
She Said - Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan play real-life New York Times reporters in this biographical drama about the downfall of Harvey Weinstein.
November 23th
The Fabelmans - Steven Spielberg directs (and co-writes) this coming-of-age drama that is loosely based on his early life. Keep an eye on The Fabelmans, easily an early favorite for Best Picture.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery - Detective Benoit Blanc is back in this sequel to 2019′s Knives Out. The film hits theaters for one week only on November 23rd, before hitting Netflix on December 23rd.
Strange World - Disney Animation is back with Strange World, a new action-adventure featuring the voices of Jake Gyllenhaal, Dennis Quaid, Gabrielle Union, and Lucy Liu.
Now for a quick look ahead to December, my top picks for next month are Babylon and Avatar: The Way of the Water.
0 notes
zachjelly · 4 years
Community locker
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So, this is the community locker. This picture was taken on the last day of school two years ago. All throughout the year we had sticker day, when every Friday we gave stickers to people at lunch, and we gave some to people who have lockers in this hallway, and they put all the stickers on this locker and so the community locker was born.
Well actually, this all started with the Supreme sticker that's on the locker. Anyways we went to Dollarama after school on the second to last day of school, and bought the moon and star stickers that are puffy and glow in the dark. We put them on the locker as you can see here and then I took this picture.
last year when we came to school, all the stickers were gone. :(
Rest In Peace the Community Locker 2018-2019
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notdrhanniballecter · 3 years
Hanni fact #214.
Deadpool and I would be best(y)ies.
*pansexual pun-masters unite*
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baekhvuns · 2 years
First of all, why did wake up to Miss Baekhvuns plagiarism era. 😭
Second of all, I had a dream that you might find interesting, don't remember the details but it involved Hwa singing my fave Baekhyun song - UN Village. Safe to say I have lost my mind...
Oof, that edit hurt a bit. And please, post all the Seonghwa WIPs, I crave death. Doom at Your Service is too good, really took me by surprise. 💔
Stop, because I also had Maid Sama in mind, hahaha (I'm re-watching it rn 👀). I'm a greedy Shinestar, but I think Yunho would be interesting as Usui, one of my friends is YunHwa biased and she told me there are not enough Yunho fics. Btw anime, I watched Fena the Pirate Princess last year, it was so-so but I need Seonghwa as Yukimaru.
Another anime that is kinda similar to Kamisama Kiss and dear to my heart is Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits but I actually re-watched it recently and now I like Ginji (he's like Tomoe but not a tsundere just good boy vibes uwu <3) more than the main guy Odanna, oops. Not surprising, cause me getting older is like that Drake meme: bad boys 🤚🏻 good boys 👍🏻lol - DV 💖
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First of all, why did wake up to Miss Baekhvuns plagiarism era. 😭
Second of all, I had a dream that you might find interesting, don't remember the details but it involved Hwa singing my fave Baekhyun song - UN Village. Safe to say I have lost my mind...
excuse me. ur making me loose my mind in my uni rn WITH THAT SCENE IMAGINED u would never hear from me if hwa ever dropped a un village cover, ill deactivate.
no but hear me out, fashion designer hwa x assistant or rival fashion designer reader 😭😭😭😭🔫 with that song playing in the back FBWNBFENFHKWHDKW
Oof, that edit hurt a bit. And please, post all the Seonghwa WIPs, I crave death. Doom at Your Service is too good, really took me by surprise. 💔
IT HURT ALOT 😭😭😭😭 esp the “even if we are in different worlds, i will wind you…my soo” 😭😭😭🔫🔫
BRKWHDKEBM ill disclose like two of them bc the rest r a surprise
1. do u rmr the romcom movie “the proposal” with sandra bullock + ryan reynolds HRKWHDKW the fake dating 🤌🏼🤌🏼✨
2. tutor hwa x senior reader ofc ofc we love to see it
RIGHT DOOM AT UR SERVICE WAS RLY GOOD but u know what was even better the “m a n e r” and the response from joo ik (soohyuk) WHERE HE PURRED
Stop, because I also had Maid Sama in mind, hahaha (I'm re-watching it rn 👀). I'm a greedy Shinestar, but I think Yunho would be interesting as Usui, one of my friends is YunHwa biased and she told me there are not enough Yunho fics. Btw anime, I watched Fena the Pirate Princess last year, it was so-so but I need Seonghwa as Yukimaru.
