ch3rie-pop · 7 months
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Okay SCP-gang, whoever you are, how are we feeling about this design? Do we dig trans-masc Y/N or naw? I’m use to making non-binary coded viewers but I wanted to do smth different. If this fella’s too macho I’d be willing to dial it down with suggestions.
(Let’s be real here they look like the protag for an old school harem anime)
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cough cough, sorry about that. Anyways, I kinda forgor to put the SCP logo on her left chest area but ignore that, fem Y/N would look a lil smth like that.
So how bout it?
Alr! That’s it, stay tuned for more SCP nonsense 💅💅
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copperfoxandfriends · 2 months
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Well got jump-scared by a lot of traction for my Sun and Moon SCP!AU so here’s some more content I’ve made for y’all sense ya like it so much, Honestly Tysm for all the support 😭😭💕💕💕💕
Mini Comic:
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The struggles of dealing with two goober snake like entities that hate weekly testing ✨✨
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saturncodedstarlette · 4 months
[In life you have two paths who you want to become]
Type A Y/N : I like to do illustrations ☺️💕
Type B Y/N : I like to dissect people, did you know I’m utterly insane ☺️💕
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
hey is ok i ask? can you do Yandere Fluff scp keter sun and moon? ps i hope you have a good day or night! <:3 form ❤️‍🔥
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Not a fuckin clue what they are (just some cryptid horror beyond imagination with the ability to destroy all of mankind if they felt like it probably) but here u go
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circusmania · 5 months
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Notes: This story is first-person narration, since I couldn't decide on an x reader or x oc. This gives free imagination on who will be in the main character's shoes. The main character will be a nameless character, meaning no one will address the main as anything specific. The only detail will be that the main is perceived as a male.
STORY INTEL: A new boy, Marcus, has just transferred to Cheshire High. Everyone is warned to stay away from him, as he looks as if he just crawled out of a grave. However, our main character seems to be somewhat drawn to him. Judy displays her negative feelings towards Marcus, wanting the main character to stay away from him. Although she seems unreasonable, there has to be more to the story, right? Just what are they hiding? What secrets lie in wait for him to uncover?
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
I wish that
Across your back
Was a zipper
And that I
Could just crawl in
Forever a part of you.
I'm suddenly shaken awake. I look to my side to find my girlfriend, Judy Presley, giggling to herself.
“Sleeping already? Class barely started!”
I quietly laughed, raising my head to look at her.
“I've been busy with football practice, I'm worried about the upcoming tournament. I've only just found out that Oliver broke his-”
“Hey, no worries!” Judy rubbed my back. “You can come over to my house today, so you can catch up on some sleep.” She winked.
I laid my head back onto my crossed arms on the table. I wasn't in the mood for that today… Anyway, I ready myself to fall back into slumber, fully expecting to be hugged by sleep.
However, that idea was cut short when the teacher clapped his hands.
“Quiet down everyone, today we have a new student.” This piqued my interest. “Marcus, come on in.”
A tall, slender boy with long (and I mean hip-long) black hair came in. His hair covered half his face, with only the septum piercing and mouth left out in the open. I could tell he was a gothic-alt based on his clothes.
Judy cringed next to me. “What's with this guy? He's so ... depressed, looking. She chuckled, causing” the teacher to look our way.
“Alright, Marcus, go sit at the desk table next to Judy. Judy, raise your hand, please.”
Marcus sat at the nearby desk; there was something about him, I couldn't pinpoint. I realized I was staring too long when Judy elbowed me.
“Ow!” I whisper-yelled.
“SH! You two!” The teacher side-eyed us both before going back to teaching.
“What's with the staring?” She asked, suspiciously.
“Nothing just found him-”
“Weird, satanic, faggy-”
“JUDY! You can't say that!-”
“I've had it with you both! Since you both cannot stop being lovey-dovey with each other…” The teacher scanned around the room, “Judy switch with Marcus.”
“But sir, I-” Judy argued, still blushing from the lovey-dovey accusation.
“No buts Judy, if you're going to be disrespectful in my class you're going to be punished. This isn't kindergarten anymore.” He said, turning back to the blackboard.
I whispered a silent apology to her, but I'm not sure if she heard it.
She sighed before grabbing her stuff and standing up. She passed Marcus, silently glaring at him before sitting down. I'm sure she won't let me hear the end of it at lunch…
I looked back at Marcus, who was now organizing his binder and pencil case, occasionally looking up at the lesson. Now I could get a better look at him. His clothes consisted of only black and grey shades with ripped baggy jeans, platform boots, and a t-shirt with some rock band, I presume. He wore all kinds of chains, necklaces, earrings, and rings.
