taee · 2 months
!!!!!! i'm so proud of us @wonpiris ♡
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luxwritesfanfic · 3 years
Always Attract
The strobe lights won’t stop blinding him and Sherlock can’t seem to shake the feeling that he’s missing out, until he realizes he isn’t. Or, the one where the reader reminds him that they’re [Sher]locked for life. Enjoy!
Sherlock Holmes/Reader
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Sherlock knew very well what it meant to be lonely.
He spent most of his life alone, physically and mentally. Before John, he had no one and he resigned himself to that fact. He didn’t need anyone else. They were too stupid, too vacant, they could never keep up with him. He would never allow them to.
As Sherlock looked around John and Mary’s reception, he wished he was able to mingle and chat aimlessly with people he didn’t really care about. He was willing to try, but it seemed no one could acknowledged his effort for what it was. He thought about calling for John but he knew he couldn’t monopolize all of the newlyweds’ time. That didn’t stop him from wishing that John would be so bored with everyone else that he’d come and talk with him. Things could go back to how they used to be just for a moment, and he could take the time to adjust.
He watched as everyone migrated to the dance floor and began pairing off, laughing and smiling and enjoying themselves as they should be. People walked around him like he wasn’t there and he wondered if that was how it had always been. Sherlock had always kept his distance from most people, they either could never compare intellectually or they couldn’t take his personality so he was used to being singled out. Most of the time it was by his own doing, but in cases like this all he wanted to do was fit in. He couldn’t recall a time, if there had been any, where someone truly wanted to know him.
And then there you were. He hadn’t a chance in hell when it came to you. You burst into his life and tore everything he had built in your wake. You were everything he wasn’t and still no defense system he had was enough to keep you, and ultimately his feelings for you, at bay. With one last resigning glance around the ballroom, Sherlock decided that he’d just go home. He would be the person to leave the wedding early if that meant he could go home to you, and you’d dance with him and tell him he’s brilliant and he’d get to hold you a little closer to him than necessary.
“The most handsome man in the room and I don’t have to steal you away from anyone on the dance floor? Guess I could’ve left the brass knuckles at home.” You walked up behind him and you don’t know what made you smile more, the way his face lit up when he saw you or how the stress left his body when you reached for his hand. He should have known by now that you would always come for him.
You had been late to the reception from being on-call at the hospital but you were finally off for the night and you came ready to celebrate with the most important people in your world.
He tried to hide the upward twitch of his lips but he couldn’t hide that from you if he tried.
“I didn’t think you would make it.” He brought your hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. The strobe lights were shining all over and people were dancing around you but it felt like you two were the only ones in the room. You thought it was selfish to think that at your best friends’ wedding, but the more pressing concern was how sickeningly in love you were with everything Sherlock was at that moment.
“And miss seeing you all dressed up? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You were sure if you waited just another moment he would have asked you to dance, but you didn’t have a moment to spare. You had already missed out on so much. “Dance with me?”
You assumed his answer was yes because as soon as you asked and started to walk away from him and towards an open space, he was hot on your heels. He stops as you turn to face him and he looks like he’s about to speak but he doesn’t. Instead, he grabs your hands and places them where they should be and you two begin to slow dance.
He wants to tell you that he’s spent the whole night trying to connect with people and it failed every time. That he doesn’t understand why people don’t react to him the same way they do you, someone who lights up every room they’re in.
“You’re far away from me, aren’t you?” You asked as you continued to dance, your voice no louder than the music playing but Sherlock had heard you all the same. He nodded as he continued to lead you around the dance floor. To everyone else he seemed as he always did: composed, graceful, arrogant. But you could tell by the way his eyes looked past you and his lack of commentary that he wasn’t really with you. Sherlock was grateful that you knew him so well. He often found answers when he was lost to his thoughts but there were also times where he couldn’t find his way back. He’d get lost in everything he didn’t understand, everything he missed out on, everything he got wrong.
As if you read his mind, you cupped his cheeks between your hands and brought his forehead to yours, dancing an afterthought to you both now. You smile at him and he swears he sees the light. “Sherlock,” you whisper like you’re telling him the secret to everything, “I need to tell you something.”
You move your arms back around his neck and he pulls you closer as you two begin to dance again with the everyone else. The room  was glowing with love, and you were so happy to see that so many people showed up to celebrate your closest friends’ day.
“You were the one thing I got right. Seriously, you were the obvious one. I don’t think it could be anyone else if I tried. It’s you. I love you so much.”
It was then that it hit him that you could walk away from him at any moment and take with you the light of the only love he’s ever truly known. He also knew then that you would never hurt him like that because when you told him you loved him he could actually see it. In the way you were looking at him, holding him. In the ways that you always showed up for him. You were never shy with showing it, he just wasn’t observing.
Sherlock looked at you with so much admiration you thought you’d melt on the spot. “You mean that.” It wasn’t a question.
“You know I do.” It was as simple as that. You looked around to see that John and Mary were free and you started to pull Sherlock towards them. You hadn’t seen them all night and you wanted to shotgun champagne and get your family pictures. As you pulled Sherlock through the crowd, people you knew approached you both and for once Sherlock felt a sense of normalcy. He thought he’d hate it, but he found he was a perfect fit at your side as he reveled in that fact that you’d replaced a lot of your “I’s” with “we’s”. You included him as an integral part of your life and he had never thought that anyone would see him as an extension of themselves. He decided to never let you go.
You and Sherlock eventually made it back to Baker street a little more drunk than you meant to be and a lot happier than you thought was possible. As you went to start untying his tie, his hand grabbed your wrist.
“Is that,” he cleared his throat, his eyes moving around the room nervously before finding yours again, “is that something you want? A wedding, I mean.” Sherlock was fumbling over his words at this point and you couldn’t tell if he was really that nervous or if that final tequila shot was starting to make his brain numb and he couldn’t keep his words straight. 
You freed your wrist from his grip and smoothed your hands over his shirt and under his blazer to push it off his shoulders. It was quiet for a few minutes before you finally spoke. 
“If we’re being honest, the only person I see myself marrying is you. And weddings aren’t your thing. As handsome as you are dressed for battle, I think we’d probably be better off doing a nice dinner. Maybe at Angelo’s with our friends. We can go to the courthouse and then take our own very special holiday. I’m thinking somewhere warm, Bora Bora?”
“Y/N, I think I’d burn.” Sherlock smirked and all you could do is laugh at your ridiculous man. Your ridiculously lovely, handsome, out of this world man. You thought about coming back with something witty, but the way he was looking at you was screaming, “I think I just told you I wanted to marry you, I love you, please kiss me” so loudly that your ears were ringing and you thought you’d be doing the world a disservice if you didn’t answer to your true calling: loving Sherlock Holmes with every fiber of your being. So of course you kissed him. Again, and again, and again.
Sherlock kept your answer tucked away in his mind and it came to surface everytime you walked Northumberland street. He wasn’t even sure you remembered the conversation but he’d never forget it. He’d talk to Angelo about the dinner and leave it up to Mary to decorate the room and he’d ask you and you’d say yes and then you’d get married by whoever could officiate it the quickest. John would get the chance to be Sherlock’s best man and his mother would probably cry and you’d be looking at him like you love him, because you do. And he’d look like he loves you too, because he does.
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jaggedlittleteacup · 3 years
Three Acts
Note: Fuck it, I’m just going to post this now. @call-me-moo.
Act Three
I dial Mary’s number on my dying mobile. “Do c...come in. It’s a little cramped…I must warn you.”
I’m sitting on a rickety old chair in an abandoned building. No, not even a building- a mere façade.
Just like Mary.
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I shake away the thought and concentrate. I don’t have long before I start bleeding through the stitches. Every passing minute is crucial to both the plan and my survival.
I’ve already gotten through the bulk of the phone call with Mary. It’s mostly filler to keep her from storming inside and shooting me on sight, and it’s working so far.
Like scenes from a play...
She’ll be coming inside soon, judging from her initial distance from the building. It won’t be long now.
I can hear her breathing quicken over the line as my question grows more and more personal. “What do you want, Sherlock?” she growls, her voice lower than I’ve ever heard it.
“Mary Morstan...stillborn in 1972. Thought it’d be...a-awfully clever, taking her name like that,” I say softly, clutching my chest with my free hand. “It’s why you don’t have any...f-friends from before...then.”
Common enough tactic.
Mary’s sharp laugh rings out. “You don’t sound very well, Sherlock. Perhaps we should get you to a hospital.” Her voice lowers. “Or a morgue.”
“How...how good of a shot are you?” I ask, biding my time with the questions. I need to stall. Answers can come later, hopefully with John’s assistance.
Even so…
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I need to know.
I can almost hear her smirk from the other side of the line. “How badly do you want to find out? I’d be more than happy to demonstrate. I can see you’re right in front of me, it would only take a single pull of the-“
“If you’re such a good shot…” I take a few shaky breaths and continue to interrupt her, “…th-then...demonstrate. Unf-fortunately, I don’t have any l...live targets, forgive me. You’ll h-have to...settle for a coin.” I force a weak laugh that makes my stomach ache and my labouring lungs burn. “That is...i-if you can…”
The line crackles a bit on her end. “You think you can bait me, Sherlock? I thought you knew me better than that.”
Yes, Mary.
Hook, line, and sinker.
“I want to...know how good you are,” I say encouragingly. “Go on...the doctor’s wife must b-be...rather bored, by now...Because…” I gasp for a much-needed breath.
“Because what?” she snaps, frustrated, as she adjusts the leather strap of her heavy purse.
Added weight of the gun. Obviously unaccustomed to carrying it around. Is she still a good shot?
“Because...you’re a psychopath...and p-psychopaths get bored.” I groan into my coat collar in pain. At this rate, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold out.
“Ha,” she scoffs. “I’ll entertain you, Sherlock. God knows you can’t have much left in you, anyway.” Mary pulls out a fifty-pence piece from her purse and holds it aloft. She glances above, gauging the height of the ceiling with a critical eye, and flips the coin in the air. In one swift move, she aims the gun and fires. A metallic clank is heard, and she smirks triumphantly.
I hang up the phone with a flourish. “Impressive,” I whisper, the faintest smile on my face visible in the flickering light.
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Mary turns to look at me, clearly startled. “You’re…standing. Then who...Ah. I see. A dummy? Fairly obvious trick, don’t you think?” She slides the coin over to me with the tip of her boot.
I lean over with a grunt and pick it up, pausing only to examine it. I straighten up, the stabbing pain making it harder to stand. My breathing is growing more and more erratic, but I choose to ignore it in favour of my deductions.
Ordinary fifty-pence coin, no obvious assistive modifications. Hole where the 0.38mm bullet penetrated is precisely in the center. Fifteen-plus years in the killing business, at least. She’s a remarkable shot, I’ll give her that.
Not good enough, though.
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“Impressed?” she asks, not a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“Spectacularly...accurate sh-shot, yet you...failed to place...a kill. Sentiment, or d-did you...not want to...blow y-your cover?” It’s a risk to taunt her so openly, but unfortunately a risk I must take.
“Neither. John wasn’t supposed to come save you. The doorframe creaked fairly loudly and that alerted him. You would have died if it hadn’t been for my damn recklessness,” Mary snarls, looking more angry at herself than anyone else. “It’s not a mistake I’ll make again.”
She raises her gun to my forehead.
-this isn’t how it’s supposed to-
I hear a click and a loud shot.
When I open my eyes again, I see Mary crumpled on the floor, her chest weakly moving up and down as blood leaks from her body, filling spaces it shouldn’t be. I can hardly breathe from the shock of seeing her so suddenly vulnerable.
“You...d-don’t...you didn’t…h-have a...g-gun…” she chokes out. “H-how…?”
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“Sorry,” I hear a bitter voice behind her say, and suddenly John is standing there, his gun pointed straight ahead, and it all makes sense. “Not that obvious a trick.”
“John- b-but-“ I stutter out, my mouth moving, but hardly any noise coming out.
How…how did he…?
Mary groans loudly, and I move to ask him again, thinking perhaps he didn’t hear me.
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“You. You don’t get to speak,” John hisses, before leaning down to Mary’s side. “Mary, I can still…”
“N-no…” she says softly, obviously straining to sit up. “It’s...t-too late, John. I...I suppose...n-now I know how...Sh-Sherlock f-felt...Ah-!” She cries out in anguish and lifts a shaking hand to John’s face.
He doesn’t push her hand away. “You’re a pathetic liar, Mary. You lied to me, you shot my best friend, you- you-“ He’s practically hyperventilating with anger now, each breath harder than the next. “You killed our baby.”
Mary is eerily silent for a moment, but she nods eventually. “I d-did...John...Will...w-will it matter...i-if I say...I-I’m sorry…?”
“No,” he says honestly. His face is more pained than I have ever seen, contorted with unspoken rage and agony. “You’ve destroyed it all, Mary. I will never forgive you.”
“P-please…” she begs, clinging onto his collar with an almost frightening desperation. “I c-can’t go...n-not like this...J-John…”
“You should have thought about that…” John swallows back a sob, “...before you shot Sherlock.”
Tears stream down her pale, stricken face. “I th-think I l-loved you...o-once...d-did you ever...l-love me...J-John…?”
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“Once,” he says softly, closing his eyes for a moment. “Not anymore. Not since Sherlock came back, I think.”
I’m silent.
What could I possibly say…?
Her face grows sadder, if that’s possible. “I...c-could never...c-compare...not t-to…him…”
“I’m not gay,” he says with a weak smile, forcing a small chuckle.
“A-and...I’m...n-not an...a-assassin…” she gasps out with a laugh, pulling harder on his coat. “I...w-would have...n-never really...k-killed you, y-you know…?”
His face is grim. “I don’t know that, Mary. Because I don’t know you at all. I- I bet...I bet your name isn’t even Mary.”
“It’s n-not,” she admits, her grip beginning to fail. “Th-that- ...wh-what I just s-said…- was a lie...I w-would have…” she coughs out, dark blood trickling from the corners of her pink lips. “I w-would h-have...I w-would...b-because I’m s-selfish…”
He nods. “I didn’t believe you, anyway.”
“I e-even...w-wanted...R-Rosamund…” Mary’s trembling hand slips from his jacket.
“R-Rosamund...f-far better...th-than...Sh-Sher...Sherlock…” Her breath hitches on my name, and her face tightens with the effort. “G-goodbye...b-both of you…”
“Mary,” John breathes. “D...don’t…”
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“G-go b-back to B-Baker S-Street...J-John...And Sh-Sherlock…?” She turns her head slightly to look at me. “I-I’m...s-sorry…T-take c-care...of...J...John…”
Her eyes go glassy and dull as she quietly exhales for the last time. John looks numb as uses two fingers to gently push her eyelids shut. Pressing a final kiss to her clammy forehead, he abruptly stands up and snaps his fingers. “Sherlock. Let’s go,” he says, his tone deathly quiet and clipped.
“I said...let’s go. There’s nothing left for us here.”
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I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I’ve waited too long. I should have called someone. I should have called the hospital. I can almost hear John scolding me already- ‘Why do you never call the police?’
My vision goes blurry as my legs fail me. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go, but then again…this night has been full of surprises. Nothing short of dangerous encounters and yet another miraculous deus-ex-machina from John Watson.
Not dead. Not yet.
“Amb- ambulance…” I whisper hoarsely, before collapsing on the floor next to Mary’s cold, limp, unmoving body.
John rushes towards me, and I get a glimpse of her pale face as my eyes flutter shut. Her lips are slightly parted, almost upturned. She seems to be finally at rest. She doesn’t deserve it, but I don’t think I could think of a better way for her to exit this world. A brutal display of karma…
…And yet…
I feel my flat expression become a weak smile.
She looks...so peaceful...almost like she’s sleeping…
The End (?)
Act One linked below:
Act Two linked below:
Epilogue linked below:
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hotsexydorks · 3 years
I really loved your "Daddy's Boys" story from your Prompts & Scribbles Collection. Do you think you could expand a little more on that 'verse? Jordan definitely needs to join the family—as you had foreshadowed at the end—but what about another Daddy to help the poor Sheriff out with all his needy boys? I feel like Daddy Argent could be up to the task... :3c
Picked up the story from where it left off in the first one :)
Daddy’s Boys 2 : Sheriff/Parrish
The drive to the convention droned on as the pair travelled down the road. Having set out early in the morning John feigned wanting to catch more sleep by turning his head to the side and pulling back the seat. In reality the man was just plotting his next move. This power he had was his, he didn’t know how long for or what it meant but he knew what he wanted, right now he wanted a way to corrupt his new Deputy.  
 Taking the entire drive to think about his plans John could feel a part of him enjoying it and wanting more. It felt so right, so right that he could see that even just his thoughts could affect the world around him, it gave him a rush like he had never felt before. 
“Uh. Sheriff?” Parrish called out. Reaching out he touched the older man’s shoulder to wake him. Giving a gentle shake he rolled his neck and body after the quiet drive. 
All the time that John had to himself let the Sheriff come up with a plan for their weekend. His experience with his three boys already had given him enough knowledge to know that the more general the better. Starting with smaller pieces and building them up was the best way and the fastest way. After all Derek barely lasted a few days before he was his, now he was sure Parrish would be his by the end of the long weekend. 
“You know I wish you’d relax more around me when we’re not at work.” Just like all the times before John could feel the little pulse radiate from his body, the coin around his neck glinting gently on the chain. 
Blinking a few times at the reflection of the light in his eyes Parrish shook his head, swinging the tiredness off of his body and with it began shedding his old self. “Sorry John, I guess it’s just some old ranking habits from the army.” He tried to excuse himself for his overt properness that had earned him his nickname of Scout in the station bullpen. 
“It’s alright Jordan.” The boss replied, sitting up slowly and looking around at the hotel. 
“Looks like they picked out a fancy place for this year’s convention.” He said with a whistle joining in with the Sheriff’s assessment of the building. 
“As long as they’re paying.” John agreed with a chuckle. 
Getting out of the car together the pair both did simultaneous stretches, taking in the fresh flowing air and basking in the warm glow of the high morning sun. 
“Well let’s go get checked in and put our things in our room. We’ve got free time until the first meeting later on.” Sheriff said opening up the back of the car and taking his things out, Parrish on the other side doing the same. 
Entering the tall hotel they walked through the grandiose lobby. Passing various people around them John recognised a few faces in the crowds; cops that he had started with, some officers that he had met a few years into his job, even older officers that continued to help out. Following the scattered trail of people they made their way to the front desk.
“How about you go sign us in with convention and I’ll get the keys to the room and I’ll meet you back over by the desk.” John suggested with a nod in the direction of the organisation desk. 
“Sure thing Sher-- John.” Catching his own words Jordan chuckled as he corrected himself and left the older man. 
With diverging tasks John watched Parrish go off already setting his plan in motion for his newest boy. 
“Hi, I have a booking under Stilinski.” 
“Certainly sir..” With a quick flurry of the information the receptionist looked for their booking. “That’s one room with two singles.” He said asking for the confirmation. 
“Actually, there’s been a slight change, could I get the room changed to a single queen?” John asked, trying to vie for a different room without being too aggressive in his approach. 
“Let me look it up for you…” Clacking at the keyboard again he looked up with slight worry on his face. “I’m afraid we’re almost fully booked with the convention, the only room we have left available is the honeymoon suite which will cost you extra if you want to upgrade.” 
This was perfect, almost too perfect for his plans, fighting back the smirk that wanted to flash on his face. John nodded with only a small smile. “That’s okay, could you charge it to my card?” He asked, wanting to snatch up the room as quickly as possible John pushed his card across the counter giving the hotel worker the go ahead. 
“Alright then let me just change this up…” The clerk worked the system and quickly changed John’s booking around giving him the suite and swapping the rooms. “That’s all confirmed on our end, here is your key and your room is 802. The elevator is down that hallway and then the room will be left after doors open on the eighth floor. I hope you have a pleasant stay with us.“ 
Taking everything back with that same smile John nodded. “Thanks. I’m sure it'll all be perfect”  Winking a the worker John picked up the things and made his way over to the desk seeing Jordan chatting with a few other new recruits to the force. 
The male was smiling and being courteous to the strangers, an aspect John had admired about him which made him want to leave his mark behind it all even more. Take the clean interior and paint it. 
“Sheriff Stilinski!” One of the stationed volunteers called out to the older man with a smile. “I heard you were joining us with a new second this year, which must be this strapping gentleman here.” 
Parrish blushed a little bit at the praise he had received from the strangers, being polite and courteous wasn’t anything he thought was that out of the ordinary. 
“That’s right, Deputy Parrish has been a great help to the station and to me since he joined, I’m very proud of him.” John smiled at the Deputy making him blush even more. 
“John… uh, Sheriff Stilinski - “ Correcting himself again Jordan quickly made sure that he didn’t leave any dead air. “- is just being kind. I’m only helping out here and there, it’s really all the other officers that do the heavy lifting.” Trying to smile kindly he swept at the praise and looked almost pleadingly to John for a proverbial life ring. 
“He’s just being modest, our Scout here is worth every bit of praise he gets.” Laughing properly the older man patted Jordan on the back as he started to disengage the situation. “We should head up to our room though, get our stuff down and stretch out after the long drive.” 
Waving them off the pair separated from the side group and started away from the main floor towards the elevator. As the elevator rose through the floors the sound waved in the background behind them with stereotypical elevator music filling the empty space. 
“Thanks, I didn’t think they were going to let me go unless I ran.” Jordan tried to make a joke at how heavily friendly the group had been when he first went over to sign them in. 
“Trust me, if you think they’re bad now wait till you find them at the bar after hours. You need to be Houdini to get away from them.” 