FBANDBMSDBMS PLS MR USUI 😩😩 king,,, i am also a greedy shinestar and wanted to do hwa but i think ill go with yunho too 😭😭
👁👄👁 OH ILL WATCH IT AYO omg have u watched pretty rhythm aurora dream + yumerio patisserie????? they’re sO good and u can bet ur ass hwa watched them too <3
Another anime that is kinda similar to Kamisama Kiss and dear to my heart is Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits but I actually re-watched it recently and now I like Ginji (he's like Tomoe but not a tsundere just good boy vibes uwu <3) more than the main guy Odanna, oops. Not surprising, cause me getting older is like that Drake meme: bad boys 🤚🏻 good boys 👍🏻lol - DV 💖
RHWKHDWK THANK U FOR THE REC BC I NEED THEM IN THIS 6 HR BREAK 😭😭😭😭 tomoe is like hongjoong in a nutshell towards seomghwa ☺️☺️☺️ LMFAOOOO NOT THAT MEME FBFBFBFB
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Ryan reynolds is too precious for this world
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
People, April 19
Cover: Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley -- love, family and giving back
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Page 3: Chatter -- Thandiwe Newton on using her birth name years after it was misspelled in her first acting credit, Barack Obama on daughter Malia and Sasha being embarrassed by him, Martha Stewart on the reaction to her viral pool selfie, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt on raising daughter Lyla with husband Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lopez teasing her favorite cookie recipe, Chris Hemsworth on bulking up for parts
Page 4: 5 Things We're Talking About -- Ariana Grande joins The Voice, Michael Strahan minds the gap, Brad Pitt is sharing the tea, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively battle over beanies, Rege-Jean Page exits Bridgerton
Page 7: Contents
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Page 8: StarTracks -- stars' best friends -- Prince Harry hit the beach to play fetch with his rescue dog Pula in Santa Barbara
Page 9: Rachel Brosnahan took a break from filming season 4 of The Marvelous Mrs. Masiel to pet a pup who passed by the set in NYC, Mariah Carey celebrated Easter with two of her dogs
Page 10: Famous Families -- Amy Schumer masked up to play with son Gene at the NY PopsUp festival at Astoria Park in NYC, Jessica Alba and her husband Cash Warren celebrated Easter with their three children Haven and Honor and Hayes, Beyonce posted a rare selfie with her and Jay-Z's oldest daughter Blue Ivy, Victoria and David Beckham got in the Easter spirit with children Brooklyn and Harper and Romeo and Cruz, Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes and fiancee Brittany Matthews celebrated their first Easter with daughter Sterling Skye
Page 11: LeBron James deemed his youngest child daughter Zhuri his workout partner when she joined him in the gym for some flexing, Kate Hudson relaxed in the tub with her daughter Rani Rose
* First Look -- inside Angelina Jolie's scorching return to the big screen -- in the upcoming thriller Those Who Wish Me Dead, Angelina returns to action as a smoke jumper who encounters a traumatized 12-year-old boy played by Finn Little who needs her help
Page 12: Inside Robert Downey Jr.'s modern mansion -- for the spring issue of Purist magazine, Robert and his producer wife, Susan, opened their doors to give a tour of their futuristic Malibu home -- their Binishell, a type of of energy-efficient, dome-shaped house, sits on seven acres and runs on wind turbines and a solar-generated water system that reduce energy consumption
Page 13: StyleTracks -- bold and bright at the Screen Actors Guild Awards -- Viola Davis, Mindy Kaling, Jamie Chung, Helen Mirren, Kaley Cuoco, Kerry Washington
Page 15: Tiger Woods' car crash -- new questions, tough recovery
Page 16: Aaron Rodgers and Shailene Woodley take their love on vacation
Page 18: Heart Monitor -- Vanessa Hudgens and Cole Tucker heating up, Lily James and Queens of the Stone Age bassist Michael Shuman new couple, Michael Buble and Luisana Lopilato happy anniversary, Brian Austin Green and Sharna Burgess getting serious
Page 19: Idris Elba and Caleb McLaughlin horsing around
Page 20: Brandi Carlile shares her struggles
* Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli had an emotional homecoming on Easter weekend after he was released from federal prison
Page 21: Blake Shelton looks back on 20 years of fame
Page 22: Jeannie Mai and Jeezy's backyard fairy tale wedding in Atlanta
Page 29: Passages, Why I Care -- Robert Irwin is helping the planet by being an advocate for Prince William's Earthshot Prize
Page 31: Stories to Make You Smile - Aimee Takaha of Aimee's Farm Animal Sanctuary in Arizona is offering cow-cuddling sessions for those who miss hugs during the pandemic, to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Carolyn and Kelly Gay re-created their original wedding photos
Page 33: People Picks -- Law & Order: Organized Crime
Page 34: Them, Spy City, Rhiannon Giddens -- They're Calling Me Home, Q&A with David Alan Grier
Page 36: The Serpent, One to Watch -- Mortal Kombat's Lewis Tan
Page 37: The Nevers, Iyanla: Fix My Life
Page 39: Books
Page 40: Cover Story -- Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisely -- you have to focus on the love and laughter -- after a pandemic year that sidelined their careers, the singer and actress found joy in family time and purpose in giving back to their community
Page 46: Inside the sparkling, rainbow-filled world of JoJo Siwa -- she began as a kid who loved dance, then found fame on reality TV and YouTube and built her brand to mogul status. That was all before she came out as LGBTQ. She's just getting started
Page 52: Double Talk -- Melissa McCarthy and Octavia Spencer's 25-year friendship -- long before they were famous, the two stars forged a deep personal bond. After more than two decades, the finally got to work together
Page 56: The Lost Kitchen's Erin French turning a painful past into a delicious new life -- addiction and divorce nearly cost her everything, but now she's running one of the most loved and hardest-to-book restaurants in America
Page 60: Solving a 40-year-old murder mystery -- justice for Helene Pruszynski -- four decades after a young woman's brutal rape and murder, new DNA technology leads to her killer
Page 62: Emily VanCamp -- growing up on TV & finding love -- how the busy actress, now costarring on both The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and The Resident, still makes time for what matters most: her family
Page 64: My Mother, Eartha Kitt -- 12 years after the entertainer's death, her daughter Kitt Shapiro reveals a mother like no other: fierce, fabulous and a fighter at heart
Page 69: Why I'm Helping Others Get Vaccinated -- fighting for my patients -- Detroit nurse Monique Morris almost died from COVID-19, and now she's doing her part to help put an end to the pandemic
Page 70: Earth Day Special -- a room-by-room guide to saving the planet -- combating climate change is a daunting challenge, but these small fixes around the house can make a big difference. Plus, inspiring stories of four everyday environmental heroes
Page 73: Jerome Foster II, rallying youth against climate change
Page 74: Katharine Hayhoe, bringing moms together
Page 76: Laura Turner Seydel, carrying on a family tradition
Page 78: Carl Smith, fighting to save his home
Page 88: One Last Thing -- Catherine Zeta-Jones
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britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #458
Top Ten Family Films of Lockdown
So we stayed in the house and watched a lot of films this year.