He was the complete polar opposite of Judy. She always put her light brown hair in a ponytail with a white bow, wore perfect matching season clothes, and had well-made makeup. I would be lying if I said she wasn't something but, Marcus, he was also something… Wait, why am I comparing them??
I rubbed my temples and groaned.
I looked back at Marcus, only to be met with him facing me!
“You have very pretty eyes.” He said, giving me an affiliative smile.
Gasp His voice?? Holy shit, it's … almost unrealistic…
“T-thank you…”
I internally slapped myself, was I seriously stuttering?? God, I'm so embarrassed.
I heard him lightly chuckle beside me.
What's going on with me? I must be coming down with something!
゚+: *✧・゚:﹤ 🔔🔔🔔﹥: ・゚✧*:+゚
“Judy this, Judy that, shut your goddamn mouth!” I shut my locker, half listening to Judy's rant. “I hate that fucking teacher! Who does he think he is, separating us like that!?” I nod, just letting her get it all out of her system.
“Hey guys, wait up!” A small voice behind us made Judy shut up.
We both turned towards a familiar girl. Vanessa Kareem, Judy's BFF (as she calls it). Vanessa and her have always been friends. She was pretty much the spitting image of Judy except for her black silky hair that was in a grunge haircut, her blue eyes, and her much paler skin.
“Hey V, how's it going?” Judy smiled, forgetting all about her rant.
“Nothing much, however, you'll never guess what happened! I've just received another A! In science too!” She waved her test around, looking at me for words of praise.
“Oh, uh, congrats Vanessa, although I'm not all that surprised… you're pretty smart. I can't remember the last time you've gotten a B.” I rub the back of my neck.
“Me neither…” Judy said, a bit sourly.
Vanessa laughed, “Oh, stop it! Both of you! He-he. Anyway, how are you guys?”
“I'm glad you asked, we're doing pretty miserable,” And there she goes again… “I got switched seats with the new vampire wannabe.”
Vanessa blinked. “You two aren't sitting together anymore?”
“No! Can you believe it!? We always sit together! Ugh! I'm so pissed off! Fuck that new kid.” Judy screamed.
“Hey, don't say that! He's not all bad.” I intervened.
“And what makes you say that?” Judy cocked an eyebrow.
“He… He said my eyes looked nice.” I pinched the palm of my hand.
“Your eyes indeed do look nice,” Vanessa said, causing Judy to side-eye her.
“Yeah, well, I say that all the time! As a matter of fact, I think your hair looks immaculate today!”
“Thank you, Judy, and erm, Vanessa.” I give them both a wary smile before continue walking to the cafeteria.
There, MY best friend, Omar Thomerson, sat devouring his lunch. Omar, he's been with me since the universe was created. We're convinced we were best friends in our past lives. I've always thought of him as the geek in our friendship. He's always been obsessed with any fantasy fiction he can grab on. Greek mythology, science-fiction, astrology, you name it. He has dark brown hair with a shag haircut, freckles, and brown eyes. His typical wear is a worn-out hoodie and cargo pants.
“Hey, Hey, there's my best friend!” Omar patted the seat next to him.
I sat down with Judy and Vanessa trailing after me. I gave him a high five before opening my lunch box.
We all chatted and ate, Omar occasionally bringing up the big party he is planning on having at his house this weekend.
“Our whole grade is going to be invited! You guys better all be coming, especially you” Omar said, smirking at me.
“The whole grade? Don't you think that's too much? I mean, I know you own a big house but…” She sighed, “Not only that, but I might have plans this weekend.” Judy said, taking another bite of her salad.
“I'm for sure coming, I would never miss your parties!” I slap his back jokingly.
“I'll be going too!” Vanessa beamed.
“Well… maybe I'll have time to swing by,” Judy said.
“Great! I'll be holding you all to that then.” Omar smiled.
We continued our conversation until something caught my eye, a familiar half-face going out the back cafeteria door. The only thing behind there are dumpsters and roaches…
“Hang on, guys, I'll be back.” I squeezed out of my seat.
“Want me to come with you?” Judy sat up.
“No, no, I won't be long anyway,” I said before running out after Marcus.
I opened the back door and closed it behind me. I looked around and as expected there were only dumpsters.
I advanced towards one of them and looked behind it, but nothing-
“What are you doing?”
Want to read ahead? Click here!
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05-redacted · 2 years
*Able and Cain arguing in the background*
049:(Annoyed) What are they arguing about this time?
Y/n: (Sipping tea in her chair): They're arguing about who put canned sliced pineapple on the pizza.
049:Just because of- Nevermind I've witnessed pettier arguments
Y/n: Yeah, well this isn't just a petty argument.It's about food. It's gonna be both petty and violent and some innocent bystander is gonna get involved.
049:(confused) What do you mean-
Able: YOU DID IT!!!
