aurorangen · 11 months
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The new roommate was Chansung, another one of Noah's bros, who's also studying history like Renee! The trio went out to get some fresh air after unpacking and Renee received a call. "Hello?" she answered not knowing who it was, but she was quickly distracted by a dog who came to greet her. The owner came after with her phone in her hand, the name Renee as the caller ID. At that moment Renee knew who it was, it was V (by @tulipsimss), "V is that you?" she said.
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avoteforme · 6 months
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reinabeestudio · 11 days
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Taking her home
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theygender · 10 months
My gf and I have finally decided to open our relationship after talking about it on and off for the past few years so she's guy shopping now and she already found someone she likes on a dating site and I'm so pumped for her. I feel like this:
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radiaking · 4 months
Bg3 Coop is literally so funny. He’ll be out here like “I will lay down my life for that silly bitch with the gigantic fucking eyes” and insist for 2 whole acts that there’s no deeper reason than her leading him to moldaver.
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shiroi---kumo · 10 months
Misterican Memories || Accepting
expressionbean asked:
⏰ + Sumu
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─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ─── "Smoke him out. I don't care what you have to do to get that little coward to show his face. The kingdom is already crumbling and it is his job to save us. So make him perform his sacred duty. Whatever it takes."
Cold eyes narrow down on the clergymen before him with a frown hanging on pale lips. The Kingdom was crumbling. Misterica in all her glory is falling into the deep dark that is spreading out from the sacred pillar. If something isn't done soon they'll all be lost and that damnable boy is nowhere to be found. 
He blames Aurinko for this. He blames Kuu. He blames himself too for not doing something about that wretched woman sooner because if not for her, he could have swayed the King by now and the boy would have completed his duty in battle against the demon gunman. 
If not for that, none of this would ever be happening. If not for her, he could have truly taken control of Aurinko ages ago. Then the boy, for as insufferable as he was, wouldn't have been able to refuse him. 
He should have been rid of them ages ago. The brat and his mother. Aurinko and Kuu must have whisked the boy to safety because for some inane reason they insist on protecting him. That doesn't make any sense. The boy should be protecting Misterica. The last thing their Holy Savior needed right now or any other time was to be coddled but that wretched woman ruined the Celestial Mother's vessel by giving him independence and choice. 
Now the boy thinks for himself and not the greater good. Now the boy thinks of himself as normal, which is the last thing he was in any sense of the word. How dare they take him from his sacred duty at a time like this?!
For being servants of the Misterican people, this is a betrayal at its highest form. The Royal Family should be bowing their heads but instead they have whisked the boy off to hide him from his fate. Undoubtedly those cowards are trying to avoid their duty. This is why his family has been taking on the task of trimming back the rot over these long to be sure that whomever was taking the seat of power was actually befitting of the position. 
Misterica should come before all else and that includes their wretched lives. 
Aurinko and Kuu were just children when they took the seats of power, and they were never fit to lead. He had assumed that the boy would have been easier to control considering how young their precious King of the Eclipse was when he took on the mantle of their true Lord, but he had that damnable woman on one side and he had Kenraali Taivas on the other. Both of them stepped out of their bounds and became far too much of an obstacle when it called for properly controlling Aurinko’s actions. 
Cold eyes can only narrow further as the men before him start to file out of the room a little bit at a time, lips to parting as teeth clench together as silver toned mist floods from between them as he growls. 
 “NOW! Find that boy NOW! I don’t CARE what hole you have to drag him out of! His life belongs to Misterica! He’s never had the will to choose his own fate! Drag him out to force him to perform his duty. I don’t care what happens to him, but we’ll all die if he continues to hide like a coward. Burn the kingdom down if you must. It’s already crumbling and it’s all his fault. He’s failed us all and disgraced Lady Tiamat with his actions. What kind of vessel runs from his sacred duty? He was never our Savior to begin with. The prophecy chose the wrong boy.”
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yuukimiyas · 6 months
happy mon friends!! ☆٩(。•ω<。)و its a fresh new wk!! wooo!! i might be goin on a lil roadtrip to see the eclipse w some internet friends!! <33 im so excited!!! (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ I LOVE SPACE SM!!!
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
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zyana-wyvern · 1 year
What kind of experience are you!
I was tagged by @fereldanwench in the this qt lil test for my main OC here. Thank you so much! I love it!♥️🌸
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You leave people feeling challenged (affectionate).
- a shiver. a breath of cool winter air, a stick n poke tattoo; the last few switchbacks at the end of a hike. a deep red. a proud sweat, a delicious ache. early dawn’s blue hour. a favorite story you love to retell. the excited scream, the staggering leap into water below. not fearless, but not afraid to let a good memory leave a few scars or stains. while you have moments of being rough around the edges—an acquired taste, a book not fully grasped in the first read-through—you can rest knowing that there will be people that rise to your challenge. you give off a sense of knowing yourself, and while that could be the case, you’re still learning, too. the close people in your life aren’t afraid of your seasons, your come-and-go silence, or your own way of showing love. they’re there to stay. they’ll join you on that blue hour dock just to read. they’ll take that last-minute road trip to the desert. you’re here to say, “I know you could do it.”