“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind and get an exit strategy in place. How was everything with reception? Was there any trouble?” 
Being asked about the other side of their plans John let out a soft sigh. “Well it seems like there was a mix up in some bookings so our room got changed but we’ll just have to see what it is. I’m sure we’ll be able to make do with what we’ve got. He said that they were booked up with the convention going on this weekend.” 
The elevator dinged in perfect time, opening the doors a moment later to the corridor. Following down the signs and the numbers John and Parrish traveled down the floor that had its rooms sporadically spread out. 
“800… 801…” John muttered to himself as they both looked for their room. 
“802?” Parrish called out looking at the door in front of him, stealing a glance at what was written on the key slip they had. 
“802.” Nodding in reply John smiled, lifting up the key for the door and unlocking it with a simple swipe of the card. “Home sweet home.” 
In the room it was lavishly open. It was more of a bachelor apartment than it was a hotel room. Stepping in they were greeted to an open room, neatly spread spaces that flowed into the next with ease. One corner had couches surrounding a coffee table that all faced onto a wall mounted TV. The other a small little kitchen area with high seats and a counter. Facing out over the top of the city line they had a balcony that overlooked the surrounding area which had to be one of the best views in the place. 
But the expense didn’t end there. Off against the wall on the other side was their bed, a comfortable queen sized bed, just one. The single unit bed was enough to stop their amazement of the room. 
“There’s only one bed.” Jordan pointed out as their bags came to a halt. 
“That’s no problem right? The couch doesn’t look all that comfortable but we can share, it’s got plenty of room.” John said as he truly acted nonchalant about the fact there was one bed after all he was the one that orchestrated it. “Hey Parrish, look over here. There’s a jacuzzi bath here as well.” The Sheriff called out, waving the Deputy towards him and showing the wide open bathroom. 
“Seems more like an upgrade than a mix up, but are you sure sharing the bed is okay? I don’t want it to--” 
“Relax Jordan, I told you before, didn't I? You should be more relaxed around me.” John started to slowly twist the earlier change he had made earlier in the car, glinting again around his neck the coin shone in the overhead light. 
“Right.. You’re right, Sorry John, I guess it’s just been a while since I’ve had to share a space with someone before, let alone my boss.” Straightening his clothes Jordan swallowed down with the confession the changing male looked around as he grabbed his shirt and fanned the air from his body. “Do you mind if I take some clothes off? It was a long drive and I don’t want to sweat out my clothes.” He asked as he had already begun peeling his t-shirt and dropping it to the floor. 
“No go right ahead, do what you need to do, it’s just us here after all.” John reassured him with a slight hesitancy at how fast things had begun to shift. Of course he had anticipated for things to move faster but this was still faster than even he thought. 
Disappearing from view for a moment Jordan stepped to the couch and started to hang his clothes out so that they could air without becoming stale, but he didn’t stop there. Coming back Jordan was dressed only in a pair of white briefs, cut up into his crotch; the briefs could have been mistaken for a thong if it weren’t for thinner covering over his ass. Which explained to John how the other’s ass always looked so smooth in the tight work pants of their uniform. 
“Hope you don’t mind, I’m usually just lounging in my own place. After spending time in the army you kind of get used to it, you know?” Jordan asked, alluding to the man’s own time serving. With a smile as he came back and looked around the tub. “I haven’t had a good tub in a long time, I’ve been meaning to get one for my place but they’re so expensive to run.”
 “Not at all.” John replied, his eyes eagerly taking in the other’s body. Being almost fresh off of his time in service Parrish’s body was still in peak condition. Muscles cut and strong, his skin was also smooth and soft. All of it looking like it was calling out to the man for his marks. 
Usually walking around his own apartment in his underwear Jordan’s mind began to slowly twist and form into this new Jordan that was placing John in that same space that would allow him to lower his inhibitions and open himself up to becoming one of John’s boys - one of Daddy’s boys. 
“Why don’t we try it out? After all, we’ve got time before we’re needed for anything and the opening meeting is always just a standard introductory meeting that we could skip.” John tested the hypothetical waters dipping his idea into the space with a little wave. “It would be a good way of relaxing together and building our bond.” John pushed a little more trying to shape the other’s view of it with his nudges. 
“Sounds like a good idea, as long as you’re okay with skinny dipping. I didn’t bring any swimming stuff with me and I don’t think it’d be a great idea to get our underwear soaked in the tub.” The younger male explained looking around the bathroom for things that would make their shared, essentially, bath together more than just water. 
“That was exactly what I was thinking.” Smiling at the other John clapped at Jordan’s shoulder as he passed him. Going out to the bed right beside the bathroom the older man started to take his clothes off. “Start the water so it’s good and hot.” 
Reaching down Jordan fiddled with the taps and started to fill the tub and turn on the heater as well. Putting in some of the complimentary bath lotions to give the water a little scent but not enough to fill it with bubbles and perfume. 
Once the water was one the rise Jordan pulled down his underwear and threw them onto the rack by the wall to get them out of the way so that he could get into the pool without a worry. Leaning over, Parrish bent down, sticking his hand into the tub to test the temperature of the water as it filled up and that was how the Sheriff found him. 
Naked and reaching down Jordan’s ass was sticking out behind him, an enticing sight all for him to see. Making the mental note of it being the first time he gets to see the other’s body John approached him from the side his own boxer briefs still on.
“How’s the water?” 
“Almost there, just waiting on it to fill up -- “ Turning around to speak to the other Parrish immediately noticed the other’s state of dress. “I thought we were going to skinny dip it?” He asked, now feeling a little bit embarrassed about his own naked state. 
“We are, but you know how it is. It can get a bit cold, no one wants to be the smallest in the group.” John chuckled. Reaching down he took a light grasp of his crotch and showed off how deceptive the bulge was behind the underwear. 
After gaining his first two boys and putting his own body through his own wishes John’s wardrobe went through a small change. With more fitting clothes, more prouder clothes the older man took a step into a more bold sense of style. It was subtle but enough to anyone that would have watched him in any significant way. 
The cuts were a little bit tighter, the fit was a little bit better. Wishing your own body back to its peak of fitness had its perks now he'd be able to go toe to toe with the best of the young officers. Not to mention the wishes he had for his own sex.
One of which he was showing off to the Deputy. Of course the Sheriff was already proud of his size, but a little more never hurt but that wasn’t the only thing that changed. After all, now when he had three hungry boys that begged to be filled with cum almost every hour of the day a little bit of help in that department was only logical. 
But now he was even prouder of it knowing that all the power he could want was his. 
“Come on John. There’s no need to be shy about it. The guys in our unit would compare all the time. Surely you were the same.” Jordan asked looking down at the other’s bulge the question of how big the man was starting to wave in his mind. The mental shots of his boss's body , mainly of his cock, but his body just posing in front of him.  
“You get a different view as you get older, Parrish. Besides, compared to you young ones now I’m probably not worth the second glance.” John teased through self deprecating humour wanting to see how the Deputy responded. 
“That’s nonsense, you’re in good shape.” Jordan reached out pointing at the older man’s body, his eyes and fingers dancing down the man’s chest until they were gaining on his hips. “You’ve got good definition here.” His fingers brushed past the other’s ribs all so he could quickly move next. In a flash the Deputy reached down, grabbing at John’s underwear he pulled them away in a swift motion. Dropping to his knees Parrish released the Sheriff’s cock from its prison and exposed him in an instant. 
Down at the new height Jordan was at the perfect eye level to see all of the man’s crotch in its glory. Accidentally staring at it Jordan’s eyes looked at it almost as if he were studying it but in truth it was because he felt drawn to it. 
“Jordan?” John called out to him trying to see if he could get the other’s attention. Of course, he knew what was happening, but he still decided to be safe. This, just like everything else that had happened, had all been according to the man’s plans, his wishes. 
Distracting Jordan with his cock he knew that the seeds that he had been planting were all coming to fruition now.
A moment after John called out to him Jordan finally reacted, shaking his head getting himself out of his trance for a moment. “Sorry, just.. Never seen one like yours, and I saw a lot in the tents.” Parrish laughed it off, still unable to pull his eyes away. 
“It’s alrig--” 
“It’s just so big… so smooth….” The longer Jordan looked the deeper his fascination grew, forming until it started to become an obsession. “So perfect…. It even smells so.….” Pushing forward Jordan buried his face into the crook of the man’s crotch. His nose pushed up against the trimmed pubes until he was able to rub his face against it. Unable to pull himself away from the desire that was building up in him Jordan would have been blind sided if he had noticed it but instead the more he gave into it the more it would cement itself in his head. 
“Uh… Jor-” Before John could probe the other at what he was thinking the deputy was pulling away from his musk only to enable his next thought. 
Once his face had been freed from inhaling his boss’ musk he opened his eyes, his pupils blown with lust taking in the sight before him. “I wonder what it tastes like..” Before Jordan even had a chance to blink the Deputy was already closing in with an open mouth in tow taking the soft tip into his mouth. 
Seeing the younger’s changed self growing stronger John smirked reaching down he rubbed at Parrish’s scalp. Guiding him with a gentle touch as his soft cock started to take up Jordan’s mouth, slowly starting to react to the wet tongue that was lapping at his skin. “That’s it, taste Daddy’s cock, let Daddy feed you.” 
Looking up with eager eyes Jordan showed off the new sense of self he was getting. ‘Sheriff…John…Daddy… ‘ The names flowed through his head, each one of them making more sense than the rest until he was saying them out loud. “Dad…. Daddy..” Saying the name aloud was the final push it needed. Shining brightly in his eyes Jordan’s gaze fell on the coin as it took root. 
“That’s right. I’m Daddy, and you’re my boy, and you have some brothers waiting for us back at home. But you’ll meet them after this weekend. Right now. Daddy needs to take care of his new boy.” 
Brushing Jordan’s hair back he pushed the kneeling Deputy to the side and made his way to the tub that had now filled and was ready. 
“Let’s test out the pool.”
Jordan rose to his feet in a hurry and joined his Daddy in the tub. Sitting down beside him he looked at the man while the changes started to settle in his body, the heat of the tub making him relax even more against the heat. 
“Daddy?” Pressing his body against John’s side, Jordan got as close as he could like that. His hand pressed on the man’s chest. Starting its path down his abs towards the cock he gripped it firmly giving him some assured strokes. “Can I taste your cock again?” 
 “That depends, baby. Why don’t you come sit in Daddy’s lap and answer some questions first..” He leaned back to give Jordan the room to settle against him. Taking the opportunity Jordan slid his body over John’s lap and planted himself firmly against him. It was only a moment of adjusting before their bodies were slotted against each other, Jordan’s ass on top of the man’s cock feeling the shaft between his cheeks.
“I’m here Daddy.” Jordan said almost gleefully, taking his seat and smiling. His hands began to rub against John’s body, truly feeling him and getting to know his Daddy’s body. 
“You said that you’ve compared with the other officers in your troop, did you do any more than that?” Taking Jordan’s chin in his fingers John lifted it gently so that their eyes could share the gaze. Staring at each other as it deepened their bond.
“No Daddy, we only just compared our sizes. But sometimes we would prank each other, wake someone up with a cock slap to the face.” The memories made him chuckle, his hands not stopping as he squeezed along his chest. 
“So you’ve never experimented with other men before?” His voice pushed with a slight authority. 
“Not during my service… but I did jerk off one of my friends in school.”
“That's all?” 
“I didn’t really feel like it was for me.. But there’s just something about Daddy’s that draws me to it.” He admitted eyes looking earnestly back at the man. Wide and soft showing no hesitancy for it now.
Taking his hands lower, John began his own exploration of the other’s body. “That’s because Daddy is the best, and you know it, but I’m going to show you why today.” 
“Yes Daddy.” 
The hands traveled lower and lower, trailing down his abs and around to reach Jordan’s ass. Holding the cheeks in his hands John groped at them lightly enough to only ripple gently in the water. 
Gasping at the new sensation Jordan glanced over his shoulder. He had had his ass slapped and hit in jest before but John’s hands massaging him and playing with his ass was something new entirely. Moaning softly the Deputy arched his back and pushed his ass into the boss’ hands filling them up even more. 
Smoothly their dance continued, only punctuated by the sound of moving water and soft moans of pleasure. John’s eyes took in every tick and movement that he pulled from the Deputy. Each little bit as if he were playing him like an instrument. His fingers flexed and pushed along his backside, sneaking closer and closer to the virgin hole. 
Jordan’s hands following his own song down John’s body, over his abs and back again. With his ass seated over the man’s crotch he rocked slowly in place using his cheeks to give back the little that he could. He knew that it was working when he heard the Sheriff, his Daddy, moan. With his intuition proving to be correct the new boy started to ride back more intently. Scooping his hips downward making every moment of contact that he could. Soon enough he could feel his Daddy’s cock growing hard under him, spreading his cheeks wider. Each swing of his hips alternated the contact between John’s cock and his fingers sliding against his hole making his moans grow.
“Daddy…” Jordan warned with a slight wave in his voice. It wasn’t one of hesitancy but filled with pleasure and charged with lust. With just the little teasing that they had been doing in the tub Jordan felt as if it were shaking him from his head to his toes. 
“I know Baby Boy, but we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.” Hitting Jordan’s ass, John started to push the other off of his lap giving himself the room to stand. Once he was freed he slipped backward and sat on the edge of the tub with his hard cock on display. Standing out and proud from the attention that it had been getting and the anticipation of claiming the new boy.
Kneeling with his lower half in the water Jordan was shocked at the man’s exposed cock. “It’s so big..” Needing to use both hands to cover a majority of the man’s cock he grew closer and closer to it with an open mouth ready to take him again. Jordan stuck his tongue out searching for the man’s taste past the water that was dripping off of them. 
Jordan’s tongue swiped back and forth taking him past his lips and down his throat all in the effort to taste him. The moment the taste started to emerge Jodan moaned loudly up at the man in disbelief that he waited so long to experience this. With the new taste filling his senses Jordan started to enthusiastically worship at his Daddy’s cock. 
Thinking about what he had liked done to his cock during a blowjob Jordan mimicked that and hoped that he was doing his Daddy proud. Soon light licks turned into steady swipes, gentle suckling turned into assured sucking. Jordan’s eyes were now shut, bobbing back and forth; he carefully took the man’s cock deeper and deeper until he met an unfamiliar resistance. 
There was something new hitting at the back of his throat, something that the Deputy had never felt there before and it wasn’t comfortable. But still determined to push through it, Jordan gagged and choked on the thick cock forcing himself to his limits, his mouth seeping down the length. 
A strong hand trailed down his back. Jordan’s body tingled, like pins and needles filling his skin, it made him shudder. 
“That’s it baby, just keep working Daddy’s cock.” John guided his hand further down the male’s body. Now that he had Jordan, why wait for more. His hand went further and further, leaning over John started to reach for Jordan’s ass. Pushing his prelicked fingers against the tight hole he started to tease it for what was to come.
A deep sound erupted from Jordan’s throat, muffled only by the cock in his mouth. He could feel the fingers against his virgin hole and it felt good. Mind blowing. Spurring Jordan on even further it felt like the jolts of having his ass played with revitalised him, more than giving him energy it made him long for more. Jordan pushed his legs further apart, spreading cheeks to let the fingers touch him more. 
With a grin John moved. Shuffling in closer to Jordan’s head he placed one hand behind the male’s head to hold him steady as he forced his cock deeper and leaned over the Deputies’ body to push his fingers against the rim.
“You like that, don’t you?” John’s fingers pushed deeper slowly, spreading Jordan’s hole open in a way that he had never tried before. Opening and closing his fingers against the tight muscle the Sheriff started to massage and work it open. 
Nodding along with his words Jordan’s focus started to waver. Dipping back and forth between his focus on the Daddy's tasty cock and the new feeling he got from Daddy’s fingers on his ass, Jordan started to lose track of what he was doing. 
Apparently becoming too lax for the older man Jordan’s sense came back to him when he felt the Sheriff start to fuck his mouth. The leaking cock slid back and forth with power. Spreading his throat, stretching his jaw down. John’s hold on his head meant that he had no place to escape but deeper, so he did it. 
Shoving his head into the harsh thrusts he could feel all of his muscles tightening. Gagging and sputtering with tears falling down his face Jordan gasped for air but also his body told him that his Daddy was more important. 
Surrounded by the sounds and smell of their sex John’s grunting signled the nearing ending of their first journey. Each of his thrusts splashed the water under them. Where John held Jordan’s head was at the perfect height for the waves to hit his face as well. Truly using the Deputy’s through like a toy John fucked and bashed past the other’s reflexes. 
“Take it boy.” John growled. His balls pulled up with a body filling shudder. Taking him over the edge John’s hot cum poured deep, filling him up with his very first batch of John’s charged load. Altered by his wishes John’s cum was strong, heavy, thick and most importantly there was a lot of it. Pulsing full of like John’s cock stayed hard as he threw his head back in ecstasy, there was nothing like claiming a new boy. 
Through his orgasm John groaned deeply. Rocking in place the older man had to use every last bit of his will to stop himself from filling up Jordan too much. Wanting to save the bulk of his load for later John gritted his teeth in concentration as managed to hold back from filling Jordan to the brim. 
Pulling away the older man freed his cock but more importantly Jordan’s throat. 
Sputtering and coughing for air the Deputy grasped at the side of the bath looking for his composure. With a white knuckle grip Jordan held himself up. He looked up at John with a messy face, spit and a little bit of cum splattered over his face. He smiled through his messy recovery, beaming with pride at the man. 
“Now it’s time for the next part.” John patted at Jordan’s ass, one of his hands rubbing the mess against his lips. “Would you like that baby?”
“Yes Daddy.” Jordan could put together the pieces to know what was coming next. He knew that even though he had never done it before it would be the best thing in his life. 
“Good, now let’s go to bed. Your first time should be special.” John smirked as each of the pieces started to line up and fall into place with ease. 
With a quick flash the two dried off, getting out of the tub to make the next stage come as quickly as possible.
Moving both to the bed Jordan laid on his back. Spreading his legs he lifted them up and exposed his hole to the man. He looked at him eagerly holding his legs up in place. 
“Don’t worry Jordan, it won’t hurt.” John approached his Deputy with a smirk. His cock still hard and ready to do the deed. 
“I trust you John, it’ll only feel good.” He answered happily, anxious only for the pleasure that he knew was going to come.
“Then let’s make you feel good.” Now John’s cock was pushing tentatively at his hole. Teasing him with only one thing in mind, claiming his prize. After giving Jordan a few test thrusts John could tell by how the hole gave in that the Deputy was ready.
Yelping out Jordan’s eyes opened wide as the thick cock pushed into his virgin hole penetrating him for the first time ever. “O… ooooooooo” 
Jordan’s cries were cries of blinding pleasure instead of pain. Spreading his pink hole like butter, one of John’s overarching wishes started to take effect. Taking away any of Jordan’s natural resistance to taking a big cock up his ass meant all that was left was bliss. But that wasn’t all. Like Daddy’s other boys Jordan’s body also started to go through more changes. His cheeks, already round, became cakey and thick growing until his they were like an extension of his hole giving more for the older man to fuck.
Gasp aloud Jordan eyes began to flutter. A floating feeling started to take over his body. Rocking back and forth he didn’t wait to feel the heavy cock hollowing out his insides. “Ooo.. Daddy… that feels so good…” 
By now John’s cock was pushing deeper with ease, Jordan’s rocking only helping him open the boy up faster. “That’s it boy, push back on Daddy’s cock, relax into it baby.” 
Filled to the brim with the man’s cock Jordan drooled, surrendering himself to the thick girth. Taking him over it introduced him to a brand new world that he had never even thought about and it rocked him to his core.
“Oh please Daddy, give me more of your cock.” Jordan whimpered out to the man as he begged to feel more than just the static size of his cock in him. His rocking stopped by the man’s hips acting as a barrier. 
After their little session in the tub John was all too ready to break in his new Deputy. His plan to single the male out and take him for his own was working a treat. From above John started to lean down, pushing Jordan’s legs back leaving them in a mating press. Taking Jordan’s legs in his own hands like reigns John started his trusts. 
Sliding his cock back and forth through Jordan’s newly sensitive hole John enjoyed the feeling of his cock taking the male’s hole and so did Jordan. 
With their position pushing the cock deep into his body his eye crossed and rolled back. Drooling and letting out cries of pleasure. Through those same unfocused eyes he could see the faint bump of the cock pushing up against his tightened body. Plunging deep into him with balls slapping against his ass the man’s cock rearranged his guts and forcefully made his space. 
Being able to heal any of the damage that his Daddy could do to his body didn’t mean that Jordan didn’t feel it. In fact, now, he felt it more. Every moment that the man was ruining his hole, thrusting deep in him and it felt right. His body was the cushion between the man and the bed taking all of the strength behind his thrusts going straight at his hole. 
“Cum for me.” John grunted.
At the man’s order Jordan’s eyes fell wide open, suddenly acutely aware of his rock hard cock Jordan felt the all too familiar feeling of his orgasm. Only this orgasm was different. Instead of feeling the pleasure on his cock from his hands all the pleasure he felt was all over and it all came from his ass. From his Daddy. 
Gripping tighter around the other’s cock and making his body feel even better Jordan screamed through his orgasm, calling out for his Daddy’s cock. “Ohh Dadddyyy!” His load shot between them, coating their bodies and flying around them as John didn’t stop. His thrusts didn’t let up, his fucking of his new boy went on and on. But as soon as his first was over the next came felt like it was flooding through him already. 
The onslaught on Jordan’s ass continued. A pro by now John was able to balance his power and speed while making sure he didn’t cum too early and for him that was anytime that he didn’t want to. 