It’s weird, because I always feel that I miss out on more films than I want, but this year obviously was crazy. The last film I saw at the cinema was Birds of Prey; I was hoping to see Tenet and Bill and Ted in the late summer, but I was working and never found time, and then everything started to go to shit again. But even at home, for some reason, I found it very hard to find the time to sit down and watch a movie on my own, despite there being more choice than ever before. Anyway, what I’m saying is it’s even harder than usual for me to try to do an accurate “best of the year” list.
But what we did do, as a family, is stay in the house and watch a lot of films together.
It’s now become a tradition, something we do every weekend; have a family movie night. And I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’ve always wanted to have something like this, and when the kids were tiny babies, I’d fantasise about how and when we’d get to enjoy a film together; about when I could introduce them to this movie or that, ones that were important to me. And sure, we’ve started to do that, but mostly we just think of things they’ll like, whether they’re new or old. And in that spirit, here are the ten best ones we’ve experienced.
I say “experienced” rather than just “the ten best films” because I’m ranking them here in terms of how the whole “family evening” went down; did I like the film, did the kids, was it new and exciting or a trip down memory lane… basically, how many boxes did it tick? Otherwise it’d just be full of my old favourites. Sometimes I was surprised by quite how much the kids took to a film I didn’t think they’d be as into; and sometimes I was disappointed that a film didn’t hold up. And it’s amusing when an older film really piques their interest. One thing I have discounted, though, is a film where we’d all been to see it at the cinema – Toy Story 4, for instance, which I enjoyed a lot more the second time around, but which felt like a cheat for this list as even the kids already knew it so well.
Anyway, this has been my main cinematic event of the year, and like the year’s supposed other big cinematic event, it sort of involves time travel in some way. Long may it continue. We’re focusing on Christmas movies from now on, but I do look forward to introducing the kids to E.T., Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and Transformers: The Movie. Roll on 2021.
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Bumblebee (2018): we’re a big Transformers family, I suppose, and this is a great film on all levels. It’s a nice, gentle story for the most part, a girl and her alien pal, full of humour and heart, but it’s also got, like, giant robots what punch each other. My kids loved it, and we loved it too, and it’s got that cool opening sequence on Cybertron that’s like my childhood come to life.
Spirited Away (2001): I was hoping we’d make our way through all the Ghibli films, except my kids ended up watching them on their own! Clearly I’ve taught them good taste. Anyway, this is obviously a masterpiece, full of deep sentiment and creepy visuals, with beautiful animation.
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (2011): this was a pleasant surprise. My youngest has a Snowy plush so she was into it, and having seen it before I thought my kids would like it, but didn’t realise they’d love it, properly into the adventure, laughing at Serkis’ great take on Haddock, and very invested in earnest, smart, baby-faced Tintin. Plus Spielberg directs the heck out of it. Even better than I remembered.
Addams Family Values (1993): we watched both Addams Family films over Halloween, and they proved very popular. Satisfactorily creepy, consistently amusing, but what really won them over was Christina Ricci’s Wednesday. Values is the better film, wittier and offering more for the fantastic young cast to do; the climactic Thanksgiving performance is a joy to behold.
Detective Pikachu (2019): we’re also big Pokémon people, and despite the fact I’d taken both the mini trainers to the cinema to see this one, we all enjoyed it as a family. A suitably compelling mini-noir, with some terrific world building and great effects, it’s the humour and Ryan Reynolds’ performance as Pikachu that really lifts it. Pity the ending falls apart a bit.
The Parent Trap (1998): in my experience, kids love films about kids getting one over on adults, so there's good stuff here. It's really aged well, too; Lindsey Lohan is frankly terrific in the lead role(s). It's funny and sweet and enjoyable, although I always feel a bit sad to see Natasha Richardson being so great and adorable.
Hook (1991): Empire magazine once called Hook the lemon in Spielberg’s basket, but I’ve always thought that’s unfair; overlong, oversugared, and a little bit all over the place it may be, but it’s got a lot of imagination and it can be both spectacular and fun. Plus the scene of the children going missing is quite horrible. Anyway, I quite like it, but my kids loved it, to the point where I think they’ve watched it at least three times this year.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989): one of the first films we watched in lockdown and a great success! I was very pleased to discover it held up just as well as I thought. It’s a great old-fashioned adventure story, with the kids who don’t like each other kinda bonding as they make their way through the garden. The effects, once state-of-the-art, have dated, but it’s still as fun and funny as ever. It actually skews a tiny bit older than I’d remembered. Moranis, of course, is always a treat.
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993): I had worried this might be too old for my kids, but I was very pleasantly surprised; they sat through the more intense scenes of domestic discord and fortunately all the sex references went over their heads. Instead they got a sweet and frequently hilarious tale of a man cross-dressing to win his kids back. It has aged a tiny bit, sadly, in both its portrayal of gender and sexual norms, and in its almost movie-of-the-week depiction of divorce, but overall it remains as funny and sensitive as ever.