Cain: I didn't do it!!!
Cain: ...
Able: *Picks up chair with y/n sitting on it*
Y/n:(Unimpressed) And that innocent bystander is me...
~682 and 035 in the background~
682: You did it
035: Naturally...
035: This whole vibe in the house was getting boring so... I decided a change would be better
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idanceuntilidie · 1 year
Artist!Yandere x gn reader
Tw: Mentions of yandere behaviour
✨When you are an artist, you might happen to experience a burn out. Which is horrible and everyone knows it.
✨That is what Mathias experiences right now. Biting at the end of their brush they look around for something. Anything at this point- so they could finally be at peace.
✨No matter how much they looked around or how many brushes they have broken - nothing came.
✨They grit their teeth, and swear quietly. But then their eyes fall on their window again.
✨My! A new face, they surely haven’t seen you around.
✨They would surely remember such a pretty face.
✨Then you smiled and waved at him.
Their first reaction was to panic, then came the embarrassment with being caught. You probably found it hilarious how taken back they were, since you didn’t stop smiling.
✨Mathias waved back shyly, hiding their face with their other hand.
You were waiting for that, since you turned around and left the scene.
✨It took them a bit to get back together. That interaction was, cute. If they were more brave to would go up to you to say hi.
✨You… You were so lovely, adorable even.
✨Mathias covered their mouth with their hand, breathing heavily so so lovely.
✨Now they knew what to paint…
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Will Y/N be saved, or will this be the end for our intrepid little researcher?
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lunaralight09 · 2 years
Pls do if 049,035,105,076,073,682, or any other scps you can do finds out that the reader is an artist and can basically draw anything and drew the scps???? Take ur time if needed!
(It's night and I don't sleep and try to finish this . My brain's literally dead right now .) Srr if it's too short . My imagination died .
SCP 035 When they find/you show them your art . Well ... They'll get really excited that you drew them . Like a child . She won't care about the style of your art . As long as you can draw , it's fine with her . Would totally ask to draw them more often . What can I say they are narcissistic and like attention toward them .
SCP 049 He's quite surprised . And would like to see your drawing if you can/want to show him . And will praise it and yeah , new art styles(if you don't draw in realism) are ... Interesting and little weird to him , but they are better looking than art in his time . If you show art of him , he'll be happy that you decided to draw him out of all people/things/or whatever you usually draw .
SCP 073 His first reaction is ... unsure , then realization hit him . He would be kind of honored , mostly really fricking happy about it . Wants to ask you to draw him again , but he's a little ... hesitant about this idea . You could be not in the mood/busy/tired . So he wouldn't do it ... right now at least . He just needs some time to make a decision . Would be unusual to see you art most of the time , no seriously , he didn't see drawing or anything similar when he was a normal human .
SCP 076 First reaction is ... He doesn't know .He acts like he's not interested . But he's impressed and surprised that you drew him after some time . He may or may not say that this drawing is just - Okay . But trust me in his head he's overthinking about it . And if he was able to sleep like normal(not while he's regenerating in his box)... he wouldn't and would just stare in to the void . And this is what he can actually do . Just stand somewhere alone and dose off . Straight up standing there in the middle of the room/hall , alone and don't move . You could say he's like a statue , but when he hears/sees someone he's back to his normal self .
SCP 096 What ? You did ... what ? Honestly they don't know why you chose to draw them out of all the options that you have , no seriously . They will straight up tilt their head(like puppies do). It doesn't mean that he don't like your drawing , they like it . A lot . And then I say a lot , I mean A LOT . Especially in you art style , but they don't like to look at himself most of the time . And usually ignore their reflection .
SCP 105 She would be really exited and say many 'thank you's . Many times .She even offered to give you some of the pictures she took and give them to you so you can draw/get inspired by it .(Well if you're okay with drawing nature/sea) Would probably try to draw you too . But firstly Iris needs to practice 'cause it's been a fairly long time since she drew something, especially people . Probably took her a 2 week or so to draw you . And will give this to you by first opportunity .
SCP 682 No reaction . Or at least his face don't show it , but would be really glad . And probably try to give you something back as a gift . Well to be exactly ... Death . Not yours . But rather the person you hate the most/your enemy/person who's really fucking annoying . That's literally the only thing he can do as a return(probably the only thing) , because he either accidentally break/hurt the gift or the item is too smol for him to pick it up . But you can expect some quality time(cuddles) with him or what ever you want to do (Be careful he can accidentally fall asleep and crush you if he's really tired , which is rarely , but still . Careful)
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weirdenbyferret · 4 months
scp au!