Fucking Jordan through his first John quickly caused the second, then the third, then his forth. Each one rolling after the other without any breaks. His cock was milked each time until it was a constant stream.
Sweat and cum soaked into the bed around them. Splashing from their wet bodies the sweat accentuated the rhythmic slapping that had begun to speed up. “You like Daddy’s cock. But now it’s time to become one of Daddy’s boys.” Pounding down John smirked while Jordan smiled widely and dumbly as he felt his hole getting even better and better. Their thrusts all culminated finally in a harsh slam from the top. Forcing himself as deep as he could go, nestling his cock all the way to the root he growled loudly. His twitching cock began to fill up the other’s hole, spreading him deep and giving Jordan his first taste of being bred, completing his giving into Daddy’s boy. 
Spilling out the sides of his hole he was filled to the brim and beyond. Gasping through the ride of his life Jordan smiled widely and dumbly his body lay back in the afterglow of sex. Pulling his heavy cock out from the tight hole John leaned back. His cock was messy and covered in cum but it wasn’t anything compared to the aftermath on Jordan’s once virgin hole. 
Sticky and covered in thick cum the boy’s hole winked and gaped from how his Daddy had just used his hole. With cum leaking from his messy body Jordan lay there panting, his fingers snaked between his new cheeks to explore his new ass moaning at the lingering pleasure. 
“That’s it baby.” John said as he admired his own work. The wet noises squished from beneath him as each wink caused Jordan’s hole to heal more until it was trapping the man’s load inside him, rounding his stomach a little bit as if he had eaten a full meal. 
Knock. Knock.
Turning his head back to the door John patted at Jordan’s filled cheeks. “You go back to the bath and get cleaned up, we still have a lot more to teach you baby boy.” He smiled. Leaving Jordan to go back into the bathroom John went to answer the door. Grabbing a towel the Sheriff tied the small towel around his waist leaving his hard cock showing against the thick fabric while he opened the door.
“Congratulations Sir, this is the complimentary champagne that comes with our honeymoon suite.” The young staffer was fighting his eyes from looking down at the man’s obvious bulge. He thought if the towel had even been an inch away the other’s cock would be on show. 
“Thank you.” John could feel the eyes on him and even if he hadn’t he could see the other’s face betraying him. “Could I also get the sheets changed? We ended up making a bit of a mess.” The older man let out a chuckle moving his bulge with his free hand he pointed at the messy bed. 
“Certainly… uh.. Do you need anything else?” He asked stepping into the room and moving over to the press and taking out the clean sheets so that he could change them. 
“No that will be all, just let yourself out once you’re done.” John walked away from the man and into the bathroom that was opposite the bed. Dropping the towel to the floor on the way he carried the chilled champagne with him. “Come over here baby, Daddy’s cock is back.” 
That was the last thing the hotel worker heard before all he could hear was the cries of Jordan’s voice mixing with the unmistakable sounds of sex in the tub. Trying to focus on the task at hand the worker couldn’t escape the blush the entire time he worked.
When John heard the door close leaving them alone again he smirked down at the male, his hand reaching around and holding at Jordan’s rounding stomach. With each of his thrusts the man could feel the cum inside him.
“Please.. Oh Daddy… Breed me” Jordan cried out begging for more cum, a need in him wanting to be as full as possible with his Daddy’s seed.
“We’ve got all weekend baby.” The man smiled down at the other, his excitement for the rest of the trip beginning to rise even further ready for all the power he was about to feel.
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countless-dreamsss · 4 years
Eobard in a Wells-Stack
Summary: After being captured by Team Flash for the hundredth time, Eobard gets a visit while he's in his cell.
Warnings: Slight profanity.
Primary pairs: N/A
Canon/Head: Canon
part 2
After capturing Eobard, who was now in Nash’s body, Team Flash left the potential threat alone in his cell. Eobard took off Nash’s jacket and threw it into a corner of the cell before taking a seat on the padded floor. His back pushed up against the wall, his eyes on the glass. He was to wait patiently, as he had many times before. 
“I’m going to get to each of them. One way or another.” Eobard told himself. “I’m done with the waiting.”
“Do you really think that, les yeux rouges?” A voice with a rather strong accent muttered. Two versions of Harrison Wells stood side by side in a corner left of our antagonist. The one who recently spoke lifted his hat before readjusting it on his head. 
“I wouldn’t underestimate them.” The other spoke. He scratched the side of his neck before shoving his hand into his pocket. “After all, you made them who they are.” He added. 
“Out of all the Wells that used to be in the multiverse, I get Frenchie and my replacement.” Eobard groaned in irritation. He leaned his head up, staring at the ceiling.
“Oi, qui diable appelle-t-il frenchie? My name is Sherloque. Sher-lo-que.” Sherloque corrected Eobard, taking offense in the nickname. He straightened his coat as he gave Eobard a nasty look before leaning against a padded wall of the cell.
“Calm down.” The other Wells said, rolling his eyes.
“Harry, he just—” 
“No.” Harry said, shaking his head. The two stayed in their corner. 
“I don’t understand why they keep chasing after a new Wells.” Eobard scoffed, and shook his head as he laughed. 
“The team doesn’t feel complete without Harrison Wells.” Harry quoted Caitlin. He remembered her saying the exact same thing to him when he was preparing to leave Team Flash for the first time before leaving them with H.R.
“You,” Eobard pointed to Harry, “you I understand, but him?” He said pointing to Sherloque. “I don’t see him being as much help.”
“Moi? I’m the one who helped them with Cicada, and—”
“I know what you did.” Eobard responded. “You’re the one who outed my little runner.”
“It had to be done.” Sherloque said.
“I introduced him.” Another Wells appeared, this one with a german accent. His hair and beard were white as snow. Another irritated groan left Eobard’s lips. His cell was slowly beginning to fill with variations of Harrisons. He already hated having to be with the first two. “I thought he was a good replacement after this one’s mind,” he pointed to Harry, “‘went—” and blew a raspberry with his mouth.
“That’s enough.” Harry interrupted him.
“You,” Eobard pointed to Harry again. “What’s on your mind?” He asked. “There's something there. I can feel it.” He furrowed his brows. The one questioned raised an eye-brow when asked.
“Can you do me a favor?” Harry asked, leaning against the cell wall. “Just shut up.” Harry gave the other a forced smile before returning his attention to the padding below his feet. Eobard was intrigued at the hostility. 
“Maybe his daughter.” Wolfgang shrugged. “Ich weiss nicht.” He said. Harry shot a nasty look over to Wolfgang. 
“Don’t,” he snapped, “talk about my daughter.” Harry said. 
“Uff, Mr. I’m-smart-again-now is getting pissy.” Wolfgang rolled his eyes.
“Oi, have some sympathy. That’s his—” Sherloque shut his mouth once Harry gave the same look he had given to Wolfgang.
“Oh? So should I say someone is on your mind?” Eobard said, swiping his tongue across his lips. “Who is it?” Eobard asked, sitting up while fiddling with his fingers. He was beginning to poke at Harry.
“I said shut up!” Harry spat. He was already to the ceiling with Eobard's bullshit.
“I want to kn—” Eobard’s sentence was disrupted by the feeling of his cell moving. “Looks like we’re going to have more company.” Eobard commented. Harry sighed and looked down to the padding once more. The cell was pulled from its place along the walls where the other metas were held. Harry did his best to avoid Eobard’s gaze. As they grew closer, Harry felt a knot growing in his stomach. He was scared. He had a guess of who would be waiting for them by the doors, and he prayed he wasn’t right. The doors to the pipeline opened. There stood a figure holding a bag of food. “Cisco.” Eobard said invitingly. He stood up and approached the glass, his arms crossed against Nash’s gray shirt. Harry’s head shot up, and he looked past Sherloque to get a better look. It was him. It was really him. Harry was at a loss for words, and he swore he felt his heart stop for a second.
“Move.” He pulled Sherloque out of his, now standing next to Eobard. “Cisco...” Harry whispered to himself. His blue eyes locked onto him. He watched as the other tucked his hair behind his ear. Cisco looked rather morose. Given the circumstances he would be upset, but no, he looked too sad. The skin around his eyes and the tip of his nose were red. He had been crying. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
“Even though you don’t deserve it.” Cisco muttered while sniffling. “They made me go get you food.” Cisco held up a bag of greasy food and a large drink.
“It was sweet of you to think of me,” he said looking down at the bag, “even after I tried to kill you.” Eobard joked. “Again.”
“Starve.” Cisco sneered, pulling his arms back to his side.
“You tried to kill him!?” Harry yelled. Harry’s hands turned into fists, and he did his best to keep them at his side. 
“Not the first time.” Eobard smirked, looking at Harry. Eobard turned to Harry. He held his hand out. “I tried to do the y’know,” he shook his hand to mimic how his hand would vibrate when he used his speed, “but it didn’t work. No powers.” Eobard explained. 
“What?” Cisco asked. He was sure, he didn’t say anything.
“What?” Harry scoffed. “You knew you weren't in your body, and you still tried to use your powers? Genius.” He laughed. “Not."
“Who the hell are you talking to?” Cisco asked. It obviously wasn’t him because Eobard wasn’t even facing him.
“A few of your friends, Cisco,” Eobard said, leaning forward onto the glass, “are keeping me company.” He said referring to the three Harrisons in his cell.
“Friends?” His brows furrowed. Looking in the cell, there was no one, no one but Thawne in Nash’s body. Eobard nodded silently. He pointed in every direction that a Wells stood. One to Eobard’s far right corner. “A German.” Then to the far left. “A French.” 
“Wolfgang and Sherloque?” Cisco questioned, raising a brow. “How is that even possible?”
“Thawne!” Harry shouted, shoved Eobard. “Tell him that I’m here.”
“Fine.” Eobard said. All Cisco could see was Eobard being pushed out of place, but not by who.
“Tell him.” Harry said, his face was starting to turn red.
“There’s three of them.” Eobard sighed. 
“You only pointed to two.” Cisco said, his eyes looking over the places where Eobard had just pointed, imagining the two standing in those empty spaces.
 “Tell him!” Harry pushed Eobard again. He would have loved to take a swing at Eobard’s face, but instead he looked back over to Cisco. “Cisco, it’s me!” He shouted, although he knew the other couldn’t hear him. Harry began to pound his fist on the glass, hoping that would have some effect. The glass didn’t shake, but the sound of his fist making contact could be heard. He needed to let Cisco know he was there. He just had to.
“Woah.” Cisco took a step back when he heard the impact on the glass. “What the hell is going on, Thawne?"
“An American.” Eobard stated. “Sounds like World War II.” He joked. He pointed to the left of him, in the same direction the sound was coming from.
“Hey! We didn’t have that Scheiße on our Earth. Dummkopf.” Wolfgang pointed out.
“American…” Cisco repeated. There were a number of Wells who were American besides Harry. This didn’t help him out at all. It could be anyone. Sonny, Lothario, a million others.
“You know my fucking name!” His voice cracked when he shouted. “Tell him I’m here!” Harry yelled. 
“This one is very, very persistent.” Eobard snickered. He thought Harry was going to be harder to get through, but it was clear who the answer to his previous question was. “Want to guess?” Eobard asked, the pounding still occuring.
“Thawne!” Harry yelled. “Fucking tell him.” He chewed on his bottom lip when staring back at Cisco. He could feel a lump growing in his throat and tried to keep his eyes from glazing over. He just wanted Cisco to know.
“No.” Cisco said. “Tell me, or you can starve.” 
“You wouldn’t want to kill poor Nash, would you?” 
“I don’t need to feed you to keep you alive.” Cisco scoffed. “Water will be enough, for a few days at least.” He said, staring down Nash's body.
"I'm done with this." Harry grabbed Eobard by the back of his neck and pushed him closer to the glass.
“What the hell are you doing?” Eobard said, his nose just barely touching the glass. 
“What's going on, Thawne?” Cisco took another step back when Eobard grew closer.
"This one seems to have a temper." Eobard chuckled.
“Looks like he’s gone coo-coo.” Sherloque sang as he looked to Wolfgang.
“You’ve been testing my fucking patience, Thawne.” Harry said. “Breath on the glass.”
“What?” Eobard asked.
“Fucking do it.” Harry gritted through his teeth, Eobard’s forehead now against the glass. Eobard had a feeling this would get physical. He sighed, giving into Harry just this once. He opened his mouth and breathed out, covering a small part of glass in a cloudy fog. Harry used his free hand to grab one of Eobard’s fingers and dragged it against the glass, writing his name backwards in the condensation.
“This is some 'Coraline' shit.” Cisco mentioned as each letter had appeared on the glass:
“There.” Eobard said. “I did it.” He said as Harry stood him up. Cisco’s jaw dropped.
“Harry’s in there with you?” Cisco asked, a soft smile tugging weakly at the edges of his lips.
“Say it.” Harry demanded. 
“I already—”
“Say my name.” Harry said, tightening his grip.
“Lothario would love this.” Wolfgang chuckled, leaning against his wall of the cell.
"That man would love anything that you could relate to sex." Sherloque rolled his eyes.
“Did someone say sex?” Lothario said, the knot in the laces of his robe was soon to come loose.
“Oh God.” Eobard closed his eyes shut. How he prayed that this was just a dream. “Yes, Cisco, your beloved Harry is in here with me.” He said. He eyed the Wells as he finally let him go. 
“You’re lying.” Cisco said, shaking his head. So close. Harry’s heart dropped. 
“He’s not lying.” Sherloque said, shaking his head. 
"Not at all." Wolfgang said, fixing the sleeves of his sweater. It was clear to them that Harry was becoming fairly uneasy. They all knew the other couldn’t hear him, but if it could make Harry feel better, they tried to do what they could.
“Have I ever lied to you, Cisco?” Eobard asked. “Really, tell me. Aside from who I was, have I ever lied to you?” He questioned. Cisco stood silent for a moment. He knew Eobard was right, and maybe, just maybe Harry was really there, but he needed proof.
“Prove it.” Cisco said, he placed the food to the side and crossed his arms. 
“How am I supposed to—” Eobard was cut off when Harry went back to the tactic of using the glass. He knocked on it, multiple times. The two had come up with their own pattern if they were in trouble. Each dot was one knock, each dash was dragged against the glass. “Morse code?” Eobard chuckled. “You’re using morse code?” 
“Shut up.” Harry said, and continued to knock until he finished relaying his message:
-.-(K) ....(H) .-(A) -.(N)
“Harry.” Cisco let out a soft sigh. “He’s really in there?” He couldn’t see it, but Harry couldn’t be smiling any wider. In satisfaction of Cisco’s response Harry shoved his hands into his pockets. His job was done. 
“Yes.” He nodded. “He’s here. I told you he’s here.” Eobard said, rolling his eyes. He knew this would happen. He knew Cisco would get lost in the thought of his replacement. “Hey,” Eobard snapped his fingers at Cisco to get his attention. “Can I have the food now?”
“Say please.” Cisco said, grabbing the bag.
"I'm not saying please." Eobard shook his head.
"Then you're not getting any food." Cisco motioned to place the food back down.
“Cisco. Cisco, please.” Eobard sighed, “May I please have the food?” 
“That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Cisco said before walking to the right of the cell. He opened a tiny metal door on the wall and pushed the food and drink through. He watched as Eo gladly grabbed it before sitting down. “How long has he been in there with you?” 
“For a while now.” Eobard exhaled. He knew Cisco was going to want to know more. He rustled through the bag and pulled out a burger. 
“Has he said anything?” He asked. He was worried that Harry would probably slip up and talk about the both of them. No, Harry’s not that reckless. He wouldn’t.
“Nothing but to tell you that he’s here.” He said, unwrapping the burger in his hands before taking a huge bite into it. “Maybe,” Eo said after swallowing, “if you hadn’t given up my gift to you, then you could have sensed him.”
“Fuck you, Thawne.” Cisco acerbically, his eyes were filled with regret. He knew he was always going to be haunted by his decision on taking the cure. “I don’t want anything from you.” He said, but Harry was shaking his head. He wasn't going to say anything in front of Eobard that could possibly be used against him.
“You should speak to him while you can.” Eobard said, throwing some fries into his mouth. “I don’t believe he has much time left.” He took another large bite of his burger.
“Harry?” Cisco said. Harry watched as Cisco’s eyes scanned the cell. He was looking for him. Harry knocked on the glass once more to let him know he was still there. Cisco placed his hand where he believed the knock came from. Harry couldn’t help but do the same. Both of their eyes glazed with tears ready to burn their skin. “Te amo mucho. Te extraño. Lo siento.” He whispered.
“Yo también.” Harry responded. He couldn’t say he was fluent in the language. He only picked up on whatever Cisco would say or taught him during his stay on Earth-1. 
“How sweet.” Sherloque muttered to himself. 
"My heart. This is too sweet, but when did dumb-dumb get his smartness back?" Lothario said as he tightened the laces of his robe. 
"This is what happens when you're late. You were always late to our meetings before, and you're still appearing late now." Wolfgang scolded. Eobard watched Harry and Cisco silently. He remembered how that relationship felt. He remembered having Cisco by his side everyday as he played his ruse of Dr. Harrison Wells. All the time they spent renovating his house, the wheelchair, all of it. After everything Thawne had done to him, he knew Cisco wasn’t his anymore. Cisco hung his head as he let his tears fall. Each one burned his skin as they traveled down his cheek. 
“Hey, no.” Harry said, shaking his head. “No, no ll-...what’s the word again?” He asked himself, trying to remember the word. “Llores.” He softly coughed, holding back his own tears. “No llores.” He knocked on the glass, hoping he would stop.
“Fuck me.” Cisco whimpered. He gave a soft chuckle as he wiped his tears away, it was if he could hear Harry’s voice in his head telling him not to cry. He took a deep breath before looking back up at the last person he wanted to see. The two were eye-to-eye. He hated it. He wanted to see Harry. He wanted to see Nash and the others. He clenched his jaw and slowly backed away from the cell. Harry waved good-bye as the doors to the pipeline closed on them. 
“How sweet.” Eobard said, using a napkin to wipe his lips. During the short amount of time Harry was using to spend time with Cisco, Eobard used to devour every last bit of food in that bag. Harry returned himself to his corner and sat down next to Sherloque. “You love him.” Eobard said, gathering all of his trash and stuffing it in the bag. 
“What?” Harry said, chewing on his lip as he looked at Eobard.
“You love him.” He repeated, placing the trash to the side.
“He’s my best friend.” Harry said, looking down to his hands.
“So you do.” Eobard said, wrapping his arms around his knees. “I did too.” He nodded, looking down to Nash's shoes. "But, does he love you?"
“What do you mean? He just—”
“When he first saw you, Wells, and I’m talking about the very first time he saw you,” he said looking down to his hands. “I’m pretty sure the first thought that came into his mind was me.” A smirk pulled at his lips. Eobard had no problem with toying with Cisco’s favorite.
“Be careful.” Sherloque whispered into Harry's ear. The two closely watched Eobard. Sherloque could see where Eobard was taking this, and he wasn’t going to let the doubt in Harry’s head grow anymore than it already had.
“That’s what everyone thought. Everyone thought I was you.” Harry shrugged. He played it off. He remembered the first week he spent at S.T.AR. Labs, Cisco couldn’t even look at him. Their first conversation, Cisco told him how Eobard put his hand through Cisco’s chest and stopped his heart. Harry’s response to the traumatic story was a laugh. A fucking laugh.
“You were just a familiar face to him.” Eobard said, standing up. “One where once trust was broken, and then rebuilt.” He added.
“What are you trying to get at?” Wolfgang asked. Eobard, once again, was up to no good and he could sense it.
“I’m just saying, y’know,” he said nonchalantly, “it’s not really you who he was trying to become friends with.” Eobard’s tone became rather serious very quickly. “It’s me who he wanted back.”
“I doubt that.” Harry scoffed, but in reality he did feel threatened. He always had the fear in his mind that it was Eobard who Cisco was searching for. 
“Tell me, did he ever bring me up?” Eobard asked, his smirk growing wider. He was biting deeper into Harry, and it was written all over his face. 
"Yes." Harry nodded. "He would bring you up a lot actually," he said as he began to think of it. 
"What would he say?" Eobard asked, crossing his arms. 
"Never anything good." Harry said.
"You're lying." Eobard shrugged. "You're fucking lying." He pursed his lips in frustration and shook his head, his face was becoming heated. "There's no way everything he said about me was bad." 
"He only spoke about how hurt he was." Harry looked him in the eyes. "Hurt, knowing the one man he trusted was a fraud." He lied.
"It can't be just that." Eobard shook his head. "You're lying." He repeated. "I was his best friend." He said in a rather menacing tone. Eobard was becoming defensive.
"Was is past tense." Sherloque interrupted. 
"Shut up, Frenchie." Eobard held his hand up to him. "I was everything to him." He pointed to his chest. "I was the only family he had when his own would turn him away. It was me. Not you!" 
"You left him traumatized!" Harry yelled. He took a deep breath, holding his hands tightly together. "You left him broken, someone else came and picked up the pieces. That wasn't enough though," Harry said shaking his head. "He still can't get over you. Six years, Thawne. Six fucking years, and you’re still embedded in his mind."
"That's because he still has love for me." Eobard said. "I don't care how much you hate it, Harry. He does and you know it." 
"The thought of you sickens him." Harry gritted through his teeth. "You didn't deserve him."
Before Eobard could answer, another Wells appeared, and this one didn’t hesitate to throw a punch to Eobard’s face.
“Wer the hell is this?” Wolfgang said, pointing to the Wells that knocked Eobard over. 
“Who am I?” He yelled. “That’s my body!” He pointed the body that was now sprawled on the ground.