Lady and the Tramp (2019): this was another very pleasant surprise, one of Disney’s live-action “reimaginings” on Disney+, but one that was really genuinely very enjoyable. The dogs look great (as for the most part they’re real dogs), the performances are good, and the deviations from the original are mostly sensible and worthwhile. Also the diversity of its cast is to be applauded. Genuinely, it’s a lot better than the Lion King remake; in fact, it probably ranks quite high on the list of live-action do-overs when all’s said and done.
So there we are. Lockdown has had its ups and downs but at least we all sat round the tellybox and watched some good movies. what’s next? Well, a lot of Christmas films; I was disappointed in Noelle, to be honest, but looking forward to Jingle Jangle and Christmas Chronicles 2. And here’s to a new Heslop tradition of regular movie nights! Next year’s when I finally get them to watch a Marvel movie…
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happyweddingblogs · 4 years
17 Movies Every Bride & Groom Should Watch Before Their Wedding Day
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Source: Happy Wedding App
When it comes to watching movies, Romantic movies top the list. Most people prefer to watch cheesy romances on the screen. We all love to see, boy meeting girl, and then they fall in love with each other, then they go through several problems, and finally, they marry. No matter how regular the whole stuff looks like, romantic movies have a flavor of its own. And these movies look more beautiful when you are about to get married. So here is a list of the 17 best movies every bride and groom should watch before their wedding day.
Let’s have a look on the selection….
1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a 2002 independent romantic comedy film and is one of the classic movies. It is a cheerful love story, which revolves around an unconfident sheltered woman, Fotoula “Toula” Portokalos (Nia Vardalos), struggling to discover her own identity before meeting the man of her dreams, Ian Miller (John Corbett). It is a good romantic dose in case you need a little inspiration before the big day. Do watch and see how a Greek American woman falls in love with a non-Greek man and what happens next.
2. Wedding Crashers
An excellent movie for all those who are going to miss all of the fun of being single. It is a 2005 American romantic comedy film; it follows two divorce mediators (Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn) who crash weddings in an attempt to meet and seduce bridesmaids. Both Wilson and Vaughn jump from one marriage to another, to meet and have sex with women. They keep doing it until they realize that sometimes all you need is that one perfect person.
3. Bachelorette
Bachelorette is a 2012 American romantic comedy film starring Kirsten Dunst, Lizzy Caplan, and Isla Fisher. All three women are featured as the troubled women who reunite for the wedding of a friend (Rebel Wilson) who was ridiculed in high school. You will surely love this spicy and sweet romantic comedy. You may even relate yourself with any of the three characters in the movie, from party girl Lizzy Caplan to control freak Kirsten Dunst.
4. The Wedding Singer
The Wedding Singer is a 1998 American romantic comedy film starring Adam Sandler as a wedding singer in the 1980s and Drew Barrymore as a waitress with whom he falls in love. It has it all! It’s funny, it’s cute, and overall, it’s a fantastic movie every bride & groom should watch before their wedding day.
5. Meet the Parents
Meet the Parents is a 2000 American comedy. Starring Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller, the movie chronicles a series of unfortunate events that befall a good-hearted but hapless nurse while he visits his girlfriend’s parents. You will be surprised to see the sequence of events that take place in Meet the Parents. Do Watch!
6. Runaway Bride
Runaway Bride, a 1999 American romantic comedy film that stars Julia Roberts and Richard Gere. Maggie Carpenter (Julia Roberts), a spirited and attractive young woman who has had several failed relationships in the past. Maggie, nervous about being married, has left a trail of fiancés waiting for her at the altar on their wedding day. All of these were caught on tape, earning Maggie tabloid fame and the dubious nickname “The Runaway Bride.” The lead character in the movies shows that most important love in life is for their own self. No matter how many times you get a heartbreak, you undoubtedly get the right guy.
7. 27 Dresses
27 Dresses is a 2008 romantic comedy starring Katherine Heigl and James Marsden. Jane Nichols (Katherine Heigl) who has been a bridesmaid for 27 weddings meets Kevin Doyle (James Marsden), who helps her get home while attending two weddings almost simultaneously, Doyle discusses his cynical views of marriage with her and with whom she falls in love later. A great movie to have some gorgeous ideas on your bridesmaid gown selections.
8. Bride Wars
Bride Wars is a 2009 romantic comedy film starring Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Bryan Greenberg, Kristen Johnston, and Candice Bergen. Emma Allan (Anne Hathaway) and Olivia “Liv” Lerner (Kate Hudson) are best friends who have been planning every detail of their weddings, since the time they were little girls. They have been planning each and every aspect of their future weddings, which include choosing the same destination: New York’s famed Plaza Hotel. However, when a clerical error causes a clash in wedding dates, Kate and Liv became hostile to each other.
9. My Best Friend’s Wedding
My Best Friend’s Wedding, a 1997 romantic comedy film starring Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Rupert Everett, and Cameron Diaz. Both Julianne Potter (Julia Roberts) and Michael O’Neal (Dermot Mulroney) were childhood friends, and they had a deal to tie the knot if they were still single by age 28. Right before Julianne’s 28th birthday, she discovers that O’Neil is marrying a gorgeous 20-year-old girl named Kimberly (Cameron Diaz). Suddenly she realized that she’s in love with him, Julianne vows to stop the wedding at all costs. Just watch how things get complex after that!