I tag without pressure @bnbc @cybercaffie @cyberpunkaddict @genocidalfetus @wanderingaldecaldo and anyone else who wants it.♥️
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redxriiot · 2 years
in the teacher verse, Ei's absolute favorite school days are Parents Day and the Sports Fest day
#hc#v; go beyond (plus ultra!)#//Close after is post final exams bc he can treat his students to FOOD#//Parents Day he likes most once his kid gets to UA; bc he will BE SO doting#//And troll the other teachers by ditching talking to parents to go talk to his coworkers and play with his kid#//Will Not want his mom to show up in his stead bc while he appreciates the gesture; HE wants to be there#//Since she never really showed up to his parents day or stayed Very briefly if she did#//Bo he wants to SPOIL his kiddo#//That and he would do it anyways for his students that also don't have parents showing up#//Asks then offers to be their dad if they tell him what's up. Will ALWAYS be there for his kiddos#//Sports fest days are his all time faves bc he gets to be That Dad to his kiddos#//Screaming words of encouragement; personally going down to congratulate them if they win#//Escort them to get food if they lose; then to the stands or walk them somewhere if they need time alone to make sure they're okay#//Personally takes his injured kiddos to Recovery Girl if need be; is like a v worried parent the whole trip there#//Takes all the photos and videos for them; genuinely wants them to feel admired and awed#//Casually talks them up to Pros he meets; about their strengths and capabilities; so they good intern offers#//Most definitely regales his students with Tales From Back In the Day#'Ah; I remember MY. Fiest Sports Festival like it was yesterday-'#'Red Riot-sensei; pls-'#//If he has friends on the staff; he WILL start playful rivalries#//Tell his kids no homework for a week plus a pizza party if at least one of them places higher in the fest than all of so and so's student#//The more fellow hero course students they place higher over; the more bonus rewards they get#//If one of his own wins first place; he takes them all on a class trip of their choice#//Even clears it with Nezu ahead of time; to 'encourage them to do their best and Succeed' he'd say#//And promise to make it educational; like the training camp#//So many thoughts of Teacher!Kiri rn hbdbf
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apaise · 2 years
with dani still at the pattons’ beck & call and emily on medical leave ( aka, lounging in bed with pippa and eating bonbons ), cleo ends up tackling the graveyard shift alone. yet she prefers working the odd hours anyway, the desk much quieter with most of the guests either out partying or snoring soundly in their egyptian cotton sheets. she’s able to work on some of the schedule for next month instead -- noting a few vacation requests, and rotating the housekeeping shifts while listening to her favorite podcast. 
as much as this disruption in her sleep cycle would annoy her tomorrow . . . cleo would have to admit there’s a strange peace to working these hours, too. with the lobby hauntingly vacant and the shadows scattering beneath the chandelier, it’s a fitting ambience for listening to weird occurrences. as izzie’s voice hums tales of european horror in cleo’s airpods, she can almost imagine her life is a little more fascinating than streamlining budgets and ordering floral arrangements. with luck, maybe izzie would cover italy one day. 
till then, cleo would return to one of her favorite episodes on the netherlands. she’s deep into one of the interviews with the locals when the phone rings, surprising cleo for the late hour ( and for the rude disturbance of her liminal space ). she answers with the usual emily-mandated professionalism, all while continuing to log away hours in the computer. thankfully, it isn’t a difficult request; room 1608 just needs some more printer paper. cleo supposes it’s nice to know she’s not the only one working hard at this hour. 
grabbing a stack of paper from the back cabinets, cleo heads over to the guest’s room. when she arrives, however -- the door’s already cracked open. it would’ve been ominous if not for the music banging away inside, immediately having cleo question who this guest is and what they’re doing at this hour. but the sooner she delivers the paper, the sooner she can get back to her podcast. cleo knocks on the door, but doubts it’s audible with all the noise ( luckily the walls of the red orchid are thick enough for the guests to party as they like ).
against the nagging emily voice in her head, cleo steps inside, half-expecting the room to be trashed in a sort of rock-and-roll spirit. instead, she finds something much more exhilarating: the wall of the dining room had been completely transformed, decorated in not art but photos of the red orchid staff. cleo included. she would’ve thought she had stumbled on the ramblings of a potential murderer if the picture in the middle wasn’t immediately recognized: adam h. mcleod. he was the man who had been found floating dead in the pool last year, the killer still never identified. 