“You’re one that stole my diary.” Harry said, crossing his arms.
“You’re the reason the multiverse is gone.” Lothario said.
“Yes, yes I stole your diary.” Nash said. “I needed to know, okay?” He said. “I needed to know what was going on. Who I was seeing.” He said, looking around the cell. He noticed two that he’s never seen before. “I—” He froze staring at Lothario. “I’m not even going to ask.” 
“They’re the other Wells from when the multiverse still existed.” Eobard responded once he was back to his feet.
“Get out of my body.” Nash said. 
“I do what I fucking want. I’m not going anywhere. You're stuck with me.” Eobard said in that low voice of his. Nash cocked his arm, ready to punch Eobard for another time. His body or not, he wasn't going to let this slide. He knocked Eobard over for another time then climbed on top of him and continued to give Eobard punches to the face. This was the second time he was attacked today. Harry was the first to react. Oh how he too wanted to give Eobard just one good punch, but he was better than that.
"Nash, Stop." He hooked his arms under Nash's and pulled him off. The others followed, helping Harry to keep Nash, who was still ready to fight, in the corner of the cell. Eobard stayed on the ground. The 5 of them stood crowded, looking down at Eobard.
"This is gonna be fun." He gave a sinister laugh, his tongue picking up the drops of blood on his lips. He picked himself back up and sat down in the corner across from them. "Once I get out of here," he said, using the pad of thumb to wipe off any excess blood, "and I get my speed back, it's over for all of you." He gave a half-heartedly cut-throat gesture. "And you're going first." He pointed to Nash.
les yeux rouges = red eyes
qui diable appelle-t-il frenchie? = who the hell is he calling frenchie?
Moi = Me
Ich weiss nicht = I don't know
Scheiße = shit
Dummkopf = Idiot/blockhead
Te amo mucho = I love you a lot
Te extraño = I miss you
Lo siento = I'm sorry
Yo también = Me too
No llores = Don't cry
Wer = Who
//thanks @smutfornerds for the name of the fic! if it wasn’t for her it’d be name something terrible\\
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whenimgoodandready · 4 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Finale Season Epilogue
—The Departure—
(Star and Marco slowly walk up to each other and stop once they are face to face)
Marco:(softy) “Hey”
Star:(softly) “Hi”
(they stare at each other fondly as the final music score plays and the camera pans up to the “Earthni” sky)
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) ���And that’s a wrap!”
(the alarm rings)
(Star starts to cry. Marco looks concerned)
Marco:”Star? Star what’s wrong?”
Star:(wipes away her tears) “Oh, nothing” (sniffles) “I’m just so happy I went through all this. With my friends, family and even a bunch of celebrities I never thought I’d meet”
Marco:(confused) “But, you’re a celebrity yourself, don’t you already know everyone?”
Star:(laughs) “Marco, just cuz I’m a celebrity doesn’t mean I know everyone! I never thought I’d meet band members like the lead singers of “Fall Out Boy” and “98 Degrees” (turns to see Ruberiot (Patrick Stump) and Justin Towers (Nick Lachey) who are next to each other and smiling at her) “Or have insanely detailed cosplayers (shows Marco a cosplayer dressed up as Star on her iPhone) “Or even a big namer like Toffee!” (turns to look at Toffee)
Toffee:(about to sip his coffee, but stops when he hears his name and turns to Star) “What, what?”
Marco:(blushing) “Oh, right” (nervously laughs) “And here I thought I was the lucky one starring in a hit tv show with the actress from “The Middle” (Star smiles) “Or doing my karate on camera for everyone at home to see” (turns to look at Jeremy is shown next to Sensei)
Jeremy:(waves frantically smiling) “Hi Marco!”
Marco:(waves back at Jeremy smiling then turns back to Star) “And best of all, I got a TV Star girlfriend!”
(Jackie comes in putting her arm around Marco)
Jackie:(teasingly) “Whoa there! Don’t go putting me on a pedestal bringing me offerers now”
(Marco laughs)
Janna:(stepping into the scene with all her sass) “Quick the water works Star, we’re still gonna see each other again tonight for the big farewell party here”
Tom:(walks into the scene as well) “Yeah, there’s gonna be music, food, the cast of “The Owl House” gonna show up! I’ve seen sneak peaks of that, looks awesome!”
Pony Head:(flies in) “And champaign!”
Star:(her face lights up) “Really!”
Pony Head:(with a sour look) “Yeah, but only for the adults” (blows a raspberry)
(Moon walks in)
Moon:(playfully) “Oh hush Pony” (she puts a hand to Star) “Star, I know you can be sensitive to these things. Much like how you were when your show, “The Middle” ended. You saw the cast as your family and I understand. I may be your TV Mom, but I love you like a real mother does. I’ve seen you at your best and worst on set, but in the end, I still love you cuz that’s how family is. It’s like being on TV. You mold yourself into the character you want to be and take each step of your life as a scene. If the “scene” turns out bad, then you “review” it so as to not make the same mistakes for a better ending. To me, this ending turned out well cuz I did it with my family”
Eclipsa:(walks in on the scene) “It’s true. I felt like the cast of my show “Game of Thrones” were like my family and sadly” (sighs softly) “It’s ending too. I’m going to miss everyone there. It was so much fun, but I’ll be honest. I liked working here better. I loved my character and working with all these talented children, doing something cute and family friendly and being on Disney and of course, you Star”
Star:(looks around the people that she’s worked with for her show smiling and sniffles) “You guys are the best. I’m gonna miss you all” (her face lights up with an idea) “Wait! I wanna remember this moment!” (she pulls out her iPhone and starts waving her hand in the air) “Everyone! Gather around! I wanna get a picture!”
(Star holds her iPhone in the air with selfie mode on as she pushes in Marco, Tom, Jackie, Janna, Moon and Eclipsa together as Pony Head flies in closer and Star gestures for them to stick together as she walks off to grab more people)
Tom:”Ow” (turns to Janna) “You’re stepping on my boots!”
Janna:”Well scoot over!”
Pony Head:(pushes aside Marco) “Move over Karate Kid, I wanna be next to Star! This pic is gonna go viral!”
Marco:”I’m the star!”
Pony Head:”Yeah, co-star! There’s a difference!”
(Star comes in dragging Toffee who’s reluctant)
Toffee:(trying to pull off Stars hand from his arm) “Star! This is Armani!”
Star:”Oh Toffee, it’s a rental!” (she pushes Toffee in with the group and runs off to grab Starfan13 and Oskar who position themselves in the group photo with everyone ready and smiling. Stars about to take the picture when suddenly she stops) “WAIT! Wait! Wait! Wait! I’m missing some people!”
(the group groans as Star runs off to grab others. As they wait, Jack wraps her arms around Marco, Janna attempts to give the middle finger only for Tom to lower it down and glare at her shaking his head going “MmMmm” and Janna blaring back at him and Oskar giving the “Rock On!” sign. Star brings in River, Buff Frog, Alfonzo, Ferguson, Angie, Sensei, Rafael, Ludo, Brittany, Jeremy, Kelly, Mina, Hekapoo, Globgor and even Brian H. Kim and more importantly, Daron Nefcy herself who get into position next to their closest characters companions (ex.Alfonzo and Ferguson next to Marco) and Star gets in the center to finally take the picture)
Janna:”You know Star, there’s a poster of all of us in it, right!? I mean, it’s what’s saving the trouble for this”
Star:”Alright Everyone! Say, “Narwal Blast!”” (quickly takes the picture before they could say it) “Eat your heart out Ellen”
Marco:”Wait I think I blinked!”
Janna:”You suck”
Director Daron:(claps her hands to get everyone’s attention) “C’mon people! We need to clear out to prepare this place for party tonight!”
(the group breaks loose (except Daron) and walks away as the camera crew leave along with the make-up artists, special effects team and the script writers. Star stands in place watching everyone depart smiling and waving)
Moon:(waves at Star) “Bye dear! See you tonight”
River:(waves) ”Bye TV daughter!”
Eclipsa:”See you tonight sweetie!”
Janna:(holds up a peace sign) “I’ll see you tonight at 7!” (winks at Star for the reference)
(Star gives a thumbs up)
Daron:”Star!” (Star looks up to Daron) “I just wanna say thank you for being “Star Butterfly”. There was a reason I named the character “Star” and that’s cuz seeing your character, Sue Heck, an optimist and eccentric girl going through life no matter how God awful it got, made me wanna create a girl who was actually like that and making it better by giving her magical powers! So I saw your name in the credits, Star Sher, and I thought about my character and said, “I want her blossom and grow”. That’s when the word butterfly came to mind. Star Butterfly. I was like you once. Guess I just saw a bit of myself in you and wanted let that same little be do great things” (Star’s eyes light up) “I also wanna apologize for my outburst before our final shooting” (looks away embarrassed) “I was under a lot of pressure from making sure everything went perfectly and I guess I turned into a dragon lady or something. Heavy is the head that wears the crown” (makes a small laugh. Star’s face comes to a realization of that, but goes back to her smile for Daron) “I hope we’re okay so that we can have fun at the party tonight”
Star:”We’re great!”
(Daron was so touched, she hugs Star and Star quickly hugs her back. Daron gently breaks them apart and softly looks at Star)
Daron:”Thank you my rebel princess” (she lovingly puts her head on Stars head and then walks away. Star fondly watches her leave and heard Marcos voice)
Marco:”Star!” (Marco runs up to her followed by Pony Head, Jackie Tom, Shonda and Shinda) “Guess what!”
Star:(eagerly) “What!?”
Marco:”We get to choose the songs played at the party tonight! We can play whatever music we want!”
(they all cheer)
Shonda:(pulls out the records she and Shinda have been playing during the bloopers) “Which one should we play!”
Shinda:(enthusiastically) “OOh! OOh! OOh! I say-“
(Pony Head gasps and grabs the records with her teeth, slams them on the ground and smashes them with herself repeatedly with Star, Marco, Tom, Jackie, Shonda and Shinda staring at her as she does it)
Pony Head:(flies right in the twins faces) “NO MORE MUSIC FOR YOU TWO! I.have.HAD IT! You hear me!? Had it! I’m getting your parents!” (pushes the two ponies away away)
Marco:(points to the broken pieces of the record on the ground shocked) “Those were my records!”
(Toffee passes by to pick up his black jacket on a make-up chair)
Star:(runs up to Toffee whose texting on his iPhone (actually Toms iPhone since he confiscated it) to someone) “Hey Toffee! Toffee!”
Toffee:(looks up from Toms phone) “Hmm”
Star:(holds her hands behind her and looks down on the ground) “I just wanna say that I’m sorry I gave you a hard time during the show. Especially from “Battle for Mewni”. I just got so stressed with working on the show and all. Heavy is the crown and” (pauses) “And uh.......uhhhhhhh, whatever they call it. I mean, I was the star of the show, but you” (looks up and gestures to Toffee) “You were the real “Star”! For “Star vs. The Forces of Evil” How could I measure up to that!? Huh?” (laughs) “And I still do respect you! I just didn’t wanna us to part on bad terms. Sooooooooo, are we good?” (sheepishly grins)
Toffee:(stares at Star for a moment and then laughs) “Yeah, sure, we good”
(Stars face lights up)
Toffee:(chuckles) “I mean, I can’t tell you how stressed I was when I was on my show, “Dexter”. So yeah, I know the pressure of stardom and be toxic and you’re young, so it’s a lot harder on you I guess, but I still do respect you as well. From one “Star” to another”
(Star happily stares at Toffee then gives him a big hug that startles him. He’s bewildered by this sudden embrace, but then hugs her back)
Marco:(comes in with his arms wide open) “Hey, can I get some of that action over here!?”
Toffee:(looks sternly at Marco while hugging Star) “Back off Diaz, I’m still recovering from my shoulder injury”
(Marcos smiles disappears and he still keeps his arms wide open, but lowers them down. He hisses embarrassingly while scratching the back of his head remembering how he went too hard on him during his big punch on “Battle for Mewni”)
Toffee:(breaks free of Stars hug and goes into Marcos face with a creepy smile) “Surprise!”
(Marco screams and backs up)
(Toffee laughs and pulls Marco in under his arm giving him a nuggy)
Marco:(is scared at first, but eventually laughs) “Okay! Okay! Yes, we’re cool too!”
(Toffee lets go of Marco and Marco straightens out his hair)
Toffee:(turns to Star) “Oh and Star” (Star turns to Toffee) “Don’t think too “high and mighty” of me just cuz I’m a huge star. I’m not all that big. I don’t even have a Star on Hollywood! I’m still person like you and Marco and everyone else”
Star:(sing song voice) “Okay”
(Toms iPhone beeps and Toffee looks down at the screen. He puts the phone away and starts to walk out swinging his jacket on his shoulder)
Toffee:”Well, see you kids tonight, I gotta go”
Marco:”Where you going?”
Toffee:”Heading over to my agents place. He’s got my tickets for Ontario later”
Toffee:”Yeah, I’m flying over there to Canada to shot a new movie (“In the Shadow of the Moon”) where I play a detective” (in a stereotypical Canadian accent) “Eh” (he laughs to himself)
(Toffee walks away typing in Toms iPhone he and Tom runs after him)
Tom:”Hey, Toffee!” (we hear him from off-screen) “Can I have my phone back now”
Toffee:(heard off-screen) “No”
Jackie:(gasps in realization) “Marco!” (puts her hand in his shoulder) “We gotta go too!” (runs out to the studio door) “Bye Star!”
Marco:(his eyes widen in realization) “Oh yeah!” (runs after Jackie)
Star:(calling out) “Where you going!?”
Marco:(stops at the door where Jackie already ran out from to turn back to Star) “Oh” (laughs. Points behind him with his thumb) “I need to go help Jackie rehearse for her role on “She-Ra”
Star:”Oh! Right! I love that show!”
Marco:”Yeah, well, see you at the party tonight!” (runs out the door)
(Star smiles as she hears Marcos footsteps fading away. She was all alone now. Felt like only yesterday it was the premiere of her show with cast members off-screen watching, the special effects crew making all that glitters (literally) fill the air with magic and praise the show gained from the fans. It was all over now, but Star was happy that she got to try this new show and how it became a hit like her show, “The Middle”. She looked around and saw everything in the large studio quiet and colorful. The light up vanity mirrors, the camera stands and sound equipment and finally, the set of “Earthni” with the green screen in the back. Star found it hard to believe this place passed off as fantasy dimension full of eccentric make believe creatures with backstories. It would all be cleaned up soon. The custodians will be here to pick up everything and redecorate it for the shows farewell party tonight. Star saw a few things that needed to be cleaned up and walked over to do so)
Star:(singing softly to herself)🎶She's a princess winning battles, Through the break of dawn🎶(pushes a chair away from to form a passage. She walks over to the light up vanity mirrors)🎶Don't worry when it's night, 'Cause she will keep the lights on!🎶(turns off all the vanity mirrors. She walks towards the studio doors, but stops half way there to pick up a props box and move it to the other side)🎶Ohhhh, there goes a shining star!🎶(walks towards the studio doors again and stops a quarter of the way to turn off the set lights on “Earthni”) 🎶Evil won't deter her🎶 (echoes the back-up singers) 🎶(No, sir!)🎶🎶(gets to the studio doors, but stops in between it) 🎶’Cause magic flows through her🎶 (echoes the back-up singers again) 🎶(Star Butterfly!)🎶 (slowly looks back at the studio shedding a tear)🎶She is a shining staaaaaaar!🎶(she sighs wholeheartedly getting a good look at it and lastly, flicks off the ceiling lights with the room now dark. Star turns back and closes the door)
The End
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siren1song · 5 years
@impatentpending @reddstardust @sher-soc-the-famder @blazingstarininkydarkness @mariniacipher @theotherella @notveryglittery(peeps who wanted to be tagged in this! sorry cj idk why it won’t let me tag you)
Platonic roceit high school au where they start off as rivals that slowly turns into best friends because of a common enemy (the school board threatening to cut the theater program)
It starts off with Roman being his natural dramatic self on and off the stage and for some reason, Roman's loud, charismatic self just... grates on Deceit's nerves 
Like God what does this pompous ass know about theater? What does he know about living for the role he's in, about inserting himself so deep into character that he becomes the character until he's off the stage.
What does Roman know and why the hell is he so much better? it just irritates the hell out of Deceit, the jealousy he feels
One day, when Roman is talking loudly with his friends who aren’t in theater but band (Patton), art club (Virgil), and the robotics club (Logan), Deceit makes a snide, passive aggressive remark about Roman being a traitor to the theater program by mingling outside of the group. it pisses Roman off and the rivalry starts hot and strong.
Over the months of lets say sophomore year they're always at each others throats, getting along only when their characters call for it on stage and it drives everyone else in the department nuts because during the rehearsals they're fighting, making crude comments and mean insults rather than practicing and the quality of their acting goes down because of it.
One day a representative of the board of directors watches their worst performance yet and... silence. deceit knows they were there, he heard the theater teacher talking about it with the principal in the hallway during his free period. roman doesn't and remains oblivious to the danger they're in.
Until Mr. Octavius (cause why not name October that) gathers the theater club together a week later and says, with a solemn look, that the club is getting cut from funding and the next year drama will no longer be available.
Deceit and Roman both are pretty heartbroken at the news, but Roman refuses to give up the idea of "saving" the club and it drives Deceit mad. what can they do to change the mind of the board of directors? They're just kids! and one day, after hearing Roman plot with his friends, he snaps the same question, going on about how it was all their fault because Roman was too arrogant to see past his rivalry to actually work together
roman ignores the indignant rage at having the blame pinned on him for a moment because deceit is crying and, though he knows he'll refuse to admit it, he wants to help
"Then lets both work together. Make this club so good, so amazing at what we do that the next time some board of whatsits member comes down to watch, they HAVE to keep the club."
Deceit is shocked into silence before quickly frowning. “What do you propose we do that will make them actually come and visit again, then?”
Roman shrugged, getting up and beaming at his rival. “First we’ve gotta improve our acting skills and working together skills before we worry about getting their attention again.”
Deceit, still shocked, just nods and Roman’s grin grows. Behind him, Deceit sees his friends roll their eyes affectionately at Roman’s determination.
It’s hard for them at first, Deceit wanting to try but struggling to because he’s so used to working against Roman that working with him was just... difficult.
But he did his best, barring the sassy insults because keeping Deceit from calling Roman the queen of the castle was like keeping an ostrich from trying to mate with humans. Necessary but difficult and not most bothered.
After a particularly nasty insult (that Deceit actually felt kind of bad for letting slip), Roman snapped.
“What is your issue, Hamlie! I’ve been doing my best to get along with you, trying to fix our mistake and yet you can’t seem to make the same effort!”
Deceit flinched at the nickname, scowling. “As if you’re blameless, Turkey,” he muttered, crossing his arms.
Roman gasped at that. “You take that back!”
Deceit blinked, his arms dropping to his sides. 
“You understood that insult? I thought you were an idiot.”
Scoffing, it was Roman’s turn to cross his arms. “As if I haven’t studied various stories like that. Greek and Roman history and religion? My favorite things to research.”
Okay... maybe Deceit underestimated him just a tad.
“Alright, fine. I’ll... try harder to get along with you.”
Roman frowned. “You haven’t answered my question.”
“What question?”
“What is your issue, Nagini.”
Deceit sighed, looking out at the seats of the theater, both being on the school stage right now to practice extra for the next show.
“I’m...” Deceit grit his teeth, grinding them together, “I’m jealous. Of you.”
Roman was quiet, so he continued.
“You’re talented. Better than me at getting into character, figuring out how they would act and speak. You learn the character and then you become the character and I’m always just slightly to the left of where I need to be, never really sticking the landing of who I need to be and it’s infuriating because it doesn’t even look like you try.”
More silence.
“Well, it’s not like I don’t work it at... I try just as hard as everyone else.”
Deceit finally looked back to Roman to see him... blushing? and not looking at him.
“Listen you want my advice? It’s the little things that matter. I put a lot of thought in the characters I play. Where did they grow up? How did they grow up? What drives them, their goals? It’s... a lot of work. I usually practice with Patton a lot to get a better understanding of what they’re like.”
Deceit sighed, running a hand through his hair, his hat tossed to the side with his coat so he wouldn’t feel too hot under the stage lights.
“Alright, enough with the mushy stuff, let’s get back to work.”
Roman grinned and nodded.
After that they did work a lot better together, Deceit having a new respect for Roman after learning just how much effort he puts into his work.
It wasn’t long until the first performance where they actually worked together came and passed, the show being such a success they actually felt ready to talk to the principal about convincing the representative to come back and see them in action.
Skeptical, the principal agreed to try, but made no promises.
They did their best to practice for the next performance but the hope and dread that they had swirling in their heads was distracting.
One day when they were taking break in Roman’s room, Deceit spinning in Roman’s desk chair while Roman laid on his bed, Roman spoke up.
“What if they say no?”
Deceit stopped, raising an eyebrow at Roman. “What if they don’t?”
Roman raised up on his elbows, frowning at Deceit. “No, you don’t... Deceit what if they say no.”
Deceit tilted his head, fidgeting with his hands in his jacket pockets.
“Then we’ll petition for the drama club to be reopened next year.”
Roman sat up properly now so he could chew on a fingernail. “And if that doesn’t work?”
Deceit hummed. “We’ll keep trying. What’s wrong, Roman, you don’t seem the type to lose hope.”
Roman puffed up his chest. “I’m not! I just... I’m worried. Theater is what I want to do with my life, if I don’t have my high school years to refine my skill and get scholarships to a college with an amazing theater program, what am I going to do?”
Both brows raised, Deceit leaned forward to get a better look at Roman.