10. Bridesmaids
Bridesmaids is a 2011 comedy film starring Maya Rudolph. Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy, Ellie Kemper, and Wendi McLendon-Covey. The film centers on Annie (Kristen Wiig), a single woman whose own life is a mess. But when her lifelong best friend, Lillian (Maya Rudolph), got engaged, Annie has no choice but to serve as the maid of honor. Lovelorn and almost penniless, Annie suffers a series of misfortunes after being asked to serve as maid of honor for her best friend, Lillian. Just watch how she winds her way through the strange and expensive rituals associated with her job as the bridesmaid.
11. Monster-in-Law
Monster-in-Law is a 2005 romantic comedy film starring Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Vartan, and Wanda Sykes. The movie centers on Charlotte (Jennifer Lopez), who was smitten when she meets Dr. Kevin Fields (Michael Vartan). So when Kevin proposes her for the wedding after they start dating, Charlotte happily accepts. But soon, she realizes that Kevin’s mom, Viola (Jane Fonda), is not very happy to have her as his son’s bride. Viola, who is a newscaster, has just lost her job, and suddenly, she starts feeling attached to Kevin. She regards Charlotte as her new competition — and does anything to make her son call off the wedding.
12. The Proposal
When it comes to watching a wedding romance, then “The Proposal’ probably is the most preferred choice of most couples. The Proposal is a 2009 romantic film starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. The story revolves around a pushy boss (Sandra Bullock) forces her young assistant (Ryan Reynolds) to marry her in order to keep her visa status in the U.S. and avoid deportation to Canada. You will love to watch the crazy chemistry between the two. Don’t miss to watch this movie; it is simply magical!
13. The Wedding Planner
The Wedding Planner is a 2001 American romantic comedy film starring Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey. Mary Fiore (Jennifer Lopez), an ambitious San Francisco wedding planner starts to believe in love when she is rescued from a near-fatal collision with a runaway dumpster by handsome pediatrician Steve Edison (Matthew McConaughey) while she celebrated her newest and most lucrative account — the wedding of Internet tycoon Fran Donelly (Bridgette Wilson-Sampras). After she spent the most enchanting evening of her life with Steve Edison (Matthew McConaughey), Mary thinks she’s finally found a reason to believe in love. What happens later is the thing to watch…..
14. Sweet Home Alabama
Sweet Home Alabama is a romantic comedy film released in 2002 starring Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas, Patrick Dempsey, and Candice Bergen. The story revolves around New York fashion designer Melanie (Reese Witherspoon), who suddenly finds herself engaged to the city’s most eligible bachelor. But Melanie’s past holds many secrets, which include Jake (Josh Lucas), the man she married in high school, who refuses to divorce her. Bound and determined to end their relationship once and for all, Melanie sneaks back home to Alabama in order to confront her past. But, rather, they rediscovered the love that they lost.
15. License to Wed
A 2007 American romantic comedy film, License to Wed stars Robin Williams, Mandy Moore and John Krasinski. Newly engaged couple Sadie (Mandy Moore) and Ben (John Krasinski) plan a traditional wedding in St. Augustine’s Church. But, sadly, for the lovebirds, the Rev. Frank (Robin Williams) refuses to bless the union until they pass his onerous marriage-prep course. While the clergyman puts the couple through holy hell, Ben and Sadie had to believe that they are truly destined to love each other till death and that their love could withstand any test.
16. Father of the Bride
Father of the Bride is a 1991 comedy film starring Steve Martin, Diane Keaton, Kimberly Williams, Martin Short, B. D. Wong, George Newbern, and Kieran Culkin. George Banks (Steve Martin) and Nina (Diane Keaton), are the proud parents of Annie (Kimberly Williams). They love their daughter to the point of almost losing her. When Annie returns from studying abroad and announces that she is engaged. The very moment their whole world turns upside down, especially George’s, who is overprotective father. Watch how George get into troubles, from meeting the in-laws to planning the wedding with an over-the-top consultant (Martin Short) and his buoyant assistant (B.D. Wong). Throughout the movie it seems as if the troubles are never going to end.
17. Corpse Bride
Corpse Bride, famously known as Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride is a 2005 stop-motion-animated fantasy film voiced by Johny Depp, Emily Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, and Richard E. Grant. The movie is about Victor (Johnny Depp) and Victoria’s (Emily Watson). Their families arrange their marriage. They like each other, but Victor is nervous about the ceremony. He heads to the forest to practice his lines for the wedding, suddenly a tree branch becomes a hand and drags him to the land of the dead. It belongs to Emily (Helena Bonham Carter), who was murdered after she eloped with her love and wants to marry Victor. Victor must get back aboveground before his fiancé Victoria marries the villainous Barkis Bittern (Richard E. Grant). If you’re looking for something outside of the norm, then this the movie.
So, these are the 17 best movies every bride and groom should watch before their wedding day. If you are also set to get hitched, do watch all these movies with your partner-to-be. Have a great time!
Happy Wedding…..
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leotanaka · 4 years
judy & punch: liveblog and thoughts
* this post contains lots of spoilers *
trigger warning: domestic violence
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i am loving the music used in the intro :) it’s so... upbeat and creepy and old school with cackling and animal noses - incredible!!! 
“the show is about to begin.”
mia looks amazing :) 
“The congregations of St Paul's grow thinner every day. They're coming to the show of shows, not kneeling down to pray.”