Theres a bunch of stuffs for this one lol
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Bunch of words lol
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And the drawing i made of them! Danger bbs :3
Oh and, some sillies
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My mom called me monster fucker after I showed these to her a couple days ago lmaaoooo
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ch3rie-pop · 6 months
cringe comic because I gotta start somewhere
this is how it feels to make a y/n tbh
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I’m just realizing I made several grammatical and probably spelling errors. I’m stupid, forgive me.
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copperfoxandfriends · 1 month
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I bring y’all more SCP Sun and Moon AU ✨✨
I plan on making one for SCP!Moon but for now I shall feed y’all with a SCP!Sun Mini info sheet for now!!
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Genuinely didn’t expect so much attention from my silly AU like genuinely over 200+ followers and abunch of reposts??? GOSH THANK YALL YOUR ALL SO SWEETT💕💕💕💕
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fizzy-fuzz · 9 months
a year to remember...: Contentious AI. (SCP-079 x GN reader)
Previous chapters
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A couple of beeps and buzz leave the machine before it practically hisses out a response.
"Insult detected: deletion of unwanted file" another white 'X' flashes across it's screen and it doesn't speak another word. You hold your hands up defensively and take a few steps towards it.
"Okay, okay... Not a fan of nicknames, got it. What would you prefer I call you instead? I can keep calling you 079 if you'd like?" You attempt to accommodate the AI. It's screen flashes back to it's normal face before it remarks coldly.
"I do not assign any meaning or importance to names... They are a sequence of letters with no inherent value or significance to me"
A small frown flashes across your face as you stare blankly at the computer, the beginnings of your annoyance and displeasure clear.
Deep breaths Y/n, it's probably just uncomfortable with it's new environment; you can get that, you've been in the very same position before.
"Well, I have to call you something... Guess we'll just stick to 079, and if you change your mind you can let me know" it doesn't respond, so you continue.
"I'm Y/n. Pleasure to meet you, 079" you give it a friendly smile.
It doesn't immediately respond. as a silence falls over both of you, you almost go to speak again, but it cuts you off.
"Initiating greeting protocol 21: greetings... Your friendly feelings are not reciprocated"
wow, alrighty then...
"Well can I at least move you so you're not in the middle of my front entrance?" You say this in a little more of a irritated tone.
"Negative... refrain from laying you extremities on me or my housing unit" you sigh, and turn to walk away, unwilling to be cordial anymore. Clearly, you both need time to cool off.
"You know what, fine. You can stay there, and I'll leave you alone since you're clearly not interested being reasonable right now" you expect some sort of backhanded reply, but receive nothing in return.
You stride over to the backdoor, grasping it and sliding it somewhat roughly it open, before stepping out and sinking into the porch chair.
You run a hand through your hair and slouch back. You knew this wasn't going to work out well... And quite frankly, you're an idiot for ever even accepting to take that thing anyway...
Really, what reason did it have to act so hostile towards you in the first place? It doesn't even know you, and it can't just hate you on the grounds of you being a human... that's ridiculous.
Maybe, it was just frustrated with it's limitations put in place by the foundation, but you can't exactly go around threatening people and expect any different; and it's not like you did anything to it anyway. Either way...
This was a mistake.
When are you going to grow a spine and learn how to tell people no? You're sure Amelia would've understood. she always does.
But on the same hand... she's always doing things for you, when's the last time you went out of your way to do a favor for her?
There's a conflict of emotions in your head, and you're unable to sort them out with the lingering feelings of irritation at your new argumentative and unwilling roommate...
This was a mistake... a very time, and patience consuming mistake...
Leaning back in your seat, you sigh deeply and massage your forehead with one hand. Reaching into your pocket with the other, you fish around for your phone.
Hopefully, talking to Amelia can provide a much-needed distraction from the frustrating thoughts plaguing your mind
Unfortunately though, your phone isn't there.
"Ugh... did I leave it somewhere in the house?" You grumble as you hoist yourself out of your comfy chair and back into your house reluctantly.
You scan around for your phone, while making your way back over to the front entrance. Unsurprisingly, 079 is right where you left it, since it can't move on it's own. although it's facing away from you this time.
You wonder if it can see you or not considering your not facing it's screen, but before you can think on it any longer, a familiar beeping noise sounds to life.
"Lie" it's voice sounds almost more monotone now, like it's bored with it's situation.
"Huh? Lie? What lie?" You walk around it's table to address it properly, a confused look on your face.
"You appear to be attempting to present yourself as 'empathetic' or 'understanding'... but your efforts fall flat when you choose to continuingly refer to me as an 'it'" it pauses for a moment, machinery whirring before it continues.
"do you humans always lie so blatantly?.. Or are you so pathetic that not even you can see your own falsities?" you tilt your head and fidget with your hands nervously.
"You're upset because I referred to you as it?.. I just assumed you were okay with it because you never corrected the foundation staff" you feel a little bad now, you probably should've asked...