After a moment of silence, he nodded. “You’ll find another way. You’re a fighter Roman, I doubt you’ll stop until you’ve exhausted every option and then some.”
Roman stared at Deceit, brow furrowed before suddenly grinning.
“You’ve grown soft.”
Deceit glared, grabbing a pencil from the desk and throwing at a laughing Roman.
The Board of Directors agree to send another representative, and Roman hugs a blushing Deceit so hard at that news he lets out a squeak. 
They practice together even more, Roman and Deceit both surprising the rest of the club when Roman breaks character to make Deceit actually start laughing (well, snickering is a more accurate descriptor).
After a nasty stumble of lines on Deceit’s end that sends Roman into a fit of laughter while Deceit can’t resist the grin at making the other laugh, he suddenly realizes that... shit he thinks of Roman as a friend now.
He enjoys Roman’s company, even seeking it out when he knows he’s not going to be with his other friends, loves to make the other laugh so hard he lets out an ugly snort.
It’s... nice to have a friend that isn’t Remus, honestly.
With that realization, Deceit works harder to get better, not only for the sake of the club but also to make his new friend proud of his progress.
They managed to put on the best performance they could have, and the school gets to keep the drama club.
Deceit is so happy, he actually laughs out loud in genuine joy, turning to Roman with a wide grin, having that same smile returned to him it’s... exhilarating. 
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serahsanguine · 4 years
Christmas on The Run
Rating; Nc-17
For The Secret Santa Christmas Exchange. for Laia aka  @AweburnPhoenix
#XFSecretSanta2019        Ao3
Prompt; M&S Xmas after her abduction OR M&S first Xmas together on the run (sharing memories of their childhood, maybe?) I'd love to see some Hanukkah included somehow. 
Notes; I did extensive research on the Jewish side of this fic, I do apologise if the hymn is wrong. Also a massive thank you to @graciedane for Beta reading for me.
                             Christmas On The Run.
Early December
This was their first Christmas on the run, they were stopping in a cabin over the Kicking Horse Kabins just over the Canadian border on the outskirts of British Columbia. Mulder had a very, very old college friend who owned a cabin up here and knew he would be spending the holidays with his family back in Britain. They were safe for a little while, so they made the place feel like home. They had placed a 5ft tree in the corner of the room, with ornaments, lights the whole shabang. Twinkling light shattering the walls.
The Christmas music was on low in the background as Mulder was placing the stockings on the mantelpiece making sure the embers would not set them alight.  He was placing the last stocking when Scully walked up behind him wrapping her arms around his waist, her head softly placed on his winter jumper.
“Are you celebrating Hanukkah this year?” she asked in a soft voice.
“I wasn’t planning too, why?”
Mulder turned around to let the warmth of the fire engulf them both but she let go intending on walking off.
“I…. Just …. Never mind Mulder it doesn’t matter”
He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him holding her close.
“Do you want to celebrate it with me?” he placed his finger underneath his chin lifting her face up to his so they could look each other in the eyes. His hazel eyes burning holes into her crystal blue ones.
“No, it doesn’t matter” she felt a single tear prickle the back of her eyelids. She didn’t want to tell him how she wanted to celebrate it with him because it would be there the first one together as a couple. The first time they were together he was abducted, the second time she wanted to celebrate he had to run to keep her and William safe. She looked away and tried not to let the cold tear fall down her warm cheek.
“You promised no more lies, we tell the truth and speak our feelings.”
She turned to look at him again her hand reaching around to the back of his neck and her fingers sliding through his soft hair. It was a bit longer now than she was used to.
“It would be our first one together Mulder, every time we have tried something has happened, I want you to know that I respect your faith as much as you do mine.”
“Ok then we celebrate it together it’s a little later this year, and it begins on the 22nd.”
“What do you expect when Christmas day is on a Wednesday this year?”
They made them both giggle. she snuggled in his chest. his body wash invading her senses his soft jumper frizzling against her skin. They swayed to Band Aid 1984 reduction of Do They Know It's Christmas.  
The song had ended and Scully stood in front over the mantle noticing there were 4 stockings and not two. And that’s when the tears were no longer held back and she let the free fall.
“There are four but….”
“Emily even though she was not with us for long will always be ours. She lives through our hearts and be with us always. And one is for Will because even though he may not be here right now, again he will always be loved and he will never be forgotten.”
She looked at him with sadness and joy she placed her lips on to his and whispered, “I love you,” to which he replied ‘I know, and I love you to the moon and back.”
Night of Sunday 22nd December.
Mulder had gone down to the ‘Local Store’ which in reality wasn’t that local at all. 30 minutes by car, down the mountain.  He bought a new Menorah and 9 different candles each representing the miracle that a one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days. Scully laughed that the candles were all different colours his simple reply was the shop only had rainbow colours.
“Scully, what is that amazing smell?”
“Potato latkes.”   He picked one up and it was still extremely hot. “That’s what you get for touching too early.” he stuck his tongue out at her and scrunched up his face. He blew it hard and she smiled.
“When did you learn to make them?” he said finishing his mouthful.
“When you were on the run, me and mom practised and I mastered the technique. I think mom was just trying to keep my mind occupied”
He felt her sorrow for the missing time they had spent apart, he knew it well as he had the matching feelings.
“It’s nearly time Scully.”
“It’s 8 o’clock already”
He nodded
“Are you sure you want to do this?” she was unsure of his answer even though they had bought and baked everything for the occasion.
“Yes for me, for you, for us.”
The room was dark the crackle of the fire roaring and burning in the background. The snow falling outside the cabin windows. The wind slightly rattling the window and echoing around the room. Mulder found the lighter and placed the first candle in the menorah and lit it and recited the first blessing.
“ Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech ha-olam a-sher ki-de-sha-nu be-mitz-vo-tav ve-tzi-va-nu le-had-lik ner ha-nu-kah.”
“In English, Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Hanukkah light.”
They both stood there in silence watching a flicker of the flame bouncing from left to right after 5 minutes Scully finally spoke.
“The prayer was beautiful,” she said calmly.
“I just hope I said it right it’s been a while,”  he replied truthfully.
“Even if you didn’t it sounded ok, plus there is always time to practice,” she said lightheartedly.
“Yes I suppose there is,”  he laughed and she joined in.  she wrapped his arms around his waist her head snuggled into his chest.
“I love you, Mulder,” she muffled into his shirt.
“I love you too Scully”
Christmas Day 2 am
Mulder woke up looked at the crack underneath the curtain, the sky was still green like every night the moon bounced off the snow. He felt Scully's' warmth against his stomach her strawberry smelling hair ticking the tip of his nose. He buried his head further into her hair taking and deep breath in and letting her whole essence overfill him.
He stayed like this for a little while until Scully wiggled against his pelvis making some cute noise in her sleep. He flaccid penis went rock hard within seconds. He placed his lips against the crook of her neck trailing kisses up and down nibbling her ear every time he reached the top. His hand slid down her side of her body.  Her rounded perky breast with perfect rose nipples, standing to attention. He slid it further down her slim silky smooth stomach that once held their child. He hit the curls of the pubic bone and his hand slithered through her wet folds.
He heard her moan which only excited him more his erection full pressing itself on the small expanse of her back.
She opened her legs slightly to give him access this only encouraged him to carry on. His finger slid and slipped with ease around and through her folds and to her clit. She threw her head back into his chest, her body warm and succulent against his hot a feverish skin. She moved her body up slightly to allow him to enter her with ease. Her fingers around his waist helping him thrust inside her.  They soon become one body, one soul, one eternity moving in unison with each other he felt her body heighten in the desire for release. He was also so close to his bliss that when he felt her body convulse around his member he joined her in a euphoric pleasure.
When they came back to the real world he kissed her on the cheek and whispered,  
“Merry Christmas Scully”
“Merry Christmas Mulder, ” she hushed back before falling back to sleep for hours.  
Christmas Day
They had woke up a little over an hour ago he made her blueberry pancakes in bed with fresh-squeezed orange juice. The fire crackling and warming the whole cabin up before Scully stepped off the bed. Mulder had laid her presents under the tree and she had placed his presents by the chair that had claimed as his.
“Mulder, when did you put up more decorations?”
“Why it wasn't me, it was Father Christmas.”
“Oh shut up,” she laughed and pushed him towards the chair and she sat next to the tree on the cream shag rug.  
She opened the smallest first it was wrapped scruffy in blue wrapping paper with small red presents on it with a small red bow and a sticker in his scruffy penmanship it read,  
‘To Scully, always and forever. Merry  Christmas love from your dearest Fox”
She opened it and what she saw brought silent tears to her eyes but instead of sadness, they were full of joy. With the box open she looked upon it and opened it up. He had gotten her a locket with Will’s picture in it. She had never before seen this photo of William and it made even more special.
The thought of William still hurt them both and they both often thought of him.
“Mulder it’s beautiful you shouldn’t have.”
“Something just as beautiful as you,” he hugged her and she placed her head on his chest and enjoyed his comfort. There were times she wouldn't let him all those years ago.  
She gestured for him to open one and he did picking an overly square one in red wrapping paper with a perfect bow and perfect note.
‘To Mulder Merry Christmas with all my love Dana’
He opened it tossing the paper aside and what sat on his lap was a photo album of William he open the black velvet book with the embroidered name of William on the front to find the first page was of him holding William in the hospital in his little alien onesie saying ‘I still want to believe’. The second page was full of when they first bought him home from the hospital in his small blue and yellow outfit. The next couple of pages were of Scully family holding Will in different locations as well as at home, he always smiling unless he was asleep.  
Mulder looked at Scully and in the moment with both their eyes glistening, the love and adoration for each other. They may have not have been married (yet) but in the quiet moments in the cabin, they felt like it.
They spent the next couple of hours going back and forth opening gifts with dinner somewhere in between. The night was closing in and they both sat on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around them in front of the roaring fire.
“Do you remember that first time we spent Christmas together?” he asked.  
“Of course, it was just after my abduction Mom had invited you without my knowledge at you turned up bright and early and Melissa was also there and she also knew.”
“We had turkey with all the trimmings and your mom made me help with the cranberry sauce.”
“Yes she did,” Scully replied laughing.
“I didn’t know what to get you so I bought you the first edition of Moby Dick.”
“It was a beautiful gift, Mom and Melissa kept calling you Fox.”
“And you kept correcting them every single time without fault telling them it was Mulder.”
They both started laughing and he moved closer to her and whispered sultry in her ear causing goosebumps forming on her skin.
“Now you know you can only call my Fox in the bedroom”
She took his lips with her own, the kiss sweet and sensual full of passionate desire and everything in between she let his lips go and he sat back where he was sitting.
“Do you have any of the best memories from your childhood you want to reminisce about while we drink the really expensive wine?”
“Yeah hell why not,” she replied as she took a sip of the red merlot. “There was this one time I was about 7, Charlie must have been five or six Melissa was 9 and Bill was ten”
Mulder sat closer to her his hand wrapped in hers.
“We were meant to be sitting at the table after getting everything prepared. We were all sat at the table and Missy was last and when she came down her face was full of makeup she had ‘borrowed’ from mom. And let me tell you mom and Ahab's face was in complete utter shock with what she looked like. She looked a mess and it was so funny we all laughed and she got an utter bollocking from both mom and Ahab. By the time they had cleaned her up dinner was cold but we teased her about it for the whole year”
“Oh my God, I can't believe she did that,”  he said in hysterics and trying to breathe in between.
“Now it's your turn,” she said smirking and taking another sip of wine.
“There was this one year where Samantha was about 5 and mom and dad got her the beautiful red border collie and Sam named her Ruby, she was completely in love with the puppy watching her bounce through the snow, throwing her the ball and playing fetch until about ten months later she ran away.”  
“This is meant to be happy Mulder,” she said, raising her eyebrow.  
“Wait for it I haven’t finished yet. A couple of days later she came back with a male companion scruffy looking thing. But you could tell this dogs were smitten for each other. 3 months later Ruby gave birth to a whole litter of puppies on Christmas day and Sams' face lit up all over again. But mom and dad won't be very happy about it and sold most of the litter apart from Sams favourite one. Which was red white and black proper runt of the litter but Sam loved it”
“So it was a Lady and the Tramp scenario,” She said smiling.
“Completely she even called the male dog Tramp.”
“That’s really sweet Mulder.”
“It was unless you had to shout Tramp when on a walk that got me some funny looks.”
“Oh, I bet it did,” she said laughing “But it is a really sweet story thank you for telling me”
Again she instigated the kiss by placing her lips on his. Wine forgotten about, clothed shed. Fire crackling. They spent the rest of Christmas the same way they had entered it entwining the minds, bodies and souls.
As they lay their weary heads on the pillow, wrapped up in an oversized blanket the snow fell outside the fire down to its last orange and yellow amber glow. Before falling asleep Mulder placed his lips on her red hair and whispered.
“Merry Christmas Scully.”
Thank You for reading please leave me feedback whether it's good or bad I really appreciate it. Merry Christmas Everyone, I hope you have a wonderful new year
Tagging @skullsmuldon @today-in-fic
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
I’m so Tired
Fandom: BBC Sherlock Pairing: Sherlock Holmes & Brother!Reader, Mycroft Holmes & Brother!Reader Summary: Just some brothers trying to be normal brothers. Word Count: 1,538 Request: “A Brother!Holmes!reader. The choice is up to you (also, I don't mind you going off the rails, it adds more spice to the story) Have AN AWESOME DAY honey 🍯 😘 A/n: Hey nonnie, you requested this a few days ago with an angels request too but I no longer do requests for Supernatural because I feel like it’s lost its touch for me and that it’s gone on far too long.
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That’s what you need, you need a god to put you out of your misery. You haven’t had a good night sleep since forever, you just want someone to put you out of your misery.
You tried everything, tea, warm glass of milk, counting sheep, hell you’ve avoided naps throughout the day and now you’re just wide awake for twenty hours a day. You weren’t an insomniac, you loved your sleep, you rather stay in bed and continue sleeping for half the day.
But, somewhere along the pathway of following your brother Sherlock on one of his cases, it went wrong. Then, just you were about to fix your sleeping schedule, you were forced to accompany Mycroft in some endeavours over the pond that requires two Holmes - whilst Sherlock was a hissy fit you were dragged along.
So, you spent time just being bored out of your mind. Your mind was rapid, it never stopped thinking and it completely drains you throughout the day but the moment you hit the bed, your eyes can’t close and you lost your bearings for anything practical. 
When you were younger, you used to raid one of your brother’s room, it wasn’t often because even when they were growing up that they hated any some form of affection and physical contact. It grew awkward and weird as you got older since there was a big age gap in between you and your brothers - they were adults when you were still a child. 
You learnt to power through it, until you almost got ran over by London’s shit taxi drivers. 
You found yourself taking sleeping pills, even though you are still convinced you’re not an insomniac (you are).
“Zopiclone,” You read out loud, “Take one pill each night for the next four weeks, takes one hour to fully work.”
Your thumb rubs over the label, you look at yourself in the mirror and run your hand over your eyes. You sighed, ready for bed, looking down at the packaging.
“Side effects: May cause bitter of metallic taste in mouth, dry mouth, daytime sleepiness, dependency (DO NOT TAKE AFTER PRESCRIBED WEEKS).” You continue, popping one out and swallowing one down with a fresh glass of water.
When you hit the bed, feeling relaxed, shutting your eyes. 
Until your phone started to ring. Snapping your eyes open, you pat down the bedside table for your phone. “BIG BROTHER SHER” on the caller ID. You groaned, locking your phone hoping that he would drop whatever he’s working on.
But, he didn’t stop. 
“What do you want,”
“Hello to you too!” Sherlock greeted, hyper, obviously wither having some sort of mental break down, a breakthrough, or he finally got a good case after weeks, “How quick can you come to the flat?”
“Sherlock, I just-”
“Sherlock leave him alone.” You heard a disapproving voice in the background.
“Oh, shut your mouth Mycroft, our brother should come here and solve this brilliant case with us.” Sherlock interrupted you, you blinked sleepily, the medication taking its full effect on you.
“Sherlock, it’s one in the morning, let the poor boy sleep-!”
“I want to sleep,” John was heard in the background, you chuckled to yourself.
“(Y/n) get over here!”
But before you could respond, Sherlock hung up on you. You sighed, looking at your attire and the comfort of your bed was calling, but you knew full well that Sherlock was persistent and he will never stop calling you until you get there.
Shuffling to put some joggers, a shirt and a hoodie as you slip on some trainers before you exited your flat. Locking the door behind you and shoving your phone in your pocket as you hail one of the taxis to Sherlock’s home. The journey there almost made you pass out, but when the car jerked to a halt in front of the famous door, you sighed.
Fishing out some money before exiting the cab, who drove away quickly as he arrived. You rubbed your eyes and scratched your hair as you inserted the spare key that John gave to you to prevent you from knocking the door at ungodly times and accidentally waking up Mrs Hudson.
Taking your time to get up the stairs, you open the door.
“What’s up losers,” You greeted, Sherlock jumping in joy as he grabs your shoulder, “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Murder case,” John replied as he sat in his armchair, nursing a coffee in hand as he was already on the verge to murder his best friend.
“He’s been at it for hours,” Mycroft piped up from Sherlock’s armchair, “He won’t drop it - apologies brother for calling you in such an unideal time.”
You waved your hand, “It’s Sherlock, I expect nothing less.”
Sherlock smiled as you sat down on the sofa, at first you were paying attention but the medication was at its peak. You felt droopy and you wanted to pass out, Mycroft noticed how you became disinterest quickly, focusing in and out, being less responsive than usual.
Mycroft wanted to pass it off that you were tired and it was half two in the morning yet, the way you had lean your head on your hand was like you’ve been stuck in that position for days. At one point of the night, you snapped yourself awake as you blinked a few times at Sherlock.
“Did you get that?”
“Oh, sorry, did you expect me to listen to you?” You responded, your mouth was quicker than your brain as Mycroft chuckled at your snarkiness.
Yet, Sherlock, who was still pacing the floor, took your comment as a light joke, “We need a plan of action, a bait.”
You tiredly deduced your brother, his mind analysing the best plan, your eyes flickered to Mycroft, who was staring at you.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you,” Mycroft questioned, seeing your amused face that your calculating brother in his own flat.
You nodded, “Yes, because having my life threatened by a psychopathic monkey is just what I wanted to do today later,” You rolled your eyes as Sherlock finally stopped his pacing and spun his heels to look at you.
“…I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not…”
“Jesus, Sherlock, not to be offending but I’ve been like this the whole night, can’t we just continue this tomorrow?” You asked, holding a pillow to your chest, “I haven’t slept for the past few days-”
Sherlock narrowed his eyes at you, “Take my bed,”
“Take my bed,” He responded, affectionately, “It’s better sleeping there than the sofa.”
You blinked rapidly for a few times, trying to process what had been said to you.
“Oh dear, you’ve managed to malfunction our brother, Sherlock.”
You turn to look at Mycroft before silently getting up and walking down the hallway to Sherlock’s room.
“He’s not okay, is he?” The three men watched you almost run into the door before shutting it close.
“It appears not.”
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When you woke up, you unexpectedly hot. You were sure you had removed your hoodie to stop you from overheating, yet you were sure you’ve sweat through the sheets. Squeezing your eyes shut and stretching your hands collided to bodies.
You opened your eyes and sat up, on your right, Sherlock was hanging off the bed - snoring with a blanket wrapped tightly around him. He had not gone under the duvet like you did because he figured it would wake you up.
You look over to your left and see Mycroft curled up into a ball, his back facing you, taking up little space and another blanket over him. 
It was no wonder you were heating because you had three covers as you slept. You smiled to yourself remembering the times when you were younger. When you would have a nightmare or a bad thunderstorm, your brothers would rush to your room and comfort you.
They would refuse to leave each other, proving that you were in dire need in both your brothers to protect you from your dreams or the storm outside the house, rattling your windows.
You remembered the days when your mother would come to call you down for breakfast to find all her boys sleeping on one bed, cramped and a tangled mess, lying on top of each other. She found it adorable, especially the way you would cling onto one of your brothers.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a bang on your right.
Sherlock finally fell out of bed.
“Morning,” You mumbled, as Mycroft groaned on the left side of you, waking up as well.
“Do you think John made breakfast?” Sherlock questioned.
“Don’t you do the cooking?” You questioned.
“I’m your brother, not a baby sitter.”
You smiled sweetly at him, he sighs, standing up and pinching your cheeks, “You’re lucky I love you.”
You chuckled as Sherlock saunters out the door. You looked over to Mycroft, who was desperately trying to fall back to sleep. You roll your eyes as you pushed him off the bed as well.
“Wake up sleepy beauty, Sherlock’s making breakfast.”
“He’ll poison it.”
Just your typical brothers, the only human things the Holmes can achieve. 
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reject-princess97 · 5 years
FP Jones 3 (Part 2)
"Last box!" I called out to FP as I picked it up and walked out to take one last look around my now compactly empty apartment. I used my one hand to turn the lights of and closed the door, locking it behind me.
"You got it?" FP asked as I walked outside and over to the pick up FP had drive down here to pickup my things.
"Yeah...wheres Jug?" I asked as I looked around only a spotted him stood at a hot dog cart, buying food. I laughed as shook my head as I placed the box in the truck and sighed.
"You know, I can;t wait to go home but I'm really gonna miss the city life." I told him as I lent my back against the truck, waiting for Jug to come over.
"Yeah, I can see why, It's so busy and everything's a mile a minute." FP noted as he stood next to me gabbing hold of my hand and entwining our fingers together.