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judy does all the work and punch gets all the praise and credit? 
the skill and talent it would have taken, back then to do these kinds of puppet shows... wow! 
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judy deserves better!!! 
that child focusing more on judy and how sad she is, that her joy and happiness is just an act.
“The show seems to be getting punchier all the time. Very punchy, in fact. Do you think it needs to be quite so smashy?“
the look on judy’s face during that show basically said it all: she’s not liking the direction the puppet show is going in or how violent it is becoming or how much the audience seems to actually enjoy watching such violence. 
happy stoning day???? 
“It seems some folk are getting squeamish around here. "Stop stoning women!", all that nonsense.”
so... they round up women who, have done what exactly? and then get the public to stone them and kill them? that’s disgraceful!
she’s going to be killed for staring at the moon? YIKES!
essentially, it’s like the witch trials? 
i’m glad judy didn’t participate in that barbaric... whatever it was. 
only 20 minutes in and there is already so much normalisation of violence, particularly violence against women. like, the mentality of the people in that town... they don’t seem to realise or understand how wrong it is but rather, enjoy seeing it. 
derek is in love with judy :) 
i take it that punch is an alcoholic. 
“from now on, only good decisions.” i give him 5 minutes. 
what does that dog have around it’s neck? 
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she wouldn’t even have been in danger if punch hadn’t left her by herself. 
did he just... that poor baby :(((((( 
what a horrific scene :( i know they didn’t actually show it or more to the point, didn’t showcase what was happening to her at the time, only focusing on punch but the way they highlighted his brutality and violence while the only focus on judy was showing her bloodied handwas just... that was horrible to watch. 
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damon’s acting in that scene was incredible!!!
and the way the music went harsh and cold the moment he stopped pretending... wow!!!!
“It's been a quiet few days. Still trying to convince the town to trust me with their grievances rather than take the law into their own hands.”
punch is basically that ryan reynolds facepalm when dealing with this constable lol
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they’re definitely in league with the devil. i mean, just look at them. 
scotty found judy :) 
“i don’t mean to rush you but she could expire at any minute.” 
witch fever! heretics camp!
a constable who is reasonable and trying to find out the truth and ensure justice prevails vs a town who is overly suspicious and thinks most people are witches
“Justice and punishment should be determined by the law, Mr Frankly, not hearsay and an angry mob.”
that is what i call a primal scream!
...and they all seem to have heard it or felt that anger... this is going to be so good :) 
those two servants, being accused to killing her are the ones who raised her and people really believe they would kill her? 
“I'll tell you what she's doing in Seaside. Her ma and her pa owned that manor she lives in on the edge of the forest. They bred like fucking rabbits. There was a whole big bunch of them. And the whole load of them was wiped out by a plague when Judy was just a little 'un. Left behind just her and the two servants, who had to raise her up. And then one day, Punch passed through town with his magic show or whatever it was he was doing. Charmed the pants off everyone, especially her. So she ran away with him, learned puppets, and they travelled all over and they got sure and famous. They even had a show in the big smoke and everything. But it all went bottoms up when that arse-worm husband couldn't control his boozing... ..or his temper. And they got booted out of near every town. Flat broke when he knocked her up. So they had to slink back here, tails 'tween legs. He thinks he's too good for Seaside. I'd say he pretty much fits right in.”
i don’t know if that’s what’s happening but i am so here for judy essentially surviving because the hatred, anger and revenge she wants to take against her husband
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“only scouts have pencils.” 
she definitely imagined that rabbit being punch - of what she is going to do to him. 
“Since when does what's right make any difference? What do you think we're all doing out here? Hm? You think we're out here because what's right is important to anyone in that town? Every one of us is wanted for some made-up reason or other. Most done nothing to warrant it. We gotta let it go, let it all go, let all of it go, all of it. Everything we had before we were cast out. Just keep moving forward and hope the rest of the world catches up.”
“They already think you're dead, and now suddenly you're not. That's gonna make you a witch or some kind of devil in their eyes for sure.”
“If I don't go back, he wins. I have to run away. I have to leave my home. He wins.”
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they really beat up two old people just to get them to say they did something they didn’t do. 
judy out here living her best life and being happy while punch’s life is falling apart... it’s what he deserves
i think that constable knows they are innocent but doesn’t know what to do to help them. 
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...and that someone would be judy :) 
polly deserves better :( 
yikes... that was really, really bad - i’m guessing that judy was the one who wrote all of that. 
they’re using children instead of puppets? 
the shock of the audience is amazing! 
imagine watching children fight and hurt each other and actually egging them on hurt each other more. 
“If you laugh, others will laugh with you. If you stop laughing, you die.” 
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“what’s you say, punch? want to team up with the devil?” 
judy pretending to be an evil spirit in order to convince her husband that the devil is interested in him and wants to work with him... SHIT! THIS IS INCREDIBLE :)))))) 
she did that with puppets, didn’t she? 
what a beautiful song :) 
he’s actually doing the right thing? 
punch, you’re a shit!