. . . which means all those red strings connected to his photo are for . . . potential suspects?
right off the bat, cleo can imagine a few who should be eliminated from the list of the accused. herself, of course ( although she’s torn between finding the suspicion insulting or flattering ) and maddy fisher. as hilarious as it would be to interrogate her, maddy doesn’t belong on the wall; her employment schedule doesn’t line up. before she can stop herself, cleo begins unpinning maddy’s string, placing it on the desk with her paper just as the guest enters. she’s much younger than cleo would’ve expected, a twenty-something year old blonde in a sweatshirt. it throws cleo off for a second, but then she jabs a thumb towards maddy’s photo.
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❝ i wouldn’t put it past her -- ❞ cleo starts explaining her reasoning for messing with the strings. ❝ -- but she wasn’t working here yet. still in her tiny hometown. ❞ with that covered, cleo’s curiosity now turns to the guest. it’s completely inappropriate for cleo to be intruding on her space like this, but . . .  she’s intrigued. ❝ are you a journalist? ❞ ( @feveredblurs​ )
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aurorangen · 11 months
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Before moving to San Myshuno, Renee gave V her number as she did not know the address at that time. Since then there have been no messages...until today! Renee immediately told Noah, who sent V the apartment details and then they started looking for more roommates.
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awkward-smirks · 2 years
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dutybcrne · 11 days
Okay having more thoughts abt a cowboy sorta au like
Dawn Winery being a ranch that sb rolls up to for lodging or a job or smth, Kae still lingering there in spite of Conflict due to Adelinde’s insistence but chooses to act like one of the other workers than rlly act as part of the fam-
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Addie & Kae having a running thing of her tryna convince him to consider marriage bc he keeps planning on leaving#//But she wants him to not be lonely; and BOY does it get lonely out there without a friend to come along and Luc’s the only friend Kae’s#rlly had before; but the man ain’t interested in leaving (is still playing Darknight hero vigilante lawman)#//So they compromise on the form of Kae sticking around#//Abd continuously avoiding suitors who drop by either for business or temporary lodging bc he challenges them to a shooting contest#//Offering his hand to whoever can best him (ain’t nobody done so yet); a trinket or two if they can’t#//So he gets to hoard lil mementos of those suitors but also his glimpses of the outside world he wants to roam#//But at most kinda makes do with roaming Los Terrenos late at night in night watch he’d take up#//Up until he meets that sb who rolls up and actually catches his eye bc they are more interested in keeping company on those late nights#by laughing & swapping stories around the campfire and stargazing than actively pursuing him#//Charming & genuinely getting to know him; no matter how he flirts & schmoozes them to try get them to break resolve & propose so he can#challenge them & thus be done with them (he’s so scared of how fast he’s getting attached; thinks they might break his heart or worse)#//But when they finally do spring the question; it’s not phrased as marriage; rather an offer to run away together & explore the frontier#//Offering to take him everywhere they’d spoken of; everywhere Kae’s ever dreamed of seeing#//And he can’t help but want to concede; bc FINALLY someone’s listened to him and his dream#//FINALLY; someone who wants him for him; and not what he has to offer with his ties to the fam#//Bonus if they’ve bounced ideas of starting up their own little place somewhere; by their own efforts and mettle#//Finding a lil patch of what could be their new home and MAKE it their own#//Aaand I am rambling lmao#//Yknow what; maybe I should do this as a fic instead jdbfb#//or a ramblings with friends hdbfb#//It v slowburn lololol
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aliosne · 15 days
So one of the things I’ve been thinking about with my magical girls game I’m planning is romance. The genre is a subgenre of shoujo, which, for better or for worse, has romance as a core theme, and that carries through. Certainly, intimate and powerful connections are central.
I’ve had to put a blanket “no thanks” on romance in games bc i had a couple experiences that i Did Not Enjoy (it was fine, I was just like this is not how I want to play). But as I’ve continued playing, I realised it’s not that I’m opposed to roleplaying sex and romance (tho like. Im p much always playing with my sister and BIL so let’s just fade to black thanksss), it’s just that i don’t want the DM to do the equivalent of slapping some hole on the table in front of me and saying “go for it.” I want story. I want actual connection. I want you to handcraft a babe for me that leaves me weak in the metaphorical and physical knees.
It’s weird, as I’m grappling with whether aro fits into my collection of identities. It’s also been weird saying no to this in the context of someone who writes porn and has rped porn with friends before. Part of why I’ve just been saying “absolute no” to this kind of content is it feels too overwhelming to figure out where my boundaries are and communicate that. It’s just easier to draw a big red circle around the whole thing and say NO. Also like. I don’t want to take up a huge amount of space in a session zero unpacking My Journey, ya feel.
Anyway. I do think I want romance to play into this game. So in addition to everything else, I’ll have to hammer this stuff out.
Or maybe we’ll get to session zero and everyone will be like “the one thing I hate about magical girls is all the romance FUCK that shit we are coworkers”
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jatlokgwo · 27 days
Who would you say me, you, and Doll are from your beloved show (murder drones)? /nfta /just curious if you've had thoughts on it before
you: alive tessa
doll: v (or doll necause its funny)
me: uzi (i could also be n)
i havent though about it before but!!!!!!
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