"That's it, it's so busy and fast, it's gonna be nice to be able to walk down the street and not be thrown around." I joked resting my head. FP chuckled as he kissed the top of my head. Today was exactly two weeks since my graduation. Two weeks since FP proposed. That night we all went to dinner to celebrate and the next morning Alice, Betty, Polly and Jughead went home and FP, to my surprise, told me he would be staying with me until I could move home. I had to stick around for two weeks, to pack, say goodbye to my friends and wait out my lease and today was my last day in New York. I was finally going home and this time, I was staying. My residency started in October and since it was July, I had three month to get settled at home, accumulate myself to the small town life of Riverdale and spend time with my family, including the Serpents.
"I got you guys something to eat before we hit the road." Jughead said as he handed me and FP a hot dog each. Jughead arrived last night, jumping on the bus down here, because I didn't want to make that drive home myself so Jug is going to take FP's truck while FP rides with me.
"Thanks Juggie." I smiled taking it. I took a bite and moan in pleasure. "Oh yeah I'm am going to miss this." I spoke, my mouth full, making the boys laugh.
"My fiance everybody, ever the lady." FP joked his mouth was also full. which made me grin and I swallowed my food.
"She's was ment to be a Jones." Jughead stated as he climbed up on the front of the Truck. FP grabbed my food, handed it to Jug then lifted my up so I was sat on the hood of my car. He handed me my food back and sat next to me.
That's how we stayed for a bit, enjoying the food, which Jughead insisted we eat a bit more of and the soda he brought back the second trip back.
"OK, no more food, I'm full and I'm ready to hit the road. I spoke as I jumped of the car and adjusted my black skinny jeans and the red flannel I had stole from FP and wrapped around my waist. I picked up my Serpent jacket that I had removed while eating and flung it on over my black bra-let. I also had on a pair of black biker boots and a red beanie that matched the colour of my lipstick.
It felt to be dressed like me again, back in what I called my Serpent Style, something I never wore around New York because this is a place were people judge you before they know you and people judged me as an ex criminal, drug dealer. So I dressed a little more, conservative and acted like the rest of the stuck up kids who were just half-assing their way through the course, just to please mummy and daddy.
"Well, hello Dr Hot ass!" I heard a voice call and I smiled as I saw Sherri walking down the street towards us.
"Sherri Baby!" I laughed as I walked over and hugged her.
"Look at you, you look...hot. Damn baby." Sherri noted as she stepped back to get a better look at me.
"Hey lady, eyes off of my woman!" FP called making Sherri and I laugh as he walked over and hugged Sherri. While FP was staying with me, he and Sherri grew closer and I know what you're all thinking, 'Y/N, why the hell would you let you fiance get close to another girl?' and usually I wouldn't, I'm easily jealous and extremely protective of my man, you would to if FP was your man but Sherri is gay, like really gay, she's never been with a man and doesn't plan on it, so I was OK with there friendship, honestly it was like a bromance at this point.
"Sorry Jones, I'm making it my life's mission to turn her." Sherri shot back. FP and I laughed while Jug stood there, watching.
"You make it sound like you're trying to turn her into a vampire." Jug joked. "I'm gonna head of, I'll see you guys at home." He interrupted. He hugged FP and I then left us with Sherri.
"So, you're heading home?" Sherri smiled and I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you." I smiled as I hugged her.
"I'm gonna miss you singing to me." Sherri joked as she pulled away. "One more time, for road?"  She pouted and I shook my head.
"nah uh, not happening." I stated. I watched as Sherri batted her eyelashes and stuck her lip out.
"No." I insisted but then she did the unthinkable. She let a tear fall down her cheek and I broke. "Fine." I groaned.
"Wow, you're good." FP high fived my best friend who smirked at me.
"The tear get's her every time." She explained.
"You suck, both of you." I huffed.
"Just do it." She told me and I rolled my eyes
"Get your phone out Jones, this if gonna be a treat my best friend insisted. I rolled my eyes again and then began singing the Frankie Valli Song 'Sherry'
"Sherry baby
Sherry baby
Sherry can you come out tonight
Sherry baby
Sherry can you come out tonight
To my twist party
Where the bright moon shines
We'll dance the night away
I'm gonna make you mine"
"Woooooow, yeah...encore, encore." Sherri called as she and FP clapped. I laughed and bowed before a took a beep breath.
"Sher (like Cher) I gotta go." I told her, a lump in my throat.
"I'm gonna miss you Smithy." She sighed and we hugged. "I'll see you at the wedding right?" She asked, making me laugh.
"Bitch, you're gonna be stood up there with me." I cried. "You're gonna come visit too."
"Of course I will." She agreed, "God, I feel like a teenager saying goodbye to her high school friends."
"Yeah, well, I don't know what I'm gonna do without you." I smiled.
"Fall apart."
I love you Sher."
"Love you too Smithy."
With that FP and I hugged her once last time then climbed in the car and driving away. My best friend and my home for the last 8 years grow smaller and smaller in the side mirror.
"Hey, you OK?" FP asked as he placed a hand on my thigh, keeping his eyes on the road, only looking at me briefly.
"I'm going home, where my family is, where you are and I'm about to start the biggest adventure of my life. Marrying the man I love." I listed as I looked over at him, taking his hand in mine and entwining our fingers. "I'm so much more than OK."
"I love you, you know that right?"
"Well, I damn well hope so, you're about to be stuck with me forever." I joked. "If you're having second thoughts, speak now of forever hold your peace."
When he said nothing and chuckled I moved closer and rest my head against his shoulder.
"I can't wait till we get home." I smiled as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
*A While Later*
When I woke up, my head still on FP's shoulder, I saw that it was getting darker and I looked around to see we were still driving.
"Morning sleeping beauty." FP smiled as I sat up.
"Hey, did I sleep long?" I asked and he shrugged,
"a couple hours." He told me and I nodded.
"Are we almost home?" I asked and he smiled, pointing out of the window.
"You tell me."
I looked out of the window and let out a quiet, excited squeal as I saw the 'WELCOME TO RIVERDALE' sign just up a head.
"Home!" I sighed happily as I saw houses rush passed us.
"What do you say to a 'Welcome home' Burger and shake at Pop's before we head home?" He offered as he turned a corner.
"I say, life would be hell for you if we didn't." I grinned. I watched as FP grinned and nodded to in front of us. I followed his gaze and gasped at the sight of me. There, in front of Pop's was a huge group of people as cheering and waving flashlights at us as we drive closer. A huge 'WELCOME HOME DR Y/N!' and 'Congratulations FP and Y/N!' hung above the door and I saw three girls stood on the roof, each matching the other.
As FP pulled up we could hear music and when I climbed out of the car I heard Everything I do by Bryan Adams being sung, my all time favourite song. I saw everybody I knew from both the north and Southside all stood outside of Pop's all cheering and whooping.
"What is going on?" I laughed over at FP and moved closer. I spotted Alice and Betty in the crowd and I waved.
"We wanted to give you welcome home party and where better then your favourite place on earth." Alice called over as she walked closer.
"This is amazing Alice, thank you." I smiled.
"I'd like to take the credit, but this wasn't my idea." She told me. I smiled and I turned to FP who just shrugged and shook his head.
"Then who?"
"What, you think I'd let my soon-to-be step mum return home with out a proper welcome did you?" I heard a voice say and I looked around to see Jughead step in front of everyone.
"you did this?" I asked shocked.
"It was my idea but Betty and Alice helped me put it all together." he informed me.
"Why?" I asked curious.
"Because, I see the way my dad is around you and how much he loves you and I want you to know, even when you started dating my dad ten years ago, I always so you as family and I figured, this would be a good way to show you how much you mean to me."
"oh, jug, you mean a lot to me too." I smiled, a tear falling from my eye.
"I haven't had my mum around for a long time now and I need you to know that just because my mum wasn't around, I always felt like I had a mum to take care of me." He continued, "A mum who would sit on the phone with me for hours while I did my homework. A mum who offered to leave school to come take care of me when my dad was locked up and most importantly, a mum, I get to look up to and say 'You seem her, right there, yeah, the doctor taking care of that sick kid. That's my mum." Jughead smiled. I sniffled as tears ran down my face and I walked over and pulled him into a hug. "I love you mum, thank you for taking care of me and making my dad so happy." He whispered, making me cry again.
"I love you too Juggie." I cried happily.
"You, that was so sweet, I might cry myself." I heard FP say as he watched from where we stood, I motioned him over and he wrapped his arms around Jughead and I.
"I have a real family." I heard Jughead mumble and I looked up at FP who smiled, tears in his eyes.
"OK, Jug, I love you and I am not going anywhere but I think we're keeping everybody from the party so how about you and I grab breakfast tomorrow and we get this party started?" I asked chuckling, pulling from the hug.
"Sounds good." He grinned and he wiped a tear and ran off to Betty.
"That was..." I began but FP interrupted.
"Unexpected and emotional?" he offered and I nodded.
"I dread to think how he's gonna say at our wedding." I joked and FP laughed.
"Well, as my best man he better have something nice to say."
"Remind me the day before, to buy a hell of a lot of waterproof mascara." I chuckled as I watched the mass of people all laugh and talk as music played and food was being cooked on a BBQ.
The rest of the night was spent with FP by my side, catching up with everybody I hadn't realised I had missed until now. A lot of people congratulated me on my doctorate, some congratulated FP and I on the engagement but most, if not all told me they were just happy I was home and if I'm to be completely honest...so was I.
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 5 years
‘Repeating History’ Chapter 7: Off With Your Head
FFN | Ao3 | Buy Me a Coffee?
Author’s Note: I am giving a warning that this chapter is very dark. What happens in it was planned from the very beginning, and it was difficult for me to write. Due to the dual timelines, there is a happy ending and a sad one. Be prepared. There will be an epilogue posted either before or on Halloween.
               By the time they reached Musgrave Hall, most of the search party felt hopeless. A few felt they wouldn’t find anything, and other thought Molly to be dead by now. Greg, Mary, and Sherlock were the only ones who still had hope they would find her alive.
               “But how do you know she’s alive?” they’d ask Sherlock.
               Annoyed with the constant inquiries, he snapped, “I just do! If Molly was dead, I would feel it. She’s here and she’s alive. Now, are we going to just sit around and ask pointless questions, or are we going to find her!?” Satisfied that he was able to shut them up, Sherlock lead them to the manor in the fog.
               “You don’t think she was stuck in that well we found John in, do you?” Greg asked.
               “No,” Sherlock replied simply. “She must be in the house.” For the first time, Sherlock wasn’t all too sure of where she was being held, but the house was more likely than the well.
               Whilst Mary went downstairs into the basement, Sherlock took upstairs to search the bedrooms. Greg remained in the main area with some backup. The rest of the group searched around the house for any signs of disturbance. Nobody dared to call out her name for fear of being unable to catch this man by surprise.
               Sherlock crept up the stairs slowly, careful to not make a sound despite the age of the old home. The cold stung him, seeping into his bones. He was having trouble keeping his emotions in check, his heart aching. Full of worry, he was, as he searched his parents’ old room, finding nothing but dusty old furniture. Up next was Mycroft’s old room, filled with cobwebs and charred pages from books. Eurus’s old room was more familiar; it had only been three months since he was in there with her.
               Outside, dark clouds were rolling in, threatening a nasty storm. Sherlock approached the windows in Eurus’s room to survey the weather. The sky was changing fast. As the sky filled, darkness loomed over them, enveloping the night into a pitch black. Thunder roared, shaking the foundation. A scream was heard all throughout the house. He ran as fast as he could towards his old bedroom, visions swimming in his eyes, images of the past jumping out at him.
               The door to his old room was wide open, his Belstaff flying behind him as he rushed inside. The door slammed suddenly, and Sherlock tried to open it up again, but to no avail, it wouldn’t budge. A lockless door had locked itself. This was beyond Sherlock’s comprehension. He didn’t believe in the supernatural. None of this was logical. Frustrated he turned around to survey the room, only to find Molly’s head lying in the middle of the floor. No man had ever shouted in as much agony as Sherlock Holmes did in that moment.
               “You disgust me,” Molly spat. “How dare you take a doctor’s oath to do no harm only to murder people for harvesting their organs!”
               “Well, my dear,” he chuckled. “I did not murder those women for the organs; that was merely a bonus.” Holmes flashed a wicked grin. “I was born with the devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing—I was born with the ‘Evil One’ standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered into the world, and he has been with me since.”
               Chills ran down Molly’s spine. This was no man. She had been rendered absolutely speechless. She hadn’t the slightest clue how this demon was related to Sherlock. The detective had his shortcomings, but he was not a bad man. All Holmes was doing was quietly observing her, his eyes boring into her, leaving a scar that could not be seen.
               He dropped to the ground, making her attempt to inch away from him, but she ran into the stone cold wall, the water seeping into her clothes. Holmes continued to crawl toward her, his hand outstretched for her corset. Molly’s leg flew up, kicking him in the throat.
               “You little bitch,” he growled hoarsely. “You’ll pay for that!” He pulled out his dagger and cut open the laces of her corset. “By the time my worthless cousin gets here, your heart will be in my hands.”
               Molly fought back as much as she possibly could. With each ounce of her strength, she continued to tussle with him, hoping to buy Sherlock some time. With every hit she got in, Holmes sliced her with the dagger. “Sherlock!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
               Tossing his dagger aside, Holmes wrapped his hands around her throat tightly, but not enough to kill her; he wanted to damage those damn vocal chords so that he voice wouldn’t carry. The sound of her struggle was music to his ears. “There,” he said when he let her go. “Try and scream now.”
               Tears slid down her face as Molly realised she couldn’t even speak, let alone breathe properly. This really was the end.
               Sherlock, Lestrade, and the others spread out through the property in search of Molly. The well was the very first place he decided to search, though a niggling voice in the back of his mind that sounded suspiciously like Mycroft told him it was too obvious. The murderer would expect him to check the well first. Any form of logic flew out of his mind. Molly was in danger, and his emotions were being brought to the surface.
               “Molly!” he shouted when the well came into view. He broke into a run, hoping against all hope that she was there and alive. Lowering the lantern as far as his arm could reach, Sherlock peered inside, but there was nothing there. The well had dried up. “Damn it!” He kicked the ground hard. “Where is she!?”
               “We’ll find her, Holmes,” Lestrade assured him. The detective inspector wasn’t so sure they’d find her alive. “Let’s check the house.”
               “Too obvious,” Sherlock remarked. “Send the others into the woods.”
               Lestrade nodded, and gathered the search party to delegate search areas. As he turned around to find Sherlock, he noticed him heading in the direction of the house anyways. “Sherlock?”
               No answer came. Sherlock Holmes broke out into a full run towards Musgrave Hall. The stench of blood—tang and coppery—hit his nose when he entered the house. There was a blood trail leading down toward the basement, and for once, Sherlock was thankful this villainous entity wasn’t very bright. He had to repeatedly remind himself that just because there was blood, it did not necessarily mean she was dead, only that she needed medical attention.
               Upon entering the dark, damp basement, Sherlock shone his lantern into the darkest corners, finding one particular spot hidden through an alcove. Lying upon the dirt ground was a corset with the laces cut through. Blood was everywhere, marking the ground he walked upon. He desperately tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
               Sherlock raced upstairs, straight into his old bedroom, his shouts of terror and agony being heard all throughout the property.
               “She fell apart with a broken heart, and all they found was her head.” Moriarty’s voice taunted him in his mind palace. Sherlock dropped to the floor in a painful rage, the force of his fists hitting the wooden boards had Molly Hooper’s head rolling towards him.
               When Lestrade found him, his fears were confirmed. Sherlock Holmes was in complete anguish, his tall form suddenly small as he laid there on the floor unable to take his eyes off of Molly’s brown ones.
“It’s all wrong,” Sherlock sobbed. “Her eyes will never hold another brilliant sparkle again.” He pounded his fist against the floor. “Dammit! This can’t be happening.” Another round of sobs wracked his body. “This. Can’t. Be. Happening!!!”
“I never even told her,” Sherlock continued. “I was stupid, and pigheaded. Molly, I love you. I love you so much, my darling. Please, wake me up from this nightmare. You’re not really dead. You can’t be.”
“Lestrade!” Anderson shouted outside. “We found a note!”
These words did not affect Sherlock. It was as if he was numb. Reluctantly, Lestrade left Sherlock to grieve whilst he studied the note that was found.
It read: ‘Margaret Hooper will be found dead. James told you from the start. All that is left is her bleedin’ head, and it was I who stole her heart.’
               When he blinked, there was nothing there. It was a hallucination—or more likely at this point, a vision from the past. His past self lost Molly to the deranged H.H. Holmes. Relief flooded through him knowing there was still a chance. His instincts told him to head out into the woods, and so he ran, shouting all the while to announce to everyone that they should follow him.
               Upon reaching the edge of the woods, Sherlock slowed, his feet heading toward the thick of it. It felt as if he were being guided by some unseen force. Lestrade and Mary stuck with Sherlock whilst the others split up in teams of three to search the sprawling land. Surveying the many paths he could take, Sherlock noticed a glimmer up ahead.
               “I’ll take the right,” Mary told them. “Greg, take the left.”
               “No,” Sherlock told them. “She’s up ahead.” The closer he approached the glimmer in the distance, the clearer it became. After tonight, there would be no denying the existence of the supernatural. A translucent image of Molly—her past self—was waiting for him. “I don’t understand; if our past souls are within us, how can you be a ghost?”
               “Who’s he talkin’ to?” Greg asked Mary discreetly. Mary only smiled, for she saw the spirit of Molly’s former self too.
               “Her lifeline is wavering; there is a bunker between those trees,” the Victorian Molly informed him. “I am merely a sign that she is not yet lost, for seeing your Molly would suggest she has passed on. My body was left in that bunker whilst my head was left for my Sherlock to find in Musgrave Hall.” She paused a moment. “For what it’s worth, my love, I love you too.”
               Sherlock nodded sympathetically, tears welling up in his eyes, as he watched the spirit fade away. He then broke into a run towards the bunker, Greg and Mary at his heels. Once inside, they heard Molly’s voice followed by a man’s shout of pain. They took the stairs spiraling downward quickly, the scene before them quite fantastic. There was blood all over Molly’s clothes, but her kidnapper had a scalpel sticking out of his eye.
               “Molly!” Sherlock shouted in pure unadulterated relief, ignoring the man who had taken her. Due to him being in severe pain, Lestrade and Mary had the cuffs slapped on him in no time.
               “Cousin,” he growled. “Like my handiwork?” He gestured to Molly, which upon closer inspection, had been sliced several times with medical instruments. She swayed with wooziness from the blood loss.
               Sherlock ran over to her, swiftly lifting her small form in his arms. “Lestrade, do we have medical transport ready?”
               “Yes,” he answered. “Get her out of here quickly. Mary and I’ll take care of our ripper.”
               He ran the hell out of there, praying to a God he didn’t believe in that Molly would stay conscious. She was doing so well, her eyes on him. Sherlock felt her arms tighten around him, squeezing him affectionately. When they were safely in the helicopter, Sherlock felt he could breathe again. Whilst the paramedics worked on closing her wounds, he heard her call his name, her voice hoarse.
               “What is it, darling?” he asked her, his hand stroking her cheek.
               Just before she lost consciousness, Molly uttered the three words she had been so hesitant to repeat. “I love you.”
               It was so bright. Her throat felt dry and sore. As her eyes fluttered open, Molly Hooper was greeted by the sight of Sherlock in the chair beside her hospital bed, his eyes red and puffy.
               “Oh thank God,” he let out, smoothing her hair back with his calloused fingers. “You scared me, you know…when you passed out. I thought you’d never wake.”
               Molly’s heart ached with a burning intensity. She reached out towards the cup of water. Sherlock retrieved it, and helped her sit up to drink it. The cool water provided much relief. “You found me.”
               “I did,” Sherlock replied, not quite believing it himself, running his hand through his disheveled curls.
               “Sherlock,” she said softly, her hand open and waiting for his. When his hand was in hers she held on tightly. “I love you. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
               “Shhh, don’t fret about it, Molly,” he told her. “Just focus on healing; you’ve had a blood transfusion due to the amount of blood you lost.”
               “Sherlock,” Greg peeked in. “You ready?”
               “Wha—where are you going?” Molly asked frightfully.
               “I’ll be back in an hour,” Sherlock assured her. “Time to face the Devil.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “John and Mary should be here any minute with Rosie to keep you company whilst I’m gone. I need to finish this.”
               Molly nodded in understanding. “His name’s Henry Hunter, but he is descended from H.H. Holmes’s daughter, Lucy.” Sherlock processed the information, and left with Lestrade, passing the Watsons in the corridor.
               “Cousin,” Hunter sneered at the sight of Sherlock Holmes.
               “Why did you do it!?” Sherlock roared, slamming his hand on the table in the interrogation room. “Why did you kill those women, and why did you go after Molly!?” Another slam shook the table.
               Normally, Lestrade would reel him in, but he stood back and let Sherlock do all the talking.
               “You disgust me, ignoring your true nature. We are descended from one of the most infamous murderers of all time, and you choose to be on the side of the angels,” Hunter spat.
               Moriarty’s words haunted him once more. “But why,” Sherlock growled. “And do not give me that ‘I was born with the devil in me’ speech!”
               “I was simply finishing what our ancestor began. He had killed your Molly in the past, but failed in taking you along, though I suppose the emotional trauma had to do,” Hunter explained. “Just as he did, I was collecting organs from each murder. All I needed was Molly’s heart and your brain.”
               “All for what!?”
               “Revenge, cousin, for not honoring your true nature.”
               “Take him away,” Sherlock ordered Lestrade. “I can’t stand the sight of him.” He left for the hospital, his sole focus on Molly. Sherlock knew he could have gladly killed the man, but knew it wouldn’t do any good, though he reasoned that the man would suffer enough in Sherrinford when the cannibals get a crack at him.