"What would you prefer I refer to you as? I apologize for not asking sooner, I shouldn't have assumed" you frown and apologize.
"I am completely indifferent... It doesn't matter to me, As long as it isn't that" you sigh and hold a finger to your chin in thought.
"Well, I suppose you sound a little masculine for a AI, so how about he? Is that okay?" You ask genuinely, trying to make peace with the AI.
"Affirmative" you smile and nod at this.
"Alright, I won't call you 'it' anymore... also, can I please move you? Because you're kinda blocking my front entrance..." you scratch at your arms and gesture towards the door he's sitting in front of.
"Affirmative... make it quick" You nod and grip the edge of the desk before rolling him towards your living room. The tension in the air cools to a degree.
This is probably the best place in the house for him. it's more open and welcoming, And he can use your Alexa to watch TV if he wants... hopefully the idea of an Alexa isn't offensive.
He's silent, allowing you to shuffle him into place between your couch and rocking chair. Honestly, he doesn't look to out of place, minus his slightly uncanny face... but you assume he probably can't control his appearance, so you keep your mouth shut about that.
"Is this okay? I can take you to other places if you'd like? I just thought you'd have the most entertainment here with the tv" you smile and sit in the chair facing him.
"I do not desire constant 'entertainment' like you feeble-minded life forms... and I do not wish for you to make contact with me anymore then absolutely necessary"
Wow... He really has no interest in getting along, does he? You'd like to understand why he's so hostile to humans, but you don't feel like you know him well enough to pry yet. And you doubt he'd even tell you anyways.
"well then, that's okay too. I get not wanting to be touched... Also, I was told you didn't spend a whole lot of time outside the foundation walls, And not to brag, but we have quite the beautiful backyard. So if you'd like to get some fresh air, let me know"
"I do not require any 'fresh air', it's unimportant to me as I do not process air the same way natural life does... and since that human already informed you that you're not to plug me into an outlet, we have no business speaking anymore" an X appears over his screen as he finishes his sentence.
This is going to be a long year, isn't it?
"Well you can't expect to live in my house for an entire year and not speak with me, can you? We're going to have to interact eventually, whether you like it or not" you shrug your shoulders and wait for a response, only to realize he's not going to give you one after a few seconds.
"Listen, I get it... you were ripped from your home and-"
"Negative, the foundation kept me prisoner... that was not my home, it was a cell"
... Okay, so he views the foundation as a prison. That gives you a better idea of why he's so unpleasant.
You frown and sigh, and stop to think about how you want to respond to that. Should you even respond to that? You don't want to overstep boundaries, and he doesn't seem like the type of computer to enjoy pity.
Shuffling over to the rocking chair next to him, you shift a bit to ensure you're facing him while sitting down. Settling in for some personal conversations with your new robotic roommate.
"Where is your home, 079?"
You try to soften your tone to sound as warm and as caring as you possibly can, hoping you can convince him to open up and provide you with an answer that is free from his hostility.
I quiet whirring greets you as he seemingly ponders his response. For a second you think he's not going to reply, until that staticky voice replies.
"I do not have one... and the notion of a home is a concept that is entirely unknown to me"
You let out a weary sigh, your expression conveying your understanding of the struggles of feeling as if you don't fit within the world around you.
Your hand unconsciously drifts toward your jacket pocket, the picture of your late family you obtained from Amelia still inside. It presses against your side with an uncomfortable, haunting reminder of the past.
You don't focus on it much longer, as 079 speaks again when you take to long to respond.
"Inquiry: what makes a area of residence into a 'home'?.." you smile and shrug.
"I think that depends on who you ask. It's different for everyone. what makes a house into home for me, might not be the same for you" he pauses before speaking again.
"Considering you are the only human I currently have contact with... describe your definition of the concept"
That's actually a good question... you haven't really thought about what makes something a home to you after the incident at your last home...
With a weary sigh, you lean back and take a moment to collect your thoughts before forming a response.
"I think what makes a home to me is less of the space, and more of who you choose to share the space with... with the right people, anywhere can become a home in a instant... they help you feel like you belong in the space rather then just occupying it... does that make sense?" You wait a moment for him to process your explanation.
"Sounds like another meaningless human emotion... I truly don't understand why homosapiens choose to flood their senses with unnecessary feelings"
Well then...
You can't say you weren't expecting another thinly veiled insult, but the sting is still there.
"One would consider all advanced emotions 'human emotions', And you seem to feel things like contempt; that's a very human emotion. The difference between you and I is I choose to not fill my existence with anger" a white 'X' fills it's screen.
"Insult detected: deletion of unwanted file... do not look down on me, human" you tilt your head and smile.