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that awkward moment when you’re going to hang two people and someone cut the ropes so they survive and instead just fall on the ground.
they are coming for the townspeople with axes - epic :) 
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“I am no witch. This man here, my husband, killed my baby and tried to kill me. It seems to me something is very wrong with this town. You kill and cast out your best souls! Here you are trying to off two of the kindliest, gentlest folk this town has ever known. And based on what? A suspicion? A false accusation by this man? You've all been sick as pigs since you cast out Dr Goodtime with her medicines and such. You're all dressed like hobo street monkeys since you chased sartorial Alice here into the forest. You call us witches,  but what is a witch but a person who sits just outside your blinkered view of the world. And by that reckoning, you should all be afraid. Because I know you all live daily with the fear of your own difference. Today the witch is me... ..but I think you all know, you all fear, that tomorrow the witch might be you!”
OMG!!!!!! i don’t know who was more shocked at that - me or the audience? 
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and this is the beginning of the punch and judy show!
THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The Conjuring 3 (2020) - Plot, Cast, Trailer, And Release Date - EVERYTHING You Need To Know
We live in uncertain times.
Will Trump be impeached?
Will Boris Johnson win his electoral majority?
Will Brexit actually happen?
As we draw closer to 2020, it is safe to say that we do indeed live in uncertain times. Yet, amongst the confusion and complexity that politics has spat out at the world, there is one thing for sure:
The Conjuring 3 is going to hit theatres on September 11th 2020.
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And alas, the uncertainty commences once again.
What’s it going to be about?
Who’s been cast?
When’s the trailer going to be released?
Well that’s why I’m here, Boo. I’ve compiled EVERYTHING you need to know about the 8th instalment in one of the biggest cinematic universes to date.
Today’s post is going to cover what’s been officially confirmed, the rumours swirling regarding this film, the possible plots, and the release date for the teaser trailer and official trailer release.
Settle in folks…
And let’s get spooky.
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What Do We Already Know About The Conjuring 3?
As will all films, small scraps of plotlines, cast lists, and release dates have been left tangled up on the internet for us obsessives to unravel.
We know The Conjuring 3 is coming out on September 11th 2020.
We know that filming began in June and took place in Georgia.
And we know that - as with all of the Conjuring’s cinematic universe - this film is once again based on one of the real life paranormal investigations conducted by Ed and Lorraine Warren.
However, we do not know the exact investigation in question. Occasional whispers on the internet and the odd quote from those working on the film have given us hints to two possible plotlines: a werewolf, and a murder which cited possession as a defence. 
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The cast list also gives us greater insight into a possible plot!
(And by insight I mean there is very little to make guesswork of.)
Once again Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmigo return to the screen as your favourite paranormal dream team, and are joined by a variety of new faces:
A younger Ed and Lorraine feature in this flick, suggesting a flashback to a previous case or perhaps a more personal reflection takes centre stage of this film.
Acting alongside them is a plethora of characters engaged in law enforcement: prison guards, inmates, judges… All of which point to a murder case which will be discussed later on in this post. 
One the other hand, 2 witches are also cited in the cast list. This instead points to the former rumoured plot that will too be explored in this post.
And finally, we know that James Wan will not be directing this flick.
The mastermind behind The Conjuring’s saga will instead help produce it, and the writer of Orphan and The Conjuring 2 will co-write the latest instalment. 
What Is The Plot Of The Conjuring 3?
In case you can’t read (if so how in the hell have you been reading this post), there are 2 rumours behind the plot of The Conjuring 3. 
But Boo, you know I got you.
I’m going to take you through every single rumour, and then explain the real paranormal backstories to the cases. 
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Vera Farmigo was the first to ignite the rumours running since The Conjuring 2 hit theatres: she mentioned the third film will revolve around a werewolf. 
She then followed up this statement by saying that this concept may have been cancelled; nevertheless, the story behind this is worthy of a 2 hour movie bullet holed with jumpscares.
This is the story of the Southend Werewolf.
Just like the original Conjuring film, the story starts with an object found in the Warren’s house. Indeed, it is a book they wrote themselves - Werewolf: A Tale of Demonic Possession. 
It starts in 1952. 
A 9 year old boy, William Ramsay, suddenly felt an icy shiver take over his body, a smell like rotting meat float around him, and an aggression overcome his mind. He was shivering, he was growling, he was intune to his senses.
He had - or so he claimed - become a werewolf. 
He then finished up his transformation by ripping a fencepost out of his garden. 
Super-human strong was often reported whenever this would overcome him, confirming that all these signs bear a similarity to cases of demonic possession. 
Other events of turning into a werewolf bear similar resemblance, including him attempting to attack and kidnap a prostitute and biting doctors attempting to restrain him. After every event, Ramsay would fail to remember the attacks. 
He even checked himself into a mental hospital in an attempt to get to the bottom of his affliction in the 1980s. 
They found no explanation for these events.
And it was following these similar cases of him ‘turning’ - including one that involved the police and splashed his story across the papers - that the Warrens decided to pay him a visit whilst in London. 
They deduced that this was a Demon Animal Spirit. Having been suspicious of his claims prior to their investigation, they then claimed an exorcism was required. 
So, Ramsay was flown out to the USA, and an exorcism performed by Bishop McKenna occurred. 
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At first, the exorcism did fuck all. But it was only when the bishop touched his forward and asked the demon to reveal itself that Ramsay once again began to turn. 
That was the final time that Ramsay ever became a werewolf.
And so the book was written and this chapter of his life was closed.
Oh, and at the end of Annabelle Comes Home, a werewolf like demon appears. And given The Conjuring’s love for a closely tied cinematic universe, perhaps this doggo will be returning to a theatre near you...
The next story is The Trial of Arne Cheyenne Johnson
This was the first case in US history from which demonic possession was used a defence in a murder trial. 