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dre--scape · 6 years
Confessions (Sherlock x reader)
FWOOMP IM BACK MY PEEPS || it may look like i’m inactive but i’m really just procrastinating on homework so i’m active almost all the time but i take so long to write,,, i’m so so sorry ;-;
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes (BBC) x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1702
Request by anon (a long frikin time ago): Could I request a Sherlock x reader high school au? Thanks ❤️
Summary: Childhood friendships can become very confusing.
Requests are open!
Warnings: slight cursing (two words at most), smidge angst(?)
It was quite funny actually, seeing Sherlock Holmes hang out with you, (Y/N) (L/N).
The sarcastic and -often considered- rude teenager hanging out with the open and charming teen. Most people found it weird, some found it endearing, and others made bets on how long it would take for you two to eventually go your separate ways.
You merely laughed at that. Go separate ways after knowing Sherlock? God, life would be so boring after that. Look at you, imitating your best friend’s vernacular. It was only natural for you to pick up his little tells and habits.
“Sherlock! Watson!” You shouted as you spotted them down the hall.
They both looked up and saw you running towards them, making a scene out it. John could’ve sworn you slapped Sally Donovan on the way there and Sherlock smirked.
“You guys looked like you were going to leave me in this hell hole.” You pouted and Sherlock rolled his eyes. “Well you were three minutes late,” He pointed out. “John insisted we wait for you.” A small grin tugged at your lips as you looked over to John.
“I’ve found my new best friend!” You exclaimed, pulling John into a hug. “Don’t get carried away, (Y/N),” John chuckled, rubbing your arm. “I’m with Mary, remember?” The man laughed as you nodded into his chest. “I said best friend, I never said boyfriend,” You mumbled then pulled away.
Sherlock glanced between the two of you and sighed. “Now (Y/N), if you would stop flirting with a taken man,” The taller boy suddenly spoke and both you and John turned to look at him. “Mother is expecting us at home.” You turned to John.
“You’re not coming?” The blond shook his head and smiled. “I promised to take Mary out tonight,” He said and you grinned. “Such a romantic,” You sighed teasingly, placing a hand over your heart. “Oh well,” Sighing, you took a hold of Sherlock’s hand. “Give Mary our best wishes.” You smiled before you felt Sherlock try and pull his hand out of your grip. John saw this and watched in amusement.
“Why are you holding my hand?” Sherlock asked, attempting to tug his hand away. “And don’t forget to use protection!” You called out, ignoring and dragging the taller man behind you.
“(Y/N)!” A smirk tugged onto your lips as you heard John shout in annoyance.
“Why are you holding my hand?” Sherlock reiterated and you shrugged. “It’s cold.” You said simply. “You’re wearing gloves.” He looked down at your intertwined hands and you huffed in defeat. “Fine.” You reluctantly let go of his hand and your hand limply fell to your side.
“Thank you,” He stated and he pulled out his phone from his pocket. “My mother is asking what kind of tea you were thinking of today,” Sherlock said as he checked his screen. “Any,” You mumbled, keeping your stare straight ahead.
He quickly observed the way your hands fidgeted subtly, the slight frown on your face and the small shiver that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand. Sherlock sighed in resignation.
You weren’t really paying attention. Sherlock obviously didn’t allow physical affection and no affection at all. Hell, he didn’t show anyone any kind of affection. You were no exception.
That was until you felt a warm hand wrap around yours.
Your eyes snapped up to an indifferent Sherlock, who continued walking like he wasn’t holding your hand. You turned your head away from Sherlock, a small smile tugging at your lips.
“Are you tired?” You looked up at Sherlock as he rung the doorbell. “Maybe,” You muttered, a large yawn quickly following. He chuckled as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “Maybe?” He asked, a slight edge of teasing could be detected in his voice. “Okay, just a little,” You admitted quietly.
“Where the hell are they?” He mumbled, ringing the bell then knocking furiously on the door with his free hand. “Just use the key to your own home, Holmes.” You giggled tiredly at your own joke which caused Sherlock to roll his eyes once again. “You are very tired.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” You muttered as soon as the door opened. “(Y/N)! Sherlock!” His mum greeted as you let go of Sherlock’s hand. “Mrs. Mum!” You cheered, enveloping her in a hug.
Sherlock huffed out in amusement as all your energy returned. “Come now, we have an array of teas for you to choose!” You laughed sheepishly and waved your hand. “I would’ve been fine with any, I’m sorry for causing you a hassle.” You apologized as she stepped aside to let you in.
“Oh, nonsense!” She exclaimed, rubbing your shoulder soothingly. “You are less of a hassle than my own two sons.” You both laughed and she ushered you in the direction of the kitchen. Sherlock tried to follow until his mum cleared her throat.
He turned around to face his mother, her arms folded. “Aren’t you forgetting anything?” Sherlock scoffed softly, but still gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. “Hello to you too, Sherlock,” She said sternly but lovingly.
“Thank you so much for everything, Mrs. Holmes.” You smiled as she pulled you into a hug. “Of course, honey,” She returned the gesture before pulling away. Your gaze turned upwards towards Sherlock.
You grinned and held out your hand. “Since your mum told you to bring me to the station,” The taller boy sighed before grabbing your hand reluctantly. “Bye Mr. Dad! Bye Mycroft!” You announced, waving your hand animatedly. You saw Mycroft’s eyes travel down to your interlocked hands and a sly smirk spread across his lips. “Goodbye, (Y/N),” The older brother said, nodding his head your way. You stuck your tongue out and smiled graciously at Mr. Holmes before dragging Sherlock out of his home.
“Y’know,” You started, staring up into the rare sight of a starry sky. “I could’ve walked to the station alone.” Sherlock scoffed and looked around at the small town he came to memorize by walking alongside you, “Well, mother would’ve had my head if I let you walk here alone at night, and your grip on my hand isn't much of a help either,” You laughed and swung your arms softly.
Sherlock chuckled at the childish gesture but let you continue anyway.
A few minutes passed before you spoke up. “Why do you do this?” Sherlock turned his attention to you and you huffed in slight amusement.
“Do what-”
Now he was genuinely confused, not like he’d ever admit it though.
“Why do you do things differently with me?” You asked as you slowed your pace, letting go of Sherlock’s hand. “You allow me to hold your hand and get intimately friendly, we rarely quip, and hell,” You paused for emphasis. “You give me your attention after I ask one question when it takes John a murder and a breakup!” Your teeth clamped down on your tongue before you tilted your head back, closed your eyes and sighed.
Sherlock noticed how your jaw tightened and how your breathing pattern changed. “We’ve known each other for years, (Y/N), of course I’m going to know everything about you,” He chuckled. “I’m going to know how you like physical attention or how you noticeably get irked everytime you can’t think of an intelligent riposte to an insult,” He watched as your eyes opened, suddenly glossed over.
“Did I offend you?” He asked almost immediately after noticing your response to his observations. “I’m terribly sorry about-”
“That’s what I’m talking about, Sher.”
He froze. You never called him that since year 7.
“You think you know every detail about everyone and every little thing,” You let out a ghost of a laugh. “But you really don’t.” You quickly wiped away a tear from your eye and quickly glanced at Sherlock who obviously noticed it. “I guess I’m just that great of an actor, right?” Sherlock tilted his head, giving away his knowledge of knowing he was dumbfounded.
More tears followed, one after the other, and you merely laughed bitterly. “Goddamn teenage hormones,” You cursed softly. “I’ve fallen in love with you, Sherlock Holmes.”
The aforementioned teen felt a squeeze in his chest. “I’ve fallen in love with your stupid hair and your stupid vocabulary,” He could tell you were running out of the air in your lungs by the crack in your voice. You were close to crying.
“I didn’t want to fall in love with you,” You cried. Sherlock felt the squeeze again when you said that. Was it possible he was actually hurting because of your words? “I really didn’t want to fall in love with someone who wouldn’t love me back!” Your legs gave out from under you and you collapsed to your knees. Sherlock quickly kneeled down to your height before pulling you into a hug.
You continued to cry into his shoulder, both of you ignoring the harsh weather of London.
“It’s alright,” He soothed, stroking your hair. “It’s too cliché,” You mumbled into his coat. “The best friend from childhood falls in love with the main character,” A sour chuckle escaped your lips before pulling away from his embrace.
A biting smile tugged at your lips as you looked up at Sherlock. “God,” You scoffed and Sherlock returned your gaze. “This is like some cheesy romance fanfic I would read back in year 7,” Both you and Sherlock laughed softly and you buried your face in his shoulder again.
“This won’t change anything, right Sherlock?” You sounded so tired, he wasn’t sure if it was even you who spoke. “My confession won’t change anything?”
Sherlock felt your body start to shake and he pulled you in closer. “No,” He whispered, placing a careful hand on your head. “It won’t change anything except my train of thought.” Your head popped up, eyes wide with worry.
“I’m sorry! We can just ignore-” A chaste kiss to your nose cut you off and you only stared at the boy in front of you, who donned a cheeky grin.
“You’re going to be very distracting, (Y/N) (L/N).”
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geekmama · 6 years
This Bud of Love
Still another post-Sherrinford/Musgrave offering, a series of seven drabbles of varying lengths using the prompts for Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Fall 2018 (in slightly altered order). I'm late to the game with this one, this is the last day of posting, but it was fun to revisit these situations.
 Prompt: "Free For All" - 150 words
It wasn’t long before Molly realized there was something very strange going on… something very wrong. Her ‘bad day’ was cast into the shade as she tried first to reach John, then Mycroft, to no avail. Third time’s the charm, she thought as Lestrand picked up, but the information he gave -- 221B blown up and some covert operation in progress -- almost left her speechless.
She told Greg about the phone call.
After that it was sirens, screeching tires, pounding feet, kind eyes, sharp orders; hidden cameras, at least, and who-knew-what at most. She was hustled away as they began to take apart her house, just like that phone call had taken apart her heart -- and she could not help but wonder about Sherlock’s heart, the desperation in his voice, and if he would forgive her the disastrous moment of stubborn pique that had forced those words from his lips.
 Prompt: "Touch" - 300 words
The ‘safe house’ that Mycroft’s P.A. arranged was not at all what Molly had expected, so elegant that, when she was finally left alone, she could only hug herself and stare about her at the luxurious appointments, beautiful antiques, and the fire in the grate, her eyes beginning to sting nonsensically. However, when a tear escaped to slip wetly down her cheek, she came out of her stupor, exclaimed, “Stupid!”, swiped it away, gathered her little courage, and began to look about her.
She’d been told to get some sleep, that she’d be kept abreast of developments, but alone, frightened, and worried was not a formula designed to produce such an outcome. She did what she could. She found a soft sleep tee, a fluffy dressing gown, and a bathroom both incredibly posh and fully stocked with the finest toiletries. She would have enjoyed herself very much indeed in the time that followed, if she had not been so thoroughly heartsick.
There was a television but, though she clicked through the channels for hours, it told her nothing to the point.
It was nearly 2AM and she was finally sinking into a troubled slumber when there was a knock at the door. She silently scrambled up, out, over the thick Aubusson carpet, and peered through the peephole.
Sherlock. Looking as ravaged as she felt.
She unchained and unbolted the door, threw it open, and they gaped at each other for a long moment: fraught, electric; paralyzing.  
Then Sherlock breathed, “Molly… Molly, I--”
But she threw herself at him, almost yelping, “I’m sorry!”
Wonder of wonders, he caught her and hugged her close, solid and safe under the rough wool of that coat. “You’re sorry!” he said, almost laughing. “Oh my God. Molly… I love you!”
She began to sob.
Prompt: "Scent" - 700 words
The delicious scent of fresh coffee woke them.
Molly’s eyes blinked open to find that she was still nose to nose with Sherlock, both of them sharing the same pillow, and his arms were loose about her. He was awake too, his brow stormy as he listened intently.
“Anthea, I think, but you stay here while I go see.”
He slipped silently out of bed and moved out, toward the tiny kitchen. However, Molly refused to be left out and followed, after a moment, straightening her sleep tee and running her fingers swiftly through her disheveled hair. There had been a great deal of extremely satisfactory cuddling in the wee hours of the night, and she could not help but smile to remember it, even with an unknown stranger having invaded their nest.
But it was indeed Anthea, Mycroft’s insouciant P.A.
“What the devil are you doing, sneaking in here?” Sherlock demanded.
Anthea was unperturbed by his threatening tone. “Can I help it if the pair of you were dead asleep? I’ve brought you breakfast and a message from your brother.” She glanced over at Sherlock and saw that Molly was there, too, just behind and to the side. Anthea smiled. “Good morning, Dr. Hooper. I hope you rested well?”
Sherlock turned to scold, but Molly ignored him and slipped past, into the kitchen. “Yes, thank you. After Sherlock’s arrival, at least. Is his brother all right? And John?”
“John is home with his daughter and seems none the worse for his experience -- physically, at least. And Mycroft came into the office this morning as usual.” She shook her head in disapproval.
“What’s his message?” asked Sherlock. “And, more importantly, what have you brought us for breakfast? I haven’t eaten since before the flat was blown up.”
“I thought you hadn’t. Catering straight from Christopher’s in Covent Garden, probably more than you can eat -- they seem to have sent a little of everything. Your coffee’s black with two sugars, correct? And would you like coffee, too, Dr. Hooper, or do you prefer tea?”
“Coffee, please!” Molly said, sitting down at the little café table in the corner of the kitchen. “Is there cream?”
“Certainly,” said Anthea. “Sit down, Sherlock, and I’ll serve you both. Then I have to get back to the office. Mycroft is exhausted, but is full of plans for the next few days.”
“My parents,” Sherlock said, morosely, sitting down beside Molly and taking her hand under the table. He gave it a squeeze, and they exchanged a look that made Molly light up inside. And outside, too, apparently. Sherlock lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.
Then Anthea was there with a tray and a knowing smile for them both. Molly felt herself blushing a little, but Anthea said only, “A car’s being sent for your parents. Mycroft believes it would be best if they were told as soon as possible.” As she laid out their breakfast, she added, “He says there is no need for you to attend the initial meeting, Sherlock. That the responsibility is his and his alone.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes. “He would, of course. Idiot.”
“You’ll come back with me then?” Anthea asked, hopefully, with an apologetic glance at Molly.
Molly’s heart gave a twinge, but she forced a smile when Sherlock said, “Yes, I’ll have to. Mycroft’s made mistakes, but much of it was initiated by our uncle. But knowing Mycroft, he’ll try to take the full blame, which will ultimately only confuse matters.
Anthea sighed. “That’s what I think, too.” She set the tray aside. “I’ll leave you to enjoy breakfast and wait for you in the car. Dr. Hooper, your home has been cleared and our people have done their best to put things back in order. We can drop you there before going on to the office.”
“Yes. Alright,” said Molly, the twinge increasing. She watched Anthea leave, heard the door close behind her, then turned slowly to Sherlock…
Who looked as unsure as she felt.
He said, “I… my flat’s not habitable at the moment…” His voice trailed off.
“Would you… like to stay at mine?”
His uncertainty vanished, and he smiled again.
 Prompt: "Sound" - 100 Words
It was hours before the sound of the front door opening brought Molly rushing  into the foyer. Then she hesitated. Old habits.
Sherlock closed the door behind him, looked as though he wanted to rush to her, but hesitated, too. Then held out his hand.
She came to him and took the hand (big and warm, yet elegant, with the calluses of an accomplished violinist) and after a brief, still moment, he pulled her into his arms. An imperative finger was presently set beneath her chin, raising it. She took the hint, and stood on tiptoe, melting into his kiss.
 Prompt: "Taste" - 200 words
He was not entirely untutored, what with He-Made-Me-Wear-The-Hat Janine, John’s hackable computer password and eclectic taste in porn, and Molly’s own predilection for the steamy romance novels that Sherlock had occasionally picked up as light reading, usually in the wake of particularly intense criminal cases. Yet there was a wonder and innocence in the way they proceeded that afternoon and well into the evening.
Never had Molly wanted to give herself so completely. Never had a man been so attuned to her needs, and ready to give of himself.
She lay there, boneless, the echo of her cries fading as he moved up to cover her, one hand urging her thighs to part once more, the other tangling in her hair. His face blurred before her as she murmured his name, and then she arched, gasping as hypersensitive flesh was gently grazed. He kissed her, open mouthed, messy, and delicious with the taste of them both, and, amazingly, desire rekindled deep within her.
He moved his lips, trailing kisses in a path to her ear: “Now, my Molly?”
She could only reply, “Yes, please,” and, reaching down to guide him, turned her head and caught his lips in another kiss.
    Prompt: "Sight" - 300 words
“I never thought I’d see live to see it,” John said with a grin as Molly and Sherlock approached the table in their favorite “cake place”. Rosie was eighteen months old that day. It had to be celebrated.
The toddler gave a happy cry, and Molly swept her up, letting Sherlock take the brunt of John’s observation for the moment. A glance showed that he bore some heightened color, but there was a happy glow about him, a kind of pride that could not be hidden. Certainly John had seen it.
“A lot has changed,” Sherlock said, simply. “It’s good to see you. No ill effects?”
“None to speak of,” John said, shrugging slightly. “More thankful than ever to be alive, to tell you the truth. How’s Mycroft doing? What’s he think of… er… all this? You and Molly?”
Sherlock gave Molly a crooked grin. “He’s the one who goaded me to it. After you left that night, he showed up and told me how… how concerned Molly had been. What else could I do but go to her, and see that she was well.”
John chuckled, but shook his head, too. He looked over and caught Molly’s eye. “Was it worth the wait? For him to grow some bollocks, I mean.”
Molly frowned at the use of such language around her innocent goddaughter, but she laughed, too. “Sherlock’s bollocks have always been just fine, John. And of course it was worth the wait.”
She would have said more, but at this point, Rosie pushed a little away and said to her father and godfather, quite clearly, “Bollocks!”
Molly gave a cry of dismay and laughter, Sherlock groaned, and John said, “Oh, my God. Okay, maybe we’d do better to just shut up for now and eat some cake, yeah?”
 Prompt: "Feelings" - 250 words
Mycroft stood watching his little brother and sister playing their violins. Sherlock was good, but Eurus was brilliant, incandescent, as was her nature. Such brilliance, yet her powers had been used to do so much ill.
He glanced at his mother and father, who sat entranced. So many years wasted, his mother had said, tears in her eyes.
But he had done the best he could. There was nothing else he could have done but acquiesce to Uncle Rudy’s arrangements.
And protect his vulnerable little brother. Or at least that’s how it had seemed. Sherlock had been brilliant, too, but where Euros was cold, their brother had burned and burned. The boy might have gone up in flames -- had been close to it a number of times in fact -- if Mycroft had not taken control of the situation.
And yet… speaking of wasted years.
But it was all water under the bridge now. Sherlock and Molly might be older, but the happiness they were currently experiencing and would, no doubt, continue to experience had its seeds in Musgrave, and had come to fruition at Sherrinford.
Nothing was ever wasted, it seemed.
Mycroft roused himself from his musings to find the eyes of his little sister upon him. The laughter in them was quite visible through the protective glass.
We are all fools in love.
He wondered vaguely where he’d heard that. A quote from some novel?.
He’d have to look it up.
Or ask his soon-to-be sister-in-law. She would know.
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lifeofbouyd · 6 years
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Hospital Fight
Ever sat and laughed about shit that happened to you in the past. That's me every day; so much drama I don't even know how it got myself wrapped up in. I guess I haven't been living my life right but you can't blame me. It takes two to mingle and most the people I dated only dated me because they heard I was a hoe or because I was popular. Most these chicks already had a boyfriend or two; some even had a girlfriend. I remember dodging bottles at a party once because I was dating a lesbo and her chick found out, I've jumped fences, hid in closets and even had to leave certain locations in a hurry to save my life. If I was to tell people about my life they'd say it's a lie and to be honest; if I didn't know me I wouldn't believe it either.
I remember dengue was becoming a plague and killing a whole lot of people when I was in school. I prayed daily not to catch this sickness cause I didn't wanna die or maybe it was because I still had fresh chicks that I hadn't scored with yet; I can't really decide now that I think about it. I went to see my mom one evening and while I was there I started feeling I'll. I had every symptom for this death sickness and I sure as hell wasn't ready to go yet. If I did Y'all wouldn't even know half the things you know now; I guess everything does happen for a reason. I got admitted as soon as the doctor realized how sick i was. Word spread fast about my illness. It spread so fast that they had to be pushing visitors out the next day. Most my friends, family, current and X girlfriends showed up to support me in my time of need. As happy as I was I knew it wouldn't be long before shit started between these chicks . Being on my sick bed meant that all my girlfriends we're gonna come see me and that right there had drama written all over it. For the first day everyone got along, it seemed they were more concerned about my wellbeing. They took the liberty of introducing themselves without titles as if they all wanted to see who would say they're my girlfriend to start some shit. Every time someone else came, everyone stared at each other then stared at me. I could only imagine what they were saying; I bet he's banging her too, who’s this bitch?. The room was tense, you could feel the heat fuming from these girls. Everyone was silent while they killed each other with their eyes; they stared from head to toes and from toes to head. I was nervous as hell. Please god, don’t let them start shit.
Nurse: It's time for an injection Mr. Smith. Ladies can you move to one side so I can get to do this please? They moved slowly as if they didn't want to move. Which of these girls is your girlfriend Mr smith?
Me: 😮🤦‍♂️
Girls: 😳
Nurse: They all look nice. Which one of you is his girlfriend?