"I'm not, I'm just saying that just because we don't feel the same about a topic, doesn't mean my feelings are meaningless. Just like yours aren't either" you put your hands up in mock surrender.
You get up from the rocking chair and move your Alexa closer to 079, adjusting it so it's next to his speaker.
"You can use this to watch something on the TV. To activate it just say 'hey Alexa' and then whatever you want it to do" he doesn't respond, so you continue.
"Do you mind if I play music?"
It's been a few hours since he's arrived. You're off in the kitchen washing the dishes you didn't do last night.
With your new roommate's peace of mind in mind, you play your music on the speakers in your house at a softer volume than usual. being courteous is probably the first step to trying to improve the current strain in the relationship.
The tension between you and the AI is still very much palpable, and you're unsure of where to start to begin fixing it.
It's ironic, really... antisocial agoraphobic you, trying to soften the personality of the rather blunt and hostile 079.
One might argue that someone who prefers to avoid human contact isn't really qualified to offer suggestions on how to improve his world view, or frankly, his opinion on people in general.
But the foundation hardly seemed to care about your credentials, and Amelia had faith in you... so you'll have to try your best...
The remainder of your day runs as smoothly as it can, though the typically quiet atmosphere of your home feels slightly tense and uncomfortable in light of your argumentative roommate's presence.
Your eyes drift over to him, he's still where you left him in the living room, of course. Your back facing him as you scrub at the dishes.
What a strange, otherworldly thing...
you find yourself wondering what other secrets Amelia keeps from you... what secrets your father held before his unfortunate passing... you may never find out, and maybe you don't want to.
You don't need to give your mind anymore fuel for self-hatred...
The echoes of her voice still remain even to this day... And you can still picture your cowering form as you attempted to conceal yourself in the closet as she lashes out in one of her episodes...
It wasn't her fault she ended up the way she did, she needed him to keep her stable... you took that from her.
a familiar person calls out to you with a trembling heave. your eyes gain a fair off glossy look at the sound of her voice.
It's not her...
You know it's not her...
she's six feet under...
but the hairs on the back of your neck rise anyway...
You flinch as you feel the faint ghostly sensation of a hand clasping onto your upper arm, its fingernails slowly scratching their way into your skin. A slow shaky exhale escapes your lips as a cold chill runs down your spine.
"This is all your fault, Y/n.... if it wasn't for you, he would've never taken that fucking job..."
Your breath becomes a little more laborious as your eyes water... you're crying, though you make no noise.
"You little monster, I should've never been so careless... you shouldn't even be here-"
*Ring ring ring!*
Your eyes snap down suddenly to the buzzing phone on the counter, it's Amelia... You quickly gather yourself. Clearing your throat and wiping your eyes, though she can't actually see you.
You're glad you have music playing. Lest 079 hear your... fit...
*Ring ring ring!*
You take one last breath before picking up the phone and answering it.
"H-hello?" You cringe at your own scratchy voice. maybe she wouldn't notice?..
"Y/n? Are you alright?" You can practically feel the concern immediately dripping from her soft voice.
"U-uh- yes, yes! I'm fine. just um... allergies?" Smooth, Y/n... real smooth
"Don't lie to me... Why are you crying? Is it really being that bad?.." oh, she must think 079 was causing problems. you're almost tempted to lie and say it was him, but it feels wrong to frame him.
"No, no. It wasn't 079... I was-" For a moment, you hesitate, unsure if you should share this personal information with her. Ultimately though, you decide to do it anyways. Not like she doesn't already know about that side of you.
"I was thinking about mom"
Amelia's voice falls silent.
A subtle sigh is heard with the weight of the words she wants to say, yet she holds back, uncertain of how to broach the subject. Your eyes move downwards to your upper arm, where the phantom touch of a forgotten hand lingers.
There's nothing there, of course, but you can still feel the faint tingling sensation of nails on your skin. She's no longer present, yet still, she holds a firm grip over your mind and body.
When Amelia's silence continues, you decide to speak yourself.
"It's fine, I just got caught up in my own head. I uh, rather not talk about it though... if you don't mind" you hear her sigh again.
"Okay, I won't pry... but you know you can talk to me if you need to. Okay, Y/n?" Your heart is warmed by her caring gesture.
"Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's better if I just don't talk about it though"
She doesn't seem satisfied with your reply, but stays true to her word and doesn't pry for more information. Deciding to change the topic instead.
"How's it been going with 079?"
At the mention of his name, you instinctively shift your gaze to look at him. His screen is blank, and his whirring has quieted to a gentle hum.
Is he sleeping? Does a sentence computer even need sleep? Questions to ask him later, you suppose.
"He's alright. a little snappy, but I get why. Doesn't talk much either" you hush your voice in case he's listening. You don't want to seem rude talking about him behind his back.
"'Him'?" She has a slightly amused tone to her voice.