James Wan actually confirmed that this was the centre of the movie’s plot - but a twist is never too far up The Conjuring’s writers’ sleeves…
The story starts with the Johnson family clearing out a house they had just rented.
David - then 12 years old - claimed an old man appeared, and would physically push him and attempt to scare him in a beast-like form whilst he was not muttering Latin. 
The old man also vowed to harm the family and steal David’s soul is they stayed. 
So, just like my second year uni flat?
Alongside noises in the attic, David’s frequent night terrors, scratches and bruises on David’s body were strange behaviours which was deduced as paranormal activity.
So, a catholic priest was called and the house blessed.
Unfortunately, this provoked the activity to then worsen. 
And so they gave the Warrens a ring and waited for their verdict.
Lorraine immediately noted a black mist by David - and if that doesn’t tell you its demonic, I don’t know what will. Invisible hands beating David were also cited by family members, as well as growls, hisses, and him reciting the bible and excerpts from Paradise Lost. 
Convulsions in the night, spasms as he slept… It bears a striking similarity to The Exorcist!
Following 3 exorcisms, David went through phases of levitation, not breathing, and even demonstrated a newfound ability to predict the future. Indeed, he predicted the murder that would be at the centre of this story. 
Due to the danger David was reportedly in, Arne - his father - asked the demon to possess him, instead.
The demon agreed.
Having taken control of his car and causing him to collide with a tree, they then met once again in the rental property. Once making eye contact with the demon - something that was warned against by the Warrens - he was fully possessed.
Fit with behaviour similar to that of a possessed David, he would fall into trances, growling and hallucinating. Once they were over, he would forget they occurred.
It is here that we must note the reflection of this story in The Southend Werewolf.
(Yes, I wrote ‘airport’ first instead of werewolf.)
This would build up towards the murder of their landlord, Alan Bono. The murder that was supposedly caused by the demonic possession is a simple and short story - not to ignore the sheer brutality of it, that is.
A 9 year old relative of Arne’s had essentially been held captive by Alan Bono whilst he was heavily drunk. Johnson in an attempt to save her stabbed Bono repeatedly with a pocket knife.
Not only did he growl throughout the attack, the 5 stab wounds were so graphic that one even stretched from his stomach to the base of his heart. 
Only 24 hours later, Lorraine Warren informed the police that Johnson had been possessed throughout the event, and made the initial claims that it was the demon that caused the murder.
Arne’s legal team focused on the possible paranormal influences, attempting to involve lawyers who had fought in similar cases in the UK, and even planned to fly in exorcism specialists to encourage a not-guilty result.
They then threatened subpoenas to the priests who carried out the exorcisms is they didn’t serve to defend him.
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Yet despite the attempts to clear his name, the jury didn’t accept his claims.
He was sentenced to a maximum of 20 years, and only served 5. 
This will not be the first time that this case has been replayed on a cinematic level.
What Other Cases Of The Warrens Could It Be Based On?
If there’s one thing that Mean Girls taught me, it’s that rumours should always be taken with a grain of salt.
(Oh, and that I’m a mouse, duh!)
That’s why I’ve decided to consider the other possible cases that could position themselves as the plot-line.
And no, I won’t be including the other cases that have featured in previous instalments of this series, such as Annabelle the haunted doll, nor the Perron family farmhouse, or even the Enfield Haunting.
1. The Amityville Haunting
Not only did it feature in the beginning of the second Conjuring, it’s had enough documentation in the media. From documentaries, to horror films, to Ryan Reynolds…
God, just let it die. 
By anyway: the story goes that in 1974 a man shot every single member of his family, murdering them in cold blood.
Once a new family had been moved in, they began to witness paranormal activity, suggesting the former residents - including the murderer - had been led to this violent end. So, could supernatural forces be behind the murders?
2. The Snedecker House
In 1986 a family moved into a house that was previously a crematorium. From personality changes in their son, to sexual attacks and apparitions, the Warrens concluded that this house was haunted.
In fact, they even deemed the house possessed!
However, it was discovered that the son - who was at the centre of the activity - was diagnosed with schizophrenia. And so, bound by conflicting stories and a hostile familial atmosphere, the story was sensationalised to a high degree. Claims of debunking stick close to this case.
3. The Smurl Haunting
A lesser known example of paranormal - or rather, demonic activity - the Smurls was also a family who were tormented by otherworldly forces. 
Sexual assault, shaking mattresses, people being pushed down the stairs, loud noises, bad smells and family pets being through against the wall…
Lord, it’s a messy one.
That is until the Warrens rock up! Wait, it gets worse?
Writing on mirrors telling them to get out, dark masses appearing, knocking and rapping caught on audiotape - this demon was busy.
When’s The Trailer Going To Be Released?
I hate maths.
I hate using a calculator, I hate using excel, and I hate having to add up my grocery bill in my head and consequently praying if I can afford it.
I need to budget goat’s cheese in my bank balance, okay, do you know the struggle?
But I’m gon’ be getting some good karma tonight.
I’ve done the maths, Boo. I know when the teaser trailer is coming out. And I know when the official trailer is coming out. 
I not only deduced the average industry-wide gap between trailer and theatrical release, I worked out the average gap for the Conjuring’s universe.
Pull out your calendars, lads! It’s time to schedule your life around these key dates:
The teaser trailer is out in early march.
And the official trailer will hit YouTube May 8th 2020.
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