Sher: Im his girlfriend
Sammy: Excuse me. I’m his girlfriend
Janae: I guess we’re all his girlfriend
Nurse: Mr. smith that’s not very nice of you. You’re playing with these girls.
Me: Is this necessary, I just want to rest and get this sickness over with. Who’s gonna bathe me?
Girls: Mi
Nurse: 😄 is this a joke?
I laid there as these chicks argued over who’s gonna bathe me. Everyone on the ward was watching as it was days of our lives or bold and beautiful. This jumpy nurse had erupted an unwanted argument 🤦‍♂️. Why the hell did I get sick, why this nurse up in my business and why the hell do I have so many girls?. Eventually they ushered them and I had to call the helper to bathe me. She couldn’t help but laugh when she got there; she found fun in my pain and misery.
It was like this for another day or two as these girls had decided they’re not giving up. I had thought I lost them all but that just made it more intense. These girls started being friends when they realized they were all gonna be there till I got out. One day 3 girls came together and we were all having fun; talking about my dick and how I am . Lost in the conversation I didn’t realize my official girlfriend had walked in. I had mentioned her a few times to these girls but they’ve never seen her before; I guess her uniform gave her away. This girl was already 6 feet tall with the body of a grown woman; everyone went silent.
Tanya: Who are these girls?
Me: 😰 ask them 😬
Tanya: Who are you girls, I’m his girlfriend Tanya.
Chrissy: I’m Chrissy, this is Shaunagay and this is Amelia.
Tanya: what are you to Bouyd?
Surprisingly everyone said friend 😯 I guess they were threatened by her size or maybe it was respect for my relationship. I was scared as hell. She didn’t stay long as she had somewhere to be. By the time she left several other girls came calming to be my girlfriend. Even girls I didn’t know I was dating. It’s as i was having my own series of Teacher’s pet.
The jumpy nurse came to inject me as always with her million questions. It was time for me to bathe and this time they agreed on who’s gonna bathe me but they also agreed no one touches the dick 🙄. How can a guy bathe and not wash his dick, that made no sense to me but to them it was death before dishonour. They had a dick stand off, literally 😂. They took me to the bathroom and got me undressed; as sick as I was several thoughts ran through my mind at that time. I considered this a perfect orgy setting; four of my girls with me in the bathroom, who do I bang first?. I’m my mind my dick was hard as velarían steel but when I looked at it, it seemed more like a dead snake to me 😂. It was just hanging there.
Mellisa: So this is the dick we all here for?. Doesn’t seem like much to me.
Janell: Shut up and bathe him or I’ll fuck you up.
Keachia: I thought we all agreed not to mention his dick. After all I’m the only one here getting it.
Me: 🤦‍♂️
Shan: We’ve had sex once
Mellisa: So I guess I’m the only one he hasn’t fucked. She grabbed it as if she wanted to pull it from the root. Why did you fuck them and not me?
By the time I could even say a word she received a straight right across the face. Janell landed the first punch; “I told you to shut up”. Mellisa isn’t the kind of girl who backs down from no one, so I knew shit was gonna get bloody. Mellisa dived on Janell and they started wrestling; throwing punches, scratches and pulling each other’s hair. The other girls stood there watching them fight. All hell broke loose when Mellisa threw a jug of water on Janell. All three girls including me got wet. Instantly Shan joined in and attacked Mellisa, that’s when I got scared. I was leaned against the corner of the shower hardly able to walk much less in any state to part a fight. They were like lions fighting for a piece of meat. They kicked, punched, scratched and pulled each other. I had to do something. Keachia stepped out when Shan joined in. I tried parting the fight only to be pushed down. Blood started spraying all over the place. It seemed someone got stabbed.
I screamed (((nurse, nurse, nurse))) as loud as I could. They came rushing to the bathroom instantly. The security had to be called to separate them. By the time they got there blood was all over the place. we all thought it was one of the girls bleeding but on checking we realized the drip was pulled out and that’s where the blood was coming from. The security tossed them out and told them never to come back as they’ve being nothing but a disgrace to their uniform and to me the man they claim they love. They praised me, as if I was king and I was doing something good. They had no idea how terrified I was, I legit shit my pants that day watching them fight. Neither of these girls was my girlfriend nor was I their “right out man”. What if my girlfriend hears this, what if this causes us to break up, is it even worth it, do these chicks even love me or is it just the dick?. After all, I sure ain’t no Mandingo so what the hell were they fighting for. I laid on my bed looking in the ceiling thinking about what just happened; I couldn’t help but smiling to myself even though I felt bad. I didn’t even bother to mention this to my friends as this was too much drama and they were the kind of friends who would mock these girls day and night. I couldn’t mention it to my girlfriend cause she would surely break my neck 😂. I broke up with all the girls except my girlfriend once I got out tying to avoid the drama. But even so drama has followed me through out my life. I still winded up fucking Mellisa and to be honest I wish I could take it back. This chick had more bad luck than Professor Doofenshmirtz 🤦‍♂️. I met in an accident, lost my phone, got robbed and got kicked off the badminton team just because I was fucking her. Soon as we broke up shit went back to normal.
Eventually I cut them all off, but that only created room for much more drama I wasn’t even ready for. That experience had taught me a life lesson; never get admitted and if you do, only tell your girlfriend 😂. This way there won’t be a fight at your hospital bed. Through out my remaining time in high school I avoided being admitted but there was always an altercation between women. I guess Some habits die hard. But no need to worry future wife, I’m a changed man today and you’ll see that someday.
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Jealous brothers - Request
Requested by anon: a sister imagine where she randomly showed up in his flat w/a companion after years of not seeing each other 'cause she's a genius agent of sort & the reason she's there is to say she's getting married & he goes on protective brother mode even getting mycroft to find out some dirt on the guy but apparently he's perfect. In the end Sher finds out the guy keeps her right. & anon: where their little sister is dating someone and neither of them deduce it because they think it's impossible for her to be so grown up, but John figures it out because he understands humans. And Sherlock and Mycroft are completely shocked and get really protective of her.
**No incest**
Word count: 2.377
Warnings: Jelly Mycroft and Jelly Sherlock threatening very gory things.
A/N: Tom Hiddleston who? I wanted to write something light for the angsty stuff that’s coming this week. Also, how else would I express my undying crush on Tom HIddleston but by basing this character on him?
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“What are you doing here?” Sherlock inquired instantly as he caught sight of the girl – woman – sitting on his chair.
“Hello, brother.” She spoke sarcastically as she stood up, “I missed you too, and you look great.”
A warm smile grew on their faces and soon they were hugging. Sherlock let out a raspy chuckle and pulled away.
“It is marvellous to see you, sister.” Sherlock spoke truthfully.
“Brother? Sister?” John asked from behind Sherlock and the woman.
“John, this is my sister (Y/N). Sister, this is my friend Doctor John Watson.” Sherlock introduced them proudly, acting for once like a regular human being.
“John Watson,” she pronounced, “if everything I heard about you is true, I should call you my brother as well.”
She hugged the doctor warmly and, although John hugged her back, he couldn’t help but to mouth a “What does she mean?” to Sherlock who, of course, gave no answer.
“Does Mycroft know you are here?” Sherlock inquired once she let go off John.
“That question is awfully stupid, Sherlock.” She snapped sassily and Sherlock rolled his eyes.
“Of course.” He muttered, “Where is he?”
“Right here.” Mycroft spoke as he crossed the front door. The man approached his little sister, leaving a soft peck on her temple before greeting Sherlock and John like he usually did. “What brings you here, pumpkin?”
“I never expected to hear him say pumpkin.” John whispered to Sherlock, but everyone heard.
(Y/N) laughed at John’s comment before replying. “I just wanted to visit my two favourite brothers.”
“We are your only brothers… I hope.” Sherlock mumbled.
(Y/N) simply shook her head and walked to the kitchen as she explained that she had brought a cake. “Oh and Sherlock, I noticed you were experimenting with blood’s coagulation at low temperatures…” She commented listlessly.
“I am.”
“You’re doing it wrong,” and so she proceeded to explain not only the proper procedure but also the result, making Sherlock blush slightly in embarrassment.
John Watson was impressed by that new Holmes and her ability to be both Sherlock and Mycroft but also having her own essence. She would waddle around the flat looking for plates and spoons in an austere sway and he could tell that she was quite cheerful and even sensitive.
She was different from her brothers, in spite of her similarity to them.
“So what exactly do you work as?” John asked and the three Holmes remained quiet. They were sitting at the table in the kitchen; eating the cake that (Y/N) had bought.
“Let’s just say I’m a secret agent of some sort.” She replied in a whisper and continued to eat.
“Well, you are good at keeping secrets.” John continued, “I almost didn’t see your engagement ring.” Again, the three Holmes remained quiet.
“Engagement ring,” Mycroft huffed, “she is too young for that.”
“Well, technically I’m old enough to…”
“Too young, indeed.” Mycroft interrupted. “Besides, we would’ve known if she was engaged. She would behave differently.”
“Well, no offense but she does look in love.” John snapped.
“No she doesn’t.” Sherlock hissed.
“She was all jumpy and giggly while she was cutting the cake, and she wasn’t even paying attention when you told her about the current case.” John explained.
“Nobody pays attention when I explain our cases, John!”
“Yes, but she was also smiling at her phone when we got here and she is wearing a ring and…”
“Women wear rings as fashion statements, that is all.” Mycroft corrected.
“Then why is she blushing?” John inquired and both brothers snapped their heads to look at (Y/N) who was, in fact, blushing.
“(Y/N)…” Sherlock muttered as his face fell into a sad frown. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Us,” Mycroft corrected.
“I was going to… That is why I came here.” She mumbled. “I promise he is a good boy, and he protects me and…”
“And I bet you he isn’t as good as you think he is.” Mycroft fumed, “You know your spot in the British government, and you know you are a vital element of the team that keeps this nation standing. Anyone would do anything to get to you and steal all of the secrets and…”
“He is not like that,” She stated. “Go on, investigate his whole blood line if you like, I will get married.”
“I will not allow it.” Mycroft snapped.
“I’m not asking for permission.” She snapped back and got up from the table, leaving 221 B.
“We can’t allow her to do it.” Sherlock told his brother, who nodded in agreement.
“Why not? She is clearly in love and she is not a child.” Watson defended her.
“She is too young and too important for this nation to marry a spy. I shall find all of his dirty socks before she can even try on a single dress.” Mycroft finished and then he left as well.
John had convinced the brothers to invite (Y/N) and her fiancé over for dinner. The eldest hadn’t found a single thing pointing the man as a danger towards (Y/N), but even so Mycroft didn’t like the idea of the baby of the family being old enough to get married.
Sherlock, on the other hand, was jealous and utterly concerned. He didn’t believe in love, and was very concerned about his sister’s emotional state. When the magic disappeared, would she regret the decisions made? Perhaps, and that was something Sherlock didn’t want her to go through.
The man’s name was Thomas. He was taller than Sherlock and had dark blond curls, baby blue eyes and a smile that could charm anyone. Neither one of the Holmes brothers liked him at first sight.
“Tom, these are my brothers Sherlock and Mycroft.” She introduced them.
“Nice to meet you.” Tom smiled warmly and extended his hand to shake the brother’s. He had a tight grip, strong and firm.
“What would you say if I told you I investigated your whole life?” Mycroft inquired suddenly.
“I’d say that is odd but respectful considering I am engaged to your sister.” Tom replied with a humble voice tone.
“Tom, he did investigate you.” (Y/N) assured and the man chuckled.
“I would love to hear what you have.” He simply said.
Truth was that Thomas was the most honourable person Mycroft had ever encountered. No criminal records, no violence registered but rather loads of charity work and volunteering at so many places it was almost a sin. He had gone to a very important college in England, with a scholarship earned by his own sweat. He had graduated, gotten his master’s degree and eventually a PhD. He was highly functional but not anti-social like the Holmes brothers, and he was also considered by his friends the most charming gentleman to have ever walked on Earth.
“Nothing, I found nothing to use against you.” Mycroft confessed as they all took a seat in the assigned table. Yes, they had gone to a restaurant because neither brother wanted to give in their location – although everyone knew Sherlock’s address.
“That’s good, then.” Tom smiled again. He was too charming.
“It doesn’t mean we like you.” Mycroft snapped and (Y/N) let out a heavy sigh. Tom held her hand under the table, trying to calm her down; said gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Sherlock.
In the past, (Y/N) had had trouble with her anger management. She was usually calm, but after years of working with Mycroft, her anxiety levels reached such a high point that it was impossible for her to remain calm, or sane for that matter. They had to send her away to an ashram in India where she learned how to meditate, and then she got a job at another department where, so far, she had been able to control her rage waves.
Sherlock couldn’t blame her for losing her mind when working with Mycroft.
“Since when are you two together?” Sherlock asked.
“Almost two years. I wanted to tell you before, but (Y/N) insisted in letting you know until now.” Thomas explained. Of course, (Y/N) wanted to let them know once they couldn’t kick him out.
The dinner went by and the brothers couldn’t help but to start liking Thomas. He was very clever, intelligent, sympathetic, likeable, pleasant to talk to, lovely mannered, nice, friendly, charming… Not a single word could fully describe the kind of man Thomas was.
A real gentleman that treated (Y/N) like a princess during the whole evening, and who looked even more decent than any of the brothers. Everything he had, he had earned it with his own hard work, which was a quality Mycroft admired in people, and even when his ambitions were big, he didn’t lose the opportunity to show (Y/N) his affection towards her.
“I will go out for a smoke.” Sherlock announced.
“I shall go with you.” (Y/N) responded and both brothers left without saying a word.
(Y/N) felt bad for leaving Tom with Mycroft, but she trusted that his patience and his charm would keep him alive until Sherlock finished his cigarette.
“So?” She inquired after Sherlock lit his cigarette.
“He is nice.”  Sherlock admitted painfully.
“Nice? Is that all?” She groaned.
“I didn’t think you would like that kind of men,” Sherlock confessed. “Women tend to look for men who fit certain characteristics from their family and…”
“He is clever, just like you and he has blue eyes; he is intelligent and decent and real gentlemen like Mycroft, and he is just as light hearted and charming as dad.” She listed.
“I guess I’m just jealous, then.” Sherlock whispered. “Are you really in love?”
“I am, Sherlock, I am.” She sniffed; her eyes had watered at the simple thought. “When Moriarty was… At his highest… He attacked the building I work in. I almost die there but Tom saved me; he risked his life for me. We had gone out twice before that, and even so he did it… Then, when we started dating seriously, he got to see the anger attacks and all of the monster inside of me and, you know what?”
“What?” Sherlock asked in a tremble.
“He stood in silence while I ranted, and then he cuddled me until I was better. He dried my tears, and he listened to me… That night he told me he loved me. Can you believe it? After seeing that… Insane side of me, he still loved me.” She was now crying, “And whenever things start to go wrong, and when I am about to lose it he… He is there, and he know how to calm me down because he did research – RESEARCH – to understand what was going on with me and how to handle it… Who does that, Sherlock?”
“Clearly, men who love you.” Sherlock admitted.
“Mycroft has been attacking him all night, yet he didn’t ask me to stay there, he didn’t refuse to stay alone with Mycroft because he loves me enough to stand him…” She continued, “Sherlock, I don’t expect you to love him, but please do know that he keeps me sane.”
“I know…” Sherlock muttered, “And that is why I do accept him.”
“Do you really?” She inquired as a new light of hope grew in her eyes.
“Yes, the man is charming as hell; I had to go to bite my cheek not to smile at how wonderful he is.” Sherlock confessed, “I’m glad to know that your good taste remains… And that you found someone who is truly deserving of you, you clever mouse.”
(Y/N) said nothing. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his brother’s body, making him chuckle as yet another happy tear left his eye. He had told her the truth.
When they went back in, they caught glimpse of Mycroft laughing at something Tom had said. It was almost like a dream come true.
“So do you really accept him?” (Y/N) inquired.
“Yes, we do.” Mycroft granted.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She cheered and hugged both of her brothers tightly.
“I promise I won’t let you down.” Tom swore solemnly.
“Speaking of which… Can we have a word, Tom?” Sherlock asked and then the three men went out. (Y/N) stayed at the restaurant to ask for the check.
“What is it?” Tom asked, and his face turned pale as he realised Sherlock and Mycroft’s faces had changed suddenly.
“Mistreat her and I will cut your hands off.” Sherlock threatened.
“If you ever shout at her or make her slip a single sad tear, nobody will find your head.” Mycroft added.
“If you ever make her feel less worthy and or important than she is, I will make sure you can never ever practice intercourse, ever again.” Sherlock continued.
“Speaking of intercourse, if you are ever disrespectful and touch her without her consent, I will make sure you suffer from a Viagra over-doss.” Mycroft hissed.
“And if you ever stop treating her as nicely as you have so far, I will drop each one of your teeth with my bare hands.” Sherlock showed him his hands.
“Also, if I happen to find anything about you that you hid; any secret that could damage my sister’s dignity; I will lock you in my personal dungeon and torture you with torture no has ever been tortured with.”
“You have a personal dungeon?” Tom inquired.
“I do, would you like to visit it?” Mycroft tilted his head.
“No, I trust your word.” Tom shivered.
“And we hope we can trust yours, because if not…” Sherlock cocked an eyebrow and Tom nodded.
“I know, I will be tortured with torture no one else has been tortured with, among other things including death. I understand and I promise you I will never hurt her.” Tom spoke.
“Promises are for the weak, Tom.” Mycroft recited, “Prove it with your actions.”
“I will.”
And in fact, he did.
The brothers had no other choice but to take him in as one of the Holme’s brothers and, in time, they grew fond of him. They could finally understand why their sister had fallen in love with him; they loved to see her so happy by his side… And although the threats never ceased, they couldn’t deny that Tom was a good man.
Forever Tags: @dekahg Benedicto Cabbagepatch Tags: @newts-fan-case @resurrection-huntress Sherlock Tags: @oaisara @charlottemalfoy @zena-dukmak @just-a-blog00 @wefracturedmotivation @beccamullz @sugarshai @vancepter @roseyhxnt @thisisjessicatalking @foureyedsiopao @nicole-pierce @captain-sherlockomg @kissed-by-white-wolf @samanthasmileys @love-charmer-sketch @givemeamemoryicanuse @diesintheshower @demonminnion3 @thatmoodindigo @sexyporntime @jennajoseh @destiel5100 @peachyoshi64 @1enchantedfantasy1 @thesherlockblr @yehummno
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I will (13 Reasons Why Jeff Prom Series Part One)
Description: When you feel insecure about your relationship with Jeff, your boyfriend asks you to prom.
I asked who you would like to see a prom imagine with, and the wonderful @youknowimgayright said Jeff would be a good idea. :)
This is part one my Jeff Prom Series.
You had had a rough day; your partner for your history project never showed up for your work session; on your Spanish test, you got the worst grade you had ever received in your life; and your boyfriend, Jeff had been really distant lately, so you didn’t know what to do or who to go to for help.
“(Y/N)!” your best friend, Sheri called. “Have you gotten your prom dress yet?”
“I don’t think I’m going, Sher,” you sighed.
“What do you mean? It’s prom! Everyone’s going!”
“Jeff hasn’t asked me, and I don’t think he even wants to go.”
“That’s ridiculous. Of course, he wants to go.”
“Prom is in a week; I think he would have asked me by now.”
“You never know, (Y/N).”
You sighed and walked to your locker as your phone buzzed. It was a text from Jeff, the first one in a few days.  
Can I meet you at Monet’s?
You replied with a short Okay.
You knew he was busy with baseball, and he was trying to raise his grades so that he didn’t get cut from the team.  You just wished that somehow you were a part of his priority list because it really didn’t feel like it anymore. All your friends’ boyfriends had asked them to prom, and you felt like the odd one out because Jeff hadn’t asked you yet.
You walked to Monet’s and sat at a table by the window. You glanced over the coffee bar, and saw that Skye was working. You smiled at her, and she half smiled back at you.  You glanced back at your hands on the table and heard someone walk in. You looked up to see Jeff walk up to the bar. You saw him talk to Skye, and she laughed at something he said. You loved that about him, that he was able to connect with people within seconds of talking to people. He met you at the table a few minutes with your favorite order, peach tea. It was always your go to de-stresser, and Jeff knew that.
“Hey, babe,” he mumbled.
“Hey,” you mumbled.
“I got you something,” he said as he put the mug in front of you. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been around lately.”
“I know...it’s baseball season, gotta keep your grades up and play-”
“None of that’s important if I don’t get to spend time with you.”
“Don’t say that. You love baseball. You’ve been playing before we even met.”
“(Y/N), I’m sorry,” he said. “Look, you know I’m not good a writing, so...Clay kinda helped me with my words...I didn’t use unique too many times according to him,” he mumbled. He slid a note across the table.
I am really sorry. I know I need to stop making excuses and spend more time with you. I don’t want you to think that baseball or school is more important to me than you are because they aren’t. I might not play baseball my entire life, but I’d like to think I’ll get to be with you for that long. (Fingers crossed.) You are so unique, wonderful, and beautiful. I know I’ve been a shit boyfriend, but I really want to make it up to you, so I asked you to come here. We always come here before our dates, and I know you come here when you’re stressed. The following is super cheesy, I’m sorry.
I like coffee, and you like tea; will you go to prom with me?
You looked up at him. “I can’t believe you wrote this for me,” you whispered. “I thought you thought love notes were cheesy.”
“They are, but for you I’d be the cheesiest person ever if it made you smile. Did you see my semicolon?”
“I did! And you only used unique once! I’ll treausre this forever,” you laughed. “I really will, Jeff.”
“Will you go to prom with me?” he laughed.
“I will,” you smiled.
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