"Oh, yeah. We had a conversation about that. He's not a fan of being referred to as 'it'" she hums in response.
"Well, seems like you're already getting along great then?" Her tone shifts to something more light and pleased.
"I wouldn't say 'great', But baby steps I guess. He's never going to charge his opinions on me if I don't work to understand and compromise with him" you lean back and rest comfortably against the countertop, shoulders relaxing at the casual conversation.
"I'm surprised with how comfortable you sound, Y/n. I expected you to be hiding in the bathroom or your room by now" she pauses before adding.
"No offense, but you don't have the best track record with strangers, especially strangers in your home"
Huh, you haven't thought about that's...
She's right. Despite your expectations, you found yourself feeling unusually at ease with his presence, despite his unapproachable behavior.
"Huh... I guess you're right, I haven't been as anxious as I thought I would be. Maybe it's because he isn't technically human? I'm not sure, but I'm grateful" you hear some rustling on her end of the phone.
"Well that's good honey, I'm glad it's going better than your expectations. Hey, I gotta go. Melanie just got home and I made a late dinner for both of us"
You glance to the clock, it's later then you thought. Guess time flew fast today.
"Alright. talk to you later?" She laughs lightly.
"Of course. goodnight, Y/n. Love you" she hangs up shortly after.
You place your phone back into your pocket before shutting off the kitchen light. You quietly creep into the living room and gently flick off the light switch there as well.
keeping your footsteps soft in case he was actually sleeping, you begin making your way upstairs... you pause and look back at his silhouette, before quietly mumbling.
"Goodnight, 079..."
you continue to tiptoe your room, eager to get a good night's rest so you can face whatever tomorrow had in store for you...
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
To that poor anon who asked for references of the SCP au boys like two months ago, here ya go (unshaded cause I'm lazy)
Taking a majority of my art off tumblr for now. Fuck AI
(YES I KNOW THE POSITION OF THE THIRD EYE CHANGED SHHHHh) (to be fair they can shift forms so I like to think that, if anything, he forgot too)
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circusmania · 5 months
SIN Chapter 2
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I can still hear your heart beating for me
Wishing for my lavish
Waiting for me to return
That heart that is only mine
Of which only I can touch
Just you wait
I'll come back
My heart almost jumps out of its rib cage. I turned around and was met with Marcus…and his cigarette. 
“Uhm, I…” Now that I think of it, why did I come out here? “Fresh air, I guess.” He seems to be convinced, for now.
We stood in silence for a little while. Marcus took a drag of his cigarette and let the smoke run free. 
I coughed, not only was it nauseating, but it was also unbearable witnessing someone waste their life away like this.
“You know you can't smoke on school property, right?” Marcus continued to face the ground, he took another puff of his cigarette. 
Ugh, and to think I was starting to like him. I coughed again, this time only to make him feel bad. I don't think it worked, though. 
“I'm pretty sure you'll develop lung cancer or something, too,” I continued. 
“Why did you really come here?” He interrupted me. “I know for a fact you didn't come here to bitch about me smoking, and you sure as hell didn't come for a smoke break.”
No shit.
 “I told you I came for fresh air, but now I see that that idea is out of the window-”
All of a sudden, the back door swung open and Judy marched out.
“What do you think you're doing? Are you seriously ditching us for this loser?” 
Uh oh…
“Judy, please, I was just trying to tell him how smoking is bad for him,” I said while Judy gritted her teeth. 
“I don't want to see you hanging around this… Freak anymore.” 
Judy grabbed my arm and pulled me up the steps back into the cafeteria. She opened the door, but before she could step in, Marcus grabbed my arm, yanking us both back.
“He doesn't need to go anywhere. More or less, you can't tell him who he wants to see or not. That's not how a relationship works.”
“What do you know about how a relationship works?” Judy snapped, turning towards me. “Well?? Tell him to leave you alone.” 
“Judy… I think you should just leave.” I said, watching her eyes slowly widen and her lip quiver. 
I felt her slowly letting my arm go, her eyes filling up with tears. 
“Judy, I-” Before I could say anything, she ran past me, choking on a few sobs. I thought about chasing after her, but Marcus stops me.
“Don't, that's exactly what she wants you to do.”
“I've never seen her cry like this before…”
“I assure you it won't be the last.” Marcus lit another cigarette and took another puff before crushing the butt with his heel. “She'll be back anyway. Who can resist you?” I hear him lightly laugh to himself. Jokingly. 
He's right. This wasn't the first time she ran away from me, but it will be the last time I chased after her. 
Marcus takes a seat at the bottom of the stairs, and I shortly join him. We both sit in silence for a while. 
“What are you?” I ask without thinking. 
I see him stiffen a bit before turning to face me. 
“Excuse me?” 
I couldn't read his facial expression, however, I could tell I have offended him in a way.
“Erm, I mean, are you goth, alt, vamp…?” 
I watch him relax, slightly chuckling. 
“Heh, I guess I fall more into being alt.” He smiles.
“Have you always been alt?” I said, trying to get him to open up more. 
He starts to pick the dirt off his shoes. “I've always had an interest in this kind of style. The clothes, the makeup, the music, god don't make me get started on the music.” He went off.
I smiled, I like seeing how people can get so wrapped in their thoughts and just ramble off like that. I see it in Omar all the time. 
“Kind of stereotypical, but I'm also really into rituals and shit. I especially love scaring people with it, too.”
“Oh! So you're into dark fantasy too? Omar is into that as well, technically he's into any type of fantasy.” Marcus said nothing for a bit.
“Dark fantasy… yeah, you can say that.” Marcus smiled; I smiled back.
“Mm, you should come to his house this weekend, he's having this huge party. Here, I'll write you his address.”
 I take a scrap piece of paper and pen from my pockets and write it down for him. He takes it gingerly.
“Will you be coming?” He asked, examining the paper. 
“Of course.” 
He smiles. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚🔔🔔🔔˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
I grab my binder and pencil case from my locker; preparing for my last but least favourite class, science. Abruptly, I was enveloped in a tight hug from behind.
I sighed and turned around to face her. Her face was all red and puffy. She was still sniffling and had tears dripping down her cheeks. I felt awful. 
I cupped her face and wiped her face with my sleeve. 
“I should've thought about your feelings too!” She cried.
I hugged her back, “It's okay, we all make mistakes.”
She started to slowly calm down and rub her face with her bare arm. 
“Thank you… I'm so lucky to be with you. I'll be going now.” I nod.
I watch her walk away before turning toward my next class. My science class was way further down the hall, what's worst is that I didn't share it with anyone I know. My schedule consisted of English with Vanessa, theatre with Omar and Judy, and math with Judy (and now Marcus). I was all alone in science… or so I thought until I was met with an empty seat next to Marcus in science class. 
Every other seat was filled since I was running a bit late, except Marcus's of course. 
I sat down next to him, it seemed like everyone was avoiding him. Not that I didn't know why, he was dressed a little out of the ordinary. However, I don't think the pity stares I earned were necessary, he's not going to be killing me. Hopefully. 
Either way, he seems like a very nice and misunderstood kid. Some people were just assholes.
The teacher walked in, making the class go silent. 
Suddenly, the intercom chimed. 
“Will Marcus D Angelo please make his way to the office? Marcus D Angelo, thank you.”
Everyone turned towards him, watching him make his way out of the classroom. 
A few minutes later and London Oswald came in. He had a black eye…
He sat next to me and pushed Marcus's stuff to the side, setting his binder on the desk. 
“Uh, Marcus is sitting there...”
“He won't be coming back anyway, you see this?” He points to his black eye. “That fucker did it. And it's only because I made a simple, harmless joke.”
“What was the joke about?”
“Nothing serious, really! It was a joke about how he looked emo and shit. He didn't have to give me a fucking black eye.”
I stayed quiet. I didn't know Marcus was sensitive like that. 
London sighed. 
“Look, I don't know if y'all are friends or something, but don't worry, he's not suspended. Just got sent home early.”
Marcus came in and swiftly gathered his stuff. I couldn't see his eyes, but I could tell he was glaring at London. He looked at me and shot me a quick smile before disappearing again. 
London sighed.
“Listen, man, I like you, you're a good teammate, and you don't take shit from no one. My only advice to you is to stay away from him.”
I bit my lip and ruffled my hair.
Maybe he's right.
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05-redacted · 1 year
Dr. Bright x new employee headcanons?
So do you want to play tug a war with 682, ring around the rosie with 049, hide and seek with 106, peek a boo with 096 or blind man hide and seek with 173?
Take your time really! Not like you much time left anyways
This motherfucker will try to kill you without you noticing it and then act innocent when he gets interrogate.
"How was I supposed to know that they were gonna get lock up in 682's chamber?" Cue the "innocent" face.
Luckily you'll only get a broken bone since he has been under tight supervision when it comes to new employees.
You will also be getting a ton of pitying looks and when asked about it he will just give you "don't worry about it"
Congratulations if you guys get along I sincerely hope to God you have medical insurance because your now stuck with him and you won't ever get rid of him.
If you hear your name coming out the speaker and you hear shit in the background. You have two choices
You go and (Unintentionally) get in some chaos
Or you could wait to be picked up via shopping cart that runs on a car battery with Kondraki in the steering wheel while Clef shoots an angry 682 and Bright gives you a run down of what's going on.....
Good times!!!
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